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Cloth to Teddy’s Teet

Marsya 20 yo bring her brother Teddy 5 yo to RSGMP Unimus because his front teeth become
brownish. Teddy likes eat candy and chocolate and didn’t brush his teeth often. He also has bad
habbit to chewing his food for long time. Marsya wants her bro has white and clean teeth like
childern in toothpaste commercial. Based on the exam the dentist dicided to make some
“clothes” to teddy teeth.
- How teeth can brownish?
1. What is the treatment for the scen
2. What is the advantage and disadvantages
3. What is the diagnose from the scenario
4. What is the indication and contraondocation of treatment
5. What are the purpose of treatment on the scen
6. What is classification
7. What is the step for treatment on the cast on the scen
8. What is the indicator succesful and failur on the scen
9. What material use for treatmnet on the case
10. How to make sure the cloth fit in the teddy’s teeth
11. What the instruction after treat
12. Term of the treatment
1. What is the diagnose from the scenario
Caries, But we don’t know more
SCC, because he likes candy and chocolate in 5 yo means severe child caries, if above 3
yo it means ESCC, mistake of nursing child it means nursing baby bottle caries
2. What is the treatment for the scen
Base on scen we can use seluloid strip crown and PCC, SSC for posterior teeth
Because the purpose of the skenario is match with tittle.
3. What are the purpose of treatment on the scen
 To make teeth stay health in the mouth
 Better for estetic look
 To retreat anatomical
 To return or repair fonetic and mastication function
 Protect tooth from additional decay
 Prevent progresiv lession
 We can guiding the curve from mouth and when te caries is repidly we can
guiding from for space maintener.

4. What is the advantage and disadvantages
 Advantage:
- Work faster on dental clinic
- High succesful rate
- Minimal preparation
- The crown have smooth surface to minimize plak
- Estetic
 Disadvantage
- Expensive
- Good skill needed

5. What is the indication and contraindication of treatment

 Indication
- For the decidui tooth on the anterior
- Good seal root canal traetment
- Patient with high caries
- Can be use for abutmnet
- Decidui tooth discolorated teeth
- For teeth has been damage
- If the teeth cant be restoration anymore
 Contraindication
- Patient reject the treatment
- There is clinical radiografical on the radicular
- Sensitive with material polycarbonate
- Patient have bad habbit ; bruxism, deep over bite
- Low decay risk
6. What is classification
Ready stock and custom

7. Term of the treatment in general

- It is can adapted in oral
- Not iritated the mucose
- Biocompatible
- High strengh
- Souldn’t be sharp
- Radiopaque
8. What material use for treatmnet on the case
Polycarbonate ? compotition

9. What is the step for treatment on the cast on the scen

Local anastetion, rubber dam, incisal and oclusal preapration, interproximl reduction,
bucal lingual bevel, final adjusment, crown size selection, try in, an cementation we can
use ZOE can repair the dentin and not irritated, polycarboxilate cement especially for
Because the crown in fabricated have different size we should reduction material

10. How to make sure the cloth (PCC) fit in the teddy’s teeth
Not Easy to remove in rest situation or work situation, not mobile, patient doesn’t fell
uncomfortable, patient feel comfort. Good retention and stabilitation.
We can look the antagonis and neighbor tooth.
The edge crown insert in sulcus gingiva antara 0.5- 1mm
Return to pale color.

11. What is the indicator succesful and failur on the scen

Succesfuul: good occlusion, good margin adaptation, not irritated, restoration can stay as
long as permanent teeth erupted, cooperative patient, return fonation, estetic, and etc.
Failur : not good preparation and adequat sementetion, bad retention and stabititation, not
stabil occlusion with an antagonis teeth, not good contact with neighbor teeth

12. What the instruction after treat

- Not eat and drink hot or cold food and baverage
- Use different region for mastication
- Keep good or clean OH like brushing and flossing teeth.

1. Diagnose of the sceanrio
2. Definisi
a. SSC
b. PCC
c. Strip Crown Form

3. What is classification (abc)

4. Indikasi dan kontaindikasi (abc)
5. Komposisi bahan & keuntungan serta kekurangan (abc)
6. Tahapan (abc)
7. Dalil and hadits

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