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Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Index Types
3. Multicolumn Indexes
4. Indexes and ORDER BY
5. Combining Multiple Indexes
6. Unique Indexes
7. Indexes on Expressions
8. Partial Indexes
9. Operator Classes and Operator Families
10. Indexes and Collations
11. Examining Index Usage

Indexes are a common way to enhance database performance. An index allows the
database server to find and retrieve specific rows much faster than it could do without
an index. But indexes also add overhead to the database system as a whole, so they
should be used sensibly.

Obtenido de: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/indexes.html

Consultado: 27 de enero de 2017

1 de 1
Quinto Semestre

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