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Mm. CChague pays dela région «un service Géologique ou un ministre des Mines ‘qui posséde de nombreuses informations utiles concernant Ia aéologe locale, TPhistoire de Pexploration et des mines ainsi que des information bres en provenance des détenteurs actuels de licence, Un bon point de départ est de Felice tous les rapport des précédens programmes "exploration. Cet inclu Jes rapport sbus des compgnies minires et les razportsinstiutionnels et gouvernement qui driven les travaux dexploration effetuds dans Te passe. Méme un rapport vieux de cent ans peut apporer une infomation utile Sur le potentelminie d'une région (voir paragrapbe 3.22). Les cartes. topographiques, géologiques et indices “mi disponibles & partir d'un certain nombre de sources: services Geologiques, forganismes de coopération internationale ou nationale, ONU, ete. Flles ‘constituent un out indispensable dans tout dossier d’valuation du potentiel ‘ane région, Grice a ces cates, des itements connus peuvent éecontrlés, des comparisons avec d'autres districts miniers peuvent ére effecuées Feaucoup de bonnes idées ont jailli de la contemplation dune carte sur laquelle apparat soudain une opportunité & laquelle ul a’avait pense ‘uparavant Internet spporte une méthode efficace et facile pour ebtenir des informations sur les mines et les maiéres premiéres. On peut y trouver une encyelopédie Virwelle comportant des informations sur un ensenble de suis igs a VPexploation ela mine, C'est une methods facile et fica pour rechercher Jes travaux effectats n'importe ob dans le monde. Le tableau 10 donne une liste de quelques-uns des sites les plus utiles sur le World Wise Web (WWW) sascepibles de Tourir des informations a quiconque soubaite re implique dans exploration ou Mexplotation mines. Certins de ces sites sont pyans, autres gratits.Chaque site peut prsenter des liens avec d'autres Stes d&diés& exploration et exploitation ; les opions sont presque sans limites si bien que l'excis information peut submerger le « surfeur». On prédit que d'ici & cing ans pratiquement toute information gratuite foncemant Pexploraion et exploitation sera disponible sur Internet. West important de sure les dveloppementsrécents d secteur minir dans la région, particulirement si il y 2 eu une mine dévetoppée pour la matiére premigre que vous recherchez. Suvre les développenentsminiers de cette fagon, lesquels devraient tre bien documentés, peut donner une bonne indication de + ladurée de développement d'un gisement, + Tecodt de développement d'un gisement, + quels ont 6 Jes problémes et obstacles rencontés par les mineurs et ‘comment is ont éx solu, + quel tres miniers on été accondés parle gouvernement et quel durée de vai, + quelest e context lipslatret fiscal de la région. a6 tour Cette recherche apporte une image globale de Mexploration et de Pindustrie minigre dans fa région choise et est un exeteice de bate nécesaire avant de franchir Pétape suivante du CEM, Résumé des techniques : Btape 1 Service Géologique ev/ou ministére des Mines. Documents publi + Anciens rapports d'exploration (y compris de més viewx ‘apports). + Cartes publiges. + Internet, + Développements miniers actuls ou récents. ‘TABLEAU 10 : ADRESSES INTERNET UTILES Information régionale ‘Mines 98 - Zw mines98.com ‘West ice. Com ~hp:/hmw west-aflca.com Alea On-line -hup:/ivwwafricaonline ‘AStca Info - hp: africa ino.hostcom/accue hm ‘World Bank -hup: ww. worldbank org United Nations ~ hap wan org European Union - hp:/ivew.europa.euintenlcommldgO8/couniry Beonomic Intelligence Unit -hnp:/snw-citcom Matizres premiéres World Gold Council - hup:/Amw gold org International Za Astociation - p/w a.com ‘AME - Mineral Economies ~hrp:/www.ame.com.au Roskll Information Services ~ Aap nw roskil.co.uk Informations financires et cours des matiérespremiéres Kitea = hp: /kitco.comigold ive homl (CNNFr-hp:/omsf.com Financial Times - p's fcom ‘Wal Steet Journal - nip: in s.com London Metal Exchange = hp.com Mines et exploration miniére Info Mine -hp:/ew. informe com ‘Mining Journal -htp:/www.miningjournal.com [Northern Miner htp:/www.northernminer.com Agencesspatites (Imagerie satelite) BNSC = hp/hve.opengovtnsrbnichome him NASA hupinwnaasa gow [NOAA (Global Programs) hip:/hewn agp noaa gow! (CEO (Centre for Fath Obs) ~ hap eo-win rel DLR (German Space Ageny) = Aap dir de! ACRES (Australian Rem. Seosng)~hrp/w.auslg govaulacre/ndes hme CCCRS (Canadian Rem Sensing) -hap:/vw.cers.nrcan ea! Tas (Ren Seuing Agency) ~hrpsshomnnre gv bn” [Aster hp astenee jp nasa gov ‘Avie ~ hima pnasa gowns. ham! SPL imaging radar hp southportpl nasa.gov 62__ETAPE 2: EXPLORATION DE RECONNAISS [La plupart des données requises pour I'sape 2 sont généralement disponibles auprés ‘Gu service Géologigue ou de la direction des Mines et se basen uss sur les données “unis Petape [Les données ci-aprés doivent étre acquises| les cartes géologiques (y compris les cartes d'indices miners), aux éohelles locales et gional, + es éndes gbochimiques ou géophysiques du pays, + es photos ariennes, + alist et es cartes des dtonteurs de ieences miniéres, + es données publiges des explorations précédentes. Ces données sont disponibles & une prix raisonnable auprés des agences fgouvemementsles de tous les pays concemés. La plupart d’entre elles ont été folleciées auttefis par les gouvernements Tocaux, parfois avec Yassstance des ‘ations unies, € la Bangue mondiale, ox de la Communauté européenne, ou par 18 ‘cooperation itegouverementale, Ces données sont de plus en plus fournies sous forme numérisce. Les données collectées doivent Eire interprtées par un géologue ‘PexploraGon miniée qui conduia une Evaluation régionae st I base de 88 propre txpetience de ce type de données pour détemniner ot Yexploration doit dire ntreprise. Tradtionnellement ce tavail doit Ere complété& la main, cependant si (elem une justfeaton technique et financire, les données importantes peuvent ee ‘onvertis en format numérique et ls interpeations géologignes peuvent re aides per les logiciel exploration géologique evou par des Systémes ‘information séologique (SIG). ‘Exploration de seconnsissanee: techniques de tesa exploration de reconnaissance implique une série de techniques de terrain Classiques entreprises par une équipe dexplortion généralement a pantir d'une base se terrain, * La cartogrephie géologique régionale. Teadtionneliemeat a une échelle de 1 25.000, uilsant des photos aésienes ou des cartes de base publiges si disponible. Ta cartogrphie complete. les informations collectées Tors de_l'évaluation ‘ionale et visualise les éléments caractéristiques du minerairecherché. + La praspecion géochimique régionale en rive, sol ow roches se rtalise ‘senérlement 8 une maille de 1-2 échanillons par km?. Tous les écantilons ‘éootés (d toutes les. tapes du CEM) doivent dre comectement déerits t Cnregistds aver précision lls doivent &reclirement posiionés sur une carte ou vee un systéme GPS, Cela cote environ 100 § pour calleeter un échantillon, fussi fru s'assurer que cet échantllon est correctement déert et achive CChague échantllon doit Ge trité ou analySé par un laboratoire réputé qui observe lestegles interationales d'assurance qualité (ISO 9000, et). *+ La géophysique aéroportée régionale, Traditionnellenent, Vaéromagnétique, Tékectromagnétiquo et I radiométie sont effects par avion ow helicopters, surout dans les régions éloignées. Le type de données collectées depend des conditions de terrain et du minéral recherché. De méme, Ia zone a explorer ‘pend de a mate premitre et du syle de minéralisation ‘+ La prospection es la plus ancieane et la moins avancée de technologies ullisées Potr le CEM, mais elle est ausi la plus importante, Elle correspond le recherche effective sur le terrain des roches mingralisées. Nombre des pls grands gisements a monde ont été découverts par des prospecteurs, dont beaucoup tient des locaux. Les gbologues experts engagent toxjours des prospecteus Jocaux dans leurs Equipes exploration. ‘Explomaiion de Reconnaissance, imagsrie satellite La décision «acquérir une image satelite dépend du projet exploration et du ‘budget. Une image satellite vendue par une agence spévalisce (voir tableau 9) cote centre 50D et 4 500 US §, en fonction dela taille et de échelle de image. Cela peat cotter ée 1 000 & 1 $00 US § pour titer Pimags, mais cela fourit une manne pide e précise pour évalver le poteniel minier d'une région, Par exemple, es ‘mages satellites peuvent Ere un excellent outil pour cartographer les alterations les sMrucures et Ia géologie générale associée aux gisements sans metre le pied sur le terrain. ependant, dans cerains c3s, ls photographie arienes fourissent la méme information et sont moins cheres& aqui. Liimagere satelite est paniculigrement utile pour observer des régions éloignées elles gee Ia corre des Andes en Amérgue dy Sud on eertaines parties de VPAustrie centrale ou de 'Aretgue canadien, ct elle a 6 utlise avee succes pout Tocaliser des systtmes mingraisés travers le monde ‘Syste d'information géosrapi toerahie. ive (Mineral Prospectivity Mapping, MPM) ‘Lune des manires I plus effieace et la plus économique de raccordr toutes ces inforinaion est ¢uiliser la technologie apportée par un SIG et la puissance «interpéaton do la Cartograpie minigee prospective (MPM), Un Systeme d'information gbographique (SIG) foumit un ensemble puissant outils pour reel, emmagasiner,récuprer, transformer et expose des donne sptiales «du monde rés: Par essence, uin SIG permet de visuliser det associations complexes de données soit comme une sie deealques, sit sous Forme de combinsisons de ifferents jeux de données, permettant, par exemple, de superposer une collie de données ‘ochimiques réentes sur une care géologique et sur une cate magnétique. A une échelle rigionale, les phénoménes glologiques tes que Ia localisation des gisrnens ‘minirs comespondent des points sur la cart La distribution spatiale de ees indices peut reassocige avec des unites gtologiquesspécifiques, des smactes telles que des filles et des contacts ou des caractrstiques géophysiqus.lndividuellement, les comélatcns entre ces carsctéristiqes ef les gisements peuvent éte fables, mais combinges entre eles, eles peuvent fourir des informations wiles dans la piiction des zones & explorer. Un certain nombre de logiciels SIG qui peavent te adalés aux besos a bureau ou du train sont disponibles, els Arcinfo, AreView et Maplin. La Cartgraphe miniée prospective (MPM) baste sur les SIG et informatique _apporte une grande comprehension & la fois des donaes géologiques disponibles et x mode glologique Ii méme, Cte méthode fonctionne en appliquant les Dropabilts satistques de découverte d'un ensemble pariuli Ue earatéisiques tonnes pour re asocige avec la minéralisation dans une région donnée aux pats inexplorges ou « portions masquées » de cele méme région, Les résultats quanitatils Clone! Mee ce. Gute tend Cuba CO). Giese pe ld inal (CaS), oud a copes Galerie Coe pe inn hone Dk gan ja sos ial a mn ‘Gomis Csr ipl ond n samara of mato. Girt Senn sate (BeALOd, ahd pen nwa sd ar gestons, Aland sare vty which ‘en ral ghd sell ‘SEs kya cope tte (C280, 21.0) which esr am serio rot af one ine nto Asam te ALO> To vas Sunny and sapere gests ASO wd in ‘chit moma cea yl fr Chi (Coo, Conan cnde Didtte Amine dying dient xls wes Vewdin tee decom, Dalle Carnage conte nes (CaNCO), rack spor! gel ene dk. ekcbe Depa se mins p wher ales wel evo Peta mnt Miwa py spam (CAO or he (ECD, ofen pcp! ax «ren of te Fe Goma stato ‘espa S wom sat sneha, KAO. li, NAS, OAS) wich ae SOR, ctr faints td Hesse rn Pogue Feliu sie oct nd ‘bie whe a lars mie feta pert Ae ‘lnwete Flue A meso the cnpaton Sv, epee pcr ofthe mages eh mene fener 60). That‘ pee a inet fe coup coxaning comin, sited with ataton fama Gate tea might miner 5) Sar et une cna town or edin clo, nn neu sod mete cl Geter Sites nel eft claprtn smn ve ae none mew eos ected on oe mir at pal semponet of ote ‘Spt Asay ocala eon ‘cma onthe ope econ se {inne oan ode mse (10), wd ose of aia {Guate Anauniim sis mel (ALS0) fad openly mesmo sas os ‘evonte& pec eso of rng Or own, nabs tua scoring yrs eric ie. “Magnetite A magnets iron oride Fe,0.. ee Mlethte& ees exhort inl (C9(08,C0) wih ns by aero oop sbi mines Merete ea meine! SS) Ig Chena patel fr maps Magpsan oe IEG Se A mean of be relative has of ney, on sl 11 10, whee es a hes of Lad ‘Eso stare. ‘ccm i nce (ALSLOWOH9 which oso mci ey aes apa, his a ter tai Mi Ceo Symbol Nie ‘tine Aste el wh ocr nant ok (8 1S10.) Snerhonte Ate tyra tre shay Top Ceebey Base ad Sone potent 1 Comal pte Lent Peis Citan ttn 2109, miner bie i coaon nse a ck Phone Arete sate ie Bo Plante mapa eco We fd nab rocks odin magnesia ich amore cs. Percmenie annetiine sn soon ch pe (TO) omtaning oe MeO ProckrctanA peer one mina mee Gey he fet noah whe viewed fon ie! iesons ‘oerpord a ‘Feder Bmp of inertia atl dren, sing poste ape. Drie tn nipae 3) ‘Brove ngs ssi unt Smo ath ress ine le rte Samoa! wc man rca ‘Brot Ans mips onc en mee. (at nner compress sean 50, -Refactiv Index Te rato een the vac of Ug israel andthe velo flip in aco, A Propet of mineral ent edn he identifeation [omtatedon A sicsde ism whose fies we parallelogram Soot Ale gre white eaceus miner wils a compostion snr a msoite, fe the pros of aon Scrpentne Common secondary mine ecuriag in ultamate ok ‘Sie Sion die, of wick the sal quarts on form. ‘Slicte Amine ang lng with oer cane ‘Simavite’An aint siete mite ALSO foraed by hihtempeanre metro of 2 laminin ich reelesch sale ‘Sbtonte Zine Cabot 2200) ‘Spalerte Zine pide mer (2). ‘Spina’ Orig mies which nay onan vile sours of ion, mags, hin, ais nd cro Tae Aso pate mera wih be general feral NgSLOx(OH Toate geo back pice minal (CLF) JAS) fea inbycoteral eit, Tourmaline Ste ier etn soa, shan ad bce Tromalite A whiter rey spol ine cnsnng easton on mages, 2 Chem eb fr Ze Genera Goolgy Aid Pricing tom ign rock cnsnng mor than 66 prot sili “Adomelte A coursed sod ppoos rock soa sppixintely el propoon of al pr and nits ly ‘colon Peraning to sodnens oso ref wind ton ‘Ate sk A cot pained tarp ek wid le la, “atse Desotng a gens rock hat realy niche in potion sn soa, “Ani Mate depose om seams. ‘Attn Recent sel wate nsf. “Anata Way of ea Latpeope “Amphibole Mtamorpote base ck. tical ck o da green in color, compel pedinaty f anise ‘esa cha homblen or ae “Andesite A yleae ok occuring a bth ede sen cs nd anche Yolen bls, “ands Of an geo ok al S260 See le. “iro Ss of wy wh ot for nal dson. “itn i nooks thats conve par with acre fle ks, “ple fein wld poms sk tha rater. “ehasn The oldest of the wo divine of he Pre Carin Ea de tan 2.50 milion yous go “rate clic suet ck “toe Sunstone cotining goats 25% ise “Gat pla oaton Flo paral othe if ‘aad Ton Formation BI). Chee wotinetary rk composed of Sly alemaing layer of sca nd rn oxide, fro ales or on enbonates ‘Basalt Fie rue vole eck with ses contn [Bement Tonos and meter cat te Ea nderyng dient depose. ‘anc Deseptive orm pind a gnousoks contingent rage of 3 peta a5 pe el. ‘asim A reo pent wbich ry be cal oh Batol are rsive bdo neous ek. Bedrock Sido undying ual epost Boulder ly A depen pail onan ge rounded Dunder. rect Rock amend no angaar componente. Catcreou Sud of ek nich eontine nea xt alert horzon ih incarnate yal foun a he as of bug ly Cap ineralpdwededlinetose Carboracour asl fa sedimentary rock contsning ogi material {Certonae A rin conasng etn ans eg ct (CAC), fa ock, ently sedimentary rock, congrbed Tag of carbnse minerals Carbonate An geno rock compose ayo xhonat minerals derived ro he mle, Crtoniferan Gzolagel erodaccuing bowen 450280 millon Ys 0 CCoielase Aerio rock formed by tense eso Comenaton Pcp fetal or slton yan exchange rent wit ste et Cast Frageot of pe-exising rock wii young rosk ‘Chases Semsatay rock composed of be nen of re-existing ek (Coal metures A sede soqencecntiing al depots, (Coa vig te same a Colmer Snr rock food he erating tgeher of water sounded pebbles Cont Rock Roek enelesingseieral depositor pets aso. Caton An area of ier granite ous Denngretiad Seid of ology fom wich magic mia have been senor ‘enuatring Expulsion o waterford Grin compact and constant rock ‘earth sp Horomal vent oa lt nw he pote side of he fu as moved te ih Diane’ Axeplesse pip and vlan: vet can, Diaton snes Lowe ror an sl fa st. Dip th aoe awh sat ie othe borat Dirplacmant Relive mavement of he to es 0 Disete Toran Aron ced mers singe ane Doiote A da soured fine mom pine ne muse rock cmos of pgs eda and pyroxene Dacmtizaion Te tnaernaa om meses dla. Ape faleaticn ‘Downtown Block The tack on on sd St ich ste ved devas esive to he rocks on te se Dole A oun ek rt cating be st ata at igh ae ‘ctomenta Fragments of og or rok explo ted daring vlenc upon EL Explorton teens Eccl Dijin off st pclae Fragen vlan rks of explosive fin, reworked by surfs proces “thor ha clang epost of snd or vel anne depose Ro auc vs “Eulalia evant cht sdment formed rs eras elas a submtine nvonmes ‘Euraie Pesan igmou sok te a be Er ure Faces To spot fk ont eactig the conions fs rig Fault Acheson which her ba een eave dpe f the wo sds, ‘ebe Deseoptve of light cloud ok comeniig a undance oop tal of lpr, quar and epi Felt’ ligt coloured eck coving a sha of lpr quarts snr pod FPorkret A hat comes, rz fe develope win ew ‘Forginus Coan he een. ‘Fld Abend in stor any pla Scare Foto A planar anngetet fetal ox rir ets aay (peo 03 ‘Povo! The suf ek blows, vein er bel of minerals Formation Mappa uit ck ‘Face Bre oocks de istense fling or fing Gate’ A Sas ynned afte 9 Composed of pyroxene ad aloe equ, sr in compontion See “Geode Round cavity in 0k fle wit obtaining rst commonly of qt ‘Goth ite of op colin ring rane composts ‘Gacledinent Seinen Spent i glacial erent eter dc fom eo fom ll melvaer “Gris Matai rok oes of ate oa ‘Gronte'A mi couse gine gra id sive ek ‘Grote fd eon fr cose pad rook resembling pan ranted A eld em or couse ged se mak emg pute. ‘ranarte A sone ssoe lac gnes rd, of ar sppeaanc 1 ante ‘Grama Faces Maange thigh peste dt pete exceeding 650°C [reonehi Low o mole tps tanec mies ssembige wise pc ince ren minerals Shite SGheontone 4 eld tr fr sero mac ad lana igneous ks CGrmacke Aye inde ssnan soning ct peey sorted pans of gaz, sar, and vk pment in ay ening Wall The as of ok above afl vein ob of mination, ‘ey moral Ay tera with est soba reste tun Gor or lpr ad estan rough sve in seu sodmen. Holocene Retin th period since he df te st ciation aproxinaey 10,00 yeas 50. Hom A fine totmeda gine fled sabe ockpeneally fermen cote metre aso Hetok Boa of ek to chloral eps or gects nsns Oe Iipdcshermal Deserve of bt mga emacs Heh in wae. ‘Igo, Ry oe at ve sid om en Sa ‘sea Unite, gia plc. Inclusion Fragen of oko yal carad ina aga from is source ae oom wal ak lag ce ph Ini A en of oder acs round by younger ok Inerfver Aree between dings canes “vemedite Peraning a rck whose conpeston He etwean tht fa and socks. “ation A ey ignore tinder er sk ‘omtone Aayick consnng veal propa on ‘iota Sudo gt od fst ch bods nbs a pre, Juri Pei ot Hats ery fom 14D 210 milion yas [etic or Pot Hemisphere vesel contracted of et ono sewed fr tagalog olen met “Kimber Aa gna ok fog acung in tuie tees pipes en common dimen Sein Tag” residual sovumaation of couse ld ek gies the mree ser removal inmate 9 wind ot Lampe An ignous rock of sini composton and origin okimbste but ecuing in a range of seins fom piston to vleame Eanpophore A bse igneous rock commonly coving Hae esl in a main ich nal ep, Unter’ Asal see a and sui cock, Sms athe ace by western i opal onions, “ons A gol deposit which stick inthe se nd int os “Thoolte Ata rock onsisinglgly fon with ome pone “its The are of fl whic a he pretest ra featur lsc). mete A sediment rok composed agel of he carbo mie alte (HCO). ‘am Uncinclsed ovetbden ‘ade Tabla esd of aluble mien between wel defied walls fou ek. ese Cle ch wind hon sede “Lower Palasane Pero in Eas histo bec 8415 ion ye ago. Mafe Desipiveof ets composed predomi of magnesium sed on eck eng iets, Magna Moten or semua gins ck agrate Reiing to he magnet propre of rack ‘Mane Toe emai lyr ofthe Earth Beneath he rast Marbc 4 cystine metamorphic toc compe lagly of cremate miners, Marble Metimorpooe estan Marie Fig gal mater econ o ling he paces eon larger gs opr ack Mesoite och of Ears history eam 650 180 on eas go ‘Metatigy The sy of roses ud nthe extn ont om i ot ack Metamorph Of ook tthave be etl wo heat nd esac opt nth Eas rt Mewmorphased rock at as boon sere by psa sod ehemes proses lvng bet ese and ined ‘sie Metasedimene Armetsmorpors cesinent ‘etasomarom A process whereby the composition of rocks chanel by prolag hih epee ids. eaolcnte Ofmetamerposed voles tock Mien Scho A metered sae conning shun css fitter mba ‘Micceows Coating of consning or pertain omic. Marte Very fine raed carbonate ud “Maroprabe Aw anycal mend iizing beam felons wich can be oes 0 itil eytals Mignatie Rock famed by pata ching os pre-exsting ock. Mik Lime A usps one nate, ‘Mobi Belt Algiers ofthe art's crs, rial these of ose which isk wee a met has ce deposed th a inderaoe ese efron and metaophe anche A ary af alain amproptyre [ponte Sie pane songs rook foo by intense bccaon ding Symi metamorphin, osquen A break ina geological sucesso sul uaoelormiy ‘pei The wan peo ge designed to extra nnracle o the rfhesle kn a o t nova stg peo scaring teen 50 035 rion es ag ‘Ongenc Penn to nin bing evens in th art his) ‘cop An exponre of bicker fhe prod ‘unio Ante of Younger ck sured by lero (utwash Ceael nnn depose by hcl mela seams, ‘erburden Material which vee epost of se ail. (ride Minerals Miers produced by asta! Wearing process ao nea the xt rice, (ride Ore meal eserves cnprised substantially of ose mipoae. ‘rida Near uric decomposton by exonite oth stoped ound wat Pelornoe Epoch of Earthy fom 30010 600 lia yexs 3p. Polosurfics A red sae of te poop pst eat Autl epsit of tly Second vege mater, pc dcuring i cold empeate mae. Pogueite Very couse rained gone rok whch cononly cris as eyes tn grate nasoas.Tonms by {clsto of enteral Go igh epee aqueous ids IT A tem ued to dsere te hyogenon ey of ayo eae of salon acid or satiny. Dipti A retaneptic rock sir bt corer gine hast end wit iy swt on lenge srs, PlorieAnulabase rock contig sone pagel fli Pipe Vera ail nie by Phton age by gear ok food bent te Eads cic. Pho, An inv yo usc Pabmiste Conglomerse een) rocks composed of eve diet ek 9p. ‘Pips Ack ih compicbosr esas nse pated ounnase ‘Precambrian Refer toe pro i Earth's istry betes S70 mon years ag ‘Proterari Theyeange of be oo vison ofthe Pre Cana Es 810-250 millon ea 8 ‘raxmal Fomed orate er the ou ae, Prarie Meterphosed sade urate Asso h tanorpbi rook forme ko sandstone. ratory The pod the Br history Bowens 18min yeos age nd the preset nung the sa an ‘tlc pesos [Rete Peed of Earth's his sn th at git, ram 10,00 year p01 the present Recumbent nappe Atype of ed Replcencn "Te ovo of pct sinslneou scion sod deosion by which a ine may gow nthe ‘ey of m i ine ovorked Fectontcly Ofrock rel by deformation process Aigo: Foe gain! ae pens ok [yay Down ad wlley fed bythe doping fa lock ofthe Far’ cut betwen 0 ok oe Tiers ‘irdone 8 edimentysock oly composed exenally of san-szd gure pas ‘Sipe he iesey west aod aed near-sfce one of bere veloped in wopicl aid chiles ‘Ske Amano rok wih = iyo fled exe ‘Schnoy A rook etre sonsing of nered srargaes of ly miners ‘Steond Over Som Asa sed by Be Meng 0 or ote sore seams, Fistor steams be no ‘boar nl octuret ebend of ream astens Shima nck Rocks formed by crpacn and cementation of sient ‘Saimnt Sos tel Soh miner nd organ ht a suspen eing amore rhs been move om i Scorn by uz water or eso a come fo reo he ars uae wih oboe below sexe ‘Simple A ttanorpoeed emery rok comprising pproxnatly al anous fly and iat ‘Simtnriogram A pap wed smale he pt Varition a i, ‘Shale gained nated secon. ‘Sheor (ane) Plane fee a ad by of rock. ‘Sheen ove spon Cree dept ante 8 eet five Hoodia and spending sediment ovr «wide aea od the ver Shane ‘Sho easing shallow-water marin ton, Shewour Descrptve f wk coming se. ‘Siete Seen! le bythe py! breakdown fsa ok. Sicjsaon The proces wr big tock mira ae chenialyeelaced by varios fom fsa which tener aden hock ‘Sityiad St fa oki whic orga nea ave been laced by sic Sit Atabelr shtick which paral othe lana str he suroundng rock. ‘Stuone Apical yee sd gay rock smpoved of ods lta pais. Stren Goole pid occuring bewece 481 395 millon Yeusag0 Sua! diplcemon’Hoseonal movant oa fi or searaone, i wich the oppose sie ofthe sce hs move othe let ‘Shar Gl dopss eu fa th yoteral ntact hot scare magus oor imebering sedimentary ‘Sagraphic Pein to rocks of generally layered natu na geome ome sense ‘Srungraply Comparison deol of sated eck nth Ea rs Sere trou deco seted ofbe ofrck os papel starr. ‘Src Petnng oslo sree ‘Stsalse Consinisg all amounts oem Supe Aantal) compound ‘Sora! Perining a he suc fhe Bah ‘ete a emote igmon k coming <2 gi wish if stl pr pach pr ‘Syeline Am upwardly conse fl of ack formton Terai renorked Ofrks lasged ydeartionpocsee Terry Peo of ahs history fo 651028 lion Yas 0 Thomal metamorphic auroe Meta ek foe rund goes ok ding emplscenen Tiras A saloa-iping compeessonal at wich ks se placed over ety lp riots. Dil holst compote of odd gman ns lay ik mats Tite types conglomarse with lat ld iy mati, fone tail slime. Tourmatze Said of sock wit igh nara sone amas Igreoe rock of anv with ow sie cote. ‘Uncnformty Loko parler batecn rock strain quis coc cated yan akin sdnton, Upson Block The sks on ne eo ak which ave rove wpa lire oh ook a oir ie Yoleat’ Deserve of rst onigiing fom ola v9. Yoleanogine Fomed sa esto wocesses ltd vole avi Yolomogene Maun Sudpide "h ce of masive or socimatie shi deposits hse ia vleanc ot ‘omit ols “oval A rook gmt an genus rock derived om its sore replant wl och ing wt Replonl Golgi Terms Allowed Bods Liesones dat og ie Ue Doane “cralaceos Boca Linastoe(ABL) A uy ooo ene uty he Wastin Leone ‘el Said Tage en of Arcee Fels exposed In Norway, Sweden, aaa and Neto Ras Binion “The lowe (olde) vison ofthe Late Ely Preleron rks a Chara The ian sonoembly ‘oven by th upper division nga aown a Ghana sth Treva, ‘Clodonian A detain eve whch feed ols a NW Earp nthe Lowe Palace Ea ‘Dabaion A soap of late Pre-Cambrin o Cavin rocks, mostly selina pd general metamorpboned © some ‘dere, cc Scand and Nord ad Wea Telnd ‘amd Zambian tern ergo ack clays oud is low yas aid ses, formed by depen in pak oe amps. Koowa a bga ie Tezan “Taro canna Pa fe looses wher col knees were beer developed TKawo Sequence of rekso uncon o Meson ngs defn nse Ale Kind! of ea win ae Vier Golf ch eco evei ie ‘Mga Tani ea rearing t ack clays and in ow vn emir aes, fro by dopo in pales ‘eamanps Known damon Zab Namaron Name given te bral Upper Ctbonifeoss ‘avon Bods Lins nd oon wich eis bos Za 9 micron, (id RedSondone Nae given colina faciesof Upper Devon = Lower Cabos age ‘Pon diricon Orgony Deen cv eds satan Nien whith ecco 950 ed 320 ion yy ‘Pyrite Blt A sequence of vlene a sedimentary rocks south Spin ad Portals frit pyrite orebosies. balan Upper Gomes dvi of be Love or Ely Passe ck Omens se Upper Delonte Name gen high magne cabot rock ype the Cosy Kilda. Menivrtan Limestone The oc ptt st ter Sieh sans ‘eaphatian Name ge othe i Upper Carboniferous, Minera Proce, ‘oro ch cbs ove mai leptin with eta iy “i hy lag an of svn ee opis oss of mare ny “ion The don of metal orally tater tl oly ‘atcgeour Sop y he em bing posed in ve pie roving own Self sing ot Bock mgomaton Arete of wien wed in pai wich compre iu form ae or ple with Sees Towle on or ns Bld To remove id fom a onspr under onl cds dough ave oo ‘Bruete' bck of mutes orm by Hing ine sence geht uae: pesre oe Wh he te of ining ‘Menace ‘Tuteonenrats A concentrate which otis sigh propor of 0 of more mies ‘Baton'® nla bl orn seh ecko ingate toy conan ve or gl Fis produ roma race ‘Bunting Vctring a srage aren wthina wal oro proen teecape of ecole substance. Calms The pod of osing coer. Ging The rion of an cj so nat Sasa Shape bythe soliton ofan meta in aul Code The negate slcaode ian esha el tbe pore metal prac om an loin oe ‘Scrowioning pens ‘Coconrte The cle pout, with ih coesntation of ne pacer mine revere rom an oe sing mineral Spat econ Condenser Anny vente fo ilinon si hat constant condenses apr. ‘Groen Unig ie openings iting aco seo an rebosy ‘Gral'A il po motte teal na covet extn stan {Grdson A rose of entotng om go-erng maple y lacing With Cyan soliton. ‘ris Lange mine pein parallel the she of as orto. ‘Dress An opal tone, formed on hese of aml meta Drasing’ poses ued ia tonfeogn poms fr removing sal oxi depois on he surice of 4 oo eal “latrowinning Exton fetal fm Slutn by ancestries ‘hase A tin of abe spss removed Fora blo absorber ster! by washing wih a hemi slion 2 Elearning. ‘Erection Nall peoces ein with the wining of meta rom rs ceil compounds sing ny stable ‘nxtomeutgie yrmealiungel rslvonctaluesl meted. However, cen cosicred 0 De te Pinay sage ‘Tae texinent in wich gage mteraiare dcr and vale oes prt. ‘emte Compound (2x0 Fe) fond ing rosing of spite ats sole in coo, wek spre acd (°C, 159. Fire Paticulate water consinng fs ples gered by condeanon om he seus sate, gener er ‘oluissio fom lel ube sod em acces by a ceil ection, achat xian Fla austen orto prot he ling of cal or migra ‘ep Leaching To entcton of me or tre by spying ete aid over raps of or Inarmcite pacar to desires proach requester processing Tov Etchonge che rxdion whch mob bed ans of soli ae exchange eae fr equal or ‘ona ike care in shtion To Shang Resin yi sae in the form of beads oe pellets th an combine or exchange ions wih 3 ‘olin. [ching The solving, by ol solvent of lube nna fom it mine with an noble soli isoving {shiners or mens out ofthe or {DUE Grad t Copp Leton Mel Exchange Grade A Cope istaken ting equi o BSOI7: 981 u-Cah2 ‘nhc stad pre cao opps contig mim of 98.90% copper wah a aximu of 0.010% soa Shes mex of 0.00% led and betta ampurtes (excadng river and open dont exceed 003% ‘Maver aly An alloy ih none or moe dene elemens, pre-aloyes fo tin homogensation, which on being ado eres erceatagef he dsed consent. ‘tae poset of meting compesng an lpr ea aphid ature made by meng bie oe. lock Wasa rok served fem iin Nowcontacing coling Coling im whch he cooing medivm doesnot cme into det cnt with he Hem Bing toc ‘nro soon List based upon on enc om DPeted Colng Toner tomes pched with ber stance a frm porous bed ough which hsp anda ad oxting es ow cotnercurensty ig Asal na. DPrinaryProvesing Covers al stages of processing of ere, es, mates, erie mets a sys, pring tals gene commercial ay. aol sand wit age sel apa works which can be comin ouch prio poace ein ings or om, ‘Geescnr Nota, ot bling or mised ‘Rina tn solve extnctio th dha emis er weaent wid seleive solvent, Iecoery ‘The oporon ofthe deel meal ted by processing ar oe, tctl baring wade or mixed sp. ‘Gosycuy dengue rom extaton, Can lobe edt esrb a proses of reusing elo ally 8 toni melo esl onion Reining Toe prison of ert or impure meta alloys. Usaly api opertiospefomed afer crate eve btn exacted foe rs or om enna sp. Refactory Uavng aver ih meng pit [Ropacny Meats wid EXTEN Nigh meng pots ad which te ut woe exept ery mph ‘empress th oad sos ler tomes wih ling pets sve he age fr FCO (eg W, My TN, avy. Resulsr npure met formed bees he slug ing seing of oe. Report wo Brenly uns seers th deco n wich an lent peed in amet eon ‘esoron Dilton of eal aed upward ot oi way Be within a aga easng The besing ofan oe of conscoate o effectsome hea cane nich wl cae selig. Unsly ‘pled fo teeing of sulphide sian cal smoypororamoe spre ide, ‘Strabig Removal or washing ou of etaied li pls o stor the removal of a deste a5 component ‘fom poss pu sesame Sccondary Processing The production of hgh purty ar beh quali salsa alos invaving one ot more of secondary refining, depo, remeling,aoying abd fag The fed meals se pary nl, loys td recycled scrap. Mes cast ier shape, ng fr orto col roan, seme to oer oie fas ina ol bar, it ors sab ep. ‘Siwer'A boa mas famed by hetingmithowt eli, coment oa mito oneness. ‘Sinning Se Dosing ‘Stag Anon meta produ esuking fom th ateaton fx opis in te smeing ad refining of metals ‘Stine (Ano) gud shy of vey ne psy laments bring the reo he sod orig ese rig Sting, Thema fson and reduction ofan ore or sncente With «suitable x wo produce «mele ag and an Sah Furacion The sepuaton of mes by sleve solvent ston. Some mata ar mor soil n pric Selvent nd hece hr isa pfeil exacts ‘Spt A rar of empress ostmonier ean om the smsking fri eb Par perblion 1000 ition, ‘em rs per millon (he samen rams pe tone ANNEXE It ‘TECHNIQUES D’EXPLORATION : EXERCICES PRATIQUES. (EN ANGLAIS) Pariet: probes esplotion Partie I: quelques solutions propostes CDE Guide to Mineral Exploration PRACTICAL EXERCISES ‘Using the information you have boen given in the exercise sheets, and withthe ad of: ‘noes inthe Guide to Mineral Exploration, + instevctons on filling out the Project Application Forms, snd maps attached, Complete the following exercises on the thre partially completed Project Application Forms: Exercise 1 + Complete the boxes: 4, Current Development Stage, and 6, Outline Objectives, Exercise 2: + Complete the boxes: 2, Work Planned, and 15, Investment &/or Techaicel Support Require. Nee accompany exert + Rorama Sandstones (2 conglomeats) of Guyana aud Amszaian Bl tows ctl made. The {along sequence TArehaen Kimber 2) Reweed inn Provo Roan conglomertes 5. Reed a paloma Dyes ny ct aa rer cuting upstream tp fr damonds. (Cant wc te: cats contred srmalus and woud mes fallow, 1 Nemo ocgaas rom fl fear we atonal wed ase mes? Colour eles purity (pink arty due Pa) State CGeovig epartor Visa re) sorting Densy(.9 ket) ‘Ao we BANKA dling - pipe trough gravel wih bun apa wit aap va, or entcting pave fom 7 Comin Far aia THE XXXXXX DIAMONDS PROJECT 3 Mineral Commodi Carrel Development Sages Atal amends |S Location Tua 10° 40N ;ongtude 8 5007 in 2000 Rivornea the vilage of 00K in the Eastrn Provnos Caine Objectives 7 ie Deseroton of Proper iamnse Rave be kn nthe gravel of the Upper 2000 fr canes. Tere ae artsana trovlings nthe are a present. They peotuce numerous 900d uly aamoncs, especialy tr riny ow Roods, Tho vey overt km wise and danendshavebeen found fr sway om the Wer. ‘Seo hve also been feund in fas on the noary iso, Aropr bythe Geological Suey says hat pi bale herve gave 40S caralcu.m. of goo quali diamonds n gravels Pat are fom thick, The ‘ir comes irom on area were there are Roma Sandtenes whch are Known ocean ond {he Geological Survey roport azo sayehat nth Fulaba region to the rst thre are cular strctres ‘hich may be kinbarits pes, The area was examined by gelogis om De Bers in 1975, T Resear Base or Potential “ey 0 patna er signee resource 3: Mineral Property igi “Tan f covered bya fam worked bythe X far. Chie2000« she paramount cin the etre Tc Taasrocere © Labor ‘Theres major toed 200 km fom the Capt th lage 02000 ‘Theeary wage of9000 has many very experienced mines Cops of roport bythe Geological Survey onthe results rom the pi, 1988 Wocan gst copies ofthe repat by De Boe’. ker [Faroficate oh 2. Project Name ‘THE XXXX DIAMONDS PROJECT Mineral Commodi “Carrent Dvlopmeat Sage Alva amends Reconnaissance Explorbon in Distt Follow-up n 3000 = Location Latte 10°40N ;longitide &° 50 in 1000 River naar the village of XXX in the Essie Province. Oise Over 1. Reconnaissance in whole set 2 Extnlon miner righ 5. Systematic camping to estab resources ‘4 Socur joint venture uraing "Diet Dacipion of Property Biamends have been knawn inthe graves of the Upper200% for canto. Thor aro artisanal worngs Inthe aoa t proven. They produce numerous good qualtydlsmond,eepedly fier rainy season Roads “ne vally i vert hm wide and demands ave been found faraway fom the ver. Some have lo been found ats onthe natoy hile. A ropod by the Gealecal Survey says that apt beside the ver gave f10 53 coralcam. of good gusty dlamonde in gravels thal ae 10m hick. The ar comos fom an area ner thera ae Rerama Sandstones which are Krown to contain darends, The Geclogs! Survey report tbo says that nthe 2000 region othe north Bere are cela stutures which maybe Keep ‘Ie ares was examined by geologists fom De Boers 1875. Reuse Base Alor Potenia "ery good potent fx sgnifeant resource 9, Mineral ropes Riis {alana ie covered y a farm worked by th X000K amy. Chie 00XKIs te paramount chin the Ti Inrantractare & Labour ‘Theres major toad 300 kn fom the Capito he vag of 100 ‘The neary vlgo of XXXK has macy expeineed mines |x, Documenta Weld Cope ofthe ropot by the Geological Survey onthe rests em the pi (1888) ‘We can gat copes of th oper by De Beers. TE Work Paoned Form 3 company an acquire prospecting right EL planed pending positive res, ‘Bash camp and sear foi Cet previo data aerial photography: recomaisance exploration & sang Coops sre odtrmine ses of rane ‘Slo drilig tet geology of totam {nerf pcm apart 190m ong Flan dead work (e.g fl pl) define mearare serie "aves! Aor Tesi Suppor Regard Losi Comp etablahment labour, asin, eile heart pa ap enced Sato ‘Desk utes (spre) Cons & Project goles Geophieaconractor ‘6 ome to ctablak noted Resource Toa Requirement US $500,000, Te Fun already spent 15: Promoters out hat {heft upped by mes a accra representation ofthe el poet ese in peered oneal te inaermationconseing hope sll oe pe sgn nd, te eal et snd ath oropcen he ro iy upto wih petal vss Siow: ‘Dae 148 Name "Pasion Manager Ttomiqs DOOR [orafciae anh 2 Project Names ‘THE XXXX GOLD PROJECT T Mineral Commodi: “E Carat Devlopment Sia ole ver {atiode 11°.S0' Longtade 65%, in Northam Province, aout 260 km N ofthe Cepia icone ae erounds XXX Ving, © Oatine Obj 7. ee Desetipion of Proper lgance aes covers 175 eam. oer he Northen Province Greenstone Blt. The Belt conting Semenlary and vleani rocks Simian ago. Ravonaissance explain bythe UNDP in 1876 Fighlotted tee areas of anomsous gold values in sls called 100K Norh and X20 rospactvaly. These ‘rere aradeofsxkmentsin contact wah basi oleae slong a Shear 20Ne. Two samples fom a rock futropn 20 retumed ana vias oF 20 9h and 12 9 Ad. Resour Base Aor Poenia orasaureee have been measured, The 20% Rivet Gold Mines 3okm along ake o tho north to {ssocated in a shear zane emir 9 tat nthe XXXX Area, an Haefore te ea ha the pial host an economies doposk, 9; Mineral Property Rigi Exploration lanes na, 463 granted to XXX Gold Mines Lid, signed by the Minster of Wines on 24407, ‘ld for bo years wth posit for renewal fortwo fro periods of wo years eae ‘Ago ntworofatrite roads ad AWD ex nthe area, 3900 Vilage son th mln rad from ne ‘atonal Gap to he Prouina Capita ofthe Norther Prevnce. Local pople have ome sil Sitisanal mines. T Dosumenaton Held ‘Reporte "Geology an Prospecting inthe Northam Provinee” UNDP, 1876. ‘Geological Survey 17100000 map of the Norham Province. CCrteat of anal of rock samples, OMAC lboratoio, Nov 1997 Gigi! exloraten eence doconentinctuding lation map. Th Work Paneed 1: Tvesnen ior Tochnieal Support Reque 1 Funds already spe TE Promoters Llcanee seqistonpraininary inspection | 300% Ga Nines Ltt and samping_ $25,000 PoBor 122 won ‘ie infroaoa supp by mea accurate aod crepes ofthe minal poet described, Ti pepe om al i formation concemg ths pop salable tthe poet naz an, ie egal it ary reece nym pol is Name 100003000 TilePoston: Managing Doctor T.Cesntrg Fas iat 2 Project Name THE XXXX MINERAL SANDS PROJECT 1 Misa Gmoiies |e mn Deon Sas alioge 112501; Longitude 815. In Nother Prone, about 250 km N fhe Capt: cence areas ‘simounds OO Vilage Olan Oana 7. Brit Dargo of Property cence aoa sovers~ 9's ove the coat dune and beach sand complex at200X Beach inthe Nortom Provico. A discontinuous ne of coastal warps es Botwoen the dunes and gandbeaeh and th "at land area which Is covered by scrub and coconut plrtatons. The aaa was surveyed by an American ‘company in 1982. Wlrkcomated included 17 lnes spaced 000m apart with pis 00m apart and 2m {iep. Two ail oles, 40m and 60 m dep, were also sunk ‘The acjacont property othe south aval or opon. Prove omer ert nina mie ance of 11009000 nna (1101 and gag ry minorle oa Gopth of 2m. The pay zone ert closed of and dil inacalascoesceable lone mer poet a op 9, Mineral Proper Ripe Exploration cenee No. 491 was granted 2000 signed by the Mister of Mines on 12/17 val fo two years with postiy for rnowa fr tw frerpeios of bro years each 3000 alse hos an opton to purchase the rghsin te adjacent area ote south 300K Beach 250m fom the Copia and 20k om he Pron! Capa. Arcos by ND racks a ocala, Copia of reports on Exploration of he 000K Basch Sand, 1680 to T8B8, XXXX Cop. Lid. Orginal of he Licence documents TE Work Panne Ta averbnent Kor Teco Sapper Rage cance and eptonaequsiton wx $900,000, POBoe 48 Yoxoe Ts. Detaration [ewan thee ‘The nterstion spied by me son acute and fe presntion of te mineral rjc deere, "a pepred to sue lhe fomation concer ta property vale the poet opin "ave hog pts aha to present spose ny goin ih posta nest Sigur a 19/198 | Name. 000 TilePostion: Nanaging Director TE Work Manned 1, rid iting ants by Pereusion oF RC ing) 2. dat semping 20-509 3. lt proc (posit Austra” $4) evecare as Sareing Sud Mak Mining Css in se: Tnete $300 Procesng SI ale $3000 ‘tnia Sit Zircon $5008 aksotSand~ 5 SG 22, Minera 20 pn Ti Tnvestent Alor Tec apport Requests ‘ehnical Sampor Read geological and mining consults, ech gl rar (GOW pa ~ < 385000 ems pr wee) TE Promotes Llesnee and option acquisition oon ‘$00,000, Po Bon 48 Noe Te Desa eat ht “Thr inforton spied by me an ccrate nd hi repeseniation ofthe ina projet dese, Tam rear re al entrain concer hs propery aval te poet ganized The tee ght and tony torpor nan hegutaions Wi peta ves, Siti Dat. iar Xeno 2000 ThlePoson: Managing Deter ANNEXE IV LISTE DES CONSULTANTS EN EUROPE ET EN AFRIQUE, (EN ANGLAIS) Exploration & Mining Consultants Asean Mining Coasoiants Li 136s Miah Road POBox 2806 Kiewe zane Ps, 42902211108 Fax = 2600211108 Aled Contig Glos 1 2a Ranelag Road Debine rl Ph +359. 497 7502 Fa 35314865166 (Cats: Gnorge no teil Dredging & Maing Servies an Vitees 182061 The Nera Pp, +3129 0688 Fax 31233 66948 (Conc: W- Reamer AMRS Ghana Le Poon ese sa Lemans Fac + 29921291382 ‘Cott Bl Babs, [BRGM GMI (Gelogie Mines Inemaiona) ‘Avene de Sano BP ois Ptsn anes Fax 232 oases Conact: MZenger ages {ise de Bie Seignesrsae Brine Ales Opsaia 21 Belg a, $3223891120 ac 4322349 1129, Conac Pie Goossens Prats Paleomenade 314, SSIS AD Den Hang The Neberande Ph. 31703647909 Fax 31703633991 Coit Mt Vincent Chidore CSA Afren- Exploration Services poner siai Dare Salar Ph + asssiienanis Fax = 2551150112 CSA Constants Pras) "Se Clon Han 79700 Conta Ste Honorine nce P33 19193809 ae33 134909716 Conca Pee Tausue (CSA Exploration & Mining Serle CSA ioe {67 Dun Busnes atk, Windy tour Daatin eled Ph + 3531 296467 Fax 3531296076 Conc: Jat Gowen (CSM Associates Limit +44 1209 1774 Fw 441209710893 (Conct Nick Cake Department es Snes. (atzndouge 0 riverside Oungadogon, FAST [7021 Onsgdowsce i Terre, 09 BP 88 Po, $266963038 Conic U. Wenmengs DRM Sart Nawey Nate Phem7 70% Foe 422775204 Contac Man Bonbcar arogonarvess ReeBreyel 1040 Brel otc. Ricard N Ames ‘oan atec La Reps iowe Sa Leoon Road “wicker TW 50S. oK Po. + 4 181607 9656 Fas ad 1816079777 (Conte Mtn! Shr brae ras ‘bin 1 Chee ie mams229019 Fax 205 222687 (Contac Me Gey Lelogeny bras Lamba Bem Rep. Congo Ph. 322768081 Fac 32266 406 (Contact Mt Kitsgy Mazesbe GeaConnt OnBe sie2 (gadougo 1 Burkina Faso Mh. 4226361914 ax 226361914 (Cont: Yaya Kotsoube Geocontract Beton Power sss Gavan cont: Mec Mabe Genco 1d Consing ‘ne a lt 30 A eal PO Bon 5081 Tata Pb. 200233596 ax 260264482 Conit: Me Ne Money Gen Techaeal Comslting Serves Lid ot 1557 Pang PO ox 2101643 ‘Gatorne Pb, 27327019 Fax 261327903 Geawissesehftn Und Robt Poach 5101 3 D30K8| Hanover Germany ‘Conact De ng. eesich Wiel upemens& serie de content BP 7218 ‘Ab Gated oie it 225220019 Pax +225384529 1. Generate ds Mines ARoUt Bp se ocalabat pram 2s6i0 Fax 222256320 (Cont: Managing Dietr Gevconstt Universe Eduardo Mondlane Deparment de Gesbais Maputo Moramiique Ph 2se 493377 Foes 2581493377 (Ct: Meo Mat Golole! Managemint Conulteney Services, Nova No- I Abela Rend, Tenn POBox 172, Lessa Ghana man ame Fax 222129841 (Cone rsa Vltou Groeum 2etie me Deal ba ss Pre Pat 3385284991 Fax 2383410282 (Comact 1C Se Gotce Aten ce Denker Haas Miceli Stee, avis Wind, um Ph.+ 264 61 2299 Fax ae061 200093 (Coit Bra Seaman Geotech-Consute SARL. Brisk Daan Segal fsx 2218274095 (Conte: Met Fall Graniter and Marble Co. Lid PoBo et Ph, +2382 767355 Fax #23321 24 155/506 238 ‘Cota Mi Face Bama itch Asocates Lmtd (metllorgy) Te Mie Coat Caste Sent ul NeHumberse U1 173 8 rota anzanins a 4 140 210189 Ph. + 26461 2250400 (Conte Me Alin Sone Inernatonl Mining Contents Le endo UR mtn @D Fase D7 0 Instat Pottechaiy Makarenko es Grego Jose Med sande nol Pa rauea 276 Fae2at 2321685 (Conic: ee Ievesteonsl Led POBox Tt KeteeNtorCout [Bt lagpendence Av Ph. 267300092 Fas 267300780 (Conse fr BK. Thesis res Best Ph. 223224006 Fax 223228007 (Comsc: Me € Palo “Iy Miner Serves Ltd Boe Comal R48 02 ue Pht 6 gra ts Fas rad isto Lambe Const Soa Ace ax +2711 403 005, (Comace De Wied Lome Maina Le Gio Pht 241761071 Foe + 241724500 ‘Coit: Me Rape Mobi Matera and Assoats Teka Avenue Chnicombe Ph-2634sra285 Fan 2634573258 Neb 360 11203568 Contac Me Seven Matern POBoco03 Bonar Sees Devon Pas 2ss612085 Fac 25561 20005 ‘Cot: Mamie Z. Mba Mindsacom Ld Mining Coats engolongo Rl POBor S87 Ph +2601 238581 Fac +2401 280225 Conte DA Bown ‘Minera Development Unit {Geologie Sire a Mies Dep. Poses Erbe Upiis Ph 25640 20889 ax +2562 20368 (Coc Me ota T. Tani ining Burkina Lad omar Oaagadogon Bockina Faso Ph. 226370578 Tei mesia6ss Contact Me Bango atk 200 las Stor Dove Private Bag 305 andar 2128 Parma Bae 27 117952813 Comet Me A.M. Edvards Parka Congas 1 Fr Coane Biking Ingepeience Avene PO or 978 Wathck Ph +2641 28 28 Fas 26461226978 Conte Mr Vi, Sonar. Wiis ankle Mining & Fag. Cu Lid ier Consul (Seal ele Mining) Powe sos Cons zen Contac: Mt West B, Some ‘alunga Lid. Robo 6st Yaounde Ceara Ph, +237 21689 Pax 237201772 (Contact: i, Enns Kelengs Maat Dertopment Corp MDC House, PO Boe 56 ‘iy Jats oad Bmore Naawt Ph +255 20100 ac 26560588 Comat Me Gaia Mating Minera Devebpment aterationa Ld Bolen 6 Biter Ke) Denmark Ph easaseo000 ax 454841820, Mineral Resource Services Ls Poboc ant Mau? Po. + 265 265 Pax 265 S02065 Coma Me eon D. Megha Miner ‘A lie Suse Magus 52820 ‘dae ‘Moraine Ph. 298 1 2266 Fas 25812069 (Comsc:Me Atsos Porporoy Minach iteration Bea Datar Sata ma. 4221 6210077 ax 201 210278 (Comace Mr Mik Fal athnal Direct of Geology Myo Morubique pa tass Lame Favase tle (Conc: Ms aia Monae ‘oberon Bescrch Minera Limited Moshe Busines Pa (Chaye L128 tk Ph tae 1499 ssn Pax ab ennsaons sapemeu POBox 31999 Toma = Zambia Put 2601250083 Fax 260125209 Comat Mt Choa Joka Cod Pe +206 316555 ‘ats 260310072 Contact Maltese Jon Laple SKM Conting Associate Li PO Rox iit) nat Zante Pm 2001 230512 Fax 260235687 Comic i, Silane Menehaye UK Pua ini ga7 is Fa 461715157088, 1a Societe Nationale Indl et Minere ocsdhibon Montana Pa.220 745290 Foe 48006 Coat Manning Distr Soden: orerans ‘Aiton Cates Ph +2254 2990 440821 Pac s205 440821 (Cec: Mr en Liane Man Cait Sofremine ‘SDruede le Repbigae 53513 Mone Coa Phas 1 aeaeoo0 Fax 33 Lassei0 (Comat MM Mae Ina Guta Bo Rae Vilenve S08 Loin Ph san 29mna3e +33 297800209 Cmtce Me Pano Lard Sten Robertson and Kirsten (SRK) Lid 510 Wino ace Cans CP 38% oR Pho. 1200235566 Pe a2 340828 Ioveraoral ouse Doverace ‘ahd, Keak TN2S TEX Po.4 4 1233 016350 Fan at D3 6995 Terracona Ontevetaan 2738-2680 Mors Ante Pa323.448 08 65 Focsa2sais00n ‘Conic: Lae Robo “Tecnomina Palma Hand Made, Lat Ph 25h 1490682 Fav 258190722 Comace Alla Fnoehi THC Igeaerie avenue Ale late BP 165 18191 Tappes Cxex Ph, +391 sossar27 Fax 3313066250, (Cont Me eqns Sougy ‘rope Exploration & Mining Co Lid Poon 6817 ‘Alor Aes Grane mm.221 7807 Coit: Mr AB. Acbesrpang uc Coaly Guoes Prax 224413995 Conace Mi Tero Stint Dito Uraneraergbaw-Gmblt Keine Saas 38-40 Dishieo Wersting (ernany Ph 49 2369980 Fax 49 223682588 (Contct Dy. Rolf Bran Walter Garena & Partners POBoAtS Zimbabwe e269 23082 Conia Oaraba Zambel Exploration Poo 376 Bae Zinbaiwe ‘Tere 2634 7088 Cot Mr Bret Baber ‘ZSICK Consating Engineers La Ged Foor, Chee House Orpen Ral FB.AS Nera tact Ps: 266312600 Fc 266310079 Contact Bt Adin Aviad "ZMK Consuting Hnginers Li. Rober ConglexEzvih stare Sealand Ph: 268 6105861655 as 268608 (Conic eC Moet [Analytical Laboratories Tobe ie Tome Amamet Serves ‘Shnaros Rood ‘Avent vK RGM Analyse “seo Oia Fre Fane 33.2 38610925 Contact Mi aia Bate LHUMAC Laoratries (1) Lad Manas aamaia Ph. 255 268 So0116 Fax 2552680336 Const: Me Gareth Hughes Mr Joba Metugh ovate Cocatway fread Ph 435991 sa Foe 035991 82146 (Cote: Me Mike ON ‘86 Laboratory Serves (Ghana ‘Work-wie wis ates in Game [Drilling Contractors Ave Ghana PTY Led ‘per Reset Ae, fom Gt ‘Cont: ring Supervise amis Seine Buthina Faso Po. + 226300194 Fax + 206300227 (Conse: aig Superson Crea ring SA Poe des Tulle ete P+ 1ossi21 Far moma. Conc: Vine Sans Deltere Oversea nite Cover Poin ‘Waris €V35 9DR UK Fax 441926681519 ‘Comic: DelingSiperisr Dri We Partersip Lad Balm 2inbabe Ph +2009 640 60582 F169 T1092 ‘Cot: Dring Sopevice Foraigue ornpastt utkina Faso Pe. + 226 40168 Contac Me Testa Rey sh Dring Lime Coaey mass ecizr Fax 03509 8410 Comic Her taney pre vsenousos oruraaoe Po. +216300824 Fax 2263011 62 (Conte Pace Chevalier Port Dring Led Ta Chet Road Destin’ Tred Pho 3501893 28 Fac #3531835 060 Contact Me. Asta Kenny Scimpex one Barn Fo ma. 21621 1870 Fax 226013036 (Conc eing Spevisor Statey ‘Sco nti Aca ‘Obes, Ghane Phs2m sear Foe #255 582501 Conact Me Das Nort “amrock Detschland Git 2 Beer 2.49204 93060, Fe 49 208 96811 [Geotechnical/ Environmental’ |Hydrogeological Consultants Amico Groundnaer Coneatng Ld POBox 40 ovate Po. 267 330686 (Cote Anscombe & Betier ‘Ra Poincare, tebe SOMATRA Die Commune 3 Bama = Mal mu. + 2314185 02690266 Pax 331418503 (Const Me Dena Daw ‘Engineering Rock Mechanis ux Ph 6 1451 Soar Fe 44 141 ae? ‘Contact Chie Engineer Groundwater Consating Services Popox 10 Bosra Ph 267 752006 301248 Groundnster Servicer ro ox 29 Manone Ph.+ 268 1408 Catt: Mi Lee Stahan John Darntt & Ascites CSA Hous (97 Dram Bases Prk, rnd Ph.+ 38912964667 Fax + 35312964676 (Coma Nt Ti Pa Bracken Dasnes Pak Bracken Rood Dialn 18 tala ANNEXE V BIBLIOGRAPHIE. (EN ANGLAIS) (SUGGESTED READING MATERIAT) Anas A. (1991, Minera Depo valuation: A Praca Approach, Chapman Hal London. Antobu, BS. (od (1986), Winatersand Gold 100 Years. Gea Soe. Af Jamesburg Amiucuser, CR. & Maske S(l) (198, Mineral Deposits a Southern Aes, Geo. So. 5. Af, “tne At. Int. Gosseties (1957. Me Leedevile ight Saping in Gold Faploration, Dal 7, Duncan & Asoc, einan, DA (199), Hild Geog Manual, 3 on, Aula Ista of Mining & Mera, Mabou Benham Caer, (1994, Geuraple Systems for Goosen Modeling wits GIS. Cotean. 8 (1990). Explor Survey, Keyworth UK, for Metaliferoys and Related Minera a Guide. Bish Geological Dray, S.A. (1953) mage ration In Geology. 2 etn, Allen & Usa, London, awards, Re & Atkinson, K. 1986), Ore Deposit Geology and i Infnce on Mine plat, (Chapman & Hal Logon rang AM (1993), Ore Gengy & Industral Minerals — an Introduton,. Blackwell Scietiie Pubieaions, Oxtrd vans, ADM (198), Intradaction to Mineral Exploration. Bloke ScicifePblitions, Ox Fork RP.) (1991). Gold Metallogey & Hxploration. Blackl, Glasgow. ‘Guand GD. (es) (1985) Proceetings of Exploration 7, Spc. Vol 3, Onto Geli Suvey, Trt (Moved reviews prc eplrtio eochmtsy and geoph) Hind, (ei (1989). Mining the Enlronment ~The Bern Guidlines. Mining Jounal Books, London HHodgon, CJ. 1989) Use (and abuse of Ore Depost Models in Mineral Exploration, Ia Gand GD. (ct) Precedings of Exploration 97,3135. Spee Vol. 3, Ota Geli Survey, Terni. ages, F (0) (1990), Geolgy ofthe Minera Deposits of Australi and Papua New Gulnen. Astras Inst Min Meal Monogag 8 Melboure ueinon, RW, & Gmc, RL (es) (991). Historia! Perspectives of Genetic Concepts and Case Historie of Famous Devel Monogrpt 8, zon Geol em? Tada Mineral, 259,765, eve, H. (189), Hasta Minerals can we ve witoat Mil, RL MEG, (198), Rvoltion of the Damara Orogen of Southwest Afea! Namibia, Naina ‘Geode Progumme, Spee, bl. No 1, Goa Soc 5A Pinioo, F. (192). ydeothermal Mineral Deposits: Principles & Fundamental Concepts for the Exploration Gent. Speings Vg, Bevin, Skier, Bs (ed) (981) eon Genlagy: Seventy-Fith Anniversary Volume, Sacicy of Romane Geologis Un vaste réseau d'expertise Le CDE ext bast Bruxelles avec un personnel ACP/UE dlsposant dune longue pratique en matie de développement du secteur privé Le CDE fit recours aux services d'un important groupe de consultants associ ACPYUE spécilisgs dans les secteurspriovitaires intervention, [Le CDE aswure Vinterface des réseaux ACP/UE tes que les agences de coopératicn, les centres de commerce extérieur, les organisations professionnelles et bs institutions financiéres, [Le CDE estrepréseaté dans tous les pays ACP et au niveau région Le CDE dispose caccords de collaboration au niveau institutionnel avec tous les pays 42 FUnion Suropdenne, 55 PUBLICATIONS DU CDE SERIE TECHNOLOGIES ‘Briquetes & base de déchets végitaux La valrsation du phosphate en Afsque Lea production de savon Production de peinture Blocs de tere comprimée: équipement de production Mousse de polyursthanne souple: procossus continu Lia fiiee avcale dans a zane sahelienne Les pradults de concassage -équipements de production Les pote boulangeries eta valoisation des ciréaes locales dans les pays ACP, 10. Le guide de Fembaltago des jus deft et des boissons fruits non gazeuses 11. Bloes de terre comprimée :normes 12. Elevage industiel du Tilapia 13. Guide: "Sectour Laer” +4. Guide: Briquotorias Praerenne ‘SERIE CONTRATS ET PARTENARIATS 4. Les achals @équipements industels 2: Simplanteren pays ACP 3. ACPIUE:: Guide du partenariat en industie ‘SERIE EVALUATION ET FINANCEMENT DES PROJETS 4. Ressources fianclees pour les projets industries dans les pays ACP 2 Manuel FINAN 3. Outla et instruments dela coopération indusrote SERIE DEVELOPPEMENT DES EXPORTATIONS 4. exportation des prodults de la mer SERIE FORUMS: 4, Le secteur Agro-aimentare on Argue do "Ouest - 1985 2) Les matéiaux de constuction en Afique centrale - 1995 3, _Dimonsion Stone in ACP Countries (S.A.D.C.) 4. Le euivieccompagnements des Forums sectories de Paronarit UE-ACP ‘SERIE DOSSIERS DU CDI 1. Lappéche lacuste en uganda a perche du Ni 2. Pofepectves commerciales do Mhortultre de roses on Afrique do TEst ot Austale Développer la fire péche au Mozambique Debouches a fexportation des fruls vanstommés en provenance des Caraibes CComposants en Beton: Etude sectorille - CEDEAO exploitation minire jove un réle tas important dans pluseurs poys ACP. Ele servit de abana oie aca eee ae oe erin teres Ce em ee een eed eed Ci a ere rere ae ete Serr eee SU One ee ete ete es Can Nera et ecard cere aren er er ee ee eee eres rl Bearers ape orem t rare Peal na ash oerey Cooter oe ROO ped deusiime chap gut réame les cag phoses du cycle deplooien minrae, de lo Sonia earth ancient ean See Re ae eer pees) beaucoup d'informations pratiques (le glossaire, une liste d'experts conseil d’ACP et de (ees ae sere a pe tere peer ea nen Pee wee en EY Soe Ca eee eed er Erba teeesmsertyscaii tes ca peiereteae eer ed eee ne et Y =] oe

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