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herramientas 169 hidrolítico

de fogón (cal), fire . tools hidratado, hydrated; hydrous,

de fragua, blacksmith tools. hidratador to, hydrator.
•---- de percusión (pet), cable tools. hidratar, to hydrate,
de yunque, anvil tools. hidratoto, hydrate.
----- deflectoras (pet), deflecting toob . • -----
de calcio, calcium hydrate or hydroxide.
■---- torneadoras, lathe toob. -----
de cloro, chlorine hydrate.
herranza / ( Col), blacksmith work, -----
de sodio, sodium hydrato or hydroxide,
herrar, to shoe horses, do blacksmith work, caustic soda,
herrería/, blacksmithing; blacksmith shop; iron­ / , hydraulics.
work. -----
- aplicada, applied hydraulics.
----- artísticaA( ), ornamental ironwork . hidraulicidad / , hydraulicity.
•---- de ángulos (en), anglesmithing. hidráulico to, hydraulic engineer; a hydraulic.
•---- de obra, structural ironwork. hidraulista to (E s), hydraulic engineer.
herrero m, blacksmith. hidrico, hydric.
----- armador, iron erector. hidriódico (quim), hydriodic.
■---- carrocero, blacksmith for wagons. hidroarenisca/ (Es), an artificial sandstone.
■---- de arte, maker or erector of ornamental hidroavión m, seaplane, hydroplane, flying boat.
ironwork. hidrobarómetro to, hydrobarometer.
----- de grueso, structural ironworker; black-. hidrobiología / , hydrobiology.
smith. hidrobiológico, hydrobiological.
----- de obra, structural-iron erector, steelworker. hidrobrómico, hydrobromic.
herrín m, iron rust. hidrocaliza/ (Es), an artificial limestone.
h errumbre / , rust. hidrocarbonato m, hydrocarbonate.
herrumbroso, rusty. hidrocarburo to, hydrocarbon.
hertziano (elèe), hertzian. hidrociánico, hydrocyanic.
hertzio to, hertz (unit of frequency). hidrocianuro, hydrocyanide, hydrocyanate.
hervidero m, water leg of a boiler. hidrocinético, hydrokinetic.
hervidor m, small boiler; water leg. hidroclorato to, hydrochlorate.
----- de aceite, oil boiler. hidroclórico, hydrochloric.
-— de inmersión (elèe), immersion heater, hidrocloruro m, hydrochloride.
hervir, to boil, -----de bencidina (is), benzidine hydrochloride.
hervor m, boiling, ebullition, -----de hidroxilamina (is), hydroxylamine hydro­
hesita / (miner), hessite, telluric silver, chloride.
h eterodina/ (ra), heterodyne, hidrocodimero to (pet), hydrocodimer,
heterodinaje to (ra)(A), heterodyning, hidrodifusión / , hydrodiffusion,
heterodinar, to heterodyne, hidrodinámica / , hydrodynamics,
heterodino a, heterodyne, hidrodinámico, hydrodynamic; streamlined,
heterogéneo, heterogeneous, hidroelectricidad / , hydroelectricity,
heterostático, heterostatic, hidroeléctrico, hydroelectric,
heterotrófico, heterotrophic. hidroextractor to, centrifugal drier, hydroextrac­
heumita / (geol), heumite. tor.
hexaédrico, hexahedral. hidrófilo, absorbent, hydrophilic,
hexaedro m, hexahedron, hidrófono m, hydrophone,
hexafásico, six-phase, hidroformación / (pet), hydroforming,
hexagonal, hexagonal, hidróforo m, hydrophore.
hexágono to, hexagon; a hexagonal, hidrófugo to, waterproofing com pound; a water­
hexahidrato to (quim), hexahydrate. proof.
hexahidrico, hexahydric. hidrogenado, hydrogenous,
hexametafosfato to, hexametaphosphate. hidrogenar, to hydrogenize, hydrogenate,
hexametilentetramina / (is), hexamethylenetet- hidrogeneración / (eléc), hydrogeneration,
ramine. hidrogenión to, hydrogen ion.
hexángulo, hexangular. hidrógeno m, hydrogen.
hexano to (quim), hexane, -----sulfurado, sulphurated hydrogen, (min)
hexapolar (elèe), six-pole, stinkdamp.
hexavalente (quim), hexavalent. hidrognosia / , hydrognosy.
hexodo to a (ra)(tel), hexode. hidrografía / , hydrography,
hialino a, hyaline. hidrografiar, to make a hydrographic survey,
liialobasalto m (geol), hyalobasalt, basalt glass. hidrográfico, hydrographic,
híbrido (elèe) (geol), hybrid. hidrógrafo to, hydrograph; hydrographer.
hicoria / , hickory. -----de retroceso, recessional hydrograph.
hidrácido to, hydracid. -----unitario, unit hydrograph, unitgraph.
hi Jranteto, hydrant. hidrogramato (A )(M ), hydrograph,
----- anticongelante, antifreezing hydrant. h idrolasa/ (is), hydrolase,
----- de incendio, fire hydrant. h id r ó lis is /(quim), hydrolysis,
hldratable, hydratable. hidrolita/, hydrolyte .
bidratación / , hydration. hidrolítico, hydrolytic.
170 hietal

hidrolizar, to hydrolyze, ----- al coque, coke iron.

hidrología / , hydrology, ----- al molibdeno, ferromolybdenum.
hidrológico, hydrologic . _ ----- al níquel, ferronickel.
hidrologista to, hydrologist; hydraulic engineer, ----- al titanio, ferrotitanium.
hidrólogo to, hydrologist. ----- acanalado, corrugated iron.
hidromático, hydromatic. ----- acerado, semisteel.
hidromec&nica/ , hydromechanics, ----- afinado, refined iron.
hidromecanico, hydromechanical, ----- alfa, alpha iron.
hidromensor to, stream gager, ——angular, angle iron, (sb) angle bar.
hidromensura / , stream gaging, ----- arsenical, arsenopyrite, mispickel.
hidrometalurgia / , hydrometallurgy, ----- batido, wrought iron.
hidrómetra m (Es), stream gager, ----- beta, beta iron.
hidrometría / , measurement of flow, stream gag­ ----- casual (ct)(az), tramp iron.
ing; (A) ( C) hydrometry. ■-----cochino, pig iron.
hidrométrico, hydrometric. ----- colado, cast iron.
hidrómetro m, stream gage, current meter; A) ----- (cromado, (miner) chromite.
(C) hydrometer, ----- crudo fundido, chill cast pig.
hidromotor, hydromotor. ----- cuadrante (Es), Phoenix-column segment.
hidroneumátíco, hydropneumatic, ----- de canal, channel iron.
hidroplano m, seaplane, ----- de carbón vegetal, charcoal iron.
hidroprensa / , hydropress, ----- de cepillo, a plane iron.
hidroquinona / , hydroqúinone. ----- de desecho, scrap iron, junk.
hidroseparador m, hydroseparator, ----- de doble afinación, double-refined iron.
hidrosilicato to, hydrosilicate, ----- de fragua, wrought iron.
hidroso, hydrous, ----- de fundición, cast iron.
hidrostática / , hydrostatics, ----- de lingote, ingot iron; pig iron.
hidrostático, hydrostatic, ----- de marcar, a branding iron.
hidrostato m, hydrostat. ----- de paquete (Es), ingot iron.
hidrosulfato to, hydrosulphate, ----- de parrilla, grate bar.
hidrosulfito to, hydrosulphite, ----- de primera fusión, pig iron.
hidrosulfuro to, hydrosulphide, ----- de recalcar, calking tool.
hidrotaquimetro m, hydrotachymeter. ----- delta, delta iron.
hidrotasimetro to, hydrotasimeter. ----- doble T, I beam.
hidrotecnia/, hydraulics, hydraulic engineering, ----- dulce, wrought iron; ingot iron.
hidrotécnico to, hydraulic engineer; o hydro- ----- dulce de fusión, malleable cast iron.
technical. -----
• en bruto, pig iron.
hidrotermal, hidrotérmico, hydrothermal, ----- ele A), ( angle iron with unequal legs; any
hidrotimetria/ , hydrotimetry. angle iron .
hidrotimétrico, hydrotimetric. — - espático, spathic iron, siderite.
hidrotlmetro, hydrotimeter. ----- especular, specular iron, spiegeleisen.
hidrófita/, Hydrotite (trademark)(pipe ----- espinela (miner), iron spinel, hercynite.
hidrotratador to, Hydrotreator (trademark). ----- fangoso, bog iron ore, limonite.
hidróxido to, hydroxide, hydrate. ----- forjable, malleable iron.
-----calcico, calcium hydroxide or hydrate, ----- forjado o fraguado, wrought iron.
slaked lime. ----- - forjado legítimo, genuine wrought iron.
-----de aluminio, aluminum hydroxide, (miner) ----- fundido o moldeado, cast iron.
gibbsite. ----- gamma, gamma iron.
de magnesio, magnesium hydroxide, (miner) ----- guardaborde, curb bar.
brucite. ----- 1,1 beam.
de potasio, potassium hydroxide, caustic ----- laminado, rolled iron.
potash. ----- magnético, magnetite, magnetic iron ore.
de sodio, sodium hydroxide, caustic soda. ----- manganésico, ferromanganese.
hidroxilto, hydroiyl. ----- ondulado, corrugated iron.
hidroxilar, to hydroxylate. ----- pantanoso, swamp ore, limonite.
hidroyector to, ejector, ----- pardo (miner), limonite, brown hematite.
hidruroto, hydride, ----- perflado, structural shapes.
hieloto, ice. ----- semiacerado (P e), semisteel.
-----de anclas (hid), anchor ice. ----- soldador, a soldering iron.
-----de cloro (pa), chlorine ice or hydrate. ----- T, T iron, T bar.
-----de chispas, frazil ice. ----- tableado (Es), flat iron.
-----de fondo, anchor ice, ground ice. ----- U, channel iron.
-----flotante,- drift ice. ----- D cuadrado, square channel.
-----seco, dry ice. ----- vaciado, cast iron.
hierroto, iron; iron of a plane; any iron imple­ ----- viejo, scrap, junk.
ment. ----- Z, Z bar.
al carbón de leña, charcoal iron. hietal, hyetal, pluvial.

hietografía ^71
hietografía / , hyetography, science of rain —— de dis­ tablestacas, sheeting hammer,
hincadura (/) de pilotes, pile driving,
hietógrafo m (mrl), hyetograph . hincapilotes m (A), pile driver .
hietología / (mrl), hyetology. ----- de caída, drop hammer.
hietológico, hyetological.
hincar, (pi) to drive; (mt) to bite, cut, sink.
hietómetro m, hyetometer, rain gage, ----- a rechazo, to drive to refusal.
hietometrógrafo to, hyetometrograph, self-reg­ hincharse, to swell; (rd) to mushroom,
istering rain gage,
hinchazón/, swelling, bulking,
higiene / , hygiene.
h ipérbola/, hyperbola,
----- pública, public health.
hiperbólico, hyperbolic,
higiénico, hygienic,
hiperboloide to, hyperboloid,
higienista, hygienist.
hipercompound (eléc), overcompounded,
higienizar, to make sanitary, hygienize.
hiperestático (A )(V ), statically indeterminate,
higrégrafo to (mrl), hygrograph.
hipereutectoide (met), hypereutectoid.
higrometría / (mrl), hygrometry. hiperfocal, hyperfocal.
higrométrico, hygrometric.
hiperfrecuencia / (ra), hyperfrequency,
higrómetro m, hygrometer.
hlpersensibilizado, hypersensitized,
de cabello, hair hygrometer. hipocicloide / , hypocycloid.
— registrador, hygrograph.
hipoclorador to, hypochlorinator.
higroscopicidad / , hygroscopicity. hipoclorito m, hypochlorite,
higroscópico, hygroscopic,
hipocloroso, hypochlorous.
higroscopio m (mrl), hygroscope. hipocristalino, hypocrystalline.
higrostática/ , hygrostatics.
hipoeutectoide (met), hypoeutectoid.
higróstato m (aa), hygrostat, humidistat. hipoidal a (maq), liypoid.
higrotérmico, hygrothermal. hipomóvil (A), horse-drawn,
higrotermógrafo to, hygrothermograph. hiposulfito (to) de sodio, sodium hyposulphite
h icieron to, a South American softwood, hypo. '
hijuela / , subsidiary irrigation ditch; branch h ipoteca/, mortgage.
sewer; small vein of ore. ----- posterior, junior mortgage.
hila / (Es), a measure of irrigation water (about —— refundente ( C), refunding mortgage,
liters per sec), hipotecar, to mortgage,
hilas / ( C), cotton waste, hipotenusa/, hypotenuse,
hilacha (/) de algodón, cotton waste, hipótesis/, hypothesis,
hilacha de acero, steel wool, hipsografia / , hypsography.
h ilada/, layer, course, (cone) lift. hipsográfico, hypsographic.
atizonada o de cabezal (mam), header course. to, hypsograph.
----- de coronación (mam), coping. hipsometria /, hypsometry.
de faja (mam), stretcher course, hipsométrico, hypsometric,
voladiza (mam), corbel course, hipsómetro m, hypsometer.
hilaza (/) de asbesto, asbestos yarn,
histeresimetro to (eléc), hysteresis meter, hyster-
hilera / , purlin; ridgepole; (mas) course; (met) esimeter.
wire-drawing plant; kind of brickmaking histéresis / , hysteresis.
dieléctrica, dielectric hysteresis or absorp­
a diamante (met), diamond dies, tion.
hilo to, wire; thread; (M ) strand; (C) screw elastica o mecanica, mechanical or elastic
thread; small vein of ore. hysteresis.
de contacto (eléc) (Ch), contact wire, ----- magnética, magnetic hysteresis or friction.
de guardia (eléc), guard wire, viscosa, viscous hysteresis, magnetic creep­
de masa (auto), ground wire. ing.
----- de plomada, plumb line. histerético, hysteretic.
----- de velas, sail twine. histogramato, histogram.
de Wollaston (inst), Wollaston wire. hita / , brad, finishing nail.
----- fusible (eléc), fuse wire. hito m, survey monument; guidepost.
----- piloto, pilot wire. ----- de límite, boundary monument.
hitónto (min), driftbolt, spike,
aplastados (cab)(M ), flattened strand. hocinoto, gorge, narrows, canyon,
----- del retículo o en cruz (inst), cross hairs. hodógrafo to, odograph.
----- estadimétricos (M ), stadia wires. hodómetroto, odometer,
■ taquimétricos, stadia wires. hogarto, furnace, firebox.
----- taquimétricos desvanecedores, disappearing ----- abierto, de, open-heárth (steel).
stadia hairs, — - escoriador, slag hearth,
hinca, hincada / (pi), driving,
h o ja /, leaf; sheet; ply; blade; pane (glass), li
hincador to, driver.
window sash; leaf of a door; leaf of a spring'
de postes de cerco, fence-post driver. (A) land of a twist drill,
----- de tubo, pipe driver. ancha, de (árbol), broadleaf, deciduous,
hincadora/, driver.
batiente, casement sash, hinged. window
172 hormigonera
hondura/, depth; (top) depression,
—calibradora, thickness gage,. feeler
hongo m, (bldg) mushroom head of a column;
—corta, shortleaf (pine). (str) button head of a rivet; (rr) head of
—de aluminio, aluminum foil.
—de balance (A), balance sheet. rail; fungus,
—de computaciones, work sheet. hongos, fungi,
honorario m, fee.
— de cuchillo, knife blade.
— de elástico, leaf of a spring. h o ra /, hour.
— de empuje (ec), bulldozer, Bullgrader, Road- horas extraordinarias, overtime,
horadador m, driller.
builder .
— de empuje a cable, cable-controlled bull­ horadar, to drill, bore, perforate; A) (tun)(
drive .
dozer. ,
_ de empuje angular, trailbuilder, Roadounder, horado m, drilled hole, through hole,
angledozer, Bullgrader, Gradebuilder.Doze- h orca /, gallows frame; fork,
horcajadas, a, straddling.
horcajo m, confluence, junction of streams; yoke;
— de estaño, tin foil.
__ de estaño emplomado, terneplate. fork.
— de lata, tin plate. horizontal, horizontal,
— de latón, sheet brass. horizontalidad / , horizontality.
— de madera, veneer. horizontalizar (V), to make horizontal,
— de oro, gold leaf or foil. horizontar (Es), to level, make horizontal,
— de pedido (V), order blank. horizonte m, stratum, horizon.
— de plomo, lead foil. ----- acuifero, water-bearing stratum.
— de ruta (tr), waybill. ----- -artificial (inst), artificial horizon.
----- de correlación (geof), correlation horizon.
— de sierra, saw blade.
— de trébol (ca), clover-leaf (intersection). ----- de imagen (fm a), horizon trace.
----- de reflexión (geof), reflecting layer or hori­
----- larga, longleaf (pine).
----- maestra, main leaf (spring). zon.
----- metálica, sheet metal; metal leaf, foil. ----- imaginario (geol), phantom horizon.
----- niveladora (ec), scraper blade. ----- real, true horizon.
___ para taludes (ca), sloper blade, backsloper. ----- sensible o visible, apparent or local or visible
----- punzante (ec), Stinger blade (trademark). horizon.
----- topadora (ec), bulldozer. h orm a /, mold, form ; dry wall; ( Col) bed of sand
h ojalata/, tin plate; sheet metal. under tile pavement,
----- al coque, coke tin plate. hormiga if) blanca, termite, white ant.
hojalatería / , tinsmithing, sheet-metal work; hormigónm, concrete.
sheet-metal shop, ----- acorazado, armored concrete.
hojalatero m, tinsmith, sheet-metal worker, ■
----- armado, reinforced concrete.
h ojarasca/, dead leaves, trash, rubbish., ----- bituminoso, bituminous concrete.
hojear ( M ), to slice a log for veneering, ----- ciclópeo, cyclopean or rubble concrete.
----- clavable o clavadizo A), (nailing concrete
holgura / (maq), play,
holoclástico (geol), holoclastic . ----- de acero (E s), facing concrete.
holófano, Holophane (trademark), ----- de alquitrán, tar concrete.
holómetro m, holometer, pantometer. ----- de aserrín, sawdust concrete.
holostérico, holosteric. ----- de carbonilla (A ), cinder concrete.
----- de fábrica (A), ready-mixed concrete.
holozoico (is), holozoic.
hollín m, soot, lampblack. ----- elaborado, ready-mixed concrete.
hollinarse, to foul (spark plug), to become-sooty. ----- en masa, mass concrete.
hollinero m, soot catcher, chimney cap. ----- enjuto o magro, lean concrete.
holliniento, sooty. ----- gordo o graso, rich concrete.
hombre viejo m (fc)( C ), old man, rail bender, ----- ■mosaico, road surface made b y binding mac-.
hombrillo m, bench on a sidehill; shoulder of aadam with cement grout. ,.
road. ----- pobre, lean concrete.
hombro m (carp), shoulder. ---- -reforzado, reinforced concrete.
homoclinal m'(geol)', homocline; a homoclinal. ----- simple, plain concrete.
homogeneidad / , homogeneity. ----- tosco (A), harsh concrete.
homogéneo, homogeneous. hormigonada/ , a pour, a lift,
homogenizar, to homogenize. hormigonado aparte (P R ), precast,
homologa / (mat) (quím), homologue. hormigonajeto, concreting,
homología / , homology. hormigonar, to concrete,
homólogo, homologous. hormigonera/, concrete mixer .
homopolar (eléc), homopolar. ----- ambulante (A), transit mixer.
homosista, homoseismal, coseismal. ----- automóvil o de camión, transit or truck
h on d a /, sling. mixer.
hondom, depth; bottom ; a deep, low. ----- no volcable, nontilting mixer.
hondonada / (top), low land; (U) saddle, ----- para edificación, building mixer.
■ paving mixer.
hormigonera 173 huella
----- por cargas, batch mixer .
----- de recalentar (met), soaking furnace.
• trailer mixer.
----- de reverbero, reverberatory or air furnace.
----- volcadora, tilting mixer.
----- de soldar, welding furnace.
hormigueros m (conc), honeycomb, ----- de zamarras (met), bloomery.
hornablenda/ (miner), hornblende, amphibole.
----- incinerador de basura, garbage incinertor.
----- esquistosa, hornblende schist. -----para machos (fund), core oven.
homabléndico, hornblendie.
-----para subproductos, by-product coke oven.
hornablendifero, containing hornblende, -----periódico, periodic kiln.
hornablendita / (geol), hornblendite.
-----Siemens-Martin, open-hearth furnace.
hornada/, (met) a melt; (conc)(A) a batch,
horqueta/, yoke; fork of a road; fork of a stream.
hornaguera/, coal,
-----de trole, trolley harp.
h orn a lla / (A), brickkiln; furnace,
-----y tornillo exterior (vá), outside screw and
hornaza/, small furnace, yoke.
hornfelsa/ (geol), hornfels.
horquilla / , fork; yoke; clevis; wishbone (con­
hornillo m, small furnace, fire pot; (min)(Sp) struction) .
chamber for a blast.
con guardacabo (eléc), thimble clevis.
■ de destemplar, annealing furnace. ----- de anillo, clevis ring.
----- de estañador, tinner’s furnace. de balasto (fc), ballast or stone fork.
para soldar, plumber’s furnace, gasoline ----- de cambio (auto), shifter yoke or fork.
----- de correa, belt fork.
horno m, furnace, kiln, oven.
de desembrague (auto), clutch-release yoke,
----- a petróleo, oil furnace.
de pletina (eléc), bent-strap clevis.
----- abierto (met) ( C), open hearth. ----- estructural, bridge clevis.
convertidor (met), converting furnace. guardacable (eléc), thimble clevis,
----- crematorio, incinerator. para medidor (agua), meter yoke.
- ■de arco voltaico (met), electric-arc ----- furnace.
para riel, rail fork.
de balanceo, rocking furnace.
portaaislador, insulated fork or clevis,
de base corrediza, car-bottom furnace. terminal (elóe), dead-ending clevis.
de caja, box-type furnace. ----- universal (eléc), universal clevis.
de cal, limekiln. horquillado, forked,
de calcinar, calcining furnace. horsteno m (geol), chert,
de calentadores eléctricos, resistor furnace.
hortegón m (PR ), a hardwood,
----- de calor ascendente, updraft kiln. hoya / , basin, drainage area, watershed,
■— de calor descendente, downdraft kiln. de inundación, flooded area,
-----de cámara múltiple, chamber kiln (brick).
hidrográfica o hidrológica o surtidora o tribu­
de carbón animal (az), char kiln. taria o de captación o de drenaje, catch­
de carga completa, batch-type furnace. ment or drainage area, watershed,
de carro, car-type furnace. hoyada / (top) , depression,
de cementar (met), cementation furnace. hoyadorm (C), posthole digger,
de cemento, cement kiln. hoyar (C)(Ch), to dig holes,
•---- de cocer, baking oven. hoyo m, hole, pit.
■---- de cok, coke oven. ----- de colada (fund), casting pit.
de combustión arriba, overfired furnace. ----- de disparo (geof), shot hole.
-r=: de combustión lateral, side-fired furnace. ----- de poste, posthole.
----- de combustión por debajo, underfired ----- fur­
para cenizas, ashpit.
nace. h o z /, (t) sickle; (top) pass, defile, gap.
de conductor, conveyor furnace. huacal m, crate; (M ) cribwork.
de copela, cupeling furnace. huaico m A()(Pe), obstruction in a river made

---- de crisol, crucible or pot furnace. by material washed from the hills,
de cuba o de cubilote, shaft furnace.huaipem, cotton waste .
----- de ensayar, assay furnace. ----- mineral, mineral wool.
----- de escorificación, slag furnace. h u a iron a /(P e), limekiln,
----- de forjar, forging furnace. huaro m (Pe), cable ferry,
— •de foso, pit furnace. huebnerita/, huebnerite (tungsten ore),
----- de fundición, smelting furnace, (Mhueco ) blast 7/i, void, hollow, cavity; a hollow.
furnace. ----- del ascensor, elevator shaft.
de hogar abierto, open-hearth furnace, ----- de escalera, stair well.
de hogar de rodillos, roller-hearth furnace,
h uelga/, strike.
de hogar rotatorio, rotary-hearth furnace,----- patronal, lockout.
de inducción, induction furnace. huelgo m (maq), play, allowance.
----- de ladrillos, brickkiln. ----- negativo, negative allowance.
----- de manga, cupola furnace. ----- positivo, positive allowance, neutral zone.
----- de muña, muffle furnace. huelguista, striker.
----- de núcleos, core oven. h uella/, stair tread, run; trail, track, rut; width
de pudelar (m et), puddling furnace, of tread of a vehicle; (miner) streak; (Sp)
-— de quema (U), incinerator. tread of a tire.
174 iluminómetro
___ antirresbaladiza o de seguridad (es), safety hundir, to sink; hundirse, to settle; to sink, foun­
der; to cave in.
huincha (/) aisladora (Ch), insulating tape, huracán to, hurricane.
hurgón to, slice bar, poker, clinker bar, fire hook,
huincha de acero (Ch)(B ), steel tape,
huinchada/ (Ch), tape measurement, slash bar.
hurgonear, to trim a fire.
huinche m (Ch), hoisting engine.
husillo to, shank; stud, mandrel, spindle, sheave
----- a bencina, gasoline hoist.
pin; small drum.
----- de buque, cargo hoist.
-----de la contrapunta (mh), tailstock spindle.
----- de cablevia, cableway engine.
de perilla, knob spindle,
—— de extracción, mine hoist.
----- de tambor único, single-drum hoist. de torno, lathe spindle.
huinchero m (Ch), hoist runner, hoisting engi­ ----- fijo (mh), dead spindle.
■— ■giratorio (mh), live spindle.
neer. -----simple, de (mh), single-spindle.
huíngaro m (M ), pick,
huso to, drum, winch head.
hule to, rubber; oilcloth,
•de torno, lathe spindle.
hulla/, coal.
-----aglutinante, caking coal.
----- antracitosa, anthracite.
----- blanca, water power (white coal).
ibiraina to, ibiraperê to, ibirapitá to, ibiraró to,
-----brillante, hard coal.
----- conglutinante, caking or cokmg coal. South American hardwoods,
icnografía/, ichnography, ground plan,
-----de caldera, steam coal.
----- de fragua, blacksmith coal. icnográfico, ichnographic.
iconometria / , iconometry.
-----grasa, soft coal.
iconómetro to, iconometer.
----- magra, noncoking coal.
----- seca, dry or nonvolatile coal. iconoscópico, iconoscopic.
hullera/, coal mine, colliery. iconoscopio to, iconoscope,
idear, to design; to plan,
----- a tajo abierto, strip mine.
hullero to, coal miner; a pertaining to coal, idiostático (eléc), idiostatic.
idocrasa/ (miner), idocrase, vesuviamte.
hullifero, coal-bearing,
idoneidad/, competence, capcity.
humato (m)de calcio, calcium húmate,
igarapés to, branches of a river (especially the
humear, to smoke, emit smoke; to fume.
- humectar, to wet, dampen, moisten, Amazon),
humedad /, humidity, dampness, moisture.ígneo, igneous,
----- absoluta (mrl) (aa), absolute humidity. ígneotubular (cal), fire-tube.
----- capilar, capillary moisture. ignición / , ignition.
— a contratiempo (auto), backfire.
----- de cantera, quarry water.
----- de equilibrio (mad), equilibrium moisture — por compresión, compression ignition.
— por chispa, spark ignition,
----- equivalente de campo o del terreno (ms), ignifugar (Es), to fireproof,
field moisture equivalent. ignífugo, fire-resisting,
----- equivalente de centrífuga (ms), centrifuge ignitor to (ra), ignitor.
moisture equivalent. ignitrón m (eléc), ignitrón.
----- específica (aa), specific humidity, humidity igualación (/) de impedancia (ra), impedance
-----■ relativa (mrl) (aa), relative humidity. igualador m, equalizer.
humedecedor to, humidifier; dampener. — de atenuación (ra), attenuation equalizer.
----- a vapor, steam humidifier. — de caminos, road planer.
----- de artesa, pan humidifier. — de dientes (si), jointer.
humedecer, to humidify, dampen, moisten, — de gasto, flow equalizer.
----- de retraso (ra), delay equalizer.
húmedo, wet, damp,
igualar, to equalize; to level, smooth off; to joint
humero to, flue; breeching, smokejack.
húmico, humic. (saw).
humidificador to (A ), humidifier, igualdad / , equality; uniformity; evenness;
humidificar (A), to humidify, (math) equation,
humidistato to (aa), humidistat, hygrostat . ilmenita/ (miner), ilmenite. ^
----- de acción graduada, gradual-acting humid­ iluminación/, illumination; lighting.
----- de cátodo frío, cold-cathode lighting.
----- positivo, positive or quick-acting humid­ ----- de caveto o por bovedilla, cove lighting.
----- difusa, diffused illumination.
----- proyectada, floodlighting; spot lighting.
humo to, smojce; fume; (min) damp.
----- de acetileno, acetylene black. ----- unitaria, specific illumination.
iluminador m, illuminator, illuminant; a illumi­
humotubular ( M ), fire-tube (boiler),
humpe m .(min), chokedamp, blackdamp. nant.
iluminar, to light, illuminate.
humus m, humus, iluminómetro m (il), iliuminometer, luminometer.
hundido to (geol) ( M ), dip .
imadas / (en), launching ways,
imponente, investor.
imagen / (tv)(fm a), .image
importe to, amount; price, value.
----- falsa o fantasma (tv), ghost image.
latente (fma), latent image, im posta/, skewback; impost; (Sp) belt course.
impotable, impotable.
real (óptica), real image.
impregnado de aceite, oil-impregnated.
-— -virtual (óptica), virtual image,
imán to, magnet. impregnar, to impregnate.
impresión/, print; printing.
----- amortiguador o frenante, damping magnet.
----- anular, ring magnet. a contacto, (photo) contact printing; contact
-----apagador, blowout magnet.
a proyección (fma), projection printing.
compensador, compensating magnet, — - azul, blueprint.
de herradura, horseshoe magnet.
----- inductor, field magnet. fotográfica, photoprinting; photoprint.
- ■sepia (fma), sepia print,
laminado, compound magnet, magnetic bat­
tery. impreso (to) litogràfico, lithoprint,
impresora / , printing machine,
- levantador, lifting magnet,
a contacto, contact printer,
imanación / , magnetization.
reductora (fma), reducing printer.
- ■transversal, cross magnetization,
unanador to, magnetizer. • restituidora (fma), restitution printer.
imanar, imantar, to magnetize, ■ transformadora (fma), transforming printer,
imprevistos to, contingencies.
imbibición / , imbibition,
imprimador to (pint) (ca), primer,
imbornal m, scupper; sewer inlet,
imprimar, to prime,
imbornales de varenga (cn), limber holes,
imbricados imbricated, lapped, improbación/, disapproval, rejection,
impacción/, impact, impuesto to, tax.
impacto m, impact. a la renta, income tax.
- de aterrizaje (ap), landing impact, ;— sobre ventas, sales tax.
impactor to, impactor. impulsar, to drive, actuate, operate,
impalpable, impalpable. impulsión/, discharge; impulse; drive; momen
impar, uneven (number), odd.
impedancia/ (eléc), impedance. a barra de acoplamiento (Joco eléc), rod
amortiguada, blocked or damped impedance
I horquilla (loco eléc), yoke drive.
----- anódica o de placa (ra), plate or anode im­
pedance. ■ ¿ vanina (loco eléc), quill drive.
a varillaje (loco elèe), linkage drive,
característica o de sobretensión, character­ de cadena, chain drive,
istic or surge impedance,
final (auto), final drive,
cinética (tel), motional impedance,
por agua (pet), water drive.
de entrada (ra), input impedance, ----- por correa, belt drive.
de salida (ra), output impedance,
por cuatro ruedas, four-wheel drive,
de traspaso, transfer impedance, por maroma, rope drive,
electrodica (ra), electrode impedance, impulso to, impulse; momentum,
equilibrada (ra), matched impedance,
impulsor to, impeller, (pu) runner; tappet,
propia (A), self-impedance, abierto (bm), open impeller.
reflejada, coupled or reflected impedance.
----- de admisión simple (bm), single-inlet impel-
-— terminal, terminating impedance, ler.
impedancias conjugadas, conjugate impedances, de bujes, bushing driver,
unpederreventones to (pet)(V), blowout preven­
ter. de paletas alabeadas (bm), warped-vane
impedómetro m, impedance ineter, impedometer. ----- de la válvula (mg), tappet rod.
impeler, to drive,
encerrado (bm), shrouded or fully enclosed
impenetrable al polvo, dust-tight, impeller.
impermeabilidad / , impermeability, watertight­
ness. - semiencerrado (bm ), semienclosed impeller.
impulsores opuestos (bm), opposed impellers.
impermeabilización / , waterproofing, damp- impurezas / , impurities.
impurificar, to contaminate.
impermeabilizador to, waterproofer. inaccesible, inaccessible.
impermeabilizante to, waterproofing material, inactivación / (quim), inactivation.
impermeabilizar, to waterproof, inactivo, inactive.
impermeable, impermeable, impervious, water­ inalámbrico, wireless.
inanublable, shadowproof.
impermeables to, oilskins, waterproof clothing,
ímpetu to, impetus, inastillable (vi), nonshattering, splinterproof.
impetuoso (r), flashy, inatascable, obstructionproof, clogless (pump).
implementos to, tools, incandescencia/, incandescence.
incandescente, incandescent.
implícito (mat), implicit,
incapacidad (/) absoluta, total disability.
impolarizable, nonpolarizing.
incendiano m (voi), squib.
incendio 176
de cambio (fc) A ),(switch signal,
incendiom, fire, de cambio de frecuencia (ra), frequency
incidencia / (mat), incidence, deviation meter,
incidente a (mat), incident, del canal (ra), channel indicator,
incienso m, a South American hardwood,
de carátula, dial indicator,
incinerador m, incinerator . de carga, load indicator; (auto) battery gage,
___ de basura, destructor, garbage incinerator.
de caudal (hid), flow indicator,
___ de cieno (dac), sludge incinerator. _ _
de columna (tub), post indicator .
___ de hogar multiple, multiple-hearth rncmera-
• de consistencia, consistency meter.
tor. -de convergencia (auto), toe-in gage.
incinerar, to incinerate, ■ de deriva (fma), drift indicator.
incipiente, incipient, de— desviación (pet), drift indicator.
inciso, incised. de— dirección, direction indicator, (ap) direc­
incunable, tilting, inclinable. _
inclinación/, dip, grade, inclination, slope, piten, tional marker.
— escapes, leak detector.
rake; (pmy) tilt, tip. ^ v de
— esfuerzo, stress meter.
___ magnética, magnetic dip or inclination.
— estabilidad (pa), stability indicator.
inclinarse, to slope, rake; (geol) to dip. —de exceso de velocidad, overspeed tachom-
inclinômetro m, clinometer, inclinometer; dip
meter. —dtffalta de oxígeno (dac), oxygen-demand
inclusiôh/ (m ec)(sol)(geol), inclusion.
----- de escoria (sol), slag inclusion-.
—de fases (eléc), phase indicator.
----- gaseosa (sol), gas inclusion.
—de flecha, deflection gage.
inclusivo, inclusive, - d e foco del farol (auto), beam-indicator
incógnita / , unknown quantity,
incoloro, colorless. —de fuga (eléc), fault localizer.
incombustíbilización /, fireproonng.
—de gasolina (auto), fuel gage.
incombustible, fireproof, incombustible, — de g a s to (hid), rate-of-flow gage, flow indica­
incompresible, incompressible,
incondensable, incondensable, tor.
— de golpeo, (eng) knock meter.
inconductible, nonconducting,
— de humedad, moisture meter.
incongelable, frostproof, nonfreezing.
— de humo, smoke detector.
inconsistente, unstable (ground), loose, not com­
— de inclinación, inclination gage; (pmy) tilt
pacted. indicator.
incorporar, incorporarse, to incorporate,
— de llama, flame detector.
incorrosible, rust-resisting, rustproof, nonrust­
— de nivel, level gage; (bo) gage glass.
ing. — de pérdida de carga (hid), loss-of-head gage.
incremental, incremental, — de pérdida por histéresis (eléc), hysteresis
incrementar, to increase,
incremento m, increment; (ra) gain. — de pérdidas a tierra (eléc), ground or leakage
----- para calibre (rs), gage increment.
---- ■para paso (rs), pitch increment.^
— de peso, weight indicator.
incrustación / (cal), scale, incrustation, __ -de peso suspendido (pet), line scale.
incrustado, embedded ; incrusted.
— de ¿ H (is), pH indicator.
incrustante to, incrustant; a scale-forming, __ de polos (eléc), pole or current-direction in­
incrustar, to embed; to form scale.
in c u b a c ió n /(is), incubation. dicator.
— de presión, pressure gage.
incubadora/, incubator, — de profundidad (pet), depth meter.
incumba / ( Col), skewback. __ de radio de viraje (auto), turning-radius
incurrente (hid), influent,
indem nidad/, indemnity. gage.
— de rayo (auto), beam-indicator light.
indemnización / , indemnity, indemnification,
— de relación, ratio gage, ratiometer.
compensation, __ -de sentido, (elev) direction indicator; (ra)
indemnizar, to indemnify,
indentación / , indentation, dentation, sense finder.
---- de sintonización (ra), tuning indicator.
indentar, to indent, to form teeth,
— de suma, summator.
indesarreglable, foolproof, — de techo (ap), ceiling-height indicator.
indeterminado, indeterminate, ___ de tensión, tension indicator; (elec) voltage
indicación / (inst), reading.
indicador m, indicator, gage ; annunciator ; (çhem) indicator.
— - de tierra (eléc), ground detector.
indicator ; sign.
___ continuo de estabilidad (pa), continuous ----- de tiro, draft gage.
----- de torsión, torsion meter.
stability indicator. .
----- de tubería, pipe locator.
----- de aceite, oil gage.
----- de vacío, vacuum gage.
-----de agujeros, hole spotter. ___ de velocidad, speedometer; speed indicator;
-----de alineación, alignment gage.
___ d e aquebradización, embrittlement detector. velocity gage.
177 ingeniería

•-----de velocidad admisible (fe), speed-limit ----- de tiro,

indi- draft inducer.
cator. ----- giratorio, revolving field.
----- de viraje (auto), turn indicator. ----- variable, variometer, variable inductor.
----- de viscosidad, viscosimeter. industria / , industry.
----- de vuelo (ima), flight indicator. ----- azucarera, sugar industry.
----- integrador, integrating indicator. •----- extractiva, ( Ch) mining industry; (M ) min­
----- para campaneo (fe), ring sign. ing, petroleum production, lumbering.
----- para silbato (fe), whistle sign. ----- maderera, lumber industry, lumbering.
----- registrador, recording gage. industrial m, manufacturer a industrial,
----- totalizador, integrating indicator. industrialización/, industrialization; (V) manu­
indice m, (math) (mech)(inst) index; (inst) hand. facture, production,
----- antidetonante, antiknock rating. ineficiente, inefficient,
----- cetánico, cetane number. inelâstico (M ), inelastic,
----- coliforme (is), coliform index. inercia /, inertia,
----- de acidez, acid number or value. inerte, inert.
----- de cobre (quím), copper index or number or inertes m (conc), aggregates,
value. inescarchable, nonfrosting.
----- de compresión, (sm) compression index; (ge) inestabilidad f, instability,
compression ratio. inestabilizar, to destabilize,
■ - de concentración (ms), concentration index. inestable (est)(quim), unstable,
•---- de dureza, hardness number. inestanco, not watertight,
----- de escurrimiento (hid) ( Col), runoff coeffi­ inexacto, inaccurate.
cient. inexplosible, nonexplosive, explosionproof.
----- de fijación (est), restraint index. in fección/, infection,
----- de flujo (ms), flow index. infeccionar (Pe), to contaminate, pollute,
----- de hinchamiento (ms), swelling index. infeccioso, infectious,

---- - de intemperismo, weathering index (coal). inferior, lower, bottom ; inferior,
----- de rigidez (est), stiffness index. infiltración/, (hyd) infiltration, percolation, (ac
----- de sedimentación (dac), sludge index. leakage, infiltration, inleakage,
----- de tarjetas, card index. infinidad/, infinity,
----- de tenacidad, toughness index. « infinito, infinite,
----- octánico (mg), octane number or index.inflador to, tire pump,
----- plástico, plasticity index. inflamabilidad / , inflammability,
indicios to (quim), traces,
inflamable, inflammable, ignitible.
indirecto, indirect, inflam ación/, firing; (eng) ignition.
indisoluble, indissoluble, ----- de chispa, spark ignition.
indivisible, indivisible, ----- espontánea, spontaneous combustion or igni­
indol m (is), indole, tion.
indosto (hid)(V), invert, ----- por bola caliente, hot-bulb ignition.
inducción / (elèe), induction. ----- - por tubo incandescente, hot-tube ignition.

---- de incremento, incremental induction. inflamar, to ignite ; inflamarse, to take fire, ignite.
----- eléctrica, electric induction, dielectric inflar, flux to inflate.
density. inflexión / , contraflexure.
■ electrostática, static or electric or electro­ influencia / (eléc), influence.
static induction. influente (hid), influent.
----- férrica o intrínseca, intrinsic or ferric influjo induc­ to, inflow; flood tide.
tion. inform ación/, information; report; investigation«
----- magnética, magnetic induction or flux den­ informeto, report.
sity. infracción/, infringement (patent).
----- propia A), ( self-induction . infradino (ra), infradyne.
----- remanente, residual induction. infraestructura/, substructure; A) roadbed
inducido to (elèe), armature. inframedida, undersize.
----- al tambor, drum armature. infranormal (A), undersize.
----- de anillo, ring armature, gramme ring. infrapuesto, underlying.
----- de barras, bar-wound armature. infrarrojo, infrared, ultrared.
----- de devanado cerrado, closed-coil armature. infrasónico (ra), infrasonic.
----- de disco, disk armature. infratamaño ( M ), undersize .
inducir (elèe), to induce, infrayacente (V), underlying.
inductancia/ (elèe), inductance. infringir, to infringe (patent).
----- de sintonización (ra), tuning inductance. infundible, infusible, infusible.
inductividad / (elèe), inductivity, infusorio, infusorial.
inductivo, inductive, infusorios m, infusoria.
induetófono m (tel), inductophone. ingá to, an Argentine lumber (semihard),
induetómetro m (elèe), inductometer. ingeniar, to devise, design, engineer.
inductor m, (elee) field, inductor; a inductive. ingeniería / , engineering.
----- de núcleo de aire, air-core inductor. —■ de campo, field engineering.

ingeniería 178 instantáneo
----- de iluminación, illuminating engineering . ----- en caliente, hot-dipping.
— =- económica, engineering economics. ----- en frío, cold-dipping.
----- marina, marine engineering. I regenerativa (met), regenerative quenching
ingenieril a ( M )( C )t engineering, inmiscibilidad / , immiscibility.
ingeniero m, engineer. inmiscible, immiscible,
----- agrónomo, agricultural engineer. inmovilizador ?n, locking device,
----- asesor o consultor, consulting engineer.inmuebles m} real estate,
■-----automotor A),(automotive engineer
. innavegable, not navigable,
----- auxiliar, assistant engineer. inoculación / (is), inoculation,
----- civil, civil engineer. inodoro m, water closet (fixture); (V) a trap;
----- consejero (Es), consulting engineer. inodorous, odorless,
----- de alumbrado, illuminating engineer. a la turcaA( ), hole in floor with places for
----- de minas, mining engineer. feet .
----- de montes, forester, forestry engineer. ■ de borde lavador, flushing-rim water closet,
----- de nivel (Ec), levelman.
de evacuación sifónica (A), siphon-jet water
----- de sanidad, sanitary engineer. closet.
----- de suelos, soils engineer. ----- de sifón inyector o sifónico de chorro, si­
----- del tránsito, transitman. phon-jet water closet.
----- diseñador, designing engineer. - de tolva larga, long-hopper closet,
----- electricista, electrical engineer. inorgánico, inorganic,
----- encargado, engineer in charge. in o sita / (lab), inositol, inosite.
----- fiscal ( Ch), government engineer. inoxidable, rustless, rust-resisting, nonrusting,
----- forestal, forester. inquilinato m, leasehold,
----- hidráulico, hydraulic engineer. inscribir (m at), to inscribe,
----- jefe o mayor, chief engineer. inscripciones (dib)( C ), lettering,
----- localizador, layout engineer. inseguro, unsafe,
----- matriculado, licensed engineer. inserción / , insertado m, insert,
----- mecánico, mechanical engineer. msertadora (/) de válvulas, valve-inserting m
■— minero, mining engineer. chine.
----- naval, marine engineer. insertom, insert; a inserted,
----- paisajista, landscape engineer. insolubilidad / , insolubility,
----- petrolero, petroleum engineer. insoluble, insoluble,
----- principal, chief engineer. insolvencia / , insolvency,
----- proyectista, designing engineer. insolvente, insolvent, bankrupt,
----- residente, resident engineer. insonoro, soundproof,
----- sanitario, sanitary engineer. inspección/, inspection,
----- tasador, valuation engineer. inspeccionar, to inspect,
----- trazador, locating engineer; layout engineer. inspector m, inspector.
----- vendedor, sales engineer. '— adjunto (V), assistant inspector,
----- vial, highway engineer. inspirador m (m ec), inspirator,
ingeniom, mill, plant; sugar mill; (min) smelter. instabilidad / , instability,
----- azucarero, sugar mill. instable, unstable.
inglete m, miter. instalación / , installation; an installation, a
ingrediente m, ingredient. plant.
ingresom, ingress, entrance. ----- colectora (pet), gathering plant.
ingresos, revenue, receipts, earnings. ----- cribadora, screening plant.
inhabilitado, out-of-order, broken down, ----- de aforo (r) f gaging station.
inhalador m, inhalator. ----- de calefacción (ed), heating system.
inhelable, frostproof. ----- de construcción, construction plant.
inherente (eléc), inherent. ----- de fuerza, power plant.
inhibidorm (guim ), inhibitor. ----- de tratamiento, processing plant.
inhibitorio, inhibitive. ----- depuradora, purification plant.
ininflamable, noninflammable. ----- dosificadora (conc), batching plant.
ininvertible, nonreversible. ----- evacuadora (pet), disposal system.
injerto m (tub), T ; Y ; branch. ----- generadora, electric power plant.
----- a gasto completo (hid), full-flow tap, ----- pipe
sanitaria (ed), plumbing.
tap. ■----- siderúrgica, steelworks.
----- a presión, pressure tap. -— suavizadora, water-softening plant,
----- de brida (hid), flange tap. instalaciones portuarias, port works,
----- de radio (hid), radius tap. instalador m, erector.
— doble (tub), cross. ----- de cañería, pipeman, plumber.
■— doble oblicuo, double Y branch. ----- de líneas (eléc), lineman.
----- oblicuo, Y .
electricista, installing or erecting electrician®
----- recto, T . ----- sanitario, plumber.
inmanchable, stainless (steel), instalar, to install, erect, place, set.
inm ersión/, immersion.
instantáneo, instantaneous; momentary.

instrumental 179 interno

instrumentalrri, set of instruments; a instrumen­ interceptado to (m at), intercept,

tal. interceptador m, interceptadora / , interceptor
instrumentalista to, instrument maker, (all senses),
instrumentista to, (surv) instrumentman; (Sp) interceptar, to intercept.
instrument maker, intercepto (m) estadimétrico (lev), stadimetrie
instrumento to, instrument. interval,
----- gráfico o registrador, recording or graphic interceptor to, separator, trap.
instrument. ----- a vacío, vacuum trap.
----- indicador (elèe), indicating instrument. ----- basculador, tilting trap.
----- investigador (ra), tracing instrument. ----- de aceite, oil trap.
instrumentos de agrimensura, surveying instru­ ----- de agua, steam trap.
ments. ----- de agua a balde invertido, inverted-bucket
instrumentos de dibujo, drafting instruments, steam trap.
insulita (ais), Insulite (trademark), ----- de agua a flotador, float trap.
insumergible, nonoverflow (dam), ----- de agua tipo impulso, impulse steam trap.
integración / (mat), integration, ----- de aire, air trap.
integrador to, integrator, totalizer, ----- de arena o de cascajo (al), sand or grit
intègrafo to, integraph. catcher.
integral / (mat), integral; a unit, whole, integral, ----- de escamas (condensador), scale separator.
integrar, to integrate, ----- de espumas, scum trap.
íntegro, entire, whole, complete, ----- de grasa, grease trap.
intemperie / , bad weather. ----- elevador, lifting trap.
----- , a la, outdoors, exposed to the weather. ----- separador, separating trap.
intemperismo to, weathering, intercierre m ( M ), interlock,
intemperización / , weathering, intercolumnio, intercolunio to, intercolumnia-
intemperizarse, to weather, tion, column spacing,
intensidad / , intensity. intercomunicador m (tel), intercommunicator,
----- aparente del haz (il), apparent beam candle intercondensador to, intercondenser,
power. interconexión / , interconnection,
----- de bujía, candle power. intercostal (cn), intercostal,
----- del campo de perturbaciones (ra), noise field interdigitación / (geol), interfingering,
intensity. intereje to, distance between axles, wheel base
----- de campo eléctrico, electric intensity or field (auto) .
strength or force. interelectródico, interelectrode,
----- de espacio libre (ra), free-spaee intensity. interenfriador to, intercooler (compressor),
■---- de olor (pa), threshold number. interenfriamiento to, intercooling.
----- específica de radiación (il), radiance, specific interés to, interest.
radiant intensity. ----- devengado, accrued interest.
■---- luminosa horizontal (il), mean horizontal ----- punitorio, penal interest.
candle power. interestratificado (geol), interbedded, interstrat-
----- luminosa unitaria (il), specific luminous in­ ified, interleaved,
tensity. interetapa (ra), interstage,
——• magnética, magnetic intensity or force or interfacial, interfacial,
flux density, interfásico (eiéc)(A), interphase,
intensificador to, intensifier (all senses), interfaz /, interface.
interacción / , interaction, interferencia / (m ee)(eiéc)(ra), interference.
intercalación / (geol), intercalation, ----- de la frecuencia imagen (tv), image interfer­
intercalado (geol), interbedded, ence.
intercalar (eiéc), to cut in. ----- entre los canales (ra), interchannel interfer­
intercambiabilidad / , interchangeability, ence.
intercambiable, interchangeable, interferométrico, interferometric.
intercambiador to, interchanger. interferómetro m, interferometer,
----- de aniones (eiéc), anion exchanger. interférrico, interferric.
----- de calor, heat exchanger or interchanger. interflexión (fma), flare,
----- de cationes (elèe), cation exchanger. _ intergrado (turb), interstage,
----- de hidrogeniones (pa), hydrogen-ion ex­ intergranular, intergranular.
changer. interior to a, interior, inside,
----- de iones (elèe), ion exchanger. interlaminado, interlaminated.
intercambio to, interchange. interlinear, to interline; (tv) to interlace,
----- de bases (quím), base exchange. intermedio a, intermediate,
----- en hoja de trébol (ca), cloverleaf interchange. intermitencia / (pet), intermitting _
----- por dos cuadrantes (ca), two-quadrant or intermitente, intermittent; ( C) reciprocating,
semicloverleaf interchange, intermodulación / (eiéc), intermodulation,
intercepción, interceptación / (hid), interception intermolecular, intermolecular,
(rainfall intercepted by ancl evaporated intermoler, to intergrind.
from plants). I interno, interior, internal.

interperîôdico 180 invalidez

interperiódico (ra)(A ), interstage, ----- de puesta a tierra, ground switch.

interpoladorm (tel), interpolator, ----- de reloj, time switch.
interpolar, v to interpolate; a (elee) interpolar, ----- de resorte, snap switch.
interpolom (elèe), interpole, ----- de ruptura brusca, quick-breák switch.
interranura/ (mee), land, ----- de ruptura única, single-break switch.
interrefrigerador m, intercooler . ----- de seguridad, safety switch.
interregional, interregional, ----- de separación, disconnect switch.
interrupción (/) al aire (eléc), air break, ----- de servicio, entrance or service switch.
interruptor m (eléc), switch; circuit breaker; re­ ----- de transferencia, transfer switch.
lease; interrupter; (ra) chopper. ----- de tres cuchillas, triple-throw switch.
----- al aire, air-break or air switch. ----- de uso general, general-use switch.
----- a distancia, remote-control switch. ----- de vía múltiple, multiposition switch.
----- a flotador, float switch. ----- de vía única, single-throw switch.
----- a motor, motor-operated switch. ----- de volquete, tumbler or toggle switch.
----- aislador, isolating switch. ----- desconectador, disconnect switch.
----- anticapacitancia (ra), anticapacitance switch. ----- desionizador, deion circuit breaker.
----- automático, circuit breaker. ----- electrolítico, electrolytic interrupter.
----- automático del campo, field-discharge switch. ----- embutido, flush switch.
----- automàtico de cuba inerte, dead-tank circuit ----- en aceite, oil or oil-break switch.
breaker. ----- en mercurio, mercury switch.
----- automático de reloj o cronométrico, auto­ ----- fusible, fuse.
matic time switch. ----- giratorio, turn or revolving or dial switch.
----- de aislador ladeante, tilting-insulator switch. ----- horario, time switch.
----- de aplicar, surface switch. ----- indicador, indicating switch.
----- de arranque, starting switch. ----- instantáneo, quick-break switch; momen­
----- de artefacto, appliance switch. tary-contact switch.
----- de botón, push-button switch. ----- maestro, main or master switch.
----- de campana, canopy switch. ----- momentáneo, momentary-contact switch.
----- de campo, field switch. ----- para baja carga, underload switch.
----- de carga mínima, underload switch. ----- pendiente o suspendido, pendant switch.
----- de circuito (A) ( M ), circuit breaker . ----- protector, circuit breaker.
----- de clavija, plug switch. ----- seccionador, section switch.
----- de contacto, contact breaker. ----- separador, isolating switch; disconnecting
----- de contacto instantáneo, quick-make switch. switch.
----- de contacto múltiple, multiple-contact ----- silenciador (ra), muting switch.
switch. intersecar, intersecarse, to intersect.
----- de contactor, contactor or unit switch. intersección/, intersection.
----- de cordon, pull switch. intersectar, intersectarse, to intersect.
----- de cordon pasante, through-cord switch. intersolapar, to interlap.
----- de corriente, current breaker. intersticial, interstitial.
----- de cuchillo, knife switch. intersticio m (turb), clearance.
----- de cuernos apagaarcos, hórn-gap switch. intersticios, interstices.
----- de chorro de mercurio, je t interrupter. interurbano, interurban.
----- de descarga de campo, field-discharge switch. intervalo m, (elec) gap; (math) interval.
----- de desenganche libre, trip-free circuit ----- de reposo (tel), spacing interval.
breaker. intervalómetro m (fma), intervalometer, interval
----- de desviación, diverter switch. regulator.
----- de disrupción en el aire, air-break switch. intervalvular (ra), intertube, intervalve,
----- de doble ruptura, double-break switch. intervisibilidad / (ca), intervisibility,
----- de dos vías, double-throw switch. interyacente, interjacent,
----- de enchufe o de ficha, plug switch. intomable (A), impotable (water),
----- de excitación, field breaker or break-up intradós m, intradós,
switch. intradosal, intradosal.
----- de leva, cam switch. intransitable (ca), unfit for traffic, impassable,
----- de límite, limit switch. intrínseco (mat) (eléc) (il), intrinsic,
----- de línea, line breaker. intrusión / (geol), intrusion.,
----- de llave, key switch. intrusionar (geoí) (V ), to intrude,
----- de mando, control switch. in tr u s iv a /(geol)(V), intrusion,
----- de minima, no-load circuit breaker. intrusivo (geol), intrusive,
----- de navaja ( M ), knife switch . inundable, subject to inundation,
----- de palanca, knife switch; lever switch. inundación/, inundation, flood.
— i- de palanca rotativa, dial switch. ----- de avenida, sheetflood.
----- de parada (ase), stopping switch. inundador m ( M ), inundator (sand),
----- de pedal, foot switch. inundar, to inundate, flood,
----- de portarreceptor (tel), hook switch. inutilizado, broken-down, out-of-order,
----- de posición multiple, multiposition svntch. invalidez ( /) absoluta, total disability-

invalidez 181 isohieto

invalidez relativa, partial disability, ionosfera / (ra), ionosphere, ionized or Heaviside

invariante a/ (m at), invariant, layer.
invención / , invento m, invention, device, ionosférico, ionospheric,
inventar, to invent, iridescencia / , iridescence,
inventariar, to inventory, iridescente, iridescent,
inventario to, inventory, iridio m (quim), iridium,
inventor m, inventor, iridosm ina/ (miner), iridosmine.
invernada / (V), heavy rain, irisación / , irisation.
invernazo m (P R ), rainy season July (to Septem­ irracional (m at), irrational,
ber). irradiación / , irradiation.
inversamente proporcional, inversely propor­ ----- espectral (il), spectral irradiation.
tional. ----- unitaria, specific irradiation.
in versión/, investment; reversing; inversion irradiador (all acústico (ra) (A ), acoustic radiator.
senses); (pmy) reversion. irradiar, to irradiate.
----- de esfuerzos, reversal of stresses. irreversible (mec)(eléc), irreversible.
----- de fase (eléc), phase reversal or inversion. irrevocable, irrevocable (credit).
----- de marcha, (eng) reversing. irrigable, irrigable.
inversionista, investor, irrigación /, irrigation.
inverso, inverse, inverted. ----- con líquido cloacal (dac), broad irrigation.
inversor m, reversing mechanism; (elee) ----- por corrugaciones, corrugation irrigation.
reverser. ----- por cuadros rebordeados, block or check
----- de fase (ra), phase inverter. system.
invertible, reversible, ----- por surcos, furrow irrigation.
invertido m (al), invert. ----- por tubería superficial, surface pipe method.
«vertim iento to (hid)(Pe), discharge, outfall, ----- subterránea, subsurface irrigation.
invertir, to invert; to plunge (transit); to reverse ----- superficial, surface irrigation.
(engine); (pmy) to revert; (hyd) (Pe) irrigador to m,
charge, em pty; to invest, irrigar, to irrigate.
investigación/, investigation; research; isentrópico,
explora­ isentropic.
tion. isla / , island. -
----- de la señal (ra), signal tracing. ----- de guía (ca), directional island.
involutometria / , involutometry. ----- de seguridad o de refugio (ca), traffic island,
in yección /, grouting, injection. refuge,
----- de barro, mud-jacking; clay grouting. isobara / (mrl), isobar,

----- directa (di), direct or solid injection. isobàrico, isobaric.
----- piloto (di), pilot injection. isobarométrico, isobarometric.
----- por bomba de resorte (di), spring-pressure isóbato, isobath,
injection. isobela / (elèe), isobel.
----- por etapas, stage grouting. is o b u jia / (il),,isocandle,
inyecciones isocentro m, isocenter,
----- cementicias A ),( grouting . isoclinal m (geol), isocline,
----- de colchón, blanket grouting. isoclinico, isoclinal, isoclinic,
----- de consolidación, consolidation grouting. isoclor (quim), isochlor.
----- de cortina o de pantalla, curtain grouting. isocora / (quim), isochor.
inyectador to (oal), injector, isocromático, isochromatic.
inyectar, to inject; to grout, isócron a/, isochrone.
inyector to (eal), injector. isocronismo m, isochronism.
----- aspirante, lifting injector. isócrono a, isochrone, isochronal, isochronic,
----- autoajustador, self-adjusting injector. isodiabàtico, isodiabatic.
■---- automático, restarting or automatic injector. isodinàmico, isodynamic,
----- de barro o de lodo, mud jack; mud gun. isodinas /, isodynamic lines,
----- de cemento o de lechada, grout machine. isoeléctrico, isoelectric,
-— de chorro doble, double-jet injector. isoelectrónico, isoelectronic.
■---- de grasa, grease gun. isoestàtico, isostatic,
----- de tubo doble, double-tube injector. isoestérico (quim) (mrl), isosteric.
----- de tubo único, single-tube injector. isofase, isophase,
-— sin aspiración, nonlifting injector, is ó g a la /(geof), isogal.
iodado, iodato, ioduro, etc., see yodado, yodato, isóga m a / (geof), isogam.
yoduro, etc. isógonas / , isogonic lines,
ion m (quim), ion. isógono, isogónico, isogonic.
----- de hidrógeno, hydrogen ion. isografia / , isography.
----- oxidrilo, hydroxyl ion. isogràfico, isographic,
iónico, ionic, isógrafo m (inst), isograph,
ionizador m, ionizer, isograma m (mat), isogram.
ionizar, to ionize, isohieta, is o ie ta / (mrl), isohyet.
ionómetro m, ionometer. isohieto, isohyetal.

isolador 182 jomada

isoladorm (Ec), insulator, ----- de cadeneo (lev), chaining pin.

isolantita (ais), Isolantite (trademark), ----- de mira, level rod.
isolux (il), isolux . jalonar, to run a survey line; to set mileposts,
isomètrico, isometric, jalonero m, rodman.
isometrógrafo to, isometrograph. jamba / , j amb.
isomórfico, isomorphic, isomorphous. jambaje to, door or window frame,
isomorfismo to (qu!m) (miner) (mat), isomor­ jamesonita / , jamesonite, feather ore.
phism. jan gada/, raft.
isomorfo to, isomorph ; a isomorphic, jaquelado to, checkerboard pattern, checker-
isooctano to (quim ), isooctane, work,
is o p a ca s / (geol), isopachous lines, jarabe m (az), sirup.
isopiécica / , isopiestic line, ja rcia /, Manila rope, sisal rope; rigging, cordage
isopluvial (mrl), isohyetal, isopluvial. ----- de acero ( C ), wire rope.
isóptico (mat), isoptic. ----- trozada, junk.
isorradial (fma), isoradial. jarja / (Col), double slcewback.
isosceles, isosceles, ja spilita / (geol), jaspilite.
isosismico, isosista, isoseismic. ja u la /, cage (shaft); cattle car; crate; (V)
isostàtico, isostatic, ■ ---------- de ardilla, squirrel cage (motor).
isoterm a/, isotherm. de bolas, ball cage, retainer.
isotermo, isotèrmico, isothermal, isothermic. de cojinete, bearing cage.
isotropia / (mat), isotropy. de extracción, mine cage.
isotrópico, isótropo, isotropic. jefatura/, headquarters; division, departmen
is o y e ta / (m rl)( Ch), isohyetal line. ----- foránea (M ), field or provincial headquarters
isoy ètico (M ), isohyetal. jefe to, chief.
istmo to, isthmus. ---- - de adquisiciones (Ch), purchasing agent.
itabirita / (geol), itabirite. de brigada (lev), chief of party.
itabo m (V ), bayou, inlet. - de carpinteros, carpenter foreman.
itacolumita / (geol), itacolumite. de compras, purchasing agent.
iterativo (mat), iterative. ----- de construcción, construction manager, su­
ivirapere, ivirapita, iviriraro, American South perintendent.
lumber, ----- de cuadrilla, squad boss; chief of party.
izador m, hoist ; elevator . •----- de dibujantes, chief draftsman.
----- de barriles, barrel elevator. de equipo (lev), chief of party.
----- del botai ón (pi), boom hoist. de estación (fc), stationmaster.
----- de compuerta (hid), gate hoist. ----- de estudios, chief of surveys; chief design
----- planetario, planetary hoist. ----- del lomo (fc), humpmaster.
izaje m, izamiento m, hoisting, ----- de maquinaria, master mechanic, chief engi­
izar, to hoist ; to heave, neer.
izquierda /, left hand, ----- del muelle, dockmaster.
izquierdo a, left, left-hand. ----- de obras, works or project or construction
----- de oficina, office manager.
----- de operarios, labor foreman.
jaba / , crate; basket; gabion. ----- de patio (fc), yardmaster.
jabalcón to, strut, trench brace. ----- de proyectos, chief designer.
jabalconar, to shore, brace, prop. ----- de servicio (M ), purchasing agent.
jabí m, a Cuban lumber. ----- de taller, shop foreman, master mechanic.
jabón (to) de Castilla, castile soap. ----- de tracción (fc)(C h), superintendent of m
jabonaduras / (lu), suds. tive power.
jaboncillo to, steatite, soapstone. ----- de tráfico, traffic manager.
jacal to (M ), shanty, tool house. ----- de turno, shift boss.
jacarandá m, a South American hardwood
. ----- desmoldador (m o), stripping foreman.
já ce n a /, girder; header beam; (Sp) truss. ----- ingeniero, chief engineer.
----- compuesta, built-up girder. ----- mecánico, master mechanic.
----- de alma llena, plate girder. ----- montador, foreman erector.
----- de celosía, lattice girder. jema / (carp) (E s), wane,
----- maestra, girder. jeniquén m (C), sisal, henequen.
----- triangulada, lattice or Warren girder. jeringa / , syringe.
jagüel to (Pe) (B ), cistern. ----- de grasa, grease gun.
jaharrar, to plaster, rough-plaster. ----- para aceite, oil gun.
jaharro m, plaster, plastering, rough plastering. jibaracón to (r) (C ), outfall of flood waters, flood­
jalar ( M ), to haul, pull . way.
jalatocle to ( M ), eroded soil carried to a stream,jinetillos to ( cv) , fall-line carriers,
jalea (/) mineral, mineral jelly, jirón m (Pe), city block; street,
jales to-(min), tailings . jorn a d a /, day’s work; shift.
jalón m, milepost, milestone; (surv) rod, pole. ----- del filtro (pa), filter run.

jomada 183 kemita

----- doble, double shift . ----- de lengüeta postiza (carp), feather joint.
----- simple, single shift. ----- de montaje, field joint.
jornal to, wage, day’s wages, ( C) hourly wage. ----- de pasador, pin joint.
■ — ■, a, by day’s work, by the hour, ----- de plegado saliente (ch), standing seam.
jornalar, to employ by the day. ----- - de puente (fc), bridge joint.
jornalero m, workman, laborer, ----- de reborde (lad), bead joint.
jouleto (elèe), joule, ----- de sanidad, board of health.
júcaro to, a West Indian hardwood, ----- de superposición, lap joint.
juegoto, a set; (machy) throw; (machy) - de trabajo (conc), construction joint.
clearance, lash. ----- de tramo (fc), block or insulated joint.
----- balanceador (elèe), balancing set. ----- de tres traviesas (fc), three-tie joint.
----- de cambio (fc)(M ), switch and frog.----- degradada (lad), raked joint.
----- de cerradura (ft), lock set. ----- - directiva, board of directors.
----- de funcionamiento (m aq), running clearance. ----- embadurnada (lad), buttered joint.
----- de laminadores (m et), roll stand. ----- enchufada, (p) bell-and-spigot or male-
----- de la leva, lift of a cam. and-female joint.
----- de motor y dínamo, motor generator set. ----- enrasada, flush joint.
----- de nuez, ball-and-socket joint. ----- escalonada (fc), step or compromise splice
----- de planos, set of plans. ----- escarbada (lad), raked joint.
----- en vacío, lost motion. ■---- - esférica, ball joint.
----- generador, generating set. ----- esquinada abierta (sol), full-open corner
----- lateral, side play. joint.
- — •longitudinal, end play. ----- - esquinada medio abierta (sol), half-open
----- muerto o perdido, lost motion, backlash. corner joint.
----- terminal (mec) A ), ( end play . ----- flotante (fc)(Es), suspended joint.
jugo m, juice, ----- giratoria, swivel joint.
juil m ( M ), driftpin . ----- metaloplâsüca, metallic gasket.
julio to (elèe), joule, ----- montada, lap joint.
juliómetro to, joulemeter. ----- muescada (ca), key joint.
junta / , joint, connection, splice; gasket; com­ ----- plomada (tub), flush joint.
mission, council, board; meeting. ----- raspada (lad), raked joint.
■----- al aire (fc), suspended joint. ----- resbaladiza, slip joint.
----- a inglete, miter joint. ----- seguida, continuous joint (not staggered).
----- a media madera (carp), halved joint. ----- simulada (pav), dummy joint.
----- a tope, butt joint. ----- solapada, lap joint.
----- apoyada (fc), supported joint. ----- suspendida reforzada (fc), bridge joint.
----- atornillada, screwed coupling; threaded joint. ----- tomada (mam )(A), pointed joint.
----- cardànica, universal or cardan joint. •----- universal, universal joint.
■ (conc)(A ), construction joint. Junta Nacional de Aseguradores, National
----- corrediza, slip or expansion joint. Board of Fire Underwriters,
----- de accionistas, stockholders’ meeting. juntas
----- de aceite, oil joint. ----- a rosea (tub), screwed. joints
----- de acreedores, creditors’ meeting. ----- alternadas, broken or staggered joints.
----- de anillo (tub), ring joint. ----- empelladas (lad), push or shove joints.
----- de aseguradores, board of underwriters. ----- llenas (lad), flush joints.
----- de asiento (m am)(V), bed joint. ----- remetidas (lad), raked joints.
----- de bisagra, hinged joint. juntar, to splice, join, couple,
----- de bola, ball joint. juntear, to joint; to fill joints,
----- de canto (sol), edge joint. junteo m, jointing.
----- de codillo, toggle joint. ju ntera/, jointing plane; jointer, buzz planer.
----- de colado (conc), construction joint. ----- de duelas, stave jointer.
----- de comercio, board of trade. juntura/, joint, splice.
----- de compensación o de dilatación, expansion ----- de pestaña, flanged coupling.
joint. ----- montante, vertical joint; field joint.
•----- de construcción, construction joint. ■---- para manguera, hose coupling.
----- de contracción, contraction joint. justipreciador m, appraiser,
—■- de cuatro bulones (fe), four-bolt splice. justipreciar, to appraise, rate.
----- de cubrejunta, butt joint.
----- - de charnela, hinge or knuckle joint.
----- de directores, board of directors.
----- de doble cubrejunta, double-butt-strap joint. kapok to, kapok.
----- de entrepaño, panel point (truss). kenotrono, kenotrôn to (ra), kenotron.
----- de hule, rubber gasket. keratófiro m (geol), keratophyre.
——de interrupción (conc) (A), construction k e r i t a / (ais), kerite.
joint. kern (mat), kern,
----- de lechada (lad), dipped joint. kernita/, kernite (borax ore).

kerógeno 184 ladrillo

kerógenom (pet), kerogen . laboratorio m, laboratory.

kerosén m, kerosina / , kerosene, ----- de campo, field laboratory.
kersantita / (geol), kersantite. ----- de ensayo, testing laboratory.
kianizar, to kyanize. ----- de investigaciones, research laboratory.
kieselgur m, kieselguhr. laboratorista m (U )( M ), laboratory worker .
kilaje m (A), weight in kilograms, laborear, to reeve; to work.
kiliárea/, kiliare. laboreo m, reeving; working; (min) a working.
kiloamperio m, kiloampere. ----- a cuadrícula, bord-and-pillar mining.
kilobara / , kilobar. ----- de grada (min), stoping.
kilocaloría / , kilocalorie, great calorie. ----- de subniveles, substoping, drift or sublevel
kilociclo m, kilocycle. stoping.
kilodina/, kilodyne. ----- en avance (min), advancing system.
kiloergio ra, kiloerg. ----- en retirada (min), retreating system.
kilográmetro m, kilogram-meter. ----- hidráulico, hydraulicking, sluicing.
kilogramo m, kilogram. ----- por cuadros (min), panel working.
kilojulio m, kilojoule. laborero m (m in)( Ch), heading foreman,
kilolibra /, kip, kilopound, 1000 Ib. la b ra /, working, cutting, stonecutting.
k ilolín ea / (eléc), kiloline, kilomaxwell. lábrabilidad / , machinability.
kilolitro m, kiloliter. labrable, machinable.
kilometraje m, distance in kilometers. labrado m, dressing, machining; (m in)(M )
kilométrico, kilometric. working; a dressed; wrought; manufactured.
kilómetro m, kilometer. -----a escoda (mam), hammer-dressed.
kilovatiaje m, power in kilowatts. ----- a mano, hand-tooled.
kilovatio m, kilowatt. ----- cuatro caras (m ad), dressed four sides.
kilovatio-hora, kilowatt-hour. ----- por llama, flame-machining.
kilovoltamperio m, kilovolt-ampere. ----- por un canto (mad), dressed one edge.
----- reactivo, kilovar, reactive kilovolt-ampere. ----- por una cara (mad), dressed one side.
kilovoltímetro m, kilovoltmeter. labrador m, worker.
kilovoltio m, kilovolt, labrar, to work; to till; to dress, face, mill; t
kinescopio m (tv), kinescope, carve, tool; to manufacture.
konímetro m (min), konimeter. ----- en caliente, to hot-work.
kovar (aleación), K ovar (trademark). ----- en frío, to cold-work.
----- toscamente, to rough-dress.
la c a /, lacquer; shellac, lac.
----- blanqueada, bleached shellac.
laberíntico a, labyrinth, labyrinthine, ----- japonesa o negra, japan.
laberinto m (mee), labyrinth, lacar, to shellac,
lábil (quím)(ra), labile, lacmoide m (lab), lacmoid.
labio m, lip, edge. la cta s a / (is), lactase,
----- cortante, cutting edge (drill). lactosa / (is), lactose,
labor / , work, labor; (min) a working; cultiva­ lacustre, lacustrine,
tion; (meas) 177.14 acres; (Sp) 1000 brick ladeado, out-of-plumb.
or tile. ladearse, to tip, get out-of-plumb; to tilt; (M
:— a cielo (min), overhand working. to warp.
----- a cielo abierto, open-pit mining. ladeo m, sway, tilting, sidesway; (pmy)(E
----- a través (min), crosscut. banking.
----- con pilares en retirada (min), retreating la d era /, hillside, slope of a valley.
system. laderom (fc) (M ), siding.
----- con pilares y cámaras (min), pillar-and-stall ladom, side; (M ) leg of an angle.
mining, chamber working. -----recto (mat), latus rectum.
----- de anchurón y pilar (min), room-and-pillar ladrilladom, brick pavement; brickwork,
mining, chamber working. ladrillador m, bricklayer,
----- de bancos (min), underhand stoping. ladrillalm, brickyard.
----- de cantera (min), open-pit work. ladrillarm, brickyard; brickkiln; v to lay brick,
----- de désanche (min) ( M ), resuing . pave with brick,
----- de frente corrido, longwall mining. labrillejo m, briquet.
----- de frente escalonado, breast stoping. ladrillera / , brickmaking machine; (Ec) bric
----- de realce o de testeros, overhand, stoping. mold.
----- en rebajo, underhand stoping. ladrillería / , brickyard,
----- por lajas (min), slabbing, slashing. ladrillerom, brickmaker.
labores hulleras, coal workings, ladrillom, brick.
laborabilidad / (conc)(A )(V ), workability, ----- al hilo, stretcher.
laborable, tillable, arable; (conc)(A )(V) work ----- a tizón, header.
able. -----aislador, insulating brick.
laborador m, worker, laborer, -----alabeado, arch-burned brick (warped in
laborar, to work; to till. burning).

ladrillo 185 lámpara

----- alivianado, hollow brick . tolete (Col), brick 26 x 13 x 6 or 7 cm.

----- aplantillado (Es), radial brick. vidriado a sal, salt-glazed brick.
----- áspero, rough-face brick. ladrillos
----- atizonado, header. — - a sardinel o de canto, brick laid on edge, row­
----- cocido, well-burned brick. lock.
----- común o corriente, common brick. de testa, brick laid on end, soldier course.
----- crómico, chrome brick. parados (M ), soldier course, brick on end.
----- crudo, unburned brick. ladrón m, (hyd) sluice; (dd) culvert; (C) ov
----- de alta alúmina, high-alumina brick. flow pipe. ’
----- de alta cochura (Es), well-burned brick. de admisión (ds), filling culvert.
— de ángulo entrante redondo, internal-bull- ■
---- de desagüe (ds), emptying culvert.
nose brick. lago to, lake.
— ■de arco, arch brick, voussoir. lagrimalto, weep hole,
----- de asta, header. laguna / , lake, pool, lagoon.
----- de barro blando, soft-mud brick. de decantación (min), tailings pond.
----- de barro duro, stiff-mud brick. de enfriamiento, cooling pond.
----- de cal y arena, sand-lime brick. lagunatoto (C ), pool, pond,
----- de campana, clinker brick. laineto (C), liner, shim.
----- de canto de bisel, featheredge brick. laja / , flagstone, slab; layer; stratum of roc
----- de cara cóncava, cove stretcher. spall.
----- de cara peinada, tapestry brick. lajeado (M ) (U ), laminated,
----- de clave, key brick. la jilla / (V), shale,
----- de cuello, neck brick. lajoso (U), laminated.
----- de cuña (rfr), wedge brick. la m a /, mud, silt; ore dust; (min) tailings, slime
----- de esquina redonda, bullnose brick. (M ) loam,
----- de esquisto, shale brick. lamelar, laminated.
----- de extremo cóncavo, cove header. lám ina/, sheet, plate; (geol) lamina; (min) sl
----- de fachada o de paramento, face or front (Pan) (M ) sheet metal.
brick. ----- acanalada (M ), corrugated iron.
----- de fuego, firebrick. ■-----acuifera, water-bearing stratum, v. ater tab
----- de jamba, jam b brick. ----- adherente (hid), clinging nappe.
----- de lechos cortados por alambre, side-cut ----- asfáltica, sheet asphalt.
brick. ----- de ballesta, spring leaf.
----- de magnesita, magnesite brick. ----- de fibra (M ), fiberboard.
----- de manguito, sleeve brick. ----- de goma, sheet rubber.
----- de máquina o de prensa, pressed brick. ----- de muelleA(), spring leaf .
----- de máquina hilera, wire-cut brick. ----- estañada, tin plate.
----- de pinta, well-burned brick. ----- vertiente (hid), nappe (spillway).
----- de sílice, silica brick. laminación / , lamination.
----- de soga, stretcher. laminado m, laminate; a rolled (steel); laminated;
——escoriado, clinker brick. (geol) tabular.
----- esmaltado, enameled brick. ----- a troquel, die-rolled.
----- frotador, rubbing brick. ----- en caliente, hot-rolled.
----- glaseado, glazed brick. ----- en duro, hard-rolled.
----- hueco de enrasillado, furring brick. ----- en frío, cold-rolled.
----- mate, matt-face brick. laminador m, rolling mill; roll; laminator.
----- moldeado en arena, sand-struck brick. ----- acabador, finishing roll.
----- oblicuo (rfr), skew brick. ----- continuo, continuous mill.
----- para jaquelado, checker brick. — - de grueso o de lupias, blooming mill.
----- pavimentador, paving brick. ----- de planchas, plate mill.
----- prensado a máquina, power-pressed brick. ----- de reducción en frío, cold-reduction mill.
——■ prensado en seco, dry-pressed brick. ----- de roscas, thread roller.
----- recio, common brick. ----- de temple, temper mill.
----- recocho, well-burned brick. ----- de tira en caliente, hot-strip mill.
----- recortado, wire-cut brick. ----- de tochos, billet mill.
----- refractario, firebrick. ----- desbastador, puddle train or rolls; blooming
----- refractario aislante, insulating fiïebrick. mill.
----- reprensado, repressed brick. ----- enderezador (en), mangle rolls.
■----- requemado, clinker or overburned brick. laminar, v to roll (steel); to laminate; a lam­
----- rosado, salmon or underburned or soft- inated, laminar,
burned or pale brick. laminilla/, scale (rust), flake.
----- santo, hard-burned brick; overburned brick. ----- metálica, metal foil.
— - silicocalcâreo, sand-lime brick. laminita / , shim, small plate,
----- sin cocer, adobe brick. lampa /, large shovel,
----- superrefractario, superduty firebrick. lam pada/, shovelful,
----- tablón ( Col), brick 25 x 25 x 5 cm. lámpara / , lamp.

lámpara 186 látex

----- a gas (eléc)(A ), gas-fiUed . lamp lanzaarena to, sandblast outfit,

----- biposte (eléc), bipost lamp. lanzador m (min), nozzle, monitor.
----- de alto (auto), stop light. ----- de electrones (ra), electron gun.
----- de arco, arc lamp. ----- de remaches (herr), rivet passer.
----- de cátodo caliente, hot-cathode lamp. ----- de troncos (sa), kicker.
----- de cátodo frío, cold-cathode lamp. lanzadora (/) de arena (fund), sand slinger.
----- de contraste, comparison lamp. lanzamortero to ( M ), cement gun .
----- de cuarzo, quartz lamp (mercury vapor). laña / , clamp, cramp, dogbolt.
----- de descarga luminosa (eléc), gas-discharge lañar, to clamp.
lamp. la p a /, barnacle; (min)(Pe) footwall.
----- de despejo, (auto) clearance lamp. lapacho to, a South American hardwood,
----- de plomero, blowtorch, gasoline torch. lapicera / (auto)(U ), high-tension conductor,
----- de proyección (eléc), projector lamp. lapicero m (dib), pencE holder of a compass,
----- de prueba, test lamp. lápiz m, graphite, black lead; pencil; lead for pen­
----- de seguridad, safety or miner’s or D avy cil or compass; (elec) carbon point, carbon
lamp. pencil.
----- de soldar, blowtorch. ----- de maderero, lumber crayon.
----- de tántalo, tantalum-filament lamp. ----- de tiza (A), marking crayon.
----- de tungsteno, tungsten-filament lamp. ----- rellenable, refillable pencil.
----- de vapor de mercurio, mercury-vapor lamp. lapizar, to draw with a pencil.
----- de vapor de sodio, sodium-vapor lamp. laquear, to lacquer.
----- electrónica (A ), electron tube. largada / , distance, length.
----- fotoeléctrica (A ), photoelectric cell. largo to, length; (tel)(A) dash; a long.
----- inundante, floodlight, flood lamp. ----- de pandeo o sin apoyo (est), unsupported
----- neón, neon lamp or tube. length.
----- plomada (min), plummet lamp. ----- desarrollado, developed length.
----- proyectante, searchlight, floodlight, flood ----- total, over-all length.
lamp. largos corrientes, stock or standard lengths,
----- testigo (eléc), pilot lamp or light. largor m, length.
lamparilla / , small lam p; incandescent lamp. larguero m, stringer, girt, purlin; waler, ranger,
lampazo to, mop, swab. strongback; sill; skid; pile cap; stile of a
lampear, to shovel (with lampa). door; (min)(tun) wall plate.
lampero m, shoveler. ----- central (puerta), muntin, mullion.
lampón to (Ec), long-handled shovel. ----- del bastidor (auto), side rail.
lamprófiro m (geol), lamprophyre. •----- de bisagra o de suspensión (puerta), hanging
lana / , wool. or hinge stile.
----- de asbesto, mineral wool. ----- del casco (cn), shell stringer or longitudinal.
----- de cristal o de vidrio, glass wool. ----- de cerradura (puerta), lock stile.
----- de escoria, slag or mineral wool. ----- de encuentro (puerta), meeting stile.
----- de madera, wood wool. ----- de escalera, stair string.
----- de plomo, lead wool. largura /, length,
----- mineral, mineral or rock or slag wool. larval, larval,
----- pétrea, rock wool. larvas / , larvae,
lance m ( M ), a melt (steel) . larvicida m, larvicide.
lanceta (/) de oxígeno (sol), oxygen lance. la sca /, spall.
lan ch a /, launch, lighter, scow; flagstone, slab. lascar, to spall; (cab) to slack off, pay out.
----- automotriz, motorboat, motor launch. lastra / , slab, flagstone,
----- barrera, mud scow. lastraje m, ballasting.
----- carbonera, coal barge. lastrar, to ballast, weigh down; to surface with
----- de descarga automática, dump scow. gravel.
----- encajonada, covered lighter. lastre m, (rr)(naut) ballast; (Ec) road metal;
----- plana, deck barge. (Ch) gravel.
----- salvavidas, lifeboat. ----- de agua, water ballast.
lanchada/, bargeload, lastrear (Ch), to ballast,
lanchaje to, lighterage, lastrón m, large flagstone,
lanchar m, flagstone quarry, la ta /, a tin, tin can; (C) tin plate; lath, batt
lanchero m, boatman, lighterman, (mas) darby,
lanchón to, lighter, barge, scow, flatboat. latente, latent.
----- alijador, lighter. lateral m, (p) lateral, a lateral,
Y; side.
----- carbonero, coal barge. ----- de reducción (tub), reducing Y or lateral.
----- de arrastre (ef), pullboat. latería/ , tin plate,
----- de cubierta, deck barge. laterita / (geol),' laterite.
----- petrolero, oil barge. lateritico, lateritic.
lanchonero m, lighterman, boatman, laterización / , laterization.
la n z a /, nozzle, giant, monitor; wagon pole; (A) latero m, tinsmith,
slice bar, (A) clinker bar; pike pole. látexm (aisl, latex.

latigazo 187 lesna

latigazom, whipping of a cable, lechadear, to grout,

latilla / , lath, lechado m, grouting,
la tita / (geol), latite . lechoto, bed, stratum; (min) floor.
latitud / , latitude. ■-----amortiguador (hid), stilling pool, tumble bay
----- geodésica o geográfica o topográfica, geodetic -----bacteriano (dac), septic bed.
or geographical or topographical latitude, ------ de cantera, natural bed of a stone.
latitudes y desviaciones (lev), latitudes and de­ -----de la carretera, subgrade, roadbed.
partures, -----de contacto (dac), contact bed.
latitudinal, latitudinal. -----de la corriente, stream bed.
latón m, brass; a large can; (P R,) iron water pail;-----de creciente (r), flood plain, bed of the strea
(min) plank . at maximum.
----- cobrizo, red brass. ----- de fundación, foundation material or bed.
----- corriente, yellow brass. ----- de oxidación (dac), oxidizing bed.
----- de aluminio, aluminum brass. ----- del río, river bed.
----- naval, naval brass (62% copper, 37% zinc, ----- de roca, bedrock, ledge rock.
1% tin). ----- de la via (fc), roadbed, roadway.
----- para soldar, brazing brass. — - desecador o secador (dac), drying or sludg
----- rojo al plomo, leaded red brass. bed.
----- semicobrizo, semired brass. ----- filtrante o percolador (pa), filter bed.
----- silícico, silicon brass. lechosidad / (V ), laitance.
latonado, brass-plated, le d ita / (tub),Leadite (trademark),
latonería/, brasswork; brass shop, légamo to, mud, silt, (min) slime,
latonero to, brassworker; ( Col)(V) sheet-metal legónto, grub ax; grub hoe; C)(spade,
worker, tinsmith, legra / , reamer, broach; reeming iron,
laurelm, a SouthAmerican lumber, leguario m (Ch), milestone,
laurilo m (lab), lauryl . leídoto (inst), reading,
lava /, lava; (min) washing, lejía / , lye.
lavabo to, washbasin, lavatory, lem niscata/ (mat), lemniscate.
lavadero m, washer; lavatory, washbasin; wash- len gu a /, tongue.
tray, washtub; washroom; place where -----de carpa, kind of chisel.
gravel is washed for gold. -----de pájaro, taper file.
----- de pared, wall-type washbasin. -----de vaca, pointing trowel.
----- de pie, pedestal washbasin. lengüeta /, tongue, lug; (rr) switch point or
lavado (to) contracorriente, countercurrent wash­ blade; (rr) point of a frog; (carp)spline
ing. feather; (mech) key, spline.
lavador to, washer. -----ahusada, taper spline.
■---- de arena (ag), sand washer or tank. -----calibradora, thickness gage.
—■ de calle, street washer. -----paralela, feather key, spline.
----- de cascajo (dac), grit washer. -----postiza, spline, feather key, loose or slip
----- de gas, gas scrubber. tongue.
----- de paletas, paddle-type sand washer, y ranura, tongue and groove.
----- rociador (aa), spray air washer. lenta quemadura, de, slow-burning,
lavadora / , washer. lentem / , lens (optical); lens (geol).
de carbón, coal washer. -— autofiltrador, self-filtering lens.
—■ de impresiones (fma), print washer, colectora o convergente, converging lens.
lavaduras / , washings, —— condensadora, condenser, condensing lens.
lavaje m, washing; (di)(A) scavenging, ----- de ampliación (fma), enlarging lens.
lavamanos m, washbasin, lavatory, ----- de elaboración, process lens.
lavar, to wash. ----- divergente, diverging or negative lens.
lavatorio m, lavatory; washbasin. ----- Fresnel (ap), Fresnel lens.
----- de arrimar, wall-type lavatory. ----- objetiva (inst), object glass.
lávico, lavatic, lavic. ----- ocular (inst), eyepiece, eyeglass.
la y a /, spade. ----- telefotográfico, telephoto lens.
—■ •de descortezar, bark spud, lenteja / , disk; (geol) lenticle, lentil,
lazo m, loop, tie; (lg) choker. lenticular, lenticular,
----- de goteo (eléc), drip loop. lento, slow,
----- de histéresis (eléc), hysteresis loop. leña / , firewood.
lazulita / (miner), lazulite, blue spar, -----de cuerdas, cordwood.
lectura / (inst), reading. leñar, to cut wood.
■---- de atrás (lev), backsight. leñoto, log, timber.
----- de mira, rod reading. leptómetro m, leptometer (viscosity).
----- estadimétrica, stadia reading. le s n a /, awl, bradawl.
----- frontal, foresight. -----de dibujante, pricker.
lechada /, grout; slurry; ( C) whitewash; (Pe) -----de marcar, scratch or marking awl.
laitance. -----para correas, belt awl.
----- de cal, milk of lime; (V) whitewash. ----- para puntillas, bradawl.

letra 188 lija

letra/ , draft, bill, document . liar, to tie, bundle,

----- de cambio, bill of exchange. liber to, inner bark, bast,
letras de identificación (ra)(tel), call letters, libra / , pound.
letrero to, sign; (dwg) title, ■---- de ensayador, assay pound.
letreros (d ib )( M ), lettering, ■---- esterlina, pound sterling.
letrina/, latrine, privy; C) cesspool,
( librapiê m, foot-pound,
le v a /, pawl, dog, catch; cam; (C) lever. librar, to free; (com) to draw,
de admisión (mg), admission cam. libre, free.
•----- de cara, face cam. ----- al costado vapor, free alongside (FAS).
de disco, edge or disk or plate cam. ----- a bordo (LAB), free on board (FO B), loaded
■ — del encendido, ignition cam. on cars.
de escape, exhaust cam. ----- de avería particular (seg), free of particular
de tambor, drum or barrel cam. average.
levadizo, lift (bridge), rising, lifting, ----- de derechos, duty-free.
levador to, cam. ----- de impuesto, tax-exempt.
levaje to, lifting. libremente apoyado (est), simply supported,
levantaaguja to (inst), needle lifter, lib reta /, notebook.
levantacoches m, automobile lift, ----- de campo, field book.
levantador to, lifter, elevator. ----- de jornales, time book.
de banderola, transom lifter. ----- de medición (ef), scale book.
de resorte de válvula (mg), valve-spring ■---- de tiempo
re­ ( M ), time book .
mover. ----- de trazado (lev), transit notebook.
levantaescobillas to (eléc), brush lifter, libretin (m) de jornales (V), time book,
levantamiento to, survey; raising, lifting; (geol) libro to, book.
upheaval. ----- de caja, cash book.
----- altimétrico, topographical survey. ----- diario, journal.
capilarA), ( capillary .rise ----- mayor, ledger.
de localización ( M ), location survey . licen cia /, license, permit; leave of absence.
de pianos, surveying, mapping. •---- de manejar (auto), driver’s license
de ruta, route surveying (reconnaissance, ----- para edificación, building permit.
preliminary survey, and location survey). licenciar, to license.
estadimétrico, stadia survey. licitación, bidding, taking bids.
fotográfico, photographic mapping. licitador, licitante to, bidder.
geodésico, geodetic surveying. licitar, to bid in competition; to take bids.
gravimétrico, gravity survey. licor to (quim), liquor.
—■ ordinario o planimétrico o piano, plane sur­ licu ación/, liquefaction; (met) liquation.
veying. licuar, to liquefy.
taquimétrico, stadia survey. licuefacción / , liquefaction.
levantar, to hoist; to survey; to heave, lift. lidita / , (miner) lydite, touchstone; lyddite (ex­
una planimetría, to make a survey. plosive).
•---- una topografía, to make a topographical lienza ( /) metálica (lev), metallic tape,
survey. lienzo m, façade, front wall; bay of a wall; panel
vapor ( C), to get up steam. of a fence; fabric, cloth,
vuelo (ap), to take off. lig a /, alloy; binding material; bond; flux.
levántam eles to, levantavia to, track Jack, ----- de asbesto, asbestos bonding.
levantaválvula m, tappet, push ro d ; valve •---- metálica,
lifter, alloy.
levantaventana embutido, flush sash lift, ----- para frenos (V ), brake fluid.
levante m, raising, hoisting;A) (conc)(
a lift, ligado con agua, water-bound (macadam),
leve, light, easy (grade), ligador m, binder.
levigar, to levigate . ----- asfáltico (ca), asphalt binder.
levógiro, turning anticlockwise, levorotary. ligadura/, tie, lashing; rail bond; (reinf)(V) col­
levorrotación/ , levorotation. umn hoop.
levorrotatorio (az), levorotatory. ----- a bobina de reacción (fc), impedance or react­
l e y /, law; (met) fineness, grade. ance bond,
— - de Coulomb, Coulomb’s law, law of electro­ ligante to (ca), binder,
static attraction. ligar, to bond, tie; to alloy.
----- de Faraday, Faraday’s law, law of electro­ ligazón / , tie, fastening; (mas) bond; (rr) rail
magnetic induction. bond; (V) stile of a door.
----- de la inversa de los cuadrados (física), ----- de impedancia
in- (fc), impedance or reactance
verse-square law. bond,
----- senoidal, sine law. ligero, light, thin,
----- tangencial, law of tangents. lignina / , lignin.
leyes de Kirchhoff, Kirchhoff’s laws, laws lignítico,of lignitic.
tric networks, lignitizar, to lignitize.
l e y e n d aA/( )(dib), legend, lignito to, lignite,
le z n a /, awl, bradawl . lija / , sandpaper.

lija 189 limpia

■ — de carborundo, carborundum paper . -----de columna, pillar shaper.

----- esmeril, emery paper. ----- de corte de retroceso, drawcut shaper.
lijadora / , sandpapering machine, Sander. ----- de manivela, crank shaper.
----- de banda o de cinta o de correa, belt sander. limaduras / , filings.
•---- de columna, column sander.
----- de acero, steel grit.
----- de disco, disk sander.
limalla / , filings,
----- de husillo oscilante, oscillating-spindle san­
der. limar, to file; to shape.
de rodillos, roll sander. limatón m, rasp, coarse file; ( Ch) hip or valley
de tambor, drum sander. rafter.
lijar, to sandpaper. limbo m (inst)(geol), limb.
lima / , (t) file; (rf) hip or valley, hip or valley ----- azimutal, horizontal limb, lower plate (tran­
rafter. sit).
—• ■ahusada, taper file. ----- graduado (tránsito), graduated limb.
ahusada delgadísima, double-extra-slim file. limbo-índice (inst)(V), graduated limb,
ahusada extradelgada, extra-slim taper file. limera / (cn), rudderhole.
•---- basta, rough file. limitacorriente m (elèe), current limiter,
bastarda, bastard file. limitadorm, (hyd) spillway; (elee) limiter; (auto)
cilindrica, round file. fuel or speed regulator; (mech) a stop.
----- cuadrada puntiaguda, entering or square ----- de amplitud (ra), amplitude limiter,
taper file. ----- del campo visual (fma), field stop.
de aguja, needle file. •---- de luz (fma), aperture stop.
de canto liso, safe-edge or side file. ----- de pico (ra), peak limiter.
de cerrajero, warding or key file. ----- de ruidos (ra), noise limiter.
■---- de cola de rata, rattail file. ----- de tensión (elèe), voltage limiter.
de cuchilla, hack or knife file. -— en cascada (ra), cascade limiter.
----- de cuña con canto redondo, great American ----- horario (elèe), time switch.
file. limitadora / (ra), limiter.
de doble talla, double-cut or crosscut file. límite m, boundary, limit.
de dos colas, double-tang file. ----- de aguante, endurance limit.
de ebanista, cabinet file. ----- de agudeza (fe), limiting curvature.
de espada, featheredge file. ■— - de continuación (M ), endurance limit.
■---- de hender, slitting file. ----- de contracción o de encogimiento (ms),
de navaja, knife file. shrinkage limit.
de picadura cruzada, double-cut file. — - de elasticidad, elastic limit.
de picadura simple, single-cut file. ----- de escurrimiento A), ( yield point .
de segundo corte, second-cut file. ----- de estabilidad (elèe), stability limit.
—■ de talla mediana, middle-cut file. ----- de estabilidad momentánea, transient sta­
de tornero, lathe file. bility or transient power limit.
delgada, slim file. ----- de expansión lineal (ms), lineal-expansion
■---- dulce, fine or smooth file. limit.
■---- encorvada, rifller, bow file. ----- de floculación (is), flocculation limit.
entrefina, second-cut file. ----- de fluencia (A), yield point.
finísima, superfine file. ----- de fluidez (ms), liquid limit.
finísima puntiaguda, crochet file. •---- de flujo (met), creep limit:.
hoya (to ), valley. ----- de hidratación, hydration limit.
—-■ musa, single-cut file; smooth file. ----- de hinchamiento, swell limit (soil).
----- ovalada, crossing or double-half-round file. ----- de lubricación, lubrication limit (soil).
para entredientes (si), gulleting file. ----- elástico aparente, yield point.
para paletones, warding file. ----- líquido (ms), liquid limit.
paralela, blunt file. ----- plástico o de plasticidad (ms), plastic limit.
paralela de un canto liso, pillar file. limítrofe a, boundary, limiting.
plana para sierra, mill file. limnigrafo m, water-level recorder.
puntiaguda, taper file. limnimétrico, limnimetric.
ranuradora, cotter or slotting file. limnimetro m, stream or staff gage, limnimeter.
sorda, dead-smooth or dead file. limnita /, limnite (iron ore).
superfina, superfine file. limnògrafo m, limnograph.
tesa (to), hip, angle rafter. limnología / , limnology.
triangular, cant or three-square or lightning limo m, mud, silt.
file. limón m, stair string, carriage; wagon shaft,
----- triangular achatada, cant or barrette file. limonita / , limonite, brown hematite, brown iron
lima-cuchillo, slitting or knife file, ore, (miner) brown ocher,
limador m, filer. limonitico, limonitic.
lim adora/, shaper; power file, saw-filing tool. limoso, silty, muddy,
----- de cabeza móvil, traverse or traveling-head lim pia/, cleaning.
shaper. ----- por chorro de arena, sandblasting.


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