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Meander Valley Council elit a CG ne PLANNING NOTICE * An application has been received for a Permit under s.57 of the Land Use and Planning Approvals Act 1993: APPLICANT: T Fahey & B Shakespear - PA\18\0171 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Calstock, 14746 Highland Lakes Road, DELORAINE (CT’s:18845/1 & 155799/1) DEVELOPMENT: Discretionary use - Visitor Accommodation - within the irrigation district, increase in traffic movements, construction of car parking spaces & access strips The application is available for inspection at the council offices at Westbury, during normal office hours, or at www.meander.tas.gov.au for a period of 14 days from the date of this notice. Any person who wishes to make a representation in accordance with the Land Use and Planning Approvals Act 1993 must do so in writing to the General Manager, PO Box 102, Westbury, 7303, by fax 6393 1474 or email to planning@mvc.tas.gov.au no later than: Tuesday 20 March 2018 Please Note: Any representations lodged will be available for public viewing. Should you have any questions about this application please do not hesitate to contact the Council's Planning Department on 03 6393 5320. Dated at Westbury on 3 March 2018. Martin Gill GENE| |AGER. ABN: 65 904 844 998, Council Offces: 25 yal Sireet Westbury (830am -5 96m) Postal Address: PO Bax 102, Westbury TAS 73 ‘General Enquiries: hn (02) 6383 5200 Fax 03) {General Email mail@mw: tas govau Web: wwreandertas govau 1° Paclsing, = ve ‘Tasmanian Heritage Counc (GPO Box 618 Hobare Tasmania 7000 103 Macquarie St, Hobart Tasmania 7000 ‘Tol: 1300 880 332 enquries@heriagerasgovau swheriagesasgovau PLANNING REF. NIA EXEMPTION NO: #1857 REGISTERED PLACE NO: #4762 FILE NO: 06-91-74THC ‘APPLICANT: Terence Fahey & Bronwyn Shakespear DATE: 21 February 2018 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION (Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995) The Place: ‘Calstock’, 14746 Highland Lakes Road, Deloraine. Thank you for your application for a Certificate of Exemption for works to the above place. Your application has been approved by the Heritage Council under section 42(3)(a) of the Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995 for the following works: Works: Change of use to visitor accommodation. Documents: Documentation submitted with Meander Valley Council Planning Application PAI80171. Comments: The Certificate of Exemption is issued to permit the change of use of parts of the Calstock house and outbuildings for 5 x units of visitor accommodation. The change of use returns a previous type of use to the Calstock property, and does not include any physical works. A copy of this certificate will be forwarded to the local planning authority for their information. Please note, this Certificate of Exemption is an approval under the Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995 only. This certificate is not an approval under any other Act. Further approvals such as planning, building or plumbing may be required. For information regarding these or any other approval, contact your local Council. Information on the types of work that may be eligible for a Certificate of Exemption is available in the Tasmanian Heritage Council’s Works Guidelines for Historic Heritage Places (Nov. 2015). The Works Guidelines can be downloaded from www.heritage.tas gov.au Please contact the undersigned on 1300 850 332 if you require further information. /) a Chris Bonner Regional Heritage Advisor — Heritage Tasmania Under delegation of the Tasmanian Heritage Council CCorticate of Exemption # 1857, Page 1 of 1 Calstock 14746 Highland Lakes Road DELORAINE TAS 7304 Meander Valley Council PO Box102 WESTBURY TAS 7303 Attention: Natasha Whiteley, Town Planner Katie Proctor, Environmental Health Officer Planning Application and Application for Registration Low Risk Food Business Attached are the following: Planning Application Form — Attachment A Copy of Certificate of Title — Attachment B Site Plan of property, location of buildings, car parking — Attachment C Floor Plan of buildings and areas to be utilised — Attachment D Photos showing elevations of buildings to be used ~ Attachment E Application for Registration Low Risk Food Business — Attachment F Executive Summary The essence of the Planning Application is change of use. The proposed visitor accommodation is to be in 5 units of accommodation that Council has previously agreed to, before Calstock reverted to a private residence. No building, plumbing nor special plumbing permits are being sought as no internal or external alterations are required, The Application for Registration for a Low Risk Food Business, highlights the various type of events on a low scale that food would be served at, namely breakfast for resident guests, periodic High Teas, morning/afternoon tea for group visits such as aged care residents, hospitality events e.g. cocktail parties for businesses, events such as wedding ceremonies and special requests like the forthcoming Governor of Tasmania's visit to Calstock. Heritage Tasmania has confirmed “that the change of use, without physical works, will receive a Certificate of Exemption under the Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995”. Introduction/Overview Council will recall that the property was once run by Peppers, part of the Mantra Group, as a boutique hotel providing accommodation and dining with 9 guest rooms accommodating up to 20 guests; all of Calstock’s rooms were given over to guests. In October 2013 the property was purchased, and the building usage changed to residential. On 31 July 2017, the new owners, Bronwyn Joie Shakespear and Terence Fahey, purchased the property and propose’ «their residence be the main 2 storey house; and * visitor accommodation for 14 guests be provided, Proposal Details ‘On 18 Dec 2017 an Occupancy Permit, Form 13, was issued, and copied to Meander Valley Council, by Building Surveying Services (City of Launceston) for a change of classification to building class 3 for: * the main building (private residence); * Ground floor accommodation East and West wings; and * the Stable (Granary) Apartment. Visitor Accommodation Details are proposed as follows: © the East wing off the main 2 storey house ~ 3 units - 6 guests; ‘* the West wing off the main 2 storey house ~ 1 unit - 2 guests; and * the Granary at the eastern end of the Stables — | unit - 6 guests Planning Application Form — Attachment A The essence of the application is change of use No building, plumbing nor special plumbing permits are being sought as no internal or external alterations are required. * As such the Application Form for Building, Plumbing & Special Plumbing Permits is not presented © Council will be aware that an Envirocycle EP23 aerated waste water treatment (AWTS) is installed at Calstock to cater for under the Peppers submission for up to 20 guests (this proposal 14 ) and as per the special Connection Permit issued by Council, quarterly maintenance is undertaken, and a report provided to Council. ©. the wastewater disposal area is fenced off from access by livestock and vehicles including farm bikes to prevent the irrigation pipework and sprinklers being damaged. © Council stated on 20 June 2017, 15:27 (email Natasha Whiteley) “that with the re-establishment of the visitor accommodation use, itis unlikely that an on-site waste water design report will be required or form part of a building application. However, if new work /expansion is proposed then this report may be required to determine if the size of the existing system can manage the additional load.” = No new work/expansion is proposed. © Heritage Tasmania has confirmed ‘that the change of use, without physical works, will receive a Certificate of Exemption under the Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995”. * Please refer to Chris Bonner's email of 13 Feb 2018,12:09 at Attachment At Copy of Certificate of Title — Attachment B Title papers and advice from our Solicitors, Cormiston Legal, that settlement occurred on 31 July 2017 are part of this Attachment Site Plan of property, location of buildings, car parking — Attachment C Overall Site Plan of buildings and location of guest accommodation (marked in green) along with car parking (marked in pink) is provided. Car Spaces The property easily caters for car parking for 16 vehicles that are within proximity to guest accommodation. * Visitor Parking signage is established * Asa contingency, any overflow is available in accessible, regularly mown and landscaped house paddocks. © This would be invoked for any hospitality events. See below under Application for Registration Low Risk Food Business. Floor Plan of buildings and areas to be utilised — Attachment D See attached. Photos showing elevations of buildings to be used ~ Attachment E See attached. Signage Visitor parking signage exists. Signage for the general advertising of visitor accommodation, events and hospitality is to be developed. Application for Registration Low Risk Food Business ~ Attachment F Completed Application is attached. I'M Alert in FOOD SAFETY certification for Bronwyn Shakespear dated 05-11-2017 is attached at Attachment F4 Breakfast will be provided to resident guests. Throughout the year High Teas, e.g. Mothers’ Day will be offered to the public for 30- 40 people. We have been approached by residential aged care facilities to host visits to Calstock at which we would provide morning/afternoon tea. Hospitality events would also involve food provision e.g. cocktail parties for businesses and special events such as wedding ceremonies and special requests. Most recently we have been asked by the Deloraine Ex Servicemen’s Club to provide hospitality at Calstock to Her Excellency the Governor on ANZAC Day. We are happy to provide clarification on any issue. Please do not hesitate to contact either of the undersigned Yours sincerely Bronwyn Joie Shakespear 20 Feb. 18 Terence Fahey 20 Feb. 18 Te: cast Aa | Printed By Date: ‘day, 19 ‘Meander Vlley Council ‘Map Width: 2.672 km January 2017 Generic Map. Legend, ‘Scene Corridor Flood Prone Areas: Landsp Hozard ‘Seni Management Pri Habitat Salinity Risk NC IPS 2013 Boundary Cadastre General Purpose Aetial “This api ereseiaton fhe ration curt Pa by Maud Vali Cone- Wise ry efit as ben modes ears Caro he A, Head Vey Canale espns er Disclaimer: | tome onion. iy fettck on isons ons woud pela ~ v pa ; soo nacre nner ac 4 154 1396 it g g ronenuiocun acco ast Wine DUNS — Dosti. Presi We Sphegs [ iat | es CALSTOCS~ DELORAINE POET] 1.325MX re | EST COURTYARD LAUNORY# = | 8.0MX 442M fesse scimn 4.86M X [486M X] Y LIBRARY STUDY} TEA 4.25M I 3.28M FORMAL [rover | FORMAL i : LOUNGE DINING : 7.6MX | 7.6MX 5.64M | 5 “4 oo LL 1 TERRACE ~—* Plan Amenrdig 01.03, 200) - — yew wre, cae Wh “binepais Bi WS Sacro Bog rere cust sarcuwone SRC gamen a poten wes i ‘rroron Oly of © | y ‘ae "BEDROOM ‘3, esti LES M4 Buln I HAST) na. 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