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28 Mar 18


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1. Goal Setting: Goal setting is the process of identifying something that you want to
accomplish and establishing measurable goals and timeframes. It can be used to break down
every event in training into short term goals. This will help you stay focused and motivated, as well
as build your confidence and finally achieve you longer term goal. There are three types of goals;
outcome goals, performance goals, and process goals. Outcome goals are what you want to
achieve. Performance goals are goals aimed at improving your performance. Lastly, process goals
are the plan to achieve the outcome or performance goal. During the Assessed Basic Leadership
Exercise (ABLE), goal setting will be needed throughout the entire exercise, not just during the
personal leadership tasks (PLTs).

2. Dealing with Negative Thoughts: While it is normal to have negative thoughts, it is

important to not give them too much attention. By refocusing your attention, it is possible to get rid
of any negative thoughts. This can be done by paying attention to the present moment.

3. Positive Thinking Skills: Positive thinking is a mental attitude in which you expect good,
or favourable results. It is used to challenge negative thoughts with logical answers. It is important
to remember that thoughts are not facts, but only opinions, and as such can be wrong. During
ABLE, if you are worried, or do not think you can carry out a task, it is important to think positively
and change your mental attitude.

4. Emotion Regulation: Emotion regulation is the process of controlling one's emotions and
keeping them in balance and away from extremes. It is important to control your emotions are they
are responsible for motivating our behaviour. During ABLE, where we are tired and under a lot of
stress, we are more likely to emotionally react to certain situations. While you can not control
when an emotion is triggered, it is important to control how well you respond to the situation.

5. Pain Tolerance: Pain tolerance is the maximum level of pain that a person is able
to tolerate. It can be made worse by psychological and emotional pain. During ABLE, there will be
many situations where pain is unavoidable. It is therefore important to learn to deal with pain by
accepting and embracing it. This can be done by smiling, which will change your emotion,
reducing the pain. Its also important to remember that pain will just be temporary, it will pass.

6. Positive Imagery: Positive imagery is a stress management technique, where you imagine
a scenario that makes you feel relaxed. This can be a very powerful motivation tool, which in turn
can generate positive emotions. Positive imagery used to motivate yourself during ABLE will be
extremely important, especially during arduous conditions or times of self-doubt.

7. Mental Rehearsal: Mental Rehearsal is the cognitive rehearsal of a task in the absence of
overt physical movement. It involves imagined, mental practice of performing a task as opposed
to actual practice. That is, when engaging in mental rehearsal, one imagines performing without
actually doing anything. This can be beneficial in preparation for an event by improving your
performance. During ABLE, mental rehearsal will be useful to develop solutions to the PLTs, as
well as just before giving your warning and main orders.


J A Gascoine
Email: james.gasgoine@brnc.ac.uk


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