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First term examination – March 2018

Medical-Surgical Nursing - Practical (One word type Questions)
Name : Date : 24.03.2018
Student ID : Total marks : 25
Examination : Marks obtained :
Subject : Sign of the invigilator :

One word Answer type Questions

1. Normal temperature measured through rectal route is __________________ C

2. Forceps used for ligating an artery is _______________________________
3. BP apparatus is also known as ____________________________________________
4. Level of consciousness is measured using _______________________________________scale
5. Expand NANDA: ______________________________________________________________
6. Total body surface area (TBSA) is calculated in ______________________________ condition
7. Treatment of a disease is _________________________ prevention
8. Complete nutrition provided for a patient through IV fluids are termed as
9. Type of enema given to the patient to reduce fever by inducing diarrhea is _________________
10. Legal document obtained from patients as an agreement to perform a procedure/surgery is
termed as __________________________
11. Benedicts test is used to estimate ______________________________ level
12. Medications administered for pain management are termed as ________________________
13. Normal saline contains ________________  of Sodium chloride
14. CPR means __________________________________________________________________
15. Tuning fork is used in ________________________________________ test
16. Palliative care is provided for the patients with _______________________________________
17. Normal SPO2 level in the blood is ______________________________
18. Frequency of medication administered once a day is termed as _________________________
19. Normal intra-ocular pressure is ____________________ mmHg
20. Urine output/ day among a normal individual is _________________________ ml
21. Normal pulse pressure is __________________________ mm Hg
22. Normal serum sodium level is ___________________
23. Method of physical examination done using stethoscope is called as ______________________
24. Position maintained by the patient at 30- 45 angle while supine is _______________________
25. Medications which can be availed without prescription are termed as ______________________

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