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"Into the Woods": A Feathery Album

Roselle Olimberio

Battle in the Sanctuary

Aubrey Nativity Yangzon

Homing in on Melodies
Lady Angela Robles

Creation of a Masterpiece: The Passerine's Last Song

Katrina Garcia

Avian Vocal Mimicry: A Unified Conceptual Framework

Niña Mae Labitao

Non-vocal Sounds
Charlotte Pajares
"Into the Woods": A Feathery Album
Roselle Olimberio

Repertoires and Geographical Variation in Bird Song

I. Repertoires
A. Introduction
B. How do repertoires contribute to survival or reproduction?
a. Repertoires and Female Choice
b. Repertoires and Competition between Males
c. Repertoires, Individual and Kin Recognition

II. Geographical Variation

A. Introduction
B. Microgeographical Variation
a. Extent, Accuracy and Site of Song Imitation
b. Repertoire Size and Spatial Variation
c. The Functions of Dialects

Battle in the Sanctuary

Aubrey Nativity Yangzon

Function of a Song

I. Proclaim sex
II. Attract mate
III. Establish territory
IV. Stimulate and synchronize courtship
V. Maintain pair bond
VI. Signal changes in domestic duties
VII. Identify individual
VIII. Species identification
IX. Intimidate enemies
Homing in on Melodies
Lady Angela Robles

I. The Role of Ecology

A. Divergence in song and morphology

B. Habitat-dependent selection

II. Ecological drivers of song evolution

A. Habitat

B. Weather

C. Amount of light

D. Season

Creation of a Masterpiece: The Passerine's Last Song

Katrina Garcia

The Genius of a Bird Brain

I. Song Acquisition through imitation

A. Stages of Song Learning

1. Sensory Phase

2. Sensory-Motor Phase

B. Template Formation

1. Selectional Theory

2. Instructional Theory

C. Song Learning by Nightingales

II. Turning Imitation into an Invention

A. Variables of Stereotypy

B. Song Learning by Saddlebacks and Zebra Finches

III. Evolution of Vocal Learning

A. Why Imitative Learning might be lost

B. Song Learning in Sedge Wrens

1. Semi-Nomadic Lifestyle as a Factor of Song-learning

2. Effect of Song Learning on Mating Patterns

Avian Vocal Mimicry: A Unified Conceptual Framework

Niña Mae Labitao

I. Vocal Mimicry
A. Heterospecific sounds in avian vocalisations
B. Classical mimicry and the definition of avian vocal mimicry
C. Function
1. Interspecific hypotheses
2. Intraspecific hypotheses
3. Alternative hypotheses for heterospecific resemblance
II. Evolution of Birds Song
A. birds evolving from voiceless reptilesevolutionary advantage of the development of a song
B. Evolutionary Advantage of the Development of a Song

Non-vocal Sounds
Charlotte Pajares

I. Evolution of Non-Vocal Communication

A. Feather Sonations

i. Aeroelastic flutter, percussion, and wing whirring

ii. Whooshes and rustling sounds

iii. Snaps/Claps
B. Tail Sonations

II. Types of Nonverbal Bird Sounds

A. Species Specific and General

B. Functional and Non-functional

III. Conclusion

A. Song Variations

B. Function of Songs

C. Ecology of Song

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