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The Fields of Social work

Methods of social work are applied in a variety of settings. The setting

consist of :

1. Service to disadvantaged individuals and groups, the sick,

handicapped, destitute, dependent children and aged, minority groups
2. Services that provide protection to individuals and groups that are

exposed to unusual hazards and hardships, such as disabled veterans;

victims of natural disaster, epidemics, or war emergencies; families of
servicemen and
3. Protective, culture, and developmental services for children and
youth, senior citizens, Indians on reservations and isolated groups in
need of community integration.

The major activities in the field of social work may be classified

according to type of service as follows:

Public Assistance :

Social Services to persons in financial need, including general

assistance or indigent aid,: categorical assistance of higher standards to
the aged, blind, totally disabled and dependent children and institutional
care for indigent aged, blind and other handicapped persons who cannot
live at home.
Social Insurance:

To provide services to insured workers, self-employed people and

their families with protection against the loss of income due to old age,
unemployment, industrial accidents, occupational diseases and certain
aspects of other illnesses through medical care, hospitalaisation and

Family Services:

Case work and counseling on personal and family relations, marriage,

health, economic and budget problems, special services to people away
from home, migratory families, prisoners and provisions of legal aid.

Child Welfare Services :

Placement of children in foster care and children’s institutions, day

nurseries , day – care centers, supervision of foster families ,adoptions;
protective service to child labour, maladjustment and social behaviour
infant and pre school child care.

Health and Medical Services:

Maternal and child health services , visiting nurses services, financial

and medical aid and rehabilitation to crippled children, blind and deaf,
victims of major diseases , under both public and private agency

Mental Hygiene Services:

Vocational training, placing-out and supervision of patients suffering

from nervous disease, rehabilitation services , preventive and therapeutic

Correctional Services:

Probation services in juvenile and criminal courts; diagnostic and

treatment services, case work and group work in detention homes ,
prisons , reformatories, assisting adjustment of offenders and in their
preparation for return to community life, community services for
prevention of delinquency.

Employment Services:

Training and guidance for self- employment. Placement of workers

looking for jobs; assistance to industry and agriculture in finding
qualified workers, vocational guidance , labour protection and safety
education .
Housing Services:

Family and child services in public housing projects and new housing
developments, Slum clearance and city development.

International Services :

Such international agencies like Red cross, YMCA,WHO,etc., are

providing the technical assistance, youth programs, health services,
mental health programs, youth developmental programs and which
require competence in community organization, planning, supervision
and social welfare administration.

Community Welfare Services:

Planning organizing and financing social and health services through

such media as Community Welfare Councils, Planning Boards,
Community Chests, Untied funds, coordinating and neighbourhood

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