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Ox Bernie Peyton ‘Low Intermediate ©2009 - California Author's advice: Use a 6-7 inch (15 cm) square of kami, with one light side and one dark side. This model was created to commemorate the year of the ox. I designed it after Giang Dinh sent me his simple and beautiful ox model. p a ap q > | 1. Mark the midpoint P ofthe 2, Place the top right comer on 3, Fold the bottom edge to line Jef side witha crease point P and crease line B lightly B and crease the right edge at point Q ‘Valley-fold the top of the 5. Fold and unfold the light 6. Unfold. re through point Q. ‘colored paper over the edge of dark paper on top of it 190 7. Vally fold and unfold the midline. 8. Make valley creases from the top comers to the midpoint of the bottom edge. Tun the model HOS 10, Turn the model over. fa heel 13. Mountain fold the left and right sides behind on the creases of step 8. 16. Turn the model over. 11. Valley fold and unfold the bottom edge to the crease of step 4. Turn the model over. 14, Mountain fold the model in half on the crease of step 4, The litle light triangles made in step 12 are the eyes. W 17. Valley fold the top edge down, ros 9. Fold the bottom edge up on an existing crease 12. Valley fold the comers to lie fon the erease just made, and inside the V-shaped creases of step 8. See the next two steps for result 15. Mountain fold the bottom layers up just above the eyes. 18, Valley fold all the “horn” layers onthe left o the edge marked by the arrow. (Ox/Bernie Peyton = 19. Valley fold the hor back to the let. 22, Narrow the horn with valley 25. Tum the model over. na Finished ox head! Glue it ‘greeting cards or turn it over to ‘make other uses. a 0. 20. Repeat the last two steps on the other horn, 23. Valley fold the indicated edge. 26. Round the head with inside reverse folds. Fold up the tip of the nose. Carefully insert a chopstick or the eraser side of a pencil through the hole in the nose. You may need to undo the fold on the tip ofthe nose to insert these items, 21, Valley fold the horn tip up. 24, Repeat steps 21-23 on the other horn. 27, Shape the horns and sides of the face with curved mountain folds,

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