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Submission procedure

The Plant Pathology online submission site is located at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/pp.

The submission process can be saved at each stage. There are instructions online to guide you,
or you can contact the Editorial Office (plantpath@bspp.org.uk) in case of difficulties.

Authors are requested to submit their manuscript text, figures and tables as individual

• Accepted text file types: Word (.DOC or .DOCX), Rich Text Format (.RTF) or Postscript
(.PS) only.

• Accepted figure file types: .TIF, .EPS or .PDF (see below)

• Times New Roman font, 12-point size

• Lines double-spaced

• Pages and lines numbered (continuous by preference)

• Maximum file size 60 Mb

Research article format

Title page

• Title informative and not more than 30 words

• Authors listed with first names as initials only (preceding the name)

• Addresses at which the work was carried out follow the names

• Author for correspondence indicated by an asterisk with an e-mail address provided (one
author only)

• Running head – a short title of no more than 40 characters (including spaces)

• Key words – provide up to 6


• Indicate why and how the work was done, the result and conclusions

• 250 words or less

• Abstracts should not be unnecessarily descriptive and must, where appropriate, contain
quantitative data.

• Describe, succinctly, the current state of work in the relevant field

• Describe the reasons for carrying out the experiments

• Give a clear statement of the objectives and hypotheses being tested

Materials and methods

• Sufficient information must be given in this section to allow the reader to understand the
experimental design and statistical methods used in the data analysis. All experiments should
have adequate replication and, where relevant, should have been repeated for confirmation.

• Système International (SI) units are preferred. Others should be related to SI units at the
first mention.

• Commercial equipment and products used in experiments should name the product and
company, but addresses should be omitted.

• State the methods used e.g. analysis of variance (ANOVA) and ensure that the analysis
method chosen is appropriate for the data. Data tables presenting, for example, mean values
should include the appropriate standard errors (SE) and degrees of freedom (DF) relevant to
the SE. Where comparisons are made between data values care should be taken to ensure that
the SE values quoted are suitable for the comparisons. Indiscriminate use of multiple range
tests should be avoided.

• Molecular marker data need to be properly replicated using appropriate positive and
negative controls and provide an assessment of error rates based on independent DNA


• Results should be presented in an orderly fashion

• Make use of tables and figures where necessary and without duplication


• Discussion normally should be presented separately from the Results

• Focus on the work presented and its relationship with other relevant published work

• It should not digress widely into general discussion of a research area, or into excessive
speculation, and should not normally exceed 5 pages in length


• Sources of funding should be listed

• All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed (e.g. technical
help, data analysis, writing assistance or general support)

• Only papers accepted for publication or published may be cited

• Not normally > 35 in total

• In the text, cite by author and date in chronological order. Use & between names of 2
authors; use et al. for 3 or more authors

• At the end of the paper, give full details as per the examples below

• Personal communications in the text should be cited as: initials, name, brief address,
personal communication. Authors must have permission from colleagues to include their
work as a personal communication.

• Papers “in press” which are cited but not yet available as a DOI or in print should be
submitted (as a .PDF file) as “Supporting Information not for publication”

• Use of a tool such as EndNote (www.endnote.com) or Reference Manager

(www.refman.com) is recommended

Journal (article) Elmer PAG, Reglinski T, 2006. Biosuppression of Botrytis cinerea in

grapes. Plant Pathology 55, 155–77.

Journal (online) Gibbs MJ, Ziegler A, Robinson DJ, Waterhouse PM, Cooper JI, 1996.
Carrot mottle mimic virus (CMoMV): a second umbravirus associated with carrot motley
dwarf disease recognized by nucleic acid hybridization. Molecular Plant Pathology Online
[http://www.bspp.org.uk/mppol] 1996/1111gibbs.

Book Sutton BC, 1980. The Coelomycetes. Kew, UK: Commonwealth Mycological Institute.

Book (edited) Palti J, Kranz J, eds, 1980. Comparative Epidemiology. A Tool for Better
Disease Management. Wageningen, the Netherlands: Centre for Agricultural Publishing and

Book (chapter) Jones CS, Smith N, Brown RS, 1979. Biology of diseases caused by Botrytis
spp. In: Smith N, Brown RS, eds. Diseases of Vegetables. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Scientific
Publications, 40–9.

Conference proceedings (published) McIntosh RA, 1992. Catalogues of gene symbols for
wheat. In: Miller TE, Koebner RM, eds. Proceedings of the Seventh International Wheat
Genetics Symposium, 1987.Cambridge, UK: IPSR, 1225–323.

Agency publication Harvey JM, Pentzer WT, 1960. Market Diseases of Grapes and Other
Small Fruits. Washington, USA: United States Department of Agriculture: USDA publication
no. 189. (Agriculture Handbook Series.)

Dissertation or thesis Lenné JM, 1978. Studies of the Biology and Taxonomy of
Colletotrichum Species. Melbourne, Australia: University of Melbourne, PhD thesis.
Online material Lu HJ, Kottke R, Martin J, Bai G, Haley S, Rudd J, 2011. Identification and
validation of molecular markers for marker assisted selection of Wsm2 in wheat. In: Plant and
Animal Genomes XIX Conference, abstract W433. [http://www.intl-
pag.org/19/abstracts/W68_PAGXIX_433.html]. Accessed 20 April 2012.


• Self-explanatory with an appropriate legend without abbreviations

• Number with arabic numerals, e.g. Table 2

• Refer to tables in the sequence in which they are presented

• Use lower-case letters, e.g. a, b and c, for footnotes

• Individual file for each table

• Save file in an editable format, e.g. .DOC or .DOCX

• Not embedded as an image

• If the table is very large, make it a Supporting Information file.


• Number in a separate series from the tables

• Use arabic numerals in the text, e.g. Figure 2

• Subdivisions within figures should be labelled with lower-case letters, e.g. a, b and c

• Photographs as .TIF format, at least 300 dpi at final size

• Graphs, charts and line art as .EPS or .PDF format (pdf v1.5 or earlier)

• Combinations of photos and text labels as .EPS or .PDF with the photo image at least 300
dpi, or in .TIF format at 600 dpi

• Individual file for each figure

• Not embedded in another document type (e.g. .DOCX or .PPTX)

• No figures in the main text

• Magnification in photographic figures should be shown by a scale or bar

• Avoid using tints if possible; if shading is essential to the understanding of the figure, try to
make it coarse
• Colour figures should be used when details cannot be adequately observed on black and
white photographs

• Authors pay the full cost for the reproduction of their colour artwork in the print issue

• Figures that are black-and-white in the print issue but colour in the online version are free of

• Legends should be included at the end of the main document, self-explanatory and without

• First 100 characters of the legend should describe key aspects of the figure, for the
abbreviated links used in the online version

• For detailed information on our digital illustration standards, please go to


Supporting Information for online publication

• Supporting Information gives the opportunity to present data in different formats than
traditional print media, e.g. video

• Useful format for large datasets

• Electronic files for online publication must be submitted for the review process, uploaded as
separate files and given the file designation "Supporting Information for online publication

• Please try to restrict individual files sizes to 5 Mb maximum (zipped or unzipped)

• Provide a brief title for each item intended for online publication at the end of the main

• For more information on preparing Supporting Information, please see


Supporting Information not for publication

• Articles cited as “in press” but not yet available for public access should be uploaded
as .PDF files for the reviewers

Pre-submission English-language editing

Authors for whom English is a second language may choose to have their manuscript
professionally edited before submission. A list of independent suppliers of editing services
can be found at http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/english_language.asp. All services
are arranged and paid for by the author. Use of one of these services does not guarantee
acceptance or preference for publication.

Review process
Plant Pathology uses single-blind peer review.

Submissions that are out of scope may be rejected without external peer review.

The Senior Editor will appoint a member of the Editorial Board to manage each new
submission. The Editor will generally appoint two anonymous reviewers to report on
the suitability for publication. Authors may suggest the names of potential reviewers -
these should not be recent collaborators. If there are people that authors would
prefer not to be used as reviewers, please provide your (confidential) reasons in the
cover letter to the Senior Editor.

The Senior Editor will make a final decision based upon their own judgement and the
recommendations of the reviewers and Editor. The process from submission to first
decision currently takes 32 days on average.

Following acceptance

Online Open

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Cover image

High quality images, suitable for the cover of Plant Pathology, are welcomed by the Senior
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Online production tracking

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the author and may delay publication.


Early View

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