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Miguel Montoya: When you were still seeking, and using various techniques and

methods, how did you apply this understanding that you have now?

Sri Summairu: "The only significant understanding, that has any relevance; that leads
to what is spoken about here in these comments, is what I call "irreversible God-
realization" (or what many of the older and highly respectable sages call Self-
realization). If it's not irreversible then it will not have the transformational effect needed
to completely dissolve all energetic movements towards mind.
Many can speak of Self-realization but abiding as That Self is vastly different than when
it's not and when it's not abiding then it will be distorted because the energy of the mind
is still drawn to itself in convincing ways, which play on truth in deceptive ways that go
The truth is that only the sage is clear about all the deception, because the mind is dead
of energetic movements, and those who speak without the sages clarity cannot help
themselves but to speak from the mind's deception.
The power of the sage is that they are speaking from that which is fully awake. It was
never about the words. The sage can talk about the weather and inspire awakefulness
because they are the embodiment of that awakefulness of abiding Self-realization.
Hence, first be clear that there is a realization that once realized will instantly abide and
anything else that is not that abiding realization is false; distorted mind states, spiritual
experiences, rubbing against and touching truth through the filter of mind, brief and
limited understandings, realizations and insights, etc, none of this has any significance;
no matter how profound or deep it feels.
As a result, in honor of abiding Self-realization, the sage sees quite clearly that the
energetic tendencies of mind is the only movement that distorts the always and already
abiding Self-realization, and thus prescribes effective practices to remove the energy
from the habitual tendencies of mind and bring that energy back to, and focused on; the
These effective practices if done with earnestness, consistent perseverance and vigilance
will always unfold the result without fail. These practices are really the same practice
described in many different ways but is actually the same prescription.
One way to describe the practice is be aware of awareness watching awareness. If
understood correctly, this will start out as similar to a deep meditation because you need
to focus all your energy and attention on awareness watching awareness. If the mind
starts thinking, bring the energy back to awareness watching awareness. The more you
do this, the more you are able to abide in awareness watching awareness without the
mind disturbing you.
Do this practice until awareness abides only knowing itself alone which means the mind
will not have any energetic pull. A type of natural silence of awareness watching
awareness will become your default. When it does, you will be able to walk around and
do other activities without mind coming on your radar.
The reason this needs to be done with consistent perseverance is because the mind will
not like it and will convince you that you don't need to do it or cannot do it, or it will
express that it's impossible for awareness to abide watching awareness without mind.
The mind will fall asleep, The mind will cause anxiety in the body and an extreme fear
of death at some points, your body will become sensitive to the world and you will
notice that you cry over the simplest things as if they are devastations, etc, yet you must
preserve forward, despite what mind says and despite what the body goes through.
Vigilance is needed because you may experience blissful states, strange positions of
being outside of the body, sensations that everything is yourself, a sense that there is no
you, beauty being reflected everywhere, a sense that everything is illusory, a knowing
that there is only Love, an absorption or samadhi, a sense that everything is
spontaneously happening effortlessly without a sense of self, the knowing that
everything is truth, a sense that everything is in its absolute perfection of constant grace,
etc, don't get fascinated by these states. These states always come and go, they are not
what you're looking for.
Earnestness is needed because many stop with the practice prematurely because they are
happy with a relative peace of knowing certain states of mind which comfort the mind.
The mind will stop minding if it gets pulled into inner or outer conflict because it's
happy with a relative freedom. Don't let this be you or there will be more lifetimes to be
Only a true lover of truth and nothing else but truth, despite what truth ends up looking
like, will have the earnestness it takes to be true to the Truth's vision, which is abiding as
One without a second─you will know it by undisturbed and unchanging peace; the
collapse of both inner and outer conflict.
Effort towards this practice is absolutely required for all, if they are not interested in
many lifetimes of trying to figure all of this out. There are no such things as different
paths to awakening. Nobody awakens to this significant Self-realization without coming
to it in the direct way. There's no such thing as different awakenings to irreversible Self-
realization. It's the same realization every single time because it's a timeless realization.
No realized-being (which sees clearly that the abiding of Self-realization holds the only
significant and relevant realization needed), has seen the result without effective
practice. If a realized-being discovered irreversible Self-realization without effort
towards practice then it was done in previous lifetimes. No sage will say any different
because there is only one sage which awakens through many different bodies having the
same message from that same one voice."

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