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Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85


Estimation of ship motions using closed-form

Jørgen Juncher Jensen a,, Alaa E. Mansour b,
Anders Smærup Olsen a
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Building 101E 2800 Lyngby,
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
Received 1 February 2003; accepted 23 April 2003


A semi-analytical approach is used to derive frequency response functions for the wave-
induced motions for monohull ships. The results are given as closed-form expressions and
the required input information for the procedure is restricted to the main dimensions: length,
breadth, draught, block coefficient and water plane area together with speed and heading.
The formulas make it simple to obtain quick estimates of the wave-induced motions and
accelerations in the conceptual design phase and to perform a sensitivity study of the vari-
ation with main dimensions and operational profile.
# 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ship motion; Long term predictions; Ship design; Risk assessment

1. Introduction

In the design of ships, the wave-induced motions and accelerations are important
to the assessment of the comfort of the crew and the passengers and to the scan-
tlings of securing devices like lashing for container stacks. Usually, the design
values are taken from the classification society rules where explicit formulas are
given. These formulas depend only on the main dimensions of the ship: length,
breadth, block coefficient and forward speed. The operational profile is not
included explicitly in these expressions. The formulas are of an empirical nature

Corresponding author. Fax: +4545 884325
E-mail address: jjj@mek.dtu.dk (J.J. Jensen).

0029-8018/$ - see front matter # 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
62 J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85

relying strongly on good engineering judgment on the pertinent parameters. How-

ever, since the formulas do not depend on the operational profile the naval archi-
tect cannot assess the influence of e.g. a weather routing system or speed reduction
in heavy sea.
Direct calculation of the maximum wave-induced motions and accelerations a
ship may encounter during its operational lifetime can be performed by taking into
account the hull form, the mass distribution and the operational profile. A linear
analysis is fairly straightforward using either two- or three-dimensional hydro-
dynamic procedures based on potential theory. However, such direct calculation
procedures are not very useful in the conceptual design phase, because of lack of
detailed data for the ship and because significant expertise and time are required to
do the calculations. For risk assessment involving thousands of different combina-
tions of sea state and operational parameters even linear strip theory calculations
might be too time consuming, e.g. Ericson (2000), for routine applications.
The aim of the present paper is therefore to provide a rational and efficient pro-
cedure able to predict the design wave-induced motions and accelerations with suf-
ficient engineering accuracy in the conceptual design phase and in risk assessment
procedures depending on the behaviour of the ship in waves. A notable previous
work aiming to some extend the same simplicity is Bhattacharyya (1978). The
present procedure relies only on the following main parameters: length, breadth,
draught, block coefficient, water plane area and operational profile. The formulas
derived are semi-analytical so that the calculations can be easily done using a stan-
dard spreadsheet program.
Similar formulas for the non-linear wave-induced bending moment amidships
have been presented in Jensen and Mansour (2002).

2. Frequency response functions for vertical motions

The frequency response functions Uw, Uh for heave (w) and pitch (h), for the ver-
tical wave-induced motions of a homogeneously loaded box-shaped vessel can be
derived analytically by the linear strip theory proposed by Gerritsma and Beukel-
man (1964). By neglecting the coupling terms between heave and pitch and
assuming a constant sectional added mass equal to the displaced water, the equa-
tions of motion in regular waves with amplitude a can be written, (Jensen, 2001):

kT A2
2 w
€ þ w_ þ w ¼ aF cosð-tÞ ð2:1Þ
x2 kBa3 x

kT € A2 _
2 h þ h þ h ¼ aGsinð-tÞ ð2:2Þ
x2 kBa3 x

Here k is the wave number, x the wave frequency (x2 ¼ kg) and B, T are the
breadth and draught of the box. Differentiation with respect to time t is denoted by
J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85 63

a dot. Furthermore, the frequency of encounter - is given by

- ¼ x  kV cosb  ax ð2:3Þ
where V is the forward speed and b the heading angle (180 corresponding to head
sea). In terms of the Froude number Fn ¼ V = gL and the length L of the box the
parameter a is defined as:
a ¼ 1  Fn kLcosb ð2:4Þ
The sectional hydrodynamic damping is modelled by the dimensionless ratio
between the incoming and the diffracted wave amplitudes through the following
approximation, (Yamamoto et al., 1986):
- B -2 T 1  
A ¼ 2sin exp  ¼ 2sin kBa2 exp kTa2 ð2:5Þ
2g g 2
The forcing functions F, G are given by
2 ke L
F ¼ jf sin ð2:6Þ
ke L 2
24 ke L ke L ke L
G ¼ jf sin  cos ð2:7Þ
ðke LÞ2 L 2 2 2
ke ¼ jkcosbj ð2:8Þ
is the effective wave number and
 2 2
f ¼ ð1  kTÞ2 þ ð2:9Þ
The Smith correction factor j is approximated by
j ¼ expðke TÞ ð2:10Þ
Solution of Eqs. (2.1) and (2.2) yields the frequency response functions
Uw ¼ gF ð2:11Þ
Uh ¼ gG ð2:12Þ
 2 2
@ 2 2 A A
g¼ ð1  2kTa Þ þ ð2:13Þ

Finally, the frequency response functions for the vertical motion u ¼ w  xh and
the acceleration v ¼ -2 ðw  xhÞ in a longitudinal position x from the centre of
64 J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85

gravity become
Uu ¼ U2w þ x2 U2h ; Uv ¼ -2 Uu ¼ a2 kgUu ð2:14Þ
as heave and pitch in the present formulation is 90 out of phase.

3. Comparison with model test results and strip theory calculations

The simplified approach given by Eqs. (2.1)–(2.14) is in the following compared

with experimental results from model tests and various strip theory calculations for
four different vessels: two fast ferries, a container ship and a VLCC. Based on
these studies, it has been found that the shape effect of the hull geometry given
alone by the block coefficient Cb can be included most appropriately by simply tak-
ing the breadth B as

B ¼ B0 Cb ð3:1Þ

where B0 is the maximum waterline breadth. Thus, the ship is represented by a

homogeneously loaded box-shaped barge with the beam modified so that the total
mass of the ship equals the buoyancy.

3.1. Fast ferry TMV114

As a part of the work in the EUREKA project ‘MONITUS’ (E!2097) a series of

model tests of the fast monohull ferry TMV114 was made by MARIN. A detailed
seakeeping analysis, including comparisons of the model test results with predic-
tions from various strip theories (SGN and Shipmo), of the ferry has been given by
Folsø (2002). The analysis has been carried out for a design speed of 35 kn
(Fn ¼ 0:59) and of 50 kn, corresponding to Fn ¼ 0:84. These forward speeds are of
course outside the range where ordinary strip theories can be considered valid.
Main particulars of the ship: L ¼ 96 m, B0 ¼ 13:8 m, TðmeanÞ ¼ 2:5 m,
Cb ¼ 0:53, Fn ¼ 0:59.
Fig. 1 shows the frequency response function for heave in different headings
obtained from model tests and from linear strip theory calculations for the
TMV114. The results obtained from Eq. (2.11) are included. It is seen that the
present formulas capture fairly well the dynamic amplification occurring at Froude
numbers greater than 0.4 and also capture the variation of heave with frequency
well. An exception is beam sea, where the heave is somewhat overestimated with a
peak value of 1.5 around 1.33 rad/s.
For pitch, the results from model tests and linear strip theory calculations are
given in Fig. 2. It is seen that the variation with frequency is again well captured
although the peak values are somewhat too large. It should be noted that the sim-
plified formulas predict zero pitch in beam sea.
J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85 65

Fig. 1. Heave motion (m/m) as function of wave frequency for different headings. Fn ¼ 0:59. Squares
represent results from model tests, dashed and full thin lines are linear strip theory results, respectively
(Folsø, 2002). Thick dashed lines denoted ‘simple’ are from Eq. (2.11).

Comparisons with the vertical accelerations at the forward perpendicular

(x=L ¼ 0:5) are given in Fig. 3. A fairly good agreement is found with respect to
the variation with frequency. The peaks are slightly too small, contrary to the case
for pitch. This is probably due to the uncoupling of heave and pitch in the present
approach. This uncoupling together with a centre of gravity amidships also implies
that the same accelerations are predicted at the aft perpendicular as at the forward
perpendicular. Similar agreements are found for the model tests carried out at 50
kn (Fn ¼ 0:84).

3.2. High speed ferry SSC3

As a part of the work in the EU project ‘Safety at Speed’ (G3RD-CT-2001-

00331), a series of model tests of the fast monohull ferry Super Sea Cat 3 (SSC3)
was made by Sirenha. The model tests were made with a segmented model of the
SSC3. The experiments were made with a full scale speed of 40 kn in head sea. The
results are published in an internal report (Olsen et al., 2003).
Main particulars of the ship: L ¼ 88:0 m, B0 ¼ 12:83 m, T ¼ 2:627 m,
Cb ¼ 0:419, Fn ¼ 0:70.
In Fig. 4 some of the results from the model tests are shown together with the
results from the strip theory calculations and the results from the present analytical
66 J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85

Fig. 2. Pitch motion/k (m/m) as function of wave frequency for different headings. Fn ¼ 0:59. Squares
represent results from model tests, dashed and full thin lines are linear strip theory results, respectively
(Folsø, 2002). Thick dashed lines denoted ‘simple’ are from Eq. (2.12).

formulas. The results from the strip theory calculations are taken from Olsen et al.
(2003). The heave and pitch peak values are seen to be somewhat too high,
whereas the measured accelerations are better predicted.
3.3. Panamax container vessel

Towards the end of 1969, collaborative research was performed in the Nether-
lands on third generation container ships with low block coefficient. Model experi-
ments were carried out to investigate the effect of wave direction, length, height,
and ship speed on seakeeping and sea loads. A detailed description of the experi-
ments is found in Tan (1972).
The model tests were conducted in six wave directions: b ¼ 25, 45, 65, 180, 205
v v
and 245 , (180 denote head waves). Seven wavelength to ship length ratios were
used: k=L ¼ 0:35, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.9, 1.1 and 1.4. The wave height was kept constant
at L/60. A range of ship speeds between Fn ¼ 0:22 and Fn ¼ 0:27 was investigated.
Here, comparisons are only made for Fn ¼ 0:245, since the responses depend very
slightly on the speed in the considered speed range (Flokstra, 1974). The present
results are compared in Figs. 5 and 6 with these measurements and with strip
theory results taken from Wang et al. (2000). Generally, a fair agreement is
obtained. In head to beam sea conditions (205–245 headings), the predictions
J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85 67

Fig. 3. Vertical acceleration ((m/s2)/m) at forward perpendicular as function of wave frequency for dif-
ferent headings. Fn ¼ 0:59. Squares represent results from model tests, dashed and full thin lines are lin-
ear strip theory results, respectively (Folsø, 2002). Thick dashed lines denoted ‘simple’ are from Eq.

show a somewhat higher dynamic amplification than seen in the model test results.
For following sea very good agreement is observed.
Main particulars of the ship: L ¼ 270 m, B0 ¼ 32:2 m, T ¼ 10:85 m, Cb ¼ 0:6,
Fn ¼ 0:245.

3.4. VLCC

A free-run experiment of a VLCC model ship was carried out in the Ship
Research Institute of Japan (Tanizawa et al., 1993). The model tests were conduc-
ted in six wave directions: b ¼ 0, 30, 60, 120, 150 and 180 . Ten wavelength to
ship’s length ratios were used: k=L ¼ 0:2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875, 1.0, 1.25
and 1.5. The wave height was kept constant at L/64. The Froude number was
0.131. The ship motion, the vertical and lateral bending moments amidships, the
relative water level and the wave pressure were measured. The present results for
heave and pitch are compared in Figs. 7 and 8 with these measurements and with
strip theory results from Wang et al. (2000). Generally, a fair agreement is
obtained for the ship motions except in head sea conditions where the present for-
mulas underestimate the heave response.
Main particulars of the ship (model scale): L ¼ 4:5 m, B0 ¼ 0:793 m,
T ¼ 0:285 m, Cb ¼ 0:807, Fn ¼ 0:131.
68 J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85

Fig. 4. Frequency response functions for heave, pitch, vertical acceleration at COG and vertical acceler-
ation at FP (0.62L forward of COG) for the fast ferry SSC3 sailing at 40 kn in head sea as function of
encounter frequency. The model test results and the linear strip theory calculations are taken from Olsen
et al. (2003). Thick dashed lines denoted ‘simple’ are from Eqs. (2.11), (2.12) and (2.14).

4. Relative motions

Relative vertical motion r(x,t) with respect to the wave elevation h(x,t)
rðx; tÞ ¼ wðtÞ  xhðtÞ  hðx; tÞ ð4:1Þ

in a position x measured positively from amidships can also be derived and its fre-
quency response function Ur becomes
Ur ¼ ðUw  cosnðxÞÞ2 þ ðxUh þ sinnðxÞÞ2 ð4:2Þ


nðxÞ ¼ ee þ er þ ke x ð4:3Þ

with ee ; er defined by

1  kT A2
cosee ¼ ; sinee ¼
f kBa3 f ð4:4Þ
coser ¼ 1  2kTa2 g; siner ¼  g
J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85 69

Fig. 5. Heave motion (m/m) as function of non-dimensional wave frequency for different headings.
Fn ¼ 0:245. Squares represent results from model tests, dashed and full thin lines are linear and non-lin-
ear strip theory results, respectively (Wang et al., 2000). Thick dashed lines denoted ‘simple’ are from
Eq. (2.11).

using Eq. (2.9). The frequency response function for the relative velocity is
obtained by multiplication with -.

5. Vertical wave-induced bending moment

An equivalent formula for frequency response function UM for the wave-induced

vertical bending moment amidships has been derived and validated in Jensen and
Mansour (2002). For completeness, it is included here where it reads as follows in
70 J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85

Fig. 6. Pitch motion/k (m/m) as function of non-dimensional wave frequency for different headings.
Fn ¼ 0:245. Squares represent results from model tests, dashed and full thin lines are linear and non-lin-
ear strip theory results, respectively (Wang et al., 2000). Thick dashed lines denoted ‘simple’ are from
Eq. (2.12).

the present notation:

UM 1  kT ke L ke L ke L
¼j 1  cos  sin FV ðFnÞFC ðCb Þ
qgB0 L2 ðke LÞ2 2 4 2

3 jcosbj ð5:1Þ

The correction factor for the block coefficient is taken from Jensen and Mansour
J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85 71

Fig. 7. Heave motion (m/m) as function of wave length for different headings. Fn ¼ 0:131. Squares rep-
resent results from model tests, dashed and full thin lines are linear and non-linear strip theory results,
respectively (Wang et al., 2000). Thick dashed lines denoted ‘simple’ are from Eq. (2.11).

FC ðCb Þ ¼ ð1  WÞ2 þ 0:6að2  WÞ ; W ¼ 2:5ð1  Cb Þ;
Cb ¼ maxð0:6; Cb Þ ð5:2Þ
as also the speed correction factor (validated for Fn < 0:3, only):

FV ðFnÞ ¼ 1 þ 3Fn2 ð5:3Þ

It should be noted that contrary to the ship motions the vertical bending moment
exhibits significant non-linearities so that the frequency response function does not
72 J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85

Fig. 8. Pitch motion/k (m/m) as function of wave length for different headings. Fn ¼ 0:131. Squares
represent results from model tests, dashed and full thin lines are linear and non-linear strip theory
results, respectively (Wang et al., 2000). Thick dashed lines denoted ‘simple’ are from Eq. (2.12).

give sufficient information for a proper stochastic analysis. Inclusion of the non-
linearities is dealt with in Jensen and Mansour (2002) and extended in Jensen and
Mansour (2003) to include whipping vibrations based on the present simplified for-
mulas for the relative motion and velocity.

6. Frequency response function for roll

If the roll motion is assumed to be decoupled from the other transverse motions
the equation of motion for roll in regular waves with unit wave amplitude is
€ þ B44 u_ þ C44 u ¼ M
C44 u ð6:1Þ
J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85 73

where u is the roll angle. TN is the natural period for roll, which must be given as
input. The natural period replaces the mass moment of inertia and the added mass
in the equation of motion, hence the variation in the added mass with frequency is
neglected. If the natural period is not known it might be estimated from the IMO
A.685(17) resolution. C44 ¼ gDGMT is the restoring moment coefficient, where D is
the displacement and GMT is the transverse metacentric height. Both must be given
as input. B44 is the hydrodynamic damping for the ship. It is found by a simple
method described later. M is the roll excitation moment, which is found by use of
the Haskind relation as also described below.
The solution to the equation of motion, Eq. (6.1), gives the frequency response
function for roll

Uu ¼ h i2 1=2 ð6:2Þ
2 2 2 2 2
- ðTN =2pÞ þ1 C44 þ - B44

where - is the encounter frequency and jMj is the amplitude of the excitation
6.1. Determination of B1, A0, and A1

In the present simplified model for roll, the ship is assumed to consist of two pris-
matic beams with the same draught T, but different breadths B0 and B1 and cross-
sectional areas A0 and A1, see Fig. 9. Thus, the model is more complex than that
used for the vertical motions, but this increase in complexity is needed in order to
capture the main features of the roll motion.
The ratio c between the breadth of the two beams, B1 and B0, is found such that
the water plane area coefficient CWP is the same for the real ship and the simplified

Fig. 9. Model of the simplified ship used in roll motion analysis.

74 J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85

model of the ship

B0 Lðd þ cð1  dÞÞ

m ð6:3Þ
B1 CWP  d
c ¼
B0 1d

From the above expression it is seen that d, which should be given as input, cannot
be greater than CWP. The draught of the forward and aft beam is assumed to be
the same and hence the area of the forward beam is cA0. The area, A0, is taken
such that the block coefficient is the same for the ship and the beam model:

LðA0 d þ A1 ð1  dÞÞ A0 ðd þ cð1  dÞÞ

Cb ¼ ¼
LB0 T B0 T ð6:4Þ
Cb B0 T
A0 ¼ and A1 ¼ cA0
d þ cð1  dÞ

6.2. Sectional damping coefficient

It has not been possible in the literature to find simple closed-form solutions for
the sectional inviscid hydrodynamic damping coefficient, b44. Not even for triangu-
lar and rectangular shapes. Hence, it is necessary to determine the coefficient in an
approximate manner. By the Frank close fit method, the sectional damping coef-
ficient as function of the frequency was first calculated for triangular sections with
different B/T ratios. Parametric curves were fitted through the points and a rela-
tively simple expression, which can account for the different breadth to draught
ratios and the variation of cross-sectional area was in the form:
b44 B  
¼ aðB=TÞexp bðB=TÞ-1:3 -dðB=TÞ ð6:5Þ
qAB2 2g

where A is the cross-sectional area of the submerged part of the section. The three
functions a, b and d are assumed to be linear in B/T

aðB=TÞ ¼ 0:256B=T  0:286

bðB=TÞ ¼ 0:11B=T  2:55
dðB=TÞ ¼ 0:033B=T  1:419

This expression is valid for 3 B=T 6, with a reasonable agreement for the
entire frequency range.
For ships with fuller lines, e.g. container ships and tankers, the sectional damp-
ing for the wedge is not a good approximation. Therefore the a, b and d functions
J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85 75

were determined also for rectangular sections. The functions become

aðB=TÞ ¼ 3:94B=T þ 13:69
bðB=TÞ ¼ 2:12B=T  1:89
dðB=TÞ ¼ 1:16B=T  7:97
These expressions are valid for 1 B=T 3.
The total hydrodynamic damping coefficient B44 is then simply taken as
B44 ¼ Lb44;0 d þ j2 ð1  dÞ ð6:6Þ

where d are defined in Fig. 9 and j2 ¼ b44;1 =b44;0 , i.e. the ratio of the sectional
damping for the two beam elements.
6.3. Excitation moment

The sectional excitation moment m can by use of the Haskind relation be expres-
sed in terms of the sectional hydrodynamic damping, b44, see e.g. Newman (1978)
or Newman (1962). From Newman (1962), the exciting moment for a two-dimen-
sional section in the y–z-plane is given by
@u4 @u0 y¼1
mðxÞ ¼ ixq eixt u0  u4 dz ð6:7Þ
1 @y @y y¼1

where u0 is the potential for the incoming waves with unit wave amplitude given
g kzixkcosbþiyksinb
u0 ¼ e ð6:8Þ
and where u4 is the potential for the radiated waves for forced roll motions. This
potential is equal to the asymptotic potential far away from the body, given by

u4 ¼ P
4 e
for y ! 1 ð6:9Þ
where P 4 only depends on the wave number and the body shape. For a symmetri-
cal body about the x-axis the following relation holds Pþ  þ
4 ¼ P4 . P4 is related to
the hydrodynamic damping by (Newman, 1962)
b44 ¼ qxPþ4
Carrying out the integration gives for the sectional excitation moment
ixt g ixkcosb
mðxÞ ¼ ixq e e e2kz dz Pþ
4 ðiksinb  iksinbÞ
x 1
¼ qgsinbPþ 4 e
ixkcosb ixt
¼ sinb b44 eixkcosb eixt ð6:11Þ
76 J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85

For beam sea (b ¼ 90 ) this relation corresponds to the expression given in New-
man (1978).
Integrating along the length of the ship gives the total excitation moment M for
the ship
ð ð L pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 
qg2 ixt dL pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ixkcosb
M ¼ sinb e b44;0 e dx þ b44;1 eixkcosb dx
x 0 dL
qg2 1 npffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
¼ sinb eixt
b44;0 sinðdLkcosbÞ
x kcosb
þ2 b44;1 cosð0:5ð1 þ dÞLkcosbÞsinð0:5ð1  dÞLkcosbÞ
hpffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
þi b44;0 fcosðdLkcosbÞ  1g þ 2 b44;1 sinð0:5ð1 þ dÞLkcosbÞ

sinð0:5ðd  1ÞLkcosbÞ ð6:12Þ
Taking the real part of the moment gives the amplitude jMj of the moment that
should be used in Eq. (6.2): sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
qg2 2
ReðMÞ ¼ jM jcosðxt þ eÞ ¼ jsinbj
x ke

b44;0 fsin ð0:5dLke Þ þ j2 sin2 ð0:5ð1  dÞLke Þ

þ 2jsinð0:5dLke Þsinð0:5ð1  dÞLke Þcosð0:5Lke Þg1=2 cosðxt þ eÞ

Here, the effective wave number ke, Eq. (2.8), has been introduced. Expression
(6.13) gives zero excitation in head sea, b ¼ 180 , as it should, due to the sinb-
term. When approaching beam sea, b ¼ 90 , the amplitude of the moment approa-
jM j ¼ b44;0 ðd þ jð1  dÞÞL ð6:14Þ
as the sine-functions are equal to the argument for small arguments.
Making M a function of the encounter frequency - instead of the wave fre-
quency x includes approximately the forward speed effect.
6.4. Additional damping

The viscose roll damping is approximately accounted for by adding a percentage

of the critical damping to the inviscid wave damping from Section 6.2.
The critical damping is defined as
C44 TN
B44 ¼ ð6:15Þ
Hence, the total damping becomes

44 ¼ B44 þ lB44 ð6:16Þ
J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85 77

where B44 is the total inviscid hydrodynamic damping and l is the specified per-
centage of the critical damping.
6.5. Panamax container vessel

The roll frequency response function is calculated for the Panamax container
vessel described in Section 3.3 with the additional input data
CWP ¼ 0:757; GMT ¼ 1:15 m; TN ¼ 24:9 s; d ¼ 0:7;
The responses for different values of d have been calculated and it was revealed
that d has a considerable influence on the results. Compared to the results from
model experiments from Tan (1972) the best agreement is achieved for d ¼ 0:7.
Fig. 10 shows the results for six different headings with the model test results
from Tan (1972). Except for the heading of 25 , the agreement between the simple
v v v
formulas and the model test is reasonably. For the headings 205 , 225 , and 245
the simple expressions predicts the same trend as the model experiments show, but
the responses are over predicted. For 65 heading, the simple formulas again over
predict the responses compared to the model experiments but only slightly. For the
heading of 45 , the location of the first peak agrees reasonably well with the model
test, whereas the second peak is predicted at a too low frequency. For both peaks,
the calculated response is too high. The results for 25 heading are very small as
the encounter frequency is too low to result in any damping and thereby any exci-
tation from Eq. (6.13).
The calculations are also made with an additional damping of 20% critical. It is
v v
seen that the results are unchanged for 205 to 245 heading angles in the fre-
quency interval used in the model experiments. For 65 heading, the results are in
good agreement with the model tests, whereas the 20% critical damping is seen to
v v
give too low responses for 45 and 25 heading. By adding only 3% critical damp-
ing, the results for 45 are in reasonably agreement with the model tests. The
results for 25 heading are even without the additional damping too low, so any
additional damping is only making the agreement worse.
6.6. TMV 114

The roll frequency response function is calculated for the fast ferry TMV 114
described in Section 3.1 with the additional input data
CWP ¼ 0:713; GMT ¼ 4:19 m; TN ¼ 6:3 sec:; d ¼ 0:6
Fig. 11 shows a comparison between model test results and calculations using the
simple expressions. The responses predicted by the simple expressions are higher
than those from the model experiments, but it is noted that the change of the res-
onance frequency with heading seems to be well predicted.
The calculations have been made with an additional damping of 20% and 40%
critical damping. The 20% critical damping was chosen as this gives a good agree-
ment between the simple expressions and the model experiments for beam sea (90
78 J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85

Fig. 10. Roll motion/k (m/m) as function of non-dimensional wave frequency for the Panamax con-
tainer ship for different headings. Fn ¼ 0:245. Squares represent model test (Tan, 1972). The lines are
from Eq. (6.2) with different percentage of the critical damping added.

heading). From the figure, it is seen that this is too low an additional damping for
the two other headings, where 40% critical damping gives a better agreement.

7. Short-term statistics

The standard deviation sR of a linear wave-induced response R (e.g. motions,

accelerations, relative motions, wave bending moment) is given as
s2R ¼ U2R ðxÞSðxÞdx ð7:1Þ
J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85 79

Fig. 11. Roll motion (deg/m) for TMV 114 as function of wave frequency for different headings with 35
kn. Squares represents model test (Folsø 2002). The lines are from Eq. (6.2) with different percentage of
critical damping added.

The stochastic properties of ocean waves can often be modelled by the generalised
JONSWAP wave spectrum S(x) formulated in the wave frequency x, the signifi-
cant wave height HS, the mean period TS and the peak enhancement factor c:
n  2 o
1 exp  12 0:206F2rTS x1
Sðx; HS ; TS ; cÞ ¼ SPM ðx; HS ; F2 TS Þ c ð7:2Þ
Here, the Pierson-Moskowitch wave spectrum
SPM ðx; HS ; TS Þ ¼ 173HS2 TS ðxTS Þ5 e692ðx TS Þ ð7:3Þ
has been introduced. The coefficients F1 and F2 depend on c as shown below:

1 c 2 : F1 ¼ 0:24c þ 0:76; F2 ¼ 0:05c þ 1:05

2 c 3 : F1 ¼ 0:22c þ 0:80; F2 ¼ 0:02c þ 0:99
3 c 4 : F1 ¼ 0:20c þ 0:86; F2 ¼ 0:02c þ 0:99 ð7:4Þ
4 c 5 : F1 ¼ 0:20c þ 0:86; F2 ¼ 0:01c þ 0:95
5 c 6 : F1 ¼ 0:18c þ 0:96; F2 ¼ 0:01c þ 0:95

r ¼ 0:07 if 0:206F2 TS x 1
r ¼ 0:09 if 0:206F2 TS x > 1
80 J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85

The standard JONSWAP spectrum is obtained by taking c ¼ 3:3. Often the zero-
upcrossing period TZ is given rather than TS. Hence, the following relation (Gran,
ð10:89 þ cÞð5 þ cÞ
TS ¼ TZ ð7:6Þ
6:774 þ c
is useful.

8. Long-term predictions

The probability that the individual peak values in the linear long-term analysis
will exceed a given value is taken as a weighted sum over all the sea states and the
operational profile in the usual manner:
ðððð (   )
 peak  1 r 2
P R >r ¼ exp  WpðHS ; TZ ; V ; bÞdHS dTZ dV db
2 sR
The sea state and the operational parameters are usually assumed to be statistically
independent so that
pðHS ; TZ ; V ; bÞ ¼ pðHS ; TZ ÞpðV ; bÞ ð8:2Þ
In Jensen and Mansour (2002), the North Atlantic scatter diagram for extreme
load predictions (DNV) was used as an example together with an operational pro-
file in which three zones were defined:
1 < HS 5 m; 5 m < HS 10 m; 10 m < HS 15 m
In each zone fractions of time with a given combination of V ; b are specified.
These fractions can, however, vary from zone to zone making it possible to intro-
duce speed reduction and change of course in heavy sea. Other scatter diagrams,
e.g. Söding (2001), and/or other zones can of course be used if relevant.
The weight factor W represents the average number of peaks per unit time in a
sea state:
W ¼ W ðTZ Þ ¼ ð8:3Þ
1 1
¼ pðHS ; TZ ÞdHS dTZ ð8:4Þ
To illustrate the procedure, the long-term probability distribution for vertical accel-
eration at FP (situated 0.5375L forward of amidships) for the Panamax container
vessel have been calculated using the operational profiles in Table 1 and the wave
scatter diagram in Table 2. The operational profile specifies the relative occurrence
J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85 81

of short-term conditions with constant forward speed, heading, significant wave

height and zero-upcrossing period. The example profile shown is arbitrarily chosen.
The North Atlantic scatter diagram is used, but modifications to account for
weather routing has been made as shown in Table 2. The wave spectrum is taken
to be of the Pierson-Moskowitch type (the peak enhancement factor c ¼ 1). The
calculated individual peak value distribution for the vertical acceleration at FP is
shown in Table 3 and Fig. 12. The results are divided into three zones in order to
facilitate an assessment of the contribution from each zone to the probability dis-
tribution. Thereby, for the present example, it is seen that the weather routing fac-
tors applied to sea states with HS > 10 m imply that the largest acceleration peaks
are to be expected for sea states with 6 m HS 10 m. A Weibull least square fit
to the probability distribution yields a scale factor equal to 0.447 m/s2 and an
exponent equal to 1.124. This fit follows closely the direct calculations, Fig. 12.
The result for the most probable largest vertical acceleration at FP during 20
years service becomes 5.87 m/s2 for the Panamax container vessel. A similar calcu-
lation for the VLCC, scaled to a full scale length of 330 m, yields 3.5 m/s2. These
values are in reasonable agreement with the design accelerations given in the classi-
fication rules. It is noted that the full long-term calculation takes only about 30 s
using a simple Excel spreadsheet on a standard PC. Thereby, the procedure can be
a very efficient tool in risk assessment involving ship motions.

Table 1
Operational profile used for the VLCC and the Panamax container vessel
V (kn): VLCC V (kn): Heading HS ¼ 1 5 m HS ¼ 6 10 m HS ¼ 11 15 m
4 6 0 0.02 0.1 0
4 6 45 0.02 0.1 0
4 6 90 0.02 0.1 0
4 6 135 0.02 0.1 0.5
4 6 180 0.02 0.1 0.5
8 12 0 0.02 0.1 0
8 12 45 0.02 0.1 0
8 12 90 0.02 0.1 0
8 12 135 0.02 0.1 0
8 12 180 0.02 0.1 0
12 18 0 0.02 0 0
12 18 45 0.02 0 0
12 18 90 0.02 0 0
12 18 135 0.02 0 0
12 18 180 0.02 0 0
15 24 0 0.14 0 0
15 24 45 0.14 0 0
15 24 90 0.14 0 0
15 24 135 0.14 0 0
15 24 180 0.14 0 0

Table 2
Scatter diagram with weather routing factors used for the VLCC and the container vessel. Scatter diagram: DNV North Atlantic for extreme value calcula-
tions. Limited to HS ¼ 15 m, TZ ¼ 15 s
Weather routing factor (0–1)
1 1 1 1 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0

Effective scatter diagram

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 73 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 1416 356 62 12 2 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 4594 3299 1084 318 89 20 4.2 0.8 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 4937 8001 4428 1898 721 203.2 51 10.8 1.6 0.3 0.1 0 0 0 0
9 2590 8022 6920 4126 2039 716.8 217.8 55.2 10 1.7 0.6 0.2 0.1 0 0
10 839 4393 5566 4440 2772 1186 426 124.8 25.6 5 1.8 0.7 0.2 0 0
11 195 1571 2791 2889 2225 1134 474.6 159.2 36.8 8 3.3 1.3 0.5 0 0
12 36 414 993 1301 1212 725.6 348 132 34.2 8.2 3.7 1.5 0.6 0 0
J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85

13 6 87 274 445 494 342.4 186.6 78.8 22.6 5.9 2.9 1.3 0.6 0 0
14 1 16 63 124 162 128 78.6 36.8 11.6 3.3 1.7 0.8 0.4 0 0
15 0 3 12 30 45 40 27.6 14 4.8 1.5 0.8 0.4 0.2 0 0
Sum 14687 26167 22193 15583 9761 4497 1814 612.4 147.4 33.9 14.9 6.2 2.6 0 0
Total sum: 95520
J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85 83

Table 3
Long-term individual peak probability of exceedance for the vertical acceleration at FP for the Panamax
container vessel
Peak (m/s2) Probability of exceedance
HS ¼ 1 5 m HS ¼ 6  10 m HS ¼ 11 15 m HS ¼ 1 15 m
0.6 0.155869507 0.026559499 0.000154071 0.182583077
1.2 0.032364042 0.00895961 8.68258E-05 0.041410477
1.8 0.006280876 0.002246814 3.66554E-05 0.008564346
2.4 0.001075548 0.0005626 1.2748E-05 0.001544556
3 0.000152389 8.18291E-05 3.85035E-06 0.000238068
3.6 1.7029E-05 1.37508E-05 1.01406E-06 3.17939E-05
4.2 1.4455E-06 2.24208E-06 2.31056E-07 3.91864E-06
4.8 9.06265E-08 3.56782E-07 4.55928E-08 4.93002E-07
5.4 4.12395E-09 5.48003E-08 7.85352E-09 6.67778E-08
6 1.34822E-10 7.99226E-09 1.19101E-09 9.31809E-09

9. Conclusions

Simplicity and suitability for use at the early stages of design were the main
motivation behind developing the approach presented in this paper. The objective
was to derive simple closed-form equations which capture the motion response of a
ship in terms of her main dimensions and operating conditions. Heave, pitch and
vertical acceleration responses are given by the simple algebraic Eqs. (2.11), (2.12)
and (2.14), respectively. Roll is given by Eqs. (6.2), (6.5), (6.6) and (6.13). The val-
idity of these equations has been demonstrated by a series of comparisons with
existing experimental data and elaborate strip theory calculations. Four ships of a
wide variety of main dimensions and operating conditions were used in the vali-
dation process to ensure the applicability of the approach to different ship types.

Fig. 12. Long-term individual peak probability of exceedance for the vertical acceleration at FP for the
Panamax container vessel. Numerical integration and least-square Weibull fit.
84 J.J. Jensen et al. / Ocean Engineering 31 (2004) 61–85

The following summarises the main findings of the paper:

(A) Closed-form semi-analytical expressions have been developed for the fre-
quency response functions for the motions and accelerations of monohull
ships. The input parameters required in the procedure are those known at the
early stages of design: length, breadth, draught, block coefficient, water plane
area coefficient, heading and speed.
(B) The derived simplified formulas have been validated using results from model
tests and strip theory calculations for four vessels: two fast ferries, one con-
tainer vessel and one VLCC.
(C) The general conclusion is that the formulas predict the variation of the
motions and accelerations with the main dimensions, frequency, heading and
speed fairly accurately, except that

˚ Heave is too small for k=L > 1

˚ Pitch is too large around k=L ¼ 1 for Froude numbers larger than 0.2
˚ Roll is too large around the resonance frequency
(D) Due to their simplicity, the closed-form expressions are well suited for long-
term predictions taking into account the operational profile of the ship and
the wave scatter diagram.


The authors are indebted to Dr. Zhaohui Wang, Mr. Rasmus Folsø, Mrs. Ana
Esteves and Dr. Philippe Corrignan for providing model test results and numerical
calculations for the present analysis. Part of the data is generated within the
EUREKA project ‘MONITUS’ (E!2097) and the EU project ‘Safety at Speed’

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