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Disease Symptoms Control

Phytophtora Root Rot * Sudden drooping of whole * Improve drainage.

This soil-borne fungus is plant. * Remove diseased plants.
spread by water in poorly * Darkening of lower leaves. * Apply a soil fungicide
drained soils.
* Heavy leaf drop with small to the root zone.
fruits remaining
* Blackened and rotted roots.

Bacterial Leaf Spot * Small, brown irregular * Practise field sanitation,

This bacterial disease is water-soaked spots on especially at flowering.
spread by infected crop leaves, stems and fruits. * Use crop rotation.
residues, seeds and rain
splash. * Spots start generally on * Mulch to avoid rain splash.
lower leaves and move * Spray with copper-based
upwards. fungicides.
* Leaf drop of heavily-
infected leaves.

Anthracnose * Slightly rounded and * Use hot pepper seeds

This fungal disease is sunken spots on young or from healthy plants.
prevalent in rainy season mature peppers, stems and * Remove diseased plant
and is also a post-harvest
disease. leaves. parts
* Spots become water-soaked, * Practise crop rotation.
with a brown-black centre. * Spray with a contact
fungicide weekly in the
rainy season.
Here are some guidelines to follow for the safe handling of pesticides:-
Only purchase pesticides in labelled containers.

Choose the right pesticides for the job.

Buy and use the least toxic pesticide.

When Using Pesticides:

Carefully follow all instructions on the container.

Wear protective clothing, mask, and eye protection when

Choose a calm, wind-free time of the day to spray.

Do not spray near children and pets. Keep them away from

sprayed areas.
 Follow the restricted time for re-entering an area after a
pesticide has been applied.

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