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Hephaestus, God of fire? Sounds like a joke to me.

Is blacksmith the only

thing you can do? Give me a break; you’re just like a mortal. Zeus made
you marry the god of beauty but you’re just too ugly for her so she had
many affairs. Unlike you, I am a luck-bringing messenger to gods and the
intercessor between mortals and the divine. Therefore I have the ability to
move freely between the mortal and divine worlds. But I’m not only that
but also the god of trade, travelers, sports, shepherds, the patron of poetry
and I guide the spirits to the underworld. The mortals present me as a
graceful youth, wearing a winged hat and winged sandals. I helped kill
Medusa and the benefactor of mortals. I am also associated with fertility
and good fortune.
I feel so sorry for you to be thrown out of Olympus, brother.

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