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14 Ways to Make $5,000 a Month

Create. Publish. Profit.

Chad Tennant

Make Passive Income. Copyright © 2016, 2017. All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner

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quotations (less than three hundred words) embodied in critical
articles and reviews. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this
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The information in this book is for general reference and educational

purposes only. This publication is not intended to provide tailored
recommendations nor, is it a basis for actions without careful analysis
and due diligence. The ideas in this book may not be suitable for
every individual. Neither the author nor the publisher are liable for
any actions promoted or caused by the information presented in this
book. Any views expressed herein are those of the author and do not
represent the opinions of others.

Part I - Passive Income and Related Topics _________________ 3

Passive Income Explained __________________________________ 3
Passive vs. Earned Income __________________________________ 5
Dispelling the Passive Income Myth __________________________ 6
The Feel-Good Trap_______________________________________ 7
How Long It Will Take to Make Your First $1,000 _______________ 8
It Might Take a Portfolio of Products __________________________ 9
Online Marketplaces: Friend or Foe? _________________________ 11
Path to a Million ________________________________________ 15
What It Will Take to Succeed ______________________________ 16
Learn Before and While You Earn ___________________________ 24
Part II - Fourteen Ways to Make Passive Income ___________ 27
Content Producers _______________________________________ 28
Techies _______________________________________________ 47
Creative Retailers _______________________________________ 55
Investors ______________________________________________ 62
Next Steps ___________________________________________ 69

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Passive income opportunities are everywhere we look. In this book,

I'll highlight fourteen of them with some commentary and resources
to help you get started. Before I do, allow me to introduce and
qualify myself as a passive income earner. Then, I’ll give you several
insights to help you start on the right path to success—ideas and
insights I wish someone had shared with me.
I traded the earned income lifestyle for a passive one a few years
ago. I got sick and tired of the work-to-earn pattern of income and
desired a change. Working on passive income projects and assets
allows me to attract revenue around the clock, whether I am working
or not. Self-employment is right up my alley and provides a
flexibility I did not experience in my mundane nine-to-five existence.
These two facets combined—passive income and self-employment—
have made daily work much more enjoyable.
I currently attract six passive income streams that yield thousands
every month.

1. Blogging (multiple streams)

2. E-book royalties
3. Online course royalties
4. Affiliate commissions
5. YouTube ad revenue
6. Investment income


I forecast my monthly revenues with relative consistency and like

what I see. I am looking at adding more passive income streams, and
I continue to explore opportunities.
I am glad I chose to focus on earning residual income and wish I
had made the decision sooner. Earning passive income is both easy
and challenging, when you consider the success factors I address in
this book. As for you, I know you will reach your goals and achieve
more than I have. That is what I want for you, so when you do, please
get in touch with me to share your story.
To your success and six figures,

Chad Tennant


Part I - Passive Income and Related Topics


Passive income is revenue that’s received on a regular basis with

little or no ongoing effort made to receive it. Also, it can continue
indefinitely after the initial effort has been put in. For instance, an
author attracts royalties five years after publishing her book. Passive
income is also known as residual, recurring, unearned, and sleep

Benefits of Making Passive Income

• Passive income is a very rewarding and satisfying way to

make money because income can be generated around the
clock without direct involvement.
• Passive income can lead to financial freedom if the money
generated exceeds financial needs and living expenses.
• Passive income can last for many years into the future and
perhaps an entire lifetime.
• Passive income can provide a safety net when earned income
stops or isn’t available. For example, a full-time employee is
terminated from his work, but he continues to receive income
from his self-published online courses.
• There’s no limit to how much passive income a person can
make in most cases.


Disadvantages of Making Passive Income

• The idea of making passive income is glorified all over the

Internet, but it is difficult to create a hit product, service, or
method to attract sufficient revenues.
• Passive income success is hard to achieve because so many
people are drawn to the idea, resulting in plenty of
competition. An example of this can be seen in the self-
publishing book market with a plethora of new books being
released every day.
• You may invest a lot of time, effort, and capital upfront only
to experience a net loss.
• It can be months or years before a passive income product or
idea takes off, if at all.
• Passive income products and services can become obsolete or
decline in demand, which will negatively impact future
• Only a small percentage of people generate enough passive
income to become financially independent.



Earned income differs from passive income in that it derives from

active or ongoing participation in a task or series of tasks. For
example, a job. The moment earned efforts end, earned income stops.
For instance, an employee quits her job and immediately stops
receiving paychecks from her former employer.
Borrowing from my travel experiences, I can explain earned and
passive income this way. When I was in Brazil, I met a man named
Sam who spent two weeks building an exotic sand castle. Sam’s aim
was to have his castle ready for the busy summer season. After
completion, day after day, Sam sat beside his castle to monitor it
while socializing with friends. He put a sign in front of his castle
requesting a fee of two dollars to take pictures of it to “support the
On the same beach, there were clothing merchants. The merchants
had to work every day to earn money. Any day they did not work
resulted in no opportunities to make money. Thus, no revenue.
Sam worked for two weeks, completed his project, and then attracted
revenue passively while expending barely any effort to maintain his
castle. The merchants had to work each day to generate income.



I attract passive income and work full time. Yes, I work full time. I
do not work four hours a week, part time, or spend every day at the
beach as the passive income myths suggest. Many passive income
evangelists attempt to combine the notion of passive income with
working only a few hours a week and having life easy. However,
passive income endeavors and working hours are two separate items.
Generating sufficient or desired residual income usually requires a
full-time effort as a person goes from one project to the next because
making enough passive income can be challenging and tough as hell.
Passive income earners who make the money they desire likely have
hit products or services in their portfolios. For example, a best-selling
online course or popular e-commerce website.
Don't get me wrong; I prefer to work full time on
passive income projects—my blog, books, courses,
affiliate sites, and so on—compared to working full time
on earned income activities such as selling products to
customers face-to-face. With passive income the focus through self-
employment, I gain flexibility that employees and self-employed
earned income workers do not experience. The flexibility comes from
knowing that I am making money around the clock rather than being
on the clock.
There is a small segment of people that with the success of one
passive income asset do not have to work at all, but these scenarios
are rare. For instance, how many authors have produced a best-
selling book that will generate enough income to live comfortably for
decades? How many YouTubers can stop creating videos because
their ad revenue will continue indefinitely? Choosing to focus on
passive income to make a living is one of two options. How much
time you work and how much effort you put in are up to each
individual. It is likely that you’ll go from project to project on a full-
time basis to generate enough passive income to satisfy your needs
and living expenses.



The feel-good trap is indicative of a person who makes passive
income, but not enough to justify his efforts or support his financial
needs. Let's revisit the case of the sand castle builder and the
merchants. At first glance, the sand castle proposition sounds
fantastic—build it, and they will come. What if they do not come,
however? What if tourists decide to take photos without paying?
What if the weather wreaks havoc on Sam’s sand castle?
Sam's two-week effort resulted in $2,000 by the end of the
summer, so he did make passive income. However, he had living
expenses of $6,000, which he did not meet. Sam had to borrow
money to cover his expenses. One of the merchants, Jay, worked four
days a week and made a net profit of $10,000 during the same time—
$3,000 more than his target. What can we take away from these

1. Passive income pursuits of a serious nature are only justified

when your income goals are met and when your time has been
recouped financially. If Sam values his time at $1,500 a week,
he would need to make at least $3,000 to break even on his
castle project. Your time is worth something, especially if you
could use it to earn more than the proceeds from your passive
income activities.
2. You need to review what's working, what’s not working, and
what needs changing after the completion of a project. Sam did
not meet his target. Perhaps he was unrealistic in his forecast, or
it was a slow tourist season. He needs to analyze his business
model and activities, and then decide if it is worth continuing,
pivoting, or terminating his sand castle venture.
3. You can focus on passive, earned, or a combination of both
income streams; it is whatever is right for you. How you make
money does not have to be an either-or proposition. After Sam
completed his castle, he could have printed photos of it to sell
to passing tourist instead of socializing with friends. Had he


done that, he could have potentially attracted more income to

help meet his target of $6,000.


How long it will take to make sufficient passive income depends on

five critical factors:

1. Knowledge and skills

2. Experience
3. Target income
4. Project, activity, or venture
5. Work ethic

If you are starting from scratch with very little know-

how, skills, and online presence, generating $200,000 is
possible but unrealistic. On the other hand, if you choose
to sell through marketplaces like Amazon, you can reach
your income goals faster because high-traffic marketplaces already
have millions of prospective customers that may be interested in your
Assuming your goal is to make a minimum of $1,000 a month,
this table illustrates how long it can take a “content producer” to
generate that amount (assuming good business decisions are made
followed by excellent execution). Technology and creative endeavors
can also produce rapid passive income depending on what you
choose to do. For folks looking to invest or lend, projected income is
a function of the investable amount multiplied by the expected return.
For example, $10,000 invested at a 7 percent return will yield $700.


*Conservative estimates. **Selling through marketplaces.


Like I said, a small percentage of people generate enough ongoing

passive income to sustain their lifestyles. These individuals do not
need to write another book, create another piece of software, or start
another online business. They have a product (or products) that
continues to sell well, so starting new projects is optional. For
example, Robert Kiyosaki with his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad has gone on to sell twenty-six million copies
and continues to reside in the top one hundred business books on
Amazon. Kiyosaki self-published his book so royalties from it would
be higher than through traditional publishing. Without getting into
the math, twenty-six million copies at a healthy royalty clip would
likely be enough for many people to live on, including me. With that
many copies sold, prudent wealth management would lead to
financial independence. Nonetheless, Kiyosaki continues cranking
out products, which has resulted in an educational and personal
finance empire consisting of many books and courses.
To date, I have not produced an NYT best seller or other hit
product that has yielded permanent financial freedom. Rather, I’ve
created a portfolio of goods that produce reliable monthly passive
income. You and others should embrace the product portfolio
approach and assume you’ll be going from project to project to
sustain your earnings. Now, you or I might produce a breakout
product that leads to Rich Dad, Poor Dad-like success, but the


probabilities are small because, for every best seller, thousands of

authors never hit a home run. For every dot-com millionaire, there
are plenty of techies who never get rich. Never striking it big is the
norm for the millions of us who try.
Regardless of achieving a hit product or not, there are several
reasons why many of us continue working. I imagine Kiyosaki keeps
producing products for any number of reasons, and, if it were me, I
would still want to keep busy somehow.
Reasons for continuing to work:

• You love or like what you do and want to keep doing it.
• You want to make more money through brand extension and
related opportunities. For example, an author turned speaker
or consultant.
• You want to capitalize on the moment.
• You want to diversify your offerings and streams of income
in case your hit product goes belly up.
• You want to remain active, relevant, and a part of the

The other way to think about the project portfolio approach is to

maintain eight to twelve products that attract an average of $500 each
month. At the low end, that is $4,000 a month generated, and at the
high end, it is $12,000. This piecemeal method takes the pressure off
any one product and reduces stress.

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A discussion about passive income and making money online invites

a more in-depth conversation about online marketplaces. An online
marketplace is a type of e-commerce site where multiple third parties
provide products and services with transactions processed by the
market operator. Marketplaces offer a wide selection, product and
service availability is high, and prices are more competitive
compared with stand-alone sites. Frequently visited online
marketplaces include:

• 99Designs
• Alibaba
• Amazon
• Apple App Store
• Creative Market
• eBay
• Etsy
• Envato
• Fiverr
• iStock
• Skillshare
• Udemy

There are many advantages and disadvantages to using

marketplaces, which we can review.

Advantages for Sellers (You and I)

• Marketplaces offer plenty of traffic and customers, so they are

perfect for making money fast.
• They spend millions on brand awareness and marketing.

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• They provide a template or layout, which sellers simply need

to populate.
• They host your profile, products, services, and more.
• They take care of processing, financial transactions, and
• They are an excellent and quick way to expand your online
footprint and profile.
• Leads and additional sales may occur through having a
marketplace presence. For example, a customer finds you on
Amazon then navigates to your personal site.
• It can be inexpensive or less expensive to operate a business
on a marketplace compared to a stand-alone site.
• They take care of technical and web development activities.

Disadvantages for Sellers

• You must play by their rules and guidelines, which can

constrain your activities.
• It is you against the marketplace since rules often change to
benefit their bottom line, not yours.
• If their business goes down, you go down with it, so you must
hope competent management is in place (a fifty-fifty chance).
• A significant change in their business model or shift in focus
can significantly hurt your revenues.
• Marketplaces tend to give preferential marketing and
promotional treatment to their best-selling partners, which can
leave you to fend for yourself while still having to share
• Seller support is usually dismal if you are not a top provider.
• Marketplaces may set a pricing range for your
products/services. This may not align with your revenue and
profit goals.
• You typically must split/share revenues with them.
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• A lack of transparency regarding internal marketplace

activities means you must hope/trust everything is working as
it should.
• They can terminate your partnership for any number of
reasons leaving you with little recourse.
• Your profits/payments are usually delayed anywhere from
weeks to months meaning marketplaces and customers
benefit from transactions long before you do.
• You do not gain access to customer data—for example, e-
mail addresses—even if you are responsible for bringing
those customers to the marketplace (customer data drives a
business forward).
• Sales reporting can be inadequate, not giving you a line of
sight to the information you need for effective analysis and
• With so many rules, constraints, and revenue sharing, it can
feel like you are working for the marketplace and not working
for yourself.
• Search engine optimization parameters may be limited, which
could result in fewer opportunities to influence your visibility
and rankings.
• You are a tenant on their domain.

As you can see, the disadvantages of using

marketplaces far outweigh the benefits. However, if
generating income quickly is a top priority, or you are
new to working online, then marketplaces can be very
beneficial especially, in the short term. For example, selling on
Amazon has proved to be very financially rewarding in my case.
Over the long-term, however, putting yourself, your brand, your
assets first before marketplaces and social media networks is the way
to build a thriving online presence and business. For instance,

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prioritizing your blog or e-commerce site in line with or over a

The most successful passive income earners do not focus
excessively on taking the easy, lazy, and convenient marketplace
approach. Rather, they work hard to build their brands one project
and product at a time. Many are reaping rewards far greater than
most marketplace-only sellers. Furthermore, they experience greater
decision-making control and work freedom.
Ultimately, it does not have to be an either-or decision. You can
leverage marketplaces while developing your online platform and
inviting a holistic approach. Just make sure you do not let
marketplaces get the better of you—but the opposite—so that you do
not end up a marketplace puppet or bitch. Realizing sales is a
wonderful feeling, but you need to remain steadfast to your goal to
generate sufficient passive income independent of marketplaces.

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I would like to make a few million to meet my

financial and lifestyle objectives. Passive or earned
income, to be financially free, have options, peace of
mind, and retire well requires a good chunk of money.
As I manage my product portfolio and multiple streams of income, I
am always thinking about the best ways to make money. I like to go
from A to B in the fewest and most profitable steps possible.
The two tables below shed some light on scenarios that can lead to
making $100K and $1M respectively. For example, I would need to
sell two hundred thousand units of this book and net five dollars
profit from each sale to generate a million dollars. When you are
thinking about the next product or service you want to offer, consider
these numbers for your financial, sales, and income goals and ask
yourself, “does it make sense to proceed with my venture?”

Path to One Hundred Thousand

Profit Per Sale Sales Revenue
$0.50 200,000 $100K
$5 20,000 $100K
$50 2,000 $100K
$500 200 $100K
$5,000 20 $100K

Path to One Million

Profit Per Sale Sales Revenue
$0.50 2,000,000 $1M
$5 200,000 $1M
$50 20,000 $1M
$500 2,000 $1M
$5,000 200 $1M

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What will it take to generate the monthly passive

income you desire? Obviously, it will depend on
which avenue(s) you choose. For example, will you
choose to sell WordPress themes or invest in a portfolio
of dividend paying stocks? Regardless of your chosen venture(s),
your success will depend on several factors and skills.


You will need the know-how and skills related to the activity or
activities you want to succeed in. Also, you'll need to understand the
lay of the land, business environment, competition, opportunities,
threats, and other critical data points that can lead to intelligent
decision making. I’ll talk more about knowledge and learning in the
upcoming section, “Learn Before and While You Earn.” For
example, if you want to succeed in e-book self-publishing, you’ll
need to understand factors such as:

• The global e-book self-publishing environment

• All the nuances of Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform
and other self-publishing platforms
• The categories and subcategories that offer the highest
revenue potential
• The best practices of successful authors
• Marketing strategies, activities, and opportunities to increase
• Positive and negative industry trends

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It goes without saying that your experience—or lack thereof—will

influence your learning curve and results. For instance, somebody
with video production experience can hop onto an e-learning
platform tomorrow and start making professional grade videos and
courses. I, on the other hand, had to learn this skill from the ground
up through multiple rounds of trial and error. Irrespective of where
you are coming from, experience is a part of the process, so you may
need to hang in there for a while until your skills are where they need
to be to execute effectively.


Suggesting that you need to be passionate to be successful is a tad

overrated. You do not necessarily need to be passionate, but you do
need to have a high level of interest in your activities to achieve
success. I enjoy my work a lot and am very interested in online
business and marketing. I am always thinking about how I can
improve, revolutionize, add value, and uniquely position both myself
and my products to my audience. My interest and mindfulness
remain very high day in, day out as I focus on producing excellent
results. You’ll need to bring the same levels of interest and
enthusiasm to your work each day to succeed.

Interpersonal Skills

Some passive income ventures will call for relationships

a lot more than others, but, either way, having good
interpersonal and social skills is advantageous. The
saying "no man is an island" suggest that no one is
entirely self-sufficient; everyone relies on others. I like a quote from
the show Friday Nights Lights that reads, “We can win together or
lose alone."
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What I continuously seek are mutually beneficial relationships

that provide value. For example, give-and-take relationships that
produce professional growth and profits for both parties. However,
what I often come across are lazy people seeking shortcuts who
attempt to take advantage of me and what I offer. For instance,
individuals who want to "pick my brain" for free without offering
compensation for my advice. These types of people want my time for
their benefit to my detriment, and I am not interested. Remember, our
time is valuable, and as the Joker says, “If you are good at something,
never do it for free.” I deal with requests from strangers by directing
them to a consulting page found on my blog. Most people don’t
follow up because they don’t understand that “time is money.”

Joe Whoever: Hi, Chad, I’ve joined your Facebook group. I would
like to get your thoughts regarding online course creation and was
wondering if we can talk. Cheers, Joe

Me: Hi, Joe, I hope all is well. Yes, we can have a chat. Please visit
my consulting page, and let me know what works for you. Thanks,

The relationships you and I want are those that are interdependent;
bringing together like-minded individuals who do well on their own,
but who choose to depend on others to further experiences and
endeavors. These relationships are difficult to find but worth
pursuing. Also, you should desire to partner and collaborate with
individuals who “get it,” because the rest aren’t worth your time
(trust me many times over).

Strategic Decision Making

My analysis points to a timeless fact—if you make more important,

good decisions than bad ones, you will achieve relative success in

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your career and life. Along with the other factors relating to success,
people who make many intelligent decisions tend to do well.
A full discussion regarding strategic decision making is beyond
the scope of this book. However, the ability to make good decisions
depends on various aspects such as self- and general awareness,
common sense, critical thinking, research, data integrity, analysis,
timeliness, foresight, and instinct. Relationships can also play a role
in how decisions are made when people are influenced or persuaded
through one-on-one or groupthink scenarios. Given all the
ingredients that go into decision-making, it is no wonder that good
decisions can snowball into incredible success while bad decisions
can snowball into catastrophic failure. If your decision making skills
need improving, there are plenty of resources available online.


Planning is something many folks do not do, and to paraphrase

Benjamin Franklin, “A failure to plan is a plan to fail.” I've been
backing the importance of career and lifestyle planning for several
years now. As a diligent planner, I know what my daily to annual
goals are, and I create, review, and follow through with my plans to
ensure they are benefiting my overall vision—to achieve financial
Planning is for people who embrace control, accountability, and
responsibility. Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual
planning is important in both business and life. Irrespective of the
activity you adopt or how much passive income you desire, you
should plan throughout to get from point A to point B. As previously
mentioned, passive income pursuits can be a project-to-project
experience, so robust project management and planning activities
will support your efforts.
Sales planning and tracking are also vital tasks. They help with
measuring your activities and results. You should track the applicable
metrics in whatever activities you do. For example, I set a three-
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month sales target for this book. I'll compare the results to my
previous books to understand if I am making progress, how I can
improve, what changes need to be made, and so on. If you are serious
about making passive income and your business, you'll stay on top of
sales figures, income tracking, conversation rates, and other critical


My goal as a blogger is to create one awesome post a week—no

more or no less. It does not sound like a huge obstacle, but in
speaking with other bloggers and visiting random sites, I've noticed
how many bloggers lack the stick-to-itiveness to post weekly.
Instead, what I often see are blog posts separated by weeks, if not
months. In the world of blogging, posting high-quality content at
least once a week is how you compete in a highly competitive
Self-employment does not work for many individuals who lack
self-discipline. These folks need companies and bosses to keep them
on leashes to get work done. I do not have a self-discipline problem,
as I’ve always been a producer. Furthermore, I put a great deal of
pressure on myself to be accountable for my actions. For instance,
last year I produced ten online courses, a book, managed four
Facebook groups, and expanded and managed my online platform, all
while traveling abroad. Moreover, my products sold well as I focused
on quality over quantity (there’s no sense in overproducing and
rushing projects only for them not to do well). Achieving your
desired passive income will require ongoing self-discipline.


Not only does it take self-discipline to see activities through, but, in

being self-disciplined, your level of commitment will influence your
success. Your efforts will either be full-on and energized or less than
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and halfhearted. For example, you have a goal of creating one

amazing affiliate site a month. After you fulfill your goal, will you
have produced a promising or dismal site? Will you track and
measure site activity or leave revenue to chance? Will you monitor
and make improvements on your site or set it and forget it?
Passive income does not generate itself. It requires that you form
strong relationships with your products and continue to nurture them
until it’s time to move on.


Making passive income is very much a project-to-project

and product-to-product undertaking, as previously stated.
How well you execute, and complete, activities during a
product's life cycle will greatly influence your outcomes. I
now spend a lot more time than I used to bringing products to market.
For example, with this book, I decided to take a couple more weeks
to fine-tune the content before releasing it. Additionally, I put more
consideration into my launch and marketing plans to improve
revenue prospects. You will live or die by execution (no pun

Location and Timing

“She was at the right place at the right time.” Have you heard a
similar statement before? Some success stories are a combination of
these two factors with a hint of luck. Not much else needs to be said
here except that opportunities could be where you least expect them.
How open you are to this notion will affect your career and life
I believe North America is developed to a point where the
millionaires, billionaires, and family lottery winners benefit most
(hence the reason for the ever-expanding wealth gap). If you belong
to the 99%, you are pretty much screwed, and being able to afford a
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nice home in a decent city is highly unlikely. Alternatively, emerging

markets like Brazil, China, India, Mexico, and so on are plentiful in
business opportunities because there are many holes to fill.
Furthermore, excellent real estate opportunities are abundant
compared to those found in prices-are-too-high North America.


Do you know what individuals and customers want? They are

searching for value, authenticity, and original points of view. Thus,
“Wikipedia Warriors” and copycats will not do well in the long-term
because people are not looking for products and services that don’t
add value to their careers and lifestyles.
In many of the examples I'll provide throughout this book, you'll
notice imagination and creativity are at work. For instance, Viktor
Hanacek of Picjumbo has created a very innovative business model
around photography. His vision has propelled his site to attract more
than three million downloads of his photos. Had he lacked
imagination and gumption, his site would not be what it has become.
I am always trying to “think outside the box” and add unique and
personal touches where I can. I want to bring fresh ideas and ways of
doing things that differ from my competitors and what people have
come to expect. I encourage you to do things differently to stand out
from the passive income pack. Also, you don’t have to necessarily
reinvent the wheel or attempt to be too different. Focus on being
original and the needs/wants of your target market.

First or Early Mover Advantages

My radar is always on the lookout for first or early

mover advantages, and thousands still exist in the
burgeoning online space. A first mover is a form
of competitive advantage that a company or person earns
by being the first to enter a specific market or industry. Being first
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allows a company to acquire superior brand recognition and customer

loyalty without having to experience stiff competition or a saturated
market. The company also has more time to perfect its product or
service. For example, eBay was the first company to take the auction
process online in 1995. Can you think of four worthwhile eBay
alternatives? I can’t. eBay reaped the rewards of being a first mover
in the e-commerce auction site category.
As an online entrepreneur, I am constantly sifting through
websites, search engine results, keywords, YouTube videos, and so
on to find opportunities. I know there's no point in creating another
"how to create a WordPress site" course or "how to install
WordPress" video because that content is everywhere already. (I
would only consider tackling these ideas for lead generating
purposes.) Instead, my focus is to cover topics that have received
zero to little coverage but will be of interest to my audience and
potentially profitable. For example, I was the first person to publish a
book about Udemy on Amazon, which led to excellent sales.
Moreover, by being the first, I still appear at or near the top of search
results for keyword searches related to Udemy. (Update: I
unpublished this book last year to diversify away from Udemy.)

> 23 <


If you are one of many Americans (or non-Americans) who spends

five hours a day watching television, you are on the road to failure. I
meet too many people who stop learning past the age of twenty-five,
which is unacceptable and pathetic. For instance, it is amazing to
ponder how many millions of people find time to watch sports and
reality programs, yet have no clue how to manage their finances
effectively. The game of life remains challenging until the day we
die, so continuous learning gives us the edge we need to stay afloat.
What will happen to half of you after reading this book? Half of
you will run straight into a project thinking you have enough
knowledge and skills to succeed, but you will fail and get frustrated
by this entire passive income thing (and perhaps blame me). The
better half of you will spend the required time to learn, plan,
brainstorm, research, analyze, and validate your ideas to improve
your odds of success before going full steam ahead. I want you to be
on the right side of your activities and results, so I recommend you
learn about opportunities that interest you before starting them.
I have a business degree, various investment and
project management certificates, and post-graduate
education from top universities. However, if I do not
know how to rank on the first page of Google as a
blogger, my education to date is worthless.
My desire to be a top blogger involves the successful
implementation of search engine optimization (SEO) activities. I
thought I had sufficient knowledge in this area, but I did not. I
completed a couple of courses about SEO and have made excellent
strides since. Say it with me, “I will learn what I must to succeed in
the passive income activity I pursue.”
Continuous learning leads to ongoing skill development, which
can lead to improving our chances of success. Moreover, I feel better
about my passive income prospects when I use my time wisely to

> 24 <

learn instead of wasting time on pointless activities. For example,

watching overpaid athletes throw or kick a ball around. When you
understand the true essence of what is televised, you come to realize
that most of what is shown doesn’t help the masses, but simply
distracts them from achieving more.
Much of what you need to learn is available online for free or
can be obtained for a small one-time fee of less than fifty dollars. Do
your best to avoid the many bullshit high-priced programs, webinars,
courses, and schemes offered by greedy salespeople and “gurus” who
prey on get-rich-quick thinkers. I recommend that you stay clear of
these people and products. Rather, explore and consider the critical
skills you need to learn and your strengths and weaknesses. Then,
formulate a professional development and learning plan to fill those
gaps. As you discover other important skills, learn those too.
Furthermore, don’t rush your learning, but take it in stride by
committing to the same number of hours per week. Visit these
popular e-learning websites for free and paid online courses. Also,
you can join my Facebook group to get free courses (nineteen
thousand plus members).

• Codecademy
• Coursera
• CreativeLive
• edX
• Pluralsight
• Skillshare
• Treehouse

> 25 <

> 26 <

Part II - Fourteen Ways to Make Passive

There are many exciting ways to generate passive income, and I am
going to highlight several of them. I’ve created four categories that
group related activities for your convenience.

1. Content Producers
Content producers are engaged in creating content and
information mainly through digital media. For example, blogs, books,
and videos.

2. Techies
Techies develop products and services based on internet
technologies. They focus on the online environment to deliver
innovative and practical solutions.

3. Creative Retailers
Creative retailers design and produce digital media assets for all sorts
of online projects. Digital assets include photos, images, video clips,
audio files, and so on. Also, they source, create, and sell retail
products online.

4. Investors
Investors have and desire to put their money to use. They seek to
invest in traditional assets like real estate and investment securities to
attract passive income.

> 27 <


To blog is to write about a topic, thought, event, or

situation. The term “blog” is a combination of two
words: web and log—a log of thoughts and writing
posted publicly on the World Wide Web.
Blogging is an activity that can attract both passive and earned
income. As a passive income stream, blogging attracts revenue
through advertising and affiliate marketing. As an earned income
stream, blogging can transform into a full-on endeavor leading to
active income opportunities. For instance, I blog once or twice a
week, so my activities are quite passive. Conversely, Mashable
founder Pete Cashmore would blog one to five times a day helping to
grow his company into a top tech-focused media site and company.

The Benefits

In a rush to make money online and generate passive income, I

focused on marketplaces instead of blogging. However, over the past
few months, I’ve pivoted and blogging has become the cornerstone
of my online business. Unlike social media platforms (Facebook and
YouTube) and marketplaces (Amazon and Fiverr), I am in full
control of my content, SEO, and blog footprint. For example, I can
offer an online course through my website and design it how I
choose. On Udemy, I must adhere to their rules and guidelines. Yes,
high-traffic marketplaces can rapidly close the gap between
publishing and generating revenue, but blogging can generate more
opportunities in the long term for individuals who know what they
are doing. To sell through a marketplace such as Amazon is one
thing, but to own a piece of online real estate through your website is
another. There isn’t a right or wrong approach, but it is important to

> 28 <

appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of the platforms you


Blogging Mindset

I view each of my blog pages and posts as digital products. My

click-through rates (CTRs) and conversions will increase as I
continue to create excellent content and attract more visitors. For
instance, I am seeing my affiliate income increase as I create more
content, which is why creating high-quality blog posts on a consistent
basis is critical. Ideally, I'll build up a library of search engine
optimized content that will yield passive income in the thousands.
Other website owners and bloggers have done it, so I know it is

Income Streams

Revenue from a blog is limited only by the blogger’s imagination.

Naturally, a top-rated blog will have more passive income options
than one just starting out, but there are many streams to explore.

• Ad revenue
• Affiliate marketing commissions
• Product sales
• Webinar sales
• Membership fees
• Subscription fees
• Private ad revenue
• Halo income

> 29 <

Ad Revenue

You visit a website and notice a few ads on display. These ads are
likely being managed and placed by Google AdSense or another ad
network. AdSense is a free and simple way to earn money by placing
ads on your website. This passive income stream is easy to
understand and implement, and bloggers have relied on it for years.
For example, the ad banner below courtesy of CreativeLive and
placed by Google AdSense.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a process in which a merchant

(advertiser/company) provides compensation to a partner
(publisher/affiliate) when the partner generates traffic, leads, or sales
for the merchant. For example, as a DreamHost affiliate, I promote
their web hosting services on my blog. If someone clicks on my
DreamHost affiliate link, goes to their website, and makes a
purchase, I will receive a commission. Affiliate marketing is
essentially selling without be directly hired to sell or act as a

Product or Service Sales

I know many bloggers who sell online courses and e-books from
their sites. Digital commerce is easy to setup with a payment
processor such as PayPal. The process is made even easier using
> 30 <

WordPress themes and plugins. While I plan to keep selling e-books

through Amazon, I do have plans to offer courses through my
websites. I may charge an enrollment fee or rely on content related
affiliate links to generate passive revenue.

Webinars and Online Events

Many bloggers conduct events through their blogs. Continuously

running live webinars would not be considered passive, but evergreen
webinars would be. An evergreen webinar is a webinar that is
prerecorded but marketed as being live. There are webinar systems
that facilitate both live and evergreen webinars. Alternatively, you
can organize online events, which are like webinars. For example,
interviews with people in your niche. In either case, a webinar or
online event can continue to generate passive income if it is
redistributed (recycled) into a post and video on YouTube. Also, you
can generate money through webinar/event ticket sales and ad and
affiliate revenue depending on how you tailor the experience. These
are just some of the ideas relating to webinar and sales funnels.

Membership Fees

Creating a membership blog/site can produce passive income

through recurring monthly fees. Bloggers usually enact this by
creating member-only premium or private content. Also, a private
members’ forum or Facebook group, discounted pricing on new
products and services, and member-only events are common add-ons.

Subscription Fees

Subscription fees are not necessarily blogging dependent, as a

website owner can create a newsletter subscription service without
blogging. However, blogging and demonstrating subject matter
expertise is a fantastic way to showcase the additional value a

> 31 <

subscription can provide. Also, a subscription service is not

necessarily membership dependent, as a blogger/website owner can
forego the usual membership add-ons previously discussed. For
instance, your subscription is not accompanied by a private group or

Private Ad Revenue

Top-ranked blogs, which are those that attract tens of thousands of

unique visitors each month, can entertain private ad revenue. For
instance, a static ad is placed on a blog due to an advertising
agreement between the website owner and sponsoring company.

Halo Income

Halo income is revenue that indirectly results from blogging. For

example, I offer one-on-one business coaching through my website
for folks who want specifics regarding an assortment of topics. I see
other bloggers promoting speaking engagements and consulting
services. Neither of those are passive income streams, but streams
As a blogger, the goal is not necessarily to capitalize on all these
income opportunities. Rather, the goal is to select a portfolio of
revenue generators that align with your vision, business model, and
desired income.

Resources to Get You Started

• How to Blog for Profit: Without Selling Your Soul

• How to Create a Website Using WordPress
• How to Make Money Blogging
• How to Start a Successful Blog in One Hour
• Note: Plenty of free information about WordPress blogging is
available through how-to blogs, YouTube, and online courses.
> 32 <

You can find these easily through search engines. Also, I

recommend using WordPress.org over WordPress.com and
other blogging platforms. WordPress is by far the #1 content
management system (CMS) or blogging platform.

Affiliate marketing is a billion-dollar industry facilitated by hundreds

of thousands of companies, website owners, and bloggers. Global
companies such as Amazon, American Express, Apple, eBay,
Microsoft, Sony, Starbucks, the Economist, and thousands more offer
affiliate programs—some with good program incentives and some
without. With so many affiliate programs to choose from, there's
something for everybody. Affiliate product and service categories
include some of the following:

• Auto and Accessories

• Clothing and Accessories
• Computers and Electronics
• Education and E-learning
• Financial Services
• Food and Drink
• Health and Beauty
• Internet and Online Services
• Travel and Leisure

Merchants offer affiliate programs because they see

them as additional business development channels that
are based on performance selling. As a performance-
based sales channel, advertisers (merchants) pay no
overhead for salespeople, and commissions are based on results.

> 33 <

Affiliate commissions can be made fast, but for the most part, it
requires a long-term focus to attract sufficient passive income. Most
affiliate marketers distribute links through their blogs alongside e-
mail and social media marketing activities. Whichever the vehicles of
choice, the goal is to direct traffic to merchant sites.

In-House Programs and Affiliate Marketing Networks

Amazon has one of the longest running

affiliate programs having launched
Amazon Affiliates in 1996. Amazon
manages their program in-house as one of
many divisions under the Amazon brand.
Conversely, American Express offers their
affiliate program through Conversant Commission Junction (CJ)—a
top affiliate marketing network. Whereas an in-house program stands
alone, affiliate marketing networks bring together thousands of
advertisers and publishers (affiliates) to do business. You can think
of affiliate marketing networks as a marketplace of sorts for affiliate
programs. I deal with a mix of stand-alone and network merchants
with no preference either way, but I do like the single point of entry,
ease of use, and consistency found in affiliate marketing networks.
Popular affiliate marketing networks include CJ, FlexOffers,
ShareASale, and LinkShare.

My Affiliate Endeavors

I’ve been an affiliate marketer for a few years, and it has recently
become more of a revenue focus in my online business. I can create
digital products such as this e-book, which takes at least a few of
weeks to complete (on average four to six weeks). On the other hand,
I can promote products and services as an affiliate through my blog,
which takes no time at all. Additionally, there are affiliate programs
that offer excellent incentives, some with higher payouts than
royalties from self-publishing. For instance, to create an online

> 34 <

course may take me a week or two, whereas a blog post laced with
affiliate links might take me a day. At Udemy, instructor revenues
range from 25 to 50 percent while their affiliate program pays 40 to
50 percent in commissions. All things being equal, affiliate
marketing in this case would be just as appealing as self-publishing
courses due to the similar revenue share.

What if you do not want to be an affiliate marketer/blogger?

Not every five- to six-figure affiliate marketer is a blogger

because a few are even more creative and cunning. There are other
ways to profit from affiliate marketing including:

1. Comparison/review/recommendation sites: You've probably

come across these sites before when searching for a product
or service to buy. Products/services are briefly discussed and
have affiliate links attached. Toptenreviews.com is the perfect
example of an affiliate comparison/review site.
2. Informational/educational/tutorial sites: Sites like about.com
or ehow.com focus on providing information, usually to
address how-to search queries. For example, how to make a
pizza. Affiliate links can be weaved into answers or placed
elsewhere, along with ads on web pages.
3. Coupon/deal/discount sites: These sites provide deals on
various products and services with affiliate links attached. For
example, a deal site featuring coupons for kitchen accessories.
4. Niche information sites: A niche site addresses a specific
need. For example, semipro bowling accessories. A few pages
and evergreen posts are created with affiliate links. The key
here is to optimize the website for search engine rankings and
organic click-throughs.

> 35 <

Referral Marketing

Online referral marketing is like affiliate marketing

except that it tends to be less formal and with fewer
conditions. Also, referral marketers tend to be users of
the products or services they advocate, whereas affiliate
marketers may or may not have relationships with the items they
promote. For example, let’s say you are a customer of Amex, but
instead of joining their affiliate program, you decide to promote their
products through their “refer a friend” program. As referrals get
approved, bonuses will be applied to your account.
Since link-tracking mechanisms still apply to the process, some of
the products/services I promote are through referral marketing
programs, for example, TransferWise. With referral marketing, you
have another selection of items to promote for passive income.
However, conversion windows and incentives are almost always
more appealing with affiliate programs compared with referral

Resources to Get You Started

• 11 Affiliate Marketing Tips for Beginners

• Affiliate Marketing How to Make Money and Create an
• Best Affiliate Programs: How to Select the Top Programs
• Turn Your Computer into a Money Machine
• What is Affiliate Marketing (Commission Junction)
• Affiliate Marketing Glossary (Commission Junction)

> 36 <

Generating passive income and royalties through book sales has long
been associated with authors and publishing houses. Although getting
a book published by a "Big Five" publisher remains challenging,
Amazon’s self-publishing ecosystem consisting of Kindle Direct
Publishing (e-book), CreateSpace (paperback), and ACX (audiobook)
has made it incredibly easy to publish and profit from writing. There
are other self-publishing platforms to choose from including Google
and Apple, but Amazon commands 65% of the e-book market and,
from personal experience, dealing with the other platforms leads to
unprofitable headaches.
To date, this is my eighth self-published book, and I am closing in
on the six-figure milestone from my collective efforts. Also,
thousands of self-published authors have experienced similar success
and wealth through Amazon, including:

• James Altucher
• Lindsay Buroker
• Mark Dawson
• Barbara Freethy
• Hugh Howey
• Tim Grahl

The Daily Word Count Mindset

Many students of my E-book Publishing Success

course report that self-publishing a book was easier
than they initially thought. Too many people think
producing a book is unachievable and a project they’ll
never complete, but, with careful planning and the correct mindset,
finishing a manuscript can be a breeze. For instance, let’s say you
would like to produce a 20,000-word book, which equates to roughly

> 37 <

80 pages (1,000 words = 4 pages). If you write 1,000 words a day,

your draft will be ready in 20 days—less than a month. Getting a first
draft completed is 60 percent of the self-publishing battle then it is a
matter of fine-tuning content, editing, and formatting to prepare a
book for sale. I’ve adopted the daily word count target approach,
which has simplified my book and blog writing activities.

Amazon’s Value Proposition

There are advantages and disadvantages to self-publishing

compared with traditional publishing. However, Amazon offers
authors many benefits and options including:

• Fiction, nonfiction, and various subcategories to target.

• E-book (KDP), paperback (CreateSpace), and Audiobook
(ACX) publishing options.
• An author profile page through Amazon Author Central for
branding and search engine rankings.
• Page count categories to target, for example, Kindle Short
Reads of 15 minutes (1–11 pages), 30 minutes (12–21 pages),
45 minutes (22–32 pages), and so on.
• Customer targeting and demographic options.
• Immediate or prerelease options.
• Digital rights management and lending options.
• Price point and royalty structure (35 percent or 70 percent)
• Global marketplace access for greater distribution and sales.
• KDP Select program for promotional and expanded market

> 38 <

Cover Design

A book’s contents are just as important as its cover because people

do judge appearance. I see many authors destroy their passive income
hopes with ill-advised, self-made covers or templates provided by
Amazon. I do not recommend going these routes. Freelance designers
are easy to find if you lack creative and design abilities. If you do
hire a freelancer, consider it a small investment in the overall appeal
and marketability of your book. You can find freelancers at
affordable rates through platforms such as Fiverr, Upwork, and

Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling Made Easy

I’ve read hundreds of negative reviews that suggest

KDP is full of poor quality books featuring spelling,
grammar, and punctuation mistakes. I do not believe that
is entirely true of self-published books, but as a
precaution, I use Grammarly—a free writing enhancement tool—to
improve and support my writing endeavors. I mention this because
another concern/fear that folks have is that their writing skills are
inadequate. Your writing skills only need to be respectable and
coherent enough to be appreciated by readers. If you pair good
writing skills with a writing app like Grammarly, you can produce a
high quality and clear manuscript. Also, through CreateSpace, you
can purchase affordable editing services, which I use and highly


Most my passive income derives from book royalties. So, I’ve

created a few video tutorials to help you with your self-publishing
endeavors. You can find my videos on YouTube and my blog in the
self-publishing category.

> 39 <

Resources to Get You Started

• 2k to 10k
• Book Launch
• CreateSpace and Kindle Self-Publishing Masterclass
• Crush It with Kindle
• Write Short Kindle Books
• Write. Publish. Repeat.
• Your First 1000 Copies

E-books are one way to package and sell information, but the ascent
of online video arguably yields a more engaging approach. The
popularity of e-learning has led to a $100 billion industry, and
companies including CreativeLive, Codeacademy, Coursera,
Treehouse, Udacity, Udemy and many others are taking advantage of

Where to Publish
Like book self-publishing, you can sell online courses
independently from your website and through
marketplaces. Naturally, the same factors concerning
revenue share and control may sway your decision
because both paths carry advantages and disadvantages.
For example, if you sell courses through your website, you’ll keep
100 percent of profits minus processing fees, but you might not
attract enough visitors and sales to justify your efforts. Conversely,
established marketplaces yield high traffic zones that can lead to
excellent sales. Marketing and promotional activities will be on the
shoulders of the platform, but, with Udemy and Skillshare, you’ll
have to split revenues with them.

> 40 <

The costs involved in course development relate primarily to

equipment such as a microphone, camera, PowerPoint, and software
to record your computer screen (usually for tech-related courses). I
use Camtasia Studio for screen recording, and it comes highly
recommended, but free alternatives are available.
It is not difficult to develop and design online courses from
scratch to host on a website. Learning management system (LMS)
plugins for WordPress and services such as Teachable and Thinkific
can further simplify the process.
Regarding e-learning marketplaces, viable choices are slim for self-
publishing platforms with many more folding than staying around.
Udemy has shown the most promise despite many questionable
management decisions and practices while SkillShare is another


Udemy is the world's online learning marketplace, where millions

of students are taking courses on just about everything. They offer
forty-five thousand courses taught by twenty thousand instructors
through fifteen subject categories. Anyone can self-publish a course,
unlike some other platforms that have an application and instructor
vetting process. For example, Pluralsight. Udemy offers an
investment-free opportunity to grow your business, expand your
personal brand, and generate profits. You do not need an e-mail list
or large network to get started since they provide the traffic for you
like Amazon.
I discovered Udemy in 2013, and I've published several courses to
date, covering various topics such as investing, online business,
marketing, and self-publishing. I've even taken a few classes as a
commitment to lifelong learning. It has been a profitable five-figure
endeavor that has also brought in revenue from related e-books,
Facebook groups, and affiliate marketing.

> 41 <

You could make the argument that the golden paydays at Udemy
are gone, but you could also make that argument for any marketplace
that is maturing or has matured such as eBay, Etsy, Fiverr, and so on.
Passive income opportunities in the hundreds still exist on Udemy
for the right instructors and topics. The approach you should take is
to think of Udemy (Udemy 2.0) as an additional touch point in your
portfolio. It is a matter of understanding their nuances and ensuring
you make the most of your online course endeavors.
Update: I’ve stopped publishing on Udemy, and you can read my
review here. While I’m no longer a fan of Udemy, a passive income
opportunity is still available.

Resources to Get You Started

• How to Create Your Udemy Course

• Teaching with Video
• Wistia Course Creation Compilation

Last year, Business Insider published the highest-paid YouTube Stars

of 2016 highlighting how much the top YouTubers are making. At
the top end, a twenty-five year-old Swede was pulling in $12M in
pretax profit, and rounding out the list was a self-trained pastry chef
who brought in $2.5M. Very impressive figures that have got me
YouTube is the second-most-visited website and
search engine in the world, so it is no wonder why so
many people are profiting from their YouTube channels.
YouTube attracts millions of viewers daily, and the
number of hours people watch is up 60 percent year over year—the
fastest growth they've seen in two years. The online video market is
just beginning.

> 42 <

YouTube has only been around for a decade meaning that plenty
of opportunities and first mover advantages still exist. For those
reasons, rebooting my channel had been on my radar for a while. I
created my account and channel in 2012 but left it inactive since I
was not fully in the online game. I considered working on it last year,
but I decided to focus on online courses instead. Developing my
channel is now a top three business priority.
Movie review, fashion, and gaming channels tend to do extremely
well for reasons that don't interest me. However, with billions of
visitors flocking to YouTube, it is a matter of building and managing
an amazing channel to claim an audience of your own. I like
YouTube for passive income because a successful video can get
thousands of views for many years to come. This differs from a post
on Facebook or tweet on Twitter that will vanish and lose
engagement within a few hours.

> 43 <


YouTube monetization could not be any easier to understand. As

YouTube states, "Once your video is submitted and approved for
monetization, YouTube will place ads inside or near the video. After
you've associated an AdSense account with your YouTube account,
you will earn revenue that is generated from the ads. Earnings will
depend on some factors. The two key factors are the type of ads and
the pricing of ads appearing with your videos." Hence, making
money on YouTube is primarily through ad revenue with other
monetization options as follows.

Paid Content

YouTube paid content is exclusive video or channel content for

paying customers only. A paid video is a video for which users pay a
rental or purchase fee to watch the video. A paid channel is a channel
for which users pay a monthly or yearly subscription fee to watch its
videos. As the channel owner, you define one or more offers that set
the terms of the rental, purchase, or subscription. There are eligibility
requirements to provide paid content with the most challenging
stipulation being a thousand-channel subscriber minimum.

Super Chat

Super Chat is a new way for fans and creators to interact during
live streams. Fans can purchase Super Chats to highlight their
messages within the live chat stream. As with Paid Content, there are
eligibility requirements. Note: Fan Funding was terminated as of the
first quarter of 2017.

> 44 <

Direct Traffic

Another advantage of YouTube is the ability to direct viewers

offsite. For instance, I typically list blog posts and links in my
descriptions, and you can annotate videos with external links. I direct
traffic to my blog to generate income through my e-mail marketing

A Word of Caution

YouTube is a very sensitive environment concerning permissible

content and uploads. Not abiding by their rules can result in account
suspension or termination. I’ve done my best to adhere to their
guidelines, yet have been challenged on a couple of instances.
Therefore, take extra precautions to understand YouTube’s
community guidelines and policies.

A Note About Podcasting

Podcasting is not a passive income activity in and of

itself, unless you can attract private sponsorship. Many
podcasters redistribute and repurpose their podcasts
through their blogs and YouTube channels then add
affiliate links to items discussed in the podcast, for example, a
guest’s favorite book. If you can’t create a robust passive income
business model with podcasting at the center of it, you are better off
with podcasting being an add-on to your blog or YouTube channel.

A Note About Patreon

Patreon is a way to get paid for creating the things you already
create like videos, songs, whatevs, and so on. Fans pledge a few
bucks per month or per item released, and the money goes to the
creator. You can create content on platforms such as YouTube,
> 45 <

Vimeo, and SoundCloud, then use the links from these sites to add
content to your Patreon page. Patreon is an excellent way to build a
membership platform without having to deal with WordPress plugins
or private Facebook groups.

Resources to Get You Started

• 9 YouTube Tips and Tricks for Newbies

• 29 YouTube Tools and Apps to Grow Your Channel
• YouTube Creator Academy
• YouTube: Ultimate YouTube Guide to Building a Channel,
Audience and Start Making Passive Income
• YouTube Black Book
• Note: there are many free articles, videos, tips, and resources
on building a YouTube channel available on YouTube and
through search.

> 46 <


Do you know who Bill Gates is? A few decades ago he

created office processing software to the tune of
billions of dollars, and he is not alone in profiting from
technology products and services. Bill Gates
(Microsoft), Larry Ellison (Oracle), and John Warnock (Adobe) are
just a few of many software engineers who parlayed their skills into
tremendous wealth through licensing their products. Through a
software licensing agreement, you sell your product and give the end
user very few rights. For example, the end user cannot copy or burn
your software to share with others. Additionally, the licensing period
may be set for a year in which case the user must renew to continue
using it—a subscription fee.
For passive income purposes, I am not going to discuss building
the next Cisco or Google, instead, let's concentrate on the mobile app
market. According to Entrepreneur.com, "By 2017, it is expected that
over 268 billion downloads will generate $77 billion worth of
revenue." This makes sense as mobile penetration and usage rates
continue to increase, while desktop sales move in the opposite
The app market is as wide open as the self-publishing market
because of how many app categories and subcategories exist. Yes,
the gaming market has experienced tremendous windfalls, but so too
has the business, education, lifestyle, and entertainment app
Believe it or not, success in the app market is less dependent on
programming skills and more dependent on ideation, which is the
formation of ideas and concepts. If you have an app idea but lack
mobile development skills, it is easy to hire an app developer through
Upwork or a different freelance platform for assistance.

> 47 <

Revenue Models

Do you know that boring calculator app that you use occasionally?
It is making somebody money. App developers can generate passive
income by taking several approaches including:

• Device royalties and licensing fees

• E-commerce sales and subscription fees
• Affiliate and advertising revenues


The app operating system environment has narrowed to Android

(Google) and iOS (Apple) for mobile dominance. This makes
researching and targeting marketplaces easier than it would be if the
market were fragmented. Although Google commands greater than
80 percent to Apple’s 13 percent of mobile market share,
VentureBeat reported the following which comes as a surprise:

"Last year when it came to monetization, Apple's App Store made

over 70 percent more in revenue than Google Play. The
corresponding figure was missing in the 2015 report, so we had to
ask. The number grew to 75 percent. Regarding revenue, the iOS-
Android gap is also widening.

Once again, we have proof that Google Play is bigger than

Apple’s App Store. And once again we're learning that iOS
developers, and thus Apple with its cut, tend to make more than
Android developers and Google.”

Given the above information, the money is being made at Apple,

but Google still must be a business planning consideration.

> 48 <

Additionally, there are niche marketplaces to sell apps through such

as Hootsuite, Salesforce, and Shopify.

Success Stories

Like any endeavor—passive or earned—making it to top rung will

be a challenge. However, there are many app developer success
stories to explore, including those of Tasnim Ahmed, Joe Kaufman,
and Soojin Ro.

Resources to Get You Started

Developing software and apps requires knowledge of coding,

programming, and so on. Please revisit the “Learn Before and While
You Earn” section for websites that offer software and app
development courses. As for the entrepreneurial component, free
courses are available online. Of interest is this article, “How to Make
Money with Apps” by Mark Wilcox.

As an online worker and frequent traveler, I had put off getting

business cards for a couple of years. Since I was traveling a lot and
changing phone numbers often, getting a phone number only to have
it change did not make sense for business card purposes. Business
card orgy and networking events no longer fill my life, but having
cards to hand out instead of writing down phone numbers and email
addresses is much more convenient.
In the past, I would hire a freelancer to design a card,
either locally or from Fiverr. This time, I searched online
for a business card generator to design something

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simple. To my satisfaction, I found Business Card Star, "an easy way

to design your own business cards. I created my card in minutes then
had to pay ten dollars for a print-ready PDF. I had my cards printed
locally for a few dollars, and the rest is history.
I do not know who owns Business
Card Star, but I am envious of the
amount of passive income he or she
must generate from the site. The site is
search engine optimized to rank on the
first page of results, and by the site’s
appearance, maintenance is not ongoing (copyright year reads 2012).
Thus, any sales that are generated by the site are 100 percent passive
except for some customer support, which can be outsourced for a few
dollars a month.
Making passive income cannot get much better than owning a
niche online tool or automated service. You've probably come across
your fair share of logo generators, button makers, SEO analyzers, and
document conversion websites. What's interesting about this residual
income stream is many online tool sites are dated and could use a
reboot in website design and SEO, resulting in plenty of

Making Money

The passive income streams will not surprise you as we are talking
about a website, so many of the revenue streams will mirror that of a

• Ad revenue
• Affiliate marketing
• Product or service sales
• Subscription fees
• Private ad revenue

> 50 <

Where to Start

Many businesses, products, and services come to fruition because

of a problem the founder or inventor faced. For instance, I imagine
Business Card Star was born from a desire to simplify the business
card making process. Also, these tools are byproducts of market
research, trends, imagination, and innovation. Here are some
examples of online tools to get your creative juices flowing.

• Appmarker
• Behappy.me
• Calmly Writer
• Embed.ly
• Gliffy
• Picfont
• Piktochart
• Placeit
• SEO Book

Resources to Get You Started

Developing online tools requires knowledge of coding,

programming, and forth. Please revisit the “Learn Before and While
You Earn” section for websites that offer web development courses.
As for the entrepreneurial component, free courses are available

WordPress is free open-source software

that you can use to create a beautiful
website, blog, or app. It is the software I
use to design my websites and 25% or,
one in four sites globally are powered
by WordPress. The free WordPress

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software from WordPress.org (this differs from the closed solution

from WordPress.com) is accompanied by tens of thousands of free
and paid themes and plugins to simplify the website development and
design process.
A WordPress theme provides all the front-end stylings of a
WordPress site. It is a website template that can users can adjust
depending on their needs. A plugin is a piece of software containing
a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They
can extend functionality and add new features to a site.
WordPress has yielded an expansive ecosystem of passive income
opportunities through blogs, ads, affiliate marketing, and the
development of themes and plugins for users. The latter is what we’ll
discuss here.
Yes, there are thousands of free themes and plugins to choose
from, but I am one of many individuals who have purchased themes
and plugins when free alternatives would not suffice. For instance,
there are four decent free list building plugins on the market. After
reviewing these plugins, I realized that I would need a much more
robust plugin to achieve my list building objectives, so I went with
Thrive Leads (Thrive Themes), a premium WordPress lead
generation plugin. I've been extremely satisfied with the product,
which is proving useful in capturing e-mail addresses through my
blog. The founders of Thrive Themes operate a software business,
which is passive in nature (licensing and membership fees), and
they’ve scaled their business by continuing to improve and release
new products.

From a passive income standpoint, the play here is to develop and

sell premium themes and plugins that require very few updates, if
any, once they’ve been launched. For instance, last year I bought a
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countdown timer plugin that’s never been updated. This plugin

allows me to add a countdown clock to my pages and posts to create
a sense of urgency. A plugin like this does not need updating, so,
after some marketing initiatives, the developer can move on to
another project.

Freemium Model

The word freemium is a combination of the words

free and premium. It describes a business model in which you give a
core product away for free to a large group of users and sell premium
products to a smaller fraction of the user base. Many WordPress
developers employ this model by offering free themes and plugins
through the WordPress.org directory while promoting premium
benefits through upgrades. For example, the All in One SEO Pack, a
plugin I use, has been downloaded nearly thirty million times. The
free version is powerful, but for advanced features, they charge $79
per year. If Semper, the developer, can sell ten subscriptions a day,
that will equate to $288K in sales revenue annually.


Many developers sell themes and plugins directly from their

websites, but marketplaces do exist as an alternative. The Envato
marketplace comprising of several digital asset divisions leads the
way in premium WordPress themes and plugins. Also, Mojo
Marketplace, ThemeSnap, and Creative Market are a few more
excellent options.

Skills and CMS

If you possess creative design skills, but not the technical abilities
required to design themes, one option is to outsource or partner with
a WordPress developer. Secondly, WordPress is by far the most

> 53 <

popular content management system (CMS), but there's a market for

Joomla and Drupal products that might be worth exploring.

Note: other theme developer opportunities exist in niche

marketplaces too, for example, Shopify.

Resources to Get You Started

Developing themes and plugins requires knowledge of coding,

programming, and so on. Please revisit the “Learn Before and While
You Earn” section for websites that offer web development courses.
As for the entrepreneurial component, free courses are available

> 54 <


I am not going to fluff around in this section by writing duplicate

content. Instead, I am going to combine photographers,
videographers, graphic artists, illustrators, and audio creators into one
group called “creative retailers” and discuss passive income as it
applies to all. Although I appreciate the differences and skills of each
of these professions, there is a lot overlap regarding passive income
Creative retailers are faced with similar passive
income channels through stand-alone websites and
marketplaces. For example, a photographer can sell
and allow free downloads from her website and sell
through marketplaces such as Getty Images.

Stand-Alone Website

Viktor Hanacek has done well to grow Picjumbo, his free stock
photo site with downloads surpassing three million. Picjumbo was
launched in 2013, and it has been featured in countless articles across
the web. Stylistically the site looks good, which I am sure borrows
from Viktor’s website and WordPress experience. I chose to analyze
Picjumbo so we can understand the various passive income streams
Viktor has created for himself as a photographer.

• Premium membership: subscribers get unpublished and

upcoming images, complete photo collections, and all
previous Picjumbo premium content for $7.50 a month.
• Photoshop plugin: free and beautiful stock photos for
commercial and personal projects in a Photoshop panel for

> 55 <

• All in One Pack: hundreds of published photos with the price

up to the buyer.
• Donations: a support page featuring top donors.
• Ad revenue: AdSense banners appear on his site.
• Affiliate marketing: affiliate banners appear on his site.
• Offsite sales: Viktor sells photos through Creative Market, a
design marketplace.
• Note: Viktor has recently started blogging and might expand
his passive income streams into related “content producer”
activities such as online courses and YouTube videos.

Another site worth visiting is Gratisography by Ryan McGuire.

McGuire is a graphic and web designer by day and operates
Gratisography part-time. Visitors can download high-resolution
pictures that are free of copyright restrictions. As for passive income,
affiliate marketing is present through the “super picture search” box
located near the footer of every page. The idea is a clever one; if you
cannot find what you are looking for, use the search box, and you'll
be taken to Shutterstock, a leading image database with eighty
million images. Secondly, Ryan's site acts as a lead generator for his
full-time work.
Picjumbo and Gratisography are two sites of many that illustrate
various ways of generating passive income.

> 56 <


An alternative to a stand-alone website is to leverage the power of

creative marketplaces in exchange for royalties. Getty Images is the
powerhouse behind iStock, Thinkstock, and Photos.com.
Shutterstock, Fotolia, 123RF, Dreamstime, and Creative Market also
rank high in search. These sites, along with many others, depend on
creative artists to keep their marketplaces competitive. Royalties
range from site to site and opportunities are plenty. For example,
iStock sells photos, illustrations, and video and audio clips.
Despite the emergence of free image download sites like
Picjumbo, Gratisography, Pixabay, and others, I’ve purchased over
thirty images for various projects including, websites and online
courses. Strangely enough, the added value of these marketplaces is
to acquire unique stock since so many people use the same free
images for their projects. For instance, I can easily tell which online
instructors have elected to use free stock from Pixabay.
As you can see, creatives have options that are being driven by the
Internet and technology. They are prime to capitalize on their
imaginative abilities to help others with their projects. Picjumbo and
Gratisography demonstrate as much.

Resources to Get You Started

Plenty of free WordPress tutorials are available online through

YouTube and e-learning platforms should you want to develop a site.
Additionally, explore the various creative marketplaces to understand
what they offer regarding royalties and commissions.

> 57 <

Amazon and the maple syrup owner who sells products

from her site both belong to a $2 trillion global business-
to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce market. You might be
thinking, how is e-commerce a passive income activity?
It can be passive or earned depending on which path you take. If you
take the path of securing inventory and office space, hiring and
managing employees, and so forth, then there isn’t anything passive
about it. On the other hand, if you concentrate on running an online
store with suppliers handling most of the work, including fulfillment,
then it becomes a business you can operate with less energy (and
from anywhere in the world).

Drop Shipping

Drop shipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store does not

stock the products it sells. When the store sells a product, it then
purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to
the customer. Thus, the merchant never sees or handles the product.
Rather, the merchant purchases inventory as needed or just-in-time
(JIT) from a supplier—usually a wholesaler or manufacturer—to
fulfill orders. The business model behind drop shipping is that you
need an online storefront and the ability to drive traffic to it.
Everything else is handled by suppliers and third parties on the
backend while you walk away with your share of profits.
Let's go through a drop shipping example. Karen is interested in
selling handbags online. She does not have room, nor does she want
to carry inventory. Karen searches online for a bag supplier that will
ship direct-to-customer (DTC) when an order is processed. She finds
a couple of vendors who offer products she likes, so she arranges an
online meeting with them to discuss a partnership. Karen decides to
partner with Handbagz, a provider of fashion forward handbags
priced from forty-nine to nine-ninety dollars. She considers using
> 58 <

WooCommerce, BigCommerce, and Shopify to run her store. She

chooses WooCommerce and designs her site. Once completed, Karen
will begin promoting her site based on her marketing plan. Her
marketing activities will flow through social media, SEO/SEM, and
e-mail marketing channels. Additionally, she will leverage YouTube
by creating topical videos about fashion and accessories. To truly
embrace the passive income approach, Karen will automate as much
of her marketing activities as possible. For example, leveraging e-
mail autoresponders and social media automation.

Marketplaces: Amazon and eBay

Many individuals using drop ship methods sell

through Amazon and eBay instead of operating stand-
alone online stores. What's more, high-traffic markets
can prove to be beneficial, but they do attract drawbacks
such as an increased competition from similar sellers and increased
costs from listing, payment, and processing fees.

Amazon FBA

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is an all-in-one fulfillment

network. You store your products in Amazon's fulfillment centers,
and they pick, pack, ship, and provide customer service for these
products. FBA is worth learning about because it can fill the gap of a
manufacturer or wholesaler who does not ship DTC. For example,
let’s say that Handbagz does not ship DTC, Karen can still secure
them as a supplier and use FBA for her inventory and fulfillment
needs. Amazon will fulfill orders placed directly through
Amazon.com or fulfillment requests you submit for sales not on
Amazon. Karen can still operate an independent online store and sell
through Amazon.com if she desires.

> 59 <

Resources to Get You Started

• 9 Easy Ways to Start Making Money on eBay in 72 Hours or

• 101 Items to Sell on Ebay
• Amazon FBA
• Starting an eBay Business for Dummies
• The Amazing Seller
• The Ultimate Guide to Dropshipping

There used to be a time when product designers and creators were

limited to local stores and craft markets, but that has all changed with
the multitude of pipelines now available. Product design is the
process of creating new products and items from scratch or working
on improvements to existing ones. As part of the burgeoning e-
commerce market, the product design sector is flourishing.
The product design market is probably more extensive than you
think. Globalization and the Internet has helped it to grow and
expand into many product categories such as:

• Artwork & Wall Art

• Clothing & Accessories
• Fashion & Makeup
• Furniture
• Gifts & Miscellaneous
• Home & Living
• Home Décor
• Jewelry
> 60 <

• Kitchen & Dining

• Stationery & Party Supplies
• Tech Design

As with other passive income streams, designers can

build and sell from their websites and access high traffic
marketplaces. Here are just a few popular marketplaces
that target the product design market.

• 99Designs
• Amazon Handmade
• CafePress
• Etsy
• Redbubble
• Society6
• Teespring
• Zazzle

I will not pretend to be an expert in this passive income activity,

but I do know there are many success stories out there. See Sarah’s
(Unsettled.com) story on how she made money on Etsy.

Resources to Get You Started

• 14 Tips from My First Year Selling on Etsy

• 15 Handpicked Unique Suppliers for Handmade Businesses
• Amazon Handmade
• Etsy Blog
• Search Pinterest for Etsy Articles
• The Handmade Entrepreneur
• The Ultimate Guide to Selling on Etsy

> 61 <


I've been using Airbnb to book my travel

accommodations for a while, and I know that many hosts
are making five and six figures from rental income.
Airbnb is a website for people to list, find, and rent
lodging, and I wish I had discovered it sooner. It offers a lot of
booking and renting flexibility where traditional rental agreements do
not. With Airbnb, VBRO, and HomeAway, the ease of finding
tenants and generating rental income has come of age through the
Some folks are sitting on vacant properties and basement
apartments that could be used to produce passive income. Just the
same, imagine owning and managing several properties leading to a
rental accommodations enterprise. This is a business endeavor worth
considering. Also, you can make money by cohosting and offering
experiences. For example, providing guided tours and teaching
classes locally.

Resources to Get You Started

• Get Paid for Your Pad

• How to Make Money with Airbnb: Risks & Rewards
• I Made $41,879 as an Airbnb Host
• Make Money on Airbnb
• Secrets of Running a Six-Figure Airbnb Business
• Tempted to make money off Airbnb or Uber

> 62 <

I had a client who had $500K invested in the stock market, and every
month he would generate approximately $2K in dividends and
distributions. Naturally, the market went up and down, but the
passive income kept pouring in. After he invested, he did not spend
any time earning this money.
The topic of investing—and personal finance—
bewilders millions of people, hence the reason
salespeople or "financial advisers" exist. However,
investing is a subject that should be learned and
understood because, despite Wall Street and Jim Cramer's best efforts
to confuse the masses, investing is easy. Do-it-yourself (DIY)
investing is on the rise with efficient, simple, and investor-friendly
solutions offered by financial providers such as Vanguard,
BlackRock (iShares), Betterment, and Wealthfront.
To be honest, 95 percent of investors who use investment/mutual
fund advisers are throwing away their hard-earned dollars. Moreover,
only 5 percent of investors can justify using advisers since they are
the people with very complex financial situations or zero time to
allocate to their financial matters. For example, C-Suite executives,
celebrities, and billionaires. Not only do these people need financial
advisers, but they also need lawyers, accountants, bankers, and so on
to manage their intricate affairs.
The most daunting question most people have is how or where to
start learning about investing. In my post, “Three Must-Read Books
for Every Investor,” I list the only three books you’ll need, including
my favorite book, A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton

> 63 <

Dawn of the Robo-Advisers

As much as I like Vanguard and iShares exchange-traded funds

(ETFs), you still need to be competent enough to build a portfolio in
sync with your investor profile. Robo-advisers are an excellent and
convenient alternative for investors who are tired of the hidden fees
present in the adviser-client model.
A robo-adviser is an online wealth management service that
provides automated, algorithm-based portfolio management advice
without the use of financial advisors. Robo-advisers use the same
software as traditional advisers but avoid more personal aspects of
wealth management, such as taxes, retirement, and estate planning.
Betterment and Wealthfront are two popular robo-advisers with
several more to consider. The investing process starts by answering a
few questions—questions financial advisers ask their clients—
regarding your investment goals. These questions lead to a portfolio
solution containing low-cost, passively managed ETFs that are
managed automatically. Fees are kept to a minimum ranging from
25–50 basis points, which is much lower than the 1–3 percent found
in the advisor-client model.

> 64 <

Robo-advisers imbue the US landscape, and most, if not all,

require investors to be US citizens. Alternatively, low-cost index
ETFs are available globally through Vanguard, BlackRock, State
Street, Fidelity, Deutsche Bank, and local financial institutions. The
desire to attract passive income from investing, no matter how small
or large, will depend on your willingness to develop your financial
literacy and investment savvy.

Resources to Get You Started

• Say Goodbye to Your Costly “Investment Advisor”

• A Random Walk down Wall Street
• Theinvestingcourse.com (my online course)
• The Intelligent Investor
• The Compound Effect
• Three Must-Read Books for Every Investor

Banks are great, aren’t they? They pay us next to nothing on cash we
have sitting in our accounts then loan our money to borrowers for
much more. For instance, a checking account that receives 1 percent
interest while the bank lends that money at 5 percent. This is just one
of many ways banks get rich off hardworking people. However, you
can lend and put your cash to greater use without entering the stock
market to attract passive income. (I realize investing isn’t for
Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending is the practice
of lending money to individuals or businesses through
online services that match lenders directly with
borrowers. Since peer-to-peer lending companies offer
these services entirely online, they can operate with
> 65 <

low overhead and provide services more cheaply than traditional

financial institutions. Thus, lenders often earn higher returns
compared to savings and investment products offered by banks,
whereas borrowers can obtain money at lower interest rates.
The United Kingdom was the first to pioneer P2P lending through
a company called Zopa in 2005. Soon after the United States
followed with Prosper and Lending Club, igniting the global
expansion of P2P lending.

How P2P Lending Works

P2P lending works like this: Somebody wants to borrow money and
goes to a company like Zopa, Prosper, or Lending Club and applies
for credit. Once approved, the borrower is assigned to a risk category,
which determines the interest rate of the loan(s) he or she might
receive. Then, that loan is funded by an individual investor or group
of investors who act as the lender(s).

Like investing in the stock market, there are risks involved, but
lenders have much flexibility in deciding which profiles or types of
individuals they want to fund. These options are excellent for both
conservative and aggressive lenders.

Resources to Get You Started

> 66 <

• Borrowing via Peer-to-Peer Lending

• How does an online credit marketplace work?
• Taking a Peek at Peer-to-Peer Lending
• Peer-to-Peer Lending
• Peer-to-Peer Lending Means Everyone Prospers

> 67 <

> 68 <

Next Steps
Congratulations and thanks for reading my book! As I
mentioned, I want you to spend time learning, planning,
brainstorming, researching, analyzing, and testing to
improve your odds of success before acting on any of
these passive income ideas. I want you to be on the right side of your
activities and results, so I recommend you learn about opportunities
that interest you.

I Invite You to Subscribe, Like, and Stay Connected for Additional

→ Chadtennant.com
→ https://www.youtube.com/user/ChadTennantEVO
→ https://www.facebook.com/chadetennant
→ https://www.linkedin.com/in/chadeliottennant


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