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Pathology Degenerative, non-inflammatory, Metabolic, inflammatory, systemic, Hereditary, inflammatory, systemic,
non-systemic, atrophy of faulty metabolism of purine (uric autoimmune, destruction of the
articular cartilages acid) synovial joints
Incidence Both sexes Males Females
Site of Affectation Weight-bearing joints Big toe/ ankles Small peripheral joints
(spine, hips, knees) SHK  Symptoms are bilateral/
Diagnostic Test Arthrography Uric acid level ESR (0-25 mm/hr)
Arthroscopy 2.5-5mg/dL +CRP-A (C Reactive Protein Antigen)
+Antinuclear antibodies
+Rh factor
Arthrocentesis (aspiration of synovial
fluid)= milky, cloudy, dark yellow
confirms RA

Symptoms Joint pain relieved by rest Tophi- accumulation of urate Swan neck deformity- hypertension
Joint stiffness without swelling crystals in earlobes, knuckles and pf proximal joints and flexion of distal
Crepitation- grating sound subcutaneous tissues joints and fingers
produced by rubbing Boutonniere- knob-like swelling or
together of synovial enlargement of joints
membrane Pannus- accumulation of exudates
Heberden’s nodule- bony inside joint capsule
outgrowth at distal Morning stiffness- upon awaking
interphalangeal joints Sjogren’s syndrome- dry eyes, dry
Bouchard’s nodule- bony mouth, dry vagina
outgrowth at proximal Felty’s syndrome-
interphalangeal joints hepatosplenomegaly and leucopenia
Ulnar deviation

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