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Cantu, Diana V. "Technology and Society." Children's Technology & Engineering, vol. 21, no.


Dec. 2016, p. 4. EBSCOhost, libproxy.uhcl.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/l

ogin.aspx?direct=true&db=f5h&AN=120006830&site=ehost-live&scope=site. Accessed

27 Feb. 2018.

This “academic journal” is more of a blog post. There is nothing about the impact of

technology on society. There are many questions Diana Cantu asks to get the reader thinking, but

they are left unanswered.

It was uninformative, and I will not be using this a source in the future.

Grudin, Jonathan. "Technology and Academic Lives." Communications of the ACM, vol. 59, no.

11, Nov. 2016, pp. 37-39. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1145/2911980. Accessed 27 Feb. 2018.

Grudin goes to the explanation of technology advancement in academic fields over

different periods of time. He writes of time before the internet, arrival of the internet, and the

consequences of the advancing technology. He writes about the forces of technology could be

redirected for positive outcomes.

This article does go into detail of how the advancement of technology/internet caused many

problems in his workplace. He continues to write about the things that change and the

consequences, but I feel that there needs to more of how the impact of technology affected


I am not sure I want to use this source.

ROMAN, HARRY T., htroman49@aol.com. "THE CHALLENGE of Evaluating Technologies."

Technology & Engineering Teacher, vol. 75, no. 1, Sept. 2015, pp. 32-33. EBSCOhost,


direct=true&db=aci&AN=109142230&site=ehost-live&scope=site. Accessed 27

Feb. 2018.

This article is a “lesson plan” for teachers. Roman goes into detail of how to discuss the

topic in the classroom and keep the students engaged. He also goes into the pros and cons of the

impact of technology.

There needed to more information overall. Yes, it provides different sides on the impacts, but

the title is, “The Challenge of Evaluation Technologies” and it never once states a “challenge.”

There needed to be more “evaluating” of technologies.

I will be using this as a source because Roman does provide a list of pros and cons that I can

get ideas.

Spence, Edward H. "Wisdom and Well-Being in a Technological Age." Synesis: A Journal of

Science, Technology, Ethics & Policy, vol. 4, Jan. 2013, pp. T:16-T:20. EBSCOhost,


direct=true&db=poh&AN=92010993&site=ehost-live&scope=site. Accessed 27 Feb.


Edward Spence composes a journal about wisdom, well-being, and the impact of

technology on society. He explains how the wellbeing of a person is their right. Spence examines

how wisdom, well-being, and technology all affect each other in some way shape or form. He
writes about technological contributions and their effects. He profoundly explains what wisdom

enables people to do.

I feel that this article kind of bounces all over the place but it does hold some excellent points

on the subject that I might be able to use.

Surry, Daniel W. and Fredrick W. Baker III. "The Co-Dependent Relationship of Technology and

Communities." British Journal of Educational Technology, vol. 47, no. 1, Jan. 2016, pp.

13-28. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1111/bjet.12349. Accessed 27 Feb. 2018.

Daniel Surry writes about the relationship between technology and communities. He talks

about the different impacts of technology and different technologies. He describes the dynamic

between technology and humanity. He counties to say that technology is making the way of life

easier. He states multiple views of technology and society. He explains technological

determinism and aspects of technology and social systems. He writes how technology can impact

community positively or negatively. He recommends different ways we can look at technological

impacts and things to be aware of when studying this subject.

Surry did an excellent job in providing explanations for his claims. He stayed on topic, and

that was very helpful and easier to understand while reading.

I will be using this journal as a source for my argument.

WEBB, JESSIE. "Reading Machines." Overland, no. 221, Summer2015, pp. 56-60. EBSCOhost,

direct=true&db=hus&AN=112218444&site=ehost-live&scope=site. Accessed 27 Feb.


Jessie Webb writes about how technology has impacted reading. He goes into explaining

the effects of reading on a tablet versus reading a hardcopy book. Webb writes about how

modern society comprehends with different distractions going on around them, that does not

connect what they are reading. He goes into detail about how experiences when reading are

essential to our understanding of the text.

This article was a very informative essay about technology affecting the way we read. I could

use this as a source I am still not sure, but I will continue to examine it further.

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