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Differentiation Equation/Integral

r y S., Par is V.
nda R ., M a
Grace P., F
Task: Design a project using what you have learned this last month in our class.
Your project must address basic calculus concept and it should address most
of the GPO’s

Driving or essential questions (example): Under what conditions can your project address the
existence/non-existence of limits? How does your mathematical model address or represent your
Enduring and understanding: How does your project address the GPOs? How does your
mathematical model relate to the real world?
The History of Integrals
About 2000 years ago, Archimedes found in formulas for the surface
areas and volumes of solids. His method of integration was remarkably
modern considering that he did not have the necessary material.

Leibniz and Newton independently discovered calculus. Their key idea

was that differentiation and integration undo teach other.

Fourier studied heat conduction with a series of trigonometric terms to

represent functions. His series are still applied in today’s medicine,
linguistics and music.
The History of Integrals (contd.)
Gauss made the first table of integrals and with a few others he
applied integrals to math and physical sciences.

Liouville created a framework for constructive integration by finding

out when indefinite integrals of elementary functions are again
elementary functions

In the 20th century before computers, mathematicians developed

the theory of integration and applied it to write tables of integrals
and integral transforms.
Peachy the clear peach starts painting at noon. She can paint (140 – kt) square feet
per hour, where t is the number of hours since she started painting and k is a
constant accounting for the fact that Peachy the clear peach slows down as she gets
tired. If Peachy the clear peach paints 100 square feet between 2pm and 3pm, what
is k?

- t is the number of hours since she started painting

- k is a constant accounting for the fact that Peachy the clear peach slows down
as she gets tired
How to solve
To find the number of square feet Peachy the clear peach paints between 2 and 3pm,
we integrate her rate of painting from t = 2 to t = 3:
How to Solve pt.2
We see Peachy the clear peach painted square feet between 2pm and 3pm. Since
the problem says she painted 100 square feet during this time interval, we will get:

140 - 5 = 100
40 = 5k
16 = k
Investigate the World
We investigated the world by understanding the global issues of the people, in this
case, Peachy the clear peach, and applied our knowledge to the problem in order to
investigate the world. We were also able to gain knowledge on the history of
integrals presented throughout the world.

Take Action
The math and this presentation helped to bring us together to further our
knowledge and understanding of the material and take action. With our knowledge,
we’ve applied it to our problem and also shared our knowledge to our classmates
through our presentation.
Communicate Ideas
We were able to effectively shared our ideas by communicating with each other
with a respectful and open mind. By listening and actively engaging, we were able to
create a well made presentation.

Recognize Perspectives
As a group we had several different opinions of making this project and since
everyone had fabulous ideas, we decided to take a little bit of everyone's
perspective into consideration and build this remarkable presentation.
Works Cited

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