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The Pennsylvania State College

The Graduate School

Department of Agronomy

Irrigation and Compaction on Established Fairway Turf

A dissertation


James R. Watson, Jr.

Submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements
for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

February 1950

Approved: January 23, 1950

Department of Arrronomy

Head of Department

The writer wishes to express his sincere appreciation

to the followings

Professor H. B. Musser, Professor of Agronomy, under

whose direction this work was done, for his helpful suggestions

and constructive criticisms throughout the oourse of the inves­


Dr. H. R. Albrecht, Head of the Department of Agronomy,

for placing the facilities of the department at the writer's


Dr. C. D. Jeffries, Professor of Agronomy, for his guidance

and advice in the preparation of the phase of this work dealing

with the x-ray spectrometer studies;

A. A. Hanson, U. S. Regional Pasture Laboratory, for his

generous assistance in the interpretation of the statistical


Faculty of the Department of Agronomy for their kind coopera­

tion and help during the course of this study;

Russell A. Smith, and C. L. Dean, for their assistance in

the maintenance of the field plots;

W. A. Schilling, for his help in constructing some of the

equipment used in these studies.

The writer would also like to express his sincere apprecia­

tion and gratitude to the United States Golf Association, Green

Section, Dr. Fred V. Grau, Director, who established the fellowship

which made this work possible.


I. Introduction.......................... 1

II. Materials and M e t h o d s ................................ 7

A. General Maintenance of Area ..................... 7

B. Design of Experiment............................ 8

C. Treatments...................................... 9

1. Moisture ............... 9

2. Compaction.................................. 12

D. Methods of E v a l u a t i o n .......................... 13

III. Preliminary Investigationof the Value of the Penetrometer

for Measuring Soil Compaction ....................... 17

A. Introduction ............................ 17

B. P r o c e d u r e ...................................... 19

C. R e s u l t s ............................. .... 20

D. Discussion...................................... 24

E. Summary . .................................... 26

IV. Results ............................................ 27

A. Variation in Moisture and Compaction Levels. . . . 27

B. Effects of Moisture and Compaction onthe Total

Percent of Permanent Species of Grasses in the
Turf Population ............................... 28

C. Effects of Moisture and Compaction onIndividual

Species of Permanent Grasses ..................... 33

D. Effects of Moisture and Compaction onthe Percentage

of Clover, Crabgrass, and Disease Incidence . . . . 41

E. Effects of Moisture and Compaction on Root

Quantities and Distributions ..................... 48
V. Discussion....................... 51

A. Variation in Moisture andCompaction Levels .... 51

B. Effects of Moisture and Compaction on the Total

Percent of Permanent Species of Grasses in the
Turf P o p u l a t i o n ..................... 51

C. Effects of Moisture and Compaction on Individual

Species of Permanent Grasses .................... 53

D. Effects of Moisture and Compaction on the Percentage

of Clover, Crabgrass, andDisease Incidence . . . . 5U

E. Effects of Moisture and Compaction on Root

Quantities and Distributions..................... 55

VI. S u m m a r y .............................................. 58

A. General ............................... 58

B. R e s u l t s ........................................ 59

C. C o nclusions.......................... 61

VII. Bibliography................................ 63

VIII. Appendix Tables ............................. 70



The demands of modern golf call for a fairway turf capable of

withstanding close clipping, dense enough to provide good shot making

qualities, and that will maintain adequate growth throughout the

playing season. In addition, the turf must be disease tolerant, weed

free, wear resistant, and sufficiently firm and free from thatching

to provide good footing for the player.

Many factors affect the production of a turf that will meet

playing requirements. The more important of these are physical soil

condition, soil reaction, fertility, disease incidence, and management

practices such as clipping, watering, and the oompaction produced by

heavy, high-speed maintenance machinery. Among these factors none

are more important and their practical application to turf production

less understood than the influence of watering and compaction on

physical soil condition, and ultimately on the quality of the turf


The available information on the effects of these factors on

turf quality is limited, and frequently is unsupported by critical

data. In many instances conclusions that have been drawn only from

limited observations have been used as the basis for recommendations

for maintenance practices. Fundamental knowledge of the extent to

which water and oompaction influence turf quality Is essential to

provide a sound basis for maintenance operations.

It is generally agreed that fairway watering is a necessary aid

to nature. The functions of water in relation to turf grasses has
been discussed by Larson (34) and Sprague (66). They have empha­

sized the necessity for supplemental irrigation in order to maintain

satisfactory growth during the playing season. Sprague (66) states

that if evaporation is one and a half to three times as great as

rainfall, watering of closely cut fairways is necessary. According

to Miller (39) most authorities agree that one inch of water per

week during the growing season is required for proper turf main­

tenance in the bent-bluegrass territory. Tregillus and Johnson (68)

state that fairway watering is a necessity where a green sward is to

be maintained in spite of protracted drought periods. This obser­

vation has also been made by Grau and Noer (21), Sprague (63) and

Noer (49). In addition, they have cautioned that turf should be

irrigated only when it suffers from lack of water. Noer (49) points

out that careful watering and judicious fertilization are two main­

tenance practices which minimize disease on turf. The cost factors

involved in the use of fairway irrigation systems has been discussed

by Miller (39) and Monteith (40). They have concluded that many

thousands of dollars could be saved annually by judicious watering


As noted above, the moderate use of supplemental irrigation is

desirable under many circumstances. Unfortunately, once a fairway

irrigation system is installed the prevailing tendency is toward

excessive use. Excessive watering is directly or indirectly responsible

for many major turf maintenance problems (25, 51, 20). Excessive

Figures in parenthesis refer to literature cited, page 63.
watering encourages crabgrass and other undesirable weeds, leaches

soil nutrients, and intensifies disease incidence. Also, it tends

to over-stimulate growth, particularly where a high fertility level

is maintained. When rapid growth occurs clipping must be more frequent.

Frequent operation of heavy, hi$i-speed mowing machinery coupled with

player traffic results in soil compaction. The combination of exces­

sive watering and soil compaction produces, what is in all probability,

the major cause of turf deterioration. Grau (20) is of the opinion

that the combination of saturated soil, player traffic, and heavy

mowing machinery operating frequently, creates a soil condition in

which few grasses can grow satisfactorily. From a factorial, pot-

culture experiment on sugar beets involving excess water, aeration

and compaction, Smith and Cook (59, 60) concluded that excessive com­

paction alone was much more detrimental than excessive water alone,

but that when the two were used in combination the injurious effects

produced were even more pronounced.

Compaction, in effect, destroys soil structure; i.e., decreases

pore space and increases density. In an ideal soil medium, water and

air would each occupy 25 percent and the solid, or mineral portion, 50

percent by volume of the total soil mass. The proportionate volumes

occupied by these constituents, in field soils are governed by soil

structure. Baver (5) states that soil structure is the key to soil

fertility! Obviously, any operation that destroys structure would

upset the air-water relationships in soil and materially effect plant


In his discussion of the effects of compaction on drainage and

aeration Baver (5) points out that the pore-space relationships of

the different soil horizons contribute to drainage and that one

particular layer may be the dominant factor in controlling the drain­

age of the entire soil* According to Alderfer and Robinson (l) maxi­

mum compaction, as measured by volume weights and porosity determi­

nations on severly trampled pastures, occurred in the upper inch of

the soil even though this layer contained the greatest amount of

organic matter. The presence of a compacted layer near the surface

would seriously impede water infiltration. Such a layer at a lower

depth, as is often the case in hardpan and certain artificial soils,

would materially effect drainage. Improper drainage, on the other

hand, enhances poor aeration.

Similarly, the necessity of good drainage and its importance in

maintaining proper air-water relationships have been discussed by

Hoffer (28), Noer (50), Sprague (65), Tyson (69), Weiton (72, 73) and

Wolfram (78). Likewise, Mott (42, 43), Musser (46), Noer (52) and

Sprague (66) have pointed out the importance of aeration and drainage

in the development and growth of adequate root systems. All have

emphasized that compaction and excessive watering are the primary

factors contributing to poor aeration and drainage.

Adequate soil aeration is essential for replenishment of soil

oxygen and the dissipation of carbon dioxide and other gaseous substances,

which if allowed to accumulate may become toxic to plant growth. The

need of oxygen for normal plant growth has been universally observed

and demonstrated. The investigations previous to 1920 concerning the

beneficial effects of aeration on the metabolic activities of plants

have been ably reviewed by Clements (12) and Cannon (8). Cannon also

has pointed out that the absorption of nutrients by plants is not a


matter of permeability of root cells, but is the result of an energy

consuming process of the protoplasm for which oxygen is needed con­

stantly. He states further that the carbon dioxide given off by

plants as a by-product of respiration, if allowed to accumulate,

dilutes the oxygen supply and becomes harmful. Chang and Loomis (ll)

have indicated that the role of carbon dioxide toxicity has not been

fully investigated and that increased carbon dioxide concentration

reduced the total absorption of certain nutrient elements. Lawton

(35, 36) confirmed this latter conclusion and also reports that large

amounts of potassium partly overcomes the detrimental effects of poor

soil aeration. Failure of corn, on certain Indiana soils, to respond

to fertilization even though they are not overly productive has been

attributed by Hoffar (27) to lack of soil aeration.

In addition to the effect of improper air and water relationships

on the growth and productivity of plants, desirable micro-biological

activity is seriously hampered by excessive water and soil compaction.

Anaerobic conditions interfere with nitrification processes and are

conducive to the accumulation of reduced compounds and other toxic

substances (59). Hoffer (26) has pointed out that in poorly aerated

soils ferric iron is reduced to the ferrous state, which if present

in large amounts becomes toxic to plant growth. From a laboratory

investigation Hubbell and Gardener (29) demonstrated that water-logging

reduced aggregation and the number of bacteria, but had little effect

on the number of fungi and actinomycetes. Compaction, however, pro­

duced the greatest lowering of aggregation and microbial population.

The importance of environment and its relationship to disease incidence

and control has been discussed adequately by Monteith and Dahl (41).
Eggleton (14) suggests that in grassland soils the long term changes

in the number of micro-organisms are closely associated with the

amount and growth activity of the surface vegetation.

That the problem of turf maintenance is a complexity involving

many factors is aptly illustrated by Sprague (62) in his discussion

of the Brown patch disease of turf in which he stated that poor sur­

face and subsoil drainage, strong soil acidity, abundant watering,

liberal feeding with nitrogenous fertilizers, close mowing, and other

practices which tend to develop a tender luxriant growth with scanty

root development and limited storage of plant food in stems and roots,

increases susceptibility to this disease.

The above review of literature indicates general agreement on the

importance of water and compaction in turf production. However, there

is an almost total lack of documented information on the extent and

seriousness of the effects of moisture and soil compaction, separately

and in combination, on turf. Without such basic information it becomes

very difficult to develop a maintenance program with respect to supple­

mental irrigation and compaction control. The investigations reported

herein were designed to attempt to evaluate the independent and inter­

acting effects of these two factors on turf quality. Consideration

has been given to the development of relative degrees of soil compaction

as well as the rate and degree of changes in the turf that result from

the treatments applied.


This study was conducted on an established turf area on the

campus of the Pennsylvania State College. The area consisted of

25,000 square feet of a mature, mixed population of bentgrass

(Agrostis palustris and A. tenuis), red fescue (Festuca rubra

vars. genuine and fallax (22) ), and Kentucky bluegrass (Poa

pratensis). The sod was growing on a Hagerstown silt loam of good

to high fertility, gentle rolling topography, and excellent surface

sind subsoil drainage.

General maintenance of the area.

General maintenance of the area conformed as nearly as was

feasible to good golf-course practices for fairway turf. A high fer­

tility level was maintained by uniform spring and fall applications

of two sind one-half pounds each of actual nitrogen, phosphoric acid,

and potash per 1000 square feet. Half of the nitrogen came from an

organic or slowly available source (milorganite) and half from sin

inorganic or soluble type of nitrogen (ammonium sulphate) carrier. The

first of these applications was made in the early fall of 19-47 follow­

ing an overall treatment with 2, 4-£. The 2, 4-0 was used to remove

the weeds and clover present. An effective kill was obtsiined and a

turf produced that was clean and practically free from weed infesta­


The turf was clipped to approximately one-half inch following the

1947 application of 2, 4-0. This height of cut was maintained through­

out the experimental period, conforming to normal fairway management

practices for the type of turf present on the area. That fairway turf

responds differentially to various heights of cut has been borne out

by the investigations of Fitts (17), Graber (19), Grau and Noer (21),
Harrison (24), Musser (44, 45), and Nelson (48). In general these

investigators have shown that oontinued close clipping is undesirable

for Kentucky bluegrass and Red fescue; nevertheless, since clipping

to one-half inch or less is a general practice on many golf course

fairways it was felt that maintenance of this height of cut was

necessary in order to properly evaluate the effects of moisture and

conqpaction on the various species in the mixture.

That the general maintenance practices followed affected turf

quality under certain of the treatments will be shown later.

Pggjgft of
The design employed in this investigation was a 4 x 5 factorial

with three replications involving four levels of moisture and five

levels of compaction. Compaction treatments were superimposed and at

right angles to the moisture treatments. Separately, the two treat­

ments were arranged as simple randomized block experiments. Together

the two factors constituted a special type of split plot. The main

plots were 18 by 100 feet for moisture and 20 by 72 feet for compaction,

while the sub, or individual, plots were 18 by 20 feet. The key-out

for the analysis of variance of this type of design is presented in

appendix Table I A . The experiment was laid out so that other treat­

ments could be superimposed upon either or both of the two main plots

to secure additional information, particularly on renovation studies.

Roman numerals are used to designate appendix tables.
Arabic numerals are used to designate text tables.

Moisture: The various moisture levels were designed to cover

the extreme moisture conditions that are found on golf courses and

at the same time to provide a range sufficiently great to permit

recommendations for supplemental Irrigation of the type of turf

present on the area* The levels of moisture maintained in this ex­

periment were as follows:

(a) D. - Dry; received no supplemental irrigation.

The average soil moisture content fbr the growing season was approx­

imately 12 to 13 percent.

(b) A.N. - As needed; received sufficient supplemental

irrigation to sustain normal growth) i.e., turf kept green and vig­

orous throughout the growing season. The average soil moisture con­

tent for the growing season was approximately 16 to 18 percent.

(c) F.C. - Field capacity; irrigated often enough to

maintain a moisture content of approximately 24 percent, the field

capacity of this soil.

(d) S. - Saturated; irrigated often enough to maintain

a moisture content approaching saturation. The total water holding

capacity of this soil is 49 percent. Due to the very excellent drain­

age of this soil an average moisture content of only 38 percent, or

approximately 78 percent of saturation, could be maintained. This

moisture content is very close to the aeration - porosity limit of

the soil studied (3).

These symbols will be used in subsequent tables and figures when
referring to the moisture treatments.

The average quantity of water received by the main plots for

moisture and the monthly precipitation for the 1949 growing season

are shown in Tahle 1. The amounts listed under "rainfall* represent

the total amount of water received hy the dry plots, while the figures

listed under irrigation represent the number of inches of supplemental

irrigation applied in excess of natural rainfall.

Table 1. Rainfall and irrigation data for the 1949 growing season.

April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Total per
inches inches inches inches inches inches indies inches inches
Rainfall 2.75 3.27 1.38 4.76 3.40 2.82 2.43 20.81 2.97

r A.N. 0.00 0.00 3.50 0.00 3.50 0.00 3.00 10.00 1.43
g F.C. 11.40 13.68 18.24 11.40 11.40 15.96 15.96 98.04 14.01
t S. 50.16 54.72 68.40 50.16 63.84 63.84 68.40 419.52 59.93

Water applications were made with a 100-foot, 3/4-inch pipe

drilled and tapped every three feet with short throw nozzles.

pipe covered an area of approximately 9 by 100 feet with each setting,

consequently, two settings were required to irrigate a single main


Observational determinations of the condition of the turf on

the as needed plots governed the frequency of application. Lark soil

moisture tensiometers were used to indicate the need for irrigation

on the field capacity and saturated plots. The tensiometers used were

of the vacuum gauge type. The principle and the limitations of soil

tensiometers has been aptly discussed by Richards, et al (54, 55, 56, 57)

and Neal, et al (4-7). The essential features of the technique are

the placing in the soil of a porous - clay cell or cup which is sealed

onto an indicator dial. The cell or cup is filled with water and the

system permitted to come to equillibrium with the soil. As the soil

dries out, water leaves the cup and enters the soil, and the dial

readings increase in magnitude. As the soil beoomes wet, and the ten­

sion of the water in the soil is less than that in the cup, water enters

the cup causing the dial readings to decrease in magnitude. When the

moisture in the soil is in equilibrium with the water in the cup, the

dial reading is recorded, a soil sample taken, and the moisture con­

tent of the soil determined according to the method given by Lyon and

Buckman (38), In this way the tensiometer readings can be calibrated

with a given soil moisture content, thereafter necessitating only dial

readings to determine the approximate percentage of soil moisture pre­


The tensiometer provides data on the wet end of the energy-ooisture

curve. The maximum tension cannot exceed one atmosphere. When the

potential of the soil water exceeds this value, air enters the cup,

and the instrument is no longer operative. There is considerable hys­

teresis effect. A soil that is drying out has a different moisture

content at the same dial reading from that of the same soil when it

is being wetted. Nevertheless, tensiometers afford an effective means

for determining the time and frequency of irrigation. Periodic lab­

oratory check of the soil in the test area indicated that the dial read­

ings obtained were accurate within plus or minus three to four percent

of the actual soil moisture content. This was within the range of

accuracy required under the conditions of this investigation.


Compaction: The various treatments were designed to study degrees

of compaction varying from a check plot which received no treatment to

one that received approximately the same P. S. I. (pounds pressure per

square inch) as that delivered by the heavier types of moving machinery.

According to Carson (personal communication) a rear wheel of one of

the heavier tractors in common usage delivers 44 P. S. I.. Thirty-seven

P. S. I. was the maximum developed in this study. It was felt that this

range was sufficient to permit proper evaluation of the measured effects

of compaction, and for farther studies of the methods of turf mainte­

nance and renovation on compacted areas.

The compaction treatments employed were as follows:

(1) No - Received no oompaction .

(2) L2 - Approximately 15 P.S.I. applied once every two weeks.

(3) LI - Approximately 15 P.S.I. applied once each week.

(4) H2 - Approximately 37 P.S.I, applied once every two weeks.

(5) HI - Approximately 37 P.S.I. applied once each week.

Compaction treatments were made by the use of two hollow steel

rollers. The heavier of these rollers was filled with concrete, and

sand bags were added to both rollers in order to obtain the weight

necessary to deliver the pressure listed above under compaction treat­

ments. The rollers were pulled by a half-ton Model A Ford truck.

Carson, G. P. Field and Sales Engineer, Worthington Mower Company,
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. January, 1948.

These symbols will be used in subsequent tables and figures when
referring to compaction treatments.

A Rototiller soil Penn-o-trometer was used to determine the

relative degrees of soil compaction developed by the treatments*


Twenty readings per plot were taken and these readings averaged for

the plotvalue* Hits occurring on stones were omitted* These read­

ings were taken in September of 1948 and again In October of 1949.

The value, of this method and the justification for its use are pre­

sented in the description of the preliminary investigation (Page 17))

as well as under results*

Methods of evaluation.

Pour major criteria were used to evaluate the effects of moisture

and compaction on the quality of the turf present* They weret

(1) Ecological changes in the population of the permanent species.

(2) Invasion of crabgrass and clover.

(3) The severity of natural disease infestation.

(4) Root quantities and distribution*

Ecological changes; Changes in the population and density of the

permanent species (bentgrasa, fescue, and Kentucky bluegrass) were based

on inclined point quadrat counts. Levy and Madden (37), Tinney, et al

(67) and Arny (3) have reported on the effectiveness of this method of
measurement. In addition, Musser (unpub.) was able to shew that in

grass and legume mixtures estimates of the grass population, using the

inclined point quadrat, agreed very closely with botanical separations.

He found that estimates of clover based on this method were about five

percent higher than the actual percent as determined by botanical

Musser, H. B., Professor of Agro.iomy, Pemsylvania State College,
State College, Pennsylvania.


Population counts for this present experiment were made in

194.7 prior to the initiation of moisture and conpaction treatments,

and again in the fall of 1948 and 1949. In 1947 all counts were based

on ten settings (100 needles) per sub-plot of the inclined point

quadrat. In 1948 and 1949 all counts were based on five settings

(50 needles) per sub-plot. The percentages of permanent species were

calculated directly from the number of times the components (bent-

grass, fescue, and bluegrass) were hit in comparison to the total

hits on all species present in the turf. Density was based on the

average hits occurring on the permanent species and is not expressed

as percentages. The percentages of bentgrass, fescue, and bluegrass

were calculated using the percent of permanent species per sub-plot

as a base of 100.

Crabgrass and clover infestation: Crabgrass infestation was

negligible in 1947. In 1948 crabgrass invasion occurred and was meas­

ured by counting the number of individual plants occurring under string

diagonals, in a manner similar to the string method described by Stone

and Fryer (61), and modified by Tinney, et al, (67). The hi^iar per­

centage of crabgrass apparent in the third year (1949) prohibited

making actual counts of the number of individual plants; consequently,

estimates of the percentage of the plot covered by crabgrass were made

with a grid quadrat (71). The grid employed consisted of a five square

foot frame sub-divided into four equal parts. Readings were taken at

five random locations within sub-plots.

The clover population was negligible in 1947. Estimates were made

with the inclined point quadrat in 1948 and with the grid quadrat in 1949.

Effects of oompaction on germination of crabgrass: In ardor to

test the possible effect of soil compaction on the germination of

crabgrass the following greenhouse experiment was set up in the

winter of 194-9.

Three greenhouse flats were filled with sterilized soil and

divided equally into three sections. The soil was moistened and vary­

ing degrees of soil compaction; namely, none, medium, and heavy, were

developed by use of a flat steel plunger. These treatments were applied

at random within each flat, thus making a simple randomized block

experiment of three replications.

Mature crabgrass seed were collected in October of 194-9. Prelim­

inary germination tests indicated the necessity for shock treatments

of alternating exposure to temperatures of approximately 80 and 35

degrees Fahrenheit to induce germination. Seed treated in this manner

yielded approximately 26 percent germination as opposed to only three

to four percent for untreated seed.

Three grams of seed that had been exposed to alternating temper­

atures were seeded on each of the levels of oompaction previously

developed in each flat. The soil was kept moist and the treatments

applied periodically to insure maintenance of compaction levels.


Disease: Variations in severity of disease infestation,

particularly on the moisture treatments, were apparent in mid-summer

of 194-9. The pathogen was isolated and identified as belonging to the

Sclerotinia genus. Severe loss of color of the turf on the dry plots

prohibited accurate distinction between turf injured by lack of mois­

ture and that suffering from disease; consequently, records on this

plot were not taken. Intensity of infection was determined by use

of the inclined point quadrat. Actual hits from three random settings

(30 needles) on each sub-plot were averaged and the following arbitrary

scale set up to convert to percentage of disease present.


Point Quadrat Hits Percent Disease

0-3 0
4-9 1
10 - U 3
15-19 6
20-24 10
25 - up 15

Frequent inspection indicated that disease infections in no case

affected more than approximately 15 percent of any plot.

Roots: Evaluation of roots was based on samples taken at one-inch

intervals to a depth of six inches with a one and five-eighths inch plug

puller. Samples were taken in early June and early November at three

random locations on each sub-plot. The soil was washed from the roots,

which were then oven dried, and the average weight of each set of repli­

cates recorded. To facilitate interpretation of the data, percentages

of the total roots for each sub-plot were calculated for the upper two-

inch and the lower four-inch layers.


Preliminary Investigation

of the Value of the Penetrometer for Measuring Soil Compaction


A preliminary study was conducted to determine whether the pene­

trometer readings obtained from the plots were effectively measuring

the relative degree of compaction developed by the treatments. This

investigation involved correlating the penetrometer readings with the

intensities of the 1010 quartz line recorded by the x-ray spectrometer.

It is generally agreed that there can be no simple relationship

between the force applied to a probe-rod and the shear and compression-

able forces within a soil (53). The particular disadvantages of the

penetrometer are the inability to separate the effects of plant stems

and roots, and moisture on the readings. Penetrometer readings also

may be affected by the presence of stones.

The chief advantages of a soil penetrometer are the ability to

use it in the field and the rapidity with which readings can be taken.

Richards (53) has concluded from his investigations that, in spite of

the difficulties encountered, with proper interpretation penetrometers

or machines that measure and record the resistance to a soil probe may

be used successfully to indicate relative effects brought about by

certain treatments.

Scattered stones ware present in the area under investigation,

and preliminary tests utilizing volume weight determinations indicated

that the results obtained from this method would be unreliable. It

was decided that, in spite of the disadvantages involved, a penetrometer

would afford a higher degree of accuracy than would volume weights. It

then became necessary to demonstrate that the penetrometer readings

were an effective measure of the compaction produced by the treatments

Gejger counter x-ray spectrometer.

The geiger counter x-ray spectrometer, described by Buehler

(6, 7), Friedman (18), Firth (16), and Jeffries (30, 31, 32), affords

a means of detecting and recording the presence and the concentration,

within a given volume, of the various minerals present in soils* The

use of the geiger counter x-ray spectrometer in the determination of

essential soil minerals has been discussed by Jeffries (31). Watson

and Jeffries (70) have presented a technique for utilising the geiger

counter x-ray spectrometer for the study of soil compaction developed

in the laboratory under known levels of moisture and pressure* It

was demonstrated that the x-ray spectrometer could be used to measure

soil oompaction under laboratory conditions* Preliminary tests from

field samples indicated that this technique could be developed to

accurately determine the density of the soil under various treatments.

On the assumption that the x-ray spectrometer provided a more

critical measure of soil compaction it was decided to compare the two

methods. If a relationship could be established, then the use of pene

trometer readings would be justified.



Penetrometer data.

The procedure employed in taking this data has been described

earlier under materials and methods.

X-rav spectrometer data.

Duplicate samples from each sub-plot were taken with a Noer Soil

Profile Sampler, and sized to approximately three-eighths fcy one by two

inches. The samples were then coated with a one to four collodion-amyl

acetate solution and permitted to harden. These two materials are

non-crystalline and, therefore, have no x-ray pattern.

Quartz was used as the indicator mineral and the intensity of the

1010 or secondary quartz line determined (70). Three determinations

of the intensity of this line were made on each sample at one centi­

meter intervals, beginning one and one-half centimeters from the sur­

face. The average of these determinations was recorded as the inten­

sity for each plot.


Penetrometer results are recorded In Table III, and presented

graphically in Fig. 1. The data show that as the moisture content

Increased there was a corresponding increase in magnitude of pene­

tration, and that as compaction increased the magnitude of penetra­

tion decreased. Analysis of variance (Table I A) of the data shows

the effects of both moisture and compaction on penetrometer readings

to be very highly significant . The interaction of moisture and

compaction also was significant.

X-ray reflection intensities are recorded in Table IV, and pre­

sented graphically in Fig. 2. It can be seen from these data that as

moisture content increased, intensity of reflection increased. Like­

wise, as oompaction increased intensity of reflection increased. The

analysis (Table I A) of x-ray intensities shows the effects of both

moisture and compaction to be very highly significant. The interaction

of moisture and compaction was highly significant.

In order to compare the two procedures an analysis of co-variance

(Table I B) was computed for penetrometer and x-ray readings. If the

significant differences found for both the penetrometer and the x-ray

reflect the same or reverse trend, then the treatments expressed in

terms of x-rays should not be significant after adjusting for pene­

trometer readings} i.e., after all plots are brought to a common

penetrometer reading.

The following terminology is used to designate the various levels of
(1) significantj P = .05
(2) highly significant; P s .01
(3) very highly significant; P * .001

r'cnetrati u;


3 '

i\ A.N. F.C.

Moisture Levels

FI--. 1. Relationship between moisture and

soil compaction as measured by the

In tens! ty





70 L2



D. A.N. F.C.

Moi3ture Levels

Fig. 2. Intensity of the 1010 quartz line at

the levels of moisture and compaction
studied in 1949.

The adjusted treatment means (moisture and compaction) were not

significant (Table I B) which indicates that the penetrometer readings

measure compaction in a manner comparable to the x-ray spectrometer.

Likewise, there was no significance due to regression (Table I C) of

the x-ray intensity on penetrometer readings. This lack of signifi­

cance would be expected if the two methods measure the same effects.

Further evidence of agreement between penetrometer and x-ray

readings is provided by the correlation coefficients for the main

effects, moisture and compaction, as well as the correlation coeffi­

cient for moisture + .8432 and for compaction -.9665 (Table IB),

which are both highly significant. As previously noted, figures

1 and 2 indicate that with an increase in moisture there is a corre­

sponding increase in the magnitude of both penetrometer and x-ray

readings, while with an increase in compaction, penetrometer readings

decrease and x-ray readings increase. Under these circumstances a

correlation coefficient of zero would be expected for the two methods

on a sub-plot basis. A correlation coefficient of -.0560 was found.

A correlation coefficient of .2500 is needed for significance at the

five percent level.



The results obtained from this investigation are in accord with

the wDrk of Richards (53), and indicate that where soil moisture con­

tent and plant populations are uniform the soil penetrometer can be

used effectively in evaluating relative degrees of soil compaction.

It is necessary to exercise caution in sampling technique.

Sufficient probes must be made to insure a high degree of accuracy.

These probes are averaged to obtain a representative plot reading.

Limited numbers of stones do not interfere seriously with the technique

as hits occurring on them may be omitted.

The degree of soil compaction is influenced by the soil moisture

content and the roots and stems of the existing plant population.

Penetrometer readings are likewise influenced by these two factors.

Thus, valid comparisons of penetrometer readings, as measures of soil

compaction, are necessarily limited to areas where uniform soil mois­

ture and plant populations exist.

The cumulative effects of soil compaction could not be studied

with a soil penetrometer unless readings could be taken at approximately

the same soil moisture content each year. Such a procedure is of neces­

sity limited to areas where controlled irrigation is feasible, or where

areas could be sampled 24 hours after a soaking rain.

On the other hand, it is believed that the geigar counter x-ray

spectrometer will provide a method of evaluating the cumulative effects

of soil compaction. This technique involves a determination of soil

density based on the concentration of quartz particles in a given volume.

Therefore, it should not be influenced, like the penetrometer, by differ­

ent moisture contents at time of sampling. It is realized that swelling


of soil colloids might materially influence the x-ray diffraction

pattern. The predominate clay mineral present in the soil in question

was koalin. The work of Sideri (58) and Baver (5) shows that swell­

ing proper does not occur until a moisture content approaching the

lower plastic limit of a given soil is reached. Watson and Jeffries

(70) have stated that the lower plastic limit of this soil occurs at

a moisture content of approximately 24 percent. It would appear then,

that swelling of a non-compacted soil in which kaolin is the predom­

inate clay mineral, sampled at or below field capacity, would not

materially influence the results as measured by the gieger counter

x-ray spectrometer. This is substantiated by the data presented in

Table IV. No significant differences between the moisture levels for

the no compaction treatment (interaction L.S.D.) could be shown. Thus,

x-ray spectrometer readings taken on an adjacent non-compacted area

will provide a satisfactory control. Readings obtained on compacted

areas could then be compared to this control in evaluating the degree

of compaction. These data could be taken irrespective of the moisture

content of the compacted and non-compacted areas, with the reservation

that slightly oompacted areas should be sampled at or near field capa­

city, and that soils in which montmorillonite is the predominate clay

mineral should be sampled at a moisture content somewhat below field


Sufficient time has not elapsed to permit proper evaluation of

the above situation and the suggestion is based on only one year's data

on the soil under investigation, nevertheless, the data indicate that

the fundamental technique should be applicable over a wide range of



A relationship between soil penetrometer readings and x-ray

reflection intensities has been established. It has been shown that

as the soil moisture content increases penetrometer and x-ray read­

ings increase, and that as compaction increases the penetrometer

values decrease, while the x-ray reflection intensities increase.

Statistical analysis shows the effects of moisture and compaction

to be very highly significant, and the interaction of moisture by com­

paction to be significant, when either method is employed separately.

By co-variance it has been demonstrated that when the x-ray readings

are adjusted for penetrometer values the effects of moisture and com­

paction are not significant. Correlation coefficients of + .8432 for

the main plots of moisture, and -.9665 far the main plots of compaction

were found. A correlation coefficient of -.0560, where zero was expec­

ted, was found for the two methods on a sub-plot basis.

Assuming the x-ray spectrometer to be a more critical measure of

soil compaction, it is believed that the evidence presented has demon­

strated conclusively that, there soil moisture oontent and the existing

plant populations are uniform, a soil penetrometer may be used effective­

ly to evaluate relative degrees of soil compaction.

Limited evidence has been given that suggests the possibility of

utilizing the geiger counter x-ray spectrometer to study the cumulative

effects of soil compaction, irrespective of soil moisture content at

time of sampling.


Variation in Moisture and Compaction Levels

Moisture levels: Periodic moisture determinations established

the existence of wide variations in the soil moisture content under

the four moisture treatments. As previously stated the average soil

moisture contents for the plots were approximately 12 to 13 percent for

the "dry", 16 to 18 percent for the nas needed", 23 to 24 percent for

the "field capacity", and 38 percent for the "saturated" treatments.

In view of the wide differences that existed it was deemed unnecessary

to subject the data to statistical analysis.

Compaction levelsi The degree of soil compaction developed in

1948, as measured by the penetrometer, is presented in appendix Table II,

and the 1949 measurements in appendix Table III. Analysis of these

data shows the highly significant influence of both the moisture and

compaction treatments on the relative degree of soil compaction. In

1948 the main effects of the moisture and the compaction treatments

were highly significant. The interaction, moisture by compaction, was

not significant. In 1949 the main effects of moisture and compaction

were very highly significant, and the interaction of the two factors

significant. The results show the penetrometer readings increasing in

magnitude as the moisture oontent increased, and decreasing in magni­

tude as the compaction treatments increased. The deepest penetration

occurred under the no compaction treatment, and least under the heavy,

one week, treatment each year. In 1948, the intermediate levels exhib­

ited little if any difference in the magnitude of penetration; whereas,

in 1949 pronounced differences occurred between each of the compaction

treatments. Under the conditions of this experiment significant changes

in soil compaction have occurred slowly. Depending on the severity of

the treatment, a minimum of two years have been required for them to

become pronounced.

Effects of Moisture and Compaction on the Total Percent of

Permanent Species of Grasses in the Turf Population

The total percentages of permanent species in the turf population

prior to the start of the experiment are shown in appendix Table V.

Analysis of these data showed that there were no significant differences

in the percentages of the permanent species occurring on the individual

plots prior to treatment in 1947. Appendix Table VI shows the percent

of permanent species present in 1948. The differences between the per­

centages of permanent species present in 1947 and 1948 are shown in

appendix Table VII, Analysis of these data indicate that the moisture

and compaction treatments caused no significant change in the percent­

ages of the permanent species present in the turf population at the

close of the first experimental year.

The percent of permanent species present on the experimental area

in 1949 are reported in appendix Table VIII and illustrated graphically

in Figure 3. Analysis of the data showed the main effects, moisture

and compaction, to be highly significant. The interaction, moisture by

compaction, also was significant. Figure 3 indicates that the percent­

ages of permanent species under the dry and as needed moisture treatments

did not differ appreciably from the original percentages. The field

capacity and saturated moisture treatments produced significant decreases

in the percentages of permanent species, when compared to the percentages

present in 1949 on the dry and as needed plots. Both within and between


No L2 LI H2 HI

Levels of Compaction

Fig. 3. Percentage ofpermanent species present

in 1949 in comparison with the mean percentage
in 1947.


moisture plots, light and no compaction treatments produced significant

reductions in the percentages of permanent species when compared with

the heavier levels of compaction.

In order to determine the extent to which the effects observed

in 1949 might have been influenced by the original populations, the

1949 percentages were adjusted on the basis of the 1947 percentages.

The analysis of co-variance between these two sets of data for moisture

treatments revealed that the percentages present in 1947 exerted very

little influence on the final population. There was an increase in the

magnitude of the F value, but the regression between 1947 and 1949 was

not significant.

The analysis of co-variance for the compaction treatments showed

an increase in magnitude of the F value from 10.37 to 19.64, the latter

value being very highly significant. In contrast to the moisture treat­

ments, the reduction due to the regression of the 1949 percentages on

the 1947 percentages was significant for the compaction treatments, which

indicates that the original population exerted some influence on the

ultimate population of permanent species. This apparent contradiction

with respect to the influence of the original population may be explained

in part by the marked short term influence of moisture as contrasted

with the less intensive influence of the compaction treatments. This

should not be interpreted as indicating that the turf itself was respon­

sible for the differences in compaction, but that the compaction treat­

ments were not severe enough and / or applied over a long enough period

of time to eliminate entirely the effect of the original population.


Density of the permanent species.

The density of the permanent species, as determined ftom point

quadrat counts in 194-7, is shown in appendix Table IX, Analysis of

the data showed no significant difference between the densities of

the permanent species prior to the initiation of the treatments.

The density of the permanent species in 1948 is presented in

appendix Table X, The differences between the densities in 1947 and

1948 are shown in appendix Table XI, Analysis of these data show that

neither the moisture nor compaction treatments produced significant

differences between the densities of the permanent species at the end

of the first experimental year.

The density of the permanent species in 1949 is reported in

appendix Table XII, and illustrated graphically in Fig, 4, The differ­

ences between the densities in 1947 and 1949 are diown in Table XIII,

Analysis of the 1949 data shows highly significant differences for the

main effects of moisture on density. The compaction treatments exerted

no significant influence on density. Likewise, an analysis of the

differences between the densities in 1947 and 1949 showed significance

only for the effect of moisture. The densest turf occurred under the as

needed moisture treatment, and the least dense under the dry treatment.

In 1949 all moisture treatments produced an apparent increase in density

over the original density (Fig, 4),

Analysis of co-variance between 1947 and 1949 data showed that when

the density figures for 1949 were adjusted to a common basis (density 1947)

the moisture effects remained significant. Thus, the original density

did not influence the significance of this treatment.


Average Hits
70 i_

60 -


50 -


40 -

Mean 1947

30 -

Nc L2 LI H2 HI

Level of Compaction

Fig. 4 . density of permanent species in 1949 in

comparison with mean density in 1947.

The adjusted means for the compaction treatments were not signif­

icant, but as with the percentages of permanent species, the reduction

due to regression of the 194-9 density on the 194-7 density was highly

significant. This indicates that under the levels of compaction applied

the original density exerted an influence on the final result. The

ultimate density in 1949 was not significantly influenced by the levels

of compaction applied, thus it is reasonable to expect the original

density might be influencing the final result.

Effects of Moisture and Compaction

on Individual Species of Permanent Grasses

The percentages of bentgrass (based on the total percent of perma­

nent species per sub-plot as 100) present on the area in 1947 are recorded

in appendix Table XIV, Analysis of the data showed no significant differ­

ences in the percent of bentgrass present on the individual plots prior

to treatments.

Table XV shows the percentage of bentgrass present on the plots in

1948. Differences between the percentages of bentgrass present in 1947

and 1948 are shown in appendix Table XVI. The main effects of the mois­

ture treatments were significant. No significant influence of compaction

on bentgrass percentages was evident in 1948. Analysis of the differ­

ences showed the effects of moisture to be very highly significant while

compaction treatments again exerted no influence on the bentgrass percent­

ages. Heavy watering produced the greatest increases in bentgrass while

the percentages decreased under the dry treatment.

The percentages of bentgrass present in 1949 are presented in

appendix Table XVII, and illustrated graphically in Figure 5. Analysis of



90 - _ ___ -s.

80 -

>*Mean 1947

70 -

No L2 LI H2 • HI

Levels of Compaction

Fig. 5 Percentage of Bentcrass in the permanent species

at the various compaction levels in 1949 as
compared with the mean percentape in 1947.


the data showed the effects of the moisture treatments to be highly

significant. Differences due to compaction were not significant.

The trends toward increased percentages of bentgrass under the irri­

gated treatments and decreased percentages under the dry treatment

were again evident.

The analysis of co-variance between 194.7 and 1949 data showed

that when the percentage of bentgrass in 1949 was adjusted on the basis

of a uniform stand in 1947 the effect of moisture remained highly sig­

nificant. The regression of 1949 bentgrass on 1947 bentgrass was not

significant, indicating that the original population exerted no appre­

ciable influence on the final bentgrass population found at the various

moisture levels.

The adjusted means far 1949 compaction treatments were not signif­

icant, although the variation that could be associated with the 1947

data was significant. As pointed out previously this indicates that

with respect to compaction, the original population was having some effect

on the final percentages of bentgrass. The increase in precision for com­

paction comparisons in 1949 after allowances were made for the 1947 stand

suggests that, given sufficient time, changes in bent population may be

expected to result from, continued applications of the compaction treat­


Red fescue.

The percentages of red fescue in the permanent species in 1947 are

presented in appendix Table XVIII. No statistical significance between

the fescue populations on the experimental area were in evidence at this

time, indicating that there was a uniform fescue population present prior

to the start of the experiment.

The percentages of fescue present in 1948 are shown in appendix

Table XIX, and the differences between 1947 and 1948 percentages in

appendix Table XX. Analysis of the 1948 data did not show significant

differences in fescue percentages resulting from application of the

moisture or compaction treatments during 1948. Analysis of the differ­

ences between percentages present in 1947 and 1948 were highly signif­

icant for the effects of moisture. Compaction caused no significant

change in the population. It can be seen from the differences (Table XX)

that the percentages of fescue decreased with increased watering, and

remained almost constant under the dry treatment.

The results obtained for the fescue percentages in 1949 are recorded

in appendix Table XXI, and presented graphically in Figure 6. Analysis

of the data showed very highly significant differences for the main

effects of moisture, and no significance for the compaction treatments.

Figure 6 indicates that the trends shown hy the differences (Table XX)

in 1948 were again evident in 1949. Since there was an increase in

bentgrass on the irrigated plots, the possibility exists that competition

from bentgrass may explain the depressing effect of moisture on fescue.

In order to test the influence of the original population on the

population changes observed in 1949, an analysis of co-variance was

calculated far the 1947 and 1949 data. When the 1949 data was adjusted

on the basis of the fescue present in 1947 it was found that the original

population had not affected the results in 1949} i.e., moisture treatments

remained highly significant and compaction treatments were not signifi­

cant. Further verification that 1947 populations were not a factor was





No L2 L] HI

Levels of Compaction

Pip. 6. Percentage of Fescue in the permanent species

at the various levels of compaction in 1949
as compared with the mean percentage in 1947.


shown by the lack of significance for the reduction due to regression

of 1949 percentages on 1947 percentages.


The percent of bluegrass present in the permanent species before

the start of the experiment is presented in appendix Table XXII. As

for the other permanent species, bluegrass exhibited no significant

differences in 1947, indicating an original uniform percentage of blue­

grass on all plots in the experimental area.

The percentages of bluegrass present in 1948 are recorded in

appendix Table XXIII, and the differences between 1947 and 1948 per­

centages are presented in appendix Table XXIV. Analysis of the 1948

data shows the main effects of moisture to be highly significant, com­

paction non-significant, and the interaction, moisture by compaction,

significant. Analysis of the differences between the percentages

present in 1947 and 1948 again demonstrated the high significance of

the moisture effects, and non-significance far compaction. The inter­

action of moisture by compaction was not significant.

Table XXV shows the percentages of bluegrass present in the perma­

nent species for 1949. These data are illustrated graphically in

Figure 7. Analysis of these data showed significant changes in blue­

grass percentages due to moisture. Differences due to compaction were

not significant. Figure 7 indicates an increase of bluegrass on the

dry plots, and a decrease on the field capacity and saturated plots.

Under the as needed treatment, with heavy compaction there was an apparent

trend, though not significant, toward increased percentages of bluegrass.

When the 1949 data was adjusted in terms of the bluegrass present

in 1947, it was found that the original percentage of bluegrass influences






No L? LI H2 HI

Levels of Compaction

Fig. 7. Percentage of Bluegrass in the permanent

species at the various compaction levels
in 194.9 as compared with the mean percentage
in 1947.

the final population. Evidently, under the conditions of this experi­

ment, at least over a two year period, the original percentages of

bluegrass is an important consideration. The P value using adjusted

data for moisture treatments was slightly larger than P .05. In view

of the slight reduction due to regression, however, it is felt that the

moisture treatments were exerting an effect on the population changes

in bluegrass. From Table 2, it can be noted that there is a definite

trend toward a higher proportion of bluegrass under the dry plots than

under heavy watering. Competition from bentgrass under heavy watering

may well be great enough to obscure changes that would ordinarily appear

if the turf was composed entirely or predominately of bluegrass.

The differences between adjusted means for compaction treatments

were very highly significant. As expected, the reduction due to the

regression of the 1949 percentages on the 1947 percentages was signif­

icant. It is apparent from text Table 2 that the heavier levels of com­

paction produced greater increases in hLuegrass percentages than did the

light and no compaction treatments. In view of the fact that the per­

centages of bluegrass present in the turf were small and the data

limited to a two year period, no attempt will be made to draw exten­

sive conclusions regarding the influence of moisture or compaction on


Table 2. Adjusted mean percentage of bluegrass at various
levels of moisture and compaction in 1949.

Moisture Mean Mean Adjusted Ratio of 1949

levels 1947 1949 mean to 1947 means.
n u t means = ±uu

D. 12.20 13.80 14.85 113

A.N. 10.40 10.20 10.41 98

F.C. 8.00 5.40 6.31 68

s. 9.20 5.60 5.95 61

Compaction Mean Mean Adjusted*** Ratio of 1949

levels 1947 1949 mean to 1947 means.
_ .1949 1947 means - 100

No 10.50 8.25 7.60 79

L2 10.00 7.25 7.19 73

LI 10.50 7.75 7.10 74

H2 9.75 9.75 9.99 100

HI . , 9,00 ..-.10*25.. .. 11.87. ..._______ m ......

Effects of Moisture and Compaction on the Percentage of

Clover. Craberass. and Disease Incidence


The percentages of clover present on the area in 1947, 1948, 1949,

and the differences between 1947 and 1948 percentages are recorded in

appendix Tables XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, and XXIX, respectively. Analyses

of these data showed no significant differences existing in the clover

population before or during the experimental period.

In order to determine the extent to which the original population

of clover might have influenced the results obtained in 1949, an analysis

of co-variance between the 1947 and 1949 clover populations was calculated.

The analysis of co-variance supported the evidence that moisture exerted

no influence on the clover populations. When the 1949 data was adjusted

for the percent clover in 1947, moisture was not significant, which in­

dicates that the original populations were not obscuring the results.

This is borne out ty the fact that no significance could be attached

to the regression on the original population.

The adjusted means of the clover percentages far the levels of

compaction in 1949 are shown in text Table 3. After adjusting for the

regression of 1949 percentages on the 1947 percentages, compaction

treatments were significant. Obviously the original stand of clover

Table 3. Adjusted mean percentages of clover for the various

levels of compaction in 1949.

Compaction Mean Mean Rank Adjusted Rank

1947 1949 mean 1949

No 3.75 1.25 (4) 0.30 (5)

L2 2.75 1.25 (4) 2.57 (3)

LI 3.00 3.00 (1) 3.00 (1)

H2 3.25 2.50 (2) 2.18 (4)

HI 2.25 2.00 (3) 2.95 (2)

was materially affecting the stand in 1949. The reduction in error

after correcting for the original stand was very highly significant.

It can be seen from the adjusted means in 1949 (Table 3) that the per­

centage clover generally increased with compaction irrespective of the

actual intensity.


The percentages of crabgrass present in 1948 and 1949 are reported


in appendix Tables XXX and XXXI, respectively. The 1949 data are

presented graphically in Figure 8. Analysis of the 1948 counts showed

that moisture treatments were very highly significant, and compaction

treatments significant. The interaction, moisture by compaction, was

not significant. The 1949 data (Table XXXI) shows very clearly the

marked effects of moisture and compaction on crabgrass infestation.

The main effects of both the treatments were highly significant, and

their interaction significant. There was a definite increase in crab­

grass at the higher moisture levels, while increased compaction lead to

a definite reduction in crabgrass. This was true both between and with­

in main plots, see Figure 8.

In order to test the possible effects of density on crabgrass in­

festation a co-variance analysis was computed for density and crabgrass

in 1949. Correcting the percent crabgrass for density did not alter

the highly significant effect of moisture. The adjusted compaction

means were likewise significant. Although the reduction due to the re­

gression of crabgrass on density was not significant for moisture or

compaction, apparently there was some increase in the accuracy of these

comparisons when interpreted in terms of the density. Under other con­

ditions it seems plausible to expect that the interrelationship between

density and crabgrass would be stronger than found in this trial.

Since there was a decrease in crabgrass with heavier compaction,

it may be legitimately expected that penetrometer readings would be

correlated with the percent of crabgrass. A correlation coefficient of

+ .7960, which was very highly significant, was found for these two

variables in 1949. The close relationship which exists for penetrometer






No L2 LI It' HI

Levels of Compaction

Fip. 6 . Percent of Crab.Tass present at the various

levels of compaction and moisture in 1949.


readings and the percentage of crabgrass is brought out in Figure 9.,

where the regression line calculated from the pooled error variance

has been used to illustrate the trend.

It was observed in the penetrometer data for 1949 reported earlier

that moisture exerted an effect on compaction. In order to determine

whether or not moisture influences the percent of crabgrass independent

of compaction, as measured by the penetrometer, the crabgrass values

were adjusted on the basis of the penetrometer readings. The analysis

of co-variance between crabgrass and penetrometer data for 1949 showed

that the effect of moisture on crabgrass could be largely accounted for

by the penetrometer readings, which in turn suggests that the effect of

moisture on penetrometer readings bears a direct relationship to the

effect of moisture on crabgrass.

The penetrometer readings between levels of compaction were very

highly significant. Similarly, the percent crabgrass was highly signif­

icant for compaction. When the percent crabgrass was ad justed on the

basis of compaction (sill compaction levels brought to the same penetrom­

eter reading), there was no significance due to treatments. This is

what would be expected since in adjusting for penetrometer readings the

treatment effects have been eliminated. It does illustrate, however,

that in the main the compaction treatments exert their influence directly

on crabgrass and not indirectly through the operation of some other factor

not considered.

A co-variance analysis was also conducted for the penetrometer and

crabgrass data in 194-8, and in general the same conclusions were reached.

The results of the greenhouse experiment in which the effects of




1 2 5

Penetrometer Readings

Fig. 9. The regression of Crabgrass on penetrometer

readings for the 1949 subplot data0
compaction on the germination of crabgrass were tested are reported

in text Table 4.

Table 4. Germination percentages of crabgrass at varying degrees

of compaction, 1949.

Rep Rep Rep «

Compaction I II III X

None 48 28 26 34

Medium 42 24 22 29

Heavy 20 17 13 17

^Significant at 5% level
L.S.D. & 5% r 11.3

Analysis of these data showed significantly lower germination per­

centages under the heavy compaction treatment.


The percent of natural disease infestation occurring on the as needed

field capacity, and saturated plots in 1949 are reported in text Table 5.

Table 5. Percent of disease present on the turf in July, 1949.

Compaction Levels

sisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

A.N. 0 0 2 0 2 0.80

F.C. 13 10 13 13 12 12.20

S. 10 12 10 10 12 10.80

X 5.75 5.50 6.25 5.75 6.50 5.95

It is obvious from this data that as far as moisture treatments are

concerned two levels of disease infestation occur. This being the case

and since the break occurs between the as needed and the more heavily

watered plots a statistical analysis of the data was not made. Exam­

ination of the data shows conclusively that the heaviestdisease infes­

tation occurred on the field capacity and saturated plots, while the

infestation on the as needed plot was negligible.

Effects of Moisture and Compaction on Root

Quantities and Distributions

The total grams of oven-dry roots present under the various levels

of moisture and compaction in June, 1949 are presented in appendix

Table XXXII. The percentages of the total roots present in the upper

two inches, and the percent in the lower four indies are reported in

Tables XXXIII and XXXIV, respectively. Analyses of these data showed

no significant differences for the effects of the treatments on total

quantities or distribution of roots.

Root quantities and their distribution in November, 1949 are pre­

sented in appendix Tables XXXV, XXXVI, and XXXVII respectively. Analyses

of these data show the main effects of moisture on total root quantities

to be significant, and the percentages present in the upper two indies

and lower four inches highly significant far the main effects of mois­

ture. Compaction treatments did not significantly influence total quan­

tities or their distribution.

The means of the moisture treatments for the total quantities and

their distribution in June and November are reported in text Table 6.


Table 6. Total weight of roots in grams and the percentage of the

total present in the upper two inches and lower four
inches at the various moisture levels in June and November
of 1949.

June November
Moisture Level Moisture Level
D. A.N. F.C. S. D. A.N. F.C. S.

Total weight
of roots in
grams 0.68 0.58 0.38 0.49 0.29 0.17 0.18 0.32*

Percent present
in upper two
inches 82 86 79 85 75 82 79 88**

Percent present
in lower four
indies 18 14 21 15 25 18 21 12**

*Denotes significance at % level

**Denotes significance at 1% level

This data shows that in June there was little difference between the

percent of roots in the upper two inches for any of the moisture treat­

ments. In November, however, the shallowest root systems occurred under

the saturated plots, and the deepest under the dry and field capacity

treatments. The root system under the as needed treatment was not sig­

nificantly different fVom that of the field capacity treatment, it was,

however, significantly shallower than the root system produced by the

dry treatment, and deeper than that produced by the saturated treatment.

Co-variance analysis between the two sampling dates for the total

quantities of roots failed to show significance for the adjusted data,

or the regression of November roots on those present in June, Failure

to show significance in these instances probably can be attributed to <

the wide variation encountered within sub-plots at each sampling date.

It is felt that the method of sampling was inadequate to permit proper

evaluation of the root systems. Such variation may be partly overcome

by securing a larger number of samples from each sub-plot, as well as,

refining the root washing technique employed.

In view of the greater uniformity obtained by taking the percentage

of the total roots present in the upper two inches and the lower four

inches it is felt that a certain amount of confidence may be attached

to these results.



Variation in Moisture and Compaction Levels

The levels of moisture and compaction maintained in this investi­

gation provided a satisfactory range for the evaluation of the effects

of the two factors. The results obtained indicate that moisture exerts

a greater influence on turf quality than does soil compaction in exper­

iments of short duration.

The dry, as needed, and field capacity moisture treatments repre­

sent levels of moisture that may be found on many modern golf courses.

The application of the large amount of water required for the saturated

treatment is of academic importance only. It does serve to illustrate,

however, the injurious effects that may be expected from continuous

saturation of turf. Under this treatment the soil was soggy, the turf

shallow rooted and easily injured throughout the growing season.

The measurable differences found to exist in the degree of soil

compaction developed were small in magnitude but vary highly signifi­

cant statistically. The very favorable structural conditions of the soil

in question apparently reduced the rate of structural deterioration due

to heavy compaction at high moisture levels. It is highly probable that

continuation of the compaction treatments eventually would result in

additional injury to soil structure, with a reduction in turf quality

to an extent greater than was shown in this investigation.

Effects of Moisture and Compaction on the

Total Percent of Permanent Species of Grasses in
the Turf Population

The data presented clearly shows definite changes in turf quality

under the various levels of moisture and compaction maintained in this

investigation. The percentage of permanent species present in the

original turf was not significantly influenced by the dry and as needed

moisture treatments. The field capacity and saturated moisture treat­

ments affected highly significant reductions in the percentage of

permanent species. Light and no compaction produced highly signif­

icant decreases in the percent of permanent species. Heavy compaction

caused the smallest reduction in the percentages of permanent species.

This apparent beneficial effect of soil compaction must be interpreted

with caution in view of the deleterious effects of compaction on soil

structure and the fact that these would become more pronounced with


The significant interaction, moisture by compaction, was due to

the fact that heavy watering produced a decrease in the percentages of

permanent species and that ligfct and no compaction produced a decrease,

(Figure 3). Weeds, other than crabgrass and clover, were negligible

throughout the experimental period. Hence the decrease in permanent

species under heavy watering and light and no compaction must be

attributed directly to an invasion of crabgrass and clover into the

plots showing this reduction.

Density of the permanent species.

Density is an important criterion in evaluating turf quality. The

results obtained in this study have demonstrated conclusively the impor­

tance of the moderate use of supplemental irrigation for promoting

desirable turf quality. When the density of the permanent species (in

areas unaffected by crabgrass and clover) was considered it was found

that all treatments produced an increase in density over that of the


original turf. It should be noted, however, that the apparent better

density did not result in better general turf quality on the plots into

which heavy invasions of crabgrass and clover had occurred. The densest

turf occurred under the as needed treatment, and the least dense under

the dry treatment. Field capacity and saturation increased density

over the dry plot but neither was as effective as the as needed treat­

ment (Fig. 4 ). Compaction exerted no significant influence as far as

the density of the permanent species was concerned.

The removal of the weeds in 194-7, and the continued absence of all

weeds other than crabgrass and clover, ecupled with the maintenance of

a higher fertility level than that to which the turf had been accustomed

prior to this investigation may partially account for the increase on

the dry plot. Differences in the levels of moisture maintained must be

considered responsible for the increased density on the watered plots.

Effects of Moisture and Compaction on Individual Species

of the Permanent Grasses

Within the permanent species the data shows that the bentgrass

percentages increased and that fescue percentages decreased progressively

with increased watering. Neither of these species changed materially

from the original stand under the dry treatment. The percentage of blue-

grass decreased under heavy watering and increased on the dry plot.

Compaction exerted no significant influence on either the bentgrass or

fescue populations. The percentages of bluegrass present on the heavily

compacted plots were significantly higher than those present on the light

and no compaction plots in 194-9.

These results emphasize the importance of species competition in

turf mixtures. It seems apparent that the tolerance of bentgrass to a

wider range of environmental conditions, coupled with its rapid growth

rate, are chiefly responsible for the inability of the fescue and blue-

grass to maintain a satisfactory balance in the mixture. These results

are in accord with Musser's (44.) investigations concerning the persis­

tence of Kentucky bluegrass in mixed turf and would seem to preclude

the possibility of maintaining a mixed turf of these three species

under the management followed in this investigation.

Effects of Moisture and Compaction on

Crabgrass. Clover, and Disease

The prevalence of higher disease infestation and the subsequent

invasion of crabgrass and clover under the higher levels of moisture

may be ascribed directly to the effects of moisture and compaction.

High soil moisture, and high temperatures are a direct cause of in­

creased disease incidence (41, 62). Likewise, high moisture is in all

probability conducive to increased crabgrass germination and clover

growth. In addition, it has been demonstrated that the management

practices such as close clipping and maintenance of a high fertility

level, followed in this investigation, if coupled with excessive water­

ing, will produce a turf that is lush, weak, and therefore, susceptible

to injury from disease, insects and trampling (19,20,24,49,64,75,76,77).

The prevalence of higher disease incidence on the field capacity and

saturated plots (Table 4) demonstrates the weakened condition of the

turf at these levels of moisture. The decreased percentages of perma­

nent species under these circumstances seems to indicate the inability

of the weakened turf, thinned out by disease, to compete with the invad­

ing crabgrass and clover.

The decreased percentages of crabgrass with the increased percentages


of permanent species under the heavier levels of compaction within the

main plots of moisture may be due to the following: (l) A lack of ideal

germination conditions for the crabgrass brought on by the application

of the compaction treatments. (2) The heavy rollers undoubtly injured

many of the young crabgrass seedlings that were able to germinate.

Evidence for the low germination of crabgrass under heavy compac­

tion was provided by the greenhouse experiment. It is highly probable

that heavy compaction would influence crabgrass germination under field

conditions in a like manner.

Thus, it appears evident that the moisture and compaction treat­

ments have exerted a direct influence on the turf. Under heavy water­

ing the turf did not make a healthy growth and succumbed to disease

attacks. The grass thinned out to such an extent that it was unable to

compete with the invading crabgrass and clover. Soil compaction inhib­

ited crabgrass germination, hence accounting for decreased percentages

of crabgrass with increasing degrees of soil compaction.

Effects of Moisture and Compaction on Root

Quantities and Distributions

The shallower root system developed under the saturated treatment,

as evidenced by the analysis of the percent of total roots present in

the upper two indies for November, 1949 (Table XXXVI), agrees with the

results reported by Weaver and Clements (71), Daubenmire (13) and Elliot

(15). These investigators have shown that excessive watering and high

water tables produce shallow rooting, and the elongation of roots speeds

up considerably when soil moisture content drops below field capacity.

Weaver and Clements (71) have stated that if the subsoil is waterlogged

and thus unaerated, deeper roots will not develop or, if already grown,

will soon die as the water table rises. Under such conditions,

however, insufficient aeration becomes the true limiting factor, for

plants can hardly be directly injured by too much water (13). Raising

the water table even temporarily by irrigation causes the death of

deeper roots in many plants and usually results in decreased top growth

(71). On the other hand, the proportion of roots to tops may be def­

initely increased by decreasing soil moisture (71).

The lack of significance between the percent of the total roots

present in the upper two inches in June of 194-9 may be accounted for

by an insufficient lapse of time following initiation of the treatments

in 194-9 to produce differences. Freezing and thawing during the pre­

ceding winter would open up the soil and tend to obscure any differences

that may have resulted from the treatments the preceding year.

No significance could be shewn for the apparent reduction in the

total quantities of roots from June to November, 194-9. Nevertheless,

the apparent reduction (Table 6) seems to agree with the results of

Graber (19) and Harrison (24) who have reported that continued close

clipping of turf reduces the root system and that fertilization will

not compensate for the effects produced.

Grass species vary widely in their tolerance to high soil moisture.

Welton and Wilson (74) report that amounts of water in excess of those

which will maintain a water supplying power of a soil at $00 mg or above

are not required to obtain good top growth of lawn grasses. They have

shown that fescue consumes a much smaller quantity of water than Kentucky

bluegrass or Washington bent on plots receiving one and a half times the

normal rainfall.

The dependency on proper aircrater relationships for the growth

and development of adequate root systems is well recognized. Likewise,

the influence of soil compaction on the proper air-water relationships

in soils has been established ( 8, 27, 35, 59, 60). Failure to show

significance for the effects of the compaction treatments on total

quantities of roots or their distribution in November, 1949, may be

attributed to a combination of the following factors: (l) The physical

condition of the soil was such that two years were not adequate to

destroy the favorable structure manifest. (2) The compaction treatments

themselves were not severe enough to cause structural deterioration.

(3) The sampling technique employed for root studies was inadequate.

It is felt that continuation of these compaction treatments, however,

would eventually create conditions severe enough to affect root distri­

butions sufficiently wide to permit detection.



The objective of this experiment was to determine the direct and

interacting effects of moisture and oompaction on established fairway

turf of good quality.

Location and duration.

The investigation was oonducted on the campus of the Pennsylvania

State College. The plots were laid out in the fall of 1947, treatments

initiated in the spring of 1948, and continued through the fall of 1949.

Type of turf and treatments.

The area under study consisted of a mature, mixed population of

bentgrass, red fescue, and Kentucky bluegrass, typical of good quality

fairway turf. The treatments employed involved four levels of moisture

and five levels of compaction in all possible combinations. Other main­

tenance practices conformed as nearly as was possible to those followed

on many of the modern golf courses.

Methods of evaluation.

Moisture and compaction) Absolute soil moisture content was deter­

mined by periodic laboratory tests. Tansiometers were used to check

approximate day to day moisture levels on field capacity and saturated

plots. The degree of soil compaction was measured by use of a soil

penetrometer. Geiger counter x-ray spectrometer readings were found

to be highly correlated with penetrometer measurements. Evidence has

been given which establishes that the treatments produced measurable


Turf quality) Turf quality voider the various treatments was


determined by comparative evaluations of the following factors*

(1) Ecological changes of the permanent species in the turf

population. These were studied by use of the inclined point quadrat.

Density and the percentages of bentgrass, red fescue, and Kentucky

bluegrass were considered.

(2) Invasions of crabgrass and clover. Crabgrass estimates

were made by use of a modified string method in 1948, and a grid quadrat

in 1949. Clover estimates were based on inclined point quadrat counts.

(3) Severity of natural disease incidence. These estimates

were based on inclined point quadrat counts which were converted to

percentages from an arbitrary scale.

(4) Root quantities and distributions. Samples were taken

at one-inch intervals to a depth of six indies, washed free of soil,

oven dried, weighed, and the percentage distribution in the upper two

inches and lower four indies calculated.


Moisture: The percentages of the permanent species in the turf

population decreased as the soil moisture content increased. Density

increased under all treatments, the densest turf occurred under the

as needed moisture treatment and the least dense under the dry. Bent­

grass increased under irrigation and decreased on the dry plot. Red

fescue decreased under irrigation, but was not significantly affected

by the dry treatment. There was a slight trend toward increased per­

centages of bluegrass on the dry plot and decreased percentages under

irrigation. Crabgrass percentages increased with increasing soil mois­

ture content, being seven to eight times greater under the field capacity

and saturation treatments than under the dry. Clover was not signifi­

cantly affected by the moisture treatments. Natural disease incidence

was much higher on the field capacity and saturation plots than on the

as needed. Disease incidence on the dry plots could not be evaluated

due to a severe loss of color as a result of prolonged drought. The

shallowest root systems were developed under the saturated treatments

and the deepest under the dry.

Compaction: Light and no compaction produced significant reductions

in the percentages of permanent species in the turf; i.e., as the degree

of soil compaction decreased the percent of permanent species decreased.

Compaction exerted no influence on the density of the permanent species.

Likewise, there was no significance for the effect of compaction on the

percentages of bentgrass or fescue present. Bluegrass was found to

increase significantly under the heavier compaction treatment. Heavy

compaction decreased the percentages of crabgrass in the turf popula­

tion. Clover increased about equally for all levels of compaction,.

irrespective of the degree, when compared to the no compaction treatment

No observable differences were in evidence for the effects of compaction

on disease. No significance could be shown for the influence of compac­

tion on root development. It is felt that an inadequate sampling tech­

nique may have been responsible for the failure to show significance

for the effects of compaction on root systems.

Interaction: There was a significant interaction for the effects

of moisture by compaction on the percentages of permanent species in the

turf; i.e., as soil moisture content increased the percentages decreased

and as soil oompaction decreased the percentages decreased. Likewise,

there was a significant interaction for the effects of the two factors

on the percentages of crabgrass present in the turf, but, in this case

the treatments produced opposite effects from those stated for the per­

manent species; i.e., as soil moisture content increased the percentages

of crabgrass increased and as the degree of soil compaction increased

the percentages decreased. No other significant interactions were found,

however, it seems probable that, with a longer period of time, more pro­

nounced differences may develop.


From the results of this experiment, conducted at State College,

Pennsylvania in 1948 and 1949 the following conclusions may be drawn!

1. Moisture levels exerted a greater influence on turf

quality, during the experimental period, than did soil compaction.

2. The moderate use of supplemental irrigation seems neces­

sary to produce high quality playing turf that will remain green through­

out the growing season.

3. The unwatered plots were brown and in poor condition for

play over an extended period of time.

4* Moderate usage of supplemental irrigation on intensively

managed turf will favor development of bentgrass at the expense of the

slower growing species, so that, eventually, the turf will consist

largely of bentgrass.

5. Supplemental irrigation in quantities great enough to

maintain a soil at approximately field capacity is unnecessary and enc­

ourages disease, and the subsequent invasion of crabgrass and clover.

6. Excessive watering creates a soggy soil oondition, promotes

shallow rooting of the turf, encourages disease, and the invasion of

crabgrass and clover.

7. Compaction increased the percentages of clover in the


8. Compaction depresses crabgrass germination, but the

deteriorating effects on soil structure should preclude using it as

a control for crabgrass.



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Table I A. Analysis of variance for penetrometer and geiger
counter x-ray spectrometer data, 1949.

Penetrometer (X) X-Ray (Y)

of D.F. M.S. F. M.S. F.

Total for
moisture 11 1.63 224.2

Replications 2 0.20 4.5

Moisture 3 5.74 108.30' 710.3 13.08* m

Error (A) 6 0.053 54.3

Totals for
compaction 14 0.63 687.5

Replications 2 0.20 4.5

Compaction 4 2.09 550.00*** 2382.3 218.56»«*

Error (B) 8 0.0038 10.9

Totals for
sub-plots 59 0.45 215.2

Rep. x M x C x
E(A) x E(B) 23 1.14 525.3

Moist, x Comp. 12 0.019 2.41 32.1 3.38.**

Error (C) 24 0.0079 9.5

Pooled error 38 0.0142 16.89

*Denotes significance at 5$ level

**Denotes significance at 1$ level
***Denotes significance at 0.1$ level

Levels of significance are designated in this manner far all

tables that follow.
Table I 3. Analysis of co-variance for penetrometer (X) and geigar oounter x-ray spectrometer (Y) data, 1949

Source Sums of squares

of and oroducts Correlation Regression Errors of estimate
variation D.F. SX2 SXY XY2 coefficient1 coefficient2 .ScSJ _ D.F. M.S. f
Total for
moisture 11 17.92 177.26 2466 + .8432*** 9.8174
Replications 2 0.39 9.72 9
Moisture 3 17.21 181.15 2131
Error (A) 6 0.32 - 4.61 . 326_ 259.59 5 51.92
Moisture plus error (A)------- — 679.11 8
Difference for testing adjusted means— --419.52 3 139.84 2.69
Total for
compaction 14 8.77 -280.78 9625 - .9665*** - 32.0159
Replications 2 0.39 + 0.72 9
Compaction 4 8.35 -280.13 9529
Error (B) 8 0.03 + 0.07 ___ 87 _ 86.84 7 12.41
Compaction plus error (B)------ — 247.02 11
Difference for testing adjusted means— — 160.18 4 40.95 3.23
Totals for
sub-plots 59 26.72 -101.76 12697 - .0560 - 3.8084
R x M x C x
E(A) x E(B) 23 26.30 -102.80 12082
Moist.xComp. 12 0.23 - 1.12 386 - .0376 - 4.8696
Error (C) 24 0.19 + 2.16 229

Pooled error 38 0.54 - 2.38 642 , .-.tl2Z7_.... . .4*4024

1 SXY / / ( S I 2)(SI2)
2 SXY / SX2
3 SY2 - ( (SXY)2 / SX2 )
Table I C. Reduction due to regression of x-ray spectrometer
intensities (Y) on penetrometer readings (X), 1949


Source of
variation D.F. S.Sqs. M.Sq.

error 6 326.00

error 5 259.59 51.92

Reduction due
to regression 1 66.41 66.41 1.27


error 8 87.00

error 7 86.84 12.41 (77.56)1

Reduction due
to regression 1 0.16 0.16

■^F values in parenthesis signify error mean square larger than

mean square for treatment effects.

Table II. Penetrometer readings (inches) at the levels of

moisture and compaction studied, 194-8 .

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. 2.6 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.1 2.4

A.N. 2.6 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.1 2.3

F.C. 3.2 3.0 3.1 2.9 2.9 3.0

S. 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.9 3.7 3.9

X 3.1 2.9 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.9

Statistical Data

Average L.S.D.
effect of F. Ps.05 Pz.01

Moisture 83.8*** 0.28 0.42

Compaction 27.7*** 0.09 0.13

Moisture x
compaction 0.34-


Table III. Penetrometer readings (inches) at the levels of

moisture and compaction studied, 1949*

Compaction Levels

aisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. 3.0 2.8 2.4 2.1 1.8 2.4

A.N. 3.2 3.1 2.7 2.5 2.4 2.8

F.C. 4.1 3.9 3.6 3.4 3.1 3.6

S. 4.2 3.9 3.7 3.4 3.1 3.7

X 3.6 3.4 3.1 2.9 2.6 3.1

Statistical Data

Average L.S.D.
effect of F. Pi. 05 Pi. oi

Moisture 108.30*** 0.21 0.31

Compaction 550.00*** 0.06 0.08

Moisture x
compaction 2.41* 0.22 0.31

Tahle IV. Intensity of the 1010 quartz line as recorded by

the x-ray spectrometer at the various levels of
moisture and compaction.

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. Ul 53 62 67 75 61

A.N. 50 57 66 U 81 66

F.C. 49 63 73 78 91 71

S. 52 70 77 87 98 77

X 50 61 70 77 86 69

Statistical Data

Average L.S.D.
effect of F. Pr.05 P=.01

Moisture 13.08** 6.6 10.0

Compaction 218.56*** 3.1 4.5

Moisture x
compaction 3.38** 7.3 10.0
Table V. The percent of permanent species present in 1947
prior to application of the treatments.

Compaction Levels

aisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. 97 97 97 94 97 96

A.N. 92 98 97 96 97 96

F.C. 96 97 97 97 97 97

S. 92 97 97 95 98 96

X 94 97 97 96 97 96

Data not statistically significant

Table . The percent of permanent species at the levels of
moisture and compaction studied in 194-8.

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. 99 99 99 97 98 98

A.N. 98 99 99 96 98 98

F.C. 98 97 93 99 99 97

S. 90 97 97 98 98 96

X 96 98 97 98 98 97

Data not statistically significant

Table VII. Differences^- between 194-7 and 194-S percentages
of permanent species at the various treatment

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. -2 -2 -2 -3 -1 -2

A.N. -6 -2 -2 -1 -1 -2

F.C. -2 ♦ +4 -3 -2 -1

S. *2 ♦1 - -3 + 0

X -2 -1 0 -3 -1 -1

Data not statistically significant

-*-Plus values signify greater percentages of permanent species

in 1947.
Negative values signify greater percentages of permanent species
in 1948.

Table VIII. The percent of permanent species present In the

turf at the various treatment levels in 194-9 .

Compaction Levels

aisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. 95 96 94 95 99 96

A.N, 90 95 93 94 97 94

F.C. 61 68 62 77 81 70

S. 58 71 72 84 89 75

X 76 83 80 88 92 84

Statistical Data

Average L.S.D.
effect of F. Pr.05 P=.01

Moisture 16.82** 11.12 16.84

Compaction 10.37** 6.19 9.00

Moisture x
compaction 2.75* 4.49 6.30
Table IX. Density of the permanent species based on inclined
point quadrat hits in 1947.

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI

D. 29 38 32 30 36 33

A.N. 31 38 32 31 40 34

F.C. 29 34 33 36 38 32

S. 31 36 32 34 31 33

X 30 36 32 33 36 33

Data not statistically significant

Table X. Density of the permanent species based on inclined
point quadrat hits in 19X8.

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI

D. X2 xo X2 xo 38 XO

A.N. X2 a 39 xo XI xi
F.C. X3 XX X6 X2 XX XX
S. X6 X5 X7 X5 X3 X5

X X3 X3 XX X2 X2 X3

Data not statistically significant

Table XI. Differences^- between 19X7 and 19X8 densities of
permanent species based on inclined point quadrat

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI

D. -12 -2 -10 -10 -2 -7

A.N. -11 -2 -8 -9 -1 -6
F.C. -IX -11 -13 -6 -6 -10

S. -15 -9 -15 -11 -2 -10

X -13 -6 -11 -9 -3

Data not statistically significant

Plus values signify greater density
in 19X7.
Negative values signify greater density
in 19X8.
Table XII. Density of the permanent species based on inclined
point quadrat hits in 1949.

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI

D. 44 42 40 44 46 43

A.N. 63 60 57 62 58 60
F.C. 53 52 54 55 54 54
S. 55 53 53 50 47 52

X 54 52 51 53 51 52

Statistical Data

Average L.S.D.
effect of F. P=.05 P=.01

Moisture 98.87*** 7.55 11.43

Compaction (1.60)1

Moisture x
compaction 1.62

F values in parenthesis signifies error mean square greater
than mean square for treatment effects.
Table XIII. Differences^- between 1947 and 1949 densities of
permanent species based on inclined point quadrat

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. -35 -3 -8 -14 -10 -14

A.N. -32 -22 -26 -31 -17 -26
F.C. -24 -19 -20 -19 -16 -20
s. -24 -17 -21 -16 -6 -17

X -29 -15 -19 -20 -12 -19

Statistical Data

Average L.S.D.
effects of F. P=.05

Moisture 4.99* 9.92

Compaction 1.48

Moisture x
compaction 1.89

Plus values signify greater density
in 1947.
Negative values signify greater density
in 1949.
Table XIV. Percentage of Bantgrass in the permanent species
in 194-7 prior to application of the treatments.

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI

D. 73 71 75 64 69 70

A.N. 64 77 74 66 75 71

F.C. 77 77 73 68 78 75

S. 68 73 69 76 77 73

X 71 75 73 69 75 72

Data not statistically significant

Table XV. Percentage of Bentgrass in the permanent species
at the various treatment levels in 194-8.

Compaction Levels

Disture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. 65 61 65 53 57 60

A.N. 69 78 82 77 79 77

F.C. 91 90 88 83 90 88

S. 92 93 91 94 92 92

X 79 81 81 77 79 79

Statistical Data

Average L.S.D.
effect of F. P=.05

Moisture 9.58* 16.31

Compaction (2.05)^

Moisture x
compact!on 1.07

F values in parenthesis signify error means square greater
than mean square for treatment effects.

Table XVI. Differences^ between 194-7 and 1948 percentages of

Bentgrass at the various treatment levels.

Compaction Levels

Disture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. ♦8 ♦10 *10 ♦12 ♦12 ♦10

A.N. -5 -1 -7 -10 -7 -6

F.C. -14 -13 -15 -17 -12 -14

S. -24 -20 -22 -18 -16 -20

X -9 -6 -9 -8 -6 -8

Statistical Data

Average L.S.D.
effect of F. P=.05 Pz.01

Moisture 55.27*** 6.17 9.35

Compaction (1.31)^

Moisture x
compaction (2.34)

Plus values signify greater percentages in 1947.
Negative values signify greater percentages in 1948.

F values in parenthesis signify error mean square greater
than mean square for treatment effects.
Table XVII. Percentages of Bentgrass in the permanent species
at the various treatment levels in 19X9.

Compaction Levels

Disture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. 69 74 74 68 69 71

A.N. 80 86 82 79 79 81

F.C. 85 91 89 88 88 88

S. 93 88 89 89 90 90

X 82 85 84 81 81 83

Statistical Data

Average L.S.D.
effect of F. P=.05 P=.01

Moisture 12.48** 8.45 12.80

Compaction 1.88

Moisture x
compaction (1.30)

F values in parenthesis signify error mean square greater
than mean square for treatment effects.
Table XVIII. Percent of Red fescue presenb in the permanent
species prior to application of the treatments
in 19X7.

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. 17 15 13 22 20 17

A.N. 21 u 17 2X 15 18

F.C. 17 15 16 2X 15 17

S. 21 18 20 18 15 18

X 19 16 17 22 16 18

Data not statistically significant


Table XIX. Percent of Red fescue present in the permanent

species at the various treatment levels in 1948.

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. 19 16 16 14 13 16

A.N. 13 10 11 13 8 11

F.C. 7 9 9 9 4 8

S. 5 6 6 4 4 5

X 11 10 11 10 7 10

Data not statistically significant


Table XX. Difference^- between 19X7 and 19X8 percentages of

Red fescue in the permanent species at the various
treatment levels.

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. -2 - -3 +8 +6 +2

A.N. 48 +X +6 +11 +6 +7

F.C. +10 ♦6 47 +15 +11 +10

S. +15 +12 +1X +1X +11 +13

X +8 +5 +6 +12 +9 +8

Statistical Data

Average L.S.D.
effect of F. P=.05 Pr.01

Moisture 16.26** X.OX 6.12

Compaction -— — -

Moisture x
compaction -- -- --

Plus values signify greater percentage in 19X7.
Negative values signify greater percentage in 19X8.
Table XXI. Percent of Red fescue in the permanent species
at the various treatment levels in 1949.

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI

D. 17 14 15 17 13 15

A.N. 10 8 9 11 8 9

F.C. 9 4 6 7 7 7

S. 3 6 5 5 4 5

X 10 8 9 10 8

Statistical Data

Average L.S.D.
effect of F. P=.05 Pr.Ol

Moisture 13.20** 4.41 6.68

Compaction 3.30

Moisture x
compaction 0.95

Table XXII. Percent of Bluegrass in the permanent species

prior to application of the treatments in 1947.

Compaction Levels

aisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. 10 U 12 u 11 12

A.N. 15 9 8 10 10 10

F.C. 6 8 11 9 6 8

S. 11 9 11 6 9 9

X 11 10 11 10 9 10

Data not statistically significant

Table XXIII. Percent of Bluegrass In the permanent species
at the various treatment levels In 1948.

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI

D. 16 24 19 34 29 24
A.N. 18 12 7 11 12 12

F.C. 2 1 3 6 6 4

s. 2 1 3 2 4 2

X 10 10 8 13 13 11

Statistical Data

Average L.S.D.
effect of F. P=.05 Pr.Ol
Moisture 20.51 7.74 11.72

Compaction 1.07

Moisture x
compaction 2.48* 3.86

Table XXIV. Differences^- between 194-7 and 194-8 percentages of

Bluegrass in the permanent species at the various
treatment levels.

Compaction Levels

aisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. -6 -10 -8 -20 -18 -12

A.N. -3 -3 *1 -1 -2 -2

F.C. K +7 *8 43 4 +4

S. +9 48 44 +5 +5

X +1 4l +2 -4 -4 -1

Statistical Data

Average L.S.D.
effect of F. P=.05 P=.01

Moisture 25.94*** 5.78 8.76

Compaction 3.74

Moisture x
compaction 1.13

^Plus values signify greater percentages

in 1947
Negative values signify greater percentages
in 1948

Table XXV. Percent of Bluegrass in the permanent species at

the various treatment levels in 1949.

Compaction Levels

aisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. 13 12 11 15 18 14

A.N. 10 6 9 13 13 10

F.C. 6 5 5 5 6 5

S. 4 6 6 6 6 6

X 8 7 8 10 11 9

Statistical Data

Average L.S.D.
effect of F. P:.05

Moisture 7.01* 5.44

Compact!on 1.50

Moisture x
compaction (1.19)

F values in parenthesis signify error mean square greater

than mean square for treatment effects.

Table XXVI. Percent of clover in the turf prior to application

of the treatments in 1947.

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. 3 3 3 4 3 3.20

A.N. 5 2 3 3 2 3.00

F.C. 3 3 3 3 3 3.00

S. 4 3 3 3 1 2.80

X 3.75 2.75 3.00 3.25 2.25 3.00

Data not statistically significant

Table XXVII, Percentage of clover present in the turf at the
various treatment levels in 1948,

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. 1 1 1 3 2 1.6

A.N. 2 0 1 3 2 1.6

F.C, 0 ♦ 1 ♦ 1 0.4

S. 1 1 1 + * 0.6

X 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.3 1.1

Data not statistically significant

Table XXVIII. Percent of clover present in thB turf at the
various treatment levels in 19X9.

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. 1 1 1 2 1 1.20

A.N. 2 + 3 3 2 2.00

F.C. 0 1 2 1 3 1.X0

S. 2 3 6 X 2 3.X0

X 1.25 1.25 3.00 2.50 2.00 2.00

Data not statistically significant

Table XXIX. Differences^ between 1947 and 1948 percentages
of clover in the turf at the various treatment

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI

D. ♦1 ♦2 ♦2 ♦1 ♦1 +1.4
A.N. ♦3 +2 ♦2 -1 ♦1 ♦1.4
F.C. ♦3 +3 +2 ♦3 ♦2 ♦ 2 .6

S. ♦3 ♦2 ♦2 ♦3 ♦1 ♦ 2.2

X 3.25 2.25 2.00 1.50 1.2! 2.00

Data not statistically significant

Plus values signify greater percentages
in 1947.
Negative values signify greater percentages
in 1948.
Table XXX. Number of Crabgrass plants occurring under line
diagnols at the various treatment levels in 194-8.

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. 1 ■*- 0 1 0 0.4

A.N. 3 3 1 2 1 2.0

F.C. 6 10 9 3 2 6.0

S. 20 U 9 7 7 11.4

X 7.5 7.0 4.8 3.3 2.5 5.0

Statistical Data

Average L.S.D.
effect of F. P=.05 pr.oi
Moisture 12.80** 4.51 6.83

Compaction 4.88* 3.05

Moisture x
compaction 2.00
Table XXXI. Percent of Crabgrass in the turf at the various
treatment levels in 1949.

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. 4 3 4 2 4 2.6

A.N. 8 5 5 3 1 4.4

F.C. 39 31 36 21 16 28.6

S. 40 26 22 13 8 21.8

X 22.8 16.3 16.8 9.8 6.3 14.4

Statistical Data

Average L.S.D.
effect of F. P=.05 Pr.Ol

Moisture 10.59** 13.69 20.74

Compaction 12.66** 5.82 8.47

Moisture x
compaction 2.95* 4.45
Table XXXII. Grams of oven dry roots present in soil cores
one and five-eighths inches in diameter to a
depth of six inches at the various treatment
levels, June, 1949.

Compaction Levels

Moisture No LI L2 H2 HI X

D. 0.74 0.67 0.72 0.63 0.62 0.68

A.N. 0.63 0.34 0.67 0.67 0.60 0.58

F.C. 0.42 0.36 0.42 0.29 0.39 0.38

S. 0.26 0.55 0.73 0.40 0.52 0.49

X 0.51 0.48 0.64 0.50 0.53 0.53

Data not statistically significant

Table XXXIII, Percent of total roots present In the upper
two Inches at the various treatment levels,
June, 1949.

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI

D. 84 84 77 82 83 82

A.N. 84 84 87 88 84 86
F.C. 72 84 79 74 84 79

S. 84 90 75 89 87 85

X 81 86 80 83 85 83

Data not statistically significant

Table XXXIV. Percent of total roots present in the lower
four Inches at the various treatment levels,
June, 194-9.

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI

D. 16 16 23 18 17 13

A.N. 16 16 13 12 16 14

F.C. 28 16 21 26 16 21

S. 16 10 25 11 13 15

X 19 14 20 17 15 17

Data not statistically significant


Table XXXV. Grama of oven dry roots present in soil cores

one and five-eighths inches in diameter to a
depth of six indies at the various treatment
levels, November, 1949.

Compaction Levels

oisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. 0.17 0.29 0.25 0.47 0.27 0.29

A.N. 0.12 0.17 0.25 0.15 0.15 0.17

F.C. 0.26 0.18 0.16 0.15 0.13 0.18

S. 0.21 0.38 0.42 0.37 0.23 0.32

X 0.19 0.25 0.27 0.29 0.20 0.24

Statistical Data

Average L.S.D.
effect of F, P=.05

Moisture 5.47* 0.12

Compaction 1.32

Moisture x
compaction (1.50)1

F values in parenthesis signify error mean square greater
than mean square far treatment effect.

Table XXXVI, Percent of total roots present in the upper two

inches at the various treatment levels, Novemberi

Compaction Levels

oisture No L2 LI H2 HI X

D. 68 84 77 70 78 75
A.N. 73 82 89 84 80 82

F.C. 81 76 81 78 79 79
S. 85 87 91 90 88 88

X 77 82 85 81 81 81

Statistical Data

Average L.S.D.

effect of F. P=.05 P=.01

Moisture 12.63** 5.3 8.1

Compaction 1.00

Moisture x
compaction —
Table XXXVII. Percent of total roots present in the lower
four inches at the various treatment levels,
November, 1949.

Compaction Levels

Moisture No L2 LI H2 HI

D. 32 16 23 30 22 25

A.N. 27 18 11 16 17 18

F.C. 19 24 19 22 21 21

S. 15 13 9 10 12 12

X 24 18 16 20 18 19

Statistical Data

Average L.S.D.
effect of F. P=.05 P=.01

Moisture 17.22** 4.6 7.0

Compaction --

Moisture x
compaction --

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