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Learning Objectives

After studying the lesson, students will be able to

1. Understand about adverbial clause in using in the sentences
2. Making a sentence of adverbial clause
3. To identify the kind of adverbial clause

Description of couse

I) a. Adverbial Clause adalah Clause (anak kalimat) yang berfungsi sebagai Adverb.

For example:
* When Mr Nanang went to Rusia, he attended a conference.
* Suryana goes to the hospital because he is sick.
b. When Mr nanang went to Russia dan because he is sick adalah Adverbial Clause.
c. Adverbial Clause adalah Clause (anak kalimat) yang tidak bisa berdiri sendiri dan harus
ke induk kalimat: He attended a conference dan Suryana goes to the hospital.

2) Posisi Adverbial Clause bisa diawal kalimat atau akhir kalimat. Jika diletakkan di awal kalimat,
kita memerlukan koma. Jika diletakkan di akhir kalimat, kita tidak memerlukan koma.
For example:
* I went to bed after I had done my homework.
* After I had done my homework, I went to bed.

3) a. Ada 4 jenis Adverbial Clause yang perlu kita ketahui : Adverbial Clause of time, Adverbial
Clause of Cause and Effect, Adverbial Clause of Opposition, and Adverbial Clause of Condition.
4) Adverbial Clause of Time adalah Adverbial Cluase yang menunjukkan waktu.
Kata-kata yang bisa digunakan untuk menunjukkan Adverbial Clause of Time adalah :

when before as
while after since

wherever until

as soon as as long as by the time

For example:
* When I arrived at home yesterday, My wife was cooking.
* Anti was watching TV while her husband was reading a book.
* As soon as You comes, I will leave.
* I had baked a cake before I ate it.
* After I had watched TV. I slept.
* As they were walking to school, It began to rain.
* By the time my mother arrived, I will have finished studying English.
*. Please come to my house whenever you like
* I have liked apples since I was a child.
*. We will stay at the office until it stops raining.


Susunan kalirnat pada umumnya dimulai dengan Subject dan diikuti oleh Verb! to be.

For example

* Bunga Citra sings everyday.

Subject Verb
* Bunga Citra is beautiful.
Subject to be
Kita mengetahui ada 4 jenis Auxiliary/kata kerja bantu :
a. to be: is, am, are, was, were
b. to do : do, does, did
c. to have: have, has, had
d. modal: will, can, may, should
Subject - Verb Inversion adalah pembalikan Subject dan Verb.

Ada 3 jenis inversion yang perlu kita ketahui:

I. Inversion dengan kata-kata negatif:
Kata-kata negatif yang biasa digunakan adalah :

rarely hardly ever never (tidak pernah) only if (hanya jika)

barely scarcely not only (tidak hanya) only (hanya)
seldom not once (tidal< sekali) in no time (segera)

Rumus untuk Inversion Negative word + Auxiliary + S + Verb I

For example
* Kiki never comes here.  Never does Kiki come here.
Negative word auxiliaySubject Veib l
* Mr Ikhsan is not only good, but he is also religious. Not only is Mr Ikhsan good, but he is also
Negative word auxiliary Subject Veib l

* Doctor Ayu had written a letter Doctor ayu posted it 

Only after Doctor Ayu had written a letter did she post it.
Negative word auxiliary Subject Veib
II. Inversion dengan Adverb Of place:

Inversion dengan Adverb of place menggunakan Prepositional Phrase (sekelompok kata yang dimulai
dengan Preposition) yang menerangkan tempat.
- Contoh Prepositional Phrase adalah:

*between the market and the post office.

*on the wall. ; beside the mall.
* behind the trees.

Rumus untuk Inversion - Preposition Phrase + to be Verb + Subject

For example:
My village is at the foot of the hill. At the foot of the hill is my village.
Prepositional Phrase to be Subject
* The statue stands in front of my house  In front of my house stands the statue
Prepositional Phrase Verb Subject
III. Conditional Clause Type 2 and 3
- Untuk type 2, kita bisa memindahkan kata were atau should ke depan kalimat dan menghilangkan
kata if.

For example:

* If I were you, I would go.  Were I you, I would go

* If they should go, will you follow them?  ~ Should they go, will you follow them?

Untuk type 3, kita bisa memindahkan kata had ke depan kalimat dan menghilangkan kata if

For example:
* If Mrs Ani had bought the book, She would have gone home.  Had Mrs Ani bought the book, She
would have gone home.
* If I had had money, I could have gone to America.  Had I had money, I could have gone to America.
Learning Objectives

After studying the lesson, students will be able to

1. Understand about adverbial clause in using in the sentences
2. Making a sentence of adverbial clause
3. To identify the kind of adverbial clause

Description of couse

I) a. Adverbial Clause adalah Clause (anak kalimat) yang berfungsi sebagai Adverb.

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