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211-C, Commercial market, DHA-

EME, Lahore

Computer 9th Paper 4-FLP1:(REVSION AND TEST SESSION 2017-2018)

Time Alllowed =1 hour : 45 Minutes SUBJECTIVE (48)

Q2 Write the answer of the following short questions(Any Four) (2×4=8)
i. Define computer.
ii. Write down briefly the classification of computer?
iii. Difference between compiler and interpreter?
iv. What is micro computer.
v. Difference between system software and application software?
vi. Define magnetic disk?
Q3 Write the answer of the following short questions(Any Four) (2×4=8)
i. What is Ram?
ii. What is central processing unit?
iii. Define port?
iv. Name the different categories of input devices?
v. What is plotter?
vi. Difference between hard copy and soft copy?

Q4 Write the answer of the following short questions(Any Four) (2×4=8) Write
i. What is voice recognition software?
ii. What is ink jet printer?
iii. Difference between Ram and Rom?
iv. What is floppy disk?
v. Difference between bit and bite?
vi. Difference between high level formatting and low level formatting.

Note: Attempt Any two Questions (3×8=24)
Q5 Describe the impact of computer and internet on society?

Q6 Write a note on main memory and secondary memory?

Q7 What is plotter? What are different kinds of plotter?

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