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Do you know that a stroke is the number two of the death causes in the world?

According to
WHO, it is estimated that as many as 20.5 million persons in the world is contracted CVA in
2011. Around of 5.5 out of 17,5 million people of CVA patient have died yearly. In Indonesia
the disease was occupying the third position after heart disease and cancer. Results of Basic
Health Research Data in 2013 found stroke prevalence in Indonesia of 12.1 per 1000
population. The definition of stroke is; “The neurological disease that occurs due to disruption
of the blood supply to a part of the brain resulting in decreased tissue perfussion, which can
lead to ischemic”. Some of tissues can still be saved by repairing tissue perfussion. A CVA is
a serious problem that almost spread in all over the world because it causes the sudden death
may lead to physical and mental disability, at the age of either productive or old age. The most
important thing to do after a stroke is avoiding to subsequent strokes, which can cause more
damage to the brain and worsening the disability. Patients need an effective and good treatment
so that the patient can recover their health. Family care is very important to make the patient
more struggling to recover from stroke. Families should not be discouraged if the recovery
process takes a long time.

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