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A. Background

Language as a means of communication has an important role in

education and culture. According to curriculum of 2006, language is used to

express their information, ideas, thoughts, feeling mind, and to develop science

technology and culture. Language is an essential aspect of human life. People

need language to share idea, opinions or feelings.Therefor a language is a tool

of communication.

In the era of globalization, there is much information which is spoken

or written in English. It can be in book, magazine, radio, advertisement,

television, internet, and so on. English is a language mostly used by people in

many countries because English is the international language. As an

international language, automatically English is learnt by many students in the


In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language taught beginning

from elementary school until college. Even in junior high school, it become

one of the important subject. The students who learn English should be

provided with four language skills. According to Brown (1994:297) says that

there are four language skills, namely: listening, reading, writing and speaking.

Besides skills, they also learn English language component as grammar

especially tenses, pronunciation and vocabulary. Learning English as a foreign

language is a complex process. The student have to know to learn well.

However English becomes a compulsory subject, in fact for there are

many students, English is one of the most difficult foreign language in the

study because they must understand how to use grammar correctly, how the

pronunciation right and vocabulary a lot. This resulted in students often

assumed that learning English is a complicated and tedious because it must

relate to the above.

The success of teaching and learning English activity in influenced by

many factors. Some factor come from the students’ surroundings, some others

are from the students’ themselves such us interest and motivation. Interest is

very important in learning English. Interest in learning English become a key

factor to successful in learning English. As a Winkel(1983:83), interest is a

stable trend in subject, interest is certain case and pleasant to involve in that

case. According to Muhibbin (2004:136), interest affects the quality of

students’ learning achievement in many field of certain study. Interest

influences the process of learning result, when the students are not interested in

learning something, the result cannot be expected to be well successful.

Interest in student learning is influenced by several factors, among

others: the internal and external factors. The internal factor is the factor that

comes from the learners themselves, for example: sick and tired. While

external factors are factors from outside the learners themselves, for example:

classroom full of condition, lack of learning resources like a book and boring

of learning strategies.

There are some factors causing of students’ learning problems.

According to MuhibbinSyah (2005:173), causal factors of students’ learning

problem are divided into two categories: they are internal and external factors.

The internal factors include cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Meanwhile

the external factors include family, society, and school environment (school

building condition, the teacher and learning facilities). According to Abu

Ahmadi and WidodoSupriyono (2004:78), classified causal factors of students’

learning problem into two categories: internal, which include physiology factor

and psychology factor, and external, which include social, family and school.

When doing PPL in SMPN 4 Baubau, researcher found there were

many students were bored during the lesson, they were lack attention to learn,

like they were always disturb their friends, went to toilet many times, made

noisy, got daydreaming, made a joke on their teacher performance and left the

class. Those problems were very disturbing the learning process. Result of

interview from teacher and some students, the English teacher says that in

some classes there are many students are lack interest and attention when he

gives English material, there only students who like and want to learn English

that will pay attention when he explain the material.The English teacher

assumes he needs to work hard to make students interest to learn. He realizes in

teaching and learning process he need variety of method in English learning, so

the students will be interested in learning English.Some students saythey are

lack of attention when their teacher gives English subject becauseEnglish is

adifficult lesson. They do not know the meaning of question when they do a

test and English is a different subject between writing, reading, and meaning.

Based on the statements above, the researcher concludes that there

aremany cause make the students lack attention when English learning process,

one of them is the teacher are less variety of method in English learning

process. The teacher must be applying variety of method in English learning

process, so the students will be interested in learning English.

Based on the background above, the researcher is interested in having

the research with the title: “Factors the lack of students’ interest in

learningEnglish at the second grade students of SMPN 4 Baubau”

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background above, the problem can be identificatedare as


1. The students feel bored in following the lesson.

2. The students are lack attention to learn.

3. The students are lack interest in learning.

4. The students always disturb their friends.

5. The students make noisy and daydreaming.

6. The students make a joke on their teacher performance and leave the


C. Scope of the Research

The scope of this research isfocused on the factors the lack of students’

interest in learning English at the second grade students of SMPN 4 Baubau.

D. Problem Statement

Based on the scope of the research above, the researcher formulated the

problem statement is what are factors the lack of students’ interest in learning

English at the second grade students of SMPN 4 Baubau?

E. Objective of the Research

Based on the problem statement, the objectives of the research is to

know what factors the lack of students’ interest in learning English at the

second grade students of SMPN 4 Baubau.

F. Significance of the Research

The significance of this research are as follows:

1. The findings of this research, it can be used to help the teacher to understand

the importance of interest in teaching learning activity.

2. To provide the information to teachers about the way in teaching English to

improve students’ interest.

3. To improve the students’ interest in learning English.






a. The Definition of Learning

Learning is a matter that related with a life. Life is a lesson. By learning,

people know how to life. Because of learning is a process that happens for a

long time and through many steps, it will make someone change in certain

aspect in his own self. For instance, get dress, use washing machine, ride the

motorcycle, they can be done after learning.

Learning become an important source for the learner because, it is a

process that done by the learner to get knowledge, especially in learning

English. Moreover, learning is needed very much for people to increase their

life become well in the future.

Obviously, many researchers have attempted to define the concept of

learning. According to Wakefield (1996:364), learning can be described as a

relatively permanent change in the behavior of an individual based on his/her

experiences or discoveries. Thus the processes of experience and discovery

lead to a new understanding of the world and ourselves, and enable us to apply

the acquired knowledge in newsituations. Knowledge acquisition, then

involves processes that transform data from experience into organized


According to Smith (1962:260), learning is the acquisition of new

behavior or the strengthening or weakening of old behavior as the result of

experience. Learning become an important source for the learner because it is a

process that done by the learner to get knowledge, especially in learning

English. Moreover, learning is needed very much for people to increase their

live become well in the future.

According to Hilgard (1983) in Firdaus (2013:6), learning is a process by

which activity or it is changed through responding to a situation; provide to a

change cannot be attribute to growth or to temporary states of the organism as

the figure.

Based on the explanations above, there is a change in learning. It is about

learning for formation of personality and behavior based on the experience in

order to give benefit for surrounding people.

b. Factors that Influence the Learning Process

According to Soerjabrata (1973:63), the factors that influence the process

of learning can be classified into two factors. The two factors are internal and

external factor.

a. Internal factor

Internal factor is the factors that influence a learning difficulty that comes

from learning itself. In dealing with the factor, it can be explained as follows:

1. Physical factors consist of health factor and physical factor.

2. Psychological factor consist of intelligence, attention, interest, talent,

motivation, attitude, and concentration.

b. External factor

External factor consist of non-social factors and social factor. Non-social

factor include place, the tools of learning (pen, pencil, and book) or learning

facilities. While social factor include family, teacher, and society.

2. Interest

a. The Definition of Interest

Interest is one of the internal factors in learning activity. Interest is the

desire of somebody toward something as influence of environment where or

they live. According to Winkel (1983) in AtiaRahmah (2011:8), interest is a

stable trend in subject, interest is a certain case, and pleasant to involve in that


Every individual have tendency to deal with something in their

environment. If it gives something good to them, possible they will interest to

it. Students who has certain needs or desire toward something, they will have

high interest a more enthusiastic to achieve what they want to do. According to

Sardiman (2003:76), interest is a condition that occurred when someone see

characteristic of situation that is correlated with his/her own need and desire.

When it happened, he or she will be easily to learn something.

Interest is greatly affected by the process and learning outcomes. If a

person was not interested in learning something, it cannot be expected to do

well in the process of learning. Conversely, if a person with an interest to learn

something, then the expected results will be better. If every teacher realizes

this, the question that arises is how to make things that are presented as a

learning experience that can attract students or how to determine that students

learn things which are interested them.

Acoording to Hilgard (1962) in Desmita (2015:7) pointed out that:

“Interest is persisting tendency to pay attention to and enjoy some activity or

content”. This confirms that what causes the interest, we also have an attention

and if there is an attention, we will be interested in. So, there is a relationship

between the interest and attention. According toGazali (1974) in Desmita

(2015:7) stated that “Perhatianadalahkeaktifanjiwa yang dipertinggi, jiwaitu

pun semata-matatertujukepadasuatuobyek (benda/hal) atausekumpulanobjek.”

In order to ensure a good learning outcomes, then students should have the

attention of the learned material. If materials are not subject to the attention of

students, hence the boredom was coming. So, he does not like anymore for

studying. In order to students can learn best, try to make a learning materials

always attract attention by way of seeking the lessons which in accordance

with the hobby or talent.

Another argument stated by Slameto (2003: 57) that:

“Minatadalahkecenderungan yang
tetapuntukmemperhatikandanmengenangbeberapakegiatan. Kegiatan yang
diminatiseseorang, diperhatikanterus-menerus yang disertaidengan rasa
senang. Jadiberbedadengaperhatian, karenaperhatiansifatnyasementara
(tidakdalamwaktu yang lama) danbelumtentudiikutidengannperasaansenang.
Sedangkanminatselaludiikutidenganperasaansenangdandari situ
diperolehkepuasan. Minatbesarpengaruhnyaterhadapbelajar,
karenabilabahanpelajaran yang dipelajaritidaksesuaidenganminatsiswa,

karenatidakadadayatarikbaginya. Iasegan-seganuntukbelajar,
iatidakmemperolehkepuasandaripelajaranitu. Bahanpelajaran yang
menarikminatsiswa, lebihmudahdipelajaridandisimpan,
If there are students who are less interested in the study, it can be arranged

so that it has a greater interest, by way of explaining things interesting and

useful for life, as well as the matters which is related to the ideas, and it’s

relation to material they learned.

b. The Aspect of Interest

According to Sufi HudaibiahFirmani (2009:16-19), there are some factors

that influence the interest such as:

a. Enjoyment

In this section enjoyment means the pleasure felt when having a good time

or good act of receiving from something. Someone who can enjoy something

especially the lesson, he or she will give a good action, by giving an attention

to teacher’s explanation or reading the book.

b. Attention

Attention is represented of concentration or activity of soul to perception

understanding. If the students gives good attention to English, certainly the

students has an interesting in English. In the other hand, interest comes from

attention. Attention is important to learn. Learning is most efficient when a

person paying attention. Poor attention can be a sign disorders behavior in

children learning process. Someone who has attention to something it means

that he or she has interest to something. In the other handit is a general interest

that leads a person to know more.

c. Need

Need defined as circumstance in which something is lacking or necessary

or require some course of action. Need also mean a condition or situation in

which something is required or wanted. When children need to learn English

might be caused by lack of English. Need could motivate the children give

attention to the lesson. Interest that appears from children’s need encourages

the children to do their best efforts. For instance, the child needs knowledge

from the English book, will try to learn the language more. There are many

kinds of need. One of them is to best achieve that cannot be separated from

learning and teaching process. And individuals differ in their need to achieve:

some are highly motivated internally to succeed both in competitions with

other or working alone. Others are motivated by a fear or failure and are less

likely to take the risk which lead to achievement. The need to achieve can

become a motivation factors in learning.

d. Desire

The natural longing that is excited by the enjoyment or the thought of any

good, and impels to action or effort it’s continuance or possession. If a person

has a desire to learn English automatically he or she will try to know it more.

c. The Kinds of Interest

According to Slameto (2010) in DyahAjengPangestuti (2012:30), interest

can be divided into three kinds, they are:

a. Expressed interest, someone can express his or her interest through certain


b. Manifest interest, someone can express his or her interest not with words

but through action or activities.

c. Inventoried interest, someone who have interests can to measure by

respond a questions.

d. Interest in Learning English

Interest is a positive factor in learning English. It is important for teacher

and students in teaching and learning English. It means that without interest to

learn speaking, writing, reading, and listening of the students, the learning

activity cannot be done in a proper way. Furthermore, the importance of

interest in learning activity can help developing students motivation and to

encourage students to do the activities necessary during learning process.

In teaching and learning process, interest is important for the teacher to

give great attention to development of the students’ interest because, this is the

key of success of English learning.

In the school education, teacher should pay more attention to train and

maintain the students’ interest in learning English. Therefore, interest should be

aroused. By arousing interest in lesson can improve the way of thinking, the

way of studying so that the lesson can be mastered. Motivation is closely

related to the arousing in learning, and it is development is a basic of learning

activity. Teacher should encourage the students so that stimuli can bring

satisfaction and pleasure.


The relevant of research byAtiaRahmah (2011) a student from State

Islamic University of Sultan SyarifKasim Riau, through journal publication on

12 July 2011by the title “Factors influencing students’ interest in learning

English at the first year students of SMUN 3 Rumbai”. The subject of this

research are the first year students of SMUN 3 Rumbai,The object of this

research is the factor that influencestudents’ interest in learning English. The

population and sample of this research were all first year students of SMUN 3

Rumbai. They consisted of eight classes. The total were number of the

population was 56 students. The technique of collecting data, the researcher

use questionnaire. Based on result of the research, the researcher found there

are some factors that influence students’ interest in learning English. They are:

internal factors (come from the students themselves such as physical condition,

intelligence, attaining, and readiness) and external factors such us family,

teacher, school, and peer. The dominant factors that influence students interest

is school factors.

The relevant of research by Desmita a student from DayanuIkhsanuddin

University Baubau, through thesis of legalization on Tuesday, 25 Agustus 2015

by the title “The effort to increase students’ interest in learning English at the

first grade students of SMAN 1 Talaga Raya”. The subject of this research are

the first grade students of SMAN 1 Talaga Raya. The object of this research is

to find out whether or not the teacher’s effort in teaching English at the first

grade students of SMAN 1 Talaga Raya. The population of this research was

all of the students class X SMAN 1 Talaga Raya in academic year 2015/2016

with the total number of population were 156 students. It consist of 6 classes.

The sample of this research was the first grade students of SMAN 1 Talaga

Raya, because the total number of population were 156. So the sample in this

research took 30 students. The technique of collecting data, the researcher use

observation, questionnaire, and interview. Based on result of the research, the

researcher found that the efforts of the teacher to increase the students’ interest

in learning English by opening the class with something unique. The teacher

give the question about the topic that will be studied through game or guessing

the meant material. Why? Basically, everyone likes playing game. By applying

the suitable game, of course the students will be comfortable in learning. In

addition, the students will get the points of the material easily.For example, in

learning descriptive text, the teacher can describe the features or appearances

of something. At the end, the teacher ask them about what the thing that he/she

meant. In the middle of learning process, teacher can give the relaxation for the

students even though only for a few minutes. In this moment, the teacher can

create something interesting. For example, creating the funny things, and so on.

In the last of learning process the teacher guided the students to make lesson

summary according to the lesson indicator. Then before going home the

teacher gave homework to the students which would be collected in the next

meeting. In addition the effort of teacher to increase students’ interest in

learning English such as build a harmonious relationship with the students and

the teacher should use some method in teaching learning process. The students

interest were in high interest category which could be seen by the numbers of

students’ interest that there were 1 student got very high interest and 22

students got high interest. The suggestion of the research that to the teacher

should use some method in teaching learning process to make the teacher

brought the material easier and also the students were more easier for

understanding the lesson and also the teacher should be more creative in

teaching learning process to increase the students interest and they would be

happy for studying.

From the findings that have been given above, the researher concludes that

there are many method to make students’ interest in learning English, one of

them is the teacher should be more creative in teaching learning process

likecreating the funny things and insert the game into learning processso the

students will be interested in learning English.


The initial state before teacher repairs of learning method, the researcher

found there were many students lack interest and attention in learning English,

like they were always disturb their friends, went to the toilet many times, made

noisy, got daydreaming, made a joke on their teacher performance and left the

class. This is make the researcher interested to know what factors that make

students lack interest and attention in learning English.

After doing interviews from teacher and students, the researcher found

there are many factors that affect the lack of interest and lack of attention of

students to the English lesson, one of them is the teacher are less variety of

method in English learning process. The teacher must be applying variety of

method in English learning process, so that students will be interested and

attention in learning English.

The conceptual framework in this research is shown in the following diagram:

Input Process Output

(The initial state) (Action) (The result after action)

Student lack Improve student

interest in learning interest in learning

Teacher repair of
learning method

Student lack Improve student

attention in attention in learning


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