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The Last of the Mohicans

Retold by John Escott


A Note A bout the A uthor 4
Founding Editor : Joh n Mi lne A Note About This Story 5
The People in This Story 7
Th e Mac mi lla n Reade rs pro vid e a cho ice of e n joyab le reading 1 The Two Siste rs 8
mat erials for learn ers of English. The series is published at six levels 2 Lost in th e Forest 12
- Sta rte r, Beginner, Elem entary, Pre-intermedi at e , Interm edi at e
and Upper. 3 The Fight at Gl enn's Falls 18
4 'I Am a Huron C h ief' 24
Level control
Informati on , structure and voca bulary are co ntro lled to suit the 5 Fort Willi am Henry 28
st ude nts' abi lity at eac h level. 6 'When Will Help Co me?' 32
The number of word s at each level:
7 The Trail 38
8 The Medicine Man 41
Starter about 300 basic words
Beginner abo ut 600 basic words 9 In th e Hurons' Village 44
Elemen tar y about 1100 basic word s 10 The Bear 48
Pre-interm ed iate abo ut 1400 basic word s 11 The Old C h ief 51
In term ediat e abo ut 1600 basic words 12 The Last of th e Mohi can s 58
Upper about 2200 basic words ..., ~ ,--",\(_r-··­

• E
' 'I;-'« e- - " I
Vocabulary ce : LakeChamplain
So me difficult words and ph rases in th is book are important for I f -iiI
e<:­ <

und erstanding the story. Some of th ese words are exp lained in the '" <,' • /.
'r tI
sto ry and some are show n in th e pictures. From Pre- intermed iate
c, LakeGeorge
(Hof/can) \ :.J
I '1!
level upward s, words are mark ed with a nu mber like th is: . .. 1. These . Lake Ontario I 'If-. f t (
Fort William Henry . J \ r
words are explained in th e G lossary at the end of th e book . .1"/'. Fort Ed~ard
'.,.., I I
A MER I C A Glenn's Falls L I, _ ,r- _
, LaRe
Erie ~ I r:
) Ir:: (I :-- . B~TO~
~ ~.

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,_1. <2 1NEw YORK p,llan
North America
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A N ote About the Author A N ote About This Story
James Fenimore Cooper was Place: Lake Horican on the Hud son River. The aut ho r
born in N e w Je rsey, N or th gave this name to Lake George. (Look at the map.) It
A me r ica on 15 th Sep te mbe r is in the eas t of N orth A me rica . Tod ay, the area is
17 8 9. Hi s famil y li ved o n a called New York Sta te . A t the tim e of this sto ry, N orth
farm in Coo pe rsto wn , in the A mer ica was not ind ependent. N orth America became
north of N ew York Sta te. ind ependent from Europe in 1787 .
Coo pe r h ad fi ve broth ers Time: 1757 . A rmies from En gland and France are
and seven siste rs. H e went to fighting in N orth A merica . Both co un tries want the
school at Yale. But he did not land .
beh a ve we ll a n d h e h ad to
leave. In 1805 , C ooper became a sailor. H e was in the The Indi an peo ple had lived in the land for thousan ds
U S N av y until 1810. In 1811 Coope r's father d ied. of yea rs. Th ey go t t he ir food from th e land . Th ey
C ooper married S usan De Lancey and they lived on ca ugh t fish in the rivers and lakes. They h unted deer,
the farm . From 1812 to 18 21 Coo pe r worked ve ry bea rs and birds in the forests. They ate the meat from
hard. But h e was poor. He gave a lot of mon ey to h is these ani ma ls. They made clo thes from the an ima ls'
brothers and siste rs. In 1820, he sta rted to write sto ries. skins.
Cooper's adve nture sto ries were abo ut life in the forests There were man y different Indi an trib es, or famil ies.
and the wild lands of N orth America. Th ese a re so me of t he tri bes who l ived n e ar t he
The Last of the Mohicans was Cooper's most popul ar Hudson River:
sto ry. Many people liked the adve n tures of Hawk- eye. Mohawks 'moohorks Delawares 'delow eoz
Cooper became rich and he tr avell ed to Europe. Lenni-Lenape leni 'le no.pe r Hurons 'hooronz
Coo pe r wrote fi ve sto ries abo ut H awk -eye: Th e Oneidas o'ncrdees Mengwe 'meqgwei
Pioneers (1823) , The Last of the Mohicans ( 1826 ), The Senecas 'senerkees Iroquois ' Ir~ kW ;) I
Pathfinder (1840) and The Deerslayer (1841) . He also Mohicans mo'hiikon z Mingoes 'm njgouz
wrote The Spy (1821) , The Pilot (1823) and The Prairie In 1607 , English peopl e ca me to N orth Americ a. In
(1 8 27) . Jam es Fenim or e Coope r die d on 14th 1608, Fren ch peopl e came . They hunted the an ima ls.
Septe mber 1851 .

4 5
They took the soft an imals' skins to Europe. The Peo21~ in This Story

Soon more and more European s ca me. They wan ted

the Indians' land . The kings of France and Eng land
sen t so ld ie rs to North A me rica . Th e so ld ie rs built
stro ng forts to live in . The soldiers bro ugh t guns. The
Ind ian s fought for th e a rm ies fr om En gl and a n d
France. In this sto ry, th e Hurons are fighting for th e
Cora Munro Alice Munro
French. The Moh awks are fighting for th e English . .koirc mrn' roq 'eelrs rrrm'roq

- · --jr- ~-a f or~ '

/t 3r!rr~ if~

" '"0' ' P' d d l~~ General Munro

'dj enral mrn'raq
General Webb
'dj enral 'web

a meeti ng

Chingachgook Uncas
tjm'geetjgok 'onkzes

», &t
~ ~
. _~,iJJ.~~~J

a deer a bear a cave

General Montcalm Tamenund Duncan Heyward
Note: St = Saint {e.g. St Lawren ce} 'd3enr;)) mon'ka:m teem enond 'dxnkx n herwud

6 7

The Two Sisters

It was the year 1757 . The place was the da ngerous an d

wild land, west of the Hudson Ri ver. It was the third
yea r of th e war in N o r th A me rica . Th e wa r was
between England and France. Each co untry wan ted the
land for itself.
Indian tribes h ad always lived in that land . In the
war, some tr ibes were fightin g for the French. O ther
tri bes were figh ting for the English .

Fort Edward was on the Hudson Ri ver. Ge ne ral Webb

was t he comm and er o f th e Engli sh a r my a t Fort
Edwa rd. H e was wa it ing for n e ws of Ge ne ra l
M ontc alm . Montc alm was th e co m ma n de r of t he
French army.
The news came one morning. A n Indian ca lle d
Mag ua arrived.
'M ontc alm a n d th e Fre nc h a r my a re co m ing
to wa rds Fort Willi am H enry,' M agua told Ge ne ra l
Webb .
Fort William H enry was fifteen mil es away. It was at
the south en d of Lake Horican.
'How many men h as Montcalm got?' asked Webb .
'A s many as the leaves on the trees ,' sa id Magua.
'Gene ra l Munro wan ts mor e sold iers at Fort William

8 9

"l wil l se n d fifte e n h und red me n .' sai d G e ne ra l T hen he said, 'RIIt I don't rem em ber all the story.'
Wchb. Dunca n kn e w more abo ut r-.·1a gua . Bu r he d id no t
Ge neral Munro was the com ma nde r of th e Eng lish te ll C ora and A lice. He did no t say, 'A few years ago,
arm y .1[ Fort Willi am Henr y. I Ic had two da ughte rs ­ your father 's me n beat Ma gna . N ow Ma gua h ates your
Co ra and A lice. Cow was ab ou t twent y-three vearx o ld fat her.' Duncan di J not want ro frigh t en th e yo u ng
a nd A ltcc was ci ght ecn . C or a had da rk ha ir and a wom en .
beaut iful [ace. A lice had fair hai r and blue eyes. So they followed M agll:l through the fore st.
Th ese two YOUIl /ol: women were en Fort Edward. But
t hey were go ing to travel 10 Fort W ill iam Henry. Th ey
were go ing to meet their fat her.
Gene ral Wehh spoke to COni and Ali ce.
'Magun kno ws a sec ret pat h through th e forest,' said
Gene ra l Webb. ' He will be yo u r gu ide . Ma gua and
Major Du nca n Heyward will ta ke yo u to For t \Xlilliam
Major Dun can Heyward was a young English officer.
He and the two yo ung women left Fort Edward . They
rode o n horses. Mag uu walked in front {If them. A lice
wnrchcd Magua.
'I don't lik e him , Co ra ,' she sa id. 'Whar d o yo u
t hin k ! Will we he safe in the for est with Magna "
'We must tr ust Magus .' sa id Co ra.
'The French know our soldie rs' pa ths,' sa id Dun can.
'B ut Mauna's pa th is sec ret.' He smiled at A lice, and
she sm iled at him . Dun can Heyward was in lo ve with
Al ice.
'M agna is it Hu ron ,' said Dunca n . ' But he lived with
th e Moh awks. T he Mohawk s are friends of the Eng lish .
Magu a ca rne to us. Your f<lt he r- ' Du nca n sto pped.

10 II

'W he re are the Moh ican s now ?' asked H awk- eye.
'Wh er e are the flowers of tho se sum me rs?' sa id
Lost in the Forest
C h ingac hgoo k. 'Go ne. All dead . After my de ath ,
Uncas will be the last of the Mohicans.'
A few mil es west of Fort Edward, three men were sit­ Sudde n ly, they h eard a noise. They turned quickly.
ting near a river. Two of the men were Indi an s. The H awk- eye lifted hi s gun. 'Who is it?' he said .
othe r man was a white man . C h inga chgook and hi s Duncan Heyward rod e out of the forest. C ora and
so n , Uncas, wer e Mohicans. The white man was a Alice followed him.
scout called Hawk-eye. Hawk-eye h ad a lon g hunting­ 'I am an English office r,' Duncan said. 'We h ave
gun. com e from Fort Edward. How far is it to Fort William
The three men were talking. Henry ?'
'My trib e is the oldest Indian tribe,' C h ingachgoo k H awk -eye laugh ed. 'Fort William Henry ? You are
said. 'The blood of th e Mohican chiefs is in me. Many going the wrong way,' h e said. 'You are n ear Gl enn's
summe rs ago, my tribe came here to the land of the Falls.'
Del awares.' 'The wrong way!' said Duncan. 'Then we are lost.
But our Indian guide- '
'You h ave an Indian guide but you are lost in the
forest?' said Hawk-eye. 'That is very str ange. Is h e a
Delaware ?'
'He is call ed Magua. He is a Huron,' said Duncan.
'But he lives with the Mohawks, and he is a guid e for
the Eng-'
'A Huron!' said Hawk-eye quickly. 'You can tru st a
Mohican or a Delaware. But you cannot trust a Hu ron!
Your guide will lead you to hi s friends. They will kill
you. Let me see him.'
Magua was sta nd ing behind Cora's horse. Hawk-eye
look ed a t him . Th en h e went and spo ke t o
C h ingachgoo k and Uncas.

Magua moved qui ckl y. He ran into the forest. Duncan and H awk- eye spo ke to Cora an d Alice.
H awk- eye, C h ingac hgook and Uncas ran afte r him . The siste rs got off th eir horses. The Mohican s took the
But Magua escaped. an ima ls away.
~1, .' 'They will hid e th e horses until the morning,' said

Hawk- eye. He pull ed a ca noe from the tall grass at the

side of th e river. 'G et into the canoe,' he said. 'We will
go to a cave and we will stay there tonight.'
Duncan, Cora and Alice got into the can oe. H awk­
eye pushed th e canoe to the middle of the river. Then
he got into the canoe. He sta rte d to paddl e along the
river. Soon th ey heard the sound of a grea t wate rfall in
front of them - G lenn's Falls.
A few minutes lat er, they saw the wat erfall.

'What can I do ?' th ought Duncan. 'We are lost.'

H e turned to Hawk-eye. 'Will you take us to Fort
William Henry?' he asked. 'We will give you mon ey.'
Hawk-eye looked at C ora and Alice. 'We will take
you,' he told Duncan. 'Mo ney is not imp ortant. We
will n ot lea ve you and the two young wom en h er e.
Magua and hi s Huron friends will find you. Come now
- quickly!'

14 15

Alice looked at the tall young Mohican, Uncas.

'A strong man is guarding us,' she said quietly to her
sister. 'We will be safe tonight.'

16 17
Suddenly they heard the wild cries of the Hurons
again. Four Indians ran across the flat rock towards the
The Fight at Glenn's Falls
cave. Chingachgook and Uncas fired their guns. The
first two Hurons fell to the ground. The third Huron
Hawk-eye woke Duncan early the next morning. jumped on Hawk-eye. Each man had a knife. But
'We must go,' he said. 'I will get the canoe. Wake Hawk-eye was stronger than the Huron. He killed the
Miss Cora and Miss Alice. But do not make any noise.' Huron with his knife.
Duncan went to the back of the cave . 'Cora. Alice,'
he said quietly. 'Wake up.'
Suddenly there were shouts and cries outside.
Duncan ran to the front of the cave. The sound of guns
came from the forest. There were many Indians on the
other side of the river.
'Hurons!' thought Duncan.
Then Duncan saw Hawk-eye. The scout was shoot,
ing from the flat rock. Duncan saw a Huron fall into
the rushing water. Then the other Hurons ran back
into the forest.
Hawk-eye came back into the cave. 'They have
gone,' he said.
'Will they come back?' asked Duncan. The fourth Huron fought with Duncan. Uncas ran
'Yes, they will come back,' replied Hawk-eye. 'Miss to help the officer. The young Mohican killed the
Cora and Miss Alice must stay here in the cave. We Huron. Then Uncas and Duncan ran back to the
will go to the rocks and wait for the Hurons.' rocks.
The Hurons on the other side of the river started to
Duncan, Hawk-eye, Uncas and Chingachgook sat with shoot again. And Chingachgook shot at them.
their guns. They sat behind some rocks near the water, The shooting went on and on. Rocks and trees near
fall. They waited. Minutes passed. Then an hour the cave were broken in a hundred places. But Hawk,
passed. eye and his friends were not hurt. And Cora and Alice

18 19
were safe in th e cave. Dunca n, H awk- eye and t he two Mohic ans we nt
Hawk-eye saw a Hu ron in a tree on the othe r side of back to th e cave.
th e river. The scout lifted hi s long gun and fired. There 'W hat can we do now?' asked Duncan .
was a cry and th e Indian fell from the tree. H awk-eye thought for a few minutes. 'There will be
'I have no more bull ets,' said Hawk-eye. 'Uncas ! Go guards on th e pa ths,' he said. 'The Hu ron s will watc h
to the can oe. There are some bull et s in the canoe.' eve ry path . We must swim. We mu st jump in to the
Uncas ran quickly across the flat rock. But he was river. The rushing wat er will take us past the Hurons.'
too lat e. A Huron was pushing the ca noe across the The scout looked at Cora and Alice.
river! 'We ca nnot swim,' said Co ra. 'A lice and I will stay
h ere. Go to Gene ra l Munro at Fort William H enry.
Gene ral Munro must send soldie rs.'
C h ingac hgoo k, Uncas and H awk-eye talk ed qu ietly
toge the r. Then C h ingac hgook ran out of the cave and
jum ped into the river. A mom en t lat er, H awk-eye pu t
down hi s long gun and foll owed C h inga chgook. The
rushing wat er took them away.


Cora looked at Uncas. 'Go with them,' she said. Alice to the flat rock. One of the Hurons brought the
'I will stay,' said the young Mohican. canoe.
'No!' said Cora. 'Please, Uncas, Go with them!' 'Get into the canoe!' Magua said.
Uncas was unhappy. But he jumped into the water Duncan and the sisters got into the canoe. Magua
too. and the Hurons took them across the river.
Cora looked at Duncan.
'I am going to stay,' said Duncan. He looked at
Alice. 'I cannot leave you.'
. ~:.

There were shouts and cries from the Hurons on the ') . ,

flat rock. Duncan looked out of the cave .

The Hurons were looking behind the rocks near the
'They are looking for us,' thought Duncan. He went
quickly back into the cave.
'Our friends will bring help soon,' he said to Cora
and Alice.
Cora was afraid. Her face was white. She cried out.
Duncan turned - and he saw the terrible face of
'Where are the Mohicans?' asked Magua. 'Where is
the scout, Hawk-eye - The Long Gun?'
Suddenly, the cave was full of Hurons. One of them
picked up Hawk-eye's gun.
'They have gone,' said Duncan. 'They will bring
help soon.'
The Hurons were angry. They were going to kill The prisoners got out of the canoe on the other side
their prisoners. But Magua spoke to them, quickly and of the river. Magua and five Hurons stayed with them.
quietly. Then the Hurons took Duncan, Cora and The other Hurons walked away into the forest.

22 23
to hi s men . They ti ed me with rope s and they heat me !
I will ne ver forget !'
'I Am a Hu ron C h ief'
'But- ' said Cora.
'Wom an !' sho u te d M agua . H e stood up q uick ly.
The Hurons and the ir pri soners sta rted to walk. Magua ' Yo u will be m y wife ! Your sis te r will go [0 Fort
walked in front o f Duncan, Cora and A lice . The o the r Wi lliam Hen ry. Shc must tell Munro everyth ing. Then
Huro ns wa lked behind th e pri soners. The y wa lked Mu nr o w ill kn ow . Hi s d aughter li ve s with me ­
across a va lley. Th en Magua led them up a stee r h ill. Ma gua.'
Th e land at th e top of th e hill was flat . Magua sa t 'Never!' said Cora. ' I will not be your wife.'
d own und er a tr ee . Th e H uron s star te d to ea t a nd Magua sm iled. Then vou will di e,' he snid. 'A nd
drink. your friends will die too.'
Magua sho uted to Dunca n. 'Send the d ark -haired
woman to me !'
Cord W <lS afraid. She went to Magua. 'W ha t do you
wan r i' she asked.
'I am a Hu ron ch ief,' sa id Magua . " lived twen ty
summe rs an d tw ent y winte rs. I did not see a whi te
man . I was happy! Then a whit e man ca rne to the for ­
est. lie gave me hra nd y. T he drink was bad (or me. It
made me c razy! My people wer e an gry. I h ad (Q go
a wav, I ran away and liv ed with th e Moh awks.'
'Th en the war sta rre d,' said Magua . 'T he Fren ch
a n d th c En gli sh we re fis::htin g eac h o t h e r. Th e
Moh awks were fightin g for th e English. The Hurons
were fighting (or d ie French. I was fighting my own
peo ple.'
'Your fathe r - Munro - was o ur ch ief. He to ld th e
Mohawk s, "Do not dri nk bra ndy!" But a white man
gave me brandy. W hat did Munro do~ He gave o rde rs

14 2S

Then Magua went towards the other Hurons . He

spoke to them.
Duncan ran to Cora. 'What is wrong?' he asked.
'What did Magua say to you?'
'It is not important,' said Cora.
The Hurons were listening to Magua. Duncan
watched them. They were very angry. Suddenly, Magua
shouted at the Hurons. They pulled Duncan and the
women towards the trees . They tied each prisoner to a
tree with rope.
Magua stood in front of Cora. He laughed. 'What
does Munro's daughter say now?' he said. 'Shall I'send
your sister to your father? Will you follow me to the
Great Lakes and live with me?'
Cora looked at her sister.
'Alice,' said Cora. 'I must go with Magua and be his
wife. Then you and Duncan will live.'
'No!' shouted Duncan. 'Never!'
'No, no, no!' said Alice.
'Then die!' shouted Magua.
He threw his knife at Alice. The knife cut off some
of her hair. It hit the tree above her head. Duncan
shouted angrily.
The Hurons had tied Duncan to a tree. But he
pulled the rope and it broke. He jumped on a Huron
and they fought. The Huron had a knife. He was going
to kill Duncan.
Suddenly a gun fired and the Huron fell dead.

26 27

frie nds. He led them across th e valley and a lo n~ a pa th
through the for est . The)' sto pped ncar a small river.
Fort W illiam Henry
'We will walk in th e wat er,' said Hawk -eye . 'Th en
Maguu will not sec o ur foot print s on the grou nd .'
Hawk -ev e ran from th e fore st . C hi n gac h gc o k and They walked in the riv er (or an h our. Then thev
U n cus follow ed him . There was a fiJ.:ht. Hawk -eve, came to some mountains.
U nc as and Duncan killed four Hurons. C hi ngac hgook ' Wa lk qui etly n nw !' sa id Hawk -ey e. 'T he re arc
jumped on Magna . The Mohican stabbed Magna with French sold iers h er e.'
his knife. Mugu» fell to the ground. They walked to the top of a mountain and looked
H awk -eye and Duncan went a nd helped rhe tw o down . Ther e was Lak e H ort can ! And t here was Fort
wom en . But Magua was not dead . H e go t up and ran Willi<lm Henry! S mo ke came from fires in the forest.
awa y. C hingac h goo k and U ncas ran afte r him .
'Stop !' slioured Hawk -eve. 'You ca nnot catch him .'
' Hawk-eye, how did vou find us!' Duncan asked.
"­ ~--.,-._.-

'We waite d at the: side o f the river ,' sa id Hawk -eve.

'We saw the Hurons tak e you across the river. Then we
followed yo u.'
'You saved my life,' sald Duncan .
Haw k-eve sm iled. 'I found a Hu ron 's gun ,' he said .
'Th e Hu ro ns wctc stu pid . Thev left th eir gum under
th e trees.'
Hawk -eye went bac k [Q the trees . He pick ed up the
oth er guns , He found h is own lon g gun .
' N ow we ha n : gun s and bullets,' he sa id. 'We will
s t a y h er e to nig h t. Tom orr o w we will go t o Fort
William Henry.'

VC r)' e arl y th e n e xt morni n g. H awk -e ye wok e hi s

28 29

'Look at the fires,' said Hawk-eye. 'There are many daughters! '
Hurons in the forest. They are fighting for the French.' 'Don't shoot, men!' said the voice of General
'And look to the west,' said Duncan. 'Look at those Munro. 'My daughters are here! Open the gates!'
tents. That is General Montcalm's camp. There are The gates opened. Soldiers came out of the fort.
thousands of French soldiers.' They took everybody inside - Duncan, the young
Suddenly they heard the sound of guns. women, Hawk-eye and the Mohicans.
'The French are shooting at Fort William Henry,' But everybody in Fort William Henry was in danger.
said Duncan. 'But we must get into the fort.'
'We are lucky,' said Hawk-eye. 'Thick fog is coming
f·~~~~W\ i; I\\ ! I I " I I " 'I;fI////!I!I!/;!I/I'1i
along the valley. The fog will hide us from the French.
\ Iki rI/fJ
Follow me!'
Hawk-eye and the Mohicans started to walk down
the mountain. Duncan and the two sisters followed
them. At the bottom of the mountain, the fog was very
'Be careful!' said Hawk-eye. v'There are many French
soldiers along this path. Walk quietly!'
They followed him through the fog. Suddenly, they
heard voices.
'Who is there?' said a soldier in French.
Duncan replied in French. 'A friend of France!' he
'Who are you?' shouted the Frenchman.
But Duncan and his friends walked away quickly.
They went on through the fog. At last, they arrived at
the walls of the fort.
An English voice shouted from the top of the wall.
'The French are here. Shoot! Shoot!'
'Father, Father!' Alice shouted. 'It is us! Save your

30 31
'G eneral Webb gave me a letter for you,' he said.
'But th e French so ld iers took it. G en er al Montcalm
'When Will Help Come?'
wants to spea k to you. You must go to hi s camp .'

Days passed. The Fren ch army fired th eir big guns at - :~~~~.~~~
~ (
I Tti0iii ­
-r-c ~. ~ . ~
Fort William Henry. Man y English sold iers were killed .
Gene ra l Munro wai ted . But Gene ra l Webb did not
se n d a ny so ld ie rs . Munro se nt H awk- eye t o Fort
Edward with a message.
Gene ral Webb gave H awk-eye a letter for Munro.
The sco ut sta rte d to go back to Fort William Henry.
But Fren ch sold iers stopped him. They too k th e letter.
They t ied H awk-eye's hands with rope.
The n ext morning, Duncan Heyward was sta nding
by th e gates of Fort W illiam Henry. He saw three men
co ming towards th e fort. He went to Ge ne ral Munro.
'Gene ral Munro,' he said. 'Two Fren ch sold iers are
at the gates of the fort . Hawk -eye is with the m. But
whe n will help come from Fort Edward?'
Hawk-eye ca me into Ge ne ral Munro's room.

32 33
A French office r met Munro and Duncan at the
ga tes of the fort. They went to General Montcalm's
I.,~ ... ~l..~1 ~
ten t in the French camp.
There were French officers and Indi an ch iefs in the wc.~t,~~
tent. Then Duncan saw Magua. Magua was fighting for ~ 1k.U\, 7i.L ~.;~
th e French! The Hu ron looked at Duncan and smiled. ~ k,;tU4L- 9v ~
Montcalm spoke first. He spoke to Munro. r} ~ ~,-.,
'You h ave fough t well , Ge ne ral,' he said. 'But now
you must sto p fighting.'
Montcalm gave a letter to Munro. Munro read it
quickly. Then h e gave it to Dun ca n . The lett er was Munro look ed at Dunca n . They did not speak.
Then Ge ne ral Montcalm spoke to Munro. 'You and

from Ge ne ral Webb.
your soldiers must leave Fort William Henry,' he said.
~ ~}.~
17,~~' ~ ~
~ ,~ 'You ca n take your guns. But do not ta ke your bull ets.
~ ·~
_ ~z2t
~ ,
Your men, wome n and ch ildren will be safe. But we
. ,,~~- S:=
will burn th e fort.'
~~~, ( ""
7:~ }~

General Munro was unhappy. 'We will leave in the
morning,' he said . Then he and Duncan went back to
the fort.
Magua was angry. He spo ke to the Huron chiefs.
'T he English will leave the fort. The Fren ch will not
kill th em. But t he En glish are t he ene m ies of the
Hu ron s. We will kill the English!'

Three tho usand English people - soldiers , women and

ch ildren - left the fort . They walked past the French
so ldiers a nd t hey wa lke d towards th e forest. Th e
Eng li,sh soldiers ca rried the ir guns . But they h ad no
bullets .

34 35
Magua and the Hu ron s were sta nding in the forest. Magua was wa tch ing . H e ran to Cora. 'Will you
They watched Fort William H enry. The English left come with me now ?' he said.
the fort and walk ed into the forest. Then two th ousand 'Never!' said Cora . 'I will not be your wife.'
Indians attacked ! The Huron look ed at h er. But h e did n ot speak.
The English could not figh t. They had no bullets in Then h e turned to Alice . H e held Alice's arms. H e
their guns. Many of the English were kill ed. pull ed her towards a horse.
Alice and Cora saw their father. H e was running 'Stop!' sho uted Cora. And she ran after them.
t o ward s the Fr ench c amp . H e was go ing t o find Magua put Alice on the horse. Then he put C ora
Montcalm. He was going to ask for help. on the horse too. The Huron took them along a path
'Fathe r! Father! ' sho uted A lice. 'We are here!' towards Lake Horican.
But Munro did not hear th em . He did not sto p.

'i,f .,

36 37
7 'Miss Cora has left a trail,' said Hawk-eye. 'Sh e has
left pieces of her dress. We can follow this tr ail. But we
The Trail must go qui etl y. Magua is with th em.'
' But it is lat e ,' said H awk-eye. 'We will eat so me
Three days had passed. Fort William Henry had burnt food. We will slee p h ere to n ight. Tom or row we will
down. The French soldie rs had gone. The Indi ans had follow Miss Co ra's trail. '
gone . The bodi es of man y English soldiers, women and
ch ildren lay on th e ground. Ver y ea rly the n ext morning, H awk- eye woke the
In the eve n ing, five men walked th rough the forest. English officers and the Moh ican s.
Munro, Duncan , Hawk-eye, C h ingachgook and Uncas The five men followed Cora's tr ail. It led them to
were looking for Cora and Ali ce. They found the dead Lak e H oric an. Un c as an d C h ingachgoo k found a
bod ies of many English peopl e. The five men were sad canoe in th e grass near the lake.
and angry. The five men got into th e ca noe . The Moh ican s
Sudde n ly, Uncas sho uted to the othe rs, 'Look!' paddl ed it along the lake.
H e h ad a small piece of cloth in his h and. After half an hour, Uncas spoke qui etl y.
'T hat is a piece of Co ra's dress!' said Munro. 'S moke,' h e said. He was looki ng at a small island in
Uncas found footprints on the ground, near a tree. front of the m.
'T h ree peopl e and a horse have stood h ere,' he said. 'Smoke from a fire,' said Hawk-eye. 'And th ere are
Then Chingachgook found Alice's neckl ace. And two canoes. '
he found ano the r piece of Cora's dress. Suddenly, some Huron s ran from the tr ees on the
Dun ca n took th e n ecklace. H e sm ile d. 'A lice is island. They got into the two canoes .
alive, ' he said. 'T hey are following us,' said Duncan . 'Paddle fast ed'
'N o! Stop paddling, Chingach gook,' said Hawk-eye.
'I will shoo t them.' And he lifted hi s long gun.
He fired. A Huron in the first cano e fell into th e
lake. The Huron s sto pped th eir two canoes. They did
not follow.
Chingachgook and Uncas sta rted paddling aga in .
The five men went on . They went north, up the lake.


The Medicine Man

In the even ing , the five men arrived at the north end
of Lake Horican. They got out of the canoe and Uncas
and Chingachgook carried it. They put it under some
'~ , I(J,,'f:f.1!!Jf!t. - I~':fJ"l\~.r)~ ~; '~t\'' ,r I
(~~'l'/~.J" .!-'~­,: ,,, ~':{:". ~r~',).1 ~ '\!, ~ · }\II:I "':.'~ ..1. \' ~: l ~' J" \ ~ 'We have lost the trail,' said Duncan. 'Where sha ll
:~:~(" ~'-4 : ': " ~ J.~:~ . " ,"; ·: jF~·' :.'f ;: ~':; ..-:;::. ~ ".,
, we go!'
'My Mohican friends kn ow the path to the Hurons'
village,' said Hawk-eye. 'It is north of this place. That
is where Magua is going. We will go north too.'
~ - -~­ r:::=­ - . ~
:=JI:' ­ --- .

_ .­ ~ ----­
-=-=~-:::~' ~."'- . _~. a ·_=~:_:_~ For two days, the men followed the path. They walked
---===-=- -... --"~_~?'"'? --- =:5~ :.' ~~ many miles. They arrived at the Hurons' village on the
--::-- ---===----
-==­~ - ­ - ~~ second day. It was early even ing. There were about a
hundred houses by a small lake.
'~~;:.:-~ . -~ ~~- - -" .. ~

~­ .-- =­
'~';';-~.. ---==
- .

:--::::-~-=- ­

~- ~ -- --=-----.:::.-..
",' ---:...~ ~~
-- ~ ~ ~

..__ ---e:::: =:::..-
~':7 __ ~ "::=>-
~~~,\ / - - ~:-= -~

40 41

Hawk- eye spoke to C h ingac hgoo k and Uncas. Then 'I am a medicine man ,' said Duncan. 'T he King of
he spoke to Duncan and Munro. Fran ce sent me. A re any Hu rons ill ?'
'G en er al Munro , stay with C h ingac hgoo k,' sa id Sudde n ly, th ere were loud cries from the forest. The
H awk-eye. 'S tay in the forest . Duncan and I will go ch iefs left th e meeting-h ouse. Duncan followed th em .
into the village . Uncas, go up the hill to the west. More Hu rons were co ming in to th e village. There was
Watch the village . Come back quickly. Tell us about a prison er in front of them . It was Uncas!
the guards.'
A n hour passed . The four men waited. Uncas did
not come back.
Suddenly Duncan spo ke . ' I h ave a pl an,' h e sa id .
'Hawk-eye, give me your coa t. I must not wear my red
soldie r's coat in the village. I will be a medicine man ­
a French doctor. I will spe ak Fr en ch. I will walk
thr ou gh the v il lage an d go into th e h ou ses. Th e
Huron s will not hurt a medicine man . I will find Alice
and Cora.'
It was a dan gerous plan .
Duncan put on Hawk-eye's coat . Then he walk ed
into the Hurons' village . Ther e was a large woo de n
building in front of him. It was th e meeting-house of
the Huron chiefs. Duncan went inside.
Some Huron chiefs were sitt ing together. They saw
Duncan come in . One of the chiefs walk ed forward.
His h air was grey and he was tall and stro ng. He spoke
to Duncan in the Hu ron language. But Duncan did not
'Do you speak Fren ch ?' Duncan asked.
The Huron repli ed in Fren ch . 'W hy are you h ere ?'
he asked.

42 43

9 Duncan saw a bear following them. But he was not

afraid. Indians liked bears. They often had bears in
In the Hurons' Village their villages.

Uncas was not afraid. The Hurons ran around him.

They shouted. They pulled him towards the wooden
building. Uncas saw Duncan outside the building.
'Hawk-eye is safe, Uncas,' Duncan said quietly.
Then the Hurons took Uncas into the meeting-house.
Duncan walked through the village. He looked in
the houses. Nobody stopped him. Nobody asked any
questions. But Duncan did not find Alice and Cora.
He went back to the meer ing-house . He went
inside. Uncas was standing and the chiefs were sitting.
Duncan sat down too. He sat near the wall.
Then another Huron came into the building. It was
Magua! Magua did not see Duncan. But he saw Uncas.
He shouted, 'Mohican, you must die!'
Magua was angry. He turned to the chiefs. 'Many
Hurons died at Glenn's Falls,' he said. 'This Mohican is
our enemy!'
-- -~--~-
. _~.---.., ""' . ~- - ~
Magua and two Hurons took the young Mohican
out of the meeting-house.
Then one of the chiefs spoke to Duncan. 'Medicine Duncan followed the chief into the cave. The cave
man, the wife of one of my men is ill - she is sick. Can was large and there were many rooms with stone walls.
you make her well?' The chief took Duncan into one room. The sick
'Take me to the woman,' said Duncan. woman was lying on the ground. Some other women
He followed the chief out of the meeting-house. were with her. Duncan looked at the sick woman. 'She
They went towards a hill. There was a cave in the hill. is dying,' he thought.

44 45
The Huron chief waited and looked at Duncan. 'W he re is Cora?' asked Alice. 'W here is my father?'
Duncan turned to th e Hu ron chie f. ' I must look at 'Your father is safe. He is with C h ingachgoo k,' said
this sick woman alone ,' he said. 'My medicine is secret. Duncan .
Go with these four wom en . Wait outside.' 'And Co ra?' A lice asked aga in .
The chief and the four women left the cave . 'She is n ear her e. She is at another village,' sa id
A few minutes lat er, the bear ca me in to th e cave. Duncan. 'S he is with the Delawares.'
The bea r made a loud noi se. Duncan look ed at the Sudd enly, some bo dy cam e into the room . It was
bear. Again, the bear mad e a loud n oise. It walk ed Magua!
towa rds Duncan. Sudde n ly, it took off its head! It was
H awk-eye! H awk-eye was wearing a bear's skin !
'W hat-?' said Duncan. Then he laughed. 'Why are
you weari ng a bear's skin?' he asked.
' I found the bear 's skin in a H uron's h ouse ,' said
Hawk-eye. 'N ow the Hurons will n ot stop me. But tell
me. Where is Miss Alice ?'
' I h ave been unluck y. I h ave n o t foun d A lice or
Cora. A nd Uncas is a prisoner of the Hu rons.'
'Magua h as taken Miss Cora to the village of the
Delawares,' said Hawk- eye. 'I heard two Huron s talk­
ing abo ut h er. C hi ngachgook and Munro are safe in
the forest.'
Then H awk-eye h eard a n oise. H e look ed ove r a
sto ne wall. 'M iss Al ice is in the next roo m !' h e said.
Dunc an wen t into the next roo m. There were some
blanket s, cloths and ani ma ls' skins in the roo m. A nd
there was A lice . Her ha nd s and feet were tied with
rope . Her face was wh ite. She was afraid .
'D uncan!' she said. 'You are h ere.'
'Yes,' said Duncan . He untied her h an ds and feet .

46 47

10 It was dark in the village. The Hurons were in their

houses. They were asleep. Hawk-eye was looking for
The Bear Uncas . The scout was wearing the bear's skin. He
looked in all the buildings. Then he saw two men out­
Magua looked at Duncan and Alice. He laughed and side a house. They were guards . But they were asleep.
went towards them. Suddenly the bear was in the Hawk-eye quietly went inside the house.
room. It quickly held Magua. Magua could not move. Uncas was lying on the floor. His hands and feet
He could not turn round. were tied with rope. Hawk-eye took off the bear's head.
Duncan ran to the Huron. He tied Magua's arms. Uncas smiled.
Then he tied Magua's feet. Magua started to speak, but 'Hawk-eye,' he said quietly.
Duncan put a cloth into his mouth.
Hawk-eve took off the bear's head. 'We must go
quickly,' he said. 'Alice, you will wear a blanket. You
will be the sick Huron woman. Then you can leave the
Hurons' village.'
Hawk-eve put on the bear's head again. Alice put a
blanket over her head. Duncan carried Alice out of the
cave. And Hawk-eye followed Duncan.
The Huron chief was outside the cave.
'I am taking the sick woman away,' said Duncan. 'I
will bring her to your house tomorrow.'
Hawk-eye, Duncan and Alice left the village. Then
Hawk-eye led Duncan and Alice to a path.
'This path goes to a small river,' Hawk-eye said to
them. 'You will see a hill. The village of the Delawares
is near the hill. You will be safe with the Delawares.'
'What are you going to do?' asked Duncan.
'I must go back for Uncas,' said Hawk-eye.

48 49

H awk- eye untied Uncas' hands and feet. Then he 11

took off the bear's sk in . Unc as an d H awk- eye ran
quickly from the village. The Old Chief
'We sh all go to th e Delawares' village ,' said Hawk­
eye. Magua went to the Delawares' village. The Delawares
'Yes!' said Uncas. 'T he Delawares are th e children were friends of France. But they did n ot fight in the
of my grandfathe r. They will help us.' war.
Magua went to the Delawares' meeting-house. The
The n ext morning, the Hurons went to ge t Uncas. Delaware chiefs were talking.
They were going to kill him . They found th e bear's 'The Huron ch ief is welcom e,' said a Delaware.
skin . But they did not find the Mohican. 'Is my woman prisoner safe and well ?' asked Magua.
Then they went to the cave. They found a dead 'She is well,' said the Delaware.
wom an . But they did not find Alice. Then Magua said, 'A re there strangers in the forest ?
They found Magua. His hands and feet were tied . A White men?'
cloth was in his mouth. 'Th ere are st ra n ge rs in the village,' sa id th e
The Hurons untied Magna's h ands and feet. They Delaware. 'They are in my hou se. But strangers are
took the cloth from his mouth. always welcome in this village.'
Magua was angry. 'Kill the Mohican prisoner now!' 'What will the Kin g of France say about this?' said
he shouted. Magua. 'His greatest enemy is here in the Delaw ares'
'He has gone,' said one of the ch iefs. villa ge. This enemy is a white man . He kills many
Magua shouted with an ger. And he ran out of the friends of the French.'
cave. 'Which white man is an enemy of France ?' asked
the Delaw are chief.
'The scout , Hawk- eye!' sa id Magua . 'The Long
Gun! The othe r strange rs are hi s friends. They are the
enemies of Fran ce too.'
The Delawares sta rte d to talk qui etly. One of them
left th e meeting-h ouse quickly. A few minutes lat er, he
came back .

50 51
Then a very old man came into the meeting-house. Magua knew the nam e of thi s famous Delawar e
Two yo ung Delawares helped the old man. He had chief. Tamenund was mor e than one hundred years
long white hair and there were many lin es on his face. old!
The chiefs spoke his name - 'Tam enund.' Tamenund sa t down. Then he spoke to the tw o
')'fi' lll.'
young Delawares. They got up and went away.
Soon, they came back with Alice, Cora, Duncan
and Hawk-eye.
Cora was very an gry. She spoke to the chiefs.
'Yest erday, we were welcome in this village,' she
said . 'The Delawares were our friends. Today we are
your prisoners. Why are we prisoners?'
Tamenund did not answer.
'Which man is Hawk-eye, The Long Gun?' h e
Hawk-eye walked forward. 'I am Hawk-eye,' he said.
Then Tamenund spoke quickly to Magua.
'Take your prisoner - the dark-haired woman. Go!'
he said.
But Cora spok e to the old chief.
'Another man came to this village with us,' she said.
'Now he is a prisoner too. But he is one of your own
people. He will tell our sto ry. Please! Listen to him! '
Tamenund look ed at the chiefs. 'Who is this other
prisoner?' he asked.
'He fights for the English,' Magua said quickly. 'You
must kill him.'
'Bring him here!' said Tamenund.
Two men left the meeting-house. Soon they cam e
back with Uncas.

52 53
Uncas was not wearing a sh irt. Hi s han ds were tied .
H e stood in fr on t of Tam enund . Th e o ld c h ief
look ed a t him . Tam enund saw a tattoo o n U ncas'
ches t. It was a picture of a turtle.



54 55
Tamenund looked at Uncas. Then he smiled at the Then she spoke to Magua. '1 will co me with you.'
young Mohican. 'Your father is a great ch ief,' he said. 'And 1 will co me too !' sho uted Duncan. '1 will help
Uncas sudde n ly saw Hawk-eye. 'Delaware Fathe r,' you, Co ra !'
he said to Tamenund. 'This is my friend, Hawk-eye. He 'W ait! ' sa id H awk- eve. H e held Dunc an's arm .
is a friend of the Delawares.' Hawk-eye spoke quickly and quietl y.
'T h e Long Gun ?' said Tamenund. 'He is not a friend 'Magua's friends are waiting in the forest,' h e said.
of the Delawares. He kills our young men.' 'They will kill you. '
Then Hawk-eye spoke. '1 kill Hu rons,' he said . '1 'Huron!' said Uncas. 'We will find you! We will kill
have never killed a Delaware.' you!'
The Delawares believed Hawk-eye's words. But Magua laugh ed . 'M ohican ,' sa id Magua. 'yo u
Tam enund looked a t Un cas. 'Why a re yo u th e cannot kill me. 1 am too stro ng. Stay here with your
Hu ron's prisoner ?' he asked. brother s, the De lawa res . They are wea k. They lik e
'1 helped the English woman,' said Uncas. their homes and th eir food . They do not like fighting.
Tamenund look ed a t C or a. Th en h e spo ke t o They will not h elp you.'
Magua. Then Ma gua walked o ut of the meeting, h ou se.
'A nd why is the English woman your prisoner ?' he Cora followed him.
asked. Uncas spo ke to Tamenund. 'Delaware Father,' h e
'1 h at e the English! ' said Magua. 'Now th e daughter said. 'Help us. We must follow the English woman .'
of an English ch ief is my prison er. N ow the daughter of Tamenund called the young men of the village. 'Go
Munro will be my wife.' with th e Mohican ,' he said. 'The Hu ron s are now our
Magua went to C ora and h eld h er arm. ene mies!'
' Wa it !' sh o ute d Dunc an . ' Don't t ak e h er. Th e
English will give you mon ey.'
But Magua did not listen . He pull ed Cora towa rds
the door. 'Come !' he said to her.
'1 am your pri son er,' Cora said to Magua. ' But do
'no t touch me.'
She turned to Duncan. ' Please ta ke ca re of my
young siste r,' she said. She kissed A lice.

56 57
friends fought th e Huron s. The fight was terrible, but
Magua esca ped.
The Last of the Mohicans
Then H awk- eye, Duncan , Munro, the Mohicans
and their friends saw Magua again . He was with ano th ­
Magua and Cora walked in to the forest. They walked er Huron. They were in fron t of the ca ve. The tw o
towards the Hurons' village. Indi ans were pull ing C ora from the cave.
An hour lat er, H awk-eye, Duncan and Uncas fol­ 'C ora!' shouted Duncan . 'There is Cora !'
lowed Magua's tr ail. Two hundred young Delawares Uncas ran toward s th e rocks above the cave. C ora
went w it h t he three fri end s. A lice stayed in th e h ad stopped in front of the cave.
Delawa res' village. Magua took out hi s knife. He turned to Cora.
Haw k-eye spoke to U ncas. 'Wom an! ' h e shou te d . ' W ill yo u be the wife of
'Major H eyward and I will find C h ingac hgoo k and Magua? Or will you die !'
Ge ne ral Munro,' h e said. 'T hey are safe in th e forest. 'Kill me, Magua!' Cora said. ' I will not go with you!'
U ncas , take the Delawares with you. Follow Magua's
trail. Be careful! There will be many H urons in th e for­
est. We will meet you at th e Hu rons' village.'
'Magua will take Cora to the cave in the h ill,' said
Hawk-eye. 'We will find her ! We will help her! '
'Come,' said Duncan .

Hawk-eye and Duncan soon found C h ingac hgook and

Munro. They quickly to ld Munro th eir story. Then th e
four men wen t to th e Hu rons' village . They walked up
the h ill towa rds th e cave.
Sudde n ly, they h eard shouts and cries. T hey looked
dow n at the village . Uncas and the De lawa res were Sudde n ly there was a cry. Uncas was sta nd ing on
figh t ing the Hu rons in th e village. T h en Magua and the rocks above the m. Magua look ed up . The othe r
some Hu rons ran up the h ill. They were going to the Hu ron turned to Cora. He stabbed h er with hi s knife
cave. U ncas was running afte r th em . H awk-eye and hi s and kill ed her.

58 59
Magu a sho u te d ang rily. H e lift ed hi s knife an d
killed th e Huron . Th en Uncas j um ped on Magua .
They fough t. But Magua turned qu ickl y. He sta bbed
Uncas four times. The yo ung Mohican stood for a
mom ent. Then he fell at Magua's feet - dea d.
H awk- eye saw Uncas fall. The sco ut ran toward s
Magu a. Magua ran up the path. H is ene m ies we re
below him . Magua climbed up the ro ck s. Then h e
turned and looked down .
Hawk- eye sto pped running. He lifted his lon g gun.
Magua jumped toward s a hi gh er roc k and Hawk- eye
fired . Magua's fingers touched the roc k. But th e bullet
from H awk- eye's gun killed him . A nd hi s bod y fell
down and down onto the rock s.

60 61
A day later, General Munro, Dun can and Alice stoo d
by the graves of Uncas and Cora. They were sad and
sile n t. Th en th ey sa id goo d bye to H awk- ey e,
C h ingachgook, and th e Del awares. And they walked
away into the forest .
Chingachgook looked at Hawk- eye. 'All th e peopl e
of my tribe have gone now,' he said. 'I am alone.'
'N o,' said Hawk-eye. 'Uncas h as gone. But you are
not alone.' He put hi s hand on C h inga chgoo k's hand.
The te ars of the two friends fell on to the grave of

In 1758, General Munro died. Alice marri ed Duncan

Heyward and they lived happily together.
From that time, the Delaware s told their children
th e sto ry of the English wom an a n d th e yo un g
Mohican. And they told their children the word s of
Tamenund, the old chief ­
'The time of the red man h as gone . We fought for
o ur land. But now there ar e many white men - as
many as the leaves on the tr ees. I have lived too lon g. I
ha ve seen the last of the Mohicans!'

Published by Macmillan Hein emann ELT
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ISBN 978-1-4050-7238-0

This retold version by John Escott for Macmill an Readers

First publi shed 2002
T ext © John Escott, 199 7, 2002, 2005
Design and illustrati on © Macmill an Publishers Limit ed 1998, 2002, 200 5

This ed ition first publishe d 2005

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