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The Steel Construction Institute Institut dela Construction Métalique Institut fur Stahibau Istituto di Costruzioni in Acciaio Instituto de la Construccion Metalica L5ZZ_ZD is We Steel Construction Institute. Its aim is to promote and .—<< develop the proper and effective use of steel in construction. Membership is open to all organisations and individuals that are concerned with the use of steel in construction, and members include designers, contractors, suppliers, fabricators, academics and government departments in the United Kingdom, elsewhere in Europe and in countries around the world. SCI is financed by subscriptions from its members, by revenue from research contracts and consultancy services and by the sales of publications. ‘SCI’s work is initiated and guided through the involvement of its members on advisory groups and technical committees. A specialist advisory and consultancy service is available free to members on the use of steel in construction. SCI’s research and development activities cover many aspects of steel construction including multi-storey construction, industrial buildings, use of steel in housing, development of design guidance on the use of stainless steel and cold formed steel, behaviour of steel in fire, fire engineering, use of steel in barrage and tunnel schemes, bridge engineering, offshore engineering, and development of structural analysis systems. Further information is given in the SCI prospectus available free on request from: ‘The Membership and Council Secretary, The Steel Construction Institute, Silwood Park, Ascot, Berkshire, SLS 7QN. Telephone: (0344) 23345, Fax: (0344) 22944. Although care has been taken to ensure, to the best of our knowledge, that all data and information contained herein are accurate to the extent that they relate to either matters of fact or accepted practice or matters of opinion at the time of publication, The Steel Construction Institute, the authors and the reviewers assume no responsibility for any errors in or misinterpretations of such data and/or information or any loss or damage arising from or related to their use. This publication has been reviewed by the BCSA Fabricators’ Technical Committee and is published with the support of The British Constructional Steelwork Association Limited Publications supplied to the Members of the Institute at a discount are not for resale by them. © The Steel Construction Institute 1994 Instituut voor Staalbouwconstructie Institut de la Construction Métallique Institut fiir Stahlbau _ Institutet for Stalbyggnad oetimato a) Constaeae etate Istituto di Costruzioni in Acciaio Ivortrobro Liénpav xaTaoKevav Instituto de la Construccién Metélica Staalkonstruktion Institut ‘SCI PUBLICATION 121 Composite Beam Design to Eurocode 4 Based on DD ENV 1994-1-1: 1994 Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures: Part 1.1: General rules and rules for buil ings with reference to the UK National Application Document RM Lawson BSc (Eng), PhD, ACGI, CEng, MICE, MiStructE F Chung BEng, PhD, DIC ISBN 1 870004 86 8 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library © The Steel Construction Institute 1994 The Steel Construction Institute Silwood Park, Ascot Berkshire SL5 70N Telephone: 0344 23345 Fax: 0344 22944 FOREWORD BS ENV 1994: Eurocode 4: Part 1.1 Design of composite steel and concrete structures, general rules and rales for building was published in 1994. It is intended that designers will become familiar with all Eurocodes during their ENV (or ‘draft for development’) period, prior to achieving EN (or ‘standard’) status, ‘The Steel Construction Institute and other organisations are in the process of preparing design guides to assist users of the Eurocodes during the ENV period, and this guide is the first to be published on Eurocode 4, concentrating on the design of composite beams. It is a companion to the SCI publication Design of composite slabs and beams with steel decking which refers to BS 5950: Part 3: Section 3.1 (published in 1990). In order to assist familiarity, Eurocode 4 terminology and symbols have been used wherever possible. ‘Comparable symbols in BS 5950: Part 3 are given in the Notation (page ‘The publication was prepared by Dr R M Lawson and Dr K F Chung of the SCI with the assistance of members of BSI Committee 525/4 and BCSA Ltd. The design example (Appendix A) was prepared by Mr D M Osafo and the Design Tables by Dr K F Chung. Comments on the draft document were made by: Dr CN Hampton Richard Lees Ltd Mr K Leah Henry Brooks Ltd Dr D Anderson University of Warwick ‘The work leading to the publication was funded by The Department of Trade & Industry through Eureka Project 130A and from the Eureka CIMsteel project. Information concerning the manufacturers of decking and shear connectors is given in Appendix B. References to the Code Clauses of Eurocode 4: Part 1.1 have been made with permission of BSI. Complete copies of the Standard can be obtained by post from BSI Standards, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes MK14 OLE. This publication forms one of the deliverables of the CIMsteel project. CONTENTS Page SUMMARY v NOTATION vii 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Scope of publication 1 1.2 Partial safety factors 2 1.3. Cross-referencing rE a MATERIAL PROPERTIES 3 21 Structural steel 3 2.2 Profiled steel decking 3 2.3 Concrete 4 2.4 — Reinforcement 4 2.5 Shear connectors 5 3. BASIS OF DESIGN - COMPOSITE SLABS 6 3. Definition 6 3.2 Construction condition 6 3.3 Composite condition 8 3.4 Fire resistance 10 4, BASIS OF DESIGN - COMPOSITE BEAMS 4 4.1 Construction condition u 4.2 Effective breadth of slab 1 4.3 Plastic analysis of composite section 12 4.4 — Shear resistance 14 4.5 Shear connection 15 4.6 — Full and partial shear connection 7 4.7 Influence of deck shape 21 4.8 Transverse reinforcement 23 5. SERVICEABILITY LIMIT STATES. 25 5.1 General criteria 25 5.2 Calculation of deflections 25 5.3. Stress checks 28 5.4 Vibration check 29 5.5 Span to depth ratio 29 5.6 Crack control 29 6. FIRE RESISTANCE 31 7. COMMENTARY ON DESIGN TABLES FOR COMPOSITE BEAMS 32 71 General information 32 7.2. Introduction to uniform load cases 34 7.3 Introduction to point load cases 37 7.4 Use of the tables for typical design cases 38 7.5 Comparison of designs to different codes 39 iii 8. DESIGN TABLES 43 REFERENCES 112 APPENDIX A: Design Example 115 APPENDIX B: Sources of information 134 iv SUMMARY This publication reviews the method of design of composite slabs and beams to BS ENV 1994 Eurocode 4: Part 1.1. Design Tables are presented to aid rapid selection of the steel beams, depending on the span and the loading, the depth of the concrete slab and the shape of the deck profile used. Because of the number of variables, a total of 64 Design Tables for both uniform and point load cases are included. Generic deck profiles are used to cover the main design cases and these are typical of the principal deck profiles used in the UK. The mode of failure of the beams, as given by the relevant requirement of Eurocode 4, is also indicated in the Design Tables. ‘The design method of Eurocode 4 is based on plastic section analysis principles for Class 1 and 2 sections. The scope of this publication is restricted to simply supported beams. Checks are made on both the ultimate limit state and the serviceability behaviour of the composite beams. Design is often controlled by the deflection limits or by the minimum degree of shear connection permitted in Eurocode 4. A worked example is also included to illustrate the design of a typical composite beam to Burocode 4. Berechnung von Verbundtriigern nach Eurocode 4. ‘Zusammenfassung Diese Verdjfentlichung gibt einen Uberblick ber die Berechnung von Verbunddecken und - tragern nach BS ENV 1994 Eurocode 4, Teil 1.1. Bemessungstabellen werden vorgestellt, die eine schnelle Auswahl von Stahltragern in Abhdngigkeit der Spannweite, Belastung, Dicke der Betondecke und des verwendeten Deckenprofils erlauben. Aufgrund der Anzahl der Variablen gibt es insgesamt 64 Tabellen, sowohl flar Gleichstreckenlasten als auch fir Punktlasten. Die hier verwendeten Deckenprofile decken die wichtigsten Berechnungsfalle ab und sind gleichzeitig die am haufigsten verwendeten Profile in GB. Die Versagensart der Triger, entsprechend Eurocode 4, ist in den Tabellen ebenfalls angegeben. Die Berechningsmethode nach Eurocode 4 beruht auf der plastischen Bemessung der Querschnitte der Klassen I und 2. Der Anwendungsbereich dieser Verdffentlichung ist beschrénkt auf Einfeldtrager. Nachweise werden im Grenzeustand der Tragfahigkeit und der Gebrauchsfithigkeit gefihrt. Ma gebend wird hierbei oftdie Durchbiegungsbeschrankung oder der Mindest-Verdiibelungsgrad nach Eurocode 4. Ein Berechnungsbeispiel illustriert die Berechnung eines Verbundtrdgres nach Eurocode 4. ‘Dimensionnement des poutres mixtes selon I'Eurocode 4 Résumé La publication est consacrée @ la méthode de dimensionnement des poutres et dalles mixtes préconisée dans la BS ENV 1994 Eurocode 4 - Partie 1.1. Des tables de dimensionnement permettant un choix rapide des poutres en acier en fonction de la portée, du chargement, de I'épaisseur de la dalle en ‘béton et du type de profil en acier utilisé, sont proposées. La publication contient, au total, 64 tables de dimensionnement, tenant compte des diverses variables du probleme. Les types de profils en acier couverts par les tables sont ceux généralement utilisés au Royaume-Uni. Le mode de ruine des ‘poutres est également donné dans les tables, comme indiqué par les régles de I'Eurocode 4. La méthode de dimensionnement proposée dans I'Eurocode 4 est basée sur le principe d'une analyse plastique pour les sections des classes 1 et 2. Cette publication ne couvre que le cas des poutres simplement appuyées. Les vérifications portent tant sur les états limites que sur le comportement en service des poutres mixtes. Le dimensionnement est souvent contrélé par les fleches limites ou par le degré minimal de liaison en cisaillement autorisé par l'Eurocode 4. Un exemple de dimensionnement est proposé pour illustrer l'utilisation de la méthode. Disefio de vigas mixtas de acuerdo con el Eurocédigo 4 Resumen Esta publicacion repasa el método de disefo de acuerdo con la norma BS ENV 1994 Eurocédigo 4 Parte 1.1. Se incluyen tablas para facilitar la rdpida seleccién de las vigas de acero, dependiendo de la luz y la carga, el espesor de la capa de hormigén y la forma de la chapa a usar. Debido al nimero de variables, se presentan un total de 64 tablas de diseto tanto para cargas puntuales como para cargas repartidas uniformemente. Se han empleado perfiles de chapas genéricos para cubrir los casos de diseio mas comunes, siendo éstos muy habituales en Gran Bretafia. El tipo de fallo de la viga, tal como se describe en el Eurocédigo 4, también se indica en las tablas de diseio. El método de disetio del Eurocddigo 4 se basa en los principios de andlisis de secciones pldsticas de las clases Ty 2. Elalcance de esta publicacién abarca tinicamente las vigas simplemente apoyadas. Se ha ‘comprobado tanto los estados limites tltimos como los estados de servicio de las vigas compuestas. El disefto esté dominado normalmente por tas flechas limites o por el grado minimo de unién a cortante permitido en el Eurocédigo 4. Para ilustrar el disefio de una viga mixta segiin el Eurocédigo 4 se ha incluido un ejemplo resuelto. Progettazione di travi composte in accordo con I'Eurocodice 4 Sommario Questa pubblicazione esamina il metodo di progetto di travi e solette compaste secondo la norma BS ENV 1994 Eurocodice 4, Parte 1.1. Gli abachi progettuali riportati rendono possibile una rapida sselecione sia della trave in acciaio, in funzione della luce e del tipo di carico, sia dell'altezza della ssoletta in conglomerato e del profilo di lamiera grecata. A causa del gran numero di parametri in igioco nella progetiazione di questi elementi composti sono state incluse 64 tabelle riferite alle condizioni di carico uniformemente distribuito e di carico concentrato. Profili di lamiera di tipo ‘generico sono utilizzati per le principal applicazioni progettuali; le sezioni considerate sono comunque tipiche dei piu’ comuni profili di lamiera usati ne! Regno Unito. Anche le modalita’ di collasso delle travi, in accordo con i principali requisiti dell'Eurocodice 4, sono indicate nelle tabelle progettuali. Il metodo di progetto dell'Eurocodice 4 e' basato sui principi del calcolo plastico per le sezioni in classi 1 e 2. Lo scopo di questa pubblicazione e' limitato alle travi in semplice appoggio. Le verifiche sulle travi composte sono condotte riferendosi sia allo stato limite ultimo sia al comportamento in condizioni di esercizio. La progettazione risulta spesso governata dai limiti di deformabilita’ o dal minimo grado di interazione a taglio del collegamento trave-soletta consentito dall'Eurocodice 4. Un esempio completo e' anche riportato allo scopo di illustrare il progetto di una tipica trave composta in accordo con l'Eurocodice 4 Utformning och dimensionering av samverkansbalk enligt Eurocode 4 a fattn! Denna publikation beskriver dimensioneringsmetoden for samverkansbalkar enligt BS ENV 1994 Eurocode 4: Part 1.1. Dimensioneringstabeller presenteras for art underlatta ett snabbt val av stdlprofil, beroende pd spannvidd, last, tjocklek pd betongplattan samt vilken typ av samverkansplat ‘som anviinds. Pé grund av det stora antalet variabler redovisas toralt 64 tabeller for lastfallen jamnt utbredd belastning och punktlast. De vanligaste plétprofilerna i Storbritannien har tagits med for att tticka in de flesta dimensioneringsfallen. Balkarnas brottyp, baserad pé foreskrifterna i Eurocode 4, anges ocksa i dimensioneringstabellerna. Dimensioneringsmetoden i Eurococde 4 dr baserad pa plastisk tvarsnittsanalys i tvdrsnittsklass 1 och 2. Denna publikation omfattar endast fritt upplagda balkar. Kontroll av bade brotistadiet och bruksstadiet ar utford pa samverkansbalkarna. Nedbojningsbegrinsningar eller minsta grad av skjusforbingning enligt Eurocode 4 dr ofta avgdrande vid dimensioneringen. Ett beriikningsexempel r inkluderat for att illustrera dimensioneringen av en typisk samverkansbalk enligt Eurocode 4. vi NOTATION EC4 Definition A cross-sectional area effective breadth of slab b, average trough width diameter of shear connector elastic modulus cylinder strength of concrete cube strength of concrete ultimate tensile strength of steel nominal tensile strength of steel action or force (general) permanent load height of steel section height of shear connector (note, also used as above) height of concrete slab above deck profile height of deck profile second moment of area length of beam or slab design value of moment resistance design value of applied moment modular ratio of steel to concrete number of shear connectors number of shear connectors for full shear connection resistance of a shear connector variable load resistance of element ratio of cross-sectional area of the steel section relative to the concrete section thickness shear force section modulus partial safety factor on loads partial safety factor on materials ‘(235/f,) dry det EONS RS OURS Sms. ge + RORezs vexge) single span loaded to 1,5 kN/m? plus self-weight; adjacent spans not loaded. igle span pl fi Case a therefore corresponds to the maximum elastic moment at the supports, whereas Case b corresponds to the maximum elastic moment in mid-span. Loads exceeding these limits should not be applied until the slab has gained adequate strength. These requirements are similar to those of BS 5950: Part 4 except for the use of partial factors of 1,5 on construction loads and 1,35 on self weight in Eurocode 4. C4 Clause 34 73.2.1Q) UK NAD 3.2.5 Strength design of decking ‘The design of steel decking is to be covered by Eurocode 3: Part 1.3" which relates to the design of thin steel! sections, decking and roof sheeting. It is similar in approach to BS 5950: Parts 5 and 6". The elastic moment resistance of the section is established taking account of the effective breadth of the thin steel elements in compression. Stiffeners (in the form of folds) are often introduced to reduce the width of the compression elements and to increase the effectiveness of the section. ‘The design of continuous decking is based, according to Eurocode 4, on an elastic distribution of moment for the load cases given in Section 3.2.4. No moment redistribution is permitted and the support (negative moment) conditions would normally be the controlling case. This condition represents a safe underestimate to the collapse load of the decking. Manufacturers often carry out full scale load tests to justify the use of higher load than given by Codes. 3.2.6 Deflection limits No deflection limits are specified in Eurocode 4 for the deflection of the deck after concreting, It is therefore suggested that the deflection limit of span/180 is used as given in BS 5950: Part 4‘ Increased deflections (up to span/130) are permitted if the additional weight of concrete due to the deflection of the decking is included in the design of the decking. 3.3 Composite condition Composite slabs are usually designed as simply supported members with failure normally occurring by slip between the decking and the concrete before the plastic ‘moment resistance of the composite section is reached. Eurocode 4 permits the design of continuous composite slabs by the provision of reinforcement in the negative moment region. A method is presented for provision of end anchors, but not for reinforcement in the positive moment region, acting in combination with the composite action of the decking. ‘Two methods of design of composite slabs are permitted by Eurocode 4. Both use test information on the ‘shear bond’ resistance of the slabs as a means of interpolating. to other design cases. The preferred method is that which has been traditionally used (the so-called ‘m’ and ‘k” method), and an alternative method based on the principles of partial shear connection is presented in Annex E of Eurocode 4. 3.3.1 Modes of ‘The ultimate moment resistance of composite slabs is determined by the breakdown of bond and mechanical interlock between the decking and the concrete, known as shear bond. This often occurs when slips (relative displacements) of 2-3 mm have occurred at the ends of the span. The load resistance of the slab is considerably greater than that given by initial slip, due to the performance of the embossments or indentations in the deck which cause the concrete to ‘ride-over’ these points. Re- entrant profiles restrict separation of the two materials giving improved shear bond performance. EC4 Clase 741 7421 1612 If the slab is unpropped during construction then the deck resists the self-weight loads and subsequent loads are applied to the composite section. If the slab is propped then. all the loads are applied to the composite section, leading to a reduction in the imposed load that the slab can support. Even so, this shear bond action leads to imposed load resistances well in excess of that required in most buildings. ‘The vertical shear and punching shear resistance of the composite slab are assessed in accordance with Eurocode 2°) 3.3.2 Design by testing The performance of a particular deck profile used in a composite slab can only readily be assessed by testing. According to Eurocode 4 and BS 5950: Part 4, a minimum of 6 tests are required coveting the key design parameters (usually depth and span). The slabs are first subject to dynamic load between 50 and 150% of the target working load and later the load is increased statically to failure. The objective of the dynamic part of the test is to identify those cases where there is an inherently brittle bond between the concrete and the steel The test requirements are such that it is normally assumed that all loads are applied to the composite section. The test information is then presented in terms of empirical constants (m and k) that broadly define the mechanical interlock and chemical bond components of the resistance, respectively. The resistances are divided by a partial safety factor of 1,25 for shear bond action. Because of the empirical nature of the design of composite slabs, manufacturers normally present direct load-span design tables. It should be noted that, because of slight differences in the interpretation of the values of mand k, the values for these two empirical constants are not directly transferable between Codes. The alternative method in EC4 Annex E treats the shear bond resistance as analogous to the shear connection in a composite beam. A characteristic longitudinal shear resistance is defined, based on tests, which is then used in a modified partial shear connection analysis. Both methods give similar results within the range of test parameters used. 3.3.3 Ser Calculations of deflections in reinforced concrete slabs are notoriously conservative and designers often use simple rules to ensure that the serviceability performance is acceptable. The same approach may be adopted for composite slabs and the following general rules are proposed for the maximum span to depth ratio of the slabs using NWC and LWC. eability aspects NWC LWC ‘Simply supported slabs with mesh reinforcement 35 30 Continuous slabs end bay 38 33 - internal bay 40 35 The depth is the overall depth of the slab. Deflections should be calculated for designs outside these limits. No check need be made on the vibration of composite slabs. EC4 Clause 10.1, Annex E 3.4 Fire re: The fire resistance of composite slabs is covered in the forthcoming Eurocode 4: Part 1.2" In principle, this Code follows BS 5950: Part 8"). The minimum slab depth is controlled by the fire insulation requirements and the amount of reinforcement is determined from the load to be supported at the fire limit state. stance Eurocode 4: Part 1.2 presents the minimum slab depths in terms of an ‘average’ dimension depth, which leads to a slight reduction in slab depth in comparison to the requirements of BS 5950: Part 80°. A further 10% reduction in slab depth is permitted for lightweight concrete slabs because of the better insulating properties of the aggregate. The use of Simplified Design Tables is still permitted in the UK. Calculation procedures are presented in Eurocode 4: Part 1.2 for design cases outside the limits of test data”) upon which the Simplified Tables were prepared. For Scheme Design it may be assumed that a 130 mm slab depth will be adequate for up to 90 minutes fire resistance. Standard A142 or A193 mesh reinforcement may ‘be used depending on the span and loading configuration. 10 EC4 Clause ECA Pt. 43.1.2 4. BASIS OF DESIGN - COMPOSITE BEAMS ‘The structural system of a composite beam is essentially one of a series of parallel T beams with thin wide flanges. The concrete flange is in compression and the steel section is largely in tension. The forces between the two materials are transferred by shear connectors. The benefits of composite action are increased strength and stiffness, leading to economy in the size of steel beam used. 4.1 Construction condition In unpropped construction, the steel beam is sized first to support the self weight of the concrete slab and other construction loads before the concrete has gained adequate strength for composite action. No specific guidance is given in Eurocode 4 regarding the magnitude of this commun load used in the design of the steel beam. However, a load of 0,75 KN/m? is assumed to be applied to the entire area of steel decking and it would be logical to take this same load as applied to the beam. This load is treated as an imposed load. ‘The comparable figure in BS 5950: Part 3 is 0,5 KN/m?, which is the value recommended in the UK NAD. ‘The steel beam is then designed in accordance with Eurocode 3. Beams are assumed to be laterally restrained by the steel decking in cases where the decking spans perpendicular to the beam and is directly attached to them. Such beams can develop their full moment resistances. In cases where the decking spans parallel to the beam, lateral restraint is provided only by the beam to beam connections and the buckling resistance of the beam is based on the effective length of the beam between these points. 4.2 Effective breadth of slab In a T beam the contribution of the concrete flange is limited by the influence of ‘shear lag’ associated with in-plane strains across the slab. ‘The effective breadth of the slab takes this effect into account and is the notional width of slab acting at the compressive strength of the concrete. It is not a precise figure as it depends on the form of loading and position in the span. bent ba ‘ef__> j<—_——"tt___} Mosh Eee ET shear 7 \ owe cH le Ss ot ‘Secondary beam Secondary beam (a) Deck perpendicular to (©) Dock parallel to secondary beam primary Figure 2 Effective breadth of slab used in determining properties of composite section EC4 Clause UK NAD ul For compatibility between designs at the ultimate and serviceability limit state, the effective breadth is taken as span/8 on each side of the beam (see Figure 2). This results in an effective breadth of span/4 for simply supported internal beams, but not exceeding the actual slab width acting with each beam (as in BS 5950: Part 3). No allowance is made for combined stress effects in the slab and beam. ‘The treatment of continuous beams is similar in Eurocode 4 and BS 5950: Part 3 (but is not considered in this publication). 4.3 Plastic analysis of composite section ‘The moment resistance of a composite section is determined using plastic analysis, principles. It is assumed that the strains across the section are sufficiently high that the steel stresses are at their yield values throughout the section and that the concrete has reached its design compressive strength. Plastic stress blocks are rectangular, unlike elastic stress blocks which are triangular. ‘The plastic moment resistance is independent of the sequence of loading (i.e. propped ‘or unpropped construction). The moment resistance of the section is then compared to the total factored moment applied to the beam. ‘The material strengths to be used are: Concrete: 0,85 fix Ae which may be taken as 0,57 fig 0 0,45 fog Steel: Ng which may be taken as 0,95 f, ‘The compressive resistance of the concrete slab is therefore: Re = OAS fay Deg he where h, is the depth of the concrete slab above the profiled decking bag is the effective breadth of the slab (see Section 4.2) Account may be taken of the concrete contained within the ribs of the profile in cases where the ribs run parallel to the beam (this benefit is usually neglected). ‘The tensile resistance of the steel section is: R= 0,95 fy Ay ‘The moment resistance of the cross-section may be evaluated by equating compression and tension across the section, the concrete being assumed to resist no tension. Three cases are illustrated in Figure 3. The following formulae ate appropriate for symmetric sections. 12 EC4 Clause 4.2.21 UK NAD C4 Clause Re a Tite Lena. ite tyre tye lab y, In steel y, In stool flange web (a) (b) te) Figure 3. Plastic analysis of composite sections under sagging (positive) moment 4.3.1 Plastic neutral axis in the concrete slab Where R, > R,, it follows that the plastic neutral axis lies in the concrete in order that the compressive force in the slab is reduced to be equivalent to the tensile resistance of the beam. It is not necessary to calculate the plastic neutral axis depth, Yp» explicitly, if the following formula for the moment resistance is used: the +h -& 7 Q Myena *R, Sab trea Ry where ht is the depth of the steel section 1h, is the height of concrete slab above the deck profile, and Ah, is the depth of the profiled decking 4.3.2 Plastic neutral axis in the top flange of the beam Where R. < R,, it follows that the full compressive resistance of the slab is developed, and the plastic neutral axis falls into the steel beam. Normally, it is sufficient to assume that the plastic neutral axis lies within the top flange. This is the case when R, > R,, where R,, is the tensile resistance of the web of the beam. ‘Taking moments around the centre of the top flange gives, conservatively: M, Reap |e as @ fyera “Ry 5 + Ro |= + hy 1B 4.3.3 Plastic neutral axis in the web of the beam ‘There are extreme cases of design with very heavy beams or edge beams where the plastic neutral axis lies in the web of the beam, such that R. < R,,.. This leads to: +h Myura = Maptra @) >| Bis 2 where M,ygpq is the moment resistance of the steel section alone. Ry = 0,95 f, ty (i 2t,), and 4,, and f,are the web and flange thickness respectively. ‘The depth of the web in compression should not exceed 38 4, & in order for it to be treated as ‘Class 2'; where © = V(235/f,) 4.4 Shear resistance 4.4.1 Pure shear In Eurocodes 3 and 4, the shear resistance of a web is taken as: 4, Voera 0,58 f, Ay Ma © B te where A, is the shear area of the section ‘The shear strength of steel compares to 0,6 f, in BS 5950: Parts 1 and 3. The definition of A, is the same as in BS 5950: Part 1. 4.4.2 Combined bending and shear Where high shear and moment co-exist at one point in the span (i.e. the beam is subject to point loads), vertical shear can cause a reduction in the moment resistance of the beam. The interaction equation is the same as that used in BS 5950: Part 3, although presented rather differently: Mog SMypq + Mpa ~ Mpa) (I ~ (2 Vou Vppra-U)?) © where Myrg is the moment resistance of the section ignoring the web Msg and Vsq are the applied moment and the shear force respectively at the point considered. This relationship is presented in Figure 4. It follows that if Vsy < 0,5 Vygrar no reduction to the moment resistance is made. 14 EC4 Clause Table 4.2 442 44.2.2 443 C4 Clause Mire 0.8 Voie Voi Shear force Figure 4 Interaction curve for moment and shear in composite beam 4.5 Shear connection 4.5.1 Forms of shear connector The modern form of welded shear connection is the headed stud. The most popular size is 19 mm diameter and 100 mm height. Studs are often welded through the decking using a hand tool connected via a control unit to a power generator (see Figure 5). Figure 5 Through-deck welding of shear connector 15 ‘There are, however, some limitations to through-deck welding: firstly, the top flange of the beam should not be painted or, alternatively, the paint removed from the zone where the shear connectors are to be welded; secondly, the galvanized steel should be less than 1,25 mm thick, be clean and free from moisture. As an alternative construction procedure, the shear connectors can be pre-welded to the beam and either, holes cut in the decking, or single sheet spans used that butt up against the shear connectors. Both these techniques have buildability limitations. ‘The *shot-fired’ shear connector shown in Figure 6 is often used in smaller projects where site power may be a problem. In this case, the shear connectors are attached by powder actuated pins. There are other forms of shear connectors, but most lack practical application. All shear connectors should be capable of resisting uplift forces caused by the tendency of the slab to separate from the beam. Hence headed rather than plain studs are used. 4.5.2 Resistance of stud shear connectors The resistance of headed stud shear connectors is defined by two design equations, the first representing failure of the concrete, and the second corresponding to shear failure of the stud (at its weld collar). ‘The smaller of the two values is used in design. eg = 0.2900 hy EB. /y, o rd 8 w 7 08h ®) Concrete properties fz, and E, are defined in Section 2.3. The, ultimate tensile strength of the steel, j,, used in the studs is normally 450 N/mm? and should not exceed 500 N/mm?, Figure 6 Hilti HVB shot-fired shear connectors attached to steel beam 16 EC4 Clause 6.1.16) 63.2.1 @ takes into account the height of the stud and is given by 0,2 (h/d + 1) < 1,0 where: his the overall height of the stud d@ is the diameter of the stud ‘The partial safety factor y, is taken as 1,25 at the ultimate limit state. This is the inverse of the 0,8 factor used to modify the basic resistances of shear connectors in BS 5950: Part 3. ‘These formulae apply for stud diameters not exceeding 22 mm. The design resistances of the common range of stud shear connectors are presented in Table 4. ‘These resistances are up to 10% lower than the equivalent values in BS 5950: Part 3, Table 5. However, in BS 5950: Part 3, no data are presented for concrete cube strengths exceeding 40 N/mm’ because of the potentially less ductile behaviour of the shear connectors. The cut-off in resistance in Equation (8) is an attempt to overcome this problem. Table 4 Design resistances (kN) of stud shear connectors ‘Stud diameter and height || Concrete cube strength (N/mm?) on 25 | 30 | 35 | 240 19mm dia x 100mm_| 63,8 | 73,4 | 81,1 | 83,4 22mm dia x 100mm_| 85,5 | 98,4 | 108,7 | 1118 16 mm dia x 75 mm 45,2 | 52,0 | 57,5 | 59,1 For lightweight concrete, Eurocode 4 assumes that the design resistance in Equation (, varies as 9/2400 due to influence of E... This approach is considerably more conservative than in BS 5950: Part 3 where & Strength reduction of 10% is permitted for concrete densities of 1700 to 2000 kg/m’. The UK NAD recognizes this difference and states that the resistance of shear connectors in lightweight concrete (Of this density range) may be taken as 90% of the resistance of shear connectors for the equivalent grade of normal weight concrete. 4.6 Full and partial shear connection In simply supported composite beams subject to uniform load, the elastic shear flow defining the shear transfer between the slab and the beam is linear, increasing to a ‘maximum at the ends of the beam. Beyond the elastic limit of the shear connectors, there is a transfer of force along the beam such that, at failure, each of the shear connectors is assumed to resist equal force. This implies that the shear connectors possess adequate deformation capacity. In the plastic design of composite beams, the longitudinal shear force to be transferred between the points of zero and maximum moment should be the smaller of R, or R, (see Section 4.3). If so, full shear connection is provided. EC4 Clause 3 UK NAD 612 7 4.6.1 Degree of shear connection In cases where fewer shear connectors than the number required for full shear connection are provided itis not possible to develop the full plastic moment resistance of the composite section. ‘The degree of shear connection may be defined as: R Ns Mt fore, < R, o % 7% R o No fork, < R (10) yO R where R, is the total shear force transferred by the shear connectors between the points of zero and maximum moment ‘Ny is the number of shear connectors required for full shear connection. NN is the number of shear connectors provided over the relevant part of the span. 4.6.2 Linear interaction method ‘There are two methods of determining the moment resistance of a composite section with partial shear connection. The simplest method is the so-called ‘linear-interaction’ approach in which the moment resistance is defined by: N Mpa = Mopera + % Myera~ Maperd ay where Myer is the moment resistance of the composite section for full shear connection M, ‘apt is the moment resistance of the steel section. For adequate design, Mg < Mpqy Where Mg, is the applied ultimate moment. The ‘check may be repeated at point load positions by redefining N as the number of shear connectors from the support to the point considered. This approach is conservative and may be preferred for ‘hand’ checks. 4.6.3 Stress block method The second approach is ‘exact’ in that the equilibrium of the section is solved by equating the force in the concrete to the force transferred by the shear connectors, R,. No design formulae are given in Eurocode 4, but the formulae in Appendix B of BS 5950: Part 3°) are based on the same principle. ‘The stress block method leads to significantly higher moment resistance than the linear interaction method for degrees of shear connection between 0,4 and 0,7. This is confirmed by recent tests on composite beams with low degrees of shear 18 EC4 Clause connection™), The behaviour of a typical composite beam with variable shear connection is illustrated in Figure 7. ‘Rigid’ shear- connectors Interaction ‘method {Lower limit on N/Ny (Ec) 04 10 Degree of shear-connection, N/Ny Figure 7 Interaction between moment resistance and degree of shear connection in composite beams Calibration studies carried out during the preparation of Burocode 4 indicate that the stress block method gives similar results to the method in BS 5950: Part 3 for partial shear connection when the partial safety factor for steel is 1,05 - as in the UK NAD. 4.6.4 Minimum degree of shear connection In using the above methods, a minimum degree of shear connection is specified Eurocode 4, based on research by Johnson and Molenstra®, The minimum limit is introduced in order to ensure adequate deformation capacity of the shear connectors. In principle, the use of the stress block method imposes greater deformations on the shear connectors at failure and, therefore, any general limit is conservative for the linear interaction method. ‘The general limit on the degree of shear connection is defined in Clause 6.1.2 as: LsSm NN, > 04 Ss Ls25m NIN, > 0,25 + 0,03L (12 L>2%m_ NIN, > 10 where Z is the beam span in metres. C4 Clause UK NAD. 6.12 19 EC4 Clause A relaxation of the lower limit is permitted when all the following four con« met: + through-deck welding of stud shear connectors of 19 mm diameter is used. + there is one stud per rib. + the rib is of proportions b,/h > 2 and fy < 60 mm ‘+ the Tinear interaction method, described in Section 4.6.2, is used. In this case: L<10m NIN, 2 04 10 s Ls 25m NIN, = 0,04L (3) Le 25m NIN, = 1,0 ‘These limits are compared in Figure 8. Equation (13) is similar to the requirements of BS 5950: Part 3, but gives some improvement for longer spans. It reflects the fact that the linear interaction method is conservative in comparison to the stress block method and, therefore, the shear connectors are not stressed to the same extent. Limit for composite slabs {subject to certain require Span (m) Figure 8 Variation of minimum degre of a composite beam of shear connection with the span 4.6.5 Spacing of shear connectors Other limits may influence the maximum or minimum degree of shear connection that 6.13 may be used in practice. ‘The minimum spacing of the shear connectors Sd longitudinally and 4d laterally. 6.4.20) ‘The maximum spacing is the smaller of: 6 X slab depth or 800 mm. Limits are also placed on the edge distance and the minimum flange thickness for —_6.4.1.6(2) adequate welding 20 C4 Clause 4.6.6 Other checks Partial shear connection is not permitted for beams subject to heavy non-symmetric point loads due to columns etc. A further requirement is that the moment resistance ‘of beams subject to point loads should be adequate at all locations along the beam. It may be necessary to check the shear connection provided at intermediate points or, alternatively, distribute the total number of shear connectors in proportion to the shear force distribution along the beam. 4.7 Influence of deck shape 6.3.3 The efficiency of the shear connection between the composite slab and the composite ‘beam may be reduced as a result of the shape of the deck. This is analogous to the behaviour of haunched slabs where the strength of the shear connectors is highly dependent on the area of concrete around them. The behaviour is illustrated in Figure 9. Centro resistanc Stud force distribution Waid rushing (a) Shar connector in plain slab Moment on head Crushing oractirg Centr (b) sh iF connector fixed through profiled st ating Figure 9 Shear connector forces in solid and composite slabs According to Eurocode 4, the strength reduction factor, k,, for shear connectors (relative to a solid slab) is determined from: 0,7 By thy) wh 1 (14) w 2 EC4 Clause where b, is the average trough width (or minimum width for re-entrant profiles) Ar is the stud height N,, is the number of studs per trough (N, < 3). This formula applies to the strength of the shear connectors when the steel decking crosses the beams and where the shear connectors project at least 35 mm above the top of the decking. A further limit is that h < fy + 75 mm in evaluating k,, ‘The coefficient of 0,7 has been established on the basis of recent test evidence. It is a reduction from the coefficient of 0,85 used in previous guidance. It is also recognised that the formula may be unconservative for shear connectors in pairs and therefore the upper limit on k, is 0,8 (as it is in BS 5950: Part 3). ‘Where the decking is placed parallel to the beams, the constant in the above equation is reduced from 0,7 to 0,6. However, no further reduction is made for the number of shear connectors in this case and the limit on k, is 1,0 for N, = 1 or 2. ‘Many modern deck profiles have a central stiffening fold in the trough which requires the shear connector to be welded off-centre. ‘The preferred position of attachment is where the shear connectors are located on the side of the trough closest to the end of the nearest support (see Figure 10). This requires a change in orientation at mid-span. If this arrangement cannot be assured on site, then a conservative view of the strength reduction factor is to be taken. Crushing \ Compression in slab End of beam Force applied to slab Non-beneficial side Beneficial side Figure 10 Influence of off-centre shear connector forces No guidance is given in Eurocode 4 but BS 5950: Part 3 may be used in this case. The important dimension is ¢, the distance from the centre of the shear connector to the mid-height of the adjacent deck (see Figure 10). In using the above equation b, should be taken as 2e where the shear connectors are welded in the non-beneficial location. This only applies to cases where the deck crosses the beams, as illustrated ‘Alternatively, manufacturers’ test information, as obtained from standard ‘push out" 10.2.2 tests may be used. This should be divided by the appropriate safety factor. 22 EC4 Clause 4.8 Transverse reinforcement 6.6.2 ‘The longitudinal shear strength of the concrete slab should be checked in order to ensure transfer of force from the shear connectors into the slab without splitting the concrete, This may require provision of transverse reinforcement (perpendicular to the beam), Potential shear planes through the slab lie on either side of the shear connectors (Figure 11). Reinforcement oa \ (a) Deck to beam to beam erpendicular (b) Deck par Figure 11 Potential failure planes through composite slab in longitudinal shear ‘The shear resistance per unit length of shear plane along the beam is: Yea = 25 Ay teat Agfa Ys $02 bey Mey Ye asy where A,, the cross-sectional area of concrete per unit length in any shear plane ‘gq is the basic shear strength of concrete, presented in Table 5 A, is the amount of the reinforcement crossing each shear plane Jog is the yield strength of the reinforcement ‘nis taken as 1,0 for normal weight concrete and 0,3 + 0,7 (p/2400) for lightweight concrete, where p is the concrete density (kg/m). Table 5 Table of tp, a8 a function of f., Strength class} C20/25 | €2/30 | C30/37 | c35/45 | c40/50 | c45/55 | c50/60| of concrete fog 25 30 37 45 50 55 60 The 025 | 030 | 033 | 037 | 042 | 045 | 048 23 To this longitudinal shear resistance may be added a component arising from the tensile strength of the deck. Its full strength can be used when the deck crosses the beams (i.e. secondary beams), and is continuous. There are situations, however, ‘where the deck is discontinuous. In such cases, the anchorage force developed by the shear connectors may be included, provided both ends of the deck are properly attached (see Figure 12). The anchorage force per unit length of the beam is given both in BS 5950: Part 3 and EC4, as: N, Yad = SM Sb) Ne a6) where N, is the number of shear connectors in each group on the beam flange d’ is the stud diameter 1, is the sheet thickness ry is the design strength of the sheet steel used to form the profiled decking 3” is the shear connector spacing. - Butt joint in decking a VEN bd vinsee | In slat ek he a OK = Force applied it Anchorage’ ie by shear force in. (12,20) connectore a decking i “ied ELEVATION Figure 12 /ilustration of action of decking as transverse reinforcement ‘The coefficient of 4 should be replaced by (1 + a/(1,1d)) where a is the distance of the edge of the sheet from the centre of the stud. Recent test information indicates that this approach is very conservative and full end anchorage is achieved when the ‘edge distance, a, exceeds 2d. In practice, the edge distance should exceed 40 mm. For an internal beam, the total longitudinal shear resistance per unit length of the beam is determined by shear failure along two shear planes and is therefore 2(Upy + Ypg)-- This resistance should exceed the equivalent shear force transferred by the shear connectors at the ultimate limit state. “The contribution of the decking should be neglected where itis not properly anchored (ie. at discontinuities or at edge beams), or where longitudinal sheet overlaps are close to the beam. This is generally the case in primary beams subject to point loads where the deck is placed parallel to the beams. In such cases additional transverse reinforcement is required in the slab in the high shear zone. It is usually found that mesh reinforcement provides adequate transverse reinforcement in the design of secondary beams. 24 EC4 Clause 6.6.3 6.6.32) 5. SERVICEABILITY LIMIT STATES 5.1 General criteria The serviceability requirements for composite beams concern the control of deflections, cracking of concrete and, in some cases, vibration response. Deflections are important in order to prevent cracking or deformation of the partitions and cladding, or to avoid noticeable deviations of floors or ceilings. Floor vibrations may be important in long span applications, but these calculations are outside the scope of the Code (see Section 5.4), Most designers base assessments at the serviceability limit state on elastic behaviour (with certain modifications for creep and cracking etc.). To avoid consideration of post-elastic effects, limits are usually placed on the stresses existing in beams at the serviceability limit state. However, no stress limits are given in Eurocode 4, because it is argued that: + slight yielding in the positive moment region has a limited effect on deflections; + the beneficial effects of continuity on deflection are ignored. Deflection limits are not specified in Eurocode 4 and reference is made to Eurocode 3 for limits on deflections due to permanent and variable loads (see Table 6). Many designers feel that ‘total’ deflections are less important than imposed load deflections, for example, where a raised floor or suspended ceiling is used. It is justified to relax the limit on total deflection to span/200 in such cases, or to consider precambering or propping of long span beams. 5.2 Calculation of deflections 5.2.1 Second moment of area Deflections are calculated using the second moment of area of the composite section based on elastic properties (See Figure 13). Under positive moment the concrete may bbe assumed to be uncracked, and the second moment of area of the composite section (expressed as a transformed stee! section) is: Ag (te *2hy +h)? yy he I. +1, a7 4(+nn Be ® where: nis the ratio of the elastic moduli of steel to concrete (see Section 5.2.2) taking into account the creep of the concrete ris the ratio of the cross-sectional area of the steel section relative to the concrete section Ty _ is the second moment of area of the steel section Note: other terms as defined previously EC4 Clause 2.34 5.10) EC3 Table 4.1 Table 6 Recommended limiting values for vertical deflections in Eurocode 3 Deflections lbmex = Sagging in the final state relative to the straight line joining the supports. Bo ir 5, = pre-camber hogging) of the ax beam in the unloaded state es (state 0) it s, = duetoc {variation of the deflection of the beam due to the permanent loads) {state 1) lb, = duetoa (variation of the deflection of the beam due to the variable loading) (state 2) [conditions| Limits Ba | 8 roofs generally maintenance floors generally partitions 200" | 1/250 roofs frequently carrying personnel other than for 250 | L/300 250* | 1/300 {floors and roofs supporting brittle finish or non-fiexible | 1/250 | 1/350 floors supporting columns (unless the deflection has been | 1/400 | 1/350 included in the global analysis for the ultimate state) * where 8,9, can impai the appearance of the building | 1/250 - + may be reduced to L/200 if a raised floor or suspended ceiling is used. For cantilever: = twice cantilever span 26 EC4 Clause EC3 Table 4.1 \Equivatent Elastic steel area h neutral axis Elastic stress distribution Transformed section Figure 13 Elastic behaviour of composite beam The ratio 1,/1 in Equation (7) therefore defines the improvement in the stiffness of the composite section relative to the steel section. Typically, /_/Iis in the range of 2,5 to 4,0, indicating that one of the main benefits of composite action is in terms of reduction of deflections 5.2.2 Modular ratio The values of elastic modulus of concrete under short term toads are given in Table 3.2 of EC4. The elastic modulus under long term loads is affected by creep, which causes a reduction in the stiffness of the concrete, The modular ratio, n, is the ratio of the elastic modulus of steel to the time-dependent modulus of concrete. Typically modular ratios that may be used for normal weight concrete are 6,5 for short term (variable) loading, and 20 for tong term (permanent) loading in an internal environment. For buildings of normal usage, surveys have shown that the proportions of variable and permanent imposed loads usually exceed 3:1. Although separate deflection calculations may be needed for the variable and permanent deflections, a representative modular ratio of 10 is usually appropriate for imposed load deflection calculations. 5.2.3 Influence of partial shear connection Deflections increase due to the effects of slip in the shear connectors. These effects are ignored in composite beams designed for full shear connection. For cases of partial shear connection using headed stud shear connectors, the deflection, 5, is increased according to: 5 cr se{r —§] (Be -1 8) 8. N) Be C4 Clause 3.1.42 5.2.26) a NIN, is the degree of shear connection at the ultimate limit state 8, is the deflection of the composite beam with full shear connection is the deflection of the steel beam under the same loads C _is a coefficient, taken as 0,3 for unpropped construction and 0,5 for propped construction. The difference between these coefficients arises from the higher force in the shear connectors at serviceability in propped construction. An additional benefit of using Eurocode 4 is that no account of slip is taken in ‘unpropped beams when NIN, > 0,5 (i.e, 8 = 8, in the above equation). BS 5950 Part 3 does not make the relaxation. In EC4 it is argued that deflection calculations are already conservative. 5.2.4 Shrinkage induced deflections EC4 is ambiguous about deflections arising from shrinkage of the concrete slab. It states that shrinkage deflections need only be calculated for simply supported beams when the span to depth ratio of the beam exceeds 20, and when the free shrinkage strain of the concrete exceeds 400 x 10”°. In practice, these deflections will only be significant for spans greater than 12 m in exceptionally warm dry atmospheres. ‘The curvature, K,, due to a free shrinkage strain, ¢,, is: 8, (he +2hy +h) A 20 +nn I, ‘nis the modular ratio appropriate for shrinkage calculations (n = 20). The deflection due to this curvature is: 8, = 0,125 K, L? This deflection formula ignores continuity effects at the supports and probably over-estimates shrinkage deflections by a considerable margin. 5.3 Stress checks No specific guidance on serviceability stress limits is given in Eurocode 4 and it may be concluded that stress checks are not required at the serviceability limit state if Proper account is taken of the imposed and total load deflection limits. This represents a considerable reduction in design effort relative to BS 5950: Part 3. However, there may be cases where serviceability stress checks are prudent in order to avoid inelastic deflections. Examples might be for beams supporting heavy cladding or columns. 28 C4 Clause 5.2.2(5) 5.2.09) 5.4 Vibration check This section is included because a check on the potential vibration response may be necessary for long span beams designed for light imposed loads. A simple measure of the natural frequency of a beam is: f cycles/sec where 8,,, is the instantaneous deflection ( in mm) caused by re-application of the self weight of the floor and other permanent loads on to the composite beam. A minimum limit on f is proposed as 4 cycles/sec for most building applications except where there is vibrating machinery, or 3 cycles/sec for car parks. The limit may be raised to 5 cycles/sec for special buildings such as sports halls. 5.5 Span to depth ratio Adequate serviceability performance may be generally assumed when the composite ‘beams are less than a certain span to depth ratio. This precise limit depends on the form of loading and steel grade. The following limits may be used for choosing composite beam sizes at the Scheme Design stage: Uniform loading: Span to depth ratio = 18 to 20 ‘Two point loading: Span to depth ratio = 15 to 18 where the ‘depth’ is the combined slab and beam depth. Spans longer than these limits will generally be controlled by serviceability criteria, as covered in this section. 5.6 Crack control It is only necessary to control cracking of concrete in cases where the proper functioning of the structure or its appearance would be impaired. Internally within buildings, durability is not affected by cracking. Similarly when raised floors are used, cracking is not visually important. Where it is necessary to control cracking, the amount of reinforcement should exceed a minimum value in order to distribute cracks uniformly in the negative moment region. This minimum percentage, p, is given by: xc100% 8, k, is a coefficient due to the bending stress distribution in the section with a value between 0,4 and 0,9. k is a coefficient accounting for the decrease in tension strength (k ~ 0,8). EC4 Clause 33.2 5.3.22) 29 fe the effective tensile strength of concrete. A value of 3 N/mm? is the minimum adopted. s, is the maximum permitted stress in the reinforcement. A typical value of p is 0,4% to 0,6% which is well in excess of the minimum of 0,2% necessary for shrinkage control and transverse load distribution. However, these bars need only be placed in the negative moment region of the beams or slabs. ‘This reinforcement may also act as fire reinforcement or transverse reinforcement. Steel decking plays an important role in preventing shrinkage cracking and, therefore, additional reinforcement is not necessary where this is the only concern. Although beneficial, the effect of the steel decking is neglected when the slab is subject to negative moment and cracking may occur at the supports. In such cases, additional reinforcement is required, ‘An additional criterion is that the bars should be of small diameter and should be spaced relatively close together in order to be more effective in crack control. Maximum bar spacings for a given steel stress are given in Table 7. Otherwise checks on crack widths are made as in EC2. Table 7 Maximum bar spacing for high bond bars Steel stress o, (Nimm?) | <160 | 200 | 240 | 280 | 320 | 360 | 400 Maximum | ,=0,3mm | 250 | 200] 160] 110] use Table 5.1 bar spacing in EC4 (mm) W,=0,5mm | 250 | 250 | 250 | 250} 200} 140] 80 where w, = design crack width 30 EC4 Clause Table 3.1 5.3.15) Table 5.1 Table 5.2 6. FIRE RESISTANCE ‘The fire resistance of composite beams may be established in a manner similar to that for steel beams. ‘The important parameters in determining the required thickness of fire protection are the limiting temperature of the section and the fire resistance period. Design values are presented in BS 5950: Part 8°) as a function of the load ratio of the beam at the fire limit state. ‘This is defined as: Applied moment at fire limit state Load ratio = _____Applie’ moment at fire Timit state ____ Moment resistance of composite beam at room temperature The moment resistance at room temperature may be established by setting partial factors on materials to unity (see Table 1). For most beams designed to their maximum resistance under normal conditions, the load ratio is typically 0,6. ‘The limiting temperature of the composite section at this load ratio is 620°C. Most fire protection materials available in the UK are assessed on a single limiting temperature of 550°C which is therefore conservative. Hence, the data presented in the ASFPCM/SC/FTSG publication Fire protection for structural steel in buildings may be used for composite beams. Recent research in the UK” has shown that in composite beams with steel decking, it is possible to omit the void fillers above the top flange of the steel beam in cases of up to 60 minutes fire resistance. ‘This is particularly economic where board type fire protection is used in composite beams with trapezoidal deck profiles. Detailed guidance on calculation methods for the fire resistance of composite slabs and beams will be presented in the forthcoming Eurocode 4: Part 1.2%), 31 7. 7.1 COMMENTARY ON DESIGN TABLES FOR COMPOSITE BEAMS General information ‘The selection of the size of steel beam to be used as a composite beam depends upon a number of variables: span, loading, beam spacing, slab depth, concrete characteristics, steel grade, deck profile shape, etc. Some of these variables have been fixed for the purposes of preparing the Design Tables: ‘The steel beams considered are Universal Beam (UB) and Universal Column (UC) sections In addition, continental beams (IPE) and column (HE) sections are also considered for typical cases that may be used in the wider European context. ‘The common span of composite slabs is 3,0 m, which determines the spacing of the secondary beams. ‘The practical range of the spans is 2,5 m to 4 m with different deck heights ‘The depth of the composite slab is determined by the fire resistance requirements. For a 90 minute fire resistance, the typical depths are 120 mm to 140 mm, These depths are obtained from Reference 20. ‘The conerete grade is typically grade 30 (concrete cube strength 30 N/mm?) ‘The steel grade is usually grade $ 355 (characteristic yield strength 355 N/mm’). Welded shear connectors are 19 mm diameter and 95 to 120 mm as-welded length. ‘The number of shear connectors fixed to secondary beams is a function of the spacing of the deck troughs. Shear connectors are normally welded in every ot alternate troughs (or in pairs for wide-trough profiles). ‘The span of primary beams is a function of the number of secondary beams and the spacing of the secondaries. The main variable is then the maximum span of the secondary beams in the grillage, which determines the magnitude of the point loads on the primary beams. ‘The steel beams are unpropped during construction, ‘The tables refer to four ‘generic’ profiles as shown in Figure 14. ‘These profiles are typical of the broad range of modern steel decks that are marketed. The generic profiles are used in order to reduce the number of Design Tables presented in Section 8. ‘Their spanning capabilities are also indicated in Figure 14. 32 (SL_T. 180 Re-ontrant be3m tS VS \ 9 >| tectum netont boom b=3,6m }— Deep b-am Figure 14 Deck profiles used in the Design Tables for composite beams ‘Two main design cases are considered: uniformly loaded beams (i.e. secondary beams loaded directly by the composite slab) and point-loaded beams (i.e. primary beams loaded by secondary beams), For uniformly loaded beams, the decking is taken as being laid perpendicular to the beams, so that shear connectors can only be fixed in locations determined by the spacing of the troughs of the deck profile. For point-loaded beams, the decking is laid parallel to the beams, so that the spacing of the shear connectors is independent of the deck profile shape. ‘The Design Tables for the uniform load cases are presented in terms of permissible spans of beams for the specified imposed load and selected beam size. Linear interpolation between different imposed loads is permitted. The design follows the approach of Section 4, and the failure criterion corresponding to the maximum beam span is also shown (see Section 7.2). Spans are given for the cases with shear connectors in every trough, alternate troughs or in pairs per trough; the difference being the degree of shear connection provided. Also given is the imposed load deflection and that of the unpropped beam in the construction stage. ‘The Design Tables for the point load cases are presented for single and double (equally spaced) point Toads. Because the spacing of these point loads is equal to the slab span, it follows that the beam span is a multiple of the slab span (i.e. 2 times the slab span for the single point load case and 3 times the slab span for the double point load case). Output is now in terms of the length of the secondary beams in the grillage (i.e. the spacing of the primary beams). Because of the greater number of variables in these Tables, the results are expressed in terms of the maximum span of the secondary beams, and also the number of shear connectors required for the appropriate degree of shear connection. Again, the failure criterion is also given for each case (see Section 7.2) 33 Designs are carried out using normal weight (NWC) and lightweight (LWC) concrete. Slab depths in LWC are approximately 10 mm less than in NWC for the same fire resistance period. In general, the size of composite beams designed with LWC slabs will be comparable to those designed with NWC slabs because the reduction in their composite strength is pattly offset by the reduced weight of the slab. The design of NWC slabs with S 275 grade steel beams was considered to be relatively unusual and is not included for most of the tables. The tables are standardised on grade 30 concrete, as higher grades demonstrate little benefit in cases where spans are controlled by serviceability. Because of the potentially large number of Design Tables, the different cases considered in this publication have been rationalized. The uniform load cases are more sensitive to the particular deck profile used, since the degree of shear connection is a function of the trough spacing. This is not the case for the point load cases, because the number of shear connectors can easily be varied. Therefore, the Design Tables have been reduced to the two cases of the ‘re-entrant’ and the ‘medium height’ trapezoidal profile when considering point loads. ‘The design of edge beams is considered only for the above profiles as these designs can be applied also to other profiles at the Scheme Design stage. For edge beams, the effective width of the slab and its loading are half of those of the equivalent internal beams. However, an additional cladding load of 10 KN/m is included. In order to minimize any potential deformation of the cladding, this load is considered as an imposed load when calculating deflections and a relatively severe imposed load deflection limit of span/500 is used in this case. ‘The effect of varying the beam spacing is considered for the medium height ‘generic’ profile only. ‘The cases considered are 3,0 m and 3,6 m spacing. A method of taking into account different beam spacings is given in Section 7.4. The use of Hilti shear connectors is considered only for re-entrant profiles where, for geometric reasons, this connector can be readily installed. In general, increasing the slab depth increases the beam spans that may be used. This is because the ‘moment resistance and the elastic section properties of the beams increase more rapidly than the increase in self weight. However, the degree of shear connection is influenced by the slab depth for heavier beams (as R, < R, in Section 4.6). Increasing the slab depth can in some cases cause no span to be output in the tables. This is because the minimum degree of shear connection can no longer be achieved for a given spacing of shear connectors. For small increases in slab depth (up to 15 mm) above those tabulated, the adverse effect on the degree of shear connection may be neglected. Consequently, designs using thicker slabs can be used safely based on data for thinner slabs. It should be noted that the design of uniformly loaded beams is generally controlled by serviceability criteria (g to i, see Section 7.2 for the definitions of the criteria). This means that the moment resistance of the beam is satisfactory, except for beams with low degrees of shear connection. For beams subject to point loads, strength or serviceability criteria may control the design. 7.2 Introduction to uniform load cases Design Tables 1 to 28 in Section 8 present the maximum spans of uniformly loaded composite beams as a function of the imposed loading on the floor and the beam size. ‘The results are tabulated for shear connectors in every trough and, if appropriate, for shear connectors in alternate troughs, or for two shear connectors pet trough (in pairs). ‘The user selects the beam size for a given slab configuration, which just satisfies the design. criteria of load and span. Linear interpolation between the load cases is permitted. Beam sizes can be compared for two spacings of shear connectors in order to appraise the overall economy of the structural design. 34 The following additional points should be noted: Loads: ‘The design imposed loads should include 1 kN/m? for partitions (according to BS 6399 Part 1), They are presented as unfactored loads of 3,5, 4,5, 6 or 7,5 kN/m? which correspond to typically specified imposed loads in BS 6399. The tables include an allowance of 0,5 kN/m? for ceiling and services. ‘The self weight of the slab is calculated from a density of 2350 kg/m? for normal weight (NWC) concrete and 1850 kg/m? for lightweight (LWC) concrete. The deck weight is taken as 0,12 kN/m?. The self weight of the steel beam is also included. ‘Shear connectors: These are either: Welded: 19 mm diameter stud shear connectors of 95 mm as-welded height (100 mm ‘nominal height) or 120 mm for the deep deck, or Hilti shot-fired shear connectors of 110 mm height (HVB 110). ‘Symbols: LE maximum span (m) for shear connectors placed in every trough LA. maximum span (m) for shear connectors placed in alternate troughs LP maximum span (m) for shear connectors placed in pairs per trough (if appropriate) DE imposed load deflection (mm) for shear connectors placed in every trough (for span LE) DA imposed load deflection (mm) for shear connectors placed in alternate troughs (for span LA) DP imposed load defi (for span LP) (mm) for shear connectors placed in pairs per trough DS deflection (mm) of the beam due to self weight of the floor and the beam in unpropped ‘construction (for span of LE or LP, whichever is the greater) Failure criteria (as noted in the tables) are: ‘moment resistance of the beam exceeded in the construction stage b shear force in composite beam exceeds 0,5 Vzpgy and the design continues by calculating the reduced moment resistance of the section © moment resistance of composite beam with full shear connection exceeded d moment resistance of composite beam with partial shear connection exceeded € limit on degree of partial shear connection not s. ied (see Section 4.6) 35 f serviceability stress in steel, ie. f, is exceeded (not included in EC4, but considered here only for edge beams) g total deflection limit exceeded. This limit is taken as span/200. ‘imposed load deflection limit exceeded. This limit is taken as span/350 for internal beams and span/500 for edge beams supporting cladding. The cladding load, if supported by the edge beam, is included in this check i natural frequency < 4 Hz Long spans: ‘As the spans increase, the beam sizes are often controlled by failure criterion e or i. Criterion € occurs because the minimum degree of shear connection (Section 4.6) increases more rapidly with span than the shear connection provided. In such cases it is appropriate to reduce the spacing of the shear connectors. Criterion i is strongly dependent on the relative proportions of dead and imposed load. The method in Reference 25 may be used to justify the use of longer spans. ‘Transverse reinforcement: ‘A check has been made on the need for additional transverse reinforcement. It is assumed that A142 mesh is provided in all cases. If the deck is continuous over the beams, no additional reinforcement is necessary. If the deck is discontinuous, additional reinforcement may be required (see Section 4.8). Positioning of shear connectors: It is assumed that where there is a central stiffener in the trough of the deck, the shear connectors are welded as suggested in alternate positions in the adjacent troughs. If not, the strengths of the shear connectors may be less than those used to compute the Design Tables. ‘The strength reduction factors (k, in Section 4.7) as used in the Design Tables are presented in Table 8. Table 8 Reduction factors on shear connector strength due to deck shape as used in the Design Tables Welded studs iti (eerie tay] Stud | Single [Pats of] Parallel” oe feel height | studs | studs i) Strength reduction factor, ky Re-entrant | 95 | 10 | 08 | 1.0 1,0 shallow | 95 | 10 | 08 | 1.0 1,0 Medium height| 95 | 0.9 | o@ | 1.0 1.0 Deep 120 | o9 | o7 | 10 NA * decking parallel to beam. 36 7.3 Introduction to point load cases Design Tables 29 to 64 in Section 8 present the beam sizes that may be used for primary beams ‘subject to point loads. In this case, the span of the primary beam and the imposed load on the floor are defined and the tabulated data are expressed in terms of the maximum span of the secondary beams in the grillage. This effectively defines the magnitude of each point load. Two cases are considered: + Single-point load: Secondary beams connected to the mid-span of the primary beam. ‘The spacing of the secondary beams is 3, 3,5 or 4 m, and therefore the primary beam spans are 6, 7 or 8 m respectively. + Double-point loads: Secondary beams connected to the third-span points of the primary beam. The spacing of the secondary beams is 2,5, 3 or 3,5 m, and therefore the primary beam spans are 7,5, 9 or 10,5 m respectively. The user identifies the load case and the length of primary beam under consideration. The user then selects the beam size corresponding to the span of the secondary beams (i.e. spacing of the primary beams). Linear interpolation between the load cases is permitted The following additional points should be noted: . Loads: The design imposed loads should include 1 KN/m? for partitions (according t0 BS 6398: Part 1), They are presented as unfactored loads of 3,5, 4,5, 6, or 7,5 kN/m” ‘The Design Tables include an allowance of 0,5 kN/m? for ceiling and services, The self weight of the slab is calculated from a density of 2350 kg/m’ for normal weight (NWC) concrete and 1850 kg/m’ for lightweight (LWC) concrete. The deck weight is taken as 0,12 kN/m*. The weight of the primary beam, and an allowance of 0,3 KN/m? for the weight of the secondary beams are also included. + Shear connectors: These are either: Welded: 19 mm diameter stud shear connectors of 95 mm as-welded height (100 mm ‘nominal height) or 120 mm for the deep deck, or Hilti: shot-fired shear connectors of 110 mm height (HVB 110). * Symbols: L_ maximum span (m) of the secondary beam (or average spans of the secondary beams to the left and right of the primary beam meeting at one point on the beam). N’ number of shear connectors required in beam span subject to the minimum spacing noted in Section 4.6.5. These should be distributed uniformly in the zone of high shear. Additional shear connectors are requited in the mid-span zone of the beams with two point loads. . Failure criteria: As for uniform load case (see Section 7.2). 37 . Transverse reinforcement It is assumed that the deck may be discontinuous or that sheet-sheet overlaps may be present adjacent to the beams. Transverse reinforcement (in addition to A142 mesh) will be required in most beams subject to point loads. This should be calculated from the guidance in Section 48. 7.4 Use of the tables for typical design cases The following examples illustrate how the designer easily selects the size of steel section to be used in the Scheme Design of a composite beam and floor system. The Design Tables only deal directly with those cases appropriate to the tabulated design data. Interpolation between the tabulated spans for different imposed loads is straightforward but judgement is required when dealing with different beam spacings, slab depths, etc. Consider an internal bay of a composite beam and slab grillage with a column grid of 9 m X 6,5 m, and with a specified imposed load (unfactored) of 3,5 kN/m’. The applied jmposed load should also include 1 kN/m? for partitions (as in BS 6399) giving a total of 4,5 kN/m” For efficient design, the secondary beams span 9 m and the primary beams 6,5 m. Alternate secondary beams are connected to the mid-span point of each primary beam. Therefore, the composite slab is designed to span 3,25 m between the secondary beams. The slab is required to have 1% hours fire resistance and is constructed of lightweight concrete. For ‘Scheme Design purposes, a 60 mm deep deck profile is selected which is intended to be unpropped during construction (as a deeper profile may be more efficient for spans exceeding 3,2 m). The generic deck profile to be used is the medium height profile of Figure 14. The minimum slab depth for this period of fire resistance is 130 mm (see Reference 19), Design is to be carried out for grade $355 steel and welded (19 mm dia. x 95 mm long) shear connectors. 7.4.1 Secondary beams The relevant cases for sizing of the secondary beams subject to uniform load are Tables 10 and 14 corresponding to beam spacings of 3 m and 3,6 m respectively. It is possible to interpolate linearly between the tabulated spans for these beam spacings, using an imposed load of 4,5 KN/m’. Beams that satisfy the design criteria are: two shear connectors per trough (LP > 9 m) 305 x 165 x $4 kgm UB} } = total deflection timit (criterion g) exceeded 356 x 171 x 45 kgim UB} shear connectors in every trough (LE > 9 m) 406 x 140 x 39 kg/m UB} = moment resistance with partial shear connection (criterion d) ‘The Universal Beam 305 x 165 x 54 kg/m (grade S 355) with two shear connectors in every trough. is selected as the shallowest. The imposed load deflection (DP) is 17 mm (span/530) for this case, and the self-weight deflection (DS) of the steel beam is approximately 27 mm. 38 An alternative method of designing for a wider beam spacing b than that tabulated is to distribute the excess load on width (b - 3) m as an equivalent uniform load. ‘The additional unfactored imposed load for equivalent beams at 3 m spacing i w= w, 225-9 =o em? 3x 16 where w, is the total factored loading on the slab. In the above case, the modified imposed load is 4,5 + 0,6 = 5,1 KN/m?. This imposed load may bbe now used in Table 10 alone (for b = 3 m). ‘This approach is unconservative for closer beam spacings because the moment resistance of the beam. is affected by the slab breadth for beams longer than 4 times the beam spacing. 7.4.2 Primary beams ‘The relevant case for sizing of a primary beam subject to a central point load is Table 41. ‘The beam span is 6,5 m. Linear interpolation between the cases of 6 m and 7 m span is conservative The required spacing of Primary beams (L > 9 m) for an imposed load of 4,5 KN/m? is achieved for the following beam sizes: 305 x 165 x 54kgim UB} 356 x 171 x 45 kg/m UB} moment resistance with full shear connection (criterion ¢) 406 x 140 x 46 kg/m UB} The Universal Beam 305 x 165 x 54 kg/m (grade S 355) is selected as being of the same depth as the secondary beams. The required number of shear connectors is 50 (i.e. at 130 mm spacing). It is usually necessary to provide additional transverse reinforcement (see Section 4.8). Imposed load deflections are not presented as they do not generally influence the design of beams subject to point loads. Typically, these deflections will be less than span/400. 7.4.3 Design example for composite beam ‘The Design Tables are intended to be used for Scheme Design purposes. For Final Design it is normally necessary to provide more detailed calculations, knowing that the selected beam will satisfy the design criteria, A fully worked design example is presented in Appendix A for a typical 10 m span composite beam subject to uniform load. For this case, the section size is first obtained from Design Table 8. Also included is a check on the need for transverse reinforcement. 7.5 Comparison of designs to different codes ‘Modern codes for composite construction are based on the same general principles of design, but the global safety factor is separated among the loads and materials that are used. Serviceability limits are introduced in some Codes but not in others. Table 9 summarises the main design parameters used in four major Codes, ‘Comparison of these parameters is only meaningful in terms of their effect on practical designs. The Joad-span tables in Section 8 are expressed in terms of the maximum span that can be achieved for a given load. Comparison may be made between the maximum span of the same beam designed to Eurocode 4 or BS 5950: Part 3. The results are expressed in Figure 15 for the medium height generic deck type with normal or lightweight concrete. 39 In general, the introduction of the total deflection limit (criterion g in the Design Tables) leads to a reduction in maximum span telative to the previously published Design Tables” in accordance with BS 5950: Part 3. The differences are greater for normal weight than for lightweight concrete due to the influence of self weight deflections. For deeper beams using lightweight concrete, the difference in maximum spans are less than 5%. This severe deflection limit avoids the need for a serviceability stress check which often controls designs to BS 5950: Part 3. Beams designed for low partial shear connection (i.e. single shear connectors per trough) achieve similar spans according to the two Codes. 1/64 0081 = Aysuap) a19:0U09 1y61eM2461] 404 anyen UB}s8q_ (9) “e10:0N09 1yBjem jewoU (eqno) O€ eperH UI (YBIY WW COL) PMS JeoWEIP WW EL 40} enjeA UBIsep |eoIdAL (Q) peo| peeq = 9 — ‘pe0| pasodw = O (0) S5ION {epeueo) uON, 460 se 88 ™sv'0 | “eo vlueds DSz'L + OS'L asia eoueysises justo x $8'0 = 1ueWoW UuBiseq i (vsn) SUN eUoN 88 sot 1 89'0 4 vlueds 9@'| + 09'L| (ase) OsIV) A (avn) xn ‘euON ‘2uON 99 ee "4 Sv'0 4 96'0 yiueds 998’! + 0G'L| » epososny| swiesq Arewud q8’o} cued "3 9'0 ze og 4 b'0 > ang p/ueds Dv'l + D9't| | :0S69 Sa syesouog | j9e1g (9M1 | @OMN | ereoueg | eas uipeaig 101984 pomen, (N») eoueisisay uBiseq syoolg ssang ennoay3 peoy J9p03 SULUIT Aupqeaomeg Jor99uU0D 1224S, sureaq a1/soduioa Jo subysep apoo jo Keung & e191 41 12 — Se Ss * 5 Q | 3 2 3 5 4,0 | é 8 S 1OP 3 & ~EPEPE 3 a ge 8 * 8 * $ Se 8 = g 8 8 ei] 5 oO 08} a | < o a a 08 | oa fF | LWC 8355 steel + NWG S355 steel © 02 | | ° L 1 L 1 1 L ° 100 200» 300 400S 00-00. 700 Depth of beam (mm) Slab depth = 130/140 mm Concrete grade = C25/30 Shear connectors in pairs at 300 mm spacing Imposed load = 6 kN/m? Figure 15 Comparison of maximum spans obtained from Eurocode 4 and BS 5950: Part 3 42 8. DESIGN TABLES This section contains Design Tables for both uniform and point load cases which may be used in the ‘Scheme Design of composite beams. For ease of use, a list of these Design Tables including their design parameters is given below: List of Tables for generic profiles - Uniform load case Table] Deck profile | Fire | Slab | Steel | Concrete} Sieb | Shear | Steel No resistance| span | grade | type | depth | connectors |sections thes) | tm) (mm) 1 | Re-entrant 1% 3 |s355| wwe | 120 wf usyuc 2 s355| nwc | 130 w . 3 $275] twe | 120 w : 4 s275| nwc | 130 w 2 5 s355| nwc | 130 w | IPEVHE 6 s 235 | _nwe_| 130 w. : 7 | Shallow height} 1% 3 | s355| two | 126 w | usjuc 8 s355| nwc | 135 w : 9 [ s275 | _uwe_| 125 w u 10 | Medium height] 1% 3 |s356| two | 130 w uBjuc " s355 | nwc | 140 w a 12 $275] two | 130 w c 13 $365 | nwc | 140 w IPE/HE 14 |Medium height] 1% | 3,6 | $365] Lwe | 130 w Buc 15 s355 | nwc | 140 w a 16 $275 | two | 130 w : i sa55 | nwe | 140 w IPEHE 18 Deep 1% 4 |s355| two | 140 w | uBruc 19 s355| nwc | 150 w s 20 s275 | wwe | 140 w : 21 | Medium height} 1% 3€ | $355} Lwce | 130 w Buc 22 s355| nwc | 140 w s 23 s275| wwe | 130 w o 24 s35s | nwe | 140 w IPEMHE 25 | Re-entrant 1A 3 |sa55| twe | 120 H uBjuc 26 $365 | Nwc | 130 4 a 27 $275} twe | 120 H Z 28 s355| nwe | 130 H IPE/HE |W Welded shear connectors (19 mm dia.) IH Hilti shear connectors (110 mm high) E Edge beam All other cases are for internal beams. Note: For construction in the UK, is recommended that UB or UC sections in $275 or $355 steel are specified, because they are readily available. 4B List of Tables - Point load cases HTable| Deck profil Fire | Point | Stee! |Concrete} Slab | Shear | Steel No resistance] load | grade | type |depth| connectors | sections (hrs) | case a) 29 | Re-entrant 1% s |sass]| twe | 120 w uByuc 30 $355 | NWC | 130 w e 31 s275| uw | 120 w is 32 $275 | Nwc | 130 w a 33 $365 | NwC | 130 w IPE/HE 34 $235 | NWC | 130 w G 35 | Re-entrant 1% T |s355} we | 120 w us/uc 36 $355 | Nwc | 130 w : 37 $275] Lwc | 120 w 7 38 $275 | Nwc | 130 w . 39 $355 | Nwc | 130 w IPEHE 40 8 235 | Nwc_| 130 w 7 41 | Medium height | 1% s |s355| wwe | 130 w uB/UC 42 $355 | nwc | 140 w a 43 s275| uwe | 130 w a 44 s356 | _Nwc_| 140 w. IPE/HE 46 | Medium height] 1% t |s355] wwe | 130 w uB/uc 46 $355 | Nwc | 140 w a 47 s275| wwe |130| w d 48 s355| nwo |140| Ww IPE/HE 49 | Medium height| 1% se | s355| Lwe | 130 w Buc 50 $355 | Nwc | 140 w a 51 s275| Lwc | 130 w : 52 $365 | Nwc | 140 w IPEHE 53 | Medium height} 1% Te | s355| Lwe | 130 w uBjuc 54 $365 | Nwc | 140 w s 55 $275} Lwc | 130 w : 56 $365 | Nwc | 140 w IPEMHE 57 | Re-entrant 1% s |sas5| wwe | 120 H uB/uc 58 s355 | nwc | 130 H : 59 s275| wwe | 120 4 : 60 s355 | Nwc_| 130 H IPE/HE 61 | Re-entrant 1% Tt |s355] wwe | 120 H uB/uC 62 $355 | Nwc | 130 H a 63 s275| Lwc | 120 H : 64. $365 | Nwc | 130 H IPE/HE. Is Single point load IT Two point loads (equally spaced) IE Edge beam All other cases are for internal beams. Note: For construction in the UK, it is recommended that UB or UC sections in $275 or S355 steel are specified , because they are readily available. NOTES ON TABLES Internal Beam Composite beam supporting a composite slab with equally spaced adjacent beams. Edge beam Composite beam supporting the edge of a composite slab. A line load of 10 kN/m is included to represent the weight of cladding (e.g. brick and block wall). Imposed load ‘The designer should include an allowance for partitions in the imposed load. Shear connectors Welded stud (19 mm dia. x 95 mm) and Hilti shot-fired connectors (110 mm high) are included. For decks deeper than 60 mm, 120 mm long studs are to be used. Symbols LE maximum span (m) for shear connectors placed in every trough LA maximum span (m) for shear connectors placed in alternate troughs LP maximum span (m) for shear connectors placed in pairs per trough (wide trough profiles) L maximum spacing (m) of primary. beams DE _ imposed load deflection (mm) for shear connectors placed in every trough (for span LE) DA __ imposed load deflection corresponding to span LA DP __ imposed load deflection corresponding to span LP DS deflection (mm) of the beam due to self weight of the floor and the beam in unpropped construction (for span of LE or LP, whichever is the greater) N number of shear connectors in span of primary beam Design criteri: moment resistance of the beam exceeded in the construction stage shear force in composite beam exceeds 0,5 V, nq and the design continues by calculating the reduced moment resistance of the section moment resistance of the composite beam with full shear connection exceeded ‘moment resistance of the composite beam with partial shear connection exceeded limit on the degree of partial shear connection not satisfied (see Section 4.6) meas serviceability stress in the steel exceeded (for edge beams only) total deflection of span/200 exceeded imposed load deflection of span/350 exceeded. This limit is increased to span/500 for edge beams. i natural frequency < 4 Hz NB: For some cases, the beam span corresponding to criterion e is output. This occurs in cases where R, < R, and the minimum degree of shear connection is not achieved. This is not strictly a ‘failure’ criterion but is a warning that the shear connection provided at greater spans is less than the Code limit. 45 46 DESIGN TABLES FOR COMPOSITE SLABS AND BEAMS WITH STEEL DECKING 47 Deck: RE-ENTRANT Table 1 (BEAM DATA ‘SLAB DATA Taternal bear Fire resistance ‘90 mins EEE Uniform load Slab depth 120mm Ripe eee Beam spacing 3.0m Concrete LW : : Steel strength 3355 Strength 25/30 Shear connectors Welded (oylinder/cube) diameter [LERE ERs rere 4003178 54 neofin.e 9 8 37 11. aoressans2hit6 0 18 98 118 x67)12,7 @ 20 40 10.9, xrafiss 9 21 41 10.9 xerhias 9 22 43 109 asrasoin67}i2.7 9 21 40 108 . xuhia2 9 22 41 109 . xa 22 42 109 31 28 109 6 26 xa} 23 43: 109 3328 109 6 24 xoel 23 43: 108 27 39 109 34 29 109 © 22 s3a210x 8 28:40:10.9 34 79°109 6 20 x9} 29 41 109 d6 20.109 6 18 mio 20 40 109 3851 109.6 16 109} 29 39 108 29.91 198 6 15 ma3] ao 32 109 6 4 6102229110) 29 3 109 ‘o “ 20 38 109 42-33 109 612 2837 108 rere a 28 36.108 #3 109 6 0 210 26 68 0 ° ° ° @ 1s [ss e187 80 0 17 010 26 71 9 ° ® 8 16|87 g15 17 63 0 17 on ° 13 ° ° 217/709 16°18 66 9 18 12 ° OM ° ® o18)78 917-19 71 919 xaeee 913 . ons ° 919 [80 9.19 20 75 921 2san25en72)94 9 14 a ° ° ° p21 a4 9 21 20 79 m2 xaefo.0 9 15 . ° ° ° 922/90 9 2221 88 ne norfios 9 16 a 19hoa 919 e ° 224 (98 9 24 22 90 n 25 magjits 9 10 37 108 6 21 ° ° 526 [103 9 26 24 98 n 27 miev}i2a 9 19 40 10.9 @ 15120 9 22 . ° 228 [it ¢ 28 26 10.6 n 20 poassose97f11.5 9 18 96 109 @ 62) ° a 9:26 103-0 26:23 87 h27 ‘a11gh22 9 20 38 10.8 © 92 . 2 278 hoa ¢ 26 25 103 n 20 mia7fi2a ¢ 21 40 109 © 14 h24 9 24 ° 3 e218 6 220 wisehiaa 122 41 109 © 12 [130 9 28 ° 3 en h20 6 228 naghas 121 38 109 6 10/138 | 27 : . 29729 8 oa Haaoias | 20.37 109 @ 8 [iaz | 26 96 109 6 i om haz a8 raspiae | 20.25 109 © 7 147 125 94 109.8 i sua liae 0 Pers seeraearizafias | 23 40 109 © 12/132 g 26 37 109 ° 220/122 6 226 nisqfiae | 22 39 10.9 6 10/138 | 28 38 109 « ° oe |128 9 oz Ri7vjia2 | 22 a7 109 @ 9 [142 1 27 36 108 © 12 [199 © 218/34 8 19 raoaliane | 21 36.109 «8 [ies (26 35 10 whi3e 9 7 For further information eee notes preceding Table 1 Deck: RE-ENTRANT Table 2 BEAM DATA SLAB DATA {Imerat weary Fie raison SSS Unitorm load Slab depth 130mm TE S Beam spacing 30m] — | Conorte nw ; : Stoel strength 5355 | Srengen 28130 < w7 Shear connectors Weided |__| feyinger/oubo iA AENEAN Ee Gaetan SAB Ent 60 28 | pescuarion be Dal BE Os tA BALE be al ese z Be BS Be Sey a Zosisses]se 0 7 7 77 28 [oa aeeiozcafet ¢ : 7 oe toler s Sales a : oe ae ciolss 6 asevuscailen: 6 ° oe ao atoler « sat 6 = oe a8 ettloe saps ° a0 oa aie o soorioacaad oo ° 8 : oi lee 378 0 ° #10 : aialee @ osama nt : $19 : giz|r0 @ Tale @ 2 on ° rena brans soea : a 2 sieire soonosxaafat g : on ° gie|r @ sedes ¢ 2 oa ° sie|ze 6 asoxtencsa] a0: 6 ° on 8: ois|aa 8 aa3|86 0 ° a2 : Siete a se]aa ° on : ° : seosvicrsi] 92 * oa q ‘ ‘ tasfse. 6 : oi : ° ‘ sconirarsdfion 5 os : : ° * ° a8 : : ° refi 6 ° 7 : : ° sadn : ot fs S ° sspaactahiog' 3 m8 ° @ ‘ sedfiis 0 ° ot ° & ° sepa 9 ° oe * : ‘ Siae ¢ om : : : reas 9 : i 2 < : ssmonerae @ 3 8 ° ° ° relea s : on 5 : ° cssocioceshiaa : oe % : ° “ona : a2 : : ° noifieg : ta : : * soofias : ia : : : Sehien : ia : : ‘ ahs e in : : ° Tasheo | : ia : 7 ' iohies 5 i : 7 \ aes a0] 68.9 ° * ° * eee : : : v3 ‘ 2 ° 2 : t : . * ‘ gove ae702 ¢ * an a ois a7 woes : ta $ $19 30 108 © : ou ‘ 920 10 108 © : at : ia aioe 6 x om ‘ UH 1086 a a) ‘ iio a 100 6 = 72 i 022 42 108 « 26 36 108 © 028 : tats toe By 7 to8 s +3 i 12 fe foe a 0 to0 in For further information se8 notes preceding Table 1 Deck: RE-ENTRANT Table 3 BEAM DATA ‘SLAB DATA Tternal bear Fire resistance 30 mins Uniform loas Slab dopth 120 mmm | Beam spacing 3.0m Concrete, ww Stel strength $275 Strength 25/30 Shear connectors Welded (eyfinder7cube) ERB ERint Ed $s 3 108 27-402 29 108 31 109 33 109 34 109 33 109 31 108, 32 108 34 109 Table 1 eeeeegess 27 28 109 © 12 {139 26 35 108 « 10 [163 For further information see notes proces Deck: RE-ENTRANT Table 4 beam DATA suas para [internat bear [ Fire resistance ‘30 mins Ta r. ? Unto ad Seo sep fonm eee fom onc aom| | etme wr Pai ‘Steel strength $275 ‘Strength (25/30 cae oN ‘Shear connectors Welded (eylinder/cube) Mey cee gamer” “sms xT eee paren | 2 ralee ina! ‘ sonia t fnlen : if sovaodrer| aa: ¢ stefan s : ta nofas ¢ oiefas ¢ ‘3 Sele | coast ‘ a ‘ates preceding Table 1 Dec! RE-ENTRANT Table 5 ‘BEAM DATA SLAB DATA ‘ternal bear [Fire resistance ‘SO mine Uniform load Slab depth 130 mm Beam spacing 3.0m Concrete NW ‘Steel strength 5'355 Strength 25130 Shear connectors Welded (eyiinder/eube) iameter 19m [proeer LOAD Nit poesignamion | TED pee bs we 100 3 ° ° 200 ° . ° ° 360 4 ° * ° 40 16 ° ° ° 500 19 ° ° ° WEA 100 120 wo [az 0 3 17 40 0 66 ee )at eB ass Shanes ee oe yoo |aa 4 20 56 9 $5 i 48g 7/479 6 17 445 (46g 7 15 430 9 too [ss 05 22 53 9 $6 20 stg 8/829 6 18°60 .9.10) 820: 9:17 48 0.31 zo |e2 56 26 60 @ $7 22 889 10/599 8 20 569 11|58 9 10 18 849 13 20 |70 9 8 25 87 9 $9 28 65g M] 67 91022 63.g19| 65 0 12-20 61 9 14 ga 78 9 9 23°75 0 G11 28 73.9 13/249 12 23 71g 15/72 9 14 21 68 9 16 200 a6 9 10 31 83 0 212 28 80g tes g 14 25°77. 17/789 16 22°75 0 18 aa [9a 911 38 90 9 cia a1 67 9 16) 88 9 6 27 84g 18/85 9 18 2 81 9 201 200 fto2 9 13 36 99 9 $15.09 86 9 18] 96 9 1879" 0.2920) 9379 20:75:89 0°22] 220 fos 9 14 39 108 © $17 95 103 @ 19|103 g 20 30 99 g 22/1009 2 27 98 a 24 aio fine 9 15 «1 108 © 018 97 108 » 18/109 9 2t-82/108°9) 29/106 9°23 78/1019 25| aso fi22 9 16 43 108 © 219 28 106 » 16[115 9 22 34 108 © 21/112 26] 400 148 45 108 @ 0:22 41 106 12/126 9 25:96 1086 16 [129.9 20 “0 ie 42 108 © {2s at 106.6 8 [140 9 29 29 106 12/136 9 22 % 108 © 15 500 118 40 108 « {a3 39 tos @ 7 (180-1 23 98 106% 9|148 1-98) 98:108 «11 880 i 18 a8 108 © | a2 a7 toee §|157 | 29 96 1066 7/186 1 35 35 Wee 8 600 ise 37 108 6 22 361086 4/165 129 95106 4 8 {1835i 34841080 7 HE 100 320 o37 ioniegaa +40 o8 9 a8 a5 Bae g 7/480 160 55 2253 9 96 2 sig ess 180 56 2 60 9 37-2359 9 10/600 200 28 277 68 9 9.9 2 679 12/680 220 28 3076 9 On 27 74993) 788 240 01052 84 9 912 29 829 15/836 260 Joe 9 12 38 92 0 a1 1 909 18) 900 220 fos 9 13 37 100 a 915 33 97 9 18/989 200 514 40 108 © $17 26 106 ¢ 20|108 9 20 220 916 42 108 « 518 28 106 « 17 2 0 517 44 108 © $20 49 106 14/118 9 23 200 218 45 108 « G21 41 106 12/126 9 24 400 18 43 108 6 122 42 106 ¢ 10/139 9°27 480 118 40 108 6 i a2 39 1086 7/146 1 29 500 117 38 106 6 baa a7 toee 6 {i551 28 580 147 a7 106 8 122 46 1060 5 {i021 26 £00, 147 95 106 @ jaa 36 06 4 )i701 20 For further information see notes preceding Table 1 52 Dec! RE-ENTRANT Table 6 BEAM DATA SLAB DATA Internal beam Fire resistance 30 mine Uniform load ‘Slab depth 130 mm Beam spacing 3.0m] | Concrete Nw ‘Steel strongth $235] | Strength 25130 (cyindericubo) T LOAD wNint 3s 48 60 DESIGNATION | LE—~De-Ds~tA ba] UE Bus “TA ba} 1 DE OSTA ba fF [re 160 190 [4a s . ne aae 2518 430 6/400 8 11 40g 8 200 }5.0. 9 . i518 soe 4717 494 7/404 5 1 aaa 8 220 [se : e720 beg 4818 baa 8/494 8 12 «ee 6 210 [639 ° pe 2 629 a797 874 8/824 6 eta 6 2m |72 6 ° v9 2 709 aa 63a els7e 70 8747 300 Jaro ° an 7e@ eas a4 slesa en cae 8 320 Joo 9 ° 41229 884 810 19 774 a9 6940 360 foo 9 12 26 10.0 @ $13.20 944 ai i9 aaa @1092 764 6 soo fina p14 40 111 g 4108 @ 14 32 108 9 a9 934 san aso fia 9 16 44 125 9 16116 416 99 116 4 Me l104 ta 21 108 4 61218 98 419 b00 fie 4 19 49 139 6 19/129 4 18 35 1294 18/116 4 se 23 118 4 16/122 © 24 28 108 4 17 ss0! fie 119 45 108 © 6 [147 4 23 44 1064 @[t4ac 29 40: 108s 11/1946 27 90 1086 18 00 fis.e 118 42 106 ¢ 5 |157 123 41 1066 6liss 1 20 40 108 0 8|tae ¢ 90 39 106 6 10 WEA 100 120 140 ° ° * ° oss are reo [es 9 3 . : e617 47g een 4c 6 10 [559 * o . O77 sae 672496 6 200 Jo2 9 ° ° ° asi 578 a7n sia? 220 |70 4 ° ® ° ¢ 9 636 21220 674 240 2 3 . ° anama oa a3 g 250 a ° ° a oa 28776 06 22 aod 280 . . ° ° 1627 834 018 2 75 4 300 fiozs 5 ° ° 018 29 90.8 32025 aad 320 hoa 9 ° ° ° 920 90 07 4 32227 89d 10 fin 9 ° ° 5 9232 024 223 20 844 300 fi2.2 o . 3 ° 9 22 4 106 « 9 25 29 994 400 fiat ° 3 ° 5 25 36.106 «: 9 28 32 1066 aso faa : ' : 2 29 39 108 & 992 04 108 « ‘ . ' . 1 29 30 1066 138 36 106 « t . ‘ . 139-35 108 4 13636 105 6 7 8 2 23/39 93 16 ° 94/48 95 8 469 5/450 617 456 oes ° 5 |s4 98 20 649 8/639 7 19 536 o8 7 sean 3 98/62 97 23 599 10/809 9 20.8719 o10 18 s4432 ° 910/70 9 8 25 a7 qo N|6ag 11 22 64g 212: 60413 ° ON) 77 git 27 74919) 78 919 24°74 w 96 2-67.41 o 913/86 9 12 29 829 15/03 9 14 28 78g 2 23 74 9 1 3 914/93 91431 90 9 16|909 1627 86 9 0 8 25 80 4 18 a 915/101 9 15 33 97 9 18/98 9 18 79 93 9 8 20 26 96 4 19 3 €15 109 9 17 36 108 20/106 9 20:31 10'@ 922.27 os 4 22 3 ©13 116 9 18 38 108 6 17/112 9 22 33 108 © 3 24 29 103 4 23 a 21123 9 20.40 106 0 t4|i1e 9 23 34 108 6 8 25 20 106 4 24 ° 210/129 921 41 1060 t2|124 9 24 36 106 9 27 32 1066 71 ‘ ©8138 122-42 1066 toltas g 27 a8 108 6 2 20.33 106 6 16) ‘ 26 147 122 39 1066 7\146 1 20 8 108 © 2 24 36 106 « 121 ‘ © 4/50 122 37 1066 65s 1 26 36 1086 13435 10¢6 8 ‘ 4 [iss 1 22 26 1060 slte2s 28 a 106 © 13638 toes 8 i 3 174 122 95106 6 4117.0 4 28 44 106 6 i633 108 3 6 For further information see notes preceding Table 1 53 Dec! SHALLOW Table 7 BEAM DATA SLAB DATA ince beats Tio rsstance 90 ins SEES Untorm eas Stab coptn tas Ponape Beam spacing som] [cone iw eae Stel strength 33s] | Stern 25130 gaia ‘Shear connectors: (cylinder/cube) Ey NEY < Somer PEER eo _] ese | ey 3 sosaanaifes : cielres H o20 assess 9 12 0 8 8 sales ‘ on Talae 92 0: TNE Regus 0 ene pimeae ci nals p22: aoe rapes ar 5s Rie ta ee Sigs cree (apg atige ee For further information see notes preceding Table 1- 54 Deck: SHALLOW Table 8 beam para sian pata Terabe Te esance Si Se Unomoad Sivceni ten POE STS bev ng 2om] |eenset rr i EES Stecstongh Se || Seta 2sis0 pee : ‘Shear connectors Welded {eylinder/cube) NE ame Sele Sse ale gee ale eee ee eee ee Sfeo : BE tases enoaseifen ners : pili s courstifee ¢ hohe : olay snaiclaher gas : Lola rower 3 a : Doha $ sovensisy|i 9 te 99° pal iforgaa Kocher twa | : =o tea! For further information see notes preceding Table 1. 55 ‘SLAB DATA Deck: SHALLOW BEAM DATA Tnternal bear Uniform load Beam spacing 3.0m Fire resistance Slab depth Concrete Strength (eylinder/cube) 30min 128 mm Ww 25/30 56 For further information see notes preceding Table 1 Em = err [ee a Deck: MEDIUM Table 10 BEAM DATA SLAB DATA Tnternal Boar iro resistence 0 mins Se Say Uniform toad Slab depth 130 mm Be Beam spacing 3,0.m Concrete LW Steel strength 5'355, Strength 25130 Shear connectors. Welded (cylinder/cube) diameter 19mm LER 4s ogsguarion Pe se ee | 2osasax 30) 2 254102x 2) 210 x24) on 250014603] ou Tia 25 x 318/78 ‘088102% 2 012 (72 x3 s3| 77 30801277) 16] 79 xa] s7]a2 x43} ia las 3050185 49] 1a ]93 56127 33 aq asoct714 45] 406384029 doen 7ax 84 6 x9] asratsox53] x07 xa asic1914 07 ssaae210% 87 xo 0) ioe} s1oxazaxi01 2377 99 9 26 ht02 tabibs veagazregmdendzeae a . ° xiaq 3835 16.4 nad 27 nes i zos20s a6] 7.8. 3 10)23) a0) 20/R4 98 [a6 @ xal78 9 012 38 69) Aes 917/69 6 xeol79 9 e135 deg | xnlos ¢ Peres oem: 6 xe]a0 9 1527+ OT ie = asaasexrafoe gt a1: |. lo 917 28 o19 4. | lee o xeofio2 ge a2 > | \98 g 1830 | 9225 - ° moos 917 35: SS hos a9 31 ona - ° maqjing 9 18 37 va g 21 a3 97420 | ° misrfize 9 20 40 jizz 923 26 oa.) hte sossaosearfiicrig ag a7 02. shinai gaz aan e259280 oo o auigps 9.2030 | han gaa as em 29. = htt @ eaay oe 92636 pw hte p42 + + = hs2 920 a7 922 = - 2 ina 9 $3 40 faa 8 ae eas. 2 hate apse has 4 ar a7 oa - | heey Vola ss hiss 4 26 a Paaae 2 hee 9 tma: ia g a7 37 om | heey fasao : +: |iea 9 29 90 oa. | ° ia ea 28 37 oem. | hae 9 ee a jas i 20 36 fas 95 ato Fr further information see notes preceding Table 1 Deck: MEDIUM BEAM DATA, Table 11 internal bearn Uniform load Beam spacing Steel strongth diameter Shear connectors SLAB DATA Fire resistance 30 mine Slab depth 140 mm, Concrete Nw Strength 25130 (oylinder cube) ra SARs DESIGNATION Oey DP os = oe ‘200x199 20 25axt02x 25 asanvasx 3168 xa7]72 xaa] 76 2osei0z 28] 72 205nt27% 37179 x42] 9.2 ras} s0sctesx 40] 8.3, x46 | 8.7 salon asox12% 33] 82 x29] 0.8 soeer40% 39] 9,4 xashion. 406017854) 106, eoftt zor) xrbrs arate 92)i0.1 oof? ra2hao asmuore7h22 xaofias xoehis9 sanezi0r82)t42 xazpss 3109] x22] 1012295101 2osz03% 46) 68 x52] 741 x60| 74 anf xas]as 250258x 73] 3.0 x09 | 9.6 mahi arpa msehiz9 wio8f3.7 raahia.2 rasa} aseca60%28192 me7h1.9 081208% 97]11.0 naa has 38 hao 24 é csshos 2 hia his 26-51) = Sea Phas esa <= PT hao 2 thee 32 zhao 58 For further information eee notes preceding Table 1 Deck: MEDIUM Table 12 seam para sian TA tera bear 7) frereentnes so min SES Sam oe Si ssn tome Pe or specra 2am] conse re ; 3 Steet strangth $275 ‘Strength 25/30 NG Stercowscors — Weided] | tyne f Ney Xe Sareie senor S/cme aie safe : ‘ ‘ role : : : sale : : ‘ sencuot fod : : ‘ hoy ¢ : : ‘ Sofas tio so ns S : : Seite 12s soawrafes tae | : : vim ae era “fae $20 39 ae todas gna 2” tem! lodies Tio 2” tae! noles ze ce Safes i> teas! For further information see notes preceding Table 1 59 Deck: MEDIUM Table 13 BEAM DATA SLAB DATA Trea bare Te ranbtance SO mi Sa Unto toa Sib depth 120 mm TEE eee Bonn spas aom] — | eons tae sate : Stee strength 3355 |_| Stangen 25/90 “Sf NESS Sino comecters tevinercube Santer a Saoaton | 7 — OF Tole es woe «[ang et = ee eRe a ae ae 7 Sos sem ery ejsoe 7 oo 2/436 Hi oo) So srs s|see ee coe oles on Srlesse am erewlere 92 see n| soe oa oath bs a coe i[roen a eee lees aa Siler giv as 72a] 289 12a8 749 te) 988 to Sialoo 13 31 seg tel are ts a7 azo fol os $2 Sis|ss gis as os 18] 90 er ae at p20) 996 Ae ‘ $ eA icv cela as tee alsae ow ate ol are a oh cece (ss sea szp a[seg 0 800%) 036 on Bo [tl ob ee ciolro sew cog long ia eeu tle e A elo 8 Bos alse on a tee u| see tae 726 10) 94 ta wo fer vom Sab CU abisge helene " oo fice os a7 fiw ll cfasgua st case s so faa oie Sieg ll ifneaa 2 chee : xo fas eis ss | > fates Mone: : to fan eis ce 2s fasgae ae 2c faee wo : Sheela. thal iagee - : wo iss ita = till fiat eae: 1 mo fea ste os eee ee Q So fetes tp isis Lt ae Wasa vlan ge aa oe oe Bs otou wjeze aa ss a Oita ar as tog wear 3 Lifes gaia i i jeag wae: a Lfeb ots Sef jo 8 we : LIM gargs li ftoe ¢ a0 a2 _ DiMla tte ge ll liege : IRM Gah Lat Ss DORR So bi fe $e ges ba iso 1 as 40 fas te : fee tas aes citar tae ar fer ioe |) lista Me ioe lias ae For further information see notes precoding Table 1 Deck: MEDIUM Table 14 BEAM DATA SLAB DATA [internat bear ie resitange 80 mins EEE Untorm load Sab sopth 130 mm adie aaro ces Beam spacing aem| | concrete iw Stel strength 5'308] | Srenan 2820 [NES NE Shear connectors Welded |_| evlindericube) VE é daneter ae a a ee cea Sai roomamadee g 8 21 68 9 10/e8 9 9 18 4 et e219:38 ep faite ts mal a sancnafes ¢ 8 aim at gi se tte so an ‘ jue game >t ae ee Moias tas lag gare 2 es fees Topas azo) ua tapas 2 2S mae Gmuaritse'c cclwp uaa cle he sie aseanectzdis? 9 23 00 Nar gas a fa wisshas ae at faa ga a7 taal: nike: 1s 00 feo gap ses Dl ilae pa odes 133 te faa tne Liha $a zn : For further information see notes precading Table 1 61 Deck: MEDIUM Table 15 BEAM DATA SLAB DATA [leeorat bea [ie resstancs 80 nine ae SG | Union oaa Sb depth 140mm goeoawene | Beam spacing aem| | concrete nw Steal strenath $355 | | Stengn 25/20 fe Shows connectors tendered a diameter BEsGATION 200813 264x102 2 santa] xa xa 205x102 29 05165 4] x54 s6«127% 33) 28601713 45 x67 4002140539 x6) asraiore6] Tt) x09 ‘sassztor 29 x99 xo} 109 ee ah ° a8 as a pas es jr20 fiz 32 is a0 he 104 xq x6 2425473 x29 109] m6} 081208 97 x194| 2240] 7289] 286x260) xn 62 hz has nas 36 2 37 0 For further information see notes proceding Table 1 Deck: MEDIUM Table 16 BEAM DATA SLAB DATA [intemal bear Fire resistance 90 mine Uniform toad Slab depth 130 mm Beam spacing 3.6m Concrete LW Stoo! strength 8.275 Strength 25130 ‘Shear connectors Welded (cylinder/cube) diameter See 0081 3 25001464 31 x3) xa xq s0sc168x 9] a560127% 29] x29| xo] 4ooxt40x 2 x67 x7 x87 as7a191% 67 x7 xo sa2210% 09] x9] oy 109] xe 07] maa] ney x37 wi59| Hes te ia are) 1348 ne9 18°24 m2 2128 2326 a7 nu Bu 35 For further information see notes preceding Table 1. 6 Deck: MEDIUM Table 17 BEAM DATA SLAB DATA Toternal bear Fira resistance ‘90 mine Uniform toad lab depth 140 mm Beam spacing 3.6m] | Concrete NW Steel strength 355] | Strength 25/30 Shear connectors Welded |_| [oyinder/cubo) diameter = | LOAD KNin? 60. DESIGNATION DEL oF ose oF 3 ° op slaze oe ° a 6/470 9 815 43 9 10 ° 9 8/520 1916 48971 ° 210/589 21097 62412 ° 011/65 9 912 19 sod 14 ° 913/749 ou 2 esd 15 ° 9 15/82 0 016 22 73.417 ° 917/909 21924 80 410 ° 101 9 one: 5 Dijiae pa ° area 02022 - : ears saree oS 160 84 ° 2 7/450 6 16 429 8/440 7 15 a1 0 9 180 os 5 o 8/5107 18 47 910/509 8 16 480 1 200 ee 3 510/87 9 9 19 53.9 1| 569 10 17 529 12 220 a7 8 O 11/64 91021 60.9 13/62 912 19 580 14 240 39 ° 513/71 9 12 23 67 9 18/69 9 14 20 05 0 18 200 $10 + [39g 42. Soe] ze 916 21 220 on 3 Bs 9 16 2 azgi2 - - 300 13 . C[e2edar 5 St )ae ean 2 320 ot a7 ho2 g 16 33 99 19 2 | 36 9 21 25 i sao fina 9 15 38 hos 9 18 3. ros e210. -os x04 gaa 3602 t 30 016.40 - - iis 9 19 36 M4 g 22 2. + | i107 9 4 28 318 ° e208 2 fie argos ta ° omar - - -|iat 9 a a3 ois . p26 ea fiaale as ae 212 ° oata7 - + |uze aa - | a0 : te ays jazi wea 59120 46 01021 61g p22 2 16 26 0 18 20 ema : oo : ga are : ca” i azo 1918 For further information see notes preceding Table 1 Deck: DEEP Table 18 SEAM DATA SLAB DATA Finenat bear Tie resance 30 mw <= Uniform load ‘Slab depth 140 mm * = . team cm om] | once tw oe : tose S858] | Stenan 25/00 | Sheer connectors Welded |_| feyinderiobe) Lay AE Sameter : > ° ° 22 r ° : ‘ ain : : ‘: ‘ on : : : cielo a ae sossoatae|7s 9 : : filers oe cals 8 : fF Giles @ sie somanalincg ae 7a 8 ‘ sielee a oie Selo git ar rao r baker ae Selon giz a0 a0 : Siete. a an soowtestaofar tz a7 27 fr Guin ie siden oie a0 ano fF ctalra an Ides ie 29 08 6 : salr s a aseuzrca|so'g 12 a7 8 6 iieleas ats Miles gto ae 02 t Siies s an asenricas|o0 9 14 30 88 a fF cuir ate saifas 1s 30 oto : ciolez HH Solas gis oa 6 F cles 3 on soonsocsifan g 16-20 80 9 : Sierra an cislae gts a2 94 9 fale @ Sislea 3 on sosnrecsifion @ 18 3399 on los 6 sees ¢ oto Seofios 9 17 3 100 @ $22 100 8 tieles an ofa ete ae 107 a fies & cries 3 Side 6 19 90 tag $ ze{ioy g 26 a7 toa 9 a7hos tae ssnosactapon p17 36 108 9 $asltoo $ an ae oa sar foae oie Sofie g 18 36 109 oulos oa a ma oalor ¢ in Sofia ei a tas Galina eae a0 toa sas {ioe ¢ oa siz ¢ 0 30 Tas falta o¢ 29 107 ¢ 2% (ioe @ oa Lufae sar ta Sued gar as ttn sao s a ssmsoreeyfig 919 97 ins Sasiino eae ae tos vas foe ¢ tn infer ga gna chefine o 26 a9 12 a0 (ra i Koytas p30 tna tiofas 20s na carieo s an ssnarorapfiae gan jis Siofae pao ar wies as |tiaee fae Tofiee gas ae nt cirfies ess ma sa fae « wi Toes fas se tha cise eso ne ear hee oi Tooeo fas aa tna tiefet eae seme saw fae & oa] najea cas arias Dishes eae gett o17 feo ta Tommaso 8 2902 9 Wes 9192 61 28 oi|t78 7 redos g 4 uae gtzea pit on pt files 5 : Xora gt a0 Gs 2/21 9 12 22 oF gat files o : iol on a ta eta ys ots at an 9 ts Bae : rodez 012 2 9 ote 00 a4 25 78 918 fies asmasecrfay ge m8 aa g tales gts as a) a8 f . Neoe gis 80 stron 5 28 calea 5 Kevs ow ae tet oat as tm Sar{ios & 4 sossanscerfoy p18 20 1029 20 fos o2 bas[se 3 : iadis gan asia safe ¢ oa pans ‘ For further information see notes preceding Table 1. Deck: DEEP Table 19 BEAM DATA SLAB DATA Tternal beam Fie resistance 30 mine Uniform load Slab depth 180mm Beam spacing 4.0m Concrate Nw ‘Steel strength $355, Strength 25130 Shear connectors Welded {eylindercude) iameter TEA Nar 2, 45 50 87 eegevesevvevooeely ecouawe For further information see notes preceding Table 1. 66 Deck: BEAM DATA [internal bears — Uniform toad Beam spacing Steel strength Shear connectors ameter DEEP SLAB DATA [Fire resistance Slab dopth Concrete Strength (cylinder/eube) aE xaal 30521655 40 95031274 39 x29] 35001715 4 x6) 2061405 3 408x178 5 xo asyq1sax 3] x67 xaq sanatox el eal my 109] na hie h20 hz. 2a 29 has a2 Bw ocanhigenccHncaadagaade esrarror[g ay 2S gy ames | ue 002829) 79 : > : x38 5 = ea 205209040) 6.6 zap xeela2 no} 20810064 99] “a9| x2)| 199) m2 ‘s0xa6ant2 189] 2 a» 20 2 2 For further information see notes preceding Table 1, 3 4 4 4 ‘ é 3 $ @ 3 3 3 4 4 3 ¢ i209 128 138. lio pes Me ne 14 ee~oe lie Deck: MEDIUM Table 21 BEAM DATA SLAB DATA Edge beam Fire resistance 30 mins Uniform load ‘Slab depth 130 mm Beam spacing 3.0m Concrete lw Steal strength $365 Strength 25/30 Shear connectors Welded (eyfinder/oubo) diameter CBA Eine [oesiaxaTion Bee x29l 250014602] aoezna7]78§ xaa]so xaalon 050168 40} 8.0 x39 sent 71x af xy 406417084 asratsax 52 x6 xo) xml xe xaq 201210% 82 mio9)iao maias sioxzzento:pia.8 4060 asmasen 78.5 17 12 88 16 10 15 xeon 18 12 9.0 17 10 r soos 119 13 95 win v magio » 20 33 10.3 212 meyfiog » 22 14 109 12 e 0810084 97}10.2 8 20 13 102 201 18 magfio.7 » 22 14 10,7 nw 28 19 waving n 204 12 22 2 hie m 23 14 118 23 107 toa m2 pas 3.8 2518 126 26 16 331 20 18138 48 120, a asera6exi70)11.8 24 14 118 2312 108 104 m2 aisajiaa 625 14 123 2413 m4 roan 22 ninfiag 6 26 15 128 25 13 m8 we 123 paoafia2 6 27 16.132 2614 123 wig For further information 608 notes preceding Table 1 68 Deck: MEDIUM Table 22 BEAM DATA SLAB DATA Edge beam {Fire resistance 90 mins Unitorm load Slab depth 140 mm ees Beam spacing 3.0m Concrete Nw Spee Steel etrangth 3.355 Strength 25/30 of yy Shear connectors Welded (eyfinder/oube) ee | diamater Tae, ESA ent as as 80 28 SGN Eos eee os Or os DET or os te oe 208e139% 30] 3 azine ey * RN 1, 8e git 2sexr02% 26] 66 13 14 64 * naz to x29 ua 67 ‘ n32 10 2saniasezn} 70 18:68 » hea40 x3 147 » 13 10 x4 wens n 16 10 05x102% 2 18 729 15 [60 10 x34 10 s05a77<37) 10 xaq a s05¢108% 40 10 nae 10 356177429] 10 aa] a x67 4" s06e140x 29] wnt x4ol ts b ® 8 8 fh ® se ]7a-n f ag|az in en wean t 18/87 5 s00170x 5410.3 n selon nie xeofto.7 n 20/94 nie 11 xerfvo n 20/07 n 20 12 shiva n a1 |ioo n 20 12 asrasaxszhioe n 20 9.6-2m 19092 woofs * 21/100 4 2012 xorfinz * zhoa na 12 xrahiz0 » hos 5 2.19 xefea ® aa|n0 a2 19 asystoin 7h? > za lioa nat 12 nfo n 22107 nat 38 xaqi23 ® 23 og 422 19 sasha n 2 in2 m3 33 xash2.9 h 24/115 82333 samziox eaho.2 h 2s |ii.80W 2 xaahiar 5 26 hi22 4 2814 moipso 8 26/128 20 14 moghaa » 2a hia m 2018 waza h nae ‘Sroxzaontoifia8 . nae saishis2 5 he 14 wasps ® 28 15 maadhis.2 31 [15 2015 205«20% 46 7.0" 9 » 2) 0 xoal72 h 5 13 10 xo0]78 5 nia 10 anl7s s nie 10 nae] n nae 10 2swasen73]87 6 5 nis 10 » 8 nae 10 hos» . hie a2 * n 20 12 fon 8 nove ho n nan ee awa 8 2012 fie 23 8 + hain bern 28 18 122 ® Inia mn 2949 has 1 26 19 129, » hii9 hn 24 18 i 2720736 h 28h 2814 » 26 » hor n 22 12 . 2a 17 33 5 2 n 22 32 ® ws 126 n live n 29 13 n 13131 h lr20 nh 24 13 Deck: MEDIUM Table 23 BEAM DATA SLAB DATA Edge beam Fire resistance 90 mins Uniform load Slab depth 130 mm Beam spacing 3.0m Concrete we Steel strength 3275 Strength 25/30 Shear connectors Welded (eylinderrcube) ‘diameter TS, eae . s . 5 ‘ f rsifoa nig 12 93 4 » xe 19 12 96h * 46u1 40x 29 ' 8 nag 1 5 ‘406217884 ' 6 x69 ‘ 5 asian 8] t n x64 1 n xa 1 eer 22 nat 2ahio7 ha asrai91< 6) i na 2 21 10 108 ¢ 21 fio. n 20 = ‘ na 12 22 10 108 © 22 oa n 20 xaq ‘ naa 22.11 112 4 22 fo? nz 1 hme 13 zany ana i alive nz « ' has 13 za any i zelina n 23 ‘sa0x2t0. 22 . nas 13 2a 1204 26:)118 28 x99 ‘ n 26 13 25 11 124 1 28 [120 n 24 xo} i nae 20-11 128 | 26/129 h 25 noofiso h 29 16 140 1 naw 28 12 130 1 26125 25 wiaahas 29 16 145 1 nz 14 27:12 134 + 27 h29 n 26 eroxz29i0ifi88 & 29 16 146 | nao 14 2712 136 1 27 hat he miahsa : nm 14 20 12 140 1 28 fia n 27 masjise ‘ B20 15 2912 144 6 29|138 h 28 siaghie. ‘ 31s, 2013 42 12083 h 29 2083200844 ° ry 12 8 62 hi |s9 h12 6 69 naz x99 ° nwo 13.6 64 n19[61 nz 6 61 niZ x69 ° ne 10 13.8 G7 HU [64 n13 7 64 HID a) ° nis 10 148 70 Nia|e7 nie 7 87 nie xeq ° nie 10 45 8 74 W381 Ne 7 Tt He 202860 7 ° nis 10 te 8 78 hi6|74 N15 7 74 HIS xe ° a7 70 17 8 G2 hi7\79 N16 7 79 n16 07/98» ' hawt 179 7 navies nay 7 a3 nar maq}ion » ' n 20 12 199 92 ni9[eo nis 6 89 nie meipios » ‘ nat 32 2010 190 420/96 H19 9 96 HID 2061008" 97[102 1 208 19.9 93.n [eo nie 8 ae ne mrafio7 1 na 20.10 98 4 20|94 n19 8 94 n 19 mana h 1 nm 2 2110 103 h2i [99 20 8 39 p20 wasehins » : n23 13 22:11 102 | 22 ft09 n 21 9 103 nat miod2.4 5 : he t3 2311 ins i 2a [10 n22 10 110 1 a2 © rzaahia.t ‘ n 2018 2612121 124 (17 23.10.1071 a8 mapas 5 ‘ nar as 2613128 4 26129 6 28 11123 1 25 aserasant70)11.8 i n23 12 22 10 108 | 22|04 n 21 9 104 h 2 misofi23 i ashi n 203 2 zat) ina | aafoe nz 9 109 naz ninjas » 26 )i26 425 13 ae live nae 11 118 1 2a hina has 8 Tne 1 28 raga 127 |r28 n 26 14 2ohizg hos 11122 i 26 (118m 26 10 118 |e 70 For further information see notes proceding Table 1. Deck: MEDIUM Table 24 BEAM DATA SLAB DATA ‘Edge beam | Fre resistance 30 ming Sey Uniform load Slab depth 140 mm ee Beam spacing 3.0m Concrete Nw x Stoo! strength 5'385 Strength 25/30) = f Xe ‘Shear connectors Welded (cylinder/oube) lameter 13mm — —____- ———— LOAD kit 5 4s 29. 28 DESIGRATION | OF > OF Ds EEF se = mmm om] mmm om ot we 160 [408 @ 98519 48 19).8) am 9 20 amjors [4a ng 1 ¥sl eB 180 ° 2 910 14 819 10/48. 10 12 4a 10/464 8 10 469 9 200) 3 * Nato 14 BO gitt] BBN TEA Sa got] erm tO ION sca: 10] 220 * a i214 609 12|50n 12 12 58g 12/850 11 10 85 911 240 Joa. o 1974068 gota] 62 notsitto\a2 gi13}'90 m2 10: 8asgo43| zo [7s 5 ° N15 1@ 729 18/69 n i 12 69.9 14/66 h 12 10 66 9 13] soo: fas n ® hve 15: goog Ne jong WAS A207 eig sf Zs KIS 10:79 R | 330 [arn ° 18 15 87 9 8/63 n 17 12 839 17/80 n 16 11 Bon 16 aso |ae 5 18 1688p 18 |'atoM mR I eT GT) RTOS Bani 49, 400 fos n ' 21 47 105 | 21/100 n 20 14 100 + 20/96 m 19 12 96 h 19) ‘450: f:20° : asia tte so8 | nna AB MTT ze] 107m ae Iz IOI aT soo fiaz 5 ‘ 26 18 120 i 26/122 n 25 18 122 1 » sso. fies 5 : 2819-159 ¥ 26/139" 1 * 00 ‘ ‘i 90 20 18:11 90/144 h i n HEA 100 120 [aro ° 07 3 4107 40, [arg ° oe wares reo [69 ° hazii4 59g 12 200 n ° hia 4 649 12 220 |7.3)1n 3 hee 70 go 240 h 3 nie 779 16 200 Jas ° nay we e2 7 300 8 ° hie as es Fag) 320 5 : 20 16 101 | 29 340 n p BEA IO7 128 360 5 ‘ naw n2i 2 400: s F Rae aT2 g ze 480 5 : a7 we 132 1 a7 500 : . hag igiee 123) 550 ' ' 130 19 1531 9 500. ‘ i 41-3019 16.013)/20 HEB 100) 3 01081552 g 30) « hi is 589 12 5 nts a5 88629) h nia 71g 14 8 neqeo177 9:36 x ni7 18 84g 17 n HTB I BONN Te 5 ni 1 96 1 19 mez2 49 107 wartensoai 24 has 19 113 hm 17 1091 22 N24 19 988 2g tata h 25 20 123 hae 17 119 1 28 27°20 192 fae t8p 1281028 faa 20 143 n20 19 140 1 28 a7 20:18. 1 90/18" 98.00/90 2710166. hoge sa s88 20 For further information see notes preceding Table 1. n Deck: RE-ENTRANT Table 25 BEAM DATA SLAB DATA internal bear Fire rosistance ‘0 mine Tee Uniform load ‘Slab depth 120mm * # Beam spacing 3.0m Concrete lw ee ‘Steel strength $'355, Strength 25/30 j Shear connectors, (oylinder/cube) height Ta, LBRO EN 60 ESIGNATION oe] Por os ee Berge ol aman Se gt 17 85 a 1s woler a11 17 61 a2 65 419 19 65 a2 67 13 19 52.0 8 5 |7t 014 20 82 0 7 al7s 918 2 52 0 8 ta)7a g13 20 70 a3 a |77 1622 S208 4 |s0 e172 82 65 a [se o17 23 82 0 4 far o17 22 52 alas 018 23 52 alas o 19 2 52 afar oi 2 a2 a [ee p10 23 52 2 98 922 26 82 92 9 19 25 82 98 92 26 82 hos @ 23 27 82 hoe 9 26 26 52 hin2 9 25 29 52 hve 9 26 30 52 hos 9 2428.52 104 hos. fis 9 25 90 52 hie g 26 3 52 2s g 28 32 8.2 3 3 2 2 |n2 2 2 1 1 1 21 [126 029 32 52 a Sine e271 Bz ° © 1 (127 9 20 32 52 a 1/130 6 30 33 52 a 1/34 931 33 52 a ov ia7e 92 94 82 ° 01 143 0% 95 52 3 ot ia7 935 36 5 ° 21/60 9 36 36 5 et hiss 136 36s 20 j160 i 37 38 5, 20 [163 i 38 35 5, so hey 1 36 36 52 D1) 2 6266/67 gis 526 a [85 0 - 10 512 2 52°66 |70 9 14 2052 © 7 \87 0 oe 013 4 52 65/73 918 21 82 0 6 [70 6 28 2142552 64/78 918 22-52 06 [75 9 os 15 25 52 0 3 [ea o17 29 62 0 4/80 9 28 916 27 52 0 3 [e7 p19 29 2 « 4 [84 o os 018 2952 62/93 92025 52 6 3/20 9 oe 9191 52 62 |99 922 26 52 03 |a5 o o3 02) 33 52 0206 9 2 28 52 6 2 hos @ 23 022.35 52 0 1 [115 9 26 90 82 6 2 [tt o 22 921 325206 2 107 928 27°52)'9 2109 9 o3 92238 52 61 (13 9 26 29 52 6 2 hog 22 02495 52 6 1 \119 9 27 90.62 6 218 6 02 28.97 52 0 1|aeg 291 $2 01 h120 0 22 $27 30 52 91 |i33 93133 82 6) jae on $26 96 52 6 1 fin (33 3¢ 5200 1 37 o on fas 3062 01 fis 3239 52 0 1 lise g oa 02697 52 61/27 99031 52 0 1 azo o2 {28 28 62 61 (19a 092 92 52 61 fize on i 27 36 62 ¢ 1 (39 999 93 52 01 hae @ on 126 35 52 0 1 fa 1 3 52 ot fio ot information see notes preceding Table 1 2 Deck: RE-ENTRANT Table 26 BEAM DATA SLAB DATA Tintern ears Fie resistance somins eEReaTER F Unitorm toed Sib dopth 130mm a enanee Beam spacing 30m] | Concrete nw ; See ‘Steel strength $355 ‘Strength (28/30 : : ‘Shear connectors: Hilti (cylinder/cube) ay E oa! height rorer ona | permanence ae SAGE 28 a 5 rae $ sales Ties fae ah Pag es 20 33 100 For further information e00 notes preceding Table 1 Deck: RE-ENTRANT Table 27 BEAM DATA, SLAB DATA internal bear Fire rasistance 30 mins SEE Uniform load ‘Sab depth 120 mm welts) Beam spacing 3,0.m Concrete Ww : ‘Stool strength 3275 Strength 25/30 AE ‘Shear connectors (eylinderreube) oN 2 60 25. 28 [eos 6099/5649 be ao 28 |e 910 21 64 g 10/58 6 9 16 87 ao 99 |s7 om 2 67 gi|61 69 15 60 a9 910/69 11 22 69 g 12/62 49 14) 8114 10 ‘ O11 /74 932 23 746 912/68 G10 14 88 6 10 4 oa |e 913 4 52 0 4|78 g 18 2) 52 06 |72 917 18 52 07 o10|74 a32 29.73 4i2[6s 49 14 94 ci0lse as 9 58 a8 212/77 413 2 77 412/68 410 14 67 d 1062 49 10 61 a8 ot2ieo a2 79 aia{71 a0) 18 720 41/64 49.10 63 a0 ea fos 91 252 64 (80 917 23 52 0 5 o6 22 [a7 915 27 52 63 84 917 23 52 0 4 as 205416549 e 3 [84 915 26 52 03 |s1 g17 2 52 ¢ 5 6 +24 2/88 916 27 52 0 3 |a5 918 23 52 6 & os xed 2/93 917 20 52 © 3 [a0 919 2 52 «4 [86 g2t 21 52 0 4 50012739 ots|e2 aia 22s eta{7t g10 14.71 440/65 48 9 64 ao x39} oi a7 o 14 25 87 dt4[77 11 1 78 912/70 410 10 69 410 asont7tn 45 £2 [84 937 28 52 09/91 9 20 28 52 « 3 [84 19 18 52 0 4 xy £2 [a9 9 18 29 52 02/95 921 25 52 6 3 |90 ¢21 20 52 0 4 xs © 2/102 919 90 62 02 (98 g 22 2 52 63/95 923 2 52 03 xe7 © 1 (toe 9 20 22 £2 e 2 fos g 73 27 62 © 2 |tor g 25 26 52 2 3 oon 3 a 15/92 41425 97 414/90 812-18 90 412/73 @ 10 10 72 6 10 asl £2 i029 19 31 62 02 |98 271 20.52 03 |90 19 8 52.03 4000178 54 St ioe 920 22 62 © 2 toa g 23 27 82 6 2 [97 c22 21 52 6 3 re oi ing gat a2 s2 02 foe g 2 2 52 © 2 2 e222 82 0 3 xo ct ine g 22 36 62 61 [nz g 25 29 62 «2 |08 427 25 52 02 x ct (i2t 929 95 62 61 fine g 26 30 52 6 2 [ita a 28 25 52 0 2 asraas2n o 1 ina 921 96 52.6 2 fos © 9298 02-2052 63 et fing 022 95 52 61 [14 9 ©2108 024 22.52 22 01/123 923 36 52 et o e212 627 28 62 e 2 ot fiz7 9237 s2 61 |r2s 9 et ite ¢ 20 26 52 02 21/31 925 38 52 6 1 [126 9 e120 420 26 52 02 @ 1/6923 36 52 61 |e 0 @2jnz c 2? 24 52 02 21/36 927 39 52 6 1 [130 0 et iizs 230 26 52 0 2 © 140 927 39 52 61 [ise o st figs a 33 29 52 21 efa3 9284052 61 ev fze aaa oz et ei fae 29 a 52 61 has Si 9s as 2 52 61 eo fs1 i 20 40.52 01 hare 1 is a5 29 52 04 cosa i 29 9952 61 500 St fia ce 3 52 61 Sofie (2 98 52 61 t55 i st fiso 40 a2 52 01 102205101 $0 ise 1 20 99 52 0 1 |t57 4 etfs ce 20 52 61 mar} fo jiez +20 8 62 6 060 1 97 26 52 6 1 [t53 c 38 90 52 0 1 m125f So fies i 28 97 $2 0 0 (69 1 2635 52 6 1 eo ca a2 52 01 aol so ies i 28 36 52 0 0 ah 1 ‘2oa200« 40] 7.1 9 10 24 62 6 nm S59 15 17 52 6 10 x5o74 ¢ 10 26 62 6 4/72 912 23 52 0 5 © 7 j67 18 17 52 0 9 xeo]77 p11 27 82 6478 919 24 52 0 8 26 [70016 8 52 28 s7faa 032 20 52 «3 |ar oie 25 52 04 es [7s 017 19 52 0 6 xaos 019 2052 ¢5|86 915 252 3 a4 os asaaser rsa g 14 31 52 02/91 916 27 52 © 3 oa os ragfiog 9 1S 33.62 «2 |97 9 18 29 52 62 |93 92025 52 63 a4 mo7pios 916 34 52 4 2 [103 9 19 31 52 02 |99 g 22 26 52 0 9 o3 magia 918 87 82 e 1 (1.1 921 39 52 © 2 08 g 24 28 62 02 o3 mepfiaa 9 19 40 52 © 1 [120 9 22 35 52 6 1 |1n8 g 2630 52 02 [it g 28 26 $2 0 2 aosraoms7fits 9 18 96 52 01 |ia g 2 sz 52 0 2 ho7 g2427 s2 © 2/109 026 23 52 « 3 miiafiz2 9 20 ae 52 0 1 [18 9 22 94 52 01 113 g 26 20 52 6 2109 g 28 25 52 0 2 miavpiae 9 21 40 £2 6 1 [iad 9 24 35 52 4 1 [19g 27 90 52 62 [118 g 20 28 52 0 2 missfiag faz 41 62 61 [90 9 25 37 52 6 1 [ize 9 2931 52 6 1 12093 27 52 0 2 magia i219 52 © 1 fie t 27 a8 sz 61 |133 93133 52 0 1 29 9 26 29 52 6 1 fasojias | 20.37 52 0 1 (a2 i 26 36.82 6 4 frat 133 38 52 03 [tay g 96 30 52 0 1 pasgjiae | 202 G2 6 0 ita7 1252 52 01 (ras 132 33 82 0 1f44 g a8 a 52 ot seonseentzafiag 4 22 40 $2 0 1 [132 9 26 97 62 e 1 fz7 9 3031 52 0 1 haz gs 27 82 0 2 Missfine i 22 09 52 0 1 hae +28 a S26 1 13 9 32 32 52 61 lize 9 34 28 52 ot Uinfiaz i 22 37 2 0 1 a2 i a7 oe 82 6 1 (ize gaa a2 52 03 faa g 36 79 52 01 mohae 121 96 52 et fas 126 98 62 et [ing 134 38 62 6 1 [139 9 37 30 52 ot For further Information see notes preceding Table 1. 14 Deck: RE-ENTRANT Table 28 BEAM DATA SLAB DATA [Internal bears {Fire resietance SEER =F Uniform load Slab depth 130 mm| ea Me Beam spacing 3.0m Concrete Nw : Bate Steel strength 3355, Strength Vos Shear connectors Hi a\ fe hight TRESS LORD wnt E 4s [ 20 28. DESIGNATION | BEF OF Ds _te oe] UF br os Eb or ts TE oe] re 160 [ao o 2/39 94 1 nse wo [eso 4 [44g 5 17 44g 5/439 6 16 435 Slazg 6 ue a2e 7 200 fs 9 5 |s0 06 19 S0:9 8/499 7.971469 8) 489 816 45 9°10] 220 [57 9 6 |se 7 21 539 8/555 8 19 829 10/539 9 17 80611 240 [oa 9 Sle2 a8 22.520 6/61 9 e270 52:8 8) 50.9 11 18 52/6 10] 2 |72 9 6 |70 08 25 ci 8/689 1 2 61 6 11/67 9 13 20 61 6 13 300. |e 5 8 [79 g11 2 orae ti finy gp rgaenga a 14) 2a ° 320 [90 9 M1 [ae 913 30 83 6 15/85 9 18 27 81 9 17/89 g ° hoo 9 is |37 9 18 3293 9517] 9419-17 205-099 20) 91% ° hit @ 18 36 108 9 10 31 102 9 hz 9 81940 S ne gael ase coyotes fost s fos o22 3 > [131 9 26 38 127 9 ‘ char ta ae Scrap 29 ares eds A ia “hiss t 30 40 ahses 42 os 6 ae 400g 8 as a o5 8 450 7/476 469.7 15 42 9 10 58 2620 519 9/539 B29 8.17 48g 62 97 2 585 10/596 589 10 18 S49 19] 70. 99°28 65.91] 876 65 9:12 20:61 9)7% 78 on 749 Wawa. - 8 ora lot betg en eee 3.3 sis - : -|eeo ag we 300. fro.2 p18 a2 cae 93 p20 202 220 foo 0175 - - - [1099 wou za - - 300. fixe pws Sl tee 10.6 923 280 2) 360 fiz 019 28 thins 9 112 9 25 20 400. fra re s269 N23 928 S20 cos 450 fia Toa a n60 9 136 9 32 34 s00 fis Faget i804 Cree eae 550 fis i 2237 i574 15.6 | 35 35 e00_fre.7 122 isi res ise ae iS For further information see notes preceding Table 1 15 Deck: RE-ENTRANT Table 29 (BEAM DATA. SLAB DATA tra bea [ve estance 96 ins EES Shots pot ond Seo doh tao Veo Ste erenath sass | | conse MESES Shen comeetore Seen SEEN TE canate ES ae LENE LL = maximum spacing of beams ro tm Tae om Toa te as | oo [os | as [as | oo [os | as | as | oo | os Designation whet ep ape wpe wpe wpe pe NEBL Dw ] | © 254c102% 25 “a a4] 40 na . iF ol alsa oa Se se 200140031 86 es x3 x49} ag 43 nad o82)63 94d] 56 4a 406317854 10 es oe xr) rae eae tas col <5 asnaisan 62] 154 ea 118 02) on re eee]. 84 118 0 89| 100 ol 7] asrn19%1 67] 189 c48 0 cae] 18:4 4819.1 84 62] 105 62] 15064 fi] 2 5 cle cael zt eas) = 190 ci ea rages = = ed) 135 84174 09 : 2s }190 eae ce] 144 8a] 188 09 s10a20%101 ale 7 254] 15.8 a] 200 ce a9] 284/165 8d oaaeax ae] 68 02] 5 o7) x52] 0.0 9244 61 934] x00) 75 929] 7.0 633] fe] 21 g 36] 10.3 24 2sanabn 72) 124 cad 1058 20 Shoal tao cael int cad] eae] 121 eae] 180 e54 129 282/104 n40] 88 n36| 10.4 oa) had 69 naz 051208% 97] 17.9 cel 154 «40 tne c82] 96 c2| 83 252] 104 959 ne mare - = - 1706 el a3 662 12 o00|308 42] am m9 182 c64 126 a9 09] 120 062] 9 ns m5 | 17a et 4 168 ce a8 60] 088 x99] <> |e esa 484 €60)1058 00] 3.1 naa] 108 naz 24g] ; wo] naa] 124 naz 86x3600120] wae ia ston od tan coa]tos ca 08 ced 7153] 133 ©8417. 662,148 €60 12.1 60] 109 HSB nr] 8 esal et c82| 194 60] 188 60139 262] 1.5 HB na : Ll pe Sha esa 129 ¢60)160 ©6129 150 For further information see notes preceding Table 1 16 Deck: RE-ENTRANT Table 30 BEAM DATA SLAB DATA ‘ternal bear Fire resistence 30 mins = Single point load Slab depth 130 mm Steel strength 8.956 | | Concrete Nw F connectors Welded SEI awn 25130 EE) ZEESy Ee L = maximum spacing of beams Tam om m_| as | 45 | 60 | 5 WNP wp we 2 S| [oesickaion | Carve = 2011935 29 25ert02x 2] x2q 254x146] xa x4 £33) 0 220] 48 oq a0se127% 7] 6829] 62 +2 xaa| 70 292] 79 cal xa 2 «4 20550654 80 e 58 932] 53 938 49 peal 86 996) 61 944 se cual 45 02 43:92 as0<127 9) 60 24 x39 79 3) 356e1715 45] 24 cay 4062140539 31 a) 45731824 89 29] 9.3240 cer x69] asl rae ese 254 ee x00] 175 40] 199 cas) sual ye ese eed ea 27185 aa] 169 cg ae i23 664 ad 202 Scio sa eas peirreey es4l103 621 84 262 xaq 1039 ea £54 143 058 ee 129 e641 ea x04 18 £86 165 o58 el 139 o62) 123 eee ‘5202108 a) 18-88 139264 120 ee xaq ese] 7 286 WA cou 154 oe ce moi] = +|179 284 150 e841 129 e84{ 160 c62| 140 oe Ot cae or 180 e64 160 e86129 <4] 1700 6a 149 oa] 09 202 ma { EES 19 +62 te ce nn9 a2 60x220n101 ; a £6 60 c62| t16 062 25] 1928 ced ras 662 xq a9 934 a x09 116 ca Co ae nas 07] 124 c46) 11.3 cae] 98 46] 105 940] 98 940l 06 ce) 75 ose] 5a nae mal 16.1 648] 135 ct] 11.8 40] 19.9 ge 129 eal 10a cod a8 os oa nae m6] 193 eae 6.8 ce] t44 c 4817.0 g 2 soa he 78 nao 20512085 97 45 eae] 123 40] 105 00] 120-0 aoe sane x19] 169 c40]140 4s] 120 o46| 14 Ba 23¢ 7328 104 ©4126 950] 11.2 ca] ey nay 180 640] 10.0 24s] 138 eal 364 wise] | = /sa cael ee cael ane: 11.9 oe 146 0621128 ena] 108 c62] 93 nex wie = : = |1944 cag the os} 173 he0 mao] = = 5 : 78 26a) a3 nee wep || Toes ane 184 n52 ni aq 200 248] 69 « aa] 148 cael 13.2 ose Bee xs 138 8] 200 68 cea) s28 oo to ce2 xn =| 1944 4a 2000 «tel 169 oe] 148 oa ta cer xa0a] 190 e464 064 va 660 For further information see notes preceding Table 1. Deck: RE-ENTRANT Table 31 BEAM DATA SLAB DATA Taternal bearh Fire resistance 0 mins Single point load Slab depth 120 mm Steel strength 275 | | Concre LW ‘Shear connectors Welded diameter ESnecwe zs | as | as | 60 | TNT NTL NTL OW | 40 230) 46 934 4 03 A cad] 54 940) 49 cad a1 cad 2058127437 4s x42] 81 449] 70 242) 59 44] 50 xq Bs 42 €50) 45 #94] 48 04s} soscr05x 40} 7. 8 a2] a8 6 42] 40 4 rae| 29 cae] 76 cao] oa cad) oo 43 cae) 53 caal as cat} x4] 95 60 fe €62| 80 64] 61 c84 43 cH anexr77% 3) “a xy 63 262] 62 063) S4 08a] 44 et 40641404 39 ss * x46l os - 406017854 Da o82 cn asraasze 89 2 ead as c2 * as 5 eo Pepeey x6) 24 7a es Se coo x7 28 75 ea 60 ceo zal oa ca] 135 e Be as cor xq ts e484 02 28 eu 89 260 xo V7.8 eae 146 cael 1285 esl 156 C8 28 es 2a cue san2t0x 07] 178 cat} 145 cae wes ced 94 84 ery x9q oe ca8| 10. eae] 138 oc] 17.1 1 282104 682 Bt e00 not wee li7 eael ras eel ant esa 163 8412.9 oa] 109 esa] 41 cao] as co 109] ft e488 a6] 19.3 4] 68 oa 136 ee] 116 c 84 130 09 an oe za] | 2s fs =a eae tea chal s6.7 e6¢] 129 04] 8.8 00] 10.1 062 s10a20x101 195 cae 1638 eae v7 cod 128 c64)t61 o62| 199 62 98 660 a9] tra e48 806 184 c64]173 60] 149 09 toe 60 nag} [90 esd 16.1 82 3 50) 126 660 ‘05208 46] Ea 34] 6a eae] a9 cal 41 cal = x52 08 999] 61 od] 83 46) 45 cas] 41 02] Reo] 78 949] €2 cae] 6 c44| 42 cas] 40 930 44 9 X7i[ aa eae] 26 c46| 64 est] 4 cae] 59 ga] 84 9 wee] s0.1 cas] a8 cue] 73 46] 63 se oa) 2sax2s4n 72) 10.3 €46) 89 cat] 74 cA 6 bs e8y * Teas] ee] 10-1 cat) a4 cas] 71 cad 00 es 7 c82| ceo] 4 nse Shov]3s cael tne c48) 96 cae] 83 cas] 04 ese! 80 cA] 23 260) 71 coo] 59 cod 49 nae tisa) 193 cae] 140 c48) 16 40] 99 onal 124 c54 106 c9] 33 ceo] as cea] 70 coq 58 nee sie7|200 cael 172 e454: a8] 123 4a] 5.0 cl 10.0 653 tra ceo] 10.3 60] 88 cen 7. 56 g0sa08% 97] 148 €46| 125 e 46] 104 cas) 89 ase a0 e ceo) 54 260 Sritef te cael 14 oas|119 ea 101 oad] 120 e52]109 6 sop e 60] 63 260 137] 194 a4] 108 cas 126 cd] 108 eae] 145 54] 120 c84) ae 60] 70 062 Mise] = [88 eae] 1885 eae] a3.3 c46| 164 c3414.1 C54 12961 00] 79 200 x 7 19. eae 64 ¢ [ira ese the c80|138 62] 12 660] 96 60 ral teecal pe e145 060 ma] e =e oy cod og 126 060 sera6ex75 174 646] 4 240] 23 0 6 a1 od 23 68 $60 73 260 x53] tee cael taa cael 70 ct tet e82] 126 64] 108 c5a{ 138 ced] 1.9 60] 82 ce] B4 C60 wan 41 e616. «ae 17a ced) tas ose 129 c54)186 c60) 128 ceo) 31.3 662] 88 cB 78 For further information see notes preceding Table 1 Deck: RE-ENTRANT Table 32 BEAM DATA SLAB DATA Tnternal beam Fire resistance ‘90 mins > Fi Sirale point lod Slab dopth 130 mm way ‘Steel strength 8275 | | Concrete Nw pebesis : ‘Shear connectors Welded | Strength 28/30 nS) E * (cylinder/cube) A & L = maximum spacing of beams eam Sean] oon Tam T aia Jicapwime | as | as | eo | 75 | a5 | os | oo | os | as | as | oo | os waive mtn Ot te fe fn “i TT TS 20335529) 2steteoe an} 4a x7] 63 234] 40 24) soso] 240] 45 cao] an 220] 49 094 | x33) 43 224] 40 20 sosetz7s a7] 5 54] 44 234 | xaos 639 49 cao) ae 43 en | xa] 75 44) 55 cail 63 229] 53 959 48 oaal 41 cad] 30501685 40} 69 £3q) 48 c36| 48 30] 48 29] 40 coe 6x12 39] 54 230] 43 30 x39) 63 239) 49 e34] 4a <3 asonirix as] 83 c42 68 42] 64 42] 41 240) 46 294) as cay x31] 96 e486. 048) 79 o46| $8 48) 54 240] 50 046] 49 cae] x57] 108 40 68 cae] 75 82] 8.1 660] 80 248) 56 c82 a6 c50] 40 60 xe] 21 48) 78 ca] 84 64] 68 68 62] 88 ceal ae coz aos 40% 39] 78 £38) $6 935] 48 ae) 40" 634 | sacl os cad os 242] 64 cad 48 oad] 49 soni 7ex ca] 14. as co) 84 esd] 63 4a ca x60 121 « 49] 106 <4] ou ere] 89 e647 a6 one x67]133 49] 116 c4| 9.9 248) 9.4 040/101 54] 8a 286] 64 et] 80 sa 262 x14] 144 46] 126 €48| 106 c49) 91 040] 11.0 054] 98 e670 cet] a8 55 60 asyetsaxs2] 11.9 946] 10 648) 9 aa] 7 cael ay a0] 78 £49) 6 aa e013. eae] 45 049] 98 c46) 83 ee 100 wae] a e546 cee] an x67] 164-40] 126 cag] 08 cas 911 644110 200] 96 64] 8x 86] 70 c¥Ml 78 x 7A) 69:40] 19.4 eas] 119 e495 245 8 BS 64] 74 ed 39. x02] 165 49] 144 e812. 248) 10.4 49] 126 ¢ 9 54] 80 65100 v4 cas] 24 aa 54] 83 84108 ta ca 00 eae ros o54] 9.1 684115 coq 7a ee 83822104 62] 10,9 24 1655 « 49] 13.9 4, 105 684] 90 504] 1.3% ae xox]. | aa eal 164 24) se 1.6 284] 100 etal 12s ca] 79 ce soif = = Jia cat] 1 eae 123 68103 cud 1a. eed a3 ce 109} ; 120-684 14 esata ml a0 cer sip} Hai cba 2 ce] th on 202 a12g| ~ S| r98 eae 194 658 16:3 054] 140 «al 174 9 n0 eee a9] 155 656105 02] 16. «64,140 6a] 121 coz 20842035 29 230) «5 wad) a0 920] ae 234] 49 940) 45 aq x0] 238] 65 944] 49 24s] 40 929 x eae] 6.0 cae, oa x0q 2oaxzben 7 oie 73 oa aq £44 0.1 cae ceo ior] 128 cas] 11.1 cae] 94 cae ce wiz] 183 asl ra eas] 11.3 ca ee 2083308 97] 13.6 «He 120 4} 1,1 6a] 0 ‘i10] 58 c4al 338 cal + ello. & 3 eae) cals, m2] 155 645131 ca 2 260 mise]. = [176 240] 149 el 113 e86| a es bee wie] | << s -fres ona 139 e451 eo saa] os the tos suid tat © i831 Haves +180 654/153 ‘56<368%125) ye 249] 13.8 ae Lo rer For further information se@ notes preceding Table 1 aaa micas ce 128 c64| 108 a4] 93 62 143. 62120 o62| 10.4 42 79

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