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Ecology 1998
Growth dynamics and mortality of the encrusting
12, 631–639 sponge Crambe crambe (Poecilosclerida) in contrasting
habitats: correlation with population structure and
investment in defence
Department of Animal Biology (Invertebrates), Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona, 645 Diagonal Ave,
08028 Barcelona, Spain, and †Centre for Advanced Studies (CSIC), Camí de Sta. Bàrbara, s/n 17300 Blanes
(Girona), Spain

1. A trade-off was predicted between investment in defence and growth rate in the
encrusting sponge Crambe crambe (Schmidt), while survival rates were expected to
correlate positively with the production of defences. Previous studies have demon-
strated that this sponge is better defended (chemically and physically) in shaded
animal-dominated habitats than in well-illuminated habitats, dominated by algae. It
was determined whether these habitat-associated differences in investment correlate
with differences in growth, regeneration and mortality rates of small specimens (initial
average area less than 100 mm2) of this sponge.
2. In the 2 years of the study the sponge grew slowly (size increased 2·5 times on
average), and showed high interindividual variation in growth rates. A seasonal pattern
was evident, with marked size increases from May to October. Significantly higher
growth rates (on a monthly basis) were found in the well-illuminated habitat during the
second year of study. There was also a negative relationship between monthly growth
rate and toxicity (measured in previous studies). No differences were found in sponge
regeneration rates between communities.
3. Mortality was significantly higher in individuals from the well-illuminated habitat,
and mainly affected the smallest sponges (< 150 mm2).
4. This sponge was significantly more abundant in the shaded habitat, but the mean
size of the sponges was greater in the well-illuminated habitat. The size distributions in
the two communities were also significantly different. Sponges of the smallest size
classes were more abundant in the shaded community.
5. It is concluded that sponges in the shaded habitat, in which investment in defence
was greatest, featured higher survival but grew more slowly than those in the well-
illuminated habitat. Differential mortality and growth observed in the study were
sufficient to explain the patterns of abundance and size distributions of the established
sponge populations from these two habitats.
Key-words: Indeterminate growth, modular animals, population dynamics, resource allocation
Functional Ecology (1998) 12, 631–639

Introduction between investment in defences and growth, while

survival rates were expected to correlate positively with
We aimed to assess whether the between-habitat differ- the production of defences. We also wanted to deter-
ences in investment in defence, structural materials mine whether differences in growth rates and mortality
and reproduction reported in previous studies in the could explain differences in the abundance and size-
sponge Crambe crambe (Schmidt) could be related to structure of the established sponge populations.
differences in growth rates and mortality. A trade-off Crambe crambe is one of the most widespread lit-
between allocation to defence (chemical and physical) toral sponges in the north-western Mediterranean,
© 1998 British and to reproduction has been reported for this species where it has a wide ecological distribution (Uriz,
Ecological Society (Uriz et al. 1995). We predicted a similar trade-off Rosell & Martin 1992a). It is a red encrusting form,

632 which can reach surface areas of 0·5 m2 in the study species had been performed. A thorough description
X. Turon et al. zone. At the same time, C. crambe featured strong of these habitats was given in Becerro, Uriz & Turon
bioactivity in general bioassays (Jares-Erijman, Sakai (1994b). Briefly, the sampling site consisted of two
& Rinehart 1991; Berlinck et al. 1992; Uriz, Martin & parallel vertical walls between 6 and 12 m in depth,
Rosell 1992b), suggesting the production of chemical and 3 m apart. These walls were similar in all respects
defences. These defences appear to perform multiple except for the orientation: one faced north, the other
ecological roles (Becerro et al. 1994a; Uriz et al. south. The former received less irradiance than the lat-
1996; Becerro, Turon & Uriz 1997). In addition, this ter, and the assemblages that developed on these walls
species is a thinly encrusting form and it is therefore differed markedly: on the northward-facing wall a
highly surface-dependent, which implies that growth space-limited community (hereafter called the
and mortality rates are influenced by strong space sciaphilous assemblage) was dominated by encrusting
competition with neighbours. Here we seek to build animal species, mainly sponges. On the southward-
on previous knowledge of the variability of other facing wall, erect macroalgae and patches of bare rock
traits of the biology of C. crambe, namely, investment dominated the landscape (hereafter the photophilic
in chemical and physical defences, production of lar- assemblage). Growth form and relative allocation to
vae, reproductive periods and filtration rates (Becerro, structural materials, reproduction and chemical
Uriz & Turon 1995; Uriz et al. 1995; Turon, Becerro defences of C. crambe were studied in the same walls
& Uriz 1996a; Turon, Galera & Uriz 1997). Our aim (Becerro et al. 1994b, 1995; Uriz et al. 1995).
was to complete the picture of the biological strategy Moreover, seasonal fluctuations in the toxicity of this
of this sponge. species had been monitored in the same site (Turon
Ayling (1983) rightly claimed that almost no data on et al. 1996a).
growth and regeneration rates in encrusting sponges
existed, and few studies have contributed information
since then (e.g. Pomponi & Meritt 1985; Plucer-
Rosario 1987; Pansini & Pronzato 1990). The same In November 1994 small specimens (less than
can be said for sheet-like invertebrates in general. Yet 100 mm2) were selected on each wall. Every month
encrusting invertebrates are a major part of many epi- their outlines were traced in situ onto acetate sheets.
faunal assemblages in rocky bottoms, and they are The outlines were then digitized and their surface
believed to be efficient competitors for space because areas were calculated. Since it was apparent from the
of their morphology (Buss 1979; Jackson 1979). beginning that mortality was higher on the well-illu-
Studies on population dynamics of this type of organ- minated wall, new individuals from this wall were
ism, especially if they are coupled with data on energy included in the monitoring during the first 4 months of
allocation, population structure and other traits of their study. Fusions and divisions of sponges over time
life history, are needed to explain processes and adap- were also recorded. When fusion occurred, the areas
tive trends in epifaunal assemblages (Sebens 1987). of the sponges before merging were added together to
give a single value per survey. When fission occurred,
the areas of the resulting clonemates were summed in
Materials and methods subsequent measurements. Final numbers of moni-
tored sponges were 24 in the shaded wall and 51 in the
well-illuminated wall. At each sampling time the
Growth of C. crambe was studied by monitoring live water temperature at a depth of 10 m was recorded.
specimens at the locality of Blanes, northeast Spain The survey was terminated in January 1997.
(western Mediterranean; 41°40·4'N, 2°48·2'E). It was For the study of regeneration rates, circular holes
expected that small sponges would grow faster than (about 450 mm2) were scraped down to the rock in
large ones, according to previous observations in sev- each of 10 large (more than 40 000 mm2) specimens
eral sponge species (Dayton 1979). Large specimens on each wall and their regeneration was monitored
usually occupy all available space (Turon et al. 1996b) after 2 and 3 weeks by drawing the outlines of the
and their growth and shrinking may reflect interactions holes on acetate paper and calculating their areas as
with their neighbours rather than their own physiologi- described above. This study was conducted in October
cal state. Large sponges, on the other hand, are more 1995 (outside the reproductive season of this species)
likely to suffer partial losses of material and subse- and lasted only 3 weeks because it was assumed that
quent regeneration. It was therefore decided to study true regeneration would occur only shortly after dam-
growth rates in small specimens (less than 100 mm2), age. In fact, after 3 weeks, a film of filamentous algae
which may be assumed to be settlers from one of the was already established in the holes and subsequent
two preceding years, while regeneration rates were growth could not be considered simple regeneration.
© 1998 British
studied in large specimens (more than 40 000 mm2). In February 1997, the abundance and size of speci-
Ecological Society, Differences in growth and mortality were analysed mens of C. crambe on each wall were also studied. To
Functional Ecology, by comparing two contrasting habitats, in which pre- this end, three transect lines, 5 m long, were laid on
12, 631–639 vious studies on other biological parameters of this each wall. The transects were placed at 6, 7 and 8 m of
633 depth, with their origins laid haphazardly on the walls. distribution of the sum of squares for each factor and
Growth and A 0·25 m stick was then run above and below the their interaction, and then how extreme were the
mortality of transects and all sponges larger than 500 mm2 touched observed values in this distribution was examined. An
encrusting by the stick at each metre of transect were counted. effect was judged significant when the observed sum of
sponges Specimens larger than those monitored in the 2-year squares was exceeded by less than 5% of the corre-
survey were selected because our aim was to ascertain sponding values in the randomization series. An impor-
the effects of early mortality and growth on the tant advantage of this method, aside from being
structure of the population at later stages. Individual non-parametric, is that it can use all the data set, not just
sizes were estimated by taking two measurements on the sponges that survived until the end of the experi-
each individual, one along its longest axis and one ment (ANOVAR/MANOVAR procedures require measure-
along the longest dimension perpendicular to the first ments for each individual at each time interval). For
one. Both measures were then treated as the axes of an sponges that were not present at all observation times,
ellipse whose area was taken as an approximation to the permutation between times was done only within
the sponge’s area. the period in which the sponge was in the study.
Survival of sponges was analysed by the life-table
method, and hazard functions were computed for both
walls. Survival on both walls was compared by a
From the changes in area over time, a monthly growth Wilcoxon-type test (Fox 1993). The relationship
rate was computed by the formula: between the area attained and survival was analysed
(Am – Am–1) with the Cox proportional hazards model (Fox 1993).
GRm = ––––––––– eqn 1 The packages Systat version 5·0 and Statistica version
4·0 were used for the analyses, and the randomization
where Am and Am – 1 are the areas at month m and at routine was written in TURBOPASCAL version 6·0.
the previous month, respectively. This growth rate is
the monthly change in area, relative to area at the
beginning of the month interval.
Cross-correlation analyses were used to check for The time courses of the mean surface area and the
relationships between monthly growth rates and tem- monthly growth rates of the sponges studied, both
perature. Spearman rank correlation was used to habitats pooled, are presented in Fig. 1. The monthly
assess relationships between size and growth rates in growth rate was smoothed to avoid noise fluctuations
the month in which the highest mean growth rate was by a weighed moving average (current value × 0·5 +
recorded. previous value × 0·25 + following value × 0·25).
For the comparison of growth rates between walls, a Water temperature readings during the study period
repeated-measures analysis of variance (Potvin, are also shown.
Lechowicz & Tardif 1990; Von Ende 1993) was first The periods of growth in this species fluctuated sea-
tried with habitat as the between-individual factor and sonally. Gains in area were recorded from May to
time as the within-individual factor. However, the cir- October (roughly late spring and summer), while in
cularity assumption, necessary for the use of the uni- late autumn and winter there was no growth of the
variate repeated-measures analysis (ANOVAR), was colonies, even a small shrinkage relative to the values
badly violated by our data (Mauchly’s sphericity test). in October. The growth rates were negative or close to
The multivariate equivalent of this analysis (MANOVAR , 0 from October to the beginning of spring, and their
also called profile analysis) requires the less stringent peaks occurred in August 1995 and June 1996.
assumption of homogeneity of the variance–covariance Cross-correlation studies between monthly growth
matrix, which was nevertheless not met in our case rates (both habitats pooled) and temperature revealed
(Box M-test). No transformation succeeded in render- a significant positive correlation between both param-
ing the data amenable to these analyses. A randomiza- eters at time lags of 0, 1 and 2 months, and significant
tion method was therefore used, based on Manly negative correlations at time lags of – 3, – 4 and
(1991), which consisted of a two-stage permutation of – 5 months. This indicated that growth rates covaried
the data: first, individuals were randomly reassigned to positively with the temperature measured in the two
the two habitats, and then readings for each individual preceding and the current month, and negatively with
were randomly rearranged among observation times. temperature recorded in the subsequent third, fourth
With this two-level randomization, the overall total and fifth months.
sum of squares, as well as the total between- and The relationship between growth rate and size was
within-subject sums of squares, remain unchanged analysed in the month with the highest monthly growth
(Manly 1991). The sum of squares associated with each rate (August 1995). The size at the beginning of the
© 1998 British
factor and their interaction is therefore a suitable statis- month interval was correlated with the growth rate.
Ecological Society, tic on which to test the significance of each effect. The The Spearman correlation coefficient was negative,
Functional Ecology, whole series of data was randomized 4999 times (plus indicating a tendency towards lower growth in larger
12, 631–639 the observed one) to approximate the null hypothesis specimens, but not significant (rs = – 0·119, P = 0·41).
634 When considered separately, the values of monthly was no clear temporal pattern in the hazard rates
X. Turon et al. growth rates in the two habitats (Fig. 2) revealed a (probability of a sponge dying in any one interval,
trend towards increased growth in the well-illuminated provided it has arrived alive at the beginning of this
assemblage, which was especially clear during the sec- interval), except that hazard was high in the pho-
ond year of the study. The results of the randomization tophilic assemblage during the first part of the study,
test performed on the monthly growth rates are shown resulting in many losses.
in Table 1. Both time and the interaction between time The Cox’s regression model between hazard rate
and habitat were significant. A significant interaction and maximal size attained showed significant negative
term means that the time course of growth was differ- relationships between mortality and size in both habi-
ent in sponges from the two habitats. Figure 2 reveals tats (P < 0·0001 in both cases). Dead individuals were
that the differences between habitats occurred mainly mostly sponges smaller than 150 mm2 in surface area.
during the second growth season. The first and second Few deaths occurred once individuals had attained
years of study were therefore analysed separately, and sizes above 150 mm2, and none occurred in both habi-
neither the habitat nor the interaction was found to tats in individuals that attained sizes above 450 mm2.
have a significant effect during the first year, while The abundance of sponges larger than 500 mm2,
only the habitat effect was significant if the second measured in the transects laid on each wall, was
year of study was considered (Table 1). This difference 40·80 ± 3·22 individuals m–2 (mean ± SE) in the
in the habitat effect over time led to a significant inter- sciaphilous assemblage, and 22·66 ± 2·30 individu-
action term when both years were considered together. als m–2 in the photophilic one. The mean size of the
The pattern of significant results was the same when sponges, on the other hand, was 6886 ± 1033 mm2 in
the analyses were repeated with just the survivors from the former habitat and 4118 ± 340 mm2 in the latter.
each habitat (not shown). The between-wall differences were significant for both
Mortality was higher in the well-illuminated habitat variables (Mann–Whitney U-test, P < 0·0001 in both
(Fig. 2). By the end of the study, only 16 (31%) cases). Figure 3 shows the size–frequency structure of
sponges survived in this habitat, while 15 (62%) the sponges in the two habitats. Sponges belonging to
sponges initially included in the study in the shaded size-classes below 5000 mm2 were more abundant in
wall were still alive. The data were analysed by the the sciaphilous habitat. At the other extreme, some
life-table method, and differences in mortality were sponges from the photophilic habitat featured sizes up
significant (Gehan’s Wilcoxon test, P < 0·001). There to 100 000 mm2, while the maximal sponge size
recorded on the shaded wall was close to 50 000 mm2.
The two frequency distributions were significantly
different (Kolmogorov–Smirnov two-sample test,
P = 0·015).
There were relatively few fusions or fissions during
the study; 14 fission and 12 fusion events occurred
throughout the study in the photophilic assemblage,
5 fissions and 7 fusions in the sciaphilous one (note
that the number of sponges monitored was double in
the former).
Regeneration rates in the two habitats considered,
estimated by the regeneration of holes scraped in
sponge individuals in each wall, did not differ signifi-
cantly between walls (Fig. 4). The holes had closed
slightly more in the sciaphilous sponges after three
weeks, but differences were not significant (t-test,
P = 0·5794).

The 2-year monitoring revealed that the growth rate of
small specimens of C. crambe was extremely low,
especially if compared with that reported for massive
demosponges (Dayton 1979) or calcareous sponges
(Johnson 1979). Sizes increased on average about 2·5
times in 26 months (Fig. 1), which is surprising given
the very small initial size as compared with the large
Fig. 1. Mean values of area and monthly growth rate of C. crambe during the individuals common in this habitat (see Fig. 3). Bryan
study period (both habitats pooled). Bars are standard errors. The water temperature (1973) and Ayling (1983) similarly reported very slow
at – 10 m is also indicated. growth in several species of encrusting sponge. A high
635 interindividual variability was also apparent in our The growth of C. crambe fluctuated seasonally; in
Growth and study, as seems to be the rule in modular organisms both years sponges increased in size from May to
mortality of (Brunetti & Copello 1978; Dayton 1979; Bak, Sybesma October, coinciding with the rise of sea-water temper-
encrusting & Van Duyl 1981; Ayling 1983; Wulff 1985; Todd & atures. Seasonal patterns are common in temperate
sponges Turner 1988; Stocker 1991; Turon & Becerro 1992). habitats (Elvin 1976; Osman 1977; Sutherland &
Some specimens of C. crambe remained small through- Karlson 1977; Sebens 1986). For sponges, seasonal
out the study period. Other individuals were ‘success- cycles with higher growth rates in winter–early spring
ful’ in that they increased in size throughout the study. (the reverse of what we have found) have been
In some cases, individuals that had attained a moderate reported by Johnson (1979). In contrast, Ayling (1983)
size regressed to a very small surface area. These cases found fluctuations in sponge sizes not related to sea-
were, however, rare in our study. Although some fission sonal or reproductive cycles, and no seasonal pattern
and fusion of sponges did occur, the fragment dynamics of growth has been observed in other Mediterranean
of small individuals of this species is much less relevant species (Pansini & Pronzato 1990). Alternating cycles
to its demography than that reported for other encrust- of allocation to reproduction and growth are usually
ing invertebrates (Bak et al. 1981; Stocker 1991) or for proposed to explain seasonal fluctuations in growth
branching sponges (Wulff 1991). rate. However, as small sponges were selected, repro-
ductive activity could not explain the cycles found.
Larvae were not observed in the colonies monitored
and, in a previous survey, it was found that only 10%
and 20% of sponges smaller than 1000 mm2 were
reproductive in the sciaphilous and photophilic
assemblages, respectively (Uriz et al. 1995). Turon
et al. (1996a) reported seasonal differences in toxicity
levels and thus investment in chemical defence of C.
crambe in this area. Although the study was per-
formed on different individuals and in different years,
if the monthly mean values of toxicity found by Turon
et al. (1996a) are tentatively analysed against the
monthly growth rates (both years averaged) found in
the present survey, a significant negative relationship
appears (Pearson correlation coefficient = – 0·702,
n = 12, P = 0·019).
It was found that growth rates were not signifi-
cantly correlated to size in the month in which the
highest growth rate was recorded. This was as
expected for organisms featuring indeterminate
growth (Jackson 1979). In particular, in sheet-like
forms, no allometric adjustment of surface/volume
ratio is necessary (Ryland & Warner 1986), so growth
rate can be maintained, at least theoretically, indefi-
nitely. However, it was found that the correlation
coefficient was negative (even if not significant), indi-
cating a tendency towards declining growth rates with
size. Dayton (1979) found higher growth rates in
small sponges than in larger ones, while Fell &
Lewandroski (1981) did not find the growth of
Fig. 2. Time course of the mean values of monthly growth rate (bars are standard
errors) and percentage survivorship of C. crambe in the two habitats studied. Halichondria sp. related clearly to size. Turon &
Becerro (1992) found significant negative relation-
ships between growth rate and size in four encrusting
Table 1. Significance levels obtained by randomization for the repeated measures ascidian species. Attenuation of growth with size may
analyses of the growth rates
reflect habitat constraints as sponges occupied the free
Percentage of randomization SS that exceed observed SS space available (Sebens 1987).
Life spans of benthic invertebrates are poorly
Source of variation Both years First year Second year known (Jackson 1986). Our sponges might have been
3·5- or 4·5-years-old at the end of the experiment, if
Habitat 0·766 0·388 0·014
we were right in assuming that they came from the
Time 0·000 0·000 0·000
Habitat × Time 0·026 0·495 0·697 1992 and 1993 recruitments. However, by the end of
the study, none had reached a size comparable even to
SS; sums of squares. medium-sized specimens in the area (see Fig. 3). This
X. Turon et al.

Fig. 3. Size–frequency distributions of Crambe crambe in the two habitats surveyed. Numbers in the abscissa indicate the
upper limits of the size-class intervals (× 103). Note change in interval-width for sizes above 20 000 mm2.

suggests that C. crambe is a remarkably long-lived relationship between mortality and size (Cox regres-
species, although calculating life spans from the growth sion model). Very rarely had a large sponge disap-
rates observed is not advisable owing to the decoupling peared from one observation to the next, but it was
of age and size in these modular organisms. not uncommon to find a regression in size during the
As for the between-habitat comparisons of growth few months preceding the death of the individual.
rates, a different time course was found in the two Size may act as a refuge against the causes of mortal-
habitats (significant interaction). This was due to the ity in the zone (Sebens 1982). Johnson (1979)
growth of sponges during the second year (Fig. 2), in reported that the periods of high mortality in calcare-
which growth rates were high in the well-illuminated ous sponges coincided with the season of slow
wall from April to September, while they remained growth. In our case, aside from a high mortality dur-
close to zero in the shaded habitat. Accordingly, a ing the first months of the study (especially in the
significant habitat effect was found when only the photophilic sponges), no clear seasonal trend in
second year was analysed. Mortality rates, on the mortality was apparent.
other hand, featured clear differences between habi- Why mortality was higher in the well-illuminated
tats; survival in sponges from the sciaphilous habitat wall remains unclear. Damage by passing sea-
was double that of sponges from the photophilic urchins during grazing excursions may explain the
assemblage. On both walls there was a clear inverse loss of small C. crambe colonies, but sea-urchins
were equally abundant on both walls. The number of
echinoids measured in five 5 × 1 m2 transects on
each wall was 3·48 ± 0·46 individuals m–2 (mean ±
SE) on the well-lit wall, and 3·36 ± 0·55 on the
shaded wall. Overgrowth by fast-growing algal
species may be responsible for the higher mortality
rates. Experimental work is needed to address this
Crambe crambe was twice as abundant in the
shaded habitat; here they suffered lower mortality,
but were smaller as a result of slower growth rates.
The size frequency distributions revealed a larger
number of sponges smaller than 5000 mm2 in the
sciaphilous habitat (Fig. 3). These findings are con-
sistent with the idea that mortality is high on the
photophilic wall during the first years of the life. On
© 1998 British
the other hand, the specimens that survive on this
Ecological Society, wall grow at a faster rate and attain a larger size. For
Functional Ecology, Fig. 4. Time course of the regeneration of holes scraped in example, large sponges, in excess of 50 000 mm2,
12, 631–639 C. crambe specimens in the two habitats. had been recorded in the photophilic habitat, but not
637 in the sciaphilous one. The patterns of sponge abun- and that growth rates are depressed during the periods
Growth and dance and size distribution described from these two of higher toxicity. The data support the existence of a
mortality of habitats match the pattern expected if mortality and trade-off between production of defences and
encrusting differential growth during the first years of life growth rate. It should also be pointed out that
sponges determined the structure of this population. Other between-habitat differences in allocation are more
factors, such as differential settlement preferences, distinct in medium- to large-sized individuals (Uriz
need not be invoked to explain the patterns et al. 1995), so the effect of differential investment in
observed. Indeed, we have found evidence that lar- these diverse functions might have been more appar-
vae of this sponge do not respond to light gradients ent as specimens grow to larger sizes than those con-
(M. J. Uriz, unpublished data). sidered here, which is consistent with the fact that the
Regeneration rates were similar on both walls, and between-habitat differences in growth rate appeared
were quite fast. The rate at which the area of the holes especially in the second year. All this suggests that
produced in the sponge surfaces decreased as a result longer-term studies are needed to understand better
of sponge regeneration was – 0·456 (SE = 0·077) the interaction between demography and habitat in
during the 3 weeks of the experiment. Consequently, this species. Interpretation of our results need some
regeneration rates were much faster than growth rates caution owing to the brevity of the present study.
in this species, as noted also by Ayling (1983) in Differences in mortality, on the other hand, were as
another encrusting sponge. Rapid regeneration has expected. Sponges in the high-mortality site invested
been considered a mechanism whereby sponges can less in structural, long-lasting physical defences
maintain their dominance in cryptic reef environments (which may be useless in the competition with fast-
(Jackson & Palumbi 1978). Similarly, rapid regenera- growing algae).
tion may contribute in our case to the ability of In conclusion, the between-habitat comparison
sponges to recover lost space (originating from local showed that specimens from the habitat in which the
perturbations) in the presence of opportunistic colo- highest investment in defence had been reported
nizers of bare substratum. Fast regeneration and long survived better. A trade-off between growth rate and
life span may contribute to explain why a species with production of defence could also be substantiated.
such a slow growth as C. crambe is an important Such a trade-off may be more evident in larger speci-
member, in terms of cover, of sublittoral assemblages. mens, especially at sizes where the reproductive
In previous studies, differences in biological activity is high. Differential growth and mortality
parameters in this species between the same two can explain the contrasting population structure of
walls studied have been substantiated: toxicity and this species in the two habitats. The results are con-
thus investment in chemical defences is higher on sistent with the idea of a cost associated with invest-
the shaded wall (Becerro et al. 1995). Likewise, ment in defence, which results in better survival but
investment in supporting, structural elements at the price of lower reproductive output and slower
(mainly collagen and fibres) is higher in sciaphilous growth.
sponges (Uriz et al. 1995). The pattern was therefore
one of higher investment in both chemical and phys-
ical defences on the shaded wall. Becerro et al.
(1995) and Uriz et al. (1995) suggested (although We thank A. Davis (University of Wollongong,
proper experimental confirmation has not yet been Australia) for critically reading the manuscript. M.
possible) that this pattern may be due to the different Maldonado and R. Martí (CEAB, Spain) helped in the
competition pressures in the two habitats; space was field work. This research was funded by projects
a limiting resource in the sciaphilous assemblage DGCYT PB94–0015 and MAR95–1764 of the
dominated by slow-growing animal species. A strat- Spanish Government, and also benefited from the
egy of strong space competition with physical and support of the Catalan Government (GRQ93–8042).
chemical defences may develop there, while the pho-
tophilic habitat was dominated by fast-growing,
erect algae, with patches of bare substratum being References
freed continuously. A more opportunistic strategy Ayling, A.C. (1983) Growth rates and regeneration in thinly
may be suitable here. encrusting demospongiae from temperate waters.
If photophilic specimens invest less in defence, we Biological Bulletin 165, 343–352.
Bak, R.P.M., Sybesma, J. & Van Duyl, F.C. (1981) The ecol-
expected to find a higher allocation in this habitat to ogy of the tropical compound ascidian Trididemnum
growth and reproduction. Reproductive investment is solidum. II. Abundance, growth and survival. Marine
indeed higher in the photophilic sponges, as shown Ecology Progress Series 6, 43–52.
by Uriz et al. (1995). As for growth, the results Becerro, M.A., López, N.I., Turon, X. & Uriz, M.J. (1994a)
obtained here of the monthly growth rates and the Antimicrobial activity and surface bacterial film in
© 1998 British marine sponges. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology
Ecological Society, negative correlation between growth rate and toxicity and Ecology 179, 195–205.
Functional Ecology, on a temporal basis indicated that growth is slower on Becerro, M.A., Uriz, M.J. & Turon, X. (1994b) Trends in
12, 631–639 the wall in which more energy is devoted to defence, space occupation by the encrusting sponge Crambe
638 crambe: variation in shape as a function of size and envi- a marine epifaunal community. Ecological Monographs
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Becerro, M.A., Uriz, M.J. & Turon, X. (1995) Natural varia- Pansini, M. & Pronzato, R. (1990) Observations on the
tion of toxicity in encrusting sponge Crambe crambe dynamics of a Mediterranean sponge community. New
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