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NISN : 0033437628


Jalan Imam Bonjol Gang Pinang No.12 Langka Pura Baru
Langkapura Bandar Lmapung
A. Introduction
Who does not like music? Sure, most of us like this from of art. Not a few of us are always listening
to music to encourage or entertain ourselves every day. In the world of music education is also
categorized in the art that applied in various media such as extracurricular as, Nasyid, Choir and
others. While among the teens music is used as entertainment and a means to get along, but some
are use music as a technique in learning, as a way to express their use music as a tool to increase
concentration in learning, based on a brief explanation above, the authors would like to take the title
for the short paper is about “The influence of music to youth learn to process”.

B. Problem Formulation
What is The influence of music to youths learning process?

C. Discussion
There are so many definition about music. The music is an art form of merger, tone of voice,
melody, rhythm, tempo, as well as the harmony of the instruments and vocals. According to the
work of Lorenzo Lippi in his work entitled “Allegory of music”, the music is the sound received by
the individuals that vary based on the history, places, location, culture and tastes of the person.

Listening to music can help reduce the burden on our minds. For example when we are sad listen to
music can relieve our feelings. If the bad feelings or bad emotions are relieved, then we can
concentrate on studying or doing other activities.

From the survey I the interview to some of my friends most of them studied while listening to the
music, because the music can add passion in learning. This proves that music has so many effect on
our emotions and feelings.

Here's some research conducted by experts:

1. Musical influences of intelligence

Based on observations made on a number of children, researchers from the University of
California concluded that learning music at an early age can increase your intelligence as the
ability to focus for a long time . According to neurologist from Harvard University, Mark
Tramo, M.D., the vibrations of the music that enters through the ear can affect psychological,
this happened because in the human brain, there are millions of neurons from the uniquely
become active when we hear music. These neurons are spread to different regions in the brain,
including the auditory Center on the left and right hemispheres. Starting from this connection
between music and intelligence case.
Research results Herry Chunagi (1996) Siegel (1999), based on the theory of neurons (cell
conductor on the nervous system), explained that the neurons would be a circuit if there is
stimulation in the form of music, movement, sound, which resulted in neurons separate linked
and integrate themselves into the circuits of the brain. The more stimulation the music given
increasingly complex interwoven between neurons that. That is the real existence of basic math
skills, logic, language, music and emotion in children.
Daryono Sutoyo, Professor of Biology UNS Solo, doing research (1981) about the contribution
of music that stimulates the brain, He said that music arts is important should be starting from
the elementary school in order to obtain early learners balanced stimulation between parts of
the left brain and the right brain hemisphere .When they are able to use the functions of the two
hemispheres of his brain in a balanced way, then when mature rage will be human beings who
think logically and intuitively, also smart, creative, honest, and sensitive feelings.

2. The influence of music in Learning

To understand the music it self if in music learning is used to support the learning process.
Music is one way to stimulate the mind to support learning. In addition to mind, stimulating
music can also improve concentration and memory, improve cognitive aspects, build emotional
intelligence, and others. Music can balance the right and left brain, that means balancing the
intellectual aspect of the music and also the emotional aspects. Students who have obtained
education music since early childhood, if future adults will be a man that has a logical thinking,
intelligent, creative, capable of taking decisions and have empathy.

Music has an important position in supporting the smooth running of an instruction.

"Gallahue (1998) in the Raven (2008) says, skills such as the ability of visual, tactile and
making auditif optimized through stimulation with loud classical music. Rhythm, melody, and
harmony of classical music can be a stimulation to improve study skills.

Universities in Japan many have Orchestra Symphony as a continuation of music lessons they
receive at the level of elementary school, junior high school and high school. So are all the
school subjects entering the flagship music as compulsory material intrakurikuler and enriched
with extracurricular activities, where the subject matter taught music includes traditional music
and universal music, the results of the flagship school students learning the average is very
In Indonesia, it appears in the curriculum (1994), this aspect of the balance has not been
fulfilled. The formal education curriculum in Indonesia only emphasizes intellectual
development is solely and not pay attention to the development of emotional intelligence. See
the allocation time of subjects of music every week just 2 x 45 minutes, (GBPP, curriculum
subjects Arts 1994) that is still divided by orther like fine arts, and crafts.

3. The influence of Music in learning as well as the impact of positive and negative
I tried doing the survey against some of my friends with direct interview method on the
influence of music to motivate learning and what is the reason. From the results of the survey
obtained data as follows:

a. Positive Response.
 Learning while listening to music, the material can more quickly get into the brain.
 to listen to music can create more excitement.
 can make quiet and relaks in learning
 Influential because it could create more excitement in learning.
 Effect, learn so no Drowsiness because while listening to music

b. Negative feedback
 “has no effect, because the learning in a State of calm is more able to enter the brain. But the
music was influential to encourage themselves or simply for fun only
 “has no effect because the learning in a State of quiet more quickly catch the material
However from simple research I conclude, if most respondents tend to think of music provide a
positive influence against the effectiveness of learning.

D. Conclusion and Suggestion

Music has an important role in supporting the learning process of the teenager skill such as the
ability of visual and making audio optimized through stimulation with classical music is
possible.Rhythm, melody, and harmony of classical music can be a stimulation to improve study
I recommend for teens who want to listen to music select music that is good as influential for
the intelligence of the brain.
E. References
Subagyo, Fasih.2007. Terampil Bermain Musik 3 untuk Kelas IX SMP dan MTs. Solo: PT. Tiga
Herry Chunagi (1996) Siegel (1999), based on the theory of neurons (cell conductor on the
nervous system)
Daryono Sutoyo, (1981) about the contribution of music namely stimulates the brain, said that
an important arts' education taught starting from the elementary school level (elementary

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