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The introduction explains about the background of the research that contains

the researcher’s reason to choose the title, statements of the problem, hypothesis,

objective of the research, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the

study and definition of the key terms.

1.1 Background of the Research

Language as a tool communication with the others people to share the human

needs is very important. We know that without language, people can not interact

with the others. By language, people can share their experiences, their feelings,

and their needs to each other by spoken or written. Spoken language can be

manifested in oration, dialogue, presentation, etc. Written language can be

manifested in letter, news, short message, short story, novel, etc.

English as the one of language is very important in this world because it

becomes an international language and as global language which is learned by

countries in this world to increase the prosperity of those country itself.

Globalization era makes English must be taught in school. The Indonesia

government curriculum has informed that all schools in Indonesia have to teach

English. Additionally, English has to be mastered by students and it causes

government of Indonesia makes English is not only a lesson which must be learnt


by students of Indonesia but it is also as one of the subject in state examination in


The four skills of English as a language are listening, speaking, reading and

writing. All of skills must be mastered by students because it becomes the

standard competencies which have to be reached by student. Speaking is the

important one of for skills which has been mastered by the students. The poorness

of student’s speaking ability becomes the problem of learning process in

Indonesia because some teachers in Indonesia use the old ways to teach their

students as like the old methods and the teachers do not use the good media in the

teaching learning process. They just concern on the theory not on the practiced.

Models of Teaching is the basis of the learning practice of the result of the

reduction of educational psychology and learning theory which is designed based

on the analysis of the implementation of curriculum and its implications on the

operational level in the classroom (Suprijono,2009). And according to Marta

Yuliani (2014), Picture and picture are the lesson strategies that used the pictures

media in learning process.

To learn speaking English, the students use many kind of ways in order to

master the lesson. Various ways had been used as the method of teaching and

learning English to make it easier to be understood. Retelling story through

pictures series on the students’ skill, can be show as an active learning process.

And the students can improve their speaking skills.

Learning speaking at junior high school can be done with many media to help

the students as such: pictures, cards, paper sheet, etc. The researcher chooses

describing picture series to teach speaking in descriptive text, because with

describing picture series the students can express their ideas and their word when

they see the picture. So, when they can express the ideas of course they will speak

and the teacher can know the purpose of student’s mean.

Considering the above matter, researcher is interested in conducting an

experiment research on the teaching of speaking using picture series. From this

technique researcher want to know the result of teaching speaking using picture


Based on the background above, the researcher decides to carry out the

research entitled “The Effectiveness of Retelling Story Through Picture Series on

The Students’ Speaking Skill at SMP Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah 3 Malang”.

1.2 Reason for Choosing the Topic

Teaching a foreign language is considered to be one of the most challenging

teaching practices. In Indonesia, students are usually afraid of joining foreign

language classes. They may feel unmotivated, discouraged easily. Their mindsets

say foreign language is difficult to learn because most of them know nothing from

the start. Usually, students know nothing how to express what they want to say.

Teacher in that case needs to be responsive to the classroom situation in order

to take an accurate measurement. The classroom atmosphere should be

sufficiently relaxed so that learners are engaged activity in every activities lead to

a better performance of their language skills, listening, speaking, writing and

reading. Games and songs in foreign language classes. Based on the background

of the research above, the problem in this research is to know the effectiveness of

retelling story through picture series on the students’ speaking skill.

Retelling story is one of methods, so the researcher wants using this method to

improve students speaking skill. The researcher hopes this technique can help the

students to gain self-confidence in speaking English especially to practice

retelling story through picture series.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

Based on the background of the research above, the researcher’s research

problems can be formulated in the following question:

Are the Eights grade students taught with the picture series significanlly better

than those taught with non picture series at SMP Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah 3

Malang in the academic year 2016/2017?

1.4 Hypothesis

Hypothesis is an idea or explanation for something that is based on known

facts but has not yet been proved. In this research, (Ho) the students who taught

with the picture series have lower achievement than or the same as the students

who taught with the non picture series and (Ha) the students who are taught with

retelling story through picture series have better achievement than those taught

using non-picture series.


1.5 Objective of the Research

The objective of this research was to verify the effectiveness of picture series

on the students’ speaking skill at eight grade of SMP Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah 3

Malang in the Academic Year 2016/2017.

1.6 Significance of the Research

This research for the researcher is to add more knowledge about discourse

study about this technique. Particularly is to see how far their success in teaching

English. As an additional reference that may be useful information in applying a

better technique and good learning strategy in learning process. For the students, it

will be helper for students to improve their speaking skill especially in retelling

story through picture series. Useful for educational institution, it will make a right

decision to use a new media or models to support teaching and learning process in

SMP Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah 3 Malang in order to get better output. And for the

next researcher, the result of this researcher can be used as previous research in

his/her research

1.7 Scope and Limitation of the Research

The scope of the research, the researcher will examine the students who sit in

eight grade of SMP Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah 3 Malang. The researcher limits

this study as follows:

1. The topic is limited to the effectiveness of retelling story through picture

series on the students speaking skill.


2. The subject of this research is limited to students of 8th grade students of

SMP Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah 3 Malang.

1.8 Definition of the Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding if the terms used and prior go further discussion, it

necessary to know the key terms, the researcher defines the key terms of the study

as follows:

1. Retelling story

Retelling story is reading or listening that learners remember from

reading or listening and retell what they recognize either through orally or

in writing.

2. Talking Stick

The talking stick has been used for centuries by many Indian tribes

as a means of just and impartial hearing. In this manner, the stick would be

passed from one individual to another until all who wanted to speak had

done so.

3. Speaking

Speaking is a skill which deserves attention every bit as much as

literary skills, in both first and second language. To most people,

mastering the speaking skill is the single most important aspect of learning

a second or foreign language.

4. Experimental Research

Experimental research is kind of research that is used to establish a

cause and effect relationship between two phenomena.


5. Communicative Approach

Communicative approach that considered by communication can

make students have some ability




The second chapter of this thesis explains about the concerned literatures

with the thesis. This chapter talks about Speaking, Teaching Speaking, English

curriculum, Retelling Story, Picture Series, Technique of Teaching Speaking, The

Characteristic of Successful Speaking, Forms of Picture Series, Communicative

Approach, Previous Research. This chapter gives the clear information about the

literature which are used.

2.1 Speaking

Speaking is to utter words orally, talk; to communicate as by talking; to

make a request; to make a speech. Skill is ability to do something well.

Speaking is considered as the productive and oral skill. As cited by Nunan

(2003:48), speaking is the productive aural or oral skill. Scott (2005) also states

that speaking is a skill, and as such needs to be developed and practiced

independently of the grammar curriculum. Speaking is interactive and requires the

ability to co-operate in the management of speaking turns. It also typically takes

place in real time, with little time for detailed planning. Scoot (2005:79) states that

speaking is cognitive skill, is the idea that knowledge becomes increasingly

automated through successive practice. To conclude Speaking is an activity that

can express thoughts, ideas and opinions orally to respond to the verbal and non

verbal information.


2.2 Definition of Speaking

Based on the curriculum 2013 the students are intended to have the

English ability in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Meanwhile

Widdowsoon defines that speaking is the physical embodiment of abstract system

or of the grammatical system of the language or both. For example in “he speaks

clearly” clarity or distinctiveness of speech refers to the manner in which the

phonetic system of the language is manifested in “he speaks correctly” the

meaning is what he says conforms to the accepted reveals for sentences formation.

According to Mukminatien (2000:4) Speaking ability is complicated because it

covers various language components (Grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc).

it refers not only to the grammatical system of the language but lexical system.

Eventually, in terms of teaching speaking, the bottom-up approach

suggests that we should start with teaching the smallest units- sounds- and move

through mastery of words and sentences to discourse (Combleet & Carter,


In learning second language, one will deal with linguistic and

communicative competence; linguistic competence is the mastery of the sund

system and basic structural pattern of language. In other words it is to know about

language. In short, the writer can say that communicative competence is to know

how to use the language effectively in conversional exchange.


2.3 The Characteristic of Successful Speaking

According to Underhill (1987:120), there are some characteristics of

successful speaking activity:

 Students talk a lot

As much as possible period of time allotted to the activity occupied by

students talk. This is obvious, but often most time is taken up with teacher

talks or pauses. It means the students must be active to speak with their friends

as much as possible. It is very clear that the students are busy, but they seldom

spent their time to talk with their teacher.

 Participation is even

Classroom discussion is not dominated by a monitory of talkative

participants: all get a chance to speak, and contributions are fairly evenly

distributed. It means that the classroom discussion is not dominated by one

participants only, but all of participants get a same chance to speak.

 Motivation is High

Students are eager to speak; because they are interested in the topic and

have something new to say about it, or because they want to contribute to

achieve an objective task. It means that the students have high motivation to

speak English. By having a high motivation, the students will be interested in

learning English, especially in speaking. They often try to deliver their own

idea confidently

 Language is of an acceptable level

Students express themselves in utterances that are relevant, easily

comprehensible to each other, and of an acceptable level of language


accuracy. It means that they use the components of speaking which are

relevant with the acceptable level of language such as, pronunciation,

grammar, fluency, and comprehensible. So, the students often try to speaking

English correctly in real communication.

In order to success students speaking ability, students need to have ability

to talk a lot, participants to talk, motivations and language acceptable level.

2.4 The Assessments of Speaking

The assessment of speaking is to asses, oral language on systematic and

have procedures or reassessment activities that can seedily be incorporated into

plans by making assessment reflecting to instructions it will increase the validity

and reliability of assessment approach’s (Malley:2001)

The assessment of speaking is states as follows:

2.4.1 Pronunciations and Intonation

The outer of speech is sound, the speaker must first decide what to say be

able to articulate the words and create the physical sounds that carry meaning.

Second language learners therefore need a knowledge of the language they

wish to speak an understand of the phonetic structural of the level of individual

word and an understanding of intonation. (Willy, 2002)

2.4.2 Accuracy and Fluency

In teach English as foreign languages learners often errors when they are

speaking. In teaching speaking it is common to correct high gravity error

immediately, low gravity errors can wait.

We could point the following as phenomenon that we wish to consider as

helping to define what mean by “fluency”. (Fulcher:2003)


 Repeating syllables or word

 Changing word

 Correcting the use of coherent save devise, particularly pronouns

 Beginning in such a way that grammar predicts what comes

 Next, but the speaker changes the structure of the utterance part way

through grammar.

2.4.3 Grammar

Grammatical correctness is main point were speech is connected. A core

grammar for informal speaking would probably need to include the following

items. (Thom bury: London)

 A command of present and past simple, and the use is to sequence


 Familiarity with use of the continues and perfect forms of verbs, boot to

frame and background information in narratives/

 A knowledge of the most frequently occurring modal and semi modal verb

(I, can, will, would, have to going to, used to)

 The ability to formulate questions, especially not only yes or no but WH-


 Some basic conjunctions (and, so, but) in order to string together

sequences of causal and non causal units.

 One or two all-purpose quoting expression of the said and then I said type.

2.5 Teaching Speaking

Teaching and learning process of English in Junior High School is based on

the school based curriculum. The latest approach stressed that the language is

acquired through communication. The basic language assumptions are:

 Language as a means of communication is used to express meaning


 Learning a foreign language is how to communicate using that language

itself as a target language, written or orally. They are supported by the

elements of the target language.

Speaking is an interactive task and it happens under real time processing

constrains. It means that they will be able to use words and phrases fluently

without very much conscious thought.

According to Jeremy (2001:271), Effective speakers need to be able to process

language in their own heads and put it into coherent order so that it comes out in

forms that are not only comprehensible, but also convey the meanings that are


One of the reasons for including speaking activities in language lessons is to

help students familiar with oral use of language in English conversation. Speaking

activities provide exercise opportunities in real life speaking in the safety


2.6 The Importance of Speaking

In learning English, speaking is important to support students’ ability to

use the language. As one of language skill, speaking has given an important

contribution to human work. The important speaking can be seen in people daily

activities and business activities.

(McDonough,Jo:1993) Speaking is an interactive task and it happens

under real time processing constraints. It means that they will be able to use words

and phrases fluently without very much conscious thought.

As skill that enables people to produce utterances, when genuinely

communicative, speaking is desire (and purpose driven), in other words they

genuinely want to communicate something to achieve particular end.

2.7 Picture Series

2.7.1 Definition of Picture Series

According to Wright on his book Picture for Language Learning states

that. “Pictures are not just an aspect of method, but through their representation of

places, objects and people they are essential part of the overall experience”. It

means that, pictures can help the learners to understand the meaning of a word

because it represents the meaning of it. According to Raimes, picture will bring

everything the outside world into the classroom in a vividly concrete way. So a

picture is a valuable resource as it provides:

1. A shared experience in the classroom;

2. A need for common language forms to use in the classroom;

3. A variety of tasks;

4. A focus of interest for students.

Based on the theory, students will be focus and interested in speaking

using picture series. Students have imagination about the picture that they saw.

Therefore, it can influence to the students’ speaking skill because they speak

based on the picture and their imagination.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that picture series I one

of a media in study which can be used to help the teacher in delivering a material

which is given to the student. This media is used to stimulate the participation of

the student in learning process. It is needed to make learning process more

attractive. It makes the material easier to be accepted by the student. Media is

mediator between teacher and student in teaching and learning process. As one of

a media in learning process, picture series is also intended to make student’s

motivation in study be increase. Picture series are an art which is used to draw are

unmoveable goods if they arranged well.

Picture is a drawing object. It is one of visual aids that are very useful in

teaching, especially for English teaching. Pictures can really help the learners to

ease them in comprehending the meaning of a word, a sentence, or a paragraph.

By using picture, the learners can get the imagination about the objects or the

situations. Picture consists of lines and shapes which are drawn, painted, or

printed on a surface. It also shows person, thing, or scene.

2.7.2 Types of Picture and Types of Use

Andrew Wright explained in his book Pictures for Language Learning

states that, there are 20 types of picture that can be found, they are.

1) Pictures of a single object

2) Pictures of one person

3) Pictures of places

4) Pairs of pictures

5) Sequence of picture (Picture Series)

6) Related pictures

As it is mentioned above, it can be concluded that the activities which use

of the different types of pictures are given and referred to their activity number. It

is very important that these are not seen as exclusive. The same pictures can often

be used for purposes other than those listed here. Indeed, with imagination,

pictures can be used in such a variety of ways that no definitive guide could be


2.7.3 Function of Picture

After identifying the definition and the types of pictures, it is also

necessary to know what the functions of pictures are. Here are some functions of

picture for the teaching-learning activity. According to Andrew Wright some

functions of pictures are:

 Structures and Vocabulary

Pictures are very useful for presenting new grammatical and vocabulary

entries. They also help to provide the situations and the contexts that light up the

meaning of words or utterances, and help the teachers to avoid giving a long

translation that might confuse the learners.

 Functions and Situation

Pictures can be used for the revision from one lesson to another. Pictures

also can be used as the basis of the speaking work, for example question orally.

Pictures also can increase the learners’ motivation and provide a useful practice


 Skills

Pictures can be useful to give the learners an opportunity to practice the

language in real context or in the situations in which they can use it to

communicate their ideas.

Based on the statements above, it can be concluded that pictures can be used

by teachers and students whatever the emphasis the syllabus they are following.

Pictures have some functions that related to structure and vocabulary, function

and situation and skills.

2.7.4 Criteria for Good Picture

According to Andrew Wright, there are some characteristics for selecting

the good pictures for the learners as follows:

 The aid must be easy to prepare and organized by the teacher

 The aid must be interesting for the learners, especially for the young


 The aid must be meaningful and authentic

 The aid must be sufficient amount language

The teachers should consider those four criteria to choose a good picture in

the teaching learning for the learners.

2.7.5 Picture Sequences (Picture Series)

According to Wright, he states that picture series consists of cartoon strips

and instruction strips. Cartoon strips and instruction strips are potentially useful.

The strips can be kept as they are and used to contextualize a story on description

of a process. It means that, picture series need to use by the teacher to make

students think chronologically on their speaking based on which describe of a


process. It means that, picture series provide to use in speaking learning. Because

in picture series have related number to make the students create the good

speaking. Whereas, according to Scrivener, traditionally picture stories have been

used as a starting point for writing exercises, but they are also very useful for

focusing on specific language points or as material for speaking and listening


2.8 Communicative Approach

The communicative approach is based on the idea that learning language

successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning. When learners

are involved in real communication, their natural strategies for languages

acquisition will be used, and this will allow them to learn to use the language.

According to Miftahul Huda in Model-model Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran,

Communicative Approach that considered by communication can make students

have some ability:

- Had a good in reading and writing ability

- Learn with the other person

- Used media

- Approved information

- Give information

There are some models of learning speaking that used in this research as


a. Talking Stick

The talking stick has been used for centuries by many Indian tribes as a

means of just and impartial hearing. In this manner, the stick would be

passed from one individual to another until all who wanted to speak had

done so.

b. Picture and Picture (Picture Series)

Picture and picture are the strategy of learning process that used

pictures for the media of learning. (Suprijono:2009)

Those are models that Miftahul Huda offers to use in speaking class and as the

title of this research, the researcher chooses the last model. The researcher thinks

that picture series (picture and picture) is suitable to improve students’ speaking

skill because the purposes of these activities are to train students’ imagination and

tell something in speaking English. Usually, students can’t speak anything

because they have no idea. The researcher hopes that picture can help students to

speak English, because students will easier to say when they see. The researcher

will make this activity more attractive and make students get enjoyable in the



Hypothesis testing will bring the conclusion to accept or reject the

hypothesis. Thus are two options, so that in the formulation one of the choices can

detail specified and easier to do. Consequently, it uses the formulation to whatever

extent necessary. (Sudjana:2002)

In this research, the researcher trusts that there is a significant difference of

grade in speaking test achieved by the students who have been taught using

picture series from those who have been taught without using picture series.

Based on the result of those literature review and previous research, the

researcher concludes that “There will be significant different (Ha) speaking skill

in speaking between the students who are taught by picture series and those who

are taught without using picture series”.

2.10 Previous Research

The researcher has found two relevant studies which related to this

research. The first research was taken from Ika Ratna Mulya (2014) who studied

the teaching English entitled “Retelling Story Through Picture to Improve

Students’ Speaking Skill in Teaching Narrative Text of the 8th Grade Students of

Junior High School”. The research was a classroom action research that dealt with

the use of picture series to improve the students’ speaking skill. The result of this

research showed that, the implementation of picture series in teaching speaking is

effective to use because it can attract the students and motivate them in speak

naturally through picture. It is also mentioned that through picture series, the

students can get enough stimuli. The students also could show their opinion about

the picture so they can express their ideas.

The second was taken from Dewi Awaliah (2014) who studied the

teaching English entitled “The Effectiveness of Picture Series Towards Students’

Writing Skill in Narrative Text of SMAN 4 Depok”. The research was a classroom

action research. It aimed at finding out whether or not picture series can improve

the students’ skill and motivation in speaking skill. The result of this research, the

researcher found that picture series can improve students’ motivation and

students’ skill in speaking skill. Picture series can improve students’ speaking

skill and it became one appropriate ways in teaching speaking.

Those previous research above used as references for the writer in

concluding this research and also as the comparison between those relevant

research with the research conducted by the researcher this time. The research was

the effectiveness of retelling story through picture series on the students’ speaking

skill. The differences between this research and previous research were the

objective of this research and the method of this research. The method of this

research was quantitative method and the design of this research was quasi

experimental design with nonequivalent control group design. The effectiveness

of retelling story through picture series can be seen from the increasing of

students’ post-test scores in speaking test.




The purpose of this chapter discussed time and setting of research, research

design, instruments, the subject of the research, variable, procedures of teaching,

the method of analyzing data and data interpretation.

3.1 Research Design

This research applies a quantitative approach. In order to obtain to success of

the research, the researcher choose a suitable method. The method use in this

research is quasi experimental research with nonequivalent control group design.

It consist of two class A (Experimental Group) have been taught by retelling story

through picture series and method B (Control Group) have been taught by talking


In this case the research use experimental research of quantitative approach. It

is used to test in order to know the effectiveness of use retelling story through

picture series at SMP Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah 3 Malang.


Activities should be conducted in experimental and control class as follows:

1. The Activities of Experimental Group

a. Pre-test

Pre test was given before the treatments. First, the researcher came

to the class. Then, they explained to the students what they had to do.

Finally, they distributed the instruments and asked them to do the best.

b. Activities in Experimental Group

There were some activities in experimental group (Class VIII A) as


No Activities Time Allotment

1 a) Teacher explains about speaking and gives 3x45’
example about retelling story through pictures
series to the students.
b) Teacher asks students to make sentences by the
2 a) Teacher divides students in pair. 3x45’
b) Teacher gives one picture to the couple and
asks about the situation that they see through
the pictures.
3 a) Teacher divides students in a group. 2x45’
b) Teacher gives the pictures series and give the
time to the group.
c) Teacher asks which group that already
arranged the picture series and can retell what
is happen from the first until some situation.

c. Post-test
Post-test was held after all treatments were conducted. This test was used to

measure students’ ability after they were given treatments. The result of test was

analyzed statistically.

Quasi experimental design with nonequivalent control group design. This

experimental design form is a development of true experimental design, which

difficult to implement. This design has a control group, but it cannot function

fully to control the outside variables that affect the experimental execution.

Although this design is better than pre-experimental design. Quasi experimental

design, used in fact difficult to get the control group used for research.

The design is similar to pretest-posttest control group design only in this

design the experimental group or control group is not randomly selected.

Additionally, in experimental and control group had the pretest and postest

design usually involves three steps as follow : first, administering a pretest (O1) to

measured the students speaking ability, second applying the treatment (x) to the

students and the last administering the posttest (O2) to the students. It can be seen

as follows:

Table 3.1
Nonequivalent Control Group Design
E O1 X O2
C O3 O4
(Taken from Prof. Dr. Sugiyono. 2015:78)
E : Experimental Group
C : Control Group
O1 & O3 : Pretest (to know the ability of the students’ achievement in
speaking before the treatment).
X: The treatment is given three times to the student.
O2 & O4 : Posttest (to know the ability of students ‘achievement in speaking
after the treatment)

In conducted this research, the researcher gave a pretest to the students. The

function of the pretest (O1 and O3) is to find out the basic acquisition of the

students on speaking before treatment. Then the researcher give three times

treatment (X) to help the students to speak by using picture series. And the last,

the researcher give speaking test in posttest (O2 & O4) to know the student’s

ability after treatment.

3.2 Variable

3.2.1 The Independent Variable

The independent variable is the major variable which the researcher hopes

to investigate. It is the variable which is selected, manipulated, and measured by

the researcher. The independent variable of this research was retelling story

through picture series.

3.2.2 The Dependent Variable

The dependent variable, on the other hand, is the variable which the

researcher observe and measure to determine the effect of the independent

variable. The dependent variable of this research was the improvement of the

students’ speaking skill.

3.3 The Subject of the Research

3.3.1 Population

Population can be defined as a group to whom the researcher would like to

generalize the result of the study. The population of the research was the eight

grade students of SMP Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah 3 Malang. Each class consist of

twenty six or twenty seven students. The total population was 124 students at

SMP Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah 3 Malang.


3.3.2 Sample

Sample is a part of population which has similar characteristic with

population in order to be used as representative in collecting the data. According

to Arikunto, sample is part or representative of population that are observed.


A sample is a group in research on which information is obtain. Because

the population of the research is big and in other that students undisturbed, the

researcher chooses the cluster random sampling in determining the sample of the

study. This technique is similar with sample random sampling, but simple random

used individual selected, cluster random sampling used class selected. In this

research, the subjects were regarded that each of them has the equal chance to be

chosen as the sample. This is the effective way of determining the sample of the

research. Class VIII B was taken as the control class and VIII A was taken as

experimental class.

Table 3.2
Sample of Research
No Class X Students
1. A 17
2. B 17
3. Total Number 34

3.4 Time and Setting of Research

This research was conducted on the second semester in the Academic Year

of 2016/2017 for about one week began from 10 Mei until 17 Mei 2017. It was

conducted in SMP Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah 3 Malang, which was located on

Jalan Husni Thamrin, Klojen, Kota Malang.


3.5 Research Instrument

According to Arikunto (2013:203), research instrument is a device used by

the research while collecting the data to make his work become easier and to get

better result, complete and systematic in order to make the data easy to process.

The instrument used in this research is oral test and observation. The

speaking test has been used to find out data about the score of the students in

teaching English, especially in increasing students speaking skill.

The researcher choose speaking test with picture series as the instrument to

find out the result of study reached by students. The result of students in

comprehension or mastery speaking skill in retelling story through picture series

and talking stick will be compared. This comparison aims to find the significant

different between thus two learning methods as mentioned before.

3.6 Methods of Collecting Data

The data if this research were gathered from oral test of students’ in pre-

test and post-test through using picture series on the students’ speaking skill and

the documentation of students’ previous summative test score.

3.6.1 Test

Test is a set of question and exercises used to measure the achievement or

capacity of the individual or group. In order to discover how students are thinking

and using the target language (English). The researcher will conduct oral test in

describing picture. The form of the test was direct test item of speaking because

the researcher asked them to describe picture, before they describe the picture,

they must arrange the picture series from the first until last and then retelling

again what the situation in that picture series. The picture series will be conduct

about 4 picture and each student must retelling one picture sequentially. The

researcher analyzed the result of the test and gave score. The test will be

conducted to both control class and experimental class which consist of 17

students of control class and 17 students of experimental class in form of scoring

to evaluate students’ speaking before and after the treatment. The scoring system

will pay attention to the four aspects of speaking are scoring, grammar,

vocabulary, pronunciation and fluency.

Test is used to measure the student’s competence and to achieve the

objective. The data was collected by giving speaking test. Speaking was

conducted twice, they are pre-test and post-test. The form of the test is direct

speaking test and the teacher gave scores on pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary

and fluency. Scoring Technique

The researcher gave speaking test to the students to analyze their scores on

pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and fluency.

In giving scores to the students, the researcher used analytic scale which

categorized by some categories and the researcher follows these scoring criteria

for each category. The maximum score is 25 each scoring criteria. But it will be

multiplied with 4, so the final maximum score will be 100.

Analytic scoring of speaking could be seen on the following figures:

No Pronunciation Vocabulary Grammar Fluency Value of the

(Max. 25) (Max. 25) (Max. 25) (Max. 25) Aspect
1. The students The students The students The 10-100
able to say the able to able to used students
right word. mention the the right speak
new word. tenses in fluently

3.7 The Method of Analyzing Data

After the researcher has finished this research, The researcher analysis the

data that collect from the application of the test. To analyze the data, the

researcher uses statistical analysis with t-test formula. This formula is used to

determine whether the performance difference between the two class of subject is

significant or not since the sample of two class classified as small sample. The

formula is as follow:

∑ 𝑥2 + ∑ 𝑦2 1 1
√( )( + )
𝑛𝑥+ 𝑛𝑦 −2 𝑛𝑥 𝑛𝑥

(Taken from Arikunto, Prof. Dr Suharsimi 2013:354)

t = the result of the best

Mx = the mean score of the experimental group on the average
My = the mean score of the control group on the average
∑ 𝑥2 = Individual score deviation of Mx
∑ 𝑦2 = Individual score deviation of My
𝑛𝑥 = The students of experimental group
𝑛𝑦 = The students of control group

3.8 Data Interpretation

The data which have been analyzed above, it will be interpreted by using

the criteria below:

df = 𝑛𝑥 + 𝑛𝑦 − 2 = 32
𝐻𝑎 is received, if 𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 < 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒
𝐻𝑜 is refused, if 𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 > 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒

Furthermore, the researcher balance the score 𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 in this research with

the score 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 . If the score 𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 in this research is higher than the score 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 , so

null hypothesis (𝐻𝑜 ) will be refused, and alternative hypothesis (𝐻𝑎 ) will be


On the contrary, if the score 𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 in this research is the same or smaller

than the 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 , null hypothesis (𝐻𝑜 ) will be accepted and alternative hypothesis

(𝐻𝑎 ) will be refused.




The research findings and the discussions of this research are presented in

this chapter. It result are based on the hypothesis testing, the analysis of the data

obtained from the observation and the discussion considering the obtained from

the data.

4.1 The Research Finding

4.1.1 Description of The Data

As described before that the writer uses test as the kind of evaluation in this

study. The test used by the researcher in order to know the ability of students in

comprehending or mastery the test of speaking. The test is done both in retelling

story and talking stick.

Table 4.1 The Students Speaking Preliminary Score in

Experimental Group (A-Class)
Individual Quality Note
No Name
1 ADA 75 V V
2 ASA 60 V V
3 AA 61 V V
4 ATK 50 V V
5 CA 45 V V
6 MW 60 V V
7 NNS 80 V
8 NAM 62 V V
9 RF 40 V V
10 RTA 61 V V
11 RC 60 V V
12 R 67 V V
13 SAM 75 V


14 YPR 61 V V
15 BPA 70 V V
16 AAM 70 V V
17 AK 60 V V
TOTAL 1057 3 11 1 2 3 11

Table 4.2 Students’ Speaking Ability Preliminary Study Scores of

Experimental Group
Score Quality Frequency Percentage Note
75-79 Good 3 17.64% Successful
60-74 Enough 11 64.7% Unsuccessful
50-59 Low 1 5.88% Unsuccessful
0 ≤ 49 Very Low 2 11.76% Unsuccessful
17 100%

Based on data collected above, the researcher has found that there are 3

students were succeed in the preliminary study. The researcher stated that the

success of success study in the preliminary study for the experimental group of

SMP Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah 3 Malang is only 17.64%. Meanwhile the

percentage of the students who could not get success are 82.34%. The students

who gets score about 60-74 have a highest percentage is 64.7% for 11 students of

whole number of students of experimental group. There are 2 students get score

very low but only 1 student get score about 50-59 so they were categorized as the

student who has a low score. The mean of speaking preliminary study score is

only 62.17.

Table 4.3 Students Speaking Preliminary Score in Control Group (B-Class)

Individual Quality Note

No Name
1 APD 85 V V
2 ABS 67 V V
3 DW 75 V V
4 DM 80 V V
5 EPW 50 V V

6 FZ 70 V V
7 FZA 70 V V
8 FAD 77 V V
9 IPD 85 V V
10 IH 50 V V
11 LH 50 V V
12 MFR 65 V V
13 MFA 65 V V
14 MLH 77 V V
15 MR 50 V V
16 NAA 50 V V
17 AN 80 V V
TOTAL 1146 4 3 5 5 - 7 10

Table 4.4 Students’ Speaking Ability Preliminary Study Scores of

Control Group

Score Quality Frequency Percentage Note

80-89 Very Good 4 23.52% Successful
75-79 Good 3 17.64% Successful
60-74 Enough 5 29.41% Unsuccessful
50-59 Low 5 29.41% Unsuccessful
0 ≤ 49 Very Low - - Unsuccessful
17 100%

From the data above, it shows that the speaking preliminary study score of

control group is not successful yet. In this class only 7 students who gets the score

≥ 75 which its percentage is 41.16%. But the others students only reach the score

approximately 50 – 70. There are 10 students is the biggest percentage that is

58.28%. So, the mean for whole score is only 67.41.

34 Implementation

Students’ Speaking Ability Through Retelling Story use Picture Series of

Experimental Group

In order to make the researcher easy to analyze the data, so the obtained data

provided in the form of the tables. The tables can be found below:

Table 4.5 Students’ Speaking Post-Test Score

in Experimental Group (class A)

Individual Quality Note

No Name
1 AMA 90 V V
2 ASA 70 V V
3 AA 80 V
4 ATK 70 V V
5 CA 65 V V
6 MW 77 V V
7 NNS 95 V
8 NAM 80 V V
9 RF 60 V V
10 RTA 75 V V
11 RC 75 V V
12 R 90 V V
13 SAM 90 V
14 YPR 78 V V
15 BPA 90 V V
16 AAM 90 V V
17 AK 80 V V
TOTAL 1350 6 7 4 13 4

Table 4.6 Students’ Speaking Ability Post-Test Scores of Experimental


Score Quality Frequency Percentage Note

90-100 Excellent 6 35.3% Successful
75-79 Good 7 41.1% Successful
60-74 Enough 4 23.5% Unsuccessful
50-59 Low - - Unsuccessful
0 ≤ 49 Very Low - - Unsuccessful
17 100%

Based on data collected above, the researcher has found that there are 13

students were successed in the final study. The researcher stated that the success

of success study in the final study for experimental group of SMP Aisyiyah

Muhammadiyah 3 Malang is 76.4%. Meanwhile, the percentage of the students

who could not get success are 23.4%. There is not any students get very low

score. So the mean of speaking final study or post-test score is only 79.41.

Table 4.7 Students’ Speaking Ability Using Talking Stick of Control Group
(Class B)

Individual Quality Note

No Name
1 APD 75 V V
2 ABS 65 V V
3 DW 70 V V
4 DM 75 V V
5 EPW 45 V V
6 FZ 67 V V
7 FZA 65 V V
8 FAD 70 V V
9 IPD 77 V V
10 IH 45 V V
11 LH 45 V V
12 MFR 50 V V
13 MFA 50 V V
14 MLH 65 V V
15 MR 45 V V
16 NAA 45 V V

17 AN 77 V V
TOTAL 1031 5 5 2 5 4 13

Table 4.8 Students’ Speaking Percentage Speaking Ability Post-Test Scores

of Control Group

Score Quality Frequency Percentage Note

75-79 Good 5 29.41% Successful
60-74 Enough 5 29.41% Unsuccessful
50-59 Low 2 11.76% Unsuccessful
0 ≤ 49 Very Low 5 29.41% Unsuccessful
17 100%
From the data above, it shows that the speaking final study score of control

group is not successful. In this class there are 5 students who gets the score ≥ 75

which its percentage is 29.41%. There are 10 students who get score about 40-74

is the biggest percentage that is 70.58%. The mean for whole score is only 60.64.

Table 4.9 Score of Experimental Group Using Picture Series (A-Class)

Pre Test Post Test Difference ̅) ̅ )2

No Nama ̅ 1) ̅ 2) (X- 𝑿 (X- 𝑿
(𝑿 (𝑿 (x)
1 AMA 75 90 -15 -32.52 1057.55
2 ASA 60 70 -10 -27.52 757.35
3 AA 61 80 -19 -36.52 1333.71
4 ATK 50 70 -20 -37.52 1407.75
5 CA 45 65 -20 -37.52 1407.75
6 MW 60 77 -17 -34.52 1191.63
7 NNS 80 95 -15 -32.52 1057.55
8 NAM 62 80 -18 -35.52 1261.67
9 RF 40 60 -20 -37.52 1407.75
10 RTA 61 75 -14 -31.52 993.51
11 RC 60 75 -15 -32.52 1057.55
12 R 67 90 -23 -40.52 1641.87
13 SAM 75 90 -15 -32.52 1057.55
14 YPR 61 78 -17 -34.52 1191.63
15 BPA 70 90 -20 -37.52 1407.75
16 AAM 70 90 -20 -37.52 1407.75
17 AK 60 80 -20 -37.52 1407.75
N = 17 1057 1355 -298 -595.84 21048.07

∑𝑋 −2.98
Mx = = = 17.52
𝑁 17

Table 4.10 Score of Control Group Using Talking Stick (B-Class)

Pre Test Post Test Difference ̅) ̅ )2

No Nama ̅ 1) ̅ 2) (X- 𝑿 (X- 𝑿
(𝑿 (𝑿 (x)

1 APD 85 75 10 3.24 10.49

2 ABS 67 65 2 -4.76 22.65
3 DW 75 70 5 -1.76 3.09
4 DM 80 75 5 -1.76 3.09
5 EPW 50 45 5 -1.76 3.09
6 FZ 70 67 3 -3.76 14.13
7 FZA 70 65 5 -1.76 3.09
8 FAD 77 70 7 0.24 0.05
9 IPD 85 77 8 1.24 1.53
10 IH 50 45 5 -1.76 3.09
11 LH 50 45 5 -1.76 3.09
12 MFR 65 50 15 8.24 6.89
13 MFA 65 50 15 8.24 67.89
14 MLH 77 65 12 5.24 27.45
15 MR 50 45 5 -1.76 3.09
16 NAA 50 45 5 -1.76 3.09
17 AN 80 77 3 -3.76 14.13
N = 17 1146 1031 115 0.08 250.93

∑𝑋 115
My = = = 6.76
𝑁 17

4.1.2 Hypothesis Testing

For testing hypothesis the researcher uses t-test technique. It is technique that

is used to compare the effectiveness of two methods toward two groups of sample.

The two groups get the same treatment in a certain. Period of time by using

difference methods. In this research, the researcher applies retelling story through

picture series in experimental and talking stick in control group.


4.1.3 Data Analysis

In order to make the researcher easy to analyze the data, so the obtained

data provided in the form of tables above. From the score of the test given to the

students, the researcher made calculation which consist of:

1. The calculation of mean from the result of the test experiment group with

taught by retelling story through picture series ( Mx ) = 17.52

2. The calculation of mean from the result of the test for control group with

taught by talking stick ( My ) = 6.76

3. The calculation of t-test

Nx = 17 dan Ny = 17

a. Counting the Mean of Experimental Group

Mx = = 17.52

(∑ 𝑥)2
∑ 𝑥2 = ∑ 𝑥2 -

= 5388 -

= 5388 -

= 5388 – 18.05

= 5369.95

b. Counting the Mean of Control Group

My = =6.76

(∑ 𝑦)2
∑ 𝑦2 = ∑ 𝑦 2 -

= 5388 -

= 5388 -

= 5388 – 777.94

= 251.06

c. Entering the Data into ttest Formula

∑ 𝑥2 + ∑ 𝑦2 1 1
√( )( + )
𝑛𝑥+ 𝑛𝑦 −2 𝑛𝑥 𝑛𝑦

251.06+5369.95 1 1
√( )( + )
17+17−2 17 17

5621.01 2
√( )( )
32 17

√( )



= 2.37

d. Degree of Freedom (df) is number of couples minus two

df = N – 2

= 34 – 2

= 32

Based on the data analyzed above, the result of ttest = 2.37 and ttable =

2.0369 so the researcher conclude Ha is received and Ho is refused ttest > ttable. It

can be concluded that in 5% Significant level the null hypothesis is not received;

the alternative hypothesis is received that there is a significant difference between

students who learn English to increase students’ speaking skill through retelling

story and talking stick.

4.2 The Result of Observation

The result of the t-test analysis is related to the hypothesis. As the result of the

observation the mean score for each group was as follow:

 Experiment Group (Retelling Story through Picture Series) = 17.52

 Control Group (Talking Stick) = 6.76

There was significant difference in overall achievement between students

taught with retelling story and talking stick. It was found that the retelling story

was different with talking stick.

As stated before that this technique is used to observe the activity happen in

applying these two methods of learning. In getting the result of observation, the

researcher entered the classroom when the process of teaching and learning

process was going on. The researcher then made record of all activities happened

such as the activity of retelling story through picture series and responds.

The observation done in order to know the percentage of the student’s

participation in joining both in retelling story and talking stick. From the record of

data found in retelling story through picture series that the percentage of students’

participation is 70.58% and the percentage of students’ participation on talking

stick is 58.82% all the recorded data observation can be found in the appendixes


4.3 Discussion

4.3.1 The Result of Data Analysis

As mentioned before that the objective of this comparative research was to

verify the effectiveness of picture series on the students’ speaking skill at eight

grade of SMP Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah 3 Malang in the Academic Year

2016/2017. Therefore some assessments were needed to meet the objective. The

assessment of speaking is to assess, oral language on systematic and have

procedures or reassessment activities that can seedily be incorporated into plans

by making assessment reflecting to instructions it will increase the validity and

reliability of assessment approach’s (Malley:2001). In this research, the

assessment used by the researcher were pronunciations, vocabulary, grammar and

fluency to know the achievement of the students on the speaking skill.

Underhill (1987:120), there are some characteristics of successful speaking

activity: Students talk a lot, Participation is even, Motivation is high, and

Language is of an acceptable level. Those characteristics were found in this

research whether the use of talking stick to increase students speaking skill could

create the afraid to make mistake of the teacher question to the students. Students’

afraid would make them have low participation in joining class. Their low

participation found in their low interaction and active to spoke that is only 58.82%

of students actives to join the class. This fact contrast with the students in retelling

story through picture series that they get high participation in joining class of

speaking. This can be proved by their participation until 70.58%.

Based on the result of the research mentioning that picture series is

effective for speaking teaching, this research also supports the statements of

Wright (1989), he states that picture series consist of cartoon strips and instruction

stripss. Cartoon strips and instruction strips are potentially useful. The strips can

be kept as they are and used to contextualize a story on description of a process.

Thus, this research supports some experts’ statements related to teaching

speaking through picture series since students have better achievement. They can

active and motivated to speak naturally through picture series.




In this chapter the researcher describe about the conclusion of the research and

the researcher also describe about suggestion in this research to teacher, students

and the future researcher in SMP Aisyiyah Muhammdiyah 3 Malang.

5.1 Conclusion

Based on the findings of this comparative study, the conclusion is drawn.

As the conclusion of the effectiveness of retelling story through picture series to

increase speaking ability at SMP Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah 3 Malang. The

researcher can conclude as follows.

1. The used of retelling story through picture series can enhance students

participation in joining the speaking class especially to improve students’

speaking skill, it can be proved by the increase of the participation level

until 70.58% for the experimental group.

2. The percentage of the students’ participation in going the speaking class

taught by talking stick is less than students’ participation in experimental

group. We can prove it by looking at 58.82% students’ participation in

talking stick for the control group.

3. From the result of evaluation for experimental group and control group,

the researcher then used ttest to know whether there is any significant

difference effectiveness between retelling story and talking stick to

improve students’ speaking skill. From the analyzed data, the result of

ttest= 2.37 while the result of ttable = 2.0369 factually, ttest > ttable. So far, it

can be conclude that in 5% significant level Ho is refused and Ha is

received that there is a significant difference effectiveness between

retelling story through picture series and talking stick to improve students’

speaking skill at 8th grade of SMP Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah 3 Malang.

4. The application of retelling story through picture series in teaching

speaking can improve students’ achievement. It can be explained by

presenting the mean score of students in retelling story that is 79.41

meanwhile the mean score of students in talking stick that is only 60.64.

5.2 Suggestion

The comparative study attempts at finding the significant difference to

improve students’ speaking skill through retelling story and talking. Therefore,

based on the findings of this study, there are some suggestions:

1. To the teacher it is advisable to apply retelling story in teaching speaking

to improve students speaking skill, because it can enhance students’

achievement or created positive effect in teaching speaking class.

2. To the students as the target of teaching learning activities they have to be

serious, spiritual and diligent in learning speaking to improve speaking

skill through retelling story use picture series. They should responsible for

themselves in improving or enhancing their achievements in vocabulary

and pronunciation, students also should take and give in speaking skill so

that they can improving speaking skill.


3. To the Future Researchers

The result of this study is only true for the subject of the study that is the

8th students of SMP Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah 3 Malang. Therefore, future

researchers can conducts a similar study with bigger samples, not only at

one school. Perharps, future researchers can conduct the study with the

subject of another school.

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