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Ageing and Endings B – Science Practical 12

Neuroanatomy – Internal Capsule & Horizontal Slices of Forebrain

Horizontal Cross-Section
Section of Forebrain

Corpus callosum
(genu) Head of caudate nucleus

External capsule Putamen

Globus pallidus
Internal capsule
(anterior limb) Septum pellucidum
Internal capsule
Insular cortex
Internal capsule Thalamus
(posterior limb)

Lateral ventricle Tail of caudate nucleus

Corpus callosum

Optic tract

© Matt Schiller Page 1 of 5

Ageing and Endings B – Science Practical 12
Neuroanatomy – Internal Capsule & Horizontal Slices of Forebrain

Functions and Connections of Major Forebrain Structures

Structure Function
Input/Origin Output/Termination
Amygdala Expression and (Complex – covered in lecture on limbic system)
experience of emotional
responses and formation
of emotional memories
Caudate Initiation and control of Motor cortex
nucleus gross movement
Claustrum (Poorly understood) Cerebral cortex (all lobes)
Fornix Memory formation (part Hippocampal Hypothalamus, anterior
of Papez Circuit) formation nucleus, and septal area
(limbic structures)
Globus Initiation and control of Caudate nucleus, Subthalamic nucleus and
pallidus gross movement putamen, and putamen
subthalamic nucleus
Hippocampus Memory
ry formation Parahippocampal Parahippocampal gyrus,
gyrus, septal area, septal area, hypothalamus,
and reticular and anterior nucleus
formation (limbic structures)
Hypothalamus Maintenance of (Complex)
homeostasis, regulation
of feeding, drinking and
sexual activity, circadian
rhythms, and emotional
Insular cortex (Poorly understood) Cerebral cortex (particularly sensory areas)
Mamillary Memory formation Hippocampal Anterior nucleus and
body formation reticular formation
Optic radiation Transmission of visual Thalamus Primary visual cortex
Putamen Initiation and control of Motor cortex and Globus pallidus and
gross movement substantia nigra substantia nigra
Subthalamic Control of movement, Globus pallidus
nucleus by regulating activity of
globus pallidus
Thalamus Relay and integration of (Complex) Cerebral cortex
motor and sensory

Organisation of Basal Ganglia

Basal ganglia / Neostriatum
Corpus striatum Lentiform nucleus
Pallidum Globus pallidus

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Ageing and Endings B – Science Practical 12
Neuroanatomy – Internal Capsule & Horizontal Slices of Forebrain

White Matter of Telencephalon

Description Fibre bundle (and parts) Description/Location Tracts/Fibres

Link cortex Internal Anterior limb Between head of caudate (See following
with capsule nucleus and lentiform nucleus section)
subcortical Posterior limb Between thalamus and
structures lentiform nucleus
Projection fibres

(both Genu Junction of anterior and

directions) posterior limbs
Retrolenticular Behind lentiform nucleus
Sublenticular Beneath lentiform nucleus
External capsule External to lentiform nucleus Corticostriate fibres
Corona radiata Above caudate nucleu, fanning Fibres from internal
out to various parts of cortex and external capsules
Link Corpus Forceps major Forms splenium (posterior Fibres linking occipital
corresponding callosum part) lobes
Commissural fibres

parts of Forceps minor Forms genu (anterior part) Fibres linking

hemispheres prefrontal areas
Anterior commissure Crosses midline anterior to Fibres linking inferior
column of fornix parts of temporal
lobes (including
olfactory areas)
Hippocampal commissure Passing between fornices, Fibres linking
beneath splenium hippocampal
Short – link Arcuate fibres Near cortical surface Fibres linking adjacent
adjacent areas gyri
Association fibres

of same
Long – link Superior longitudinal Lateral to centrum ovale Fibres linking frontal,
different fasciculus (medullary centre of parietal, and occipital
regions of hemisphere) lobes
same Arcuate fasciculus Sweeping around insula into Fibres linking auditory
hemisphere temporal lobe and speech areas

Corpus callosum subdivisions:: rostrum (A1), genu (A2), body (A3- A6), and splenium (A7)

© Matt Schiller Page 3 of 5

Ageing and Endings B – Science Practical 12
Neuroanatomy – Internal Capsule & Horizontal Slices of Forebrain

Internal Capsule
- Superior/Middle thalamic radiation:
- Thalamus → Motor cortex
- Thalamus → Somatosensory cortex
- Corticospinal tract
- Corticobulbar tract
- Corticopontine tract
- Anterior thalamic radiation:
- Thalamus → Cingulate gyrus (limbic)
- Thalamus → Prefrontal cortex (association)
- Corticopontine tract

Posterior thalamic radiation:
- Optic radiation
- Thalamus → Cortex (association)
- Corticopontine tract
- Auditory radiation
- Optic radiation (Meyer’s loop)

Fibres carried in internal capsule (A = anterior limb; G = genu; P = posterior limb; R =

retrolenticular part; S = sublenticular part)

Caudate G

Medial striate artery

Lateral striate arteries
Anterior choroidal artery
Posteromedial and
posterolateal groups

Blood supply of internal capsule and related structures (N.B. not part of learning activities,
but note supply of lateral striate arteries in particular)

© Matt Schiller Page 4 of 5

Ageing and Endings B – Science Practical 12
Neuroanatomy – Internal Capsule & Horizontal Slices of Forebrain

Computer Tomography (CT) Scan and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Principle of Passing of radiation through structures Perturbation of hydrogen atoms in water by
operation and detection of resulting beam magnetic field,, and measurement of energy
(radiographic density) produced
Radiation type X-rays (ionising) Radio frequency (non-ionising)
Appearance of From lighter to darker (more to less From lighter to darker (more to less water):
features dense):: bone, tissue, fluid fluid, tissue, bone (white
(w matter darker
than grey matter)
Features showing Bony structures (including inner ear) Soft tissues (including tumours)
highest detail
Other advantages • More widely available • Non-ionising
ionising radiation
• Cheaper • Possible to alter tissue contrast
• Faster • Possible to change imaging plane
• Possible for claustrophobic patients without moving patient

Selected Etymology

Term Root
Amygdala L/G: almond
Caudate L: tail
Claustrum L: barrier
Collateral L: side by side with
Commissure L: juncture
Corona L: crown
Corpus L: body
Fornix L: arch/vault
Genu L: knee/bend
Globus L: ball
Hippocampus G: seahorse
Insula L: island
Lentiform Lens-shaped
Mamillary L: nipple
Pallidus L: pale
Pellucidum L: translucent
Putamen L: shell/peel/prune
Radiata L: shine/rays
Rostrum L: beak
Septum L: partition
Splenium L/G: bandage
Striatum L: furrowed/striated
Thalamus G: bed/bedroom
Trigone L/G: triangle

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