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Lesson Plan Title: Romeo & Juliet : Act I Scene I

Date: February 7, 2018

Subject: ELA Grade: 9
Topic: Shakespeare: Romeo & Juliet Essential Question: How are Romeo
and Juliet affected by outside events/family situations, social trends, etc.? Do similar trends/events
affect your life?

- No Fear Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet text (teacher and student resource)
- Translation Worksheet (student resource)
- Important Quotations Worksheet (teacher resource)
- Questions Worksheet (student resource)

Stage 1- Desired Results – you may use student friendly language

What do they need to understand, know, and/or able to do?
Students will need to read Act 1 scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet and be able to interpret the text in order to
complete the worksheet requiring them to translate Shakespeare’s words into their own. Students will need
to explain in class discussion the importance of two quotations identified by the teacher. They will also need
to complete a set of questions pertaining to the chapter based on comprehension and extension of

Broad Areas of Learning:

Sense of Self, Community, and Place – Exploring different family values and compare and contrast to their
own ideals in order to connect to the content
Lifelong Learners – Students will become familiar with Shakespeare’s humor and writing, educating them and
allowing them to understand his other work further into their futures beyond school
Engaged Citizens – The content of the lesson will encourage students to utilize what they learn about the past
and apply it to their futures resulting in more knowledgeable, engaged citizens

Cross-Curricular Competencies:
Thinking – Students will be learning in new ways by exploring Shakespeare’s language and translating it in
their own words, they will be comparing and contrasting the conflicts in the Scene in order to deeply
understand what the beginning of the play is about.

Unit: Exploring, Love, Loyalty and Relationships
CR9.1b - View, listen to, read, comprehend, and respond to a variety of texts that address identity (e.g.,
Exploring Loyalty, Love, and Relationships), social responsibility (e.g., Equal Opportunity), and efficacy (e.g.,
Surviving and Conquering)
CR9.2b - Select and use appropriate strategies to construct meaning before (e.g., formulating focus
questions), during (e.g., adjusting rate to the specific purpose and difficulty of the text), and after (e.g.,
analyzing and evaluating) viewing, listening, and reading.

CR9.5b - Listen purposefully to understand, analyze, and evaluate oral information and ideas from a range of
texts including conversations, discussions, interviews, and speeches

CR9.6b - Read and demonstrate comprehension and interpretation of grade-level appropriate texts including
traditional and contemporary prose fiction, poetry, and plays from First Nations, Métis, and other cultures to
develop an insightful interpretation and response.

PGP Goals:

3.2 the ability to use a wide variety of responsive instructional strategies and methodologies to accommodate
learning styles of individual learners and support their growth as social, intellectual, physical and spiritual
beings This lesson plan entails numerous opportunities for students to succeed in various ways regardless
of their learning styles. With utilization of class discussion, worksheets and comprehension questions students
have the chance to display their learning in ways that cater to their preferences.

4.1 knowledge of Saskatchewan curriculum and policy documents and applies this understanding to plan
lessons, units of study and year plans using curriculum outcomes as outlined by the Saskatchewan Ministry of
Education Romeo and Juliet is on the Saskatchewan curriculum to teach as part of a unit, by finding
successful ways to incorporate Shakespeare in student’s lives and ensuring comprehension of content and
Shakespearean language, this lesson fulfills PGP 4.1.

Stage 2- Assessment

Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help determine next steps.
- Asking leading questions that help students come to correct conclusions about content and themes
- Circling the room during work-time to ensure students are on the right track and helping them
expand their thought processes when answering and translating

Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate what they have learned.
- Going over questions sheet as a class ensuring everyone is ready to move forward into the following
Stage 3- Learning Plan

Motivational/Anticipatory Set (introducing topic while engaging the students)

- Board activity/ class discussion regarding “Thing We Say That We Owe to Shakespeare”

Main Procedures/Strategies:
- Read Act 1 Scene 1 out loud with students as assigned characters
- Complete translation worksheet
- Review important quotations holding class discussion regarding why they are relevant within the
- Complete questions handout
- Review answers as a class

- Additional guidance during work-time in regard to worksheets ensuring comprehension and guiding
thinking towards aimed conclusion

Closing of lesson:
Reviewing of question worksheet and answering lingering questions will be the wrap-up of this lesson,
ensuring all students are ready to enter the next scene with complete understanding of the first.

Personal Reflection:

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