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Badminton Lesson Plan #2 – Physed.

March 28th, 2018
Physical Education

1. What is/are the outcomes

Build skills towards proficiency in four self-selected complex movement skills including one
from four of the following categories:

 net/wall games (e.g., badminton, tennis, table tennis, volleyball

Students will be able to:

- Students will be able to perform high serves and short serves and understand when to use these
severs in singles or double matches
- Students will be able to perform net shots with proper technique both forehand and backhand

2. How are we achieving this outcome? Assessment Piece?

- while students are working on their serves and net shots, students will have the opportunity to
give and receive verbal feedback both from me, and their partner. I will be observing whether the
students are performing the tasks properly, provide them constructive and positive feedback, and
make sure their partner is providing feedback as well.

3. Activities:

Reaction Time (Warmup) (7 minutes)

This fast-paced drill requires one racket per person and one shuttle per pair. Separate students
into pairs, and have each stand on one side of the net. One player must start off lying down. The
other player will serve the shuttle standing up. The lying player must jump up and return the
shuttle. However, once the student who serves has served, he must lie down until the shuttle
returns over the net. At that time, he will jump up and attempt a return. The drill will continue in
this manner until the allotted time is up.

Serving: (10-15 minutes)

High Serve
- send the shuttle high and long and make it drop as close to the furthest back line as possible
- arm swings through snap the wrist and follow through

short Serve
- can serve back hand or forehand
- The stance should be square or slightly staggered with the racket side foot in front of the other
- The shuttle should be held at waist height, and body weight should be distributed between both

Have students serve 10 severs from each serving side (20 of each serve in total) of both types of
serves (in total 40) after each 10 rotate with partner

Keep it Short: Net shot drills (~ 15 minutes)

The aim is to improve the net shot technique. 2 players are needed to perform this drill. Player 1
starts as a feeder and throws a shuttle over the net from one service line. Player 2 starts on the
opposite service line, as the receiver.
As player 1 throws the shuttle player 2 steps towards the net with their dominant foot and plays a
net shot with their racket arm outstretched.
Player 2 should aim to get the shuttle to land as close to the net as possible, but definitely before
the short service line of player 1's court.
Hit 10 net shots and count how many land before the service line. Swap roles and repeat the drill,
see who hit the most in the correct area.

 Hit backhand net shots

 Play a mini game between the two players just using from one short service line to the
opposite one as the court. Players can only hit net shots. First player to 10 points wins. Score
as in a normal game.

Coaching Points:

 Make sure grip, footwork and swing are correct

 Take the shuttle at the highest point possible.

Kings Court (rest of class)

 1v1 games played up to 11
 once one team hits 11 tell the teacher to yell stop
 moving team moves to the right losing team to the left

4. Resources & Material

 Badminton nets – 8
 Badminton rackets – 24 (one for each student)
 Goggles – 24
 Shuttles (birdies)
5. Adaptations/Differentiation:
- allow birdie to hit the ground then hit it
- don’t use nets or lower the nets
- play on smaller courts to have smaller space to cover
- have nets lower for net shots or use no net
- serving allow them to stand closer, set out targets for them to hit

6. Closing of Lesson:
- Review types of serves: proper stance, form, placement
- Review what a net shot is

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