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Level 2 Scope and sequence Working together ‘pass v-«i) Getting started (cages 2-3) Units / Lessons Unit F (paces 4-7) Getting to know you 1A What are you bike? 1B Breaking the ice Unit 2 oxgese-11) Making a good impression 2A Meeting new people 2B On the phone Unit 3 (cog 12-15) Food and cooking ‘3A That sounds delicious! ‘3B. Going out to eat Unit 4 (pac00 6-19) Weather 4A What's the weather lke? 4B Extreme weather ‘Speaking Talking about favorite places and colors; first time. Write an X next to the Pair work Check (7) the icebreakers you'd say to someone you are meeting for the Jenny’s answers Jenny. Lincoln High School. English and geography. Mrs. Green, She was the best! Greg’s answers Greg, A history book. Next year Maybe teach history. I don't knov: B Join another pair How is your choice of ivebreaker different for a male or female? for someone your age or someone much older? “1wouldn't say ‘How are you doing?” to someone much older. [tsa little too informal." work Imagine you're meeting for the first time. Start a conversation. Use these expressions to keep the conversation going Really? Why is that? “What are you listening to? (Hiphop. t's my favorite kind of music” How come? ‘That's interesting What do you mean? “That's interesting, I's my favorite, too. Who's your favorite singer?” Communication task Work in groups of three. One of you should look at Task 3 on page 77, another at Task 20 on page 83, and another at Task 23 on page 85. You're going to find out more about the students in your class. CSTD For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 94-95. Getting to know you 7 first impressions? The people in the first pic making a goo BP. “Lagree. They're smiling, and they look very friendly: work Imagine you're meeting someone your age for the first time Check (/) the things you usually do, Write an X next to the things you never do. OO shake hands O bow O hug O kiss the person on the cheek O smile and say “Hi” O stand very close O exchange business cards i guess | usually shake hands What about you? 1D touch the person onthe arm. O look at the person directly. Cleotaa ear eae offer the person something to drink CO offer the person something to eat O if sitting, stand up O itsiting, offer the person a seat "it depends. | sometimes shake hands, and sometimes | smile and say ‘Hi € Join another pair Compare your answers. Then discuss these questions. © Are your answers different if the person is older than you? younger than you? ® How do you say good-bye to someone you've just met? “Ifthe person is older, | “if the person is younger, | usually don't always stand up. shake hands. | just say ‘Hi. 8 Unit 2 —EE IID > si work Ren his maine ane, Can ong msn wo rest COONS Ago to psychologists, people form first People form first impressions within impressions based on how you : seconds of meeting you. And first then on how you, and finally on what | impressions don't change easily. If someone you say. gets the wrong impression of you, it can take a “The way you look makes up __ % long time to change his or her of a first impression. This includes facial ‘One problem is that in different parts ofthe expressions, body language, and eye contact, -world, the same behavior can give people a as well as your clothes and general appearance. different impression. In some countries, if ‘A friendly ____ seems to be the most ‘you look at the person vit important part of this. shows you are friendly In other “The way you sound makes up _ ‘countries, it can be rude, and it’s more of a first impression and includes how polite 0 away from the fast or slowly you People person, Standing close to listen to your tone of voice and decide someone and touching the if you sound or unfriendly, person's arm is normal in interested or. and ‘some places, but in others it's or sad. What we say — better to keep your distance, the actual words — counts for only ‘The person may think you're ___% of the message. being 100 ! B Listen §¥ Now listen and check your guesses © Pair work Discuss these questions. ‘© Which ideas from the article do you agree with? Which do you disagree with? © Do you think you usually make a good first impression? Why or why not? © What do you think is most important ~ how you look, how you sound, or swhat you say? TIED * nr wore nxn yon ing sean yon ja et Whi of tse things is it OK to do? answer your phone look at other people look through a magazine phone call send a text message _talk about other peaple You think 50? 1 think i’ kind ‘rude to answer your phone.” make “it's OK to answer your phone, but it’s not OK to make a phone call.” B Pair work Role-play meeting for the first time in these situations. Try to make a good first impression! ataconcert. — ataparty ata job interview on the first day of class “Hi. Great concert, isn't it? “Yeah | really like the music. Are you a friend of Jae Seok’s?” Yeah. He's in my English class. By the way, mm Steven. Making a good impression 9 in the phone co [A Pair work Look at thes pictures. Have deve things ever happened to you? il my ws / was put on hold once. | waited for 30 minutes! B Pair work What phone behavior bothers you? Ask your partner the questions, and check (/) the answers. Does it bother you when someone - v Yes Sometimes No calls early in the morning o o 0 calls ate at night o oO O doesn't call back Oo o Oo leaves a long message o o O puts you on hold o o O j talks t00 long Oo o Oo talks to loudly o Oo oO uses call-waiting Oo Oo o © Join another pair Discuss these questions © Compare your answers from part B. How are they similar? & Hew-many phone calls do you make each day? How many text messages do you send? © What do you like the most about using the phone? What do you like the least? 10 Unit 2 D Pair work Imagine both of you want to meet late: kcto-back and role-play a phone call. Use sit these questions and your own ideas. Where are you? Who are you with? What are you doing? “Hi this is Allie. Could | speak to Mindy?” “This is Mindy. Hey, Allie, where are you?” “tim still at home. What are you doing? Where should we meet? A Listen §¥ You will hear two answering-machine messages. Complete the top of each message, B Listen again §¥ Complete the messages. Work alone Imagine you're going to visit a friend, Write your own information. Name Gell phone: _ Arriving on (day Arriving at (time) B Pair work Call your partner and ask to speak to the friend. Your partner takes the message. Take turns. “Hi, this is Ben. Can | speak to Rebecca?’ ‘Sonny, she’s not here, Can | take a message?” *Yes. Please tell her Im arriving on E-mail: Place tom Name: Arriving on (day): Arriving at (time): Cell phone: E-mail: i Place to meet: © Communication task Work in pairs. One of you should look at Task + on page 77, and the other at Task 24 on page 85. You're going to leave and take essages. Making a good impression 1 ‘¢ Which breakfast looks the best? Why? ‘© What do you usually have for breakfast? lunch? dinner? © What's your favorite meal of the day? Why? 7 * “The third breakfast looks the best. | prefer fruit and yogurt in the morning. B Pair work How many things can you add to the chart? Meats Seafood Fruits lew tuna ___ oranges ‘Can you think of any more meats?’ “Sure. There's chicken and © Join another pair Compare your lists. Then discuss these questions. What things are the same in your lists? What are different? © What's your favorite in each list? What's your least favorite? © Which foods can you use these cooking methods with? bake barbecue boil br fry grill steam You can bake cakes and cookies. *You can also bake bread and 12 unit 3 A tisten OV Kelis ea gredient does he need? Write the quantities, Ingredients 125. grams of butter tablespoons of water _— grams of dried coconut —— teaspoon of baking soda _ grams of flour _— grams of brown sugar ‘Anzac biscuits sten again §¥ Complete the instructions, Instructions 1, First, heat the butter and water in a st 2. Then ____ the melted butter and water into a mixing bow 3. Add the other and mix them together + Drop of the mixture onto a baking tray 5. Now them at 200°C (400°F) for ___ to 6. Leave them to, on the tray before you eat them, © Group work Discuss these questions. Can you cook? Is there a special dish you can What are your favorite main dishes? make? What are your favorite desserts? snacks? Are there any foods and drinks you have all the time? never have? ‘can cook. | can make cereal with milk. “That's not cooking! ning how to make his favorite cookies. How much of each —— minutes. LEZODD communication task Work in groups of four: Two of you should look at Task 5 on page 77, and the other two at ‘Task 25 on page 85. You're going to learn how to make these two dishes. French crepes ‘Swiss muesli Food and cooking 13 ) International Cafe Appetizers $8 Sushi: A selection of Japanese-style raw fish Dim sum: Steamed or fried Chinese ‘on fice. dumplings ~ meat, seafood, or vegetable. Main Dishes $12 Bibimbap: Bow of mixed vegetables, rice, and Lamb kebabs: Spicy lamb ‘an egg, mixed with a spicy Korean sauce. agriled on sticks. Served with Salad and Turkish bread. Hamburger and fries: 100% beef hamburger ‘with large order of fries. An American classic. __Feljoadat Spicy Brazilian stew with beans, ‘meat, and vegetables. Served with rice Fajitas: Mexican-syle spicy beet grilled with onions and green peppers. Served with tortilas, Pad Thal: Sti‘ried rice noodles, shrimp, and vegetables. A tue taste of Thailand, Desserts $4 French crepes: Served with lemon juice ‘Exotic ice-cream sampler: Ginger, coconut, and fruit. and green tea Drinks $3 Iced tea Carrot juice. + Lemonade Mineral water Orange juice What are you going to have? “tim pretty hungry. | think I'l try the dim sum, the fajitas, and an iced tea | want something light. Maybe I'l just get the sushi and a dessert B Pair work Now imagine you each have only $20, Do you want to change your mind? if we order the same main “OK. Lets get the same main dish. Then we dish, we only pay for one. can order an appetizer.” € Join another pi enjoys spicy food loves fried food ison adiet doesn’t eat meat What do you suggest for someone who For someone who enjoys spicy food, I'd recommend fajitas or 14° Unit 3 IBD + Pir work se people are ina ve Write your guesses, wrant. What do you think they're saying? B Listen 9 You will now hear the conversations. Did you guess correctly? € Group work Discuss these questions. © What kinds of restaurants do you like? What kinds don’t you like? ‘* How often do you go out to eat? Who do you usually go with? © What's the best meal you've ever had? Include appetizers, main dishes, desserts, and drinks. B Group work Imagine one of you is a waiter or a waitress, and the other two are customers. Role-play a restaurant conversation. Then change roles. ‘Are you ready to order?” ‘Not yet: | have a question. Is the tuna fresh?’ SY) For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 98-99. Food and cooking 15 A Pair work Describe the pictures below. What's the weather like in each place? Use the words in the box and your own ideas. chilly cool = humid rainy stormy warm cloudy foggy icy snowy sunny —windy San Francisco Geneva “it's very foggy in San Francisco. “nd in Taipei, it looks B Pair work Discuss these questions. ‘© Would you like to visit any of the places in part A? Is the weather important? © What's the weather like today where you live? ‘© What was the weather like last weekend? @ Js your favorite season spring, summer, fall, or winter? Why? “'d like to visit Geneva. Snowy weather doesn't bother me. (CETTE rae or se eatery ee rind a cheerful depressed energetic irritable lazy sleepy “if it’s cold outside, | usually feel lazy. 16 Unit 4 B Pair work ‘Think about next weekend. What do you want to do if it's warm and sunny? cool and rainy? Write three things. if it’s warm and sunny, | want “That sounds good. | think | to go swimming want to go for a bike ride” © Join another pair Compare your ideas, Choose the best things to do, STII 2 ten 8 vin st arte eater cet fr et ec ite he weate and temperatures. ‘morning as afternoon afternoon oming evening ar chee work Discuss these questions. Is What do you think the weather will really be like next weekend? Which day last week had the best weather? What did you do? What's your favorite type of weather? Why? ther forecast better for Saturday or Sunday? EZIOZD communication task Wor in pain. One of you should look at Task 6 on page 7 and the other at Task 26 on page 86. You're going to find out about the weather in two different cities Weather \7 Pair work Look at these pictures. Have you ever been in these types of weather? How did you feel? typhoon blizzard heat wave | was in @ typhoon once. | was terrified! B Pair work Which words and phrases in the box go with cach kind of weather? Write them in the chart, (More than one answer is possible closed roads floods high winds traffic accidents: érought frostbite powerlosses _ wildfires typhoons __blizzards heat waves i Te ee = ee € Join another pair Compare your ideas. Can you add any more words and phrases to part B? D Group work Discuss these questions ‘© Where are typhoons common? blizzards? heat waves? ‘© Is there extreme weather where you live? What kind? © What kinds of weather are the most dangerous? Why? “Typhoons are common in Asia and 18 Unit 4 ED * Pai wor sn on diy ar ose ting ander? If you're outdoors during a thunderstorm, . do / don’t stand under a large tree do / don’t stand under shorter trees in a forest do / don’t stand on the top of a bill 1. do / don’t swim or go out in a boat 5, do / don't carry anything made of metal 6. do / don’t stay away from metal things do / don’t stay inside a car 8, do / don't go inside a big building B Listen §¥ You will now hear the first part of an expert’ advice. Check your guesses © Pair work What should you do if you are inside du Gircle your guesses. ing a thunderstorm? If you're indoors during a thunderstorm, ... 1. do / don’t stand near doors and windows 2. do / don’t wash dishes 3. do / don’t take a bath or shower 4. do / don’t use the telephone 5. do / don’t disconnect your computer 6. do / don’t turn off the lights 7, do / don’t close the curtains 8. do / don’t go outside D Listen $¥ You will now hear the second part of the expert’s advice. Check . your guesses. STII 104» work diss the question Do you remember a day that was particularly hot or cold? What did you do? © Have you ever been caught in a violent thunderstorm? What did you do? at did you do? ‘© Have you ever been caught in a heavy snowstorm? Wh i/remember a day that was particularly hot. | was camping with my friends. “Really? What did you do?” “We went swimming in the river: ETD ca rama enn and ary pice gt page 10-10 Weather 4 Expansion ‘What do you want to do if it’s sunny tomorrow? How to play @ Work in groups. Each player places What do you favorite meal What can you usually have of the day? cook well? a token such as for breakfast? a paper clip, a pen cap, or Who do you like to talk with on the phone? an eraser : Pd ad onstare eon Petty @ Take turns. Roll a * 4) die, move that number of spaces, and What's your favorite favorite color say icebreaker? about you? answer the question. © Other players can ask follow-up questions. Name three icebreakers. Free Question 20 Units 1-4 Mn Pu aL Surg What's your favorite season? ZV p i Mu ad What do you ce eee Cy usually have What's the weather fpeorite per) for lunch? like today? @bed first Geeression? Free Question RUN LL) What do you What don’t you ET end like about using like about using feet the phone? the phone? What's your favorite place? Free Question Expansion 21 A Pair work Look at these pictures. Th B Pair work. Match the jobs with the workplaces. nen discuss the questions below. ‘© What is each person’s job: © What would you like and dislike about each job? ‘© Do you know anyone with these jobs? ‘She's a construction worker. Job Workplace an accountant in a hospital an actor in a restaurant Jn artist in a school a chef on a movie set a flight attendant in a store lifeguard in a studio 1 nurse in a university fa professor in an office a salesclerk at the beach, ‘a teacher on an airplane “An aécountant works in an office. Join another pair Discuss these questions ‘@ Who else works in the workplaces in part B? § Whe has the hardest job? the most interesting job? the best-paying, job? Which job would you like the most? Why? iets see. A doctor also works ina hospital, and =v A Pair work What are the people doing in each picture? sally: “What is Sally doing in the first picture?” (*SHBB\Using’a Gomputer. Maybe she’... B Listen $¥ satly and Brad are talking to their bosses on the first day of their new jobs. Check (V) the things they have to do. Put an X next to the things they don’t have to do, © Listen again $¥ Complete the sentences. : Sally’s working hours are from wo Her lunch break is from to Brad’s working hours are from to His lunch break is from to P activity 3 ] Group work Discuss these questions you ever had a job? What did you do? What did you like about it? job do you think you'll have five years from now? What job would you most like? Why? What do your family members do? What would you like about their jobs? “Have you ever hada job? (Yes had a job last summer in a café. | served customers and Working for a living 23 dolphin trainer video-game tester lumberjack movie extra ‘© Do you think the people like their jobs? Why or why not? ‘¢ What do you think they do on a typical day? © Which job would you prefer? Why? 1 think the dolphin trainer really likes her job. *Viagree.| think she has an exciting job. She's excited about working with dolphins. B Listen §¥ You will hear interviews with the people in part A. Check (/) what they like about their jobs ~ O learning more about animals O being “friends” with the animals. O performing in front of a crowd CO) learning new things every day O working indoors: O having flexible hours _ O playing the latest games O working alone O earning good money O getting up early lumberjack O working with fiends O working near home ‘Andy CO meeting famous people O being in front of a camera movie extra O teaming new things having a lot of fee time 24° Unit 5 € Listen again $¥ What don't they enjoy about their jobs? Take notes. “Unda doesn't get much Hime off Andy A Pair work What would you like about each job? What would you dislike? ‘Complete the chart. What I'd like What I'd dislike B Join another pair Compare your ideas, ‘Then discuss these questions. # Which three jobs in part A would you like to have the most? Why? ‘© Which jobs are most popular? Which are least popular? © What's your ideal job? ‘T'd like to be an actor. That would "Really? think Id be bored” be an interesting job.” cry A Work alone What's important for you in a job? Rank these things from | to 9. hance to travel good benefits —— Mlexible hours _—— a supportive boss easy work a chance for promotion an excellent salary friendly co-workers a short commute B Pair work Compare your answers. Do you have similar ideas? ‘Communication task Work in groups of three, One of you should look at Task 7 ‘on page 78, another at Task 27 on page 86, and another at Task 37 on page 90. You're going to guess some jobs. TTD For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 102-108. Working for a living 25 5 ' © What are the people doing? Which activities do you regularly do? Which activities do you never do? *The man in the first picture is lifting weights. "the woman in the second picture is B Listen §¥ You will hear interviews with Jason, Emma, and Nick, Write their favorite leisure activities in the char Favorite leisure What they enjoy How long they spend Ss about each activity ‘on each activity Nick © Listen again ¥ What do they enjoy most about each activity? How long do they spend on each thing? Complete the chart D Group work Discuss these questions {© Would you rather spend five time with Jason, Emma, or Nick? Why? # Who wouldn’t you like to spend time with? Why no? “\'d rather spend free time with Nick because | also enjoy 26 Unit 6 A Pal work Describe each hobby below Use the words in the bos and your own ideas creative dull healthy rewarding satisfying stimulating _ time-consuming doing puzzles exercising playing video games 1 think shopping is relaxing an "Do you think s0? | find it dull satisfying. and time-consuming. ‘ B Join another pair What are your favorite hobbies? Why? Use these reasons and can do it alone. {can do it with friends. ican do it anytime. | can do it anywhere. ‘My favorite hobby is doing puzzles. “really like taking photos. | can Jcan do it alone, and it’s relaxing. do it anytime, and it’s creative. © Group work Discuss these questions ‘* What hobbies did you do as a child but don't do now? ‘© What new activity would you like to try? Why? © Do you know anyone with an unusual hobby? ‘ collected stamps as a child, but | don't have time for it now: Communication task Workin pair. One of you shold ook a Task Bon page 78, and the other at Task 28 on page 86. You're going to talk about other activities you enjoy, Leisure time 27 A Pair work In an average week, how many hours does the average person spend doing these things? Circle your guesses. Time spent... Hours at home 80120 in bed 60 90 in the shower, 2 watching TV 14 28 ‘eating 1440 cleaning the house 510 shopping Ces) waiting in line € ie at work 28 in meetings 74 in school 6 2 ‘on hobbies 5 10 traveling waiting at red lights “Do you think the average person spends “Vd guess 80 hours. What do you think?” 80 or 120 hours at home?’ B Listen -O¥ Two people are discussing the information in pa correctly? Correct your answers A. Did you guess © Pair work How much time do you spend doing the things in patt A? “| think | spend more time watching TV, {don't spend any time watching TV.” about 20 hours or so. CEEINED & work atone check (7) the chores you often clo. Write an X next tothe chores you never do. O clean my room O do laundry shop for groceries O feed a pet O recycle © take out the garbag O fix broken things sweep the floor Q wash dishes B Pair work Compare your answers. Then discuss these questions. ‘Are there any chores you enjoy doing? What are they? ‘© What chores do you dislike the most? Why? ‘What other chores do you do? ‘Actually | enjoy feeding my pet cat and shopping for groceries. Activity eat out 0 for a walk a 0 dancing : 4 shopping go toa café fou Your partner g0 to the movies play a video game play music prepare a meal read 2 book read @ magazine visit a museum watch a DVD wateh TV 1. mame a DOD OD ORIODO TO EIOTIC) OOUOUDOOOOOOODDOOD B Pair work About how many times did you do each activity in the past month? Complete the chart. “In the past month, how many “Lets see... | think | ate out about times did you eat out? three times. How about you?” © Join another pair Compare your charts, Then discuss these questions. * Who do you think has the most leisure time? ‘© Who spends their free time most productively? Why? © If you had more free time, how would you spend it? A Pair work Ifyou had a ee wer Saturday and Sunday morning, afternoon, and evening, ‘On Saturday morning, I'd like to B Join another pair more sociable? more educational? more unusual? SOD) For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 104105, id, how would you spend it? Write plans for your plans. Whose weekend sounds more relaxing? Leisure time 29 ‘¢ How popular are these sports in your country? ‘© What other sports are popular in your country? ‘© What sports do you think are the most exciting? the most boring? Are you a sports fan? Why or why not ‘Soccer is very popular. | think it’s our “Rétisaly, I think its the most popular most popular sport. sport in the world!” B Listen §¥ You will hear the beginning of interviews with Ella, Tony, and Joanne Answer the questions. 2. Do you watch it live or on TV? 3. How often do you watch it? © Listen $¥ You will now hear the rest of the interviews. Answer the questions 2. Do you do it for fun or to win? 3. Why do you like to do it? D Group work Ask one another the questions in parts B and C 30° Unit 7 ev A Pair work Add three sports to the chart. Are you a sports nut? swimming tennis “Table tennis is missing. Let's add it to the lis.” B Pair work In an average month, how often do you take part in each sport in part A? Number each sport from 0/10 4. O=never 1 =hanilyever — 2= sometimes 3=quiteabit —_4= all the time “Ido aerobics quite a bit. How about you?’ “Oh, hardly ever do aerobics. © Pair work Add up your scores. Then go to page 93 to analyze your scores. D Join another pair Decide which sports in part A are: competitive sports indoor sports. relaxing sports. team sports, individual sports outdoor sports. seasonal sports year-round sports “Aerobics is an indoor sport. It's also (#Aetually, Valways do it outdoors an individual sport.” with friends.” ETIIED coup work diss toe se What's your favorite sport now? ‘© What was your favorite sport as a child? ‘* Who's your favorite athlete? ‘© What’s your favorite sports team? ‘© What's the most exciting sports event you've watched? "My favorite sport now is definitely surfing Sports and games 31 Scrabble charades ‘© Which games have you played? checkers ‘¢ Which games did you enjoy the most? © Which games do you play regularly? from time to time? “played mahjongg once, but I didn't enjoy it B Listen §¥ ‘Thive people are talking about their favorite games from part A. Answer the questions Terry Lisa Claudio 1, How many people can play? one 2. What equipment do you need? 8. Does the game involve luck or skil? 4, How long does a game last? © Pair work Can you guess the games they described? 1 think Terry described 32 Unit 7 SD» Prair work tow many games can you think of for each category? Use the games from Activity and your own ideas. sm tes om tile games B Group work Discuss these questions. '* What types of games do you like? What types do you dislike? © What games would you like to learn? # Do you ever play word games? Which ones do you know? ike board games, like chess and checkers. “Well, I really like computer games. My favorite is GEIIDD & croup work testes instore games Then ply oe of the games. Word Associations ‘One player says a word. The next player says another ‘word that he or she associates with the word. Example: Aichess B:play C: theater If player can't think of a word (or says a word not associated with the previous word), he or she leaves ‘the game. The last player wins. B Communication task Work in groups of three. One of you should look at ‘Task 9 on page 79, another at Task 29 on page 87, and another at Task 41 on page 92. You're going to learn about and play some more word games, TSOP For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 106-107. Sports and games 33 © What's happening in each picture? © Do these things ever happen to you? How do you feel? © How do you usually get around town on weekdays? on weekends? “The man is stuck in a traffic jam. He's sitting in his car with the door open. B Pair work Describe common transportation problems where you live, Use the phrases in the box and your own ideas. traffic jams full parking lots subway or bus overcrowding not enough taxis road repairs slow public transportation “Slow public transportation is *V agree. Sometimes it takes me two a really big problem hours to get to work by bus. CEXIDED ® Pair work sk your partner these questions, and write the answers. traveled by car ridden a motorbike —__ taken a bus traveled by train. taken the subway taken a taxi ridden abike walked somewhere _ B Join another pair Compare your answers. Then discuss these questions, © When was the last time you used each type of transportation? © Where did you go? How long did it take? © Why did you travel this way? Did you experience any problems? ‘The last time | traveled by car was last weekend. 34° Unit 8 Pair work Do you know what these signs mean? Chec Then turn to page 93 to check the answers. O Bike ta Q Nocharging © Pass on right © Buses only — Q No cars O Watch for Paytoenter © Parkinglot. — Q Bus parking O Drive with, bikes downtown care B Listen §¥ You will hear five people talk about transportation, Check (/) the problems. © Listen 9¥ You will now hear the people suggest solutions. Complete the chart. D Group work Discuss these questions, ‘© What traffic and transportation problems are common where you live? ‘© What solutions could solve the problems? ‘¢ What is the worst transportation experience you've ever had? “Dangerous drivers are a problem where | live. cxuy A Pair work What’ the best way to get to these places from your school? “The best way to get to the easier and faster to bus station is by subway.” it's cheaper, too!” B Pair work Role-play asking for and giving directions to the places in part A. “Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the bus station?” Communication task Work in pairs. One of you should look at Task 10 on page 79, and the other at Task 30 on page 87. You're going to take a transportation quiz. Transportation and travel 35 SB IED)» ate work tock. these pene, Then dics te quesions bow 36 Unit 8 ST Have you traveled on a ferry, a high-speed train, or a plane? What was it like? What types of transportation would you like to try? Why? Do you prefer to go to places quickly or take your time? Why? Do you prefer to g to places cheaply or in comfort? Why B Listen §¥ Three people are talking about memorable trips. Complete the chart Alice Rick Nancy 1, How did they by train travel? 2. Why did they travel this way? 3, How long did it take? ‘4, What did they enjoy the most? © Listen again §¥ Did anything go wrong on their trips? Complete the sentences. Alice jumped off _and left Rick decided to go _and got Naney had went wrong, D Pair work Discuss these questions. © Which trip do you think you'd enjoy the most? Why? © Has anything ever gone wrong on a trip? What happened? i'd enjoy Alice’ trip because I love to travel by train. | don't think I'd en GEITD » work stone Complete the chart below wit these phrases or your own ideas. byairplane bybike —byboat_ ~— bybus—bycar_—bytrain on foot. What's the best way to travel between ... ? Fastest Cheapest the largest city and the second largest city where you live ‘where you live and a famous mountain ‘where you live and the best national park where you live and your favorite weekend getaway where you live and New York City where you live and Antarctica, B Group work Share your answers The fastest way to travel between ...and... is by train. isn't it faster to go by car? 1 don't think so. There are often traffic jams and cry A Pair work Plan a one-week trip to five different places in your country. Draw a map showing your route, What types of transportation will you use? What activities will you do? Let's go to a national park ‘God idea. But lets do that at the end. First, we should go to B Join another pai Explain your travel plans, Which trip sounds better? Transportation and travel 37 Expansion Olah tdi How to play © Work in groups. Each player places a token such as a paper cio a pen cap, or an eraser on Start. © Take turns. Roll a yy te move that number of spaces, a sport you'd like transportatio and say at least you avoid one sentence about the topic. © other players popular sports in can ask follow-up your country to eae ee questions 38 Units 5-8 a game you like to play the best way to get home from class a hobby you did asa child what's important to you ina job a transportation problem where you live how you prefer to travel transportation experience an activity you'd like to try an interesting place to work what you enjoy about being a student if you'd like to be an actor leisure activities you do regularly how you spend your free time Expansion 39 great vacation com A Pair work Look at what these people did on their vacations. Which vacations look fun? Which don't look fun? “The camping trip looks fun. It's great to sleep outdoors. “don't think | agree. \ | | B Listen §¥ Julia, Charlie, and Michael are deseribing their vacations. Write the nname of each person under the correct picture, © Listen again §¥ Who is describing his or her vacation? Check (/) the correct boxes. SS COCO SCT Who...? Charlie lich enjoyed watching the stars 0 Oo Oo expected to be bored, but wasn't o o Oo ‘went to the 200 Oo Oo Oo got wet and scared o o o missed his or her friends. Oo oO 0 went to the opera o Oo Oo thinks the country is too quiet o o oO wishes he or she had planned better 0 O Oo walked over 100 miles o o o 40° Unit 9 D Pai Have you had a vacation like Julia's, Charlie's, or Michael's? What happened? © What did you do on your last vacation? © What's the best vacatic work Discuss these questions. you've ever had? ‘Have you had a vacation “Isure have! Last summer, my cousin visited like Charlie's?’ my hometown, and..." BSSIIED 4s Group work Look at these vacation pictures. Then discuss the questions below © What are the people doing? Where do you think they are? © Imagine that you can take one of these vacations. Which would you choose? Why? B Group work Describe your perfect vacation, Discuss these questions © Where would you go? © Who would you go wit? # How long would you stay there? What would you do there? ind with my fr i'd go to England and | nd Ling © Commu n task: Work in pairs. One on page 79, and the other at Task 31 on p you should look at Task 1 87. You're going to look at more vacation pictures. Vacation time i i AA Pair work Describe these pictures. Use the words in the box and your own ideas, beach canyon cliffs coast desert forest hills lake mountains rocks skyscrapers tee wildlife — B Pair work Guess which country the pictures show: Then check your answer oon page 93. © Join another pai ‘Are any places where you live similar to the places in part A? 2 What did or didn't you like about it? Discuss these questions. ‘© Have you ever visited another country If you could visit any country, where would you go? Why? 42° Unit 9 A Pair work Sally and Harry just returned from their vacations. Can you guess the country each person visited? Sally's vacation Harry's vacation 1 think Sally visited isten OY sally and Harry are discussing their vacations. Answer the questions Sall Harry 1, What season was it? fall 2. What was the weather like? ‘8. What did he or she enjoy the most? 5. What souvenirs did he or she buy? 6. Who did he or she travel with? 7. What country did he or she visit? © Group work Discuss these questions # Which country from part B would you prefer to visit? Why? # Whar are the most popular tourist attractions where you live? # Would you recommend these attractions? Why or why not? @ What three things would you tell a tourist visiting your country to do or see? 4d prefer to visit... because Vacation time 43 a laptop computer 4. an electronic dictionary e. a PDA (personal digital assistant) {f, a GPS (global positioning system) device sin the B Pair work Describe how you can use the things in part A. Use the phrase ‘box and your own ideas. record appointments store music check e-mail listen to music ie | find definitions makeccalculations _sendttext messages translate ‘words find directions make phone calls _store addresses write letters “You ean use a cell phone to make phone calls. You can also use it to send message: © Join another pair Discuss these questions © Which gadgets in part A do you own? ‘¢ How often do you use them? © What do you use them for? “often use mine to take pictures. talk on my cell phone two | ike to send them to my friends.” (three times a day. ; 44° Unit 10 =v A Work alone How important are these things in your life? Mark them very important (7/7), somewhat important (7), oF not very important 0 —— an alarm clock a DVD player — acamera a microwave oven — a €D player —— a remote control —— a dishwasher — atv B Pair work Compare your answers. Give reasons, “An alarm clock is very important in my life. I's hard for me to wake up in the morning!’ A Listen $Y Two people are shopping for electronic products. Check (/) the features. Portable DVD player 3-year warranty O long battery life O well-known brand O lightweight O TV tuner included O anti-shock feature O big screen two sets of headphones B Pai acamera a cell phone to use. It should also be “The latest cameras have “A camera has to be lightweight and easy © Do you have any of the products? Is there anything you don't li Camcorder . O50 percent discount O easy to use O image stabilizer O takes good still photos © compact design records to hard drive © records to DVD O remote control work What features do you think are important for these products? alaptop computer an MP3 player a TV “Idon't really agree. A camera doesn't have to be...” © Group work ‘Think about the products in part B. Discuss these questions. ‘© What new features do the products have nowadays? © Are the latest products all improvements over the older versions? e about them? Inventions and gadgets. 45 ‘Activity 1 46 Unit 10 res Pair work Can you identify these things? Match the names with the pictures. Then discuss the questions below. chopsticks a highlighter akey ‘a magnifying glass ‘a paper clip W ro rubber bands ° °. ° |. scissors shoelaces |. a straw ‘a toothbrush © Which things do you use a lot? Which do you never use? @ Which thing is the most useful? Why?) Is there anything you can't do without? use a key all the time. Inever use A Pair work Look at these products you can buy. What do you think they're used for? How much do you think they cost? Pencorder Safe-T-Man TV Remote Control Locator “think the Pencorder is used for B Listen §& You will hear a TV show about the produets from part A. Check (/) the main function of each product, ‘Main function One important feature Price records messages G makes phone calls CO writes messages answers the phone O keeps people safe O catches robbers Safe-T-Man TVREbe changes TV channels Control Locator O finds TV remotes O cleans TV remotes © Listen again §& Complete the chart D Group work Discuss these questions, © Which product sounds the most useful? the least useful? © What kind of person might use each product? ‘* Have you bought any products recently? Were you happy with them? “The TV Remote Control Locator sounds the “Ithink that’s the least useful. What if you ‘most useful. im always losing the remote.” lose the TV Remote Control Locator?’ E Communication task Work in pairs. One of you should look at Task 12 on page 80, and the other at Task 32 on page 88. You're going to learn about two more products. Pair work What new invention would be really useful? Draw a picture of your invention, Then discuss these questions. What’ it called? What does it do? How does it work? How much should it cost? Who might buy it? B Join another pair Now explain your invention, and answer any questions “Our invention is called the Perfect Pen. It never makes mistakes, and ; For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 112-113. Inventions and aadaets 47 mals and nature Pair work Look at these pictures. Then discuss the questions below Do you enjoy visiting zoos? Why or why not? are park? What was it like? © Do you like plants or lowers? Do you have any in your home? ¢ Have you ever visited a botanical garden or a mi (love visiting 2008. I's fun to see different wild animals (CEES & Pair work How many diferent animals can you think of? Write them in the chart Mammals: Birds Insects Fish __ Reptiles gorilla Auck ant shavk croceaile wonkey paveet weosauito Fune snake B Join another pair Compare your charts. Then discuss these questions ‘© Which of these animals have you seen? Where? © What are the animals like? Are they dangerous? cute? ugly? Are any of these animals endangered? ‘© Which animals can be pets? fe What are your favorite animals? Why? i'vé never seen a gorilla, but I'v seen lots of monkeys at the zoo © Communication task Work in groups of four Two of you should look at Trak 13 on page 80, and the other two at Task 33 on page 88. You're talk about pets. joing to 48° Unit 11 _———_— aD A Pair work What do you know about meerkats and pandas? Read the questions below, and make guesses. meerkats pandas ‘Do you know where ‘im not sure where they live. But | meerkats live? think they eat Meerkats Pandas ii the southern part 41, Where do they usually ive? ane 2. What do they usually eat? 8, What do they do when not eating? 44, How many babies do they have? 8, How long do they lve in the wild? 6. How long do they live in captivity? 7. Ate they endangered? B Listen §¥ A zookeeper is talking about meerkats and pandas. Answer the questions in part A. Did you guess correctly? € Group work Discuss these questions. ‘¢ Are you concerned about animals becoming extinct? Why or why not? © What animals in your country are endangered # How can we protect endangered species? “Im very concerned, Once an animal becomes im not that concerned. | think extinct, it’s gone forever. The environment 49 "/J=} Protecting our environment (Ca Pair work Look at these pictures. Then discuss the questions below. deforestation © Do you have these environmental problems where you live? water pollution air pollution © What other environmental problems do you have? ‘Deforestation isn't a big problem here. it'$not @ problem in this city, but it’s a problem in Number each item from 0 to 4. Then interview your partner, and mark the answers. O=never 1 =hardlyever 2 = sometimes. 3=ofien 4 = always feUse products suchas plastic bagsland paper repair items instead of throwing them away avoid buying over‘packaged products pick up other people's litter Use public transportation forlong distances walk or use a bike for short distances turn offthe lights whehiyoulleavela room” Use low-energy lightbulbs fake SUre the heat isn't turned up #66 high in the wittefl tum the air conditioning down in the summer avoid using more water than you need gym winged tl Oooooo0000000 & Dooodo000000 B Pair work Add up your scores. Then go to page 93 to analyze your scores, 50 Unit 11 © Join another pair Discuss these questions. ‘Which things in the questionnaire help the environment the most? Why? © What other things can you do to help the environment? ‘© Are there laws to protect the environment where you live? What are they? =v A Listen §¥ A park ranger is describing past environmental problems at Flanauma Bay Nature Preserve in Hawaii. Check (7) the reasons for each problem, Problem Reasons i-ieo teeifiah O people catching fish) people eating fish O disease © water pollution 2. Too many fish CO people catching fish O people overfeeding fish too few predators C too many plants , 3. Too many visitors © Desutiful preserve) great swimming O free fish © good restaurants B Listen again §¥ How did they solve the problems? Complete the sentences. Problem 1: They passed a law against _____ that also stopped people from taking away shells, rocks, and coral as Problem 2: They passed a law against the fish and moved the —__ farther from the ocean. Problem 3: They close the preserve every —____and don't allow now visitors if the is ful © Group work Can you think of any environmental problems where you live? What solutions ean you suggest? “Air pollution is a big problem in City Park ‘Maybe they can pass a law. They ‘One reason is there are too many cars. should only allow cars For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 114-115, The environment 51 is about? Use the words in the box and your competition lost prize flood ocean rescue reunited rowboat work Look at these pictures from the ‘TV news. What do you think each story own ideas, sign trophy waves winner i think the woman is the boy's mother. She looks happy. Maybe the boy was lost. "Maybe. Can you read the sign behind them?” B Listen §¥ You will hear four news reports, Complete the summaries. 1 rennan Hawkins, 11, got. lest in the mountains of Utah while camping with the Boy Scouts. Over people quickly joined the | search after the family created a Web site asking for He was found days later, hungry and thirsty, but fine 52 Unit 12 8 lie Hicks, 23, is the person to row across the Atlantic Ocean from west to east. His time of days is also the On the beach to meet him on arrival in Cornwall, England, was his old friend, Prince William, ° es number one speller in the | 13, from Spring Lake, New Jersey. She won the Scripps National | Bee on her attempt. She won more than $ in cash and prizes. She practices her spelling every © Group work Discuss these questions. © Which story had the happiest ending? © Which story did you like the best? here were bad when the Red burst its banks in Grand Forks, North Dakota. One family lost their dog when they abandoned their home. days later, Scott Frederick heard barking from the family’s He saved the dog in his boat. Have you read or heard about any similar stories? © Who are the people? What happened before’ © What happene BJ another p: Tell your story. Whose story is more interesting’ © What happened later News and current events 53 1, How much time do you spend learning about the news every day? (0-5 minutes (_} 10-20 minutes [}5-10 minutes) more than 20 minutes 2. How often do you get your news from these sources? Write O (often), $ (sometimes), or IV (never) (_Jiriends (ratio — (_Jintemet_—(_) oval newspaper (jiamily Uw (CJ magavine (_} national newspaper 3. Which sections do you usually read in a newspaper? Which do you ignore? Write R (read) or | (ignore). Cord news — (Jweather (business {-Jnational news (_)sports (TV or movie listings (Clocal news — (_jcomics (_Jarts and leisure (Cckssifieds — (_) science (_jother B Pair work Compare your answers. Then discuss these questions ©) How are you and your partner similar? How are you different? @ If you read a newspaper, which section do you read first? Is important for you to learn about current events? Why or why not? © What news sources do you trust the most? the least? *Yeii spend more time learning about the “We both get some of our news than me. | only spend news from Cry 1A Pair work What were the five most important stories from the past year? Make alist. B Join another pair Compare your lists. Try to agree on a single list “We think the election was "Really? We think... was more {an important story.” important because © Group work Discuss these questions Which story from the past year do you think got too much attention? Why? © What is this week's “big” story? Why is it important? ——————— py A Pair work Read these news articles. Try to guess the missing words. Dog Helps Burglar Time Is Bruce Green of Brisbane, TJ Money Australia, trained his dog to the front V). (For clues, go to the bottom of the page.) A salitary person likes being alone. 1 ITCEBREAKERCA 2. Ap_____ place is calm and quiet EATOUTGOINGE 3. Ac___person isnot nervous orangry. ]'S PAL EV BBNOLN 4. Anil isaway tostarta conversation, | MP LV EALOALML 5. At person is not quiet. EOKRSOCGCIABLE 6, An a_i an arrangement to meet TAANSERIOUS 7, Ano_______person is not shy. sxre@orTrary 8 Am person is not neat ae VoOELUA a ee pence renee! © M v-0 TRUBEY 10. Ac. place is full of people. zEey one 11, As______dseussion is not funny or sil, © | “NU pres & RTNJ owpDEDE Clues SL POL TPS SQ BL 19 Fe a} UE Fe ATsEpHOM yea Jo sna] su] oY, KxBINqUDOA, nny Suds 0d pony ‘nae “omc ‘04 ‘So ‘rudy ane spaow Sass ey, BuRUON ET Self-study 95 96 Self-study BOY Listen and practice. ‘Gerund (verb + -ing) as subject; It + infinitive (to + verb) Gerund as subject It+ infinitive Standing close to someone is normal. 's normal to stand close to someone. Making a phone callin class is rude. It’s rude to make a phone call in class. Talking about other people isn’t polite. It isn't polte to talk about other people, B Rewrite the sentences. Change gerund as subject to Jt + infinitive, and change I1+ infinitive to gerund as subject. 1. Tes rude to answer your phone in an elevator. ving your in am elevator is rude, 2. Touching someone on the arm when you're talking is friendly. : It’s Sriendly to te on the amma when you're talkin 3, It's OK to make a phone call on the street i ts ae ee aS Ee 4, It isn't polite to call someone late at night. Sie satay alan ai ee eae 5. Looking at someone directly is rude, 6. Offering a visitor something to eat and drink is normal. aoe ta eel So 7, Its common to shake hands when you meet someone for the first time. (nin a 8, It’s difficult to change first impressions. aaa ap eta ee Complete the sentences. Then write them again, using gerund as subject. 1. Tee rude _te call someone early in the morning is arly in the morning is v PHI RELn ee Se Gin td Se Simon Li (eee ae ee eS G0 risten and completo'tiee meninges (Fox cocuseeiio ahe houcm obthepae § Harry: Hello, Janet. This is Harry Hanson. I'm affaid T won't be able to meet you this evening _. My train doesn't get in until pm, Are you free for lunch tomorrow? If you are, we could meet around, I don’t have your cell phone number ~ only the office ‘number. My cell phone number is - Bye. Janet: Hello, Harry. This is Janet Johnson. I'm busy all day tomorrow with a » 80 T can't do lunch, But the good news is that I am free for Ti reserve a table at a nice restaurant for o'dlodl a if that’s all right. So unless I hear from you before, I'll pick you up at your at 7:30. My cell phone will be turned off most of the day, but you can leave a ‘message. The number is See you night, Thope! eT etey Complete the puzzle with words from the unit, (For clues, go to the bottom of the page.) Across 1, the way you behave 2. waiting for someone to answer the phone 2 ooking at someone directly mobile phone ‘ . You do this when you meet. give something and get something in return ; You leave this if the ‘ 4 person you're calling ; is not available, 9, not polite 10. A frown isa ' expression, | 11. a person who studies the way" people behave z i 12. You use your thumb to write this! Down 13, First impressions are often based on this. Clues Vast tuwog) woe At FOL 16 we Oe yg do'¢ 9 msg ylo'z q-T (Say) st puON yoed Jo sonep AsAy aL], KawTNqUIOA 27a ‘mo1soy ‘woo Suyou Spo ‘Saniora ‘wane “ya amu ‘gze-Co6 ‘o6eI-CoE case susan Buss OY, RUFUS] Self-study 97 98 Self-study ‘A SY Listen and practice ‘Countable and uncountable nouns ‘Countable nouns Uncountable nouns Use a / an or plural -. Do not use a / an or plural -s. carrot —> two carrots fit soda_—stea ‘an orange —> five oranges meat sugar water Let's buy some oranges. Let's buy some fruit Ineed a few apples. I need a little flour. We don't have a lot of carrots. We don't have a lot of sugar How miany eggs do we need forthe recipe? | How much flout do we need for the recipe? ‘We don't need any eggs. ‘We don't need any flour We don't need many eggs. We don't need much flour,” B Look back at your chart in Activity IB on page 12. Group the foods in this chart ‘Countable nouns: Uncountable nouns © Circe the correct words to complete the conversation. ‘A: How many / How much)food do we need for tonight? Bi Well, how many / howe much people are coming for dinner? ‘A: Only a fiw / alte fiends willbe here. So we don't need mary 7 much food. Bi Let's buy afew / alittle meat ~ a lamb / lamb would be good ~ and a lot of vegetables / vegetable. |As We dor’t need many / much carrots. But I like to get some posato / potatoes. B: That sounds good. And what about dessert? A: Let's make a cake / cake. Wh Great idea. But we don't have any / some caps, and we have only ane / alittle flout. ‘A: You know what? We need to make a shopping list! F Listening ] ©} Listen and complete the recipe. (For clues, go to the bottom of the pag Santiago Lemon Almond Cake, from Santiago de Compostela, Spain Cake ingredients Syrup ingredients 300_ grams of ground almonds | Iemon eggs 25 grams of sugar teaspoon of cinnamon tablespoon of water grams of sugar Instructions Preheat the oven to 160 °C. 2. Break and separate the eggs. Put the and yolks in different bowls 3. Mix the egg yolks and sugar until the mixture is thick and creamy. Then mix in the and cinnamon. 4. Whisk the egg whites. Then add the whisked egg whites to the almond mixture. 5. Pour the mixture into a 20-cm round cake pan, and bake for minutes. 6. To make the syrup, grate the lemon peel and squeeze out the juice into a small pot, Add the water and sugat; and until the sugar melts. Then spoon the syrup over the cake. serve it with yogurt or whipped cream, Leave the cake in the pan until it’s « Then cut the cake, and F vocabulary j Complete the puzzle with words from the unit, (Ror clues, go to the bottom of the page, Across Tadd one __ of honey to sweeten my tea. fish and shrimp, for example something you eat between meals ‘cooking instructions cook in the oven carrots and peas, for example You eat this before the main course. Down 2. The ingredients of bread are __, yeast, and water, You eat this after the main course. grill or broil outdoors Food with chilis is first meal of the day sees Clues slelefolufe}ul) hu AO V6 1B SO SE myn ony 09 ‘spun “905 qt 89 4S Pe FZ (usog) iow ypea Jo sna] say 24,1 Areenqusoa [4] oe suioy Suse oy, Buus] Self-study 99 A a Listen and practice. Real conditionals Real conditional sentences describe true situations in the present or future, Use present forms in the itclause and present or imperative forms in the result clause, itclause result clause "result clause itelause {f i's warm, | want to go for a bike ride. _| usually feel energetic if it's cold outside, lf you're outside in a thunderstorm, go inside. Don't use the phone if you're inside. B Write real conditional sentences. Add a form of be in the jf-clause, and keep the 100 Self-study words in the given order. 1. it / warm and sunny / 1 / always / walk / to work IP Ws wars and sunny, Lalways walk to work, 2. 1/ want to go / to the beach / the weather / nice / this weekend 1 0 to th if the weal this week 3. it / cold outside / I / sometimes / feel / depressed and lazy 4. T/ want to have / a picnic in the park / it / not rainy / tomorrow 5. you / indoors / during a thunderstorm / disconnect / the TV 6. protect / yourself / against frostbite / you / outdoors / during a blizzard 7. not go / out in a boat / you / outdoors / during a thunderstorm 8. you / outside / in direct sunlight / use / sunscreen Complete the sentences. Use your own ideas If it's warm and sunny this weekend, if it doesn't rain tomorrow, ifthe weather 1 2. 3. Tusually 4. Don’t if you're inside during a thunderstorm, Tf there’s a snowstorm tonight, SOS irerpereenal ened sete chereapation. (bc tetieg io tebanem oa emer) Jim: How was the weather on your vacation? Beth: Pretty good. The first few days were a little __cleudy __, but it stayed warm. Even at night, the temperature was above 20 degrees Celsius. Jim: How warm was it during the day? Beth: I guess it was around degrees. Something like that. Jim: That's pretty hot. It was much cooler back here, And the first half of the week, it a lot. We had heavy pretty much every day. Beth: Oh, it was dry in Los Angeles until ‘Then there was this huge trained so hard that the streets were for a while Jim: That's pretry unusual for California, isn't ie Beth: Yeah, it is. But anyway, after that, it was nice and, ~ perfect for sightseeing and taking Jim: Hub, Well, you missed the white stuff! Believe it or not, it here on Friday. Beth: That's incredible! It’s not bad today, though. Jim: No. I think is here at last Beth: I hope so! Unscramble the letters to make words from the unit, (Ror clues, go to the bottom of the page.) 1. lal autumn fall 2, bitrailer ina bad temper 3. yodule no blue sky « 4. dressdeep unhappy q 5. drazbilz a big snowstorm b 6. othpony an Asian hurricane . 7. durthog: not enough rain a 8 moderntruths ‘This brings lightning. ‘ 9. sodotour not inside o. 10, fatscore ‘This tells you about the weather. f. Clues vor 86 Weg VL WO PS PR SE 9 "PAE PHOM y>eD Jo snap se] aL, AzeMqUIOA, : Gpsoipay ‘wore ‘ns Saud prow ‘sernoys pours ‘seed pope “Sop ‘of ave sua Susu KL, BUyWaNSYT Self-study 101 102 self-study RA ston and practice. Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed Adjectives ending in -ing can describe ‘Adjectives ending in -ed can describe how someone or something. ‘you feel about someone or something. My math class is very boring. I'm bored with my math class. | think a dolphin trainer's job is exciting. I'd be excited to work with dolphins. Video-game testers have an interesting job. | They/re interested in all the new games. B Circle the correct words to complete the conversations. 1. A: T'mso pleasing (pleased)! just gota job as a lifeguard at the pool. B: That's exciting / excited news! Being a lifeguard is an interesting / interested job. : Really? It sounds boring / bored to me. Lifeguards are often boring / bored with their job. 2. A; Tllike to bea journalist. That would be a fascinating / fascinated job. B: Lagree. [ve always been fascinating / fascinated by good writing G: Its interesting / interested that you're both interesting / interested in journalism! 3. Az Thave some surprising / surprised news! I just gota promotion. : Wow, that’s amazing / amazed! : Yeah. My new job is much more interesting / interested than my old one. 2: Congratulations! We're really thrilling / thrilled for you. Pee © Describe different jobs and the people who do them. 1. exciting / excited Lthink acters have an exciting job. Mest actors seem excited about their 2. boring / bored 3. interesting / interested 4. tiring / tired cy ©} Listen and complete the conversation. (For clues, go to the bottom of the page) Brad: Sally: Brad: Sally Brad: Sally: Brad: Hey, Sally. How was your first day at the new job? Thad a great day. I thought it was going to be kind of ___ull__, but it’s really interesting work. What's your boss like? ‘My boss? Oh, he’s a very nice person. I thought he might give me a hard time because I was and inexperienced, but he seems really ‘That’s great. Are you looking __ going back tomorrow? Yeah, I am. As a matter of fact, I'm working tomorrow. And they pay , $0 I'l make some extra ‘And how was your first day? You know, I didn’t think it would be as fun as it was, I thought it would be es pea So you think you might stay with it? Yeah. You know, it only takes about a minute to make the juice. You can talk to the while you work, and they're really friendly. Even. when it’s really » people don't get if they have to wait. And the other guys who work there are cool. KEEED Complete the sentences with words from the unit, Then circle the words in the puzzle. Look in these directions (> V). (For clues, go to the bottom of the page.) A liGeguara watches people swimming, u FESSTONAL 2 Ar person has stopped working: ZEPTUAGH SO 3. Anu. person doesn’t have a job, LERSALARY 4 Ani. translates what people say: PPORTIVEG 5. My b is from 1 t0 2 EJ MJUURLE 6. Your w where you work S()OHNYEUR 7. If your boss likes your work, you may piltlrorCTNE Eee ifrliswm tee 8. A chef is a p. cook. oe elie ee ee eee 9. Yours is what you get paid for Oye|N Tb AE BL rlulv royDRL your work. : Rfale AY EV EV 10. Ap. flies an airplane. mee a a air[r De VEAL 11. Nurses and doctors work in a h Salpaa ana 12. It’s good to have a boss who is s, Clues ae Tio 86 18 WL 2°9 AYE A PE PS PLSEpLOM ype JosoMD] Se] Oy], KzeANqUooA, 2equoddns‘ucya00 Srey “ayn Spann yp “sinuoyna Ging Seay ‘ase spor Buss 44, Buguarsyy Selfstudy 103 [ Unreal conditionals Unreal conditional sentences describe untrue or imaginary situations in the present or future. Use simple past forms in the i-clause and modals would, might, or could in the result clause. ifclause resutclouse result clause ‘tclause IF got more sleep, | wouldn't feel ted. | might exercise moro if| had more free ime. ed close, | could visit my parents more, el see my frends more | didn’t have so much work, B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Use would, ‘might, or could in the result clause. 1. a, If Tom_didw't have te (not have to) work, he would go / wight go / could go. (go shopping. b. If Tom (have) the day off, he (go) to the gym. 2. a, Maria (make) a sweater if she (have) more free time. b. If Maria {not have to) study today, she (dean the house 3. a. If MiLi (have) a bigger kitchen, she (cook) dinner every night b. Mili (rent) a DVD tonight if she (not have) 3 test tomorrow. © Read the information, Then circle the sentence in part B that is probably true about ‘Tom, Maria, and Mi Li. 1. Tom 2. Maria 3. Mili # loves buying new clothes © enjoys knitting © thinks cooking is boring # hates exercising ‘© doesn't like doing chores # likes watching movies D_ What would you do if you had more free time? Write complete sentences. Use Jfat the beginning of two sentences, and use ifin the middle of the other two. 1 re 8, 4, 104 Self-study cay ©} Listen and complete the conversation. (For chies, go to the bottom of the page.) Will: What do you like to do when you have free time, Pam? Pam: Well, [ove to go shopping, so I do that if I have the time and the money ~ which isn’t often! And I like watching movies, so I rent when I get a chance. Will: What would you do if you had more time? Pam: Well, [like 1d love to learn to really well. If Thad more time, I'd take a cooking class. So, what do you do in your free time, Will? Will: Ob, I pla Pam: Really? What do you play? Will: We play every Avenue. night ata club on Pam: I'd love to see you play sometime. Wow! Playing in a band must be Will: Yeah, itis, We write our own songs, so that’s pretty -Weve just released our first CD. Pam: Are you kidding? So you're going to be ? Will: Well, who knows? Maybe! Complete the puzzle with words from the unit, (For clues, go to the bottom of the page.) Across “ something you do Tale[+]ilvilely . imaginative very interesting or exciting cheap . helps you learn 7 usefully very satisfying giving a lot of satisfaction . clothes you need 7 to wash 10. aplace toseeart 11. not working, enjoying ' H SE eUReE your free time 7 12. giving food to a pet 13. mending, repairing Down 14. takes a lot of time ® Clues aay (od) Fst FS TM WO Te Fe HL C9 2S PH FE 9% BHT GsODY) st piOM yoeD Jo soN2] 14 ax, KxeTNGUDOA, Suds 21 Suyuassyy Self-study 105 agi ‘op Copreg ‘poof suf “sown aga ‘sqzAcr “yoo ‘png :aze spaom Bu 104 106 Self-study Vike to play Sports Games baseball checkers basketball chess football ‘computer games. gott Frisbee soccer mah-jonga tennis Scrabble solitaire ‘weight training yooa B Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. 1, If the weather's nice tomorrows let's play running /Golleyball). 2. My best friend does golf / aerobies every weekend 3, In my free time, Love to go sailing / soccer: 4, If Tneed to relax, I do walking / og 5, IF i's warm this weekend, we'd lke to go hiking / tends my free time I play table tennis / judo. 6. [like indoor sports,» 7. When we were children, we went swimming / gomnastics after school 8 Can you help me do this computer game / pussle? 9, My uncle has done weight training / cheakers for several years. 10. Playing eyeling / Frisbee is very relaxing 11, The never gone karate / skiing, but Id like to try 12, Tm terrible at bowling / Scrabble, so I never play it © Complete the questions with true information. Then answer them 5, Q; How often do you go a 1. Q; How often do you do ne 2, Q; When do you like to play eyes 3, Q Where do you like to g9 pare 4, Qj What kind of do youlike todo? At A A 6. Q Where do you like to play eS ee ae | cy O¥ Listen and complete the conversation. (For clues, go to the bottom of the page) Kate: [hear you like lots of sports, Mark. True? Mark: Oh, yeah, I'm a huge sports__ fam Kate: So, do you have a favorite? Mark: Well, is really great, Some matches are really exciting. And soceer involves a lot of skill. Kate: But the players don’t score many do they? Mark: Well, that’s true, Maybe the goals should be or smaller, ‘with no goalie! But, anyway, if you're looking for a sport where players score lots of points, then is your game, Most basketball games have really scores. Kate: Yeah. Sometimes the score more than a hundred points, right? ‘Mark: That's right. [also love track-and-field ever s. Look forward to the every four years isa wonderful sport, too. Swimmers are amazing Kate: So which sports are you good at? Mark: Me? Oh, I'm not good at any of them. In fact, I have no athletic : at all. I just watch sports on TV! Complete the puzzle with words from the unit. (For clues, go to the bottom of the page:) ‘Across 10. looking at, observing 11, You can't win at chess without this. ‘fel 1. You play this on a chess board. elhlefe = = 6. a person skilled at sports 8. people who play together Down Solitaire is a___ game. things you need to play a sport Golf isan __ sport. ‘You play this on the beach with a ball and a net. not year-round ener ‘This may help you to win! Clues V6 8% AG O% 9°. 9°% (UMog) S11 SOL 1g © 9°] (Woy) st prom Ypwa Jo sane] IY aH], AxETNqEDOA, pun ‘sen, ‘ues aus ‘esv0s ‘snd “yy soo af poqrysog “opm aue Spiow Susser 2, SUTUOASET Self-study 107 108 Self-study _| sit faster to travel by car or by train? ‘Traveling by train is faster than ba “traveling by car. z zs What's the best way to travel? a Traveling by plane is the best way. crowded It's the fastest, too. ‘What city is the most crowded? ital is the most crowded city. B Complete the conversations with comparative or superlative adjectives. Use than if necessary. 1. A: Excuse me. Whats the pest _ (good) way to get to the post office? B: The subway is ____ (fast) the bus. But it’s (easy) to walk. 2. A: Can you tell me (casy) way to get to the stadium? B: Traveling by car is always (good) using public transportation. We have (slow) and, _____ (bad) public transportation in the world! 3, A: Is the capital (beautiful) city in your country? B: Yes, itis. I's large) city and (crowded), too. © Write questions. Then answer them about where you live, 1. what / bad / transportation problem Q what's the worst transportation problem ? Ai 2. what / good / way to get t0 school Q@ Ae ioe toa 3. it / easy / to get around by car or on foot a ate a 4, what / beautifll / city 5 aT aA 5. it / cheap / travel by subway or bus pre Aad Sos ee a a 6. when / crowded / time to travel (ges ier ji ee St Ba EA, GY Listen and complete the conversation, (For clues, go to the bottom of the page) Lucy: What’s the best way to get into the city from the airport? Nick: Well, it depends on what time of day your plane _lawas__. Lucy: I'l be arriving in the late__ if the flight’s not delayed. Nick: OK. That means it will be hour, so a taxi could take a Jong time. When there’s a lot of traflic, it can take hours to get in from the airport. So I think it’s best to use transportation. Is there a subway from the airport? Nick: There's a free shuttle that takes you to the nearest subway. It takes about 10 minutes. Then the train takes around minutes to get downtown. From there, you can take a to your hotel : Is there a bus I could take? Nick: There's an bus, butif the traffic’ terrible, you could be stuck on the for hours. The subway is definitely the best idea if you arrive in the late afternoon. Lacy: What if my flight is really late? The last time I flew, I didn’t arrive until Nick: Oh, well, in that case, you have to take a taxi. At that hour, you have no other choice. SSIES) Unscramble the letters to make words from the unit. (For clues, go to the bottom of the page.) 1. ridrev person at the wheel of a car driver 2 gadoreuns not safe a 3. buysaw a kind of train 5 4. apresident person who walks P. 5. tarmagjiff too many cars t i 6. patrolking You can leave your car here. P. 7. fromeot It’s more expensive to travel in__. 8. arebelmom unforgettable m. 9, kemobitor a smalll motorcycle 10. nerdid Have you ever __a motorbike? ® 11, dwwoonnt city center 4 12, fionsout answer to a problem 5 13, soindirect. Ask for these if’ you're lost. 4 Clues ay ‘oxen ys “nd SBtypen ‘spur oy ‘seo ‘ng Swoouyfo ‘pg ‘24e suo SUISUN aM, SapWONSET Set Zl wT wor 86 2G VL 1G WOT WH K— Sy I-L-SHPIOM ype Jo som Ie aN, KawMMqUIOA Self-study 109 A. §¥ Listen and practice ‘Simple past and present perfect The simple past describes events that were “The present perfect describes events that completed at a definite time in the past. ‘happened at an indefinite time before now. Did you take a vacation last year? | Have you taken a vacation this year? ‘Yes. | went camping with friends last May. | No, | haven't had time. I've been busy. Didyouhave agoodtime? | ( you ever gone camping? ‘Yes, did. | had a wonderful time. fes, |have. ve gone many times: ‘What did you do on your last vacation? ‘What's the best trip you've ever taken? T spent a woek at the beach. It was great. ‘The best trp I've ever taken was to Brazil B Complete the conversations with the simple past or present perfect Yewe you ever talker. (take) a vacation in the mountains? : No, but last year I {gpend) a week at the beach. I (have) fun. you {(g0) to Mexico again last summer? No, we (go) to Puerto Rico instead. you ever (be) there? : Sure. 1 (be) there several times. :, What's the best vacation you ever (take)? ‘The best trip T ever (take) was to Aftica. I (go) there in 2006. AL never (be) to Affica, but T (heat) it’s wonderful your parents (enjoy) their trip to Italy? B: Oh, yes. They ove) it there. Al (be) there a few times, What B: My mom really {like) Florence, but my dad (prefer) Rome. (be) their favorite city? © Write two sentences about each of these ideas. The best vacation you've ever had: 2, The worst vacation you've ever had: 3. Your last vacation: 110 Self-study GN st rtcnd geracieea the tergeteaninn Tee clues, go to the bottom of the page.) ‘Where are you going on your next vacation? Hawaii! 'm going next month for _twe whole weeks! I been my to go there for along time. Wow, how exciting! What are you going to do there? : Tm to spend the whole time on the island of Kauai, Kauai? Isn't it really there? Laura: Yes, in the north. The first week, I'm going to the Na Pali The there can be as high as 1,200 meters! You can take a boat to see them, You can even get off the boat and spend time on a quiet Eric: Sounds awesome! What about the week? Laura: I'm going to hike in the Waimea «Tes much drier there. Eric: Well, [hope you have good - Don't forget to bring me etsy Complete the sentences with words from the unit, Then circle the words in the puzzle, Look in these directions (> 1). (For clues, go to the bottom of the page.) - If you go cewsging _, you sleep in a tent. Ttseldom rains in a d like to see birds and other w. Don't go near the c__! You might fall! . Brazil has lange tropical f Ad trip is not fun, . The ocean meets land at the « . The Grand @__it 9, Holland is flat. It has no m, : 7 10. New York is famous for its tals 11. The Eiffel Tower is a tourist a Sah eee in Arizona. 12. What tips would you give a t wo your country? Clues Ver wT S01 86 WR LE B98 SH 2° 1% BL SPpION yoRd jo.z9n—p 8e] ayy, CreMEEDOA, a Saypacn any Sroanos ‘puass Saad Sunoip 42 Sfp “uoGian ‘yay :axe spiow Buysse ay, BayUDyEF Self-study WN 112. Self-study BG Listen and practice Modals of necessity and suggestion Use has / have to or doesn't/ don't have to to describe something that is or isn't necessary. Use should to suggest that something is important or a good idea, but not realy necessary. ‘A.camera has to be easy to use, it should be lightweight. t doesn’t have to cost a lot ‘of money. ‘Acll phone has to be compact. It should have voice mail. It doesn’t have to have a camera. i e i $ smplete the conversation with modals of necessity and suggestion and the verbs in parentheses. More than one answer may be possible. ‘A: T'm 0 excited about getting an MPS player. I've wanted one for ages! B: I know. What features does your player have te have (have)? ‘ ‘A: Well,it__—— (play) atleast 2,000 songs. It also (play) TV shows and movies. B: Tagree. And since I love to take pictures, my new play (show) photos, too. A: Mine (show) photos. But my new player (include headphones. B: Good idea. And both of our players (have) 24 hours of battery life > Maybe. But they more than that. (cost) less than $300 each, I don’t want to spend B: I disagree with you on that, Our new players (cost) less than $300. We can spend a little more than that if we use some of our savings. A: Well, I think we _ (ook for) good players that aren’t too expensive. A good MP3 player (be) expensive. Describe features of three gadgets. Write two sentences about each one, Use thas / hace to, should, and doesn’t / don't have to in your sentences. Gadget 1 1 2 - oe Gadget 2: 1 2 Gadget 3 le 1 2 $¥ Listen and complete the conversation, (For clues, go to the bottom of the page) Carl: I'm thinking of buying one of those new ice-cream __ walkers Ellen: Oh, my friend Elena has one. She bought hers last summer. Carl: Does it like the ads say? I mean, is it any good? Ellen: Well, yeah, she used it a lot at first. And her ice cream was delicious ~ very and not too sweet. She made some fantastic ice cream with real espresso. Carl: Bu? Ellen: Well, she found that it took a long time to And she had to have plenty of ice and _ available to make ice cream. Carl: Oh, I don’t mean that electric kind of ice-cream maker: I mean the one that ‘operates on - You put it in the _ and it does all the work for you. Ellen: Oh, OK. Yeah, that kind might be better, But the other reason Elena stopped using hers was that when the ended, nobody felt like eating Carl: Oh, thar’s ! The weather doesn't have to be hot to eat ice cream. Ice cream is great any time of the year! CEEEY) Complete the puzzle with words from the unit, (For clues, go to the bottom of the page.) Across 1. the “e” in e-mail 2. You use these to cut things 2 3. A remote control is a very tfe[ Telefe] v[o[a usefl You can listen to music with these. 5. You often get this for a year when you buy something new. 1 6. You can use this to 7 ql cook food 7. alkaline, ni-MH, or ni-Gd, Hl ' for example 7 8. another name for photographs 9, A___camera doesn't use film. i a 10. storage space on a computer LL. small rn 3] Down ” 12, not heavy Clues T@1(uwoq) S11 PHOL P'S d¥B GE O8g MC YH BE $-% 9°] (SOY) 8 prom Yow Jo sara Isy atLT, KaemMEDOR {Yo sowuns sos neue Sway ‘eraayf Gunny Cow “nffin ‘womD ‘agg ‘ore spans Busses 24.1, BUPWORSEY Self-study 113 ‘What animals are endangered? “Where do meerkats live? Why are some animals extinct? Can you tell me where Ihave no idea why some animals are extinct. B Write embedded questions. Then answer them with embedded statements 1, What animals are endangered? (Do you know) Q _De you know what avimals ave endangered +? A: 2. What environmental problems do you have? (Can you tell me) Cs: 2 a 3. What laws protect the environment? (Do you know) Qi a eg x 4. Why don't some people care about the environment? (Do you understand) ‘Qe ie ia A: 5. How can we protect endangered species? (Can you tell me) (a i eo A: © Write three embedded questions about the environment. Then answer them. LQ A: 2@ A 2 A 114 self-study © Listen and complete the conversation. (For clues, go to the bottom of the page.) ‘Ana: Tom: Ana: Tom: ‘Tom: Ana: saw an interesting documentary last week about how some _countvies are ‘cutting down too many of their __. Many _say that this deforestation isa disaster. Well, agree. For one thing, the rain forests are home to many of the world’s wildlife Right. And the documentary pointed out that undiscovered rain-forest plants could be used as drugs to treat diseases like AIDS and F Really? Do you know what plants can treat cancer? 1 don't know what the exaet names are, but two of today’s most powerful anti-cancer come from a single rain-forest Wow, that’s amazing. I wonder how we can protect the rain forests, T'm not sure how to protect them. And the bad thing is, many kinds of plants, which could be the sources of tomorrow's . are being at the rate of to 100 every day CREE) Complete the puzzle with words from the unit, (Por clues, go to the bottom of the page.) ‘Across 2. in dange 4. Animals in a zoo are kept in __ 7. no longer existing elnjajalu{gle|rjela 8, an animal that eats other animals 10. Rabbits and foxes are 11. You ___used glass, paper, plastic, tc., 30 you can use it again 12, tigers, elephants, and dolphins, for example . Down keep safe beetles and ants, for example fix, not throw away crocodiles and snakes, for example Ir animals that some people keep in their home paver Clues of extinction animals. F Ts 9 16 te Ciho@) et ATL OL @e 9°L 2° 2-2 Oeaay) pron peo jo snoy my OAL, MTEOOA sms Sys Ssnapow ouerpou Sysu/ sana pataysp Som Seuunes ‘oon ‘yg ase yuion Susssu , BapWORSTT Self-study 115 a OY Listen and practice. Past time expressions ‘This story appeared in the newspaper yesterday. A man went camping in the mountains last ‘week. Then the man got lost while he was hiking. When he didn't return home, some friends ‘went to look for him. They found him three days later, After they found him, his friends took the man to a hospital. He went home two days ago, : he B Complete the news reports with the words in the box. More than one answer may be possible, and you may use some words more than once after ago last later then «when while yesterday 1 ast. Monday, a man had an accident he was driving on a highway in Germany. the man was ; following the instructions from his car’s navigation system, he passed a “Closed. for Construction” sign. His tip ended he crashed into a pile of sand. The police arrived a few minutes __ a the police asked what happened, the man replied, “I was | | driving a few minutes all of a understand. This sand pile wasn't here sudden, I stopped. I 2, Officials from the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) received a strange call several days the caller reported that there was a “zoo” in the house next door, the SPGA went to investigate, the officials got to the house, they found 86 animals living there. Two hours . six SPCA vans removed the animals, An SPCA official said that the woman who owned the house had started collecting fish, cats, and other animals year. Five or six months , she had more than 50 pets. She cried they were taking the animals away, But they were finished, she admitted that she was going to enjoy having her house to herself agai © Write a news story or a story about yourself; Use some time expressions from part B. 116 Self-study ©¥ Listen and complete the news report. (For clues, go to the bottom of the page) Police in the German city of Ingolstadt were astonished when a thief they had just released from jail stole an officer's on his way out and rode off on it Earlier, police had arrested the -year-old man after he was caught handbags from a department store. Afier spending several hours in jail, the police released the man on the condition that he report back to them Afier the man was set____, two officers spotted him himself to a bicycle outside the police _. The officers____ the man in their patrol car and quickly re-arrested him. ‘The man told police that the bike belonged to a and that he was only trying to return it, The police were not amused. A police spokesperson said, “He won't be getting out of jail so this time.” (EE) Unscramble the letters to make words from the unit. (For clues, go to the bottom of the page.) 1. leanhide This is at the top of a story in headline the newspaper. 2. ragblur someone who robs homes b 3. adsfliessic small ads in a newspaper « 4. chaser look for 5. licenote ‘You vote in this e 6. canaltitaneco It separates North America A °. and Europe. 7. nagmaize You read this weekly or monthly. m. 8. oneohmyno —_vacation after a wedding h 9, secure save someone from danger a 10. toptimeicon Take part in this and you may win! 11. hotpry akind of prize t 12. rent You can find the latest news here, 13, dhapyemping —_a good way to finish h e Clues Bee ver A WoL 26 wg 22 UD] WE YY SE Fe FL SE PION ype Jo soma] we] ay, KaemMGUDOA uyons ‘oun typi Sy ay Seousg prof oy pro pb ‘ea: suoN Hust ay], SUPGONSTT Self-study 117 118. Sel-study ‘A GY Listen and practice. Separable and nonseparable phrasal verbs With separable phrasal verbs, you can With nonseparable phrasal verbs, separate the parts with a noun or pronoun. ‘you cannot separate the parts. The student looked up the word. AA burglar broke into an apartment. The student looked the word up. A burglar broke into it. The student looked it up, (NOT fooked-up:t) Other examples: Other exampl ask out, call back, clean up, cut open, figure | call on, come back, get along (with), ‘out fil in, give back, help out, pay back, get around, get away, give up, plug in, put on, think over, throw out, txy on, | go out (with), grow up, look ater, tum on / off run over, stay out, wait for B Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses. More than one answer may be possible, 1. Please turn your cell phone off / turn off your cell phone (your cell phone / turn off) 2. We don't want to {the children / wake up). 3. If he’s very late, I'm not going to (my friend / wait for). 4. We usually (the city / get around) by bus or subway. 5. Lofien (my parents / call up) on the weekend. 6. Can you tell me how to (my laptop / plug in)? There is a mistake in each question. Correct the questions. Then answer them, 1. 5 When you turn alight on, do you always tum sie A: Sa 2. Q& When you receive a letter in the mail, do you cut open A 3. Q; When you go with a ‘Ki 4, Q; Do you recycle old newspapers and magazines, or do you throw out them? A 5. Q When people leave you a message, do you call back them right away? A nd out, what do you like to do? f Listening J ©¥ Listen and complete the conversation. (For clues, go to the bottom of the page) Gina: Hi, Rob! How are you doing? Rob: Gina, hi 'm good, thanks. Are you sill iving with your __pewents__? Gina: Yes, 'm stl in that sleepy litle own, But you knows I enjoy living there. Its quiet, and everyone is s0 I don’t really like coming to the city: I feel like a here. And it seems kind of dangerous ~ at night. Rob: Well, [live here in the city, as you know. In fact, I have a new apartment The city is big — and it doesn’t feel as asa small town like yours ~ but I think the people here are really friendly. My is like a small ‘with its own stores and cafés and restaurants. And T just love having all kinds of ___ on my doorstep: concerts, movies, iit. Gina: I have to come into the city for all that. So I guess you go out every night? Rob: Well, no. Mostly, I stay home and watch TV. But I like Tcan go ‘out whenever I feel like it. CRED Complete the sentences with words from the unit. Then circle the words in the puzzle. ‘Look in these directions (>). (For clues, go to the bottom of the page.) In hot weather, we turn on the air conditioner, 1 2. If you're c. , you can't think clearly. 3, Are you a city person or a ¢ person? 4, Someone you've never met isa s, 5. Ac______ person avoids risks and danger. 6. Rings and bracelets are kinds of j . 7. In rainy weather, we like to stay i. 8 Your w. is where you keep money. 9. Never leave your car doors w. 10. As steals things from stores. 1, Am, steals from people on the street. 12. Abank r steals from banks. Clues Fa Fi 201 PG Ve 2L Mg se 4 AG PT ALSTpLOM yped JosoNa] wey ay, AeeAESOA una So8eoas ‘fos Spaced ‘pug ‘Po RT ‘CIB Chel FOB! ‘TS “ee 34 Susy Hussy IY, SepTSNSTT Self-study 123 124 Self-study BSS Listen and practice Adjective clauses ‘Adjective clauses give information about things or people you are talking about. Use that or which in adjective clauses for things. Use that or who in adjective clauses for people. Jackie Chan makes movies. They are popular all over the world. Jackie Chan makes movies that / which are popular all over the world. ‘Mr. Bean is an Englishman. He always gots into accidents, Mr. Bean is an Englishman that / who always gets into accidents. B Combine the sentences. Use the second sentence as an adjective clause. a 3 4 3. 6. 7. 8, Saturday Night Live (SNL, is an American comedy show: It began in 1975. saturday Night Live is an Auevican comedy show that began in 1975, SNL is a popular program. It is watched by millions of people every week. There are many famous comedians. They started their carcers on SNL. The show is famous for its hilarious parodies. They make fun of celebrities. A favorite SNL character was a litte girl. She jumped on her bed and sang, Will Ferrell and Adam Sandler are two actors. They became famous on SNL. ‘There are’ comedy shows all over the world. They were inspired by SNL. Steve Martin is an actor. He has hosted the show 13 times. € Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use adjective clauses. 1 2 3 4. is an actor isa comedian is a comedy show is a newspaper cartoon ©¥ Listen and complete the stories. (For clues, go to the bottom of the page.) Jack: Aman went to his doctor and told him that he wasn't feeling well. The doctor exawiinea the man, left the room, and came back with bottles of pills The doctor said, “Take the pill witha big glass of water when you wake up. Take the pill with a big glass of water after lunch, Then just before bed, take the pill with another big glass of water” ‘The man was shocked and said, “Tell me, doctor, What exactly is wrong with me?” “You're not drinking enough water,” the doctor replied Mary: Just before his a man was wheeling himself very fast down the hall of the in his wheelchair. Another patient stopped him and asked, “What's the matter?” ‘The man said, “I heard the say, ‘Its a very operation, Don! T'm sure it will be all right. “She was just trying to you,” the other patient said. “She wasn’t talking to me. She was talking to the surgeon!” REIS Unscramble the letters to make words from the unit, (For clues, go to the bottom of the page.) 1. ushairoil very funny hilewieus 2. splatsick physical humor 8 3. noactor Mickey Mouse isa character. 4. okje funny story 5. leckuch ‘a small laugh c - 6. leawig laugh quietly 5 7. finetnus most funny ie 2 8. chewymoods You laugh at this on TV. « 9. daemonic funny man or woman, c 10, unpinlech the end of a funny story P. 1 1, redid puzzling question 5 12, noelveep What starts with E, ends with E, and only has one letter? Clues - ez ei eNO 46 Mg E29 Be BF WE TS LALpIOm yped Jo sanap ase] LL, SeeTMARDOR Guo sony pds 24 Seong mu opdsoy “ea ‘praca Suofaa ‘my axe spsom Buyssy ayy, SuEUONSET Self-study 125 Tis /'re / were / Do / remember / sat / was /'s/ did / have / was / spent / worked / macle / do / think / will give / didn’t give / won't have / have / "stay / was / see © Questions 1. What is your name? 2 Where were you born? 3. Where will you be next year? Possible answers 1. My name is (Yoshi) 2. Twas born in (Osaka). 3. Til be Gn Tokyo) next year: Listening bag / China / spring / best / April / Palace / Wall / killed / left / looked / taxi Vocabulary 1. solitary 5, talkative 9. laid-back 2. peaceful 6. appointment 10. crowded 7. outgoing 11. serious 4. icebreaker 8. messy Unit 2 Grammar B 1, Answering your phone in an elevator is rude. 2, It’s friendly to touch someone on the arm when you're talking, Making a phone call on the street is OK. Calling someone late at night isn't polit. It’s rude to look at someone directly: It’s normal to offer a visitor something to eat and drink. Shaking hands when you meet someone for the firs ime 8. Changing first impressions is dificult. © Ansivers will vary Listening evening / eleven / noon / 555-1295 / meeting / dinner / ight / hotel / voice / 555-7729 / tomorrow 126 Selfstudy answer key 5. cell phone 10, facial behavior 6. shake hands 11. psychologist 2. on hold 7. exchange 12, text message 3. standup 8. message Down 4. eye contact 9. rude 13. body language Unit 3 Grammar B Answers will ary. © How much / how many / a few / much / a litte / lamb / vegetables / many / potatoes / a cake / any / a litle Listening 300 / 4/1 / 250/25 / 1 / 160 / whites / almonds / 45 / heat / cool Vocabulary Across 8 recipe Down 6. spicy 1. spoonful 9. bake 2. flour 7. breakfast 3. seafood 10. vegetables 4. dessert 6. snack 11. appetizer 5. barbecue Unit 4 Grammar B 1. If its warm and sunny, Lalways walk to work. 2, Lwant to go to the beach if the weather is nice this weekend, 3. IF is cold outside, I sometimes feel depressed and lazy. 4. Twant to have a pienic in the park if it isn't rainy tomorrow. 5. If you're indoors during a thunderstorm, disconnect the TV. 6. Protect yourself against frostbite if you're outdoors during a blizzard, 7. Don't go out in a boat if you're outdoors during a thunderstorm, 8. IF you're outside in direct sunlight, use sunscreen. © Answers wil var. Listening cloudy / 30 / rained / showers / Wednesday / thunderstorm / flooded / sunny / pictures / snowed / spring Vocabulary 1. fall 6. typhoon 2 irritable 7. drought 3. cloudy 8, thunderstorm 4. depressed 9. outdoors 5. blizzard 10. forecast Unit 5 Grammar B 1. pleased / exciting / interesting / boring / bored 2. fascinating / fascinated / interesting / interested 3. surprising / amazing / interesting / thrilled © Answers will var. Listening dull / new / supportive / forward / late / overtime / money / boring / customers / busy / impatient Vocabulary [. lifeguard 5, Tunch break 9. salary 2. retired 6. workplace 10. pilot 3. unemployed 7. promotion 11. hospital erpreter 8, professional 12. supportive Grammar B 1. a. didn'thave to / would go, might go, or could go b. had / would go, might go, or could go 2. a, would make, might make, or could make / had >. didn't have to / would clean, might clean, or could clean 1. had / would cook, might cook, or ould cook } would rent, might rent, or could rent / didn't have Cla 2a 3b D Ansoers will vary. 8, Listening shopping / DVDs / food / cook / band / Guitar / Friday / First / exciting / satisfying / famous Vocabulary Across 6, productively 12, feeding 1. activity 7. rewarding 13. fixing 2. creative 8, satisfying Down 3. stimulating 9. laundry 4, time-consuming, 4. inexpensive 10, museum. 5. educational 1. relaxing Unit 7 Grammar B 1. volleyball 4. yoga 7. swimming 10. Frisbee 2 aerobics 5. hiking 8. puzzle 1. skiing: 3. sailing 6. table 9. weight —‘1. Scrabble tennis training © Answers wil var. Listening fan / soccer / goals / wider / basketball / high / teams / Olympics / Swimming / athletes / talent Vocabulary Across 8 team Down 5. volleyball 1. checkers 10. watching 2. card 7. seasonal 6. athlete 11. skill 3, equipment 9. luck 4, outdoor Unit 8 Grammar B 1. the best / faster than / easier 2. the easiest / better than / the slowest / the worst 3, the most beautifial / the largest / the most crowded, © Questions T. What's the worst transportation problem? ‘What's the best way to get to school? Is it easier to get around by car or on foot? What's the most beautiful city? Is it cheaper to travel by subway or bus? ‘When is the most crowded time to travel? Ansoers will vay. Listening ands / afternoon / mush / two / public / bus / 40 / taxi / ‘express / highway / midnight Vocabulary 1. driver 6. parking lot 11. downtown 2, dangerous 7, comfort 12. solution 3, subway 8. memorable 13. directions 4. pedestrian 9. motorbike 5. tafficjam 10. ridden Unit 9 Grammar B 1, Have / taken / spent / had 2. Did / go / went / Have / been / ‘ve been 3. ‘ve / taken / ‘ve / taken / went / ‘ve / been / ‘ve heard 4 Did / enjoy / loved / "ve been / was / liked / preferred © Answers will vary. Listening two / dream / planning / wet / coast / cliffs / beach / second / Canyon / weather / souvenir Vocabulary 1. camping 5, forests 9, mountains 2. desert 6. disappointing 10. skyscrapers 3, wildlife 7. coast 11, attraction, 4. cliffs 8. Canyon 12. tourist Self-study answer key 127 Unit 10 Grammar B Possible answers hhave to have / has to play / has to play / has to show / doesn’t have to show / has to include / should have / should cost / don't have to cost / should look for / doesn't have to be C Answers will vary, Listening makers / online / work / creamy / coffee / clean / salt / batteries / freezer / summer / crazy Vocabulary Across 9. warranty 10. hard drive 1. electronic 6. mierowave oven 1. compact 2 scisors 7. battery Down 3. gadget 8. sill photos, 12 lightweight 4 headphones 9. digital Unit 11 Grammar B Questions I. Do you know what animals are endangered? 2. Can you tell me what environmental problems you have? 3. Do you know what laws protect the environment? 4. Do you understand why some people don't care about the environment? 5. Can you tell me how we can protect endangered species? Possible answers don't know what animals are endangered, Tm not sure what environmental problems we have. Thave no idea what laws protect the environment. 1 don't understand why some people don’t care about the environment 5. Pm not sure how we can proteet endangered species, © Answers well vary. Listening ‘countries / forests / scientists / species / medicinal / cancer / medicines / flower / cures / destroyed / 50 Vocabulary Across 10, wild 3. insects 2 endangered 11. recycle 5. repair 4. captivity 12. mammals 6. reptiles 7. extinct Down 9. pets 8 predator 1. protect Unit 12 Grammar B 1. Last / while / While / when / later / When or After / ago / Then / yesterday 2 ago / When / When or Alter / later / last / later / while / when © Answers will vary. 128 Self-study answer key Listening German / bicycle / 22 / stealing / later / free / helping / station / chased / friend / quickly Vocabulary 1 headline” 6. Atlantic Ocean LL. trophy: 2 burglar 7, magazine 12, Internet 3. classifieds 8, honeymoon 13. happy ending 4 search 9, rescue 5. election 10, competition Unit 13 Grammar B 1. Please turn your cell phone off / turn off your cell phone, 2, We don’t want to wake up the children / wake the children up. 3. If he’s very late, 'm not going to wait for my friend. 4, We usually get around the city by bus or subway. 5. Loften call up my parents / call my parents up on the weekend. 6, Can you tell me how to plug in my laptop / plug my laptop in? © Questions ‘i [When you turn a light on, do you always turn it off? 2, When you receive a leter in the mail, do you cut it open? When you go out with a friend, what do you like to da? Do you recycle old newspapers and magazines, or do. you throw them out? 5. When people leave you a message, do you call chem back right away? Ansivers ill vay. Listening parents / friendly / stranger / especially / downtown / safe / neighborhood / town / entertainment / museums / knowing 3. 4 Vocabulary 1. conditioner 5. cautious 9. unlocked 2 confused 6. jewelry 10. shoplifter 3. country 7. inside 11, mugger 4 stranger 8, wallet 12. robber Unit 14 Grammar B 1. one / enjoys / Each / has / One / is / both / feel / Neither / likes / both / love 2. None / is / each / likes / Some / like / some / enjoy / some / love / all / do / All / have © Answers will var. Listening romantic / falling / worst / action / thrilled / discussions / problems / surprised / feelings / hating / boyfriend Vocabulary Across 5. posters 10, jazz 1. artistic 6. quotes 11. ainsings 2. theater 7. background 12. director 3, classical music 8 easy listening Down 4, special effects 9. favorite 13, self-portrait Unit 15 Grammar B was designed / was named / was murdered / were met / was shot / were destroyed / were onganized / were killed © Possible answers 1. The Bertin Wall was taken down by the Germans in 1989. 2. The church of Hagia Sophia was built by Emperor Justinian in the 6th century 3. Many people were killed by a tsunami in the Indian ‘Ocean in 2004, 4. The people of the United States were given the Statue of Liberty by France in 1876, 5. The city of New Orleans was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 6. The Taj Mahal was built by an Indian prince in the 17th century. Listening Guide I: Bridge / 1894 / 18 / one / grandsons / granddaughter Guide 2: cathedral / 1804 / 1812 / 1815 / 51 Vocabulary Across 11, century 5, childhood 2. guide 12. changed 6. historical 3. dae Down 7. building 8. lifetime 1. temple 10, memory. 9. statue 4. event Unit 16 Grammar B 1. Saturday Night Live is an American comedy show that / which began in 1975. XL is a popular program that / which is watched by millions of people every week. ‘There are many famous comedians who / that started their careers on SNL. 4. The show is famous for its hilarious parodies that / which make fan of celebrities 5. A favorite SNL character was a little girl who / that jumped on her bed and sang. 6, Will Ferrell and Adam Sandler are two actors who / that became famous on SNL. 7. There are comedy shows all over the world that / which ‘were inspired by SNL. 8, Steve Martin is an actor who / that has hosted the show 13 times. © Answers will var. Listening Jack: examined / three / green / blue / red “Mary: operation / hospital / nurse / simple / worry / comfort Vocabulary 1. hilarious 5. chuckle 9. comedian 2. slapstick 6. giggle 10. punch line 3. cartoon 7. funniest II, riddle 4. joke 8. comedy show 12. envelope Self-study answer key 129 L adults. This three-level to develop oral communica activities guarantee units in each level a ‘encouraging stud ), Class Audio CDs, and a Teachers Manual. Level ediate students. ent pair and group work acti rtunities to share ideas. \Vocabulary-building exercises prepare learners to discuss '& Expansion sections review key language ina fun, fluency-building way. { © Communication tasks in every unit provide additional speaking practice. '& Flexible lessons adapt to large and small classes. An extensive Self-study section provides grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice. Features of the Teacher's Manual & Detailed notes give teaching steps, tips, key vocabulary, and answers. Language objectives for every activity highlight * learning expectations. A program of tests and quizzes allows for assessment flexibility. §® Model conversations provide additional language support. § Talking points provide optional photocopiable activities. A separate section for audio scripts allows for easy photocopying. ai CAMBRIDGE cb) oage Seago worn. cambridge org

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