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Homework 4

Due Friday March 2, 2018

1. Construct a matrix with the required properties or say why it is impossible:

2 3 2 3 2 3
1 2 1
(a) Column space contains 4 2 5 and 4 35, nullspace contains 415
3 5 1

Solution: You can write your solution here!

2 3 2 3 2 3
1 2 1
(b) Row space contains 4 2 5 and 4 35, nullspace contains 415
3 5 1

Solution: You can write your solution here!

2 3 2 3 2 3
1 1 0
(c) A~x = 415 has a solution and AT 405 = 405
1 0 0

Solution: You can write your solution here!

(d) A is a nonzero matrix with every row orthogonal to every column

Solution: You can write your solution here!

(e) The columns add up to ~0, rows add to a row of 1’s

Solution: You can write your solution here!

2. Image a 3-dimensional vector space. Suppose the wall W and the floor V are two subspaces of the
3-dimensional space. The floor and wall are not orthogonal because they share a nonzero vector (along
the line where they meet). In fact, no two planes in R3 can be orthogonal.
(a) Consider the two planes described by the column space of the following matrices.
2 3 2 3
1 2 5 4
A = 41 35 B = 46 35
1 2 5 1

Consider the augmented matrix [A B] and find a vector ~v in C(A) and C(B). Explain how the
augmented matrix can be used to find ~v .

Solution: You can write your solution here!

(b) Generalize the result of the previous part to higher dimensions by considering subspaces V and W
of Rn . If V has dimension p and W has dimension q, then what inequality involving p, q and n will
guarantee that V and W intersect in some nonzero vector?

Solution: You can write your solution here!

3. §4.2 # 16 What linear combination of (1, 2, 1) and (1, 0, 1) is closest to ~b = (2, 1, 1)?

Solution: You can write your solution here!

4. Let P be a projection matrix.

(a) Show that if P 2 = P , then (I P )2 = I P.

Solution: You can write your solution here!

(b) It turns out that I P is also a projection matrix. Show that I P projects onto a space
perpendicular to the subspace, onto which, P projects vectors. If P projects onto the column
space then I P projects onto which subspace?

Solution: You can write your solution here!

5. Consider a system A~x = ~b with no solution. We have discussed the best solution x̂ can be obtained by
solving Ax̂ = p~. Which subspaces contain ~e, p~. Be sure to explain your answers.

Solution: You can write your solution here!

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