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TCM Acupuncture Theory - Sky Window Points

Sky Window

Traditional Chinese Medicine utilizes a number of theories which

group acupuncture points together based on their functions and/or
other relationships. Many of these theories are important in a clinical
setting and are used, along with other theory and diagnostic
information, to decide which acupuncture points will be used for a
given condition.

Below you find information regarding the sky window (or window of
the sky) points. See our Acupuncture Point Categories section for a
complete list of point categories.

For complete information about a single point, click on it within the


 Sky Window Points Details

 Sky Window Points Chart

 Discuss Acupuncture Theory

Sky Window Points Theory and Applications

 The Sky Window points are a set of acupuncture points drawn

from the Ling Shu.

 Generally they are not popularly used points, although some

systems of acupuncture utilize them to a greater degree than others.
The basic functions of the points are to improve the flow of energy
between the head and the rest of the body.
 The points can be used for local issues such as neck pain, but
also more complex issues such as multiple sclerosis and dizziness for

 The points are used extensively within the Tom Tam Healing
System for a range of conditions such as MS, Parkinsons, Brain Tumors,
etc. - in essence to facilitate the smooth flow of Blood and Qi to and
from the Brain.

 The points and their clinical indications are as follows:

o ST 9 - regulation of blood pressure, headaches, chest


o LI 18 - regulation of blood pressure

o TH 16 - sudden deafness, vision disturbances

o UB 10 - neck pain, occipital headache, wind-cold invasion

o LU 3 - neck pain, goiters, depression, asthma, grief,

coughing of blood

o CV 22 - throat/vocal cord issues, aphasia, asthma, chest


o SI 16/SI 17 - throat issues, goiters

o GV 16 - wind-cold invasion, dizziness, tremors, headache,

eye issues, aphasia

o PC 1 - reflux, hiccups, chest tightness, breast issues,

insufficient lactation

Sky Window Points Chart

From Ling Shu Ch. 21 From Ling Shu Ch. 2

Renying ST 9 Tiantu CV 22

Futu LI 18 Tianchuang SI 16

Tianyou TH 16 Tianrong SI 17

Tianzhu UB 10 Fengfu GV 16

Tianfu LU 3 Tianchi PC 1

There Are (10) Sky Window Acupuncture Points

LU 3

 LU 3 Celestial Storehouse

o Window of the Sky Point, regulates head/body Qi flow -

goiters, swellings in the neck.

o Lung related spirit disharmonies - stress induced asthma,

poor memory, fuzzy/muddled thinking, depression, "floating corpse ghost
talk", "melancholy crying ghost talk" (classical descriptions possibly for
seeing ghost, talking about ghosts a/or people who have died, being in
constant long-term grief about someone who has passed, etc.).

o LV invading the LU pathologies.

o Generally for heat related issues whether from excess or

deficiency - nosebleed, coughing blood.

PC 1

 PC 1 Celestial Pool
o Window of the Sky Point, opens the chest - fullness,
counterflow qi, cough with phlegm.

o Headache, blurred vision, axillary sweating, malarial

disorders, difficulty moving the limbs.

o Breast disorders, breast abscess, insufficient lactation.

SI 16

 SI 16 Celestial Windows

o Both SI 16 & SI 17 are Window of the Sky Pointsand are

useful for throat distention, swelling, goiters, lumps in neck a/or throat,
voice issues.

o Ear issues - tinnitus, deafness, pain.

o Local point for neck and/or shoulder problems.

o Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the

circulation within the vertebral artery and the occipital artery. Useful for
occipital headache, alzheimer's, brain tumors, dyslexia, MS, and many brain
issues related to circulation. Often used with Tian Dong as a starting point.

o Falls into the category of Window of the Sky points within

the Tam Healing system.

SI 17

 SI 17 Celestial Countenance

o Both SI 16 & SI 17 are Window of the Sky Pointsand are

useful for throat distention, swelling, goiters, lumps in neck a/or throat.

o Chest oppression, wheezing, cough, asthma.

o Ear issues - tinnitus, deafness.

o Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the

circulation to the brain, and the facial nerves. Useful for facial issues such
as TMJ, gum problems, etc. Also used with headaches, hearing issues,
dizziness and/or high blood pressure.

o Falls into the category of Window of the Sky points within

the Tam Healing system.

TH 16

 TH 16 Celestial Window

o Local Point.

o Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the

circulation within the occipital artery and the vertebral artery. Useful for
occipital issues, glaucoma, etc.

o Falls into the category of Window of the Sky points within

the Tam Healing system.

LI 18

 LI 18 Protuberance Assistant

o Window of the Sky Point for sudden loss of voice with qi

obstruction in the throat.

o High blood pressure, for which Window of the Sky

Points are sometimes indicated, may also be useful for low blood pressure.

o Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the

circulation of the common carotid artery as well as effect the vagus nerve.
Due to the connection with the vagus it is useful for lung, esophagus,
heart, stomach, intestine and gall bladder issues - reflux, palpitations,
digestive issues, etc.

o Falls into the category of Window of the Sky points

within the Tam Healing system.

UB 10

 UB 10 Celestial Pillar

o Relieves pain - neck issues, stiffness, ROM, occipital

headache. For stiffness on one-side of the neck combine with SI 3on the
same side & GB 39on the opposite side. Upper back pain and/or shoulder

o Clears wind and relieves exterior cold - secondary point to

release the exterior in wind-cold conditions, primary is GB 20.

o Eye pain and/or blurry vision.

o Calms the spirit - epilepsy, manic episodes, excessive


ST 9

 ST 9 Man's Prognosis

o In ancient times the ST Qi was assessed by palpating the

pulse here and at ST 42.

o Regulation of Blood Pressure - lowering high blood


o Headache, dizziness.

o Sore throat, counterflow qi (vomiting), coughing, hiccups.

o Acute lumbar sprain, lower back pain.

o Window of the Sky Point - restores Qi flow between the

body and the head - useful with headache, chest tightness, asthma.

o Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the common

carotid artery. With acupuncture and tuina we often use LI 18 instead as it
is safer, for Tong Ren and light tuina, however, it is fine to use.

o Falls into the category of Window of the Sky points within

the Tam Healing system.

CV 22

 CV 22 Celestial Chimney

o All throat/vocal cord disorders - sore/dry throat,

hoarseness, swallowing issues, speech issues such as loss of voice, cracked

o Window of the Sky Point - useful for aphasia.

o Upper chest Qi/Stagnation issues - asthma, wheezing,

pain in the upper chest, tightness, oppression.

GV 16

 GV 16 Wind Mansion

o Main point for wind, whether exterior or interior,

particularly affecting the head and neck. For wind cold headache, stiff neck,
aversion to wind; as well as dizziness, visual dizziness, numbness,
twitching, tremors.

o Window of the Sky point, promotes communication

between the head and body, many indications are consistent with other
points of this group, such as headache, dizziness, throat swelling, earache,
eye pain, nosebleeds, aphasia.

o Psychological issues such as mania, palpitations from fear

a/or fright, suicidal thoughts.

o Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the medulla

function (breathing issues, asthma, tight chest, etc.), but GV 17 is used
more frequently, useful in spinal cord issues.

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