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Identifications of Acquired Skills and Difficulties in Conducting Research at

Undergraduate Level

(Questionnaire for Students)

Part I:
Gender: i. Male ii. Female
Residence: i. Rural ii. Urban
Age (in years): i. 20-30 ii. 31-40 iii. 41-50
iv. 51-60 v. More than 60

Department: ………………………..
Program: i. Bacholar ii. Master
Current semester: ……………………………
Institute ......................................................
Part II:
Please indicate your opinion about each of the statements below. Your answers are confidential.
Scale: 1 = Strongly disagree (SDA), 2 = Disagree (DA), 3 = Undecided (UD), 4 = Agree (A), 5
= Strongly agree (SA)
Statements SDA DA UD A SA
1. You know the meaning of educational research.
2. You have ability to identify the research problem
3. You have ability to develop research proposal
4. You have the ability to identify research instruments
5. You have the ability to develop research questionnaire
6.You know the ways to conduct an interview
7. You have the ability to prepare an observation schedule
8. You know the types of data used in the research
9. I can focus my attention without too much effort.
10. I work 50 minutes and then take a 10 minute break.
11. I am comfortable in large classes.
12. I am confident delivering class presentations.
13. I am calm enough in an exam that I do my best.
14. I think I will get passing grades.
15. I set high standards for myself in University.
16. I persist when the work is boring or challenging.
17. I am up to date with assignments.
18. I am satisfied with my grades.
19. My course work relates to my future plans.
20. I download and read notes, or read texts before class.
21. I review notes shortly after class.
22. I stop reading periodically and check my understanding.
23. I make up and answer questions to test myself.
24. I refer to the course outline for the learning objectives.
25. I try to personally relate to information I am learning.
26. I connect ideas from one lecture to another.
27. I do review questions or practice problems.
28. I translate what I am studying into my own words.
29. I relate course content to the learning objectives.
30. I can find the main points in lectures.
31. I can summarize texts effectively (not get lost in details).
32. When problem-solving, I can identify relevant details.
33. My notes contain both main ideas and details.
34. I am able and willing to ask for help when I need it.
35. I use “people-resources” available, when needed.
36. I use text, internet, or library resources, when needed.
37. I feel confident about my note-taking methods.
38. I attend review sessions when offered.
39. I separate my initial “learning” from my “studying”.
40. I know what to study for an exam.
41. I feel confident in my study methods.
42. I answer practice questions to study.
43. I study in a group, or with a friend.
44. I adjust my study methods for different courses.
45. I finish my exams in the allotted time.
46. I answer the exam questions I know best, first.
47. I map out an essay answer before writing.
48. I take enough time to understand what the problem asks.
49. I studied enough for the exam.

Part III:
• What are major problems/ obstacles that affect study skills of research students?
• Please give suggestions for improving study skills of research students?

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