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ADMISSION NO: 150323461383


YEAR OF STUDY: 2017/2018

January, 2018
I ROGER DAMIAN, declare that from the best my knowledge and ability. It is a work performed
by myself, which is neither copied nor presented anywhere else in any higher institution for the
similar award. Whenever I have used information, they from various references, literature review
and consultation from lectures and supervisor.

…………………………… …………………………..

Student signature DATE

…………………………… ……………………………

Supervisor signature DATE

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my project supervisor Mr. Frank Joseph for
his positive attitude and guidance. I am really fortunate that, I had the kind association as well as
good supervision. His exemplary guidance, constant encouragement, and careful monitoring
throughout the project are so great.

Also I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my project coordinator, Halima
Liban, she has provided a huge amount of her precious time and effort to make this project happen,
I feel really lucky to be able to work under her coordination.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge and appreciate the assistance provided by all lecturers and my
fellow colleagues from all departments at Dar-es-salaam Institute of Technology for their support.


ACKNOLOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................................. ii
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................................... v
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................................ vi
ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................................................. vii
CHAPTER ONE................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.0 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 PROJECT OBJECTIVES.............................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.1 MAIN OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT ............................................................................................................. 2
1.4 METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER TWO.................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 THE EXISTING SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................ 5
2.2.1 OPERATION OF THE EXSTING SYSTEM ............................................................................................ 5
2.2.2 DISADVANTAGE OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM ..................................................................................... 5
2.2 THE PROPOSED SYSTEM ......................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.1 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM ................................................................................ 6
2.3.2 OPERATION OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM ........................................................................................ 7
2.3.3 LIMITATIONS OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM ...................................................................................... 7
2.4 COMPONENTS OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM ............................................................................................... 8
2.4.1 Power Supply:...................................................................................................................................... 8
Transformer:............................................................................................................................................. 8
Rectifier: ................................................................................................................................................... 9

Filter: ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Voltage regulator: .................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.2 LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY: ................................................................................................................... 9
LCD screen: ............................................................................................................................................. 10
Contrast control: .................................................................................................................................... 11
Potentiometer ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Presets .................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.4.3 MICROCONTROLLER .......................................................................................................................... 12
Power LED Indicator ............................................................................................................................... 13
Main IC ................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.4.4 TRANSFORMER .................................................................................................................................. 14
Energy losses .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Winding resistance ................................................................................................................................. 15
Hysteresis losses..................................................................................................................................... 15
Eddy currents ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Mechanical losses................................................................................................................................... 15
Stray losses ............................................................................................................................................. 15
2.4.5 BUZZER .............................................................................................................................................. 16
2.4.6 COMPARATOR ................................................................................................................................... 16
CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................................................................................. 17
DATA COLLECTION ......................................................................................................................................... 17
3.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 17
4.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................. 19


Figure pgs

Figure 1: The block diagram of the existing system…………………….………………………… ...5

Figure 2: Block diagram of the proposed system……………………...……………………………….6

Figure 3: DC power supply………………………………………………….………………...............8

Figure 4: Liquid Crystal Display……………………………….…………………………….………10

Figure 5: Potentiometer…………………………………..……………..……………………..…….11

Figure 6: Arduino board …….…………………………..………….………………………………12

Figure 7: Buzzer……………………………………………...………………..….……….………....16


Table pgs.

Table: 1 Data collection…….…………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………17


AC…………………………………………………………………………….………………………............................Alternating Current

DC…..................................................................................................................................Direct Current

KVA…………………………………………………….……………………………………………….………………………Kilo Volts Ampere



E.m.f …..........................................................................................................................Electromagnetic Force

Vrms……………………………………………………………….……………………………………………….…Root Mean Square Voltage

VDC…………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………......Direct Current Voltage

VAC……………….…………………………………………………………..………………………..……...…...Alternating Current Voltage



Generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy involve many losses. Whereas,
losses implicated in generation can be technically defined, but transmission and distribution losses
cannot be precisely quantified with the sending end information. Overall technical losses occur
naturally and are caused because of power dissipation in transmission lines, transformers, and other
power system components. Technical losses in T&D are computed with the information about
total load and the total energy billed. Total loss cannot be precisely computed, but can be estimated
from the difference between the total energy supplied to the customers and the total energy billed,
losses are caused by the factors external to the power system. Nowadays illegal power taping is
happening. This cause major crisis for the TANESCO and it tends to increase the demand also.

Illegal power taping means stealing the electricity by an authorized tapping on the distribution line.
Theft of electricity is the criminal practice of stealing electrical power. It is a crime and punishable
also it has impact on the economical of the country

Types of power theft

There many types of power theft like meter tilting, mechanical impendent to rotating disk, placing
magnet. But basically there are two types

 Drilling holes in to the meter known as meter tempering or bypassing meter

 Direct hooking on the distribution line

Type one can be controlled by sealing the meter by the authority (TANESCO) but type two is
incontrollable theft

illegal power tapping is the non-technical losses in the distribution system, it is against the rules
of Electricity Authority (TANESCO) where by people tap power direct from the distribution line.
Visual inspection is used to check for illegal power tapping which is very difficult to identify the
thief also people inspecting can easily be corrupted Due to illegal power tapping the appropriate
bills are not taken by the electricity authority (TANESCO) cannot take the actual charges of
electricity usage thus the proposed system is best suited for the problem regarding the theft.


The following are the objectives to be achieved by this project


 The aim of this project is to design a circuit that will automatically detect illegal power
taping in distribution line (TANESCO)


 To design a rectifier and comparator circuit

 To identify the components which will be used in designing circuit

 Built a prototype

 Test the prototype


The proposed circuit system will help

 To detect illegal power taping without any human control

 To improve operational efficiency

 To save time and human labor

 To maximize the profit margin of (TANESCO)

In order to accomplish this project, different methods and techniques will be employed under time
consideration. The following are the methods that will be followed during conducting this project.

 Literature review

This involves studying other people’s works or projects which are related to my projects so as to
identify the knowledge gap. It also involves reading any other sources of information such as
internet, books and articles which may contribute to my project.

 Data collection

This involves visiting site and collecting necessary information related to this project

 Data analysis

The collected data are analyzed so as to get the data usefully for the design of the circuit of the

 Design of the circuit

The circuit of proposed system is designed by selecting appropriate components based on the
information collected and analyzed to accomplish the project

 Building a prototype

The circuit of the proposed system will be built on the board to meet the desired condition

 Testing the prototype

The built circuit of the proposed system will be tested to get the required output which was desired
so as to meet objectives of the project

 Report writing

The report book is prepared including all the activities done for the successful accomplishment of
the project



2.1 Introduction
This part of project has covered the related materials from different sources such as books, articles,
done projects, internet articles.

Beginning literature review by examining different existing systems. Which their functions are
focused on controlling illegal power taping in the distribution line. Therefore, literature review
will act as one step where by discovered gap will enable further procedure to be taken in order to
detect power losses without human errors in the distribution line.

 This section will lead to studying various existing systems and various materials relating
to this project.
 The reading will be aiming to determine what have been done to detect the illegal power
taping in the distribution line.
 Literature review will act as one step where by the discovered gaps will enable further
procedure to be taken so as to solve the problem
The literature review is categorized into two parts which are

 The existing system

 The proposed system




Figre1: Block diagram of existing system


Electric power distribution is the final stage in the delivery of electric power; it carries electricity
from the transmission system to individual consumers. Distribution substations connect to the
transmission system and lower the transmission voltage to medium voltage ranging between 2 kV
and 35 kV with the use of transformers. Primary distribution lines carry this medium voltage
power to distribution transformers located near the customer's premises. Distribution transformers
again lower the voltage to the utilization voltage used by lighting, industrial equipment or
household appliances. Often several customers are supplied from one transformer
through secondary distribution lines. Commercial and residential customers are connected to the
secondary distribution lines through service drops. Customers demanding a much larger amount
of power may be connected directly to the primary distribution level or the sub transmission level

The distribution line of TANESCO has no theft detection where by power is transmitted direct
from the substation to poles erected transformer then from the transformer power is fed to the
customer direct.


 No any technology is implemented by TANESCO for detection of illegal power taping in
the distribution line.
 Visual inspection is being used for the illegal power taping detection has human errors
 Though there is no official estimate of electricity losses but TANESCO losses large
quantity of power
 The method used encourages corruption to the people inspecting.








Figure 2: block diagram of proposed system


AC power flow

DC power flow

Signal flow

In this scheme two current transformers are connected at both end of the load. If there is no theft,
then the secondary current of both the current transformers will be the same. By using this principle
one current transformer is connected at the starting point of the distributor and the other current
transformers are connected to the different legal loads. If the vector sum of current of all the CT’s
connected to load is equal to the current in the main CT, then there will be no illegal power taping.
However, if there is a difference in the current then there will illegal power taping.

When power is not theft

 One load is connected at the end distribution line which legal and other load is connected
between two current transformers which is illegal load. When there is no theft which means
illegal load is not turned on. The current through the two transformers will be the same and
since they are equal it will send signal to the microcontroller which will make the LCD to
display a massage indication no illegal power taping and the buzzer will not blow.

When power is being theft

 When there is some illegal power taping which means that illegal load is ON, in this case
the current through the two transformers will be different, the comparator will compare
them and since the current are un equal the comparator will send signals to the
microcontroller which make the LCD to display the message indicating illegal power
taping and the buzzer is brown.


 Since the CT’s are connected across each span of distribution system its installation as well
as maintenance cost become higher
 It is a system which give information about the theft of electricity but not solve the theft
problem itself.

The proposed system has the following components

2.4.1 Power Supply:

The input to the circuit is applied from the regulated power supply. The ac. input i.e., 230V from
the mains supply is step down by the transformer to 12V and is fed to a rectifier. The output
obtained from the rectifier is a pulsating dc voltage. So in order to get a pure dc voltage, the output
voltage from the rectifier is fed to a filter to remove any ac components present even after
rectification. Now, this voltage is given to a voltage regulator to obtain a pure constant dc voltage.

Figure 3: DC power supply

Usually, DC voltages are required to operate various electronic equipment and these
voltages are 5V, 9V or 12V. But these voltages cannot be obtained directly. Thus the ac input
available at the mains supply i.e., 230V is to be brought down to the required voltage level. This

is done by a transformer. Thus, a step down transformer is employed to decrease the voltage to a
required level.

The output from the transformer is fed to the rectifier. It converts A.C. into pulsating D.C.
The rectifier may be a half wave or a full wave rectifier. In this project, a bridge rectifier is used
because of its merits like good stability and full wave rectification.

Capacitive filter is used in this project. It removes the ripples from the output of rectifier
and smoothens the D.C. Output received from this filter is constant until the mains voltage and
load is maintained constant. However, if either of the two is varied, D.C. voltage received at this
point changes. Therefore, a regulator is applied at the output stage.

Voltage regulator:
As the name itself implies, it regulates the input applied to it. A voltage regulator is an
electrical regulator designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level. In this project,
power supply of 5V and 12V are required. In order to obtain these voltage levels, 7805 and 7812
voltage regulators are to be used. The first number 78 represents positive supply and the numbers
05, 12 represent the required output voltage levels.


LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display. LCD is finding wide spread use replacing LEDs (seven
segment LEDs or other multi segment LEDs) because of the following reasons:

1. The declining prices of LCDs.

2. The ability to display numbers, characters and graphics. This is in contrast to LEDs, which
are limited to numbers and a few characters.

3. Incorporation of a refreshing controller into the LCD, thereby relieving the CPU of the task
of refreshing the LCD. In contrast, the LED must be refreshed by the CPU to keep
displaying the data.
4. Ease of programming for characters and graphics.

These components are “specialized” for being used with the microcontrollers, which means that
they cannot be activated by standard IC circuits. They are used for writing different messages on
a miniature LCD.

Figure 4: Liquid Crystal Display

A model described here is for its low price and great possibilities most frequently used in practice.
It is based on the HD44780 microcontroller (Hitachi) and can display messages in two lines with
16 characters each. It displays all the alphabets, Greek letters, punctuation marks, mathematical
symbols etc. In addition, it is possible to display symbols that user makes up on its own.

LCD screen:
LCD screen consists of two lines with 16 characters each. Each character consists of 5x7 dot
matrix. Contrast on display depends on the power supply voltage and whether messages are
displayed in one or two lines. For that reason, variable voltage 0-Vdd is applied on pin marked as
Vee. Trimmer potentiometer is usually used for that purpose. Some versions of displays have built
in backlight (blue or green diodes). When used during operating, a resistor for current limitation
should be used (like with any LE diode).

Contrast control:

To have a clear view of the characters on the LCD, contrast should be adjusted. To adjust the
contrast, the voltage should be varied. For this, a preset is used which can behave like a variable
voltage device. As the voltage of this preset is varied, the contrast of the LCD can be adjusted.

Variable resistors used as potentiometers have all three terminals connected. This arrangement is
normally used to vary voltage, for example to set the switching point of a circuit with a sensor, or
control the volume (loudness) in an amplifier circuit. If the terminals at the ends of the track are
connected across the power supply, then the wiper terminal will provide a voltage which can be
varied from zero up to the maximum of the supply.

These are miniature versions of the standard variable resistor. They are designed to be mounted
directly onto the circuit board and adjusted only when the circuit is built. For example, to set the
frequency of an alarm tone or the sensitivity of a light-sensitive circuit, a small screwdriver or
similar tool is required to adjust presets.

Presets are much cheaper than standard variable resistors so they are sometimes used in projects
where a standard variable resistor would normally be used.

Multi-turn presets are used where very precise adjustments must be made. The screw must be
turned many times (10+) to move the slider from one end of the track to the other, giving very fine


Microprocessors and microcontrollers are widely used in embedded systems products.

Microcontroller is a programmable device. A microcontroller has a CPU in addition to a fixed
amount of RAM, ROM, I/O ports and a timer embedded all on a single chip. The fixed amount of
on-chip ROM, RAM and number of I/O ports in microcontrollers makes them ideal for many
applications in which cost and space are critical.

Figure 6: Arduino microcontroller

The pins on Arduino are the places where you connect wires to construct a circuit (probably in
conjunction with a bread board and some wire. The Arduino has several different kinds of pins,
each of which is labeled on the board and used for different functions.

i. GND (3): Short for ‘Ground’. There are several GND pins on the Arduino, any of which can
be used to ground the circuit.

ii. 5V (4) & 3.3V (5): The 5V pin supplies 5 volts of power, and the 3.3V pin supplies 3.3 volts
of power. Most of the simple components used with the Arduino run happily off of 5 or
3.3 volts
iii. Analog (6): The areas of pins under the ‘Analog In’ label (A0 through A5 on the UNO) are
Analog In pins. These pins can read the signal from an analog sensor (like a temperature
sensor) and convert it into a digital value that we can read.
iv. Digital (7): Across from the analog pins are the digital pins (0 through 13 on the UNO).
These pins can be used for both digital input (like telling if a button is pushed) and digital
output (like powering an LED).
v. PWM (8): have noticed the tilde (~) next to some of the digital pins (3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11
on the UNO). These pins act as normal digital pins, but can also be used for something
called Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM). These pins as being able to simulate analog output
(like fading an LED in and out).
vi. AREF (9): Stands for Analog Reference. Most of the time we can leave this pin alone. It is
sometimes used to set an external reference voltage (between 0 and 5 Volts) as the upper
limit for the analog input pins.
vii. Reset Button Arduino has a reset button (10). Pushing it will temporarily connect the reset
pin to ground and restart any code that is uploaded on the Arduino. This can be very useful
if your code doesn’t repeat, but you want to test it multiple times.

Power LED Indicator

This LED should light up whenever you plug your Arduino into a power source. If this light
doesn’t turn on, there’s a good chance something is wrong.

Main IC
The black thing with all the metal legs is an IC, or Integrated Circuit (13). Think of it as the brains
of our Arduino. The main IC on the Arduino is slightly different from board type to board type,
but is usually from the AT mega line of IC’s from the ATMEL Company. This can be important,
as you may need to know the IC type (along with your board type) before loading

Advantages of microcontroller

i. Faster speed of execution

ii. Can perform many tasks and hence reduce human efforts
iii. They are used to control operation of various machine and devices according to program
given in memory
iv. Most of the pins are programmable by the user for performing different functions

A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another
through inductively coupled conductors the transformer's coils. A varying current in the first
or primary winding creates a varying magnetic flux in the transformer's core and thus a
varying magnetic field through the secondary winding. This varying magnetic field induces a
varying electromotive force (EMF), or "voltage", in the secondary winding. This effect is
called inductive coupling.

If a load is connected to the secondary, current will flow in the secondary winding, and electrical
energy will be transferred from the primary circuit through the transformer to the load. In an ideal
transformer, the induced voltage in the secondary winding (Vs) is in proportion to the primary
voltage (Vp) and is given by the ratio of the number of turns in the secondary (Ns) to the number
of turns in the primary (Np)

Energy losses
An ideal transformer would have no energy losses, and would be 100% efficient. In practical
transformers, energy is dissipated in the windings, core, and surrounding structures. Larger
transformers are generally more efficient, and those rated for electricity distribution usually
perform better than 98%.

Experimental transformers using superconducting windings achieve efficiencies of 99.85%. The

increase in efficiency can save considerable energy, and hence money, in a large heavily loaded
transformer; the trade-off is in the additional initial and running cost of the superconducting design.

Losses in transformers (excluding associated circuitry) vary with load current, and may be
expressed as "no-load" or "full-load" loss. Winding resistance dominates load losses,

whereas hysteresis and eddy losses contribute to over 99% of the no-load loss. The no-load loss
can be significant, so that even an idle transformer constitutes a drain on the electrical supply and
a running cost. Designing transformers for lower loss requires a larger core, good-quality silicon
steel, or even amorphous steel for the core and thicker wire, increasing initial cost so that there is
a trade-off between initial cost and running cost (also see energy efficient transformer).

Transformer losses are divided into losses in the windings, termed copper loss, and those in the
magnetic circuit, termed iron loss. Losses in the transformer arise from:

Winding resistance
Current flowing through the windings causes resistive heating of the conductors. At higher
frequencies, skin effect and proximity effect create additional winding resistance and losses.

Hysteresis losses
Each time the magnetic field is reversed, a small amount of energy is lost due to hysteresis within
the core. For a given core material, the loss is proportional to the frequency, and is a function of
the peak flux density to which it is subjected.

Eddy currents
Ferromagnetic materials are also good conductors and a core made from such a material also
constitutes a single short-circuited turn throughout its entire length. Eddy currents therefore
circulate within the core in a plane normal to the flux, and are responsible for resistive heating of
the core material. The eddy current loss is a complex function of the square of supply frequency
and Inverse Square of the material thickness. Eddy current losses can be reduced by making the
core of a stack of plates electrically insulated from each other, rather than a solid block; all
transformers operating at low frequencies use laminated or similar cores.

Mechanical losses
In addition to magnetic losses, the alternating magnetic field causes fluctuating forces between the
primary and secondary windings. These incite vibrations within nearby metalwork, adding to the
buzzing noise and consuming a small amount of power.

Stray losses
Leakage inductance is by itself largely lossless, since energy supplied to its magnetic fields is
returned to the supply with the next half-cycle. However, any leakage flux that intercepts nearby
conductive materials such as the transformer's support structure will give rise to eddy currents and

be converted to heat. There are also radioactive losses due to the oscillating magnetic field but
these are usually small.

2.4.5 BUZZER
A buzzer is an audio signaling device which may be used in alarm devices, timers and other
forms of alerts. They may be mechanical, electromechanical, or piezoelectric.

Figure 7: Buzzer

Electromechanical buzzers use a relay connected to interrupt its own actuating current, causing
the contacts to buzz. Mechanical buzzers are purely mechanical and require drivers.

Piezoelectric elements are driven by an oscillating electronic circuit or other audio signal
source, driven with a piezoelectric audio amplifier.

A comparator is a device that compares two voltages or current and outputs a digital signal
indicating which is larger. It has two analogy input terminals and one binary digital output. The
output is ideally. A comparator consists of a specialized high-gain differential amplifier



The data collected are information about proposed project for use in evaluation, which will
determine project effectiveness. It describes situation from which conclusions can be drawn. The
following are the collected data for the existing system;

3.1 Table of data

Table: 1 shows data collected at the site


1 Distribution transformer rating 100KVA and 150KVA

2 Line voltage 220-230 V

3 Span distance 50m

4 Pole length 9-10m

5 Cable size 25 mm2

6 Frequency 50 Hz



C Dagan, Mark F. McGranaghan, Surya Santoso, H. Wayne Beaty, “Electrical Power System
Quality”, pg. 27, second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 2008.

H. Cavdar, “A Solution to remote Detection of ...” IEEE Transactions on power delivery, Vol. 19,
No 4, October 2004.

J. Nagi, K.S. Yap, S.K. Tiong, and S.K. Ahmed, “Detection of Abnormalities and Electricity theft
using Genetic Support Vector Machines”, Hyderabad Nov 2008.



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