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Advanced Structural Dynamics

and its Applications

Chapter 1
Introduction and Equations of


 Structural Dynamics :
Determination of structural response (time-
varying displacements, stresses) induced by time-
varying loads (i.e. the magnitude, direction or
position of the loads vary with time).

Two basic types of dynamic loads :

 Deterministic (Prescribed dynamic loading)
– Time variation of loading is fully known.

(a) Rotating machinery - Periodic with regular


(b) Earthquake (recorded) induced motion -

Non-Periodic with irregular pattern

 Non-Deterministic (Random dynamic

• Time variation of loading is unknown.
(a) Response of structure for
the next earthquake
(b) Wind loads on structure
 Probabilistic and statistical approach is
needed to forecast and predict the source of
loading and the consequence.
Deterministic Loads
1. Periodic - repetitive loads with same time

Fourier analysis – represent periodic loading as a

sum of a series of simple harmonic components
Deterministic Loads
2. Non-periodic
(a) Short duration
(impulsive) loads (eg.
(b) Long duration
general loadings (eg.
Duhammel Integral, Frequency domain analysis,
Time integration methods are used to solve the
general dynamic problem.
Mathematical Models
1. Distributed parameter system (continuous

A partial differential equation

Mathematical Models
2. Discrete parameter systems
(a)Single degree of freedom (SDOF) system
• the mass is lumped in one location;
• the stiffness is lumped into one parameter.
Mathematical Models
(b) Multiple degrees of freedom (MDOF)
• the mass is lumped at various locations
• the stiffness is lumped into various
Mathematical Models

3. Finite element concept

Equations of Motion

 Equations of motion are mathematical

expressions defining the dynamic
displacements of the structure.
 The solution of these equations gives the
required displacement histories.
Equations of Motion

Methods to formulate the equations of

 d’Alambert’s Principle (Newton’s 2nd Law)
 Virtual Work (Displacements)
 Variational Formulation (Hamilton’s
principle, Lagrange’s equations)
Equations of Motion
Newton’s Laws
 A particle remains at rest or continues to move in a straight
line with uniform velocity if there is no unbalanced force
acting on it.
 Rate of change of momentum of any mass m is equal to the
force acting on it

If mass is constant, then

 Action and reaction between interacting bodies are equal

in magnitude, opposite in direction and collinear.
Equations of Motion

d’Alembert’s Principle

 A concept that a mass develops an inertia force

proportional to its acceleration and opposing it.
From 2nd Law,

(inertia force)

That is, an artificial state of (dynamic) equilibrium is

obtained by introducing the inertia forces.
Equations of Motion
Forces acting on a mass
 inertia forces fI
 external load p(t)
 elastic spring force fS; fS = ke (where e
denotes elongation)
Equations of Motion

 damping force fD
– exact nature of damping is impossible to
– dissipation of energy due to deformation of
– viscous dashpot model: fD = c _ e (where
denotes rate of elongation)
Equations of Motion

Dynamic Equilibrium

 Equations of motion are mathematical expressions defining the

dynamic displacements of the structure.
 The solution of these equations gives the required displacement
Equations of Motion
Example 1
Derive the equation of motion of the spring-mass-
dashpot system (including gravity weight).

displacement of the mass measured relative to the static equilibrium

position be u(t)
Equations of Motion
Example 1(Cont.)

Equation of motion with reference to the static equilibrium

position of the dynamic system is not affected by gravity loads!
Equations of Motion
Example 2
• Derive the equation of motion of the spring-mass-dashpot
system assuming that the support excitation ug(t) is known.
When ut = ug = 0, the spring is unstretched. ( ut : absolute

That is, (assuming p(t) = 0) the base motion has an effect of

adding a reversed inertia force !
Equations of Motion
Example 3
• Frictionless Pendulum (Rigid Body Mass)


Equation of motion for a pendulum

Equations of Motion
Example 3( Frictionless Pendulum)
• Case 1: Motion of a uniform bar (mass mass per unit length)

Equations of Motion
Example 3 (Frictionless Pendulum)
• Case 2: Motion of a simple pendulum

Example 4a (Ref.: Clough and Penzien, Dynamics of Structures)

Equivalent concentrated load due to p(x, t) =

P* (t )  m*Z  c*Z  k *Z
Equations of Motion
Principle of Virtual Displacement ( Work)
• If an equilibrated system is subjected to a virtual displacement,
the total work done by the induced forces (including real forces
and inertia forces) must vanish

• That is,  W  0
• Since u is virtual displacement, u  0
Example 4b (Virtual Work)
Example 4c Axial load N
Including axial load N due to vertical displacement Z,
Assume small angle:

The virtual work done by N is thus:

and the effective stiffness term is

Virtual Work (Example 4) Discuss:
1. Using virtual work, we can simply superimpose the scalar
quantities in formulating the equation of motion.
In dynamic equilibrium, forces are vectorial quantities.
2. When the generalized stiffness k* = 0, we have a critical
buckling condition.

That is,
k* = 0 the system is in neutral equilibrium condition.
k* < 0 the system is unstable.
k *> 0 the system is stable (vibration occurs).

3. Compressive axial force weakens the structure while tensile

axial force strengthens the structure.
Mass of roof: m
Second moments of cross sectional area about x and y: Ix and Iy
Result Discussion

 For linear elastic systems, the lateral stiffness of a

frame can be expressed as:
24EIC 12  1
h3 12  4

where   I b I - beam-to column stiffness ratio


•for one bay frame,   Ib 4I


•for    , k
24 EI C
6 EI C
 0 k
 The energy of the vibrating system is dissipated by
various mechanisms, and often more than one
mechanism may be present at the same time
in lab structures:
― thermal effect of repeated elastic straining of the materials

― the internal friction when a solid is deformed

in an actual vibrating building:

― friction at steel connections

― opening and closing of microcracks in concrete

― friction between the structure itself and nonstructural

elements such as partition walls

 Equivalent viscous damping:
f D  cu
f/ke=f/k+f/kbeam ke=(k+kbeam)/(k*kbeam)
Home Work
Chapter 1, 1.15-1.18
Due: next week


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