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Report on Performance Test For Compressor

Acceptance criteria for a Performance Test conducted on a Compressor is Head and

capacity shall have zero negative tolerance at the normal operating point (or at point
specified) and power at this point shall not exceed 104 % of the value specified in

Performance Test Type 1 : Type 1 test is carried out on specified gas with limited
deviations between test and Specified operating condition

Performance Test Type 2 : Type 2 Test permits the use of a substitute test gas and
extends the permissible deviation between test and specified operating condition. This
Test is conduced when the specified gas has limitations and Performance test at shop
with specified gas cannot be carried out.
Block diagram for activities done by vendor during Performance Test:

Selection of Test
gas. Checking Non dimensional nos. of Test
and Specified conditions meets
ASME PTC 10 Table 3.2 requirements.

Selection of Testing Device

and Test facility

If yes, applying Reynolds gas correction to

convert test efficiency into efficiency at
Preparation of “ Shop performance specified conditions. (If agreed by client)
test Procedure”

Pre-Test run By Applying Fan Laws and Non-

(Client can carry out Pre- test dimensional nos. Specified
Inspection) operating conditions can be calculated
by Test operating conditions.

Test run and accumulation of Comparing the Power, Head or Flow

raw data (as Guaranteed) With that specified in
datasheet and acceptability of Test.

Raw data acceptability, processing Preparing and Submitting of

& correction of raw data. Performance Test Report to
Client and LSTK contractor.

Deriving mean observations from

Test data
Selection of Test Gas:

Block Diagram to illustrate role of Engineering Contractor in Shop Performance


To specify guarantee points for

Head flow or Power. To present Vendor as well as
Separately Calculated Performance
result to the Client.
To review “Shop Performance Test
Procedure” submitted by Vendor

To review Pre- Test Inspection

document if any.

To witness Shop Performance Test

To Separately Check Non dimensional nos.

of Test and Specified conditions meets
ASME PTC 10 Table 3.2 requirements

For Reference plot the curve of actual test

conditions on Vendors performance
Curve (For actual test conditons)

To compute the specified condition

from Test data.

To verify vendor meets the guaranteed

point as specified in Datasheet and
Shop performance test.

To plot a graph of Performance curve for

specified condition calculated from test
conditions by using Fan law
Sample of Performance test carried on 4 Section Ammonia Compressor.

Sr. Nos. Document Title Remarks

Vendor Datasheet

2 Shop performance Test Procedure

3 Vendors Mean observed Data at Test Performance Only Guarantee

(For Section 1,2,3,4) points
Check of Non dimensional Number for Test and In-house
4 Specified conditions (By ASME PTC 10 software) Software

Reynolds Correction to convert Test efficiency into Excel file

5 Specified Efficiency

Performance Summary For Ammonia Compressor Excel File


Graph of Vendors Performance Curve based on Test For all four

Data (Comparison between vendors plotted points sections
for Head, Power, Dish. Pressure to Suction Flow for
7 Test data against points plotted by TEC with ASME
PTC 10 Software.)

Graph of Vendors Performance Curve based on Only for One

8 Computed specified data against data computed by section

Note: 1 Only part of Performance Test Procedure as Shown to the client is

Submitted. Calculation for djusted Final Discharge Pressure by
adjusting Speed will be Submitted later this calculation are for
Reference only .

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