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Non-Verbal MOST READ

Communication:Knowing Phonetics: Correct

KOPPACT Pronunciation
Phonetics is not a thing
 Comm Skills  25 Sep 2014  7605  that sounds alien now.
From the foundation

0 ? 0 0 classes at the school


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Communication is what it does!

Communication is known to us as the Faculty of Resume Guide

Expressions-Reception, Understanding-Sharing. It is Resume Every day is
divided into to: the right day to start
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working on your
1. Vrbal Communication (Verbal Oral(Spoken)
Resume. You can
Communication and Verbal Written
update it every...
2. Non-Verbal Communication (KOPPACT) Read More ...

Read the following Submission by My Students:

Letter Writing: Block
Communication is an art to express ideas and thoughts Format
to people. Listening-Speaking-Reading-Writng remain the Letter Writing is one of
fundamental parts of communication. Whereas Listening the simplest things to
and Reading are Receptive; Speaking and Writing are learn! But most of us
Expressive faculties. Communication can be divided into forget that this is not...
three basic components: they are Presentation Skills
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(combination of verbal and non-verbal communication),
Writing Skills and Conversation Skills. According to
First Things First:
research any communication includes 7 percent spoken
WhatsApp Viva-Voce
words, 38 percent voice and tone, and 55 percent body
First Things First! This is
language. It is an interesting fact that 93 percent of our
what Innovation asks
daily communication is non-verbal. Females are found to
for. The educators are
have much better visual and auditory skills. Here in this
required to be one
essay we are strictly confining ourselves to its non-verbal
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essay we are strictly confining ourselves to its non-verbal
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Non-verbal communication is integral yet a complex
part of our overall communication skills. Non-verbal EduSoMedia : Talk of
communication is a message or response not expressed the Educational Town
in words or hints. Non-verbal signals are deeply rooted Teaching is
and conscious part of our overall behaviours. It is a a challenging job when
recognised as route to discover what the other side we have focus on
wants. It is a combination of implicit and explicit meaning defined outcomes.
of words. It gives us information about emotional state There can always be a
and reinforces the meaning of words. It can play five debate...
roles in communication which are repetition,
Read More ...
contradiction, substitution, complementing and accenting.
Various things which an individual can take care of during
presentations are non-verbal behaviours and spatial
arrangements of words. There are various types of non-
verbal communication styles which can be abbreviated
as “KOPPACT”. It stands for kinesis, oculisics,
paralanguage, proxemics, chromatics, tactics. It is
explained below in detail:-
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Kinesis includes body language, body movements, My Twitter
gestures, postures, postures, facial expressions head and Updates
hand movements. It can be used to emphasise on what is
being said. It has various elements like voice quality,
adapters, regulators, affect displays, and illustrators. In all
non-verbal modes facial expressions are of the most
significance as it plays 55 percent of our total non-verbal
communication. Facial expressions can be further sub-
divided into micro expressions, sign languages and eye
contact. Postures can reflect people’s emotions, attitudes,
and intentions. Research has identified range of postural
signals such as open and closed postures. It helps to
determine individual’s degree of confidence, status and
receptivity to audience. Moreover, postures help to
identify degree of attention and interpersonal relationship.
Mirror image congruent postures helps to identify the
sentiment of the audience by number of leans, folded
arms, legs crossed, mudras, bends and various others
sitting and standing. Gestures are woven into the fabrics

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of daily lives. They strengthen our opinion by movement
of hands (wave, point, beckon), nodding, expressions (nine
sentiments or navratnas). The meaning of gestures are
interpreted differently across different cultures. It is
important to be clear as it can lead to misinterpretations.
Adapters, symbolic and conversational are three types of

Oculisics deals with eye span or eye contact. We can

deceive people through eyes. We should try to establish
proper eye contact as it can give proper indications to
audience. It can help establish interest, engagement,
involvement and attention with the audience. It basically
helps to serve three purposes. Firstly, It helps to give and
receive feedback. Looking at someone lets them know
that the receiver is concentrating on the content of their
speech as not maintaining eye contact can indicate
disinterest. Secondly, it helps people know when it is their
'turn' to speak. Eye contact is more likely to be
continuous when someone is listening, rather than

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speaking. When a person has finished what they have to
say, they will look directly at the other person and this
gives a signal that the arena is open. Thirdly, it helps to
communicate something about a relationship between
people. When you dislike someone, you tend to avoid eye
contact and pupil size is often reduced. On the other
hand, the maintenance of positive eye contact signals
interest or attraction in the audience. Some of the
examples of this are Narendra Modi and Barrack Obama.

Proxemics is the spatial distance, intimate relation,

closeness between people, group or society. It involves
embracing, touching and whispering. It is seen that close
friends, relatives, mutual friends share excellent space
with each other and are able to understand each other
better. We all have a need for physical space, although
that need differs depending on the culture, the situation,
and the closeness of the relationship. One can use
physical space to communicate many different
nonverbal messages, including signals of intimacy and

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affection, aggression and dominance. While delivery of
speech one must have eight to ten feet distance.

Paralanguage is the pitch and tone of our verbal

message. When we speak other people read our voices
in addition to listening to our words. They pay attention to
our pace of speaking, time, loudness, tone and
inflection.Our tone of voice can indicate sarcasm, anger,
affection and confidence. Pitch is high and low
modulation of voice. It depicts anger and happiness. High
pitch helps to reinforce with cover and coat. High pitch
helps to highlight the important message and low pitch
can determine less importance, fatigue, and disinterest.

Chronemics or timing plays a very important role in in

presentation to establish proper sync or wavelength
between verbal and non-verbal communications. Sense
of time helps to indicate starting and ending of an event. It
can depict interest and disinterest in audience as well as
speaker. For example looking at the watch while giving

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presentation can indicate disinterest and can evade
audience from listening and marks loss of interest.
Various aspects of time are temporal processing,
cognitions, emotions, embodiments, interval time and

Artifactics the things that one carries. Example the way of

dressing. It adds to ones personality .Our outlook can
impress people. It is very important the way one carries
oneself. It helps the audience to interpret and analyze us

Touch (or Haptics) can help to reassure people, make

them comfortable, or even dissuade and discomfort
them. A touch can send a positive or negative signal. A
touch We communicate a great deal through touch.
Think about the messages given by the following: a weak
handshake, a timid tap on the shoulder, a warm bear hug,
a reassuring slap on the back, a patronizing pat on the
head, or a controlling grip on your arm.

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Benefits of non-verbal communication are it
strengthens relationship between people, helps to provide
feedback, regulate the flow of communication, keep
people motivated to listen, increases credibility of
speaker, improves expressions and understanding, gives
satisfaction, and even improves popularity. Some
advantages of Non-verbal communication are that it
helps to communicate with deaf people, respond in silent
zones, convey secrets, conversation with distant person,
save time, make conversations short and brief and helps
to communicate with people who do not understand our
language. Non-verbal communication has few
disadvantages also. It cannot be used to have long
conversations, to unveil particulars of the message,
difficult to understand and requires lot of patience and
repetitions, cannot be used as a public tool for
communication, less influential, not impressive and
People nowadays prefer emails over facial interactions

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without realizing that electric communications will and
can never be a substitute for the face of someone. As it is
popularly said that our actions speak louder than words”,
as sign language and language of symbols is understood
by all.

The following online resources can be viewed for better

understanding of KOPPACT:


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More Pow erPoint presentations from Imprint Training Center

Another Resource:


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More Pow erPoint presentations from Nikita Jain

Non verbal communication from Meenakshi Saraswat

About the Author

Author: Parveen Sharma

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Author: Parveen Sharma
Website: Eklavyaparv.com

Parveen is an Innovative Educator

working as a Teacher in India. He
has been developing Education
through Social Media
(EduSoMedia) Learning Model &
has been inculcating EdTech
based Learning among his
students. At a time when the
world is talking about bringing
EdTech to the Higher Education ,
his students have been practicing
EdTech since 2010. He is an M.
Phil. in English, Masters in English
& Masters in Journalism & Mass
Communication. He holds a
Bachelor of Education degree
and is certified in many MOOCs
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as well. He has learning
collaborations with various institutions of Higher
Education and is associated with NROER,
EdTechReview etc. Eklavya is his ideal and
Eklavyaism is the foundation of his mission.

Hits: 7607

EklavyaParv, Amity University, @ParveenAmity,

NVC, KOPPACT, Kinesics, EduSMedia,

Non Verbal Communication,

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