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THE aim of the present work is to satisfy within the compass of a comparatively handy volume
all the practical wants not only of learners of Sanskrit but also of scholars for purposes of ordinary
When I began my task in 1886 there was no available work which supplied the deficiency. The
only one having a somewhat similar end in view, the Sanskrit-English Lexicon of my respected
teacher, the late Theodore Benfey, was already out of print. By the time, however, that my
manuscript was half finished, no fewer than three small Sanskrit dictionaries had been published. It
may perhaps be advisable to indicate some of the points in which the present work differs from and
compares with them. In the first place, it is much more copious. Excluding all words and meanings
which occur in native lexicographers, but cannot be quoted from actual literature, my book contains
nearly double as much material as any of the dictionaries in question. The present work is, moreover,
the only one of the four, which is transliterated. It can thus be used, for example, by comparative
philologists not knowing a single letter of the Devanagari alphabet. None of the others is etymological
in any sense. This feature of my dictionary increases both its usefulness from a linguistic point of
view and its practical value to the student, who will always better remember the meaning of a word,
the derivation of which is made clear to him. Lastly, this is the only one of the lexicons in question
which indicates not only with respect to words, but also to their meanings, the literary period to which
they belong and the frequency or rarity of their occurrence. This addition I regard as both scientifically
and practically important.
Scope of the Work. The present dictionary is intended to supply the vocabulary of post-Vedic
literature in general, while including those portions of Vedic literature which are readily accessible
to the student in good selections. All out-of-the-way technical terms, such as those of medicine,
botany, astronomy, and ritual, are excluded, except in so far as they have found their way into
ordinary literary works, or occur in selections which I have expressly included. Specifically legal and
philosophical terms are, on the other hand, largely represented, owing to the inclusion in my list
of the most important works belonging to the corresponding departments of literature. Having
acquired a rather extensive experience of native commentaries in connexion with my lectures to students
preparing for the Honour School of Oriental Languages at Oxford, I have introduced a considerable
number of grammatical and rhetorical terms also, these being necessary for the comprehension of such
works as for instance the glosses of Mallinatha. A good many words and explanations will thus be found,
which either do not occur in the Petersburg dictionaries, or are, I think, less correctly given there. (Compare
e.g. articles arthantaranyasa, bahuvrihi, yatha tatha, vakyabheda, vyadhikarawa, sapekshatva, etc.)
The list of books to which my dictionary specially refers, and which I drew up, when planning the
work, after consultation with a pupil of Professor Biihler's,' the late Dr. Schonberg, then resident in
Oxford, I here append.
Books specially referred to. Bhagavadgita, Bhartrihari, BhashapariM/zeda, DasakumaraAarita,
Gitagovinda, HarshaAarita, Hitopadesa, Kadambari, Kamandakiya-nitisara, Kathasaritsagara, KiratarAu-
niya, Kulluka, Kumarasawzbhava, Mahavira/fcarita, Malatimadhava, Malavikagnimitra, Manu, Meghaduta,
Mitakshara (on Ya A wavalkya), MrikMakbiika,, Mudrarakshasa, Naishadha, Nala, Pa/?£atantra, Raghu-

va»?*a, RaAataraiwgmi, Ratnavali, mtxxs&mh&ra,, £akuntala, &mKara (on the Vedanta-sutras), /Sisupala-
vadha, Tarkasawgraha, Uttararama/fcaritra, Vasavadatta, Vedantasara, Vewisa»«hara, Vikramankadeva-
£arita, Vikramorvasi, Ya A wavalkya. Besides all the post-Vedic selections contained in the Readers
mentioned below, the list finally includes the second edition of Bohtlingk's Indische Spriiche, a flori-
legium of the aphoristic poetry in which Sanskrit literature is pre-eminent, well deserving to be made
accessible to the English-speaking student.
With regard to Vedic literature I have taken in all that is contained in the second edition of
Bohtlingk's Sanshit-Chrestomathie, in Hillebrandt's Veda-Chrestomathie, in Lanman's Reader, and in
Windisch's Zwolf Hymnen des Bigveda, besides those hymns which are prescribed to the candidates of the
Honour School of Oriental Languages at Oxford (Rig-veda X, i to xxii). Peterson's 'Selected Hymns
of the Rig-veda' would also have been taken in, had they been published soon enough. The majority
of the hymns contained in that selection are, however, already included. Apart from passages supplied in
Readers, the Brahma«a period is represented by the Aitareya-Brahma»a, while the Dharma-sutra of
Gautama and the A*valayana and Paraskara Gn'hya-sutras are specially selected from the latest phase
of Vedic literature.
Important Vedic words, even though not occurring in the selections, have found a place in my
dictionary mainly on linguistic grounds.
The number of hymns from the Rig-veda, being nearly all the best in that collection, is about one
hundred and twenty. As a list of them will probably prove a convenience to students, it is here subjoined.
Mamn^a I: i, 13, 24, 33, 39, 41, 42, 50, 6$, 67, 85, 92, 97, 113, 115, 118, 143, 154, 161, 162, 190;
II: 12, 27, 38; III: 33, 35, 59, 62; IV: 19, 27, 30, 33, 42, 51, 52 ; V: 11, 24, 32> 4°, 81, 83, 84, 85 ;
VI: 9, 50, 54, 74; VII: 6, 28, 33, 34, 46, 4% 54, 55, 5b 51 > 6l> 76> % 86> 87> 88, 89, 102, 103 : VIII:
14, 29, 30, 85, 91 ; IX : I, 38, 41, 112; X : 1-22, 33, 34, 39, 51, 52, 85, 108, 117, 118, 127, 129, 137,
145, 46, 154, 168, 185.
Arrangement. In my original plan I had contemplated making a separate article of each word,
simple and compound, printed in Devanagari type as well as transliterated. Reflection, however, soon led
me to abandon this scheme for that of arranging compounds in a group under a heading word, the latter
only being printed in Devanagari, while only the second member of the remaining compounds is given
in transliteration (see, for instance, article amnta). When the number of such compounds is large, they
have been split up into several groups with reference to the initial of the second member (see p. 173).
The result of this change has been a saving of about 100 pages on the estimate of 480 pages according
to the earlier plan, and that too although I have introduced rather more matter than I had then intended.
I believe that this saving of space will moreover prove an actual advantage from the practical point of
view, because the eye will find a word more quickly thus than if it had to run down columns of separate
articles. A glance at pages 173 to 175 will probably convince the student of the correctness of this opinion.
A dictionary being a means to an end, a saving of time in its use is obviously an important object.
As to the arrangement of individual articles, the transliteration of the Devanagari word is followed,
in the case of nouns, by the derivation (in brackets) where this cannot be made sufficiently clear
by the employment of hyphens in the transliteration (see e.g. bhn'gu, muhiirta, loka). Next follow
the meanings in close juxtaposition, so that the eye may take them all in at a glance if possible.
My aim has been to give the senses of all words in the historical order of development. Then come
the special uses of the cases, and last of all idiomatic combinations (see buddhi, manas). When cases
are mentioned, they are given in the order of Sanskrit grammar. The feminine form of adjectives
is given in parentheses immediately after eaS; thus 'paurusha, a. (i)/ When no feminine is stated,
it must be assumed to be a or else not quotable.
Adjective compounds ending in participles are described as participles, e.g. su-gata, «rotra-peya.
This enables me to make an important distinction in sense without adding a long explanation. Thus
.yuyfci-smita is described as an adjective, because smita is here really a noun at the end of a Bahuvrihi
compound. Again, any confusion in the mind of the beginner between secondary adjectives like
samawAan-iya and future participles like bodhaniya is by this means avoided.
At first I thought of employing figures to indicate distinct differences of meaning. But the
difficulty, in many cases, of determining a full interval of meaning, and the large waste of space

involved, induced me to reject their use for this purpose, especially as the need is sufficiently met by
the employment of the semi-colon (see Punctuation). I have therefore only used figures either to
distinguish words which have the same form but differ etymologically (as verbs like ruh or nouns like
sam-udra and sa-mudra), or to clearly mark off groups of meaning (as in darama).
Unnecessary repetition has often been avoided by the use of parentheses. Thus when samahita-mati
is defined as ' (having an) attentive (mind)/ the meaning intended is, that its equivalent is strictly speaking
' having an attentive mind/ though it may ordinarily be rendered by ( attentive/ The same object is
attained by the use of dashes, implying that an obvious word or words are to be supplied from what
precedes or follows. Thus sat-kirti is defined as e f . good reputation; a. having a -,' which of course must
be understood to mean chaving a good reputation7 (cp. also dirgha-sattra, patana, vidhatavya).
Mainly for the sake of convenience in attaching suffixes and the second members of compounds,
nouns have been given in the weak or middle bases. Verbal roots have similarly been given in their
weak forms with a view to uniformity. Though I do not think that I have been absolutely consistent
in this respect, I believe I have been sufficiently so for practical purposes.
I have sometimes been obliged to sacrifice a strictly scientific treatment to practical exigencies by
admitting such suffixes as -tp, and -maya in long articles made up of compounds (such as that under
mitra). Otherwise I should have been compelled to divide a long paragraph in the middle merely
in order to print an unimportant word in Devanagari type. Not much harm can after all result
from this, as not even the tyro would be likely to confound such suffixes with regular words. To
obviate the difficulty by placing such words out of their regular alphabetical order would have entailed
a much more serious drawback on the practical side. In the case of important proper names I have
generally added a few concise remarks together with approximate dates as far as these can be deter-
mined in the light of the most recent research (see e.g. Bhavabhuti). As definitions of technical terms
are sometimes almost unintelligible without illustrative examples, the latter have been added where it
seemed necessary (see, for instance, samasokti).
In articles treating of verbs, the conjugational class is first stated together with the voice in which
it is conjugated. When the latter is omitted, the verb must be understood to be both active and middle.
Next comes the present base or bases in transliteration, followed by the meanings of the verb arranged
on the same principle as in the case of nouns, the idiomatic uses being stated at the end. After this are
added the present passive (generally omitted) with the past passive participle, the causal, the desiderative, and
the intensive (when these forms occur), with their respective perfect participles passives in this order.
The principle I had in view in treating the perfect participle passive, was to give it under the
verb when the meanings are merely verbal, but to make a separate article of it where adjectival senses
predominate. I feel that I have not been thoroughly consistent in this respect. It is, however, not a
matter of great moment.
The verbal prepositions are arranged in alphabetical order after the last form of the simple verb
with which they are used. A scientific as well as a practical consideration determined me to concentrate
them in this manner. On the one hand, these prefixes are separable in the Veda, while on the other,
a large amount of space is saved by making a single article of a verbal root and the prepositions
with which it may be combined. Otherwise separate head-lines in Devanagari as well as transliteration
would have to be printed. Four times as much space would thus be occupied as under the alternative
system. Nor would anything be thus gained in convenience, unless (to obviate reference to the simple
verb) the present base and other forms were added. This would involve a further waste of space.
Exclusion of References. I have acted on the principle that a dictionary should give all references
or none. The former alternative was, of course, out of the question in a practical work. It might, it is
time, have been useful to state where a word occurs which is not to be found in other dictionaries. My
rare deviations from the rule are, however, solely limited to passages in which the meaning of a particular
word is unknown, or where the definition is made clearer by the reference, as in the case of samudga or
sarvatobhadra. Partial references have, I think, a tendency to make students too dependent on them in
determining the meaning of a word in any given passage. The omission of such references is more than
compensated for by the method which I have followed. I have endeavoured to limit the meaning of a
word as far as possible to parallel instances by indicating the case which it governs, the word in context with

which it is employed, the literary period or department to which it belongs, and the frequency or rarity
of its occurrence. An examination of such articles as lohita or Vi. ruh will illustrate my meaning.
Alphabetical Order. From this order (see p. xii) I have, from considerations of practical utility, never
deviated, with one very slight and rare exception. I have sometimes transposed the order of two words,
either to obviate breaking up a paragraph or to avoid repeating a definition [e.g. smarya). The words
being in immediate juxtaposition, neither of them can be missed.
Under this head I ought to add a few remarks in order to remove some common stumbling-blocks
from the path of the beginner. Owing to variety of spelling, especially in Indian editions, words with
initial ^ v and ![ $ may not be found under those letters. They will be discovered by looking up «f b and
"4 sh or A f s respectively. The reverse also applies. The alphabetical position of Anusvara followed by
a semivowel or sibilant is before 4i k. Thus W,W,A, samvara and sawwaya precede ARJ saka. On the
other hand, the Anusvara which occurs before a mute of one of the five classes and is interchangeable with
the nasal of that class, occupies the place of the class nasal. Thus H.W.W, sa»2-kaksha (= *jA- A san-kaksha)
immediately follows ^^W, sa-ghnwa. Similarly, the unchangeable or necessary Visarga (r. e. preceding
a hard guttural or labial) comes after a vowel before any other consonant. Thus AnftcRAW anta/fc-karawa
and ASJnTitJT! antaA-pura follow 'W.W, anta and precede 4«ff«fi anta-ka. On the other hand, the Visarga
which precedes a sibilant, and may be assimilated to it, is treated as if it were that sibilant and placed
accordingly. Thus A ^ T H adhaA-#aya and V3nAlf*|«t adha£-*ayin follow nannyA^ adhae-Aarawa and
precede ARAadhas.
Abbreviations. A full list of these together with their explanations will be found on p. xii. It
is, however, perhaps advisable to add a few remarks showing how some of these symbols should exactly
be understood to apply. When a sign such as V. ( = Vedic) is added in parentheses after a form, a
grammatical symbol, or a meaning, its application is restricted to these only. Thus under -/yam,
yama (F.) means that that present base is exclusively Vedic; a. (V.), m. (V.) signify that as an adjective
or as a masculine noun, the word in question is exclusively Vedic; when ' sad-as, n.' is defined as ' seat,
place, abode, dwelling (F.)/ the meaning is that all these synonymous senses are Vedic. The applica-
tion of such notes as f ord. mg.' (= ordinary meaning) is similar. Thus under i. mana, all the preceding
words separated by commas, viz. 'respect, regard, honour, mark of honour/ are indicated as included in
the ordinary meaning of mana (cp. Punctuation). If, on the other hand, a symbol followed by a colon
is used before a meaning, its application is carried on till another symbol occurs. For example, under
vnddhi the sense ' growth3 is indicated to be both Vedic and Classical, ' delectation, delight/ Vedic,
but all the significations from ' adolescence' onwards post-Vedic only.
Type. The small Devanagari character is used for all articles except the verbs, for which the large
type is reserved. Ordinary Roman type is employed for transliteration immediately following a word in
Devanagari; but when a word occurs in transliteration only, it is printed in thick type so as to catch
the eye at once (as in article akshara). When there is no object in attracting the attention, as for
instance when Sanskrit words occur in definitions or explanations, they are not made conspicuous
in this manner.
To the special use made of italic type, I attach considerable practical value. Its occurrence in
definitions always implies amplification or elucidation, whereas the ordinary Roman type represents as
far as is possible the exact literal equivalent of the Sanskrit word. Thus sawzvara»a-sray is defined
as ' wreath given by a girl to the man of her choice' (compare also samanajupama). By this means
needless repetitions and waste of space are avoided, while much is gained in clearness of definition at
one and the same time.
Punctuation. The colon immediately before a transliterated word or suffix, indicates that the
latter must be attached to the end of the preceding Sanskrit word. Thus :-ka after the heading
word loshAa is to be read as loshAa-ka. This is in no way affected by the intervening special
uses of cases or idioms often added at the end of an article. Thus :-kesarin under vi-krama must
of course be understood as vikrama-kesarin, in spite of the inflected forms of vikrama which
immediately precede -kesarin. The special significance of the semi-colon is, in addition to marking
off distinctly different meanings, to separate within a paragraph the latter halves of the compounds
which it contains. Thus ;-/£akshus under lola-kar?za, is to be read as lola-/£akshus, and the following

;-ta as lola-ta. Had a colon preceded the latter, it would have meant lola->£akshus-ta. The semi-
colon will sometimes be found instead of the colon when it is perfectly obvious that nothing else
could be done with the following word but attach it to the end of the preceding one. This is for
instance the case with ;-kara after loha. The comma is employed, as has already been indicated,
to separate more or less synonymous meanings, while the semi-colon marks off distinct differences of
sense. The other specific use of the comma is in paragraphs with compounds to show that the
following word is to be applied exactly in the same way as a preceding one introduced by a colon.
Thus sat-karya followed by :-vada and subsequently by ,-vadin, must be read as satkarya-vada and
Transliteration. The system is that which has been adopted in the f Sacred Books of the East/ and
already followed by me in my edition of Professor Max Muller's Sanskrit Grammar. Had I been guided
exclusively by my own judgment I should have preferred c and j to represent the hard and the soft palatal.
I should have retained the italic t and d for the linguals, but made the lingual 4 sh also an italic #,
representing the palatal sibilant A by §. The connexion of these two sibilants with the mutes of their
classes would thus have been clearly indicated. The employment of a double letter sh, the latter half
of which otherwise represents an aspiration, to express the simple sound of a spirant, is not strictly
scientific, though convenient for the Anglo-Saxon. It is, however, not a good thing to multiply systems.
I must here refer to some practical applications of transliteration which I have made.
When one or more letters in thick type are added after a Sanskrit word either in parentheses or
following a semi-colon, colon, or comma, the meaning is that that letter or those letters are to be sub-
stituted for precisely the same number at the end of the word in question. Thus ' paurusha, a. (i)/
'yamaka, a, (ika)' signify that the feminine of the former adjective is paurushi and that of the latter
yamika. Similarly (samana-murdhan, a. (ni) ' indicates that this word has the form samana-murdhni in
the feminine. The letters :i-ka, referring to a preceding pauKma, must be read as paurawi-ka.
Accent. Wherever the accent is known from Vedic texts it has been given in the transliteration,
the Udatta (acute) accent being marked in the usual way [e.g. vadhar) and the svarita (circumflex)
accent being indicated by a curVe above the vowel [e. g. svar).
When an accented word is exclusively Vedic this is indicated by a F., while if nothing is stated,
it may be assumed to be post-Vedic also, e.g. vini. As the meanings of an accented word may be
partly Vedic, partly post-Vedic, and partly common to both periods, this is broadly indicated by the
symbols V. ( = Vedic in general), C. { — post -Vedic in general), and V. C. ( = both Vedic and post-Vedic),
as for example in the article vrata. Unaccented words may be assumed to be post-Vedic, since in the
rare cases when they happen to belong to the Vedic period, this is noted. Sometimes I distinguish
subordinate periods, as Br. = BrahmaAa, S. — Sutra, 7?. = Epic, P. = Purawa. It would, however, have
been beyond the scope of the present work to go into details of this kind. That would belong rather
to the sphere of an exclusively etymological dictionary. I may mention in passing that amma£ keyojxeva
are indicated, a single occurrence in the Big-veda, for instance, being marked as RV.X, just as words
and meanings quotable only from native grammarians and lexicographers are made recognisable by an
asterisk. This is an important safeguard; for the signification of the former class of words is often
very doubtful, while the genuineness of the latter is uncertain. I have frequently seen non-quotable
words, without any indication that they are such, used by comparative philologists, as well as a-naA
Xeyo^eua made the basis of far-reaching conclusions. Thus I remember a few years ago hearing
an Oriental scholar, who was not a Sanskritist, using as an argument for Babylonian influence the word
mana, to which the older Petersburg dictionary in one passage attributed the meaning of fa certain
weight of gold/ and which was therefore supposed to be identical with the Greek fj.va. This meaning
no longer appears in the smaller edition of that work.
Compounds arranged under an accented heading word, must be assumed to be unaccented and there-
fore post-Vedic unless any indication to the contrary is given. Thus -ketu under vi A aya is to be read
as viyaya-ketu. It follows as a matter of course that, if the second half of a compound has an accent,
that is the accent of the whole word. Thus -maya occurring under loha represents loha-maya.
Etymology. My original plan was to make the present work a comparative as well as a practical
Sanskrit dictionary. After a good deal of reflection I abandoned this project on the ground that while

greatly swelling the bulk of the volume, the etymological material would not in this combination
admit of being grouped and classified from various points of view as it should be in a thoroughly
valuable and scientific etymological dictionary. The treatment of this material in a separate volume
which I had contemplated, may be rendered superfluous by a work that is, I understand, in prepara-
tion at Strassburg. My taste for etymological studies I trace in great part to Professor Fick's
lectures on Comparative Greek Grammar, which I attended when a student at Gottingen. Though
not comparative, the dictionary is nevertheless historical and etymological in its character. It is historical
inasmuch as the meanings are not given in an arbitrary order, as in the Indian dictionaries, but are
arranged as far as possible in accordance with their chronological development, while the literary
period to which both words and their senses belong, is plentifully indicated. It is etymological from
the Sanskrit point of riew inasmuch as all words, except the small number—far smaller than in any
other Aryan language—which defy analysis, have been broken up into their component parts in the
transliteration either by means of hyphens, as in yaA-na, or of hooks where vowel coalescences occur,
as in m?7gajksha#a for nmgekshawa. Where these means are insufficient, the derivation has been
concisely added in brackets, as under yrarM, yaksha, rmffi. I have inserted in brackets a not
inconsiderable number of roots, the former existence of which, though not occurring as verbs, is either
deducible from Sanskrit derivatives alone or is proved by the evidence of comparative philology
also {e.g. Vmang, n/i. rudh). The structure of Sanskrit words being so much clearer than that in
any other Aryan tongue, I have thus availed myself of the opportunity of supplying students of the
language with an easy instrument of linguistic training.
Sources. The present work derives its material mainly from the newer Petersburg dictionary.
It could not be of much value were this not the case. I have of course also carefully worked through
Bohtlingk and Roth's older dictionary, on account of the vast array of quotations and references which
it contains. The Consultation of these was necessary in the laborious process of verifying meanings.
The rapid strides made by Sanskrit studies during the last thirty years, are chiefly owing to the
lexicographical labours of those two great scholars. Sanskrit lexicography being a product of the
present century, it was for the subject indeed a fortunate combination of circumstances, that the task
was undertaken in an age when strictly scientific methods had begun to be applied to scholarship,
and that the work fell into the hands of two scholars of such eminent ability. The result has been
that Sanskrit lexicography, not having had gradually to clear away the unscientific accumulations of
previous centuries, is already in a more advanced state than that of the classical languages. This is
indeed indicated by the fact that the large Petersburg dictionary contains more than double the
amount of matter supplied by the last edition of Liddell and Scott's Greek Lexicon.
I have also used throughout Grassmann's Lexicon to the Rig-veda, as well as a copy of Benfey's
dictionary annotated by the author himself. To the latter half of Apte's dictionary I owe some
quotable compounds not to be found in the Petersburg dictionaries. Down to about the end of the
vowels I am indebted to Cappeller's Worterbuch for some Sanskrit equivalents of Prakrit words occurring
in Sanskrit plays. I had reached this point when I was informed by the author that he intended trans-
lating his lexicon when complete into English. I accordingly at once ceased referring to it, and have not
looked at it since. From the same work I have borrowed the very convenient abbreviations —° and °-.
I have further consulted Whitney's Sanskrit Roots, the glossaries contained in the Readers of Lanman,
Hillebrandt, and Windisch, as well as in Johnson's Hitopadesa, Kellner's and Monier-Williams's Nala,
Stenzler's and Johnson's Meghaduta, and Burkhard's £akuntala, besides the Index to Pischel and Geldner's
Vedische Studien. I have also made use of Prof. Aufrecht's Catalogns Catalogorum, various articles in the
Journal of the German Oriental Society and Kuhn's Zeitschrift, as well as one by Prof. E. Leumann in
the Fedgruss (to Bohtlingk, on his jubilee), and Prof. Buhler's lexicographical notes in the Vienna
Oriental Journal. In addition to what it derives from these sources of information, my book embodies
all the matter with which it is concerned from the numerous appendices of the smaller Petersburg
dictionary, besides words, compounds, and meanings collected by myself from post-Vedic works, such
as the Pa#y£atantra.
For etymological purposes I have consulted the large Petersburg dictionary, Grassmann's Worterbuch,
Lanman's Glossary, Brugmann's Grundriss, and Fick's Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-European
P R E F A C E vii

Having utilised all these sources of information, I venture to think that this work may be regarded
as registering the advance of Sanskrit lexicography up to the present time.
Sir M. Monier-Williams's Sanskrit-English lexicon has not been consulted, partly because it is
based on the older Petersburg dictionary, and having been published twenty years ago contains no new
material, and partly because I wished to avoid being influenced by the system of a work of which a new
edition is in preparation.
I take this opportunity of expressing my sincere gratitude to Prof. E. B. Cowell for the kind way in
which he assisted me during the course of the work in solving difficulties I submitted to him in the
departments of grammar, philosophy, and rhetoric. It is no exaggeration to say that in combined
knowledge of these subjects he surpasses all other Sanskritists. The generous manner in which he
sacrifices his leisure in the interests of those who wish to avail themselves of his great learning, is well
known to his pupils, but not so well known to others as it ought to be.
In conclusion I must not omit to express my belief that the fact of this book having been
printed by the University Press at Oxford, under the eye of its Oriental Reader, Mr. J. C. Pembrey,
whose skill could not be surpassed, is in itself a sufficient guarantee of accuracy.

September, 1892.


A.» Atmanepada. ;t. exc. = except, exceptionally. 5.= noun, n. = rh. = rhetorical term,
= adjective. ;ib. = excl. = exclamation. neuter, neg. = rit. = ritual term.
ablative, abs. = exp. = explanation. negative, nm. = EV. = Rig-veda.
absolute, abet. = f. = feminine ; also = for. nominative. S.= Sutra.
abstract. ff, = and the following. [ = numeral,
num. j
ac. = accusative, fig. = figurative, -ly. obj. = object.
act. = active. fp. = future participle passive. onom. = onomatopoeic. SB. =/Satapatha-Brahma«a.
ad. = adverb, -ial, -ially, fr. = from. opp. = opposite. Bt. = substantive.
;ior. = aorist. ft. = future. opt. = optative. sc. = scilicet, that is to say, supply.
app. = apposition. g.= genitive. or., orig. = originally. sp. = specifically.
ass. =asseverative. gd. = gerund (indeclinable parti- ord. = ordinary. spv. = superlative.
athg. = anything. ciple). P. = Parasmaipada. st. = stem.
A V. = Atharva - veda. Gk. = Greek. P. — Purawa. sthg. = something.
E. = Buddhistic term. gnly. =* generally. pat. =patrony"mic.
str. = strong.
bg., beg. = beginning. gr. = grammatical term. pel. = particle.
subj. = subjunctive.
Br. = Bratmana. hvg. = having. perh. = perhaps.
id. = the same. pf. = perfect. SV. =Sama-veda.
j l ! =collective>
i. e. = that is. ph., pb.il. = philosophical term. s. v. =sub voce.
ij. = interjection. pi. = plural. ex. —suffix.
y- imps. = impersonal. c pronoun. T.= title.
C.= Classical (post-VedicJ Sanskrit. impv. = imperative. pn. t. = term.
cj. = conj unction. in. = instrumental. prn. TBr. = Taittirlya-Brahmana.
incor., incorr. = incorrect. pos. . . tr. = transitive.
coll. ind. =e indicative. i = possessive, TS. =- Taittiriya-Samliita.
poss. |
eomm. = commentator, pot. = potential. U. = Upanishad.
= indeclinable.
oonjr = conjecture, cor. = pp. = perfect passive participle. V. = Veda, Vedic.
correlative, cp. = compare, Pr. = Prakrit (Sanskrit equivalent v. =vide, see.
cpd. = compound, cpv. = indec.
indf. = indefinite. of Prakrit word), Prakritic. pr. vb. ==verb.
comparative, crt. = = present. vbl. = verbal.
certain. cs. = causal. inf. = infinitive.
int. = intransitive. pred. = predicate, predicative, -ly. vc. = vocative.
d. = dative, prn. = pronoun, pronominal, prob. v. r. = various reading.
intr. = interrogative.
dbl. = double. = probably, prop. = properly, prp. VS. = Vayasaneyi-Samhita.
intv. = intensive (frequentative).
den. = denominative, der. = preposition, prs. = person, ps. = w. =with.
ir. — irregular.
= derivative. dee. passive, pt. = participle, px. = wk. =weak.
=desiderative. dim. = prefix, q. v. = which see. R. = river. Y V. = Ya</ur-veda.
diminutive, dr. = dramatic Lat. = Latin.
red. = reduplicated, reduplication, = equals, is the equivalent of.
term, du. = dual. E. = lc. = locative.
rel. rl. = at the end of a compound.
Epic. leg. = legal term.
= relative. ° — = at the beginning of a com-
lit. «literally.
e. g. = for example, pound (the degree representing
m.= masculine. ( = repeated, rp.
einp. = emphatic, ) the word in question).
met. = metronymic.
= enclitic. rf. = reflexive. + = with ; also.
metr. = metrical (due to exigencies
enc. of metre). + = with or without.
encl. ing. = meaning. & = and.
Eng. = English, mtn. = mountain. &c, etc. = et cetera, and BO forth.
ep. = epithet, eq. N. =name; when alone = name of */ — root.
= equivalent, esp. a man or of a woman.
= especially.

H. B. The articles prakirtana to praX'yuti having by an oversight been omitted in their proper place, will be
found among the Addenda.










L O N G M A N S , G R E E N , A N D C O .

A N D NEW Y O R K : 15 E A S T i6«» S T R E E T


[All rights reserved ]





a 2

f P H E aim of the present work is to satisfy within the compass of a comparatively handy volume
all the practical wants not only of learners of Sanskrit but also of scholars for purposes of ordinary
When I began my task in 1886 there was no available work which supplied the deficiency. The
only one having a somewhat similar end in view, the Sanskrit-English Lexicon of my respected
teacher, the late Theodore Benfey, was already out of print. By the time, however, that my
manuscript was half finished, no fewer than three small Sanskrit dictionaries had been published. It
may perhaps be advisable to indicate some of the points in which the present work differs from and
compares with them. In the first place, it is much more copious. Excluding all words and meanings
which occur in native lexicographers, but cannot be quoted from actual literature, my book contains
nearly double as much material as any of the dictionaries in question. The present work is, moreover,
the only one of the four, which is transliterated. It can thus be used, for example, by comparative
philologists not knowing a single letter of the Devanagari alphabet. None of the others is etymological
in any sense. This feature of my dictionary increases both its usefulness from a linguistic point of
view and its practical value to the student, who will always better remember the meaning of a word,
the derivation of which is made clear to him. Lastly, this is the only one of the lexicons in question
which indicates not only with respect to words, but also to their meanings, the literary period to which
they belong and the frequency or rarity of their occurrence. This addition I regard as both scientifically
and practically important.
Scope of the Work. The present dictionary is intended to supply the vocabulary of post-Vedic
literature in general, while including those portions of Vedic literature which are readily accessible
to the student in good selections. All out-of-the-way technical terms, such as those of medicine,
botany, astronomy, and ritual, are excluded, except in so far as they have found their way into
ordinary literary works, or occur in selections which I have expressly included. Specifically legal and
philosophical terms are, on the other hand, largely represented, owing to the inclusion in my list
of the most important works belonging to the corresponding departments of literature. Having
acquired a rather extensive experience of native commentaries in connexion with my lectures to students
preparing for the Honour School of Oriental Languages at Oxford, I have introduced a considerable
number of grammatical and rhetorical terms also, these being necessary for the comprehension of such
works as for instance the glosses of Mallinatha. A good many words and explanations will thus be found,
which either do not occur in the Petersburg dictionaries, or are, I think, less correctly given there. (Compare
e.g. articles arthantaranyasa, bahuvrihi, yatha tatha, vakyabheda, vyadhikarawa, sapekshatva, etc.)
The list of books to which my dictionary specially refers, and which I drew up, when planning the
work, after consultation with a pupil of Professor Biihler's,' the late Dr. Schonberg, then resident in
Oxford, I here append.
Books specially referred to. Bhagavadgita, Bhartrihari, BhashapariM^eda, Da^akumara^arita,
Gitagovinda, Harsha^arita, Hitopadesa, Kadambari, Kamandakiya-nitisara, Kathasaritsagara, Kiratar^u-
niya, Kulluka, Kumarasawzbhava, Mahavira^arita, Malatimadhava, Malavikagnimitra, Manu, Meghadftta,
Mitakshara (on Y%wavalkya), MritMaka,rfka, Mudrarakshasa, Naishadha, Nala, Pa/?/£atantra, Raghu-
viii P R E F A C E

vaw^a, Ra^atara^gmi, Ratnavali, Tfo'tusa^hara, tfakuntala, $amkara (on the Vedanta-sutras), &isupala-
vadha, Tarkasawgraha, Uttararama/fcaritra, Vasavadatta, Vedantasara, Vewisawhara, Vikram&nkadeva-
£arita, Vikramorva«i, Ya^wavalkya. Besides all the post-Yedic selections contained in the Readers
mentioned below, the list finally includes the second edition of Bohtlingk's Indische Spruche, a flori-
legium of the aphoristic poetry in which Sanskrit literature is pre-eminent, well deserving to be made
accessible to the English-speaking student.
With reg-ard to Yedic literature I have taken in all that is contained in the second edition of
Bohtlingk's Sanshit-Chrestomathie, in Hillebrandt's Veda - Chrestom a th ie, in Lanman's Reader, and in
Windiscb/s Zwolf Hymnen des Bigveda, besides those hymns which are prescribed to the candidates of the
Honour School of Oriental Languages at Oxford (Rig-veda X, i to xxii). Peterson's ' Selected Hymns
of the Rig-veda' would also have been taken in, had they been published soon enough. The majority
of the hymns contained in that selection are, however, already included. Apart from passages supplied in
Readers, the Brahma«a period is represented by the Aitareya-Brahmawa, while the Dharma-sutra of
Gautama and the Asvalayana and Paraskara Gnhya-sfttras are specially selected from the latest phase
of Vedic literature.
Important Vedic words, even though not occurring in the selections, have found a place in my
dictionary mainly on linguistic grounds.
The number of hymns from the Rig-veda, being nearly all the best in that collection, is about one
hundred and twenty. As a list of them will probably prove a convenience to students, it is here subjoined.
Maarfala I : i, 13, 24, 339, 4h 42, 5°, 65, 67, 85, 92, 97, 113, 115, 118, 143. *54> 161, 162, 190;
I I : 12, 27, 38 j I I I : 33, 35, 59, 62; IV: 19, 27, 30, 33, 42, 51, 52 ; V: 11, 24, 3%> 4°, 81, 83, 84, 85 ;
V I : 9, 50, 54, 74; V I I : 6, 28, 33, 34, 46, 49> 54, 55> 57,61, 76, 83, 86, 87, 88, 89, 102, 103 : V I I I :
14, 29, 30, 85, 91 ; IX : I, 38, 41, 112; X : 1-22, 33, 34, 39, 51, 52, 85, 108, 117, 118, 127, 129, 137,
145, 154, 168, 185.
Arrangement. In my original plan I had contemplated making a separate article of each word,
simple and compound, printed in Devanagari type as well as transliterated. Reflection, however, soon led
me to abandon this scheme for that of arranging compounds in a group under a heading word, the latter
only being printed in Devanagari, while only the second member of the remaining compounds is given
in transliteration (see, for instance, article amn'ta). When the number of such compounds is large, they
have been split up into several groups with reference to the initial of the second member (see p. 173).
The result of this change has been a saving of about 100 pages on the estimate of 480 pages according
to the earlier plan, and that too although I have introduced rather more matter than I had then intended.
I believe that this saving of space will moreover prove an actual advantage from the practical point of
view, because the eye will find a word more quickly thus than if it had to run down columns of separate
articles. A glance at pages 173 to 175 will probably convince the student of the correctness of this opinion.
A dictionary being a means to an end, a saving of time in its use is obviously an important object.
As to the arrangement of individual articles, the transliteration of the Devanagari word is followed,
in the case of nouns, by the derivation (in brackets) where this cannot be made sufficiently clear
by the employment of hyphens in the transliteration (see e.g. bhngu, muhurta, loka). Next follow
the meanings in close juxtaposition, so that the eye may take them all in at a glance if possible.
My aim has been to give the senses of all words in the historical order of development. Then come
the special uses of the cases, and last of all idiomatic combinations (see buddhi, manas). When cases
are mentioned, they are given in the order of Sanskrit grammar. The feminine form of adjectives
is given in parentheses immediately after 'a.'-, thus 'paurusha, a. (1)/ When no feminine is stated,
it must be assumed to be & or else not quotable.
Adjective compounds ending in participles are described as participles, e.g. su-gata, srotra-peya.
This enables me to make an important distinction in sense without adding a long explanation. Thus
^uii-smita is described as an adjective, because smita is here really a noun at the end of a Bahuvrihi
compound. Again, any confusion in the mind of the beginner between secondary adjectives like
sama/T^an-iya and future participles like bodhaniya is by this means avoided.
At first I thought of employing figures to indicate distinct differences of meaning. But the
difficulty, in many cases, of determining a full interval of meaning, and the large waste of space
P R E F A C E vii

involved, induced me to reject their use for this purpose, especially as the need is sufficiently met by
the employment of the semi-colon (see Punctuation). I have therefore only used figures either to
distinguish words which have the same form but differ etymologically (as verbs like ruh or nouns like
sam-udra and sa-mudra), or to clearly mark off groups of meaning (as in darsana).
Unnecessary repetition has often been avoided by the use of parentheses. Thus when samahita-mati
is defined as ' (having an) attentive (mind)/ the meaning intended is, that its equivalent is strictly speaking
' having an attentive mind/ though it may ordinarily be rendered by c attentive/ The same object is
attained by the use of dashes, implying that an obvious word or words are to be supplied from what
precedes or follows. Thus sat-kirti is defined as c f . good reputation; a. having a -,' which of course must
be understood to mean ' having a good reputation' (cp. also dirgha-sattra, patana, vidhatavya).
Mainly for the sake of convenience in attaching suffixes and the second members of compounds,
nouns have been given in the weak or middle bases. Verbal roots have similarly been given in their
weak forms with a view to uniformity. Though I do not think that I have been absolutely consistent
in this respect, I believe I have been sufficiently so for practical purposes.
I have sometimes been obliged to sacrifice a strictly scientific treatment to practical exigencies by
admitting such suffixes as -tp, and -maya in long articles made up of compounds (such as that under
mitra). Otherwise I should have been compelled to divide a long paragraph in the middle merely
in order to print an unimportant word in Devanagari type. Not much harm can after all result
from this, as not even the tyro would be likely to confound such suffixes with regular words. To
obviate the difficulty by placing such words out of their regular alphabetical order would have entailed
a much more serious drawback on the practical side. In the case of important proper names I have
generally added a few concise remarks together with approximate dates as far as these can be deter-
mined in the light of the most recent research (see e.g. Bhavabhuti). As definitions of technical terms
are sometimes almost unintelligible without illustrative examples, the latter have been added where it
seemed necessary (see, for instance, samasokti).
In articles treating of verbs, the conjugational class is first stated together with the voice in which
it is conjugated. When the latter is omitted, the verb must be understood to be both active and middle.
Next comes the present base or bases in transliteration, followed by the meanings of the verb arranged
on the same principle as in the case of nouns, the idiomatic uses being stated at the end. After this are
added the present passive (generally omitted) with the past passive participle, the causal, the desiderative, and
the intensive (when these forms occur), with their respective perfect participles passives in this order.
The principle I had in view in treating the perfect participle passive, was to give it under the
verb when the meanings are merely verbal, but to make a separate article of it where adjectival senses
predominate. I feel that I have not been thoroughly consistent in this respect. It is, however, not a
matter of great moment.
The verbal prepositions are arranged in alphabetical order after the last form of the simple verb
with which they are used. A scientific as well as a practical consideration determined me to concentrate
them in this manner. On the one hand, these prefixes are separable in the Veda, while on the other,
a large amount of space is saved by making a single article of a verbal root and the prepositions
with which it may be combined. Otherwise separate head-lines in Devanagari as well as transliteration
would have to be printed. Four times as much space would thus be occupied as under the alternative
system. Nor would anything be thus gained in convenience, unless (to obviate reference to the simple
verb) the present base and other forms were added. This would involve a further waste of space.
Exclusion of References. I have acted on the principle that a dictionary should give all references
or none. The former alternative was, of course, out of the question in a practical work. It might, it is
true, have been useful to state where a word occurs which is not to be found in other dictionaries. My
rare deviations from the rule are, however, solely limited to passages in which the meaning of a particular
word is unknown, or where the definition is made clearer by the reference, as in the case of samudga or
sarvatobhadra. Partial references have, I think, a tendency to make students too dependent on them in
determining the meaning of a word in any given passage. The omission of such references is more than
compensated for by the method which I have followed. I have endeavoured to limit the meaning of a
word as far as possible to parallel instances by indicating the case which it governs, the word in context with
viii P R E F A C E

which it is employed, the literary period or department to which it belongs, and the frequency or rarity
of its occurrence. An examination of such articles as lohita or V2. ruh will illustrate my meaning.
Alphabetical Order. From this order (see p. xii) I have, from considerations of practical utility, never
deviated, with one very slight and rare exception. I have sometimes transposed the order of two words,
either to obviate breaking up a paragraph or to avoid repeating a definition (e.g. smarya). The words
being in immediate juxtaposition, neither of them can be missed.
Under this head I ought to add a few remarks in order to remove some common stumbling-blocks
from the path of the beginner. Owing to variety of spelling, especially in Indian editions, words with
initial ^ v and If s may not be found under those letters. They will be discovered by looking up ^ b and
sh or ^ s respectively. The reverse also applies. The alphabetical position of Anusvara followed by
a semivowel or sibilant is before k. Thus samvara and ti^q sawwaya precede J-Ri saka. On the
other hand, the Anusvara which occurs before a mute of one of the five classes and is interchangeable with
the nasal of that class, occupies the place of the class nasal. Thus sa»2-kakslia ( = ^ san-kaksha)
immediately follows sa-ghnwa. Similarly, the unchangeable or necessary Yisarga (i. e. preceding
a hard guttural or labial) comes after a vowel before any other consonant. Thus anta^-kara^a
and UnTigT anta^-pura follow ^TfT anta and precede ^RRi anta-ka. On the other hand, the Yisarga
which precedes a sibilant, and may be assimilated to it, is treated as if it were that sibilant and placed
accordingly. Thus ^HIT*! adhai-#aya and adha^-aayin follow ^P&RH^T adhas-^ararca and
precede adhas.
Abbreviations. A full list of these together with their explanations will be found on p. xii. It
is, however, perhaps advisable to add a few remarks showing how some of these symbols should exactly
be understood to apply. When a sign such as V. ( = Vedic) is added in parentheses after a form, a
grammatical symbol, or a meaning, its application is restricted to these only. Thus under -/yam,
y&ma (F.) means that that present base is exclusively Vedic ; a. (V.), m. (V.) signify that as an adjective
or as a masculine noun, the word in question is exclusively Vedic; when ' sad-as, n.' is defined as ' seat,
place, abode, dwelling {V.)' the meaning is that all these synonymous senses are Vedic. The applica-
tion of such notes as ' ord. mg.3 ( = ordinary meaning) is similar. Thus under I. mana, all the preceding
words separated by commas, viz. ' respect, regard, honour, mark of honour/ are indicated as included in
the ordinary meaning of mana (cp. Punctuation). If, on the other hand, a symbol followed by a colon
is used before a meaning, its application is carried on till another symbol occurs. For example, under
vnddhi the sense ' growthJ is indicated to be both Vedic and Classical, ' delectation, delight/ Vedic,
but all the significations from 'adolescence' onwards post-Vedic only.
Type. The small Devanagari character is used for all articles except the verbs, for which the large
type is reserved. Ordinary Roman type is employed for transliteration immediately following a word in
Devanagari; but when a word occurs in transliteration only, it is printed in thick type so as to catch
the eye at once (as in article akshara). When there is no object in attracting the attention, as for
instance when Sanskrit words occur in definitions or explanations, they are not made conspicuous
in this manner.
To the special use made of italic type, I attach considerable practical value. Its occurrence in
definitions always implies amplification or elucidation, whereas the ordinary Roman type represents as
far as is possible the exact literal equivalent of the Sanskrit word. Thus saravara»a-sra^ is defined
as ' wreath given by a girl to the man of her choiceJ (compare also samanajupama). By this means
needless repetitions and waste of space are avoided, while much is gained in clearness of definition at
one and the same time.
Punctuation. The colon immediately before a transliterated word or suffix, indicates that the
latter must be attached to the end of the preceding Sanskrit word. Thus :-ka after the heading
word losh/a is to be read as losh^a-ka. This is in no way affected by the intervening special
uses of cases or idioms often added at the end of an article. Thus :-kesarin under vi-krama must
of course be understood as vikrama-kesarin, in spite of the inflected forms of vikrama which
immediately precede -kesarin. The special significance of the semi-colon is, in addition to marking
off distinctly different meanings, to separate within a paragraph the latter halves of the compounds
which it contains. Thus ;-/£akshus under lola-kar?za, is to be read as lola-^akshus, and the following
P R E F A C E vii

;-ttiL as lola-ta. Had a colon preceded the latter, it would have meant lola->£akshus-ta. The semi-
colon will sometimes be found instead of the colon when it is perfectly obvious that nothing else
could be done with the following word but attach it to the end of the preceding one. This is for
instance the case with ;-kara after loha. The comma is employed, as has already been indicated,
to separate more or less synonymous meanings, while the semi-colon marks off distinct differences of
sense. The other specific use of the comma is in paragraphs with compounds to show that the
following word is to be applied exactly in the same way as a preceding one introduced by a colon.
Thus sat-karya followed by :-vada and subsequently by ,-vadin, must be read as satkarya-vada and
Transliteration. The system is that which has been adopted in the f Sacred Books of the East/ and
already followed by me in my edition of Professor Max Miiller's Sanskrit Grammar. Had I been guided
exclusively by my own judgment I should have preferred c and j to represent the hard and the soft palatal.
I should have retained the italic t and d for the linguals, but made the lingual ^ sh also an italic
representing the palatal sibilant 'SJ by §. The connexion of these two sibilants with the mutes of their
classes would thus have been clearly indicated. The employment of a double letter sh, the latter half
of which otherwise represents an aspiration, to express the simple sound of a spirant, is not strictly
scientific, though convenient for the Anglo-Saxon. It is, however, not a good thing to multiply systems.
I must here refer to some practical applications of transliteration which I have made.
When one or more letters in thick type are added after a Sanskrit word either in parentheses or
following a semi-colon, colon, or comma, the meaning is that that letter or those letters are to be sub-
stituted for precisely the same number at the end of the word in question. Thus ' paurusha, a. (i)/
' yamaka, a, (ika)' signify that the feminine of the former adjective is paurushi and that of the latter
yamika. Similarly ' samana-murdhan, a. (ni)' indicates that this word has the form samana-murdhni in
the feminine. The letters :i-ka, referring to a preceding paurarca, must be read as paurawi-ka.
Accent. Wherever the accent is known from Yedic texts it has been given in the transliteration,
the Udatta (acute) accent being marked in the usual way [e.g. vadhar) and the svarita (circumflex)
accent being indicated by a curVe above the vowel (e. g. svar).
When an accented word is exclusively Yedic this is indicated by a V., while if nothing is stated,
it may be assumed to be post-Yedic also, e.g. VIM a. As the meanings of an accented word may be
partly Vedic, partly post-Yedic, and partly common to both periods, this is broadly indicated by the
symbols V. ( = Vedic in general), C. ( = post -Vedic in general), and V. C. ( = both Vedic and post-Yedic),
as for example in the article vrata. Unaccented words may be assumed to be post-Vedic, since in the
rare cases when they happen to belong to the Yedic period, this is noted. Sometimes I distinguish
subordinate periods, as Br. = Brahma^a, S. = Sutra, E. — Epic, P. = Pura«a. It would, however, have
been beyond the scope of the present work to go into details of this kind. That would belong rather
to the sphere of an exclusively etymological dictionary. I may mention in passing that a-na£ keyofxtva
are indicated, a single occurrence in the Rig-veda, for instance, being marked as RF.X, just as words
and meanings quotable only from native grammarians and lexicographers are made recognisable by an
asterisk. This is an important safeguard; for the signification of the former class of words is often
very doubtful, while the genuineness of the latter is uncertain. I have frequently seen non-quotable
words, without any indication that they are such, used by comparative philologists, as well as a-na£
Xeyojxeva made the basis of far-reaching conclusions. Thus I remember a few years ago hearing
an Oriental scholar, who was not a Sanskritist, using as an argument for Babylonian influence the word
mana, to which the older Petersburg dictionary in one passage attributed the meaning of ' a certain
weight of gold/ and which was therefore supposed to be identical with the Greek fxva. This meaning
no longer appears in the smaller edition of that work.
Compounds arranged under an accented heading word, must be assumed to be unaccented and there-
fore post-Vedic unless any indication to the contrary is given. Thus -ketu under vi^aya is to be read
as viyaya-ketu. It follows as a matter of course that, if the second half of a compound has an accent,
that is the accent of the whole word. Thus -maya occurring under loha represents loha-maya.
Etymology. My original plan was to make the present work a comparative as well as a practical
Sanskrit dictionary. After a good deal of reflection I abandoned this project on the ground that while

greatly swelling the bulk of the volume, the etymological material would not in this combination
admit of being grouped and classified from various points of view as it should be in a thoroughly
valuable and scientific etymological dictionary. The treatment of this material in a separate volume
which I had contemplated, may be rendered superfluous by a work that is, I understand, in prepara-
tion at Strassburg. My taste for etymological studies I trace in great part to Professor Fick's
lectures on Comparative Greek Grammar, which I attended when a student at Gottingen. Though
not comparative, the dictionary is nevertheless historical and etymological in its character. It is historical
inasmuch as the meanings are not given in an arbitrary order, as in the Indian dictionaries, but are
arranged as far as possible in accordance with their chronological development, while the literary
period to which both words and their senses belong, is plentifully indicated. It is etymological from
the Sanskrit point of view inasmuch as all words, except the small number—far smaller than in any
other Aryan language—which defy analysis, have been broken up into their component parts in the
transliteration either by means of hyphens, as in ya^-wa, or of hooks where vowel coalescences occur,
as in mWgajksha^a for mngekshawa. Where these means are insufficient, the derivation has been
concisely added in brackets, as under \/murM, yaksha, rud/d. I have inserted in brackets a not
inconsiderable number of roots, the former existence of which, though not occurring as verbs, is either
deducible from Sanskrit derivatives alone or is proved by the evidence of comparative philology
also (e.g. /mang, Vi. rudh). The structure of Sanskrit words being so much clearer than that in
any other Aryan tongue, I have thus availed myself of the opportunity of supplying students of the
language with an easy instrument of linguistic training.
Sources. The present work derives its material mainly from the newer Petersburg dictionary.
It could not be of much value were this not the case. I have of course also carefully worked through
Bohtlingk and Roth's older dictionary, on account of the vast array of quotations and references which
it contains. The Consultation of these was necessary in the laborious process of verifying meanings.
The rapid strides made by Sanskrit studies during the last thirty years, are chiefly owing to the
lexicographical labours of those two great scholars. Sanskrit lexicography being a product of the
present century, it was for the subject indeed a fortunate combination of circumstances, that the task
was undertaken in an age when strictly scientific methods had begun to be applied to scholarship,
and that the work fell into the hands of two scholars of such eminent ability. The result has been
that Sanskrit lexicography, not having had gradually to clear away the unscientific accumulations of
previous centuries, is already in a more advanced state than that of the classical languages. This is
indeed indicated by the fact that the large Petersburg dictionary contains more than double the
amount of matter supplied by the last edition of Liddell and Scott's Greek Lexicon.
I have also used throughout Grassmann's Lexicon to the Rig-veda, as well as a copy of Benfey's
dictionary annotated by the author himself. To the latter half of Apte's dictionary I owe some
quotable compounds not to be found in the Petersburg dictionaries. Down to about the end of the
vowels I am indebted to Cappeller's Worterbuch for some Sanskrit equivalents of Prakrit words occurring
in Sanskrit plays. I had reached this point when I was informed by the author that he intended trans-
lating his lexicon when complete into English. I accordingly at once ceased referring to it, and have not
looked at it since. From the same work I have borrowed the very convenient abbreviations —° and
I have further consulted Whitney's Sanskrit Roots, the glossaries contained in the Readers of Lanman,
Hillebrandt, and Windisch, as well as in Johnson's Hitopadesa, Kellner's and Monier-Williams's Nala,
Stenzler's and Johnson's Meghadftta, and Burkhard's £akuntala, besides the Index to Pischel and Geldner's
Fedische Studien. I have also made use of Prof. Aufrecht's Catalogue Catalogorum, various articles in the
Journal of the German Oriental Society and Kuhn's Zeitschrift, as well as one by Prof. E. Leumann in
the Festgruss (to Bohtlingk, on his jubilee), and Prof. Biihler's lexicographical notes in the Vienna
Oriental Journal. In addition to what it derives from these sources of information, my book embodies
all the matter with which it is concerned from the numerous appendices of the smaller Petersburg
dictionary, besides words, compounds, and meanings collected by myself from post-Vedic works, such
as the Pa/7£atantra.
For etymological purposes I have consulted the large Petersburg dictionary, Grassmann's Worterbuch,
Lanman's Glossary, Brugmann's Grundriss, and Fick's Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-European
P R E F A C E vii

Having utilised all these sources of information, I venture to think that this work may be regarded
as registering the advance of Sanskrit lexicography up to the present time.
Sir M. Monier-Williams's Sanskrit-English lexicon has not been consulted, partly because it is
based on the older Petersburg dictionary, and having been published twenty years ago contains no new
material, and partly because I wished to avoid being influenced by the system of a work of which a new
edition is in preparation.
I take this opportunity of expressing my sincere gratitude to Prof. E. B. Cowell for the kind way in
which he assisted me during the course of the work in solving difficulties I submitted to him in the
departments of grammar, philosophy, and rhetoric. It is no exaggeration to say that in combined
knowledge of these subjects he surpasses all other Sanskritists. The generous manner in which he
sacrifices his leisure in the interests of those who wish to avail themselves of his great learning, is well
known to his pupils, but not so well known to others as^ it ought to be.
In conclusion I must not omit to express my belief that the fact of this book having been
printed by the University Press at Oxford, under the eye of its Oriental Reader, Mr. J. C. Pembrey,
whose skill could not be surpassed, is in itself a sufficient guarantee of accuracy.

September, 1892.
^flf a, w a, i, i, ^ u, W G, W ri, ^ ri, ^ li; e, TJ ai, o, ^ au ; k, kh, 3J g, ^ gh, ^ n ; ^ k, ^ kh,

^ 9, or gh, af n ; Z t, "S th, ^ d (V. also 3 o I), £ dh ( F . also IK), ^ n ; tf t, ^ th, ^ d, ^ dh, •! n : H j),

ph, ^ b, bh, m; ^ y j r , ^v; ^ s, ^ sh, ^ s, f h.

A. « Atmanepada. exc. = except, exceptionally, K. = noun, rh. = rhetorical term,
;t. = adjective. excl. = exclamation, n. = neuter, rit. = ritual term.
:ib. = ablative, exp. = explanation. neg. = negative, R V . = Rig-veda.
abs. = absolute, f. = feminine ; also = for. nm. = nominative. S.=S<ltra.
abet. = abstract. ff, = and the following, nl> ' f = numeral,
ac. = accusative, fig. = figurative, -ly. num. j gg | = singular,
act. = active. fp. = future participle passive, obj. = object. SB. =/Satapatha-Brahma«a.
ad. = adverb, -ial, -ially, onom. - onomatopoeic. sb. = substantive.
fr. = from,
;ior. = aorist. opp. = opposite.
ft. = future. sc. = scilicet, that is to say, supply.
opt. = optative.
app. = apposition, g. = genitive. sp. = specifically.
or., orig. = originally.
ass. — asseverati ve. gd. = gerund (indeclinable parti- spv. = superlative.
ord. = ordinary.
athg. = anything. ciple). st. = stem.
P. = Parasmaipada.
A V. = Atharva -veda. Gk. = Greek, P. — Purawa. sthg. = something.
B. = Buddhistic term, gnly. =•= generally, pat. = patronymic. str. = strong.
bg., beg. = beginning. gr. = grammatical term, pel. = particle. subj. = subjunctive.
Br. = Brahmawa. hvg. = having, perh. = perhaps. 5 V. = Sama-veda.
C.= Classical (post-Vedic) Sanskrit, id. = the same, pf. = perfect.
s. v. = sub voce,
cj. = conj unction. i. e. = that is. ph., phil. = philosophical term.
sx. — suffix.
ij. = interjection, pi. = plural.
| = collective, -ly. T . = title.
imps. = impersonal, pn. )
comm. = commentator, impv. = imperative, f = pronoun, t. = term.
prn. ) r

oonjr = conjecture, in. = instrumental, TBr. = Taittirlya-Brahmana.

pos. )
cor. = correlative, incor., incorr. = incorrect. i = possessive, tr. = transitive.
poss. ] r
cp. = compare, ind.== indicative, TS. - Taittiriya-Samliita.
pot. = potential.
cpd. = compound, indc. ) _ j n( j e( .]j na y 6 ^ pp. = perfect passive participle. U. = Upanishad.
cpv. = comparative, mdec. ) Pr. = Prakrit (Sanskrit equivalent "V. = Veda, Vedic.
crt. = certain, indf. = indefinite. of Prakrit word), Prakritic. v. =vide, see.
us. = causal. inf. = infinitive. pr. = present. vb. == verb,
d. = dative, int. = intransitive. pred. = predicate, predicative, -ly. vbl. = verbal,
dbl. = double. intr. = interrogative. prn. = pronoun, pronominal. vc. = vocative,
den. = denominative, intv. = intensive (frequentative). prob. = probably. v. r. = various reading.
der. = derivative, ir. — irregular. prop. = properly. VS. = Vayasaneyi-Samhita.
des. = desiderative. K . =king. prp. = preposition. w. = with,
dim. = diminutive, Lat. = Latin. prs. = person. wk. = weak.
dr. = dramatic term. lc. = locative. ps. = passive. Y V. = Ya</ur- veda.
du. = dual. leg. = legal term. pt. = participle. = equals, is the equivalent of.
E. = Epic. lit. =« literally. px. = prefix. = at the end of a compound.
e. g. = for example. in. = masculine. q. v. = which see. = at the beginning of a com-
einp. = emphatic. met. = metronymic. R. = river. pound (the degree representing
enc. ) . metr. = metrical (due to exigencies the word in question).
, { = enclitic, red. = reduplicated, reduplication.
encl. J of metre). + = with ; also.
Eng. — English, mg. = meaning, | = relative. + = with or without.
ep. = epithet. mtn. = mountain. 6 = and.
eq. = equivalent, N. =name; when alone = name of rp^' i =rePeatec*' &c., etc. — et cetera, and BO forth,
esp. = especially. a man or of a woman. rf. = reflexive. -y/ — root.

H. B. The articles prakirtana to pra£ynti having by an oversight been omitted in their proper place, will be
found among the Addenda.
^ A.

IT a. a-krita-srama.

^ I. a, pn. root used in the inflexion of idam •^Jcff^TJf a-karuwa, a. pitiless; -tva, n. -ness. ^ H P l ^ a-kala-niyama,m. no limit of
•^feinjl £-karraa, a. deaf; without Karwa. time.
and in some particles: a-tra,a-tha.
^ c f r R ^ T T akala-vela,/. undue season.
^^.a-^^an-before vowels,neg.px.=\xn-. ^ f i l ^ i n T a-karwadhara, a. pilotless.
amsa, m. part, share; N. of a god: in. a-kala-saha, a. unable t o hold
TSJCUC^CM a-kartavya, fp. not to be done ; n. out long.
partly. [of shares.
a-kartri, m. non-agent. [misdeed. M « t J^akSla-hinam, ad. without loss
^JJI^WWI amsa-kalpana, f . arrangement
a-karma-ka, a. objectless, intransi- of time, forthwith, [-ta, / . , -tva, n. poverty.
JJ^fr^J HI amsa-prakalpana,/.id.[shares.
r4|oft^gic^a-karma-knt, a. inactive, [tive. a-kimftana, a. having nothing,poor;
^SfaiM^H amsa-pradana, n. distribution of T t f f i f a * ^ a-kimkig-gnst, a. knowing no-
a-karmaraya, a. ineffectual,useless.
^npnf'i^amsa-bhagln, a. having a share. thing. [thing.
^ C Q * ^ a-karman, n. i n a c t i o n ; a. (-mdn)
^ j i p T T ^ amsa-bha*?, a. id. [<?.)• "4lfcji(xjrcf| ^ a-kimftit-kara, a. effecting no-
doing nothing,idling; wicked. [tionof fate.
^IRjTT amsa-bhtita, pp. forming a share (of, •^rf^fif^T a-kilina, a. not damp, not moist.
^ R W i r r f f T a-karma-prapti,/. n on-interven -
^Sfal^T ama-hara, o. receiving a portion. ^ f e f i ^ i f a-kirtana, n. lack of mention.
^en^^n*?) a-karma-sila, a. inactive, idle.
• ^ f l i ^ a m - i n , a. having a share. a-karma-sranta, 'pp. untiring in
a - k i r t a n i y a , ^ . unspeakable.
^ P J a m s u , m . S o m a p l a n t , - j u i c e ; ray; stalk. ^ R f i ^ f ^ a-kalahka, a. spotless. [ritual. ^ a - k i r t i , / . disgrace; -kara, a. dis-
^PJoR amsu-ka, n. leaf; cloth, garment. graceful, infamous, humiliating.
a-kali,a. not quarrelling, concordant.
^ToRtf^ri a-kirtita, pp. unmentioned.
^PJJeRTfl amsukaanta, m. hem of a garment. fl a-kalita,pp.unknown; undefinable.
'•4|^lf^fIa-kuwA;ita,pp.not crooked, straight.
amsu-paffa, n. kind of cloth. ^ i | tl ^akali-prasara, a.where no quar-
a - k u n ^ i t a , pp. vigorous, quick.
^ ^ • t f ^ a m s u - m ^ t , a. radiant; m. s u n ; N 7 relling occurs. [baseness.
^ I ^ l d ^ f a-ku/ila, a. straight; honest.
amsu-malin, m. sun. a-kalka-kalila, a. free from
^ U ^ i f T f ^ W f a-kutasfcid-bhaya, a. afraid of
£ms&, m. shoulder. a-kalka-ta, f . honesty.
^r^m^a-kutas.arf.from nowhere, [nothing.
W^^TZ arasa-ktifa, m. t o p of the shoulder; ^ i . a-kalya, a. not healthy, ill.
•^t^jfftJr^Ta-kuto-bhaya^.afraid of nothing,
- p r i r t t t a , n. ridge of the shoulder. ^fefi^l 2. a-kalya, fp. not t o be guessed.
i p ^ l a-kutrafea-bhaya, a. id.
^H^nr amsa-tra, n. armour. ^cficf £-kava, a. not niggardly, liberal.
^Tefif^ a-kavi, a. not wise, foolish. ^ g r f ^ r l a-kutsita, pp. blameless.
^tlMi^lcn amsa-phalaka, n. shoulder-blade.
•^TOof a/nsa-M, a. strong, powerful. W5fi^TTf(_a-kasmS,t, (ab.) ach without appar- ^ V T ^ a-kudhryak, ad. aimlessly,
^TOWf^T. amsa-vartin, a. resting on the ent cause; suddenly; accidentally. [comer. ^ i ^ f a-kula, a. low-born; - t a , / . low birth.
shoulder; -vivartin, a. bending towards the ^WT^TC^ akasmad-^gantu.m.chance- ^feJF^nT akula-gra, a. sprung from a low
shoulder(s); -vyapin, a. reaching to the - .
^ R T f a-kaku, a. unchanged {of the voice). a-kulina, a. low-born. [stock.
^T^fTf amh-ati,/., ^ ^ a7nh-tJ,w.=amh-as.
a-kanda, a. unexpected, sudden: a-kusala, a. noxious; unlucky, in-
W!§^a»ih-as,n.distress, need; sin. auspicious; unskilful; n. mischief, evil; - word.
W f P ; a-katara, a. undaunted. \lc. -ly.
^TFXamh-ura,a. distressed; -urana, n. dis- a-kkmi, a. not desiring; unwilling, a-kusumita, pp. not blossoming.
^sif^ amhri, m. foot. [tress. reluctant; not in love. [unwillingly. ^ T ^ I ^-k<i<a, a. undeceptive (arms); sterling
aka, m. the suffix -aka (gr.). ^RiTTnra: a-kama-tas, ad. involuntarily; (coin).

^fefieT^l a-kafuka, a. assiduous. '"^i^f+trlTa-kama-ta./. freedom from desire •^^LIH ^-kA-pgra, a. boundless; m. sea.
a-kamin, a. not in love. [or love. a-knfefcftra-langhya, fp. to be
^eflU^qi a-kanZaka, a. thornless ; foeless.
traversed without hardship. [with.
a-kan<Aa, a. n e c k l e s s ; voiceless, ^a-kara,m.the sound or letter a. [-ness.
hoarse. a-karaka, a. ineffectual; - t v a , n. ^ © "t a-krifcfeferin, a. having no trouble
a-katthana, n. non-boasting. a-kira«a, a. causeless; n. lack of ^ r a m ^ - k r i t a , p p . not done; unprepared, un-
^Rfi*W>-katham, ad. without ( a ' w h y ' = ) cause: -tas, -m, in.,ab., Ic. without cause. cooked ; incomplete, unripe; unsummoned.
more ado. a-karpa«ya, a. void of self-abase- -31 g) <141 a-krita-ka, a. natural, [one's duty.
"^^if^d a-kathita, pp. unmentioned, u n - ment. [deed : - t a s , ad. by doing wrong. (Td ST aknta-kn'tya, a. not having done
discussed. [speaking well. a-karya,^). not to be d o n e ; n. mis- ffSJ a-kHta-^na, a. ungrateful.
^ c R O ^ a-kad-vada, a. not speaking ill, ^eftl^etl^U! akarya-karana, n. doing a mis- akrita-punya, a. ill-starred.
^oftf^a^kanishMa.m.^.withoutayoung- ^ H T f T ^ akrita-pfirva, a. not done before.
H c n \ a k a r y a - k a r i n , a. id. [deed.
est, equally young. ^nrrT^^'akn'ta-buddhi, a. of unripe under-
"^RiTyf a-kala, m. unseasonable t i m e :
W V T T a - k a n y a , / . n o longer a maid. [ish. -tas, Ic. unseasonably. standing : -tva, n. abst. n. [distinctive mark.
^R?ftr^r^f%a-kapila-MAavi,o.notbrown- ^RlT^^R akala-kusuma, n. untimely ^TSTfT^r^W a-kn'ta-lakshana, a. having no
WNtTa flower. [delay. ^ i K f t W ^ i akrita-vidya, a. uninstructed.
a-kala-kshepam, ad. without
- k a m p i t a , ^ . not trembling, firm, a-krita-srama, a. having under-
i . a-karana, n. omission to do. akala-iarj^a,/.untimely action. gone no trouble.

^RirCW 2. a-karana, a. unartificial, natural.

-^ad^MreM aknta-samkalpa. •^PJTIT a-gurca.

^T^d^efi*^ akrita-samkalpa, a. irresolute. n. 8. & m. pi. unhusked grain (esp. barley); Hl^ f^l 5 ^ a-kshetrin, a. owning no field.
f . k, virgo intacta. [uninjured mane.
^ I W t ^ akshocfa, m. walnut-tree.
^ t l d l d l ^ akritaatman, a. of unformed
WWtT^HIX akshata-kesara, a. having an
mind, undisciplined, rude, vicious. ^ I ^ t ^ c f i d -kshodhuka, a. not hungry.
a-kshatra, a.without the warrior caste.
^UTrTP^ akritaartha,a.unsatisfied, [deed, ^T^t^T a-kshobhya, fp. not to be shaken.
aksha-dyftta, n. game of dice,
a-kritya, fp. not to be done ; n.mis- akshauhini, f . complete army;
i.akshan, n. eye: weak base 0/akshi. -pati, m. lord of an army, general.
W f ^ T a - k n t r i m a , a.unfeigned; unartifi-
cial, natural; unsophisticated. ^-ksh-an, V. 3 pi. impf. of \fghas. I W n akshnay^C, ad. across. [well.
| a-kn'tvS, gd. without doing. aksha-naipuwa, n. skill in dice, TO a-kha%a, a. not limping, walking
£-kntsna, a. incomplete. aksha-pafala, n. archives. a-khanrfa, a. indivisible, entire ;
a-kritsna-vid, a. not knowing • ^ f f l l ^ I aksha-priya, a. fond of dice or -mawc^ala, a. possessing the whole realm.
everything, of defective knowledge. lucky at play (beloved by dice). [at dice, W f e f l a-kha»rfita, pp. uninjured ; more
^IfiTJ a-kripa, a. pitiless. [ing, cheerful, aksha-bhfimi,/. place for playing unbreakable than (ab.); uninterrupted.
ilsh MUJ a-krzpana,fl.generous ; uncomplain- a-kshama, a. unable to, incapable of <11'Kj akhararfitaji^7ja, a. whose or-
(lc., inf. or ders are not infringed; -tva, n. absf. N.
• ^ f l i i i ^ r w t a-kma-lakshmi, a. rich in
^ T ^ f T ^ aksha-mada, m. passion for play. a-kharva, a. uncurtailed; capable;
beauty; very prosperous.
£-kn'shivala, a. not agricultural. W S W T a-kshama, / . ill-will, envy.
a-khinna, pp. unwearied, in (lc.).
•^rSTS £-knsh/a, pp. unploughed; growing TOT^ aksha-matra, n. (measured by the
wild ; n. untitled soil. [shna). eye), moment: in. in a moment. [dhati. a-khila, a.without a gap, entire, all;
n. everything; in. quite, completely, [ness.
a-kesava, a. without Kesava ( K n - ^r^TT^TTaksha-mala,/.rosary; N.o/Arun-
"^f%^a-kheda, m. absence of fatigue, fresh-
a-kaitava, a. not simulated, genuine, ^ W t W aksha-malika, / . rosary.
akhkhala, ij. {joy, surprise); i-kri,
^ f t d ! a-kopi-ta,/. evenness of temper. ^f^f?T'^a-kshamin, a. pitiless.
a-ga, m. tree; mountain, [greet kindly.
'^qTl'il^ a-kausala, n. inexperience, help- a-kshaya, a. imperishable ; - t v a , n.
ness,exemption from decay; -loka, m. heaven. ^f *l U j a - g a m - a y - a t , pr. pt. disregarding;
akta, pp. of </ag and */ arig. [lessness. -i-tva,gd. id. [comebackJemusedisregarded.
1.a-kshayyd, fp. undecaying, inde-
"^T^f ak-tu, m. ointment; light, r a y ; clear frigid a - ganita - pratiyata, pp.
structible, inexhaustible.
night: in. pi. by night,
2.a-kshayya,n.water accompanied by a-ganeya, fp. innumerable.
akna, pp. of Vak. a wish that it may never fail; - ndaka, n. id.
^RPSS a-gareya, id.; -ta, / . abst. N.
VflR i . i-kra, a. inactive, indolent. ^Sr^JT a-kshdra, a. imperishable ; n. word, ^[TfTT a-gati,/. no way, impossibility; a. not
^Hfi 2. ak-ra, m. banner. [0/ \/kri. syllable, the sacred syllable (om); sound, going; helpless, unhappy; - t s t a n d - s t i l l .
letter; document, epistle; the supreme deity;
"^sfirl akrata, , V. 2 & 3 pi. impf. -iyutaka, n. supplying an omitted syllable a-gati-ka, a. having no resource
II sfi r| a-kratti,a.powerless; senseless, [flesh. (a game); -MAandas, n. syllabic metre; left; & gratl,f. very last resource.
- m a l a , / , wreath of letters (written byfate on ^ P i ^ a-gada, m. health; a. (-da) healthy,
a-kravyaad, -da, a. not eating the forehead), i-ka, f . id.; -var^ita, pp.
illiterate; -vinyasa, m. writing; -hiksha,/. well; wholesome; n. medicine, esp. antidote.
a-kri-ya-m&rea, pr. pt. ps. not
alphabet. ^ T f ^ f T a-gadita, pp. unasked. £ Vgam.
being done. aksha-vati,/. game of dice; -s&tra, ^ P l ^ a - g a n , V. 2. 3 s., £-ganma, 1 pi. aor. of
^ f W a - k r i y a , / . omission to do (g.). n. rosary; -hridaya, n. secret of dice,
a-kriy&-ka,a.inactive,immovable. a-gandhd, a. scentless,
^ i f r t a-kshanti,/. malevolence, envy.
a-gama, a. immovable ; m. tree.
^T^PC a-krfira, a.not harsh, tender, gentle; • ^ ^ K ' J i q t y a-kshara-lava«a, n. what is not
-pariv&ra, a. having gentle attendants. pungent and salt; ^asin, a. abstaining from ^ p n y &,-gamya,/p.inaccessible; that should
seasoned and salted food. not be approached; unintelligible; unsuitable.
^ J ^ t V a-krodha, m. freedom from anger;
a. not given to anger; -na, a. id. a-kshalita, pp. unwashed. agamya-r6pa, a. hard to traverse.
a-klish£a, pp. not worn out, fresh. W ^ a k s h a a v a l i , / . rosary^ ^ T T R T T ' W T agamya agamana, n. illicit in-
tercourse ; i-ya, a. consisting in - .
^ S f i r e ^ r n ; aklishfa-ktra, m. indefatigable ^ akshi, n. eye : a, f i.
activity; -karin, a. indefatigable. -iN a-garva, a. free from pride, humble.
akshi-kii/a, n. edge of the eye-
a-kliba, a. manly; - t a , / . manliness. socket. [eyes; being an eye-sore, •^PTfifcT a-garhita, pp. not blamed, not de-
spised ; blameless, irreproachable.
a - k l e d y a , ^ . not to be moistened. akshi-gata, pp. being before the
IHTf^r agfeti,m. = Ag^lstya.
a-klesa, m. no hardship, ease: ab. K f W r l d-kshita, pp. intact; imperishable.
without trouble. aksbi-pdt, ad. a very little.
^RI^ST agastya, m. N. of a Vedic RisAi.
^ A K S H , reach: jjp.asWa. nls,unman. h a-ga-smahi, V.ipl.aor.A. o/v'gam.
W f t akshi, f . eye. [weight.
J*A a g a a g r a , n. mountain-top, peak.
^ n f 1. aksha, m. die for playing. (|| ^-kshiwa, pp. not waning; not losing
w r a r s r r agaatma^a, / . N. of Parvati.
2. ^ksha, m. axle; bone of the temples. •Sf^tfrrWa-kshiya-mSraa.pr.p^. imperish-
able; inexhaustible. a-g8,dha, a. unfathomable; very
^T^f 3' aksha, m. n. organ of sense: - ° =
deep, profound; -^ala, n. very deep water.
K aksM, eye. [a gambler. W ^ W a-kshura»a, pp. uninjured ; not trite,
new, peculiar; uninterrupted, lasting; -ta,/. I ^J^rfWT agadha-rudhira,re.torrents of
4. aksha, m. N.; -kshaparaa, -ka,m. N. of untroddenness (of a road). [siderable. "^rTTT agSra, (m.) n. house. [blood.
aksha-^raa, a. skilled in dice. ^J^S^ a-kshudra, a. not insignificant, con- ^JTTT^Tf^t.agS.ra-dS.hin, a. incendiary,
^ ^ a k s h a n - v £ t , a. possessed of eyes. a-kshetra, n. untilled soil; a. unculti- a-guna, m. lack of virtue, demerit,
^TWf^cik-sh-at, 3 s. sbj. aor. of y a s , obtain. vated. [ted region, very uninhabitable region. defect; fault, vice; a. void of qualities ;
i n f t T d-kshata 3 pp. uninjured; unscathed: ' a l ^ H d ^ ^kshetra-tara, n. quite uncultiva- worthless, vicious.
^JJUI^ a-guraa-^na. ankavatara.

HJjH! ^J a-guna-gna, a.ignoring merit; -vat, agni-sikha, a. fire-pointed (ar- ^ n r ^ T T agra-hSra, m. land-grant to Brdh-
a. void of merit, bad; -sila, a. of bad dispo- row); m.N.\ n. saffron; / . flame of fire. ^Snrr^f^agrajikshan,n.8ide-glance. [mans.
sition, worthless. t5| fa agni-suddhi,/.purification by fire;
W T ' T N l agraanika, n. van (of an army).
rsjiijfiij^a-gunin, a. devoid of merit. -stlsrushfl.,/. careful tending of the sacred fire;
-sesba, m. remains of fire. W W f t f ^ a-gratnya-bhogfin, a. eating
"^PJT^t^rTa -guni-bhfita,£/?.notbecome sub- no food prepared in the village. [(ai.).
f q g?^ agni-shfut, m. N. of a (Soma) sacri-
'^IJ^a-gupta,^.unguarded, [ordinate^/-.). fice; -slifoma, m. (praise of Agni), liturgi- W n p T a g r a ^ a s a n a , a. eating in presence of
^SPp^ a-guru, a. not heavy, l i g h t ; m. n. cal rite in the Soma sacrifice; -shth&, f . ^RTTff^a-gr&hin, a. not taking (leech).
aloe-wood. [ed by one's teacher. corner of a stake facing the fire; -shvatta,
pp. consumed by fire; m. pi. certain Manes. ^ R T n T a - g r % a , / p . n o t to be grasped; im-
a-guru-pra-yukta,/?^.not direct- perceptible, incomprehensible; not to be ap-
^ f f ^ T O ^ n X agni-samskara, m. sacrament proved. [(of sequence in writing or speaking).
1 aguru-s&ra, m. resin of the aloe.
of fire; -samfcaya, m. great fire; -saksMka, agr-i-ma, a. leading, first; following
TMJJ^ a-grtdhnu, a. liberal. [grasped. a. having Agni for a witness.
<3Tftreagr-i-yii, a. foremost, best; firstborn;
a-grihita, pp. not seized, not ^ r f W r f T agni-s§,t-kn, burn.
n. what is best. [fingers.
a-grihwat, pr. pt. not seizing ; not ^ f W r f l H : agni-svSmin, m. N. ^T^J £gru, a. (vL) single, unmarried; / . pi.
taking (leech).
W f ^ f a agni-hotr^, n. fire-sacrifice: ^ J f agre-g^i, a. going in front; a. id.;
^^TIT i-grihj&, fp. inconceivable. daily offering of milk morning and evening.
-gn, a. moving forward.
^a-go-fcara, m.whatisbeyondreach: ^ f a f f a 2. agnl-hotra,£i. sacrificing to Agni.
in. behind the back of (ff.); a. beyond the ^ f ^ f a S agre-didhishu, m. man united
ken of (g., : vaAam. -, indescribable. ^ (m ^ ^ <lH agni-hotra-hdvawi, / . ladle in first marriage with a widow; /. (u) younger
used in the fire-sacrifice. sister married before her elder sister.
-gopa, a. without a herdsman.
^ r f r f ^ l a g n i - h o t r i n , a. offering the fire- ^rcfaT agre-pa, a. drinking first; -pu, a. id.
^Spftm^T a-go-pila, a.id.; m. no herdsman. sacrifice, maintaining the sacred fire.
^filWK agre-sara, a. (1) going before.
^-go-rudha, a. admitting cows. ""M^'R agnijndrd, m. du. Agni and Indra.
•qijt| agr-y^, a. foremost, best (of, g.,-°); dis-
^ n h W ^-gohya, J^.not to be hidden (ep. of agnyndhana, n. kindling the sa- tinguished in (Ic.). [Mshl, / . chief consort.
cred fire.
^JM agn&yi, / . Agni's wife. [the sun). M^agrya-tapas,m.N.ofasagej -ma-
agni-shoma, m. du. Agni & Soma.
^ { M ag-ni, j». fire; conflagration; <7oc?Agni. ^ ^ T a g h - i , n. mischief; guilt; misdeed,wick-
agni-karaa, m. spark of fire. ^I^n^n+l+j^d agni-shoma-bhQta, pp. being edness ; impurity; pain. [pp. ill put together,
Agni and Soma. [Agni and Soma. a-gharita, pp. impossible; -grhartta,
agni-karm£n, n. = agni-kriya.
^SraY^fofter agni-shomiya, a. relating to ^Uj agha-marshana, a.forgiving sins;
W R r ^ r n ? agni-k&rya, n. making the sacred
agnau-karawa, n. burnt offering. 7i. kind of prayer; TO. N. of a Vedic RisM :
fire; prayers repeated in so doing. pi. his descendants. [m. moon.
^ f f a j ' ^ S agni-kurada, m. brazier of fire; ^ n ^ T T T X agni agara, m. place for sacred a-gharma, a. not hot, cool; -dh&man,
hole in the ground for sacred fire. fire ; -adhana, n. setting up the sacred fire;
-Jidli6ya, n. id.; -^ahita, (pp.) m. one who • s y y f c j ^ l d o h ^ agha-vighata-kartri, m. who
agni-ketu, a. fire-betokened. has set up the sacred fire ; -jits&din, a. let- destroys sin ; -vinasin, a. id. [malevolent.
^ r f q f w agni-kriya,/. attendance on the ting out the sacred fire.
•^IMui^I agha-samsa, a. intent on mischief,
sacred fire. [within. dg-ra, n. front; beginning; point, tip,
top, main thing: -m, before (g.,-°); in.before ^ n t f ^ a g b a - s a m s i n , a.confessing guilt.
agni-garbha, a. containing fire
(ac.)\ Ic. before, in presence of (g.,-°); in the
W r ^ aghayu, a. mischievous, malevolent.
agni-griha, n. sacred fireplace; beginning, at first, in the first place; after
-Aaya, m., - i a y a n a , n. heaping up the fire- (ab.): - bhu, come forward. a-ghn'«a, «. pitiless. [passionate.
altar ; -Ht, a. keeping up the fire-altar; •^njcR^agra-kara, m. finger; first ray; -gra,
-(yihva, a, fire-tongued; -gvalita-te^ana, a. ^ " t a-ghrmin, a.not soft, not too com-
a. going in front; going through the end of
having a point blazing with fire. (-°); -ganya,/p. to be accounted the first of ova,, a. not terrible, [of Devi.
K f W I H agni-traya, n. the three sacred fires; (g.); -ga., a. firstborn; m. elder brother; WWtX^H!? aghora-ghaw^a, m. N. of devotees
-tret&,/. id.; -tva, n. fiery state ; -da, a. in- -^anman, m. Brahman. [foremost.
cendiary ; -dag-dha, pp. burnt with fire; m. •%(^fid-ghn-at,pr.^/.not killing,not injuring.
agra-wi, a. (nm. m. -s, n. i) leading;
pi. Jcind of Manes; -datta, m. N. of a Brdh- ^JjEZf ^ghnya (also -ya),TO.bull; a , / , cow.
man : / . a, N.; -dipta, pp. blazing with fire. n d^agra-tds,ad. in front,forward; atthe
head ,i n th e beginning, first of all; - kri, place i n •^fWii a-ghreya,/p. not to be smelt.
agm-dQta, a. having A g n i for a
front; prp. before, in presence of (g.). [front. ^ ^ a-n, aor. suffix -a (in a-gam-a-t); kn't-
messenger, brought by Agni.
•^RTtftX^T agrato-ratha,a.whose chariot is in suffix -a (in bhid-a, &c.).
"^rf^ry agnidh, m. fire-kindler; fire-priest.
agra-nakha, m.w.tip of thenail; ^T^" ank-£, m. bend, hook; flank, lap, side;
agni-pakva, pp. cooked with fire ; s i k a , / . tip of the nose, - beak; -payodhara, proximity; embrace, hug; mark,sign,brand;
-parlkriy&, / . care of sacred fire; -paxl- m. teat; -pada, m. toe; - p u g k , f . precedence; act (of a play); -karawa, n. branding.
MAada, m. utensils for fire-sacrifice; -parisb- -bindu, m. first drop; -bhagra, m. upper part,
kriy&,/. care of the sacred fire; -purawa, ank-ana, n. branding (also fig.).
point, top; -bhumi, /. top storey; highest
n. N. of a Purarta; -purogama, a. preceded aiika-pata, m. account, enumera-
aim ; -mab.ish.1, /. chief consort of a king ;
by Agni; -prad&na, n. consigning to the - y i y l n , a. going before; best of -vira, tion ; -bandha, m. impress of a brand; -bha^,
flames; -pravesa,TO.voluntary death by fire: m. chief hero, champion. a. falling to one's (lap =) share; -bhrit, a. hold-
-na, n. id. ing in the lap; -mukha, n. plot of a play.
^ R H J ^ agra-sds, ad. from the beginning.
^rf^Ty agni-bhu, n. water; -mat, a. keeping <4 ank-aya, den. P . mark, brand: pp.
up the sacred fire; - m i t r a , m. N. of a king. • ^ W ^ n agra-samdhya, / . dawn.
ankita, marked, branded.
^ fa fa •^Tagnim-indha, m.fire-kindler, kind W i r o X agra-sara, a. going before; -ta, / .
^ f f T O anka-lakshana, n. mark, brand,
of priest, later agnidh.
^RT^ a-graha, m. no planet, [precedence. dnk-as, n. bend.
agni-mukha, m. Fire-mouth, N. of
^T^T^TJT a-graharaa, n. non-taking; a. not
a bug ; -varna, a. of the colour of fire; red-
specified. [phant's trunk. ^ r ^ T ^ f T T T aiikaavatara, m., -na, n.
hot ; -vel&,/. time of kindling the sacred fire; transition to another act, preparation of spec-
afternoon ; -Parana, n. sacred fireplace. ^ R T ^ i agra-hasta, m. finger; tip of ele- tators for next act.
^ ankasya. W c T a-Ayuta.

- = S | | a i i k a a s y a , n. concluding scene "^TffTT Angara, m.Jn.) coal; stain ; planet ^ R T ^ a - i a w r f a j f l . not impetuous,measured.
which prepares for the next act. Mars; -nikara, m. heap of coals. a-Aandana, a. without sanda'. oint-
^ ank-ura, m. shoot, sprout; grass. WjfTT^fi angara-ka.m.coal; N. ofanAsura; W S X a-fcara, a. immovable. [ment.
-kaxmaanta, m. charcoal-kiln.
^ijjankurana, n. shootingup,sprouting. angara-karaka, m. charcoal- a-A;arama, a. not the last; best.
burner ; -<?ivik&,/. business in which coal is W T O : aAarama-vayas, n. youth.
•sJI^' ankuraya,® ^ | «|-rlya ,den A .sprout,
used; - v a t i , / . N.; -vara, m. Tuesday.
a-/carita, n. abstention from food.
q a f i k u r a - v a t , a. having shoots. | R i . a n g a r i n , a. just left by the sun.
^I^^f a-fcala, a. immovable ; m. mountain.
^ST^ffXrT ankurita, pp. sprouted, having -*F$}"Vang-ln, a.having members ; having
^ T ^ t T aiala-datta, m. N. of a scribe.
6prouts; combined with (in.). [remedy. all members; - resources; m. living being.
^ • s f ^ * ! a-A:alana, n. immovableness ; per-
•sK^'itJ ankus£, m. hook, g o a d ; stimulus ; ^ £tng-ira,°^-s, m. messenger between
gods and men (Agni being the chief of them); sistence in (ab.); /. &, earth.
^ f ^ f t p ^ a n k u s i n , a. hooked, attractive. N. of a RisAi; a star in the Great Bear: pi. N. ^ R y f ^ X a^ala-pura, n. N. of a town.
of the Atharva-veda and of a family of seers.
a/tala.indra, m. Himalaya.
V ^ U l ^ anke-saya, a. lying sitting on the
angi-karawa, n. concession; ac-
^ \ aAala isvara, m. id.
aiikte, 3 s. A. of V&ng. [lap. angi-kara, m. id. [quiescence. a-7iapalya,n.discretion, steadiness.
•^T^f ankya,/p. to be marked, - branded,
^ t e r angi-kri, P . make one's own, sub-
ankh^ya, X . P.mingle. pari, A. em- ^ f ^ f ^ p f N r a-iikitsaniy a,^.incurable.
ject; submit to, assent to; promise; concede,
brace. admit (ac.); cs. induce to agree to (ac., ab.). a-Mt, a. foolish.
^ ^ • A N G , I . P . g o . p&li (=pari),cs. angra- angiiri, f . finger; toe. SL-Mtta,, pp. unnoticed, unseen.
^ ya, stir: ps. revolve.
anguriyaka, n. finger-ring. - i i t t i , f . lack of wisdom, folly,
1. ang£, pel. 1. emphatic: just, o n l y ;
especially; 2. exhortative: w.voc.orimpv.; 3. angula, m. n. breadth of the thumb a-^itra, a. dark; n. darkness.
intr.: Wm anga, how much more ? [country. (a«a measure = ^ hast a); -ka, a. measuring H t ^ i f R ^ T a-7cintaniya, fp. not to be
2. £nga, m.pl. N. of a people and their (so many) finger-breadths thought of; inconceivable.
3.£ng-a, n.(a.-°f. 1) limb,member,part, - W ^ f a anguli, f . finger; toe. ^ r f w r &-kmtk, f . thoughtlessness, dis-
membrum virile; body; constituent; secon- regard ; absence of brooding.
^T^f^TWT anguli-ka, / . kind of ant.
dary part; supplement (esp. the six of the
a-fcintita, pp. unexpected,
Veda); resource ; base (gr.); -ka, n. member, ^ f ^ f ^ T ^ anguli-tra, n. {bowman s) finger-
part; body. a-fcintya,^?. inconceivable.
guard ; -trana, n. id.
W ^ I W r anga-kriya,/. anointing thebody. anguli-parvan, n. finger-joint; ^ r f ^ T a-/cira, a. brief, short, Momentary:
anga-glani,/. bodily languor. -m, ad. a short time ago; shortly; at short
-prawe^rana, n. water for washing the fingavs; inteiVals, repeatedly: in., ab. without delay,
aiiga-t/a, a. produced in, on or from -mukha, n. finger-tip; -mudra,/. seal-ring;
soon: often with present =future.
the body, bodily; -grata, m. son : pi. children. -splioiana, n. cracking the fingers.
^ V ^ f f l aA;ira-dyuti,/. lightning ; -pra-
^ • U J ang-ana, n. court. a n g u l i , / . finger; t o e ; -mudra,,/.
bha,-blias,-rofcis,-amsu,^jifchk,f.id. [ried.
^Sf^^T anga-tva, n. abst. N.from 3. £nga. finger-mark. [id.; -mtidraka, /. seal-ring.
^ T f ^ W r afeiraArfAa,/. woman newly mar-
anga-da, m. N. j n. bracelet (on the afiguliya, n. finger-ring ; -ka, n.
a-^etana, a. senseless; unconscious,
upper aim); -dvipa, m.N.ofa cosmic island. anguliagr^, n. finger-tip: -nakha^ inanimate; thoughtless; -t&,/. -ness.
afxg-ana, n. court.
m. tip of finger-nail. a-ketis, a. senseless, foolish; un-
^ T T angana,/. woman ; female (animal). angu-sh^a, m. thumb; breadth of the conscious. [less.
I f ^C^l*! anga-bandhana, n. catching, thumb (as a measure); great toe. 'HlxltdcTa-Aetita, pp.disregarded; thought-
snaring; -tohaig-a, m. collapse of the body ;
TNJj'BM^*! aiigushf/ia-parvan, n. thumb- a-fteshfa, a. motionless: -m, ad. with-
-blra, in. son; -bheda, m. self-betrayal; self-
deception; -mudra, / . a position of the fingers. joint ; -matraka, a. of the size of a thumb ; out stirring ; - t k , f . -ness. [unconsciousness.
afigam-egfaya-tva, n. trembling -mula, n. root of the thumb. [thumb. a-&aitanya, n. lack of intelligence,
of the body. angushfA-ya, -q. pertaining to the •^peft^rVPI a-fcodya-mdna, pr.pt. ps. un-
afiga-yash<i. f . slender body. urged. [with ac. to, towards.
^nghri, m. f o o t ; root; -pa, m. tree.
• ^ ^ • f ^ q i anga-rakshaka, m. body-guard ; i.&kkhsL, ad. near at hand ; or prp.
-raksha, / . id.; -rag"a, m. powder, paint, ^ f r f i . A K, A NK, I. kTca, aȣa, bend;
^ T ^ 2. a/cfeAa, a. clear; bright, pure.
unguent; -ruha, a. growing on the body, n.
go; honour : pp. aw&ita, bent, curly; distin- a-MAanda, m.: in. against the will
hair on the body; hide; feather; -latika, / .
guished, extraordinary: -m, ad. carefully; cs.
slender body; -vat, a. possessed of limbs. of (g-)', ab. involuntarily.
a»&aya, P. produce, cause, anu, follow, - one
^ r ^ l ^ M l f u i * ^ anga-v&k-parai-mat, a. another, ava, sink: pp. sunk. bend : gd. ^ I ^ ^ f a,-kkh&]&, n. no deception, truth.
endowed with body, speech, and hands. Sk&ya: pp. akna. ud, draw up: pp. ud-akta;
utter, sound, v i u d , cs. raise up. sam-ud, W^T^ &kkhfi&kkh&, a. perfectly clear or
•^^•fqcnl^ anga-vikara, m. bodily defect; raise up: pp.-akta. ni,bend down; sink,hang transparent.
-vidya., / . palmistry; -vyatha,/ 1 . bodily pain; down, pari, turn round, vi, bend asunder; £-hhhkr\t&, 2 pi. impf. of V2. kh&A.
-samskara, m. adornment of the person; spread out. sam, press together.
-sam-a-khyayam, abs. naming the limbs; ^ a - f t A ; A i d r a , a. intact; uninterrupted;
-spar«a, m. bodily contact,with (saha); -ha- 2. ak, grammatical term for vowel.
faultless: -m, in., ad. uninterruptedly, from
ra, m. gesticulation; -hina, pp. deficient in a sx.-a, as krit expressing the agent. beginning to end.
limb: -tva, n. want of a limb.
^Trf^KT a-fcakita, pp. not tottering, firm. ^HpOjfl £-kkhinna, pp. not cut off; intact.
angaangi, ind. limbs and body,
reciprocally; -bliava, m. reciprocal relation of W ^ W a-fcakshur-vishaya, a. beyond ^ T ^ r a#fcAedya,/p. not to be cut o f f ; in-
limbs and body, - of whole & parts &c. [body. eye-shot; m.what is beyond thereach ofvision. divisible. [epithet of Vish»u.
^ p T R j j ? angaanuk^la, a. pleasant to the ^ a - f t a k s h u s , a. eyeless, blind. ^-fcyuta, pp. firm, imperishable ; m.
^ a g . •^dVsHfxId a-tathoX-ita.
smear, axxu, abhi, anoint, smear, a, anoint,
A G , I. P. ( A . ) drive. adhi, drive W f W * T R < f t ajina-vati, f . N. of a fairy.
ni, hide among (antar). vi, beautify; mani-
x up. apa,-away.^ava, -down, a , - u p . fest, display: pp. vyakta, manifest, distinct,
^PC agr-ir^, a. mobile, rapid: -m, ad.; n.
ud, - out. upa, - up; A . drive up for oneself. clear: -m, ad. distinctly, certainly; cs. show,
court; battle-field. [honest.
^ T i. a<?-5, m. herding; drover; he-goat. abhi-vi, display: ps. be displayed, appear,
^ ( f a t K a-^ihma, a. not crooked, straight; sam, anoint; aidorn; unite with (in.).
WW 2. a-gfa, a. unborn, existing from the
Wf^T^TT a^ihma-ga, a. going straight for- ^ g f l a % - a n a , n . a n o i n t i n g ; ointment; col-
bg.; m. the Unborn, the Eternal One; (C.)N.
ward; m. arrow. [awakened. lyrium (for blackening eyelashes), antimony;
o/Brahma,Vishnu, and Siva; kind ofgrain (by
- g i r i , -parvata, m. N. of a mtn.; -turna,
WW 3. a;/-a, the >Jag. [a forced explanation). WWY®TT a-r/igar, V. 3 s. aor. cs. of \/gri, has n. pulverised antimony; -vn'ksba, m. kind
aj/a-gara, m. large snake, boa. ayigarta, m. N. of Sunahsepa's of tree: -daru-maya, a. made of the wood of

•^l^ltl &-gita,pp. uninjured, fresh, [father. ^T^TTcR ang'ana-kajn.collyrium. [this tree.

W 3 R W T agra-gala-stana, m. dew-lap on
the neck of the goat. W t f T T & -giti,f. scathelessness, safety. ^^ a%ana-vat, ad. like collyrium.
WW^RT a-gfaghanya,or. not the last; not the a%ali, m. the two open hands held
a-grima,^jj.not growing old; n. indi- together hollowed: -m kri, raise - to the
worst, i. e. the most excellent. [mind.
W W V f i f ' ^ a g i m i n , a. dyspeptic, [gestion. forehead (as a reverential salutation); two
W^R? n-gada, a. not half-witted, of sound handfuls (as a measure); -karman, a. folding
a-granA, a. solitary; n. desert place. a-srirti,/. indigestion, the hands (in salutation); -pata, m. id.
W S P f f ' T a-</anani;/. deprivation of birth (in ^a-f/iva, a, lifeless, [maintain oneself, I f an^ali-kn j o i n the hollowed hands.
imprecations). [public gaze. a-grivat, pr.pt. not living; unable to n. ointment: ac. ad. quickly,
W W T n f f a l a-^anajigriya, a. unexposed to forthwith ; in. straightway, at once; in truth.
WWtf^cT a-grxvita, n. not living, death.
n- cessation of re-birth. ^r^n^pST angah-sawi, m. accelerated extrac-
a-^ugupsita, pp. blameless. tion of the Soma juice. [colour, ornament.
a.7a-pa, -pala, m. goat-herd.
W^JT a-</ur,a. not growing old, imperishable, ^ f l f T a % - i , a.anointing ; m.f.n. ointment;
a^a-mayu, a. bleating like a goat.
a-^ur-y^, a. ( f . -ya or -i) id. 1. AT, I . P. roam about, wander
a-grayya,/p. unconquerable. through, pari, id.
^ ^ S £-<7ushta, pp. unpleasant; gloomy.
W W C a-j7dia, a.not aging, everyoung; m.pl. ^ l i 2. at, grammatical designation for all the
the flames of Agni. \ W%*T a-^eya, fp. unconquerable. vowels + h, y, v, r.
a-^&at, pr. pt. not growing old. a^aekapSd, m. N. of one of the ^ ^ 3. a-t, augment a-.
W U ^ f a;/a-ra;/a, m. N. eleven Rudras & of Vishwu.
H d ' l a^-ana, n. wandering, gadding about.
W W C T T ^ ^ a^araamara-tva, n. everlast- "^T^cfl I aggwkt, f . courtesan (in a play).
•^Idf^ a^ani, -ni,/. notched end of a bow.
ing youth and immortality; -vat, ad. as if un-
W ^ a-gna, a. ignorant; senseless (animals ^ af-avi, / . forest; -bala, n. force of
decay inland immortal. [friendship.
* & things) ; stupid, foolish, inexperienced.
W W ^ a-garyi, a. not growing % old; n. foresters.
W n af/na-tS, f . ignorance, stupidity.
a-^alpat, pr. pt. not saying. "Hg atta, m. room on a house-top ; tower.
^CSjTfT^H/wata, pp. unknown, unrecognised:
af/a-vithij f . goat-path (part of -m, ad. without the knowledge of (g.); -kula- ^ a ^a-hasa,m. loud laughter; -h4sya,
the moon's orbit). sila, a. whose family and character are un- ai/alaka, m. watch-tower, [n. id.
known ; -bhukta,pp. eaten unawares; -vasa, | af-ya,/. wandering about.
WWW d-s»asra, a. untiring, ever fresh : -m,
m. unknown abode; a. whose abode is un-
continually, ever, in. id., with neg. = never. known : -m, ad. unknown, incognito. ^ITff 1. an, grammatical designation of the
W W W O T a-f/ahal-lakshawa,/. ellipse not W 2. a-n, the taddhita suffix -a (cp. «-it).
^TWrfW a-^nati, m. no blood-relation.
abandoning the primary meaning, e. g. ' the
^ R n W T a-j/»ja-tva, gd. without knowing. WfWcK^ a-rai-kartri, m. subject of the non-
WWT agi&,f. goat. [grey (horse) runs.''
causal, i. e. of the simple verb (gr.).
WWTTT d-g&ta, a. not born, unborn. W R 1. a-^nlna, n. ignorance ; inadvert-
ence : ab. inadvertently ; non-intelligence : ' W R T T t ara-i-m£n, m. thinness, subtilty.
a-.7ata-paksha, a. unfledged ; name of primeval matter as the ultimatemate- WfWW ara-ish^a, spv. of a«u.
-ra^as, a. pollenless; not yet menstruating; rial cause; a. ignorant, foolish, inexperienced.
-lomni,/. a. whose hair has not yet grown, ^n-iyas, cpv. of anu.
immature; -vyadf/ana, a. beardless; -satru, •^TWTTcT^ a-grnSna-tas, ad. unwittingly.
arau, a. minute, subtile, delicate ; m.
a. having no enemy (as a match); m. N. of a-[/nanaartha, a. not having the atom; -tva, n. minuteness; atomic nature;
Yudhi shi/iira. meaning ' knowledge.' -matrika, a. composed of atoms; -muklia,
W T c T T f T a - ^ t a a r i , m.N. of Yudhish^ira. ^"S! It^^wSs, a. without kin. [nised. a. small-mouthed.
-g&tif. spurious or bad ware. [(ac.). a,-gneya,,fp. not to be known or recog- anda, n. egg ; testicle ; -ka, «. bird's
egg; -ko^a, m.mundane egg, universe; -gata,
WWT^Tc^a-^a-n-atj^jr./j/. unacquainted with • ^ J T ag-ma, m. road; course; train; -n, n. id. a. being in the egg; -g&, a. egg-born; Jw.bird;
d-</£mi, a. unconsanguineous; n. a-^yani, f . intactness, safety. -bbedana, n. breaking the (egg = ) ice.
incest. [ n . s. id.
a-gyeshtha, a. not the eldest: pi. of a-wijinta, a. not ending in the cs.
a^aavf,m.pl. sheep and goats; -ka, suffix i ( = aya).
whom none is the eldest; not the best; -vritti,
^TWT^ a^aasva, n. goats and horses. a. not behaving as an elder brother. aravi,/. (of dnu) finger,
WtW^Tfa a-r/igisha, a. free from ambition, "^RI acr-ra, m. pasture, field, plain. f j x. A T , I. ata, go, wander, roam.
a-f/ita, pp. unconquered. [trolled. ^ T ^ r . A NK, v. ^ 1. AfC. •'Sjc^ 2. a - t , = short a (gr.):
WfadldH 2. -ank, a. g o i n g - , -ward (- 0 ). a-ta/a, m. precipice, abyss.
a^rita atman, a. un-self-con- •^TW^f anA-ala, m. border, hem ; corner. "^ff Tcj a-tattva, n. unreality: -tas, ad. not in
a<yitaapida, m. N. of a king. reality; -gn&, a. not knowing the truth.
WW anfe-u, gr. term for
WfWTtf'S^T a-grita^indriya, a. whose senses ^TrFTT a-tat-para, a. not intent on that.
ANG, V I I . anakti, ankt6, anoint,
are unsubdued. s smear, (A. refl.); adorn: A. adorn oneself a-tathaji^ita, pp. not accus-
Hfa «1 a^fna, n. hide; leathern purse; -ratna,
with (ac.); _onour, celebrate; display; cs. tomed to such treatment; unused to (g.).
n. treasure of a ( = magic) purse.
6 ^HfW a-tathya. ^ifdMJl ati-prage.

^TrTSEJ a-tathya, a. untrue, false, unreal. •^fTT^ a-tin, a. having no tin (gr.). ^ ^ f f ^ T ^ M ati-durdharsha, a. too difficult
tJHT^ a-tanu, a. not small, great; m. K&ma; ^ r f ^ J T ati-datura, a. extremely swift, of approach; very hard to conquer.
^f atanu-bala,a.strong, [sexual love. • i l f d ^ | M«^|ati-^apalya,M.extreme mobility. ^ r f t ^ T ati-durbala, a. very weak ; very

ati-feara, m. transgression, viola- wretched; -tk, f. excessive weakness,

^ H T ^ n ' a-tandri-ta, pp., a. un-
tion ; -£arin, a. transgressing. [ways, ^ f f l ^ t l d ^ a t i - d u r m a n a s , a. very dejected.
wearied, undaunted, active. - O f F I ^ d | ^£(4-1 tdati-durman^ya-mina,pr.
"3MMH.a-tapas, a. not practising penances; ^l^ati-fcitram, ad. in very manifold pt. grieving excessively.
^ r f f ^ ^ l a-tamisra, a. not dark, [ - k a , a. id. ^fdU ati-feiram, ad. too long.
^ f r l ^ ^ ati-durvaha, a. very hard to bear;
U r T V ^ I 4 ! a-taru-MAaya, a. devoid of tree- ^ifaR ati-Hrasya, ad. (g.) for a very -tva, n. abst. n. [behaved.
shade. [expected. long time. [(14) metres. ^Srf^^^rT ati-dur-vritta, pp. very badly
WfTt^fT a-tarkita, pp. not thought of, un- ati-MAandas,/. N. of certain c( ati-duA-srava, a.veryunpleasant
to hear. [ficult.
^Mdf^l.a-tarkin, a. inconsiderate, hasty. ati-^agati, / . a metre ( 4 x 1 3
syllables). ati-dushkara,a. exceedingly dif-
a-tarkya, fp. inconceivable.
• ^ f d ^ l d T ati-^afAara, a.very hard; very old. ^ r f T f ^ ^ I T ati-dustara, a. very hard to cross.
a-tala, n. N. of a hell (bottomless).
H d ati-gana,».strange place,deserted - . ati-dtoa, a. very long, too distant;
^TfRC. ^-tas, ad. — ab. of idam, from this ;
thence; after this, next [esp. with ftrdhvam ^ f a o | c | ati-^ava, m. extreme rapidity; -na, -tva, n. great distance; - v a r t i n , a. too far
and param), then ; hence, therefore. a. extremely swift: - t a , / . great haste. off for (g.). [logical conclusion.
ati-^ata, pp. born with superior ati-desa, ?ra.extensionto(^r.); ana-
^frlTrM^ f c f ^ a-tatparya-vid,a. ignorant of
the true meaning, merits, [scious of victory; (i)-ta,/. abst. N. ^ i f W ^ i ati-dvaya, a. (1) unequalled.
^rfw ati, ad. over, beyond (vbl. px.); ex- WfWfW(TcfiTftr*l. ati-j/ita-kasin, a. too con- ^f?I\|^^Tati-dhavala, a.very white, [bles).
ceedingly, very, too, transcending (°-); prp. ati-pirma-ta,/. extreme old age. ^ i f d ^ f f ? ati-dhnti, f . a metre (4 x 19 sylla-
with ac. over, beyond, more than.
ati-givan-mrita-ka, a. more
^ r f l T O t T a t i - k a f A o r a , a.very rough (wind). ^ r n t ^ a t i - n a s h ^ , « . e s c a p e d from danger.
dead thaiTalive.
ati-kala, a. very melodious. ati-ni/cnt, / . a metre.
fa < 1 M a t i - t a p a s v i n , a. very ascetic.
•"ilfaeft^*^ ati-kalyam, ad. too early in the Wf^if^T^fT^ ati-nibhn'tam, ad. with the ut-
^rfWrT^ ati-tara, (cpv.) ad. extremely
most secrecy.
• ^ n f i ^ r n i r 3ti-kalyawa, a. (1) ugly. [day. ^ f f T ^ I ati-taram, ad. exceedingly, very,
^ f f T f f ' T ^ W ati-nir-ghr»na, a. altogether
TR frTof, g ati-kash^a, a.very strict; worse than quite, absolutely; more than (ab.). - pitiless ; -daya, a. id.; -bandha, rn. excessive
^f fTRfiTrTTati-katara.a.•veryanxious. [(ab.). ^ f f a (11 d d ati-tanava, n. excessive leanness, urgency: - t a s , in. very urgently; -vartin,
a. behaving in a very unseemly way; - v a s u -
"^ifaejHj^H ati-kutilhala, n. great curiosity. ^ f a tlTfT*l, ati-tarin, a. conveying across. tva, n. extreme poverty. [cruel.
^ f a g » f « l d ati-kupita, pp. very angry. ^ f a f a ^ ati-titirshu, des. a. wishing to
^ T f ^ T O T ati-nish-karuna, a. extremely
^ f a ® ^ ati-kri&ftAra, m. a twelve days' get across. [lently.
^ r f ^ r f d ^ i , ati-nish^Aura, a. too rough, too
penance; -krita,pp.overdone; extraordinary; ^f^TrJ*^ ati-tud, a. striking lashing vio- hard. [enced.
-kWti, f . excess; -krishwa, a. very dark- ^ f d ^ f H ati-tnpti,/.excessive satiety, sur- ^ f ? T f w m ati-ni-shraata, pp. very experi-
coloured. [anvita, pp. very angry.
TSffa^m ati-trishwa, a. very thirsty, [feit.
HSjId^M ati-kopa, m, violent auger; -sam- ^ fa •Tl%^ati-nifeais, ad. too obsequiously.
^rffHJWT ati-tn'shna, / . excessive thirst;
•^rfWslvR ati-krama, m. overstepping; pass- ^ f ^ T S p E t ati-nmamsa, a. too spiteful or
ing by, lapse (time); variation; violation; - greed. [mighty; m. sun; -vin, a. id.
cruel. [tinuity.
transgression, offence; neglect; blunder. ati-te^ras, a. very brilliant, very ati-nairantarya, n. strict con-
^ r f ^ f T W ati-kr^mawa, n. overstepping ; ^tTT^tTCcT ati-tvarita, pp. precipitate.
passing by, lapse; neglect of (-°); offence. ^ f a M ( r l ati-patti, f . lapse (of time); un-
^ f a f « | it-ithi, TO. [wanderer], guest; - ° , a . suitableness. [wounded.
^ fa sfl tyl ati-kramaraiya, fp. avoidable; come to, arriving at; - t k , f , - t v a , n. abst.N.;
to be neglected. - k r i y a , / - hospitality; -dharma, TO. rights of ati-pari-kshata, pp. severely
f f l f + 1 ati-kramin, a. violating (— a guest; -dharmin, a. having the claims of ati-pari/faya, m. too great
a guest. familiarity.
^ fcl sfi I ati-kr&nta, pp. (<\/kram), passed
R i d^atithi n, a .wandering ; m.N.ofaK.
beyond; transgressed; diffuse, ^ t T R ^ r ati-parusha, a. very violent.
atithi-p%ana, n. honourable
•sulcispVi^ati-krudh,/• violent anger, reception of a guest; rsatkara, m. hospitality 4 j f a M l d ati-pata, m. falling beyond; lapse;
to a guest. [N. of a serpent. neglect. [missing, neglecting.
^ f a s j l i , ati-kr&ra, a. very terrible.
^fTTmfTPtati-patin, a. surpassing in speed;
^rfTlinT ati-klesa, m. excessive hardship. ^ f a * ^ ati^darpa, m. excessive arrogance;
•^ifjni ati-ga, a. piercing, going beyond, ^ fd <f ati-darpita, pp. taken great pride ^ f a M l ^ f a ^ c ^ a t i - p a d a - n i ^ n t , f . a metre.
surpassing, overcoming; transgressing (- 0 ). in. [burning a nature. ati-pi-naddha, pp. too closely
fastened. [lignant.
^rfTRPff^T ati-gambhira, a.very deep; un- ' ' S l f a ^ ^ l G H d l ati-dahanajltmaka, a. of too
fathomable (Jig.). [buy too dear, ^rfTT^TTJ ati-datn, a. too liberal. ^ f a f a ^ J T ati-pisuna, a.very base,very ma-

^ r f f t ' l O^^ati-gariyas,cpr.toodear: -a kri, ati-dana, n. too great liberality. ^ j f f t M l ^ d ati-pidana, n. severe pressure.
ati-gardha, m. excessive greed, ^f^T^TW ati-daha, m. violent burning. ati-punya, aTquite pure,-innocent.
ati-gahana, a. unfathomable, fa ^ti-dlrgha, a. very long, too long; ^ f f a ^ T ] ati-pQra, m. violent stream, - effu-
fa ati-guraa, a.excellent; -ta,/. abst. N. -kopanata,/. too long anger. [sad. ^ffWtJcf ati-pQrva, a. long past. [sion.
•Srf?PJTT ati-gupta, pp. well-concealed. ^ r f T T f t ^ T f ^ T atiduAkhaanvita, pp. too ^ f a M l ^ ^ ati-paurusha,a.extremely manly.
ati-guru, o. very weighty; weightier ati-duAkhita, pp. id. [verse.
^ i f a i T W I i l ati-prakasa, a. notorious; - t v a ,
ati-ghana, a.very dense. [than (ab.). ^ r f f T ^ n r ati-durgama, a. very hard to tra- n. -ness.
ati-ghora, a. very terrible. ati-dur^rana, m. great scoundrel. WfTTJRt ati-prage, ad. too early in the morn-
WfdJHU^ ati-pra&ararfa. WffreWT ati-sahasa.

M"®! ati-prafcanda, a. extremely vehe- W f d ^ I ati-ratra, a. kept during the night; W f f n p l l ati-sakra, a. surpassing Indra:
ment ; -pratyasaiiga, rn. too great proximit}'. m. form of the Soma sacrifice requiring three -sobhin, a. more beautiful than Indra.
ilfdM^^ati-prabandhajWi.uninterrupted- nocturnal recitations. W f T H I f i f t ati-sakvari,/. a metre ( 4 x 1 5
ness: ad. ceaselessly. •^fat^M ati-rush, a. enraged; -rutfAa,pp. syllables).
closely cohering: -tva, n. abst. x.; -rupa, a. d ati-safikita, pp.too much afraid
WfWM^^t ati-prabala, a. very powerful.
very beautiful; n. great beauty.
W f ? n T 3 a t i - s a ^ a , a.very deceitful. [of(a6.). .
W f d M ^ T S ! ati-pramana, a. of unusual size. ^ f d \ « f i ati-reka, m. excess, high degree.
W f d M ^ W ati-pra-yukta, pp. very usual; W f T T ^ t W r p T ati-ro7ramana, a. having still HtWST^r ati-saya, a. eminent; better than
-vritta.^.muchbusied with (in.); -vriddha, (ab.) ; m. eminence; excess, plenty: in. or
finer tufts of hair on the neck (horse), [ment. more, very; -na, a. (1) excellent; -vat,
pp. very aged; too haughty.
a. excessive.
ati-pravesa, m. obtrusiveness. ^ f d O H a d t f l ati-robita-tva, n. envelop-
^ f a ^ i f a d ati-sayita, pp. surpassed ; - t v a ,
ati- pra-sasta, pp .greatly praised; W f f R r f ^ T . a t i - l a n g h i n , a. overstepping. n. extraordinariness.
-s&nta, pp. completely allayed; -sakta, pp. WfWwfWcT ati-lalita, pp. extremely lovely.
ffl ati-sayin, a. excellent.
excessively attached.
Wf^T^pfcT ati-lubdha, pp. very greedy, very W f T n T ^ f f a T T ati-sayajupama, f . exagger-
W f T H m f f l l ati-prasakti,/. too great addic- avaricious : -ta, f . excessive greed; -lobba, ated simile.
tion, to (g.); -prasaiiga, m. id.; too wide ap- m. idr. - t a , / . id.
plication (of a gr. rule); excessive diffuseness; W f l n p p r ati-sastra, a. surpassing weapons.
-prastava, m. very suitable opportunity. - q f r i ^ f a ati-loma, a. excessively hairy;
ati-sata, a. causing great joy.
-lola, a. excessively wavering; -lohita, a.
WfTTHISlTT ati-prSkn'ta, a. very common, dark red: / . i n i ; -laulya, n. excessive greed: ^ f d UU fa't, ati-sayin, a. surpassing.
- illiterate; -pra»a-priya,a. dearer thanlife. -vat, a. too eager, very eager. ^ fa fa fa ati-sithila, a. too loose;-fickle.
u f a M a t i - p r i y a , a. very pleasant: in. ad.;
f d rti <?( ati-vatsala, a.very tender; -vart-
-praudAa-yauvana, a. in the prime of youth. ana, n. exemption, remission; -vartin, a. " ^ f d f a f a < ati-sisira, a. very cool.
W f T T ^ T ati-bala, a. extremely powerful; crossing; passing over; transgressing, neglect- ati-sighra, a. exceedingly swift.
/. N. of a spell; -balin, a. id.; -baliyas, cpv. ing ; -vallabha, a. very dear: -ta, / . , -tva, n.
abst. n.; -varsha,TO.n., -na, n. excessive rain. " ^ f d i f l d ati-sita, n. excessive cold.
much more powerful; -bahu, a. very much;
-bala, a. very young; -bibhatsa, a. very dis- i d ati-vata, m. violent wind ; - v a t - W f d ^ J ^ ati-suddha, pp. perfectly pure.
Wf?PT?Iati-bhaya,n.great danger, [gusting. salya, n. extreme tenderness; -vada, m. hard WfTT^X ati-slra, m. too great a hero.
word, insult; -vahya, n. passing (the night).
ati-bhara, m. excessive burden. W f d ^ i f W ati-«aufea, n. too great cleanliness.
Wf^rf^TTlf ati-vigarhya,/p. very blame- "5&I fa ati-srama,wi. great fatigue; -sllshfa,
WfTpffaPST ati-bhishawa, a.
worthy. pp. firmly attached, firmly united.
WfTT^ati-bhti, a. surpallffl^nTr Wfd fa *A f^^ati-vigrahin, a. too bellicose. W f W ^ i ^ ati-ghk^nd, / . overstepping.
W f ^ j f ' T ati-bhtimi,/. acme, high degree, " W f a f a d ^ ati-vitatha, a. quite useless;
"4|fd8<\ ^-tishMat, pr. pt. not remaining
ati-bhfiri, a. very much -vak, a. excessively mendacious. standing, not resting; withdrawingfrom(Ic.).
W l d ^ f ^ a t i - b h / i t , a. heavily burdened. " ^ f a f a ^ j i . ati-vi^.hura, a. very wretched. ati-sakti,/. great nearness of, ex-
W f ^ W X ^ ati-bhairava, a. very terrible. W f T r f W T E T ati-viparyaya, m. great perver- treme attachment to (in.); -mat, a. too much
sity ; -vipina, a. very well wooded; -vipra- attached to (Ic.).
W f f T T ^ ^ f ati-ma%ula,a. extremely lovely. karsha, m. excessive distance; - v i m a n a s , •^tldtlfal ati-sakhi, m. great friend.
WfTWfTWftati-matimatjfl.extremelyclever. a. greatly discouraged.
ati-samka?a, n. extreme density;
W t ^ W ^ ati-mada, m. violent excitement; W f W f ^ X T f W t . ati-vira//in, a. extremely great distress; -samkruddha, pp.very angry;
-madhyamdina, n. exactly noon. splendid; -virupa, a. excessively ugly. -samksbepa, m. too great brevity; -sara-
^ f a f a ^ S W ati-vilamba, m. excessive delay. ^aya, m. excessive accumulation, vast hoard;
Wf^TVf*5TTa,ti-malina,a.very dirty; verylow.
-samrambba, m. violent indignation.
WfTTT^f^ati-mahat, a.very large; too long. rjjfcffa"4+< ati-vishama, a.very dangerous;
more dangerous than (ah.); very arduous; W f ? T O ^ X ^ a t i - s a t v a r a m , ad. very hastily.
Wf^TTTW ati-mStra, a. excessive: °-&-m, - v i s a r i n , a. of very wide scope; - v i s t a r a , m. Id t(^<<ati-sa-daya,a.verycom passionate.
ad. excessively, beyond measure, very. excessive prolixity: -tas, ad. in averydetailed
manner; -vistara, m. great extent; - v i s - W f ^ r o ^ r ati-sadrisa, a. extremely like.
W f f T T T T ati-mSnii, m. self-conceit, pride.
tirna, pp. too extensive ; -vihvala, a. very
perplexed, greatly overcome. Wfd^fTtT ati-sam-tata, pp. uninterrupted.
WffTTTf^TT. ati-manin, a. proud; having a
delicate sense of honour. Wf^T^I^I ati-sawi-dheya, fp. to be sup-
W f W ^ X ati-vira, m. great hero.
W f f T T T ^ ati-mlnusha, a. superhuman. WfTTWV^nCrsfiTati-virya-par§,krama,a. of
W f d ^ i f a ^ I T i ati-samnidhana, n. excessive
^rf^WT^fT ati-maruta, m. violent wind. extraordinary bravery & prowess. [(remedy).
W f f l ^ ^ n C ati-mukhara, a. extremely talk- ^ f r i q l ^ c l c ^ a t i - v i r y a - v a t , a. very effective
W f f W R ^ ati-samartha, a. extremely able.
ative ; -mtictta, pp. very foolish, very stupid. W t W ^ r i ati-vntta, pp. long past; - v n t t i , / . Id tl M ati-samipa,a. too near; -ta,/.too
^fd^M?! ati-yatna,m. great exertion; -yasa, trespass ; - v n d d M , /. excessive growth ; great proximity.
a. very illustrious; -ySJeita, pp. importuned. -vrisliti, /. excessive rain: -da, a. giving - .
frt ati-sambhoga, m. great treat.
W f T T T ^ I . ati-ramhas, a. excessively swift, W f ^ T ati-vega, mt excessive haste; -ved-
ati-sambhrama, m. violer.^ agita-
W f W ^ S i r l T ati-rakta-ta, f . excessive liking ana, /. violent pain; -vepatbu-mat, a.
tion. [more palatable than (ab.).
for (lc.)\ -ra/ita, n. violent shrieking; -rat- trembling violently. [experience.
na, n. precious gem; jewel of the first water; ati-vaiiakshanya, n, v ery great ati-sarasa, a. very palatable;
-ratha, m. great champion; -rabhasa, a. very ati-sarga, m. granting (a wish).
wild, - impetuous : -m, ad.; -rama»iiya,/o. ati-vaishamya, n. great inequal-
extremely charming: -\&,,fabst.N.; -ramya, ity of ground. ^ I d t l M y j ati-sarpawa, n. violent agitation.
fp. id. ;-raya,a.running extremely fast; -rasa, ^ f f ^ e i j ^ ati-vyaya, m. lavish expenditure,
Wt^TO^ ati-sarva, a. more than complete;
a. very palatable; m. too strong a key-note extravagance; -vyasana, n. great calamity ;
(rh.); violent desire: -tas, ad. too eagerly. -vyasanin, a. overpowered by vice; -vyut- raised above all. [great anxiety.
W f h i X ^ ' t l a-tiras-krita, pp. unsurpassed; panna,pp. very experienced in (Ic.)', -vrata, W f f W f ^ n r ^ C ati-savisankam, ad. with
greatest. a. excessively pious.
^ f d t l ^ t l l ati-sahas^, ad. too precipitately.
8 ilfcWNdH ati-sawvatsara. a-dambhi-tva.

V f T I W N W C ati-samvatsara, a. (i) exceed- ati akkha., a. extremely transparent; ^T^T? a-trapa, a. shameless.
ing a year. [shrinking from (g.). - pure; ^adbhuta, a. very wonderful. ^T^T^Tc^ atra-bhavat, m. this gentleman
<3((e(«a ^ti anta, a. lasting to the end, con- here,/. -£, this lady here (referring to third
W f W ^ ^ ati-sSdhvasa, n. too great
tinual, uninterrupted, endless; complete; ex- person present on the stage).
^ f f i l t H * ^ ati-s&ndra, a. very dense. cessive : °-or-m, ad. excessively, continually,
a-trasta, pp. intrepid.
^SrfTTOT^d. ati-sayam, ad. too late in the for ever, throughout; highly, beyond measure;
-gata, pp. gone away for good, [much water. atra-stha, a.being here, stayinghere.
^fffPETTT ati-sara, m. diarrhoea, [evening.
K(ei«s|m<t atijimbu-pana, n. drinking too W r f ^ f T a-trasita, pp. not. frightened.
^fciti ati-sahasa, n. precipitate action;
"^RtPSf a t i j y a , m. passing away, lapse; end; ^ dtri, a. devouring; m. N. of a sage:
i-ka, a. very imprudent. [swan.
risk, jeopardy, danger; fault, transgression. pi. his descendants; a star in the Great Bear.
"^ifctftlcH^'fcUgT ati-sitaanga -vihamga, m.
^r^atiartha°-or-m,ad.exceedingly,very. ^rf^atrin, a. voracious,
ati-sukha, a. extremely pleasant;
-suguma, a. very passable; -subkaga, a. •5i|cM«»M a t i j l p a , a. very little, too little; •^f^f^r^atri-vat, ad. like Atri, like the Atris.
extremely pretty; -surabhi,a extremely fra- -buddhi, a. of very weak understanding, ^ r f ^ P l a-tri-varsha, a. not yet three years
grant ; -Bulabha, a. very easily obtainable ;
-su-vritta, pp. very nicely rounded; very ^ r ^ a t i j i s - n a t , pr. pt. eating too much. "^f^X a-tvara,a.nothasty,deliberate, [old.
well-behaved. W V f t a t i a s h t i , f . a metre(4x17 syllables). •^T^XT a-tvara, / , deliberation.
ati-sflkshma, a. extremely minute. ^rarf^TrT ati_asita, a. extremely black. W^T ^-tha, ad. then, thereupon ; now, here
begins (at bg. ofworks or sections, cp. iti); now,
£ti-srishfi, / . higher creation. atiJkula, a. very confused. so, then (at bg. of sentences) ; but, however,
^rf^T^h^nT ati-sau^anya, n. too great mag- a-tyaga, m. non-abandonment: e and yet; if; then,con*, to yada; often strength'
nanimity; -sauhitya, n. excessive satiety. tanoA, during lifetime. [renouncing. ened by atas, api, £a, tu, p u n a r ; sts. mere
verse-filler; atba va, or, or else, or rather (giv-
^rfff%^ati-sneha, m.excessive attachment; ^ r T f ^ a-tyagin, a. not abandoning, not ing another explanation); however; even; re-
-svalpa, a. quite small, quite insignificant; ''Npy M I V atijl&ara, m. too refined manners. peated : either-or ; atba klm, what else ? =
-svastha, a. in excellent health. certainly; atha klmu, to say nothing of
•^ICMI^ a-tya^rya, fp. not to be abandoned ;
ati-harshula, a. highly rejoiced. atharvan, m. fire-priest; N. of the
not to be given up. *
first fire-priest: pi. his descendants; 8. & pi.
v f o s V w ati-hasita, (pp.) n. immoderate ^fiSTT^T atiJdara, m. too much considera- his magical incantations, the A V . [Veda.
laughter. tion: ire. very urgently; -para, a.very cautious.
atharva-veda, m. Atharva (fourth)
^frl^lR-lati-hfirin, ^ W T f ^ T atijtditya, a. surpassing the sun;
-jinanda, m. excessive joy; -apanna, ppT atharvaangiras, m. pi. the
a. very charming.
very unfortunate; -Jiyata, pp. very long, very families of Atharvan and Aiigiras ; their in-
"Sjfft^S ati-hrish/a, pp. greatly rejoiced, tall; - a y u s , a. very old; -JirurfAa, pp. hvg. cantations, esp. those of the A V . ; -a, a. (i)
reached a great height; -juciidhi,/. ascending descended from Atharvan and Angiras; m.
"^ffljmjlati-hrepana,a.very embarrassing.
too high; -^aroha, m. mounting too high, ar- 8. pi. the hymns of the A V .
•^nf^RTZf ati-kasd, m. lustre ; aperture. rogance ; - a r t i , / . violent pain; ^arya, a. TJJ^TI athau, ad. and also, and so; then; now.
too honourable, [ful.
^ a-tikshwa, a. blunt; not strict, mild. ^ A D , IT. P. at-ti, eat, consume, enjoy;
W T ^ J atijis/carya, a. extremely wonder-
W t c T atijta, pp. (\/i) gone by, past. x cs. &daya, feed.
* < n r * < l atijndriya, a. supersensuous, ^JfM l ^ ^ a t i a s a n g a , m . violent inclination for ^r^f^TQ 1 1. a-dakshina, a. not right, l e f t ;
transcendental; n. spirit, soul. ^(tl jL-sanna,pp. too near. [(Zc.,-°). awkward; inexperienced; unamiable.
£-tirtha, n. wrong way, wrong man- atijl-hita, pp. adverse, disagree- ^ t ^ ^ H j f 2. a-dakshina, a. without gifts to
ner ; unseasonable time. able ; n. misfortune.
" ^ d l q atiiva, ad. excessively; firmly; prp. Brdhmans. [ment, innocent.
beyond(ac.);verymuchmorethan(a£>.).[ature. atijukti,/. much talk; exaggeration. a-dawdy^,/o. not liable to punish-
^nftsT a-tivra, a. moderate; - t k , f . -1emper- ^Irtjtf atijigra, a. very mighty, very terrible. •^STc^ad-at, pr.pt. eating.
^TJJ^T a-tula, a. unequalled ; -vikrama, a. ^ p e j ^ atiu&fca, a. extremely high. ^-datta, pp. not given (said of a pre-
sent that may be returned): / . a, unmarried;
of unequalled valour, ^SfesjFgjrT atijik-fcftrita,pp.raised too high.
-dana, n. lack of charity; -phala, n. reward
^ffjqi a-tushara-kara, m. sun. ^ R f ^ l f atrutka, a. ardently longing ; ^ut- for not having given.
kafa, a. excessive, extraordinary; - uttama,
a-tushfa, pp. dissatisfied,
a. most excellent; - udatta, a. very eminent; ^ t T T ^ R adattaadana, n. taking what is
^ftjfsia-tushii,/.dissatisfaction, discontent. - udara, a. most excellent; too liberal: -ta, not given voluntarily; -Jidiiyin, a. taking
/. abst. N. ; - un-nata, pp. excessively high ; what has not been given.
^rgTjfgra-tfttuffi, a. tardy, slow. - j n n a t i , f. eminence. ^ T ^ W T a-dattva, gd. without giving.
a-tnraa, n. what is not grass.
^"Kl^-trip-wu-v-at, pr. pt. insatiable. ^nSpCfrlTX atijupaA;ara, m. too great polite- not giving, - return-
a-tripta, pp. unsatisfied, insatiate; ness. [heat, a-dadhi, n. what is not curds, [ing.
-ta,/. abst. N. [fied. ^(tjwy atrushwa, a. very hot; -tk,f. extreme " ^ ^ f f ad-ana, n. eating.
-q £ w|f^a-tn'p-yat,pr.pt. not becoming satis- atiflr^asvala, a. extremely heroic
a-dant, a. toothless.
a-tn'shzta, a. void ofgreed,-desire.[oil. (deed). [highly.
a-d-anta, a. ending in a. [teethed.
^^t^fTT^ atijlrgiitam, ad. extremely,
^ d ^ ^ a - t a H a - p a r a , a. not being filled with
atij^i^u, a. too straight, too sincere. ^T^rTWHT a-danta-^rata, pp. not having
W T f ^ n r ^ ato-nimittam, ad. for that
W atiautsukya.n.great impatience. £-dabdha, pp. unhurt, safe; trust-
reason, therefore.
worthy ; pure.
^r?Tti^F(ato^rtham, ad. to that end. ^ R 1. a-tra, ad.=lc. of idam,in this ; here;
there ; in this (that) case, - verse, - passage, a-dabha, a. not hurting, benevolent,
^Jf^r £tka, m. cloak, mantle. on this point; in this life; then, at that time. a-dabhra, a. not little, much.
^ T T ^ at-tavya,//?.to be eaten; to be tasted. 2.a-tra, m. eater; devourer.
^ S f a-dambha, m. sincerity.
W r f at-tn, m. eater; devourer. ^snrar atra-tya, a. of this place, living here,
a-dambhin, a. upright, honest;
^SfiSf dt-ya, a. running; m. steed; / . a, mare. atra-n, the suffix -atra (v. n-it). (i)-tva, n. uprightness, veracity.
W^I a-daya. W^TCt. adhas. 9

W ^ T a-daya, a. pitiless : -m, ad. heartily. (alliance); -para-samarthya, a. not having W f ^ f t a a-dvitiya, a. secondless, single,
c experienced an enemy's power; -purva, a. only. [old.
a-darsana, n. not seeing; not vi- never seen, unknown before; -rupa, a. of un-
siting; non-investigation; non-occurrence; known appearance; -viraba-vyatha, a. not w f ^ ^ ^ a-dvi-varsha, a. not yet two years
disappearance, invisibility: ab. beyond the having experienced the pangs of separation.
W ^ n T r f ' T * ^ a-dvesha-ragin, a. free from
vision of (ab.); a. invisible; -patba, m. what is
beyond the vision of (g.). W ^ f S ^ T T a-drish£i-dg,na, n. non-admit- like or dislike.
W ^ S a-dveshfn, a. not hating, well-dis-
W ^ ^ ^ ^ a d a r s a n i - b h d , become invisible. H £ § Ta-dn'sb/va, gd.without seeing, [tance.
posed towards (g.); -tva, n. benevolence.
W ^ l H f f a a-darsaniya,/p, invisible; -tva, W ^ T a-deya, fp. not to be given.
W^rT a-dvaita, n. non-duality, unity; a.
n. -ness. * [ac. ad. there. W ^ f £-deva, a. (1) hostile to the gods; m.
without duality, secondless, single.
prn. n. (m.f. asau) yon, that: Asura. [the gods.
a-dvaidha, a. undivided; not double,
-dfikshiraya, n. impoliteness. a-deva-£7Ushfa, pp. displeasing to sincere.
W^T^ a-d&tri, a. unliberal, stingy ; not a-devara, m. not a brother-in-law. W M cidha, W V T (older form o/athl),
liable to pay; not giving in marriage. a-desa, m. wrong place. ad. then, thereupon (often corr.); therefore ;
W ^ l f c ^ ^ ad-adi-tva, n. appertaining to a d h a - a d h a , both-and; adha-adha va, ei-
^ ^ U i e f l M a-desa-kala, m. wrong place and ther - or. [tempt.
the verbs beginning with 'ad' ( = Ad-class).
time : -gna,, a. suiting neither place nor time. W^nfsti'M | adhaA-kriya,/.abasement; con-
W^W ^-dUna, n. not giving, withholding;
a. not giving; not exuding juice from the ^ "Sj a-desa-</na,a.unacquainted with the adhaA-khanana, n.undermining.
temples. [ible. place; -stha,a. absent fr. hiscountry,absentee.
W^UTTfT adhaA-pata, m. downfall.
W ^ W a-dabhya,^.inviolable; indestruct- a-deha-bandha, m. non-assump-
W ^ ^ M l f f t d adhaA-patita, cs. pp. thrown
a-day&da (i; C. a. not entitled tion of a new body; -bheda, m. no change of
W V I a-dhana, a. indigent, poor. [down.
to inheritance. a-daiva, a. independent of fate. [body.
a-daruna, a. not pitiless, mild. a-dosha, m. no fault, no sin; a. guilt- W V I a-dhanya, a. poor; unfortunate.

less ; -gna,, a. not knowing what faults are. WVJadha-ma, lowest, worst, vilest (of,
W^HJ a-dfisa, m. freeman.
-°); -^eshia, a. acting meanly; -dhi, a. of
W^T^f a-dabva,/^. incombustible. WW £dga, m. c a n e ; stalk. [deed. mean understanding; -yoni-^a, a. born of a
WITT ad-dha, ad. [in this manner], truly, in- very low mother.
W f ^ f f T i . a-diti,/. want, penury.
in. pi. of ap, water. W ^ W T V T adhama^dhama, a. lowest of all.
W f ^ f t 2. &
W^pT ddbhuta, a. [at(i)-bhtita, transcen- W^TC adha-ra, cpv. lower: -m kri, subject;
-diti, a. infinite; f . infinity; N.
dent], wonderful; n. portent; -tama, spv. m. under-lip, s. coll. lips; -dala, n. lip;
of the mother of the gods. [give.
most marvellous; -darsana, a. of wondrous -ruAaka, n. lovely lips. [southern.
-dits-at,c?es.^r.j5<.not inclined to aspect; -rupa, a. of wondrous form; - avaha,
W V T T ^ adharajinA;, a. (&k-i) downward ;
a-dit-su, des. a. id. [verbs. a. exciting wonder; -jipama, f simile as-
suming a miracle. W^RTn^adhargit, ad. below; -At, id.
Wf^U^jfW adi-prabhriti, pi. Ad-class of
d,-dina, a. not depressed, cheerful; WWWIW adbhutaya, den. appear a wonder. W ^ n r n ^ T adharaj,mbara, n. under gar-
-sattva, a. elated, cheerful; - a t m a u , a. id. W ^U H. ad-bhyas, d. ab.pl. of ap, water. ment.
W^15RTTa-diya-mana,pr.pt.ps. not being W ^ R l X f W adharaarani,/. the lower piece
given ; /. not being given in marriage. W S T t ^ d - m a n , n. food. [guest. of tinder-wood. [cumb.
W ^ a - d i r g h a , a, not l o n g ; -sutra, a. not adma-sad, m. partaker of the feast, "^CfclO® adhari-kri, vanquish; -bbu, suc-
dilatory, prompt: -ta, /. despatch.
W^T a-dya (8), ad. to-day, now: adya^eva, W ^ r X t r T T adharauttara, a. losing or win-
W ^ l a-durga, a. devoid of fortresses ; * this very day; adyaapi, even to-day: w neg.
ning; high and low; earlier and later; n. ad-
-vishaya, m. unfortified country, [calamity, not even yet; - purvam, - yavat, hitherto; dress and answer; gradation; topsy-turviness.
d-durmangala, a. (i) causing no - p r a b l m t i , ^arabliya, from to-day onwards.
WVTft?, adharaosh/Aa, n. f . i)
W^^Tfa-dur-vritta,pp.notbehavingbadly. W ^ f f T f adya-tana, a. ( i ) of to-day, pre- lower lip ; lower and upper lip, the lips.
sent, contemporary; -taniya, a. id.
W ^ H a-dush/a, pp. blameless; innocent; W^W^-dharma,wi.unrighteousness, breach
adya-dina, m. the' present day. of duty; injustice: -tas, in. unjustly, iniquit-
-tva, virtue; innocence.
ously; -gna,, a. ignorant of thelaw, - of justice;
W^^H IM a-dushprapa,fl.nothard to obtain, W l r f ^ r adya-divasa, m. id.
-dantfana, n. unjust punishment; -bhiru, a.
a-dfina, pp. untormented, unhurt. -dyaut, 3 s. impf of yVlyut. shrinking from wrong; -sarawa, a. not based
on law.
W s ^ f a-dravya, n. worthless object.
W ^ X a-dfira, a. not far, near; n. nearness:
W ^ t ^ S I ^a-dharmawa, m. debtor.
-tas, ab., Ic. near; -kopa, a. irascible; -bba- W f ^ a-dri, m. [not splitting], rock, hill,
va, -vartin, -stha, a. near; imminent. mountain-range; stone (as missile); pressing- a-dharmika, m. id. [illegal.
M a-d£lsha»ia, n. notallowing to perish, stone ; cloud; -grahana, n. reverberation;
-dugdha, pp. milked, i.e. pressed out, with W ^ l f t r e a-dharmishfAa, a. not doing right;
a-dtish-ita, pp. blameless, good: stones; -pati, m. Himalaya: -kanya, f . Par- W V * ^ a-dharmya, a. = a-dharmish<Aa.
f . k, unviolated; -kaumara, a.f. whose vir- vati; -budb.ua, a. founded on rock; -blxed-
W V ^ W a-dbarshawa, a. unapproachable.
ginity is intact. [-tara, cpv. not very firm. aua, n. cleaving of rocks. [stones.
n-dridha, pp. not firmly attached; W f f ^ ? ^ adri-vat, a. (vc. - v a s ) armed with a-dharshaniya, fp. invincible.
W q ^ T W T 3 ^ adhas-Aaranaavapata, m.
d-drip-ita or -ta, pp. thoughtful, W s ^ a-druh, a. not hurting, benevolent
attentive. prostration at the feet of any one.
(nm. a-dhruk).
W^Tt^r^TadhaA-saya, a. lying on the ground;
Jfl a-dmya,//). invisible ; -ta, f , -tva, W s ^ f c l a-drogba, a. (also -gha) guileless;
-sayya, /. sleeping on the ground: - asaniu,
n. -ness; ^a~«/ana, n. salve making invisible. a. sleeping and sitting on the ground.
friendly; -v&fc, a. of guileless speech.
a-dnshtfa, pp. unseen; unknown; in-
visible; unexpected; unsanctioned; n. the Ws^Y^ a-droha, a. friendly; to. friendliness; WSH*! I (^•^adhaA-sayin, a. sleeping on the
invisible, fate; -karman, a. inexperienced -samayam kri, agree to peace. ground; {yi)-tk,f. id.
in (Ic.); -k&xna, m. love for one not yet seen; W ^ T a-dvaya, a. not of two kinds, single : adb^s, ad. below, on the ground;
-k&rita, pp. caused by fate; -nara, -puru- -tva, n. unity; ^ananda, m. N. of a philo- downwards, to hell; adho*dhaA, lower and
sha, a. concluded without an intermediary sopher (whose joy is unity). lower j adkaA kri, put below, surpass; - p a t ,
10 adhas-tala. adho-gamana.

sink down; prp. with ac. under (motion); sion to, attainment; gain, profit; ascertain- ^ f f a j ^ j f T T adhi-vasati,/. dwelling, [tion.
with ab., g., or below. [low ment, knowledge; study.
TSrf^WS[adhi-gamya,^.attainable,accessi- adhi-vak^, m. advocacy, protec-
adhas-tala, n. surface - , space be- ble ; knowable, comprehensible; tobe studied. ^ f V ^ T ^ adhi-vada, m. insult, abuse.
adhas-tat, ad. below; on the ^ f W ^ T i.adhi-vasa,m.inhabitant; neigh-
ground; downwards; from below; submissive- ^ i f ^ p J J ' adhi-guwa, a. of superior qualities. bour ; dwelling, abode.
ly ; previously; prp. with ab., g., & under.
^ f b H l t i j adhi-goptn, m. protector. sStfvt^RT 2. adhi-vasa, m. perfume; f.
^TO^fT adhaA-stha, a. lying below. abst. N. ; -na, n. perfuming; consecration.
^ f M ^ T T adhi-^anana, n. birth.
a-dharana-ka, a. intolerable. ^rfafa'SlHadhi-vipnana.ra.highestknow-
adhi-^/anu, ad. upon the knee.
^ V T T T ^ t a-dhara-varsha, ad. without a iidhi-^ya, a. having the bowstring • ^ r f ^ f q o adhi-vinna,i>p. of\/2.vid. [ledge.
shower of rain [eous, vicious. on, strung: -ta, / . abst. N. ; -karmuka, a. ^ M q q j ^^adlii-vivaham, ad. regarding
a-dharmika, a. unjust, unright- whose bow is strung; -dhanvan, a. id. the wedding. (- 0 ).
a - d h a r y a , f p . not to be borne ; not ^f*J7T^!^adhi-talpam,ad.uponthe towers. ^ f a f f t ; adhi-vira, m. great hero among
to be restrained; impossible to undergo.
adhi-tya-ka,/. table-land. ^rf^I%Tl^n'adhi-vettavy&,/ : ^.('s/2.vid)to
^ r f a &dhi, ad. above, upwards; highly; be superseded by another wife; -vedyS., f . id.
^ j f y ^ f V t ^ T adhi-didhiti, a. brightly illu-
within; besides; prp. with ac. over, upon; up ^ f ^ ^ ' H j i d h i - v e l a m , ad. on the sea-shore.
to ; w. in. across; w. ab. above; down from, mined. [/. id.; tutelary deity,
from, out of; to. lc. above (of rank or num- ^ r f ^ l ^ ^ adhi-deva, m. supreme g o d : -ta, adhi-vesma, ad. in the house.
ber); under (the rule of); upon, in, on; with
^ r f ^ T adhi-daiva, n., -ta, n. id. "^rf^T^fY adhi-sri, a. extremely prosperous.
respect to ; upwards o f - .
adhi-ka, a. excessive; superfluous; nfrnWtl adhi-nagam, ad. upon the ele- ^rf^pSfft^^adhi-srotram, ad. over the ears.
surpassing; chief, highest; having an excess, phants ; upon the serpents. adhi-shSvana, a. suitable for
and more; exceeded by, plus (-°); predomi- "WfVF*1 adhi-nisam, ad. at night. pressing; n. Soma-press. [intendent.
nant; superior in(iw.,-°); stronger, greater ;
higher, more than {in., ab., g,, & -m, ^ T ? adhi-pa, -pati, -pa, m. ruler, lord. ^ r ^ ' d l g adhi-sh^Aa-tr/, TO., - t r l , / . super-
ad. excessively, very much ; more than (ab.); ^ f a l j ^ r adhi-pGrusha, m. supreme spirit. ^^«Hadhi-sh^na,W.stand-point,place,
-krodha, a. excessively angry; -gnwa, a. of seat, abode, residence; sovereignty, power.
pre-eminent virtue: -tva, n. abst. n. ; -tara, ^ r f ^ p f t " ^ adhi-paurusha,#.height of man-
H f|adhi-sh<Mta,pp .stood on; presided
a. much greater; superior: -m, ad. more; liness.
- t a , / . , -tva, n. superiority. [neck. over; supervised,governed; established; oc-
' ^ i f V i m f M ^ adhi-badhitri, m. tormentor. cupied, inspired: -vat,act.pt. ant on,mounted.
H focntf t ^ a d h i - k a w d h a r a m , ad. up to the
^ r f ^ ^ T j adhi-bubhft-shu, des. a. wishing adhi-senSpati, m. comman-
^ r f y ^ i T W adhi-kararea, n. substratum ; to get the upper hand. der-in-chief.
substance, matter; subject, department; sec-
^rf^P|adhi-bhfi,m. ruler,sovereign, [agent. adhi-hasti, ad. on an elephant.
tion, paragraph ; law-court; that in which
anything happens; sphere of the locative ^^rf^KpJTT adhi-bh^ta,w. sphere or object of an adhijk=adhi+(gr.).
(gr.); -mawc/apa, n.law-court; -lekhaka, m.
lawyer's clerk. [ingly beautiful. •^rfWT^VT adhi-m^nthana, a. suitable for adhi-kara, m. administration (of,
friction; n. the hard piece of tinder-wood. lc.); capacity, ability. [ed.
^ f a S R ^ q ^ adhika-rtlpa-vat, a. surpass-
m adhi-matra, a. excessive : -tva, n. ^n^<Tadhijta,/)p.studied; read; instruct-
"^Slf^oliTf adhi-karwam, ad. on the ear. -ness. [a. referring to sacrifices. ^vTl f d ^dhiiti,/.3tudy. [ing the scriptures.
^ f ^ R t ^ R ^ adhika-vayas, a. of advanced ^jftsTSnj adhi-yagi«a, m. highest sacrifice ; "3fVtf7r?{adhitin,a.well-readin (lc.); study-
^Srf^RRS adhi-kash/a, n. great misery, [age. "^Tf^n^t'T adhi-ra^ani, ad. in the night. •^fvTl adhijna,a. lying on; subject to, de-
adhikaanga, a. (1) having a su- ^ f ^ R ^ T ^dhi-ratha, a. standing on a car; pendent on (-°); - t v a , n. dependence.
perfluous limb; -jadhi, a. full of cares; ^adhi- m. chariot-fighter, charioteer, U M l ^ a-dhira, a. unsteadfast; inconstant,
ka, a. continually increasing. • s j l f a ^ l ^ adhi-ragr, m. paramount ruler, pusillanimous; -ta, /. pusillanimity.
adhi-kara, m. superintendence, emperor; -ragk, m. id.: -ta, /. supreme rule ^T^n a-dhiram, ad. anxiously.
administration, control, authority; office, post, over (g.); -rkgya, n. supreme rule.
dignity; sovereignty; eligibility; claim to adhirajiksha, a. lively-eyed,
(lc.) ; striving, endeavour for (lc.); chapter adhi-vaed, m. cloak, mantle.
(on, heading rule to be supplied with fol- mandira-gavaksham, ad. at the window of the
lowingrules till a new section (gr.); -purusha, golden palace. " ^ V t l T adhijsa, m. chief, lord; - t k , f . sove-
m. official; -vat, m. id.; -stha, a. official, in ^TfV^OI adhi-ruh, a. mounting, riding on ^SnjtfiT^ adhijsitri, m. sovereign, [reignty.
office; -a/Utya, a. invested with authority.
<£cEJ adhi-rodAavya, fp. n. one must ^ ^ • f T a d h u n ^ , ad. now. [faintheartedness.
adhikari-ta,/.,-tva,n.autho- ascend.
rity. ^ f T T ^-dhriti, / . unsteadiness, caprice;
'^ffq^HTTI adhi-ropana, ^.lifting upon (- 0 ).
adhikarin, m. superintendent, •^f^g a-dhrishia, pp. insuperable; modest,
controller (of, ; official; qualified person. •^rf^TXtW adhi-roha, a. riding on (ac.): -na, a-dhrishya/p.unapproachable, [shy.
^Tf^HTfT adhi-kn'ta, pp. set over; m. over- n. ascending to (lc. or [ing up to (-°).
'il^l'J a-dhenu, f . cow giving no m i l k ; a.
seer, administrator, head (of, lc. or -kri- ^rf^TXtf^ladhi-rohin, ascending, lead- barren. [imity.
tya, gd. regarding, about (ac.). [ner.
adhi-lankam, ad. over Laiika. a-dhairya, n. instability; pusillan-
ft^n adhi-ketanam, ad. on the ban-
f^tfl cj^*^adhi-lavangam,«d.onthe cloves, adhoxmsuka, n. under-garment.
adhikaukti,/. superfluous talk. ^ f v ^ t c f i adhi-loka, m. highest world. adho*ksh£, a. being below, i. e. not
adhi-kshepa, m. aspersion, deri- ^ r f ^ ^ W adhi-vaktn,»i .advocate, protector. reaching up to, the axle.
sion. adhoiksba-^a, a. born under an
^ r f ^ r a : adhi-vakshas, ad. on the breast.
adhi-gantavya, fp. to be pro- axle; m. N. of Vishnu.
cured; penetrable; to be studied; - g a n t n , ^ i R X R a d h i -vapana, n. strewing upon,
^IVn*(f|adho-gata, pp.gone down; bowing
m. finder. ^ c , ^ adhi-varfeas, n. privy. [fire. low; -grati,/. going down ( + to hell); sinking;
"Vf^nnT adhi-gama, m., °«T -na, n. acces- ^ f ^ R T ^ f adhi-vargrana, n. moving to the a. going downwards, goingto hell; -gfamana,

W ^ V f f g adho-dn'sh/i. WlfJBl^^ an-anush^/iatn-tva. 11

n. going downwards; -drtslitfi, / . downcast adhva-kheda, m. fatigue of travel; W'TfW^tT an-atidbhuta, a. unsurpassed.
gaze; a. looking down; -nayana, n. bringing -ga, a.'travelling; m. traveller; -darsin, m.
WTtTPT^V an-ati-pakva, a. not very mature.
down; -nilaya, m. hell; -nivita,pp. wearing guide.
the sacred cord low ; -bbaga, m. lower part; W^*l.^dhvan, m. road ; journey, wander- an-ati-patya,/p. not to be neg-
lower part of the body; depth; -mnkha, a. lected. [pressure.
(i) downcast; downward. ing ; distance; -ina, m. traveller.
W T f f n f t ^ T ^ an-ati-pit?am, ad. with gentle
WVt^f^ladho^vekshin,a.lookingdovvn. W ^ R I adhvan-ya, m. traveller, wanderer.
W^oR adhva-pa, m. guardian of roads. W T f f T l T W n i ^ i an-ati-prakSsaka, a. not
W ^ f f a a-dhauta, pp. unwashed. highly illuminative; -tva, n. abst. N. [veloped.
adhvard, m. religious ceremony, sa-
adhi amsa, a. lying on the shoulder. eg an-ati-prauc?Aa, pp. not quite de-
crifice, Soma sacrifice.
WW^f adhi aksha, a. perceptible ; m. eye- W f f ^ W ^ T an-ati-bhangura, a. not very
W ^ T ^ adhvaryii, rn. priest performing the
witness ; overseer, inspector; n. perception. curly. ^
practical work of the sacrifice; priest versed
W W f a adhiagni, ad. before the fire {esp. in the Ya^ur-veda. w r f T T j f t T an-atibhoga, m. moderate use.
at weddings). [fault-finding. W ^ ^ T T adhva-srama, m. fatigue of travel. an-ati-rikta, pp. not excessive.
^nzrfvp^TI adhijidhikshepa, m. unseemly
W ^ T f ^ R adhvaadhipa, m. guardian of f<1 H f * ^ a n - a t i l a m b i n , a. not hanging
W ^ T V V f adhijidhina, a. wholly dependent; roads, i. e. of public peace. down very far.
in. slave. ^ r l A N , I I . P . an-i-ti, breathe, apa, •5JI fft^[(%fTan-ati-lulita,pp .gently touched,
W W ^ c R l ;i( lhijydhvam, ad. on the way. exhale, abhiapa, breathe upon, pra,
breathe; blow, anu-pra, breathe after, abhi- f d ^ l ^J+lan-atilolam.flrf.not too rapidly.
W*21%*fadhijuitena,(w.) ad.close upto(d.). pra, inhale, v i , gam, breathe, anu-sam, WrfTT^f^ffT an-ati-valita, pp. not very
adhijiyana, n. [going to a teacher'], breathe after.
rounded (belly). [passable.
study, reading (esp. of sacred books); learning
1. an-£, m. breath. [anay§, anayoA). W t fd << "Tl an-ati-sayaniya, fp. unsur-
from (ab.)\ -sampradana, n. guidance in
study; - kdana, n. receiving instruction from 2. ana, prn. of 3rd prs. this (in anena, an-atHta, pp. not past.
adhiardha, a. one and a half. [(a&.). an-arasa, a. portionless. W T S f T ^ an-atijrdra, a. not too wet.
WW^TCTTT adhijiva-sana, n., -saya, WT«irPR*< IA an-akama-mara, a. slaying Wtpm^Tan-atiJsa,m.moderationin eating.
m. resolution, steady application. [solved, not without approval. [out words.
W*RpT.an-ad-at,pr.pt. not eating, not con-
W P ^ T an-akshara, a. mute: -m, ad. with- suming. [no wonder.
^ [ ^ l l f i i f l adhijiva-sayita,^)/?. firmly re-
a-nagna, a. not naked, not unoovered; an-adbhuta, a. not wonderful; n.
W R n f * P ( a d h i j v a s a y i n , a. resolved on
-ta,/. abst. N.
adhi ava-sita, pp. Vsa. [(-°). W T S f r f T an-adya-tana, m. not to-day; not
W f f ^ T an-agni, a. without fire; maintain- the same day; a. not containing to-day.
adhijikasam, ad. in the air. ing no fire ; -ka, a. without fire ; not touched
W W T ^ T X adbiJU-ara, m. sphere, province. by fire; -dagdba, pp. not burnt with fire; m. an-adhi-krita, pp. not made a
pi. a class of Manes. [injured. subject of discussion; - t v a , n. abst. N.
W W P S ^ T &dhyawd&,/. kind of plant.
an-agha, a. sinless, blameless; un- an-adhi-gata, pp. not reached,
WWfi^I a dhijitma, a. peculiar to one's per- unattained ; unread. [attainable by (g.).
son ; n. supreme soul; the soul as agent of an ft* an-ahkurita, pp. not grown.
action ; -vidya,/. scienoe of the universal soul. an-adhi-gamaniya, fp. not
W T f f an-ang^, a. bodiless; m. god KSma (so
W^TP-PS adhyapaka, m. teacher. called because reduced to ashes by the fire of W T f ^ n r T T an-adhish^ana, n. absence.
WWTtTf adhyapana, n. instruction. Siva's eye)-, - k r i d a , / dalliance; -tva,9i.bodi- an-adhyaksha, a. not perceptible.
lessness; - p u r a , N . o f a town; -maw^ari,
WmW^IadhiJkpaya, o/adhi + \/i, teach. /. N.; -rati,/. N.; - l e k b a , / love-letter; N.; «t %£( «| an-adhyayana, n. neglect of study.
- v a t i , / . iVr.; -sena, m. N.; -jidaya, m. N.
W^ZTTO adhyapya, fp. to be instructed. an-adhyatma-vid, a. not
W W I W adhijiya, m. reading, study (esp. of W T ^ l T f T an-angi-knta, pp. not assented knowing the supreme soul.
sacred books) ; time suitable for study ; to ; neglected, ignored.
an-adhyaya, m. prohibition of
chapter. [neous predication (ph.). anarfud-da, a. giving a bull. study ; adjournment of study.
W ^ J l a d h i j i r o p a , m., 6Wf-na,,f. erro- anarfuha, m. b u l l ; 1 , / . cow (- 0 ). (f^*^ an - ad hy ay in, a. not studying,
WWRT*? adhijivahanika, n. property anad-vdh,?Ji.(m.n(. -dvsin.,wk. st. -riuh) an-adhvanya, a.not versed in (Ic.).
brought with her by a woman from the pa-
rental house. [cart drawing],bull,ox; also as termof abuse. an-anu-kampaniya, fp. not
dnTanu, a. not minute, coarse. to be pitied.
W W T O adhiJisa, m. placing upon; erro-
neous predication. ^ • t f r i g ) ^ ^ an-atikriMArena,in.ad.with- W«T»J«jjv?f an-anukGla, a. unfavourable.
WWrf%<ladbiJ l s-ita,(^.)M.tbe sitting upon. out great hardship. [sion: -na, n. id.
W T ^ W T f T an-anu-^wata, pp. unpermitted.
W T f a ? l < * l adhijLs-itavya,^).to be under- W T n T ^ W an-atikrama, m. non-transgres- W l ' j f d S c ^ an-anu-tish^A-at, pr. pt. not
W^tfdH+i*!?!^! an-ati-krama«iya,yp. una- carrying out, not performing. [nothing.
ftsin, a.sitting upon, [taken. voidable ; not to be infringed, not to be neg- an-anudhy%in, a. missing
WWT^TX adhijihara, m. supplying, supple- lected, inviolable. [gressing.
an-anubhavaka, a. unintelligi-
menting. WrfTTsft | *j<Jan-ati-kramat, pr.pt. not trans- ble ; -ta, /. -ness.
adhijiMrya, fp. to be supplied. W T f ^ T W an-ati-kruddha, pp. not exces- ^ l - l ^ r i a n - a n u - b h ^ t a , p p . not experienced.
I H f ^ a d h i u r a s , ad. on the breast.. sively indignant at (g.). W T ^ ^ T a n - a n u - m e y &fp. not tobe inferred.
W ^ j f a f T adhijishita, pp. V v a s . W T f f r f ^ r an-atithi, m. not a guest, [rous. an-anurupa, a. unsuitable.
d «e| adh ietavya./p.to be studied,- read. ^ f n ^ an-ati-trasnu, a. not very timo- W ^ ^ f f ^ T d,n-anuvritti, / . disobedience to-
WSJfSW adhieshana, n. request. W r f ^ ^ an-ati-dagdha, pp. not quite wards (g.). ^obedient,
burnt up. [showing.
Ufa cin-anuvrata, a. not devoted, dis-
d-dhri, a. irresistible ; -gu, a. irre- an-atidarsana, n. infrequent an-anush?7tatn, a. not executing;
sistibly advancing ;- m. 2V. [uncertain. an-ati-ddre, Ic. ad. not too far. -tva, n. non-performance.
Wlj^T d-dhruva, a. unsteady, transient ; 02

12 an-anush^ana. -iM'y a-naya.

^ ( t ^ H an-anush/Mna, n. neglect; idle- ^ R W f T an-apa-krita,^p. uninjured; ra.no ^ R f W R I p ^ an-abhibhava-gandha, a. not

ness. [of investigation. injury. smacking of disregard. [dressing.
^ R ^ W R an-anu-samdhana, n. absence ^ R T ^ r in-apakrama, n. non-departure. ^ R ^ T H T f ^ R . an-abhibh§,shin, a. not ad-
V U an-anusararaa, ra.lack of attend- £n-apakramin, a. not leaving, ^ R f W T f T an-abhi-mata, pp. disagreeable,
ance on. [(with a teacher). faithful. [the spot. unwelcome. [ing no designs against (ac.).
" ^ R ^ W &n-anvrukta, pp. not having studied an-apakrama, m. remaining on ^ i f W T T ^ an-abbimanuka, a. entertain-
^ I ^ T h i an-anuukti, a. not having studied M f ^ h 1 an-apakriya,/. non-delivery. an-abhimukha, a. (i) averted.
the Veda. [studied, an-apaty£, a. childless ; n. -ness; ^ R f j T ^ l f an-abhi-yukta, pp. not caring
an-anirufcya, gd. without having -ta,/. childlessness, [guished, hermaphrodite. about (lc.). [ing; uneducated; ugly.
l«f an-anAtthana, n. the not follow- an-apa-desya,^. not to be distin- an-abhirflpa, a. not correspond-
" ^ R j j f l an-anrita, a. true. [ing after. an-apanaya, m. non-removal. an-abhi-lulita,pp.untouched.

•5Sl»l«r| an-ant£, a. endless; m. N. o/Yishwu, " ^ I M ^ l ^ l an-apar&dh-a, a. guiltless, inno- ^RfvRT^f an-abhi-v^dya, fp. not to be
iSesha, and of various men; -ka, a. endless, cent ; -in, a. harmless. greeted.
infinite; -kirti, m. N.; -guwa, a. infinitely an-abhi-vyakta, pp. dim. [cion.
greater: -t&,/. abst. N.; - t a , / . , -tva, n. end- "^•mO'feJ an-aparodha,m. non-prevention.
lessness, infiniteness; -pada,».Vish«u's path, ^ m ^ K an-apasabdam, ad. grammati- an-abhisanka,a. free from suspi-
sky; -p&ra, a. that one never gets to the end of. cally correct. ^ R f J n i ^ f an-abhi-saftkya, fp. not to be
an-antani, a. having no interval, an-apasara, a. having no excuse. mistrusted.
immediately following, next; belonging to the
next lower caste: -m, ad. forthwith, pre- ^STTT^T^?^ an-apa-sphurat, pr. pt. not ^ R f i T I l f ^ r dn-abhisasti, a. blameless.
sently ; thereupon, afterwards; immediately struggling. an-abhi-sheianiya,/jj. un-
after (ab., g., or '3HMf«h4*lan-apakarman,n. non-delivery. worthy of inauguration.
^ R S f H ^ T an-antara-f/a, a .next eldest; born - ^ R f r r E T f an-abhishvafiga,m. non-attach-
I® San-apajbkrah2a,pp.not degraded.
of the union with a woman of the next caste : ment to (lc.). [tentionally.
/. younger sister; -gata, a. next eldest. 3n-apayin, a. not going away;
^ • r t ^ r o f ^ r f l ^ an-abhi-samhitam, ad. unin-
£n-antaraya, a. uninterrupted : lasting. [pendent; -tva,n.independence.
-nx, ad. in uninterrupted succession. ^ p f q ^ an-apeksha, a. regardless; inde- ^ R f i w N r R an-abhi-samdhana, n. disin-
ananta-vi^aya, n. N. o/Yu- terestedness. -i [as to (~°).
^SR^^F^ iJn-apeksham, ad. without regard an-abhisamdhi, a. disinterested
dhishthira18 shell; -.mkti, m.N.; -slra,w.2V.
to [ing no regard to (ac.).
an-antika-stha, a. not remain- ^ R ^ T % ^ a n - a b h i - s n e h a , a. without desire
•^•t^TSj+l \ (11 dn-apajksha-mana, pr.pt. pay-
ing near. for (lc.). [unexpressed.
^SRnST an-antya, n. endlessness, infinity. ^ R l ^ T an-apeksha,/. disregard ; careless- ^ R f H f f r T £in-abhi-hita, pp. not fastened ;
ness ; independence.
^ • t ^ J dn-andha, a. not blind. ^ R f H ^ f T an-abhi-huta, pp. not sacrificed
^ S R ^ f ^ R an-apaikshita, pp. disregarded.
£n-anya, a. exclusively devoted to ^ r T ^ y ^ T a n - a b h i k s h w a , 0 - trd.seldom, [to.
(lc.); -gati, a. having no other refuge, help- ^ R t f f ^ R a n - a p e k s h i n , a.disregarding (g.).
• ^ R j f t ^ an-abhisu, a. reinless.
less; -gatika, a. id.: -ta, / . helplessness. "3Rt|rf £n-apaita, pp. not removed from,
^ • ^ W l l f i ^ a n a n y a -gamin, a. going to no not diverging from (ab.). [not given up. -41 I an-abhyanu^ n!,/.no permission.
other; - g u m , a. having no other father, fa- an-abhianu-3?iata, pp. unper-
^ H m W an-apaMAa, pp. not pushed away;
therless ; -fcitta, a. thinking exclusively of mitted by (in.). [into (g.).
(lc.); -fcetas.a. id.; -g&,a. legitimately born; "^RR^an-apnas, a.lacking goods, indigent.
a. having no other wife ; -drish/i, a. • ^ R W R T ^ an-abhyantara, a. uninitiated
^ R ^ T ^ C an-apsaras, / . no Apsaras.
looking at nothing else ; -natha, a. having no TSRWT^^^I an-abbij.rthamya, fp. not to
other protector; -nari-kamaniya,/o. not to f c f ^ R an-abhikhyata-dosha, a. be desired. [ing.
be desired by another woman ; -nari-sama- whose guilt is not known. [cessible to (g.).
nya, a. having communion with no other wo- \ ^ tflan-abhy&vartin, a.not return-
man ; -para, a. intent on nothing else; -pa- ^ t f + H I + f T l t l an-abhi-gamaniya, fp.inac-
W W T ^ f r l an-abhySvntti,/. non-return:
rayana, a. devoted to no one else ; -purva,
^ R t l T E n < ! an-abhigbata, m. non-obstruc- in. not again, no moror
a. not married to any one else before;
-ptirvika, f. not married before; -prati- tion. [be bewitched.
•^RUTTO an-abhy&sa, m. absence of prac-
kriya, a. having no other expedient; -'bha^, an-abbi-^arar?iya,/p.not to tice, - exercise; disuse; neglect, [plauded.
a. devoted to no one else ; -manas, a. think-
ing of no one else; -manasa, a. id.; -ru&i, a. ^ R f a ^ T R an-abhi-j/ata, pp. ignoble, low. an-abhijit-krushfa, pjj.not ap-
liking nothing else; -vishaya, a. relating to ^RfSTTj" an-abhi</wa, a. ignorant; unac- 1 f^ -abhyutthayin, a.not risin g
nothing else ; -vyapara, a. occupied with no- quainted with (g., lc., -tva, n. non-ac-
thing else; -«ara«a, a. having no other re- to greet. [means.
quaintance. [thing is known; -ta, / . abst. N.
fuge ; -sasana, a. under no one else's com- an-abhyup^.ya, m. unsuitable
mands ; -samtati, a. without other offspring; ^ i f W r r r an-abhi-5f«ata,j9p-°f whom no-
-sama, a. like no one else, unequalled; - s a - ^ R y an-abhra, a. cloudless.
dliara?ia, a. (i) common to no one else; -sa- an-abhi-c/weya, fp. not to be re-
"^RIT a-nama, a. inflexible ; invincible.
manya,a.unequalled; ^adhina,a.depending cognised. [grudge against (lc.).
on no other; -jipatya, a. having no other off- ^ R f T R ^ f a-namita-ptirva,a. not bent be-
^RfWfR an-abhit&pa, a. bearing no
spring ;-asrita,j?p. not tafnsferredtoanother. fore (bow). [quisition of enemies.
^ R f j ^ t f an-abhidroha, m. not insulting.
l ^ f r t an-anyatha-vntti, a.occupied ^ S R f i T W W an-amitra-labha, m. non-ac-
with nothing else. ^RfJTVRan-abhidhana.w.non-statement. an-amiv^, a. diseaseless, healthy;
ananyS-dn'sa, a. not like others, ^ R f S T O T ^ an-abhidMyaka, a. not ex- cheerful; salutary; n. well-being, health.
unusual. [quiring after (ac.). pressing ; -tva, n. abst. N. [(/C.). ^SRiJ^f an-amutra, a. having no there,'
^ • t p q o q q ^ an-anujsh-yat, pr. pt. not en- ^ R ^ T W T an-abhidhya,/. lack of desire for i. e. not troubling about the next world.
an-apakarman, n. non-delivery, ^ R f M s f c T an-abhi-dhyeya, fp. not to be ^ R y a-namra, a. unbending; obstinate.
withholding. thought of. ^ R S T i . a-naya, m. indiscretion,imprudence,
efi I f\*ian-apak^rin, a. doing no harm. , an-abhi-prita, pp. not satisfied. bad conduct.

1M4J an-aya. W r f H an-apti. 13
an-avalokayat,pr.j?£.not look- ing, future; not to be found : -m kr/, provide
W R I 2. an-aya, m. ill-luck, misfortune, for the future; -vat, a. referring to the future;
ing towards (ac.). [unseasonable occasion. -vidhatri, a. providing for the future, provi-
an-aranya, n. no desert,
an-avasara, m. inopportuneness, dent ; m. N. of a fish ; -vidbi.ua, n. provision
an-argala, a. unhindered, free. for the future.
I an-avasita, / . a metre.
W T ^ an- argha,m. false price, overcharge; a. W n ' W T an-agamana, n. non-return.
priceless; -r&ghava, n. T. of a play. W T ^ W T an-avastha, / . endlessness, going
on ad infinitum; -na, n. inconstancy; -yin, WTT'TO,^n-&gas,a.blameless, sinless; inno-
wjan-arghya,a.priceless; -tva,n.-ness.
a. inconstant, wavering. WniT^^an-agas-tvd,ra.sinle6sness. [cent.
an-arfrita, pp. unhonoured; not WT^rf^TfT an-ava-sthita, pp. unstable,
reverently presented. WTTWnT an-S-gbrata,^. unsmelt; -purva,
wavering; helpless; faithless; unable to stay;
a. unsmelt before.
W T ^ an-artha, m. disadvantage; damage, -£itta, a. unsteady-minded : -tva, n. -ness.
m | -q •sjr^ an-S-fcakshat, pr.pt. not saying.
misfortune; nonsense; a. useless; unfortunate; WT^twf^Ian-avasthiti/.restlessness; in-
meaningless : -ka, a. id.; -kara, a. useless, stability. an-a/rarana, n. non-performance.
unprofitable; -(/na, a. not knowing the sense;
-pa/w/ita, a. skilled in mischief; •^antara, an-ava-bimsita, pp. not killed. W T T ^ T T an-a^ra, a. ill-bred ; m. bad be-
n. no other (i.e. the same) meaning. [tion. WT^f^fTan-ava-hita,^.) ad. inattentively haviour. [out permission.
W l f ^ H an-arthi-tva,n. absence of solicita- W T R T T an-%w £l, /.non-permission: in.with-
H i m - a v a apta, pp.notobtained. [(°-).
W*nzfan-arthy£,a .useless, good for nothing, WTrWTfT an-a-j/nata,/)/?.unknown; unno-
an-avapti,/. non-obtainment.
an-ardhuka, a.not fulfilling wishes. <4(«ic||iej an-avSpya, fp. unobtainable.
WTRT^an-Stapa, a. shady, [not love-sick.
W"Hfan-arvd, a. irresistible, bound- H iq oftan-aveksha-ka,a.paying no regard
less. to (~°) : -m, ad. without looking round; -na, W T T ^ T an-Stura, a. healthy; undaunted ;
an-arha, a. unworthy, undeserving ; n. disregard, carelessness. HUGH'S! an-atma-pna,o.not knowing one-
innocent; unsuitable for (-°); -ta,/. unsuit- self, foolish: - t a , / folly.
W T ^ T F an-aveksha, / . regardlessness.
ability. [fire. W T I W ^ an-Stma-tva, n. not being soul.
W T S T T ^n-asana, a. having no f o o d ; m.
Wf5ran-ala,m.fire; Agni; -da,a.quenching WTIWtan-Eitman, m. not soul; a. lacking
fasting; ( a ) - t a , / id. soul or sense; -ina, a. of no use to oneself.
W t y R l t T an-alam-kn'ta, pp. unadorned,
WlfTTcT dn-asita, pp. not eaten, "^•l an-§,tma-vat, a. not self-pos-
an-alam, ad. incapable of (inf.).
^ • t 1M c^ an-as-nat, pr.pt. not eating, [ing. sessed, beside oneself; -vedin, a. not knowing
WT^TCI an-alasa, a. not idle, diligent, oneself, not - the Atman: (di)-ta,/. abst. v.;
q 1 an-as-nuv-ana, pr.pt. not reach- -sampanna, pp. soulless, stupid; uncon-
anala-sakha, m. wind. trolled ; -sat-knta, pp. not appropriated.
W T ^ an-asru, a. tearless,
WT^TRT anal^ya, den. A . behave like fire. an^atreyi, / . woman who has not
an-asva, a. horseless,
W R P f an-alpa, a. not a little, much; -tva, bathed after menstruation.
n. strength; - abhyasuya, a. greatly incensed a-nasvara, a. imperishable.
"^•t SM^-nash?a-pasu,a.hvg.lost no cattle. W T r o i . a-nStha,a.unprotected, helpless;
with (Ic.). [nought.
-vat, ad. like one helpless. [lessness.
W f ^ f i f x f f T an-ava-karwita, pp. set at WT^anas, n. cart (for heavy burdens).
2. a-ndtha, w.unprotectedness, help-
. avakasin, a .having no room WT^EJ an-asGy-a, a. uncomplaining; not
for (-°). . [wrong. detracting, not envious; kind; -aka, a. (ika) W T T ^ T an-ldara, m. disrespect, disregard,
id.; - a , / , non-grumbling, nngrudgingness. indifference, towards (Ic.) : ab. offhand.
dn-ava-kZipta, pp. unsuitable,
W r a f ^ m an-astam-ita, pp. not set; un- W T n ^ T W an-Sdarana, n. disregard.
M ^ r f * an-ava-kfa'pti,/. improbability. ceasing : -ke, (Ic.) ad. before sunset. an-adi, a.having nobeginning; -ta,
W T V T r l an-ava-gata.^p- not obtained; not W T ' i P t . a n - a s t h a n , a. boneless. [a. id. /. abst. N. [unordered.
understood; -graha, a. unhindered. W T r f ^ S an-S-dishfa, pp. not prescribed;
an-£sthi-ka, a. boneless; -mat,
W T ^ f ^ W an-ava-fc/cAinna, pp. undistin-
an-adinava, a. blameless, [ed.
guished; undefined: -tva, n. abst. N. ; -khhe- W I ^ l T f T an-aham-kn'ta, pp. unselfish.
da, m. undeterminateness. W T ^ ^ T f T an-ahar-</ata, ^ . b o r n on an un- WTT^rTan-a-drita,^.despised; disregard-
WT^?Tan-a-vadya,/p.notunpraiseworthy, lucky day. W T T ^ W an-t-dn'-tya, gd. without regard-
blameless, faultless: - t & , / . , - t v a , n. -ness; ing. [admissible.
W T T an&, (in.) ad. ever : with neg. never.
-rupa, a. of faultless appearance.
|cf|*i| an -Skam pa, a. immovable; -dhair- W T T ^ I a n - a - d e y a j / p . not to be taken; in-
r y anavadyajinga, a. (1) of faultless ya, a. of immovable firmness.
form. [ligence. WTT^IT an-adesa, m. absence of an injunc-
WTRifT^cT an-a-karnita, pp. not listening. tion ; -paribh&sha, / . explanatory rule re-
H I ^ O an-avadhana, n. inattention, n eg- garding non-specification (of deity and met re
WTT«fif^loRan-akasmika, a. not accidental.
WT5r«T a-navana, a. (i) not refreshing. W T R T an-Sdy^,^?. not to be eaten.
dn-ava-pngna, pp. undivided, WTT^i^r an-akula, a. not confused; unem- W T p J P P f T a n - a d i j n a n t a , a.lackingbegin-
barrassed; indifferent.
connected. | («|«n an-ad^anta, a. id. [ning or end.
WnWSan-a-kn'shto,jop.not attracted, not
an-ava-buddha, pp.not perceived. carried away. [(fi'O- W r r f y an-adbi, a. free from care.
"M an-avabhasa, m. non-appearance. WTTsfi^r an-a-kramya, fp. inaccessible to W T T ^ S ^n-a-dhn'sh^a, pp. unconquered.
WTSTTT an-avama, spv. not the lowest, high;
W T T ^ T f ^ f T an-a-ksharita, pp. blameless. an-a-dhn'shyd, fp. unapproach-
not worse than (-°). [than (ab.).
1 I ft an-a-khyata,^). undeclared: not able ; unconquerable.
"^•t^^an-avara, cpr.notlowerthan, higher
indicated. [ing- WTPTrT an-a-nata, pp. unbowed.
WT^^fT an-ava-rata, pp. uninterrupted,
an-a-khya-ya, gd. without tell- an-§,pad,/. absence of calamity: Ic.
continual: -m, ad. constantly. [pelled.
W ^ T ^ ^ I an-S-khyeya, fp. not to be told. except in distress or trouble.
an-ava-rodhya,^?.nottobe com-
W T T T ^n-aga, a. guiltless, sinless. i f i j ^n-api, a. lacking friends or kin.
W T ^ R ^ T an-avalambana, n. non-adher-
ence to, rejection, [from pride; m. modesty, WTTT^f^an^a-ga/cMat.pr.^f.not coming. WTTTTdn-Spta.pj). unattained; notreaching
an-avalepa, a. unahointed ; free W T P R T an-agata, pp, not arrived; impend- W T l f R an-apti,/. failure, [to; unskilful.
14 ^RTTf a n - a p t r i . a-nir-vahya.

an-aptri, a. not obtaining. [to. ^SRTCI a-ntsa, m. preservation. a-nind-at, pr. pt. not blaming.

^ I r|q<tan-ap-nuv-at,pr.pf. not attaining ^SRTSJ 2. an-isa, a. void of expectation. ^ r f ^ T d-ninda, f . lack of blame, [ fp. id.

W R f an-apya,/p. unattainable. ^ R T S R j an-asaka, n. fasting; starvation. ^fa|^t-<i a-nind-ita, pp. blameless; -ya,

3RT*f«J an-amaya, a. not fatal; healthy, W H T O an-a-sasva, fp. unwished for. a-nipuwa, a. unskilful; tactless.
well; salutary; spared by (ab.); n. health, i f i l r l an-asita, pp. hungry, [n. abst. N. -ni-baddha, pp. unfastened; not
welfare ; -prasna, m. enquiry after health. caring for (lc.); disconnected; not (morally)
^ R T f t R j - an-asin, a.not eating ; (si)-tva,
^ R T f S R i T £-nami-ka, / . (the nameless), bound. [immodest; -tva, n. mobility.
W f t F ^ . a-nasin, a. unperishing. a-ni-bhnta, pp. movable, restless;
^ R T f f P ? an-fis-ishtfAa, spv. slowest.
an-^-mukta, pp. not yet worn. ^lfa(*<Tt a-nimitta, n. bad omen; a. not
W T f W ^ an-asis, a. undesirable. to be predicted, precarious; groundless:
^ R T ^ S an-a-mrishfa, pp. untouched.
^•TT^J an-asu, a. not quick, slow. [Ssramas. -m, -tas, ad. causelessly, [ac., in. watchfully.
W R T T O an-amnSya, m. lack of tradition.
^ R T ^ C T an-asrama, m. none of the 4 (or 3) ^ i f a (+f 4^-nimish, f . absence of winking:
^ R T R f a-namya,//). inflexible.
| ^ q 1 .an-asraya,ra.independence 0 % . ) . ^ r f a f i m a-nimishd, a.not closing the eyes,
^STTTT a-naya, a. impolitic. unwinking, wakeful; -dris, m. fish.
^ R T ^ f i a-nSyaka, a. without a guide. ^RPST^T 2. an-asraya, a. defenceless; afford-
tji^ a-ni-mishat, pr. pt. unwinking.
ing no support; -ta, / . abst. N.
an-S-yata, pp. not long, short. "^f^J^fcJ a-nimesha, a. not winking; m.
^ R T ^ R an-asrava, a. disobedient (to, g.).
W R f T T ^ R an-ayati-kshama, a. not ad- absence of winking ; - t k , f . abst. -V.
^RTf%TtT an-a-srita, pp. independent; re- a-ni-yata, pp. unrestrained, un-
vantageous for the future.
^ M K M an-a-yatta, pp. independent ; gardless of (ac.). limited, uncertain; unusual; - v n t t i , a. hav-
^SRT^^an-as-vas, pf.pt. not having eaten. ing no fixed means of livelihood; -velam, ad.
-vritti-ta,/. independence. at an uncertain time, [his mind controlled.
^ • H q f t l H an-a-yasita,p|).not drawn(&ow); ^ R T f f a-n&shfrd, a. exposed to no danger,
^ f a q a imn^a-niyatajitman, a.not having
-tarmnka, a. not plying his bow strenuously. ^5RTO?Tan-a-sanna, pp.not near (g.). [safe.
a-niyantrana, a. unconstrained:
^ «1I I d an-a-yata,pp. notgone out of(ai.). an-asavaakhya, a. not called
-m.,ad.without limit, freely; -jumyogfa, a. to
distilled spirit. be asked without constraint.
^ R T T T O an-ayasa, m. no trouble; inde-
fatigableness ; a. causing no trouble, [less. Itl |<^<JC^an-a-sad-ayat,pr.pt. not ob- | a-niyantranS,/. absoluteness.
^ R T ^ I an -Syudha, a. weaponless, defence- taining ; -ita, pp. not reached, not attained;
- y a , f p . unattainable. ^ f a « | * ( a-niyama, m. lack of limitation;
w p an-ayushya, a. shortening life. want of self-restraint. [simile.
^ R T f ^ R i an-astika, a. unbelieving, god-
an-a-rabhya,/p.not to be begun; ^ r c n f t W T aniyamaupama, f . hind of
less ; -kya, n. unbelief, godlessness.
impossible; -arambh-a, m. non-commence-
ment (of, (/.); a. unenterprising-, -in, a. id. l^sTl^i an-a-stirna,^-uncovered,bare. H f o y W a-ni-yukta, pp. not commissioned,
not instructed ; unfamiliar with (lc.).
^ R T ^ l " an-a-ruddha, pp. unlimited. ^ R T ^ T an-SsthS, / . indifference towards
(lc.). [-purva, a. not tasted before. 1*1 a-ni-yuy-ya-mSna, pr.ps.pt.
I ^V^l an-aruhya, gd. without ascending, unauthorised. [visiting (g.).
^ R T ^ T f ^ r f an-fi-sv&dita,pp. not tasted;
- surmounting, - incurring, [oneself to (ac.).
^RT^cT an-a-hata, pp. not struck ; un- ^rfaO'^J'O a-niriksha-ka, a. not seeing, not
H i an-a-rWAa,pp. not having betaken
washed, new. [tion; a. abstaining from food. W f ' R W ^-nir-ukta, pp. unexpressed; im-
^ ^ r r f r o an-arogya, a. unwholesome. plicit : said of verses in which the deity is not
^ R T f T T an-ahara, m. abstinence, starva-
^ R T ^ f e an-tr</ava, n. dishonest conduct. expressly named.
^ l l R d l l M an-abitaagni, a. not keeping
an-arya, a. ignoble, dishonourable; a-ni-rfipita, pp. not viewed.
un-Aryan; -karmin,a. performing the works up the sacred fire; - t k , f . abst. n. [moned.
^ R T ^ f ! an-a-huta, pp. uncalled, unsum- ^ f a f ^ t T a-nir-^ita, pp. unconquered.
of a non-Aryan; -ta, f . dishonourableness;
-vr/tta, pp. behaving dishonourably. ^ R T ^ R an-ahvana, n. not calling; not ^ f a ^ r h a - n ir-nikta ,pp .unpur ified.[j u st e d.
an-arsha, a. not belonging to the summoning (legally). •4(fayjTfl a-nir-wita, pp. undecided, unad-
• ^ R T W i an-arsheya, a. id. [ Eishis. a-niketa, a. houseless. ^ T ^ T a-nirdaya, a. soft, tender: ad.
^RT^T a-nala, a. stalkless, a-ni-kshipta, pp. not laid aside. gently, [(after a birth or death)', - aha, a. id.

an-a-laksbya,/^. invisible. ^ P F S a-nigada, a. only lacking chains. ^ f a ^ l j a-nir-dasa, a. not past the ten days

W R n R a n - a l a p a n a : n . no conversation w. ^ R l f a-nigraha, m. lack of restraint. ^ i f a n ^ a - n i r - d i s h * a , pp. unindicated; un-

specified; unauthorised; -k&ranam,aci. with-
^ R T j R T an-glasya, n. assiduity. [(£.). " ^ f f a ^ a-ni&aya,a.storeless; m.not storing
out indicating the reason.
an-fi-lidAa, pp. unlicked. H fa ^ f ^ a n - i i / f Aat, pr.pt. not wishing, [up.
a-nirdesa, m. non-specification.
^ ^ f W n - f i - l o f c i t a . p p . n o t considered. "«lfa^TB,n-ikkha,f.aversion: in.involun-
a-nir-desya,^.not to be specified.
^ R T ^ t ^ I a n - a - l o i y a , gd. not having looked ^ r f ^ an-ii, a. having no it (gr.). [tarily.
' ^ i f ' R ^ R ^ a - n i r b a n d h a - r u s h , a.persistent
at, not having considered. a-nitya, a. transient; temporary; in anger. [undifferentiated ; vague.
uncertain; inconstant; -ta, f , -tva, n. tran-
H *1| an-Svartin, a. not returning. a - n i r - b h i n n a , ^ . uninterrupted;
sitoriness, uncertainty, instability. [& then.
a-nSv-Mi, a. not belonging to
^ifacijJ^a-nityam, ad. not continually, now a-nirbhe^a, m. non-betrayal.
the Ga»a nan. [wounded.
W f a WI CM *t. anity aStman, a. whose soul is ^fffa<?f f ^ f t a-nir-lodita,jo/?.not thoroughly
W f a ! - an-&-viddha, pp. unpierced, un-
unsubdued. investigated. [defined (by or as, in.).
^ I I fa <!1 an-&vila,a. not dim, clear; healthy.
^ f ^ T ^ f t r f t a - n i d i g h a - didhiti, m. a-nir-vafcmiya, fp. not to be
an-avish-krita, pp. not become
^ f s T ^ R a-nidSna, a. groundless, [moon, a-nir-varnaniya.yp.notto be
^RT^cin-avnt,«.notreturning.[apparent. looked at.
^ i f a l ^ f V an-id-it, a. having no 1 as an it.
^RT«pT dn-a-vrita,pp.unclosed; not fenced a-nir-vatya, fp. inexpressible;
a-nidra, a. sleepless, wakeful; -ta, -vawa, pp. unextinguished, unended; un-
in ; unintrenched; unprotected.
tamed, wild ; -vkhya, gd. without executing.
^ R T ^ f g a n - a v rishii f . want of rain,drought. ^ j f ^ T a-nidr§,,/. sleeplessness. [ / . -ness.
a-nir-vnta. W^tTT an-uttama. 15

^ f i f ^ r l a-nir-vnta, pp. dissatisfied, un- W ^ f f a a-nifta, a. not o/low degrees unsummoned: -tva,n.abst. jr.; -kliva-va&a-
na, a. not having uttered vain words.
happy; - v n t i , / . lack of pleasure, sorrow. vartin, a. not following base practices.
^ r f r T a-nir-vritta, ^.unaccomplished. W ^ W T T £n-igr-£na, pf.pt. not having sacri- W ^ W T anu-krama, m. regular order: in.
Sf ab. in order; table of contents: -na, n.
i l f f i f * a-nirveda, m. intrepidity, un- enumeration, -ni, f., -ni-ka, /. table of con-
i r i U f l a-niti, / . bad policy, imprudence, tents ; Vedic index; -kxosa, m. compassion,
dauntednes®, Belf-reliance.
foolish act; -gTiv>,a. impolitic,indiscreet,foolish. sympathy with (prati; g., Ic., -°): -vat, a.
W f ^ f c ^ d a-nir-vedita, pp. not displayed. « T l ( f t U l l a - n i t i s S s t r a - g ' w a , a. unac- sympathetic, ^atmata,/. compassionateness;
' i l f ^ N l a-nirvesa, a. not having atoned quainted with the teachings of policy. -kslianam, ad. every moment, continually;
-kshapam, ad. every night.
for his sins. an-idn'g-atman, a. unique;
a-nirhanaWfca, a. having no- -asaya, a. not having such sentiments. W*JWTf?T 5nu-khyati, f . beholding.
thing wanting in the recitation of the ( Y % y a ) W ^ t f ^ f f an-ipsita, des. pp. unwished for, anu-ga, a. following; flying after ;
verses. [low. corresponding to (-°); m. follower: pi. reti-
disagreeable, unpleasant. [girdle.
nue ; - g f a t i , f . following: -ka, a. following;
W f ^ T f ^ t a-nirhradin, a. not resonant, W ^ f V ^ I f f a-ni-rasana, a. not lacking a imitating; conforming to; -gantavya,j^>. to
W t ^ f dn-ila, m.wind; V&yu; vital air (one be followed or accompanied; -gama, «?.,
an-irshya, -shyu, a. not jealous. -na, n. following; -gara, m. invitation ad-
ofthelhumoursofthebody); N. ofaR&kshasa.
W ^ t i T an-isa, a. not mastering, having no dressed to the reciter ; -gargita, n. echo;
W f ' l W r a-nilaya, a. not resting, restless. control over (g.); -tva, n. abst. n. -gamin, a. following, obedient to (ac.); m.
Wf^TWTSiW anilajLtmaya, m. ep. o/Bhima. ^n-isvara, a. lordless; not proper servant; -giram, ad. on the mountain.

anilaahati,/. gust of wind. to the supreme being; not master of (g.); "S8j«j«n<t anu-gita, (pp.) n. imitative song ;
unable to (inf.). [nothing. - g i t i , f . a metre; -gnna, a. of similar quali-
an-iha-m&na, pr. pt. desiring ties with, corresponding, suitable to (-0)'. -m,
not fleeing; - n i y a , f p . not to be turned back. ad. according to merit, -tva, n. abst. N. ; -gri-
a-nivarti-tva, n. brave resist- WTVflTcf an-ihita, pp. not desired. hita, pp. favoured, obliged; -godam, ad. on
ance ; -n, a. not fleeing; not to be stopped. ad. afterwards, then; again; prp. the river Goda.
^ ^ M l a - m - v a r - a n a , n. non-prevention; w.ac.: along; towards; over; after; accord- W^DT^anu-graha,m. favour: -krit,a.giving
-ita, pp. unhindered; - y a , f p . not to be kept ing to; tor (not against); withregardto; w.ac., satisfaction; -na, n. showin g favour; - artham,
off, irresistible. [resting. ab.,g. after (of time); ic. ab. on account of. ad. in favour of; i-kn,make a token of favour;
Tjl^jcfiTQ^anu-kaWdam, ad. on every bank. -grahaka, a. favouring, furthering; m. sup-
^ f a f a ^ l ^ l l d-ni-vi-sam-ana,pr. pt. not porter ; -graliya, fp. deserving favour; fa-
anu-kathana, n. report. voured by (g.); -ghafena, n. continuation.
W f ^ r R T T O a-nivn'tta-mamsa, a. not re-
fraining from meat. [non-cessation, anu-kanakhalam, ad. above anu-feara, a. (i; 4) following; m.
Kanakhala. attendant: pi. retinue. [with (in.).
a-nivritti, f . brave resistance ;
anu-kampa-ka, a. sympathising ^ R d i . anu-/dta, pp. studded all along
^ ^ a-ni-vedya, gd. without reporting. with (-°) ; -na, n. compassion; -niya, fp.
K«[ft|r| 2. an-u/cita,pp.unaccustomed; un-
Wf^TTT a-nisa, a. continual: -m, ad. -ly. deserving compassion.
usual; unfit, unseemly, improper; - artha, a.
a-ni-sfinta, pp. unextinguished. anu-kamp-a,/. compassion, sym- having an unusual or unsuitable meaning.
pathy with (g., Ic., - ° ) ; -in, a. sympathising
" ^ f a f i l f l d-nis-ita, pp, not resting: -m, ad. «t1 «lanu-A;int-ana,n.reflexion; -a J.id.
w.(</.,-°); -ya Jt /p.tobe felt for. [ofsympathy.
continually, W ^ W an-ufcfta, a. low (birth); -nit-A;aIat,
w ^ f t f i r anu-kampSukti,/. expression
a-nis-A:aya, a. undecided; m. inde- pr.pt. not departing from (ab.); -nfc-Mta, pp.
cision; -Aita, pp. irresolute; uncertain; -Tci- anu-kard, a. imitating; m. assistant. not plucked; -XLJc-khinna,pp. uninterrupted,
tya, gd. without having ascertained. ^^jcn^iji anu-karana, n. imitation. unimpeded; -Tik-khiahtn, (pp.) n. no mere
remnant; a. containing no remains of food,
a-nis-/iintya, fp. inscrutable. anu-karsha,»i.,0T!J-wa,?i.drawing af- clean; -ui-feAvasat, pr. pt. not breathing.
a-nis-fceya,^. unascertainable. ter; supplying what precedes (gr.); -karshin,
anu-^ra, a. born after, younger; m.
a. drawing after; -kalpa, m. secondary rule younger brother; f . a, younger sister; -yan-
H f«1 .'it U rfa-niA-seshita^p.not completely substitutedfor an impracticable primary one. man, m. younger brother; -^ata, pp. V^an :
^•jcfiI f^*«Vanu-kankshin,a.striving after, -ka, a. taking after, like (ac.); -r/igliriksha,
Wf*m<*l an-isha vy&,a. proof against arrows. eager; -kam&, m.desire,longing; a.conform- f . desire to gratify; -^ivika, m. follower; -gi-
ing to one's wish : -m, ad.; -kara, -ka, a. vin,a.,m.dependent, inferior; -prvi-sat-kri,
Wf^rf^T^a-ni-shiddha,^.unhindered; not
imitating; resembling; -k&rin, a. id.; corre- subject; -givya,,fp. to be lived according to.
prohibited. [with arrows.
sponding, conforming to, following; -karya, anu-jma,/. consent; leave to depart;
Wf^r3*rrf^^an-ishu-£arin, a. not hunting fp. to be represented; n. subsequent business; -na, n. id.
a-nishkashSya, a.not free from -kalam, ad. at the regular time.
anu-tafe, or-m, ad. on the bank;
W5PB^ 5 Ianu-kirtana,w. proclaiming,men- -tarsha,m. thirst; intoxicating drink; -t4pa,
Wf'TWTfa-nish-knta.jjp.unexpiated. [lust.
tioning ; blazing abroad; -kirtya,//*. to be TO. repentance; pain, woe: -na, a. causing
Wf^TE i. an-ish/a, pp. displeasing (to, gr.), proclaimed. repentance; afflicting; -tighlA&su, des. a.
unpleasant; unlucky, hurtful; forbidden,disap- anu-ktila, a. toward the b a n k ; about to carry out (ac.).
proved of; n. evil, calamity, [be sacrificed to. facing; suitable; agreeable; favourable; well- an-ut-kirna, pp. not hollowed out;
2. &n-ishfa, pp.not sacrificed; not to disposed : -m, ad. on the bank; -karin, a.
-ut-kliata, (pp.) n. not uneven ground.
showing kindness; -ga, m. tree growing on
anishfa-gandha, a. ill-smelling.
the bank; -ta , f , tva, n. favour; proneness; W«JtT i . anu-tta, pp. V d a .
W f a j T a-nishf Aura, a. not rough, friendly. -na, n. currying favour; -parinama, a. ter- 2. ^-nut-ta, pp. invincible.
minating favourably.
'^(•I'Mfl a-nish-panna, pp. not ripened, ^•JTI** an-uttama, a. (without a highest),
spoiled; -tva, n. abst. N. [out. anu-kfilaya, den. P. flatter (ac.).
highest, most excellent; mightiest; -uttara,
a-niA-sarat, pr. pt. not coming rfl anukfilaukta, n. pleasing speech. a. not answering; unanswerable; n. unsatis-
factory answer in court: -tva, n. abst. N. ;
an-iha, a. having no 'here,' i.e. not anu-kriti,/. imitation; - k r i t y a , / p . -nttaranga, a. not billowy; -nttliaiia, %.
troubling about this world. to be imitated; -kn'shia-tva, n. the being lack of energy; - u t p a t t i , / . non-production;
a-ni-hata, pp. not slain. supplied from a preceding rule (gr.). -ntpMa, m. id.; non-appearance; -ntsaha,
W ^ ^ f H anu-Wipti, / . peculiarity. m. absence of energy; -ntsaliin, a. weak-
dn-ika, n. face, front; middle; edge, willed; - u t s u k a - t a , / . unassumingness, mo-
point; troop, array, army; i-ni,/. army. ^^JHl an-ukta, pp. unuttered,undiscussed; desty; -utsutra-pada-nyasa, a. without a
16 an-utseka. W^iifS anu-sakti.
step agau.oi the rules of policy; without a [•jmif^l an-upapatti, f . not coming to anu-ya^a, m. after-sacrifice: -vat,
word against grammatical rules; -utseka, m. pass,impossibility; a. inadmissible,impossible; a. accompanied with an - ; -y&tavya,//?. to be
lack of presumption, modesty; -utsekin, a. -npa-panna, pp. unsuitable; unproved, in- followed; - y a t n , m. companion; -y&tra, ».,
unassuming, modest, humble. admissible; -upa-bbuyyamana, pr.pt.ps. not f . retinue; escort; -yatrika, m. pt. re-
an-udakd, a. waterless; -udaya, m. being enjoyed (riches); -upa-bhogya,//?. not tinue.; -yana, n. following; -yayi-ta,y. fol-
to be enjoyed; -upama, a. incomparable; lowing, -tva, n. id.; -yayin, a. following; m.
non-appearance: -Vhkg, a. not rising (moon). -npa-yat, pr.pt. not cohabiting with; -upa- follower; -yugam, ad. according to the (4)
anu-darsa, m. representation, ad- yukta, pp. unserviceable, useless; unfit ; ages; -yoga, m. question, enquiry; -yo^ya,
monition: -na, n. consideration; -darsin, a. -upa-yiiyyamana^r.^.ps.goodfor nothing; fp. at the disposal of (-°); to be asked.
perceiving; considering. -upayogin, a. unserviceable: (i)-tva, n. abst.
n. ; -uparodha, m. not prejudicing, not injur- W^J^rfl anu-rakta, pp. devoted, attached,
an-udatta, a. not elevated, vulgar; ing : -tas, ad. without inconvenience; -upa- fond; -rakti,/. attachment, fondness; -xa.ng-
lowered, grave (accent); pronounced with the laksbita, pp. unnoticed; -upalabdhi,/.non- aka, a. gratifying; -ran^ana, n. gaining the
low tone; m. grave accent; -tara, m. lowered perception ; imperceptibility; -upalambha, affection of; - r a t h y a , / . footpath, pavement;
grave accent preceding acute or circumflex; m. id.; -upasamliarin,a. non-exclusive (fal- -raga, m. colouring; redness; affection; at-
-tva, n. tonelessness. lacious middle term); -upasarga, a. not com- tachment ; fondness for (-°); contentment:
bined with a preposition; -upa-skr/'ta, pp. -vat, a. red; fond; enamoured of (saha): -1 ,f.
WjjJ^TT an-udara, a. ignoble. unprepared; simple; unfurnished with (in.); N.: -«rmgaravatyau,f7«._/. Anur&gavatl and
W ^ T T 2. anu-d&ra, a. ruled by his wi'e. disinterested; - u p a - h a t a , h e a l t h y ; undis- iSringaravatl; - r a g i - t a , / . attachment; -ra-
puted : - atmaka, a. not dejected, cheerful; g i n , a. attached to; worldly; enamoured;
W ^ ^ T ^ V T an-ud-asina, pp. not indifferent -upa-bita,_pp .unconditioned .unappropriated.
lovely; -ratram, ad. by night.
to (prati).
^^J^M anu-rQpa, a. suitable; conformable
"W^f^d i. ^n-ud-i-ta, pp. not risen (sun). |0fTan-upaJ,-kn'ta,pp.unconsecrated.
to ; fit for (g.): -m, -tas, in. ad. in propor-
2. an-ud-ita, pp. undiscussed; not anu-pata, m. going after, following; tion to (-°); -rupaka,a.suitable, conformable,
to be uttered. -ka, n. minor crime equal to a mortal crime; corresponding; -rodha, m. compliance, grati-
-patin, a. following. fication ; regard, consideration; -r6dhana, n.
anu-dina or -m, ad. every day. compliance; partiality; -rodbin, a. consi-
W'JMT'C.*! an-upaji-rata, pp. not desisting dering (-") : (i)-t&,/. complaisance.
W^jfc^tl+V, anu-divasam, id.
from (ab.). [serving.
anu-desa, m. subsequent enumera- W'jW'T anu-lepa, m. anointing; ointment:
tion corresponding to a previous one; injunc- W ^ T R T ^ i anu-palaka, a. guarding, pre- -na, n. id.; -lepin, a. anointed with (-°) ;
tion ; -deham, ad. behind; from behind. W^JMT^^T an-upa&labhya, fp. not to be -loma, a. following the hair, with the grain:
blamed ; to be observed. [ing in. in the natural direction, downwards;
W®JfTrT an-udgh3,ta, m. no jolt, no shock; in. in a friendly way : f. a, spell («e. vidya);
-ud-dhata, pp. not haughty, humble; -nd- W^JM I fa^anu-palin, a. guarding, protect- girl of lower caste than the man she marries:
dbrita, pp. not taken out beforehand. 1. anu-pfirva, a. compounded w. anu. -ga, a. born of such a union; -lomana, a. put-
an-udyama, m. absence of exertion; ting in due order; n. purging.
2. anu-pfirva, a. following the one
-udyoga, m. id.; inactivity; -udyogin, a.
preceding; regular: -m, ad. in regular W'prWtT an-ulba«a, a. not too mucK or
not exerting oneself, lazy; - u d - v i g n a , ^ . not too little,moderate; -ul-langh-aniya,//?.not
agitated, not frightened: -m,ad.; -udvega,m. order; -sa,s,ad. in successive order; according
to the order of (g.). to be infringed; -ita, pp. not transgressed.
absenceofexcitement,calmness: -kara, a.not
agitating, not frightening; -udveyaka, a. W f l ^ U ! an-upekshana, a. not neglecting; anu-vamsa, m. genealogical table ;
causing no excitement, giving no offence to not hvg. the consent of (in.); -tva, n. abst. N. a. equal by birth : -m, by birth ; -vam.vya,
(g.); -ud-ve^ayat, pr. pt. not agitating. a. relating to one's genealogy ; -vaXuna, n.
^n-upeta, pp. who has not yet gone repetition; study; lesson; -vanam, ad. in the
WiJ^TT'TT anu-dhavana, n. running after; to his teacher; -purva, a. id. forest; in every forest; - v a n a a n t a m , ad. in
cleansing ; -dbyana, n. meditation ; -dhya- the forest; -vandin, a. praising ; -vapram,
yin,a. reflecting; indulging inlonging; -dbye- W^MMTlW anu-pra-pattavya, fp. to be fol-
lowed ; -pr a-va/i'aniya ,fp. requisitefor learn- ad. on the bank ; -vartana, n. continuation;
y a , f p . to be reflected on. compliance, tractableness; -vartaniya, fp.
ing the Veda; -pravesa, a. entering, pene-
anu-naya, a. friendly ; m. concilia- trating into (feelings,&c.); accommodation to to be followed; -varti-tva, n. compliance;
tion ; friendliness; courtesy; flattery. (- 0 ) ; -prasna, m. enquiry after (g.); -pra- -vartin, a. following, yielding, obedient;
s a k t i , / . connexion; -prasa, m. alliteration. -vartman, a. /oliowing, serving; -vartya,
W«FTr^anu-nada, m. echo ; sound; -nadin,
fp. to be followed; -vasa, m. obedience; a.
a. echoing; -nayaka, a. (ika) reconciling; anu-bandha, m. attachment; con- obedient; -vasba/-kara, m. repetition of the
-nayana, a. reconciling; -nayika, f . secon d- tinuity; series; posterity; consequence; mo- concluding sacrificial invocation.
ary heroine ; -nasika, a. nasal; m. nasalised tive; mute letter (gr.); indispensable element:
vowel: -bhava, m. nasality. -na, n. uninterrupted series; -bandhin, a. anu-vSk^i, m. repetition; lesson,,
connected with (-°); extensive; lasting long: section (of a Vedic text); - v a k y a , f p . to be re-
W®jf®ntT^aiiu-nisam, ad. every night,
(i)-tva,m. abst-N.; -bala, w.rear (of an army); cited ; f a, verse to be recited by the Hotri
anu-niti,/. friendliness. -bodba, m. noticing, perceiving ; reviving ail or Maitr dear una priest.
^|»J»|i| anu-neya, fp. to be conciliated. evaporated smell; -bodbya,//). to be recog- [ -q^anu- vat, / . = a n u-vfikya; -v4ta, m.
nised ; to be made acquainted with. following wind ; -vada, m. repetition ; redis-
^[•J^TI an-un-matta, pp. not mad, sane. cussion ; translation ; -v4dln, a. repeating ;
-4|«j*ie| anu-bhava, m. perception, feeling;
£n-un-madita, cs. pp. unfrenzied, spirit; -bbava, m. enjoyment; power, dig- harmonising with, like ; -vasaram, ud. day
restored to one's senses. nity ; -bbavin, a. perceiving; m. eye-witness; by day; -vasin,a.abiiling(in,-°); -vidbayin,
-bbashitri, a. addressing; -bhuta, pp. ex- a. conforming to; compliant, obedient; -vi-
an-upakarin, a. not doing or d b e y a , f p . to be conformed to; to be pre-
unable to do a friendly service. perienced, felt, enjoyed; - b h u t i , / . perception,
apprehension. scribed according to (in.); - v n t t a , pp. oval;
an-upa-kramya, °«(i | -kramya, n. obedience, compliance; -vritti,f continu-
fp. not to be cured. danu-mata,^p.approved; permitted; ance ; carrying on a word to a following s&tra
n. consent: Ic. with the consent of (gr.); (anu)- (gr.); repetition; compliance; conformity
W*JM^d.an-upa-gbnat, pr.pt. not injuring. mati, f . approbation, assent; -mantr;', m. with ; attachment. [sionally.
W^M^^i an-upa-fcarya,^. who need not be one who assents; -mantraraa, n. recitation
of a verse to(y., -marawa, n. following in W a n u - v e l a m , ad. continually; occa-
waited on; unpretending; unselfish.
death (esp. of widows). anu-vesa, m. entering.
anu-pattrika, f . letter.
W®JTT anu-ma,/. conclusion ; -madya, fp. W ^ ^ n ^ anu-vyadha, n. filling; -vy&hara-
anu-padam, ad. immediately after to be hailed; -mana, n. inference; argument; ma, n. repeated recitation; -vyahara, m.
(g., ; repeatedly; at every step. [ing. -m&nana, n. persuasion; -marga, m. follow- cursing; -vrayya, fp. to be accompanied;
W®p?f^»^anu-padin, a. pursuing, search- ing; seeking: in. after (g.); -mardava, n. -vra^ya,/. attem lauce on a person tleparting;
pity; -malini-tiram, ad. on the bank of the (anu)-vrata, a. devoted to (ac., g.).
an-upa-desh<avya.//>. not to be M.; - m i t i , / . conclusion, inference; -mrit, a.
reported; -nyasta, pp. unexplained. following in death; -meya,/^. to be inferred.^ W ^ i r f H anu-sakti,/. a subordinate Sakti.
anil-say a. antar-dhana. 17
within (g., lc.,
anu-saya, m. repentance; revocation -rika, a. not versed in the iZig-veda; -riga, lc.); out of (ab., g.).between, among (ac., g.,
(of a bargain): -vat, a. penitent; ^jtksliepa, a. not straight; dishonest; -rink, a. unin-
m. implication of remorse: a rhet. figure ; debted: -t&,f, -tva, n. -ness (to, g.); -riwata- ^ dnta-ra, a. intimate; inner: other;
-*asana, n. instruction; precept, doctrine; kritya, n. intention of paying one out; -ri- n.interior; interval,distance; entrance; time,
order; -sasaniya./p. to be instructed; to be naakartos, g. inf. to free from debt; -rt'win, while; opportunity, weak point; difference,
punished; -j&sitri, TO. guide, teacher; -sa- a. free from debt. species, peculiarity; surety ; = other, dif-
sln, a. chastising; -saati,/. instruction; -si- dn-rita, a. w r o n g ; untrue, l y i n g ; ferent, special, peculiar: -m, ad. inwards,
ksMn, a. acquiring, practising; -siBhta, pp. n. wrong; fraud ; lie; -purvam, ad. falsely; within; further; into the midst of (g., -°); in.
Vsas; -susrusli&,/. (des.tr.) obedience; -maya,a.false, lying; -va&, a. lying; m.liar; between, within, during, after (ac., -°); with-
ana, n. lamentation; -soHn, a. lamenting for -vadin, a. id.: (di)-ta, f . untruthfulness ; out, except; on account of, with regard to (ac.,
( - ° ) ; -sobhin, a. splendid. -samhita,a.not keeping engagements; ^abhi- g.); ab. out of, after (-°); lc. (also pi.) in,
samsana, n. false accusation. within; meanwhile, on the way; during, after
anu-shanga, m. attachment to (lc.);
(- 0 ); between, among (g., ; (e)tasmin
longing; immediate consequence; -ghangin, ^ • j f c j c h an-riti-ka, a. lying; m.liar; -ritin, (t)atra-, meanwhile. [ - ); distant.
a. attached; prevailing; necessarily following a.,m.id.; -ritu,m. wrong season; wrong time
from (ff.); -sha%raniya, fp. to be supplied for sexual intercourse. <41 < ( 1 ^ ( 1 antara-gata, pp. being within (g.,
from the context. ^^*antar-anga,a. inner; intimate; akin;
an-eka, a. more than one, various:
^ • j ^ f d anu-shfuti,/. praise. pi. many, several; -tva, n. plurality; -dha, n. internal organ, heart.
"^•JJ^anu-shftibh, a. shouting after; / . ad. into many parts; in many ways ; -pa, TO. "^•Tl ^"SJ antara-{/aa, a. discriminating: -ta,
song of praise; a metre ( 4 x 8 syllables). elephant; -pitrika, m. pi. grandsons with dif- f . discrimination; -tara, cpv. very intimate
ferent fathers ; -buddhi, / . manifold concep- with (,9.); -tas, ad. within; prp. within (g.);
anu-sh£ft&-tavya,/p. to be done, tion (ph.); -yuddha-vif/ayin, a. victorious from within (~°); -patita, pp. vanished, = not
to be executed; -ahtliktri, m. performer; in many battles ; -rupa, a. manifold, multi- coming into consideration; -purusha, m.
-sh//(ana, n. practice, performance; -sli/fca- form; -vi^ayin, a. frequently victorious; soul; -prabhava, a. of intermediate origin,
pana, n. causing to perform ; -shtf^&yin, a. •vidha, a. manifold : -tva, n. abst. N. ; -sas, i. e. of mixed caste ; -prepsu, des. a. wishing to
practising, performing; -slitfMta, pp. done, ad. in large numbers; repeatedly; -sam- obtain an opportunity; -stha, a. being within
performed; -shtf/ieya, fp. to be accomplished. sayau^Medin, a. dispelling many doubts; (g.,-°); inner; m. surety; witness; -stliita,
\anu-sh^ys£,ad. immediately; at once. -samsthana, a. having various forms, vari- pp. standing within (~°).
ously disguised; -sankhya, a.very numerous.
•^•Tl^iantara, ad. amidst, between; therein;
^•pjjjan-ushna, a.nothot,cool, cold: -t
anekaanta, m. no absolute case; further; on the way; near; almost; in the
-tva, n.abst. A\; -wita, a. neither hot nor cold. interval; now and then; antara antara, now
i-ka, a. not to the point, irrelevant.
^•jiscj^^T*^ anu-shvadhdm, ad. willingly. and then, here and there; repeated: onetime-
K®pjfrf?lanu-samtati,ad. in uninterrupted ^ m T ^ a n e k a j i p a v S s a , m. much fast- another time; prp. between (ac.,lc.); during
succession; -sawt&na, m. offspring, son; - s a m- d-nedya, a. blameless. Qing. without, except (ac.). [through between.
dbatavya,/p. to be heeded, to be attended to;
"5(*Ht^an-enas, a. guiltless; faultless, sin- ^SprTXTIVT antara-gamana, n. going
-sawdliaiia, n. careful attention, application;
less ; -evam-vid,a. not havingsuch knowledge; ^ • f f ^ T I T T antar-agara, n. interior of a
scrutiny; -samdlieya, fp. to be attended to. -ehas, a. unequalled; safe; m. time ; -oka- house ; -atman, m. soul, heart; self.
anu-sara, a. (i) following; conform- ba, m. tree (not leaving home); -OTOkrita,
pp. unaccompanied by om; -oyas, a. power- w ^ f ^ l antaraanveshin, a. seeking
ing to: n. following, pursuing; -sanu,
less, weak. an opportunity.
ad. on the ridge of the hills; -s&ra, m. follow-
ing, pursuing; conformity; (legal) precedent: antar-aya, m. obstacle; interval.
ano-ratha, TO. pi. carts and war-
•tas, in. according to (-°); -sarin, a. following, chariots ; -vabya,fp. to be conveyed in carts; ^ P r n j ^ T antar-ala, n. interval: lc. on the
atteudanton; seekingout; aimingat; conform-
n. cart-load: -m, ad. by the cart-load. way, meanwhile; intermediate caste ; -bhu,
ing to; adhering to; - s e v a , / . service, attend-
f . space between (g.).
ance ; -sevin, a. addicted to, practising {%(?Ian-auKtya,re.unusualness; -aud-
dhatya, n. lack of arrogance; Iowness of water; ^ f ^ antara-vedi, f . partition.
anu-st^rani,/. cow killed at fu-
neral sacrifices, with whose pieces the corpse -aushadha, n. no remedy; a. incurable. W f t ^ a n M r - i k s h a , n. sky. [air; m. bird.
if1 covered limb for limb; -smarana, n. recol- anta, w. («.) border, edge, limit; prox-
" ^ n f r f X ^ T antariksha-ga, a. moving in the
lection ; -syuta-tva, n. passing through (-°) imity ; end; death; final letter, last word (gr.);
as a thread; -svara, m. nasal sound of a acme, height (of, g.) ; conclusion; solution; antar-ita.pjp. (\/i) retired; exclud-
rowel (gr.). settlement; condition ; interior; ending ed, separated; intervening; distant; being in
with: -m, ad. up to, into: lc. finally; near; a state (~°); hidden, by (in., obstructed
"W^ofi iintlka, m. n. spine. in presence of; in (-°); a. lovely.
HfBRHJ anti-k&s^, m. regard, reference.
W r n ^ B T W antaA-kararca, n. the internal ^ R f t T f ^ T antar-indriya, n. internal or-
|*lanu_Q^-an^,p/.|)^A.learned; mod- organ (ph.); heart; -kopa, m. internal anger; antari-kri, take between, [gan.
est ; -manin, a. proud of learning. -pura, ft. (inner city), royal citadel; harem,
women's apartments; sg.. & pi. wives of a 0 antar-iksha, n. s k y ; -ga, a. moving
^ f f t a n M i , / . of anv-a nk.
king : -&ara, m. harem-attendant, -(/ana, m. in the air; m. bird.
^•J^Tll anM-in£, a. successive; proud of women of the harem, -vriddha,/. old female antariya, n. under-garment.
knowledge. attendant of the harem; -purika,/. woman
of the harem; -prakriti, f . pi. constituent antar-ushya, m. station, resting-
an-tidAa, pp. f . unmarried. elements of the state except the prince. place. -
^ • j f W f T anu ut-thita, pp. V s t h a . anta-ka, a. ending, destroying; TO. "^•n^fT antar-gata, pp. gone within, en-
death ; Y a m a ; -pura, n. city of Yama. tered ; inward, inner; hidden, secret; van-
an-fidaka, n. lack of water, drought.
ished; contained in,being in (- 0 ); -gala-gata,
£ta-fina, pp. complete, entire; not less ^JnT^T^ anta-kara, a. making an end, kill- pp. sticking in the throat.
than (ab.)) ad.very, exceedingly; -vastu- ing: -na, a. id.; n. destruction.
antar-r/ala-^ara, a.living in the
ka, a. of complete content or essence. ^TnTWT^f anta-kila,m.-hourofdeath; -krit, water ; -nivasin, a. id.; -supta, pp. sleeping
^^JM anfipa [anu-fap-a], m. shore; moor- a. making an end; m. death; Yama; -ga, a. in the water; - ogha, m. internal mass of water.
going to the end of; thoroughly versed in
land ; reservoir; N. of a maritime country. antar-^anu, a. holding the hands
(-°); -gata, pp. ended; final; -gamana, n.
(thighless), dawn (personi- coming to the end of (g.); -tas, ad. from the between the knees ; ad. between the knees;
end; with the extremities; at the end of (g.); -gyotis, a. having its light turned inwards;
fied as the sun's charioteer or brother).
finally; -p&la, m. boundary watchman. n. internal light.
N. of a river. antar-dasaaha, m. interval of
dnta-ma, spv. n e x t ; intimate, very
^ ^ f a q ^ a n u j l s h - i - v a s , pf. pt. of \/vas. dear; last; m. neighbour. ten days; -duAkha, a. inwardly grieved;
-dush/a, pp. inwardly bad, wicked, vile;
^WK au-rikshar^, a. thomless; -rik, ^TfTT antdr, ad. within, inwards; prp. in, -dhana, n. inner treasure; -dhana, n. cover-
18 ^5frf>$ antar-dhi. anvaya.

ing; disappearance: -m gam, - i, - vxag, dis- andu, W^T and A, / . chain; esp. foot- W^RTT anya-ta,/., -tva, n. difference.
appear ; -dhi, m. concealment: -m gam, dis- cliain, anklet.
appear; -dhairya, n. inward firmness; -ni- ^SpBT^T any^-tra, ad.—lc. of anya; elsewhere,
hita, pp. placed within. andolana, n. swinging, [dollta. to another place; on the other hand, other-
wise ; elsewhere, otherwise than, except (ab.):
antar-bashpa, m. restrained tears; W ^ t ^ H T andolaya, den. P . swing: pp. an- at another time than (-°).
a. restraining the tears; -bhavana, ad. in
W ^ l andh£, a. blind, d i m ; pitch-dark; anv^-thS,ad.otherwise; differently,
or into the house (°-); -bhava, m. inclusion
in (Ic.) ; disappearance: -m gam,disappear; blinded, obscured by (- 0 ). wrongly: -kri,actotherwise,-wrongly; treat
-bhavita, pp. included; -bhuta, pp. con- andha-ka, a. blind; to. N.ofanAsura : otherwise, change; take wrongly; frustrate.
tained in (Ic.): -tva, n. abs. N. ; -bheda.m. in- -ghatin, TO. N. of /Siva; -ripu, TO. id. ^R|^rr^5*TanyathS-darsana,n. wrong in-
ternal rupture; - m a d a a v a s t h a , a.whose rut vestigation (leg.) ; - p r a t h a , / . becoming dif-
is still within, i. e. has not yet outwardly shown W i *I«irnCandha-kara, a. dark; n. -ness: -ta,
ferent ; -bnddhi, / . prejudice; -bh4va, m.
itself; -mandira, n. harem ; -manmatha, / . id.; -maya, a. dark.
change; difference; ^abhidh4na, n. false evi-
TO. concealed love ; -mukha, a. entering the W^TcfiTfC^ andha-ktrita, pp. darkened, dence ; -vadin, a. giving false evidence, rais-
mouth; turned inwards. ing a false suit: (di)-tva, n. abst. if.; • vr/tti,
wrapt in darkness.
antar-yama, TO. Soma draught a. of changed mood, agitated; -sambhavana,
andha-kfipa, TO. hidden well, pitfall; / . false supposition; distrust; -sambhavin,
while suppressing the breath; -yamin, m.
-tamasa, n. thick darkness; - t a , / , -tva, n. a. distrustful; -siddha, pp. falsely proved;
the inner guide; -laggk, f . inward shame;
- l 4 p i k 4 , / . riddle containing its own solution; blindness; -tamisra, m. thick darkness; blind- -siddhi, / . false proof; -stotra, n. ironical
ness ; N. of a hell. praise. [day, once.
-lina, pp. V'll.
andhaya, den. P. blind. anya-da, ad. at another t i m e ; one
TffiTp^ftp® antar-vamsika, TO. superintend-
ent of the harem; -vat, a.,f. -1 & -ni, preg- •^•tiqt^andha-vat, ad. as if blind. ,o. belonging to another.
nant; -vastra, n. under-garment; -vani, a.
learned; -v4sa, m. abiding in (- ); - v i s a s , n.
0 • ^ndh-as,n. darkness, [juice; food. anya-nimitta, a. havinganother
under-garment; -vasika, m. ='-vawsika; -vi- W^PE^ 2. dndhas, n. h e r b ; Soma plant or cause; -push^a,TO.,4 , / . Indian cuckoo (nour-
sba, a. poisonous within; -vedi, m. pi. inha- ished by others) ; -pftrv4,/. promised or mar-
bitants of Antarvedi; -vedl,/. N. of a country andhi-kri, blind; -bhu, become ried to another man before; -blgra-ya, a. begot-
between the Ganges and the Yamund. ten of another's seed; -tohrot4, (pp.) f . cuckoo
^ andhu, m. well. [blind. (reared by others); -manas, a. thinking of or
antar-hasa, m. suppressed laugh- meaning something else; -m4tri-ka, a. having
W ' W andhra, TO. N. of a people; amixed caste.
ter : -m, ad. with suppressed laughter. another mother; -m4tW-gra, m. son of another
W?T£n-na, (pp.) n. food, esp. rice; grain of mother; -manasa, a. = anya-manas.
antar-hita, pp. (\/dha) vanished.
rice. ^•t|^Manya-r6pa,w.another form; (any6-),
anta-vat, a. having an end, finite, a. of different form, changed in form; -rtl-
W5PRTT anna-kama, a. desirous of food;
perishable. pin, a. id.; -lokya, a. destined for another
-da, a. giving food ; -d4tri, m. giver of food;
-dana, n. gift of food; -dosha, m. offence in world; -v4din, a. = anyatha-vadii.; -visha-
V antas-fcara, a. moving in the body; ya, a. having another object; relating to
-fcaitanya, a. internally conscious. diet, eating forbidden food; - p a k t i , / . prepar-
ation of food; -pati, TO. lord of food (Sa vitro, something else; (a)-vrata, a. serving others;
antaft-salya, n. arrow (fig.) in the Agni, or /Siva); -prada, a. bestowing food; perfidious; -«ankita, a. distrustful; -sanke-
heart; -sava, a. containing a corpse; -slesh&, -pr&sanajw.^rstffeedingt/araire/aniwithrice; ta, a. having another appointment; consort-
m., -na, n. connecting frame. -bha^a, m. N. of an author; -maya, a. con- ing with others; -strx-ga, a. adulterous.
W r T O f T W r r anta-satkriya,/. last honour sisting of food; -mala, n. secretion of rice;
•^•tn^'tJH anyajinka-supta, pp. having
(to the dead). -yoni, arrack; -rasa, n. sg. & TO. pi. food &
drink; taste in preparingiood: -maya,a. con- slept in another's arms.
antas-tapa, m. inner h e a t ; a. sisting of food & drink; -vat, a. hvg. food, rich anya-dnksha, - d m (nm. k or n ; /.
glowing within; -toya, a. containing water in food; -vikara, m. transformation of food: id.), -Arisa (i), a. of a different kind; strange;
within. -tva, n. abst. N. ; -samskara, m. preparation not as it should be ; like others, common.
antaA-sam^wa, a. internally con- of viands.
^HWTT a-nyaya, TO. unseemly behaviour,
scious, showing no consciousness; -sattva, n. annaad-a, a. (4, i) eating food ; -in, unlawful conduct; -vartin, a., -vritta, pp.,
inner nature; -salila, a.whose waters are hid- a. id.; -ya, n. nourishment: -kama, a. de- -vritti, a. behaving unbecomingly.
den:-m,a^.in the water;-salila-stba,a.stand- sirous of nourishment. ,
ing in the water; -s&nu, ad. in the mountain ^ • ^ i f a * ! a-nyayin, a. ill-conducted.
ridge; -sara, n. inner content or worth; a. hvg. WsTT^f annaartha, a. desirous of food, V i T B r a-nySyya, a. illegal.
force or water within; - s u k h a , a. hvg. his hap- hungry.
piness within; -stba, a. being within (g.,-°). anyaartha, TO. another person's af-
WWT^HannS-vn'dh, a. refreshed by food. fair ; a. having another purpose or sense.
1 I f ^ n ^ a n t a a v a s a y i n , m., Jckndkla..
W T anyci, a. (n. -d) other; different from a-nr&na,^p. not too little, sufficient;
n f ^ n £nti, ad. opposite; before; near; prp. (ab., -°); a certain; common ; anya - anya, -jirthavadin, a. adequately expressive.
near to (g., the one - the other; anyafc ha, and besides,
^ ^ a n y e - d y u s , ad.on the following day;
anti-ka, n.vicinity, presence: -m, ad. one day.
near,up to; «6.from near; close to; from; in., anya-kartri-ka, a. hvg. another
Ic. near, close to, before (g,, -°); -kara, a. agent (gr.); -kn'ta, pp. done by others; anyaudarya, a. born of another
moving about (— -kshetra, n. foreign country; -gata, pp. re- womb; m. half-brother.
ferring to another; -gamin, a. adulterous. ^ P ^ t i e ^ anyo«nya, TO./. (used in oblique
Wf^m^^nti-tas, ad. from near,
a-nyanga-sveta, a. pure white. cases only) one another: mutual, -ly, re-
anti-ma, a. last, final. ciprocally ; -kalaha, a. quarrelling together;
-kritya, n. pi. reciprocal services; -gata, pp.
ante-vSsa, TO. neighbour, com- ^ v q p q - r i anya-iitta, a. thinking of an- reciprocal; -bh4va, m. mutual exchange of
other; - M n t 4 , / . thought of another; -£etas,
panion ; -vasin, TO. (abiding near), pupil. condition; - abh4va,TO.mutual non-existence;
a. thinking of another; distraught; -ga, a.
antaudStta, a. having the acute begotten by another; -yanman, n. future - upama, / . mutual simile. [others.
accent on the last syllable; -tva, n. abst. tr. life; -gkta, pp. produced by another; m. bas-
tard; -tama, spv. one of several; one or W t T T r r r f t P i : anyaupatapin, a. paining
£ntya, a. last; lowest; m. man of lowest other of (g., -tara, cpv. either of (g.); anuaksham, ad. immediately after,
caste,/ .4, woman - ; -karman, n. last act, cre-
repeated: the one - the other: -sy4m, (Ic.f.)
mation ; -g&, a. born in the lowest caste (also in either way (gr.); -tra, ad. on either. anuawfe, a. (anu/d) following after
n.) ; ^ a n m a n , a . id.; -gkti,a.id.i -ta,/.abst. (ac.); anvak, ad. behind ; after (ac.).
^•tjflt^anya-tas, ad. = ab. or Ic. o/anya;
-V.; -yoni, a. of the lowest birth. anuaya, m. progeny; race, family;
from - , elsewhere; to another place; repeated :
antra, n. entrails. on the one side - on the other. connexion; attraction; -vyatirekin, a. con-
anvayin. aparanta. 19
nected with and excluded from a thing; -^k- a-panka, a. mireless, dry; -ta,/. -ness. (ac.); -neya,/p. to be removed; -noda, m.
gata, pp. inherited. expulsion, removal; atonement: -na, a. re-
^ P T ^ i apa-ftaya, m. decrease, diminution; moving ; n. removal.
^ • q f a l . anvayin, a. belonging to or con- -Aarita, (pp.) n. transgression; -kkra, m.want;
nected with the same family; resulting/roTO death; transgression; -&arin,a.deviatingfr.; -pantha-dayin, a. not making
anything. erring; faithless (wife), [tion; atonement. way for another. [yet fallen out.
anuartha, a.appropriate ; obvious; apa-Mta, pp. \/hi; -Hti,f. venera- ^ M f l ^ a-panna-da, a. whose teeth have not
-abhidha, a. appropriately designated.
^IM^JtC apa-ZckAattra, a. lacking an um- ^MM^t^apa-payas, a. waterless; -patra, a.
V N ^ T T anuaveksh-a,/. regard,considera- excluded from the use of utensils; -padatra,
brella ; -hJchkya, a. shadowless; -&&Aeda, m.,
tion ; -in, a. circumspect. -na, n. cutting off, separation, division. a. unshod; -pirfa,/. sudden and dangerous at-
anuash/akS,/. dayafterthe Ash- tack of disease.
^m^ldapa-^ata,pp.degenerate; -gighkm-
anuahdm, ad. day by day. [tfakg. s u , des. a. desirous of warding off (ac.); -gi- apa-bhaya, a. fearless; -bhartr/, m.
h i r s h k , f . desire to rob; -^ihirslm, des. a. in- remover; -bhram^a, m. fall; ungrammatical
< | | r q a n u j v d h i , m. object handed over tending to rob; -gya, a. lacking a bowstring; form; vulgar dialect; -bhraslifa^p. debased,
for delivery to a third person; •^adheya, -ka, -^vara, a. feverless. corrupt, provincial (dialect).
n. property obtained by a woman after mar-
riage; -kroh&na, n. mounting the funeral I P T ^ I k T a-pan/ci-krita, -bhtita, pp. ^ m i f a p a - m a , spv.last,furthest; -marsa, TO.
pyre after the husband; ^asana, n. sitting n. pi. not yet become five (dements). contact; -mana, TO. (n.) disregard, disrespect,
down after another; attendance on; ^ahar- contempt; -marga, i . m. wiping off; 2. TO.
y&, n. new moon funeral feast in honour of • ^ H d l ^ H a-patf-kshepa, m. not tossing by-way; -mar^ana, a. wiping off, removing;
Manes: -pi&ana, n. southern sacred fire. aside the curtain : (e)-»a pra-vi.?, enter (the) n. cleansing; -mud.a.disagreeable; -mrtga, a.
stage) suddenly and impetuously. deerless; -mri'tyn, m. untimely death; mortal
^ifiqfl anujta, pp. (%/i) accompanied by, a-pa^u, a. not scorching (rays); use- danger; - m e g h a u d a y a , a.freefrom the rise of
possessing (- 0 ). clouds; -yarns,».dishonour,disgrace; -yata-
less, incapable ; -tva, n. incapacity.
q anii_esha, m., -na, n., -nk,f. search, vya,/p. n. it is needful to flee; -y&na, n. going
^ q f ^ t T a-paradita, a. unlearned, illiter- away, retreat, flight; -yodha-rava, a. no
quest, investigation ; -ka, a. searching after;
ate; stupid; -ta,/.folly. longer raising a battle-cry.
-niya,,fp. doubtful, questionable.
l|«cj fq^anvesh-in, a. seeking; -£avya,pp.to K W a-pawya, fp. not to be sold; n. ware ^ P P T t W C ^ T T W a-payodhara-v&rana, a.
be sought or found out; -tri,m. searcher; -ya, that may not be sold. [widowed. not delayed by clouds; -samsarga, a. lack-
fp. to be sought or found out; doubtful. W T f W a-pati, a., f . -ka, id. unmarried; ing contact of the breasts.

^mfrict a-patita, pp. not outcast; not for- ^PTC i . ^pa-ra, a.hinder, further; later,fol-
^ T ^ i . AP. be active, work. lowing ; western; to the westof (ah.); inferior;
feited ; ^anyoinya-tyagin, a. forsaking each
iip, work. other without losing caste. [husband. other; different from (ab.); opposite; strange,
unusual: -m, ad. subsequently, in the future,
3- ap, / . pi. (also sg. in V.) water. ^m(ri9|n | a-pati-vrata,/. faithless to her after; moreover, besides; to the west of (a&.);
^ajia-tushara, a. free from mist; -ta, m. elephant's hind foot.
V T ^pa, ad. off, away ( ° - ) ; *prp.away from,
"^IMgO5® a-patni-ka, a. wifeless. [/. abst. N. W 1 X - apa-rd, n. f u t u r e ; -karya, n. later
except (ab.).
V R n f i i apa-kartana, n. cutting in pieces ; transaction.
apa-tya, n. offspring, progeny, child;
-kartri, m. injurer; -karman, n. delivery; -duAkhaeka-maya, a. consisting solely of ^ i m j l l apa-rakta, pp. bleached, pale.
-karsha,TO.removal; decrease; deterioration; grief for children; -vat, a. possessed of off- M f^Iapara-5faladhi,TO.western ocean.
low position; annulment; anticipation (gr.); spring; -sneha-kn'pa-maya, a. filled with
-karshaka, a. diminishing, detracting; -kar- ^ M apara-tas, -tra, ad. elsewhere.
love and pity for children.
sha»a,a.id.;n.removal; degradation; -kar-
ihin, a. drawing away; -kalmasha, a. free apa-trap-awa, n.,-k,f.shame, em- ^ M ^ t f l a-para-tva, -ka, n. not being far
from sin; -k&ra, m., -tk f . h urt, inj ury; -k&rin, barrassment. ^ p n ^ n apara-tht, ad. otherwise, [(ph.).
a,injurious; offensive; mischievous; -kirtya, ^SPT^f a-patha, n. no way, pathlessness;
fp. dishonourable. ^ T T t ^ a p a r a - d i s , / . west; -dikshin, a.
wrong way; bad course; wrong place: in. not
taking the later consecration.
^mSi'^apa-kri-t.a.injuring; -trite,,(pp.) n., in the usual way; a. pathless; inaccessible;
-kn'ti, /., -kritya, n. = apa-kara; -krishte., -prapanna,pp. misplaced; -hara, a. choosing • s l M V ^ apara-pakshd, m. second half of the
pp. low, inferior, mean. the wrong way. lunar month; -r&tra, m., i , / . second half of
^ T W a - p a t h y a , a. notbeneficial,unsuitable; the night; -vaktra, n. a metre.
V n R T apa-kramd, m., -na, n., -kranti, / .
departure; -krama, m. id.; escape; -kriya, unwholesome ; -karin, a. intriguing against W ^ f ^ T a-parasu-vrikna, pp. not felled
/.delivery; injury; wrong procedure. : (i)-tva, n. abst. N. ; -blray, a. eating un- with an axe.
wholesome food.
KMgfi a-pakva, pp. unbaked; undigested; ^ P T X ^ n ^ ^ c T a-paraspara-sambhtita, pp.
immature; -tk,f. immaturity. ^ M ^ a-pad, a. ( f . = m., or -1) footless. not produced one from the other.
VH^f a-pakshci, a. unwinged; -patin, a. not 1. d-pada, n. no abode; wrong place. W T T R apa-raga, m. aversion, hostility.
flying with wings; siding with Vishnu. 2. a-pada, a. footless. W T ^ T ^ W a - p a r a n - m u k h a , a.withunavert
V T 1 R apa-kshaya, m. decrease. apa-dSna, n. heroic deed; -desa, ed face : -m, ad. unreservedly.
^TM^^M a-paksha-lopa, TO. non-loss of m. advice; designation; pretext, appearance;
-desin, a. disguised as (-°); -de«ya,/p. to be ^ M ^ i H f l ft^-para-(7ita,pp.unconquered,un-
w ngs; -s&da, m. id. indicated; -dosha, a. faultless: - t a , / . -ness. conquerable; m. N. of a mythical sword ; f .
W I <1pa-ga, a. turning away from (ab.). k, N. of a herb; a metre.
^tM^J a-padma, a. lacking a lotus.
^fflffifarcSU apa-gata-te^as-ka, a. void of M ^ I ^ apa-rMdha,pp .having erred, guilty,
light; -prak&«a, a. id. [appearance; lapse, apa-dravya, n. bad w a r e ; -dha,/. culpable; «.guilt; -raddhi,/mistake,error;
hiding-place; -dhuma, a. smokeless : -tva, n. -raddhri, a. guilty of an offence or crime;
apa-gama, m., -na,n. departure, dis- -ness; -dhyana, n. disfavour, malice; -dhvawi- offending.
apa-gargiita, a. thunderless. sa, in. degradation: -ga, m, child of a mixed
marriage; -dhvasta, pp. degraded. ^ P n C r o apa-radha, m. transgression, guilt,
apa-guna, a. void of excellences. offence: - v n k s h a , m. tree of transgression;
apa-naya, i . m. taking away; expul- -radhika, a.guilty; without Eadhika; -radh-
V W T I. apa-ghana, m. body.
sion ; 2. m. imprudence: -na, a. taking away; in, a. guilty, offending; ( i ) - t 4 , / . guiltiness.
VTOiT 2. apa-ghana, a. cloudless. 7i. wiping away, removal; -nayin, a. impru-
dent ; -nidra, a. blossomed; -ninisliu, des. ^ T n f aparaanta, a. living in the extreme
1PRT7T apa-ghata, tn. warding off; -ka, a. a. wishing to expel (ac.); -nirvana, a. not yet west; m. western region: pi. its inhabitants;
warding off, dispelling. ended; - n u t t i , / . removal; atonement; -nu- end, death; lower part of an elephant's hind
apa-ghnraa, a. pitiless, cruel. nut-su, des. a. wishing to remove, - to expiate foot; -ka, n. kind of song.
20 apararka. -4|fi|<j^cf£l a-pitn-devatya.

M apar aarka, m. N. of a commentator. ^ j q 1 ^ a-parvdn, n. jointless s p o t ; no na- WRI dpaka, a. coming from afar; -pa,a.
tural break (in a story); day which is no Par- (not produced by ripening), original, natural.
"SRXrr^TnTTT^i a-paravn'tta-bhaga- van, ordinary day; time when no eclipses
dheya, a. to whom fortune does not return; apaji-karishnu, a. surpassing
ought to occur.
m. unlucky wight.
^m^TfTRTWi apa-lata-bhavana, a. arbour- ^RT«BT apSkg, ad. far. [(ac.).
"^RT^^r* aparaahw^, m. afternoon. less; -lapana, n. flattery; -l4pa, TO. denial; ^SRT^rnT.apakat, ad. from afar, [rebellion,
^ m f X l f i i T a-pari-krama, a. unable to walk -l4pin, a. keeping secret, concealing (g.).
about; -klish/a, pp. not sickly; -kle.sa, m. ^ q q ^ l apa-vaktn, to. averter; -varaka, n. w r w f W ap^-kn'ti,/'. keeping off; hostility,
welfare; -kshata,pp.unhurt; -kshiMa-iakti, sleeping apartment; - v a r g a , to. completion, a-pankteya, a, unworthy to par-
a. of unimpaired strength : -tva, n. abst. N. ; end; final beatitude ; -vartana, n. removal; take in a thing with respectable persons.
-ganayat, pr. pt. unreflecting ; -gata,pp. un- -vada, m. refutation; annulment, exception ;
known, inscrutable; -graha, m. poverty; a. WJTpQ' a-panktya, a. id.
blame ; unjust imputation; command; decoy
poor; wifeless. cry; -vadin, a. blaming (-°); -varitam, W W apaanga, m. ( - 0 , / . 4, i) outer corner
a-pari-fcaya, TO. unfamiliarity; -varitakena, ad., -v4rya, gd. secretly, in a of the eye; - d n ' s h f i , / . side-glance; -netra,
-£alita,pp. unmoved, immovable; -kite.,pp. stage whisper (drama); -vaha, m. removal; a. looking sideways.
unknown, unfamiliar; - & y u t a , ^ . not having -v4hana, n, id.', decrease.
deserted; -kkhada, a. destitute of retinue or apaAr-ina, a. retired. [western.
baggage; -kMinna, pp. unlimited; -kkheda, H m R ^ c T apa-vi-kshata, pp. unhurt; -vi- •^RT^^paanfe, a. (/. 4p4ki) lying behind,
m. lack of decision; irresolution; want of judg- gbna, a. free from hindrances; -viddba, pp.
ment : -kartri, a. not deciding rightly; -</ata, Vvyadh ; -vidya, f . bad knowledge; igno- ^ M | fui a-pani, a,handless; - g r a h a n 4 , / . un-
pp. premature, still-born. rance ; -vn'tta, pp. ill-behaved; - v n t t i , f . married ; -p4da, a. lacking hands and feet.
running down, coming to an end; -vedba, m.
"%(M(\fJ81 a-pari-tush£a, pp. not pleased ; ' ^ i m ' ^ q a-pSraefo,va, a. without PSwrfava.
faulty perforation.
-tosha, a. dissatisfied ; m. dissatisfaction ;
-tyakta, pp. unforsaken ; -tya^ya, fp. not to ^BRsTfT ^pa-vrata, a. disobedient. ^RTfT«fi a-pataka, n. no crime.
be forsaken; -ty&ga, m. non-abandonment; •^IM ^ +tapa-sankam,«c?. fearlessly; -sabda, WTTtTapaa-tta, pp.-Jda.
•tykgya,fp. not to be abandoned; -nirvana, to. slander; corrupt form, ungrammatical lan- a-patra, n. (to.) unworthy recipient,
pp. not quite extinguished or ended; -ni- guage; -sasi-tilaka, a. lacking a moon as - person; - k r i t y a , / . action making one un-
s h ^ i t a , pp. not standing quite firm. forehead mark ; -sastra, a. weaponless; -su- worthy of receiving presents; -bhro't, to.
a-pari-pakva, pp. not quite ripe ; la, a. spearless; -soka, a. free from sorrow. cherisher of the undeserving; -varshana, n.
-pnta, pp. unpurified (grain); -badha, a. un- bestowing on the unworthy; -varshin, a. be-
^ R f ^ P R i . a-pas/cima, a. not the last.
hindered, unbounded; -bh4sha«a, n. not stowing (lit. raining) on unworthy persons.
talking much; -bhuta a<7«a, a. whose orders a-pas/cima, a. last of all: -m, ad.
are attended to; -bhrasyam4na, pr.pt. not for the very last time. ^ S R T f N r c ^ T apatri-karawa, a. making a
escaping; -mita,^.unmeasured,unbounded; person unworthy.
- m e y a , f p . innumerable. ^ T W a-pasydl, a. not seeing. ^ R T ^ T T apa a-dana, n. what remains after
a-pari-vadya, fp. not to be ^nT^nT. £-pasyat, pr. pt. not seeing, not separation, source; notion of the ablative (gr.).
blamed; -vrita, pp. unsurrounded; unen- perceiving; not pondering. -4im<l apaana, to. downward breath (one of
closed ; -vrarf/iiman, to. inability to (inf.). the vital airs); anus; - udgara, m. fart.
apa-sri, a. (n. i) bereft of beauty.
^ ^ R u f ^ ' l a-pari-sankita, pp. unantici- W R a-papa, a. not wicked ; good, inno-
^ R ^ apa-shfAu, ad. wrongly.
pated ; -slatham, ad. vigorously. cent ; - £ e t a s , a. well-disposed, innocent.
WfXWrT •^Mt^i.^p-as, n. work, act (esp. sacrificial). ^ R P T f l T apam-pati,TO.lord of waters; sea;
a-pari-hata, pp. unimpeded, Yaruwa.
ap-as, a. active, diligent.
boundless; -hara, m. non-avoidance; -harya,
fp. unavoidable; -hiya-mana, pr. pt. ps. not •^firo^ apa-sada, m. outcast; worst among ^ R T T apaaya, to. departure ; issue, e n d ;
being omitted, not wanting; -hrita, pp. un- (-°): pi. children of mixed marriages (in decay; harm,detriment,danger; diminution;
avoided, practised; -hvnita, pp. unscathed. which the father is lower); -sarawa, n. going trespass; -samdar«ana-^a, a. arising from
a p a n , / . future: Ic. pi. in the future. away, retreat; -sarpa, m. spy; -savya, a. the manifestation of futile means.
" ^ m O f a o l a-pariikshita,^.unconsidered, not left, right: -to kri, turn the right side •^SRTf^Ftapayin, a. wanting, lacking.
rash ; m. one who acts inconsiderately; -ka- towards (ac., Ic.); hang the sacred thread on
the right shoulder: -vat, a. in which the sa- WTTTa-par^i,a.unbounded, infinite, [inf.).
raka, n. title of book Vof the Pahkatantra.
cred cord is on the right shoulder; -sara, m. KM1 ^^d,a-parayat, pr.pt. unableuio (Ic. or
apa-rush, a. free from anger. exit, outlet, egress: -na, n. removing, dismiss-
ing, banishing; -s4ri-t4,y.issue,end; -s4rin, apajirtlia, a. useless; senseless; -ka,
a-parusha, a. not harsh, not rough. a. (ik4) valueless, useless.
a. decreasing, diminishing.
^Js"^«{!ciparena,({m.)prp.behind,westof(ac.). M| a-ptrthiva, a.notearthly, celestial.
apa-snana, n. bath-water which
"SIM^^^apare-dyus, ad. on the following has been used; -spasa, a. lacking spies; D M M ^ a - p a l a y a t , pr.pt. not protecting.
day: = Ic. in - samprapte, when the follow- -smara, m. (loss of consciousness), possession,
ing day had arrived. epilepsy; -smarin, a. possessed; epileptic. W T f f T apa|.-vrita, pp. unclosed, opened.
a-paroksha,a. not in visible,present, ^ T W apas-ya, den. P . be active, WTT^TEf apajtsraya, m. prop, back (of a
perceptible: Ic. if one has been present (gr.) ; chair); support: -wa, n. leaning against any-
-tva, n. presence. apas-yu, a. busy.. thing; -vat, a. having a support in (in.).
^ M 0 ^ «(aparokshaya, den. P.inspect (ac.). ^ R f apa-ha, a. removing, destroying ( - ° ) ; ^pi, prp. w. Ic. or at, in, near ( V . ) ;
-hati, f . counteracting, repelling; driving a- ad. also, likewise; even; but, yet; w.neg.=
"^MUi a-parna, a. leafless ; / . 4, N. of Uma. way; -hantr/, to. ( f . tri) expeller; -baran a, even; na X'aapi, not even; makes interr. in-
n. appropriation; abduction; removal; -har- definite: ko*pi, some one; w. numerals = all:
apan'tu, m. wrong season; a. unsea-
tavya, fp. to be taken away; -hartri, to. pur- i a t v a r o i p i , all four; beg. sentences: interr.
sonable ; ad. out of season.
loiner; remover; -harsha, a. joyless. pel.; w.potent, oh that! a p i - a p i or&a,both-
^R^prT a-paryanta, a. unbounded. and; na k e v a l a m - a p i , not only-but also;
apa-hastaya, den. P. shake off, api ka, &4pi, moreover, likewise; ye * pi -
a-parySwa, a. unsaddled. push aside: pp. - h a s t i t a . tesrpi, those also, w h o - ; a p i v 4 , vapi, or
a-parijipta, pp. insufficient; -vat, ^ R f K apa-hara, to. taking away, robbery; even; n a - n 4 p i , neither-nor; api n4ma
a. unable to (inf.). [not destroyed. removal; concealment; denial: -ka, a. taking (at beg. of sentences) perhaps; y a d i a p i , al-
away, stealing; to. thief, -varman, m. N. though ; t a t h a a p i , yet.
a-pariJ,sita,pp. not overthrown,
of a man; -h4rin, a. taking away, stealing; ^f^c^a-pft, a. dried up. [theManes as gods.
^ W f a i T a-parijishita, pp. quite fresh, -hriti, f taking away, removing; -hnava,
quite new. TO. denial; concealment; -hnotri, to. denier. a-pitrc-devatya, a. not adoring
W * r 2 T ai-pitrya. ^msRi a-pralaya. 21
a-pitrya, a. not paternal. [tion. T^q^f^ a-pelava, a. i ottende ,rude. [tion. a. of incomparable might; -malla, a. unri-
valled ; -mana, a., - m e y a , f p . incomparable.
api-tvd, n. participation; cohabita- "^P^JJT a-paisuna, n. freedom from detrac-
^ f f l tJ rfla-prati-mukta,p2> .not given leave;
^ f W R api-dh£na, n. covering; lid; lock; a-poganda, a. not under age, over -yatna-purva, a. not artificially produced.
api-naddha, pp. i/nab. [bolt. apafidAa, pp. y v a h . [sixteen. w f w r f i R ; a-prati-yogin, a. non-contra-
^rMqidilctapi-vStayat, pr. pt. cs. \/vat. dictory of (-°) ; (i)-tva, n. abst. N.
"SJmW apajiha,m.removal; combating, dis-
puting ; -na, a. removing; n. removal. a-prati-ratha, a. matchless ; -rn-
WfVII'E^api-sasas, ab. inf. w. pura: with-
pa, a. without counterpart, incomparable; in-
out cutting away. a-pauraf dara, a. without the la-
adequate ; unsuitable for (g.).
api-hita, pp. Vdha. bour of the citizens
ap-ftara, m. water-animal. ^ l r f ? r f W R a-prati-vidhana, n. taking no
apttya, a. secret, hidden. measures; without artificial means; -vi-
^SffJ^ ap-tur, a. active; victorious. dheya, fp. not to be combated.
^STO^3^I(^a-pidayat, pr.pt. not exhausting,
W K t ^ T T aptor-ySma, °^TT 5 l.-ySman, n. a-prati-sasana, a. subject to no
" ^ f f t f l ? ! a-pidita, pp. impressed; unhurt.
a particular way of celebrating the Soma sa- other authority; -sraya, a. having no refuge.
^SPftrT ^ n r f T f ^ I a-prati-shedha, TO. no objection;
yq ap-ty&, a. watery. [orifice.
a-pita, pp. not having drunk. invalid objection.
TJIHt^ ap-nas, n. property, wealth ; work.
^j^f^fala-pu)ns&aliya,a.nosonofawhore. a-prati-sh^a, a., -sh/Aita, pp.hav-
I f ^ a - p u m s , m. no man, eunuch ; -tva, n. ^ u j f r i ap-pati, m. lord of waters, Yaruwa.
abst. N. ing no foundation, perishable, unstable.
a-punya-kn't, a. unrighteous ; "^PZI ap-ya, a. ( f . a, or api) belonging to a-prati-hata, pp. unimpeded, un-
water. [end. impaired, irresistible; not elapsed; -harya,
-bha^, a. unfortunate; -vat, a. id. [a. id.
W W api_aya, m. entrance, disappearance; fp. irresistible.
^ftj^f a-putra, m. no son ; a. sonless; -ka,
^Metldl® (1 a-prakatf-kn'ta, pp. not mani- W f f ^ t ^ n X a-pratikara, a. unresisting; in-
H q f ^ a-putrin, -triya, -trya,
fested. curable ; -karya, fp. not to be remedied ;
a. scnless.
^ f T R F n i a-prakSsa, a. not light, dark ; hid- -ghata, a. unresisted. [ligible.
H^ffXifi a-punar-ukta, pp. never palling. den, secret: -m, ad. secretly; m. darkness; W c f t f T a-pratijta, ^.irresistible; unintel-
a^unar-nivartin, a. not re- -na, n. non-betrayal.
til [ft a-prati ti,/. lack of a distinct notion
turning. [ring-, last. a-pra-kasat, pr. pt. invisible; or perception.
1 f q a - p n n a r - b h a v i n , a. not recur- -kasita, pp. not manifested ; -keta, a. indis-
tinguishable, formless ; -galbha, a. cowardly, i n r f r r a-pra-ttt, pp. (Sda) f . unmarried.
^ S y i ^ P n a-punar-vritti,/. non-return. faint-hearted ;-grzliya, a. not being a pragn- 'WIT95TW a-pratiaksha, a. not visible; -jJc-
hya vowel. sbita, pp. not seen with one's own eyes.
U ^ ^ r n r C r V apurushaapar&dha, m. no
fault of the person holding a deposit, [priest. ^nT%fT^.d-praA;etas, a. unwise, imprudent. ^ P T W T a-pratyaya,TO.distrust; a.distrusts
^HTtf^tfa-purohita, a.lacking a domestic W S f f i d-prafcyuta, pp. unshaken; not ful of (lc.); inspiring distrust.
^T^f^T a-pushkala, a, inapplicable. swerving from (ab.). l«sm r^^a-pratyakhyayin, a. not re-
^ftJ^T a-pushpa, a. flowerless. T ^ m ct-pra-</a, a. .childless; / . a, not bear- fusing ; ^ a k h y e y a , f p . not to be refused.
^tjf^lcl a-p%ita,/?/?.unhonoured; -pu#ya, ing; -g&gni, a. ignorant; unfertile; -jana, a.
^TTT^fWW^ a - pradaksbiwam, ad. towards
not begetting: -tva, n. abst. n.; -^as, a. child-
fp. not to be honoured; -puta, pp. unpuri- less; -jas-ta, f., -f/asya, n. childlessness. the left.
fied; impure. ^ T R ^ T f a-pra-dana, n. not giving, not
WUTJ a-prag'wa, a.not recognising, [known.
H ^ q apflpa, m. cake ; -s&lk,f. bakehouse. granting; -dusb/a, pp. not corrupted.
^rtTWTfi a-prar/nata, pp. unrecognised, un- ^IK^lMa-pradh^na,a.subordinate; n.sub-
^jy^u! a-pftrana, a. insatiable ; -purwa, pp. a-pra-waya, m. lack of affection, ordinate person (gr.); - t & , f . , -tva, n. subor-
not full; diminished by (in.). coldness; -nayin, a. not cared for; -wita, pp. dinate position.
a-pfirvd, a.unprecedented,new; extra- not borne to the altar; -nodya.,fp. not to be
repelled. U & j N a-pradhrishya, fp. unassailable.
ordinary, incomparable : in. ad. never before;
-t&,/., -tva, n. newness, novelty; -daxsana, ^ n m ^ a-pratarkya, fp. inconceivable; ^Tff^Wa-pra-buddha,pp.unawakened; un-
a. never seen before. [before. blossomed; -bhava, to. no source or occasion
whose destination is unknown.
of (lc.); -bh&ta, pp. not yet dawned; -bhava,
Utjf^N, a-pfirvin, a. never having done it ^mfTT a-pratl, a. irresistible : ad. -bly. a. unable, powerless: -tva, n.abst. .v.; -bbn,
iiy^tj ^-pftrvya, a. first; incomparable. a. unable to (lc.); to. not master of (g.): -tva,
^ n r f T R r n : a-prati-kara, a. irremediable ; n. abst. A'.; -bhuta, pp. insufficient.
^ f ^ T ^ a - p r a a t , a. not giving, niggardly. - k a r y a . / p . id.; -knla, a. not resisting (g.) ;
ready for (lc.); obedient; -krita, pp. against a-pramatta,pp. not careless,careful,
^ i a-prithag-bhtita,pp. not different, which nothing has been done; -grata, pp. attentive ; -tva, n. abst. N.
identical. [dhishttira. whom one cannot go to meet; - g r a h y a , ^ .
^PTTT a-prama,/. false notion; -mana, n.
that may not be accepted.
i l ^ T S l ^ a-prtthfijltmasra, a. lacking Y u - no authority; something nugatory; -mani-
^ m f r i M a-pratigha, a. irresistible. kri, not to treat (ac.) as an authority; -mada,
^TJS a-prtsh£a,^>p.unasked,unquestioned: a. attentive, careful: -tva, n. -ness; -m&din,
lc. when no question has been asked. W W r a. id.; - m e y a , f p . immeasurable ; infinite, in-
l apajksha,/.lookingabout; attention, ^ n f r m f r i a-prati-patti, / . not becoming separable, undemonstrable; -moda, m. dis-
consideration, regard; expectation; require- acquainted with; irresolution; embarrass- pleasure.
ment: in. with regard to, in comparison with. ment ; -padyamana, pr. pt. A . not assenting ^PTET^c^a-praya/iMat, pr. pt. not deliver-
to (ac.); -p&dana, n. withholding; -pn^ita, ing ; not giving a girl in marriage.
V ^ f a f l apajkshita, pp.intentional; n.pur- pp. not honoured.
pose, business; - t & , f . expectation; -tva, n. WETffT a-prayatna, lack of exertion:
requisiteness. a-prati-baddha, pp. not kept at
without exertion; a. indifferent to (lc.).
a distance, belonging to the retinue; -bandha,
«tjipekshin, a. regarding; waiting for. m.no hindrance; a. unhindered; -buddha, pp. W f f ^ W a-pra-yukta, pp. unemployed, un-
V f a f T apekshya,^. to be regarded. unawakened; unenlightened, stupid; -bodha, usual ; inappropriate ; -ynZrMat, pr. pt. not
ad. without awakening (°-); -bba^a, a. irre- careless ; attentive ; -yoyyamana, pr.pt. ps.
i p f a apajta, pp. \/i; -prana, a. deceased; sistible ; -bba, /. n on-appearance, non-arrival; not being added ; not being lent on interest.
-bhl, a. fearless. [to be drunk, -bheda, m. non-betrayal.
^TR^RT a-pralaya, ad. without the world per-
a-peya, fp. undrinkable ; forbidden ^mfTHFJ a-pratima, a.incomparable: -^o^as, ishing (°-).
22 a-pravaktri. ^ n T f ^ t abhi-gar^in.

K H q ^ i a-pravaktn,a,notinstructing, unfit ^ R U a-baddha, pp. not bound, not tied ; •^rf^sFfF ab-lifiga, n., kf.pl .verses addressed
to instruct. disconnected, meaningless; not yet showing. to the Waters ( R Y . X , ix, 1-3). [devoted.
a-pra-vSsa-gamana, n. re- a-bandhti, a. lacking relations, com- K+irft a-bhakta, pp. not apportioned; not
maining at home; -v&sin, a. not going abroad; panionless. [-m, ad. sadly, a-bhakshya,/p. not to be eaten,
-visb/a, pp.jiot entered; not trodden; -vla- a-bandhura, a. elevated, high; sad: a-bhaga, a. unfortunate; uncomely.
ya, rn- non-collapse.
42T a-ban dhya,/p. not to be put in chains. c(i | a-bhagna-kSma, a. whose desire
^HH^ST a-pra-sasta, pp. accursed, bad, im- for (Ic.) is not disturbed by (in.); -m4na, a.in
pure; faulty, damaged; n. dirt. <314** a-bandhrd, a. hoopless.
which honour does not suffer.
^ITOWa-pra-sanna, pp. not appeased; un- a-barha, a. still wanting tail-feathers.
1«1 a-bhagrya-mSna, pr.pt. ps. unse-
reconciled, angry with (fc.); -sahisbnu,®. in- a-baU, o. weak : / . 4, woman ; N.: vered, associated.
capable ; -sada, m. disfavour, unfriendliness;
-vat, a. weak. a-bha?iita,pp.unsaid,unexpressed.
-sadita, pp. unclarified; -siddba, pp. un-
accomplished; unknown; unheard of; -suta, ^R^RCa-baliyas, cpv. a. weaker.
a-bhadra, a. baneful; n. mischief,
pp. not having borne, barren; -sph.uia, a. in- K c t f ^ H i I t i a-bahish-kfirya, fp. not to be
distinct, unintelligible. [worn. a-bhaya, a. fearless; safe, secure; n.
^Tff^cT a-pra-hata, pp. not well trodden or K ^ ^ + l | f q ^ a - b a h u - b M s h i n , a . not speak-
ing much; ( i ) - t a , / . abut, s.', -vyakti-nisb- abhayam-kara, -krit, a. crea-
•^TJnW?Ta-pr£,knta,a.(l)not original,second-
ting security.
ary ; unusual, extraordinary. \_ahst. N. tha,, a. not applicable to many individuals;
-sruta, pp. not very learned. abhaya-rfiwrfima, to. war-
w m a-pr%na, a. foolish, stupid; - t a , / . drum : -wi da, proclaim security of person
^mT>a[a-bMha,o. unhindered; untorment-
^ u r m r a-pran£, a. lacking breath, inani- amid beating of drums; -tama, n. greatest
ed ; -ka, a. unhindered. safety; -da, a. affording security ; -daksM-
mate; -pranat, pr.pt., -pranin, a. id.
K ^ T ^ T ^ a-bandhava, a. lacking relations; nk,f. promise of security; -datta, to. N. of a
^HTPsTRT a-pradh&nya.n.subordinateness, -krita, pp. not caused by relations. physician; -d&na, n. granting of security;
secondariness. -prada, -prad&yin, a. granting security;
I'SltlT 5 ! a-bala-sattva, a. not having the -pradana, n. granting of security; -y&^-an&,
W H <l-prSpta, pp. not having reached; nature of a boy. / . begging for security of person; as-
not yet arrived; not obtained; not encoun-
surance of safety. [to your Honour.
tered ; not concluded; not resulting ( f r o m a K ^ l f a u j . a-balisa,«.not childish,not silly.
grammatical rule); not grown up ; -kala, a. abSla indu, TO. full moon. a-bhavad-iya, a. not belonging
whose time has not yet come; -vikalpa, m. ^ f ^ i R ab-indhana, a. having water for its a-bhavya, a. as one should not b e ;
alternative not resulting from any rule;
fuel: - vabni, m. the submarine fire. unhappy.
-vyavabara, a. under age, minor: -tva, n. mi-
nority ; - avasara, a. ill-timed, inopportune. a-bi<?a, n. bad seed, bad grain; a. a-bh&g£, a. shareless, portionless.
KM 1*4 a-prapya,/p. unattainable. seedless; impotent; -ka, a. unsown, a-bh&gadheya, a. excluded from
a-buddha, pp. foolish, stupid. participation.
^ n r r a r o i a-pramawya, n. unauthoritative-
ness ; lack of proof, a-buddhi,/. foolishness, act of folly; a-bhagin, a. not participating in,
lack ofpurpose: in. unintentionally; a. foolish: not entitled to (g.).
a-praarthita, pp.unasked, [able, -ta,,/. -ness; -mat, a. foolish, stupid; -stba, a.
not present to the mind. K * 1 l « | a - b h a g y a , « . unhappy; n.misfortune.
^ m T W T t ^ ^ a-prastavika, a. (i) unseason-
KcJVJ a-budha, a. stupid, foolish; m. fool. ^PTTWT a-bh%ana, n. no vessel f o r = un-
^|fl|t| d-priya, a. displeasing, disagreeable,
worthy of (g.).
unwelcome; n. unpleasant thing; unpleasant a-budhna, a. bottomless.
news; m. enemy. W T T T a-bhana, n. non-appearance.
a-budby^, fp. not to be awakened.
^ r f i n s N ^ a-priyam-vada, a. speaking un- A a-bharya, a. wifeless. [lack.
K ^ ^ + I H a-budhya-m£na, pr. pt. A . not
kindly, rude; -vadin, a. id. ^ W T ^ a-bhS,va, m. non-existence; absence,
KI'm ««\apriya-kara, a.unpleasant; caus- W^fafa-bodha,TO.lack of knowledge; folly;
ing disaffection; -krit, a. acting unkindly; ^RTTWRt. a-bh^vayat, pr. pt. cs. not keep-
-purvam, ad. without knowing. ing well in view.
•bhagin, a. full of unpleasantness. [no joy.
^SnftfTfa-priti,/. enmity; -kara, a.causing ab-r/a, a. aquatic; n. lotus; -bbu, TO. K+l l®! 4 !^ abhava-vat, a. having a lack of,
Lotus-born (Brahmd); -saras, n. lotus pond. wanting (- 0 ),
inf^TJlfar a-prekshamya, fp. not fair to ^ r f ^ F t abgrini, / . lotus plant; lotus pond; I fcCV, a-bh&vin, a. not to be.
see, uncomely.
-pati,TO.sun. [year (cp. varsha). abhl, ad. unto, near; prp. w. ac.:
^ f ^ T g ^ r r f t ^ a-preksM-pftrva-karin, towards ; to, against; over; for, for the sake
K®^ ab-da,m. [water-giving, rainy season],
a. acting inconsiderately : (i)-tk,f.ab.st. N. of; with regard to; w. ab.: without.
K®c^*Jabda-bhfi, a. proceeding from a cloud.
V h ^ a-prekshya,/o. invisible. K f a * * abhi-ka, a. eager; libidinous.
ab-durga, a. inaccessible owing to
wttWT abhi-kanksM,/.longing, desire
a-praushita, pp. not being away water. [for a deity,
for (ac., -kankshln, a. desirous of (ac.,
from home, not absent. [to {inf.); shy. ab-daivata, a. having the waters ; -kama, TO. desire; affection, love; a.
a-pra_Qc?Aa, pp. not strong enough
^ r f a * ab-dhi, to. sea; -kanya,/. L a k s h m t ; well-disposed to, longing for (ac.,-°).
K Hj ^ a p - s a r £ s , celestial nymph. -givin, m. fisherman; -tanaya, to. du. the 0 ^l+t, abhi-krishnam, ad. to Krishna.
Asvins; -tala, n. bottom of the sea.
apsaras-tirtha, n. N. of a mythi- abhi-krama, to.undertaking; -kra-
ab-bhaksha, a.living on water only.
n• face or bosom, [cal lake. mawa, n. going up to; - k r a n t i , / . overcoming.
a-brahmanya, a. unfavourable to a-bhiksha-d^, / . giving without
^nm a-phala, a. unfruitful; fruitless; cas- Brahmans; n. assault! (cry of Brdhmans
trated ; -prepBU, a. desiring no reward; solicitation. ^
for help.)
- akanksbln, a. expecting no reward. W f * T W r abhi-khy^, / . sight; splendour,
a-brahman, m. no Brahman; a.
^ H l ^ a-phalgu, a. precious. beauty; name, appellation.
lacking devotion; lacking Brahmans.
abhi-gantavya,/o.to be visited;
Ml I ® S a-pMla-kn'shfa, a. not growing ci-brahmawa, TO. no Brahman ; a.
on ploughed land. [be blown upon. -g-ama, m. approach ; visit; sexual inter-
lacking Brahmans. course ; -gamana, n. id.; - g a m y a , / p . to be
KWjf^P I a-phdt-kftrya,/p. not needing to ^ ^ a-bruvat, pr. pt. not stating. visited; accessible, inviting.
^ ^ T a-phena, 0 f ^ T -nila, a. foamless. ab-rfipa, a. having the form of water. K f i l a b h i - g a r g i n , a. roaring at.
abhi-gamin. *|fa*5|UH abhi-sheraana. 23
stinacy; love of life; -nivesin, a. prone to; K f a t T l t t l ° t | abhi-yoktavya, fp. to be prose-
i f f H i f r f ' P t abhi-gamin, a. having sexual
obstinately insisting on; (i)-tva, n. proneness. cuted; -yoktri,m.assailant; plaintiff; -yoga,
intercourse with (ac.).
TO. employment; exertion, diligence; attack;
^ f i i ^ f v i abhi-gtlrti, / . song of praise. K f a f a R s d abhi-ni-hita, pp. V d h a . charge; -yogin, a. prosecuting; -yogrya,/p.
a-bhinna, pp. not pierced, not pene- to be attacked, assailable.
^rfjTOTfl abhi-gh&ta,m. blow, stroke; nox-
trated ; unhurt; unbroken, undivided; stead-
ious effect; -gb&tir ,a.striking;TO.enemy. K fa V J Ujabhi-rakshawa, n. ,-raksha,/. pro-
fast ; unchanged; not different from (ab.):
llfil-q^lU! abhi-Mkshawa, a. looking a t ; tection ; -rakshi.tr?', m. protector.
- g a t i , a. not changing one's gait; -vela, a.
i , f . view; -k&kshe, (d.) inf. in order to see. not breaking bounds; -sthiti, a. id. ^ifH^fTI abhi-rati,/. delight in (Ic.,
•^fir^T^ ahhi-Aara, m. bewitchment, en- KfaM<1*t abhi-patana, n. swoop. K f a ^ l ^ abhi-rama, a. charming, lovely:
chantment. [prince of Zedi. -m, ad.; m. delight in (-°); -t&, / . beauty,
K f a m d abhi-pata, m. hastening up. grace; delightfulness.
abhi-feaidyam, ad. against the
^fii^«fabhi-!?aua,TO.descent, race; noble ^ f a f e * abhi-pitva,n. turning i n ; evening. TSrfa^f*! abhi-ruAi, / . delight in (Ic.,
- r n i l t a ,TO.N. of a fairy prince.
birth; good repute; -vat, a. nobly descended. abhi-pnsh?Ae, Ic. ad. behind.
^ f a ^ M abhi-rtipa, a. suitable ; beautiful;
u f i n r n r abhi-g^ta, pp. well-born; charm- abbi-praAakshe, d. inf. in order learned; -ta,/. good breeding, culture.
ing; n. nobility; -t&,/. high birth, nobility; to look about.
-j/Ati,/. descent, birth. K t a abhi-lakshya, fp. having a view
^rfSnTRJ abbi-praya, to. object, intention, to, directed towards; recognisable by (~°).
Ufij abhi-gfl-t, a. victorious; m.N. of a wish ; opinion; meaning; notion, conception;
Soma sacrifice; N.of a lunar mansion. -prf, a. gladdening; -preta, pp. (Vi) meant, K fa^ abhi-lakshyam, ad. to the goal.
Kt^nff abhi-gfta, a. knowing, acqxiainted intended; -prepsu, des. a. desirous of (ac.).
K f a ^ l ^ j ' d abhi-langhana, n. overleaping
with, experienced in, conversant with (g., -°): abhi-plavct, m. kind of six days' (g.);infringement; -langhin,a.overstepping',
-t&,/., -tva, n. abst. N.; &,/. remembrance. Soma sacrifice. [flowed. infringing (- 0 ); -lashaniya, -lashya, fp. de-
sirable ; -lashlta, pp. n. desire, wish.
U f a f M f abhi-grnana, n. recognition; token abhi-pluta, ^.overwhelmed, over-
to recognir ~J>y: -sakuntala, n. N.of a play. abhi-lSpa, m. speech ; announce-
^ W j a b h i - b h a r t n , ad. on the husband; ment.
^rf**<1 ^l^abhi-tarftm, (cpv.) ad. nearer to. in the husband's presence; -bhava, a. supe-
rior in power; to. predominance; subjugation; K f a < a m abhi-lSsha, m. desire, eagerness
^ ( • I f l ^ i , abhitas-fcara, m.pi. retinue. for (Ic., -°): -purayitrika,a.fulfilling wishes;
being overwhelmed by (in., ab., -°); con-
abhf-tas, ad. up to, near, around; tempt; -bhavana, n. being overcome; -bha- -l&shin, a. desiring (Ic., - ° ) ; -lashaka, a.
completely; prp. w.g. beside: to. ac. up to ; v i n , a. overwhelming. id. (ac.,
on both sides of; before and behind; round
^ S r f W r e W abhi-bhashawa, n. allocution ; abhi-lekhita, n. document.
about; behind.
-bbashin, a. addressing; speaking. ^ r f a q ^ l abhi-vadana, n. address; -vand-
fa < 1 a b h i - t S c f a n a , n. beating, b l o w ;
ana, n. respectful salutation; -varnana, n.
-tapa, m. heat; pain; -t&mra, a. dark red. irfiTIJ abhi-bhu, ° ^ - b h u , a. superior in description; -vardhana, n. strengthening,
power (to, ac.). [coming.
^ f a P W H ^ P M I abhi-tigma-rasmi, ad.to- increasing.
wards the sun. [partition. ^ r f W j f ^ I abhi-bhftti,/. superiority; a.over-
abhi-vaiiA-Aa,/.desire for (-°).
HfjTf^T^-bhitti,/. non-fracture; lack of a TSrfWJSft^T^ abhibhtitiogfas, a. of trans-
^ f a q T ^ abhi-vada, m. greeting ; abuse :
V f H ^ ^ T abhi-darsana, n. sight, spectacle. cendent might. -ka, a. saluting; about to greet (ac.): -vad-
K f a * t d abhi-mata, pp. esteemed, loved ; ana, n. greeting, salutation ; -v&dayitri, to.
nfa^fl*tabhi-d{ltam, ad.tothe messenger;
wished for, approved; n. wish, desire; -man- greeter ; -v&din, a. explaining; signifying.
-dnti, ad. to a female messenger.
t a v y a , f p . to be regarded a&Jyim.); -man-
^ i f a q i ^ j abhi-vahya, n. presentation.
abhi-driih, a. hostile; -droha, m. tri, a. bringing objects into relation with it-
self; -mantrana, n. invocation; consecration. ^ T f H f W T abhi-vikrama, a. valorous;
injury, insult, contumely. [physics.
abhi-manyu, to. N.; -g&, m. son of -vidhi, m. inclusive limitation; -visaikin, a.
abhi-dharma, m. Buddhist meta- afraid of (ab.). [progress.
Abhimanyu; -pura, n. N. ofa town; - s v a m i n ,
i r f ^ T abhi-dhg, a. surrounding ; / . ap- TO. N. of a temple. abhi-vn'ddhi,/. increase, growth,
pellation, name: -tavya, fp. to be said or
Kfa«*IWf abhi-vijikta, pp. ng: -m, ad.
announced, -tri, m. one who speaks, -na, n. K f a + t ^ f abhi-marsa, TO. contact, t o u c h ;
statement; designation; name; word: -ko«a, -maxsana,».touching; -margin, a.touching. plainly; - v y a k t i , / . manifestation.
m. dictionary, -yin, a. saying, speaking; stat- K f a + l l f a abhl-mati,/. hostility, plotting; ^ t i ^ R a b h i - s a m s a n a , n . insult; accusa-
ing, explaining; -dh&vaka, a. hastening up. enemy; -m&tin, to. foe; -mana, m. hostility; tion ; -sawsin, a. accusing; -«anka,/. distrust
abhi-dheya, fp. to be designated, pride; self-consciousness (ph.); fancying one- of (g.); fear of (~°); -sankin, a. distrusting.
-expressed, - named; n.meaning; -tva,».ca- self possessed of; erroneous assumption; affec- ^ f a n ^ abhi-satru, ad. against the enemy;
pability of being designated. tion ; -mana-vat, a. proud; assuming oneself -sastaka, a. accused; (i)-«asti, / . impreca-
to have (~°); -mana-«alin, a. haughty, proud; tion, curse; misfortune.
abhi-dhy&na, n. thinking of (g.); -manin, a. conceited; proud; fancying
desire for (Ic.). oneself to have or to be, passing for; repre- ^ i f a a i l M abhi-sSpa, m. curse; serious
senting, meaning: ( i ) - t a , / self-conceit, (i)- charge; -«iras, a. having the head towards
abhi-nand-aniya, fp. to be
tva, n. considering oneself to be (- 0 ). (ac.); -sauri, ad. against Kr/shwa.
praised; -ya,fp.id.; -in, a. delighting in (- 0 ).
W f ^ V n C T n ^ abhi-marutam, ad. against ^ f a ^ i q abhi-srava, to. giving ear; -sxi,
abhi-nabhyam, ad. up to the a. arranging; m. arranger; -shanga, to. de-
clouds; -namra, a. greatly bent; -naya, m. the wind.
feat ; -shangin, a. defeating, humbling;
dramatic performance: ^afearya,TO.dramatic ^ ^ r abhi-mukha, a. (1) facing, oppo- -shava, TO. pressing (Soma).
teacher. site (ac., d., g., ~°); favourable to (in., g.);
imminent; on the verge of, - point of, car- K f a l V q t y f q j j abhi-shishenayishu, des. a.
<l|fa«iq abhi-nava, a. quite new or fresh ;
ing for: ad. in front; -m, ad. id.; towards, about to approach with bis army.
m. N.: -yanvana, a. being in early youth;
-vayaska, a. id. against, opposite (ac., g., -°) ; Ic. opposite K f a f a f l l abhi-shikta, pp. sprinkled, an-
(<?-, ointed, installed, inaugurated; -shek4, m.
^rfjRtpf abhi-nahana, n. bandage. besprinkling; inauguration (of a king);
^ f l T g ^ i abhimukhi-kri, drive forward;
n asikS-vi var am, -bhu, turn towards, favour. water for inauguration ; ablution; -shekta-
ad. to the nostrils. vya, fp. to be inaugurated; -she£ana, n. in-
^Srf*Rrr®T abhi-yana, n. approach; attack; auguration (ofa king); -Bhe/caniya./s. relat-
abhi-nivesa, m. proneness to -yayin, a. approaching; attacking; going to ing to inauguration; m. inauguration; -she-
(ic.,-°); adherence to, insistence on (Ic.); ob- (ac., nana, n. expedition against (-°).
24 ^rf^upi abhisheraaya. KJ^fl^a-madya-madyat.

^Srfifqu!^ abhishewaya, den. P. wage war K^Jtifa^pTt a-bhftyaA-sa?nnivritti, / . |«|<1 abhiSgata, (pp.)m.visitor, guest.
on (ac.). non-return.
•^PiTTTf abhiJgama, m., -na, n. approach;
^ r f H f r g abhi-shotn, m. Soma-presser. a-bhftyishfAa, a. not numerous. arrival, visit, [assault.
1. abhi-shtf, a. superior, victorious. K+Jfl a-bhn'ta, pp. paid no wages. ^ r r E T R T abhiJghata, m. sudden attack,
2. abhi-sh/i, / . superiority; help : a-bhrityaatman, a. disobedient 1CH abhijttmaagra, a. with points
-<avas, a. giving powerful aid. toward (g.). turned towards oneself.
K f a o t l * ^ abhi-shyauda, m. redundance. a-bhettn, TO. no breaker, observer. ^rwrrff^rr a b h i j , v n t t i , / . repetition.

abhi-shvanga, TO. attachment to ^SR^jf a-bheda, m. non-separation, cohesion; W H T J l a b h i j s a , a. near; imminent; m.

(in., Ic.). no difference, identity; a. identical. attainment; vicinity: -m, Ic. in the neigh-
bourhood (of, g., ab.).
^ffiHti^on abhi - sarradhaka, a. cheating; a-bhoga, TO. lack of enjoyment.
-sawidha,/. statement, speech; -samdhana, abhiSsa, m. addition; repetition;
a-bhogya, a. not to be enjoyed. reduplication (gr.) ; practice; application ;
n. connexion ; statement; intention; decep-
tion; -sawdhi, m. intention; scheme; con- ^ p f t W T a-bho^ana, n. fasting. use, habit; familiarity with (-°); repeated
dition : -purva, a. intentional: -kam, ad. recitation; study. [(-°).
K + T l ^ a-bhopya,/p.that may not be eaten;
with a definite purpose; -sambandha, in. i f a ^ a b h y S s i n , a. applying oneself to
whose food may not be eaten: ^anna, a. id.
connex on; relation.
yjabhijikshana, n.besprinkling; -ng-
^SP^RT abhijigra, a. being in front; immi-
•^SlfiroX abhi-sara, m. companion: -na, n. ^ayini, ad. towards U ^ a y i n l ; -jitth^na,
nent; - angfa,TO.anointing; ointment; -j,ug-
amorous visit; -sara,TO.attack; rendezvous; rt. rising from one's seat (as a greeting); rise,
N. of a people; - s a r i k a , / . girl who goes to aka, a. anointing ; - aw^ana.w.anointing with
fatty matter; -^angya,fp. to be anointed. ascendency, exaltation; - utthlta,pp. Vstba.
a rendezvous; -sarin, a. going to (-°): (n)-i,
f . going to meet her lover; -sisarayishu, abhrudaya, m. rise ; beginning ;
W Z f V & i abhijidhika, a. superfluous, ad-
des. a.f. intending to visit her lover. success, fortune, prosperity; wealth; festi-
ditional; better, superior; greater, stronger,
exceeding, more by (in., ab., ; dearer than val, esp. sacrifice to the Manes ; -udayin, a.
Tjff^P^^ abhi-sneha,TO.inclination, desire.
(~°); excellent,extraordinary: -m,ad.highly, arising, imminent; -udgati,/.going to meet;
^ abhi-svare, Ic. prp. (within call), very, extraordinarily; ^adhyayana, n. study -ndgama, m. rising to greet.
behind (g.). at a place ( ) . abhijipagama, m. admission;
abhi-hata, pp. (v 7 hau) stricken; I abhijmu-sma, / . assent; permis- p r omise; ^upapattl, f . coming to the rescue;
-hati,/. impact ;-hararaa ^.conveying; -hita, sion ; leave (to depart); -guana, n. id.; -gnk- aid; - upapadana, n. id.; ^np&ya, ni. expe-
pp. ( y dha) said, uttered; accosted. pana, n. causing to assent to (g.). dient : -tas, ad. with all means.

^Spft a-bhi, a. fearless: -ka, a. id. K^eim ^ abhijintara, a. inner, being within; KWJjJ abhijiha, m. supposition; inference.
contained in(g.,lc.,-°); intimate; initiated, abhra, (m.) n. (rain) cloud; sky.
^pftefi abhika, n. meeting : Ic. opportunely. conversant with (Ic.); akin ; belonging to;
•Sipf^l^T^abhi-kshnam, ad. every moment, essential to (-°) ; secret; n. interior; interval ^p^f^ftg abhram-liha, a. reaching to the
repeatedly; at once; extremely (°-). of time: - m , ad. within; into (-°); Ic. at in- clouds.
tervals ; in the space of, within (- 0 ). W I f T abhra-gangS,/. celestial Ganges.
^SpftT a-bhi-ga, a. undaunted. abhyantari-kri, put between;
initiate in (Ic.) ; make friends of; -karana, ^Psjqm abhram-kasha, a. reaching to the
" ^ p f f a a-bhtta, pp. fearless: -vat, ad. -ly.
n. initiation in (Ic.); -karaniya, fp. to be clouds. [cloud.
a b h i j t i , / . onset, attack. initiated in (Ic.). [enemy. ^Rsf^l^rr abhra-AjfcAg.ya, f . shadow of a
^ abhijpsu, des. a. desiring (ac.). ^SP^rf^T^T. abhiamitram, ad. against the •^P^T^ a-bhrStr?, °oR -ka, a. brotherless.
i p f t ^ a-bhiru, a. fearless.
^ p i r f i r ^ W r T T abhijimitri«a-ta, / . favour- •^P^T^^i a-bhratrivy^i, a. lack'ng riv Is.
K ^ f l ^ I M abhi-sapa, TO. grave accusation. able opportunity to attack the enemy.
Kt^ abhraavakSsika,a.exposing
abhfsu,TO.bridle; ray: -mat, a. ra- Kttfc^lfaKI+t, abhiarka-bimbam, ad. to- oneself to the rain.
diant ;TO.sun. wards the disc of the sun.
W f M abhri,/. hoe, spade.
abhijshfa, pp .wished for; cherished; ^pjp«fT abhijir/c-ana, n. worship; -aniya,
"Srf^TcT abhrita, pp. clouded / -
dear; agreeable; m.favourite, lover; w.wish; fp. adorable, venerable; - y a , f p . id.
•tama, spv. very dear; n. wish; - t a , f popu- 1*1 a-bhrfl-vilasa, a.not coquetting
^ p j p j j abhijirraa, a. near ; n. neighbour-
larity ; -da, a. fulfilling one's desire; -devata, with the brows.
hood : - t a , / . id., proximity.
f favourite deity (thought of when death is
^-bhva, a. mighty; ». great power;
near); -varshin, a. sending wished-for rain. abhiarthana, a, / . begging;
- a r t h a n i y a , fp. to be requested; -arthita, horror; monster.
K + T l o H ^ t J i a-bhishma-drona, a. lacking pp. n. request; -arthin, a. asking for (-°) ; A M , am-iti, advance; cs. amayati, be
Bhishma and Droraa. -arthya, fp. to be requested; -ardha-yag- injured or ill.
K^rV a-bhukta, pp. unenjoyed. van, a. receiving special offerings; -arhana,
n. homage, adoration ; - a r h a n i y a , ^ . vener- K^i i . ama, prn. stem, this; he.
^STg^Tf a-bhuray'-S.na, j)r.pLtaking no food. able : - t k , f . venerableness. ^r?T2.am-a, m.pressure, vehemence; fright.
a-bhtita, pp. not having been ; not abhi_alpa, a. quite small.
happened; not existing: -tad-bhava,TO.be- •^TR^p^T a-mangala, -lya, a. baneful; n.
coming what it was not before; -dosha, a. K M i q ^ ^ V j abhiava-h^rana, n., -hara, m. mischief.
guiltless; -purva, a. unprecedented. taking food and drink; - h a r y a , f p . eatable ; ^ITT^TSf a-magr^ana, n. not sinking.
n. food.
^ J r T W i a-bhfitala-sparsa, a. not touch- K ^ r ^ H a-mandita, pp. unadorned.
ing the earth : -ta, f . abst. N. abhijtsana, n. application ; study;
^nT?Ta-mata,pp.imlooke(l for; not approved.
i - y a , f p . to be practised.
abhfitaartha,TO.impossible thing.
^ T r f f f i . a m - a t i , / . appearance, brightness.
^ p S f ^ p f i a b h i a s % a k a , a . detracting; ^asu-
£-bhftti,/. non-existence.
y k , f . anger; envy. [plicated. ' ! ?Rlf7t2.^m-ati,a.poor;/,poverty. [tionally.
M*11 abhdtaupamS,/. simile imply- 3. a-mati,/. ignorance: in. uninten-
abhi_asta, pp. read, studied; redu-
ing an impossibility.
abhi_astam, ad. with Vi or Vga, a-matsara, a. disinterested.
•^fljfjT a-bhfimi,/. not the right place, no
sphere for (g.): -shtha, a. not being in his set over (ac.) ; -ita, pp. sleeping at sunset. ^ ^ T f ^ r l a-madya-madyat, pr. pt. lively
own country. K+tl <+1,abhij.karam, abs. enticing. without an intoxicant.
a-madhav-ya. ^n^TT a m b a . 25
ama-vat, a. impetuous; mighty. thither; in the other world; -jirtbam, ad.
H H y ^ a-madhav-ya,a.notworthyofsweet-
for the next world.
ness(i.e. Soma), [(is) unintelligent; foolish. ^I*T^T<iT«ta-maMtman, a.not high-minded.
amii-tha, ad. t h u s ; w. as, to be lost.
mPTO^d-manas,n. lack of intelligence; a. •^TT^fl a-mahiya-m&na, pr.pt. down-
^JiJj^ a-mudra, a. unequalled.
^ T i p g i a-manas-ka, a. foolish ; not of cast, distressed.
^ T T amuya, in. ad. in that way, so; with
good cheer. [pp. uninhabited by men. •^fTTT I- ama, ad. at home; homewards.
as or bhu, be done for, be lost. [minded.
a - manushya - nishevita, | 2. a m a , / . n i g h t of new moon. [meat. a-m^dAa, pp. not confused, clear-
^ f l d l i . f l a-mano-rama, a.not charming, sSHTTOW^r a-mamsa-bhaksha, a. eating no •^n^T d-m^ira, a. acute, unerring,
a-mantu, a. lacking an adviser, ama-^ur, / . aging at home, old d-murta, a. bodiless.
helpless. ^TITTt^ i • amat, (ab.) ad. from home. [maid. a-mfiM, a. rootless ; causeless; not
^({{n? a-mantra, n. no spell; a. unaccom- . a-mat, pr.^.having no space in(/c.). based on a or the text.
panied by Vedic texts; not knowing Vedic
^JHIflU ama-tya, m. inmate; relative; min- rfi a-mrikta, pp. unhurt, intact.
^fJp^Ramantra-ka.-flna, -vid, a. ignorant ister. ^I^fT a-mn'ta, pp.not hvg. died; immortal;
of sacred texts; -tantra, a. lacking incanta- ^flTT^T a-matra,/.: in. excessively, highly. TO.god; a,/.goddess; aherb; n. immortality;
tions and spells; -varyam, ad. not without world of immortals; nectar; a certain remedy;
^ T T T T T a-m&nana, n. disrespect. medicine; remnant of a sacrifice; water; milk;
the requisite texts. ray; -kara ,m. moon; -kirana, m.id.; -te^as,
<$(*4|«1c( a-mtnava,a. superhuman; not de-
^ R * ^ - m a n d a , a . r ^ , l a z y , alert; not stupid; scended from Manu. TO. N .of a fairy prince ; -tva, n. immortality;
plentiful; 11. much; -ta, /. cleverness, good condition of ambrosia; -didbiti, m. moon;
sense; -hndaya, a. cheerful-hearted. W T r f a f f a - m a n i t a , pp.not highly esteemed. -drava, a. flowing with nectar ; -dhayin, a.
sipping-; -payin, a. drinking nectar = hearing
^re*nTT^-manya-m&na,pr.^. unawares. W r f ^ r a-mani-tva, n. modesty, humility.
fine speeches; -prabba, m. N. of afairy; &,/.
^ f T R a-mama, a. lacking self-conscious- w r g ^ r d-mcinusha, TO. no m a n ; i, / . N.\ -bhavana, n.N.of a monastery; -bbash-
female animal; a. (i) superhuman,divine; in- ar/a, n. nectar-like speech ; -bbu^, m. god;
ness; careless about (lc.). -bbo^ana, a. eating the remnants ofsacrifices;
human; (a) destitute of men; -loka, TO. celes-
^IHi, a-mdra, a. (&, 1) immortal; m. god ; tial world. -maya, a. (i) immortal; nectar-like ; consist-
-garbha, m. divine child; - g u r u ,TO.Brihas- ing of nectar; -ra#mi, m. moon; -rasa, TO.
pati, the planet Jupiter; -taftni, /. river ^ f l l ' i l a-maya, a. not clever, [honestly. nectar; a. tasting like nectar; -lata, f.
of the gods, Ganges; -taru, m. a certain tree ; ^UTTOT a-maya, / . sincerity : in. frankly, creeper yielding nectar; -loka,TO.world of
-t&,/., -tva, n. divinity; immortality; -dat- the immortals; -varshin, a. raining nectar ;
ta, ni.N.\-druma,iT(.tree of the gods.Paripata; I ^ a-mSra, TO. not killing. -brada, TO. lake of nectar.
-dvisb,TO.Asuia; -paksha-patin,TO.friend ^TRT^ a-marga, TO. wrong road, - course. "sSjJJI^Jamritaamsu,m.moon; - akara, m.
of the gods; -pati-kumara,TO.son of Indra
(Gayanta); -parvata, m. N. of a mtn.; -pura, W T f f r T a-mar</ita, pp. unwashed. N.; -J.tman, a. consisting of nectar.
«., i, f. city of the gods; -prakbya, a. like -4(4jrf amritaya, den. A. be like immor-
an immortal; -prabba, a. bright as an im- W R W t ama-vas-i, - y k , f . night of new
tality or nectar ; become nectar.
mortal; -prarthita, pp. wooed by immortals; ^lf+1 am-i, the root am. [moon.
-mrigi-dm,/. Apsaras. 1 fa amritajihuti, / . a kind of sacri-
f«i ri a-mita, pp. immeasurable; innumer- ficial offering.
amaram-manya, a. passing for or able ; - g a t i , m. N. of a fairy; -guraa, a. hav-
thinking oneself a god. ing innumerable merits ; -te^as, a. of immea- " ^ ^ f d ^ T amn'tika, / . N. of a celestial.
surable splendour; -buddhi-mat, a. of im- ^ ^ t f t ^ a m n t i - b h 6 , become immortal,
amara-loka, a. dwelling in the measurable intellect. [energy or power.
world of the gods : -ta, f . abst. N. ; -vat, ad. amritajsvara, TO. Siva,
like an immortal; as if immortal; -sadas, n. •^rfTTcftoT^amitaor/as,a. of immeasurable
assembly of the gods; -sarit,/. Ganges. amn'taupama, a. like ambrosia.
^ i . a-mltra, m. enemy: -vat, ad. like an
W U T P C a m a r a a g a r a . n . t e m p l e ; -anga- ^ f ^ y n W a-mmh-ya-mawa, pr. pt. not
^ f f a R 2. a-mitra, a. friendless. [enemy.
na, f . Apsaras; -apag&,/. celestial Ganges. tolerating. [pure; n. impurity, excrement,
'^J f#{ ^ cfijf«^amitra-karman, M. N.; -karsb-
iSfTTXT^fft amara-vati, / . city of the gods a-medhyd, a. unfit for sacrifice; im-
a«a, a. tormenting enemies; -gbatin, m.
(Indra s abode). slayer of foes; -ta,/. enmity; -ban, a. slay- ameya, fp. immeasurable.
ing foes. [enemy. d-mogha, a. not vain, unerring; in-
^ f f i ^ T amara jsvara,TO.lord of the gods
^ r f j ^ T T amitraya, dew. A . behave like an fallible ; -krodha-barsba, a. not angry or
(Indi a or Vishnu). [-upama, a. godlike.
rejoicing in vain; -darsana, a. not appearing
^ P R T t r T T amarauttama, a, chief of gods; ^ff^TSJT a-mithya, ad. not falsely, truly. in vain, i.e. bringing luck (Pr.); -patana, a.
not fallingin vain,hitting the mark; -va&ana,
il-marta, il-rnartya, a.immortal. -mi-n-at, pr.pt. not injuring. a. whose word is not idle.
amartya-bhava, TO.immortality. ami', m. pi. of asau (adas). W t ^ T a-moftya, fp. not to be let go.
d-mardh-at, pr. pt. untiring. • ^ W V t R ^ a-mita-varna,a.having undimin- fa* a-mauktika, a. containing no
ished brightness. [in question. pearls.
a-marman, n. no vital spot; a.
(;(n) invulnerable. ^JTfarrcsr a-mimamsya, fp. not to be called ^ f l ^ X dmbara, n. garment; firmament,
•^flffaamiva,«.,&,/. pain; plague; disease; sky ; -Arara, a. moving in the air; m. bird;
HiT^T^ a-mary&da, a. having no bounds. fairy: -marga, TO. (bird's path), sky; -/.arin,
-Mtana, a. (i) driving away pain or disease.
^HT^ a-marsh-a, TO. impatience; displea- m. planet; -patba, TO. path in the sky ; -pra-
•&mxL,prn.stem(nm.sg.m.f. asau, n. adas). bh4, / . N. of a princess; -^jtdhikarin, TO.
sure ; anger; -ana, n. id.; a. impetuous; in-
tolerant ; incensed ; impatient; -ita, pp. dis- ^IJJcR amu-ka, prn. so and so. groom of the robes.
pleased, indignant; -in, a. id. fft a-mukta, pp. not let g o , - discharged, " ^ w O 1 * atnbarisha, m.n.frying-pan; m.N.
a-mala, a. spotless, pure; -paksba- qi^ambaraokas, m. god.
a-mukha, a. mouthless. [ - liberated.
vihamgama, m. swan; -patatrin, in. goose,
swan. ^fl^a-munfc-at, pr. pt. not abandoning ^P^Wamba-shf^a, m. (a, i) child of a Brah-
man and a woman of the third caste: pi. N.
•ilW^l^amala-ya, den.V.m ake pure or white. or giving up. [there; hence; thereupon. of a people.
^WfSTC a-malina, a. pure; -dhi, a. pure- " ! S|*Jftt(amu-tas,ad.fromthat(=ab.); thence, | amb^, / . mother: ®c.dmbe (F.),dmba
minded. ^ * j q a m t i - t r a , ad. in that(=Zc.); here; there, (F. C.): £mba, often mere ij. ah!
26 KpejchT ambika. ^f\rh a-rikta.

•^t^RTambika./.IV.o/Parvatij^.o/DhH- knife, sword; -kanta, TO. magnet; -maya, a. •S$T^5l|f[a-i ag'yat,j)r.j)(.having no plea sure in
ta-rashfra's mother; -pati, m. Rudra or Siva. (l) of iron.
K ^ f i ^ r T a-rang-ita, pp. dissatisfied. [(/<?.).
ambu, n. water; -fc&rin, a. living in aya, (ira.) ad. in this manner, thus.
K ^ U ! ^r-ana, a. (i) distant, strange.
the water; to. aquatic animal. ^ n n f ^ r l ^-y&fc-i-ta, pp. unasked ; given
^ n ^ T a m b u - p a , a. aquatic; m.n. (day) lotus: without asking; -tri, a. not soliciting or K ar-^wi, W X W t ar-^wi, / . tinder-stick
-bandhava, m. sun; - aksha, a. (1) lotus- wooing. (for producing fire by attrition).
eyed; - j , s a n a , / . Lakshmi (lotus-seated). ^ T T ^ T a-y&yya, fp. who may not be sacri- ^ a r a n - y a , n. distance, foreign country;
ficed for; that may not be sacrificed. wilderness ; forest; -ka, n. forest; -ga^a, TO.
ambu-da, m. cloud: -nasa, TO. dis- wild elephant; -tara, a. living in a forest;
persion of clouds; -dhara, m. cloud; -dhi, TO. •^ST^rrTTTTf &-yata-y£ma, a. not stale, not wild; -giva,,a.id.; -dharma, TO. savage state,
sea; -nidhi, m. id.; - p a k s h i n , m. water-bird; ineffectual; n. pi. a kind of Yagus texts; wildness; -nripati, TO. king of the forest,
-pati,m.Varuna; sea; -paddhati,/.current; (a)-t4, / . effectualness. [TO. If . of a seer. tiger; -bhava, a. growing iii the forest; wild;
-mu&, TO. cloud; -raya, m. current; -ra.si, m. a-y&s, a. indefatigable ; -ya, a. id.; -margrara, m. wild cat; -rkg, m. (nm. -rkt)
sea; -ruha, n. day-flowering lotus; -ruhiwi, lion; tiger; -xkgy&, n. sovereignty of the
/ . lotus; - l i l a - g e h a , n. pleasure-house in the ayi, ij. (usually with vc.) or intr. pel. I forest; -rudita, n. crying in the forest = vain
water; -vaha, TO. cloud ; - v e g a , m. current. KtJcfO?^ a-yuk-ft^ada, TO. (odd-leaved, i. e. lament; -vat, ad. like a wilderness; -vasa,
ambti-knta, pp. accompanied by seven-leaved) a tree (sapta-paraa). TO. forest-abode; -vasin, a. forest-dwelling ;
spitting; n. bellowing with foaming at the TO. denizen of the forest; -shash£ik&,/. kind
K^rTI a-yukta, pp. unyoked; unconnected; of celebration.
mouth. [water. unattached to [ Ic.); unintent; unsuitable, un-
K ^ ^ m b h a s , n. water; -tas, ad. out of the seemly ; n. unsuitable metaphor; -tva, n. in- K V ® ' f a arawyani, -nb /• wilderness;
K 4 ^ o|ambho-5'a,w.(day)lotus; -j/ini,/.lotus nppropriateness ; -rupa, a. unsuitable. great forest; genius of the forest, [hermit.
plant: -vana, n. pond covered with lotuses ; a-yuk-sankbya, a.hvg. an uneven * R C « 8 f N ^ a r a » y a o k a s , to. forest-dweller;
-da, to. cloud; -dhara, m. id.; -dhi, m. sea;
-nidhi,m.i(?.;-toindTi,TO.dropofwater; - m nk, a-yuga-sapti, m. sun. [number. K ^ f a i. ar-ati,m.attendant,helper,officiater
TO.cloud; -ruha, n. (day) lotus: -maya, a.full I p ' l ^ a - y u g a a r / a s , TO. fire (odd-rayed (at sacrifices).

am-maya, a. (i) watery, [oflotuses. == seven-rayed). K ^ f f l 2.a-rati, / . discomfort; depression.

"^JT^T a-yugma, a. unevefi, odd. U f T F * a-rati-ka, a. lacking Rati.
am-la, a. sour.
^pgT*T^ayugma-mada,TO.=ayixk-Ma- K^fl a-ratnajlloka-saTOharya,
1*1 a-mla-na, pp. not withered or wither- da; -lo#ana, TO. /Siva (odd- i.e. three-eyed);
ing ; fresh; -darsana, a. keen-eyed. -<?ara, TO. KSma (odd-= five-arrowed). /j.not tobe dispelled by thebrilliance of gems.

K ^ l i f a a-mli-ni, a. not withering; -yin, ^-yunga, a. uneven, odd; -yu<7, a.id.; ^ f ^ " ar-atni, TO. [joint], elbow; -ka, TO. id.

amli-bhfi, become sour. [a. id. -yugk, a. without an equal; uneven, odd. ^ T t f ^ a - r a t h i n , a. roadless. [in.
tfy-a, TO. going ; course; good fortune. K t j d a-yuta, (pp.) n. myriad. K t^a-rantos, g. inf. to have no pleasure
•^RtcRT^I aya^-kaya, TO. N. of a Daitya. d-yuddha, pp. uncombated, irresist- a-rap^, a. unscathed, safe.
ible ; n. absence of war, peace. K^H^i'-am, ad. suitably to (d.); sufficiently:
iii!3 ayaA-pmda, m.n. lump of iron.
a-yakshm£, a. free from disease, a-yuddhvi, abs. without fighting. - kamaya, according to wish. (Cp. V k r i &
healthy. K^jq+I a-yuva-marin, a. in which
youths do not die. a-ramaniya, fp. not delightful.
a-ya^na, m. no sacrifice ; non-per-
K^i aye, ij. of surprise; often-=.ayi. W T f ? r ard-mati, / . devotion, piety; god-
formance of sacrifice; a. (a) not sacrificing,
^ R f t T a-yoga, m. separation ; wrong em- dess of devotion; a. indefatigable.
a-ya^-yu, °q*^-van, a. impious,
ployment ; bad quality; inappropriateness ; ^ P C g f ^ aramucfi, m. N. of a king of Nepal.
•^nr^-yata,^.uncontrolled,unrestrained. impossibility.
UW a-ramya, fp. unpleasant, unamiable.
K ^ f r t a-yati, TO. no ascetic. ayo-gurfa, TO. iron ball.
^ f X f X arari, TO. fold of a door; i, / . id.
a-yatna, m. no effort, ease : -tas, Wt^ayo-gu,/. a mixed caste.
in. without trouble; -vala-vyagrani-hhu, ara-vinda, n. (day) lotus: - t a , / . ,
become a fly-fan without trouble. ^SRft'Sf a-yogya,^). unfit, useless ; unau- -tva, n. abst. sr., -nabhi, TO. Kr/shwa; -vind-
K<4>m<1,H'H,a-yatha-tatham, ad. not as it thorised; not a match for (Ic.); -tva, n. unfit- ini, / . (day) lotus.
should be; -balam, ad. not according to K <Tl M d ayo-ghana,TO.ironhammer, [ness. ^I^tJ a-ras^, a. tasteless, insipid; weak.
strength; - artha, a.untrue, false; - v a t , a d .
^ f T f a-yoddhn, a. not fighting. K ^ f a c h a-rasika, a. unaesthetic.
wrongly, falsely; -sthita, pp. disarranged.
a-yodhya,/p.unconquerable; a , / . a-rahita, pp. not abandoned, not
K ^ v T l f a a ayathtu&ita, pp. unseemly. N. of a city (Oude). wanting. [tions ; - i n , a. id.
K q f^a-yad-i,?c.whenthere is no f yad '(gr.). K ^ f a a-yoni, TO./. what is not pudendum
^ T T a-rftg-a, a. lacking passion or affec-
£y-ana, a. going, coming ; n. going; muliebre; a. lacking an origin or beginning;
way; course ; certain Soma sacrifice lasting -ga, a. not born of the womb: -tva, n.abst.N.; ^ T ^ R i a-ragd-ka, a. kingless; n. anarchy;
a year; sun's course from one solstice to an- -//anman, a. not born of the womb. -ta,/. kinglessness; -daivika, a. not caused
other ; half-year ; solstice ; resting-place. ayo-maya, a. (i) of iron ; -mukha, by the king or by fate ; -lakshman, a. lack-
a. iron-pointed; TO. arrow; -hata, pp. of ham- ing royal insignia; -_anvayin, a. belonging
K t C t f U ! a-yantraraa, a. unrestrained, free. to no royal race.
mered iron; -hr/daya, a. iron-hearted.
K t t f a d a-yantrita, pp.uncurbed,at large;
^Jql fijeft a-yaugika, a. inapplicable. K V I 5! ar-arad, pt. aor. of */ri. [foe.
un-self-controlled. [(n. idam,/.iyam.)
K<i*l,ay-dim,pn.BTO.s<7.TO.this;q/Ven=here; ar-d, TO. spoke of a wheel; -ka, m. id. ^Hjf?T£-rati,/.disfavour,enmity; fiend; TO.
a-raksh-at, pr. pt. not protecting ; a-rama, a. lacking RSma. [resin.
K « ( f a n a-yamita, pp. not kept in order ;
-ita, pp. unguarded; -i-tri, m. no protector; "^fXT^T arala, a. curved, curly; TO. kind of
untrimmed (nails). - y a , f p . not deserving protection; -ya-mama,
^FEf^ aya-vat, a. happy, fortunate. pr. pt. ps. unprotected. K ^ l ^ l ^ - r a - v a n , a. (notbestowing), hostile.

K^^t^a-yasas,n.disgrace,dishonour; in- W I f aia-ghaWa, TO. water-wheel; well. i.faithful,pious; 2. (a-ri, notgiv-

ing)hostile; m.enemy: -karshana, TO.harasser
sult ; -kara, a. (1) dishonouring, disgracing. '^J^^^a-rao'^s, a. dustless, spotless ; pas-
K^it^ay-as, n. metal, iron; iron instrument, sionless. l W f ^ W a-rikta, pp. not empty. [of foes.
q a-rikthiya. ^ c f i arth-ika. 27
a-rikthiya, a. incapable of in- -prabha-g&la, n. sun-beams; -ripu, rn. Rahu; avarice; -tva, n. serviceableness for (-°); -da,
-vrata, n. manner of the sun. [praise. a. useful; liberal; -datta, m. N. of wealthy
heriting. [hostility, merchants; -darsana, n. judging a matter;
" ^ f e f a a r k - i n , a. radiant;j3inging songs of -dana, n. present in money; -dushana, n.
ari-^ana, m. coll. enemies ; - t a , / .
^ R N arga-la, m. n. b o l t ; obstacle. prodigality; unjust seizure of property.
U f ^ ar-i-tra, a. driving; m. n. oar.
arth-ana,/. prayer, request.
ar-in, n. wheel (spoked). [foes, ^ S ^ A R G H , I . P . argha, be worth.
artha-ntsa, m. loss of property;
ari-nandana, a. rejoicing one's
axgh-d,TO.value, price; hospitable re- -nirdesa, m. explanation of the sense.
^ r f i ^ T arim-dama, a. foe-taming, victori- ception ; honorific gift; -pa.tra, n. dish in
which water is presented to a guest; - u d a k a , ^ h f f a arth-aniya, fp. to be requii-ed or
a-ripii, a. spotless. [ous. n. water presented to a guest. demanded from.
ari-mardana, a. enemy-crushing. a r g h - y a , f p . valuable; worthy of a hos - artha-pati, m. rich man ; king ;
^jf^Ea-rish/a,pp. unscathed, safe; to. mis- pitablereception; n.water presented to aguest. -para, a. intent on money, niggardly; -pa-
fortune ; a tree (also -ka, m.); (a)-tati, / . r u s h y a , n. rigidness in money matters; -pa-
ARK, v. ^qr RIK. la, m. N. of a man; -prayoga, m. usury ;
gcathelessness, safety; -ratha, a. whose car
-bandha, m. significant words ; -matta, pp.
is unscathed; -vira, a. whose warriors are ^ H N i arfc-aka,a.honouring,adoring; -ana, purse-proud; -xnatra, n., 4 , / . wealth, money.
unscathed; - s a y y a , / . bed of confinement. n., a,/, honouring, adoration: -ma»i, m. jewel
a-rishtfi,/. scathelessness. of honour. ^ p f c f arth^-ya, den. A. (P.), (artbate, E.),
endeavour, strive for; ask one (ac., ab.) for
ari-sQdana, TO. foe-destroyer. ^ p f c ^ ar&at, 3 sg. impf. of */rilt (V.). (ac.); explain, abhi, ask one (ac.) for (ac.,
ar&-a, / . worship, adoration. d., Ic., or -arthanx). pra, desire; ask one
ari-han, a. foe-slaying. (ac.) for (ac.,lc.); request something (ac.) from
K p ^ arfc-i, m. ray, flame. [to. fire. {ab.); wish to, ask one to (inf.); woo; have
k O ^ u-ridfea, a-riZ Aa, pp. unlicked.
recourse to; A . oppose oneself to (ac.). sam,
U^f^T a-ru£-i, / . disgust (at, upari); -ya, arHsh-mat, a. radiant, flaming;
prepare; conclude; judge, think, consider;
a. unpleasant. Kp^^arZc-is, n. (C. / . also), ray, flame. connect with (in. or prati w. ac.); perceive;
a-rugr, -f/a, a. painless; healthy. contemplate ; resolve ; cheer up, encourage.
ij-^ar/i-ya,/p. worthy of honour orworship.
K^Tff ar-u«£, a. (a; V. also 1) ruddy; light- artha-yukta, pp. significant; -ynkti,
A R K H , v. ^ ^ RIKH.
brown; golden; to. redness; dawn (personi- / . gain, advantage; -ra#i, m. wealth; -ruM,
fied as charioteer of the sun); sun; -kara, m. a. avaricious; -labha,m. acquisition ofwealth;
A R G , I . P. aiga, procure, acquire; cs.
sun; -ta, /. redness ; -psu, a. ruddy. -lubdha, pp. avaricious; - l o l n p a - t a , / . love
argaya, P. A . id. upa, cs. id. of money; - v a t , a. wealthy; significant; in-
H aruwa-ya, den. P . redden : pp. ita. telligible ; ad. judiciously : -ta, / . , -tva, «.
^f^cfiarg-aka, a.procuring, acquiring; -ana, significance; -var^ita, pp. meaningless;
TOTT^ aruwaanu£?a,TO.GarueZa; -_avkis, n. acquisition ; -aniya, fp. to be acquired; -varman, m.N.; -vada,m. explanation of the
-ita, pp. acquired, gained ; -in, a. acquiring. purpose ; praise; -vadin, a. reporting facts;
aruni,/. dawn. [to. rising sun.
-vid, a. knowing the sense; -vinasana, a. de-
HVol® aruwi-kn, redden. ^ T ^ T ar;y-una, a. (i) white, bright; m. N.
trimental; -viparyaya, m. impoverishment;
of a son of PawcZu. [flood; to. N. poverty; - v r i d d h i , / . increase ofwealth; - v y -
arunauda, n. N. of a lake.
£r-wa, a. surging ; m.n. wave, stream, avahara, m. pecuniary suit.
arum-tuda, a. making a wound;
arna-v^, m. (n.) wave, stream, flood ; ^ p s f a j T ^ artha-sastra, n. treatise on prac-
touching a sore; excruciating.
sea; -nemi,/. earth; -sarid-asrita, (pp.)m. tical life or policy ; -sau&a, n. blamelessness
t l V ^ d l arundbati, / . N. of a plant; N. of dweller near the sea and rivers. inmoney matters; -srx,/.aburidanoeofwealth;
TasuUha'sicife; N .ofafaint star (Alkor)in -samsiddhi, / . success of a matter; -sara-
the Great Hear (conceived as the consort of "^uitl^r-was, n.wave, stream, flood; sea. graha,m. accumulation of riches; -sanJi-aya,
the men Rishis). rn. sg. pi. property, wealth ; -samdeha, to.
i f d arna-sati,/. winning of streams. doubtful or critical case.
tyl^q a-rush, a.not angry, in good humour.
x. ar-ti,/. pain (=£rti).
W f a r - u s h d , a. ( / . drashi) red, ruddy; m. "'Sl^Jtf ^ I a l'tha-sa m p adan a, w.obtainment
sun, day: pi. w . / . flames (Agni's red horses)] ^ 2. ar-ti, the root ri. of an advantage; -sambandha, m. possession
f. ixushi, dawn. ar-tha,n. (V.), m. business, w o r k ; aim, ofwealth; - s a m a h a r t n , to. receiver ofmoney;
-sadhaka, a. promoting a thing, useful; -sa-
purpose; cause; meaning; advantage,profit,
a-rushyat, pr. pt. not angry, dhana, n. accomplishment of a purpose;
use, utility, theuseful; reward; gain; property,
wealth, money; thing, object; matter, affair; means of attaining an object; -sara, to.
iii'-us, a. wounded; n. wound. abundant wealth; -siddha, pp. self-evident;
case, suit; a. hvg. in view, serviceable for:
^ S ^ T ^ a-rdrf^a-m1lla-tva,n.not having -m, in., d., Ic. on account of, for the sake of,
-siddhi, / . acquisition of property; success
in one's object; establishment of the sense.
taken firm root. for (~°); ab. = that is to say. ayam arthaA,
a-rtlpa,a.formless; deformed; -na,n. this thing; k a m a r t h a m , what thing 1 ko*ax- arthaJgama,TO .substantialincome;
tha/(, what is the use of (in.) ? what does (g.) ^atura, a. avaricious; ^atman, to. true na-
nofigurativeterm (ph.); -tva, n. deformity. care for (in.) ? ture ; ^adhikar a, m. administration ofmoney;
- antara, n. another thing; different meaning:
are, ij. of address, ho! sirrah! ^ W K artha-kara, a. (1) useful; -kama, n. -nyasa, m. adduction of another caBe, general
sg., m. du. the useful and the pleasant; a. de- or particular corroboration (a rhetorical fig.);
a-rep&s, a. spotless, pure,
sirous of wealth; wishing to be useful; -kam- - a p a t t i , / . self-evidence; kind of rhetorical
a-roga,TO.health; a. healthy. ya, a. id.; -karsya, n. destitution, poverty; figure ; ^abhipr&ya, TO. meaning intended;
-kilbishin, a. transgressing with money; - arcana, n. acquisition of property ; - j r t h -
-rog-in,a.healthy; -i-ta,/.., -i-tva, -kri&Mra, n. difficult matter; -krit, a. use-
». healthiness. axn, ad. for the sake of money; - a r t h i - t a ,
ful ; -kritya, n., 4, / . accomplishment of an / . desire of wealth ; - a r t h i n , a. interested,
a-ro&akin, a. lacking appetite; affair; -grahana, n. taking away of money; selfish ; -^avamarda,"m. prodigality;
fastidious; pretentious ; sensitive. import of the meaning; -giraa, a. (1) pro- / . desire for money; •^aharawa, n. accumu-
digal; -fcitta, a. intent on riches; -£intaka, lation of money; adduction of meanings.
a-ro/camana, jpr.^.notshining;
a. knower of the useful; -{/ata, n. sg. pi.
nujiiilatable, nauseous. money; things,objects; -gna,a.understanding ^ r f ^ R arth-ika, a. in need of, desirous of
-rohini-ka, a. lacking Rohini. the matter or the meaning; -tattva, n. real (-°); -i-tavya,//?.tobe sought; -i-ta,/.,-tva,
state of things; fact of a matter; true sense: n. solicitation; desire of (in.); request; -in,
^fii ark-£, m. ray ; sun; sun-god; hymn; -tas, ad. for a purpose; for the sake of (-°); a. busy; eager; desirous of (in., -°); needy;
singer; hind of tree or shrub; -nandana, m. for the sake of gain; in truth, really, according amorous, lustful; to. suitor; suppliant, beg-
planet Saturn; -pattra, n. leaf of the Arka; to the meaning; -trish.nk,f. thirst for gold, gar; prosecutor.
E 2
28 arthi-sat-kn. ^ R i a-lasa.

arthi-sat-kri, grant a suppli- pp. half-licked; ^ - v i s b ^ a , pp. half-faltering; alaka, m. n. lock, curly hair; k,f.
- asana, n. half one's seat (offered to a guest). N.ofKubera's city; If. of a city in Nishadha.
cant's request (ac.).
^f^lcft ardh-ika, a. (1) amounting to a half; ^T^fcfiJ^ illakam, ad. in vain.
artb-iya, a. serving the purpose of
-in, a. half; receiving the half.
arthajitsarga, TO. expenditure ; W s f * f r f ^ a r d h a j n d u - m a u l i , m . ( c r e s c e n t - • W & h t l X alaka jsvara,TO.N. ofKubera.
- u s h m a n , TO. glow of wealth. crested), ep. of <S'iva. W ^ alakta, -ka,TO.(n.) red lac.
arth-ya, a. suitable, judicious; rich. 'Si^TWcfiT^' alaktakaanka, a. red-coloured.
W T W ardhaukta, pp.half-said,half-told
n. half-speech; -jx&Mish(a, pp. half left over ^P^T^W a-laksh-ara^, n. evil omen; a. lack-
^ A R D , v. ^ B f RID. ing marks or characteristics; insignificant;
- udita, pp. half-risen; -upa-bhukta, pp
ard-ana,a.afflicting, tormenting half-consumed; -jirnka, a. reaching half way harmful; - i t a , pp. unmarked; unobserved:
down the thigh; n. short overcoat. - m , ad. [mitous; -ka, a. unfortunate.
•^f^c! ard-ita, pp. ( W i d ) afflicted.
•^TTflJr arp-awa, a. (1) procuring; making ^pyp^ft a-lakshmi, f . evil destiny; a. cala-
A R D H , prosper, v. ^ P * E I D H . over, entrusting; n. throwing; attaching;
W ^ T a-lakshya.^3. invisible, unobserved;
"^pj i- ardh-cl, a. half (in a. & ad. often placing upon; application; offering; consign-
ment, making over, transference; restitution; insignificant; -^anma-ta,/.insignificant birth.
TO. n. half; middle. -anvya,fp. to be given up, to be handed over; alakhana, m. N. of a prince.
2. drdh-a,TO.side, part; place, region. -ita, cs. pp. (1/ri) placed in or on, applied ;
made over to. • ^ T T ^ ala-gardd, TO. kind of snake; 4, f .
ardha-kathana, n. incomplete kind of leech.
narration; -kapi.sa, a. brownish ; -krishfa, ar-paya, cs. of \/ri, go.
a-laghu, a. clumsy; slow; not insig-
pp. half drawn out; -koli, f . five millions; arbuda, m. (£) serpent; N. of a snake- nificant; -bhava,TO.nodegradation; -«arira,
-kosha,TO.half one's treasure. • demon (ar-) ; snake-like mass; shape of the a. fatigued.
ardha-Tcandra, m. half-moon; ar- foetus in the second month; N.ofamtn. (Abti):
pi. N. of a people; n. the hymn B V. X, 94; ^r^RBTW alam-kar-ana, n. ornamenting ;
row with half-moon-shaped head; hollowed ornament; -in, a. ornamented; -ishnu, a.
hand: -TO da, seize by the throat; -ka,TO.bent 10,000,000; -.slkhara,TO.N. of a mtn.
fondofdress; adorning (ac.); -tri,m. adorner.
hand; -bhagin, a. seized by the throat; -mu- £rbha, a. small, w e a k ; m. boy; -k&, a.
klia, a. having a half-moon-shaped point. ^T^raTT alam-k^r^, m. adornment; orna-
small, weak;TO.boy; young of animals : -ta,
ment, trinket; rhetorical figure; -ka,TO.or-
^ V M f a f T ardha-^valita, pp. half-ignited. /. abst. N. ; -ga, a. youthful.
nament; - v a t i , / . T. of the gth LambaJca in
£r-ma, m. pi. ruins. the Kathd-sarit-sdgara ; -sila, w. N.
^pJwftfl^ST ardha-trayodasa, a. pi. twelve
& a half; -dagdha, pp. half-burnt; -danda, ^pEf 1. ar-y£, a. kind, devoted; pious. ^ f l R T alam-krita, pp. \/kri; -kriti, f . or-
TO. fine of half't he amount; -divasa,TO.midday; r nament; rhetorical figure; -kriyli,,/.adorn-
-deva,TO.demi-god; -dvi-Aatur-asraka, TO. ^RT 2. irya, m. man - , k,f. woman of one ing ; ornament.
Jcind of posture ; -nish-panna, a. half com- of the three upper castes; man - , woman of
pleted. [/.asat,/. twenty-five. the third caste. • ^ p s l l j R f a a - l a n g h - a n i y a / p . n o t t o be over-
taken ; not to be overstepped; unapproach-
i & i a r d h a - p a n & a - n , -ma, a. 4 | ; -pan- ^ r ^ N R arya-m&n, m. intimate, comrade ; able ; -ayat, pr.pt. not infringing.
N. of one of the Adityas, chief of the Pitris;
-5j(tmUI ardha-pana,TO.halfapana; -patha, groomsman; sun. a-langh-ita, pp. untrodden; un-
TO. half-way; -pada, m. tip of the foot; -pad- touched, unattained; -purva,a.not infringed
ika.a.havinghalfafoot; -pita,pp.half-drunk; aryamya, a. intimate. before ; ^atman, a. not forgetting oneself.
-pnlayita, n. hind of gait in the horse; -bri- d r - v a t , ^ ^ ^ r - v a n , a.racing, swift;
gala, u. half a piece; -bhakshita, pp. half- "3p?T^Ja-langh-ya,./p.unfordable; not to be
TO. racer, steed ; charioteer. trodden, - touched; not to be infringed.
eaten; -bhagna,j»p. half-broken; -bhagika,
a. receiving half a portion; -bba^, a. receiv- ^ N h f t iirvat-i,/. mare. ^5P55T &-\&gga, a. shameless ; 4, f . -ness:
ing the half; -magadhi, f . semi-Magadhi -kara, a. not disgraceful.
|«Jjarvak, n. (of&Tv&nh) ad.hitherwards:
(dialect); -marga, m. half-way; -masa, TO.
half a month ; -masika, a. lasting half a -kri, procure; prp.with in. or ab.on this side
of; from; before (offut.), after (of past). ^ r f T R i T a-latika, f . a. creeperless (soil).
month; -milita, pp. half-closed ; -mukuli-
kri, half close (eyes); -munofita, pp. having ^ W t f ^ S f K t T arvak-kalika-ta,/. modern "^I^f <1 ^T*Calam-taram,(cpu.)ad.highly; with
the head half shaved. inf. much better; -dhana, a. having sufficient
date; -kalina, a. dating from a recent period.
ardha-yama, TO. half-watch. ^f^ppcpfa arva/ana (or &), a. hitherward ;
being on this side of (ah. ); nearer. ^5ra^a-labdha,pj3.unacquired,unobtained;
i ^ H ardha-r&tra, m. midnight: -sama- -pada, a. having made no impression on (lc.);
ya,TO.midnight hour; -vudha,pp.half-grown. ar-va/ani, a. (-vfifc-i) turned towards; -vat, pf. pt. act. not having obtained (ac.).
hitherward : -aTO kri, procure.
ardha rik& m. half-verse, hemistich. M a-labha-mana,jpr.pf.not gaining;
n. pi. hemorrhoids. not making out. [not be incurred.
TJJXJT^ardhar^a-sds, ad. by half-verses.
^ARSH, v. a-labh-ya,^?. unattainable; that can
^ N p ^ T ardha-lakshya, fp. half-visible ;
-likbita, pp. half-painted; - v a s t r a , n. half c •^f^fT^ alam, ad. enough, sufficiently, tho-
a garment; -vriddhi, /. half the interest; .(A.)arlia,claim; deserve;be roughly, adequately,plenteouBly; highly; suf-
-vais-asa, n. semi-homicide. N liable to, incur; be bound to, be capable of ficient or fit for; equal to, a match for (d.);
(ac.); have a right, be obliged,be able to (inf.); able to (inf.); enough of, away with (in.); have
" ^ h p T ardha-sata, n. 50; 150; -syama, a. be worth, be equal to (ac.); the 2nd pers. sg. done w., cease, donot (inf.or gd. — impv.). (See
half black, half clouded over; -srnta, pp. half- is equivalent to a polite imperative = please to, also \Zkri & Vbhti.) [tive word, negative.
heard ; -iloka, m. half «loka; -samp'ata-sas- pray; deign to; c$.arhaya, honour with (in.). ^
ya, a. whose produce is but half grown ; -sa- abbi, cs. pp. arbita, highly honoured. •^^TT^cjxj^alam-artha-va^as, n.prohibi-
ma-vritta, n. semi-identical metre (Pada 1 =
3, 2 = 4); -siddba, pp. half-completed; -sl- ^n|arh-a, a. deserving, claiming, entitled to, • ^ ^ f ^ J alambusha, f . N. of an Apsaras.
rin, to. husbandman who receives half the justified in (ac., -°); fit, suitable for (g.,-°);
produce for his labour; -hara, to. pearl neck- -na, a. claiming (~°); n. honouring": a, f . a-laya, a. restless.
lace of 64 strings. honour; -niya,fp. deserving of honour; -tva, 'stl^cJi alarka, m. mad dog; fabulous animal
n. worthiness for (-°). with eight legs; N. of a plant.
ardhaakshi, n. side glance; ^jmgi- alal^-bhdivat, pr. pt. rippling.
"^J^f^arh-at, pr.pt. deserving; TO. worthy
kri, turn into half a body; -k-kita, pp. half-
person, Arhat (with Buddhists and Jains);
studded (w. jewels) ; -^adbita^ pp. half-learnt; "•^^TH a-las^, a. dull, slack; weary; feeble,
- a r d h a , a. quarter: -bhaga,TO.id., -hani, -tva, n. dignity of an Arhat.
indolent; -gamana, a. of indolent gait; -^ik-
f . deduction of half each time; - ava-lidAa, arhantika,/. Buddhist nun. shana, a. dim-eyed.
<4M|t|c( a-laghava. ^RVT a-vadhra. 29

^ • n ^ R a-laghava-, n. no relief, to (g.). bhava, a. insignificant; -bala, n. small force; a-vaA;aniya,/p. not to be said.
-bala-prana, a. weak and short-winded ;
^I^nrT alata, n. firebrand. -buddha, pp. only just awakened; -buddhi, "^eHf^I ava-feaya, | ^ - i a y a , TO.plucking,
a. of mean intellect; -bhagya, a. luckless : gathering; -itayin, a. plucking, gathering ;
^FTT^ alabu, / . gourd; to. n. its
-tva, n. abst.N.; -bhu^aantara, a. narrow- -/larana, n. treatment, application: i - y a , f p .
fruit; gourd-bottle ; -maya, a. made of a applicable; -/ci^isha,/. desire to pluck; -kxi-
gourd. chested ; -medhas, a. of small wit.
d&, m. pendent tuft; -£nla, to. id.
alpa-ya, den. P . lessen, depreciate.
^RrnT a-labha, to. non-obtainment; ab- ava-^/^eda, to. piece cut off; sec-
sence ; loss ; -kala, m. unfit time for obtain- ^ r ^ T f ^ I alpa-vidya, a. of little learning; tion ; distinction; -^aya, to. conquest; -gfta,
-vishaya, a. of small extent, limited. /.contempt, disrespect, disparagement (of, g.,
tSRTT^I a-lasya, a. not dancing. [ment.
Ic.): in. with perfect indifference; -gnkna, n.
''H'SMnfai alpa-sakti, a. weak ; -sas, ad. id. ; -giieya, fp. to be despised.
•^rfWali,TO.bee; -kula,n. swarm of bees. slightly, to a small extent; rarely ; -sesha,
alika,TO.forehead, [lacking gender. a. having little wanting; almost completed; ^T^fJTrrr a-van/i;ana-t^, / . honesty,
-sattva, a.of little courage, cowardly; -sara,
a-liiiga, a. lacking characteristics; a. weak; worthless; insignificant; -snayu, a. a v a - ^ , TO. pit; cavity.
a-lingin, a. not entitled to wear having few sinews; -svara, a. weak-voiced, "^iqd^l &Yatu-ga,TO.pi. hair on the neck,
badges. [of bees. quiet.
alpaanga, a. small-bodied: -tva, ^v-at, pr.pt. friendly; m. N.
W^T'l.alin.m.bee; -1,/. female bee; swarm n. abst. x. ; -jLyus, a. short-lived; ^alpa, ^f cJrT ava-ta, TO. well.
^ f ^ alinda, m. terrace. a. little by little, moderate: -bhas, a. of very •
slightlustre; ^avasishfa,, pp. little left: -tva, ava-tarasa, -ka, m.n. wreath, dia-
^rf^TTf^ all-mat, a. covered with bees: n. condition of little being left. dem ; ring-shaped ornament; -niya, fp. to be
(d)-dalin, a. having petals covered with bees; made into a wreath. [wreath.
-m&la, f . swarm of bees. "^sfl^^alpi-bhfi, be diminished.
r | a v a - t a w s a - y a , den. P. make into a
W N i TS|t«if|q^alp-iyas, cpv. smaller; very small.
alika, a. disagreeable; false; n. dis- H ^ r r f M ^ avata»is-ini, f . woman wearing
agreeable thing; untruthfulness, falsehood; • ^ f ^ J ^ alpai&Mu, a. of moderate wishes;
a wreath.
forehead; - n i m i l a n a , n. feigned closing of - itara, a. great, considerable: -tva, n. -ness.
the eyes; -pamdita,TO.philosophaster; -man- avatamsi-kri, use as a wreath.
C| A Y , I . P . ava, urge ; favour, help;
trln, to. dishonest minister; -vada-sila, a. ava-tamasa, n. decreasing dark-
N comfort, satisfy ; protect; like, upa,
lying; - s u p t a , -ka, n. feigned sleep. ness.
a-lina, pp. not adhering. assent, agree. pra = simple verb.
a-lupta-sattva-kosa, a. hav- TJiq I. ava, verbal and nominal prefix off; ^IWfTTW ava-tar-araa, n. coming down, de-
down; prp. w. ab. down from. scent : -mangala, n. solemn welcome; -ita-
ing a full treasure of courage, [contentment. vya, fp. n. one must descend; -t&ra, to. de-
^f^pcf a-lubdha, pp. not covetous; -tva, n. 2. £v-a, m. favour, grace, scent (esp. of gods to earth); incarnation;
a-vamsa, m. mean descent. manifestation: -na, n. causing to descend;
a-ltina, pp. unplucked, unhurt. laying aside, -mantra, to. spell causing one to
ava-kara, m. sweepings; -ku?a,TO.N. descend from the air; -tarin, o. appearing,
a-lekhya, fp. not to be reckoned
dust-heap. [to, set at nought. entering; -titirshu, a. wishing to descend.
among (Ic.).
ava-karrca-ya, den. P . not listen "^cJtI £va-tta, pp. V'da (dyati).
^SMM*^ a-lepaka, a. untainted, pure.
WrWRTRJ ^nreviS ava-kart-a, m. chip ; -ana, n. cut- ^ ^ f r t n , avattin, a. dividing into (-, e. g.
a-loka-sainanya, a. not ting off; - i n , a. cutting off (~°). four) parts (-°).
shared by ordinary people. •^fcfcRTSJ ava-kas^i,to.space, room; opportu- a-vatsS,/. cow that has lost her calf.
a-lokyd, a. unusual; improper, in- nity ; interval; access : -m da, make room ;
admissible ; excluding from heaven. grant admittance (to, d., g.); -da, a. harbour- ava-data, pp. pure, white, clear:
^ M <4 a-lopayat, cs.pr.pt. not causing ing ; m. receiver of stolen goods; - v a t , a. -ta,/. whiteness; -dana, n. heroic deed; -da-
to desist from (ab.). roomy, spacious. ra, m. breach : -na, n. a. rending; bursting.
a-lobha, m. freedom from confusion ; ^ ^ o f i l a v a - k i r r a i n , a. having broken ^ R ^ T ^ a-vadavada, a. undisputed.
lack of cupidity; moderation; a. moderate, his vow of chastity; -kesa,, a. having pendent
contented. [hairless. ^Rs^t^r ava-dola, TO. swinging, rocking.
hair; -ko/aka, TO. crane (ardea nivea).
" ^ l ^ + i m a-lomaka (or aka), a. (aki or iki) W ^ l a-vakra-ga, a. going straight. ^T^^T a - v a d - y a , f p . blameworthy; n. fault;
abuse; blame; disgrace.
Wl4H*-loman, a. id. ava-kraya, TO. letting, leasing.
^ef^T a-vadha,TO.no murder ; no beating.
^T^ft^fa-lola, a. not fickle, not greedy; -tva, ava-kshepa, m. derision, mockery;
n. constancy. [greedy. -na,, n. throwing down ; mockery. ava-dhana, n. attention, devotion;
-dhara7<a, n. affirmation; restriction; sin-
"'SM ava-khawc?ana, n. splitting, dis- gling out: i-ya, fp. to be looked upon as
a-lohita (or ta), a. bloodless. membering ; -khada, m. consumption ; con- settled ; to be restricted to (in.) ; -dh&rya,
sumer. fp. to be ascertained; -dhi, m. limit; terminus
a-laukika, a. (i) unusual, extra- ava-gantavya, fp. to be under- ad quern; respite : ad. up to, till (g.).
alga,TO.du. groin, loins, [ordinary. stood ; to be concluded from (db.); -gantri, W^TVtlt avadhi-kri, fix a limit or date.
to. one who understands; - g a m a , to., -na, n.
£lpa, a. small, little, short, trifling, in- understanding, cognizance, ascertainment; "^T^ytXW ava-dhirawa, n., a, / . refusal :
significant, feeble; n. a little: - m , ad. slightly; -gaha, m. immersion; washing; bathing : disdain.
in., ab. easily, quickly; -ka, a. (ik&) id.; m. -na, n. id.; -gahin, a. reaching to; engaging
wretched wight; n. a little: -m, ad. slightly; in (-°); -guwf/iana, n. veiling; veil: - v a t , a. ^ 1 ava-dhtra-ya, den.P.refuse, dis-
-k&rya, a. insignificant; -kala-tva, n. short- veiled; -gurana, n. roaring, raging; -graha, dain, neglect; surpass, sam, disregard : pp.
ness of time ; -gna., a. knowing little: - t v a , m. hindrance ; obstacle; drought; division of ita, disregarded, slighted, unheeded.
n. abst. N. ; -tara, cpv. quite small; - t a , / . , a word; pause, mark of elision (gr.); -graha, ^ S T ^ f t f r ^ ava-dhirin, a. surpassing
-tva, n. smallness, insignificance; shortness; to. drought; -graham, dbs. separating the
-togas, a. of little energy; -dhana, a. of small words ; -grahin, a. separating ; - g h a r s h a - ^f^T^ a-vadh-ya,/jp. inviolable: -vyavasi-
means, poor; -dhi, a. of small wit, foolish. na, n. rubbing off; -ghata, TO. blow; un- ya-vahya, a. foreign to the resolve that no-
husking by pounding. thing should be killed ; -t&, / . inviolable-
" ^ I ^ m O ^ ' T alpa-parivara, a. of slender ness; -tva, n., -bhava, to. id.
retinue ; - p a y i n , a. sucking badly (leeches); a-va&ana, a. speechless ; -kara, a.
-puwya, a. whose good works are few; -pra- not following disregarding advice. ^RTST a-vadhr^, a. indestructible.
30 ^RTcfc ava-dhvamsa. ^jflfcfi^T a-vikala.

ava-dhvawsa, TO. dust; flour. pi. women of the harem; -sikhancZin, m. do- - artha, a.satisfied; -siti, f conclusion, end;
mestic peacock; -rodhin, a. enclosing, cov- ^seka, m. sprinkling; bleeding (by leeches);
av-ana, n. favour; protection: -vat, ering (-°) ; -roh-a,TO.descent; transition to -se&ana, n. sprinkling; water for washing;
a. favoured, protected. [body, crouching. a lower note, -ana, a. (x) descending; n. alight- bleeding.
-3|q«lr|cti|4| ava-nata-kaya, a. with bent ing ; descending scale; transition to a lower ava-skand-a, m. assault, surprise;
note, -in, a. descending. -in, a. covering; assailing; -skaxa,TO.privy:
ava-nati,/. going down, setting;
a-var Ms, a. impotent, feeble. -mandira, n. id. [prp. below (g.).
humiliation; -namra, a. bent, bowed.
-sSlqty a-varna, m.reproach,blame: -bhaf/, (C^av^s-tat, ad. b e l o w ; on this side;
av£-ni, / . current, stream, course ;
earth; ground,place: -pa, -pati,»pala, -pal- a. blameworthy. [on, not present. a-vastu,«.worthless thing; nothing,
aka,TO.sovereign, king. [t<Juie ground. the"unreal: -tva, N. abst. N.
4|«|<$+iT*f a-varta-m&na, pr. pt. not going
•q q f«j m <i*^ava-ni-patam, abs.wpat, fall ^iqtjH a-vastra, a. unclothed: -ta,/.naked-
iSiqf^avariti,/.(come-down), need, want,
^ q f a t j . ^ avani-ruha, m. tree. hunger. [creasing. ness ; i-kri, deprive of clothes.
^^Tgf ava-sthd, m. penis.
ava-ni, / . earth. H a-vardha-mana, pr. pt. not in-
41 ava-stha, / . appearance in court;
a-varsha, m., -na, n. drought. state, condition; circumstance; & - t a v y a , f p .
ava-neg-ya, fp. fit for washing, that must remain ; -na, n. appearing; con-
^RETRCa-varshfos, g. inf. not to rain. dition, position ; dwelling, abiding, stay;
ava-negana, n. cleansing; 1,/. id.
ava-lagna, (pp.) m. n. waist. stability; -juxtara, n. changed condition;
WfirT -pana, n. exposing for sale; -yin, a. staying
ava-lamb-a, a. hanging down; m. in; -sthita,^.(\/stha) stationed; standing;
avanti, m.pl. N. of a people; -deva,
attachment to ; support, prop ; -ana, a. (i) arrayed; engaged in; -sthiti,/". stay, sojourn,
m.N.ofa king ; -nagrarx,/. the city of TJ^a-
hanging to, leaning on; n. hanging down; at- abode. [joints of the fingers.
yinl; -pura, n., 1,/. id.; -matH, -ka, f . pi.
tachment to, resting upon (-°); dependence;
the divine mothers of the Avantis; -vati, f .
support; tarrying; -itavya, fp. to be clung ^ R W t Z T ava-spho/ana, n. cracking the
JV.; -vardhana, m. N.; -varman, TO. N. of
to; -in, a. hanging down; reclining or leaning
a king and of a poet; - s u n d a r i , / . N.; -sena, avas-yu, a. seeking protection.
on; attached to ; dependent on (-°).
TO., a, /. N.; -svamin, m. N. of a temple.
ava-hanana, n. threshing, un-
avanti,/. N. o/U^gayini; -nagara 4 | q f a H ava-lipta, pp. anointed; proud, husking; lung; -hara,TO.putting off; -b^rya,
— avanti-nagari; -_i«vara, m.N. of a temple. haughty : -ta, f., -tva, n. pride, insolence; fp. to be made to pay (ac.); that must be
-=JJq a-vandhya, a. not barren, not fruit- -lure^Aana, n. robbing; -lekhana, n. brush- caused to be paid; -h4sa, m. jest; derision;
less ; successful: -ta,/.3uccessfulness; -pata, ing, combing; -lepa, m. ointment; pride, -h4sya,/».ridiculous: -ta,f.abst.it.; -hita,
a. unerring (arrow); -prasada, a. whose fa- -na, n. id., -vat, a. proud, haughty; -leha, pp. Vdha; -hela, /. contempt: in. with the
vour is fruitful; -rupa, a. whose beauty is m., -na, n. licking off., greatest ease. [ing downward.
not in vain: - t a , f . abst. N. q<?Tt«fl ava-lok-a, m. observation; sight, <3(q
^ c j m c l ava-pata, m. fall, falling or flying avSg-gamana-vat, a. mov-
view; -ana, n. look at; glance; sight, inspec-
down, descent; resorting to (-°); pitfall: -na, tion; view; appearance; -ayitn',TO.observer; ^ R T ^ J f ^ n f t ' ^ T a-van-manasa-go/cara, a.
n.felling, throwingdown; -pidana,/.injury; -ita, f . N.; -ita xsvara, m. N. of a Bodhi-
• p r a ^ a n a , rt. end of a cloth. sattva; -in, a. looking at; -lopana, n. cutting being beyond the reach of speech or mind.
<3|qq*\t£(ava-bodha,m.waking; perception, off, destroying, injuring. W ^ avan-mukha, a. (x) facing down-
cognizance, knowledge ; -na, n. instruction;
-niya, pp. to be recognised by (in.). ^5tqq ava-vada, m. command. ward.
ava-bhanga, m. breaking; -bha»;/- ^Tqi-qi^f a-vS^ala, a. not talkative ; not
^ q u g a-vasd, a. not subject to another,s
ana, n. breaking, tearing off; -bhas-a, TO. boastful, [being below (ab.).
will, independent, free; unwilling: -ga, a. not
brightness; appearance,manifestation: -aka, 41c, M l f avSA:-ina, a. turned downwards;
a. illuminating, manifesting, -ana, n. mani- subject to (g.); -va.sin, a. unwilling.
festation ; illuminating, -in, a. shining, ap- ^ q f u i f c i ava-sish-fa, pp. left over : -ka, n. &-v&k -y&,fp. not to be addressed;
pearing ; manifesting; -bhn'tha, m. ritual not to be uttered; not directly expressed :
remnant, rest; -sesha, m. residue; leavings:
ablution. - t a , / . abuse, invective.
-m, ad. except (-°).
ava-m£, spv. lowest; n e x t ; last; ^f^TW dvajink, a. (avafcx) downward, head-
youngest; -mantavya, fp. to be despised; ^ ^ t t ^ l f ^ T r avasajndriya - ftitta, a. long ; lower; southern ; av&k, n. ad. down-
- m a n t n , m. scorner (of, ac.); -xnanya-ka, a. whose senses and mind are uncontrolled.
wards, headlong.
despising, disdaining; -mard-a, m. distress; ^ q a-vas-ya, a. unyielding, uncomplying:
N. of an owl, -ana, a. crushing, harassing; n. or -m, ad. necessarily; certainly: -ka-ta, ^ | q i d d-vSi, 2 sg. aor. of *Jvah.
rubbing; destroying, -in, a. crushing; - m a m , f. necessity, obligation; -bhava, m. necessity; ^ q I r T i. a-v^ta, pp. unmolested; secure.
m. contact; reflexion; -man-a, n. disrespect, - b b a v i n or -m-bhavin, a. that must neces-
contempt; disgrace, -ana, n., a , / , contempt; sarily be, necessarily taking place. 2. a-vata, a. windless, calm,
insult, -in, a. disdaining; undervaluing, -ya, a-vana, pp.not dried up,fresh; wet.
fp. to be despised. ava-sya,/. hoar-frost: -ya, m. id.
ava-sh/abh-ya, fp. to be stopped; ^fq avaantara, a.lying between; dif-
•^q«(q ava-yava, m. member, limb; part:
-sh^ambha, m. recourse to, employment; re- ferent, respective: -de*a, m. intermediate
-dharma, m. use of part for whole (rh.), -ru-
soluteness ; courage: -na, n. id., -maya, a. region.
paka, n. kind of simile; -yav-in, a. consist-
ing of parts; x. whole: (-i)-rupaka,n. kind of indicative of courage. [fort, j o y ; desire. a v a S p - t a v y a , f p . to be obtained;
simile; i-bhu, become a part. - apti, / . acquisition, attainment; -^jipya, fp.
mqt^i.av-as,n.help,favour; (alsopi.)com-
"^q^,&va-ra,a.lower,inferior; low,mean; to be obtained.
2. avas, ad. down; prp. down from
following, later, younger; nearer; western; — a-varaniya, fp. irresistible.
at least: -//a, a. low-born; younger; m. .S'ttdra; (in., ab.); below (in.).
younger brother, a, f . younger sister, -var- ^H q ^ i q i q d av^vafa, TO. son begotten by a man
ava-sakta, pp.{Vs&ng) fixed; -sak-
•na, m. low caste: -g&, m. 6'Q.dra; -ruddba- with a woman of Ms own caste who has coha-
thika, f . loin cloth: -m kri, place a cloth
tva, n. confinement; -ruddhi, f.obtainment; bited with another man. [-k&, / . ewe.
round the loins; -sanna, pp. ended, waned;
-ruddhika, / . woman of the harem; -rudhi- spent; -sara, m. occasion, opportunity; right ^ ^ v - i , a . f a v o u r a b l e ; TO. sheep; / . ewe :
ka , f . pi. women of the harem. time; appropriateness, use; turn; -sarpa»a,w.
descent; -sarpiwx,,/. descending cycle; -sada, <3|fqcfl<«H a-vikatth-ana, a. not boastful;
4M^UJ avarewa, (in.) prp. w. ac. under. - i n , a. id. [motionless.
m. sitting down; sinking; exhaustion, lassi-
ava-rodha,m.hindrance; disturb- tude ; defeat: -na, n. discouragement; de- ^ f q q i f « q r l a-vi-kampita.pjp .not trembling,
ance; imprisonment; blockade, siege; harem: jection ; -s&na, n. resting-place ; cessation ;
pi. women of the harem: -na, n. descending; end; death; en d of a sentence or verse; pause: "^ff^cfi^T a-vikala, a. not defective; unmu-
investment, siege; enclosure, temple; harem: -bhumi, f . acme; -sita, pp. (•>/sa) ended : tilated, entire, complete; correct.
^ f ^ F S a-vikalpa. a-vikshita. 31
a-vikalpa, a. not hesitating: -m, ^ f q V ^ t M a-vidhana, n. non-prescription: - i n , a. not delaying; -ya, gd. without hesi-
tating. [with bhu, remain alive.
ad. without hesitation. - t a s , ad. not according to prescription.
^ f M ^ f i ^ a-vidhi-pftrvakam, ad. a- a-vi-lina, pp. not annihilated:
^ f W ? ; a-vik&r-a, to. no change, no dis-
figurement ; a. subject to no change; -in, a. gainst prescribed rules, irregularly. T r f ^ H a - v i l u p - y a , ^ . indestructible.
not changing; not moving a muscle: - i - t a , / . a-vidhura, a. not lacking a pole ; ^(fqq a-vivah-a, a. not living in wed-
abst. N. ; - y a , f p . unchangeable. cheerful. [verseness. lock ; -in, a. not suitable for marriage.
^STf^Trf S-vi-knta,p/>.not changed; not pre-
^fq^Ta-vi-dheya,.//).perverse; -ta,/.per- ^ f c j f q i t l a-vi-vikta, pp. undistinguished ;
pared, natural; undeveloped; not misshapen.
*4|fq«l4J a-vinaya, m. unseemly behaviour; not decided; -vn'ta, pp. not uncovered ; un-
a-vikrama, a. not valorous. known, hidden; notshowingone's weak points.
-vat, a. ill-mannered, uncivil.
^ { q f t n ^ ^ a-vi-kriya-tva, n. unchange- ^ i f q * ! ^ ^ a-vinasvara, a. imperishable. a-vivek-a, TO. want of discrimina-
ableness; -kriy&, /. no change: -Jitmaka, a. tion; lack of judgment; a. lacking judgment:
subject to no change. ^rf%TT5ra-vinas-a,m.non-corruption; non- -ta, / . abst. x.; - i n , a. undivided; lacking
detraction; - i n , a. imperishable; undecaying. insight; having no discriminating people.
-vi-krita, pp. not having sold;
- k r e y a , f p . not for sale; -kshata, pp. unin- a-vinivartin, a. not turning a-vi-ven-at, pr. pt. not turning
jured ; -ksb.ubdba, pp. not disarranged. back, not fleeing. away, well-disposed.
fq <gt{ [ a-vi-khyata-dosha, a.having <4|fq«nr| a-vi-nita, pp. ill-bred. "^ifqUJ^ a-visarik-a, a. unhesitating; fear-
committed no notorious crime. less; a,,/, freedom from hesitation or timidity;
^fcjl^tl^ 1 a-vinoda, m. ennui, [finding out.
a-vigana, a. unanimous. - i t a , pp. fearless; unhesitating; - i n , a. not
^ F ^ a - v i n d - a t , pr.pt.not finding, not assuming or supposing.
^ T O f a-vigraha, a. indisputable.
^f^mstl0!^^ a-vipakva-karawa, a. having • ^ f q l i ^ a-visada, a. indistinct; rigid.
^jf^^a-vighna,a.unimpeded, undisturbed; immature organs. • ^ i f q ^ ^ a-visastn, TO. bad carver.
n. lack of hindrance : in. without hindrance:
-tas, ad. without obstacles; i-ta, pp. unhin- ^ f a x ^ N i . a-viparyaya, den. P.not to fail. ^ r f ^ a-vi-sishtfa, pp. not different:
dered, undisturbed. [picl. - t a , / , - t v a , n. abst.N.; -suddha,pp. impure;
^ i f a l ^ 2. a-vipary-aya,m. no transposi-
^fq a-viX;akshana, a. not subtile, stu- not thoroughly investigated.
tion; no error; -&sa,m.no inversion: in. with-
out inversion. ^ f a ^ q a-visesh-a, to.no difference: -tas,
a - v i i a l a , a. not wavering, stead-
' S r f ^ m ^ avi-pal£, TO. shepherd. in. ad. without difference; a. indiscriminate,
fast ; i - t a , pp. unaverted.
-gna, a. undiscriminating; - i t a , pp. unspe-
a-viMr-a, m. lack of reflexion; a. a-vi-pra-yukta,pp. not severed; cified.
not reflecting : -m, ad. without delay, -gna, -pluta, pp. inviolate; true to one's vow. fq «{a-vi-srama, a. unceasing, unremit-
a. unacquainted with reflexion; -ana, n. lack ting; -srambba, m. mistrust: -ta, / abst.N.;
of reflexion; -ayat, pr.pt. unreflecting; -ita, a-vi-bhakta,pp.undivided; having
community of goods; -bb&ga, m. no division. -sranta, pp. unceasing; -srama, a. not rest-
pp. unconsidered: -m, ad. without hesitation; ing; unceasing,unremitting: -m,ad.without
-ya, fp. needing no reflexion. ^ f ^ U f a r f a-vi-bh&v-ita, pp. not clearly resting.
a-vi-HAinna, pp. not severed, perceived ; -ya-mana, pr. pt. ps. being un-
^rf^TO^a-vi-svas-at, pr. pt. distrustful;
continuous; -Ickheda, to. uninterruptedness: noticed.
-aniya, fp. not to be trusted: - t a , / . , -tva,
ab. uninterruptedly; -&yuta, pp. not to be ^ f q f a f l a-vi-bhinna, undivided (from, n. abst. x.; -ta, pp. distrustful.
lost: -m, ad. faultlessly. a b.); unchanged; -kalam,ad.atthe same time.
^ r f ^ T T O a-visvas-a, to. distrust; a. dis-
irf^WTTcC. a-vi-$tnat, pr.pt. not knowing, ^(q+j^HJJMfVtgj^ a-vibhftsha-fta-pari- trustful : -m, ad. -ly, -^anaka, a. arousing
ignorant; -qua., a. undiscerning: - t a , / . stu- &Mada, a. lacking ornaments and furniture. distrust; -in, a. distrustful. [sonous.
pidity ; -^wata, pp. unknown, unrecognised;
-gii&n.a, n. lack of knowledge: ab. unawares; ^ r f W T a-vibhrama, «. unaffected. ^ f q q a-visha, n. no poison; a. (&) not poi-
a. lacking knowledge ; -gueya, fp. unrecog- ^ i f e O T * a-vi-bhranta, pp. immovable. ^ f q M f t l a-vi-shakta, pp. not attached to
nisable. or set on (- 0 ); irresistible. [friendly.
^ T O f i f c T O a-vi-mars-itavya,/p. not de-
a-vitatha, a. not false, true; fa-
vourable: -m, ad. truly; n.ametre; -vafc, a. serving further consideration. ^ r f ^ n f T a-vishama, a. not unequal; even;
truth-speaking, ^ f a ^ T h f ^ a-vi-mukta-saiva, TO. Saiva fqfcj'SJ a-vishaya, TO.no sjihere; no object
monk of a certain grade ; ^apic?a,TO.N. of or concern; impracticable matter; no suita-
av-i-tri', m. helper, protector. ble object for (g.) : Ic. in the absence of (g.);
a Icing; ^isa,TO.<biva.
a-vi-tr»'pta, pp. unsatiated: -ka, a. a. having no object; -manas, a. whose mind
^ r f ^ R t ^ r T a - v i m o f e n a , m. not freeing; not is not directed to the objects of sense; un-
not yet sated with (g.). [clever.
aiding. worldly; -l-kara/ia, n. not making something
f q a - v i - d a g d h a , pp. not burnt; not (g.) an object of (g.).
^ r f ^ U a-vi-yukta, pp. unseparated from
vidasin,a.unfailing,perennial. (in.); -yoga, TO. non-separation from (in.); a-vi-shahya,/p. intolerable.
-rata, pp. not desisting from (ab.); ceaseless : ^ f q M I ^ a-vishSd-a,m., i-tva, n. undaunt-
"Slfqf^t! a-vid-ita, pp. unknown : -m, ad.
- m , ad.; -ramat, pr.pt.not desisting fr. (ab.).
unawares. edness ; -in, a. undaunted. [gladly.
a-vidush-fara, cpv. of dvidvas. ^ f ^ R ^ T a-virala, a. close; frequent; vehe-
^ifq^J av-ish/Aa, a. (spv.) accepting very
ment: -m, ad. firmly; heartily.
a-viddha, pp. unpierced. fq '^a-virah-a,TO.non-separation; union; avi-shya, / . desire, zeal, passion ;
i r f ^ T a-vidya, a. uncultured ; destitute -ita, pp. unseparated; united. hyu, a. eager; revengeful.
of knowledge; &,/. ignorance. ^ f ^ T T T ^ a - v i r a m a m , ad. without ceasing. a-vi-stir«a, pp. not extensive;
-spandita, pp. not quivering; -spasb^a,pp.
^ f T O T T C a-vidya-mana, pr. pt. not ex- ^ T ^ a - v i - r u d d h a , pp.unhindered; un- indistinct; dim: -m, ad. -ly; -smita.pp. not
isting : -vat, ad. as if non-existent: -tva, n. opposed to (in., g., ; not at enmity with ; astonished or taken aback; -smrita, pp. not
abst. x. not unpleasant; - r o d d h n , a. not fighting; forgotten. Jf
^ f ^ ^ ^ ^ - v i d v a s , pr. pf. pt. not knowing, -rodha, to. no conflict with, no disadvantage
ignorant. [enmity. for (-°); -rodbin, a. not conflicting with, not "•sSlfcJjafTTfTf a-vi-hata-gati, a. of u n i m *
prejudicing (g., peded course ; -hita-siddha, pp. unfeigned,
^ f a f ^ * a-vidvishe, d. inf. so as to avoid inartificial.
<3(fq<«l4q a-vilamb-a, m. no hesitation ; a.
- vid vesha,™ .freedom from enmity, not hesitating: -m, in. without delay; -ita, ^ T f e ^ r a-vibvala, a. firm; cheerful.
^ f a W a-vidhav&, / . no widow, [amity. pp. unhesitating: -m, ad. without delay; ^ q l ^ H a-vijkshita, pp. not recognised.
32 ^SpfYfa a-vi&i.

a-viifci, m. a hell (waveless). perishable, immutable ; stingy ; n. indeclin- ^ ^ VUa-saran-a.ra.defencelessness; a. un-

able word : -tva, n. imperishableness; -Jlt- protected, helpless ; -1-kri, render defenceless;
a-vitaka, unenclosed space. -ya, a. affording no protection; defenceless.
t S T ^ T 1 • a-vira, a. devoid of men; n. region man, a. of imperishable nature ; l-bhava,
i . a-sarira, a.bodiless, lacking a sub-
without men; -pnrusha, m. weakling. m. indeclinable compound.
stantial body; m. Kama (cp. anaiiga).
a-vyava-dhana,ra. non-interrup-
• 4 1 2 . a-vira, a. unmanly: woman tion ; a. uncovered, bare ; uninterrupted; • ^ n i ' l l . a - s a r m a n , n. suffering, sorrow.
without husband and children. -dhaya-ka, a. not intervening: -tva, n. non- • ^ I f ^ a - s a s , a. cursing, hating.
a-viry£, a. weak, powerless, a-sastra, a. swordless, unarmed:
<4(cqc(t( I{qn^a-vyavasayin, a. unenterpris-
-pawi, a. having no sword in the hand; -pnta,
^ ^ e f i a-vn'ka, a. not hurting; safe; n. safety. ing, remiss. pp. not consecrated by the sword; -vadba, m.
^M^psM ^-vrifjfina, a. not artful, guileless, a-vyava-stha, a. not enduring : a, murder without a weapon. [not satisfied.
f. unsettled state; - s t h i t a - H t t a , a. fickle-
^f^ff a-vrita, pp. unchosen, uninvited. minded. a-santa-tanu, a. whose body is
iJ^Ti a-vritta, pp. not having taken place. fa «^a-vyasanin, a. exempt from vice. a-santa-ta,/. lack of tranquillity,
W T l K l a - v i J - k r i t a , pp. unsevered, undi- passionateness.
^Sleffri a-vn'tti, f . lack of sustena^fc^ des-
vided. [ral, real. ^SRfTWi. a-sas-at, pr. pt. not punishing.
titution : -ka, a. lacking means of support.
^ c q i o t a - v y % a , m. no deception; a. natu- a-sastra-^akshus, a. not see-
a-vritha artha, a. having an appro- ing with the eye of the sastraB.
" ^ ^ I M f l a-viji-panna, pp. not having died,
priate meaning or name : - t k , f . abst. N. alive. a-sikshita, pp. unlearnt; not in-
a-vnddha, pp. not aged. ^ l ^ l M K a-vyapara,m.not one's business, structed or learned, in (ac., lc., inf.).

<4|cff%2|i a-vriddhi-ka, a. free from interest, a - v i j p t a , pp. not filled or mixed as-itd, pp. */2. as; -itavya, fp. to be
with. a-siras, a. headless. [eaten.
^ f f ^ f a-vn'dh£, a. not gladdening,
W T ^ f a a - v i J . v a r t - a n i y a , / ^ . not to be ^ f ^ f a M 1 , a-silpin, m. no artist or artisan.
^ c f q i i j a-vn'shawa, a. lacking testicles. taken back. [silence.
a-vrish£a, pp. not having rained or -siva, a. baneful, ominous; n. evil,
a-vyahrita, (pp.) n. not speaking; mischief: -sawsin, a. ill-boding.
- ^ c j f a £-vnsh£i,/. drought. [sent rain. ^^f«8jsTa-viu&-£Ainna, pp. uninterrupted. a-sisira, a. hot ; -ta, f . heat;
avajksh-awa, n. looking at; atten- a-vijitpanna, pp. not resulting ; -kara, v -kirana, -rasmi, m. sun.
tion to, care of (g.); -awiya, fp. to be paid
having no etymology: -mati, a. uneducated. 1. asita, a. eightieth.
attention to; -a, f . care; attention to (lc.);
-in, a. looking towards ; attending to (ac.); ^f^TS a - v i u s h f a , pp. (vA'as) not yet arisen. Wtrl 2.
-ya, fp. to be attended to. a-sita, a. not cold, h o t : -kara,
•SfsJrJ a-vrata, a. ungodly; not fulfilling
-marifci, -ru£, -ruM, m, sun.
a-vedana, n. ignorance. religious duties. as-iti,/. eighty; -tama, a. eightieth.
' ^ ^ f a f a c l a-veda-vihita, pp. not pre- 1. AS, V. as-nu, reach; attain; be- asiti-ka, a. eighty years old:
scribed by the Veda. Nfal; enjoy, abhi, ud, reach; dominate. - avara, a. at least eighty years old.
upa, sam-upa, pra, vi, sam, id. ^ f ^ a-su^i, a. impure: -tva, n. impurity;
a-ved-ya,/o. not to be wedded,
2. AS, IX. P. as-na-ti , eat, take (meat -bhaksjiawa, w.eatingimpure things; -bh&va,
a-velam, ad. unseasonably, [tion. m. impurity ; -varwa, a. of impure colour:
v and drink); taste; enjoy: pp. a-ita,
W q ^ t l ^^a-vesa-sadrisa,a.unlikeprostitu- eaten; cs. asaya, cause (ac.) to eat (ac.), -ta, /. impurity of colour.
feed: pp. asita, fed; satiated; des. asisisha, ^-suddha, pp. unclean; unknown,
a-vaikrita, a. not disfigured.
wish to eat. npa, pra, sam, = simple verb; suspicious; -prakriti, a. having dishonest
^ff^c^TSJa-vaidagdhya, n. want of sagacity; abbi-pra, eat in addition to (ac.).
a-suddhi, f . impurity, [ministers.
a-vaidya, a. unlearned, [stupidity. 3- as, grammatical designation of all
soft letters. d-subha, a. ill-favoured; ill-omened;
a-vairi-</ush£a, pp. that not even evil; disagreeable; -mati, a. ill-disposed;
an enemy consents to. ^TSfffi a-sakta, pp. incapable of ( p f . , d.,lc.). -aYmaka, a. id.
tST^T^W avaukshawa, n. sprinkling with ^ P l j f l f i a-sakti, f . inability; weakness. ^T^RT a-sdnya, a. not empty; not v a i n :
-vo&at, 3 sg. aor. va/c. [water. ^fUJSfl qc^a-sak-nuvat, pr.pt .unable to (inf.); -m kri, not leave undone, execute; -jirtha,
m. clearing up: -m, ad. by way of explana-
^RT ^vya, a. pertaining to sheep, woollen; - y a , / ^ . impossible: - artba, a. id.; ineffectual. tion; a. clear, intelligible.
n. Soma-strainer. TSf^J^ a-sank-a, a. fearless : -m, ad. - l y ; •^PJIf a-sringa, a. (i) hornless.
•^ctJrTI a-vijikta, pp. not manifest, imper- -aniya, fp. not to be feared; -ita, pp. fear-
a-sesha, m. no remainder; a. whole,
ceptible ; indistinct; m. universal soul; n. less: -m, ad. without hesitation; suddenly.
all, entire: -tas, - m , in. without reserve ;
unevolved primordial matter; primordial
^T5Rcis-an, ™. stone, rock; firmament. completely, fully. [annihilated.
spirit; -rnpa, a. indistinct, indefinite ; of un-
certain sex. [ad. -ly. W T as-an^, n. eating ; food ; a. fsed- asesha-ya, den. P. end entirely : pp.
a-vyagra, a. unconcerned, quiet: -m, ing on ; -kriy&, / . taking of food ; - a n a s a -
WSft^fi ^-soka, a. free from sorrow; in.
na, n. eating and fasting.
•^eq^' a-vyanga, a. having all one's limbs. Asoka tree ; n. Asoka flower (orange and
asana-pipase, / . dw. hunger scarlet); -kara, m. N. of a fairy : i , f . N.;
a-vya%ana, a. beardless; lacking and thirst. [hungry. -tarn, m. Asoka tree; -datta, m. N.; -naga,
signs of puberty. [from. m. Asoka tree; -m&li., f . N.; -v/ iksba, m.
•^nnTTTT asanayS (or a),/, hunger; -vat, a. Asoka tree.
"^fceifci rfl a-vijiti-rikta, pp. not separated
^ U j f a as-ani, / . (C. also m.) thunderbolt, a-soA--aniya,/p. not to be pitied
a-vyath-a, a .unwavering,undaunted; lightning-flash; -gx&van, m. diamond; -ha- or grieved for; -ya, fp. id. [tling.
efficacious; -i, a. unwavering, undaunted; ta, pp. struck by lightning.
-in, a. not becoming discomposed. a-sodhayitv&, gd. without set-
H ctlfa x, Tft.*la-vyabhi-Hrin, a. infallible; ^nOpN^. a-sanais, ad. highly, violently. •^Tlft^f a-soshya,/p. not to be dried up.
i-Aara, m. conjugal fidelity; a. faithful, ^ V j o ^ ^-sabda, a. silent, mute. ^ T T f t ^ a-sauA-a, n. impurity: -tva, n. id.;
^(cqq a-vyaya, m. non-expenditure; a. im- ^-sam, ind. disaster. -in, a. impure.
^STSf as-na. a-samsaya. 33
TO. horseman; - v n s h a , m. stallion; -sala, I. A S , I I . P. as-ti (2 sg. A. se, in V.
^TS £s-na, m. stone; N. of a demon.
/ . stable; -sada, -sadin, TO. rider; -sara- ^only inperiphrasticft.), be, exist;happen,
^TSr 5 ^ as-nav-a-t, 3 sg. subj. a/as, obtain. tbya, n. training of horses and charioteering; take place; dwell, be found in (Ic.); w. d. or g.
-sena, m. N. of a serpent demon. be for, belong or accrue to, often = have or
^ J J c f i asma-ka,m. N.: pi. N. of a people;
-kntta,, -ka, a. crushing with a stone; -t&,/. ^SRHsfT a-svas-tana a, having nothing for possess; be present in, be peculiar to (Ic.); be
to-morrow: i-ka, a. id. ready for, be equal to, be capable of (d.); be
stoniness, hardness of stone.
sufficient for (g.); occur to (</.); to. na, not
U T i f t . fc-man, m. rock, stone ; thunder- ^ I t l ^ l ^ asva-sthana,n.stable; -hridaya, exist; be lost or undone: n a a s t i , + = I have
bolt ; heaven: Ic. in the sky: du. heaven and n. knowledge of horses; --j,djiyaksha, TO. nothing to give; asti, it is so: at the begin-
earth ; -maya, a. (i) made of stone. master of the horse; ^anika, n.cavalry army. ning of sentences with another finite verb =
it so happens or happened that, it sometimes
^ I T T i l R asma-mdya, a. id.; -murdhan, a. ^TSTrf^RR asvaadhika, a. superior in cav- happens that - ; asxni, w. 1st sg. — I happen
having a head of stone. [Vas, eat). alry ; ^aarita, n. falsehood respecting horses; to be ; astu + evam, so be it, very well; as-
^kTXLdha,,pp. mounted on horseback; - a r o b a , t u or santn, w. following nm. = to say no-
•^Hil^asi artha, a. meaning ' t o eat' (asi = m. rider. thing o f - . ati, surpass (ac.). anu, be ready;
as-ra, as-ri. [lieving (w?. g.). WRft^va-vat, a, rich in horses; n.pro- reach (ac.). api, be near or in (Ic.). abhi,
perty in horses. v surpass, overcome (ac.); be more than (ab.)
"41 ^ W f d-srad-dadh&na, pr. pt. unbe- to (d. or g.); *fall to the share of (g.). npa,
a . r i c h in horses; TO. chario- be in (ac.). pari, overtake; allow to pass by
"STST^ a-srad-dha, a. unbelieving. teer : du. the Asvins, twin gods of the dawn. (time), pra, be to the fore, be prominent,
excel, sam, equal (ac.); be united with (sa-
^^TUT ^-srad-dhfi, f . lack of confidence; asv-iya, n. troop of horse, ha); be, exist.
unbelief; ^dheya, fp. incredible ; unworthy
of belief. [m£) indefatigable. a-svait, F . 3 sg. aor. of Vsvit,
^ f W 2. A S , I V . P . as-ya, cast, throw,
^ R i i - s r a m a ,TO.absence of fatigue; a. (or mrz £-shac?Aa, -Ika, pp. unconquer- ^ shoot, at (d., g., Ic.); cast off, abandon
able ;TO.N. [palasa-wood. (only pp. asta-). adhi, misunderstand : cs.
^SPSRRT a-sravana, n. non-mention; lack of p/i. adhyasita, meant by (in. of abst. N.). apa,
a word, suffix, do, [assiduously. ^ T O T f ^ asharfAin, a. bearing a staff of cast, throw, or take off; lay down upon; leave,
ash-fa, pp. Vaksh & Vas, obtain. abandon ; give up; put aside: gd. ap&sya,
|«r| a-srSnta, pp. indefatigable: m, ad. in spite of, excepting (ac.). abhi (also I. P.
as-rf, f . edge also -ka). ashfa-ka, a. eightfold; m. N.; a,/, A.), throw towards; discharge (arrows); ap-
eighth day after futll-moon, esp. in Hemanta ply oneself to, practise, transact, perform ;
^T^a-sri,/.mishap; goddess of misfortune. Sf Siisira; sacrifice to the Manes on that day; study; repeat: pp. abhyasta, reduplicated;
n. octad; -gnwa, a.eightfold; -taya, n. octad; cs. cause any one to practise; teach, nd,
£s-ru, n. (m.) tear: w. kri or mn^, shed throw or lift up; rise from (ac.). v i u d , strew
-dba, ad. eightfold.
tears; -karman, n. shedding of tears. about; discharge; give up, abandon, n i (also
•^TS^ash-^n, nr.eight: nm. - M , or -/a. I. P.), throw, lay or put down or aside; place
6-sruta, pp. unheard; unlearned: a,/.
"'SJg.M^ ashfa-pada,a.consisting of 8 words; or set in or on, pour upon (Ic.); fix the gaze
N.; -t4, / . being unknown; -vat, ad. as if on (Ic.); deposit with, entrust or make over
unheard. -pada, a. eight-footed; -pnsbpika, /. wreath
to lie.); quit, give up (life); adduce, dis-
of 8 kinds of flowers; -bbaga,TO.eighth part. cuss : pathi throw on the street, abandon;
V r f f i a-sruti, / , not hearing ; oblivion:
^TSTash?a-ma, «.(1)eighth; forming one- manasi take to heart, ponder on (ac.); si-
-m abhi-ni, do as if one had heard nothing; rasi place (a command) on the head, receive
-virodhin, a. not opposed to scripture. eighth of (g.); m. an eighth : i, / . eighth day
of afortnight: -ka, a. eighth; -kalika, a. eat- respectfully, upa-ni, lay down; adduce, dis-
I I ^ r f T ^ f T asru-pari-pluta, pp. bathed in ing only every eighth meal. cuss. sam-upa-ni, bring forward, suggest,
tears: -p&rwa, pp. filled with tears; -pramar- pari, stretch out. v i - n i (also I. P.), spread
^HB^nS ashfa-mftrti,TO. Siva; -rasaasraya, out; put down ; lay or place in or on (Ic.);
,</ana, n. wiping away of tears, = weeping ;
a. containing the 8, emotions (drama); *rike», mark or designate by (in.); direct the mind
-pl&vita, n.flood of tears; -lesa,m. tear-drop. or gaze to (Zc.); entrust or make over to (Ic.).
a. consisting of 8 verses ; -varsba, a. 8 years
•flt^^^a-sreyas, cpv, a.worse, inferior; n. old; -vidba, a. eightfold; -sata, n. xo8; 800; sam-ni (also I. P.), put together; lay down or
-Bhashfr, /. sixty-eight. aside; place upon (Ic.); entrust to (g., Ic.);
•^^sTH a-srotr&, a. earless. [misfortune. abandon; renounce worldly concerns, become
^JST^TT ashfaakshara, a. having eight syl- an ascetic, n i s , pull out; eject; expel from
a-srotriya, a. at which no trained lables ; ^aitga, eight members (°-); a. having (ab.); dispel, banish; reject; destroy; refute,
Brahman is present. [graceful. eight parts : -pata, TO. prostration with the parti,, throw away or down; abandon, expose
a-slagh-ya,/p,unpraiseworthy, dis- eight members (hands., feet, knees, forehead, (a child); quit (aplace); refute, pari, throw
breast), profound obeisance. or move about; roll (the eyes); cast down,
W N a-sli-ka, a. pernicious. ashfa-dasd, a. eighteenth: -dba, overthrow; surround, ensnare ; turn round;
ad. eighteenfold ; (^ -dasan, wr. eighteen; overspread; string; put around (A.): pp. pary-
^T^t^Ta-slil^.a.ugly; unrefined; indecent. asta, fallen down upon (Ic.) ; overspreading
-da^ama, a. eighteenth. [chapters.
^SRI £s-va, TO, horse: &., / , mare; -kuft, / . (-°); strung upon (—°); upsetby(-°). vi-pari,
stable; -kusala, a. skilled in horses; -kovi- H S I 1 4 1 ashtajidhyEiyi, / . book of eight invert, reverse; overturn : pp. viparyasta,
da, a. id.; -khura, m. horse's hoof: -vat, inverted; reverse ; thinking erroneously ;
ad. like a horse's hoof; -ghama, m. Ni of a •^rSTTWfW ash/a-navati, / . ninety-eight; standing around, pra, throw, into (Ic.); up-
place; -gh&sa, m. horse fodder; N.; -/cala- -paii^asat,/. fifty-eight. [eight-footed. set. prati, throw to ; cast off, abandon, vi,
na-.sala,/. riding-hall; -tama, spv. best horse; "WSTT^ ash^a-pad, a. (nm. -pad,/, rpadi), dissipate, dismember, scatter, separate : pp.
-tara, m., 1,/. mule. vyasta, divided, separated, single; multi-
"^SUM^ ash^a-pada,TO.n. dice-board with plied. sam, put together, unite: ps. be com-
asva-ttb^, m. [standing-place (ttha 64 squares: -vyap&ra, TO. game of dice;. pounded: pp. united; forming a unity; com-
for stha) for horses],sacred fig-tree; -tthaman, pounded ; whole, all.
-padya, a. eightfold. [eight weapons.
m. N.of a son of Dronn; -da, -da, a. giving
horses; -pada, m. N. of a Siddha; -pa- ^fST^J^J ash^a^yudha, a. furnished with ^TCTSJTT a-sam-yama, TO. lack of control;
d&ta-s&rameya-maya, a. (1.) consisting of -7agya,fp. with whom a sacrifice should not
horses, pedestrians,anddogs; -pala,m.groom; 41 £ 1 4 4 1 ash/a-vakra, m. N. [88,000.
be shared; -lakshita, pp. unobserved; -vi-
-•priahtha, n. horseback; -pluta, n. horse's ^ S l t J l f n * ! ^ * ? ! ash/aasiti-sahasra, n. pl. grnata, pp. unconscious or not consenting;
leap ; -budhna, a. borne by steeds; -budh- -vi$wana, a. unintelligible; -vita, pp. imper-
ya, a. characterised by horses; -mandura, ^ r f S ash-fi,/. a metre of 64 syllables. fectly covered ; -vrita, pp. uncovered, bare :
f. stable; -mukha,TO.Kimnnra; i/.Kimnara's n. N.of a hell.
W t r P C ashfauttara, a. plus eight.
wife ;-medha,m. horse-sacrifice; N.; -ya.g,a.
yoking or yoked with horses ; f. sg. du. N. ^ T ash-/ra, / . goad ( f o r driving cattle). ^ R i l f ? ! a-sawsaya,TO.no doubt: now .used
of a lunar mansion; -rkga, m. king of adverbially = without doubt; a. doubtless:
horses (UMraiAsravas); -:&dhas, a. horse- ^rHl^rr ashMilS, / . b a l l ; pebble; anvil. -m, ad. undoubtedly, unquestionably; -srava,
equipping ; -vat, a. rich in horses; -vara, W S j f a ^ ash/Ai-v^t, m. knee-cap; knee. m., -na, n. only Ic. sg. beyond the ear-shot
34 a-sam-sarga. ^rflnft asikni.

of (g.)\ -alesha, m. non-attachment; no con- -tushfo, pp. dissatisfied, discontented ; -to- (g.) simile in which an impos-
tact. sha, TO. discontent; -tyaga, m. non-renun- sibility is assumed; -bfc&vya, fp. inconceiv-
ciation of (51.). able : -m, ad. irretrievably; -bh&shana, n.
a-sam-sarga, m. lack of contact or not addressing; - b h 4 s h 4 , / . no conversation
intercourse with (g.); -sarin, a. not subject a-saw-dadh&na, pr.pt. not mak-
ing peace; -digdham,ad.undoubtedly; -di- with (in.); -Kaashya, fp.not to be conversed
to mundaneexistence;-srishta, pp.untouched with, not suitable for a conference; -bhinna,
by,freefrom (in.); -srt'shifin, a. not re-united ta, pp. unbound; unlimited; - d m y a , pp. in-
visible to (g.)', -deha, TO. no doubt: -m, ad. pp. not broken through; -bhrita, pp. not
after partition. made, natural; -bhoga, m. non-enjoyment;
without doubt, surely; -dheya,/o. not to be
sam-sk&ra, m. lack of ornament, made peace (alliance) with (-ta,/. abst. N.) ; -bho^ya,^?. with whom it is not lawful to eat;
naturalness; a. lacking ornament; -skrita, not to be restored. -bhranta, pp. unbewildered, calm : -m, ad.
pp. unequipped; unconsecrated; unadorned; K t l ^ ( I a-sam-mata, ^yj.not esteemed; not
unrefined, coarse ; not having undergone the ^PEfTIf a-sam-naddha, jpp.not yet acquired; authorised ; -mrish^a, pp. uncleansed.
sacraments : - j J a k i n , a. having unadorned -nidhana, n. absence, lack ; -nidhi, f . id.;
locks; - s t u t a T PP> unknown, strange ; not -nihita, pp. absent. a-samyak, ad. wrongly, falsely;
agreeing, obstinate; - s t h i t a , pp. not stand- ^ t t M ^ ^-sa-patna, TO. no rival ; a. (&) -karin, a. acting wrongly; -krita-k&rin, a.
ing still, restless; scattered; -sprishfa, pp. doing his business badly. [pent.
without a rival; n. peace; -pimda, a. too dis-
unattained; -hata, pp. disunited; m. lcind, of tantly related to join in the funeral oblation; ^ r a i ^ f T a-sarpa-bhdta, pp. being no ser-
array; - h a t i , / . non-connexion; -hrita, pp. -purva, a. not possessed by ancestors.
uninterrupted. [edly. •^Jef a-sarva, a. incomplete; -gfia, a. not
1. a-sama, a. unequalled. omniscient. [from (g.).
•^RRSt^a-sak/'it, ad. not once, often, repeat-
•^RTT 2. a-sama, a. unequal; uneven, odd. T j j t i q ^ a-savama, a. of a diflFerent cajte
•^RnS a-sakta, pp. unworldly; unattached,
a-samagra, a. incomplete; not full; a-savya, a. l e f t ; right: lc. on the - .
to (lc.): -m, ad. instantly.
not all; or -m, ad. not completely or quite. •^reTrPt, a-sasA:-at, pr. pt. (or -&t), not ceas-
a-samkara, m. no mixture of castes.
^tt+t^fl a-sama%a, -s, TO. N.; -sa, ing, not drying up: / . - a n t i (or -it-i).
^ ' f a l H a-sam-kshipta,pp. not compressed. a. not right, unsuitable: -m, ad. improperly. ^PSHJc^a-sasat, pr. pt. not slumbering.
a-samkhya, a. innumerable; e-ya, tSTCTR^ i-samad, f . concord. ^Rf^a-sah-a, a. unable to bear (ac., ; un-
fp. id.: -guna, a. of innumerable virtues. able to (inf., ; impatient; -ana, a. unable
^ r o i f T a-samana, a. scattered ; uneven.
•^TCTjp a-sanga (or &), a. not remaining at- tobear(-°); jealous: -t&,/. weakness; -at,pr.
^ R J V i a-samaya, TO. unseasonable time. pt. ( / . -anti), not bearing ; -a-m&na, pr.pt.
tached to, finding no resistance in (lc.). not tolerating. [less; -in, a. id.
a-samartha, a. incapable (of, inf.,
^TCPRT a-sam-gata, pp. unsuitable, incon- d., lc., -°); -tva, n. inability. I T O f T C a - s a h a y - a , a.companionless, help-
sistent ; -ghatta, m. no collision : -snkham,
ad. happily without clashing (with rivals). ^RR^rnST asama-v&na, m. Kama (odd-ar- •^rof^mi a-sah-ishwu, a. unable to bear
rowed, i. e. five-arrowed), (ac., lc., - ° ) : - t a , / . , -tva, n. intolerance; -ya,
1 f i j a-sa-^Sti, a.not of the same caste;
a-sam-avaita,pp. not inseparably
-</atya, a. lacking blood-relations. fp. intolerable; irresistible.
combined : pi. not all combined.
^PEPSPT a-sagf-grana, m. wicked or ill-dis- mjTf^iRfi a-sakshika, a. unwitnessed.
asama-s&yaka, m. Kama (odd-
posed person. [ting. arrowed, = five-arrowed). ^TOT^ a-sadd, a. unflagging.
FT a-sa^a-mftna, pr.pt. unhesita- ^TOT^^T a-sadrisya, n. dissimilarity.
^ r o T R T a-sam-asta, pp. not compounded.
a-sam-&etaya-mSna, pt. pt. a. unequal; not shared ^JRITKI®!? a-sadh-aka, a. not accomplishing;
not observing. [ed or arisen, by others; n. no corresponding condition ; unsatisfactory; -ana, n. no means; a.destitute
-grama, a. belonging to a different village. of resources; unfeasible : -tva, n. abst. N.
^ t i ^ I K i a-sam-gata, pp. not haying appear-
^HJIVT^UT a-sftdharana, a. ( i ) special;
^ t j f ) a-samgrwa, a. unconscious ; -tva, n. ^rcWTJT a-sam-apta, pp. not completed.
unique; - tipama, f . kind 0/simile.
IcjTlcR a-samavnttaka, ika, a. who
w ^ a-sadh\i, a. not good, evil; wrong;
^STCT^STT ^-sam^na,/. disunion, discord. has not returned home after completing his
bad towards (lc.); m. bad man; n. bad word;
^TOc^ £-sat, pr. pt. non-existent; untrue ; studie8. evil; -tva, n. badness, dishonesty; -darsin,
bad; -i, f . unchaste woman ; n. non-entity; ^rcnft^a-sam-ikshya,<7d.withoutreflect- a. seeing badly; injudicious; -vn'tta, pp. ill-
lie; evil; - k a l p a n a , / . false supposition; lie; ing: -karin, a. acting without reflexion. behaved.
- k r i t a , ^ .badly treated; offered ungraciously; a-sadhya, fp. unmanageable; un-
n. injury; -tva, n. non-existence: -va&ana, a. ^ r ^ m ^ T a - g a m - i r i t a , ^ . n o t r a i s e d ( M , i ^ ) ;
-udyama, m. lack of exertion; sluggishness; attainable, unfeasible; unconquerable; in-
expressing no entity: -t&,f.abst.N.; -putra,a.
-unnaddha, pp. modest; -riddha, pp. not curable ; unascertainable.
sonless; -pratigraha, m. acceptance of a gift
from an unworthy person; -pralapa.m. empty successful, incomplete ; -riddhi, f . failure;
W f ^ T a-samnidhya, n. absence.
talk ; -pxavritti, f . evil course of action. -eta, pp. not come, wanting, lacking,
a-sam-patti, f . failure ; -pa/Aya, • ^ r o T V T a-samanya, a. unfriendly, surly.
^ t f f f l a-saty4, a. untrue; n. falsehood, lie:
-vada, m. lie; -«ila, a. addicted to lies; -saw<- fp. not to be made a fellow-student; -p&da- t S R T T T ^ a-samanya, a. uncommon.
dlia, a. whose engagements are untrustwor- yat, es./V. pt. not effecting; -purwa, pp.
deficient; wanting in (ire.); - p r a p t a , p p . not ^ R n t W a-sfimi, a. complete: n. ad. -ly.
thy, treacherous. [the bad.
arrived; still wanting; unattained ; unful- TSrotlirT a-samprata, a. unsuitable, im-
asat-samparka, m. contact with filled. proper : -m, ad. -ly.
tSTO^TT a-sadma, a. unequal, dissimilar; ^ t l 6 ! ^ a-sam-baddha, pp. unjoined, unre- •^TOT^R a-sayaka, a. arrowless.
unseemly. lated; disconnected,incoherent,absurd; talk-
ing or chattering nonsense; -bandha, in. no "SireiX a-sfi.ra, m. n. unfitness; a. unfit,
^ R f j f ^ asad-graha, m. foolish whim; evilin- worthless, unprofitable; -t&, f . unfitness;
clination; -dharma, TO. evil practice; -bhava, connexion; a. unconnected; -badha, a. not
contracted ; unhindered; unfrequented. frailty; -rupa-t&./.worthlessness; emptiness.
m. non-existence, absence ; -vritta, pp. not
nicely rounded ; not well-behaved, [blood. a-sahasa, n. absence of precipita-
^(ti+iq a-sam-bhava, TO. destruction; ab-
tion or temerity ; i-ka, a. (i) not acting pre-
•^tfl^as-dn, n. (usedin in., ab., g.s.for asrig) sence, lack; impossibility, inadmissibility,
absurdity; a. not being born again; having as-i, m. sword. [cipitately.
"^RTT^s-ana, n. shot; throw; missile. no material body; not occurring, impossible,
absurd; -bhavyam,ad.irretrievably; -bhav- tSTRJ^T^TT a-simhasana, a. throneless.
^TCRT*Ta-sa-nama, a. not having the same
name. a n a , f . incredulity; disrespect; -bhavayat, ^(tl a-sikta, pp. unwatered.
pr. pt. thinking impossible ; -bhavita, pp.
a-sam-tapa, a. feeling no grief ; uncompleted; inconceivable; unworthy of v f w t Asikni,/. (of itsita) night.
^rflm a-sita. W f f i T a-svaga-ta. 35
1. a-sita, pp. unrestrained. asrik-panka-pesham, abs.w. and n. (gr.); -sambbogin, a. lying with no
Vpish, pound to a bloody pulp ; -pata, m. woman. [arms.
2. as-ita, a. (a or-ikni) dark-coloured,
track of blood; flow of blood. " ^ t f T l s p H ^ astraupanishad, / . skill in
black; m. N.: -paksba, m. dark half of a
month; -pitaka, a. (ika)dark yellow; -a?- •^PfJETT^T aerig-dhara, / . stream of blood. •^I^J^asth^n, n.(used as weakest base of & s-
man, m. sapphire; ^ikshana, a. black-eyed; thi) bone; kernel: - v a t , a. having bones; x.
- utpala, n. blue lotus. [inconclusiveness. •^f^^pSf asrin-maya, a. (1) consisting of
animal with bones.
l ^ i r a - s i d d h a . p p . n o t established: -tva,n. is-rig, n. blood, gore. [blood, W T T a-sthana, n. wrong place (for, g.);
a-senyd, a. not hitting or wounding. or Ic. out of place; at the wrong time;
^ f a f ^ d-sid dhi,/. non-attainment, failure;
a-sevaka, m. no servant, indifferent ^TCUT^ a-sthasnu, o. impatient, [wrongly.
^(R|Vt<asi-dhara, m.N. [inconclusiveness.
^rf^T ^sthi, n. bone ; kernel: -ka, n. bone;
^ f a ^ l M asi-dhara,/.sword-blade: -vra-
^TttTT a-sev-a, / . non-addiction; -ita, pp. -^urwa, n. bone powder.
ta, n. vow of lying with a sword between one-
not frequented: ^j.svara- dvara, a. not wait- a-sthita, pp. not existing.
selfand a woman = excessively difficult under-
ing at grandees' doors.
taking; -dhenu, -ka, / . knife. W f W f W a-sthiti, / . disorder.
a-sinv&, a. insatiable. a-soe?Aa, pp. (-/sah) unconquerable.
^ f ^ ^ n i ^ ^ asthi-danta-maya, a. made of
^ ft! Mr^asi-pattra.n.sword-blade; m. a tree; • ^ r o t f a-soma, a. lacking Soma juice. bone and ivory; - m a t , a. furnished with bones;
-vana, n. a certain hell; - p u t r i k a , / knife. ^TCh" a-s-au, prn. m.f, of ad-£s, that; he, -maya, a. (i) consisting of or full of bones.
^PJ £s-u, m. breath, life, vitality ; spirit- she; so and so, M. or K . ; as such (emphatic); ^rf^gTT! £-sthira, a. not firm, unsteady.
with eva, the same. [such a name.
world; vital spirits (pi. C.). ^iRnSjMasthi-sesha,
a-sukha, n. pain, sorrow; a. un- ^ asau-naman, a. having such & a. of which only bones
pleasant; painful; unhappy; not easy to (i nf.); a-saubhagya, n. unpopularity. are left; -ta, / . abst. N. ; -stbu»a, a. having a
-^ivika, a. leading a joyless life; ^avishifa, framework of bones.
*^«!|4-sthtila,a. not coarse,slender; subtle.
pp. afflicted with grief. ^ t T l d u l a-sauvarna, a. not golden.
^^cftfl &-skanna, pp. not sprinkled; unim- i g a-snatn, a. not fond of bathing, dis-
^ R j f ^ a - s u k h - i n , a. sad, unhappy. liking water. [of contact,
pregnated, immaculate.
•5|*jfl^a-su-tara,a.difficult to cross. [tiable. a-skhalita, pp. not stumbling; -sparsana, n. absence or avoidance
a.life-taking; (a-su-)insa- uninterrupted, unhindered; n. not coming to W I a-spash^a, pp. indistinct, not clear:
a standstill; -£akra, a. w. unimpeded chariot; - upadbi, a. whose conditioning associate is
^ ^ ^ fa 5su-niti/. spirit-life, spirit-world. -pada, a. where the foot does not stumble;
not clear: -ta, / . abst. N.
safe ; -pray&wa, a. with unfaltering march.
a-sundara, a. uncomely, ugly. a-spris-at, pr. pt. not touching.
a-subodha, a. hard to learn. w £s-ta, n. home, abode ; setting; my-
thical western mountain behind which sun and ^ t y x ^ a - s p m y a , / p . not to be touched.
tH^j^ dsu-ra, a. living, spiritual, divine; moon set: -m, ad. home, with verbs of going = ^ f ^ S a - sprish/a, pp. untouched ; unat-
m. spirit, Lord God; evil spirit,demon, Asura: set (stars, sun, moon); go to rest; die. tained,lacking: - p u r u s b a a n t a r a , a.apply-
-tv&,w.spirituality,divinity; state of anAsura. ip^r^Jc^astam-yat, pr.pt. setting. ing to no other person.
a-su-raksha, a. difficult to guard. ^njJ^T a-sprihS,/. no desire.
^ I W f ' F f X asta-giri, m. sunset-mountain.
asura-druh,m.foe of Asuras, god; astam-gata, pp. set; -gamita, pp. W 1 • a-sm£, prn. stem of i prs. pi.

-brahma, m. priest of the Asuras. caused to set, destroyed. ^T^T 2. ^-sma (or &), prn. stem of 3 prs. sg.
-^l^^fiT a-surabhi, a. ill-smelling. a-stabdha, pp. agile, active; unpre- tR^JT 3. a-sma, a. unconnected with the par-
asura-rakshas^, n. pi. Asuras tentious : - t v a , n. unpretentiousness. ticle sma (gr.).
& Rakshasas; -ban, a.(-gbni) Asura-killing; astam-aya, m. sunset; disappear- ^f^t^FWhT asmat-kftlina, a. belonging to
- adhipa, m. king of the Asuras; ^ari, m. ance; -ita, pp. having set,,gone to rest, died:
Ic. (sc. surye) after sunset. [tentious. our family; -samipa-tas, ad. near us.
foe of the Asuras (Vishnu).
^ I ^ I t R C asmat-tas ( = a 5 . asmat), from us.
asurya, a. spiritual, divine, demoniac; ^T^nW a-stambha, a. lacking posts; unpre-
n. spirituality, divinity; world of spirits or ^RsTOWT asta-samaya, m. time of sunset. m c w t asma-tra, ad. among or with us.
gods. [ - t v a , n. abst. N. ^SJ^T^BT asmad-arthe, Ic. ad. for my sake.
£s-ta, / . missile; arrow., [mountain.
^ p j r a-sulabha, a.hard to obtain; rare: ^ P H ^ t T asmad-iya, poss. prn. our.
^T^TT^T astaaZ&ala, m., ^adri, m. sunset-
^*jp*|£-sushvi, a. not Soma-pressing, nig- ^tUSM^asma-driaA;, a.turnedto u s : - d r i j k ,
W S T T f a ' f l I a s t a a b h i l a s h i n , a. verging
• ^ ^ a s u - s d , m. arrow. [gardly. ad. towards us. [like us.
towards sunset.
asmad-vat, ad. like us ; -vidha,«.
^ p H a-sustha, a. unwell: -sarira, a. ill. •^f^rf. d-stuta, pp. unpraised ; unrecited.
asma-yti, a. attached to us.
T j f ^ U T T ^ ^ asu-sthirajidara, a. always •^ijjctj a-stu-tya, fp. unpraiseworthy.
anxious about his life. [less. W T ^ I i asmajika, poss. prn. our.
^ j f a f astu-vid, a. aware that something
a-suhrid, m. no friend; a. friend- asma-drisa, a. like us.
must be done.
^ <11 asuhrtd-gama,m.partyof stran gers. a-smriti,/. forgetting,
£s-tri, m. slinger, bowman. ' [able.
^ • q W x j (A a-sfifci-sawi&ara, a. impene- asme, V. d., Ic. of asmd, we.
^t^tT d-strita, pp.unconquered,unconquer-
trable even to a needle, ^ f f f W asme-hiti,/. mission to us.
"^tjfil a-sfiti,/. not arising, non-appearance. -steya, n. not stealing.
^ r ^ c f l + n ^ 'asya-vSm' -iya, n., R V . I, 164.
^ T as-trd, n. (m.) missile, arrow; b o w ;
1. asftya,cfera. grumble, be angry at (ac., - k s b a t i - m a t , a. wounded by missiles; - g r a - ^SI^as-ra, w.tear; blood; -pa,m.RSkshasa.
d.); cs. asuyaya, P. irritate. ma, m. collection of missiles; -gna,, a. skilled f ^ ^a-sridh, H f ^ *4 H ^-sridhfina,®. un-
2. asftya, a. grumbling, angry: 4, / . in arms or in launching missiles; -vid, a. id.;
grumbling, displeasure, anger, grudge: -ka, -vrishti, f . shower of arrows; - a g a r a , n. ^I%IT^a-srem^n, a. untiring. [failing.
armoury. Tf ^ a s r a u t t a r a m , arf.bathed in tears.
a. grumbling, angry, grudging.
aetr-in, m. bowman, archer. a-sva,a.lacking goods; -tva,n.poverty.
a-sflrya, a. sunless: -ga, a. not mov-
ing toward;! the sun. a-stri,/. no woman; no feminine=m. I a-svag^-tl,/. homelessness.
36 Til^fM a-sva-tantra. i-kula.

a-sva-tantra, a. not one's own i-hata, pp. not beaten; unwashed, ^ f ^ ' W ahi-gandha, m. similarity with ser-
master, dependent: - t a , / . dependence. new (garment). pents ; -fc/fcftattra, m. N. of a country and its
•^n^f^TTT a-svad-ita, pp. unpalatable. ^han, n. day: a b a n i a b a n i , day by
day; ubb6 ahani, day and night; ababbis, d-hita, pp. unsuitable; hurtful, evil,
a-sva-dharma, n. neglect of duty. bad; hostile; m. enemy; &,/. Jcind of vein; n.
every day.
^ ^ S ^ ^ - s v a p n a ^ , a. slumberless. [oneself. damage, harm, evil. [Sesha.
"4If«rlT ahdn-ta,/. feeling of self. ^ifinifTr ahi-pati, m. lord of the serpents,
a-svayam-krita, pp. not done by
^ n f f T T t . aham-naman, a. called ' I.'
^f^f f\fT a-svarita, a. not having the svarita ^ r f ^ T ^ t V f W a-hima-didhiti, m. sun ;
accent: -tva, n. abst. N. [heaven. ahan-ya, a. daily. -mayukba, -rasmi, -voklu, m. id.; - amsn,
m. id. tpents.
^ ^ N f t ^ T a-svarga-yogya, a. unfit for •^np^. ah£m, prn. I : s o * h a m , I here ; I
being such; - a h a m i k a , / claim of precedence; ^ r f ^ T R &hi-m3ya, a. appearing like ser-
^{cfttf a-svargy£, a. not leading to heaven.
-uttara, n., (m)-purvikfi,,/., (m) -pratbami- ahi-Mtya, n. slaughter of Vn'tra.
a-svastba, a. unwell, indisposed: ka, / . id.
-/fcetana, a. troubled in mind; - t a , / . indis- 1. ah-ina, a. lasting several days; m.
^IJf<ahar (used as the middlebase o/dhan),ra.
position ; -aarira, a. unwell. sacrifice of several days' duration.
day: -abar, ad. day by day, daily; -agama,
W T c F r ^ I a-sv&tantrya, ra. dependence. TO. day-break; -adi, m. id.; -diva, a. daily: ^ n f f a 2. a-hina, pp. not deprived of, prac-
a-svaadhina, a. not one's own - m , ad.; -ni-sa, n. day & night: -m, ad.; -pa- tising (in.) : -karman, a. following no low
master, dependent. ti, TO. lord of day ; sun. occupation ; not neglecting rites.
W T f i T S f i a-sv&mi-ka, a. ownerless; -vi- ^ff^TT^halya,/. N. of Gautama's or S arad- "^TFrT a-huta, pp. not sacrificed or offered;
kraya, m. sale without ownership, vat's wife. TO. muttered prayer.
a-sveda, a. sweatless. ^^I^RahaA-sesha.m. remainder oftheday. £-hnnana, a. not angry, friendly.
A H , only in pf. &'ba, speak, say (ac.) ^ I g t l , ahas = ahar: -kara, m. sun. ^I^d a-hnta, pp. not carried away by (in.).
N to (ac., d.); designate, call, declare ;
a-hast&, a. handless. ^f^rjeil a-hetu-ka, a. unfounded.
pronounce to be (2 ac.); adjudge (ac.) to (gr.).
adhi, speak for (d.). anu, repeat, recite, ablii, ^ ^ ^ ahaha, ij. of joy or sorrow, aha! ^ST^TT a-hela,/. no joke, good earnest.
answer; communicate (ac.) to (d.). pra, pro-
•sil^mqc^ a-h&-payat, cs. pr. pt. showing •^^rjcna-haituka,a.(i)causeless,unfounded.
nounce, declare, say; call (2 ac.). prati, say
to, answer (ac.). vi, argue. no lack of (ac.) : - kalam, losing no time.
aho, ij. of joy, sorrow, surprise, anger,
^nfTT/STf^a-hSr-ayat, cs. pr.pt. not losing
1. a-ha, pel. certainly, of course, indeed; praise, blame, ah ! oh ! alas !
(inplay); - b a r y a , f p . not to be taken away;
just, that is to say; at least: often merely
incorruptible; m. mountain: - t v a , n. non- ^ T ^ t X T ^ aho-r&tra, m. n. day and night;
emphasizes the preceding word. liability to be taken away: ab. because it - atmaka, a. consisting of day and night.
^ ^ 2. £ha,ra.day: —0generally m. [ally. cannot be taken away.
ahna, m. = ahan, day: d. at once.
I (^•V.aham-vadin, a. talking egotistic- ah-i, m. serpent; dragon, Vra'tra.
•^Ugj ^ ah[arshu, m. swooping on the dragon.
aham-kSra, m. self-consciousness; a-hims-aka, a. doing no hurt, harm-
selfishness; self-conceit, pride; -karya, a. less; -at, pr. pt. (£-) harmless ; -a, / . (£-) a-hrasva, a. not short, long,
being the object of self-consciousness; -krita, harmlessness; abstention from injury to living d-hruta, pp. not bent, straight.
pp. self-conscious ; haughty ; -kriti, / . = things, gentleness ; non-violation ; -ra, a. v*
ahawt-kara; -^usb, a. thinkingof oneself only. doing no injury, harmless. K g m dhvala,/. steady gait, firmness.

m A.
a, ad. near (vbl.px.: reverses the meaning o n ^ n , a-kalpa-m, ad. to the end of the &-k£llik&-tiram, ad. up
of verbs of giving and going); besides, also ; to the bank of the Kalik&.
quite, entirely, just (emphatic); px. w. pt. <b world.
a. some what, a little; scarcely; -ish; px. form- Wefi^TWIX akalpa-sara, a. fond of dress. "'Hjcm^a-kas-d, to. n. clear space, sky; ether
ing ad. & a. up to, till; prp. up to (after ac., as the subtlest element: lc. behind the scenes
before ab.);except(before ac.); from (ab.); at, ^ ( o h ^ ^ l f i l ^ a-kalpa-st hay in, a. lasting (of what is said to orby some one offthe stage):
on, in, near (after lc.)i from, up to. to the end of the world ; -jtntam, ad. to the - g a , a. moving in the air; m. bird; -gangfi.,
end of the world. f. the aerial Ganges; -gata,_pp. coming from
^JT 2. k, ij. esp. of sudden recollection, ah! ph! •Wefi^i Skalya, ra. illness; love-sickness. the air (voice); -Aarin, a. moving in the air;
to. bird; -de.sa, m. region of the air; -patha,
^ f l f a i W ^ a-karaf Aam, ad. up to the neck. ,*Uenf<3JeHakasmika, a. (1) unforeseen, sud- m. path in the air ; -patbika, m. wanderer
den, accidental. in the sky, ep. of the sun; -bh&sbita, n. fic-
^ e n f " - ^ a-kapila, a. brownish. titious conversation of a person on the stage
| 8-kSnksh-ct, / . desire, wish; ne- with anabsent one; -y&na, n. passage through
•^Mm+M S-kamp-a, m. trembling; -ana, TO.
cessity of complementing the sense; - i n , a. the air; -vartman, n. path in the air; -say-
N. of a Daitya; -ra, a. trembling. wishing, expecting. ana, n. sleeping in the open air; -sawA'arin,
"?H«H^t-kar-a,ra. scatterer,bestower; abun- to. bird; -J.AU, a. ruling the air only ( = quite
^irarrc; I- &-kara, m. make, shape, figure,
dance, plenty; mine; origin: -gvu, a. mineral; helpless).
appearance; expression, outward sign of emo-
- i n , a. arising from mines, mineral.
fefl-q akim&an-ya, w. destitution, pover-
\ 2. S-kSra, TO. the letter S. [tion.
a-karna, or -m, ad. up to the &kim, prp.from (ab.). [ty.
ear : -na, n. hearing, listening. "SIT^fiTXW a-karawa, n. calling up; i - y a , f p .
to be called up. S-kirna, pp. (i/k ri) scattered; cover-
^ m m a-karnaya, den. P . listen, hear:
pp. ita, heard, overheard, sam, id. °n I ^qr^Skara-vat, a.embodied; shapely. ed, full: lc. in a frequented place,
ep^ §,-kunfena,?i.bending, contraction.
a-karsh-a, TO. attraction ; -ana, a. (i) W ^ R T f k f t a-kar-ita, pp. having the form of
attracting; n. pulling; attraction; - i k a , / . N . ^ ( c p f d H S-ku/ila, a. somewhat bent, some-
of a city ; -in, a. dragging along. FI-kfil-a,TO.: lc. at the exact time of what curly. [wards (°-).
a-kalana, n. tying up, fastening, (g.); -ika, a. (& or 1) lasting till the same 1 <, S-kumSra, ad. from boyhood up-
time on the following dag; (i) not arriving
a-kalpa, m. ornament, finery. at the right or usual time. J^fa-kula, a. confused, perplexed; filled
<4(|<|H4| a-kulaya. a^igarti. 37
or overwhelmed (with,- 0 ); -gr&ma-fcaitya, a. ing, proclaiming; - p a n a , i n v i t a t i o n to relate; •^rrf^XT^ angirasd, a. (i) relating to the
the sacred trees of whose villages are alive with - y i k k , f short tale; -yin, a. relating, report- Angiras; m. pat. descendant of Angirae.
(»'«.); -t&, / . , -tva, n. confusion; abundance. ing ( - ). [ - admitted.
angfishd, TO. n. song of praise.
" 4 1 1 a - k u l a y a , den. P. confuse; fill: pp. ^-khyeya,^). to be told, - related,
ita,disordered,disturbed,perplexed,by (in., a in adverbs like dakshin-S &c. (gr.).
a-gane?a, ad. up to the cheeks (°-).
akuli-kn, confuse, dim; fill: pp. ^ n r f Sita, TO. N. of a man.
^ M l d a-gata, (pp.)m. guest; n. event.
bewildered, disturbed with (in.); -bbu, be or •3(1 a-feandia-tarakam, ad. ex-
become confused; -yam&na, pr. pt. ps. be- ^JPlf^I a-gati, / . arrival, return (-tva, n.
cept moon and stars.
wildered, annoyed. abst. N.); origin; coming up to, joining.
S-feam ana, n. sipping water; rin si n g
ft-kfita, n. intention, wish. a-gan-tavya, fp. that must come;
the mouth; water for rinsing the mouth (also
-tn, a. I. arriving: m. new comer, stranger,
i$n^rf7T 8-kn'ti, / . component part; form, i,f.); i-ya, n. water for rinsing the mouth.
guest; 2. adventitious: -ka, id.; a. stray
appearance; -mat, a. having a form, embodied. (cattle); having crept in (unauthorised read- ^IHTTWa-Mr-awa, n.arrival; performance;
ing); -tri, a. about to come. conduct; -aniya, fp. to be done or per-
W S F ^ f T . &-krish<a-vat, pp. act. drawn.
formed ; -ita, (pp.) n. arrival; usage ; con-
4||®fgS-kn'sh«i,/. attraction; drawing (a S-gama, a. coming up ; m. arrival, duct; -itavya, fp. to be done; n. one should
occurrence; origin; course (of streams); af- act according to usage, [scum of boiled rice.
hotwiring); magic attraction, attractive spell,
fluence, revenue, property; acquisition; learn-
ake, ad. (Ic.) near. ing, knowledge; science; precept, tradition; |«i l - M m a , TO.sipping water; water or
S-kekara, a. squinting slightly. manual, code; augment (gr.); -na, n.coming,
arrival; origin; sexual intercourse ; -vat, a. tSJP^TT to. behaviour; good con-
fT) M fi-kopa, TO. touch of anger; -vat, having sexual intercourse; -sruti, / . tradi- duct ; usage, custom, observance, rule :
a. somewhat angry at (Ic.). [skill. tion; ^apayin, a. coming and going. customary: -maya, a. ceremonious, devoted
toetiquette; -1&gii, m.f.pl. customary parched
fikausala, n. inexperience, lack of W r f ^ a g a m - i n , a • taking an augment. grain; -vat, a.well-behaved, virtuous; -vya-
sfi S-krand-a,TO.cry, wail, lamentation; ^Mtt^g-as, n. offence, crime, fault, sin. peta,pp.divergingfrom usage; •^apeta,a.w/.;
natural ally of a belligerent king (neighbour s - b i n a , pp. neglectful of the rules of conduct.
neighbour); -ana, n. lamentation; - a n i y a , f p . W T C S r agastya, a. referring to Agasti; m. ^ C q 1 4 a-A;arya [ fp. to be gone to], m.
to be called on for help ; -ita, (pp.) n. cry; descendant of Agasti.
teacher, esp. a Brahman; N. of Dro«a
-in, a. calling upon piteously (-°). ^(I'JTfii^S-gSmin, a. coming; future. (teacher of the Pdndavas); son of an outcast
Vaisya ; -ka, n. teachership ; -ta, f , -tva,
*3HSf|44 S-kram-a, TO. stepping up; attack; W T T ^ p f i S-gamuka, a. wont to come to (ac.).
n. calling of a teacher; - v a t , a. having a
-ana, a. striding up; n. id.; attack; exten- teacher; &-ni,f. wife of a teacher; -adhi-
sion (towards, Ic.). ^ agara,n. apartm ent, dw elling, house.
na, a. dependent on one's teacher: -tva, n.
W^JT ritual response. [wood. abst. N.
T t t W t t S-kranta, pp. (\/kram) beset, over-
spread; in the power of, dominated by, per- agurava, a. (i) produced by aloe- ^ i f a * ^ ItJa-Zci-khyfi-su, des. a. wishing to
vaded with express ; -sajipama, f . kind of simile.
sq«4jiq Sgnft-vaishnav^, a. belonging
411 I f r l S-kr&nti,/. treading, ascending; to Agni-Vishnu. • ^ u f a f ! a-7vita, pp. heaped u p ; filled, laden,
•^U pM^fignika, a.(i) relating to fire-service. studded, with (in., or-0).
S.-krirfa, m.n. play-ground, grove, ^ i x j ' ^ T a i a i s v a r a , m. N.of a temple built
garden ; -glri, -parvata, TO. pleasure-hill. "Wf^TTT^T agni-marut£, n. litany to Agni
by Aka. [clad.
and the Maruts.
S-kros-a, m. reviling ; abuse, af-
^ I M l W agnijdhra,m. fire-kindler (priest); ^ r i a-7iZcAanna, pp. (\/iAad) covered,
front: -ka, a. reviling, abusing; -ita, cs.pp.
cursed, reviled; -in, a. abusing. n. fire-altar: i-ya, m. fire on the fire-altar. W ^ J ^ S-fcAASd-a,TO.garment, clothing:
aksh-and, pf. pt. of -/aksh. agneya, a. (i)relating to fire or A g n i ; -ka, a.covering, concealing: -tva, n. abst. A*.;
n. the lunar mansion Krittika. -na, n. covering, concealing; clothing: -vas-
WfsrfH^KT S-kshiptikfi, f . song sung by a tra, n. lower garment; -in, (-°) a. covering,
person approaching the stage. " W T T T a-grath-ana, n. putting on (girdle). concealing.
a-kshepa, TO.turning up (soil); quiv- agrayand, m. offering of new grain k-kkhnrits., pp. scratched.
ering, convulsion; putting on (salve); throw- (a Soma libation); n. offering of first-fruits at
the end of the rainy season; i , f . (sc. -isbti) SaA:-ya, gd. having bent.
ing off; abandonment; enrapturing (g. or -°);
reference to (- 0 ); hint; challenge; abuse, af- sacrifice of first-fruits; (a)-ka, n. id. a.). a^a, a. relating to goats; n. N. of a
front ; -na, a. (i) ravishing, charming; -rupaka, W ^ T f a-graha, m. pertinacity; favour. lunar mansion. [ing like a boa.
n. kind of simile ; -valana, n. swaying (of the
arms); -sutra, n. thread for stringingpearfo; W^TWT^TWt agrahayarai,/. day of full-moon ^ T W T T a<jragara, a. (i) relating to or behav-
-jipam&, / . kind of simile. in the month Marga-sirsha; kind of paka- ^JTW^T a-^anma, ad. from birth.
a-ksheptri, m. rejecter.' ^I^H^+^a-j/aras&m, ad. to old age.
W ^ p T T a-gha^ana, f . blow, impact.
'SNI^Ui a-kshepya, fp. to be challenged. a-jrargarita, pp. somewhat
W^n^^S-ghar-ghar-am, ad. growling. bruised or tattered.
a-khandala, m. breaker, de-
stroyer, ep. of Indra: -kakubh,/. east; - i a p a , a-gharsha, m. friction. ^TWnTiT^W ar/atasatrav^, a. relating to
m.n. rainbow; -s^nn, m.son of Indra = Ar^una. A^ata«atru ;TO.descendant of A^atasatru.
• W V U Zft-gha^,TO.,i , f . cymbal, rattle.
«^a-kh-ti,m-mole; mouse [burrower: a-}- W W r f T T a-^ati,/. birth. [the knees.
(r|S-ghata,m.stroke,blow; gust; kill-
V k h a ] ; - v a - g r a m a , m. N. of a village. ing ; place of execution ; slaughter-house. "'Ml ^ I fio| w t s S9 i anu-lambin, a. reaching to
^ I % Z f i k h e / a , m . c h a s e : -Ts.&,m.id.; hunter; -^H a-ghrini, a.glowing; radiant, [tion. agianeya, a. (i) of noble race; to.
-bbumi, f . hunting ground; ^a^avi, /. game well-bred horse.
forest. W ^ f a W T a-ghoshana,/. public proclama-
m-f • race, contest,fight: -bbumi,
•^(•aH i S-khy&j/.name: in.byname; period: ^ T g n w a-ghrana, n. smelling : -tas, ad. by
a. named (-°); -ta, (pp.) n. finite verb; -tavya, f . battle-field; -mukba, n. vanguard.
fp. to be told or related; - t i , f . tale, report; ^ i f ^ l f ^ l ' d S-^ihmha, pp. somewhat turned
appellation; -tri,m. teller,relater; teacher; W^ a-ii — i. a (gr.), [cess of Anga.
aside: -lofcanam, ad. with somewhat averted
-na, n. narration; story, tale; legend: -ka, n. W l f Snga, m. prince of A n g a ; -i, / . prin- glance. [A^flgarta.
short tale: i , f . a metre, -pa/llama,a. having
the Puranas as the fifth; -paka, a. announc- W f T f ^ S angarika, TO. charcoal burner. Htf^fa %igarti, m. pat. descendant of
38 a-dara.

^ I ^ l q S^iv-a, to. livelihood; -ana, n. id.', ^||(r|8£( Stithy^, a.; n. id.; reception of the self; - y o n i ,to.ep. o/Kama AV ishnu; -raksh-
Soma (ritual): -vat, a. speaking of hospital- ana, n. self-protection; -l&bha, m. one's own
-an-ika, a. seeking a livelihood.
ity; containing the word ' guest;' -satkara, advantage ; attainment of life, birth ; -vat,
-911 ^Tl S-jivam, ad. for life. TO. good offices of hospitality. ad. like oneself; a. animate; self-controlled;
sensible; personal: w. grata, n. = knowledge
^ f V f e R T R W ; &-<yiv-itaantam, ad. for life; W t W ^ f t T a-tiras-£-ina, a. somewhat ob- of men: - t a , / . self-control; -vadba, to., -va-
-ya, fp. fit for or affording a livelihood. d h y a , / . suicide; -varga, to. one's own party;
fn atiraikya, n. redundancy, [lique. -vasa,«. depending on oneself; -vasya, a. that
W S T f H S-grSapti,/. order, command. one has in one's power; -vikraya, to. selling
4J|fdU|f^eh atisayika, a. superabundant. one's freedom; -vit-t&, / . self-knowledge ;
I &-gn&,f. id.: -kara, to. (i) servant:
-tva, n. office of a servant; -dana, n. giving "^n^T a-tura, a. diseased, ill, weak; ailing; -vid, a. knowing the universal soul; -vidya,
/.knowledge of the universal soul; -vidhits&,
an order; -na, n. apprehending, understand- afflicted with, tortured by; w. inf. morbidly / . selfishness; -vivriddhi, / . self-aggrandise-
ing; -parigraha, m. reception of an order. desirous of. ment; -vrittanta, to. n. account of oneself;
^ I H I T O S-^napya,/p. at the service of (g.). ^inft^a-tod-ya, (fp.) n ,m usical instrument. - v n t t i , /. one's own condition.
•5JJI "SJ %nS-bhanga,TO.breach of a com- S-tta, pp. (\/da) taken; sts. a.
grasped, obtained; taken away, -less; felt = W W W a t m a - s a T O s a , / . self-praise; -sakti,
mand: -kara, -k&rin, a. neglecting an order; / . one's own power: in. according to one's
-vidhayin, a. doing one's behest, obedient. grasping, feeling; -gandha, a. whose pride
has been taken away ; -garva, a. humbled ; power; -somita,«. one's own blood; -sl&gha,
ag-ya, n. clarified liquid butter ( f o r -da«da, a. grasping one's staff; -rati, a. feel- -slaghin,a.boastful; -samyoga,m.personal
sacrificing or anointing) ; kind of sastra ; ing delight, in (lc.); -vibhava, a. having at- interest in anything; -samstba, a. attached
-dbanvan, a. having clarified butter for a tained to wealth; -virya, a. deprived of to one's person ; directed to oneself.
bow; -pa, a. drinking clarified butter; to. pi. strength; -sastra, a. grasping his weapon ; "5SUCH<iCt 1*1 atma-samtfina, TO. son; -sarn-
Manes oftheVaisyas; -aesha, to. rest of the -sara, a. robbed of treasure; -sva, a. deprived deha,TO.personal risk ; -sama, a. like one-
clarified butter; -havis,a.havinganofferiiigof of one's possessions : -ta,,/. abst. A*. self : -tk,f.abst. A1.; -samarpa/ta, n. giving
clarified butter; -homa,to.sacrifice of clarified
at-tha, 2 sg.pf. of Vah. oneself up to (a deity); -sambhava, TO. son;
butter; ^ a h u t i , / offering of clarified butter.
Kama: a , / , daughter; -sawibh&van&,/. self-
atma, - ° = & t m a n ; -ka, a. (ika) having conceit ; -sat-kri, place on oneself; make
ANKH, I. P . knkha, pull, tug, the nature of, consisting of or in (-°): - t v a , n. one's own ; -stava, to. self-praise ; praise of
stretch. abst. N. ; -karman, n. one's own act; -kama, the Atman; - h a t y a , / . suicide; -ban, a. kill-
a. selfish ; -kiya, a. own ; -krita, pp. self- ing the soul; m. suicide; -hita, n. one's own
"^nWT an^-ana, n. ointment, eye-salve; inflicted, committed or done by oneself; - g a t a ,
-gandbi, a. smelling of ointment, [numat. welfare.
a. being in or relating to self: -m, ad. to one-
Snyaneya, TO. son of An^anS, Ha- self (drama); -gati,/. own way or resources: ^ r a r r f ^ Stma adish/a, pp. self-dictated;
in. by oneself; -guna, n. virtue of the soul; -adbika, a. dearer than oneself; ^adfclna, a.
"^Idfaqia^avika, a.relating to a forest; con- -ghataka, - g b a t i n , m. suicide; -ghosha, to. dependent on oneself; ^anapeksha, a. disin-
sisting of foresters; m. forest-dweller; wood- crow; -go,,a.self-begotten; to.son,a,/.daugh- terested; Muragamana, n. personal attend-
Sfopa,TO.inflation; pride, [man. ter : -ta, / . state of a son; -janman, n. birth ance; -aparadha, m. one'sown transgression;
of oneself = birth of a son ; son; -gaya, m. ^apahara, to. dissimulation; ^apaharaka,
fitfcimbara, to. drum ; din; ver- (his) own victory; -giia, a. knowing oneself; -harin,a.making away with oneself, denying
bosity ; trumpeting (of an elephant); knowing the universal soul; -gnkaa,, n. self- oneself,dissim ulating; - ablxim^ni-t&,/. high
acme, height, crown : -vat, a. noisy. knowledge ; knowledge of the universal soul; opinion of oneself; ^amisha, m. alliance
-tattva, n. own nature; true nature of the (peace) bought by sacrifice of one's army ;
' s SH s s)Pl*l v &divin, to. N. of a crow. universal soul; -tantra, a. independent; -ta, - a r t h a : - m or lc. for oneself: lc. pi. in one's
ad/iaka, m.n. (~°f. i) a dry measure / . essentiality, nature; -tripta,jop.self-suffic- own interest.
( = 4 prasthas). ing ; -tyaga, to. suicide; -tyagin, to. suicide;
-tva, n. essentiality, nature; -darsa.TO. mirror: "'HI CHl » a t m i - k n , t a k e possession of; -bhava,
-341&dhy&, a. wealthy; abounding in (in.or -na, n. seeing oneself in (-°); -dana, ». self- to. absorption in the universal soul; -ya, a.
- ° ) : -ta,/. wealth. sacrifice; -drobin, a. self-tormeu ting, fretful; one's own: -^atya, a. of one's own race, one's
^ | uj «nsiraaka, a.=awaka, minute ,tiny, subtle. -dvesha, TO. self-hatred. equal, -desa,TO.home.
m f t w i atmfu'HM,/. longing for the uni-
W f a m• pin the axle. •^jnJPT. citm£n, TO. breath ; soul; life, self
versal soul; - j s v a r a , to. master of oneself.
ra (sg. = rfl.prn.); essence, nature; peculiarity;
&nd£-ga, a. egg-born. [P y. body; intellect, understanding; universal soul. | C^l"^ at m autkar sha, to. self-elevation;
•^Jf^ i . 8t, ad. (ab.)then; also, and; w. intr. boasting ; -jidaya, to. self-advantage, rise ;
-4||dHI<jd\'M fitmana-tritiya, a. with two
-udbhava,TO.son ; ^upa^ivin, a. support-
2. a-t, the vowel a. [anxiety, fear, others; -dvitiya, a. with one other. ing oneself by personal labour.
a-tanka, m. ailment; uneasiness, 4Udj|*T«fiT atman-ika, / . woman's N.
-4||df)M^j Stmaaupamya, n. self-compari-
O HI fa ^Ei-tatS-y-in, a.having one's bow ^ r f ^ T atma-ninda, f . self-reproach. son, analogy to oneself.
strung; m. armed aggressor, assassin; danger- atmane-pad-a, a.the middle ter- ^llcMf^dcfi atyantika, a. (i) lasting to the
ous character, felon. minations (gr.); - i n , a. having the middle ter- end ; unalterable ; absolute. [urgent.
^ i d M S - t a p a , a.causingpain; m.(solar)heat, minations.
sunshine : -tra, n. umbrella; -vat, a. irradi- "411 rfl Rjcfi Styayik£, a. admitting of no delay,
ated by the sun; -vara»a, n. umbrella ; ^a- 4(|dJ««Jcl^tman-v^t, f ^ ^ - v i ' n , a . animate.
atrey£,TO.descendant of A t r i ; i , f .
tyaya,TO.end of the heat, cool of the evening. MWatma-paksha, to. one's own party; id.; woman who has bathedafter menstruation.
TJlinmqatapaya, den. P. become solar heat. -parityaga, to. self-sacrifice; -pngk, f . self- S-tva, n. occurrence of 3, (gr.).
praise ; -pratyartbi-nama-vat, a. hvg. one's
l-tapovanam, ad. up to the own name and that of the defendant; -pra- •^n^NNl Stharvaw^, a. (i) belonging to A -
hermits' wood. bba, a. self-luminous; bright with himself; tharvan or the Atharvans; to. descendant of
-prasaTOsa,/. self-praise; -bodba, a. know- Atharvan or the Atharvans; Br&hman con-
W f T T a-tara,TO.crossing a riverj fare.
ing the universal soul; -bhaya, n. fear for one's versant with the A V . ; conjuror; the A V . ;
• ^ ( d l a - t a , / . (in. joZ.+atais), frame, edge. life; -bhava, m. his own presence ; a. self- i-ka, TO. follower of the A V .
caused ; to. Kama; -bhava, m. personality ;
^HfllfM^V^-tSp-in, to. N. of a Daily a. S-daghn^, a. reaching to the mouth.
-bhu,m. self-existing,e^.(/Brahman ;-bhuta,
^TfTPST S-tamra,a.reddish: -ta,/.redness. pp. being the self of = devoted to; -maya, a. W ^ a - d - a m , ^ W ^ a - d - a s
(i) proceeding from oneself; -maTOsa, n. one's impf. sg. of a + -y/da.
-^nfcl ati, f f j Stf,/. kind of aquatic bird. own flesh.
•^T^Ta-dara,to.regard,respect; considera-
• ^ i f c t d i t j a-tita?«-su, des. a. wishing to atmam-bhari, a. thinking only of tion,care,attention (lc., or -^artham): - m
stretch across (ac.). his livelihood, selfish: -tva, n. selfishness, self- kri, endeavour; in., ab. considerately, care-
Stitheya, a. (i) relating to guests, produced. fully, seriously; -niya, fp. to be regarded :
hospitable; n. hospitality. fW^tma-yhg\n, a.sacrificing one- - t a , / . abst. A*.; -vat, a. attentive to (lc.).
a-dartavya. ^T^ap.

a-dartavya, fp. = adarawiya. -4||<«|«nadijinta, n. sg., m. du. beginning and an-ana, n. [breather: \/an] mouth;
end; a. beginning and ending with: -vat, face. [sion ; no interval.
•SIT^ a-darsa, m. seeing; mirror; image; a. having a beginning and an end.
copy; -pustaka.n. copy,manuscript; -maya, anantarya, n. immediate succes-
a. being altogether mirror. adyaSdya, a. each preceding. ctnantya,a.endless; n.-ness, eternity.
S-nandd, m. (n.) joy, bliss ; sen-
&-d£hana, n. place of cremation. ^I^J^ITI adijadatta, a. having the acute on
sual pleasure: -ka, a. gladdening, delighting;
&-d&-trt, m. receiver, [class (gr.). the first syllable: -tva, n. accentuation on that
-thu, m. joy, delight; -na, a. delighting;
^STT^T a-dyuna, a. voracious. [syllable. -bashpa, m. tears of joy; -maya, a. (i) con-
H T ^ T ^ R ad&di-ka, a. belongingto the A d -
W ^ T ^ F ^ a-dvadas£m, ad. up to twelve. sisting of joy, blissful; -yitri, m. delighter;
Hf^T*Tfi-d^-na, n. grasping, taking; - a w a y ; -vardhana, m. N.of a poet.
receiving; seizure, appropriation; withdrawal; S-dhamana, n. pledge, mortgage.
^ya,gd. Iiaving taken = with; - y i n , a.inclined W ^ T ^ anandaasru, n. tears of j o y ;
" ^ T n f T ^ Mhamarnya, n. indebtedness. - utsava, m. joyous festival.
to receive gifts; appropriating.
a-dhav-aniya, m.vesselfor shak-
UT^TT a-dara, m. consideration, regard. anand-in, a. j o y f u l ; delighting,
ing and clarifying Soma.
i(jf^a-d-i,m. [taking inhand: a-|- s/ da] be- a-dhatri, m. lighter of sacred fire; a-namra, a. bent, bowed.
ginning: Ic. in the - , at first; beg. with = giver, bestower; teacher. a-nay-ana, n. bringing near or
and the rest, etc. (often -ka); - k a r t n , m. back; procuring; producing; -itavya,^). to
original creator; -kemva, m. ep. of Vishnu; ^T^i a-dhana, n. laying or placing on; be brought near.
-tas, ad. from or in the beg., at first; from - kindling of the sacred fires; impregnation;
onwards: - t k , f . being the beginning, origin. ceremony preceding impregnation; produc- a-narta, m. pl. N. of a people.
tion ; pledging; employment: -hetu, a. oc-
M\ aditeyd, m. son of Aditi. anarthak-ya, n. uselessness.
casioning the creation of (-°).
^ i f ^ H I. aditya, «. belonging to or des- ^il^l^citfi-dh&y-aka, a. bestowing, effect- -sHI*!^ an-as-d, -us, -6, &c., pf. of Vi - as.
cended from Aditi; m. son of Aditi; sun: pi. ing, causing (-); -in, a. id.: -i-ta, / . abst. x. l°l> a-naka, ad. up to heaven (°-).
a class of gods; n. N.of a lunar mansion.
1 ^ S-dMr^, m. support, prop, founda- Snath-ya, n. defencelessness.
"^if^cq 2. fidityi, a. belonging to the Adi- tion; receptacle, reservoir; trench (round the
tyas; divine; relating to the sun ; -Sandra, foot of a tree); dyke, dam; location or sphere ^$fr*TRT a-naya, m. [attractor], net.
m. du. sun and moon; -prabha, m. N. of a of an action (gr.); a. relating to; - t a , f . anSySya,den.A. represent a net.
king; -mandala, n. sun's orb; -vat, ad. like state of a receptacle; -adheya-bhava, m.
the sun; -varna, a. sun-coloured; -varman, relation between the receptacle and what it anay-in, m. fisherman.
-sena, m. Ns. of kings. contains. [ation; pledge. " W T H T an-asa, 3 sg. pf. of as.
H r f ^ J a-ditsu, des. a. desirous to obtain 1 • S-dhi, [ V dha] wi.receptacle; found- ^ U i a-niti,/. bringing near,
(ac.); avaricious. [Brahman, Vishnu, $iva. ^ f a 2. £-dhi, [-v/dhyS,] m. (generally pi.)
a-nila, a. blackish.
adi-deva, m. primeval g o d : ep. of anxiety, care, longing. [pre-eminence.
^Hg^Rf^eR anu-kul-ika, a. courteous: -ta,
U r f ^ ad-in, a. eating, [end of the day. ^ U f ^ R * ! Sdhikya, n. excess; superiority, f . courteousness towards (g.), -ya, n. favour;
adhi-daivata, -daivika, agreeableness; friendly terms; -grwya, n.
T I T f ^ r R ^ a-dinaantam, ad. up to the homogeneousness; -pfirv-a, n„ - i , f , -ya, n.
a.relatingtothe gods; -patya, n.(paramount)
S I l f ^ M ^ adi-parvata, m. chief mountain; sovereignty, lordship (over, Ic.); -bhoga, in. regular succession: in., ab. successively; -ya-
-purusha, m. original ancestor; primeval trika, m. servant; -lomya, n. direct or natural
usufruct of a pledge; -ra//ya, n. paramount do-
spirit; -puruBha, m. primeval spirit, ep. of order ; -vesya, m. neighbour next but one;
minion ; -vedanika, n. present made to a first
Vishnu; -bhava, a. produced in the begin- -shak, ad. inorder; -shangika, a. (l)adherent,
wife by a man on marrying a second.
ning ; -bhuta,pp. being the first among (g.). connected with, following ; enduring; neces-
^ i p f t a-dhi',/. longing, care, anxiety. sarily followingfrom (g.); adventitious ;-sh<n-
HTf^T adi-ma, a. first; -mat, a. having a bha, a. consisting of or like anushtfubh.
beginning; -mula, n. original cause; -va- ^TV^IF adhi-kri, pledge.
raha, m. original boar, ep. of Vishnu. •'MI^M anfipa, a. watery, swampy; m.aquatic
W g f ^ B Idhunika, a. present.
-dfs,/. scheme, purpose, intent. S-dheya, fp. to be put on; - de- "^U 5 *!fltnrin-ya,ra.unindebtedness. [animal.
H i f ^ ^ a-dfse, (d.) inf. to aim at (ac.). posited; -granted; contained or situated in; ^H^UItl anrisa?ns-a, n. kindness, benevo-
n. laying on; kindling of the sacred fire. lence ; -ya, a. kind; n. kindness.
^Hf^TH 3-dish-fa, (pp.) m. kind of peace or
^ I ^TlfJ 4 ^ adho-mukh-ya, n. going down- a-ne-tr/, m., - t r i , / . bringer; - y a , f p .
alliance; n. injunction, rule of conduct; -^-in,
m. student who has received rules from his wards. [phant. to be brought near.
teacher, novice. "3HtTH ^-dhorana, m. driver of an ele- aant^m, ad. to the end; completely.
H T ^ ^ i ft-dirgha, a. longish. ^ n ^ T R T a-dhma-ta, pp. inflated, swelled. Sntara, a. inner, interior.
a-dnta, pp. considerate, careful, at- W ^ n f l R o R adhyatmika, (&, i) relating to *rl antariksha, a. (1) proceeding from
tentive ; intent on (Ic., -°); respected, valued, self,subjective; relating to the universal soul. the air or sky; airy, aerial.
honoured: -vati,/. act. (forfinite verb) hav-
ing paid attention or treated with respect. W W Sdhr&, a. needy, indigent. ^ T n * Sntra, n. sg.&pl. entrails, [swinging.
W ^ r f ^ adhvanika, a. travelling.
^M •?!•«( V I . a-drishfi-gofcaram, ad. as •^ffn^^I®!? andol-aka, m. swing; -ana, n.
far as the eye can reach; -prasaram, ad. id. SEdhvaryava, a. relating to the
Adhvaryu (Yagur-veda); n. function of the n ^ l tfl gndolaya, den. P. swing: pp. ita.
S-deya,/|>. to be taken or plucked;
to be removed ; to be employed. " W T an-£, m. [breather],face. [Adhvaryu. W ^ t f ^ S T andolikg, / . litter.
fi-devana, n. play-ground. W ^ T Sndh-ya, n. blindness.
W O I Sn-^insa, 3 sg. pf.of as.
W ^ T f ^ i anvth-ika, a. (1) daily.
^I^ll S-des-a, m. statement; report; pro- anaka, m. kind o/"drum.
phecy; instruction; rule, precept; command; anvlksh-iki,/. logic.
substitute (gr.): -ka, m. guide ; -in, a. in- an-a^, 2 & 3 sg. aor. of V1. as.
structing, ordering (- 0 ); - y a , f p . to be stated ^ I R ^ f anarfuha, a. coming from a bull. ^ f f X I A P , V . P . (A.) kv-nn, reach, obtain,
or told.
"1 <1 M^«^a-nata-parvan,a. hvg.depressed attain; incur, suffer; befal: ps. be completed:
i. M-yS,/p.to be eaten, eatable; n .food. pp. apta, reached, obtained; filled, pervaded;
( = not prominent) knots, smooth (arrow).
abundant; trusty, familiar ; cs. apaya, P.
^ITf 2.&dya, a.first: having as first=etc. a-nati,/. bowing; submission. cause to reach or obtain, bring to; cause to
40 4U Msh a-pakva. WiT^ amad.

feel; des. ipsa, wish to obtain, desire, anu, n. drinking-bout; -goahthi, f. drinking-bout; W ^ f f ^ - b h a n g i n , a. somewhat bent,
reach: pp. arrived, abhi, cs. complete; attain; - b b u m i , / . place for drin king; -sala, /.tavern.
a-bhar-araa, ra. ornament.
des. wish for. ava, reach ; obtain, acquire;
meet with, incur, suffer, p r a t i a v a , recover, ^ l i m f W j S-p&rshni, ad. up to the heels,
"^IPTT a - b h a , / . lustre, light: a, a. like.
gam-ava, obtain; incur, upa, fulfil, pari, f q ap-i,m.associate, Mend,acquaintance.
reach; gain; make an end: pp. paryapta, com- W T T ^ a abhar, 3 sg. aor. of a-btm.
pleted, full; abundant, spacious, sufficient for W f W T a-pira^ara, a. reddish.
d.,g.); equal to (d.,lc.,inf.), a match for (g.), m a-bhash-a,TO,speech ; saying, pro-
adequate; des. wish for; demand; guard; lie- W f t ^ Ipi-tva, ra. alliance, friendship. verb ; -ana, ra. conference; addressing; -ya,
in-wait for. pra, reach, meet, fall in with, fp. worthy of being addressed.
^ i f M ^ I ' a-pisariga, a. golden coloured,
find; obtain, receive in marriage; incur; re-
•^JTTTO S-bhas-a, TO. lustre, light; colour;
sult/Vora a rale, obtain, be in force (alsops.): ^ I m W a-pid-a, ra. pressure; chaplet worn
pp.prapta,reached; met,obtained; incurred; appearance; apparition, phantom.
on the crown of the head; - i t a , pp. loaded
having reached &c. (ac. or -°); come, arrived, with; adorned with a chaplet of ( - ). abhi-grana, a. patronymic; -^ati,
present; resulting/rom a rule, obtaining (gr.); / . , -giatya, n. nobility; -gm&nika, a. relating
cs. bring or convey to (2 ac.); report to or bring ^ m f f a a-pita, a. yellowish : -ya, den. P. to cognition ; -dbanika, TO. lexicographer;
before; cause to obtain (2 ac.). anu-pra, give a yellowish colouring to. -plavika, a. belonging to the abhiplava;
reach, find; imitate: pp. arrived at, come to -mukbya, n. direction towards (ac., g., -°);
-pina, (pp.) ra.udder: -vat, a. con-
(ac.). sam-anu-pra, reach : pp. come; ar- -ramika, a. amiable; -sbeka, -sbe&aaika,
rived at (ac.); having obtained, sam-pra, taining any form of Vpyai.
a. (1) referring to the inauguration of a king.
reach, arrive at; meet; obtain, - in marriage; w g ^ apupya, TO. pastry.
fall into, incur, suffer: pp. met, obtained; " W f h ^ i abhikshra-ya, ra. continual repe-
having reached, - come to, - fallen into (ac.); ^Sn^C a-ptira, TO.flood,redundance,excess: tition.
come, arrived; coming from (ab.). anu-sam- -na, a. filling; n. id.; quantity of water.
pra, reach, arrive at; meet: pp. arrived at ^fT^ft"^ abhir a, m., 1,/. offspring ofaBrdhman
(ac.), befallen (ac.) ; come, present, prati, 411 y^U a-pfirna, pp. ( y p « ) full: -maradala, by an Ambashtha woman: pi. N. of a people.
des. court, woo. v i , pervade, fill; reach to (a):
pp. pervaded, filled; bathed in (in.); occupied; ^ a-pfirta,ra. pious deed. [a. full-orbed. ^ p f t ^ f a-bhila, a. terrible. [gardly.
possessed of (in.); included in; well-to-do: cs. • ^ f l T t f l apo-maya, a, consisting of water. ^ ibliti, a. empty; empty-handed, nig-
pp. vy&pita, pervaded, filled, abhi-vi, gd.
including (ac.). sam, obtain; complete; kill: W ^ f t $^TTT apo 1 sana, n. rinsing of the mout h W ^ T a-bhugna, pp. slightly curved.
pp.concluded; cs. cause to obtain; finish, com- accompanied by the words apo*sana before & a-bhu, a. present, at hand, helping;
plete. pari-sam, ps. be contained in (lc.); after eating. TO. assistant.
belong to (lc.); ^ . e n t i r e l y comprehended; ^SJTJJ apt a, pp. \/fip ; TO. suitable person;
perfected, summed up. 4 I | ^ T Si-bhAti,/. faculty, power.
-karin, a.trusty, friendly; -daksbi»a, a. ac-
companied by liberal fees; -bhava, TO, trust- ^Rfrtra-bhoRiS, TO,bend, curve, roundness;
a-pakva, pp. half-ripe.
worthiness ; -va&ana, n. trustworthy utter- vault; extensiveness ; force ; multiplicity ;
&pa-g&, f . river. ance ; - v a r g a ,TO.acquaintance, friends (coll.); serpent. [ment; seeker of gain.
-vak, a. whose word is trustworthy.
apageya,?n.. metronymic o/^Bhishma. a-bhogf, / . nourishment, enjoy-
^ T f H a p - t i , / attainment, acquisition.
I i m t y a-para-a,TO.market; ware; -iya, a. W H t ^ T a-bhogya, fp. to be enjoyed; to be
coming from the market. •^lyq ap-tyi, a. dwelling in the waters, ep. perceived.
4||MrH 9,-pat-ana, n.sudden appearance. 4(|U( 1. 8p-ya,./p. obtainable. [o/Trita. "W^PrTlC abhyantara, a. inner, interior.
<?vTapat-kalpa, TO. procedure in times 2. &p-ya, a. watery, living in the ^ i ^ q ^ f q o n abhyudayika, a. causing pros-
of distress; -k&la, m. season of distress, water; ra. N. of a lunar mansion. perity ; ra. kind of sacrifice to the Manes.
tsHm(t| 9,-patti, / . occurrence ; incurring; apya, ra. alliance, friendship. TJM*^ am, ij. of reminiscence, ah ! of assent,
misfortune, distress. ^TTWr^IS-pyay-a,TO.increase,becoming full; yes. [unburned.
4imrMIH apat-prSpta, pp. fallen into mis- -ana, a. causing corpulency; causing well-be- 4-1 ama, a. raw, uncooked; crude, unripe;
fortune ; -sabaya, a. helping in misfortune. ing ;ra.satisfying; advancement; causing Soma
to swell: a, /.satiety; - i n , a. bestowing pros- W T W T P t R : S-magrgran^antam, ad. till
^iMfff Spatya, a. patronymic.
perity (- 0 ). immersion.
S-pad, f. [getting into trouUe], mis-
4H H M^+^a-prapad-am, ad. to the tip of the ^ T T W ^ ama-fifvara, TO. dysentery.
fortune, disaster, adversity, distress: -uddha-
foot; -ina, a. reaching to the tip of the foot.
rana, n. relieving from distress; -gfata, pp. a - m a % u , a. charming, lovely.
fallen into misfortune; -dbarma, TO. rules ap- a-pn, f . pi. (propitiation) N. of cer-
plying in case of distress. tain hymns to Agni in the liV.: -sukta, ra. ^ l + m ^ ^ l g l a-mandali-kri, form almost
Aprl-hymn. into a circle.
^ I M f l S-panna, pp. (\/pad)gotten or fallen
into (ac., —°); unfortunate, afflicted,miserable; a-plava, TO. bath ; -na, ra. bathing. W T S T T ^ : a-madhyShnam, ad. till noon.
-sattva, a.f. pregnant. [joint (°~). S-m^ntr-ana, ra. calling, address-
f a-plava, TO. bath.
ft-parva-bhSga, ad. up to the ing ; invitation; - a y l t a v y a , f p . to be taken
I m*sTl qi^'V.a-phalaudaya-karman, a. leave of; -ita, ra. (pp-) address; vocative.
^Mtl^apas, nm.pl. of ap, water. working till success appears.
a-mandra, a. somewhat dull or deep
S.pastamba, m.N. of a teacher; a. ^ R P W S-baddha-mala, a. forming (sound).
(i) derived from Apastamba. circles, circling. [up ar round.
^ H f f amaya, TO. ( / a m ) sickness, disease:
4 | | m i * ! ( 9,-pKala, a. reddish. [/. abst. A\ ^ T ^ a - b a n d h a , m.bond,tie: -na, ra.tying - v i - t v a , « . dyspepsia; - v i n , a. ill; dyspeptic.
" W T H ^ a-pandu, a. yellowish, pale: -ta, ^ T P r r a a-badhd,TO., a, / . pressure, suffering; V U H . S-mararaa-m, ad. till death:
W R T ^ X a-pandura, a. id.; i-bbu, become pain; danger. ^_anta, a. lasting till death : i-ka, a. id.
pale. "'MiqMH.a-bSlam, ad. down to the boys. "^nT^a-mard-a, m. pressure; pulling (hair);
Ml<1 S-p^ta, TO. onset, attack; rushing ^ T ^ R T a-baiya,°-, -m, ad. from boyhood. -in, a. pulling; pressing hard (-°).
into (-°); unexpected appearance, setting in:
or -tas, at once, at first sight: -matre or abutta,m. sister's husband (drama). a-marsa, TO. contact.
-m&tra-, at the first moment only. abdika, a. annual; — l a s t i n g - ^ITTSRi amalaka,TO.,i, /. N. of a tree (em-
^niTfTT^&pat-in, a. occurring (- 0 ). years. [Brahman's court. blic myrobalan); n. its fruit: i-pbala, n.id.
M M a-pana, n. carousal; banquet; -ka, WW^T^fW^ S-brahma-sabham, ad. up to W T T ^ amaad, a. eating rawflesh or carrion.
W H 4 I 3 I amavasya. arta. 41

3 H 1 K I 4 3 Smav&syd, a. referring to the ayas^, a. ( a y a s i or i ) iron, brazen; ^ir^wr a-rabh-ya, gd. beginning with (ab.
new-moon festival; n. new-moon sacrifice. n. iron ; -maya, a. iron, brazen. or
^ f r ^ T T a-miksha, / . curds. •^tPTTT a-yaga, m. sacrificial gift or fee. a-rdmawa, n. sexual enjoyment.

a-misra, a-misla, a. mixed. W ^ r m a-yata, (pp.) n. excess, [proach. W ^ i T a-rambM, m. setting about; under-
taking; beginning ; -na, n. taking hold;
am-ish-a,n.flesh; prey: -ta,/.,-tva, W r r f T ! a-yati,/., <4(|44 M a-y^na, n. ap- handle; support; make-shift; -niya.,fp.to be
«. being a coveted object; -jlsin, a. flesh- W ^ T R a - y a m a , m.tension; extent; length; begun with: a, / N. of certain verses; -ta,/.
•^llfiH^am-is,TO. raw flesh,carrion, [eating. interception: - v a t , a. long (oftime <Sf distance). beginning; -ru&i, a. enterprising: -ta, /. de-
light in undertakings.
W n f ^ a y a m - i n , a.hindering,(-°); long.
^ H f t ^ W a-milana, n. closing of the eyes. W^f%TT.arambh-in, a. enterprising.
a-mukulita, pp. half-opened ^ P T R f a-yas-a, m. exertion, trouble; ex-
haustion ; -aka, a. fatiguing; -ayi-tri, -trika, a-rava, m. cry, yell; sound, [drum.
a. (-trikd.) troubling; -ita, n. exertion, endeav- ^ n T ^ r f ^ f ^ a T arava-dindima, m. kind of
•ggX^^ a-rnukha, n. prelude, introduction. our ; - i n , a. exerting oneself, taking trouble.
^nXT ara, / . a w l ; puncheon.
«S||4jf^|e)i amushmi-ka, a. (i) belonging i • ay-u, a. active, lively; m. living being;
W^T<^arat,(a5.) ad. far, from afar; far from
to the next world. "W^J 2. s£y-u, n. life. [man. (ab.); near (ab.); at once, forthwith.
^JTJpZTTTW amushyaayaw^, TO. son or de-
a-yukta, (pp.) TO.,0^} -ka,TO.official. W T T f ? T arati, m. enemy.
scendant of so and so.
^ V - i M ^ a - m C t r d h a j m t a m , ad. up to the «J<1 a-yuta, (pp.) n. semi-fluid butter. W T T V a - r a d h - a , m. homage; -ana, a. con-
ciliating, winning ; n. prospering, success;
crown. [ginning, thoroughly, | ^a-yu dha, n. [fighting against], weapon,
accomplishment; propitiation, gratification;
-bhHt, a. bearing arms ; to. warrior; -sala, adoration; -aniya, fp. to be conciliated or
a-mtila, or -m, ad. from the be-
/ . arsenal, armoury; -sahaya, a. armed; adored; -ayitri, m. adorer, devotee; - a y i s h -
Tj||^lc(<j|4^a-mekhalam, arf.uptothemoun- -jigara, n. armoury. [warrior. nu, a. adoring (ac.); -ya, fp. to be accom-
tain-slope. [burned bricks. plished; to be conciliated ; pleasing to (in.).
W ^ j f ^ R i ayudh-ika, -in,-iya, a. armed; m.
amajsb<aka, a. consisting of un- -vt
^tT^J^T ayur-veda, m. medical science. W ^ T T a-ram-a, m. enjoyment, pleasure;
^ [ p f t W W S-mokshawa, n. binding on. garden; orchard ; -ika, m. gardener.
a-moZsana, n. id. W ^ p ^ t ^ ayuA-sesha, m. remnant of life; ^ U a - r a v - a , m. cry, yell; sound, din;
• ^ T f ^ S T a-mo/ana, n.cracking, breaking. a. having a remnant of life, still alive : -ta, -in, a. resounding with (- 0 ).

a-mod-a, a. gladdening; to. glad- W ^ T ayusha, N . - ° = a y u s , life. [/. abst. A\ WTT^T a-rasa, m. cry. [take.
ness ; fragrance ; -in, a. redolent of "W^P^I ayush-ka, n. love of life; -kara, a. ' W f T W a-ripsu, des. a. intending to under-
productive of longevity ; -kama, a. desirous
^TP^TfT^T a-mnata-tva, n. mention. [(7c.). of long life ; -mat, a. long-lived (often as a W f X T ^ T V f ' r ^ ariradhayishu, des. a. wish-
4(1 MI f?I*tamnat-in,a.hvg.mademention of respectful mode of address); life-long; -ya, ing to conciliate. [-°).
a. giving long life; n. long life; rite producing
a-mnaya, to.tradition, sacred text; long life. W ^ T ^ a - r u ^ (-0), -gd, a. breaking (ac.,
1 egend: -sarin, a. (n-i) mellifluous as the Veda. ^H^Uf arun-a (i), 0fTE[ -w-i, a. descended
W ^ E . a y - u s , n. life, age, long life (often pi.);
W W ! ambhasa, a. watery. allotted term of life; vitality; vital element; from Aruna; -eya, m. pat. of Aruni.
W^Tamra,TO.mango-tree; n. mango (fruit). a-yoga, m. team. [world. W ^ f a-rurukshu, des. a. desirous of as-
cending or climbing to (ac.).
"411 tl^hd amra-kttfa, m. Mango-peak, N. of m. N. of a mixed caste
a mountain. (offspring ofS4dra and Vaisyd). a-ruha, a. mounting (- 0 ).
^Sn%^a-mred-a,m. repetition; -ita, (pp.) n. W T f W T a-yograna, n. procuring. a-rfl^Aa, pp. \/ruh. or ab.).
repetition, repeated word (gr.). ^ are, (7c.) ad. far; far from (ab.); without
ayoda, m. pat. o/"Dhaumya.
i . ay-^, m. access; revenue, income. A / -i
a-yodh-ana, n. fight, battle; ^Ml ^ojj a-raik, 3 sg. aor. of s/n«.
-9(1 2. aya, m. radical suffix aya (gr.). battle-field.
"W^TJf arog-ya, n. diseaselessness, health.
W^Tf^T a-ya^-f, a. bringing by sacrifice; A R , I Y . P . ar-ya, praise: pp. arita. 'SU a-roc?Aavya,^>.to be ascended,
-ish/7ia, spv. (a-) of ayagi.
i . ara, m.n. ore. a-rodhri, m. one who mounts (- 0 ).
- ^ i M a-yata, pp. ( V y a m ) extended, long.
^ 2. ara, n. host of enemies. •3U O ^ T a-rodha, m. siege, blockade.
a-yat-ana, n. place, abode, seat
(-tva, n. abst. N.) ; fire-place; sacred pre- a-rakta, pp. reddish, p i n k : - a k s h a , O m a-rop-a, to. placing upon; attribu-
cinct, temple ; barn. a. pink-eyed. tion; substitution for, identification with (Ic.);
-aka, a. planting (-°); -ana, n. causing to
§,yata-pakshmala, a. trimmed ascend; setting up; putting on ; stringing (a
W T ^ a-raksha, m-> protection, guard.
with-long feathers; -lo/iana, a. long-eyed; bow); identification ; -aniya., fp. that should
^aksha, a. (i) long-eyed. W ^ f o f i a-raksh-aka, m. watchman; -ana,
be caused to ascend (Ic.); -ita, pp. cs.from
m., -aid, /. guardian; -ika, m. watchman :
"^prffT a-yati,/. extension, length; future; y'ruh; - y a , / p . to be placed upon.
-nkyaka, m. head of police.
hope, expectation; offspring. ^ r f r ^ a-roh-£, to. rider; mounting; heap,
^ l ^ f d . a-ra^-i, roar; -ita, (pp.) n. noise.
t j rft a-yat-i, / . pr.pt. (-s/i) future. mountain ; woman's hips ; ascending scale;
•^IIXW arana, n. abyss. rise; -aka, to. rider; (r61i)-ana, a. (i) ascend-
*U ayatajksharaa, a. long-eyed. ing ; n. ascent; production ; raised platform
arany^, a. living or growing in the for dancing; ladder, stair; - i n , a. ascending;
TH)t|Tl a-yat-ta, pp. ( V y a t ) being in, rest- forest; wild : (a)-ka, a. id.; m. forester; leading up to (-°).
ing on, dependent on (g., Ic., - ° ) : -ta, /., anchorite; n. forest-treatise (part of a Brdh-
-tva, n. dependence on (Ic., —°); i-kri, make mana to be studied in solitudes). '^I^^argrav-a, a. honest; n.honesty, recti-
dependent; keep in subjection. tude : - i n , a. straightforward, honest.
"^nX^cT a-rabdha, pp. (i/rabh) begun.
^I^VillrtUil %atha-tath-ya, n. wrong em- W^fa argikd, m . kind of vessel for Soma.
ployment ; -purvya, n. being different from •^nXf^T a-rabdhi,/. enterprise. qjrii&,pp. fallen into (trouble); afllicted,
before. [ing revenue. a-rabhaii,/. dramatic representa- distressed; hurt, pained, tormented; stricken
"311 ^ S y a - d a r s i n , a. seeing i.e. draw- tion of the supernatural and horrible. by, suffering from, anxious about (- 0 ): -tara,
42 artava. a-vn't.

cpv. more afflicted, sadder; -nada, m. cry of ^ H N arshabha, a. belonging to of a bull. a - v a t , / . nearness.
distress; -rava, m. cry of distress.
arsheyd,a.ra.=arsha; -brahmarea, n. ^ I q W \ I * n a - v a t s a r a a n t a m , ad. till the
artava,a. (1) seasonable; menstrual;
N. of a Br dhmana. end of the year. [4, f. N.
n. monthly purification; the ten days follow-
ing it. -4||m<&| a r s h a f i c M , / . woman wedded after avantika, a. relating to Avanti :
a V i t i , / . trouble, misfortune, pain. the manner of the ifa'shis.
avantya, m. king or inhabitant of
^ f i g f f s(r-tni,/. notched end of a bow. ^U F s i R l arsh/ishewd, m. descendant of Ri- Avanti. [on; vessel.

^rtvigrya, w. office of priest (rityig). aia, m. N. of a monkey. [sh/isheraa. a-v^pana, n., 1, / . strewing, laying

ardra, a. moist, w e t ; fresh, new; soft, a-lakshya, fp. visible; to look at; avay;i, n. conception.
tender; k,f. sg.&pl. N. of a lunar mansion; scarcely perceptible.
^T^ErrST ^vaySgr, to. (nm.yka) kind (/priest.
-ta, f . wetness; tenderness; -nayana, a. ^ J H ^ l l f ^ e f i alamkarika, m. rhetorician.
moist-eyed; -bhava, m. moistness; tender- a-var, aor. 2 & 3 sg. of \/vri, cover.
heartedness ; -ya, den. P. moisten; soften; a-lap-ana, n. chat, conversation;
-vastra, a. wearing a wet garment: -ta, f -ita, n. (pp.) discourse, talk; -itavya, fp. to a-var-aka, a. covering, concealing,
abst. jr. be addressed. veiling; to. protector ; -ana, a. covering; n.
envelopment; cover, garment; obstruction,
W^T^Srdra|irdra,a.overflowingvvith(- 0 ). a-lamb-a,a.hangingdown; m.hold, interruption; protection, shield ; bolt, lock.
^ U s ( T a ardri-kn, moisten,refresh; soften, support; -ana, n. holding fast to; supporting
(-°); hold, support; foundation; -in, a. hanging "=MI ^ 0 ^ ^ a-varivar, 3 s.impf. intv.ofk-\rit.
prati, moisten or refresh again. [wood.
down; attached to, resting on, reaching down q a-varg^ana, n. conciliating, winning.
1 pH ardraedhaagni, m. fire of green to, dependent on, supporting
W ^ f T f p R Srdha-dhatu-ka, a. added to the a-vart-^, to. turn; whirlpool; lock,
W 3 P W 3-lambh-c£, m. laying hold of, con- twist of hair; -aka, to. kind of mythical
weak or unmodified root (suffix). tact; plucking; killing; -ana, n.id.; -in, a. clouds; -ana, a. turning round; n. return ;
W f ^ f a i ardhika, m. = ardha-sirin. touching -in, a. returning.
"^ITlif 8rya, a. (4 or 1) belonging to the faith- TSfT^RJ S-laya,TO.(re.) dwelling, house; seat.
avali, - l i , / • streak, line, row.
ful, of one's own tribe; honourable, noble; m.
Aryan (Vedic Indian); man of the first three aiarka, a. belonging to a mad dog.
•^iqsfl^i ftvasya-ka, a. (i) necessary, in-
castes; man of worth: roc. sir, friend; a , f . \ "!m <!Ie( l^fSla-vala, n. watering trench (round evitable ; n. inevitableness; easing nature:
Arya verse; amelre; -ka,?w.man of worth; N. the root of a tree). -ta, /. necessity, inevitableness.
of a king; -g"u»a, m. noble quality; -grihya,
a. siding with the noble; -feetas, a. noble- alas-va,n. idleness,sloth,indolence: "^I^t^a-vas, 3 sg. aor. of \Zvas, shine.
minded ; -^ana, m. Aryans, honourable people;
-grush^a, pp. approved by the honourable; -ta,
-nibandbana, a. due to indolence; -vaiana,
n. argument of sloth.
^iiq^lfd a-vas-ati,/. night's lodging; quar-
ters ; -atba, to. id.; abode; -atb-ya, to.
f , -tva,n. honourableness; -dasi,/. N.; -dub-
^ R T T T allna, n. post or rope for tying an sacred domestic fire.
i t r i , f . daughter of a noble (honorific mode of
addressing a female friend!); -desa, m. dis- elephant; i-ka, a. serving for a post or rope. a~vaha, a. bringing, effecting
trict inhabited by Aryans; -desya, a. coming a-l&p-iJ, m.talk, conversation ; song
from an Aryan district; -pu.tr a, m. son of an S-vap-a, TO. strewing, sowing; in-
(of birds): -vat, a. addressing. sertion; mingling; hand-guard; diplomacy;
Ar3'an, honorific designation of (i) son of
person addressed; (2)husband; (3)sovereign; W f ^ T ali, §-li,/. x. female friend; *-aka, n. kind of hand ornament.
-praya, a. inhabited chiefly by Aryans; -bud- 2. streak, line, row; swarm. W T T T a-vara, m. guard, protection.
dhi, a. noble-minded; -bhafo, m. W. of two
W f W ^ a-ling-, I. P. A. or X . P . embrace, a-varidhi, ad. up to the sea.
astronomers: i-ya, n. work composed by Arya-
bha^a. prati, return an embrace, sam, embrace.
a-vas-a, m. abode; -in, a. dwelling
W f ^ f T a-ling-ana, n. embrace.
arya-misra, a. venerable, &c. &c.
a-lidAa, pp. \/lih; n. kind of atti- "Wl 8-vahana,n. invitation. [(-°)-
(as an honorific designation).
tude in drawing a bow: -visesha-sobhin, a. 4Hfc( avi, S v t / . pain : pi. throes
Sryanma, n.N.ofa lunar mansion.
specially conspicuous owing to this attitude. a.,f. i).
T^T arya-r%a, m.N.ofa kings -rupa,
a. having the air of respectability; -lingln,
^ aiu, -SU^aifi, /. pitcher; n. (ii) raft. W f ® R i Svi-ka, a. coming from a sheep,
a. bearing the marks of respectability; -var- •^(TSJtpT a-luixfcana, n. tearing in pieces. woollen; n. sheep-skin; woollen cloth: -Bau-
man, m. N. of a king; -v4&, a. speaking an trika, a. consisting of woollen threads.
Aryan tongue; -vidagdba-mi^ra, a. honour- a-lekhana, n. scratching, scraping.
-=S||fq£ a-vid, / . fore-knowledge.
able, learned, &c. &c. (honorific designation);
a-lekhya, n. painting; picture ;
-vritta, n. honourable behaviour; a. behav- • W f W ^ C . a-vid-vas, pf. pt. knowing.
-purusba, m. human phantom; -sesha, «.
ing honourably ;-veslia, a. respectably dressed;
remaining in a picture only = deceased; -sam- avir-bhava, TO., -bhflti, / .
-vrata, a. behaving like an Aryan; -sila, a.
of honourable character; -samaya, m. ordi- arpita, pp. painted. [ment.
manifestation. [filled with
nance of honourable men; -suta, m. = arya- aiepa, m., °«f -na, n. smearing; oint-
putra (husband); -stri,/. woman of the upper -^ifq*!! avila, a. turbid, d i m ; tainted by,
castes. [a woman of the upper castes. ^flfp^efl a-loka, m. seeing, looking, sight; avila-ya, den. P . make turbid;
light, lustre; glimmer, trace of (g.); praise, sully.
- 4 ( 1 4 1 a r y a agama, m. intercourse with panegyric; -na, a. beholding, looking at; n.
-giti ,f. speciesofAryd metre. look; sight: -tk,f. looking at, contemplation; avish-kararaa, n., -kara,
- n i y a , / p . that may be gazed at: - t a , / . abst. at. ; TO. manifestation, display.
ary^waka, N. of a country. -patha, m.horizon; -margfa, m. id.
"^ITf^S a-vishia, pp. (Vvis) entered; af-
W ^ T f y f W aryaadhisbMita, pp. con- fon^alok-in, a. looking at, contempla-
trolled by men of the higher castes. fected by, filled with (-°).
aryaavarta, m.land of the Aryans arf.visible, manifest: with \/as
(between Himalaya and Vindhya): pi. its in- ^ I T W W f a-loA!-ana, n., &,f. seeing; con- and Vbhli, become manifest, appear; with
habitants. sideration ; -aniya, - y a , f p . to be considered. Vkri and cs. of y'bhti, make manifest, show.
arsha, a. (i) referring to or derived a-lol-a, a. gently waving, slightly W N v i , v. "^ifq Svi and SvyS;
from theih'shis, antique, archaic; added to a rolling; - i k a , / . lullaby. [den, dye red. -sutra, n. woollen thread,
i?ishi's name (suffix); rn. marriage ordained a-lohita, a. reddish ; 1-kri, red-
byi?ishis;TO.hymns of the .Bishis; holy line- cjc^ a-vr/t, / . turning towards or in; di-
age ; -Sishi authorship of a hymn. q av^, prn. stem ofistpers. dual. rection ; series of rites; ceremony ; manner.
W^fl a-vnta. W W a-sanna. 43
-mantra, m. id., -^abhidhana-vat, a. con- rainy month; -kratu,TO.N. of a rite in the
W f ? C 8-vrita, pp. surrounded; covered ;
taining a benedictory expression. prdtaranuvdka ; -satra, n. N.of a modifica-
overspread; TO. a certain mixed caste. tion of the prdtaranuvdka.
W f r T W it-vritta-tva, n.thebeing covered; W ^ f t f ^ asi-vish£, m. poisonous snake;
^upama, a. snake-like = poisoned (arrow). asvina, n. day's journey for a horse.
the being closed (of a door).
W ^ J as-ti, a - swift: n. quickly, at once; to. W T R > &sh£tc?Aa, TO. IV. of a month (June-
&-vritti,f. turning in; return; re-
horse ; -karin, a.operating quickly; -klanta, July) ; staff of Pala8a-wood (borne in certain
petition ; solstice; re-birth; course, direction. pp. quickly faded; -g*a, a. moving swiftly; rites) ; a. relating to Ashar/Aa ; TO. a certain
fi-vega, m. excitement, flurry. m. arrow ; -gamana, n. rapid course; -tva, holiday; -ka,TO.N.; -pnra, n. N.of a mythi-
n. quickness; -mat, ad. quickly. cal mountain; -bbuti, m. N. of a cheat.
S-ved-aka, a. informing, stating
(-°); -ana, n. announcement; legal notice; W ^ T T asuya', (in.) ad. quickly, rapidly. ashadAi, / . day of full moon in
-aniya, fp. to be reported or announced; Ssu-vimardita, pp. quickly AshatZAa. [book of Panini.
-ita, cs. pp. made known, told; -in, a. an- crushed. [to. fire. ashfamika, a. taught in the eighth
nouncing :,-c); -ya, fp. — avedaniya.
W ^ ^ ^ f W a - s u s u k s h £ m , o . gleaming forth; as, ij. of joy or displeasure.
W%tJ3-ves-a, m.entrance; fit (of rage, <fcc.);
wrath: -na, n. possession (by demons); work- W ^ * asu-sushka, a. quickly drying up: W^.2. as, V. 3 sg. impf. of Vas, be.
shop; -vat,a.possessedby(-°); -ika,m.guest. -tva, n. abst. x. ; -sravas,TO.N. of a mythical
W ^ . 3 - as, n. (?) mouth, face : in. openly.
horse ; -samdheya, fp. easily to be joined;
8-veshfa, m. strangulation, easily to be reconciled. ^ ( T O 4. A S , I I . A. 4's-te ( E . + I. A. asa,II.
oy avya, a.(ivi) relating to sheep; woollen. P. 4s-ti), sit, sit down (in or on, Ic.); re-
" W l f l ^ r asau/ca, n. ritual impurity.
mainsitting; dwell,abide; take up one's abode,
^Wm ft-vyakta, pp. perfectly clear. as&arya, a. strange, wonderful; n. encamp; rest,remain, lie; be firm; be left in the
prodigy, marvel; astonishment; -bhuta, pp. lurch ; engage in (ac.); apply oneself to (Ic.);
W ^ T T S - v y a t M , / . shght emotion: -mkri,
marvellous; -maya, a. wonderful. behave, be (in a state) w. ad.; continue doing
W ^ I as-a, m. food, [be somewhat touched. or being (w. pt., gd., a., k. ad.); tend to (d.);
W^STW a-srama, m. n. hermitage ; m. stage have (g.): astam, impv. away w., enough of, to
WlJ^f S-saiwsa, a. expecting ( - 0 ) ; -na, n. in a Brahman's life; -pada, n.id.; -mandala, say nothing of. adhi, sit or lie down on (ac.);
wishing; f . wish; expectation, hope; pre- n. group of hermitages; -vasin, -sad, to. her- take up one's abode in, occupy, inhabit; tread
sentiment ; -parikalpita, pp. only expected. mit ; -sthana, n. hermitage. on, enter upon; rest on: pp. adhyasita, rest-
W T ^ asramajilaya, m. hermit. ing upon; on which anything (in.) rests; have
^ I I ^ R i g a-sams-i-tn.in. proclaimer (w. ac.);
carnal knowledge of(ac.). sam-adhi,occupy,
-in, a. announcing, promising Ssram-in, a. belonging to one of inhabit (ac.). ann, sit beside or round (ac.);
S-sank-aniya,^. to be feared, the religious stages. sit down after (ac.). nd, be indifferent, upa,
-expected,-assumed; -k,f. anxiety; dread of sit beside, sit down - (ac.), beset (of subordi-
W ^ T T a-sray-a, m. leaning on, attach- nates or supplicants); besiege; sit; occupy,
(ab.); distrust; -in, a. dreading; supposing;
ment to; connexion with, devotion to, recourse dwell in; take part in (ac.); betake oneself to,
considering; causing anxiety or fear; doubtful,
to; dependence on, relation to; support; re- attain to (ac.); practise, be addicted to; suf-
fuge, shelter, protection; seat, abode; recep- fer, undergo; continue doing or being (pt. or
•illil^Jft-sayd, m.resting-place; seat, place; tacle ; foundation; (logical) subject; a. gd.); expect; honour; celebrate,perform; en-
heart, mind; thought, intention; way of think- depending on; relating to; -na, a. (i) taking deavour to (pt.); spend (time), p a r i n p a , sit
ing ; aagni, m. fire of digestion. refuge in; relating to (-°); n. recourse to; round, surround; beset (hostile); sit upon (ac.);
-niya, f p. to be had recourse to or followed. take part in (ac.); honour, adore; quietly
0 i,Ha-sanram,arf.includingthebody. look on at. sam-upa, sit; practise; honour,
W ^ P P J c T asraya-bhfita, pp. being the sup-
W^IW. S-sas, / . wish, expectation, hope. pari, assemble round (ac.). sam, sit to-
port or foundation of (g.or-°); being a refuge.
gether; assemble round (ac.); abide in (Ic.);
1. /. id. (w. g., Ic., or : in. in ^TT^TEmj asraya asa, TO. (house-consumer), deliberate ; practise (ac.); behave like (iva);
the expectation or hope of; -^anana, a. in- fire; ^asiddha, pp. logically inadmissible attend to, acknowledge (ac.); be a match for
spiring hope; -pig&fc-ik&, -i, f . demon of owing to the subject. (ac.). prati-sam, resist, be a match for (ac.).
( = cruel and delusive) hope; -bandha, TO.
bond of hope; cobweb; -vat, a. hopeful; asray-in, a. attaching to, seated W W i- as-a, TO. [1/2. as] ashes, dust.
hoping for (d„ Ic.) ; -vibhinna, pp. cut off on, dwelling in, relating to (-°).
W W 2. §s-a, TO. seat; nearness.
from hope, disappointed. W H T a-srava, a. obedient, amenable.
WWW7TW.a-sarKsa.ram, ad. from the beg. of
2. &s&,f.space; region, quarter; -Zra-
krav&la, n. encircling horizon; -mukha, n.
wfsra the world; to the end of the world, for ever.
a-srita, (pp.)m. dependent, retainer,
point of the compass; -v&sas, n. the quarters servant; -tva, n. dependence. [ing. W W W a-sakta, pp. (</sang) attached; in-
as a garment: with vas, = go about naked; Wf|TSWT^ja-slish/a-sanu,a.peak-embrac- tent on; -bhava, a. in love with (Ic.).
-vi^raya, TO. conquest of the world. S-slesha,TO.close contact; embrace; W W f ^ a - s a k t i , / . fastening on, persecution;
Wifrcj ft'^ asa, a. filling the quarters. - a , f . sg. & pi. N. of a lunar mansion. attachment or addiction to (Ic. or [(-°).

-sasti,/. prayer. [blessing. W 1 * ? asva, a. relating to or coming from W W f a-sang-£, TO. id.; -in, a. attached to
the horse.
WITT^f &-s&s-ya,fp. to be wished; w. wish, WW^W a-s^nfi'-ana, n. attaching ; adhe-
W^T? 2 ? asvattha, a. (i) derived fr. the sacred sion ; -ita, pp. with whom an agreement has
W f i p T as-ita, cs. pp. of V2. as; n. food. fig-tree, made of its wood. [horse-sacrifice. previously been made.
W f t p ( . a s - i n , a. eating, enjoying (- 0 ). W ^ J W f V R ) asva-medhika, a. relating to the w w t r r a-satti,/. connexion.
wfin; W^^TJW asva-yuf/a, m. the month Asvina ; W W ^ a-s&de, d. inf.to sit down upon (ac.).
a-sfr,/. milk added to Soma. n. a Pakaya^/7a occurring on the day of full
moon in the month Asvina.
WWT. asan, n. mouth, jaws.
<^^a-siraA-padam,ac?.from head W W W eis-ana (or a), n. sitting, sitting down;
W W R W asvalayana,TO.N. of a teacher.
W f W &?-ish*Aa, spv. oftLsu. [to foot. sitting posture; halting, encamping; abiding;
W^JTW a-svas-a, to. breathing again, re- seat; position, office (of a king); -bandha, m.
W f t [ W . a-sfs,/. wish, prayer, benediction. covery, recreation; consolation; confidence in sitting down; -vat, a. having a seat, sitting;
iisi A-kriya, a. expressing the ac- (g., Ic.); -ana, n. animating; consoling: k,f. -vidhi, TO. offer of a seat; -stha, a. sitting.
tion of asking (gr.). recreation, consolation; -aniya, fp. to be W W W t e i
W S f a W ^ s - i y a s , cpv. of a«u: n. ad.
cheered or consoled; -in, a. breathing again ;
- y a , f p . to be comforted about. asani-kri, turn into a seat.
asir-vafcana, n. benediction:
^ikshepa, m.a rhetorical figure; -va/.aka, a. asvina, a.(i) like horsemen ; (a) be- W W f ^ R T asandika, / . small chair.
expressing a wish; -v&da, m. benediction: longing or sacred to the Asvins ; to. N. of a W W W a-sanna, pp. near ; n. -ness ; -kala,
TO. time just past (gr.); -fcara, a. moving near
G 2
U a-sapkda-kriya-karma. T1-

(-°); -tara, cpv. nearer: -t&,/. greater near- ^ r e n ; a-stara, m. straw, couch; carpet. take food; -d&na,n.givingo'f food; - n i r gama-
ness ; -prasava, a.f. on the point of parturi- sthana, n. anus; -niAsarana-marga, m. id.;
tion,about tolay (eggs)) -vartin, a. being near. W U M U a-stdrawa, n. id. - p a r i t y a g a , m. rejection of food; - b h u m i , / .
^ l ^ f M U ^ f s h ^ T ^ a-sapiwrfa-kriya-kar- •^nf^fefi fisti-ka, a. believing, pious.
ma, ad. before preparing the funeral feast ^ T f T T ^ ahara-ya, den. P. feed (int.).
Sstik-ya, n. belief in God, piety.
partaken of by the Sapindas. ^ T T f ^ T f a h a r a - v i r a h a , m.want of food;
^ I ^ d l ' ^ i tstika, m. N. of an ancient sage. - v H t t i , / . subsistence; ^ a r t b i n , a. seeking
^SireTTT a-sapta-ma, a. up t o t h e seventh.
S-sam&pti, ad. u p t o t h e end, from ^^irit 8s-te, 3 sg. pr. of V^s, sit.
S-harya, fp. to be f e t c h e d ; to be
beginning to end. S-sth&,/. desire for, interest in, trou-
ble about, regard for (Ic. or : in. with all removed; external.
a-samudra, ad. u p to the sea
one's might, strenuously. W f W ahi, sx. Shi in daksbi«-ahi &c. (gr.).
a-sava, m. distilled spirit, spirituous
f l H S - s t M n a , n. place; assembly; W f t ^ R Sthinrfaka, ° f t ! ^ e h -(ra)Jika, m.
liquor, rum.
-mam^/apa, in. n. audience hall. N. of a mixed caste (son of a Nishdda and a
<Hflld s asat,(«6.o/2.asa) ad. near at hand. Vaidehi): in Pr. = traveller.
-4|| I <T| asthan-i, f . place of assembly,
a-sad-ana, n. setting d o w n ; ob- audience chamber; -xya, m. chamberlain. Wf%<T a-bita, pp. V d h a : -klama, a. ex-
tainment of (-°); -ita, cs. pp. A/sad: -vi- hausted; ^agni, m. maintainer of sacred fire.
graha, a. used to war; -ya, gd. */sad. -4||ftgjrl fi-sthita,pp.(Vstha) stayed,dwelt.
WWFFi a-sayam, ad. till evening. - 4 ( 1 S - s p a d a , n. position, seat, abode, ^ T f f g f ^ ahituwdika,?». snake-charmer.
site; place for, object of (g.) : -ta,/., -tva, n. "4(1 f f ahirbudhna, -dhnya, m. N. of
"^JTOTT a-sfira, m. downpour, heavy shower; abst. A".; -i-bhtL, become an object of (g.).
a lunar mansion.
a king separated by intervening state (a natural
^ I T W r ^ T a-sphalana, n. striking, driving;
ally); -prasamita,j?p. quenched with showers. fd^-huti,/.oblation,offering; -bh&ga,
collision. a. whose share is an oblation.
ts-ikfi, / . turn to sit.
S-sphofa,TO.,°«T -na, n. shaking,
" W R n r as-ita, pp. sitting. swinging. [speech. cftlT Shuti-kri, ofFer as an oblation ;
-bbu, become an oblation.
W f W T T asidhara, a. connected with the W ^ T as-ya, n. mouth, jaws; face; organ of ^ f T T T W r f ^ l Sbflta - prapalftyin, m.
edge of a sword. [sirous of attacking (ac.).
ia-sravd, m. flow, flux; water in t h e evader of a judicial summons.
^ i R j t t l ^ f a ^ 3-sisSd-ayi-shu, des. a. de- mouth; infirmity: pl. objects of sense. 8-hfttavya, fp. to be summoned.
^ t H - 1 as-ina, pr.pt. sitting : -pra- asva, 2 sg. impv. of \/&9, sit.
^IT^rrrWTl^ni&hfitaadhyayin, a. waiting
£alayita, n. nodding with sleep while sitting. with one's studies till summoned.
W ^ T ^ a-svad-a, m. taste, e n j o y m e n t ;
^STPtffarprT?^ a-simSntam, ad. up to the flavour; -aba, a. tasting, enjoying ; -ana, n. -sJil^fH a - h f t t i , / . invocation.
boundary. = asvada; -a-vat, a. tasting well, dainty;
"^IT^pC &surd, a. (1) spiritual, divine; be- -ya, fp. to be tasted; palatable : -toya, a. q Sheya, a. relating to a snake (ahi).
longing to the demons or Asuras, demon-like; having palatable water. aho, pel. o r ; - svid, or perchance.
m. Asura; \ , f . female Asura. " ^ T l aha, 3 sg. pf. of Vah. Shnika, a. occurring by day, daily;
^Itg.gR 8-srikva, ad. u p to the corners of -JJil^rf a-hata, pp. of \ / h a n . n. daily rite; daily task; section, chapter.
the mouth [the world.
" ^ I ^ f d a - h a t i , / . blow, knock, stroke. ^ r T ^ T ^ fi-bMd-^, m. recreation, j o y : -ka,
S-sn'shtfi, ad. from the creation of -kara, -karin, a. gladdening, delighting; -na,
a-h^nana, n. striking, [wanton.
a-seka, m. watering, irrigation. n. delighting ; -niya, fp. fit for refreshing.
S-han-as, a. swelling, exuberant; -in, a. refreshing, delight-
a-seftana, n. pouring on, infusion;
" ^ T ^ T ^-har-a, a. (~°) b r i n g i n g ; m. offer- S-hvaya, m. w a g e r ; name. [ing.
S-seddhn, m. arrester. [bowl. ing (a sacrifice): -ana, n. fetching; offering
S-sedha, m. arrest, imprisonment. (sacrifice): -i-kri, present, bestow; -tri, m. "^TST S - h v f t , / . appellation, name.
bringer; taker; causer (ac.); performer. W S T ^ &-hvS.tri, m. invoker.
S-sev-ana, n. frequenting; addic-
a-bav-d, m. challenge, contest, fight,
tion ; -a , / . continuous application, addiction; S-hvana,n. callingupon,invocation;
-in, a. frequenting ; addicted to (- 0 ); -ya,fp. battle; -(hava)-na, n. oblation ; -niya, a.
meant for the oblation; to. (sc. agni) the eastern conjuring (a spirit); summons; challenge.
to be visited.
sacrificial fire; -bhumi, / . battle-field. ahvfina-ya, den. P. summons.
a-skand-a,TO.leaping u p ; attack;
-ana, n. attack; -in, a. springing upon (-°); S-hasa, m. low laughter. S-bvaya-ka, m. messenger, sum-
bestowing. moner. [summoned.
" W ^ T T a-hSra, a. (x) fetching; m. fetching,
•^U^sn askra, a. holding together, united. taking; food, sustenance (- 0 , a.f. a): - m k n , S-hvSyay-itavya, fp. to be

V .
^ i, prn. stem of the yd prs. #p.past. sam-ati,pass,elapse; traverse;over- away, leave; disappear: pp. apeta, escaped,
come. adhi, perceive; study, iearn (generally retreated, disappeared; having swerved from,
n . P . 6-ti(-°A.); + 1 . P . A . a y a ; IV. P. A.),recite: pp. adhita, learnt; learned (maw); opposed to, devoid of (ab. or viapa,
iya, go, come (punar, return); go to, attain, cs. P. adbyapaya, teach (2 ac.). pra adhi, part; depart, cease: pp. parted; vanished;
undergo (ac.); accrue to (ac.); ask for (ac., pp. advanced inVedic study, sam-adhi^study diverging from (-°); °-=-less. api, enter,
ab.); come from (ab.); go away, pass; under- thoroughly, anu, follow; visit; obey; equal be dissolved in (ac.); die. abhi, approach;
take ^continue i y a t e ; pp.ita; (ac.): pp. anvita, following (ac.); accom- tread (apath); enter; reach; attain; under-
intv. iyate, i pl. imahe, pt. iyana, hasten; panied by, united, endowed, provided or filled go ; accrue to (ac.). sam-abhi, approach ;
entreat (2 ac.). oJckha,, approach (ac.). ati, with (in. or -°); increased by, plus (-°); imi- follow; accrue, ava, go down to (ac.); regard;
pass; traverse; elapse; allowtopass (time); enter; tated; logically connected, sam-anu, pp. mean; understand, perceive; learn, know,
outstrip; exceed; conquer; avoid; part from provided orfilledw., possessed of (in.,-°). an- that (ac. of obj. with pred. ac. or nm. w. iti).
(ab.): pp.atita,past; disappeared; dead; hav- tar, get between; exclude from (ab.; sts. g.); abhiava, descend into (ac.). pratiava,
ing crossed; - avoided, - neglected, abhi j i t i , remove : pp. excluded; separated; inter- transgress, sam-ava, come down together,
elapse; cross; allow to pass: pp. dead, v i a t i , vening; distant; being in (a state: subside; unite in (ac.); regard as (iva):
elapse; swerve from (afe.); pass by; traverse: hidden or obstructed by (in. or apa, go pp. sam-aveta, united, all; inherent. ap-
^fiTT i-kara. indra. 45
proach,come; -again; attain,fallinto(as£a£e); ^ j i J I N G , I. i n g a , stir, move (int.); cs.put ittham-vidha, a. of such a k i n d ;
accrue to (ac.) : pr. pt. &-yat, coming, future, ^ in motion, shake, nd, wave, wield. -gfata, pp. so conditioned: Ic. such being the
anu follow, a b h i j t , come to, approach; be- case.
takeoneself to: w. bhuyas, come back again, f ^ T T i n g - a n t , / . designation of (g.); -ita,
sam-abhift, approach, ud-4, go up; come (pp.) n. gesture, sign, hint, look; intention. S ^ T T ^ i t - t M m , ad. so, thus. [a nature.
forth; rise^e«p. stars), u p a a , approach; be- inguda,TO.,i,/.ftznc? of tree; n.itsnut. ittham-bhQta, pp. being so, of such
take oneself to; attain, p a r y t , wander about,
pratij^, return to (ac.). sam-&, come to- ikhhfi, f . wish, desire: or in. ac- ^ T it-tha, ad. t h u s ; (often only emphatic
gether; assemble; join; meet with (in. ± cording to wish or inclination; at will; -bhar- = ) just, quite, even, really; kim t e what
samam); betake oneself to, enter (ac.); unite a«a, m. N.; -sakti-mat, a. having the faculty ails thee ?
with in marriage (in.): pp. sameta, assem- of wishing; -sadrisa, a. conforming to one's
bled ; united; connected, provided or united ityaka, m. N. [mentioned meaning.
wishes; -sampad,/. fulfilment of wishes.
with (in. or ud, go up; rise (sun, moon); itijirtha, -ka, a.having the above-
arise; increase; proceed from (ab.); appear; ikkh-xi, a. wishing, desirous of (ac.,
arise to fight against (ac.): pp. ndlta, risen, inf., or ^ ^ T ^ i t i a r t h a m , ad. for this purpose.
appeared or increased, a n u u d , come out to
meet (ac.). a p a u d , turn aside; depart or i<7-ya,/p. to be honoured; m. teacher. V8! itiSdi, a. beginning thus = and so
withdraw from (ab.). a b h i j j d , rise, appear; | if/-ya, f . sacrifice. on; n. this and the like, and so on, See.
rise over (ac.); rise to fight against (ac.): pp.
risen; - over (while still asleep, by the sun). Ifa, m. sedge, r u s h , r e e d ; mat. S ^ f T S T T e f i itij?tan-nama-ka, a. having the
prajid, rise; appear, p r a t i u d , rise and go names just mentioned.
id,f. comfort; oblation, sacrificialprayer.
to meet (ac.). l a m - n d , rise: pp. risen; lofty; itijivam-adi, «. = ityadi.
united;endowedw.(in.or-°). upa,approach; i di,, m.N.of a king; a form of Agni.
betake oneself to (w. apah, bathe); meet; be ^ ^ ity-ai, V. d. inf. of Vi-
Wa,tctoT ila,/. libation; prayer;
apprenticed to (ac.); turn from (ab.) to (ac.);
goddess of devotion; earth; -vat, a. refresh- ^ ^ • V . i - t v a n , a. going [less wife.
approach carnally; obtain, attain, participate
in; undergo, enter upon, have recourse to (a ing, quickening.
i-tvardl, a. going, m o v i n g ; i , f . faith-
state; e.g. darsanam, show oneself to, g.); it, technical indicatory letter or syllable
undertake, devote oneself to; solicit; appear; attached to words or roots (gr.). ^ ^ l-d, pel. just, quite, even, only (often
befall: pp. upeta, arrived; having retired to to be rendered by stress).
(-°); hvg. entered on (studies under a teacher); S7TX i-tara (n. -d; V. also -m), other; other
hvg. attained or betaken oneself to; suppliant; than, different from (ab., —°); contrary, op- id^m-rGpa, a. having this form.
endowed w., possessed of a b h i u p a , ap- posite ; common, ordinary: i t a r a - i t a r a , the
1 idan-tana, a. present, now living.
proach ; attain, betake oneself to ; approach one - the other; -gank, m. ordinary person ;
carnally; join (ac.); accrue to (ac.); enter on (a)-tas, ad. elsewhere ; otherwise than (ab.); ^ ^ i-d-am, n. (nm. ac. sg.: nm. m. ayam,
(a sta te); choose; assent: pp.come to (gn'ham - -tra, ad. = Ic. of itara; elsewhere; otherwise; f . iyam) this; the following (sts. refers to
= being in); admitted, assented to, promised, (a)-tliS,, ad. else; otherwise. what immediately precedes); all this = the
sam-aupa, pp. furnished with (-°). sam- ^rl itara-ya, den. P . alienate; bring over. whole world (often with sarvam, vxsvam,
upa, come together, assemble; meet (hostile); sakalam) ; w. prns.= here ; just; ad. here ;
betake oneself to; attain; have sexual inter- ^(TXTTX itarajtara, N. (only oblique cases hither; now; herewith; just; thus.
course w.; solicit; attain ; come upon, befall: of sg.) one another: the one & the other;
pp. endowed or furnished with (in.), n i , go or ad. mutually : - u p a k n t i - m a t , a. mutually ^ ^ • i l f ^ " idam-fidi, a. beginning with this.
get into, nis, go out, come forth, para, go or helpful.
run away; go to (ac.); pass away, depart, ^ T i-d^, \£<^T*n*^i-d8Lnim, ad. now, this
die; obtain: pt.pf. p a r e y i v a s . pareta, de- Jcf^i-tfo, ad. (=ab. of idam) from this; moment, just: w. ahnas or ahnam, to-day,
ceased. pari, go round, walk round, sur- from here, from this world; from this point; now-a-days. [living.
round: pp. parita, surrounded, filled, seized, here, - below; hence, therefore: i t a urdh-
vam, hereafter, below (in a book); ita.? idamn-tana, a. present, now
by (in. or vi-pari, turn round; fail: pp.
reversed, contrary; acting contrarily; diver- &aita.? Aa, from here and there, hither and
f iddha-didhiti, m. fire.
gent; perverse, adverse. s a w - p a r i , em- thither; i t a s - i t a s , here-there; i t a s tatas,
brace. pala, palayate (P. rare), flee, pra- here and there, hither and thither; hence- IDH, I N D H , I I . A . inddhe,
pal&, flee away, vi-pala, flee asunder, pra, forth (often with aparam, param, or pra-
go away; proceed, start, depart; die; come for- bhriti). kindle; ps. idhyate, be kindled, flame: pp.
ward, advance; go to; gd. pr6tya, after death, iddha, kindled, aflame (also fig.), sam, id.
^rTT«tT itaanta, a. having gone across.
in the next world: pp. preta, deceased, ^ J T idh-md, m. f u e l ; -lciti,f. wood-pile.
anu-pra, follow, apa-pra,depart from (ab.). 1 . 1 - t i , ad. so, thus (quoting words or
abbl-pra, approach ; think of, mean: pp. in- thoughts, generally at the end, sts. at beg. or I . in, the suffix in (gr.).
tended, meant; desired; beloved, saw-pra, near the end, serving the purpose of inverted
flow together, prati, go to; return ; go to commas, and supplying the place of oratio ^ 2 . I N ^ . ^ c T I N V .
meet, go against; accept; admit; be con- obliqua; it is also used to conclude an ^ T i-n^, a. strong, m i g h t y ; m. sun.
vinced (that, 2 ac.); believe, trust (g.); ps. enumeration, with or without &a): i t i tatha
pratiya-te, be recognised, become apparent, k a r o t i , so saying, he acts accordingly (stage ^«1^vi-nak-sh, des. P . (of */n&s) inaksha,
result: pr.pt.-mama., knownas(nm.) ;implicit: direction); i t i kritva, so saying, therefore, strive to obtain, ud, id.
pp. pratita, firmly resolved; trusting in (-°); considering that - ; k i m i t i —kim, why? (sts.
satisfied, cheerful; recognised, known; cs. = i t i kim). i t i i t i , i t i i v a , i t i u t a , i t i e - indira, f . epithet of Lakshmi.
praty-&yayati, prove; convince, v i , tra- vam, i t i sma, i t i ha, i t i ha sma — iti (sts. indivara, m.n. blue lotus; m. bee ;
verse ; extend ; disperse, separate ; diverge; iti is followed pleonastically by a dem.prn.).
be lost, perish: pp. v i t a , vanished: = -dala, n. petal of the blue lotus; -prabha, /.
free from - , -less, abhi-vi, resort to (ac.) 2. 1-ti or i-tl, f . going. N.; ^aksha, ra. N. of a man.
from all sides, sam, come together, meet (at, S^oft^eiJ iti-kartavya, n. (thus it must be ^ • ^ i n d - u , m. drop, juice, esp. of Soma; (drop
ac.),unite (with,i«.); penetrate; collide with; done), proper measure: -ta, f abst. n. : in the shy), moon; -kalasa, m. mans N.;
enter upon, begin; visit: pp. samita, as- -muf/Aa, pp. completely at a loss what to - k a l k , f . crescent: - avatamsa, m. ep. of Siva;
sembled; united; combined with (in. or -kanta, m. moon-stone; - k e s a r i n , m.N.of a
do; -karya, n. (-ta, /. abst. n.), -kritya, n.
(-tfi., f . abst. N.) proper measure; incum- Icing ; -dala, n. crescent; -prabha, m. N.;
bency ; -krama, m.; in. in such a manner; -bimba, n. orb of the moon; -mani, m.
^ i T T i-kara, m. the letter 1.
-tha, a. (i) such and such ; -vat, ad. just so, moon-stone; -mati,/*. N. of various women;
ikshii, m. sugar-cane; its stalk ; -kaw- in this very way; -vritta, n. incident, event. -mukha, a. (i) moon-faced; -yasas, f . N.
da, n. sugar-cane stalk; -damcZa, m. n. id.; of a princess; -ra^ra,TO.mans N.; -lekha,
-mati,/. N. of a river; -rasa, m. juice of iti-haasa, m. ( so-it-was'), tra- f.N.ofa queen; -vadana, a. moon-faced;
sugar-cane; -vati, f . N. of a river. dition, legend, story; epic poem. -sekhara, m. ep. of Siva,.
V * ^ '3 1 ikshvakd, m. N. of an ancient hing ito-gata, pp. turned hither; relat- indra, m. Indra, chief of the Vedic
and his descendants: pi. N. of a people: ing to this; -mukha, a. directed hither: -m, gods; highest, chief, prince of; -kar-
-kula-^a, a. born in the family of Ikshvaku. ad. hither. muka, n. Indra's bow, rainbow; - g l r i , m.
46 indra-ta. I HI ihamutra-phala-bhoga-viraga.
y. of a mountain; -guru, rn. Indra's teacher l'bh-ya, a. domestic; rich, f T f 1. ish-a, a. seeking (-°).
(Kasyapa); -gopa (or a), a. having Indra as a
guardian ; m. cochineal; -£apa, m. n. rain- im^, prn. st. this. 2. ish-a, a. j u i c y ; fat.
bow ; -gklk, n. Indra's net; a mythical weapon ^T^TT im^-thS, ad. in this manner. S^PJJ^fishaMaya, A., f ^ ^ j l ishawya, P . den.
of Argunas; magic: -pnrusha, m. human urge on, stimulate.
phantom; -</alika, m. magician; -#alin, m. ^ T ^ i - y a k - s h , des. P . implore ; l o n g for.
id.; -git, m. Indra's vanquisher, N. of Ed- ishd-ya, den. P . A . be fresh or a c t i v e ;
^ T ^ iyak-shu, des. a. longing.
vana's son or father; -^uta, pp. urged by refresh; quicken: inf. ishay&dfeyai.
Indra. fe ^•^iyafe-^iram, ad. s o l o n g ; hitherto. ^ S J isha-yu, a. fresh, strong,
^•j^rj | indra-tS,/. Indra's power or dignity; 1-yat, a. so great, so m u c h ; so little: in. i s h - l , / . recreation, comfort.
-tva, n. id.; sovereignty; -datta, m. N. of a in so far; therefore.
Brdhman; -devi,/. N .ofa queen: -bbavana, i s h l d h , / . oblation, offering.
n. N. of a vihdra built by her; -dhanus, n. iyat-ta-k£, a. (ika) so little; -ta, f .
quantity, number, measure; essence. S^f^X ish-ird, a. refreshing; active, strong,
Indra's bow, rainbow; -nila, m. sapphire or
emerald ; -purogama, a. preceded by Indra; V ^ + h i-y-am, f . (nm. sg.) this : y a i y a m , S T f f a T i s h i M , / . reed, rush. [swift.
-mada, m. certain disease of leeches; -mand- who here; s a i y a m , iyaira sa, she here.
i r a , m. Indra's abode, heaven; -maha-kam- ^ ^ Ish-u, m. f . arrow.
uka, m. dog. i-y-ar-ti, 3 sg.pr. of *Jri. ishu-dhf, m. quiver.
indra-ya, den. A . long for Indra. T ^ i-y-esh-a, 3 sg. pf. of *J2. ish. ishu-dhya, / . supplication ; -dhyu,
^•gT^J indra-yu, a. longing for Indra. ^ V 3 ^ i-rap-y£, intv. P . A . order; guide, a. supplicating.

V R . ^ ® " indra-lok^, m. I n d i a ' s world ; ira^r-yu, a. preparing; TO. preparer of Ishu-mat, a. furnished with arrows;
- v a m s a , f . a metre; -va^ra, n. Indra's thun- -matra, n. length of an arrow : (&)-m, ad. at
the sacrifice.
arrow-shot distance; -varsha, m. shower of
derbolt : k,f. a metre. i-radh,iVr. intv.(\^radh)A. seekto gain. arrows.
Chandra-vat, a. accompaniedby Indra; iram-mad^, a. delighting in drink; ishtiya, den. P. strive.
-vatama, spv. dearest to Indra; -v&ruwa, u.
TO. ep. of A g n i ; sheet-lightning.
bitter-gourd; -vrata, n. Indra's office or rule. ^ ^ f T fsh-knta, pp. prepared, equipped;
iras-ya, den. P . grudge ; envy (d.). -Tariti,f. preparation; cure.
VR. i^dra-satrn, m. Indra's foe, Pra-
hlada; -suta, m.pat. 0/Ar^una; -sena, m. | iras-ya, / . ill-will; envy. [fort. ^SJ 1. \sh-tk,pp. sought, wished for; desir-
N. of various men; - s e n & , f . Indra's missile; able, agreeable; dear; favourable; approved,
S ^ l 11a,/. ( = i d a ) potion; recreation, com-
N.; -stuti,/. praise of Indra; -stotra, n. id. accounted (-tama, spv. considered the best);
f ^ T f ^ T i n d r a a g n f , m. du. Indra and Agni. fra-vat, a. refreshing, quickening ; n. wish, desire. [sacrifice.
-i,f. N. of a river; N. 2. ish-/^, pp. (\/yag) sacrificed; m . n .
l<lTl indrgwi, f . Indra's wife.
i M ir-iraa, n. c h a n n e l ; brook, spring ; S^Smi ishfe-ka, f . brick : -g/iha, «. brick-
indraanu^a, m. Indra's younger dice-board; barren soil (esp. containing salt).
brother (Vishnu or Krishna). house.
^ f v v ^R-ITI, TO. oppressor, tyrant. ^ S ^ i T T ^ ^ ishta-kama-duh,/. (nm. -dhuk)
l^«V v indra-pushan(or indr a-pfrsh3n),
m. du. Indra and Pftshan. ^ ^ Ir-ya, a. a c t i v e ; watchful; strong. cow of plenty (milking = ) granting all desires.
indra&yudha, n. Indra's weapon, I L , V I . P . ila, come; ilaya, stand ish/a-g'ana, m. beloved person,
rainbow; m. horse with black spots on the 'N still. lover; -devata,/. favourite or tutelary deity.
eyes: a, /. kind of leech; -maya, a. consist- ^ c f i illaka, TO. man's N. £ ishfani, a. rushing, roaring.
ing altogether of rainbow.
^ g l f i s h ^ r g a , m. one who fights in front
I «(f^indra-vat,a.accompaniedbyIndra. i-va, (encl.) ac?. like, as it were; about, al-
most; somewhat; indeed (with inter.): often or beside (as a protector). [sired object.
^ T W i r Indra-Vctruna, m. du. Indra and merely emphatic — only, just, quite; or ren- ^ T R ish/a-labha, m. acquisition of a de-
Varuwa. dered by stress.
S ^ s f f T ishM - vrata, a. fulfilling wishes;
indriva, a. belonging to, like or ^"CJ I. I S H , V I . i s h a ; I . esha (w.anu); I V . -samp^din, a. procuring what is desired ;
dear to Indra; m. companion of Indra; n. N i s h - y a ; . I X . ish-?2&-ti, set in rapid mo- -sadhana, a. id.
Indra's might; dominion; mighty deed; tion, discharge; emit, utter; urge, encourage,
ishf^-ptlrta,n.sg.&du. wish (or sacri-
vigour, energy; semen virile; organ of sense; animate; advance or strive towards (d., Ic.):
-kama, a. desirous of might; - g r a m a , m. pp. i s h i t a ; cs. i s h a y a , P . A . s p e e d ; comfort, fice) and fulfilment = reward of pious works;
totality of the senses; - n i g r a h a ,TO.restraint anu, go after, seek, look for. pra, urge, send C. sacrifice and pious works. [helper.
of the senses; -sakti,/. power of the senses; forth; call upon another priest to recite or ^ f g 1. ish-fi, f . incitement, furtherance;
-samyama, m. restraint of the senses. perform a rite (ac.): impv. p r a i s h y a , call
upon to recite or offer (ac. or g.); cs. pre- ^ [ f S 2. ish-ri,/. seeking, search; wish, desire.
indriyaartha, m. object or stimu- shaya, hurl,throw,send; send away,dismiss:
lant of the senses; - a s a n g a , rn. pl. non-in- pp. preshita. anu-pra, cs. send after or ^ f g 3. Ish-ri,/. (simple) sacrifice (of butter,
dulgence of the senses. [Indra. despatch to. upa-pra, urge; call upon (a ^ T isb-iva, gd. of </yag. [fruit, &c.).
indrajshita, pp. sent or urged by priest to recite), sam-pra, cs. send; dismiss;
send a message to (3.). ^wy-c^ishrau-ft, the suffix ishwu (gr.).
indrautsava,m. festival in honour ish-mfn, a. driving, stormy,
^JEf 2. I S H , V I . P . (L in V. <PE.) ik-
f ^ I N D H , v. IDH. [of Indra. M a , seek, search after; wish something to ^ t e j t t f ishuasana, n. bow.
be (2 ac.), desire, ask for, expect (from, ab.,
indh-a, a. kindling. ^ b c j i s h u j i s ^ , TO. a r c h e r ; bow.
Ic.); intend or be about to (inf.); regard as (2
indb-ana, n. kindling ; f u e l : -vat, a. ac.); choose, have the option of (ac.); recog- i-hd, ad. here, h i t h e r ; here on earth ;
supplied with fuel. nise, sanction; with na, refuse (to, inf.); ps. in this book; in the following; now, in a
i s h y a t e , be desired, - required, - prescribed, moment; often = Ic. of idam.
indhani-kn, turn into fuel, - recognised,— sanctioned, - accounted, - con-
indh-i, the root indh (gr.). sidered : pp. ish-ta, q.v. anu, seek, search ihd-tya, a. belonging to this place,
after, look through; strive after; beg; try;
iha-loka, m. this, i. e. the present
I . P . inva-ti, or • J f T I N , V E I L cs. a n v e s h a y a , P. search; expect, p a r i a n u ,
search around, abhi, seek after; intend (inf.):
P . ino-ti, put in motion, send; further, urge; pp. abhishfa. prati, seek; receive (from, iha-stha, a. being or remaining here.
overcome. [n». elephant. g.); regard, obey.
^ T ^ W t R ^ n f t T f W T T T ihaamutra-phala-
Ibha, m.n. domestics, household, family; bhoga-viraga, rn. indifference to the pleasures
Ish/.juice,draught,comfort; libation;
I ibha-dantS, / . N. of a plant. I refreshing waters of heaven; strength; food. of reward in this world and the next.
t ^ iksh. ukshaw-ya. 47

1 1
I K S H , I. A . (P.) see, look ; look at, f l T l G , I. A. i'(/a-te,move,drive, apa,drive f ^ T irmsf, fjJT irma, (in.) ad. here, hither,
\ behold (ac., Ic.)] perceive; contemplate, N away.
regard; expect; * prophesy to (d.); cs. iksha- i r - y a , f p . to be urged on.
ya, cause to look at (ac.). adhi, expect; dread, TW fy-ana, pf. pt. of V y a g .
anu, look after, apa, look away; have in f ^ } I R S H Y , I. P . irshya-ti, e n v y ; be
view, watch for (ac.); expect, wait for; fear; v jealous.
II- A. iWe, praise; beseech (ac.)
pay regard to, mind; require, presuppose : \ f o r (ac.,g., d.): pp. ilitk, praised, pra, i r s h y - a , / . e n v y ; jealousy: -lu, -vat,
w. na, not bear to see. viapa, pay regard to, prati, sam, praise. [plored, to be praised. -u, a. envious, jealous; -ita, (pp.) n. jealousy,
mind, abhi, look at. ava, look at; observe;
envy; -in, a. jealous, envious.
mark, reflect on,consider; experience; expect, irf-enya, 17-enya, fp. t o be im-
hope for. anu ava,meditate; consider, reflect i^cjf^ i-vat, a. so great.
on. nir-ava, consider, pratiava, inspect, VS4 it^-ya, fp. to be praised, praiseworthy.
examine; enquire after, sam-ava, look at; be- i s , I I . A . i'sh-fe, possess, own, be
^ f d l-ti, f . c a l a m i t y ; plague.
hold; reflect on; scrutinize; trouble about, N master of, rule (ac. org.); belong to,be due
ud, look up at, look at; behold; wait; expect, i ^ W T l d n k - t a , f . quality. to (g-) j he entitled to (g.); be able to (inf.,
abhi ud, look towards, sam-nd, look up,
l-dr/ksha (a), ^ ^ i - d n s ( f . = m.), f ^ t , i s , m. lord, ruler; S i v a . [g.,orlc.).
look towards or at; observe, regard, npa,
look at; descry; wait for, avail oneself of; f ^ T J i - d m a , «.(i) o f t h i s appearance, such. ^ i l is-d, a. able to dispose of, entitled to
overlook, disregard, neglect; connive at, suffer; (g.); capable of (inf.); TO. owner, lord, ruler,
not insist on (ac.). sam-upa, disregard, neg- t ^ W ip-sa,cZes. ( V a p ) wish to obtain, desire. chief of (g., -°) ; ep. of Siva.; a , / . ability,
lect. nis, look about; look at; behold; per- power; dominion; -na, n. governing, ruling;
ceive ; consider, pari, look round; examine; I^WT ip-sa, / . desire, wish ; -sita, des. pp.
^a&ala, m. Himalaya.
perceive; cs. cause to be examined, pra, desired, wished for, dear; n. wish: -tama,
look at, perceive ; quietly suffer, say nothing, nearest object (gr.); -su, des. a. desirous of t ^ r T T is-ana (or a), pr. pt. possessing;
abhi-pra, look at; behold; perceive, nt-pra, (ac.'inf, ruling over (g.); m. ruler; ep. of Siva; N.;
look up to (listening); look out towards; look -Sandra,TO.N.; -devi,/. N.
1m, enc. pcl.r=ac. of prn. i, used without
back on with longing; expect; use or call is-i-tri, TO. ruler, i o r d .
distinction of number or gender and with or
figuratively; transfer to (Ic.)', erroneously
without another ac.] w.rel. = -ever; with inter. S j a j ^ is-in, a. ruling over
consider (2 ac.); wrongly suppose, imagine ;
impute to (Ic.). vi-pra, look hither and = pray; w. neg. = at all; of ten meaningless.
i ^ X is-var£, a.able to, capable of (inf., Ic.;
thither; contemplate, sam-pra, look at, be- f[faem.iy-i-vas, pf. pt. act. ( V i ) went.
hold, perceive; consider, prati, look on; be- w. inf. in -tas the nm. sg. m. is used for all
hold, perceive; expect, wait for (gd. prati- genders and numbers) ;TO.owner of (g., Ic.,
f ^ p f t iy-ush-i, / . pf. pt. (*/i) past.
kshya — quite gradually); bear with, endure. - ° ) ; ruler, lord, prince, king; man of rank,
sa//(-prati,wait: gd. waiting=long. vi,gaze; rich man; husband; supreme god; Brahman ;
^ IR, II. (P.) A . 1'r-te, set in motion, Siva: 1, f . princess ; -t&, f , -tva, n. rule,
lookat; perceive; consider; ascertain; discrim- ^ stir up ; arise, move (int.); come forth, re-
inate ;ps. appear, ann-vi, look round; look to- sovereignty; -prarddhana, n. submission to
sound ; cs. iraya, P. A . set in motion, stir ; the will of the Lord.
wards; behold, perceive;examine, gam-anu- throw; excite ; produce; utter; say ; pro-
vi, perceive, abhi-vi, look at, perceive. sam- claim; raise; arise; ps.be called: pp. irit&. ^TEf I S H , I . isha, move away, depart from
abhi-vi, perceive, ud-vi, look u p ; look to-
a, procure ; utter; cs. id. niji, appoint as x (ab.); leave (ac.). a, rush on. ud, rise up.
wards or upon; perceive, become aware of.
(2 ac.). nd, rise; arise : pp. ud-ir»a, ex- sam-ud, id.
sam-ud-vi, look at, perceive, sam-vi, be-
cited, increased; elevated, elated: cs. raise,
come aware of. abhi-sam-vi, stare at. sam, [n.pr. pt.ad. slightly, a little,
whirl u p ; throw, cast; put forth; increase;
look at, see, perceive; ascertain; consider, somewhat; easily (often °-); -kara, a. easily
excite, produce; display; rouse, animate ;
pra-sam, look at, see, perceive; consider. performed; -karya./p. easy to (Ic.); -p&na,
utter, proclaim, speak; ps. be called, pass
for (nm.). abhiud, cs.utter,speak, sam-nd, a. easy to drink.
iksh-aka, m. beholder, s p e c t a t o r ; cs. raise; throw; excite; utter, pra, move (mi.); S^Hl isha, f . pole (of a car): du. double
-ana, n. sight, look; inspection; care; super- arise; cs. drive forward, urge; excite; direct (forked) pole.
intendence ; eye: -patha,TO.horizon; -anika, (gaze); utter; pass (time), sam-pra, rise
-a«ika, m. fortune-teller ; -aniya, fp. to be together; cs. push forward, sam, put to- ! h , I. A . (P.) lha, strive after, aim at
seen, forthcoming; - k , f . glance, look; sight; gether; cs.id.; move (tr.), produce, create; ^ (ac.), desire to (inf.); undertake; exert one-
-i, the verb iksh (gr.); -ita, (pp.) n. look; -i- utter, speak. self: pp. ihita, aimed at, desired; meant for
tri, m. n. beholder, witness. (ic.). sam=simple verb.
ir-a,m. w i n d ; -ana, TO.id.; n. pressure.
^ INKH,I. P.inkha.move; cs. inkhaya, t ^ T i h e x e r t i o n , e n d e a v o u r ; business,
t f t w iriraa, n. land impregnated with s a l t ; labour; desire, wish; -vat,a.assiduous; brave.
^ \sway, shake, pra, tremble; cs. swing :
A. swing oneself, desert. [animal) ;TO.n. wound.
^ J ^ f l ih-ita, (pp.) n. exertion; labour; pur-
iiikh-ana, n. swinging. f " l | ir-md, m. a r m ; f o r e - q u a r t e r (of an pose ; desire, wish.

^ U .

"3 1. u, ij. (not liable to Sandhi) of anger or dressed ; n. word, expression : -tva, n. state- ^ f ^ T ^ u k t b - f n , a. praising; -ya,a.praise-
command. ment; -purva,a. said before; -pratyukta, n. worthy.
address and reply, conversation; -matra, a.
^ 2. u, ^ A, encl. pel. and, also; but, merely uttered : Ic. no sooner said than - ; I . U K S H , I . Y I . uksha, s p r i n k l e ;
whereas; now, just; forthwith: u - u, both - -rupa, a. of the form or kind mentioned; A . drip: pp. -ita, besprinkled, wetted,

and; it is used after pronouns, relatives, in- -vat, pp.act. y^va&; -vakya, a. hvg. spoken. abhi, besprinkle, bedrip. anu-pari, sprinkle
terr., some pels., and the inf. in -tavai; in C. around, pra, besprinkle; hallow (for sacri-
it occurs only in athan, n a v , and kim-u. •dftfl u k - t i , / . declaration; express state- fice); sacrifice, sam-pra, besprinkle; A .
ment ; speech, saying; word, expression; besprinkle oneself.
^ 3. u, the suffix -u (gr.). song : -TO kri, raise the voice; -posha, TO.
pleonasm; -pratyuktika,/. speech and reply. 2. U K S H , I . P . uksha, g r o w up,
^ 4. U, V. P. u-no-ti, call, cry. N wax strong.
^ T T uk-tvK, gd. of Vvak.
xjefi uka, the suffix -uka (gr.). ^JTST uksh-awa, n. besprinkling, consecra-
u k - t h a , n. praise, h y m n of praise ; tion : -ga, a. arising from consecration, [tie.
^cfiTT u-kara,TO.thesound or letter u (gr.). invocation; recitation (later called <Sastra)
of the Sotri. ^^jdij ukshan-y£, den. P . desire bulls or cat-
uk-td, pp. (\Ara&) spoken,utterrd; ad-
48 ^TW ukshara-yu. ut-kalapa.

ukshaw-yu, a. desirous of cattle. ^3%^uMais, (in. pi.) ad. h i g h ; a b o v e ; up- GGH [ud + h&], V I . P . ugghk, aban-
wards; loudly; aloud; highly, vigorously, in- N don, forsake, quit, leave; give up, let go ;
^•^•^uksh-dn, m. bull. tently, thoroughly: w. bbn, rise. let fall; avoid: pp. tugglMa,, abandoned, for-
saken; free from, devoid of (in., pra,
ukh£, m. [hollowed o u t : u d + V k h a ] uM-ais-tara, cpv.higher; very high avoid; abandon, sam, abandon.
cooking pot, pan: a, f. id.; -7; M i d , a. fragile or tall: -tva, n. excessive highness; -taram,
as a pot, rotten. ad. higher. [a. of high rank. ^ S f J u ^ A - a , a.abandoning, neglecting, for-
tikh-ya, a. being in the pot. [its it. getting (-°); -ana, n. removal; avoidance.
ufcfcai^-sthfina, n. h i g h position ;
^ f i j c ^ ug-it, a. having u k (i. e. u or ri) for vTS^UNKH,I.YI. P . xitikha,, glean, pra,
^ ^ U K K H , v. ^ i . V A S , shine.
^ wipe out, efface.
ug-r3, a. m i g h t y ; violent; grim,dread- y^l^uttMn, V. spl.pr.subj. of\/1. vas.
ful, terrible, rigorous; to. mighty person, unfcft-a, m. n. gleaning ears of grain;
great violent person; ep. of Siva & Rudra; ^-ce^ | c f f ^ u f c - M a s t r a - v a r t i n , a. trans- -na, n. id.] -vritti, a. living by gleaning;
JV. of a mixed caste (offspring of Kshatriya gressing the institutes of the law. TO. gleaner; -sbash^Aa, n. sixth part of the
& Stidrd); -ta,/., -tva, n. violence; rigour; ^ d^l ufa-gra, m. n. h u t of leaves, [gleanings.
u^-^Aikha, a. with crest erect (pea-
-danda, a. stern-sceptered, relentless; -puti,
a. having a horrible stench; -prabhava, a. cock); with upward flame, burning brightly. Nj^ udu, / . n. s t a r ; -natba, to. moon.
high and mighty; -rush, a. terribly angry; 'tfpQJ^SH^a \\k-kh\khtinda, a. with tail out- udu-pa, TO. m o o n ; to. n. boat, s k i f f ;
-^asana, a. stringent in his orders: -sena, to. spread ; -fcAitti, f . destruction, extermina-
N. of various kings; ^isa, m.N.ofa temple -pati, TO. moon.
tion; -Minna, pp. (*/Mid) cut off; m. (sc.
built by Ugra. sandhi) peace bought by ceding fertile terri- urf-dayana,n.flying up, flight; -dk-
tory ; -khixas, a. holding the head high ; mara, a. extraordinary; -rfina, n. flying up,
UK, I V . P . uk-ya, like; be accustomed -Milimdbra, n. luxuriant mushroom; a. flight; -rfiyana, n. id.
N to: pp. -ita,liking, used to (g., Zc.,-°); ac- covered with mushrooms.
customed, well known; proper, suitable; ex- ^ I L U f ^ un-^di,TO.pi. U n M i suffixes, class
pedient ; obliged to (inf.): in. suitably, sam, uk-khishta, pp. (\/sisb) left o v e r ; of primary suffixes beginning with u (gr.).
take pleasure in (in.): pp. used to (g., ; having a remnant of food (in the mouth or
hands), r itually impure ; n. remnant, leavings ^underaka-sragf.kindofpastry.
suitable for (g., -°).
(esp. of a sacrifice or of food): -ta, f . im- ^ c j u - t d , p e l . and, also,even; or: ut&-tit&,
ufe-^tha, n. h y m n of praise. purity; condition of a remnant: -m ni, = al- both - and; uta. - va, either - or (often with
nJt^ZJ u i a t h - y a , a. praiseworthy. most entirely devour; -asana, n. eating of va or abo va); interr. or : kim-uta, utrum
remnants. [erect; n. pillow. - an, whether - or? (often w. abo, va, or svid);
x j f a d ' S j u/dta-^rwa, a. k n o w i n g what is fit- kim-uta, how much more or rather; how
uft-ZcAirsha-ka, a. h a v i n g the head
ting: 'tk,f.abst.N.; -tva, n. appropriateness, much less (in neg. clauses); api uta, also; pra-
fitness. u&-Mush-ka, a. dried up. tiuta, on the contrary, rather. Uta is often
u£-fca, a. [ud-fca, upward], l o f t y ; high ^T u&-Mrinkhala, a. unfettered; un- merely verse-filling at the end of a line in E.
(also Jig., esp. of sound)', loud. bridled, unrestrained; -Mrita, pp. (v'sri) utathya, TO. N. of an Angirasa.
vj^i|\tJu?cZca-kais, (in.pi.) ad.loud; high: uplifted, elevated, high: -pawi, a. with out-
stretched hand. ^SfTnft u t a S h o , cj. or (in double questions).
(r)&sana-tas, ad. from a high seat.
uk-khettri, TO. destroyer. u t a u ,pcl. and also; ut6-nt6 = utd-uta.
^ f ^ t u f e - f e a k s h u s , a. h a v i n g uplifted eyes.
^ S S ^ u k - k h e d - a , m . , -ana, n. cutting or chop- ut-ka, a. longing or eager for (inf. or
^ ^ Rl^ufcfca-gir, a.loudly proclaiming ( - 0 ) . -°); n. longing, eagerness.
ping off; destruction, extermination: -aniya,
^ n T t ^ T uftfca-gopura, a. lofty-gated. fp. to be cut off; -in, a. destroying (-°) ; -ya, ^ f ^ n j e f i ut-kan/mka, a. bereft of the bodice.
nj^ uk-kanda, a. very violent; m i g h t y ; fp. to be destroyed.
ut-ka<a, a. excessive, extraordinary;
terrible. -STE^H ufc-Mesha, m. remnant, fragment : very great, very strong or violent; abounding
^ I p n u t o - t a , / . , °*fT "tva, n. superiority. -na, n. id.: i-kri, leave over. in (-°); drunk; furious, mad.

ufc-fcaya,TO.accumulation, collection, TO. swelling, inflation; " Z ^ R W f a R ut-kan<ak-ita, pp. with thorns
-Mopba,TO.id.; -Mosbana, a. parching or or hair erect; -in, a. id.
pile, heap, quantity; -apa£aya,TO.du. rise
drying u p ; n. drying up (tr. & int.).
S I R u&-£ala, m. N. of a king, [and fall. \jcoH n ^ u t - k a n r t , I . A . s t r e t c h o u t t h e n e c k ;
nk-khraja,m.rise,elevation; height;
growth : -na, n. raising, setting up; -Mraya, long for (d.); cs. fill with longing.
^^ati^^JI u/c&a-sar/israya, a. high up, t w i n k -
ling on high. [upwards. to. rise, elevation; height, growth, increase ; ^(cfl ut-kan^Aa, a. having the neck out-
-khxita.,pp. (\Ari) high; exalted; -Mriti,/. stretched; longing; amorous: -m, ad. long-
Xik-kt, (in.) ad. above; from a b o v e ; rise, exaltation; growth, increase. ingly, -karin, a. causing longing; -karol/ia,
uft-fe&r-£,a.rising;m.pronunciation; ufe-Mvan&a-sva, 2 sg. impv.k. of ud f . longing; love-sick yearning.
evacuation, excrement; -ana, n. pronuncia- + sv&nk. t R ^ ut-kamdhara, a. with neck erect.
tion : -ita, pp. having voided excrement.
^ ^ r y T ufc-Mvasana, n. becoming s l a c k ; ^ccfi+M ut-kamp-a, a .trembling; to. t r e m o r ;
1 q t ) ukkaava,-ka, a . h i g h & l o w ; various. -Mvasita, (pp.) n. breath; exhalation; solu- -ana, n. trembling; -in, a. trembling; heav-
tion; -Mvasa, TO. expiration; breath; sigh; ing (breast); causing to tremble.
^ f e t T l m uk-klkisha, f . desire to gather. expiring; swelling, rising; section; chapter;
NS^q ufc-Aeya, fp. to be gathered. -Mv8.sita, cs. pp. riven; -khvksin, a. breath- utka-ya, den. P . fill w i t h longing.
ing out; breathing again; sighing; swelling; ^jtcfl ^ ut-kard,m. earth thrown up, m o u n d ;
ufctaiA-kula, n. high family; -pada, rising; issuing.
n. high position; -pramodam, ad. with loud heap, quantity ; cloud (Jig.).
rejoicings. ugr-^ayini, f . (Victoria), Oujein, ^ r c f r f ^ R T ut-karika, f . kind of sweet dish.
JV. of a city, capital of Avanti.
u/^air-abhif/aua, a. of h i g h de- ut-karraa, a. pricking up the ears;
scent ; -u&£aift-sravas, to. the exalted U&- x J ^ T T I T ugr-^agara, a. excited, indignant. -tala, a. beginning to flap its ears.
fcai/t-sravas; -ufeAais-taram, ad. higher and ^ f w f a / . victory.
higher; -gati,/. ascent; -dvisb, a. having ut-karsh-a,a. boastful; m. elevation,
mighty foes; -dhaman, a. of exalted splen- ^ W t f ^ u^ivin, to. N.of a crow. increase, exaltation, eminence; distinction ;
dour; -bbashana or -bbasbya, n. loud talk; ^ ^ I J T u^-grrimbha, a. y a w n i n g : -na, n. excellence; excess; boastfulness; -in, a. su-
-bhu>ya, a. having uplifted arms. perior, better. [country.
yawning; breaking forth.
^jpaflH utkala,TO.pl.N. of a people; n. their
-siras, a.holdingthe head
^ ^ f E T u(/-</esh^, a. victorious, [or like,
high; eminent; -sravas, m. N. of a mythical ^ c W R ut-kalapa, a . spreading its tail
horse produced at the churning of the ocean. ugr-grvala, a. brilliant, splendid (with (peacock).

^feflf^ofiT ut-kalika. ^^TTT ut-preksh-araa. 49
^ H l f a ^ U ut-kalika,/. longing; love-sick \3t( ^cfn^T uttara-kaya, m. upper part of the -ana, a. saving ; n. deliverance ; -ay-itri, a.
yearning; bud; wave. body; -kala,TO.subsequent period, future; about to cross (ac.); - y a , f p . to be vomited.
a. future; -kosala, m. pi. northern Kosalas;
ut-kashana, n. tearing up. [(-°). -khancZa,TO.n. designation of last section in W R ut-tala, a. violent; luxuriant; ter-
various works. rible, gruesome; excellent.
sjfr«=n ^ ut-kira, a. throwing or whirling up . A
^ r n d l ^ ut-titir-shu,c?es.a. wishing to come-
^(^ftf^nT ut-kilita, pp. opened by with- "(JTIVI T • ut-taranga, den. A. break forth like
waves. [high waves. out of (ab.); desirous of crossing (ac.).
drawing the plug.
ut-kula, a. degenerate. ^-d 2. uttaranga, m.high wave; a. having ^ F f f f f ut-tung-a, a. prominent, high; -ita,
pp. raised aloft; -i-kri, raise aloft.
ut-k%-a, m. note or song (of the ^ r R ^ ^ u t t a r a - M A a d a , wi.cover, coverlet;
-ga., a. born of the last mentioned marriage. ut-tegrana, / . whetting.
cuckoo): -ita, pp. n. id.
ut-kunlana, n. leaping up. ^ r T T W ut-t£rana, a. crossing; n.crossing, ^ T f f t T W ut-torama, a.adorned with erected
passing over arches: -pataka, a. adorned with erected
ut-ktila, a. overflowing the b a n k : uttara-tas, ad. northwards; to arches and flying flags.
-gamin, a. id. [bles). the north, to the left of (g.): - pa.s£at, to the ^r^r ut-tha, a. arising; springing up; pro-
' north-west; -dayaka, a. answering, contra- ceeding from, originating in (- 0 ) ; -tba-ta-
ut-knti,/. a metre (104 or 80 sylla-
dicting, impertinent; -paksba, m. northern vya, fp. n. one should rise ; one should be
^rjjjr5ut-kmh-ta,pp. superior: -tva ,n.abst. or left wing; answer to an opponent's ob- up and doing; -thana, m. originator; n.
N. ; -vedana, N. marrying a man of higher jection (ph.); -pada, n. latter part of a com- rising; rise (of heavenly bodies); resurrection;
caste; -jip&dhi, a. whose condition or asso- pound; -pas&ima, a.'north-westerly. insurrection, tumult; exertion, activity;
ciate is exalted : -t&,/. abst. s. (ph.). origin: -vat, a. strenuous, -vira, m. man
^JtTTWuttardm, ad. further; forward; af- of action; -thapana, n. raising; awakening;
ut-ko/ta, m. bribe: -ka, a. taking terwards, thereupon. -thaya, gd. having arisen; -thaLy-in, a. rising;
bribes. ^ r f X ^ T ut-tarala, a. trembling, quivering. appearing; active, strenuous: -i-tva, n. abst.
A N. ; -thita, pp. Vstha.
^Tc^TtfZ ut-ko<i, a. running to a point. uttarala-ya, den. A . shudder,
quiver. ut-paksh-man, a. having raised
">3ml ut-koraka-ya, den. P. furnish
eyelashes; -mala, a. id. [ing up.
with sprouting buds.
^^rlT^TtWt. uttara-loman, a. having the ut-patana, a. (i) flying up; n. leap-
ut-krama, m.rising; going out; de- hairy side uppermost; -vadin, a. answering;
parture; -kr&mana, n., -kranti,/. id. making the later claims (leg.). ^FTrTr=li ut-pataka, a. with flags flying; a,
ut-krosa, m. osprey. ^TtTXT i. uttara, / . (sc. dis) north. / . a flying flag: -dhva^a, a. having flying
flags and banners.
^SlfNrf?! ut-kshipti,/.raising; -kshepa, m. ^ r T T T 2. uttara, (in.) ad. northwards ;
[left. "SrMfdd *! ut-pat-itavya./yj.n.one must fly
tossing up, raising; spreading out: -na, n. north of (ab., g.).
id., -ka, m. purloiner of clothes. up ; -ishnn, a. flying up ; about to spring.
^ T l ^Tc^uttarat, (ab)ad. from the north or
|d ut-khat-a, n. undermining; ex- ^frCprT^I ut-pattavya,/p. n. to appear: an-
^TlTT^PC uttaraadhar£, a. being above enautpattavyam, he will be born again.
tirpation ; uneven ground; -in, a. uneven and below; n. upper and lower lip ; lips :
(ground). -vivara, n. mouth, [north), north country. xjrM TtI ut-patti,/.comingintobeing,birth;
^Tl^Jut-tams-a, m:wreath, crest; ornament. origin; mine; new birth, regeneration; pro-
^Tt uttara-patha, TO. (way to the duce ; productiveness; occurrence, esp. of or
^ T T ^ J uttamsa-ya, den. P . deck with a W U ^ u t t a r g m , ad. further away. in a Vedic passage: -dh&man, n. birthplace;
wreath: pp. ita, worn as a wreath. -mat, a. produced, born.
^Tnrr^nO" uttarcyiyana, n. northward
ut-tanka, m. N. of a jRishi. ut-patha, m. wrong way; evil course.
course (of the sun); half-year in which the
^3rT?ut-ta<a, a.having overflowed its banks. sun moves northwards; summer solstice; ^rMS ut-panna, pp. (\Zpad) arisen: -bnd-
^arani, / . the upper fire-stick; ^artha, a.
tit-tabdha, pp. V s t a b h ; -tabh-ita, id. dhi, a. prudent, wise.
being for the sake of what follows; -jirdha,n.
upper part of the body; £-vat, a.^superior; ut-pala, n. (blue) lotus at a later stage
^STtH ut-tama, spv. highest, suprem e; m ost -Ji*a,/. northern quarter; -^aman, a. having called kamala; m. N.: -ka,TO.id.; -pura,
excellent, best, chief (among, ; superior lofty crags; ^asaiiga, m. upper or outer gar- n. N.of a town built, by Tltpala; -vana,n. bed
to, higher or better than (ab.); last: -nx, ment ; covering. of lotuses ; -s&ka, n. N. of a plant; - aksha,
ad.; m. (last = our) first person (gr.). TO. N.of a king; -jipirfa, m. N. of a king.
W T T t f uttarahi, ad. northwards.
^ t T J W M T<o4 uttama-gandhajiff/iya, o. rich
in delicious fragrance; -^ana, ni. pi. superior ^JrM f^ll^utpal-in, a. abounding in lotuses:
^Tl uttar-iya, n. upper or outer gar-
people; -te^as, a. supremely brilliant or - i , / . bed of lotuses.
ment, covering; coverlet: -ka, n. id.
mighty; -puruaha, m. supreme spirit; (last x3f<4C|wi ut-pdvana, n. purification; imple-
-our) first person (gr.). ^ t H ^ T uttarena, (in.) ad. to the north or
ment of purification; -pavitn, m. purifier.
left of (ac., ab.,g., [day.
^ TlH 111uttama rina,TO.creditor; i-ka, m.id. ut-pa^-ana, n. tearing out; expul-
X3TI l ^ t l j i t t a r e - d y u s , ad. on the following
^ r T T ^ t u t t a m a - v a r n a , a. most beautifully sion; dethronement; -in, a. pulling or pluck-
uttara uttara, a. ever increas- ing out (-°).
coloured ; -sabasa, n. highest fine.
ing; following in succession: -m, ad. higher
^TfTTTIP nttamaafiga, n.head. and higher; more and more; in constant suc- ^rMId ut-pata, w. flying u p ; rise; leap;
cession ; n. reply to answer, rejoinder; dis- sudden appearance ; portent, omen.
uttamaogas,TO.N. of a man. cussion: -bhava, a. in which one is always utpad-a, m. issuing forth, produc-
^ t T X ut-tara, cpv. upper; higher, better; above the other, - j i k t a , pp. subsequently tion, birth; -aka, a. (ika) producing, pro-
later (than, ab.); left; northern; north of stated in each case. ductive;TO.producer, shedder; father; -ana,
(ab.); posterior; following;latter,subsequent, a. (1) producing; n. begetting, bearing ; ef-
uttaraoshfAa, m. upper lip.
future; superior; mightier; victorious; win- fecting; procuring; - a y i t r i , / . producer; -in,
ning (a suit) ; m. N.of a mtn.; n. surface, cover 1*1 ut-tand, a. outspread; extended; a. produced or born; producing, causing (-°).
(-°,a.); north; latter part of a compound; an- face upwards; upturned; shallow,superficial;
^ f r M ^ ut-pin^a,TO.tumult; -pitsn, des. a.
swer, discussion; legal defence; contradiction wide open; ready to hand; i-ta, cs. pp. opened
wishing to rise; -pida,TO.pressure; torrent
\-m dft, contradict); superiority; surplus (- 0 , wide; i-kri, open wide; i-bhu, be spread out.
(of tears): -na, n. pressing; -prabandha. a.
a. — increased by,plus); main part a. hav- ^ T l I M ut-tapa, m. great h e a t ; ardour, uninterrupted; -pravala,a.having sprouting
ing as its chief object, consisting chiefly of; ad. passion. foliage; -prasa, m., -na,n.derision, mockery.
overwhelmed by); consequence a. followed
by); later period (-° = later); kind of song. ^ r T T T ut-tar-a, m. crossing ( - 0 ) ; rescue; ^'rtj^tJT ut-preksh-ana, n. anticipation;
50 ST^fR ut-plavana. ud-ahara.

foreboding ; figurative expression; -a,/, dis- ^ ^ ud-a, water (only or a. ud-aya, m. rising; rise (of sun or
regard, indifference; simile, figurative expres- moon),break (of dawn); gathering (ofclouds);
sion : ^akshepa, m. kind of rhetoricalfigure; ud-ak, n. ad. northwards. N. of the mythical mountain behind which sun
-itaupama, f . hind of simile. S^oR uda-ka, n. water; ablution; libation and moon are supposed to rise; appearance,
to the Manes: -m kri, da, or pra-da, present arising, production, beginning; consequence,
ut-plavana, n. leaping; overflowing. result; success ; prosperity ; gain ; income,
libation of water to the dead (d., g.); -m kri,
SfCfiTsT ut-phala, m. leap, bound. perform the prescribed ablutions; -m upa- revenue; interest; -giri,TO.sunrise mountain;
spris, touch various parts of the body with -gnpta, m. N. of a man; -taia, m. slope of
^3ftfi^'ut-phulla,pp.(V'phal)blown (flower); water as prescribed ; -karman, n. libation of Mount Udaya.
wide open, expanded; swollen, inflated, water to the Manes; -karya, n. id.; ablution; ud-ayana, n. rise; end; m. N. of a
ut-sa, m. well, fountain; source. -kriya,/. = udaka-karman; -tarpana, n. li- king: i-ya, a. concluding.
bation with water; -d&na, n. id.; -dayin, a.
^ r t i u t - s a n g - a , m. l a p ; flat surface; roof; offering the funeral libation of water; -pur- ^ H J S r udaya-r%a, m. mans N.; -vat,
depression ; -ita, pp. admixed; -in, a. deep, va, a. beginning with a pouring out of water; a. risen; -vyayin, a. rising and falling.
deep-seated. -maya, a. consisting of water only; (a)-vat,
^ T R ^ r udayaaiala, m. sunrise moun-
a. supplied with water ; -vati, f . girVs N.;
^ f t t utsa-dhf, m. basin of a spring. tain; -aditya, m. N. of a man; -^anta, a.
-sparsana, n. contact with water; ablution.
ending with sunrise; ^Avntti, f . turning
S t ^ ^ f ut-sarga, m. emission, discbarge; udakaa?1grali, m. handful of towards the rise of the sun.
evacuation; throwing away; laying aside; water; -jinta, TO. water-boundary: auda-
setting free, liberation; donation; abandon- k&nt&t, till water is reached ; ^arrcava, m. ^ c ( f q » ^ u d a y - i n , a - coming forth; flourish-
ment, relinquishment; cessation; restitution; receptacle of waters; ^artha,TO.ablution: ing; victorious. [mountain.
general rule; (sc. Mandasam) ceremony on -m, ad. in order to perform an ablution; uclayaurvibhn't, m. sunrise
suspension of Vedic study; -sar^ana, a. (1) re- - Arthin, a. seeking water.
jecting ; n. letting go, dismissal; cessation ; ud-dra, n. a. f . 1) b e l l y ; crop ;
ceremony on suspension of Vedic study. uda-kumbM, m. pitcher of water; N. womb; abdominal swelling; hollow,interior
udakaupaspars-ana, n. ablu- [swelling: */ri],
^ W ^ U ! ut-sarp-araa, n. rising; going out;
stepping forward; -in, a. springing up; tion ; -in, a. performing ablutions. ^ ^ t l T X udaram-bhara, a. voracious.
breaking forth, coming to light; soaring up- Nj^rfif^ udak-tds, U ^ T R ^ udak-tSt, ad. udara-randhra, n.part of a horse's
wards : (n)-i,f. ascending cycle. from above; from the north; -patha, m. (way belly; -vyadhi, m. disorder of the bowels.
^rt^q ut-sav£, m. undertaking; holiday, north), north country.
^^fl^udar-in, a. paunch-bellied.
festival; flowering: -samketa, m. pi. N. of
^Jc^ST udak-va, a. being in the water; f.
menstruating: -gamana, n. intercourse with
consequence; end; future.
utsavaya, den. A . be a feast for. a woman in her courses.
udag-ayana, n. sun's northern ^S^f^^ud-arfeis, a. radiant; m. fire.
ut-sad-ana, n. cessation; destruc-
tion ; rubbing, shampooing; -aniya, fp. to course; half year from winter to summer uda-va^ra, m. water thunderbolt.
solstice; - a v r i t t i , / sun's turn to the north;
be destroyed.
-dasa, a. having the seam turned upward or ud-ava-sita, (pp.) n. dwelling,
^ E n T W ut-sar-awa, &, f . clearing the northward; -dvara, a. having a northern bouse, [water; -in, a. staying in the water.
streets; -aniya., fp. to be driven away; -in, entrance.
W uda-vSs-a, m. remaining in the
a. extending to, directed towards. ud-agra, a. (having its top elevated),
upraised, high; long; large; lofty, exalted; ud-asra-ya, P . cause to weep.
13 ut-s&ha, m. power, energy ; effort,
resolution, perseverance; inclination for, de- heightened or increased (by, ; advanced "ST^T ud-asru, a. weeping.
light in (-°): -yoga, m. display of energy; (aye); excited, carried away by (-°); exceed-
-vat, a. energetic; - s a k t i , / strength of will, ingly (° - ) ; -pluta, a. making high bounds : S ^ ^ T T uda-hara, a. (i) fetching or about
force of energy; -sahin, a. resolute; powerful, -tva, n. abst. N. to fetch water.
ut-suka, a. uneasy, agitated; eager; udan-mukha, a. facingnorthwards. Sc^HTTT ud-Sfctra, m. promenade.
yearning; longing for (lc., prati, or -°); NJ^l Tt iid-g-tta,pp.(*/dS) raised; high; dis-
uda-^a, n. l o t u s ; -grjOa-ka, m. N. of a
*anxious about (in., lc.): -ta, f . uneasiness; tinguished, renowned; magnanimous; muni-
eagerness, zeal; longing, yearning; -vadana, ficent ; haughty ; having the acute accent; m.
a. having a yearning face. [or uneasiness. a.(-ddifei)upward; northward. acute. [airs in the body).
^ ( ^ q i i j utsuka-ya, den. P . fill with yearning ud-awAana, m. (drawer up), well- ud-ana, m. rising air (one of the five

ut-sfitra, a. unstrung (pearls). bucket. [lowed hands. ud-ayudha,a. with raised weapons.
ud-angrali, a. holding up the hol- ^ ^ T X 1 • ud-ara, a.rousing; exalted; distin-
+i«vut-srah/a-loman, a. ceasing to
cut off the hair; -vat, pp. act. shed (tears)', uda-dh^na, n. reservoir; -dlu, a. guished, excellent; noble; loud: -m, ad. aloud.
- a g n i , a. having let the sacred fire go out. containing water; m. receptacle of water 2. u-dSra, m.pi. Siva's wife,
(cloud, lake, river), ocean : -^ala-maya, a.
ut-sn'shri,/. letting out. consisting of sea-water, -nemi, a. ocean-en- udara-ka, m. honorific ep.of a man.
circled. udSra-ftarita, a. acting nobly;
ut-sek-a, m. redundance, excess ; -^•etas, a. high-minded; -ta,/., -tva, n. gene-
pride, arrogance; -in, a. proud, haughty. ^ R ^ i j f c l udadhi-ya, den, P. regard as an rosity ; -dhi, a. of exalted intellect; -bhava,
ut-sedha, m. elevation; prominence; m. magnanimity; -vikrama, m. of eminent
ud-an, n. wave; water. [ocean,
height, thickness; superiority. prowess; -sattva, a. of noble character.
ud-ant^, m. tidings, report.
S T ^ T ut-sthala, n. N. of an island. Njc^iftl^ ud-asitn, a. indifferent.
ud-antya, a. dwelling beyond the
S r W S ^ i ut-srash-£avya,/p. to be evacuated; ud-as-ina, pr. pt. uninterested;
to be dismissed; -£u-k&ma,a. wishing tolet go. indifferent (to, lc.)', m. indifferent person,
udan-ya, a. surging, watery: f. neutral: -ta,/. indifference.
ut-sravin, a. arising. desire for water, thirst; -yd, a. desirous of
water; -vat, a. surging; abounding in water; ud-a-sthita, (pp.) m. monk who
^ [ <4 ut-svapnUya, A .talkin one's sleep. has broken his vow.
m. ocean.
1. ud, px. (w. vb., N. or a.) u p ; out. ud-aharana, n. speaking ; reci-
^(^MI ^ uda-patra, n. pot of water; -pana,
2. U D , V I I . P. unat-ti, well; wet, tation ; declaration; example ; -vastn, n.pl.
m. n. well; - p i t i , / . place for drinking water.
N moisten : pp. nnna, moistened, wet. v i , matters of speech.
well forth; moisten, sam, moisten: pp. uda-bindu, m. drop of water.
ud-ahara, a. intending to fetch
wetted. ^^RiT^ud-ambhas, a. abounding in water. water; n. fetching of water.

ud-a-har-ya. ^ f ^ ud-vedi. 51
ud-a-har-ya,^. to be given as an -ka, m. eager; -na, n. public proclamation; ^•fifci ud-bhfiti,/. origin; appearance; ex-
example; -briti,/. example. blazing abroad.
altation; prosperity.
^ ^ ^ ud-danda, a. with staff upraised ;
'tff^'d ud-i-t£, pp. -y/vad and u d + \ / i . ud-bheda, m. bursting forth, appear-
having its stalk erect; raised aloft; eminent;
^ f ^ f i l ud -iti, / . sunrise; sunset. extraordinary; -karman, a. doing extraordi- ance ; fountain; treason.

^ [ t f ud-darpa, a. haughty, [nary deeds. ^ • S j * ^ ud-bhrama»a, n. soaring up.

^ f ^ f t f ^ T uditaudita, a. (in whom what
lias been said has risen = ) learned. ^ ^ • T ud-dalana, a. tearing out. NS^ M ud-bhranta, (pp.) n. rising; waving
^S^farT ud-ikshS,/. looking up or towards; a sword ; -ka, a. wandering about; n. soar-
ud-dana, n. tying up ; stringing. ing up.
ud-Mi, / . of udanA-. [waiting. ud-dama, a. unfettered, unloosed ; ud-yata, pp.(Vyam) prepared,ready :
ndii-Tna, a. northward. unbridled; abounding in, full of (-°): and n. oflering; -daw<fa, a. having his sceptre
-m, ad.
udiA-ya (or -yd), a. northern; to. erect, ready to inflict punishment.
pi. Northmen; -vritti,/. usage of the north ^^TW^Tud-dama-ya/iew.P.make luxuriant.
\3<Sjf(1 ud-yati, f. raising, striking up.
country. ^ T ^ R i ud-dalaka, in. N. of a teacher.
ud-yama, TO. raising; exertion, en-
ud-ipa,TO.inundation. [tion. ^ f ^ ^ T ud-dis-ya, gd. (pointing t o = ) to- deavour, diligence (w. d., prati, inf.,
ud-irana, n. hurling; pronuncia- wards, to, with regard to, about. -na, n. raising; endeavour; -bbrit, a. exert-
ing oneself, working.
\ ud-umbara,TO.glomerous fig-tree ; ' • t f ^ M I ud-dipana, n. inflaming; -ta, f .
its fruit. virulence (of a poison). -in, a. id.; taking trouble.
N3<ip2pjf ud-umbala, a. copper-coloured. ucl-desa, m. reference; statement, ac- ud-yana, n. walking out; pleasure
count; sketch, brief exposition; region, part, garden, grove, park; -ka, n. pleasure garden,
NjJ^i^c^ ud-etavya,/p. n. it is needful to rise. place: in., ab. with reference to; -tas, ad. grove; -pala,TO.(i) gardener; -palaka, m.
briefly. (ika) id.; -mala,/, row of gardens.
^J^flt^ud-etos, ab. inf. with pura, before
sunrise. ^SRfjVcTud-dyota, a.beaming; m. effulgence; ud-ynga,TO.kind of disease.
splendour; -kara, m. N. of an author.
ud-o^as, a. extremely powerful. ^ • s T i l ud-yog-^, to. exertion, effort; prac-
<1 ud-dhata,pp. (\/han) struck; whirled tice in (-°): -samartba, a. capable of exer-
ud-gata, f . a metre. up ; excited; violent; strong; loud; high ; tion : -in, a. active, strenuous, diligent.
'tfflfTT ud-gati,/. coming forth, springing up. proud, arrogant; to. N. of an ass.
ud-ra,TO.kind of aquatic animal.
^ f f i f ^ T ud-gadgadika, / . sobbing. f?Tud-dhati,/.blow; shock,jolt; eleva-
tion, arrogance. ud-rasmi, a. resplendent.
^Jflfl ud-gama, m. rise (of heavenly bodies);
ascent ; rising, elevation, breaking forth, ap- ^FUTW ud-dhar-awa, n. lifting ; extraction, ^fj^ Tl ud-rikta-feitta,a. haughty; -ket-
pearance ; springing up ; shoot; departure ; removal; deliverance; -tavya, fp. to be drawn as, a. high-minded.
-tva, ». abst. tf. out; -tri,TO.destroyer; deliverer.
«. abounding in water.
^JJ ud-dhar-a, m. pulling o u t ; removal;
^ R u d - g a m a n a , n. rising, coming forth,
payment; exception; omission; selected part; -rek-a, to.excess, redundance, pre-
appearance: i-ya, n. clean garment.
abstract; deliverance; -aka-vidbi, m. pay- dominance ; -in, a. excessive ; producing an
ud-gaW, m. priest who chants the ment ; -a»a, n. extraction; payment; -ya, excess of (- 0 ).
Sama-veda. fp. to be removed.
ud-rodhana, n. rising, growth.
^ T T C ud-gSr-a, to. spitting o u t ; exuda- '^^^ud-dhura, a.uncontrollable, overween-
tion ; throwing out; pouring forth; flood ; ing; bent on or in.). [agitation (tr.). ud-v^t, / . height.
saliva; roar; -in, a. belching, spitting; emit- ud-dhtoana, n. shaking up, violent ^S.^'T ud-vartana, a.bursting ( - ° ) ; n. leap-
ting, exhaling, pouring forth, uttering (- 0 ).
ud-dhiila-ya, den. P . bestrew. ing up; rising; unction; unguent.
-girana, n. spitting, vomiting.
ud-vasa, a. uninhabited; n. desert.
^ f t c T ud-dhush-ita, pp. shuddering.
^ s O P f ud-giti, / . a metre.
^ r| ud-dhnta, pp. \/db ri or «/hri; -dhri- ^ ^ ^ ud-vah-^, a. carrying upwards, con-
^ s f l ^ ud-githa, TO. (n.) chanting of the tinuing; m. son, descendant of (-0); -ana, n.
Suma-veda by the Udgatri. tl,/. pulling out; tearing up; abstract, epitome;
raising up; bearing, supporting; drawing,
ud-gfirrea, n. (pp.) raising a weapon driving; riding on (in.); possession of (- 0 ).
ud-bandha, to. hanging oneself; -na,
an a threat; -gorana, n. id. ^g^Ql ud-vahni, a. emitting sparks o/"fire.
n. id.', hanging (a criminal). [n. abst. i f .
ud-grathana, n. girding on. ud-bSshpa, a. shedding tears : -tva, ud-vaha, TO. marriage.
^Sg^UJ ud-grahama, n. taking out.
^ |v3> ud-bahu, °cR -ka, a. having the arms ^ ^ • d u d - v i ( / - i t a v y a , fp. n. one must
^ j j u d - g r g h a , TO. reception. upraised. shudder at (ab.).

ud-griv-a, a. with outstretched neck nd-budbuda, a. bubbling forth. ^ f l ^ i T f W t u d - v i k a s i n , a. blown (flower).

(-m, ad.); having the neck uppermost; -ika, ud-vigna, pp. vig; -manas, a. trou-
/ . stretching out the neck; -in, a. =udgrlva. ^ H p ud-bhanga, TO. breaking off (a habit).
bled in mind.
ud-bhaia, a. eminent, extraordinary.
ud-gha^ana,m. striking; blow; out-
break, outburst; -gbarsbana, n. friction; ud-bhava, to. origin, birth, appear- ud-vikshana, n. look, gaze; sight.
thrashing. ance ; birthplace ; a. arising or produced ud-vega, to. tremor, heaving, surging;
from : -kshetra, n. place of origin. uneasiness, agitation; objection; -kara, a.
(d ud-gMtf-a, m. opening, displaying ;
-aka, to. key; -ana, a. opening, thrusting ud-bhav-ana, n. neglect; -ayitn, (i) causing uneasiness, distressing, agitating,
aside ; n. opening ; -aniya, fp. to be opened; TO. raiser or exalter (ac.). alarming; -karaka, -karin, a. id.; -krit, o.
-ita-j^Ta, a. prudent, wise; -in, a. opening. causing aversion.
I ud-bhas-in, a. resplendent w i t h ;
^ i r m ud-gh&t-a, m. blow; jolt, shock ; dis- made visible or indicated by (- 0 ); forthcom- \3^fi|«^udveg-in, a. getting excited.
cussion ; beginning; -in, a. rough, rugged. ing ; -ura, a. blazing. ud-vegr-a-ka, a. = udvega-kara;
ud-ghftrwa, a. wavering. [raised, ud-bhigf-tya, a. produced from -ana,a. disquieting, alarming; n. shuddering;
sprouts; -bhid, a. breaking forth, sprouting; alarm: -kara, a. causing terror; -aniya,fp.
^ f l i l j ud-ghona, a. having the nose or snout f . shoot, plant. [gible. object of alarm to (g.); -in, a. causingaversion.
^ i f f a ud-ghosha, m. proclaiming aloud ; ud-bh<ita-sparsa-vat, a. tan- ^ . f ^ ud-vedi, a. on which an altar rises.
H 2
52 ud-vela. upa-desh-£avya.

•^g^f ud-vela, a. overflowing its banks; ex- near (ac., lc.); *under, less than (ac.); on, in; upa-£ar-a, a. approaching ; -ana, n.
cessive ; free from (- 0 ). [loosened. *above, more than (lc.); with, according to (in.). approaching; -itavya,//?. to be treated ; to
upa-kaksh£, a. reaching to the be honoured; - y a , f p . to be treated; -ya,/.
ud-veshtena, a. having the fillet attendance.
shoulder; -kaniAa, n. neighbourhood ; -kan-
ud-vesh£aniya, i /p.tobe unloosed, isb£Aik&,/. (sc. anguli) next to the little = upa-fcara, m. behaviour ; conduct,
third finger; -kanya-puram, ad. near the practice; proficiency; procedure with (g.); at-
^ i f U N D , v. ^ T U D . harem. tendance, service; courtesy, (polite) atten-
SjJ" un-na, pp. of ^ud. tion, compliment; homage; ornament; cere-
^qon^TJf upa-kararaa, n. doing a service or
mony; complimentary garland; (medical)
favour ; accessory ; implement, instrument;
SJftT un-nata, pp. \Znam: -tva, re. exal- treatment; idiom; figurative term; -ka,
furniture; contribution; means; aid; supple-
tation, majesty; -Tarawa, a. with uplifted courtesy (- 0 a.,f. ik4); - k r i y k , f . polite at-
mentary treatise; (a)-vat, a. supplied with
paws, rampant; -sattva-salin, a. endowed tention ; -pada, n. complimentary word,
means; l-kri, make a tool of; i-bbu, become
with a lofty nature. empty flattery; -paribhrash^a, pp. devoid
a tool of; i-ya,//;. to whom a service is to be
of civility, discourteous; -vat, a. decorated,
S j T f f T u n - n a t i , / . r i s i n g ; heaving; elevation done or is done : -ta,/. abst. N. [factor.
r adorned. [(ac,); -ya, fp. to be courted.
(above, lc.); exalted position; -mat, a. high,
\3Mdh<j upa-kartri, m. (tri) befriender, bene-
prominent; exalted. in, a. serving, attending
un-namana, n. erecting. xgifcflini+l upa-kantam, ad. near her lover. upa-7i;ita-bali, a. covered with
^qedXT upa-kar-a, m. friendly service, kind- offerings; -vapns, a. whose bulk is increased;
Sj^ET un-namra, a.rising: -ta,/. elevation.
ness ; benefit; favour; -aka, a. (ika) doing -kiti, / . accumulation, store; increase, aug-
un-nayana, n. raising; parting; in- friendly service; helpful, useful; conducive; mentation; gain. [ana).
ference : -paiilcti, a. the rows of whose eyes auxiliary; -in,a.id.; -i-tva,n.abst.N.; -ajipa- f upa-Mdana, n. singeing (also -ktil-
are directed upwards. te&ra,ra.du. benefit and injury; - y a , f p . who
is benefited : -ya,/. royal tent. upa-ft&Aandana, n. persuasion.
un-n&bha, m. N. of a king.
^ j f p s T un-nala, a. having its stalk erect. ^ n ^ T n r npa-kurvawa, pr.pt. of \/kri; m. x^M^t upa-gra, a. belonging to (g.); proceed-
pupil who on concluding hisVedic studies with ing from (- 0 ).
^ f f j j ^ u n - n i d r a , a. sleepless,waking; blown histeacher becomes a householder; -ka, m. id. ^rf^fxg upa-r/apya, fp. to be gained over.
(flower)-, -ta,/. sleeplessness.
^TJ^^f upa-ktila, a. situated or growing on
un-matta, pp. (v^mad) mad, frantic; ^ T S r f ^ u p a - t f a l p i n , a. advising.
the bank: -tas, -m, ad. near the bank.
intoxicated; m. thorn-apple: -ka, a. (ika)
^TTSrfTT upa-kriti, / . benefit, friendly ser- I upa-grata-kopa, a. with anger
out of one's senses; mad; -dar.rana, a. of
vice ; -mat, a. benefiting (-°). aroused, provoked; -krodba, a. with wrath
frantic aspect; -rupa, a. maniac-like; -vat,
aroused, enraged; -visvasa, a. with confi-
ad. like a maniac ; -vesa, a. dressed like a
^Jtrarfarr upa-kosa,/. N. ofVararuki's wife. dence engendered, confiding.
maniac; -^avanti, m. N. of a king. [down.
^TTspT upa-kram-a, m. approach ; applica- IM upa-^fipa, m. whispering to, gain-
un-mathana, n. shaking; shooting
tion,treatment ; beginning; design, scheme; first ing over; -ka, a. inciting, stirring up (g.).
un-mad-a, a. drunk; furious; mad, proj ect of a work; means, expedient; -araiya, ^ X r f g n i t ^ upa-(/igamishu, des. a. intend-
wild; -ana, a. enamoured; -ishnu, a. mad. fp. to be begun; -kranta, (pp.) n. beginning; ing to go to (ac.).
-kramya,_/y. to be treated (disease).
un-manas, a. agitated, confused; upa-{/ibva, / . uvula.
eager to (inf.) ; -ka, id.: - t a , / dbst.N. ^qfs(i4| 1 upa-kriyS,/. service, favour.
^gTJ^ffaofi upa-<7iv-aka, a. living by (in. or
un-manaya, den. A . become agi- S M s h W l upa-kric?a,/. playground. - ° ) ; dependent; -ana, n. livelihood; -i-tr?', a.
tated. living by (g.); -in, a. maintaining oneself by
^Mshl^l upa-krosa, m. blame, reproach;
un-mayflkha, a. radiant, brilliant. (ac., g., -°); wholly dependent on; humbly
-na, n. censure, abuse. [appearance.
adoring (-°); -ya, a. furnishing a mainten-
un-mardana, n. unction; unguent. ^T^T^I upa-kshaya, m. decrease, waste; dis- ance; that on which anything depends; n.
un-matha, ret. shaking. upa-kshepa,ra. mention, intimation;
| un-mM-a, m. madness ; -i-ta,/. mad- -ma, n. id. ^ t K u p a - . o s h a m , ad. silently.
ness; -in, a.mad,insane: -1 , f . If. of a princess. ^ T T upa-ga, a. betaking oneself to, situated S q ^ T upa-r/wa,/. self-obtained knowledge,
in, standing on, furnished with (-0) ; -gata, own invention ; a. (a) invented by.
un-marga, m. wrong road; evil
(pp.) n. receipt; -gati, / . approach; -gan-
course: -gamin, a., -yata, pp., -vartin, a., ^ M d d f ^ upa-ta/am, ad. on the slope.
t a v y a , f p . to be submitted to; -gama, m. ap-
-v/'i'tti, a. following evil courses. [eyes. proach, arrival; accession or commencement ^Mrtt^H.upa-talpam, ad. upon the towers.
^ f a f a r T un-mishita, (jap.) n. opening the of (- 0 ): -na, n. resorting to (-°); -gamya,
fp. accessible. ^^fTT'R upa-tap-a, m. heat; pain; disease;
un-mukha, a. (i) having the face -aka, a. causing pain; -in, a. ill; causing
upturned ; upward; looking up towards ; upa-glna, n. accompanying chant. pain to [betake oneself to (ac.).
longing for ; expecting ; ready for, about to ^tfTTf'i*tupa-g6,min, a. approaching; ap- ^ M f f l S upa-tish#AS-su,des.a.wishing to
(-°): -m, ad. upwards; -ta,/. desire, expect- pearing. [mountains.
ancy ; -dar.vana, n. upward gaze. upa-tya-ka,/. land at the foot of
^ n r f i r f X upa-giri, m. country bordering on a mountain.
^*»|*S«tJin-m1lrdhan, -hvg. the head raised.
upa-giti,/. a metre. ^tp^T upa-da, / . offering, present.
un-mfil, I. P. be uprooted; cs. xrn-
^TEPn© upa-gfie?Aa, (pp.) n. embrace, h u g . ^ q ^ T ^ upa-datri, m. bestower.
mulaya, uproot; exterminate, destroy; de-
throne. sam, cs. uproot; destroy. ^ t R T ^ upa-graha, ra. treaty or peace S q f ^ j ^ d l upadigdha-tS,/. being covered
un-mulana, n. uprooting ; exter- bought by the cession of everything. with (-°). [_(N.E. d-c.).
mi nation. ^MM upa-gramam, ad. near the village. SXTf^*^ upa-dis, / . intermediate quarter
^3«3T^Tuii-mesha, m. opening the eyes; quiver- ^T^TTfl upa-gMta, m. blow; injury,damage; upa-des-a, m. reference; direction,
ing (of lightning); opening (of a bud); ap- infringement; -ka, a. injuring, hurting; in- instruction; precept, rule, lesson; advice ;
pearance. [donment. fringing. grammatical designation: -t&,/. instructive-
un-mofcana,n. unloosening; aban- ^ M H l m i J upa-ghoshana, n. proclaiming. ness for (g.); -ana, / . direction, instruction,
lesson, rule; -in, a. (-i) instructing; m. teacher;
un-mo?ana, n. breaking off. ^tJ^J upa-ghna, m. support. prescribed form of a word, suffix dec. as stated
in grammatical works.
tipa, vb.px. up, hither (esp. with verbs of ^tf^Efupa-^aya, m. accumulation; increase;
motion); nl. px. about, near ( = approxima- growth; welfare : -m kri, promote the welfare upa-desh-favya,j^?.to be advised
tion); moreover, further; prp.to,towards, of, assist (g.); -Jivaha, a. advantageous. or taught; -tri, m. instructor.

^pq^^ upa-drava. ^ q ^ p f upa-ves-ana. 53
upa-drava,m.mischance, accident; upa-paura-ka, TO. ad. near a sub- decease: -na, n. cessation from (ab.),-tva, n.
adversity, distress; mischief, evil; infirmity; urban grove. quiescence.
symptom (of disease). ^ T T T T upa-raga, to. coloration; eclipse,
^ H ^ M upa-pradana, n. donation, gift.
upa-drashM, m. spectator, witness. darkness; influence: -vat, a. eclipsed (by
^ m r ^ t W T upa-pralobhana, n. seduction, Eahu).
upa-dharma, TO. subordinate duty. allurement.
W T f X up£ri, ad. above, over; up, upwards ;
^TOT upa-dha, / . fraud ; intrigue ; moral ^MH^Jty upa-prekshana, n. overlooking. moreover; afterwards; repeated: one above
test; penultimate or preceding letter (gr.); the other; always upwards; again and again;
^ M t f a upa-praisha, m. ritual invitation. prp. above, over, beyond, upon (ac., g.,ab., Ic.:
(a)-na, a. putting on; n. fflacing upon;
cushion, pillow; -niya, n. cushion ; -yin, a. upa-plav-a, m. disaster, misfortune, or ad.); above (of number or rank),
making a pillow of visitation; portent; eclipse; -in, a. assailed after (time: g. or-0ad.); concerning, on ac-
by calamity; eclipsed. count of (g.); repeated: far above (g.).
upa-dhi, TO. addition; f r a u d ; part
upari-tftnu, ad. above the knee;
of wheel between nave and felly. \3l|«(«^upa-bandha,TO.connexion; employ-
-tana, a. upper; -tala, n. surface; -yana, n.
^TJ^lg upa-dhenu, ad. near the cows. ment (of a word); kind of sitting posture. going to heaven.
^M«j f ^ u p a - b n m h i n , a. confirming, fur-
upa-naya, TO. bringing, supplying; ^PTfTWTT upari-bhaga, TO. upper part.
application; introduction: -na,n.id.; initi- thering.
ation of a pupil; investiture; offering. np£rish-fi!t, ad. a b o v e ; after-
up-abd&, TO. noise, clatter; -abdbi, wards, later, below (in a book); prp. over,
upa-nayana, n. investiture. TO. id.: -mat, a. noisy. upon (ac. or g.); after (g.); about, concern-
^ m R ^ M upa-nikshepa, TO. deposit. ^ m T f p upa-bhanga, TO. line (of a stanza). ing (g.). [above or upon (g.,

W T R T upa-bbasha, f . subordinate pro- upari-sh^a, a. standing or being

^Trf'TOT^ upa-nidhatri, a. setting down.
vincial dialect. upa-rudita, (pp.) n. lamentation.
^ ( • i R f upa-nidhi, m. (sealed) deposit.
H i « ( u p a - b h u k t a - d h a n a , a.having en- ^ m ^ upa-ruddha, (pp.) n. private apart-
^ I j f r f m T f upa-nipat-a, to. entrance; sud- joyed his wealth; to. N. of a merchant.
den appearance; sudden attack ; -in, a. fall- ment.
ing upon (- 0 ). [editor: -tva, n. abst. x. upa-bhnt, f . wooden sacrificial cup. ^ q ^ H o J I upa-rttpaka, n. second class drama.
upa-niband-dhn, TO. composer, upa-bhoktavya, fp. to be en- upa-rodh-a, to. obstruction, ob-
joyed. stacle, hindrance; disturbance; injury; detri-
upa-nibandha, to. engagement, ment ; dissension; -ana, n. siege; obstacle;
oath : -na, n. description. upa-bhog-a, to. enjoyment, use ;
-in, a. hindered or interrupted b y ; detri-
eating: -vat, a. affording enjoyment; -in, a.
^tff^fJp^TJJ upa-nimantrawa, n. invitation. mental to, disturbing (-°).
enjoying, using (- 0 ); - y a , f p . to be enjoyed
upa-ni-shad,/. [sitting down be- or used; n. object of enjoyment. upala, TO. s t o n e ; gem.
side], secret or esoteric doctrine; N. of a upa-m£, spv. uppermost, h i g h e s t ; ^q^T^fcfi upa-laksh-aka, a. expressing im-
class of works treating of the secret meaning most exalted or excellent; nearest, next: plicitly ; perceiving, guessing; -ana, n. look-
of the Veda. [to anything; open space. first; last. ing after; mark; designation; implicit or
elliptical designation: -ta,/.,-tva, n. abst. x.
upa-nish-kramana,n .going out
W T f ^ u p a - m a n t r i n , a - encouraging.
^ r ^ r r r f ^ ^ u p a l a - p r a k s h i n , a. (ra-i) work-
upa-ne-tavya, fp. to be brought; upa-manyu, a. zealous ; to. N.
ing the millstone. [hension, perception.
-tri,TO.,-tri,y. bringer; preceptor.
upa-marda, m. violent pressure; in- upa-labdhi,/. acquisition; appre-
upa-nyas-ana, n. adduction of a jury; destruction: -ka, a. destroying; -na, n.
topic; preaching; -ta,pp. (V 2 - as) intima- doing an injury ; offence. •^XT^fKT upa-labhya, fp. obtainable ; per-
tion, remark. ceptible ; -lamblia, to. acquisition ; observa-
^ R T upa-ma, f . comparison ; likeness ; tion ; perception, feeling: -ka, a. perceiving;
"^^r^STTO upa-nyasa, a. procuring; to. ad- image; simile: -°a,a.like; (a)-na,».compari- causing perception. [rocks.
junction ; procurement; incidental mention, son ; likeness, resemblance; analogy; object
intimation ; statement, declaration; discus- with which anything is compared; a. like, upala-vishama, a. rough with
sion; kind of alliance or peace: -ra.,ad. while comparable to; -jirtha, to. purport of an dpalS,/. upper (smaller) millstone.
alleging (~°). image: in. figuratively; -vyatireka,TO.kind
N^qUffT upa-pati, TO. paramour, adulterer. of simile. ^ T f ^ n W T upa-lip-sa, (des.) f . desire for
upa-miti,/. similarity; analogical (-°); -su, des. a. desirous to learn (ac.).
^ H q f r l upa-patti,/. coming about, occur-
rence, appearance ; success; resultance, de- inference, induction; -meya, fp. comparable upa-lepana, n. smearing (esp. with
monstration, establishment, proof; suitable- with (in., -°); n. object compared (opp. to cowdung). [ - v r i t i , / . garden hedge.
ness: -pari-tyakta,pp. unfounded; -yukta, upamana): - j i p a m a , f . reciprocal simile.
upa-vana, n. little wood, grove:
pp. proved. \j>anying another (gr.). upa-yantn,TO.husband; -yama, to.
marrying (a wife); -yamana, a. supporting ; ^ S f ^ upa-vanam, ad. in the forest.
aMM^ upa-pada, n. secondary word accom-
n. marrying (a wife). upa-varnana, n. description, exact
^MMd upa-panna, pp. -y/pad.
fx} upa-yaAr-ana,n. solicitation; -ita, account; panegyric. [brother ofVarsha.
^IJlJXtT upa-p&ta, m. chance, accident. (pp.) n. prayer, request. upa-varsha, m. N. of a younger
^qtJTfT'fi upa-pata-ka, n. minor c r i m e ; upa-yana, n. approach, arrival. ^ J c R r e upa-vasathd, TO. fast on the eve
-kin, a. guilty of a lesser offence.
i f t j ^ u p a - y % i n , a. approaching. of the Soma sacrifice. [-in, a. fasting.
^ t T O T f a t u p a p & t - i n , a . befalling (~°).
^ T ^ T f W ^ I upa-yoktavya,/p. to be enjoyed. ^IJ^TO upa-v&s-a,TO.fasting ; -aka, n. id.;
^MMl^ch upa-pada-ka, a. effecting, bring- ^jqqTfjU upa-vahya,/p. to be led u p ; suit-
ing about; -na, a. bringing forward ; n. pro- upa-yog-a, TO. application, employ-
able for driving or riding. [seated.
curement ; appearance; demonstration. ment ; use, utility; enjoyment; acquirement;
-in, a. applicable, serviceable, suitable; " ^ f ^ S upa-vishfa, pp. ( V v i s ) alighted;
^IfirnT upa-papa, n. minor crime. employing, using. [applicable.
^ T f c f f a f ? ! upa-vinaya, den. P . play to (ac.)
^ t r N * upa-pai'sva, TO. shoulder-blade. upa-yofyya, fp. to be employed ; on the vinS.
^MmI'-SI upa-pirfana,n.tormenting; pang. tipa-ra, cpv. lower; later; n e a r e r ; TO. ^TJ^ftWripa-vita,(/>p.-/vye)».wearingofthe
^M^^Hir upa-purana, n. secondary Pur ana. the nether stone (on which Soma is pounded). sacred thread; sacred cord; -vitin, a. wear-
ing the sacred thread over the left shoulder.
upa-pArva, a. preceded by = com- upa-rati,/. cessation; quiescence;
pounded with pfirva. death; -rama,TO.cessation; relinquishment; ^ t f W W T upa-ves-ana, n. sitting down, seat;
54 ^M^^l upa-vesya. ubh-a.

undergoing (- 0 ); -in, a. undergoing, practis- ^TCiTTW upa-stirana, n. mattress, [vant. ^ M ( b y i ^ f upaadhy&y-a,TO.teacher; -4ni,/.
ing (-0). [sit down. wife of a teacher. [a shoe.
^ q f t s T upa-sti (or -stf), TO. dependent, ser-
upa-vesya, cs. gd. having made to upSnad-gfWAa, pp. covered with
upa-stxre, d. inf. to spread out, to
^ f t n i T upa-sama, to. cessation; abatement; ^ M H ^ upa-n^h,/.(nm,-nat) sandal, shoe.
extinction; calmness; -na, n. appeasement; S ^ ^ f H lipa-stuti, / . invocation. [cover.
^m*T^upa.nah-a, m.(esp.-°)id.\ -in,a. shod.
-vat, a. having peace of mind. ^ m g j u p ^ - s t h a , m . l a p ; driver's seat; m.n.
upa-say£, a. lying beside; to. lying- organs of generation : -nigraba, m. control upaant-^, n. nearness of the end ;
in-wait ; -stha, a.being on the watch {for game). of the sexual passion; -stbatavya, fp. n. one border, edge; outskirts; immediate proximity:
should appear; one should wait upon ; -stba- near (g. or —°): -bbaga, to. edge, rim,
^TOpSF upa-salya, n. open space near a town border; -ika, n. vicinity: -m, ad. up to (gr.);
tri, a. putting in an appearance (leg.); -stb&-
or village: -ka, n. small open space in the ab. near; lc. near = into (g.).
na, n. presence; approach ; attendance; ser-
neighbourhood. [sation; abatement. vice ; veneration ; assembly; -sthayika, m. u p a a n t y a , a. last b u t one.
I f«ff upa-santi,/. tranquillization; ces- attendant on the sick; -sthayin, a. putting
in an appearance (leg.); -sthita, pp. Vstha. ^Ml^J u p a a y a , m. a p p r o a c h ; m e a n s ; ex-
upa-sayin, a. sleeping; going to pedient, stratagem, device, craft: in. or -tas,
rest. [eagerness to learn. ^ W j f r upa-spars-ana, n. t o u c h i n g ; bath- cleverly, craftily; -Mnt&,/. devising an ex-
ing, ablution; rinsing the mouth; -in, a. pedient ; -gn&, a. fertile in resources; -sam-
^ X T f W upa-siksha, / . acquirement ( - ° ) ; darsana-^a, a. arising from the manifestation
touching, bathing in (- 0 ); -spris, a. touch-
^ T j f t H T upa-sobh-ana, n. trimming; /. ing; f . caress. of successful means.
N^q^q upa-slesha, m. embrace, [ornament. SM^sft |c(|'t v upa-hata|ltman,a. blinded, be- n3MI«<*1 u p a a y a n a , n . a p p r o a c h ; present,of-
guiled; -batnu, a.assailing; -bantavya,/p. fering : i-kri, make a present of.
c n f q ^ o q upa-slokay-itavya, fp.to be
to be killed.
sung of in si ok as. v ^ m c T l M q upayaupeya, n.means and end.
xji^'^UJ upa-har-ana, n. offering, presenta- y i l l ^ ' t upa arg'-ana, n., i, f . acquisition;
upa-sh£ambha, v. -stambha. tion ; -tavya, fp. to be presented; -tri, m.
SXRNSTRupa-samvyana.n.under-garment. server up (of meat). - i t a , pp. (Vrig) acquired.

upa-hasti-ka,/. betel-case. u p a j i - l a b d h a v y a / p . t o be blam-

^M^HTPC upa-sam-h&ra, m. drawing back ; ed; -labhya, fp. id.; -lambba, m. reproach,
recapitulation ; conclusion; -bn'ta-tva, n. upa-hara, m. offering; presenta- blame, censure: -na, n, id.
withdrawal from consideration ; -briti, f . de- tion, gift; peace purchased by indemnifica-
nouement, catastrophe (in a play). tion : -to vi-dba, offer (ac.) as a victim: a-ka, ^ r r f ^ T upajili, ad. in his mistress' presence.
^Mtisfi i f n i upa-samkrSnti,/. getting across. m., i-ka,/. id.) -ta,/., -tva, n. abst. N.\ -pa-
^ T T W ^ T upajivartana, n. return.
ni, a. bringing a present in one's hand; -var-
^MtJ^M upa-sawikshepa,m.brief summary. man,TO.N.; l-kri, offer up, sacrifice (ac.); ^MT^ti I »^upaavasayin, a. submitting to
|«Tupa-sa/iikhyana,«.superaddition. i-&ikirsbu, des. a. wishing to offer up as a
sacrifice (ac.). NSMl^q upajlsraya, m. refuge. [(?•)•
^ T O T T T e f upa-sam-gamana, n. sexual inter-
^MT^cft upaSs-aka, a. serving; to.servant;
course ; -graba, m. clasping (e. g. the feet in Ni"4*11*1 upa-hcls-a, to. l a u g h t e r ; ridicule,
follower, worshipper (esp. of Buddha,)) -ana,
token ofrespect); taking (a wife): -na,n. clasp- mockery ; j e s t ; -in, a. ridiculing; - y a , f p . to
n. attendance; honour; devotion, worship ;
ing; respectful salutation by clasping the feet; be ridiculed: -ta, /. derision : -to gam, = be-
practice; domestic fire; -ya,/p.to be honoured.
-grahya,/p. whose feet should be clasped. come a laughing-stock.
^ H t t T j upa-s&ttri, m. inhabitant. S t f f ^ c T upa-hita, pp. ( v^dM) conditioned N S m f e n upaa-hita, pp. (v^dha); n. con-
by (-°): -tva, n. being conditioned by (-°).
^ T O ^ T upa-sadana, n. respectful saluta-
u p a i k s h - a k a , a. indifferent; -ana,
tion ; performance; -sadya, fp. to be respect- ^ M ^ f r l upa-hftti, f . challenge.
n. disregard; indifference; indulgence, toler-
fully approached or served; -sanna, pp.
^M^tTT upa-homd, m. additional sacrifice. ance; - a , / disregard, indifference ; neglect;
(V'sad) having entered as a pupil.
-ya,fp. to be disregarded or overlooked.
upa-samdhyam, ad. about the xJM.S.i. upa-hvara, TO.slope; secluded place:
lc. privately; neighbourhood : lc. near. u p a i t a , pp. e n d u e d : -ptlrva, a. pre-
time of twilight. [a co-wife.
viously apprenticed to a teacher, [pedients.
upa-sapatni, ad. in presence of ^HrF^J upaamsu,ad. [ a t t h e Soma],silently;
secretly; privately; to. silent prayer; -krirfita, up-etri,m. undertaker; employerofex-
^ M t H ^ I upa-sarawa, n. approaching ( - 0 ) . pp. played with secretly, sharing one's private
c V^l upaindra,m.ej5.o/Vish«u (sub-Indra);
amusements; -vadha, TO. secret murder;
upa-sarga, m. addition; trouble; ca- -va#ra, /. a metre.
-vrata, n. silent vow.
lamity; eclipse; preposition (gr.); -sargrana,
n. addition; obscuration, eclipse; secondary upaa-kararaa, n. preparation; be- upeya, fp. (\/i) that is to be under-
thing; subordinate person; representative ; z ginning of Vedic study; -karman, n. id. taken; to be approached (carnally). [to.
dependent (in a compound or as a derivative) " ^ f ^ ^ t ^ u p a j y i v a s , pt.pf. having gone
word determining another (gr.). H u p a a k h y a n a , n. subordinate tale,
episode; -ka, n. short tale. S ^ t S upaQdAa, pp. ( V v a h ) married.
upa-sarp-ana,n. approach; going
out into (-°); -in, a. approaching. ^TJTjf u p a a n g a , n. subordinate m e m b e r ; u p a u d a k a , a. close to the w a t e r ;
subdivision; unimportant supplement; -gita, i , f . a plant. [ginning; apt instance.
upa-santvana, n. kind word, n. choral song.
upa-sindhu, ad. near the Indus. TTT upaudghata, TO. introduction; be-
^ W T u p a a % a n a , n. anointing, smearing.
^^ftg^^I^i u p a u d - b a l a - k a , a. supporting:
^ K t J * ^ u p a - s u n d a , m. N. of a Daitya ^ M l T l upaji-tta, pp. . / d a ; -vidya, a. who
-tva, n. abst. N. ; -bala-ya, den. P. support.
(younger brother of Sunda). [butter-spoon. has acquired knowledge; -sara, a. the best of
upa-seAana, n. besprinkling; i , / . which has been appropriated. ^ M t m i l upaoshana, n. fasting.

^ t r o ^ « f i u p a - s e v - a k a , « . c o u r t i n g (-°); -ana, upajidana, n. taking, seizure, ap- ^ f t f ^ r i u p a u s h i t a , pp. (v'vas, dwell) n. id.
n. courting; carnal intercourse with (- 0 ); propriation ; apprehension; admission, non-
up-ta, pp. V v a p ; - t i , / . sowing.
addition to, indulgence in (-°); a, f . carnal exclusion; employment; mention, quotation;
intercourse with; devotion to; indulgence in material cause. ^ M r U ^ u-ptatyaya, TO. suffix u.
(-°); -in, a. serving; reverencing; worship- ^ M1^Ef u p a j i - d e y a ^ i . (*/da) to be accepted ^ ^ f U B G , VI. P. keep down, restrain.
ping; practising (-°).
or chosen; excellent; contained in (- 0 ).
^ upa-skara, m. (n.) implement; do- U B H , VI. P. nmbha, IX. P. ubb-n«L,
W f a upajL-dhi, TO. substitution; all that
mestic utensil; broom, [lant; -na, n. support, N V I I . P. nnap-ti, knit, bind; compress.
comes under the head of (-°); epithet; con-
upa-stambha, TO. support, stimu- dition, assumption; that which conditions. ubh-ci, du. both.

ubha-ya. u-ma. 55
ultliit-ya, a. (1) sg. & pi. both; -kama, urv£rS, f . corn-field; earth, a. eager, ready, willing.
a. desirous of both; -guna, a.having both qua-
urvarita,^.leftover,escaped,saved. usi-nara, m. pi. N. of a people in
lities ; -/iakravartin, a. ruling both worlds.
Madhyade&a; sg. king of the Uslnaras.
^JTSTrRJ. ubhaya-tas, ad. from or on both ^ ^ i f t ur-v&s-i,/. ardour, passion, fervent
desire; N. of an Apsaras. nsi-ra, m. n. a fragrant root.
sides, of (ac. or g.); in both cases; (A)-sasya,
a. bearing crops at both seasons; -tas-tik- ^ ^ i.USH, I . P.osha, I X . P . nsh-na,burn
^ r f s N r urviya, ad. far, far and wide.
sh»a, a. sharp at both ends; -to-dant, a. hav- ^(tr.);chastise;destroy, npa,prati,scorch,
ing two rows of teeth; (fe)to-mukha, having u r v f , / . e a r t h ; du. heaven and earth: burn up.
a spout on both sides (vessel). pi. w. shash, the six terrestrial spaces (four
quarters, above & below; sometimes explained l i s h , / . (only g. sg. & ac. pi.) dawn.
^ H T ' T ubhaya-tra, ad. in both places ; in
as heaven earth, day & night, water & plants). ush-a, a. eager, desirous.
both cases; -tha, ad. in both ways or cases.
If Tfffubhaya-prapti, a. validity inboth urvi-tala, n. surface of the earth, ushar-biidh, a. waking early.
cases (gr.); a. valid in both cases; -vetana, earth; -dhara, m. mountain; -pati, m. king;
a. receiving wages from both, serving two -bhu$r, m. id.; -bhrit, m.mountain; -ruha, /. dawn; Aurora; morning;
masters; -snataka, a. having bathed after both a. sprung from the earth; m. tree, [« people. evening-red (rarer): du. night and morning.
(i.e. his apprenticeship and his vow of chastity). tfluka, m. owl; ep. o / I n d r a : pi. N. of ushas-ya, a. sacred to Ushas.
^JTOT ubhay8, ad. in both ways, [both sets. ulukhala, n. mortar : -musala, n. N3m u s h - a , / . dawn, break of day. [night.
ubhavaatmaka, a. belonging to du. mortar and pestle; i-ka, a. using as a W T O T ush^sS-nakta,/. du. dawn and
^RT^TT^ ubhay^-da, a. having two rows of ulflpa, m. a plant. [mortar (-°). ^f^IfT ush-ita, pp. v ush and V v a s , dwell;
teeth, [words identical in form and meaning. ulka, f . meteor; firebrand, torch ; -itavya, fp. n. the night must be passed.
W K H j f o ubhayajivntti, / . recurrence of -mukha, m. kind of spectre. ^ T t ^ T usho-^ala, n. pi. dew ; -devata,/.
^JTT um&,/. flax ; N. of Siva's vnfe (Par- rilba, (m.) n. c a u l ; womb. goddess of dawn; -r&ga, m. dawn.
vatl, Durga); -natha, m. husband of Uma, ^^T^TJJ ulbawa, a. excessive; extraordinary; ^EJ ush-/ri (or -tri), m. ploughing bull.
Siva; -patl, ^isa,TO.id.
abounding in, full of or in.): -t&,/. abst. .v.
^ I T O uraA-kapS<a,TO.n. broad c h e s t ; ush-/ra, m., i , / . buffalo ; camel.
ulmuka, n. firebrand.
-pratipesham, abs. breast pressing breast. usb<r-ika,/. she-camel.
^f^^«Tul-langh-ana,w.overstepping; trans-
^ ^ l u r d - g a , m. [breast-goer], snake: ^ S a - ush-n^, a. hot, warm ; deep (sigh): -m,
gression, infringement; - a n i y a , fp. to be in-
na, m. snake-eater, ep. of Garuda. ad. deeply (sigh); n. heat; hot season; -kara,
fringed ; -y&,fp. id.
uragaSsya,». (snake-face), kind of m. sun; -kala, m. hot season; -kira^a, m.
f i t ul-lalana, a. swarming (bee). sun; - t a , / , -tva, n. heat; -didhiti,-bhas,
spade. [snake.
-rasmi, -ru/ii, m. sun; -varana, n. umbrella;
^ j y i uram-ga, -ma, m. [breast-goer], ^TWfWcf ul-las-ita, ^ T f ^ f T ul-lasita, pp.
-samaya, m. hot season; -spar&a-vat, a. hot
>y/las. [valescence.
^<1!ur-awa,^r^?ura-bhra,m. ram; lamb. to the touch.
^ S H ^ ul-lagha, a. convalescent; -ta,/.con-
' t f ^ O ® urari-kri, spread out; receive; as- ^"SJJT^J ushwajimsu, vtu (hot-rayed), sun.
W P T 3 ullagha-ya, den. P . restore to life.
sume, display; admit; begin with (ac.). ushnaaln, a . suffering from the heat.
ul-lap-a,m.abuse; -in,a.calling o u t ;
<3 uras-fcAada, TO. cuirass. ^ r ^ M u s h n - i - m a n , m. heat.
^ t t , lir-as, n. breast: dha, (A.) wear on u s h n l h , / . (nm. k) a metre.
^UTTW ul-las-a, m.appearance; growth; j o y ;
the breast; -ka, a. -breasted, -chested (-°).
-ana, n. flashing; -in, a. playing, skipping.
"S'*!?!® ushni-kri,heat,warm. [-pa^a, m.id.
uraA-s&trika,/. pearl necklace
^ f i g f o m ul-likh-ita,pf». scratched, scraped.
ur-a,/. sheep, [worn on the breast. ushwisha, m. n. head-band, turban;
^ f W l ^ T ul-linga-ya, den. P . infer by tokens.
^<0© uri-kn, receive; place at one's dis- ^ ^ n ^ c n ushnaiidaka, n. warm water.
ul-luw^ana, n. pulling.
posal, give up; promise; begin with. ^<*f«\ush-man, m. heat, warmth, ardour;
nJ^ ur-u, a. ( f . id. or u r v i ) wide, broad; ul-lekh-a, m. mention ; description; hot moisture, vapour; -ya, ir. gd. - ushitva
spacious, extensive; great (also Jig.); n. dis- -ana, a.pain ting,describing; n. scraping; men- (s/vas, dwell).
tance; free space; ad. far; far away. tion ; statement; -in, a. scraping = extending
to; -ya, fp. to be scratched on or written us-ar,/. = ush-as.
^^sft+J uru-kram£, a. far-striding; -gaya, down on (-°). ^ ^ us-ra, a.matutinal,bright; m. r a y ; bull.
id.; far-extending; m. ep. of Vishnu; -vi-
ulva, °TIJ' -ma, v. ulba, -na.
krama, a. of great courage; -vya.fras, a. capa- ^P?TTus-ra,/. dawn, light of morn; cow; milk.
cious ; -vyank, a. id.; extensive: f . uru&Jf, u-vafca, pf. VvdJi.
u s - r i , / . morning ; brightness, light.
earth; -samsa, a. praising aloud; far-ruling.
u-vtsa, pf. vas, dwell,
uru-shyi, den. P . make for the dis- usri-kci, m. little ox.
ns-at, pr. pt. (*/vas), willing, eager.
tance; escape from (ac.) ; rescue or protect from usr-lya, a. reddish; coming from a
urflka, m. = ul<ika, owl. [(«&.). ^^It^us-^n-as, m. (nm. a) N. of a Eishi; in bull; TO. bull; / . radiance, light; cow ;
C. identified with Svkra <£ the planet Venus. milk and other products of the cow.
urti-nas£, a. broad-nosed.
I us-^na, (in.) ad. eagerly, j o y o u s l y ; UH, ftH.
uro-^a,TO.female breast; -vidaram,
abs. while his breast was lacerated. u-sabda, m. the word u. [swiftly. uh-ya, v. -s/vah.

Hi = u. Mhi, f . carrying, bringing. ^J^R^ udhar, n. id.; ^T^RC. udhas, n. id.:

-ya, n. milk.
^f dm, id. before iti in the Padapdtha. ^IcT A-ta, pp. of Vav and </yk, weave.
^T G-n^, pp. l a c k i n g ; incomplete; inade-
^giefiT^ (i-kara, TO. the sound or letter tl. ^ f l l i . G-ti, / . fvirtherance, help, favour,
quate ; inferior; too little; not quite, less than
blessing; helper; comfort, cordial; enjoyment: (ab. or less by (in. or -°); -t&,/., -tva, n.
3 pi. pf. of Vva,k.
2. f t - t i , / . web. [ F . d. ^ti. abst. N. ; -dvi-v&rshika, a. not yet two years
Mh&,pp. (VGh and Vvah) n. p r e y ; 4,
f . wife; -purv&,/. a. married before. ^ ^ • ^ u d h a n , n. udder ; bosom; cloud. ^STW u-ma,TO.good friend, associate, [old.
56 uru. ^TSJofi^ nwa-kartn.

ST^ ui'u, TO. ( , a. f . u or u) thigh, loin; ^ f ^ e f t i . ftrdhva-kara, a. with raised hands S l ^ S T uvadhya, n. contents of the entrails.
-jranman, m. ep. of Aurva; -pbala-ka, n. or upward rays ; -karma, a. pricking up one's
ears; -krita, pp. raised upwards; -ga, a. tfsh-a, TO. alkaline earth: -na, n. pepper;
loin-guard; -bbaiiga, m. fracture of the thigh;
-sambbava, a. produced from the thigh ; going upwards; -gati, /. going upwards; -ra, a. impregnated with salt; n. barren land.
-skambba, m. paralysis of the thigh; -stam- bounding; a. going upwards or to heaven; ^ m j f a f T tisharayita, pp. become like a
bba,TO.id. -gamana, n. rising, ascending, elevation:
salt desert..
-vat, a. moving upwards; -gamin, a. = -ga;
cj0rirudbhava,a.=-sawibhava;-upa- tish-i, / . alkaline or barren soil.
-^valana, n. flaming up ; -c/Aampa, TO. up-
pi^am, abs. with pressure of the thigh. wardleap; -dris,a. looking upwards; -drisb/i,
^ ^ t ^ u s h - u s , 3 pl.pf. of as, dwell.
^HJ iirg, f . nourishment, invigoration; a. upward gaze; -patra, n. tall vessel; -pada,
manly vigour. a. holding up the feet; m. tip of the foot; ^ f y r ^ t i s h - m d n , m . h e a t ; ardour; vapour;
-puncZra, -ka,TO.vertical line marked with breathing (grammatical designation of all the
^nf tog-d, a. v i g o r o u s ; / . vigour. sandal &c. on the forehead of a Brdhman, sibilants, h, and anusvara).
sectarian mark; -babu, a. having the arms
S T s h l ur(/d-ya, den.P. nourish,strengthen : ^^HM 6shma-pa,a.imbibingonZy the steam
raised; -bn'bati, f . a metre; -bbaga, TO.
pp. urgrita, vigorous, mighty. of food; TO. a class of Manes.
upper part; -mukba, a. with upturned face;
^ ^ ur[/-as, n. power, strength: -vat, a. having its mouth turned upwards; darting up-
(d-) nourishing, juicy; exuberant; vigorous; wards; -munc?a,a.shavedonthecrown; -vkgi, ^ ^ I. l^H (often uh), I . tfha, expiate;
f . upward streak ; -rekba, f . upward line; \ change, modify, apa, remove; release;
-vala, a. powerful, strong; -vin, a. id.
-retas, a. whose seed remains above, chaste; follow close upon (ac.); give up, avoid; deny,
fir-wa, n. wool ( - 0 ) ; -nabha, -nabhi, ra. viapa, remove, destroy, abhl, cover over
-loka,TO.upper world, heaven ; -v&la, a. hair
spider; -mrada, -mradas, a. soft as wool; outwards; -vrita, pp. worn above = over the with (in.), upa, move up, bring near; ps.
-vabbi, m. spider. shoulder. approach (time): pp. upodba, brought near;
near; begun; displayed; audible, sam-upa,
SlX^T ur-na, / . wool; spider's thread; twist urclhvaanguli, a. having the pp. begun; presented; offering itself, nls,
of hair between the eyebrows; -maya, a. (1) fingers directed upwards : - aroha, m. rising extract; remove : pp. nir-udba, isolated,
woollen; -yu, a. woolly; / . sheep; -vat, a. prati, interrupt, vi, spread out; divide; ar-
woolly; TO. spider; -stuka,/. bunch of wool. range, draw up in battle array; transpose ;
fir-mi, TO./, [roller: \/vri~] wave, bil- dissolve (vowel sandhi): pp. vyutMta, broad,
^ ^ UR-IVU, II. -w6ti or-nauti; -nut6,
low : pi. shower (of arrows), sea (of troubles extensive, nir-vi, bring out; achieve,accom-
O suri'ound; envelope; A . envelope one- &c.) ; gallop; affliction (six of which assail plish. sam and pari-sam, bring together.
self. apa, uncover, abbi, cover up, en- human life: hunger, thirst, heat, cold, greed,
shroud. pra, envelope, sam-pra, cover com- 2. tU, I. A . 6ba, V.; I. P. L toa,
and error).
pletely. v i , uncover. ^ C. regard, observe; conjecture, Buppose;
^ f i ? (firmi-ka,/.finger-ring; -mat,a.surg- infer; understand, api, understand; infer,
^ f ^ J &rdh-v£, a. upward; upright; raised,
ing, waving; -mala,/. a metre; -malin, a. abbi, consider; infer.
elevated; ad. upwards; afterwards: -m,
having a garland of waves; to. sea.
ad. id.; above, beyond, after (ab.); after the S ^ f t h - a , to.i. addition;modification; 2.con-
death of(g.): ata urdbvam, after this, hence- urmya, a. surging; a,/, night. sideration ; inference; -ana, n. id.; -aniya,
forth ; thereupon; ita urdbvam, from now on- - y a , f p . I. to be changed; 2. to be inferred.
wards (in a book); urdbvam samlm, sup- ftr-vfi, TO. reservoir; fold, cattle-pen;
press (tears). N. of a saint. 'dh^^c^uha-vat, a. intelligent, acute.

^ RI.
^ T RI, YI. P . rikkhk; V. also III. iyar-ti, ya (or rig-), a. praiseworthy; -ya^usha, n. RIG, I. P . ar^a, procure; acquire,
V. rinb-ti, II. ar-ti, move; agitate; raise the Rik and the Ya//us verses ; -vidhana, n. x obtain ; cs. P. A . id. upa, cs. id.
(voice); offer, present; arise; run, flow; fall employment of the rik verses; T. of a work;
-veda, m. Veda of verses or hymns, Rig-veda rig-ipya, a. hastening forward.
on; meet; incur, undergo (with abst. nouns);
attain, obtain, gain, acquire; cs. arpaya, (i. e. the rik verses with or without the ritual "^JWt^R rig-ika, a. glittering ( - ° ) ; to. ep. of
cast, throw; direct (gaze, thoughts); put or and speculative works connected with them).
place in or on; fasten, insert; present; make •z&xi i q righaya,den.quiver,rage, [stormy.
over or deliver to; restore, a, inflict on (ac.); rig-\ti,f. glowing, sparkling.
fall into (misfortune), ud, agitate; raise; r g ^ l l q r ^ nghS-vat, -van, a. raging, cpv. o/'^^J rigu.
call forth; cs. cause to thrive, pra, cs. arouse,
•qa^j q nn-mdya, a. consisting of rik verses. ngf-ish-a, a. rushing o n ; n. N. of a
prati, fasten; deliver; restore, give anew,
vi, open, sam, put together; hasten to- • s B ^ rik, f . lustre; sacred hymn or verse, hell; -in, a. rushing on.
gether to (ac., lc.) ; meet with (in.); cs. P. A . esp. as distinguished from that which is sung rig-u, a. (rigvi) straight; right, j u s t ;
fasten; insert; point; deliver, hand over; (sainan) and from the sacrificial formula honest: -tk,f. straightness; candour; -tva,
restore; despatch. (yagrus); verse to which a rite or explanation n. straightforwardness; -dha, ad. straight-
^J^HX ri-kara, TO. the sound or letter ri. refers; aggregate of the rik verses, the Rig- way; rightly; -mitaaksbar&, f . N. of a
veda (generally pi.). commentary on YdgHavalkya's code.
•^3^n'k-t^s,fflrf.with regard totherifcverses.
RIK, I . P . ar/ca, beam, shine; sing; ^ J ^ ^ f r-iV/ft-kr't, make straight.
^U§ftt^ri'k-vat,a. singing,shouting; m. singer Upraise; sing hymns (ac.) in praise of rig-rd, a. reddish, bay.
(a class of gods); -van, a, id. (d.); honour, worship; adorn: pp. arMta,
honoured, highly respected; respectfully pre- ^ ^ ringite, 3 sg.pr.,H^4H*i rirtgas^nd,
qa^j i . n'ksha, a. bald. sented ; cs. ar&aya, cause to beam; honour, aor. pt. ^/v&iig.
^T^r 2 • r/ksha, a. dire; to. b e a r ; kind of worship; salute, abbi, sing, praise; duly ho- -^Ul ri-ni, (pp.) a. g u i l t y ; n. obligation,
monkey; N.: pi. the Great Bear ; to. n. star; nour, respectfully salute, sam-abhi, honour, debt; -to dbaraya, owe (ac.) to (;/.); -m kri,
worship; greet, pra, begin to sing; praise. borrow from (ab.); - pra-yam, - ni, - sa»»-ni,
lunar mansion: i,/. she-bear; -rar/a, m. king
of the bears or monkeys ; king of the stars, ^J^" rik a, m. -°=zrik, hymn, verse. pay off a debt; - da ,id.; lend to (lc.); - pra&p,
moon; -vat, m. N. of a mountain. incur a debt; - mrigaya or ykk, ask for a
^S^t^rik-ika,m. N. of Gamadagni'sfather;
^ j p S f f g rikshajshfi, / . offering to the lunar loan.
N. of a country.
mansions. [tion of the riJc verses. ^ p t l c f i ^ nna-kartn", a. contracting debts;
^JxffapFT rzfc-isha-ma, a. ep. o/Indra. -/tMeda.m. discharge of a debt; -ta,,/. indebt-
nk-samhita,/. arranged collec-
RIKH, V I . P . rikkU (pr. base only), edness; -dasa, m. one who pays his debt by be-
•s^JJl | V£| | n g - g a t h a , / . rik chant. x meet with; fall on; incur, fall into; at- coming a slave; -nirmoksba,TO.release from
tain ; attack, insult. an obligation to (g.); -pradatri,TO.money-
• Q R f l ^ g - m i u , a . p r a i s i n g , s h o u t i n g ; -mx-
nraadana. TJ^TOfTI^iT eka-pati-ka. 57
ing suitable/or conception; -#ush, a.f. be- rich, wealthy; plenteous, abundant, much:
lender; -vat, a. indebted (to, g.); -samud-
ing in the days favourable for conception; supplied or furnished with (in., ab., ; cs.
dhara, m. discharge of debt.
-th£, ad. regularly; -pati, m. lord of seasons; fulfil; supply with (in.). [singly.
W T ^ R rinaadann, n. recovery of debt; duly; exactly; -par»a, m. N. of a Icing of ^J^JoJi ritlh-ak(or-ak),a!£/.apart; separately,
(a a j non-payment of debt; -apanayana.w. dis- Ayodhya; -mat, a. observing regular sea-
charge of an obligation or debt. [m. debtor. sons : - i , / . marriageable; being at the period ribisa, n. crack in the earth, chasm.
^frjf^R rin-ika, TO. debtor; -In, a. indebted; suitable for conception; -ra</a, to. spring; ribh-ti, a. [ V r a b h ] skilful, clever, ex-
-linga, n. characteristic mark of a season;
pert; m. artificer; N. of three divine arti-
V rinauddhftra, TO. discharge of a -sas, ad. duly; -sawh&ra, m. collection of
ficers ; -kshan, -ksha, m. N. of the first
debt. ^ the seasons: T. of a poem by Kdliddsa;
-JBa.xa.fu7n., m. time fw?©\iTab\e fox conception; jfa'bhuep. 0/Indra and of tfa Marats-, -.mat,
•dj.3 ri_+j4_, X'!1 fittin.g; 1'iglit •, lipYlglvfc, a. accompanied by the ifrbhus.
honest; true; n. established order; sacred -snata, pp. f . having bathed after menstrua-
ordinance, pious work, sacrifice, rite; divine tion, prepared for sexual intercourse. nbhu_an, «. dexterous.
law; truth,right: -m,ad.rightly,properly: w. ^J^ ri-te,(pp. Ic.) prp. apart from, without, nsya, m. the male of a kind 0/antelope;
i, go the right way (alsoJig.)', «-'. vad, promise; -da (y'da, bind), pit for catching antelopes;
in. ad. duly; justly; truly; indeed; -gkta, except; when there is no - (ac., ab.). [law.
-sraiga, m. I f .
pp. duly produced; sacred: -gnk, a. knowing rite-ga, a. living in or faithful to the
the divine law, pious; -dyumna, a. delight- 1. RISH, I. P. arslia, flow,glide, abhi,
^X^/ite-rakshas, a. excluding the evil N f l o w towards (ac.).
ing in truth; -ni, a. guiding rightly; -pa, a.
maintaining the divine law; (a)-prar/ata, pp. spirits.
2. RISH, VI. P. r/sha, pierce, push,
= nta-^ata. ^ r f t t W n'taukti, / . truthful declaration. v thrust, ni, put in; conceal; fill : pp.

W f R T rita-ya, den. A. act rightly. n'tujxnta, m. end of the seasons; nynshia, filled or abounding with (in.).
*Hfl«4in'ta-yj£,in.ad.rightly; -ya.(j,a.rightly a. ending a season. [priest. ^ T W Hsha-bha, TO. b u l l ; m a l e ^ - 0 ) ; best,
yoked; well allied; -vat, a. having or speak- ^ f ^ n t u j ^ a . sacrificing regularly; m. noblest among (g., -°); N. of a king; I f . of
ing truth; -s&p, a. practising piety; -stubh, a mountain: -ka, m. N. of a king.
a. rightly praising. ^ f ^ I r i t u j y a , a. accordingto rule,regular;
knowing the ritual. W f ^ l nsh-i, m. bard or author of sacred
rit&-ya, den.: pt. -yat, following the hymns, poet, priestly singer; saint or sage of
right way; obedient, pious; -yin, a. regular; RID, I. P . arda (V. also rid&), dis- the olden time; a special class of revered
just; pious. \ perse (int.); agitate, torment; cs. ard- beings, whose number is often limited to seven;
aya, disturb; torment; strike, wound; kill, C. person renowned for wisdom and piety,
H 0I Uritft-van,a. (-vari) observing order, destroy: pp. ardita. esp. an anchorite: pi. the seven stars of the
regular; pious; just; sacred, holy; -vn'dh, great Bear ; -kum&ra, m. anchorite boy; -tva,
n d - d h i , / . prosperity, welfare, for-
o. delighting in the divine law, holy. n. state of a Itishi; -putra, m. son of a iZtshi;
tune; wealth; -mat, a. prosperous, wealthy;
^JQ ri-tu, m. fixed time, right time/or sacri- rich in (- 0 ). -yagne,, m. sacrifice to theifa'shis = Vedic study;
Jice; period, season; the menses, esp. the days -vat, ad. like a i & h i .
immediately following andauitsble for concep- fl/DH, IV.P.ndhya; Y . P . ndh-n6- ^JTJ rish-u, (only g. pi.) heat, flame.
N- ti; V. alsoVII. ri-na-dh,thrive, prosper;
tion; sexual intercourse at such time; settled
sequence; order; rule: in. sg. &pl. at the right further; accomplish; ps. ridhya, thrive; be • ^ j f a n s h - t f , / . spear.
time, in due season; Ic. at the proper season. brought about: _pp.riddha, prosperous, thriv- n'shya-mftka, m.N. of a mountain;
ing; wealthy; rich (voice), anu, fulfil, sam,
^JfpfiTO n'tu-kala, m. proper season; period thrive; ps. be fulfilled; succeed ; participate -srihga, m. = risya-sriiiga.
of the menses; the days immediately follow- in (in.): pp. sam-riddha, fulfilled; perfect; rish-va, a. high, l o f t y ; sublime.

T[e,|)rn.rootme-ka,e-tad,e-na,e-vd,e-v5m. tentriess on one object only, -i-bhu, become -dharmin, a. id.; -dha, ad. singly, simply;
unanimous; -£Mattra, a. having only one at once, together; continuously; -naksha-
1J3R e-ka, num. one ; alone, only; single; one royal umbrella, ruled by a single king; -gkta, tr&, n. lunar mansion consisting of a single
and the same, common; one of (g., ab., or -°); pp. beg<jtten by the same father or parents; star, whose name occurs simply (without
unique; excellent; a certain, some one, (sts. = of equal birth; -^ati, a. having but one birth; pdrva or uttara); -naradhipa, m. emperor.
indefinite article) a, an; with na, none : pi. m. .S'Gdra.
some, some folks: eka-eka or anya, apara, T ^ r f f R T r eka-pati-ka, a. having the same
dvitiya, the one-the other; eke-eke, anye H«H<lrM ^ eka-tatpara, a. solely intent on ; husband; -patni-ta, / . having one wife in
or apare, some-others; m.N. of a teacher; -tama (or 6-), spv. one among many; -tara, common; -patni,/. (6-) wife of any one man,
k,f. ep. of Durga; n. unit (-° = one). a. cpv. one of two (sts. =eka-tama); -tas, ad. faithful spouse; a. pi. having one and the same
= ab. of eka; from or on one side ; ekatas husband ; -pad (or 6-), strong base -pAd,/.
TJ^R eka-ka (aka, ik&), a. single, solitary; ekatas or anyatas, on the one side-on the -padi, a. one-footed; -pada, n. one and the
-kapala, a. (6-) contained in a single bowl; other; here-there ; (a)-ta, / . unity, union, same spot: -m, Ic. .at once, suddenly, in a
-karman, a. having the same business as (in.); identity : -m api-ya, be united with (in.); trice; a. (6-) one-footed; only one step long:
-k&rya, (fp.) n. one and the same business; -tana, a. intent on one object only (often -m, ad. in short; -pada,/. verse consisting of
a. having one and the same purpose: -tva, -°): -ta,/. abst. N.; -tala, a. having but one one pada; -padi,/. foot-path; -para,a. marked
». abst. if.; -k&la, a. simultaneous : -m, ad. fan-palm; -tirthin, a. inhabiting the same with one point (die); -p&rca, m. single wager
only once a day : -ta,/., -tva, n. simultane- hermitage ; -to-dant, a. having teeth in one or stake; -patin, a. isolated, separate; con-
ousness; -k&likam, ad. only once a day; jaw only; -tra = Ic. of eka, one; in one place, nected: pi. taken together; -pada, to. one
-kriya, a. having one and the same business; together; -trimsa, a. thirty-first; -trimsat, foot; a. (6-) one-footed; -parthiva, to. sole
-khnra, a. single-hoofed; m. animal with un- / (&-) thirty-one; -tva, n. unity; union; monarch; -piiiga, m. (quite brown) ep. of
cloven hoofs; -grimina, a. dwelling in the identity; singular (gr.); -m gam, be united K u b e r a : -la, to. id.: -jifcala, m. Kubera's
same village. with (in.); -d#, ad. simultaneously; some- mountain, i. e. the Himavat; -pita, a. quite
times ; once upon a time, one day ; -duAkha, yellow; -prakhya,a.homogeneous; uniform;
eka-^akra,a.one-wheeled: -vart-in, a. having the same pains; -&risya,,fp. alone -phala, a. bearingthesame fruit as (-°); -bud-
a. moving on one wheel; m. sole monarch : worthy to be seen ; -Ariahti, f . gaze directed dhi, a. unanimous; simple-minded; m.N. of a
-i-tk,f. abst. -v.; -Aakshus, a. one-eyed (also to a single object, una verted gaze; -devatya, fishjf. simple conception (ph.); -bhakta ,pp.
of a needle); -£ara, a. living alone; solitary; a. sacred to a single deity; -desa, m. some serving or kept by one master; n. eating one
m. N. of Siva; -^ariwi, / . faithful wife or place; part; identical spot; -dhana, I. n. one meal a day; -bhakti-ka, a. taking only one
mistress (devoted to a single man); -Htta, n. part of the property; 2. m. pitcher with ichich meal a day; -bhaksha, to.sole food; -bhava,
one and the same thought,unanimity; thought water is drawn for a certain rite; k,f. pi. to. simplicity, straightforwardness, sincerity ;
directed to one and the same object; a. of one (sc. apas) the water draivn with it; 3. a. hav- a. having one and the same nature; honest,
mind; thinking of one object only, absorbed ; ing as the single, i. e. highest treasure, quite sincere; behaving uprightly towards (g.);
thinking only of (- 0 ): -ta,/. unanimity; in- filled with (-°); -dharma, a. homogeneous; -bhavin, a. becoming one, coalescing; -bhn-
58 TpfiZjfs eka-yash/i. e-dhi.

ta, pp. undivided; closely attentive; -bhu- one axle; -jikshara, n. the imperishable One; belonging to each single object; -sas, ad. one
miisvara, m. sole ruler of earth ; -bho.yin, a single syllable; a. (6-) monosyllabic; n. by one, singly, severally.
a. eating only once a day; -mati,/. unani- monosyllabic word; the syllable Om. e k a a i s v a r y a , n. sole dominion.
mity ; concentration of mind; a. unanimous;
-manas, a. having the mind fixed on one T^RTf^T e k a a g n i , a. maintaining only one
ekau&fraya, TO. increase b y one.
object, attentive (fits. - ° ) ; unanimous; -maya, fire; ^agra, a. directed to a single object, at-
a. (1) consisting exclusively of, quite filled tentive, concentrated; absorbed in (-°): -m, XJcj^Tl ^ e k a u t t a r a , a. more or increasing
with ; -mukha, a. superintended by one; -tas, ad.; - t a , / , -tva, n. abst. tr. by one.
-murti, / . one person; -inula, a. having a
TJoRT^p e k a a n g a , n. single member or p a r t ; e k a u d a k a , a. related in so far as to
single root.
m. pi. body-guard: -rupa-ka, n. incomplete offer oblations of water to the same ancestor.
TJeirsrfg eka-yasbifi*, 0 cfrr - k a * , / . pearl neck- image (rh.).
y o i i n ^ S e k a j i d d i s h f a , (pp.) n. = ekanu-
lace on a single thread ; -yoni, a. born of the TJ^fiT^ ekaafe, a. h a v i n g one vowel.
same mother; of the same extraction or caste; ekafina, pp. l a c k i n g one. [dishfa.
-rasa, TO. the only inclination; a. having T ^ f i T ^ T e k a a % a l i , m. one handful.
en, the diphthongs e and o (gr.).
only one taste; finding pleasure in one object l^onidM^ ekajLtapatra, a. b e i n g under a
only; exclusively devoted to (- 0 ); unchang- single umbrella = a single king. E G,I.P.6fifa, stir, move; quake, tremble.
ing; -ra<7, -ra^a, m. monarch; -ratra, m. ^ sam, move.
celebration lasting a night; n. one night (and TJ^RT^J ekadas-a, a. (1) e l e v e n t h ; x, / .
day); -ratrika, a. sufficing for one night eleventh day in a fortnight; -an, a. (6-) ^ ec?a, -ka, TO. kind of sheep.
(or day); -rikthin,TO.co-heir of one man; eleven; -ma, a. eleventh; -marika, /. A7", TJ^ ena, m. hind of a n t e l o p e : -^ransrha, m.
-rupa, a. of one colour, form, or appearance; (murderess of eleven); -ratra, period of eleven
N. of a runner; -netra, ^aksbi, / . gazelle-
uniform; n. N. of two metres: -t4,/. uni- nights (and days); -riksu, a. having eleven
eyed woman.
formity ; invariableness. verses; -in, a. consisting of eleven : -1, / .
eleven (hymns). l i U l l r H c h ena-tilaka, TO. moon.
eka-la, a. one, the o n e ; alone ; -lak-
shya-ta, /. being the sole aim; -lavya,/. N. TTofiTf^RG e k a a d h i k a , a. increased b y one ; HUJ enajinka-mani,TO.moon-stone.
of a town; -va£an&, n. singular (gr.); -vat, -adhxpa, TO. sole sovereign; ^adhyayin, a.
ad. like one, as if one were concerned ; -vad- studying alone. HUH ewi',/. gazelle: -CLris, -nayana,/. gazelle-
bhava, m. presenting itself as a unity; -var- eyed woman.
na, a. having one and the same colour; II | ekaanawisa,/. ep. of the new moon
TpT 1. e-ta, prn. stem, v. IJffe^ etad.
-vasana, a. clothed with but one garment; (the digitless); ep. of Durg&. [sorrows.
-vastra, a. id.: - t a , / possession of but one lifl 2. eta, a. (6ni), motley, g h t t e r i n g ; m.
T H ^ R ^ e k a a n a r t h a , a. having the same
garment, -ardba-samvita, pp. clothed in kind of hart: 4 , / . hind.
half a single garment; -vararn, ad. only once, e k a a n u d i s h f a , {pp.) n. funeral
once more; at once; some time or other;
TJcT 3. eta, pp. S + V i .
rite in honour of a single ancestor.
-v4sa, a. living in the same place; -vasas, TJfT^ eta-gva, a. motley.
a. wearing but one garment; -vimsa, a. (1) X[cfiT«rf e k a a n t a , TO. solitary place, solitude;
2 i s t ; consisting of 21; -vimsaka, a. (ika) exclusiveness; absolute necessity: -m, -tas,in., etat-ktla, m. this time, the pre-
2 xst; n. 21; -vi/naat,/. pi. 21; -vimsati, / . ab., ad. exclusively; absolutely; perfectly, sent (opp. tat-kala); -para, a. intent on this;
sg. pi. (6-) id.: -tama, a. 21st; -vidba, a. altogether; lc. aside, secretly: sts. =a. per- -sa»i<7naka,a. having this designation; -sama,
(6-) simple; identical; -vxra, m. incompar- fect, only; a. exclusively devoted to (lc. or a. equal to this.
able hero; -vriksha, m. isolated tree; one -°): -ta,/. abst. N. TJcTST e-t^i-d, prn. (nm., ac, sg. n.) this here
and the same tree, -vrisba, m. single bull, ekanta-karuwa, a. extremely (near the speaker); this (nearly always re-
sole ruler; -veni, i , / . single braid of hair ferring to what precedes, has just happened,
compassionate; -bhiru, a. extremely timid.
(token of mourning); a. consisting of a single or been mentioned); often = here, now: ad.
braid; (i)-dbar4,a./. wearing a single braid: e k a a n t a r a , a. one degree lower. thus, so, therefore, accordingly: lc. etasmin,
-tva, n. abst. N. ; -vexman, n. a single build-
«fl fa ekanta-vidhvamsin, a. in this case.
ing; -vrata, a. devoted to one only; faithful,
obedient. necessarily perishing; -vibarin, m. solitary y r i ^ m etad-anta, a. ending with this or
wanderer; -sila, a.retiringinto solitude; -bita, these; -artham, ad. for this purpose, there-
Tf^TJJfT eka-sata, n. a hundred and o n e ; pp. thoroughly good. fore ; -avastba, a. being in this condition;
a. 101st: -tama, a. id.', -sapha, a. (ۥ) one- being of such a kind; referring thereto ; -xya,
XpfiTrt I fc^l^ekajmnaadin, a. eating the food
hoofed, having an uncloven hoof; TO. animal pos. prn. his, her, their; -yoni, a. having this
with uncloven hoof; n. the genus of solid- of one only. [as (g.). origin; -vasa, a. dependent on him.
hoofed animals; -sag, ad. singly; -sesha, TO. e k a a n v a y a , a. of the same family XTfRnTefi etan-nama-ka, a. having this
sole remainder; ellipse by which only one of
\refj | n-qi|ekaapafeaya,»i.diminutionbyone. name; -m&ya, a. (x) consisting of this, being
two or more words remains (e.g. du. or pi.);
of such a kind. [(corr. yirhi).
a. sole remaining, with the sole exception of XTcflm|<4 e k a a p a y a , TO. diminution b y one.
(- 0 ); -sruta-dhara, a. remembering what TJrffi| e t d - r h i , ad. now, n o w a d a y s ; then
one has heard once: -tva, n. abst. N. ; -sruti, TJcfiTTT ekaayan£, n. road passable by only
/.monotony; a.monotonous; -*rusb£i,a. (6-) one narrow path; meeting-place; absolute etave, V. inf. of y l , to walk.
obeying one behest; -shasb-£a, a. 61st; oneness; the one right w a y : x-bhava, m. TJcflf eta-sa (sts. -s£), a. motley, s h i n i n g ;
-sbasbft,/. 61: -tama, a. 61st. unanimity; x-bhu, become a centre of union
for (g.). m. dappled horse; sun-horse.
eka-samsraya, TO. h a r m o n y ; a. e t a - d n k s h a , ° ^ * J - d r i s (/. id.)
united; -sapta-ta, a. 71st; -saptati,/. 71: "QcRT^ e-kara, TO. the letter or sound e.
-dri«a, a. (x) such ; of the same kind.
-tama, a. 71st; -sargpa, a. attending to a TJ^i I < J ^ e k a a r i i m a , a . d e l i g h t m g i n one only.
single object; -sahasra, n. 1001; a. locust; TTfTT^tt. eta-vat, a. so g r e a t ; so much, of
-s4ra, a. whose sole nature is (- 0 ); -sartba- TJcRT^ e k a a r t h a , TO. one and t h e same ob- such a kind : lc. at such a distance; n. ad. so
p rayat a, pp. pursuing one and the same ob- ject ; a. having the same aim or meaning: much; so far; thus : (n)-m4tra, a. of such
ject as (saha); -srika,TO.jackal; -stambba, -ta,/., -tva, n. abst. N.; -samupeta, pp. in- measure, so great, so much; so little.
a. supported by a single pillar; -stha, a. stand- spired by the same purpose, [pearl necklace.
a i d , ij. b e h o l d ! (with ac.)
ing together, united; standing alone; indepen- T j o f i T ^ t W e k a S v a l i , - l i , / - one-stringed
dent; -sthana, n. one and the same place. E D H , I . A . (P.) 6dha, prosper; flou-
e k a a h £ , TO. one d a y ; N. of a Soma xrish; grow: pp. -ita, grown up, strength-
l i m ^ i q t eka-hlyana, a. (i) one year old ;
i , f . one-year-old cow; -hel4,/.: in. at one sacrifice lasting one day. ened ; filled with (in.); cs. -aya, cause to
blow, at once. prosper; glorify, sam, id.
T p i r n f r T ekaJihSra,TO.single meal in a day.
ekaamsa, TO. p a r t : -ta,/. abst. N. edh-a, a. kindling ( - 0 ) ; m. sg.pl. f u e l :
(jcnlgl ekT-kn", unite ; c o l l e c t ; -bhava, to.
-mat, a. fed with fuel, [prosperity (Vedh).
fcft*^ekak-in, a. alone, solitary: (i)-ke- becoming one,union; -bbu,become one,unite.
sarin, TO. N. of a Bhilla. 1. edh-as, n. fuel ( v i d h ) ; 2. edhas, n.
T ^ o f i e k a e k a , a. one each time, each singly,
TJefiT^r e k a a k s h a , o. o n e - e y e d ; h a v i n g b u t every single (sts. pi.): -m, ad.: -vritti, a. e-dhi, 2 sg. impv. / a s , be.
TjVl^li edhodaka. iffaom. 59
( V.); just, exactly, precisely; quite, no more -tarkin, a. conjecturing thus; -darsin, a.
T J ^ ^ i edhaudaka, n. fuel and water.
nor less than, no other than; merely; scarcely; seeing or judging thus.
1J*T i. e-na, (encl.) prn. stem of^rdpers.he, very (with prns.,esp. tad); also (with ka) : it e-v^-m, (ac.) ad. in this way, thus, so
alio, it. [thereupon. emphasizes the preceding word, may often (its place being taken in the Veda by eva).
be translated by stress merely; sts. esp. after
XRT 2.ena, TfTF enS, end. in.(of I. a), then, evam-avastha, a. being in such a
certain particles it is meaningless.
Tpp^ena-p, case ending ena in theadvs. da- condition; -akriti, a. having such a form;
TJcf 2 . e - v a , a . s p e e d y , s w i f t ; m.course(gnly.
kshinena dec. (gr.). -a£ara, a. conducting oneself thus; -&tma-
in. pi.); pi. habit: in. pi. in the usual way.
ka, a. (ika) of such a nature; -adi, -4dya, a.
TpT^e'n-as, n. [ v m ] sin, guilt; misfortune: I^cf ev£m-rtipa, a. so formed, of such a of the kind or nature mentioned.
-vat, a. sinful, wicked; -vin, a. id.
kind : -ta,/. abst. N. T r ^ T f X W T T evam-parinama, a. having such
TpffT en££, (in.) ad. here ; there (corr. to ya- H q c j i f c * * ^ evam-vadin, a. speaking thus ; a conclusion; -purva, a. thus preceded;
tra); then; thus (cp. 2. ena). -vid, a., -vidvas, pt. knowing thus, having -prakara, a. of such a kind; -praya, a. id.,
I p f t e-ni,/. (o/eta) hind. suchknowledge; well instructed,knowing what such; -bhfita, pp. of such a nature, such a one.
is right; -vidha, a. of such sort, such-like;
e-ma, TJJT^e-man, n. path, course. -visbaya, a. directed to or relating to this; T ^ E S H , I. P. esba, creep, glide.
TJ^TJsf eranda, m. castor-oil plant. -vritta, pp. behaving thus; of such a kind; 1J5T i . e - s h a , prn. nm. sg. m. </etad.
in this condition; -vWtti, a. id.
. ^ IJ14 2. esh-a, a. seeking; m. search; -ana, a.
TjfTX erire, 3 pi. pf. of a + V i r . [cumber. ycj qi+j vara-karman, a.havingactedthus; seeking; wishing; n. search: / . search;
TJ^T^ ervS.ru, m.f.; -ka, m. kind of cu- -gata, pp. being in such a plight, so circum- wish, desire ; -aniya, fp. desirable; -in, a.
stanced : Ic. such being the case; -gnna, a.
IJWT el&,/. cardamoms ; a metre. seeking, wishing (gnly.
having such qualities or excellences: -jipeta,
T[3f 1. e-vd, T^TT e-v&, (in.) ad. so, just so pp. endowed with such qualities or excellences; I^Hg fiihi, 2 sg. impv. of a + \ / i .

^ AI.
*\ai,ij.of hailing,addressing or recollecting. ^ T ^ i aikshvak^, m., i,f.pat. descendant T^H aibha, a. (1) belonging to an elephant,
of Ikshvaku. [of Ida. (Purftravas).
aika-dhyam, ad. at once, together; airayam, impf. cs. of Vir.
-patya, n. sole dominion over (g.); -matya, aid&, a. (i) containing comfort; m. son
n. unanimity; -mukhya, n. agreement; -rkg- OT^HT airavana, m. N. of Indra's elephant.
ya, n. sole dominion; -ratrika, a. remaining ^UT aina, aineya, a. belonging to the
^ J t j q d airavata, m. id. (1); N.of a serpent
a night; -rupya, n. uniformity; identity. black antelope. \_(ph.).
demon; m. n. kind of rainbow.
^eftSJ Ml aika-sapha,a. comingfrom an animal Tj7T<^Tri2I aitad-atm-ya, n. essence of this
^ aila, m. ( = a i / a ) Purfiravas.
with uncloven hoof; -srutya, n. uniformity ^ T T ^ ? aitareya, m. pat. or met. of Mahi-
of tone, monotony; -svarya, n. having only "i$^lefiaila-ka, a.coming from the sheep eZaka.
d&sa (an ancient teacher); a. composed by
one accent. Aitareya: -ka, n. theBrdhmana of Aitareya; TtfT^' ailaba, m. noise, din.
TfERT^TTft;^ aikaagarika, m., i , / . thief. -brahmawa, n. id.
aisa, a. belonging to Siva (isa).
^efiTlZf aika agrya, n. fixed attention to one "^(1^Rj*iaitarey-in,?n.pZ.schoolof Aitareya.
aisana, a. (i) id.; north-eastern :
object, concentration.
\ V \ H m aitihas-ika, a. (i)legendary; m. i , / . north-east.
Xt=fiT^aikaanga,m. soldier of the bodyguard. narrator of old legends.
lJfSJ ais-i, m. pat. of Skanda.
l^RTf^RT^Slaikaadhikaran-ya, n.unity of T ^ 1 ai-tva, n. occurrence of ai. [ject.
relation. TjT?T ais-ya, n. dominion, power.
aidam-par-ya, n. main point; end,ob-
aikant-ika, a. (1) excluding every- XT 5 ?^ aisvar-a, a. (i) befitting a lord, ma-
thing else, absolute; -ya, n. exclusiveness, "i^n^ci aindava, a. (i) lunar. jestic ; belonging to Siva; n. supreme dominion;
absoluteness. -ya, n. position of a great lord ; kingly state;
aindr^, a. (i) belonging to or coming
supreme dominion; control; lordship or do-
ai-kara, m. the sound or letter ai. from Indra, Indra-like; n. N. of a lunar
minion of (g., Ic., ; kingdom: -vat, a. pos-
aikaarth-ya, n. unity of purpose; sessed of supreme power.
identity of meaning. ainara-^ala, n. witchcraft; -g&l-
T^tffai aishika, a. made of reeds.
ika, a. (i) referring to or practising witch-
T^SRT^TO aikajtsram -ya,ra. existence of only craft ; m. wizard, juggler ; -nila, a. (i) made T^gcfi aishfek^, a. made of bricks.
one stage in religious life. of sapphire; -sira, m. kind of elephant.
T ^ f g ^ p f h n f e i aish^ika-paurtika, a. relating
^ f i T f ^ f i aikaahi-ka, a. (i) lasting one day. T^Pj^ aindr-i, m. crow.
to sacrifices and charitable works.
aik-ya, n. oneness, unity, identity.
aindriya, a. referring to or percep- aih-ika, a. belonging to or occurring
ifc^ra aikshavci, a. (i) made of sugar-cane. tible by the senses; ». sensual pleasure. in this world, terrestrial, temporal.

^t o .

^Sft o = a u . ^ 6g-&$, n. [\/va.7] strength power, ^SftU" orfra, m. pi. N. of a people and th6ir
might, energy: in. powerfully; resolutely ;
^ f f a m ok-as, n. [-v/u/:] comfort, pleasure ; country (now Orissa).
-vi-ta.,/. forcible expression; -vin, a. power-
wonted place, dwelling-place, home. udAa, pp. *Jvah.
ful, mighty; energetic, brave.
o-kiira, m. the sound or letter o. Suta, pp -/u, cry, and -s/va, weave.
o^a-ya, den. A . exert oneself, use
^TtVJf ogha, m. \_\/vah] stream, flood ; mul- one's strength. 0-tu, m. [-*/v&, weave], woof,
titude, quantity, mass, heap, [thanksgiving.
-V* "^rtf^TC? 0.7-ish/Aa,spv.strongest among(g.)\ od-anii, m. n. boiled rice; pap.
^(T^iTT om-kara, m. the sacred word om; very powerful; -iyas, cpv.stronger (than,ab.); 'ssTl*^ om, ij. the sacred syllable om (often=
^SlW oc?a, m. N. of a man. [very strong. amen; used in invocations, at the commence-
oya, a. uneven, odd.
I 2
60 ^TfJf^ o-man. qi^f kaksha.

meat of prayers, at the leg. and end of Vedic *4 osh-a, m. burning. tjTI MH. oshdm, (ac.) ad. quickly, at once.
recitation, and as a respectful salutation; ^sftTJ oshf&a, m. [ava-stha, banging down],
^ftsrf^f oshadhi, - d b i , / . [avasa-dbi,
the subject of many mystical speculations). containing nourishment], plant, herb; medi- upper lip, lip (a. /. i).
o-man, m. favour, aid. cinal herb; -gk, a. born - , living among or
produced from plants; (i)-pati, m. moon; (i)- • ^ t F ^ ^ f i oshfAa-ru&aka, charming lips,
oman-vat, a. pleasant; gracious. prastlxa, m. N. of a mythical city. oshfft-ya, a. labial.

^ U W auddhat-ya, n. arrogance ; super- •^fl aurasa, TO. inhabitant of Urasa.
•^hWIX au-kara, m. the sound or letter au.
ciliousness. auras-a, a. (x) proceeding from the
aukshd, a. (x) coming from a bull,
•ssTl^eti auddhav-ya,a.coming f r . U d d h a v a . chest; innate, natural; begotten of the body;
auksha-ka, n. a number of bulls. m. lawful son of the body; -ya, a. begotten of
-siTi aiikshwa (or a), coming from a bull. ^ f t i n f ^ l ! auddhar-ika, a. belonging to the one's body.
share deducted. [sented at marriage.
i f l ^ augr-ya, n. formidableness. aurwa, a. woollen.
" ^ h ^ l f ^ m audvah-ika, a. relating to or pre-
augh£, m. flood. ^ f t H ^ f aurdhva-deha, n. future l i f e : i-ka,
^Tl M fa «HaupaftA;Aandas-ika,n. ametre. a. relating to the future life; n. obsequies;
au&it-i,/. suitableness, propriety; gifts distributed at obsequies.
^ aupadharm-ya, n. false doctrine,
-ya, n. id.; experience; habituation to
heresy. [cheat, extortioner, 1. aurva, m. pat. of various RisAis.
•^|^I?fcj*(auMaiA-sravasa, m. N. of Indra's
^iM Oft aupadh-ika, a. fraudulent; TO.
horse. 2. aurva, m. submarine fire (of Aurva).
•sjfj <aoq tgfau^val-ya^.brilliance,splendour. M l |4cf*t®R aupanayan-ika, a. relating
3. aurva, a. (x) belonging to the earth;
to or appointed for initiation. [posit.
^Tl ^ct aurfava, a. (x) stellar. -ra, a. coming from the earth (dust).
^ M f a f ^ l o t t aupanidhi-ka, a. being a de-
" ^ m i f ^ ^ auwadi-ka, a. belonging to the " ^ n ^ S t T aurvase-ya, a. descended from
MTIM^ aupanishad£, a. (x)contained or Urvasi. [- anala, TO. id.
Un&di-sfttras. [yearning.
taught in an Upanishad. [apron.
"^Ti f f m A I autka«fA-ya, autk-ya, n. aurvajlgni, TO. submarine fire;
" ^ T f f i t f ^ e f i aupanivika, a. being on the
^ T f f i i auttam-i, m.pat. of the third Manu. "^ft^RT aurvaya, den. A . behave like the
aupamita, a. equalled, [parison. submarine fire.
ri >^auttaraadhar-ya,ra.being above
and below, promiscuousness. a u p a m - y a , n. resemblance, com- auvenaka, n. N. of a chant.

^ T f ^ R i autpatti-ka, a. (x) original, in- aupay-ika, a. (x) suitable, proper. ausanasa, a. (x) belonging to Usa-
nas; to., 1 ,f.pat. descendant of Utfanas; n.
nate, natural. [prodigious, portentous. aupala, a. made of stone. law-book composed by Usanas.
"^rifmffloR autpat-ika, a. (i) extraordinary, aupavasta, -ka, n. preliminary ausinara, a. (x) belonging to the
'qTlttjqq autsuk-ya, n. yearning, desire; fast on the eve of a celebration. people of Usinara; i, / . N. of a wife of Pu-
impatience; zeal. ^ M ^ l k ^ l aupavah-ya, a. suitable for rid- rUravas. [ment made of Utflra.
^ ^ ^ audaka, a. (i) aquatic; relating to ing or driving. [the sacred thread. W t l f t X ausira, a. made of Usira ; n. oint-
or growing in water. [ton. aupavit-ika,re. investiture with qVs! aushadh^, a. made of herbs; n. herbs
audar-ika,a. gluttonous; m.glut- (coll.) ; medicinal herb; remedy, drug, medi-
^ lf\°l> aupah&r-ika, n. offering. cine ; i-kri, turn into a medicine; -vikrayin,
audarftish-a, a. directed to Agni. ^ f N T ^ W aupakarana, n. commencement a. vending medicines.
audStt-ya, ra. acute accentuation. of Yedic study. aushas-£, a. (i) relating to the morn-
aud^r-ya, n. dignity, nobility; ^fl4 *t aupilsan^, m. domestic sacred fire. ing; x,/. day-break.
generosity: -ta,/. generosity. [thy. ^ f f a ^ aupendra, a. belonging t o Vishnu. aushfra, a. produced from a buffalo
or camel: -ka, n. number of camels.
^Tl I audasin-ya, n. indifference, apa- ^ T T auma, a. flaxen ; relating to Umfi.
^ h l J aush/Aa, a. lip-shaped,
atidumbara, a. (1) belonging to the ^ft"?^? aurabhr-a, a. belonging to a ram or
Udumbara tree; made of Udumbara wood. sheep; -ika,TO.shepherd. aushn-ya, n. heat.

1.ka, inter, prn. st. (n. V. kad; C. kiin) kamsit, TO. g o b l e t ; m. n. brass ; m. N. kakundara, n. cavity of the loins.
who ? what ? which ? with iva, u, nanxa, who of a king slain by Krishna; -kWslx, -satru, kakub-^aya, TO. conquest of the
indeed ? often used in a depreciating sense = -nishudana, -ari, m. ep. of Krishna.
as good as none, no one or nothing: k&eslxa world. \_pass; a metre.
katha ? that is out of the question; kim with eficRTX ka-kcira, m. the sound or letter k . c|i^5^kakubh,/. summit; point of the com-
in. or gd. =what does - matter? what is the c(|cpr4g| kakut-stha, m. N. of a grandson of
use o f - to (g.) ? with nu, who pray ? with va, kakubha, a. prominent ; to. kind of
who possibly ? with svid,who or what, Iwonder? Ikshvdku. [ensign of royalty; chief of (g.). musical mode; a tree; -surabhi, a. fragrant
Indef.prn. 1. with neg. any, any one; 2. with k a k u d , / . summit, p e a k ; t i p ; h u m p ; with Kakubha flowers. [compass.
preceding ya and following /ta, whosoever, kakum-muliha, n. point of the
whichever; anysoever, every; with preceding kakuda, ra. (m.) id.
ya and following va, anysoever; 3. with oR^Jf^kakud-mat, a. having a h u m p ; m. c f i l j f t ^ kakkola, m. a tree; n. an aromatic
£ana, none whatever (often strengthened by mountain; buffalo with a hump. substance; -ka, n. id.
negatives); 4. with &ana, Hd, or api, some, efi^ kdksha,TO.hiding-place, lair ; thicket;
any, a certain (a. or N.) : pi. some; ka-s&id- c f t c p f c j k a k u d - m i n , a. having a h u m p ; TO. TO., 4 , / . arm-pit; girth, girdle, cincture;
kas/tid, the one-the other: pi. some-others. buffalo with a hump; - m i - k a n y S , , / . o f balance (generally/.); k, / . circular wall, en-
2. k£, m. ( W h o ?) ep. of Pra^apati or Brah- the Kevati. cl< isure; orbit of aplanet; equality; emulation:
man ; n. bliss; water; head. kaku[d]-druma, TO. N.of a jackal. (a)-pafa,TO.loin-cloth.
efi^tar^ kakshi-vat. kathana-ka. 61

kakshi-vat, m. N. of a RisAi. ch^I^oh ka^ara-ka, m., ika,/. dagger. kandii-ya, den. P . scratch: A . itch :
-yana, n. itching, scratching: -ka, a. titil-
i f c ^ | kakshya,/. girdle, girth; circular wall, ctldmH ka^-phala, m. a tree with aromatic lating ; -yitW, m. scratcher.
enclosure; orbit of a planet; balance, scale fruit and rind. q|<j£<;| kawrf^-la, a. itching.
(also a, ».).
k a h i a n g a , TO. a tree; n. its fruit.
SJ^jF kanka, m. heron ; N.: pi. a people. c f i H ^ T kandola, m. reed basket.
«IT3 k a ^ a , m. N. of a sage, founder of a
ikafika-/a,m.armour,mail; aDanava. c()4ic| k^inva, m. N. of a RisAi; pi. his de-
schoolofthe YV.; pupil orfollower of.Katha.
scendants; -v&t, ad. like Kanva.
qi^l 491 kan-kaw-a, n. ring,ring-shaped orna- e f t f d t k a ^ i n a , a. hard, firm, solid; severe;
ment, bracelet; wedding band : -dhara, m. chrlot) kata-ka, m. a tree, the nut of which
cruel, hard-hearted. is used for clarifying water.
bridegroom, 4, f . bride ; -pura, n. N. of a
town; -varsha, a. raining bracelets: m. man's k a ^ i n a - y a , den. P . harden. ka-tam^, inter, prn.who ? what ? which ?
N.; -varsh-in, a. id.: (i)-t4,/. abst. N. (of many); -tank,inter.prn.who? which? (of
ka^/an-i, f . chalk.
^(^•fuj^kankan-in, a. wearing a bracelet. two).
q t f d ' T l © kafAini-kn", harden. cRf?f ka-ti, inter, prn. how many? indef.
cfj^rf kaftkat-a, m. comb; -ika, f . id.
k a ^ u r a , a. harsh ( — k a ^ o r a ) . some: usually with £id and api.
kanka-pattra, n. heron's feather
(on arrow); a. having herons' feathers ; m. ka/Aaupanishad,/. N. of an Sfif?TCRT kati-pay^i, a. (i) some, a few: *in.,
such an arrow: -pattrin, a. having herons' ab. (with pp.) with some trouble, only just;
feathers; -vadana, n. (heron-faced), tongs, -kusuma, a. having a few blossoms; -ratram,
pincers. \_form of Durga. ORdl^ ka<Aora, a. hard, firm, solid ; sharp, ad. some days (lit. nights); -jtha: g. after
cutting (wind); piercing (cry); hard-hearted; some days; in. some days (before or after).
en^- kafikiil-a, m. n. skeleton; -ini, f . a luxuriant: -m, ad.; -&itta, a. hard-hearted :
-ta,/. abst. N. ; -t4,/. hardness; -t&radhipa, «fif?Tf%V kati-vidha, a. of how many kinds ?
e f i j f l kankelli, m. Asoka-tree ; 1, f . id.
m. full moon. -saiikhya, a. of what number?
c n ^ H kaiikola, m. a plant. ofitfl^J** kati-musha, m. N. of an Agrahdra.
eftd^^lka/Aora-ya, den. P . make luxuriant.
ka£a, m. hair; N. of a son ofBnhas-
efi^ kad£, a. dumb. c f i f S T K A T T H , I . A . (P.) b o a s t ; praise;
pati; -graha, m., -na, n. seizing by the hair. Nblame, disparage, vi, boast (of,in.); dis-
ka-fca-ia-ta-pa-ga-^a-rfa- katZ^ra, a. tan-coloured. parage, humble with (in.); cs. humble; boast.
da-ba, n. example of a meaningless word. k£n-a, m. a grain; drop; flake, spark; qi(%4«i katth-ana, a. boasting; n. boasting.
ka&a-bhara, m. wealth of hair. little bit; -pa, m. kind of spear; -vahin, a. ctirH kat-paydim, ad. somehow.
wafting drops, moist; -sas, ad. in minute por-
|cq(t| kaA'a-ka/ii, ad. seizing oneanother c h ^ ^ M katbam-r1apa,a. ofwhat appearance ?
kanaiira, m. wagtail. [tions.
efif^l^ ka£-/sid, v. efi^ kad. [by the hair. cfpSfcR katha-ka, a. telling ; m. narrator.
q n i r r ^ kanada, m. N. of the founder of the
k&kkh&, m. bank ; marshy land ; *m., IfTl^eft katham-(/at!ya-ka, a. of what
Vaiseshika or atomic school of philosophy.
4, /. edge, border; -pa, m. tortoise; N.of a kind?
Ndga; N.of a country (Cutch). eflUj I d kanaanna, a. subsisting on grains:
- t a , / . abst. N. [little bit. eR^II kath-ana, n. narration, communica-
efi^T ka-g>a, n. lotus. [prepared from it.
tion, mention, report; -aniya, fp. to be re-
5 P 3 R kaf/-;?ala, n. lamp-black; collyrium cfifirjofi kan-ika, m. little drop; a , / , id.; lated ; worthy of mention.
«ra«Rkan7mk-a, m.n.(i)jacket,doublet; mail;
^ f f n n i kanisa, TO. ear (of corn). ka-th£m, ad. how ? whence ? why ?
skin of a snake (a. /. 4); -ita, pp. wear- with pot. or impv. (sts. ind.) how could, would,
ing a coat of mail; -in, a. wrapped in (- 0 ); chTncfi^' kanfikaya, den. P . be in distress.
or should - ? with ma and aor. how should not
m. chamberlain; -aup4nahin, n. wearing a c ^ i k a w f a - k a , m . t h o r n ; fish-bone; social -? sts. exclamation, what! sts. weakened to a
doublet and shoes. pest, enemy; obstacle; N. of an Agrahdra; simple interrogative = nonne or num 1 with
-bhu^, m. camel. [hair; .-in, a. thorny. nu, how, I wonder ? how much more ? with
e f i f e q u k a % i k a , / . a plant. neg. how much less ? with iva, how so ? why
«H u^fe^d kara£ak-ita,^> .thorny; w. bristling pray? with n4ma, svid, how pray? why I
k£fa, m. mat; elephant's temple; a
certain throw in a game of dice; corpse; efin^f^fis^T kanfaki-druma,TO.a tree; -vri- wonder ? with £ana, by no means: generally
-ka, m. mat; m. n. rope ; bracelet; valley ; strengthened by preceding negative; wit&kJA
ksha, m. kind of thorny tree. [hdra. and api (not till Kalidasa) indef. in some
royal camp; caravan; collection; -karana,n.,
-kriya,/. platting of mats. [int.). enn^qTlw kan^a-kautsa, m. N. of an Agra- way, by some means, somehow or other, by
accident; with difficulty, only just, scarcely
<*d«ndl<4 ka/a-ka^aya, den. P . gnash (tr. & kara^Aa, m. neck, t h r o a t ; proximity (katham often repeated); a. little, somewhat;
(a. -°,f. 4 , i ) ; -ka, m.necklace; -ga, a. reach- with neg. in no manner, by no means; yath4
<tl«i^d ka/an-ka/a, m. ep. of Siva. ing to theneck;-gata,^.attached to the neck; katham £id, inwhatever manner; in any way.
ka<a-ptltana,?n., 4 ,/. kind of demon. being in the throat = about to escape (breath);
qiuj+jci katham-bhtita, pp. of what kind?
-graha, m., -na, n. embrace.
k a f a j k s h a , m. side-glance: i-ta, cft^lil katha-ya, den. P . (A.) converse, with
pp. looked at with a side-glance; ^akshepa, W T T 3 T kan^/ta-nala, n. stalk-like n e c k ;
(in. ± saha); relate, tell, report; speak of;
m. side-glance. -pravrita, n. neck covering; -bhushana, n., declare, state; announce^ betray; command;
-bhush4,/. necklace; -vartin, a. being in the assume, lay down; ps. be called, pass for. vi,
efidlfM ka/aagni, m. fire of dry grass. throat = about to escape (breath); -sutra, n. talk idly, sam, relate, report; explain.
ka^aha, m. pan, pan-shaped object kind of embrace; - s t h a l i , / . neck.
(e. g. elephants temple); N. of a Dvipa. c(|«4 f q r|efcj kathay-itavya, fp. to be told.
^iTJ^TT^i kan/Aara-ka, travelling bag.
e(|fi ka/i, efiZl k a i l , / . hip ; (i)-karpa/a, n. co«| | i . ka-tha,inter, ad. how ? whence ? why ?
| kanfAaJislesha, m. embrace.
rag round the loins; (i)-nivasana, n., -pate, yatha katha fca, howsoever.
cnfu^qii kawfA-ika,/. necklace. cr>!(H 2. kath-a, / . conversation, talk, dis-
e (ldl^ e (l
kafiraka, n.(?) hip. [m. loin-cloth,
kanMi-rava, m. lion. cussion about (Ic., - ° ) ; story, tale (about, g.
ka/u, a. sharp; pungent; n. ad.; -ka, a. or —°); mention, statement; Story (personi-
id.; violent, severe : -t4, f , -tva, n. sharp- kan^A-ya, a.being on or in the throat; fied) ; ka kath4, it is not a question of - is
ness, pungency. [(Pr.). good for the throat; guttural. [/. mortar, out of the question, to say nothing of (g., Ic.,
kararf-ana,ra.shelling, h u s k i n g ; -ani, or prati); kaesha katha, how could there be
ka/uk-ita, pp. sharply addressed a question about it ? = it is out of the question.
oflu^ kand-u,/., generally «HU^kanc?-ti,/
kafti-t&, f . sharpness ; pungency ; cfl«( |$h+| katha-krama, m. continuous con-
itching, scratching; violent desire for (-°);
austerity. versation ; discourse; story, tale.
-ura, -nla, a.itching; -uti,/. itching,tickling;
cfijT K A T T , X . P. kattaya, heap (corn). wantonness. H ° h kathana-ka, n. short story, tale.
62 chm«ri< kathantara. eh^<?H«H kamal^kara.
e|)«| \<r\\ k a t h a a n t a r a , n. conversation, t a l k . -i-kradat, nm. sg. m. pr. pt. after the fashion of the Kapiw^ala topic (in
the Ptirvamimdmsd) according to which the
katha-pi^a, n. T. of the i st booh intv. of y'krand. [king (first century A.D.).
plural (kapi%alan) means only three.
of the Kathdsaritsagara ; -prabandha, to. le- eftf*1«fl k a n i s b - k a , m. N. of an Indo-Scythic
gend ; -pxrasaiiga,to.occasion of conversation: efcfM(«J k a p i - t t h a , m. [monkey-stand], a tree;
eft fit ccft^kan-i-shkan, 3 sg.intv. of\fskand.
in., ab.=m the course of conversation, inci- n. its fruit; -pati, TO. ep. of Hanumat.
dentally ; -prastava, to. id.: -tas, in the k & w s h f A - a (or -&), spv. s m a l l e s t ; ^iftr^Tkapi-M, a. (monkey-coloured), brown-
course of conversation ; -maya, a. consisting lowest; least; youngest; younger; m. descend- ish, reddish; to. species of monkey; N. of an
of tales; -mukha, n. introduction to a story; ing pail of water-wheel; k , f . youngest wife; ancient sage; / . brown or reddish cow ;
T. of the 2nd book of the Kathdsaritsdgara; little finger; a-ka, a. (ild) smallest; -ika, / . species of leech; -gafa, to. N. of a sage;
-yoga, m. conversation. little finger; obedience. -dhusara, a. brownish g r e y ; - nshi, to. the
k a n i , f . g i r l ( F . only g.pl.). sage Kapila; -vastu, to. N. of Buddha's birth-
^m^m k a t h a a l a p a , m. conversation; nar-
place; -garman, TO. N. of a Brdhman.
ration; - J i v a l i , / . collection of tales; ^ava- kan-ina, a. young, y o u t h f u l : -ka,
sesha, m. survival in story only, i. e. death ; m. boy, youth : a,/, girl, virgin ; (xna)-ka, & k a p i l i - k n , colour b r o w n or reddish.
a. dead: - t a , / . abst. N. ; - a v a s e s h i - b h u , die. m., a-ka, i-ka, / pupil of the eye. WfTTTkapi-sa, a. (monkey-coloured),brown-
^ r n j ^ katha-sesha, a. dead : -ta, f . abst. e i i ^ l ^ t ^ k^n-iyas, cpv. smaller, less ; very ish, reddish; -bbrA,/. N. of a woman.
N.; -sandbi, TO. junction in the narrative
little; younger; m. younger brother or son. kapi-sh^Aala, TO. N. of a sage.- pi.
where it is interrupted by another; -sarit-
his descendants: -sawbita,/. collected scrip-
sagara, m. ocean of streams of stories, T. of eft»t?( kan-tv^, n. welfare.
a collection of tales by Somadeva. tures of the Kapish^Aalas.
e R ^ T k a n t h a , / . patched g a r m e n t . kapitana, m. N. of various plants.
c f t f q d kath-ita, (pp.) n. conversation, nar-
eft«^ kanda, m. b u l b o u s root.
rative. [dead. k a p i j n d r a , TO. lord of the m o n k e y s ;
c|»>sH W k a t h i - k r i , turn into a n a r r a t i v e : pp. cft«^ ^ kan-dara, n. c a v e ; r a v i n e ; elephant ep. { / V i s h n u and of Hanumat; ^i«vara, m.
kan-darpa, TO. K a m a ; l o v e . [goad. ep. of Sugriva.
k a t h a u d a y a , m. b e g i n n i n g of a
story; statement; -jidghata, to. beginning eft«^*!t kan-dal-a, n. flower of the p l a n t a i n ; ka-pu7i;A;Aala, ». hair at the b a c k of
of a narrative. [be mentioned. -x, / . plantain tree; -ita, pp. produced in the head; scoop of the sacrificial spoon.
profusion; -in, a. covered with blossoms of
^ S f kath-ya, fp. to be r e l a t e d ; t h a t may oft^q k a - p 6 y a , a. stinking.
the Kandali; full of (-°).
cR^ kdd, V. n. nm., ac. sg. of ka, what ? = I VSJ^kd-prith, -t\i&,m. membrum virile.
eR^S" kcindu, f r y i n g - p a n ; -ka, m. id.; ball
hope ? with neg. = I hope not ? esp. with Md
(ka££id); with £ana and neg. in no w a y ; (for playing with); pillow: -lxla, f . game of ^fft^ka-pota,to.pigeon; i,f female pigeon;
ball; -ka-vati,/. N. of a princess. -ka, m. little pigeon; -p&li,/. dove-cot.
bad, wretched, insignificant, [torturing.
kad-ana, n. slaughter, d e s t r u c t i o n ; efiSEf^ k a n - d h a r a , m. n e c k . ^Tfrfwr
eft«t| k a n - y a , a. smallest: -ka, a. id., a, /. = k a p o t - i k a , / . dove : -nyaya, to.
kad-anna, n. b a d f o o d : - t a , f . a b s t . N. fashion of a dove (which did good even to an
kan-y&; -kub^a, n. N. of a town, Kanauj.
kadamba, °efi -ka, m. a tree bearing enemy).
eft«q| k a n - y f t , / . g i r l , v i r g i n ; d a u g h t e r ; Virgo
orange-coloured blossoms; n.multitude,plen- kapola, m. c h e e k ; -kasha, m. object
(in the Zodiac); -jLgara, n. women's apart-
t y ; swarm. ments ; -griha, n. id.; -tva, n. virginity; which rubs against the cheek; -palx,/. edge
-datri, m. man who gives a daughter in mar- of the
la, n. cheek; -phalaka, n., -bhitti,/., -mu-
e f t < ^ kdd-artha, a. for what purpose ?
riage ; -dana, n. bestowal of a daughter in k a p h a , m. phlegm (one of the 3 humours
e f t k a d - a r t h - a n a , n., k,f. tormenting ; marriage; -dushin, a. deflowering a virgin;
of the body); - g h n a , a. anti-phlegmatic.
-anxya,/p. to be tormented ; -aya, den. P . -pura, n. women's apartments; -bhava, m.
despise; torture, distress; surpass; i-kri, dis- virginity; -bhaiksha, n. begging for a girl; k^-bandha, v. c R ^ 5 ^ k d - v a n d h a .
regard : -ti,/. torment. -maya, a. consisting of a maiden or daughter; e|fi«(\ k a b a r a , a. mottled, v a r i e g a t e d ; m.,
-vat, a. having a daughter; m. father of a
kad-arya, a. avaricious, miserly: -ta, i , f , braid of hair.
daughter; -vedin, m. son-in-law; -vrata, n.
f., -bhava, m. avarice.
monthlies : -stha,/. menstruating woman. 1. kd-m, (ac. sg.)pel. well: emphasizes
o R ^ T ka-dala, m. plantain tree (symbol of
eRTJ kapa, m . pi. a species of gods. a preceding dative.
frailty); i-ka, f plantain tree; flag, esp. on
an elephant; x, f . plantain tree : -garbba, SRT^ 2. k a - m , pel. indeed (after nu, su, hi).
eft4ikapaJa,m.n.fraud: fictitious; -nai-
m. pith of the plantain: a,/. N.; -griha, n. 3. K A M (wo pres. base), wish, desire;
aka, m.N.; -prabandba, m.cunning device;
plantain arbour; -sixkham, ad. as easily as a -sata-maya, a. consisting o f a hundred kinds \ l o v e : pp. k&nta; cs. k4maya, A . (P.)
plantain. of fraud; ^J.-s-vara, m. N. of a temple of Siva. id.; excite to love: pp. k&mita, desired,
eft<^( ka-d&, inter, when ? - Aana, some time, anu, cs. desire, abbi, cs. be in love.
oRX|^ kapard-a, m. cowrie (small shell used
e v e r ; - A i d , some time or other; once; some- e f i T H kamaJAa, m. tortoise.
as a coin or die); braid of hair in the form of
times ; perhaps; - j».pi, at any time, always;
a shell; -a-ka, to., -ika, / . cowrie ; -in, a. «R?TT£ji»<5[ kamant/alu,TO.ascetic's w a t e r - p o t :
na - i a n a , Aid, or api, never.
having hair wound in the form of a shell;
-pfini, a. having a water-pot in the hand.
^Ij^kddru, a. reddish b r o w n ; u , / . earth; N. curly, shaggy; to. ep. of Siva.
eRIfel k a m - a n a , a. (i) e n a m o u r e d ; -aniya,
ofKasyapa's wife, mother of the serpents. eRIRT kapala, n. h a l f ; part.
fp. to be desired; lovely, charming.
c | ) r | K A N , I . P . be satisfied; be pleased cftq|£ kapala, m. n. fold of a d o o r ; -ka (i-
efi?{t«r kam-ala, to. n. lotus (called utpala at
x with (ac.); shine. k k ) , - ° a. id.; -vakshas, a. broad-chested. an earlier stage); a, / . ep. o/'Lakshmi; sg. ti
«ft«ieR kdn-aka, n. g o l d ; m. t h o r n apple; N.\ e ( m H kapala, n. dish, m e n d i c a n t ' s b o w l ; pi. riches ; n. water; -ka, n. N. of a town;
-kadali, f . species of plantain ; -darec?a, m. plate; lid; potsherd; egg-shell; skull; -mal- -garbba, -ga, to. ep. of Brahman; -devi,
royal umbrella; -pura, n., i , f . N. of a city ; in, a. wearing a garland of skulls (Siva); /. N. of a queen ; -nayana, a. lotus-eyed;
-prabha,/ X. of aprincess; -majiyari,/. ; -sandhi, m. treaty based on equal terms; -nabha, m. ep. of Vishnu; -netra, n. lotus-
-maya, a. (x) golden; -rasa, m. fluid gold; -spbo^a, m. N. of a Ralcshas. eyed ; -bandhava, m. ep. of the sun; -bhav-
-rekha,/. N.; -lata,/, golden creeper; -lekha, 1 ana, TIL ep. of Brahman ; -mati, m. N.;
f . N . o f a princess; -valaya, m. n. golden eRtrrf^eRT kapal-ika, / . potsherd. -maya, a. consisting entirely of lotuses; -lo&-
bracelet; -vahinx,/. N. of a river; -Aikhar- cRTnf^i*^ kap&l-in, a. b e a r i n g a b o w l or ana, a. lotus-eyed: k,f. N.; -vatx,/. N. of
in, m. golden peaked, ep. of Meru ; -sutra, aprincess; -vana, n. bed of lotuses: -maya,
skulls;TO.N. of Siva or of one of the eleven
n. golden chain; ^adri, m. ep. of Meru. a. consisting of beds of lotuses; -vardhana,
Rudras; kind of sectary.
TO. N. of a king ; -varman, m. N. of a king;
k a n a k a a s a n a , n. throne, cRfxikap-i,TO.monkey;-ketu,m.6p.o/Argruna. -sambbava, TO. ep. of Brahman.
kana-khala, m. pi. N. of certain cftpM^t?! k a - p i % a l a ,TO.francoline partridge; ^ ^ m W K k a m a l a j k a r a , m. bed of lotuses,
cft«f| kan&, f . g i r l . [mountains. N. of a man; N. of a sparrow: -nyaya, in. lotus lake; N. of various men; ^aksha, a.
kamal-im. cfic^ kar-tva. 63
(i) lotus-eyed: ^ a g r a g k , f . ep. of Alakshml; hand between wrist and fingers: -ka, m. N. kar&fira, n. orpiment.
4-kemva, m. N.of a temple; 4-ha^a, m. N. of a messenger; -bhushawa, n. bracelet;
of a market-place; ^Jtlaya,/. ep. of Lakshmi; - b h a u r u , a. f. having thighs like an elephant's ^RTjJ k£rna, TO. a., f . 4, i) ear; handle :
-jisana, n. lotus seat. trunk. rudder; N. of several men, esp. of a son of
Kunti; a. having ears or handles; long-eared
^ r f ^ T ^ karaal-ini, / . lotus plant; lotus efi^Tjy karambh^, TO. pap, porridge; -ka, n. (also a); -kuvalaya, n. lotus attached to the
bed, lotus pond: -ka,/. dim. small bed or lake id.; m.N.; -baluka-tapa,TO.pi. porridge of
ear; -Zcamara, n. whisk adorning the ears
of lotuses; -dala, n. lotus leaf (Pr.). scorching sand (a torment of hell).
of elephants; -f/apa,TO.tale-bearing; -t4,/.
kara-ruha, m. finger-nail; -vira, n. condition of an ear; -t4la, TO. flapping of
q m i m r kamalajkshana, a. lotus-eyed;
elephants' ears (- 0 ); -dhara, TO. helmsman;
- udaya, m.N.; -udbhava, m.ep. (/Brahman. c R T ^ kttr-as, n. deed, [fragrant oleander. sailor: - t a , / . helmsmanship ; -nilotpala, n.
^fifrr kam-i, the root kam (gr.), eJR^T kara-stha, a. lying in the h a n d ; blue lotus attached, to the ear; -pa, m. N.;
i-kr£, place in the hand. -pattraka,TO.flap of the ear (tragus); -patha,
K A M P , I. A. (P.) kampa, tremble; m. ear-shot, hearing: -m, a-ya, or upa_i, come
kampaya, cause to tremble, shake, cfiX^" kar^-sna, TO. fore-arm. to the ears: ^atithi,TO.•= come to the ears ;
anu, sympathise with (ac., Ic.); cs. id. sam- -para/repara,/ passing from ear to ear, gossip;
karaagra, n. tip of finger or ray;
anu, id. 4, quiver; cs. cause to tremble: -pasa,TO.beautiful ear; -pura,TO.n. ear or-
pp. agitated, ud, tremble, v i , tremble, ^aghata, TO. blow of the hgrnd ; ^anguli, / .
finger of the hand. nament, esp. flowers : -puraka, m. N. of a
quiver; cs. cause to tremble; agitate. chattering servant; -pnri-kri, turn into an
kamp-a, m. tremor, quivering; earth- w f w karayika, / . kind of crane. ear ornament; -bhanga,TO.curve of the ears;
quake ; quavered svarita accent; -ana, a. ^R^TSt karala, a. prominent; gaping; for- -bhushana, n. ear ornament; -mula, n. root
trembling ; shaking ; agitating; m. N. of a midable ; to. N. of a locality; 4, / . ep. of of the ear (where it is attached to the head);
country; n. shaking, waving; a-vat, a. trem- Durga; N.; -kesara, m. N. of a lion; -ta, -vam.sa,TO.flatprojecting bamboo roof; - v a t ,
bling ; -ita, (pp.) trembling; shaken; /(.tremor; / . gaping condition; formidableness. a. having ears; - v i s h , / . ear-wax ; -visha,
-in, a. trembling; shaking. [lently. n. poison for the ears; -vesh^a,TO.ear-ring :
^TT^PRf kara alamba, TO. support for the *-na, n. id.; -sirisba, n. /S'irisha flower at-
kampauttara, a. trembling vio- tached to the ear ; -«rava, a. audible ; -sn-
hand = sheet anchor.
cRJ^T kambaM,TO.(n.) woollen cloth, cover, ^RTPJT^^'T karala-vadana, a. having a bhaga, a. pleasant to the ear.
garment; ^isvara-grama,TO.N.of a village, gaping or formidable mouth. kar«aa%ali, TO. pointed ears.
kambu, TO. shell; bracelet of shells;
l^f karaM-ya, A . become formidable. karw^a, m. pi. N. of a people; i,/.
•ka, n.N. of a town; -kawYAa, a. (i) having
queen of Kar«££a.
a shell-like neck, i. e. with three folds; - g r i - ^rrrf^RT karal-ita, pp. make formidable;
va, m. N.of a tortoise. increased. karnaantika-foira, a. flying
about the ears; ^4bhara»a, n. ear ornament;
^cft^T kambo(7a, TO. pi. N. of a people. TOftTT karajrtiati,/. blow with the hand.
-amn'ta, n. nectar for the ears; *-jJam-
efiy kam-ra, a. charming, beautiful. kari-ka, = karin, m. elephant; karana, w.,-kara,TO.,-kriti,/ ear ornament;
-kumbha-pita, n. elephant's frontal bone. ^avataTOsa, id.: i-kri, turn into an ear
kaya-subh-iya, n., R Y . I. 165. ornament. [of the lotus.
S f i f t ^ k a r -in, a. making, fashioning; TO.
^ 1. kar-£, a. (1, rarely a) doing, making; elephant; (n)i,f. female elephant. cfrftycftT karn-ika, / . ear ornament; pericarp
causing, producing (generally — );TO.hand;
kar-ishnu, a. doing, performing ( - ° ) ; chftjjcQi^ karrai-kara,TO.a treej n. its fruit.
elephant's trunk.
-ishyat,/(. pt. future. [7.165, 9.
<?•?[ 2. kar-a, TO. ray; duty, tax. e f t f ^ ^ k a r n - l n , a. having ears; barbed; TO.
oftf^iy karishya[A], 2 sg.ft. subj. V k r i , R V . helmsman.
kara-ka, TO. water-pot; a tree.
c f i ^ l T kari-kri, bring as a tribute. o h l i j T l ^ karwi-ratha, m. kindof litter; -suta,
kara-ka,/.hail: ^jibhighata, TO.hail-
c h O ^ k a r f r a , m.n, shoot of a bamboo; to. a TO. ep. of the author of a manual on stealing.
leafless plant; n. its fruit. <H*JJ IrM^I karraajitpala, n. lotus attached to
<fl ^ kara-kisalaya,n. (hand-sprout),
the ear (-ta, / . abst. N.) ; m. N. of a king;
finger; -graha,TO.,-na, n. taking by the hand, o t i O q karisha, n. refuse, (dry) cow-dung.
^npakarnik4,/. gossip.
karahka, TO. skull. [wedding. kartiwa, a. doleful, pitiable: -m, ad.;
m. a plant; 4,/. pity, compassion; -dhvani, 1. karta, TO. separation, distinction.
kara-;/a, TO. finger-nail. TO.wail; -vedi-ta,/. compassionate disposition. cficf 2. kartJi,TO.hole, pit (=garta).
kdra%a, m. a tree.
karewu, m . f . elephant: - k a , / . female kart-ana, n. cutting off; -ari, -ka, / .
W K Z kara£-a,TO.elephant's temple; crow: elephant. [(-°, a.) skull, head. cutting instrument, scissors ; -ari, /. id.
-ka,TO.crow (Pr.); N. of a jackal; -in, to.
c f i ^ t f Z karori, / . basin, bowl; skull: -ka, ch^cf k^r-tave, V. d. inf. of \/kri: -tavya
(or a),fp. to be done, &c. (v. V k ri); n. affair,
TOT kar-ana, a. (i) making, producing; c f t ^ f r t karoti, 3 sg. pr. of V k ri, d o ; -kar- business; what should be done, duty: -t4,
performing (-°); TO. a certain mixed caste; man, a. having making as an action=verb of
making. /• duty.
tune; word (gr.); n. making, doing; perform-
ing; producing; action; deed; rite; business; ^ • i l ^ k a r t u - m a n a s , a. intending to do.
k&rka, a. (i) white; to. white horse; a,/.
organ of sense; body; instrument; legal docu-
ment or evidence; notion of the instrumental cflctii kar-kat-a, TO., i , / . crab; curved end ^ f ^ kar-tr{, TO. doer, maker; worker; per-
case (gr.): -t4, /., - t v a , n. instrumentality of the beam of a balance; i , f . drinking bowl: former ; founder; creator; author (of, g., -°);
(gr.): -rupa, a. having the form of an instru- -ka, TO., i , / . crab; Cancer (in the Zodiac); agent, (logical) subject (may be in nm., in. w.
ment (ph.); i - y a , f p . to be done; n. business. -sringa, n. crab's claw; i - k 4 , / . a plant; ps., or g.w. vbl. N.) ; used as ft. of Vk ri; -ka,
karanrfa, n. basket; little box of a i s a , m. N. of a temple. [fruit. - ° = kartr?', agent; -t4,/. being the agent of
wicker work; -ka, n., i - k a , / . id. an action (gr.); -tva, n. agency; - b h u t a , ^ .
cfiefi^ karkandhu, m.f. jujube tree; n. its being the agent (gr.); -rupa, a. having the
efiXrfsi kara-tala, n. palm of the hand: -ga- cficfl^ kar-kar-a, a. hard; to. leather strap (?); form of an agent.
ta, pp. held in the hand, -tala, clapping of
-1 or -1,/. kind of lute; - i , / . water-jar. S f i f r a : kar-tos, V. (g.) inf. of V k ri, do.
the hands; -da, a. paying taxes, tributary;
subordinate; -dhrita-sara, a. holding an ar- karkarefti,TO.Numidian crane. kart-tavya, fp. to be destroyed.
row in his hand; -pattra, n. saw; -pallava, m.
finger; -p&da-danta, m. hand, foot, or tooth; karkasa, a. rough, hard (also fig.): OJF^ kart-tri, TO. I. destroyer; 2. spinner,
-pala,TO.receiver-general of taxes'; -puifi,/. -tva, n. hardness ; harshness.
hollowed hand; -prapta, pp. held in the hand; cftfoj karki, kart-tri-ka, / . hunter's knife.
-n,TO. Cancer (in the Zodiac).
-badara, n. jujube berry in the hand —per- effigf kart-ya,/p. to be cut off. [». task,
fectly obvious matter; -bha, TO. elephant's eficftKi karkoia,TO.pi. N. of a people j -ka,
trunk; camel; young elephant or camel; m. N. of a snake; a plant; pi. N. of a people. kdr-tva, a. to be done or performed;
64 kard-ana. ch^lfM kalpagni.

c R ^ T kard-ana, m. N. of a king. oRHfJ karvaia, n. market-place. a. possessing an art or the arts; m. moon;
-natha, TO. moon; -nidhl, m. id.
kar dama,TO.mud, dirt, impurity; dregs; kars-ana, a. making lean ; harassing
B f i ^ r n ; k a l a j m t a r a , n. interest (ori capital).
karpa/a, n. r a g . [-ra</a, TO. N. (-°); -ita, cs. pp. */kris.
cR<3TPT kala-pa, TO. (what holds together the
cR$ karsh-a, m. d r a g g i n g ; p l o u g h i n g ; a
^n^TJJ" karp-ana, kind of spear. parts), band; bundle; quiver; peacock's tail;
weight ( = r 6mdshas); -aka,a. draggingabout,
harassing (-°); ploughing, cultivating; m. ornament; totality : - k a , TO. string, band,
karpara, TO. b o w l ; p o t ; n. potsherd.
husbandman; -a«a, a.=karshaka : n. bring- - v a r m a n , TO. N.; - p i n , to. peacock.
karplsa, TO.n. c o t t o n - s h r u b ; cotton. ing ; drivingout; pulling; tormenting; plough- W R T kala-bhara,TO.artist; -bbrit, to. id.;
karpara, TO. n. c a m p h o r ; -keli, m. N. ing, agriculture; bending a bow; -in, a. drag- - v a t , TO. moon; - v i d , a. = kala-^iia.
of a flamingo; -gaura, n. N. of a lake ging along; inviting; ploughing; to. culti-
m i I <!( I kalajtlSpa,TO.gentle tone of voice.
(whitish like camphor); -tilaka, TO. N. of vator; -vL,f furrow; trench; incision.
<3Rf*3Tk£li,TO. die or side of a die marked with
an elephant; -pai!a, m. N. of a dyer; -maw- efifif ka-rhi, when ? with svid or kid, at any one point (also personified); the fourth and
gnri,f.N.ofa princess; -flamingo; -drama; time: na karbi Hd, never. worst age of the world; dissension, strife
-maya, a. consisting of or like camphor; -vi-
K A L , X . P . ( A . ) kalaya; E. generally (also personified). [moon's disc ; bud.
lasa,TO.N.; - s a r a s , n. N. of a l a k e .
\ kalaya, impel, urge, drive; hold, bear; oft R i oft I kal-ika, / . sixteenth part of the
k a r b u , a. spotted, variegated; -ra,a. id.: do, perform, utter; attach, fasten; observe,
a, /. species of poisonous leech; u-ra, a. id. regard; reflect; believe i n ; consider, recog- «fi(H«fHftTkalikata,/. Calcutta.
nise as(2 ac.): pp.kalita,furnished with (-°).
c^W^h karma-ka, - ° = k a r m a n ; -kara, a. (1) ^ f f ^ p kalinga,TO.pi. N. ofapeople; country
4, shake, toss; hold fast; fasten ; perceive;
working for another; TO. labourer, servant; of the Kalingas; - k a , -de«a, TO. country of
examine; reflect; believe in; regard as (2 ac.).
artisan; -kartri, m. agent who is also the the Kalingas. [locality.
pratia, count up, enumerate. u&,pp. utka-
object of an action (in refl. verbs); -kara =
lita, opened,flowering, pari,devour; regard S R f ^ R ; k a l i % a r a , m. N. of a king; N. of a
-kara; TO. smith; -karin, a. performing a
as. sam, be of opinion, ut-sam, pp. urged,
work (-°); -krit, a. laborious, skilful; m. kalita-terana,a.broken-legged.
workman, servant; -ksliama, a. fitted for
oR«5f kala, a. dumb ; i n d i s t i n c t ; inarticu- o n ^ t ^ kali-druma, m. tree of strife ; JV.
deeds (~°); -keBht&,f. labour,active exertion;
-ga, a. arising from or caused by acts; -^anya- late ; choked with tears ( - ° ) ; low, soft (note); of a tree.
ta, f . being produced from works. [(Ze., uttering a soft sound : -m, ad.; -kawiAika,,/.
R l l k a l i n d a , m . N . ofamountain on which
female cuckoo; -kala, m. confused noise or
k a r m a - ^ a , a. fitted for, devoted to the Yamund rises; -kanya, f . the Yamuna;
c r y : -rava, ^arava, m.id., -vat, a. t i n k l i n g .
•^atmaf/a, /1. id.
efj^fczT karmaw-ya, a. skilful, industrious; cRtsT^? kalank-a, TO. spot, blemish, stain,
fitted for the performance of sacred rites. rust: -lekba,./. streak of rust; -aya, den. P. ^ t f w ^ l kali-yuga, n. t h e f o u r t h or K a l i age.
stain,defile,disgrace: -in, a. defiled,disgraced.
«M$flI karma-ta,/.,-tva,n.effect; notion of c f i f ^ T kal-ila, a. filled with, full of ( i n . , - 0 ) ;
karman; -danda, m. complete control of acts; q i H ^ k a l a % a , TO. a plant. TO. confusion.
-dushfa, pp. acting badly; -dosha, m. sinful
kala-tra, n. w i f e ; female animal; h i p ; cft^jM kal-usha., a. d i r t y ; i m p u r e ; turbid,
act; -dharaya,TO.compound in which the first
loin: -ta,/. wifehood; -vat, a. having a wife; dim; husky, choked ; unable; n. dirt, im-
word (generally an a.) describes the second.
united with his wife or wives. purity; -&etas, - m a t i , a. impure-minded.
-man, n. action, work, d e e d ; f u n c -
tion, business ; rite; effect; direct object of cn*«|pq«^kalatr-in, a. id. [ g o l d ; silver. kalusha-ya, den. A . grow dim.
an action (gr.); fate (result of an act done in cR^n^Tfkala-dhauta,/;.(sounding &bright), cfi^ 1 ?!® kalushi-kri, dim, dirty, p o l l u t e ;
a former birth).
cfiopFT kal-ana, a. producing, effecting ( - 0 ) ; - b b u , become dirty or polluted.
|+|«^karma-nam£n, n. name from an a,/, impelling; gesture; n. shaking, agitation. kalevara, (m.) n. body, [guile, sin.
activity; participle; -nasa,/. N. of a river;
-nishlAa, a. diligent in (holy) works; -nyasa, cfiqfTT kala-bha,TO.y o u n g elephant or camel: qi^tl kalka, TO. p a s t e ; foulness, baseness,
m. cessation of work; -paka,TO.ripening of - k a , m. id. (-°).
cftf^cn kalki, TO. N. of a future deliverer
works, retribution for works done in a former
1 f t ^ k a l a - b h a s h i n , a. speaking softly. of the world, the tenth Avatdr o/"Vishnu.
life; -pataka,M.sinful deed; -prava&aniya,
(determining an action), designation of pre- kalama, TO. species of r i c e : -gopa- cfltsaTl ^ k a l k i - b b d , become paste.
positions usedwith nouns and of some adverbs; vadbu,/. female rice-watcher.
-phala, it. result of actions: -hetu, a. to whom eR^KALP, v.^KLIP.
results of action are a motive ; -bandba, m. kala-rava, TO. soft note, [cuckoo,
pR^I kdlp-a, a. feasible, possible ; able to,
bondage of action; -bahulya, n. hard work; kala-vinka, TO. sparrow ; Indian fit for (g., lc., inf., -°); nearly equal to, like
-buddhi, a. believing in human exertion;
' (-°); after an a. almost; m. precept, rule,
-bhumi,/. land of works ; sphere of action; ^ H T kaHsa,TO.pot, j a r ; bowl, cup (also 1);
-maya, a. (i) consisting of, produced by or usage, manner; body of rules on ritual (one
tub; dome-shaped roof: -yoni,TO.ep. o f A g a - of the six Veddngas); cosmic period ( = a day
having the nature of a ction; -marga,TO.road
to action, thieces' slang for openings in walls fui kalas-i,/. churn, [stya & o / D r o n a . of Brahma =1000 Yugas). p r a t h a m a A k a l -
fyc.; -mlm&ms4,/. = pdrva-mlmamsa; -yo- pah, chief rule, original law.
^ n f t ^ c f i kalasaudaka, n. water in a jar.
ga, m. activity; practice of holy works; con- q i ^ o f l kalpa-ka, a. s t a n d a r d ; to. precept,
nexion with a sacrifice; connexion with pre- kalaha, TO. dispute, quarrel. rule; - k s b a y a , m. end of a Kalpa, destruction
vious acts: ab. or -tas, in consequence of fate; of the world; - t a r u , - d r a m a , TO. fabulous
-vidhi,TO.rules ofaction or duty; -vlparyaya, ^ T f ^ kala-hamsa, TO., 1 , / . kind of duck,
wishing tree; -dhenu./j/aZwZowswishingcow.
TO. perverse action; -vipaka = karma-paka; goose or swan; -ka,TO.id. dim.; -ta , f . abst. N.
-samapta, pp. having performed the sacred cfi^T^oRTJ^J kalaha-ka«#aka, m.N.; -kara, oR^CTTkalp-ana, n. i n v e n t i n g ; k,f. fashion-
rites; -siddbi, f . success of an action; -stha- ing ; performance ; invention, fiction ; hypo-
a. (1) quarrelsome; -priya, a. id.; -vat, a.
na, n. administrative office. thesis; caparisoning an elephant; fixing, de-
quarrelling with (saha).
termination; work, deed, act; formation, form.
| W ^ k a r m a j i t m a i L , a . whose nature is cftH^ | k a l a h a y a , den. A . dispute, quarrel.
«H<SMH H kalpa-pala, m. guardian of order,
action; - anta, m, completion of work ; busi-
king; -lat&,/. creeper yielding all wishes; -la-
ness, public affairs, management; - antika, ^ r f f ^ k a l a h -in, a. quarrelsome.
t i k i , / . ^ . ; - v a l l i , / . id.; -v i ^ apin, - v H k s b a ,
TO. labourer, artisan : -loka, m. labourers; efi^TT k a l K , f . small part, esp. one-sixteenth ;
-jibhyasa, m. practice of a rite. TO. — Kalpa tree ; -sat4ya, den. A . appear as
sixteenth part of the moon's disc ; interest on long as 100 Kalpas; -«akbin, m. Kalpa tree ;
capital; small division of time (ranging be-
| ^ karmara, TO. smith. - s u n d a r i , f . N . ; -sutra, n. Sdtra on ritual.
tween 8 seconds and about 2\ minutes accord-
ing to different statements); artistic skill; art k a l p a a g n i , TO. world conflagration
q i f i ? * ^ karm-in, a. acting, w o r k i n g , per-
(of which there are 64); -keli, a. practising at the end of a K a l p a : ^anta, TO. end of a
forming ; to. man of action. [(ph.). Kalpa, destruction of the world; till the
an art as an amusement; -gn&, a. understand-
k a r m a i n d r i y a , n. organ of action ing an art or the arts; to. artist; -dbara, end of the world.
q^TRT kalpaya. cfiT^feK kadambara. 65

cfi^rra kalpaya, den. A. become or seem a ofi^FJ kasydpa, a. black-toothed; m. tor- kakola, m. raven; n. kind of poison:
Kalpa: pp. i-tft. toise ; a divine being; N. of various RisAis. a certain hell. [crows and the owls.
kalpitaargba, a. to whom an of- K A S H , I. kasha, rub, scrape, scratch. ^iTcfit^cR^f kakaultik-iya, n. story of the
fering of (-0) has been made. [imagined.
kash-a,a.scraping ( - ° ) ; to.touchstone: e f i T ^ ^ c f ^ kakshivati, f . daughter of Ka-
kalp-ya, fp. to be assigned; to be kshlvat.
-na, n. rubbing, scraping, friction; -pafftka,
kalmasha, n. dirt; taint; guilt; sin. /., -pasha//a, m. touchstone. KAJSKSH, I. kanksha, desire, long
for, strive after; expect, wait for (ac.):
5IRRTS kalmasha, a. (1) having black spots c n q i q kashaya, a. astringent (taste); fra- pp. -ita. abhi, long for: pp. wished for, de-
(-ta, /. ahst. x.) ; m. N.of a Ndga; n. spot. grant ; red, yellowish red; to. red colour;
passion; to. n. astringent juice; decoction; sired. a, desire, want; strive for; wait for
i f ^ f l kalmash-ita, pp. spotted, varie- medicinal potion; ointment; dirt; taint; de- (ac.), seek (g.), turn towards (ac.); require as
gated W'itll (///.). terioration, moral decline; n. yellow garment; a complement (gr.).
kal-ya, a. healthy, vigorous; ready (for, -ya, den. P. dirty; molest; i-ta, pp. coloured kanksh-aniya, fp. desirable; -a,
Ic. or inf.); clever; n. health; day-break (-m, red; dirtied, stained; penetrated w.,full of (- 0 ). / . desire for (-°); -in, a. desirous of, longing
Ic., at day-break); intoxicating liquor: for, waiting for (ac. or
kash-?a,£p.bad; heavy, severe; miser-
•tk,f. health. able ; forced, unnatural; pernicious, danger- kafea,TO.glass: -mawi, m. crystal; -ra,
W ^ f kalya-varta, n. breakfast; trifle. ous; n. evil, misfortune, misery (kash&t
kasbiataram, worst of all evils): -m, in.,ab., chl^l ka^a, n. mallet. [a. made of glass.
5RWTW kaly&ma, a. (i') beautiful, lovely; with difficulty, only just; -m, ij. woe !
good, excellent, noble; blessed, auspicious, efiTipTkan&ana, n.gold; money; a.( i) golden:
often w. dhik or ha dhik ; -tapas, a. doing -giri, to. gold mtn., ep. of Meru; -prabha,
prosperous; m. N. of a Icing ; n. the good ; severe penance; -tara, cpv. most dangerous
virtue, merit; welfare, prosperity ; festival; a. shining like gold; -maya, a. (i) golden;
or pernicious; -labhya,/?. hard to obtain ; -mala,,/. N. of various women; -varman, m.
i ,f kind of pulse; -kanaka, N.of a locality; ^adhika, a. worse.
-kara, a. (i) propitious; -kara, a. productive N.of a king; -ji>£ala, - adri, m.ep. of Mount
of utility; -krit, a. performing good deeds ; KAS, I. beam, nis, cs. nishkasaya, ^ m p f f a l kan&an-iya, a. golden. [Meru.
- d e v i f . N . o f a queen; -parampara, f . con- * drive out. vi, burst, open, blossom; beam
tinuous good fortune; -pura, n. N. of a town; (with joy); spread out, extend, pra-vi, open: efiTlJ^ \tLnki,f. small girdle generally adorned
-prakn'ti,a. noble-natured; -lakshawa,a.hav- pp.-ita, open, blossoming; cs.cause to open or with bells; -kalapa, m. id.; -guna, to.girdle-
ing auspicious marks; -vartman,TO.N. of a band ; -sthana, n. hips.
king;-avktal'li6xa.-va,m.N.ofastatue ofViah- k-as-un, inf. suffix as (gr.). [flower.
oRTf^ofi kangrika, n. sour gruel.
«u; -^abhinive.'dn, a. benevolent; m. patron.
^SR^jPift ka-stambhi, / . support of a car-
i (flj tkalyan-in ,a.virtuous; prosperous. cffXZ k a ^ , m. depth, bottom.
riage pole.
W ^ T kavaya -vema, m.N. of a commen-
W f a kallola,TO.wave. [gatarangint. SG^jff^GT kastCirika, / . musk; -kuranga,
TO. musk-deer; -mngi,/. female of the musk- e f i l d q ka/ava, n. sharpness. [tator.
^ f W kalhana, m.N. of the author of the R a-
deer. [deer. k a A a , a. derived from K a ^ a ; -ka, a.
^ f a kava, = k a - , kad-, ka-, ku-, bad.
kasttiri,/. musk: -mnga, m. musk- (i) relating to Ka/Aa; n. N. of a Veda: -ja-
^jq^l kavaka, n. mushroom. panishad = ka^Aiuipanishad.
W R kfiva^a,TO.re.armour, mail; jacket; WT^k^-smat, ab. o / k i m ; ad. whence?
q i T f ^ I ka«Mn-ya, n. hardness, stiffness;
bark; -dhara, a, wearing armour = youth. why ? on what account ?
firmness, austerity.
q i q f t ^ k a v a f c - l n , a. clad in mail. o f i ^ T X kahlara, n. white esculent water-lily. en | ka«^, a. one-eyed; blind (eye); per-
forated ; one-handled; -tva, n. one-eyedness;
kavandha, m.n. barrel; cloud; belly; 3RT ka, ° - = k a - , kad-, kava-, ku-, bad.
-bhuti, m.N. of a Yaksha.
trunk (of the body); ep. of the demon Danu,
whose head and thighs were thrust into his o f i f f i j kSmsi, m. goblet, cup. kaneli-matri, TO. bastard.
trunk by Indra. WT^T kaTOsya, a. brazen; n. brass; -kara,
to. bell-founder; -tala, to. cymbal; -patra, ^Tn^ofi ka«faka, a. (i) consisting of thorns.
en«|q kavaya, den. P . compose poetry.
n., i, / . brazen vessel. ^JT !^ k a n i a (or a), to. n. piece; section of
tfl^^T kavala, to. mouthful, morsel: - t a , / . a plant (from joint to joint); slip; blade, stalk;
effRi kaka, to. crow: i,/. female crow; -ti,
abst. x.; -na, a.swallowing; -ya, den. P.swal- arrow; tube (of bone); section (in a book);
/ . state of a crow; -taliya, a. accidental as
low : pp. kavalita, devoured by mouthfuls. the fall of the fruit in the story concerning -pate,: -ka, m. curtain.
SR^Ef kdvasha, a. (l')wide apart; TO. N . the crow and the date, i. e. as accidental as
the fall of the date at the moment of the crow's cfTPJlTX kanrfara, TO. a certain mixed caste.
cftqld kavaka, fold of a door: -ka, id. (-0). alighting on the palm-tree = post hoc, non cfTP^jft kandi, / . little blade.
^jfakav-f, a.wise; TO.wise man,sage, seer; propter hoc: -m or -vat, ad. suddenly, unex-
kanrf-ira, a. armed with arrows.
poet; planet Venus. pectedly ; -paksha, m. crow's wing; curl on
the temples of boys or youths: -ka, a. id.; chr<!c| kanva, m.pat. descendant of Karava:
q r f W i k a v l - M , / . bit (on a bridle). -yava, to. pi. grainless barley; -rava, a. pi. the school of Kanva.
^if^RTT kavi-tS,/., -tv&, n. poetic art or gift; cawing like a crow, cowardly; -ruka, a.
cowardly. I*1*T5( ka-tantra, n. T. of a grammar; TO.
-putra,TO.N. of a dramatist; -nigra,TO.king
pi. its followers.
of poets ; N. of a poet; (i)-sasta (or a), pp. kakali, / . low, sweet tone; i, / . id.;
spoken or praised by sages. musical instrument with a low note used to efiTrf^katara, a.cowardly; timid, faint-heart-
kavaushma,a.lukewarm: -ta,/.-ness. test whether one ed, despondent; afraid of (Ic., inf.,-°): -ta,
/., -tva, n. fear. [heartedness, cowardice.
k a v - y a = kavf; m.pl. kind of Manes; kakaakshi-nySya,TO.: in., ab.
n. offering to theseManes (generally w. havya); after the manner of the crow's eye, i. e. in op- c n | r l 4 katar-ya, w. apprehension, faint-
-vfihana, a. conveying the offerings to the posite directions, with reference both to what ^RT^f kat-kri, mock, deride.
Manes(Agni); -havya-bhu^,m. ep. (/Agni. precedes and what follows; ^akshi-gola-
nyaya, m. id. [coin = \ pana. W I W R f T katyaayana, m. pat. N. of a cele-
^SIJ kasa, m. kind of rodent; whip; a , / .
brated sage; I',/. N. ofYdgnavalkya's wife;
whip; bridle; -Jigh&ta, m. stroke of the whip. efiTf^RWt kakini, -ni, / . cowrie, small a. (i) derived from Katyayana ; i-ya, to. pi.
^ i f j j t j kasipti, m.n. mat, cushion. c|)|c|) k a k u , / . cry of grief, wail; change of school of Katyayana; n. T. of various works.
efiTfjT kasmala, a. (a, i) dirty; n. dirt; pu- voice, emphasis. kadamba,TO.kind o/goose with dark-
sillanimity; despair. SRTfr^T kakutstha, m. descendant of Kakut- grey wings; n. flower of the Kadamba tree.
kasmira, m.pl. N. of a people; sg. stha (ep. of A^a, Dasaratha, Rama, Laksh- ^ W X kadambara, n. sour cream; i , / .
N. of a com dry (Cashmere). k a k u d , / . palate. [ma?ia). kind of intoxicating liquor ; T. of a romance
66 k&dambim. kardama.

& its heroine: -loAanaananda,TO.ep. of the wish: a,/, cow of plenty; -duh,/. (nm. -dhuk) tent of grass, foliage, dc.: i-ka-niketana, n.
moon; -sagdhika,/. common carouse. id.; -deva, m. god of love; -dhenu, f . cow of id.; -vat, a. incarnate; -.siro-griva, n. body,
head, & neck; -stha, m. writer (mixed caste).
I ^ ft*, l l kadambini,/.densebankof cloud. efiTTfTkam-ana,/.wish, desire, [plenty.
efirfSTefi kay-ika, a. (1) bodily. [interest.
^ i T j ^ kadrava, a. blackish yellow, reddish cm +|«^cn klmanda-ka, m. N. of a Rishi;
i , / . N. of a ButMhist nun; N. of a city; i, kay-ika, a.f. (sc. vnddhi) kind of
brown. [metr. of various serpents. m. pat. N. of a writer on polity: -iastra, n.
kaya^dAa 5»a, a. born of a woman
efij 5*"^ ?fkadraveyd,m.descendant of KadrQ, Institutes of Kamandaki; i-ya, a. composed
by Kamandaki. married after the manner of Pragapati.
g r n r ^ k-ana-&, suffix ana of the pf. pt.
c5T^kar-a,a.(i) making, producing, fashion-
kSnana, n. forest (sts. with vana): c f t l + m i ^ kama-pala, m. N.; -pura: -ka, a. ing, performing ; to. maker (- 0 ); fashioner,
- anta, n. forest region, forest. [woman. fulfilling wishes; -prada, a. granting wishes ; author ; making, action ; sound, letter ;
-bhaksha, m. eating at pleasure; -bboga, m. uninfiected word ; -aka, a. (-lk&) making,
^ m f N kani-n£, a. born of an unmarried pi. sensual enjoyments. producing, causing, peiforming (g. or
c|lT«rt i.kanta,pp. (v kam)desired; beloved; kamam, ac. ad. at will, at pleasure; *about to do (ac.); effecting an object; m.
charming ; to. lover, husband ; a, / . sweet- to one's heart's content; according to desire, maker, fashioner; agent; n. relation of noun
heart, wife; -ka, m. N.; -tva, n. loveliness, willingly, gladly; indeed ; at all events; yet; to verb, case-notion ; -a^a, a. making,
even though, supposing (generally with impv.); causing,producing; n. (~°,f i) cause, occasion, _ _
|«rt 2.kaanta,a.endinginka^r.). [charm.
kamam - tu,kim tu, &a,kimfca,punar, atha- motive (g.,lc.,-°); prime cause, element ;basis;
efiTfTRI kanta-ya, den. A. play the lover. pi or tathapi, it is true - but, although - argument,proof; means, instrument; organ of
yet; kamam - na tu or na ka,, certainly-but sense; in.,db., lc.t from some cause: w. kena,
e|)|«n | ^ kant^ra, m.n. great forest; wilder- kasmat, kasmin, for what reason? why? kira
not, rather - than; yadiapi - kamam tatha-
ness ; -bhava, m. forester; - a»f/a-gra, m. forest pi, although - yet. kara»am, why ? ab. for the sake of (g., -°) ;
frog. ~ kenapi karanena, for some reason or other;
efiTTngri kama-muta, pp. impelled by love. yat kara/iam, yena k&ranena, because.
eVilf«rl kan-ti,/. (a. -°,f. 1) charm, loveli-
ness, grace, beauty; brightness, radiance (of kSmaya, (in.f.) ad. frankly (with kSrana-kopa, a. angry with
the moon) : -prada, a. conferring brightness; brfihi or pra-brdhi ). reason; -krudb, a. id.; -guna,TO. quality of
-mat, a. lovely, charming, beautiful: -1, f . the cause; -tas, ad. for some reason ; -t&,/.,
N., -ta,/. grace, beauty. kama-rasika, a. indulging in
love; libidinous; -rupa, n. any form desired; -tva, n. causality ; -sarira, n. causal body.
k^m-dis-ika, n. fleeing in all a. assuming any form at will; ra. pi. N. of efiTT^XHT kar-ana,/. action.
directions, fugitive. a people in western Assam; -rupin, a. id.;
-vat, a. enamoured; -varsha, a. raining as karanajitman, a. being essen-
em«t|ep®5T kSnya-kub^ra, n. N. of a city, desired; -vada, m. talking as one lists; -vas- tially the cause of (g.); ^antara, n. special
<4t|lj£ kapa/a, a. (1) fraudulent. [Kanauj. in, a. changing one's abode at pleasure ; ^iTXfWeR karara-ika, ra. judge. [cause.
-vritta,pp. indulging one's desires, pleasure-
eRTTRf k^-patha, m. bad road; evil course. loving; -«ara, ra. arrow of Kama; -sasana, eftl karanrfava, TO. kind of duck.
m. ep. (/Siva ; -sastra, n. treatise on love, T.
ctim<!| k&p&l-a, a. (1) connected with or of various works; -su, a. granting desires ; ^ i T T ^ m ^ karayi-tavya, cs.fp. that should
made of skulls; m.pl. school of Kapalin; -ika, -sutra, n. a Sfltra treating of love; -haituka, be caused to be done ; to be managed; to be
m. Saiva sectary (wearing and eating out of a. caused by desire only. effected or procured; -tri, m. causer of action;
human skulls); a certain mixed caste; -in, m. barber. [plant.
ep. of Siva,; N.; a. practised by a Kapalika. efiTTTfJT kamajitura, a. love-sick; - atman,
efiTX^iX k&ra-skara, m. kind of poisonous
a. voluptuous; filled with love: (a)-ta,/ sen-
en| ( m i k&pil-a, a. (i) relating or peculiar to
suality ; ^andha, a. blinded by love; •^ari, ^ r m kara,/. prison, gaol; -agara, -gnba,
Kapila; m. disciple of Kapila; -eya, m. de- n. id.; -patba,TO.N. of a country; -v&sa,
m. ep. of Siva, (foe of Kama); ^asoka, m. N.
scendant of Kapila.
of a king. TO. gaol, imprisonment.
q i T f W H R k a p i s a y a n a , n. kind (/spirituous
eft IM®!^ karaavara,TO.a certain mixed caste
liquor. [coward. «fll f i | ^ kam-ika, a. desired; -i-^ana, to.
lover; -i-ta,/. condition of a lover; -in, a. (offspring of NishAda and VaideM).
c n i ^ q ka-purusha, m. contemptible man, eager for, desirous of (ac., -°); loving, in love I kar-ika,/. activity; torment; memo-
(with, ac. orsardham); to. lover: -i,/. woman
eniMld kapota, a. (1) peculiar to pigeons. rial verse explaining obscure grammatical
in love; girl, woman.
rules or philosophical doctrines.
cfi | <q*t2f kabandh-ya, n. condition of atrunk. qjT^Jefikam-uka, a. desirous (of, - ° ) ; in love
eft|f\d| kar-ita, pp. caused, produced by, re-
^THT kama, m. wish, desire, for (d., g., lc.); with (ac.); TO. lover: -tva, n. amorousness. lating to (-°); k,f. (sc. vriddhi) excessive in-
intention; pleasure; desired object; benefit; terest offered by debtor under pressure.
qfTJJefiT^T kamuka-ya, den . A . play the lover:
(sexual) love; god of love; a. (often after
inf. in -tn) desirous of, intending to; ab. pp. -yi-ta ; n. conduct of a lover. ^iTfT i tkar-in,a. 1. making,doing,producing

willingly; voluntarily; intentionally. cfiT+j^T! kamajsvar^, TO. ep. of Kubera. (g.,-°); acting; 2. dispersing, destroying.
cfll+tcfll+l kama-k&ma, a. having all kinds cfiT*f|«^T|kamaunmatta,^.madwithlove. kar-d, m. poet, singer; -u, m. artisan
of desires ; -kamin, a. id.; -kara, a. fulfil- (/. u) : -ka,TO.id. [n. compassion.
ling the wishes of (g.); m. voluntary act; free- eRXf^T^I kampil-ya, n. N. of a city of the
eft|t\f4jje()karun-ika,a.compassionate; -ya,
dom of will: -tas, in., ab., intentional- Pahkdlas : -ka,TO.a plant; -laka, m. id.
ly; voluntarily; -krita, pp. done intention- kfimbuva,TO.N. of a locality.eJfP^Sf karfisha,TO.a mixed caste (offspring
ally; -ga, a. going anywhere at one's own of outcast Vainya). [harshness,
free will; following one's desires ; -gati, a. efiT^Y^T kambo^a, a. coming from Kam- karkas-ya, n. firmness, hardness;
going anywhere at will; -gama, a. id.: -go, bo#a; m.N. of a people = Kambo^a.
/ . cow of plenty; -£ara, a. (i) moving at will: eRT^fZefi karkofaka, TO. N. of a city.
-tva, n. abst. N.; -kara., m. freedom of action; kam-ya, a. desirable, dear; amiable,
voluntary or intentional action ; self-indulg- pleasant; connected with a wish, interested; eft (<5414 kartavirya, m.pat.ofArguna, prince
ence : -£ara-vada-bhaksha, a. acting, speak- optional: -ka ,m.N. of aforest and of a lake; of Haihaya. [and sounding piteous.
ing, and eating at will; -fr&r-in, a. moving at -ta,/. loveliness, beauty. [after (g., e f t | ( ^ 4 « t k a r t a - s v a r a - m a y a , a. golden
will.: -i-tva, n. freedom of action; -17a, a.
produced from love of pleasure; begotten efjTTT kamya, /. desire, wish for, striving kartant-ika, ra. astrologer.
through sensual passion; -tantra, n. T. of a 1. k&ya, a. relating to the god Ka eft I pt^ karttika, m. N, of a month (October-
work (book of love); -tarn, m. Kama (as a) (Pra^apati); to. nuptial form of Pra^apati; November) : 1, / . day of full moon in K&rt-
tree; -tas, ad. through desire, lust, or love of root of the little finger (sacred to Pragapati).
pleasure; voluntarily; intentionally; -da,a. tika; e-ya,TO.met. of Skanda, god of war.
granting desires: -tva., n. abst. n.; -damini,/. efllf^ 2.kaya,TO.body;mass, extent, group; eft \ kartsn-ya, n.totality: in. completely.
ironical N. of a lascivious woman (love-con- capital: -klesa, TO. bodily distress; -da/irfa,
trolling) ; -dugha, a. milking = yielding every TO. perfect control over the body; -m4na, n. c|i|<^+t kardama, a. muddy.
chl^li^i karpa/-ika. cRToEJ kavya. 67
karpaMka,TO.poorly clad pilgrim. Wlf&R k&ry-ika, a. id.; m. litigant; -in, a. on | *«f kalam bya,TO.N. of a caravanserai.
id.; TO. official.
karpan-ya, n. poor-spiritedness; c h T ^ ^ f kala-yavana, m. N. of a Dvipa;
poverty; meanness, avarice; compassion. I^NTT karya upeksha, / . neglect of of- -yapa, m.: -na, n., -na, f. procrastination ;
ficial duty; -japarodha, to. interruption of -yoga, to. conjuncture of time or fate; point
e f l l k a r p i i n i , n. sword-fight. of time: -tas, ad. according to circumstances;
business. [minution.
qn^T^T karpasa, n. cotton ; cotton cloth; a. -loha, n. iron, steel; -vala, a. having a black
| k a r s - y a , n. emaciation; smallness; di- tail; -vid, a. knowing the times; -vidya,/.
made of cotton : x, /. cotton shrub; -ka, a.
karsha -ka,TO.agriculturist,husband- knowledge of chronology or the calendar;
made of cotton ; -tantava, n. cotton cloth;
-vibhakti, / . division of time; -vn'ddhi, /.
-sautrika, n. id. man. [of a Karsha.
kind of illegal interest; -vyatita, pp. for
e f | 1 1 I k i i r p a s a a s t h i , n. seed of the «IW 314<U karshaJ,pana,TO.ra. coin oftheweight which the right time has passed.
cotton shrub, [-ika,/. *cotton shrub. kalas-eya, n. butter-milk.
«RTf^«R karsh-ika, a. weighing a Karsha.
kiirpas-ika, a.(i) made of cotton;
e|||i4 karshna, a. (i) coming from the black ®R I <m kala-saka, m.aplant; -samrodha,
efiTRW kfirman-a, a. relating to or proceed- antelope; belonging to or composed by Krish- m. protracted retention; -saiikhya, / . com-
ing from action; enchanting (-tva, n.abst.N.); na ; n. hide of the black antelope. [«. iron. putation or determination of time; -sarpa, m.
n. sorcery, magic; -ika, a. produced by magic. a. black snake; -sutra, n. noose of tVie god of
death; to. n. (also -ka), N.of a hell; -harana,
kilrma-ranga, a. deep red. c|)li>4!$i karshra-ya, n. blackness; darkness. n. loss of time; -hara, m.id.; gain of time.
<1H4K k&rmSr£, TO. smith. cBT^f i . kala, a. (i) dark blue, black; to. the qrpSTPJ^ kalajiguru, m. kind q/"black aloe:
black in the eye; ep. of Siva. -a%/ana, n. black ointment; -ja.nda-ga, m.
ouif^e|j karm-ika, figured web.
ejij^f 2. kala, to. due season, appointed or black bird = Indian cuckoo ; - atikramana,
c||(4jc(| kilrm-uka, i. a. efficacious; 2. a. (if) n. neglect of the right moment ^or (g.); -^ati-
made of Kn'muka wood; n. bow: -bhrit, a. right time (for, d.,g., Ic., inf., -°); time; oppor-
tunity; season; meal-time (of which there are pata, TO. delay; -jityaya apadish^a, pp.
bearing a bow. [bow. lapsed, become void; ^anala,TO.tire of all-
f A two a day); half a day; hour; age, era; measure,
ef||«jcf||i| karmukg-ya, den. A . represent a prosody; Time,fate; death,godofdeath; -°,at destroyingtime,fire oiuniversal death; ^anu-
the right time; in time, gradually; paraA sarya, n. kind of fragrant benzoin, resin;
eHI<Jfef|«^karmuk-in, a. wearing a bow. kalaA, high time (w. inf.); kalam kri, fix a - antara, n. interval of time ; favourable
time for (Ic.); kalam asadya, according to moment: in., ab. after the lapse of some time:
^TrJ k&r-ya^/p. to be done, made, performed, -kshama, a. brooking delay.
circumstances; in. kalena, in due season; in
employed, dec. (v. V k ri); n. design, purpose,
course of time : - gafrMata., as time goes on, thMIMcfl kSlSpaka, n.T.of a grammar.
object, interest; duty; business; service; mat-
in course of time; dirghewa-, mahat&- or
ter, affair; lawsuit; effect,product: -m, with
bahunS. - , after a long time; kena&it - , after ^RT^TRTO kalaayasa, n. iron; a. of iron:
in. of thing and g. of pers., something is of use -dridha, pp. hard or firm as iron. [king.
some time ; tena - , at that time; ab. kalat,
to, some one cares about; in. on account of.
in the long run, in course of time; kalatas, kalaasoka, m.N. of a Buddhist
cni4eh<<Uf»HT karya-karanaapeksha, / . id.; with regard to time; g. dirghasya or
view to carrying out one's design; -kartri, mahataA kalasya, after a long time; kasya ohlf^'fckal-ika, a. relating to time; season-
m. promoter of the cause of (g.); -karana, Ait - , after some time; Ic. k&l€, at the right able ; lasting as long as (-°).
n. a special object as a cause, special reason: or appointed time, opportunely; in time = gra-
dually; - prapte, when the time has come; ^ T f ^ T kSl-ika, / . liver; dark mass of
•tas, ad. from special motives, -tva, n. being cloud; N.of a river; the goddess Kali; -pnr4-
effect and cause; -kala, m. time for action; - gaM/tati, in course of time; - yate, after
thelapseofsometime; kasmims kit-, oneday; na, n. T. of a Purana.
-Mntaka, m. manager of a business.
kale kale, always at the right time; shasbiAe kalinga, -ka, a. from the land
kSrya-tas, ad. as a matter of fact; - , at the end of the third day: — xhnaA, at of the Kalingas; m. man or king of Kalinga.
-tft,/.,-tva, n. fact of being a product or effect; the sixth hour of the day, i.e. at noon; pan-
-dar.-iana, n. {legal) investigation of a case; &asate - , = after 350 days; ubhau kalau, mifa^K ^ kali%ara, TO. N. of a mountain.
-dartdn, a. sagacious, acute ; -dhvamsa, m. morning and evening.
abandonment of a cause; -nirwaya, to. legal ^ i T f ^ T ^ kSli-dgsa, TO. (servant of Kali).
decision of a case ; -pari£Meda, to. correct kala-ka, a. dark blue, black; -kan^a, N. of various poets; the celebrated lyric, epic,
judgment of a case. [a product {ph.). m.pl. N. of a tribe of Asuras; -'kantha'ka, m. and dramatic poet of this name lived in the
sparrow; -karman, n. death; -kaiikshin, a. sixth century A.V. [of the Yamuna.
eRTlf^JJ kSrya-rflpa, a. having the form of waiting or impatient for the right moment;
SfiTfa-^kalinda, n.water-melon; i,f.pat.
-karita, pp. temporary; -kuta, to. kind of
ofiT^fa?^ kitrya-vat, a. having business to poison (esp. that produced at the churning -man, TO. blackness.
attend to; busy; having an object: -t&, /. of the ocean); -krita, pp. produced by time;
business; -vasa, to. influence of an object: temporary; -krama, to. course of time: in., c f t i f a q kal-iya, m.N. of a Nag a; cobra.
ab. from interested motives; -viniyama, to. ab. in course of time; -kshepa, to. waste of cftitsTl kali, / . the Black goddess, aforrrfof
mutual engagement to do something; -vi- time, delay; d. to gain time ; -TO Kri, waste
nirwaya, to. legal decision of a case ; -vi- time (w. Ic.); -gandikk, f N. of a river; QtH<^|a kaii-krt, blacken. [Durga.
patti, /. failure of an object; -vrittanta, to. -gupta, (pp.) m. N.of a Vaisya. oRT^tfkal-ina, o.relatingto the time of (- 0 ).
fact of a matter ; -vyasana, n. failure of an
object; -sesha, to. what remains to be done, efii^-qsn ktla-Aakra, n. wheel of time; -gna, kal-iya-ka, m. N. of a Naga; n.
completion of undertakings; -siddhi,/. sue- a. knowing the proper time; -ghkna, n. know- fragrant black wood (sandal or aloe).
cess of a matter; -hantr?', TO. thwarter of ledge of time or chronology.
one's interest; -beta, TO. motive of carrying ^ r r ^ t w r f ^ k a i i - v i i a s i n , TO. husband of
qrr^mT kala-ta, / . 1. seasonableness; 2. Kali (Siva). [unfairness.
out one's designs: ab. with a view to one's
blackness; -danda, m. wand of death ; -du-
interests. kaiush-ya, n. turbidness; foulness;
ta, m. harbinger of death ; -dauratmya, n.
cqi 4 1 I 4 karyaakarya,n.right&wr ong( °-). tyranny of time; -dharma, -n, m. law of
o R l ^ H ^ T kale-fcarya,/. seasonable occupa-
time=inevitable death; -niyama,TO.limita-
^ l l ^ l f f l M l d kfiryaatipat-a, to. neglect of tion of time ; determination of the terminus kfil-eya, n. a fragrant wood. ]^tion.
business: -in, a. neglecting business; ^adhi- ad quern; -nemi,TO.N. of an Asura slain
k&rin, m. minister of policy; ^antara, n. by Krishwi; N. of a Br&hman. mi^sTl^/l kaiauraga, m. black snake.
another business ; leisure hour : -sa/dva, m.
compan ion of a prince's leisure or amusements ; ^RT^lM^i kala-pakva, pp. ripened by time; cfiT^T kaiya, n. day-break: -m, Ic. at day-
-apekshin, a. having a special object in view. -paryaya, m. course of time; -paryaya, to. q j T W kavandha, a. (1) trunk-like, [break.
id.; -p&sa, to. noose of the god of death;
kitryaartha, to. undertaking : -m, -pasika, m. hangman; -purusha, m. time c f t f c j O kaveri, f.N.ofa river.
ad. for a special end, for the purpose of busi- personified; minion of the god of death; i . k a v y a , a. having the qualities of or
ness or work : -siddhi, / . success of an un- -prabhu, to. lord of seasons, the moon;
dertaking ; ^arthin, a. concerned about a coming from sages. [or gift.
-prapta, pp. brought by time; -bhogin, m.
matter; demanding justice. black snake; -megha, m. black cloud. ch|°i| 2. kavya, a. id.; n. wisdom; seer'sart
K 2
68 qiT^I kavya.

3.kSvya, m.pl. kind of Manes; n. poem; f l j ^ kim-yu, a. desiring what? -rupa, a. of fawlf^ kim-idin, m. kind of demon.
-kartri, m. poet; -goahthi, f . discussion on what form or appearance ? -vadanta, m. N.
f=fl*fl q kim-iya, a. belonging to whom or
poetry; -giva-^wa, m. Venus, Jupiter, and of a demon : 1, / . report; saying, proverb ;
what place ?
Mercury, or a. understanding the purport of -varraa, a. of what colour ? -vishaya-ka, a.
a poem; -ta, /., -tva, n. condition of a poem; relating to what ? -vritta, pp. surprised at f i R I T f t ^ T X kim-pariv&ra, a. having what
-devi,/. N. of a queen; -prakasa, m. Light of what has happened, incautious ; -vyapara, retinue ? -purusha (or 4), m. kind of elf,
poetry: T. of a work on poetics by Mammata a. occupied with what? dwarf (attendants of Kubera); -prabh&va,
and Alata(ii th or 12 th century); -mim&msa- a. how mighty ? -prabbu,ra.badlord; -phala,
fojp^cfi kim-suka, m. a tree ; n. Us (scentless
ka, m. rhetorician; -rasa, m. flavour of poetry; a. producing what fruit? -bala, a.how strong?
-tsastra, n. poetry and learning (°-); treatise red) blossom; -sakbi, m. bad friend; -su-
brid, m. id.; -betu, a. caused by what ? -bhuta, pp. being what ? having what attri-
on poetry; Poetics : T. of a work. bute (in commentaries w. reference to nouns)!
fsfljfc*! kiknasa, ra. 1 articles of bruised grain. -bhn'tya, m. bad servant; -maya, a. consist-
I «4| I ^ kSvya&darsa, m. Mirror of poetry:
T. of a work on poetics by Dandin (6th ing of what ? -m&tra, a. of what extent ?
foj\«fKkim-kara, m. servant, slave: -tva, n.
century A.D.); -jvlamkara, m. Ornament of servitude; 1,/. female servant or slave; -kar- f ^ R T f W T R k i y a f c -A;iram, ac. ad. how long?
poetry :T.ofa work by Vdmana (9th century): -Arire/ia, in. ad. how soon ?
tavya-ta, / . perplexity as to what is to be
-sutra, n.pl.Vdmana's Sfttras,-vntti,/. his
done next; -karya-ta,/. id. fV*J<^ki-yat, a. how great? how far? how
commentary on them.
A A fef^tfl k i n - k m - i , / . small bell; -iki, f . long ? how various ? of what kind ? of what
K A S , I . A . (P.) be visible, appear; value ? kiyat, ad. how far? how much ? where-
v shine: pp. -ita, shining, bright; intv. id.; -ik-in, a. adorned with small bells.
fore ? = uselessly; indef. prn. a. small, little,
kkkas, shine brightly, nis, cs. show; turn ftftx|«t( kimZtan-ya, n. property. some; n. ad. a little, somewhat; withfollowing
or drive out. pra, appear, become manifest; k&(Sf preceding jkvat, however great; of what-
shine; cs. make visible, show, display; an- fonfxj fop'kim&it-ka, indef.prn. with preceding
ever kind; with api, however great; k i y a t i a ,
nounce ; illumine, vi, intv. illuminate. ya, any,every; -kara, a.significant; (n)-ma- (lc. with prp. 4) since how long? w
tra, n. a little bit.
kas-a, m. kind of shining white grass. kiyad-dftra, n. some distance: -m,
ki%alk-a, stamina (esp. of lotus); lc., not far, a short way. [ance; n. trifle.
kSs-i, m. closed hand or fist; hand-
-in, a. furnished with stamina.
ful : pi. N. of a people; f . i or 1, Benares : kiyan-matra, a. of little import-
i-ka, a. coming from Kasi or Benares : a,/. kifi, m. wild boar,
Benares ; T. of a commentary (probably "tth t w ^ kiy^imbu, n. an aquatic plant.
century A. D.) on Pdnini by Vdmana and ki^a, n. secretion.
Gaydditya (sc. vntti); -in, a. having the ap- kina, m. callosity; scar. [spirit). 1. K I R , kirtfti &c., v. |S K R I , scatter.
pearance of ; i-pati, m. lord of the Kasis; 2. kir, a. scattering, pouring o u t ( - ° ) .
-puri,/. city of Benares. foft<!a( kirava, n. yeast; ferment (usedin making
a. having k as its it (gr.). kir-dna, m. dust; mote; ray.
«h I ^+f^|kSsmal-ya,n.despondency, despair.
kfismira, a. (1) belonging to Kas- f t f t d c j k i t a v £ , m . , i , f gamester; cheat,rogue, kiraia, m. merchant.
mira; m. king ofKasmlra: pi. N. of a people (eft^lfl kfrata, m.pi. N.ofa barbarous moun-
and a country ; n. saffron: -ka, a. belonging kid-vat, ad. like a kit (gr.).
tain tribe of hunters ; sg. man or king of the
to Cashmere ; i-ka, /. princess of Cashmere; -n, a primary suffix i (gr.). Kiratas: i , / . KiraLa woman; -aryuniya, n.
-</a, n. saffron. Ar^una's combat with Siva disguised as a Ki-
kindu-bilva, -villa, N. of
« H I V n r C « kasmirika = kasmiraka. rata: T. of a poemly Bhdravi(6th cent. A.D.).
a race or of the birthplace of Gayadeva.
ch(!HI kasya, m. king of the Kasis; k,f. prin- kirif-a, n. diadem; m. merchant;
fo|l«( ^ kim-nara, m. fabulous being (half man -in, a. adorned with a diadem; ra. epithet of
cess of the Kasis. half animal) in the service ofKubera; N. of Indra and of Ar^una. [i-rita, pp. id.
^iT^IH kasyapa, a. (1)belonging to Kasyapa; various persons; -namaka (ika), -namadbe-
m. pat. descendant of Kasyapa. ya, -naman, a. having what name ? -nimit- f«fif^<. kirmi-ra, a. variegated; i-ra, a.,
ta, a. occasioned by what ? -m, why ? t ^ T 1.
kSsha, m. rubbing
kim, (nm., ac. n. of ka) what? why? kila (V. sts. k), ad. quidem, indeed,
k&sh&ya, a. brownish red; n.brown-
often simple inter, pel. not to be translated certainly, it is true ; that is to say, it is said
red garment; 1,/. kind of bee or wasp. (= num, an); often med with other pels.: or alleged; as is well known.
«HT& k&sh*A£, n. (piece of) wood, log; a mea- - angfa, why,pray? how much more? atha-, f^lRT 2. kila, a. playing.
sure of length; a measure of capacity; -kul- how otherwise ? = it is so, certainly; - api
t&, m. kind of woodpecker; -kufa, m. id.; (not till Kdliddsa), very, extremely; vehe- f^h^gK kila%a, ra. mat. [a. leprous.
•bharika, m. carrier of wood; -maya, a. (i) mently ; nay more: with neg. by no means;
made of wood; -rac^u,/. rope for tying wood - iti, wherefore, why ? sis. = iti kim; - iva, faH 1*1 kilas
together; -loshla-maya, a. made of wood or wherefore? - u , pray? why, pray? how much -a, a. leprous; n. leprosy; -in,
clay; -stambha, m. beam. more or rather? -uta, how much more? how
much less? (inneg.sentence); kim ka>, and also, kili%a, TO. mat.
cfljH | k&sh^M,/. race-course, celestial course and besides, moreover; - na, somewhat, a
(ofwind and cloud); quarter; goal, boundary; kilbish-a, n. transgression, guilt,
little: with neg. in no way, by no means; - lid, sin; injustice, injury: -sprit, a. removing or
summit; height, maximum; a measure of time. somewhat, a little (sts. followed by iva): with avoiding sin; -in, a. guilty, sinful; m. sinner.
cflif^co k a s h ^ - i k a , m. wood-carrier. neg. by no means; - tarbi, (after neg. not) f^filftX kisor^i,TO.foal; young of an animal;
but; — tu, but, however; nevertheless; - tu
^ f l ^ K A S , I. A . cough. -ka, m. id. m.N. of[ fa. mountain;
N. of a cave.
tatbapi or par am kim tu, id.; - nu, emph.
inter, how much more or less? kim nu kbalu, fcn«^|kishku,TO. fore-arm; handle (of an axe).
^TTO 1. keis-a, TO. going, moving. why, I wonder? emph.inter.; kim punar, how f^R^kis, inter, pel.
^jTO2.kSs-&,m.,a,/.cough; -vat, a.coughing. much more or less; however, still; but; kiwi
va, or; perchance? kim svid, why, I wonder? ft|i*|<3«4 kisalaya, n. bud, shoot, sprout ;
kasara, m. pond, lake, [coughing. I wonder? In double questions the second kim den. P. cause to sprout; arouse: pp. i-ta,
is gnly. joined with uta, u va, nuva,va, atba sprouted ; having young shoots.
^ T f W kas-ika,/. (slight) cough; -in, a. vk; or athava, abo svid,uta, uta va, va, va-
pi are used in the second place without kim. kikafa, m.pl.N. ofancn-Aryanpeople.
oftl^*!! kahala, a. indecent; excessive; dry;
m. large drum; a,/, kind of wind instrument. kim, with in. or gd. what is the use of - to (g. ) ? <*V<li*l kikasa, TO. spine; n. bone.
c f i T ^ T T kablara, a. derived from the white f e n + t f a e m ^ kim-adhikararaa, a. directed kifeka, TO. kind of bamboo; m. a
water-lily. to what ? -abhidhana, a. how named ? -ar- general of Virdta, vanquished by BMmasena:
tba, a. having what purpose? -m, ad. for pi. N. of a people.
1. ki, inter.prn. st. in kim, kiyat, kidris, &c. what purpose ? wherefore ? -akhya, a. how
fiR 2. k-i, suffix i in pap-i, &c. (gr.). named ? -adhara, a. relating to what ? kifa, m. insect; worm ; worm of a - ,
^'iT^Md kfaavapanna. cju^f kuts-a. 69
= wretched ; -ka, m., i-ka, / id.; -ya., V I . A. inuka., contract,bend (int.): pp. -ita, ku^Aara, -ku, m. axe; i-ka,/. small
n. silk ; -mani, m. fire-fly. contracted; bent, curved; curly; cs. kunk- axe; i-ka, m. wood-cutter.
aya, crisp, curl, a, pp. bent; drawn in;
cnWiqMdl kifcuivapanna, pp. upon which contracted; curly. sam-&,cs.^?p. contracted, [f^KU-D, ^nS^KUND, encircle.]
an insect has fallen. oblique; suppressed, ud, cs. pp. utko&ita,
«p^S«|kurfa-va,TO.a measure and weight (= j
blossoming, vi, pp. viku;7&ita, contracted;
t f ^ d l ^ A ki/autkara, TO. ant-hill. curly, sam, contract, close : pp. sawiku/ - prastha).
ki-dnksha, a. of what kind? ita, contracted, closed; cowering; dejected, kurf-mala, a. budding; m. n. bud ;
disconcerted ; cs. samko&aya, contract; re- n. kind of hell: - t k , f . closure (of bud or eye);
^ F r n B T T k id''ig-akara, a. having what duce, diminish. i-ta, pp. covered with buds; closed like a bud.
appearance? -rupa, a. id-; -vyapara-vat, a. ^ r f kufe-a, TO. (du.) female breast.
having what occupation ? cp\S4 kurf-ya, n. wall; a,/. id.
ku-&andana, n. red sandal; -feara, kd»apa, n. corpse; carcase, carrion ;
c f t ^ ^ k i - d r f s , a. what kind of? w.following a. roaming about; vicious; to.bad man; -&ar-
ka. ami preceding y&vat, of whatever kind; a. (apa) decomposing, stinking like carrion.
itra, n., -Aarya, / . bad conduct; -fcela, n.
-dma, a. (i) of what kind ? of what use ? poor garment, rags; a. ill-clad: - t a , / abst. N. | ^ kiiw-aru, a. paralysed in the arm.
q S f r n r k i - n & a , m. [acquiring what . ^ i n - ep^l ku-ga,TO.son of earth, ep. of the planet ^ffTQ' kuw-i, a. id.: -tva, n. paralysis.
digent], agricultural labourer; miser. Mars: -dina, n. Tuesday; -(/ana,TO.bad man KU NTH, pp. -ita, blunted, blunt;
or people; -f/anman, m. 1. man of low birth, ^ relaxed, jaded ; ineffectual; dull, vi,
^tT m ' parrot: pi. N. of a people.
slave ; 2. son of earth, planet Mars; tree; pp. blunted.
kir-f, m. bard, poet; -in, a. praising; -givik&,/. wretched existence.
j j l l ^ kuw^A-a, a. blunt; relaxed; dulled :
kirna, pp. «/kri, scatter. [to. bard. kun&-ana, n. contraction, -ta, / . absence of feeling (in a limb); -tva,
n. dulness, obtuseness; -aasma-mala-maya,
kirt-ana, n. mention, report; enu- j f ^ kuw^-i, to. a measure=.eight handfuls.
a. consisting of a series of blunt stones; -i-krt,
meration; narration; -aniya, fp. to be men- f f ^ R T ku>?/f-ika, / . key.
blunt; -i-bbu, prove ineffectual.
tioned or praised.
kun£-i, / . caraway. kunc?-a, n., i,/.pitcher,jar, pot; scuttle;
kirtaya, P . (A.) mention, say; name; round cavity in the ground, round fire-pit; to.
propound,proclaim;recite,narrate; celebrate; KVNG, I. P . rustle, roar.
bastard of an adulteress ; -ka, to. n. jar, pot,
call, pronounce to be (2 ac.) ; ps. be called, be pitcher.
regarded as. nd, glorify, pari, blaze abroad; ^ ^ kun</-a,TO.copse, thicket; bower: -ku£-
proclaim,propound,declare; praise; pronounce, ira, bower; -vat, TO. iV~. of a part of the kunda-la, n. ring, esp. earring; -lin,
relate; call; ps.be called or accounted, pra, Dandaka forest. a. wearing earrings; coiled; m. snake; i-k ri,
proclaim, propound, approve; call (2 ac.); ps. cp^ ^kungra-ra,TO.,elephant: an elephant make into a ring, coil.
be called or accounted, sam-pra, mention; among = chief of, most excellent; 1,/. female
pronounce (2 ac.); ps. be called or accounted, 1 kurarfaSlsin, a. eating the food
sam, mention; recite ; proclaim, celebrate. C J ^ K U T , divide, break up. [elephant. given by a kumia {bastard of an adulteress).

kir-tf,/. mention; renown ,fame: -kara, c p d ^ kuf a-gfa,TO. a tree (Wrightia antidysen- f f ^ r r kunrf-ika,/. pot. [Vidarbha.
a. (i) making famous; -mat, a. renowned, kurad-ina, n. N. of the capital of
famous; -jruta,pp. id.; -gesba, m. survival GID^ku/^ru, TO. cock. [terica).
in fame only, death; -s&ra,m.N.; -sena, m. 31 ijtkuracicV&dhni, a.f. hvg. ajar-shaped
^ r f e ku^-i,/. bend, curve ( - 0 ) ; hut, shed.
N. of a nephew ofVdmki; -soma, TO. N. ^ i f f T T ku-tanaya, TO. bad son. [udder.
«pfd<fl kuri-la, a. bent, curved; crooked,
kila, -ka, m.stake; peg, pin; wedge. winding; curly; going crooked ways, deceit- ^iWR ku-tapa,TO.n. goat's hair blanket.
ful; adverse: -ka, a. winding; curly; -kesa, 3» H M *lku-tapasvin ,TO .bad asceticj-tarka,
^ t f l r v r kil-ika,/. peg; bolt; - i t a , ^ . fasten-
a. (1) curly-haired; -gati, a. going crookedly to. bad dialectics, sophistry.
ed, bolted; nailed down; studded with (in., or stealthily; / . a metre; - g a , / river: -J.sa, opdH. kd-tas, ad. = ab. of ka, from which ?
kisa, TO. monkey. m. lord of rivers, ocean; -gaman, a. winding; from whom? whence? sts. whither? why?
capricious ; -t&, / . curliness ; deceitfulness;
$ 1. KU, e.^SKtJ. often in drama before a couplet confirming
-tva, n. id.; deviation from (-°); -mati, a.
a previous remark = for; how? howmuchless,
crooked-minded, deceitful; -manas, a. id.
J 2. k u , / . earth, land, ground. to say nothing of; kutoipi, (late) from some;
fd<fl kudlaasaya, a. having crooked kntas Aid,id.; fromsomewhere: na -,fromno-
3. ku, the class of gutturals [gr.).
aims. [(on the stage). where; na kuta£-£ana, j.'^.; in no direction.
4. ku, prn. st. in ku-tas &c.; bad, in- ^ i t z f ^ R T kuril-ika, / . winding movement
kutas-tya, a. coming from whence ?
significant ; badly, very; -kanyaka, /. bad
girl; -karman, n. wicked deed; -kalatra, n. kufili-kri, knit (the brows). with api, of unknown origin.
bad wife; -kavi,w.bad poet, poetaster; -kav- ^ i Z t kuii, / . = k u / i . ^ c T P r o ku-tSpasa, TO., 1, / . bad ascetic.
ya, to. bad poem; -kutambini,/. bad house-
wife ; -kri'tya, n. infamous deed, wickedness. 314I ^ ku<ira, h u t ; sexual intercourse ; i-kri, ku-tu-ka, n. [regard to the whence],
choose for one's hut or abode. curiosity; interest; eagerness for (-°).
f f ^ kukura, m. pi. N. of a people.
ku<umba,°cfi-ka,w.household; family; f ^ T kutft-hala, n. [cry of whence], id.;
g i ^ f kukftla, chaff. family property: -parigraba,TO.hovisehold; pleasure, delight in (prati, Ic. or -°); curious,
family. interesting, or amusing object: in. eagerly,
cpgRd kukku^, m. cock: i , / . hen; -ka, to. zealously : -krit, a. exciting curiosity, curio us;
son of a Nishdda and a SUdrd. j j ^ f i c l ^ k u / u m b -in, m. householder, pater- -vat, a. inquisitive; interested; eager.
familias; member of a family; domestic; du.
e p S R k u k k u r a , m. dog; 1 , / . bitch. «pgi§fa«^kutfihal-in, a.curious; interested.
householder and his wife : -i, / . mistress of
kuk-shl,m. [\/kus]belly; womb; cav- the house ; female domestic. ^T^kii-tra (-tra), ad.=lc. o / k a , in what?
ity, cavern; valley; bay: -ga, to. son. K U T T , X. P. ku«aya, crush, bruise. where? whither? what for? - -api, (late)
3 C vi, lacerate. [with (- 0 ). somewhere; - Aid, = Ic. in some - ; somewhere:
kukshi, / . = kukshl. with neg. nowhere (also of direction); kutra-
ku^a, -ka, a. crushing or grinding &id - kutra-Aid, in one case - in the other,
ku-gnha,TO.pi. bad housewife; -geh- sometimes - sometimes. [where •
^ i ^ T kuW-ana, n. stamping; i,/. procuress.
ini,/. id.; -gr&ma,TO.wretched village. eji^iSf kutra-tya, a. dwelling or coming from
^igTTC ku^-ara, a. tearing, lacerating ( - 0 ) ;
kun-kum-a, n. saffron (a kind of klits-a, TO. N. of various men; -ana, n.
TO. brawler. [JV. of a rogue.
crocus): -panka, to. saffi-on ointment. reviling, abuse ; contempt; term of abuse ;
^ ku^-ini, / . procuress: -kapa^a, TO. -aya, den. P. [ask as to the whence: kut(a)s]
^ p f K U t f , V I . P. ku/ra, ^ ^ K V N K , ^ j f g J i ku^-ima, n. levelled floor. abuse, blame; contemn: pp. -ita, contempt-
70 kuth. g^pjcfT kula-patana.

ible; blameworthy; -k, / . abase, blame : in. tra,TO.bad advice; evil spell; -mantrin, TO. kui ara, TO., I, / . osprey.
contemptuously; - y a , f p . blameworthy. bad counsellor.
f T f ^ T k u - r a h a s y a , n . b a s e secret; -rajan,
e|>U K U T H , stink: pp. -ita, fetid; cs. koth- gflTT kiibh-a,/. N. of a river (Cabul). TO. bad king; -raf/ya, n. bad rule.
^ N aya, cause to putrefy. \ \ ku-mSr^i, TO. [dying easily], (new- ^ I. kur-u, 2 sg. impv. of V k r i , do.
^Wkutha, m., a,f. coloured woollen blanket. born) child; boy; youth, son; prince; ep. of
Skanda; (a)-ka,TO.littleboy,boy,youth; a 2. kuru, TO. N. of the progenitor of the
I ^ | ^ku-dara-dara, m.pl. bad wife as a y o u n g - ; -tva, n. boyhood, youth; sonship; Kurus : pi. N. of a people.
wife; -&riahta,,pp. imperfectly seen; -drishii, -datta, m. N.; (a)-deshwa, a. giving but fleet-
/ . defective sight; false system; a. heterodox; ing gifts; - d h a r a , f . N . o f a r i v e r ; -bbukti, ®|> kuru-kshetrd, n. plain of Kuru; TO.
-desa, m. bad country; -daisika,TO.bad guide. / . apanage of a crown prince; -bhritya, /. pi. people of Kurukshetra; N.ofa country.
c p ^ H kuddSla, hoe, spade. fostering of a child ; midwifery ; -vana, n. g j ^ T T kurutt, / . N. of a woman.
Kumara's grove; -vikrama, a. valiant as
ku-dravya, n. bad wealth; -dvara, n. the god of war ; -vrata, n. vow of chastity; kuru-nandana, m. ep. of Argruna
back-door; -dbi, a. foolish;TO.fool; -nakha, -sambhava,TO.birth of the war-god: T.ofa and of Yudhish^Aira ; -pawfr&la,TO.pi. the
-nakhin, a. having deformed nails; -nadika, poem byKalidasa; -sena, m.N.ofa minister; Kurus and Paw/ealas; -pa»i/ava,TO.du. pi.
/ . insignificant rivulet; -nadi, /. id.; -na- -sevaka,TO.prince's servant. descendants of Kuru (i. e. of Dhri'tarashfra)
ra indra, - lsvara, m. bad king; -nita, n. and of ParnJu.
bad guidance; -nripa, -nripati,TO.bad king. cptj | f^cft j kumjjr-ika,/. girl; N.ofa part of
Bhdratavarsha; -in, a. possessed of children. kurubaka, -vaka, probably in-
kunta, m. spear, lance. correct form of kurabaka, -vaka.
cp+1 \ k u m a r i - d a t t a , m . N . ; -la: -bhal-
kuntala,TO.hair of the head; m.pl. ta, -svamin,TO.N. of a Mlmamsist. kuru-vinda,m. /cmrfo/barley; ruby.
N. of a people. [of a forest of spears.
ku-m&ri, / . girl, virgin; daughter; gf^CI ku-rQpa, a. deformed, ugly: - t i , f . de-
<Jt«r|cM*{«J kunta-vana-maya, a. consisting (i)-pura, n. part of harem where girls live; formity, ugliness.
cj|«ti|l| kuntapa. n. N. of twenty organs al- -bbaga, m. daughter's portion.
leged to be in the abdomen; a certain section ejiTTRfku-marga, J l ^ kurtou, m. kind 0/vermin,
m. wrong way, evil courses;
of the Atharva-veda. -malana,TO.N.; -mitra, n. bad friend: -mi- kur-ku^-a, TO. cock.
•jfirl kunti, m.pl. N. of a people; $<7. king of tra, n. bad friend as a friend. cpep"?^ kur-kur-a, TO. dog.
the Kuntis; -bho;/a,TO.N. of a king of the ku-muda, n. (white) night lotus; m.N.
Kuntis,who adopted Kunti. of a Ndga; N.ofa man: -natba,TO.moon; ^j^c^kurv-at, pr.pt. of V k n , do.
«|l«rfl kunti,/. ep. of Pritha, wife ofPamlu; -maya,a. consisting entirely of white lotuses; ^ l U I kurv-Sna, pr.pt. A . of V k r i , do.
-suta, TO. son of Kunti (ep. of the sons of - akara, m. lotus group : -ta, f. abst. N.
PdnAu). [-lata,/, jasmine creeper. cpqfc^cfn kumud-ika, / . N. kiil-a, n. herd, flock, swarm; multitude;
race, family; community, guild ; noble line-
<y«^kunda,TO.kind of jasmine; n. itsflower; age ; abode, house; , often = chief, eminent;
kumud-ini, / . night lotus; group
(All K U P , IV. kupya, become agitated; of night lotuses : -nayaka, -vadhuvara, TO. -m padatin^m, infantry.
"-3 \ grow angry, be angry with (d.,g.), conflict lover of lotuses, ep. of the moon. gneftkula-ka,- 0 , o.multitude; ra.little family;
with (g.) : pp. -ita, angered; angry with (g. or ^ • J ^ k i i m u d - v a t , a.abounding inlotuses: combination of three or more slokas containing
upari); cs. kopaya, agitate, excite, provoke, a single sentence; -kanyaka, /. girl of good
-l,/. night lotus; group of night lotuses ; N.
nd, cs. excite, produce, pra, become agitated family; -kalanka, m. disgrace to the family:
or angry: pp. angry with (lc. or prati); cs. pro- ku-muhfirta,TO.evil hour. -karin, a. disgracing the family; -kalank-
voke, enrage, sam, cs. rage along. ita, pp. disgracing the family; -kalankin, a.
gffll kumbha, TO. pot, jar, urn a. jar-
kup-d, TO. beam of a balance. id.; -krama-sthiti,/. hereditary usage in a
shaped) ; a measure of grain (=20 Dronas); family; -kramaagata, pp. hereditary in the
31144 ku-pa/a, TO. poor garment; -pafu, a. du. fron tal protuberances of an elephant; (a) - family; -kshaya,TO.ruin of a family; -giri,
stupid; -pa/Aita, pp. who has learnt (his ka,-°,a.id.; m.n.religious exercise consisting TO. chief mtn. or mtn.-range; -guru, m. head
part) badly; -pati,TO.bad husband; bad king; in closing the nostrils with the right hand to
of a family; family priest; -gr iha, n. house of
-pari'/ziata, pp. ill-comprehended; -parik- suspend breathing: -karna,TO.N. of a Rak-
rank. [mark.
slia-ka, a. estimating badly; m.bad estimator; shasa (brother of Bdvana); -karn&ya, den.
A. re.sem ble Kumbha-karaa (in sleeping long); ku-lakshana, a. bearing a baneful
-parikshita, pp. ill-investigated; -patra, n.
-kara,TO.potter (a mixed caste)-, -karika,/.
unworthy person; -putra,TO.bad son; -puru- ^i^f^ ku-lagna, n. fatal moment.
wife of a potter; -gunman,TO.ep. of Agastya;
sha, m. contemptible man; coward.
-dasi, f. common prostitute ; -dbanya, a. kula-ghna, a. (k, i) destroying the
^TZJ kupya, n. base metal, i.e. any but gold having only a potful of grain ; -yoni, m. ep. race; -m-kula, a. going from house to house;
and silver; TO. N.; -ka, a. base metal. of Agastya; -sambhava, m. id. -g&, a. of noble race; born in the family of (-°).
<J1J3J ku-prabhu, m. bad lord; -plava, m. I ^ kumbhaawda,TO.kind of demon. gj^TCT kulaia, / . unchaste woman.
unsafe boat. f i l l k u m b h - i k a , / . small pot or j a r ; kula-tantu, m. thread on which a
epo|«c| ku-bandha, m. degrading brand; -in, TO. elephant (having frontal protuber- family hangs —the last of a race; -deva,TO.:
-buddbi, / . wrong view ; a. wickedly dis- ances) ; *-ila,TO.thief. -ta,/. family deity; -daiva: -ta, n. id.; -dha-
posed; stupid. kumbhi, / . pot, jar, pan ; -dbanyaka, ra, m. N. of a prince; -dbarma,TO.usage
ej|<s( ^ kubera,TO. N. of the regent of the spirits a. having grain in jars; (i)-nasa, m. kind of of a family; -dhurya, a. able to bear the
of the lower regions and of darkness (F.); god snake; -nasi, /. N. of a Rakshasi; -paka, burden of a family; TO. head of a family;
TO. sg. Sf pi. kind of hell. -nandana, a. N. (child) delighting the family;
of wealth, the world guardian of the North;
-nari,/. virtuous woman; -nimnag&,/.main
-datta, m. N. of a mythical being; -valla- kumbhi-ra,TO.crocodile; *-la, m. id. or noble stream.
bha,TO.N. of a Vaisya.
cjj«*Jt kub$£, a. hunch-backed; crooked; g j ^ t ^ T k u m b h a u d a r a , TO.(pot-bellied),N. kula-patana, n. fall - , degradation
of a servant of Siva; ^DBBAVA, TO. ep. of of the family; -pati,TO.head of the family;
(a)-ka, a. id.; m. an aquatic plant.
Agastya ; - udbbuta, TO. id. -parvata, m. chief mtn. or mtn.-range; -pa,
^ i s ^ n , ku-brahman, TO. bad Brahman. kuranga,TO. antelope: -ka,TO. id.; -nay- TO./, headof the family or community; -p&ms-
ani,/. disgrace to her family; -p&lik&,/. N.;
[giH. KUBH, g W KUMBH, be curved.] ana, -netra, -lo£an&, - akshi, a.f. gazelle-
-putra, TO. son of a good family; virtuous
eyed. ~ [lope. youth: -ka, TO. id.; -purusha, TO. man of
ku-bhartn, m. bad husband; -bharya,
/ . bad wife; -bhikshu,TO.rogue of a beggar; ^ T l f T O kur aiiga-y a, den. A.become anante- good family; virtuous man; -pratish^A, / .
-bhukta, n. bad meal; -bhrttya,TO.bad ser- support of the race ; -prasuta, pp. born of a
e n ^ ^ j kurangi,/. female antelope, gazelle; noble race; -bhava, a. coming of a noble race;
vant; -bhoga,TO.poor enjoyment; -bbo^ana,
n. bad food; -bbor/ya, n. id.; -bhratri,TO.bad N. of a daughter of Prasenagit: -iris, f. -bbavana, n. chief residence ; -bhuta, pp.
brother; -mata, n. false doctrine ; -mati,/. gazelle-eyed, [purple Barleria; n. its flower. being the head of the guild ; -bhubhrit, m.
wrong opinion; stupidity; a. stupid ; -man- gi'^'cfikuraba-ka,TO.crimson amaranth or chief mtn. or mtn.-range; model of a prince;
^wPsftf^. kula-yoshit. kutfa. 71
-m&rga, m. ancestral path; -mitra, n. friend elephant; N. of a king; -jivali, /. N. ofa -£apa, m. id.; -komala, a. soft as flowers;
of the family. queen. [water-lilies. -drama, TO. flowering tree; -dhanus, -dhan-
van, m. Kama (having a bow of flowers);
JWJiflfi|ft.kula-yoshit,/.virtuous w o m a n ; c f i q H R l t f kuvalay-ita, pp. adorned with -pura, n. Flower city, ep. of Pataliputra;
-ra/adh&ni,/. royal capital; -vat, a. of noble cpc|<!(^^[kuvalayajsa, m.lord of earth, k i n g : -bana, TO. flower-arrow; -maya, a. (i) con-
race; -vardhana, m. support of a family; sisting of flowers; -margawa, TO. Kama.
- t a , / . dominion.
-vidya,/. knowledge hereditary in the family;
-vrata,rt.family practice (religious or moral): ku-vastra, n. b a d dress ; a. ill-clad: " p ^ J f l l k u s u m - a y a , den.P. f u r n i s h withflow-
•dhara, a. maintaining the family virtue; -,si- -ta, /. abst. N. ; -vakya, n., -vkk, f . ill word; ers: pp. -ita, flowering, blossoming.
la-vayo-vm'tta-vitta-vat, a. of good family, -vadika, m. charlatan, quack ; -vasana, / . kusuma-lakshman, TO. ep. of
character, age, conduct, and means; -gikharin, wrong notion. Pradyumna ; -lata, /. flowering creeper ;
m.,-8ftil»,f». = kula-parvata; -saiikhya,/. be-
kuv-id, ad. perchance ? I wonder ? -lavi,/. flower gatherer; -«ayana, n. couch
ing accountedof good family; -sa»igata,TO.ac-
of flowers; -sara, a. having flowers as arrows
quaintanceofthe family; -sawitati,/. progeny; kuvinda, -ka, TO. wearer. (-tva, n. abst. N.) ; m. Kama: - asana, m. id.;
-mmnldhl, m. presence of many persons: Ic.
-sayaka, m. K a m a ; -sara, m. N. of a mer-
in the presence of witnesses; -samudbhava, ^ i f q q l^ku-viv&ha,TO.lowmarriage; -vntti,
chant; -surabhi, a. fragrant with flowers;
a. sprung of a noble house; -sevaka, m. excel- / . poor maintenance; -vedhas, TO. evil fate;
-stabaka, m. bunch of flowers.
lent servant; -stamba,TO.family like a bunch -vaidya,TO.bad physician; -vyapara,TO.low
of grass; -stri, /. virtuous woman; -sthiti, occupation. f ^ J T R R : k u s u m a j i k a r a , TO. spring; -jin-
/. family usage; -hina, pp. of ignoble race. gali, m. two handfuls of flowers; ^ayudha,
K U S , enclose, encircle.]
kula atikura, m. scion of a family; TO. K a m a ; N.; ^asava,TO-honey; - astara-
kus-£, m. grass, esp. sacrificial g r a s s ; N.: wa, n. couch of flowers ; -astra, TO. Kama.
- ang&ra,TO.firebrand= destroyer of his own -n4bha, TO. N.
family; ^a/rala, ^adri, m. chief mtn. or mtn.- «ptjf*(<T kusum-ita, (pp.) n. blossoming,
range; ^anuguna-vat, a. having merits cor- kusa-la, a. appropriate, fitting; pro-
flowering time. [rowed),
responding to his race; ^anta-karawa, a• de- fitable; salutary; healthy, well; skilful, ex-
stroying a race; - anvaya, m. noble descent; pert, experienced (in, <7., ic.,w/.,-°): -TO man, k n s u m a j s h u , TO. K S m a (flower-ar-
- anvita,|;/>. of noble race ; ^apit^a,TO.orna- approve; -m, ad. duly ; mildly; n. good con-
ment of the family. dition, due order; welfare, prosperity; health; ^PJ^T kusumbha, TO. safflower; (hermit's)
expertness,skill; kraalaTOte, how do you do? water-pot: -kshetra, n. field of safflower;
5$WnTkuld[y-a,TO.RA.web,tissue; nest; lair; good luck to you! -TObru,-vaZ(;, or- vad, wish -vat, a. carrying a water-pot.
dwelling ; -in, a. nest-like. any one good luck; -m, in.,°-, duly, regularly. kusfila,TO.granary; -dhanyaka,a.hav-
kulala. m. potter; i , / . wife ofa potter. ^TSpsT^nXW kusala-kSrarea, n. cause due to ing plenty of corn in his granaries,
kul-ika, iti. relation. [various birds. welfare; -ta, / . skill, experience (in, ic.); ^ l ^ f d k u - s r i t i , / . b y - p a t h ; fraud, deception.
-prasna, TO. enquiry as to health; -vat, a.
opfH^f ku-linga, m. kind 0 / m o u s e ; N. of healthy, well; -va&, a. eloquent. c j i t T l k u - s a u h n d a , m. bad friend; -stri,
f H f ^ k u s a l - i n , a. well, safe and s o u n d ; /. bad woman; -sthana, n. miserable place;
«fjf^f5T kuli;/a, n. a measure of capacity.
favourable, good (news). -sv&min,TO.bad master.
kii-lisa,TO.axe; n. thunderbolt; dia-
^ ^ ku-ha, ad. where? (often - svid); - fcid,
mond : -t&,/. state of a thunderbolt; - d h a r a , kusali-kH, put in order, set right.
somewhere; wherever.
-p&tti, -bhn't, m. ep. of Indra.
^RJcpf^kusa-vat, a. abounding i n K u s a grass;
cjl^cft kuha-ka, TO. rogue, cheat, j u g g l e r ;
kul-ina, a. noble (of race and char- -stamba,TO.bunch of Kusa grass.
hypocrite;TO.,a,/, jugglery; deception.
acter) ; belonging to the race of (-°): -tva,
k u s a a g r a , w.point of a blade of K u s a :
n. noble birth; -iya, a. belonging to the family eji^S ^ kuha-ra, m.N. of a Nag a ; cave, cavity;
-buddhi, a. whose intellect is as sharp as a
of(-°). ^ T kuhS,, / . a plant. [copulation.
f ^ l c f c f t k u s a - v a t i , / . N.of a city, [needle.
kulira, m. crab; -ka, TO. little crab.
^ifilefi kusikd, TO. N. of a sage: pi. N. of a <JkS> k u h u , cry of the cuckoo (also fl).
J^TT kulftta,TO.pi. N. of a people. people. [bad pupil as a pupil. k u h u , / . new-moon (personified as the
a fl kuUvadgata, pp. coming of a noble 3»FUI^ku-sishya,TO.bad pupil: -sishya, TO.
daughter of Angiras).
stock; -judvaha, a. continuing the race of,
descended from (</., ^ f t f f a k u - s i l a , n. bad character: -va, w.bard,
^ K U , V I . A . kuva, cry. a, intend,
kulnijLsha, TO. sour gruel. actor : du.. N. of the two sons of (Rama.
^PJJ^T kusula, TO., v. c p ^ f kusula. k u , ad. where ? with kid, somewhere,
1. kul-ya, a. referring or belonging to
a family. [a cremated corpse. ^J^UI kuse-saya, a. l y i n g on K u s a g r a s s ; kflfci,/. brush, pencil.
n. (day) lotus : -aksha, a. lotus-eyed,
kulya, n. receptacle for the hones of K U G , I . P . kuf/a, utter monotonous
^ i ^ r f ku-sruta, pp. imperfectly h e a r d ; n. C\ x sounds; cry, hum, coo, buzz, murmur,
k u l y t i , / rivulet, canal.
evil report. twitter, nd, cry, utter a (monotonous) coo;
kulyS-ya, den. A. become a rivulet. K U S H , VI. kusha, IX. P. kush-wa, lament, wail, vi, cry, twitter, sam, id.
kullftka, TO. N. of a commentator on « pinch, tear, nis, tear out: pp. nish- ^ T ku^-a, TO., -ana, n. cry, coo, m u r m u r :
Manu, who probably lived in the sixteenth kushita, torn out. -ita, (pp.) n. id.
century. ^ n f t r H f i k u s h f t a k a , TO. kind of bird; N. ^ d 1. kuVa, n. forehead; horn; TO. n.peak,
^ i ^ f i l j ^ k u - v a n u / , m. a rogue o f a merchant. kushtimbha, TO. poison sac. [leprosy. top; heap, multitude; n. deception, fraud,
k u - v a d h d , / . wicked w o m a n ; - v a r t - ejfg ku-sh^a,TO.n. aplant; a,/.point,beak;
man, n. wrong road, heresy. cjiil 2. kfi^a, a. hornless (cattle); deceptive:
^pf^cfiT k t i s b ^ M k a , / contents of the entrails.
spurious ; concealed; invidious ; -ka, a. false
f*P5T ku-vala, a tree; n. itsfruit; water-lily. (coin); n. prominence; -karman, n. fraud;
• p ' f i f k u s h / A - i n , a. leprous. [of demon.
-karaka, m. forger, false-witness ; -krit, TO.
1. ku-valaya, n. terrestrial orb, orbis | iixg kushm&nda,TO.a plant: pi. a species forger (of,g.)\ briber; -fc/cfeadman,TO.sharper,
terrarum. cheat; -tapasa, m. counterfeit ascetic; -tula,
jjltHsft ku-sakhi, / . bad friend; -saliva, TO.
^ i ^ R T 2. ku-vala-ya, n. blue lotus (which bad minister; -sambandha, m. bad relation; / . false balance; -pakala, m. elephant's
opens at night): - d m , -nayan&,/. lotus-eyed fever; -pa.?a, m. snare, trap; -bandha, m. id. ;
-sarit,/. shallow river. [/. usurer's interest.
woman; -m&l&,/. N. ofa mare; -vati,/. JV. -yuddha,TO.treacherous fight; -ra/tana,/.
of a princess. kd-sida, a. i n e r t ; n. u s u r y : -vn'ddhi, fraud; trap, snare; -lekha,TO.,-lekhya, n.
forged document; -^almali,TO./ . fabulon-
uvalaya aditya, TO. N, of a o p ^ T l k u s i d - i n , TO.usurer. cotton shrub with sharp thorns employed to
king; -Jinanda,TO.T. of a rhetorical work; kusuma, n. flower, blossom: -karmu- torture criminals in Yama's realm; --sasana,
^JIPIDA,TO.N. of a Daitya changed into an ka,TO. Kama (having a bow of flowers); -ketn, n. forged edict: -kartri, m. forger of edicts ;
72 ku/aksha. l u f t f t ^ kn'ta-tirtha.

-s&ksbin,TO.false-witness; -stha, a. occupy- and kim?); avail, be of use (with kim?); with krika-v&ku, m. cock ; peacock.
ing the highest place,chief; being in the midst adverbs in i (e. g. atithi-), u (e. g. mridu-),
make, turn into; with -sat, reduce to, turn krikasM, f . kind of bird.
o f ( - ° ) ; immovable, immutable; -svarna,n.
counterfeit gold. into; vase kri, subdue; bridi - , take to heart,
remember; hWdayena -,love; evam kWtva, S r ^ T f ^ R i krikalika, f . kind of bird.
^ Z T ^ kfttaaksha, TO. loaded die: - upa- for this reason; tatba yathauktam - , d o so, krikkhri, a. distressing,grievous, dire;
dbi-devin, a. playing with false dice or fraud; consent; cs. karaya, cause to make (2 ac.), severe, dangerous; wretched, miserable: -m,
- agara, m. n. room on the house-top; sum- cause to be made by (in.); cause to be pre- ad. miserably;TO.n. difficulty, distress, trouble,
mer-house. pared ; cause to be made (2 ac.); cause to be misery ; danger; penance ; kind of minor
placed in (lc.); cause to be performed; cause penance; -tas,in.,ab. with difficulty, with
cK£ K ^ D , X. P . kudaya, singe, scorch. to be cultivated ; - to be put or buried; order much ado.
CxX tomake,-toprepare,-topractise: often = sim-
A | | | K U-Y, kunati, contract (int.): pp. -ita, ple verb ; des. Mkirsba, wish to do, - perform, krifeMra-karman, n. distress,
C\ N contracted, closed. - establish ; intend; strive after, ati, trans- trouble; -k&la, to. time of distress or danger;
kfidi;/. fetter. gress. adbi, place at the head of, appoint to (lc.); -gata, pp. distressed, endangered ; practising
put forward, make a subject of discussion: penance; -tk,f. dangeronsness; -patlta, pp.
WCJ kupa, to. [kujip-a], pit, hole; well: -ka, pp. entrusted with, appointed to (lc., ; con- fallen into distress; -prana, a. whose life is
m. little well; -kara, in. well-digger; -kur- cerned in (lc.). anu, imitate (ac.); equal, in danger; eking out one's existence with
ma, to. tortoise in a well = unsophisticated rival (ac.,g.), equal (ac.) in (in.), apa, take difficulty; -sadbya, fp. difficult of accom-
person; -kbanana, n. digging of a well; away,remove; injure (ac., g., lc.); cs.id. pra- plishment.
-khanaka, to. well-digger; -kakxa, n. water- tiapa,takevengeanceon(g.). abbi,do,make;
wheel ; -dardnra, m.frogin a well = unsophis- des. wish to do, undertake, aram, prepare; ifciSn'fl; krikkhraatikrikkhr&, TO. du.
ticated person; -yantra, n. water-wheel. serve, satisfy (d.). alam, prepare, produce ; ordinary and extraordinary penance; sg. kind,
adorn (A. adorn oneself); do violence to (g.). of penance. [penance.
^ t l T O kfipa-ya, den. A. become a well. abbij;, upa^, adorn, sam-alam, id.; vio-
late. ava, direct downwards, a, bring hither; S T ^ T 5 ^ ; kn'fefeAraabda, m. kind of one year's
^ f W T kfip-ika,/. puddle in a dry river-bed. produce; appropriate (g.) ; cs. call; ask for the root kri (gr.). [do.
ra, m.n.,\,f. (cart) pole a.f. a). (2 ac.); des. intend to perform, apa&, re-
move, drive away, dispel, counteract, repel; a u T t d t kri-rao-tana, V. 2 pi. impv. of \/"kri,
^ f ^ kfir&a, m. n. bunch of grass ; n. beard; give up, desist from; pay. upajt, bring near, kri-t, (-°) a. making, producing, caus-
-ka, m. bunch; brush; beard; -tk,f. bearded- fetch; deliver; grant; prepare for a sacred ing,performing;TO.composer, maker, fashioner;
ness; -la, a, bearded. rite; consecrate. ni&, keep back. nir-a, set
primary nominal suffix (attached to roots) ;
apart; put away, remove; drive away; reject,
T C ? K ^ R D , I. kurda, leap, nd, leap up. repel; deny, viji, separate, distinguish; ex- primary noun.
\ pra, bound. plain. sam-4, unite, keep together, upa, a w i . K E I T , V I . P . krinta (E. also A. and
confer; offer, present; serve, do a service to, ^ I. P. karta), cut, cut off, out, up or down;
^ ^ kdrda, I -na,w. leaping, bounding, oblige (g., lc.) ; A. cherish, upa-skn, pre- extract; cleave: pp. kritta, cut; cut, torn or
pare, compose; equip, adorn; care for (ac.): hewn off; cs. = simple vb. ava, cut off; sever;
kdrpa, sand, pp. furnished with (in.), pratiupa, repay; do cs. cause to be gashed, ud, cut out, off or up;
kftrpara, TO. elbow; sts. knee, a service in return, ni, bring down,humble, cut topieces; destroy. ni,put to the sword; cut
overcome: pp. humbled; dejected; mortified, down or away, tear away; A. cut one's nails.
kfirp&sa-ka, m. jacket, bodice. vi-ni, mortify; injure; defraud, nis, re- pari, cut all round ; cut off or exclude from
move ; prepare; deck out; cure; expiate, (ab.); A. split round, vi, divide, rend; cs. id.
^JT kQrma, m. ( f , 1) tortoise; one of the vital pari-sbkri,prepare; adorn,deck, furnish with
airs which causes the eyes to close; -pati, m. (in.), puras, place in front; show, display; KRIT, V I I . P. krj'natti, spin.
king of the tortoises {who supports the earth). appoint to (lc.); choose, prefer; honour; gd.
-kritya, regarding, about, on account of (ac.) : ITcT kri-t£, pp. made, done, performed; pre-
Ch«3 KtJL, X. P. kulaya, singe (cp. kiirf). pp. accompanied by, furnished with (-°): -m,
c \ pared, ready; acquired; well done, all right;
ad. accompanied with (-0). pra, do; fashion, relating to: -m, done ! = it shall be done
^PJT kula, n. slope, hill; bank. [bank. make; perform; show,cause; make into (2 ac.); at once; w. in. away with, enough of; n. deed,
k&lam-kasha, a. carrying away the marry (awife, a girl); violate, pollute (a girt); work, action; benefit (-TO vid, be conscious of
appoint to (lc.); put forward; make the sub- benefits received); stake (in play); booty;
gwt oj | d k{ila-^ata,pp. growing on the bank. ject of discussion; buddbim or manas
die or side of a die marked with 4 ; first or
apply one's heart to, make up one's mind to
kfilam-udru^a, a.underminingthe golden age.
(d., lc.), resolve: pp. begun; accomplished;
mentioned, under discussion; in question; cs. fHTOi krita-ka, a. artificial, feigned, false ;
kftla-vati,/. river. [bank. cause to prepare, vi-pra, injure; harass; ob- adopted (son): -m, feignedly, -tva, n. quality
struct. prati, make (ac.) out of (ac.) in of being artificially produced; -kartavya, a.
e ^ f a ^ t kftl-ini, / . id.
opposition; repay (good and evil) with ac. of having fulfilled his task ; -karman, n. an ac-
I ^S kftshmanda, m. kind of demon ; Jcind thing and d., g., lc. of person; resist; make complished deed; a. having fulfilled one's duty;
of text; n., i,f N. of the verses xx, 14-16 in good, repair; pay; des. wish to take revenge -karin, a. doing a thing; -karya, n. an at-
the Vdgasaneyi-samhitd. on (ac., lc.) for (ac.). vi, make different, tained object; a.-having accomplished his ob-
change, alter; compare; disfigure, destroy, ject; satisfied: -tva, n. abst. s.; -k&la, to. ap-
3K i.KRI(skri after upa, pari, sam), V I I I . mutilate ; develop ; be hostile to (g., lc.); be- pointed time; -kn'tya, a. having done his
karo strong, kuru. weak; V. +1, kara, II. come unfaithful to (lc.) : A., ps. be changed duty; having attained his object, satisfied (as
kar, V. krind; make, do; fashion, build ; or modified; become alienated or disloyal: to, lc.) : -ta, /. satisfaction ; -kriya, a. hav-
perform, fulfil; produce; execute; effect; con- pp.changed, altered, qualified; mutilated,de- ing performed a sacred rite ; pious; -ksbana,
clude {friendship), display, show, exercise; formed, disfigured; unnatural, repulsive; cs. a. having an appointed time,i.e. waiting im-
prepare,cook; compose; cultivate; make any- cause to change one's sentiments, pra-vi (for patiently for (lc.,ac. w. prati, inf., -°); -ksbo-
thing out of (in., ab.); do anything to or for vi-pra): pp. sinned, sam (generally -skrt), bba, a. shaken; -gbna, a. ignoring benefits,
(g., lc.); make any one anything (2 ac.); do put together, unite; accumulate; prepare; ungrateful : -t&, /., -tva, n. ingratitude ;
violence to (ac.); perform the usual action invest (with the sacred thread); hallow (a girl -&uda, a. having received the tonsure; -ga.n-
vnth (ac.): used thus with great latitude, e. g. at a wedding or the dead with sacred fires); man,0. planted; -giia.,a. recognising benefits,
udakam kri, offer the usual oblation of water adorn, polish, form grammatically: pp. sam- grateful: -ta,./. gratitude.
(allied with this is theuse of\ri in tlteperiphr. skrita, hallowed, invested; adorned, polished,
pf. with an abst. N. in a); utter, pronounce, elaborate,refined,Sanskrit, prati-sam,repair. I R m H kn'ta-tirtha, a. to which a stair has
use ; describe; fix, determine; pass (time); been made; -tvara, a. hastening ; -dara, a.
await (a moment);^procure for (g., lc.); as- married; -dasa, m. one who offers himself as
sume (shape, voice: A.); place on or in, direct to cR 2. K R I , pt. fcakrat, intv. kax-Ts.ri, re- a slave for a fixed time; -dirgha-rosha, m.
(in., lc.), turn the mind or thoughts, give the » member, mention with praise (gr.). protracted wrath ; -dbi, a. clever; resolved
heart (manas, buddhim, matim, bhavam) on {inf.); -dbvag, a. furnished with banners;
kri-kara, m.kind ofpartridge; a vital
to, resolve on (d., lc., inf. or oratio recta with -nasaka, a. .ungrateful; -na#ana, a. id.;
iti) ; appoint to (lc.) ; commission; act, fare; air causing hunger. -nisfcaya, <2. convinced; firmly resolved on (d.,
sacrifice; do anything with, make use of (in. S l t f i H t l knkalcts^, ra. lizard; chameleon. lc., inf., -°); resolute ; -nis&ayin, a. resolute.
STrPT^ knta-pada. krish-rea. 73
krita-pada, a. having found a foot- count of, for, instead of (g. or ; abs. for a got; silk-worm; -ka, m.little worm; *-kosa-
ing ; -punya, a. happy; -pfirva, a. done be- purpose: -na, in. ad. id. ga, *-kosauttba, a. silken; -ga, a. produced
fore : -n&#ana, n. non-recognition of previous by a worm; n. aloe-wood; -tantn-jrala, n.
S i c f t ^ c h k r i t a u d a k a , a. h a v i n g performed cobweb; -la, a. wormy.
benefits,ingratitude; -p&rvin,a.having done the prescribed ablutions; having made offer-
something (ac.) before; -pra^jla, a. wise; krimu-k4, m. a tree.
ings of water to the dead ; ^janmada, a. feign-
-pratikn'ta, n. attack and resistance; -pra-
ing madness; ^upak&ra, a. having rendered K J i l S , I V . P . Xrisya, g r o w t h i n ; cs.
yatna, a. well cared for; -prayo^ana, a.
a service; benefited, [cept a small remnant. « karaaya, make thin; diminish: pp. karc-
having attained his object; -buddhi, a. w h os e
mind is matured, discriminating; resolved (to, S f r r R n f a k r i t t a a v a s e s h a , a . broken off ex- ita, emaciated.
d. or inf.); -bbumi,/. spot prepared for the 1T1J kn's-^i, a. thin, slender; feeble, s i c k l y ;
® p r i kWtti,/. h i d e : - v a s a s , a. clad in a hide,
purpose; -mati, a. having made up his mind; not full (moon); slender, weak, insignificant;
-manda-pada-ny&ga, «. stepping slowly and ep. of Siva, and of his wife Durga.
poor; m. N.; (a)-ka, a.slender; -gava,a.hvg.
using few words; -mandara, m. N.; - m a r - U f ^ R T k n t t i k S , / . (pl.V., sg. C.) the Pleia- thin cows; -ta,/., -tva, n. thinness; -dbana,
ga, a. made accessible, pervious; - m u l a , a. des (a lunar mansion): personified as the six a. of slender means, poor; -buddhi, a. of weak
firmly rooted, having gained firm footing; nurses of Skanda. intellect; -blm'tya, a. having thin servants.
-manna, a. observing silence: -tva, n. abst. N.
kn'-tnu, a. active, skilful. k m a a f i g a , a. (i) thin, slender ;
OfltiGt krita-yatna, a. h a v i n g exerted h i m -
^atithi, a. having thin (starving) guests.
self; -yantrana, a. controlling oneself; - y u g a , 9TW k r i - t y a , / p . to be d o n e ; suitable, r i g h t ;
n. golden age; -lakshana, a. marked; branded; corruptible : -m, any one (g.) needs or cares kris-anu, a. shooting w e l l ; m. bow-
-vat,pp. act. having done; - v a r m a n , m.N. for (in.); m. krit suffix of the future pt. man ; N.of a celestial bouman, guardian of
of various men; - v a s a t i , a. having taken up ps.: tavya, aniya or ya (gr.); a , / , act, deed, Soma; ep. of A g n i ; fire,
his abode, dwelling; -v&pa, -vapana, a. hav- performance, function ( - ru^aA, ill-treat-
xngthehead shaved; -vidya,a.learned; -vet- ment) ; sorcery, charm; wicked fairy; n. ac- k m a a r t h a , a. of slender means
ana, a. receiving wages, hired; -vedin, a. tivity; function, business, duty; service; pur- poor; ^atfva, a. having thin (starving) horses
grateful; -vaira, a. having shown ill-will. pose : -kara, a. doing one's work; -ka, / .
i n f t i r k m i - k r i , m a k e thin or poor; -bhti,
wicked fairy, witch; -vat, a. active; occu-
krita-silpa, a. h a v i n g acquired an pied ; having an object in view; -vid, a. know- become t h i n ; dry up. [slender,
art; -sauia, a. having cleansed or purified ing one's duty. k r i s a u d a r a , a. (1) t h i n - b e l l i e d ,
himself; -«rama, a. having undergone hard-
ships, having occupied oneself zealously with s r a n ^ r kritya-rupa, a. l o o k i n g like a ghost; i . K R I S H , I . P . (A.) karsha, draw,
(Ic., -°); -aawak&ra, a. elaborated, prepared; -bata, pp. bewitched, destroyed by magic. ^ xdrag along, pull about, carry away; draw
adorned; consecrated; -samgnti, a. to whom e i H w kri-trfma, a. artificial, f a c t i t i o u s ; (sword, bow); lead; acquire; overcome; plough:
a sign has been given : pi. with whom signals pp. krish/a; cs. karshaya, pull, drag; ha-
spurious; fictitious, feigned; casual, accidental;
have been concerted; -samdh&na, a. brought rass, distress; oppress, ann, drag after
adopted (son): -ta,/. cunning; -dbupaka, m.
near; placed on the bowstring; - s m i t a , pp. one; attract; supply (a word) from what pre-
compound incense; -bhava, m. feigned affec-
smiling; -basta, a. skilful, dexterous. cedes. apa, draw away, remove, put aside;
tion ; -maraikya-maya, a. consisting of false supply from what follows, viapa, remove ;
SfflTSRT k n t a a k / i t a , pp. w h a t is done and rubies; -mitra-ta, /. friendship contrary to atone for. ava, draw a w a y ; attract: pp. in-
not done (n. sg. or du.); half done; prepared nature; ^jirti, a. feigning distress. ferior. a, draw to oneself; drag along; draw
and not prepared; arbitrary. kr/-tvan, a. (r-i) making, producing (sword or bow); draw on; draw off from (ab.);
( - ° ) ; active. withdraw; take or borrow from (db.); cs.
Sift I kritafigas, a. guilty, sinful.
draw to oneself. apa&, withdraw, remove :
S n T T f kn'taanka, a. b r a n d e d ; ^aifyala, a. l f ^ ^ k n - t v - a s , ( a c . j » / . ) ad. [makings], times pp. humbled, v i a , draw to oneself; remove,
having the palms joined in supplication to (G.only-0, forming multiplicative numerals). sam-a, draw to oneself; draw out (of, ab.);
(d.); ^jitithya, a. having practised hospi- cs. carry along, nd, draw out; raise; ps. rise,
"Si^T^I k r i t v a y a , g u f l l k n ' t v i , V.gd. of\' k ri. gain the mastery: pp. elevated; superior, dis-
tality ; hospitably entertained; ^atman, a.
whose mind is cultivated or purified; - adara, k a - t v y a , a. e f f i c i e n t ; laborious. tinguished, eminent, ni, draw down; ps, be
a. treated with due respect; ^ a n u v y a d h a , a. carried down stream: pp. low, despised, mean,
knt-sn^, a. whole, complete: pi. (rare) sam-ni, ps. come into close contact (with,
filled with (in.); - a n t a , a. making an end,
a l l : -tk,f, - t v a , n. wholeness, completeness; in.): pp. near, imminent; of similar position ;
decisive; m. matter, affair, case; fate; Death,
Y a m a ; system, doctrine : - n a g a r i , / . city of -sas, ad. wholly, completely. gd.approaching. nis,draw out of (ab.); press
Yama, -samtr&sa, m. N. of a Rdkshasa; ©(^•ri k r i d - a n t a , a. e n d i n g in a krit suffix; out. pari, drag about; torment, pra, draw
- a n t a r a , a. having made one's way to (g.) ; forward, drag away, stretch out: pp. protract-
m. primary noun ( f o r m e d directly from a vbl.
- ann&, n. cooked food; - j i p a r a d h a , a. hav- ed, long (distance and time); distinguished,
©«CC1 krint^-tra, n. cleft. [root). excellent; violent, vi-pra, lead away, re-
ing committed an offence against (gr.); ^abhi-
abeka, a. hvg. performed a religious ablution; move; pp. distant, sam-pra, draw along with
8 ' « r R k n n t - a n a , n. cutting u p or off.
consecrated; ^abhyasa,«.keptto one's studies one. prati, pp. pushed back, vi, draw apart;
(by, ; ^artba, a. having attained his ob- KRIV, V I . A . k r i p a t e , (V.) lament draw (bow); drag along; pull out; withdraw,
sam, contract; drag along; get out of (ai.).
ject ; satisfied : - t & , / . , - t v a , n. satisfaction. ^ ^ (for,ac.); implore, anu, long for (ac.).
S f t r N N krit&rtha-ya,den.P. satisfy; fulfil. © 4 ^ k r i p , / . f o r m , a p p e a r a n c e ; beauty (only K E I S H , Y I . krtsha, p l o u g h .
kritarthi-karana, a. satisfac- IH? kripa, m. N., i,/. N. [in.-&.)
^Mcft k n s h - a k a , m. husbandman.
tory ; -kri, satisfy ; -bh&, be satisfied. ® m i j krip-aw^, a. d o l e f u l ; miserable, wretch-
^TtfT^RI kritaftlaya, a. h a v i n g taken up ed ; avaricious: -m, ad. dolefully, pitifully; k r i s h - i , / . id.; field (also 1), arable
one's abode, dwelling (in, lc.,—°); feeling at m. miser; -ana, n. misery, wretchedness; land; harvest; -ika, / . agriculture; -kar-
home; ^avasakthika, a. having put on a loin- - v a r n a , a. looking wretched. man, n. agriculture; -'phala, n. success in
cloth ; -javasatba, a. receivedinto one's house; husbandry; harvest.
krip£-niZa, a. dwelling in lustre.
^avastha, a. compelled to appear in court; k m h i - v a l a , m. husbandman.
-avamsa, a. hoping; ^astra, a. practised in k r i p a - y a , den. P . m o u r n , lament (for,
arms or archery; -JLbaraka, a. having finished ac.). [Zc.) : -m k r i , have pity on (Ic.). ITS^T kn'sh/a-gra, a. growing on p l o u g h e d
one's meal. land, cultivated (land); -phala, n. value of
SiMI krip-S,,/. pity, compassion (with g. or
the harvest.
i r f ? ! r . k n - t i , / . m a k i n g , perform an ce; acti o n ;
®MI*!5 krip-awa, m. sword : 1, / . scissors ; © knsh^a-sami-k/ i,plough and roll.
production,literary work; N.of various metres;
dagger, knife; - l a t i k a , / . sword-blade.
confirmation, verification (dr.). l i f S krish-ti,f.pl. agricultural f o l k ; people;
i n T r f W W i k n p a n - i k S , / . knife, dagger. m. sage.
S l f f j 2. krit-f, m.f. kind of dagger. A
a f a ' l k n t - i n , a. a c t i v e ; c l e v e r ; s k i l f u l , e x - g » M i q k r i p a - y a , den. A . m o u r n , l a m e n t ; pity, wy krish-w^, n. black ; dark ; w. paksha,
perienced (in, Ic., - ° ) ; having attained one's darkhalf of themonth( fromfull tonewmoon);
kn'pa-lu, a. h a v i n g pity for (g.); com-
object, satisfied; - i - t v a , n. satisfaction. m. (krtshwa) black antelope; N. ofa god (in-
passionate (-t&,/. abst. x.); -vat, a. id. carnation of Vishnu): du. Krishna and A r -
kri-te, (pp. Ic.) ad. prp. o w i n g to, on ac- S) f i f k n - m i , m. [worker], w o r m ; insect, m a g - guna; &,/. kind (/leech; N.of several plants;
74 gtUiMlfTT krishwa-gati. kaivarta.

ep. o/Draupadi, and of Durga; n. blackness, conduce to (d.): pp. prepared, at hand; cs. k e v a l a a g h a , a. alone guilty ; - t o -
darkness. prepare; procure, fetch; direct to (lc.); de- man, a. whose nature is absolute unity;
sign for (d., lc.). pari, cs. determine; design -Jidin, a. eating alone; -j,nvayin, a. relat-
krishna-gati, m. (black-pathed),
for; choose; bring about, manage ; perform; ing to connexion only.
fire; -&aturdasi,/. 14th dayof the dark h a l f = make; divide into (with ad. in -dha) parts;
new moon; -ganmaasbfctmi, f a certain invent, sam-pari, cs.pp. found out - , made kesa, m. (a., f . 4, £) hair ; m a n e ;
eighth day which is Krishna's birthday; -ta, out to be. pra, prosper, succeed : pp. prepar- tail.
f . , -tva, n. blackness; -nayana, -netra, a. ed ; determined, prescribed; cs. place in front;
black-eyed; -paksba, ra. dark fortnight (full put down on (lc.); prepare; provide ; deter- ^ 2. k a i s a , n. the lunar mansion Rohini
moon to new moon); -bbuma, ra. black soil; mine, prescribe, establish; contrive, arrange, (ruled by K a , i. e. Pragf&pati).
-bbogin, m. Jcind of black snake ; -mukha, make; shed (tears), sant-pra, cs. appoint;
a. (i) black-mouthed; -mriga, m. black ante- kesa-karshana, ra.. pulling by the
determine, vi, be changed; be mistaken for hair; -kalapa, m. tuft of hair; -kii'a, m.
lope ; -yagrurveda, m. Black Ya^ur-veda. (in.); be optional; be doubtful; be irreso- louse ; -graba, m. seizing by the hair : -wa,
&UIIH krishna-la, (m.) ra. hindo/blackberry lute ; cs. fashion, form; consider doubtful,
n. id.; -fa, m. N.; -db&valya, n. white hair;
pronounce optional; suppose, imagine, pre-
(used as weight and coin). -pasa, ra. tuft or mass of hair; -bandba, m.
sume. sam, pp. prepared, ready; desired ;
g ^ u y c m j krishna-varna, a. b l a c k - c o l o u r e d ; hair-band; -ra£an&, f . dressing of the hair;
meant for; cs. join with (in.); put together
-vartman, m. fire (black-tracked); (a)-vala, -luil/iana, n. tearing out the hair.
properly ; produce; determine ; intend, pur-
a. b l a c k - t a i l e d ; -sakti, m. N.; -sarpa, m. pose; fancy; regard as (ac. w. iva). kesa-v£, a. l o n g - h a i r e d ; m. ep. of
hind of black snake; -sara, a, chiefly black, Vishnu and, Krishna : -tva, N.abst. N. ; -vap-
spotted black and white; m. spotted antelope; kZip-i, the root k?ip (gr.). ana, n. shaving the hair; -vyaparopama, n.
(a;-saranga, a.; m.f.; id. k/ipta-kesa-nakha-sma- tearing out of the hair; -samskara-dbupa, m.
krishraaaguru, ra. kind of aloe ; 'sru, a. having his hair, nails, and beard incense smoke for perfuming the hair ; -bas-
ta, m. tuft or mass of hair; hair as a hand.
-a^ina, n. skin of the black antelope. trimmed.
glUIJ krishna-ya, den. P . b e h a v e like K r i - <|f^k?/p-ti(aZso-ti),/.comingabout,success. ^ m f o f i j kesa -kesi, ad. hair to l i a i r = t e t e -
shna ; A . blacken.
k e k a y a , m. pi .N.ofa people ; sg. k i n g
$ UJI | ^ ^ k r i s h n a a y a s , ° ^ f - s a , n . i r o n ; - a b i , ^ r a r n r k e s a a g r a , n.tip of the h a i r ; -anta,
of - , 1 , f . princess of K e k a y a . [a. id.
m. edge of the hair; tuft or mass of hair;
m. black serpent. [m. id. % ^ p ^ k e k a r a , a. squinting; -ka, a.id.; -lo7iana, ceremony of clipping the hair; ^antika, a.
krishn-ika, / . b l a c k n e s s ; -i-man, reaching to the edge of the h a i r . "
%cfiT kekct, f . cry of the p e a c o c k ; -rava,
gtUlH krishni, f . n i g h t (the black one). kes-ln, a. l o n g - h a i r e d ; m a n e d ; m.
m. id.
5T5T krish-ya, fp. to be ploughed. N.of an Asura and of several men: -i, f. N.
keka-ya, den. A . cry (as a peacock).
S R T ^ krisara, m. n., 4, / . dish of rice and %fttf5r^rkesi-nishMana,m. ep. o / K r i s h -
k e k - i n , m. peacock,
sesamum. na; -matbana, -sndana, -ban,-bantri, m. id.
ket-a, m. will, i n t e n t i o n ; desire.
^ KRt, V I . P . kira, pour out, scatter; be- ^ R I X k^sa-ra, n. hair (of the brows)-, mane
^ strew: pp. kirna, scattered; bestrewed; dis- %r|efi keta-ka, m., -ki, ® ^ - k i , / . a tree. (also 4); stamina (esp. of the lotus); m. a
hevelled; covered, filled with; stopped (ears). ket-ana, ra. invitation ; shelter; p l a c e ; plant: -pura, n. N.of a city.
apa-skira, A . scrape (with the feet), ava,
body; sign, token, banner; business. k e s a r a a g r a , ra. tips of the mane.
pour down, scatter; emit semen; bestrew,
cover: pp. bestrewed, covered ; caught i n ; keta-ya, den. P . summon, invite.
k e s a r - i n , a . maned; m. l i o n : (ra)-i,
having emitted semen; full of, being wholly
ket-d, m. light (pi. r a y s ) ; shape, f o r m ; f . lioness.
in the power of (- 0 ). anuava, scatter about,
token of recognition, banner; leader, chief;
a, strew, bestow abundantly: pp. strewn; kaikeya, m. k i n g of K e k a y a ; 1, f .
meteor, comet : -mat, a. bright, light; clear
covered, filled, crowded; surrounded by (in.). princess of K e k a y a : N. of a tcife of Daaa-
(sound); N. of a Danava; -yasbtfi, /. flag-
apa4, abandon; refuse, viji, pp. dishe- ratha.
velled ; dim. sam-a, cover over, fill up :
^ . c o v e r e d or filled with, ud,throw or whirl %^"PCked&ra, m.irrigatedfield; N.ofamoun- cfif=tHJfT kaiiikirata, a. c o m i n g f r o m the
up; dig up, hollow out: pp. carved, engraved; tainous country; -kba»da, n. breach in the Asoka tree.
overwhelmed with (-°). sam-ud, pp. pierced, dyke enclosing a field; -natba, m. N. of a form
kaiZa-bha, m. N. of an Asura-git,
vi-ni, shatter; cover; abandon, sai/i-ni,pp. of Siva worshipped in K e d a r a ; -bbaZZa, m.
N. of an author. [wherewith ? whence ? - d v i s b , -bbid, - ari, m. ep. of Vishnu.
stretched out. pari, scatter round; swarm
round; deliver up. pra, scatter: ^ . d i s p e r s e d ; %«f kena, in. of ka, by w h o m ? w h e r e b y ? kaitaka, a. produced from the K e -
squandered; dishevelled; confused; various, taka tree.
vi-pra, pp. scattered; dishevelled; extended, kenajshitaupanishad, / .
kaitava, a. (i) false, deceitful; n., 1 , / .
prati-skira, lacerate : pp. skirna, injured, T. of an U p a n i s h a d ; kena upanisbad,/. id.
vi, scatter, disperse; cleave, split; bestrew; fraud, lie, deceit; n. stake (in gambling).
(so named from the initiaVwords 'kenajshi-
heave (sighs) ;dishevel. pra-vi,scatter,spread, kaidar-ika, ra. number of fields.
sam, pour out,bestow abundantly; overwhelm; kendra, m. centre of a circle, [ t a m ' ) .
m i x : pp. crowded with, full of; mixed, com- kaimarth-ya, n.enquiry as to the'why
kep-i, a. trembling, quivering.
bined with (-°); impure; born of a mixed
marriage; in rut (elephant). ^ f i ^ l keyllr-a, m. ra. bracelet (worn on upper kaimut-ika, a. based on t h e ' how
arm by both sexes); -in, a. wearing a bracelet much more or less;' -ya, n. relation o f ' how
OT K U P , I. A. kalpa, be fit, capable or much more or less.'
on the upper arm. [ 1 , / . woman of Kerala.
of use; prosper, succeed; agree with, con-
form to (in.); appear as (in.); be qualified for kerala, m. pi. N. of apeoplein Malabar; kaiya/a, kaiyyaZa, m. N. of a
(lc.); serve for, conduce to, cause (d.); par- commentator on the Mahdbhdshya.
kel-i, m.f. (also 1, / . ) diversion, sport,
ticipate in (d.); fall to the lot of (d.,g., lc.); dalliance: -gnba, n. pleasure-house; -ta, n. kairava, ra. w h i t e (night) lotus.
become (nm., d.); pronounce to be, regard as sport, j e s t ; -vana, n. pleasure-grove; -say-
(2 ac.): pp. k£ipta, arranged, ready, pre- ^ X f ^ W t kairav-irai,/. white lotus (plant).
ana, n. couch; -sadana, n. pleasure-house;
pared; trimmed, cut (hair, nails, etc.); settled;
-sthali, f . p l a y - g r o u n d ; (i)-sala-bba%ika, kairfita, a. relating to the K i r a t a s ;
prescribed; firm (conviction); existing; cs.
kalpaya, P. A . put in order, arrange, adjust; kevafa, m. pit, hole. [ / . statuette. m. prince of the Kiratas. [of Sutvan.
distribute ; equip; furnish with (in.); bestow %f\f^Jkairis-i,m.descendantofKirisa,^aZ.
kevdrta, m. fisherman.
(ac.) on (g.); form (out of, in.); make, create,
produce, bring about, perform; imagine; kevala, a. (1; C . a) exclusively proper kailasa, m. N.of a mountain, seat of
determine, direct, fix; make, design to be, to (d., g.); alone, only, nothing but, mere, Kubera & of Siva; -n4tba, m. ep.of Kubera.
regard as (2 ac.); cut, carve, ava, be right, pure; whole,complete;every,all: -m,ad.only;
do very well; conduce to (d.) ; cs. prepare ; entirely; but, only; na kevalam - api, not kaivarta, m.fisherman (a mixed caste);
employ properly; des.ofcs. Mkalpayisba, o n l y - b u t ; -tas, ad. only; -sas, ad. entirely; i,f.; a-ka,m.id.; x-ya,a.relating to a fisher-
wish to prepare, npa, be suitable; serve for, -vyatirekin, a. relating to separation only. man.
kaival-ya. kaushM-a. 75

^ f o ^ T kaival-ya, n. absolute oneness; ab- oR^TSEf kos-a, m. butt, tub, pail, coop (esp. of kaunda, a. (i) belonging to or made
solute bliss. [(Krishna or Vishnu), clouds); box, chest; sheath; case; shell; abode; of jasmine.
store-room ; treasury, treasure; vocabulary, c^TJ kaupa, a. (i) earning from a well.
kaisava, a. belonging to Kesava dictionary; treasury of poetry, collection of
kais-ika, m. pi. N.of a people. stanzas; bud, calix(esp. of the lotus); cocoon; c j f f t f f a kaupina, n. pudenda; loin c l o t h ;
cup of peace; sacred draught used 'in ordeals; infamous deed: -vat, a. wearing only a loin
ko-,prn.prefix[rrnm.kas], what? how? oath: -karaka, m. silk-worm; - g r i h a , n. cloth.
— strange, indifferent, somewhat, easily (cp. treasury; -grata, n. treasure,wealth; -danda,
ka, kava, ka, kim, ku). [(Aakravaka): /'. 1. m. du. treasury and army; -dasa, m. N.; kaubera, a. (i) relating to K u b e r a .

cfifai koka, m. wolf; cuckoo ; ruddy goose -pithin, a.drainingor having drained any one's kaumara, a. (i) relating to a y o u t h
treasury; -pelaka,TO.n. casket; *-phala, n. or virgin; youthful; relating to Kumara (god
koka-nada, n. red lotus (flower); kind of perfume; - r a k s h i n , m. guardian of of war); n. childhood, youth; innocence of
-nadini,/. red lotus (plant). the treasury. youth, virginity ; -Aarin, a. practising chas-
kok-ila, m., k,f. Indian cuckoo. kosala, v. ^t^f^T kosala. tity ; -vrata, n. vow of chastity ; -Aarin, a.
practising a vow of chastity.
^ t ^ W kofikarea, m. pi. N. of a people. W T T T ^ l kosa-vat, a. w e a l t h y ; - v a r i , n. or-
deal water; -vesman, n. treasury; - a g a r a , e f i t V I X t kaumari, / . female energy of t h e
^^fTTJJ koftkSna, a. (1) coming from K o n - m. n. id.: ^adhikarin, m. treasurer; ^jtdhy- god of war; (sc. kSshiAa or dis) the north.
k:i//:i (horse). a k s h a , TO. treasurer. ^ *J ^ kaumud-a, m .pat. descendant of K u -
^ I t ^ T T kon-kara, m. the sound kom. p f i f a kosha, v. sjffaT kosa. muda; the month Karttika (October-Novem-
ber); x , / . moonlight: common in titles
koA-a, m. shrinking, shrivelling. cfrtW koshMa, TO. entrails, stomach, abdo- of works; - i k k , f . N. of a maid; -vateya,
men ; m. store-room; encircling wall; -_agara, TO. met.fr. Kumudvati. [Krishna's club.
koto,TO.fortress, stronghold (cp. ko^a). n. store-house, granary; ^agui, m. fire of
the stomach, i. e. of digestion. ^ • T i ^ e f t l k a u m o d a k i , / . N. of V i s h n u ' s or
^ t Z X ko/ara, n. hollow of a tree; cavity:
-vat, a. having caves. [tress-hill). k a u s h n a , a. lukewarm, tepid. e ( f t X ^ k a u r a v - a , a. (i) belonging to the
K u r u s ; m. pat. descendant of Kuru ; -eya,
^ h r r f f ^ kofaadri, m.N. of a mountain (for- kosala, TO. N. of a country pi. its m. pi. descendants of K u r u ; -ya ( + kanrav-
people; &,/. capital of Kosala, i. e. Ayodhya; ya), m. pi. id. = Panda vas; N.of a people.
^ I f i kori (a/so i ) , / . curved tip (of a bow,
-gk,f. born in Kosala, ep. of llama's mother;
talons, etc.)-, point; extremity,height,highest « n | 4 kaurma, a. peculiar to the tortoise.
degree; ten millions; -ka, m. kind of frog ; -videha, m.pl. the Kosalas and the Videhas.
-ka,/. extreme point: -°,«= outcast, scum of; SjTl^^J kauksh-eya, TO. (belonging to a kaula, a. (i) relating to a f a m i l y ;
-mat, a. pointed; -vedhin, a. hitting the sheath), sword: -ka,TO.id.; knife. hereditary, inherited; m. worshipper ofSakti
extreme — accomplishing a most difficu It task; according to the left-hand ritual.
-sa«, ad. to the number of ten millions. oftY^" k a u n k u m a , a. (i) consisting of saf-
k a u l - i k a , m . w e a v e r ; worshipper of
fron ; coloured with saffron. [phant. jSiakti according to the left-hand ritual: -ka-
jsvara,m.(lord often millions),
N. of a millionaire. ^ t ^ T kaungrara, a. (1) belonging to an ele- ra, a. behaving like a weaver.
koMa, m. [ko-(a)«a], stronghold; -pa- kauZa, a. fraudulent, f a l s e ; -sakshin, e ^ f W c T C kauli-tard.a. the demon Sambara.
la, m. commandant of a fortress. m. false-witness; - s a k s h y a , n. false evidence. kaul-ina, a. peculiar to h i g h b i r t h ;
S f f t f ^ kottavi,/. naked woman. kauiasth-ya, n. immutability. n. rumour; slander; disgraceful deed; -inya,
n. noble birth; nobleness. [of Kaultlta.
kona, TO. corner, angle ; intermediate kau?il-ya, n. crookedness ; crisp-
ness, waviness; deceitfulness ;TO.ep. of KA- kauldta, m.pl. N.of a people: sg. king
point of the compass (N.E. etc.).
nakya; -s&stra, n. science of Kau/ilya, di- kaul-eya, TO. dog : -ka, TO. id., esp.
W t T koth-a, TO. putrefaction. plomacy. sporting dog; -kuinmbini,/. bitch.
ko-danrfa, n. [kind of rod], bow. k a u f u m b - a , a. requisite for the kaul-ya, a. sprung from a noble r a c e ;
ko-drava, m. kind of inferior grain household; n. affinity; -ika, a. belonging to n. noble descent.
eaten by the poor people. or constituting a family;TO.father of a family.
c|5Yq V kauvera, v. kaubera.
kop-a, m. morbid excitement (esp. of k a u ^ a n - y a , re. pimping. [wiare.
kausa, a. i . silken (coming from the
the bodily humours); fury (of battle, etc.) ;
kaurea-kuts-ya, TO. N. of a Brah- cocoon: kosa); 2. a, (i) made of Ku«a grass.
wrath, anger (at, g., Ic., prati,upari, or -°): -TO
kri, be angry: -ka, a. irascible; -ksham&- e^TJJTf kaureapa, a. proceeding from corpses; eft) kausal-a, n. welfare, prosperity;
vismaya-harsha-vat, a. angry, compassion- m. Rakshasa. skill, cleverness, experience (in, Ic. or ;
ate, astonished, and glad; -</anman, a. pro- -ya, n. id.; - i k a , / gift, present.
duced by anger. kaurecfin-ya, TO. pat.fr. iTunrfina.
e h l l l l f i c J ^ T kausambika, / . N. (Pr.).
kop-ana, a. passionate, wrathful, eft)fjcfl kautuka,re. curiosity,interest, eager-
angry; n. excitement; provocation; -in, a. ness (w. Ic. or -°) ; curious, strange or inter- kausSmbi, / . N.of a city: -ya, a.
angry, wrathful. esting spectacle; entertaining story; festival; belonging to Kausambi.
wedding investiture with the nuptial cord; enir^cn kausik^, i . a . relating to K u s i k a ; m.
s j f a W ko-mala, a. [easily fading], tender; nuptial cord; happiness,bliss; - k r i y a , / . wed- pat., esp. of Visvamitra; (a), m. owl; i,f. ep.
soft (Jig.); -juaga, a. (i) of tender frame. ding festival; -griha, n. wedding-house; r / D u r g a ; N.of a Buddhist mendicant nun;
q f a r f t k o - y a s h f i ® ^ -ka, m. [stilt-like], kind -pura, n. N. ofa city; -bhrit, a. wearing the 2. a. sheathed; n. silk cloth or garment.
of bird. nuptial cord; - m a n g a l a , n. solemn cere-
mony, festival; - m a y a , a . interesting; charm- kausilav-a, n. profession of a bard
V t T kora, m. flexible joint (of the body). ing ; ^jigara,TO.n. wedding chamber. or actor; -ya, ». id. [garment.
S f i t ^ kora-ka, TO.n.(?) b u d : i , / . id. e f t l ^ ' i j kaus-eya, a. s i l k e n ; n. silk, silk
<ola, m. boar, h o g : - t k , f . abst.N. kautuk-ita, pp. interested in (Ic.), c f T l m ^ q kaushSrava ,m.pat. from Kusharu.
by (in.); -in, n. interested,
*«( kautfihala, curious. interest,
n. curiosity,
kola-ka, re. kind of perfume. kaushitaka, -ki,TO.pat. from
eagerness (with Ic., prati, or inf.); festival. Kushitaka: (ki)-br&hmana, n. Brahmana
kola-hal-a,TO.RE.clamour, outcry,
uproar; yelling: -in, a. filled with din (-°). cjTif^ kaiitsa, a. relating to K u t s a ; m., 1, of the Kaushltakins (also called Sdnkhdyana
/. pat.; n. hymn composed by Kutsa. Brahmana); (ki)•^upanisbad,/. Kaushitaki-
ko-vida, a. [knowing well], know- upanishad.
ing, skilled in (g., Ic., -°): -tvt,, n. skill. kaunakh-ya, n. disease of the nails.
kaushZA-a, a. b e i n g in the body ; be-
ko-vidara, m. [splitting well], kaunt-eya, m. son of K u n t i , met. of ing iii- the store-room; -ya, a. being in the
kind of ebony. Yudhishf&ira, Bhimasena, and Argruna. abdomen.
L 2
76 <41 kausal-ya. sjW krudh.

kaiisal-ya, a. belonging t o the K o - apa, go away, depart, retreat from (ab.). ava, 5 | > f u i k r a s - i - m a n . m. thinness, slender-
salas; m. king of theKosalas; a, / . queen of depart, withdraw; escape, a, come up, ap-
ness, shallowness. [extracted.
Kosala {mother of Rdma). [loan. proach, enter; step on (ac., lc.); press upon
(ac.); seize, attack; gain possession of; oc- krash-Zavya,,/p. to be d r a g g e d ; to be
S ^ ^ j ) ^ kausida, a. (i) proceeding f r o m a cupy, overspread; rise, ascend (A.); begin sfrrcTT kr-ara£, ad. (pr.pt. i/kri) willingly;
kausuma, a. c o m i n g f r o m or made (inf.)'. pp. see s.v.; cs. cause to enter, straightway. [ecliptic.
adbia, fall upon; choose, occupy, nir-a,
of flowers; -ayudba, a. relating to K a m a . issue forth (from, ab.). pratiji, step back, $ti|«d kran-ta, pp. V k r a m ; n. step; - t i , / .
^ft^pw kausumbha, a. (1) c o m i n g from, sam-a, step upon (ac.); assail, take posses- ffjrfJT krfmi, incorrect spelling of krimi.
coloured with or like safflower; n. substance sion of; occupy, ud, rise; go out; leave (ab.);
depart (life); avoid, pratiud, depart, viud, fsh^l I kri-y Ei, / . m a k i n g , doing; performance;
coloured with safflower.
overstep; pass over, neglect, upa, come up, business, transaction; action, a c t ; w o r k ;
k a u s t u b h a , m. n. jewel produced at approach (ac., lc.); t r e a t ; physic; perform; trouble; labour; notion of the verb, verb (gr.);
the churning of the ocean, an ornament of begin (ac., d., or inf.). sam-upa, A . begin literary work; rite, ceremony; medical treat-
Vishnu; - b b r i t , m. ep. of Vishnu. (inf.). nis, go out of, leave (ab.); depart: ment, cure; (legal) proof.
ffi k - t a , suffix ta of the pp. (gr.). pp. nish-kriinta, = exit, exeunt; cs. cause to fsh^JI^H kriyaakula, a.busy,overwhelmed
leave, let out of (ab.); drive out. abbi-nis, with business; ^jitmaka, a.whosenature is ac-
k n a t h - a , the root knath (gr.). go out of (ab.). vi-nis, step out, emerge from tivity: -tva,«. abst. .v.; -dvesbin, a. evading
(ab.). para, stride forth, be valorous, put the evidence; ^antara, n. interruption of an
K N t l Y , only cs. knopaya, P . drench,
forth one's strength, do one's best, pari, walk action; another action; -pada, n. verb; -pra-
abbi, wet, moisten. about (esp. on the stage); traverse, visit; sur- bandba, m. continuity of an action; -abhy-
<fcl|cjl ky&ku, n. mushroom. round ; overtake, anu-pari, inspect in turn, upagama,m.express promise; -yoga,to.con-
sam-pari, walk round (ac.); visit, pra, stride nexion with an action or verb; employment
^JeRrf kraka&a, m. n. s a w ; m. a plant. forth, set out; A . begin, undertake, vi, stride of means; the practical Y o g a ; -yogya, a. fitted
s R ^ K R A K S H , only pr. pt. kraksbamana, along; go aside; traverse; rise to (ac.); as- for work; -artha, a. having an action as an
sail courageously; be valorous ; fight with object; -lopa, m. failure of ceremonies; -vat,
(F.) raging, roaring.
(ac.): pp. courageous, valorous, brave, sam, a. performing actions, active; performing
?Jf?Jkr-a-tu, m.power, might, efficacy; coun- come together, unite; go to; enter; pass from sacred rites; -vidbi.w. specific rule of action;
sel, intelligence, wisdom; inspiration; plan, (ab.) to (lc.) : pp. transferred from (ab.) to employment of a verb; -visesbana, n. ad-
purpose, wish, will; sacrifice {sts. personified); (-°); cs. lead to (2 ac.); transfer to (lc.). verb; -sakti, f . capacity of acting : -mat, a.
N. of the three liturgies forming the prdtar- upa-sam, approach. capable of acting. [{in C. = PawMla).
anuvdka; N.ofa son of Brahman (one of the
Pragdpatis and of the seven Rishis); a star k r a m - a , m. s t e p ; g a i t ; c o u r s e ; posture fift fcf k r f v i , m. w a t e r - s k i n : pi. N. of a people
in the Great Bear. for attack; regular order, succession, grada-
tion ; inheritance; method, manner, way ; j j j ^ K R i , I X . kri-na, -ni, - n , b u y from (ab.,
sfirj^q kratu-deva, m. N.\ -mat, a. reso- usage, ritual; occasion, reason for (- 0 , g.); a g.) for (in.: price)-, ^ . b o u g h t , purchased;
lute ; intelligent, wise; -rkg, m. chief sacri- way of reciting the Veda: in., ab., or -tas, in captivated by (in.), k, upa, id. nis, buy
fice (Asvamedha and B%as<lya); -vikrayin, order, in t u r n ; in., ab., in due course, off, redeem (from, ab.). pari, buy, barter,
a. selling the rewards for a sacrifice; -vid, regularly, gradually; in. in the course of (-°). for (in.); hire (in. or a. of price), vi, barter
a. powerful, inspiring. or sell for (in.); des. vi-Hkri-sba, A . wish
sfl+Mjd krama-gata, pp. coming in the way to exchange for (in.); intend to give up.
sfig^T kratft-yd, den. P . will earnestly. of(g.).
^ f ^ K R A T H , only cs. krathaya, P . be ex- sRTTlJJ kr^m-ana, n. step, t r e a d ; w a l k i n g ;
Stf}^ KRID, I. krirfa, F . kriia, play, j e s t ,
^ dally (with, in. ± saha, sarnam, or sar-
travagant or wild. treading on (- 0 ). [marian. dham); gamble; dance about (dice), pari,
^fST krath-a, the root k r a t h (gr.). kramad -is vara, m. N.of a gram- play, jest (A.), pra, begin to play, enjoy
oneself, vi, play, jest.
s|»«A»(uj«fckratha-kaisika,ni,.pZ.]V.o/a^eople «h*4m<4 krama-paZ/ia. m. krama m e t h o d of
(descendedfrom Kratha son ofVidarbha and reciting the Veda; -prapta, pp. inherited; sR^S kric?-&, a. playing, d a l l y i n g ; -ana, n.
from Kaisika). -yoga, m. regular order, succession; -ra</ya, playing, play: -ka,wi. plaything; -aniya, n. id.
3l>si«ic|| krathana-ka, m. N. of a camel. n. N. of a locality; -varta, N.ofa country;
sfit^T kricZ-a,/. play, sport, jest, dalliance :
-vnddhi, f . gradual increase; -gas, ad. in
-kapi-tva, n. jesting imitation of a monkey;
K R A N D , I . kranda, neigh, roar ; order, in t u r n ; gradually.
-kanana, n. pleasure-grove; -kaaara.m. plea-
^ wail; resound,rattle; implore piteously
sfjITTWPrT k r a m a j i k r a n t a , pp. seized at one sure-pond ; -kopa, n. simulated anger; -kau-
(ac.); cs. krandaya, P. cause to neigh&c. or =
bound; ^agata, pp. come by succession, in- tuka, n. wanton curiosity; -kau*ala, n. art of
simple vb.; intv. kanikrant-ti, -te: ^ . k a n i -
herited ; ^Jiyata, pp. id., hereditary. jesting; -griha, m. n. pleasure-house ; -par-
krat, kanikradat, kanikradyamana, =
vata, m. (artificial) pleasure-hill: -ka, m.
simple vb. akkhk, cs. cry to. abbi, roar (at), $|)fi{cfi k r a m - i k a , a. inherited, h e r e d i t a r y ; id.; -mayura, m. pet p e a c o c k ; -markaia-
a, call on, invoke; cry piteously; invoke the successive. pota, m. pet young monkey; -mabidbra, m.
aid of (ac.); cs. cry out to. pleasure-hill; -rasa, m. enjoyment of sport
sfiqcn k r a m u - k a , m. betel-nut tree,
krdnd-a, m. n e i g h ; c r y : - d b v a n i , m. or f u n : -maya, a. consisting in the water of
cry of pain; -ana, n. crying aloud; lamenta- k r a m e l a - k a , m. camel. p l a y ; -vesman, n. pleasure-house; -nakun-
tion; -as, n. battle-cry: du. the two con- ta, m. pet bird; -#aila, m. pleasure-hill ;
sff?3f kray-d, m. p u r c h a s e ; price : -krita, pp. -saras, n. pleasure-lake.
tending hosts.
bought; -vikraya, m. (sg. and du.) purchase
sRt^KRAP, v . W ^ K R I P . and sale; trade; -vikrayin, a. buying and kr\d-\, a. playing, d a l l y i n g ; -ita, pp.
selling, bargaining. one who has played; n. play; -in, a. playing,
K R A M , I. k r & n a - t i (-te), krama-te
v (-ti), stride, step; go to (ac. or lc.); take
dallying; -u: -mat, a. id.
sfi^pir kray-ana, n. p u r c h a s e ; -ana-ka, a.
refuge with (lc.); pass through, traverse; marketable ; -ika, -in, m. buyer. kri-ta, pp. •v / kri; n. purchase : -ka, a.
tower above; take possession of, occupy, fill; (son) acquired by purchase ; ^anurnya, m.
A.succeed, take effect: pp. kr&nta; cs. kram- ^faZf k r d y - y a , f p . purchasable. repenting of a purchase.
aya, cause to step; intv. fcankramate, $ufc| qmi kravish-raii, a. eager for raw flesh.
Aaiikramyate, /rankramiti, walk about, [ ^ K R U , b e r o u g h or raw.] [lew.
ati, pass by, go beyond, traverse, cross; over- ^ { | c | ^ k r a v - i s , n. raw flesh, carrion. ^ ^ k r M / c (nm.kruii), ^T^krunA:a, m. cur-
step, neglect; depart from (ab.); be deprived
of (ab.); pass, elapse; exceed, surpass; tres- krav-ydi, n. id.: -bbaksbin, -bbug, a. Tsif KRUDH, I V . P . ( A . ) kriidbya, be
pass, transgress; cs. allow to pass b y ; dis- flesh-eating; -vaxiXha,,m.N.of awolf; -vab- vi n o r gr O W angry (with, d., g.; at, lc.): pp.
regard. abhiati, overcome. vij}ti, over- ana, a. carrying away bodies (v. /./brkavya-). krud-dha, angry, enraged, with (d., g., lc.,
step; pass by (of time), elapse; neglect, tres- ^ E f T ^ kravyaad, -da, a. flesh-eating, upari, or prati); cs. krodbaya, enrage, abbi,
pass; wrongly surrender oneself to (ac.). be angry with (ac.) : pp. enraged, prati,
corpse-consuming; m. beast of prey.
sam-ati, id. anu, follow, go through in order, return any one's (ac.) anger, sam, be angry:
enumerate; particularize; state in an index. s f f l l i j krasa-ya, den. P . emaciate. pp. angry.
^ krudh. ^PTT ksham-a. 77
(Jpss^krudh,/. a n g e r : in. in anger: -a, the o u t ; painful,distressing; forced,obscure; cs. 1 * 0 ^ kshamaantara, n. space of a mo-
kle.saya = simple vb. pari, I V . P . A . suffer ment, little while: Ic. after a while, thereupon.
root krudh (gr.); -min, a. irritable.
distress : pp. tormented, distressed, afflicted ;
krtinm,/. N. ofa tributary of the Indus. w e a k l y : -m, ad. reluctantly; cs. torment, ^ f f r i p f i k s h a w - i k a , a. (i) m o m e n t a r y : - t a , f . ,
sam-pra, knead, squeeze. [life. -tva, n. abst. N. ; -in, a. being at leisure.
krumu-ka, m. splint to catch the flame
f^tl g e f p t l klisb^a-vn'tti,a.leadinga wretched ^ f f j ksha-ta, pp. \ / k s h a n : a,/, violated g i r l ;
from the tinder.
n. hurt, wound : -ga, n. blood.
K R U S , I . ? . ( A . ) k r 6 s a , c r y ; lament; ^ f t f a klib£, a. emasculated, i m p o t e n t ; un-
O v invoke (ac.) : pp. krushta, reviled, manly, timorous, cowardly; waterless (cloud); • ^ f d k s h a - t i , / . injury, loss, h a r m , damage,
mm, cry at; cs. pity. 4, cry aloud ; revile; m. eunuch; weakling, coward; n. neuter destruction: -mat, a. wounded.
challenge, vie with, upa, display indignation, (gender) : -ta, /. impotency; weakness. ^ f ^ kshat-tri, m. carver, distributor (of
pra, cry out: pp. publicly offered (food). kled-a, m. moisture, h u m i d i t y ; -ana, food); of various mixed castes.
vi, call aloud, sam, raise a clamour.
n. moistening. M ksha-tra, n. sg. & pi. dominion, p o w e r ;
KrOd, X. r. krudaya, thicken. kles-a, m. torment, pain, suffering, af- powers that b e ; military (second) caste; man
fliction, distress; -in, a. painful, distressing ; of the second caste.
ap^krfl-rsi, a. wounded; sore; cruel; for-
midable, terrible; ferocious; rough, hard; hurting. k s h a t r a - d h a r m a , m. duty of the
n. sore, wound; roughness, cruelty: -karma- k l a l b - y a , n. i m p o t e n c e ; timidness, warrior caste; -dharman, a. fulfilling the
kn't, a. *doing cruel deeds; m. beast of prey ; faintheartedness; cowardice ; weakness. duties of the warrior caste; -bandhu, m.
-karman, n. horrible deed; hard task; a. member of the second caste; -vidyfi,,/. science
doing cruel deeds; -£eshfita, (pp.) a. acting k l o - m a n , m. ( V . ) , n. r i g h t l u n g , of the warrior caste; -vrtddhi,/. increase of
cruelly; - t k , f . cruelty. military power.
k l o m a - h n d a y d , n. sg. right l u n g
TRXf^f krftraaksha, m. N.of an owl; -J^-a- and heart. ^ r f ^ T k s h a t r - l y a , a . r u l i n g ; m. r u l e r ; man.
*"ra, a. of cruel conduct: -vihara-vat, a. fe- U\ k v a , ad.= Ic. of k a ; w h e r e ? w h i t h e r ? a. , f . woman,of the military caste; n. sovereign
rocious in conduct and delighting in cruelty ; often emphasized with the pels, aha, id, iva, power, dominion : ^anta-kara, m. ep. of Pa-
-&*aya, a. containing terrible monsters; nn, nu khalu, and svid : kva svid also = ragurama.
cruel-heart ed. somewhere; with hhu and as = what has be- w p ? K S H A D , I. A. kshada,carve; slaugh-
kreii-kara, m. the sound kreh. come o f - ? = it is all over with ; kva tadga- N ter.
tam, how about that ? without verb = it is out
?|f7J kre-tri, m. buyer; -tavya, -ya, fp. pur- W T T K S H A N , V I I I . P. kshan-6, -u, hurt,
of the question; k v a - k v a , expressing incon-
chasable. gruity = how great is the difference between \ wound; break; A . hurt or wound one-
<n\\S krod-6, m. breast; cavity, interior; - and there is nothing in common between self : pp. kshata, hurt, wounded; broken,
- and - ; with api and /fid = kasmin + api injured; destroyed; violated, npa,pari, vi,
boar: (a)-v4la, m. hog's bristle.
or &id; somewhere, in a certain place ; some- pp. hurt, wounded.
Sfffal kr6dh-a, m. anger: -fcakshus, n. angry time, once; sometimes, ever; kvaMt kva- ^ p ^ k s h a n , 3 pi. aor. \/kshan.
eye; -r/a, a. springing from wrath; -mukha, Hd, here and there, now and then; kvaAid -
a. (i) angry-faced ; -vasa, m. power of anger. kvaAid, here-there; n o w - n o w ; kvaapi,kva kshan-tavya,//). t o be f o r g i v e n : -m,
JAt, kvaZca, kva/cana, with na, nowhere, in one should forgive some one (g.), for (ab.).
krodh-ana, a.passionate, angry with
(/(•.); n. anger. no case, never, with preceding yatra, wher- M q K S H A P , I. kshapa, practise absti-
ever, whenever, in whatever case. x nence or mortification.
krodh-Slu, a. passionate.
gflTTf K V A J V , I . P . kvawa, cry out, croak, ^ f ^ k s h a p , f . night.
?(FtfV'T,krodh-in, a. angry, passionate. N buzz; sound; ring, tinkle: pp.- ita, n.
kshap-ana, I . m. Buddhist or Jain
ro.v-a,TO. cry,shout; ear-shot (measure sound.
mendicant; n. fasting, mortification; 2. a.
of distance).
K V A T H , I. kvatha,boil (tr. andint.). destroying ; m. destroyer; n. destroying ;
^fiY^ krosh-fn, a. crying, yelling ; lament- ^ ud, boil over (fig.). [boiling. spending (time), waiting.
ing; m. jackal; -£n : -ka, m. jackal. fft^f k v a t h - a , m. decoction, e x t r a c t ; -ana, n. k s h a p a w a - k a , m. mendicant (esp.
mnnkn, in. (1) curlew; N. of a moun- naked Buddhist or Jain). [structive.
k - v a s - u , the suffix v a s (gr.). [found?
tain cleft by Kdrttikeya ; -ripn, -satru, m.
^rrrfxir^j kshapam-ika, m. b o a t m a n ; a. de-
ep. c/Karttikeya. k v a - s t h a , a. where situated or to be
kraurfa, a. (i) belonging to the boar. w k s h a p - a , / . n i g h t : (a)-kara, -krit, rn.
g m f q c ^ kva/dt-ka, a. (i) occurring only
moon; -&ara, m. night-walker, Rakshasa;
kraur-ya, n. cruelty, hardheartedness. here and there, occasional. nocturnal beast or bird; -g&la, m. night dew;
kvSwa, m. sound. -^tyaya, m. end of night, day-break; - apa-
K ^ T K L A T H , I. P. kl&tha, turn (int.). ha,m.sun; -ramama, m. moon: -sekhara, m.
IpT^T k v a t h a , m. b o i l i n g ; decoction. ep. of /Siva; -jirdha, n. (]) midnight; ^ava-
^ V ^ K L A N D , I. k . klanda, resound.
sana, n. end of n i g h t : Ic. on the morrow ;
g r n klam, iy. f l f t * ^ k-v-ip, fictitious suffix v added to the
p. klamya, grow tired, simple root used nominally (gr.). - aha, m. (?) day and night.
^ be exhausted, flag: gnly. pp. klanta,
fatigued, exhausted; withered; slender, thin, ^ n U K S H A J r , ». ^ K S H A N .
pari, feel greatly exhausted: pp. greatly ex- ^TST kshan-a, m. (n 1 .) m o m e n t ; opportunity; kshapSJsa, tn. moon.
hausted. vi, A. despond. leisure; joyful moment, festival: - m , for or
in a moment; in., ab. in a moment, im-
OTJ KSHAM, I. A. (P.) k s h a m a (IV.
klam-a, wt. fatigue, exhaustion, lan- n A . kshamya), have patience; submit to
guor : ^apaha, a. dispelling fatigue. mediately; ic. everymoment ;kshanat-ksha- (d.); endure, put up with; pardon (g. or d.
«&t, at one moment - at another; kshanara of person, ac. of thing); grant anything (ac.)
$ U ^ K L A V , only pp. klavita, faltering. kri, wait a moment; give any one (g.) an to (g.), allow to (pot.); show indulgence to
opportunity (also da); -in labh, find an op- (ac.); be able to (inf.): pp. kshanta, patient;
1 RiklSn-ti/.fatigue,languor,exhaustion. portunity.
cs. kshamaya, ask any one's (ac.) pardon or
f | f l F K L 1 D , IV. klidya, P . become w e t : indulgence for (ac.). [earth.
k s h a n a - d a , / . n i g h t : -kara, -kn't, m.
v pp. klin-na, w e t ; pr.pt. klindat, wet,
moon, -£ara, m. night-walker, Rakshasa; ^f?^ksh^m,s/ron(7&aseksham, irea&esi kshm,
dripping; compassionate; cs. kledaya, make
-dn'sh<a-nash#a, pp. appearing and disap-
wet, moisten; dirty, soil, pari,pra=simple
pearing in a moment. TSJTT k s h a m - a , a. p a t i e n t ; enduring ( - 0 ) ;
verb, sam, pp. moistened, softened. capable of, able to, equal to (in., Ic., or -°);
kshaw-ana, n. hurting, wounding. endurable; suitable, useful, favourable (for,
K L I S , I X . klisn&, I V . klisya, P .
d., g., Ic., inf., or ; inf. or after verbal
torment, plague, annoy, trouble; I V .
^ J t f l l T ^ kshana-rnatra, n. only a m o m e n t :
.v. having a passive sense): -ta, f., -tva, n.
A . (P.) be troubled, tormented, or distressed; -m, for a moment only, in. in a moment ;
P. cause pain to (ac.) : pp. klish/a, tor- capacity for, ability to (Ic. or
-vidhvamsin, a. collapsing in a moment;
mented, annoyed, afflicted; damaged, worn -hina, pp. joyless. !^r*TT k s h a m - a , f . patience, forbearance, in-
78 ksham-in. kshubh.

dulgence (towards, lc. or prati); tameness; disappear, perish: pp. ksita, exhausted, de- kshiba, kshiva, a. i n t o x i c a t e d ;
earth : -pati, TO. king; -bbrit, TO. mountain; cayed, ksbina, decreased; waning; ex- excited : -ta,/., -tva, n. intoxication.
k i n g ; -mawdala, n. orbis terrarum, whole hausted, come to an end; feeble ; thin, slen-
der; cs.kshayayati or ksbapaya-ti, -te, de- kshirdi, n. m i l k ; milky sap (of plants).
earth; -lingaatma-pida-vat, a. in which
proof of forbearance and loss on one's own stroy, remove, dispel; emaciate,weaken; pass ^ T f ^ k s h i r a - k u n r f a . n . m i l k - p o t ; -ksba-
part is adduced (leg.); -vat, -sila, a. patient, • (time): pp. ksbayita or kshapita. pari, ya,TO.failure of milk (in the udder); -dbi, TO.
indulgent, forbearing; compassionate. destroy; ps. be impoverished: pp. disap- ocean of m i l k ; -nidhi, m. id.; -nira, n. milk
peared; exhausted; indigent;perished; weak and water (°~); -pa, a. drinking only milk; TO.
tq f i t •^ksham-in, a. id., towards (lc.). in (in.); destitute of (- 0 ). pra, destroy, ex- suckling,infant,child; -bhrita,yj/;.paidwith
ksham-ya, a. earthly, [tribe, people, haust ; ps. perish: pp. destroyed; exhausted, milk; -maya, a. representing milk; -mabar-
disappeared, sam, destroy; ps. draw to an end. wava, TO. ocean of m i l k ; (a)-vat, a. full of
i . kshay-a, a. d w e l l i n g ; m. abode, s e a t ; milk; -varidbi,TO.ocean of m i l k ; -vriksba,
f ^ c ^ k s h i - t , a. N. d w e l l e r ; ruler ( - 0 ) .
^RJ 2. kshay-a, TO. decrease ; depreciation; m. tree with milky juice, the common name
decline, loss, destruction; end : ac. with verbs f ^ j f ? ! i . k s h i - t i , / . abode, d w e l l i n g ; earth, of the Nyagrodha, Udumbara, Axvattha, and
of going: decrease, come to an end, be lost, land: pi. the tribes, races, peoples, men. Madhtlka; -shashi'ika, n. sixty days' rice
perish; -kara, -kartri, -kn't, a. destroying f^rf^f 2. k s h l - t i , / . destruction. with milk; -samudra, -sagara, TO. ocean of
milk; -snigdba, pp. moist with milky juice;
kshay-araa, a. destroying ( - 0 ) . [ ( - ° ) . f ^ f f c W M k s h i t i - k a m p a , TO. e a r t h q u a k e ; -svamin, TO. JV. of a grammarian.
k s h a y a - d i v a s a , TO. day of the -kshit, m. king, prince; -ksboda, TO. dust of
the earth; -tala, n. surface of the earth: -^ap- "^n^Jfl k s h i r a a n n a , n. rice boiled in m i l k ;
world's destruction; -paksba, m. fortnight of
saras,/. Apsaras dwelling on earth; -dbara, - a b d h i , TO. ocean of milk; -ambudhi, m. id.
the moon's wane; -yukta, pp. ruined, fallen;
-yukti,/. destruction, ruin; -rog-in, a. con- TO. mountain ; -dbenu,/. the cowlike earth ; <J^T kshirS-ya, den. A . become m i l k .
sumptive : -i-tva, n. consumption. -pa, -pati, -pala, -bbugi, TO. king; -bbrit,
m. mountain; king; -rasa, TO. sap of the ^ V f \ * i . k s h i r - l n , a. a b o u n d i n g in m i l k ; con-
^ f q n i k s h a y - i - t a , / . , °<3T-tva, n. annihila- earth; -lava-bbu^, TO. petty prince ; -sa/d- taining milky juice.
tion; transitoriness; -in, a. decreasing; tran- pati, TO. king; -sata-kratu, TO. id.; ^jindra, xql ' O ^ k s h i r a u d a , m. ocean of m i l k : -dbi,
sitory ; consumptive; -isbnu, a. transitory; -Lsa, ^isvara, TO. king.
TO. id.; -j^rmi, m.f. wave of the ocean of milk.
f W c r K S H I P , Y I . ksbipd, t h r o w , cast, ^ f a k s h i v a , v. kshiba.
K S H A R , I. P . (A.) ksbara, flow; ^ discharge (at, upon, d., g., lc., or upari);
^ pass away, perish; pour forth, discharge, move rapidly; utter (words); direct (thoughts •J5J K S H U , II. P . ksbau-ti, sneeze: pp.
yield; emit a stream; cs. ksbaraya, cause to or gaze) ; hit; strew, pour, put (into, lc.) ; set ^ ksbuta, having sneezed; n. sneeze, ava,
flow, discharge, ati, flow through, overflow down; throw off; let g o ; cast b lame on (lc.); pp. sneezed upon.
(tr.). abbiati, flow across to. ava, sprinkle; inveigh against, abuse, mock; destroy, lose;
cs. cause to flow down upon (ac.). 4, cs. de- kshii, n. [gh(a)s-ii] food, nutriment,
pass, bide (time); cs. ksbepaya, cause to be
fame. npa, flow towards. thrown into (antar), cause to descend into kshuw-raa, pp. \ / k s h u d .
^HC kshar-a, a. passing away, t r a n s i t o r y ; (lc.); crack, adbi, throw dirt on, revile, in-
sult, offend, mock at. abbi, hit sharply (with k s h u - t , / . sneezing.
-ana, n. flowing; effusion.
a whip), ava, cast down, let fly; throw into ^ r ^ T T k s h u t - k s h a m a , a. emaciated w i t h
W ^ J K S H A L , X. P . kshalaya, wash ; (lc.). throw upon (lc.), at (d.); cast
hunger: -kanZAa, a. hvg. a throat - ; -pip&-
\ cleanse, purify, remove, pra, wash, ashore; touch (ac.) with (in.) ; pull or carry
a w a y ; take away from (ab.) ; withdraw; sita, pp. tormented with hunger and thirst.
cleanse, abbi-pra, cleanse, vi, wash away. K S H U D , I. P . ksbOda, p o u n d : pp.
rob; attract (fig.), absorb; expel from (ab.);
^fcf k s h i v a , - t h u , to. sneezing, sneeze, put i$to (lc.); refer t o ; raise an objection to O \ ksbunwa,trodden;crushed,broken;pierc-
I. KSHi, V. % KSHAI. (ac.); reproach with; insult; produce, effect,
paria, entwine with (in.), v j j i , stretch o u t ;
ed. pra, goad, urge on. vi, pound; urge on.

carry away, captivate: pp. — f u l l of. sam-a, kshud-r^, a. small, t i n y ; low, mean,
WT 2. kshsf, / . earth ; abode.
accumulate; insult; indicate, ud, throw up, base ; wicked (injest): (a)-ka, a. small,tiny;
^TT^ kshatra, a. (i) peculiar to the military raise; place upon, sam-ud, throw up, raise; *-gbaw<ik4,/. small bell (ornament).
caste; n. royal dignity. [forbearance. free from (ab.). upa, hint at, allude to. ni, kshudra-^antu, TO. small a n i m a l ;
"5J l«n kshSn-ta, pp. y T i s h a m ; n. patience, throw down; throw upon (lc. or upari), put insignificant person; -pasu, TO. small live
down, place upon or in (lc.); direct the gaze stock : -mat, a. possessing - ; -buddbi, m. N.
I f*n k s h a n - t i , / . id.: m a t , a. patient, for- towards (lc. or ad. in -tas); abandon, give
bearing ; -sila, TO. N. (patient). of a jackal (base-minded); -satru,TO.insig-
u p ; hand over, deliver, entrust, to (lc.) ; nificant foe; -s&kta, n. short hymn;TO.author
^ k s h t - m a , a. singed, s c o r c h e d ; parched, bestow; appoint to (lc.); cs. cause to be of short hymns.
dried u p ; emaciated, slender; weak, little, drawn up. upa-ni, put down, vi-ni, throw
orputdown; entrust placed in (-°). pari, ^ T ^ f k s h u d r a a k s h a , a. having small
insignificant: -ksbama, a. quite emaciated.
throw along (a distance) ; wind round; sur- meshes; -Ji&arita, /!/).frequented by low per-
^ T T " ^ k s h a - m a n , n. earth, g r o u n d . round ; embrace, pra, cast, throw at or in, sons ; -jintra, n. small cavity of the heart.
place in (lc.) ; put before ; let down, vi,
"5J k s h a m i - k r i , shorten, curtail. K S H U D H , I V . P . ksbudbya, be
throw about, cast hither and thither, scatter;
*handle; distract: pp. distraught, pra-vi, O \ hungry: pp. ksbudbita, hungry.
^TPC ksha-ra, a. caustic, salty ; sharp, c u t -
ting (wind); m. (n. rare) burning or corrosive pp. agitated, sam, heap up; compress, curtail, ^ ^ k s h u d h , / . hunger.
substance; saltpetre, potash, etc.: -ksbata, diminish; destroy: pp. contracted, condensed;
pp. corroded by saltpetre; -ksblna, pp. id.: narrow; short, concise. [in. pi.) id. kshudh-a, / . id.: -kara, a. causing
-ta,/. abst. 2f.; -lavama, n. du. caustic & salt. hunger; ^arta, pp. tortured with hunger.
f ^ p j k s h i ' p , / . ( o n l y n m . p l . ) f i n g e r : -4,/.(only
•vjl k s h a r - a y - i - t r i , a. causing to flow. ^ s T T ^ kshudh^-lu, a. h u n g r y .
kship-td, pp. -v/kship; n. (shot) w o u n d :
I I kshal-a, m. w a s h i n g ; -ana, n. id.; a. ^ f ^ - ^ t v kshun-nirodha, TO. suppression of
-fcitta, a. distraught: -ta, f . absence of mind;
washing, wiping away (also fig.). hunger, starvation; -mat, a. hungry.
-yoni, a. of contemptible birth.
f w I.KSHI,( F.); P.II.ksb6-ti,IV.kshiya, f^TJT kship-ra, a. elastic (bow); q u i c k , rapid: ^TJ kshupa, m., k , f . s h r u b , b u s h ; a-ka, TO.,
dwell, abide; inhabit; cs. ksbayaya or -m or ab. quickly, directly, at once : tjj^ku, a-ka,/. id. [motion.
kshepaya, cause to dwell peacefully, pacify, a. having swift arrows. ^ p c j k s h u b - d h a , pp. \ / k s h u b h : - t a , / . com-
adbi, dwell in or near, rest upon; spread
over (ac., lc.). upa, dwell in, abide by (also R f e n u k s h i i i i k a , / . N. K S H U B H , I . A.kshobba,(F.); I Y . P.
Jig., w. ac.). pari, dwell around (ac.). Tq)«jjkshiw^,pp.v/3.kshi: -karman,a.whose O N A . ksbubbya, sway, tremble, become
desire for action is at an end; -kosa,«. whose agitated: pp. ksbubdba (rare) and ksbu-
f w 2. K S H I , I. P . ksbaya, ( F . ) possess,
treasury is exhausted; -tamas, TO. N. of a bbita, shaken; agitated; cs. kshobhaya, P.
rule over (g.).
Vihdra; -ta, / . injury, damage; -tva, n. (A.) shake, agitate; throw into confusion,
• f i j j 3. K S H I , P. I X . ksbi-nS, (F.); Y . ksbi- disappearance; -vritti, a. whose provisions pra, become agitated, be disturbed, vi, br
n6; I.ksbay-a, (j?.)destroy; oppresses, are exhausted; -Jidbi, a. freed from distress; shaken or agitated; be thrown into confusion,
ksiya, decrease, wane; cease; be exhausted; ^Jiyus, a. moribund. sam, become agitated.
^JTf^ kshu-mat. MU^^d^i kharcda-va/aka. 79
^iTr^ kshu-mat, a. nutritious; strong, vi- ^ ( M 8 kshep-ish?Aa,spv.; -iyas, cpu.o/ksip- ^ t ^ k s h o d - a , TO. b l o w ; crushing ; flour,
gorous. ri : n. ad. as quickly as possible. powder; drop; little bit.
^ ^ kshura, m. sharp knife, r a z o r ; -kar- k s h e p - t r i , TO. slinger ; -net, m. letting ^j\<^«^kshod-as, n. swell, stream, [kshudra.
man, n. shaving; -kritya, n. id.; -kZipta, fly (bowstring); -ya, fp. to be thrown (into,
pp. shaved; -kriy&,/. shaving; -dhana,, n. kshod-ishfAa, spv.; - i y a s , cpv. of
Ic.); to be destroyed.
razor-case; -pra, a. sharp as a razor; to. ar- kshobh-a, TO. s w a y i n g , tremor ; jolt-
row, knife, or scythe as sharp as a razor; kshe-ma, o. comfortable, a g r e e a b l e ; ing, agitation ; -ana, a. shaking, agitating;
-bhkwZa, n. razor-case. quiet; safe; m. abode; place; rest, security;
- a y i t r i , m. prime mover or originator.
prosperity : -m, te, hail to you ! in. sg. or pi.
tsjIXqit kshur-ikft,/. knife, dagger. •sft^ri kshauni, f . earth, land : -dhara, m,
peacefully, happily, safe and sound.
^ S f kehulla, -kd, a. small, little, t i n y . mountain ; -natha, m. k i n g ; -bhnj/, m. id.;
k s h e m a - k a r a , a. affording peace and -bhrit, m. mountain.
kshe-tm, n. landed p r o p e r t y ; field s e c u r i t y ; -kara, -krit, -m-kara, a. id.
(-m krt, cultivate a field); place, region; seat, kshaudra, n. honey.
k s h e m a - y a , den. P . only pr.pt. rest-
sphere of activity, source ; extent; womb ; ing ; affording rest, sheltering, refreshing. " ^ • f k s h a u m a , a. (i) flaxen, linen; n. linen,
wife ; seat of the soul, body; primeval soul linen garment.
or matter. %3T^rfakshema-yoga,ra.cfo.restandlabour.
^ k s h a u r a , a . done w i t h t h e razor; n. shav-
kshetra-karman, n. agriculture ; % f i T * ^ k s h e m - i n , a. safe. ing: -to kri, shave, -m karaya, get shaved;
-karma-kn't, a. husbandman; -karshaka,
-karana, -karman, n. shaving.
in. husbandman; -ga.,a. growing in the fields; k s h e m i isvara, m. N. of a poet.
«t. wife's son begotten by another man; -gkta, •WJT K S H M J , I I . P. kshnau-ti, whet,
pp. id.; -giia, a. having local knowledge; k s h e m a i n d r a , m.N.of several authors. ^ ^ sharpen.
conversant with (g.); m. soul; -tara, n. place
very suitable for cultivation or habitation ; k s h e m - y a , a. (also -yd) r e s t i n g ; se- W T k s h m a , / . e a r t h , l a n d : in.kshmaya, on
-ti,/. residence; -pa,m. field-watcher; -pati, cure ; salubrious, auspicious. the earth.
m. owner of a field; -p&la, m. field-watcher; r^i I ^ k s h m f t - d h a r a , m . m o u n t a i n ; -dhriti,
kshain-ya, n. ruin (abst. is.from kshina).
tutelary deity of the fields; -raksha, m . field- TO. k i n g ; -pa, -pati, -pala, -bhartri, -bbu^,
watcher; -via, a. knowing the place; expert; kshaitra, n. estate. m, prince, k i n g ; -bhrit, m. mountain ; king;
knowing the body. - m b , TO. tree; -vrisha, m. bull of the earth,
kshaitra-pata, a. (i) relating t o the mighty king.
kshetr-ika, m. owner of a field; hus-
lord of the soil; -patya, a. id.; n. (kshaitra-)
band ; -in, m. id.; soul; -iya, a. local; con- f W j ^ K S H Y I D , I. P. kslLverfa, u t t e r an
dominion; estate.
stitutional = incurable. x inarticulate sound, creak, hum, hiss,
%JT kshaipra, a. produced b y rapid enun- grind the teeth.
kshetri-kn', take possession of (ac.).
ciation : said of the Sandhi by which i or Ci
kshetri-ya, den. P . desire a field. become y or v ; also of the svarita accent K S H Y I D , I. P. kshvida, id.
arising on such a syllable.
kshep-a, m. throwing, m o v i n g a b o u t ; kshved-ana, n. w h i z z i n g , hissing ;
motion, agitation, swaying; delay; accusa- ^ t f ^ T kshoraf,/. host, r e t i n u e ; earth, land. -a, f . roar of a lion, battle-cry.
tion; abuse; transference; -aka, a. throwing,
casting; destroying; -a»a, n. throwing, let- W t f l J R f ? ! kshoni-pati, m. prince, k i n g ; ^ (A KSHYEL, I. P. ksbvela, (E.)
ting fly: £, / . sling; -a/dka, m. boatman ; -pala, ^indra, m. id. n jump, play.
-aniya, ». sling. [quickly.
^ t W t k s h o n i , / . (n m. -s) = k s h o n i : -pati, kshvel-ana, n., - i , / . , - i k a , / . , - i t a , n .
kshep-an, m. throw : in. kshepna, -ramana, m. prince, king. play, dalliance.

^ KH.
^ k h d , « . cavity, hole ; aperture (esp. in the kba^-ika, ^ f d ^ t ) k h a f - i n i , / . chalk. k h a r f g i - d h e n u k S , / . female rhi-
human body); wound; axle-hole (in the nave noceros. [rhinoceros.
of a wheel) ; ether; air; sky. W ^ T khafva-ya,(?en.P.turn into a bedstead,
<c|f^«^khadg-in, a. armed with a s w o r d ; to.
kha-ga, a. moving in the air, flying; to, k h a i v t , / . b e d s t e a d ; bed of sickness.
bird: - p a t i , to. lord of the birds, ep. o/Garuda. <3<II<=mrpS| khana-khana-ya, den. A. clatter,
k h a ^ v a a n g a , to. n. club shaped like
crack: pp. -yita, clashing, etc.
<=f'Ifl kha-gama,TO.b i r d ; N. ofa Brahman. the foot of a bedstead (esp. as a weapon of
S i v a ) : -dhara, -dhara, -bhrit, a. bearing a <3 HiS khand-a, a. incomplete, deficient, not
kha-galya, a certain part of a wheel. full (moon) ; to. n. piece, p a r t ; section (of a
khatvahga, ep. of Siva.
W f V I k h a g a a d h i p a , TO. ep. of Garurfa; work); number, quantity, multitude, group;
^ p r f W t k h a f v a n g - i n , a. id. powdered sugar: -ka, w. part, piece, section;
W ^ f khankha, TO. N. [ - i n d r a , m. id. kind of dance (?); -kapalika, m. a partial Ka-
' ^ T T T ^ f khaiva-tala, n. space under a b e d :
palika (sectary) ; -devaknla, n. ruined tem-
K H A f C , I . P . khafca,shine: pp.kbak- Ic. under the bed.
x ita, sparkling; brilliant or studded with ple ; -dhara,/. kind of musical performance
KHAJVD,break,cleave.] or dance.
(in., nd, pp. interwoven with (in.,
kha-ftara, a. flying; m. b i r d ; fairy; khacf-a, m. kind of sour drink made of khancZ-ana, a. b r e a k i n g u p , destroy-
buttermilk, etc. [jV. of a merchant's son. ing, dispelling; n. crushing; hurting, wound-
-&itra, n. picture in the air = chimera. ing (esp. with the teeth); curtailing, destroy-
k b % - a ,TO.stirring, churning; t u m u l t of khad-ga,m. sword, d a g g e r ; rhinoceros; ing ; baffling; refuting ; deceiving; -aniya,
kha-|/ala, n. mist. [battle. ^ | f^^kharfga-grShin,to.sword-bearer; fp. to be broken or cut in pieces.
-dhara, a. wearing a sword; m. N.; -dhara, k h a n d a - m o d a k a , m. manna-
I ^ r r k b a f z - a , / churning-stick.
/ . sword-blade : -vrata, n. =asidharS,-vrata ;
sugar (Pr.).
^ ^ K H A i V G , I . P . kha«;/a, limp. -dhenu,/.knife; -p&ni, a. having a sword in
one's hand; -pata,to.sword-cut; -prahara, to. ^ T f g l T khanrfa-ya, den. P . b r e a k or c u t in
l ^ k h a i ? , 7 - a , a. l a m e : - t a , / . , -tva, n. -ness. sword-stroke; -maya,a.consistingof swords; pieces; injure; b i t e ; interrupt, disturb; de-
-vat, a. armed with a sword; -vari, n. blood stroy, dispel; cause to cease, Batisfy; neglect;
khaw/7-ana, ui. wagtail: - a k s h i , / . girl dripping from a sword; -vidya, / . art of fenc- refute; deceive, ava, break in pieces, nd,
with restless eyes. ing; -sakha, a. armed with a sword; -sena, tear off. vi, cut in pieces, lacerate.
m.N.; -hasta, a. having a sword in the hand.
m ^ O i k h a % a - r i f a , m . w a g t a i l : -ka,m.id. kharacZa-vafaka, m.n. N.of a vil-
W 2 W Z T T kha?a-khaifa-ya, A . crackle,hiss. k h a d g a a m i s h a , n. rhin oceros flesh. lage or town.
80 kharaefa-sas. khyap-in.

khawda-sas, ad. in pieces: with khali-k&ra,m.ill-treatment; - k « , k h i r a , JV. of a locality.

k r i , break in pieces; with gam, b h u , or ya, ill-treat; - k r i t i , f. ill-treatment.
go to pieces. [conduct. K H U D , V I . P. khuda, (V.) t h r u s t in.
^ ^ n T k h a l - i n a , n, bit (of a bridle).
^ f e f l ^ T l khararfita-vntta, a. of immoral W ^ k M l - u , p c Z . [plainly], indeed, c e r t a i n l y ; <Sj«(*jq k h u n a m u s h a , N.of a village.
khanrfa indu-mararfana, m. however, and y e t : often merely emphatic; khura, m. h o o f ; claw,
khalu vai, certainly; nu khalu, with inter.
(adorned with a crescent), ep. of Siv&.
pray? I wonder ? na khalu, not at a l l ; kha- ^ofi k h u r a - k a , m. kind of dance.
K H A D , V I . P . k h a d a , ( F . ) be firm or luapi, now again (introducing a new topic);
v- hard. khalu with gd. = enough of - , do not - . khur-in, in. a n i m a l with hoofs.

khad-a, / . hnt, stall. t s f ^ e f i t f t c P V R I k h a l e - k a p o t a - n y S y a , m. ^ [ T k h A r a = ^ T T khura.

<x X
khad-ir£,m. a tree (a kind of acacia): manner in which a flock of pigeons swoop on T ^ t j ^ khe-fcara, a. (i) m o v i n g in the air,
-maya, a. made of Khadira wood. a threshing-floor; -kapotikiL,/. id. flying ; in. bird ; angel; fairy : i, / . fairy ;
k h a - d y o t a , m. fire-fly. K H A L L , I . A . khalla, t o t t e r ; be with siddhi, magical power of flying; -t&,/.,
^ loose : pp. khallita, flaccid, flabby. - t v a , n. id.
f l K H A N , I . khana, dig, dig u p or
^ into (ac.)', pierce, lacerate; agitate: pp. k h a l l - a , m. bag. khefa, m. ra. village inhabited by pea-
khata. ud, dig up, uproot, undermine; ex- sants; shield; m. phlegm; a. low, mean; -ka,
kh^l-va, m. kind of pulse.
terminate, destroy; pull out; draw (sword). hamlet; shield.
praud, dig up; eradicate, ni, bury; dig i n ; ^ ^ I d khal-vfi/a, a. bald-headed, [bcdy.
k h e d - a , m. pressure, hardship, t r o u b l e ;
erect (pillars); infix, imbed; cs. cause to be faintness, weariness, affliction; annoyance at
0 f X " l k h a - s a r i r m , « . h a v i n g an ethereal
dug; infix. [digger.
(g.): a,/. N.of a locality; -ana, n. exhaus-
^ ^ khasa, m. son of an outcast K s h a t r i y a :
IjjfiT khan-d, a. b u r r o w i n g ; m. p i t ; -aka, m. tion ; -ayitavya,/». to be afflicted; -in, a.
pi. N. of a people.
tired, weary; fatiguing.
<51 I qkhana-khanS-ya,A.=khala-kba- k h a , / . [hole], spring, well.
la-ya. [a. digging;/, mine; -i-tri, m. digger. k h e - y a , fp. to be dug ; b e i n g d u g .
^rro k h a - occurs in various forms of \ / k h a n .
I^prfTT khan-ati,m.N.; -ana,n. d i g g i n g ; -i, T j J p J K H E L , I . P . khela, m o v e t o a n d f r o ,
^ T f i r khagi, - k f i , / . N. of two localities. ^ sway, rock; appear: pp. khelita, rock-
khan-i-tra, n., - t r i , / . spade; (i)-tra-
ka, n. small spade; l-trima, a. produced by kh&»<jr-ya, n. limping, lameness. ing; cs. put in motion, turn.
digging. «S( | Uigq khanrfava, m. n. kind of sweetmeat; k h e l - a , a. s w i n g i n g , swaying, r o c k i n g ;
^Sp^T k M n - y a , ^ . coming from pits. N. of a forest in Kurvkshetra. m. N.: -gamana, a. of playful gait; -ana,
n. flying or moving to and fro ; restless mo-
kha-pushpa, ra. flower in t h e a i r = khS-t£, pp. -y/khan ; m. n. t r e n c h , p i t ;
tion (of the eye): -ka, n. play, sport; - i , / . (?)
chimera; -murti-mat, a. having an ethe- well, pond; n. cavity: (a)-ka, n. ditch, pit; play, sport.
real form. -tri, m. digger; -tra, n. breach.
I^ft"? khoZa, khora, a. halting, lame.
[^T^ K H A R , b e r o u g h or b r o k e n . ] K H A d , I. P . ( A . ) k h a d a , c h e w , e a t ,
^ gnaw; devour; destroy; cs.khadaya, P. Tsft^T khola, m. kind of water-proof hat.
khdr-a, a. hard, r o u g h ; hot, sharp (also
id.; cause to be eaten, by (in.), sam, devour.
fig.): -m, ad.; in. ass; mule. k h y a n , 3 pi. subj. pr. of V k h y S .
«cj k h a r a - t u r a g i y a , a. sexual con- ^TT^ khad-a, a. devouring ( - 0 ) ; m. food ;
[ K H Y A , I I . P. k h y a - t i ; ps. k h y a y a t e ,
-aka, m. eater, consumer; debtor; -ana, n.
nexion (sajwparka) between ass and horse; be mentioned; be known: pp. khyata,
chewing, eating; food: a,/. N.; -ika,/. eat-
-nakhara, m. N. of a lion; -mayukha, m. named, known ; known a s ; celebrated; cs.
i n g ( - ° ) ; -i-trt, m. eater,consumer; -i-tavya,
(hot-rayed), sun; -j.msvi, m. id. khyapaya, make known, proclaim, report,
fp. to be eaten or consumed; -in, a. chewing,
declare; manifest, betray; tell about any one
kharS-ya, den. b e h a v e like an a s s : biting (-°). (ac.); praise, celebrate, antar, withhold, con-
pp. -yita, n. tomfoolery. khadird, a. ( i ) made of K h a d i r a ceal. abhi, behold, perceive : pp. notorious;
k h a r i , / . she ass or m u l e : -visharaa, n.
ass's horn = chimera, [a. versed in sorcery.
TSTRT khSd-ya, fp. eatable. [wood.
cs.proclaim. ava,look down; observe. recite,
enumerate; tell, inform, announce, report;
^ J V m khadhfiya, / . N. of a locality. indicate; call, name, designate as (2 ac.);
kharkhoda, kind of m a g i c : -vedin, cs. proclaim, pratiji,refuse,repudiate,deny;
IsTTI k h a n a , n. f o o d : -pana, n. sg. meat and decline; prohibit; refute; surpass, v i i , ex-
W I T K H A R G , I . P . kbar^a, (S.) creak. drink. [mining burglar. plain ; discuss; announce, relate. sam-&,
add, enumerate; relate; pronounce to be (iti):
^T'^cfi khana-ka, a. digging ( - 0 ) ; m. under-
H ^ T khar^-flra, m., i , / . a tree; n. its fruit. pp. named, pari, look round; disregard (g.).
k h a - n i , / . p i t , mine, pra, see; announce; relate: pp. known, ac-
kharpara, n., 1 , / . kind of mineral. knowledged ; renowned; cs. make generally
k h a r a , m., i , / . a measure of capacity. known: pp. khyapita, known as (nm.).
k h a r - m a , n. rudeness, harshness.
k b a r v a , / . third age of the world. prati, perceive, see. vi, look about, look up;
khar-v£, a. mutilated, crippled, defec- perceive; lighten, make visible; show, illu-
tive ; n. a large number, i followed by i o or TsTRI^r khalatya, <511 t^TCSf khalitya, n. b a l d - mine : ^ . g e n e r a l l y known, celebrated; known
37 zeros, quadrillion. ness. as, called; cs. proclaim, abhl-vi, behold,
sam, appear with (in.) ; add up, calculate;
^ q T s ? k h a r v i - k r i , cripple, compress. f i ^ i * " K H I D , V I . P. khida, press ; I V . P . estimate by (in.), pari-sam, add together.
x A . khidya, be depressed or afllicted;
[ J ^ T K H A L , be s m o o t h ; stumble or w a v e r . ] feel languid : pp. khinna, depressed, down- ^ J i d e h l f ^ k h y a t a - k i r t i , a. of celebrated
^ T kh&l-a, m. i . threshing-floor; oil-cake; cast; exhausted, languid; cs. P . A . khedaya, fame.
2. wicked person, rogue : / . i . depress, distress, disquiet, trouble, a, seize
JsJJTf^t k h y & - t i , / . perception; supposition,
upon, ud, draw out. pari, feel depressed:
khala-khala-ya, A . ripple. assertion; knowledge; fame,celebrity; name:
pp. exhausted; afflicted.
-mat, a. celebrated, famous ; -viruddha, pp.
i g H l f l l i . khala-ta, / . abst. N. from khala i khid-ra, n. awl, g i m l e t . opposed to the general assumption.
and 2 ; 2. kha-lata, creeper in the air = a
chimera. f ^ T khild, m. waste land ; n. supplement, k h y a a n a , n. perception, k n o w l e d g e .
< s M f r l khal-ati, a. b a l d ; in. baldness. Isgrjqcfi k h y S - p - a k a , (cs.) a. a n n o u n c i n g ,
khila-kshetra, n. barren field.
khala-bhu;/anga, m. s n a k e - l i k e indicating (-°).
f ^ ^ t l T k h i l i - k r i , m a k e deserted ; render
rogue. [the suffix khal (gr.). 4 g j | l H khyS-p-ana, ra. p r o c l a i m i n g , mani-
powerless; -bbu, be emptied of (g.); be frus-
J^T^f khal-artha, a. having the m e a n i n g of trated. [piece. festing ; confession; making famous, [ing (- 0 ).

k h a l a - y a , den. A . play the rogue. khil-yd, m. waste l a n d ; block, l u m p , *sNl f i J k h y a p - i n , a. m a n i f e s t i n g , exhibit-

ga. gandha-ka. 81

*T G.
ga, a. ( °) going or moving in or on ; /. id.; annumeration ( - ° ) ; consideration ; re- valescent ; -vayas, a. whose youth is past;
consorting with ; resorting to; reaching t o ; gard to (g.). (a)-sri, a. being in the height of prosperity;
being in; referring to. -sara, a. worthless; -spriba, a. having no
*U I ^f garea-natha, to. G a n e s a ; -nayaka, more desire or pleasure (in, g. or Ic.); dis-
4|«|«!j gagawa, I P P T gagana, TO. sky. m. id.; -pa, to. id.; head of a corporation; interested; merciless.
(a)-pati, to. lord of hosts, Ganesa; -pa/Aa,
gagana-gati, m. dweller in the s k y ; ' m. list of ganas (gr.); -pradatji, m. bene- TcTTWcT g a t a S g a t a , p p . n. sg. & pi. going
-&ara, m. sky-goer, bird; -£arin, a. coming factor of a corporation; -bhartri, to. ep. of and coming, going hither and thither; flying
from the sky (voice); -tala, n. vault of heaven; Siva. to and fro : a-ni 'kri, negotiate ; ^agati, / .
-na'gara, n. mirage; -pratishtAa, a. being ifljT^J gana-ya, den. P . (A.) count, enumer- going and coming = death and rebirth; - adhi,
in the air; -lib, a. reaching to the sky ; ate, calculate; reckon among (Ic.); consider, a. free from care; -jidbvan, a. who has com-
•vih&rin, a. moving in the s k y ; -sad, m. account (2 ac.); impute to (Ic.); regard, es- pleted his journey; thoroughly conversant
denizen of the sky; -sindhn, / celestial teem ; excogitate: with na, disregard; think with (Ic.); ^anngati-ka, a. following prece-
Ganges; -sparsana, m. N. of one of the Ma- nothing of: with bahu, have great regard for: dents; -anta, a. whose end has come; - ayus,
rutx; -spris, a. touching = dwelling in, the pp. ga//ita. ava, disregard, pay no attention a. whose life is past; moribund; dead ; aasu,
sky; reaching to the sky. to. pari, count over, calculate; consider : a. lifeless, dead.
mJJ | gagauaapaga/.celestial Ganges; pp. limited in number, vi, count (ps. amount l f ? T g£-ti, / . gait, course, motion, flight;
-aravinda, n. sky-lotus = chimera. to); consider, ponder; account (a ac.); re- going away, departure; progress; success;
gard ; disregard. [feet. attainment (of, g., Ic., - ° ) ; way, path; egress,
gaii-ga,/. [fr.intv. of *Jgam: the swift
outlet; source, basis ; expedient, means, feas-
Goer], the Ganges, daughter of the Hi Max at. ^ f r r gana-vritta, n. metre measured b y ibleness; stratagem; refuge; state, condition,
I T f T O T gafigft-dhara, to. N. of various men; I H P I S ; garaa-sas, ad. b y or in troops. nature; transmigration, human lot; manner;
-prap&ta, m. descent of the Ganges; -lahari, preposition or adverb combined with a verb.
g a n a a d h i p a t i , to. ep. of S i v a ;
/. N. ofa mare; -saras, n. N.of a Ttrtha. Ganesa; - adbi^a, to. Ganesa; ^adhyaksha, i f l W j f gati-bbanga, m. impeded or un-
gaAfcAa, pr. base of *Jgam. TO. id.; - anna, n. food coming from a corpora- steady g a i t ; -bheda,TO.id.; -mat, a. moving.
tion; ^abhyantara, m. member of a corpo-
gar/a, m. elephant; i , / . female elephant. T W T ga-tvara, a, (i) going to ( - 0 ) ; prepar-
ing for (d.); transitory. [motion (gr.).
%nga-klch(Ly(l,f. (elephant's sha-
g a n - i k a , / . h a r l o t ; -ita, pp.; n. cal-
dow), a certain constellation; -ta,/., -tva, n. g a t i j i r t h a , a. h a v i n g the sense of
culation ; -in, a. having troops of (~°); ac-
condition of an elephant. T|<* G A D , I. P . (A.) gada, recite, utter,
companied by (in.).
^ ^ ^ • f l gar/a-danta, to. i v o r y ; -nimilita, n. v speak, say; address (2 ac.); name, ni,
g a n a j s a , m. chief of S i v a ' s attendants,
elephant's wink = connivance;-pati,m.lordly id.; ps. be called; be accounted.
Ganesa, god of wisdom, remover of obstacles,
elephant; -pumgava, m. lordly elephant;
son of Siva and Pdrvati; also ep. of Siva. gad-a, m. 1. speech, s p e l l ; 2. disease,
-pnra, n. N.of a city = Hastinapura; -mada,
m. elephant's temple-juice; -mukta, / pearl JjU^g ganda,m. a. a, 1) cheek, side of the gad-ana, n. reciting. •
mid to be sometime* found in an elephant's face, side; -karala, to. elephant's temples;
forehead; -mauktika,n. id.; -yutha,TO.herd -kasha, m. rubbing of the cheek; -ki , f . N. I ^ T g a d S , / . 1. club ; 2. speech, spell.
of elephants; -raz/a-muktia,,/. =ga^a-mukta; of a river; -bbitti,/. cheek-bone; -malin, 1. gada-dhara, a. bearing a club,
-vat, a. provided with elephants; -vadana, m. a. having scrofulous swellings of the glands
ep. of Krishna.
Elephant-face, ep. of Ganesa. of the n e c k ; -lekha, /. region of the cheek ;
-saila,TO.large boulder; cheek-bone ; N. of I ^ T O T 2. g a d a a d h a r a , a . h a v i n g a sore lip.
ga^a-sahvaya, n. (elephant-nam- the pleasure-gar den of the Apsaras; -syama-
ed, = ga</a-pura; -sth&na, n. elephant's stall. g a d a - b h r i t , a. bearing a c l u b ; TO.
mada-£yuti, a. from whose cheeks brown
ep. of Krtshna.
^IWT^T^ gagaadhyaksha, to. keeper of a n juice trickles down; -sthala, n.: i , / . cheek
elephant; ^anika, to. N. [ = gaja-pura. a. k, £). gad-in, a. bearing a club.
gand-u, pillow. gad-gad-a, a. f a l t e r i n g ; n. stammer:
T W T ^ T ga^rajihvaya, n. (elephant-named)
gandft-pada, TO. hind of worm. -gala, a. stammering, faltering ; -ta, /.,
W ^ g a ^ - b h f t , become an elephant. -tva, n. stammer; -svara,TO.faltering tone;
Tn^sTSJ gandfisha,TO.n. m o u t h f u l (of water, a. faltering.
ga^aindra, m. lordly elephant.
etc.); sip; tip of elephant's trunk.
ga>7j/a, to. or n. (?) treasury: -na, a. sur- ' l ^ r ^ c A l g a d g a d - i k S , / . stammer, [prose.
passing (-°); -vara, to. treasurer. l l ^ M ^ l l * ! gandaupadliana, n. p i l l o w : *I3Tgad-ya,/;>.to be said; n.spoken speech,
i-ya, n. id.; -jipala,TO.large boulder.
I ^ T ganf/S,,/. tavern ; hemp.
g a n - y a , / p . to be counted, calculated, T^TRir gady&na, - k a ,TO.a certain weight.
gadi, TO. y o u n g bull. [hump. or regarded; a. consisting of rows. G A D H , / p . gadh-ya, to be held fast, to
gadu, m.(?) excrescence on the body, TfrT ga-ta, pp. (\ ygam) gone (evam gate, be captured: pp. gadhita. a, pp. clung to.
such being the case); gone or come to, fallen pari, pp. clasped. [y'gam.
gaw-^,»i.host,multitude; c l a s s ; troop,
retinue; inferior deities appearing in troops into, being at, on or in, contained or resting
g^n-tave, g^n-tavaf, d. inf.
(esp. Hiva's retinue, under the special rule of in (ac., Ic., —°); directed or referring to
Ganem); member of Siva's following ; com- (prati or -°); departed, gone away (to, d. or <|«T|<«| gan-tavya, fp. n. to be gone (with in.
munity, association, corporation ; metrical inf.); deceased; passed, elapsed; disappeared, of subject); to be traversed; to be sought,
foot; group of roots or words to which a lost: very often = deprived or devoid of,free approached, or visited; intelligible.
grammatical rule applies. from, without, -less; produced from (ab., -°);
spread abroad in (Ic.); known; trodden, fre- gantu-kama, a. desirous of g o i n g .
J P P R ga»a-ka, m. r e c k o n e r ; astrologer. quented; reached, obtained (°~); n. g a i t ; g a n - t n , m. one w h o goes, comes, or
disappearance; manner.
®ft gawa-Zcakra, n. kind ( / m a g i c circle; reaches (a c.,d.,lc.); sts. used, as fat. of gam;
-KAandas, n. metre measured by feet; -tva, ^ H T ^ f f a gata-^iva, a. dead ; -givita, a. id.; -tri,/. used as 3rd sg. future.
n. office of an attendant on /Siva; -dasa, m. -para, a. having attained his object; -purva, gandh-d, TO. (n.) [ t h a t w h i c h clings],
N. of a dancing master. a. trodden before; -pratyagata, pp. gone and smell, fragrance, odour; perfume (gnly. pi.);
returned; -prana, a. inanimate, dead ; -pra- tinge or trace of, similarity with (-°); pride.
I W ^ t f ^ P T . gawa-dikshin, a. officiating for
ya, a. almost past or perished; -mati, a.
a community (priest); -dravya, n. property stupid, senseless ; -manas-ka, a. thinking of gandha-ka, a.(ika) smelling or sinack-
ofa corporation. (Ic.); -matra, a. only just gone away; -yau- ingof (-°); -ga^a,TO. =gandha-dvipa; -grab-
gan-ana, n. counting, calculation; a, vana, a. whose youth is past; -roga, a. con- in, a. p e r f u m e d ; -dvipa, -dvirada, TO. ele-
82 iptfif gandh-ana. gar^f-a.

pliant in rut; -pasha»a-vat, a. sulphurous; from (ab.): pp. antargata, q. v. apa, go away, (in.); lead any one to (2 ac.); transfer to
-inadana, m. N. of a mountain-range with disappear (fr.,ab.): pp. gone away, vanished; (lc.). upa-sam, come together to (ac.) ; ap-
fragrant forests; -malin, m. N. of a Ndga; deviating from (ab. or vijipa, depart: proach, join (ac.).
-malya,». du. and pi. perfumes and garlands; pp. departed; swerving from (ab.). api,enter
gam-a, a. going, moving ( - 0 ) ; m. de-
-rasa, m. perfumes and spices. into; be absorbed in (ac.). abhi, advance,
parture ; way, distance; sexual intercourse
approach; go to, visit (ac.); return home;
gandh-ana, m. hind of rice ; n. fra- follow; have sexual intercourse with (ac.); with (- 0 ): -ka, a. cogent; evidencing^.):
grance; sarcasm. find, njeet with, obtain; devote oneself to (ac.). -ta,/., -tva, n. cogency.
gandhar-v£, m. N. of a genius closely sam-abbi, unite sexually, aram, present
I T ^ gdma-dhyai, d. inf. t o go.
connectedw.Somaandthesun: sts.pl. (F.); ce- oneself to (d.). ava, come down to (ac. or
lc.); come to, enter into (ac.); obtain; hit gam-ana, n. g a i t ; going ; betaking
lesti al m usician inhabiting Indra'sheaven (C.). oneself to (ad.; ac. ± prati, g., ; Bexualinter-
upon, guess, infer; learn from (ab.); perceive,
gandharva-khanda, m. N. of a understand; be convinced, be of opinion, be- course with (-°); entering upon, undergoing
part of Bhdratavarsha; -tva, n. condition of lieve to be meant, know (pr. pt. wittingly; ( - ° ) ; course ; departure; walking; motion:
a Gandharva; -datta, f . N.of a Gandharva pp. with act. and ps. meaning); regard as, -vat, a. past; -anxya, fp. accessible to, as-
\princess; -nagara, n. city of the Gandharvas; consider to be (2 ac.); cs. procure; cause to sailable by (g.); -ayitavya, cs.fp. to be passed
mirage ; -pura, n. city of the Gandharvas; experience, let know. approach, come (to, (time).
•rkga, m. king of the Gandharvas. ac.); come forth; meet with (saha); re-
gamajjtgama, m. going and coming,
turn (gnly. with punar); come or fall upon;
gandharvi, f . female being akin to going to and fro; sg. & pi. negotiation-
obtain, take, undergo, incur (with abstract
Gandharva. nouns): pp. arrived, come (to, ac., lc., or -°); gam-in, a. about to g o (to, ac.,
qc^gandha-vat, a . f r a g r a n t ; having the come into the world, born; returned (gnly.
quality of smell: -i ,f.N. of a river; -vaba, with punar); coming from (ab.); come to f ^ y g£m-ishf Aa, spv. going gladly to (ac.).
a. wafting fragrance; m. wind; -vaba, m. pass in regard to (ac.); having happened or
gam-ishnti, a. g o i n g ; wishing to
wind; -sail, m. fragrant rice; *-sara, m- supervened (sts. fallen into (ac.); cs.
sandal-wood. [fragrant. cause to approach; learn (ac.) from (ab.); TO^gambh-an, depth. [traverse (ac.).
des. be about to come, adbiji, come upon,
*|«%n€4 gandhaaefaya, a. rich in perfume, find, anna, follow : pp. with act. and ps. g a m b h - i r ^ = g a b h i r a : & , / . N. of a
gandhara, m. pi. N. of a people in mg. abbia, approach, come to, visit: pp. river; (a)-samsa, a. ruling in the depths.
arrived, come : kramad - = inherited. sam-
the N. W.; i, m. pi. id. i p f f t X T ^ g a m b h i r a a r t h a , a. of deep signi-
abbi arrive ; come back (with punar).
^rfjEf gandh-i, a. smelling o f ; having a apaa, approach, come to (ac., lc.); fall into, ficance ; ^Jtaaya, a. having a deep thought:
little of (- 0 ); -i-ka, -in, a. id. incur, undergo (with abst. nouns); appear; -tarn kri, conceive a deep thought.
fell to one's share: with dayat = inherit: pp. 4|«<4 g a m - y a , fp. t o be gone t o ; accessible
T ^ T gandhaibha, m.=gandha-dvipa.
arrived, abbiupaa, come to (ac.). sam- to (g., lc., - ° ) ; feasible; accessible to or in
[ ^ G A B H . J R j l G A M B H , b e cleft, y a w n . ] upaa, id.; befall. prati&, return from (ab.) the right condition for, sexual intercourse (/.);
to (ac.); come to oneself, recover, sam-a, profligate (m.); curable by (g.); conceivable,
gabh-d, m. vulva. come together, meet, unite (with, in. ± saha or intelligible, comprehensible; to be guessed ;
i m gabh-as-tala, n. kind o / h e l l . sardham); approach, come to (ac., lc.); return meant; suitable.
(from, ab.); come upon, find (ac. ): pp. united,
H T f ^ gdbhas-ti, ra. arm, h a n d ; r a y : -mat, assembled in conjunction with (in.); cs. unite gaya, m. house ; h o u s e h o l d ; family ;
a. radiant; m. sun; -malin, m. sun. any one (ac.) with (in. or lc.). ud, rise; go N. of a Rishi, a mtn., and (pi.) of a people;
forth, appear; spread : pp. proceeding from -spb£na, a. conferring prosperity on the
gabh-ira, a. abysmal, u n f a t h o m a b l e ; household.
(ab. or. - ° ) ; having appeared; widespread;
deep; dense, impervious; extensive; inex-
cs. cause to come forth, suck (milk), abbiud, | g a y a , / . N. of a place of pilgrimage.
haustible ; secret, inscrutable: - m or ad. rise (moon); go forth to meet (ac.); consent
r | U G A M , I . g a m a and I I . g a n - t i ( F . ) ; to (ac.). praud, rise up, project, pr^tiud, «l«H|cjlM gaya-kfipa, m. N. of a well near
^ I. g&kkha,go, move, walk; depart; die; advance to meet (pp. with act. and ps. my.); G a y a ; -.siras, n. N.of a mtn.; western horizon.
pass, elapse; traverse; betake oneself to, come forth or appear again ; set out for (ac.
reach, obtain (ac., d., lc.); fall or recoil on orlc.). sam-ud,come forth,appear, upa,ap- g a r _ a , a. swallowing ( - 0 ) ; m. drink,
(ac.); have sexual intercourse with (ac.); per- proach, go to, visit; reach, befall (g.); come fluid; poison (sts. n.): -gfir, a., -girn&, pp.
ceive, recognise(p:. be understood or meant); across, find; have sexual intercourse with having swallowed poison; -da, m. poisoner.
attain, undergo, suffer: very often with ac. (ac.) ; fall into, obtain, incur (with abst. gara-la, n. poison.
nouns): pp. having betaken oneself to any
of an abst. N., when it may variously be
one's protection; accompanied by (-°); granted, garala-ya, A . become poison.
translatedby the passive, an intransitive verb
recognised; cs. cause to approach, abbiupa,
or the verb to become with the correspond- gar-i-man, m. w e i g h t ; dignity ;
approach, go to (ac.); admit, grant, assent
ing noun Qr adjective: vismayam gam, be power; -isbMa, spv. (of guru) greatly
to (ac.); cs. persuade any one (ac.) to assent,
amazed; n&sam perish; sudratvam - , swollen; -iyas, cpv. (of guru) very difficult;
sam-upa, approach; undergo, ni, appear;
become a Sftdra; krodham - , grow angry; better, more important or honourable, of more
arrive at, obtain; enter; have intercourse
pratipam - , resist (g.); dosbewa or dosha- account than (ab.); rather than (ab.); worse;
with; cs. put in. nis, go out, depart (from,
to accuse (ac.); m a n a s a betake oneself ab.), come forth, appear; go away,disappear; very important: -tva, n. weight, heaviness;
in thought to (ac.): pp. gata, q.v.; cs. gam- fall into, undergo: pp. freed from (ab. or importance.
aya, cause to go, bring, send, conduct (to, vi-nis, go out, come forth, depart; free one-
ac., d., lc.); cause to undergo; pass (time) ; garu d£, m. N. of a fabulous bird, son
self from (ab.); be beside oneself: pp. gone ofVinatd and,elder brother of Aruna, king
explain; produce the meaning of (ac.); desig- out; coming forth, issuing; free from (ab.).
nate; * induce.any one (ac.) to walk by means of the feathered race, vehicle of Vishnu or
para, go away, depart: pp. arrived; filled or
of any one (in.); des. grigamisba or gigamsa, Krishna; kind of battle-array; -m&nikya-
coSreped with (-°). pari, go or walk round;
P. wish or be about to g o ; intv. ganiganti, maya, a. of emerald; -vega, m. N.of a horse.
wand«i*;f>ver, traverse; surround, encompass;
visit, frequent. aJckhk, go to. ati, elapse; spread around ; depart, die; attain, undergo: garud&-ya, A . become Garurfa.
pass over, adhi, go to, approach, reach (pp. pp. surrounded by (- 0 ); extending or diffused
surrounded by: in.); have sexual intercourse w . g a r - u t , n. (?) w i n g : -mat, a', winged;
on all sides; dead; possessed by, filled with
with (ac.); take in hand; begin; obtain, ac- (in. or - ° ) ; experienced; learned from (ab.) ; m. GarueZa; bird.
quire ; espouse, marry; come upon, find; known; cs. pass (t\me). pra, depart; go to garga, m. N. of various men; 1, f . N.
find out; accomplish; learn, study, read; (ac.). prati, advance towards (ae.); return
des. wish to recover; A . wish to study, to (ac.). vi, disperse; depart, vanish, pass g^r-gar-a, m. whirlpool; 1 , / . churn.
sam-adhi, approach; acquire, obtain; learn, away : pp. deceased, dead; disappeared,
study, anu, follow, accompany, pursue; gone = -less; cs. pass (time), sam, A . (P.) G A R G , I. P . garga, roar ; thunder;
visit; cover from behind; take possession o f ; come together, assemble ; meet (as friend or ^ g r o w l ; hiss; twitter (with ac. of the
conform to, be guided b y ; imitate; be con- foe),unite with (in. + saha or sardham); have sound); boast, swagger, anu, roar after,
tained in (lc.); perform : pp. amenable, com- sexual intercourse w i t h ; assemble at (lc.); abbi, roar at (ac.). pari, scream, scold,
plaisant ; —conformable to, according to; accord, s u i t : pp. suitable; according with prati, answer (ac.) with a roar; resist; vie
imitated; dominated b y ; traversing; cs. ac- (-0); cs. bring together; unite (ac.) with with (in. or g.).
company. sam-anu, follow, antar, exclude gar^-a, m., -na, n. roar, din.
Jlf^rT gar^-ita. iTPSnX gandhara. 83

flf^Tl gary-ita, pp. n. id.; t h u n d e r ; boast- sure, blame, rail a t : pp. blamed, by (in.,g., g* g a h a n i - k r i , render inaccessible,
-°) ; contemptible, reprehensible, forbidden
ing : -rava, m. roar. (by, ab.), blameworthy (on account of, g d h - v a r a , a. (4, i ) ; n. = gahana.

^ garta, i.m. high chair, t h r o n e ; seat of a garh-ana, a. i n v o l v i n g reproach ; n- J J J i . G A , I I I . P. gtfga, go or come, to

war-chariot; car; 2.TO.n. hole; ditch; grave; blame, reproach (on the pairt of, in.): &,/. id.: or towards (ac., Ic.); follow; fall into, un-
canal. [holes. -to ya» incur blame (among, Ic.); -aniya,/». dergo (ac.). ati, pass by, elapse, v i a t i , pass,
blameworthy; -4,/.blame, reproach; -in, a. adhi, fall into, undergo; hit upon, resolve
garta&sraya, TO. animal l i v i n g in on (ac.) ; think of (ac., g.) ; gnly. A.: study;
blaming, railing at (-°); -ya, fp. blameworthy.
learn, from (ab.). anu, go after or in quest
T J ^ G A R D , I. P . garda, shout, e x u l t . J G A L , I. P . gala, drip, t r i c k l e down, of (ac.); go along (a road), follow, apa, go
\ drop ; fall or slip down, off or o u t ; dis- away ; depart or keep aloof from (ab.). abhi,
g&rd-a, a. hungry. appear: pp. galita, vanished, gone, lost (°-); go towards,approach (ac.); attain; undergo.
garda-bh&, m. a s s : i , / . s h e - a s s ; omitted, esp. of recurring passages left out approach, come to (ac.); appear; befall,
in the Pada text of the RV.; cs. galaya, abhij,, approach, go towards (ac.) ; befall;
(-bha)-ratha, m. car drawn by asses.
strain; liquefy, dissolve, melt, ava, fall off resolve to (inf.). npaji, approach, come to-
gardh-a,TO.g r e e d ; eagerness f o r ( - ° ) ; or down. 4, pp. fallen, sunk or flowed down, wards (ac.). anu-pariji, return again to (ac.).
-in, a. greedy; eager for, devoted to (- 0 ). nd, well forth; fall out. nis, pp. effused, dis- nd, rise (heavenly bodies), upa, approach;
tilled. pari, pp. tumbled down; sunk in(-°). fall into (ac.). nis, come forth, from (ab.);
giirbh-a, m. w o m b ; interior ( - 0 a. con- pra, drip down, vi, flow away, dry u p ; melt; depart from (ab.); go out of the house, pari,
taining - within); foetus, embryo; new-born fall o rfelipdown or off; slip out of (ab.); come go round; avoid; disregard, pra, go forward,
child; child; offspring, brood (of birds); con- to an end, disappear: pp. drained; dissolved; proceed, towards (ac.); depart from (ab.).
ception ; sprout: *-ka, to. wreath of flowers vanished, pra-vi, stream forth; disappear. apa-pra, goaway, depart, upa-pra, approach.
interwoven with the hair; -k4ma, a. desirous
ij^f g a l - a , to. throat, neck: -vartta, a. l i v i n g 7H 2. G A , t \ % G A I .
of the fruit of the womb; -k4ra, n. N. of a
Santra (producing fertility); -kala, m. time only for his throat ( = belly) ; -sundika* f
uvula: du. soft palate; -hasta, m. hand on a r F f gang-a, a. (i) b e l o n g i n g to the G a n g e s :
of pregnancy; -gata,^|>. lying in the womb;
-griha, -geha, n. inner apartment, bed- ( = seizure by) the throat. m. met. of Bhishma; -eya, -ya, m. id.
chamber; inner sanctuary containing the galita-ka, to. kind of dance or g e s - gactta, pp. (\/gah)bathed i n ; d e e p ; fast,
image of the deity; -graha, m., -grahana, ticulation ; -pradipa, m., -pradipika,/. Lamp tight, close; strong, vehement: or-m, ad. -ly;
n. conception ; -fcyuti,/. birth; -ta,/., -tva, of omitted passages, T.ofa work ; -vayas, a. -ta,/., -tva, n. depth; vehemence, intensity;
n. pregnancy; -d4sa, to. (i, f.) slave by birth whose youth is past, stricken in years, aged. -nidra,a. sound asleep; ^anur&gin, a.deeply
(Pr.); -dvadasa, m. pi. twelfth year after enamoured. [m. worshipper of Ganesa.
conception; -dhar4, a.f. pregnant; -dhar- galfina, m. N. of a man.
<M<UMrtJ garea-patya, a . relating to Ganesa;
atia, n. pregnancy; -purotf&sa, m. cake offered galla, TO. c h e e k . [gallaka).
during the pregnancy of a female animal ; T T ^ W ganesa, a. relating to G a n e s a ; TO.
-bhartn'-druh, a. injuring the foetus and g a l v a r k a , m . c r y s t a l ; c r y s t a l b o w l (also worshipper of Ganesa.
the husband; -bharman, n. nurture of the
g a v a , m. ox (only or i r r f ^ T e F gandiva, TO. n. Argfuna's bow:
foetus; -bbavana, n. inner sanctuary con-
taining the image of the deity; -bh&ra, m. -dhara, TO. ep. of An/una.
gava-y&,TO.species of ox (bos gavaeus) ;
burden of the womb : -to dhri, become preg- -la, m. buffalo. gandiva,TO.Argruna'sbow; -dhan-
nant; -xnandapa, m. inner apartment, bed- van,m.Ar^una, [space ;place, abode;welfare.
g a v a a k s h a , TO. (bull's eye), r o u n d
chamber ; -m&sa, to. month of pregnancy;
-rnpaka, m. young man; -lakshana, n. sign window, air-hole; (n. ?) N. of a lake: i-ta, * r r g I.g§.-tu,TO.( / . ) motion ; course, path ;
of pregnancy; -vati, a.f. pregnant; -vasati, pp. latticed (with, in.). [garding kine.
I T ^ 2. gfi-tii, TO. s o n g ; singer.
/., -visa, to. womb; -vesman, n. inner T n * p T g a v a a n r i t a , n. false testimony re-
chamber; lying-in room; -satana, n. causing <11 rj+ff^gatu-m5t, a. spacious, commodious,
of abortion; -samsravana, n. miscarriage; T ^ T T T T g a v a m - a y a n a , n. N. of a sattra ga-tri, TO. singer.
-samkarita, m. one of mixed extraction; lasting a whole year; (TO)-pati, m. bull (lord
-sambhava, to. conception ; -sanibhuti, f . of cows); lord of rays, ep. of the sun or Agni. i r T ^ g a - t r a , n. a. 4, i) l i m b ; b o d y ; w i n g .
id.; -stba, a. b e i n g in the w O m b ; -sthana, T ^ n p T g a v a a s a n a , to. tanner, shoemaker ; W P R i g a t r a - k a , n. b o d y ; -bhanga, to. bend-
n. womb; -sr&va, m. miscarriage. •^asva, n. cattle and horses; •^ah.nika,n.daily ing or stretching the limbs or the body;
^ T T T T g a r b h a j t g a r a , n. w o m b ; bed- allowance of fodder for a cow. -yashtt, / . delicate body (-° a. i ) ; -vat, a.
chamber ; lying-in room; inner sanctuary; having a beautiful body; -jinulepani, / . un-
i f ^ f S g£v-ish£i, a. desiring cows ; f . heat,
-jidi, a. beginning with conception; -j,dba- guent, paint. " [/. song, hymn.
ardour, fervour; eagerness for or heat of bat-
na, n. impregnation; a certain ceremony pre- ga-th^, TO. s o n g : -ka, m. s i n g e r ; i-ka,
ceding impregnation; ^ a s M a m a , TO. eighth gavi-shffta, TO. sun. [ t i e ; combat.
year after conception. T R T T ga-tha, / . h y m n , verse ; specifically
g a v i , / . I . c o w (only - ° ) ; 2. speech.
non-Yedic verse (in ritual works); versified
* r f j ^ g a r b h - i n , a. pregnant (also fig.), w i t h T ^ V ^ T c ^ g a v i d h u - m a t , n. N. of a town. portion ofBuddhistic siltras; a metre ( = arya).
(ac., in.)\ (n)-i,f. pregnant woman.
^ g a v a j s h , I. A. gavesha, X . P. A . gav- g&tha-ni, TO. precentor.
g a r b h a j s v a r a , to. hereditary sove- esbaya (look for cows), seek, search for (ac.). fit'V.gfith-fn, a. skilled in song; TO. sing-
reign : -t&) /., -tva, n. hereditary dominion.
g a v a e s h a n a , a. ardently desirous ; er ; N. of Visv&mitra'sfather; pi. his descend-
W ^ T ^ T g a r b h a e k a d a s a , m. pi. e l e v e n t h longing for battle; n. search; - esliin,a.seek- ants. [low, ford.
year after conception. ing gadh-6, a. fordable, s h a l l o w ; n. shal-
g a r m t i t , / . kind o / w i l d b e a n . i l ^ g x. gav-ya, den. desire cattle : only pr.
a n f ^ g&dhi, m. = g^thin, Visvamitra's
pt. g a v y a t : desiring cattle; ardently desir-
gar-va,TO.pride : -to k r i or ya, b e c o m e father: -ga, m.ep. of Visvamitra; -nanda-
ous ; eager for battle.
haughty: -gir, f . pi. haughty speeches, na, -putra, to. pat. of V i s v a m i t r a ; -pura,
vauntings. 2. gciv-ya (or -}'£), a. consisting of or re- n. ep. r/Kanyakuty/a; -sunn, m. pat. of Via-
lating to cattle; produced by a cow; n. herd
gadh-eya,TO.V i s v a m i t r a . [vamitra.
T^TST garVS-ya, den. A . behave h a u g h t i l y ; of cows; pasture; cow's milk.
ita, pp. haughty; proud of (in.,— 0 ), TT®T ga-na, n. song.
*I<3Jgav-yu,a.desiring cattle; eager forbattle.
T J ^ G A R H , I . ( P . ) A . g a r b a , X . (P.) A . ^ T ^ r t gandharv^i, a. ( / . g a n d h a r v i ) relat-
g ^ v y f t t i , / . pasturage, domain, dwell-
n garbaya, complain of anything (ac.) to ing to the Gandharvas; m. singer: pi. N. of
(d.); accuse, reproach, censure, blame; re- ing-place ; a measure of length ( = 2 krosas). a people; n. music, song: -vidy4,/. music ;
pent of (ac.): pp. garhita, blamed, by (in., g^h-ana, a. d e e p ; d e n s e ; impenetra- -vidhi, -vivaha,TO.Gandharva-marriage con-
g., Ic., - ° ) ; despised; blameworthy, repre- ble (also fig.) ; n. depth, abyss; thicket ; summated without any ceremony, by mutual
hensible, forbidden; despicable: - m , ad. badly, lurking-place; impenetrable darkness ; thick consent only j -s4l4,/. concert-room.
ni, I. A . speak slightingly of (d.). vi, cen- cluster: -tva, n. denseness; impenetrability. T P ^ n T gandhara, m. prince, i , / . princess,
M 2
84 gandhari. guraa-yukta.

of the Gandharis; third note in the musical gah-ana, n.immersion,bathing; -ani- I g u ngti,f.a small shrub; gun<$-berry:
scale. y a , f p . n. one must plunge. used as a measure of weight.
' I l ^ n f t gSndhSri, m. pi. N. of a people. f^PC G I R , girate, etc., v. ^ 1. gri, call. I j f ^ c T g u % - i t a , ( p p . ) n. humming,buzzing.
T T f ^ R i gandh-ika, m.vendor of p e r f u m e s ; a j f e c f i T g u f - i k a , / . p e l l e t ; pill; pearl:
2. G I R , f * I ^ G I L , v. 2. gri, swallow.
n. perfumes. •^angana, n. collyrium in globules; -pata, m.
f T X 3. gfr, / . c a l l ; voice ; speech ; word ; fall of the ball, casting lots; ^astra, n. bow
1*1*1. gam-in, a. g o i n g anywhere (ad.,
praise; hvmn : in. on the advice, in the name discharging clay pellets.
prati, or *ac.); gnly. going,mo ving, walking
(in, to, like); having sexual intercourse with; J j ^ gurfa, to. b a l l ; molasses ; pill: pi. N.
reaching or extending to ; devolving on ; be- f^T^ 4- gir, «* swallowing ( - 0 ) . of a people: -ka, m. ball; -gihvika .
fitting, behoving; obtaining; directed to ; re- to. the manner of sugar and the ton j
lating to. fTX i- gira, a. = gir, voice. but fleeting impression, opinion mv
f^PC 2 - g i f a ! _0 a^- = giri, m o u n t a i n . ing itself for the moment; -pishfa, n. pastry
g a m b h i r - y a , n. depth ; profound- made offlower andsugar; *-dban4,/.^i. grains
ness ; dignity, sereneness. f T f T gii'-i, m. [the h e a v y ] , mountain. of corn with sugar; -maya, a. (i) consisting
T R I gS-ya, i . a. striding; 2. m. s o n g ; 3 . a . of sugar; -sarkara,/. sugar; (&)-kesa,m. ep.
f ^ l f X g j ^ X giri-kuhara, n. mountain cave ;
relating to Gaya. -ksbit, a. dwelling on mountains ; -&akra- ^jfla^iT gud-ika, / . pill. [o/Arpna,
' U q c R g&y-aka, m. singer ; i , / . songstress. vartin, m. prince of mountains, the Hima-
l a y a ; -&ara, a. mountain-roaming; m. wild guc?audaka, n. sugar-water.
gaya-tr£, m. n. s o n g , h y m n ; a. r e - elephant; -ga, a. mountain-born: a, f . gudaodana,n .boiled rice with suffar.
lating to or composed in gayatri. daughter of the mountain, ep. of P a r v a t i ;
-nadi, f . mountain stream ; -tra, a. moun- iJXJT gun-a, TO. strand, thread, strii
I f R T W t gaya-tri, f . a metre; the g&yatri tain-ruling, ep. of Siva; -durga, a. inac- w i c k ; bow-string ; lute-string; spei i . n
verse ( R V . I I I . lxii. 10). cessible owing to mountains; n. hill-fort; stituent of policy (of which there ar< >f> u,
-dbatu, m. pi. mountain ores ; -nadika, f . four),subordinate element, accessory: sr.-mi
T T T T g^y-ana, m- public s i n g e r ; n. song.
mountain brook; -nadi,/. =giri-nadi; -pati, ary dish,seasoning; remote object (oj'n nrli-,
gSrurfa,«. h a v i n g the form of, refer- m. king of mountains, lofty mountain; -pri- property, quality; elemental qualiiv •
ring to or coming from Garu<?a; n. emerald. sh£Aa,n. mountain ridge; -prapata, to. preci- feeling, colour, taste, smell); fuiul um ntal
pice ; -prastba, m. mountain plain, plateau; quality (sattva, rar/as, tamas); good <1-1%.
<11 ^(H n garutmata, a. referable or sacred to
-bbid, a. mountain-piercing; -rag, m. king virtue,merit,excellence; higli degreeuf
Garurfa: w. a.man, emerald (as an antidote). excessive); external articulation (of Iell<r«l;
of mountains, lofty mountain; -vasin, a.
1*4 g a r g - y a , m.pat.from G a r g a ; N.: -ky&- dwelling in the mountains ; -sk, a. dwelling first strong grade of vowels (a,ar, al, e, 0;; time
in the mountains, ep. of jSlva; -sbad, a. sit- (with numerals)', multiple: almost a iwayt - >
na, m. pat. from Gargya ; N. of a teacher.
ting on mountains (Rudra); -sbZAfi, a. = a. after numerals = -fold (lit. having so miaj
<1 ^ gartsamad-a, a. referring to G n t - giri-vasin; -suta, f . daughter of the moun- strands), so many times as much as or more
samada; m. pat. descendant of Gritsamada. tain, ep. of Parvati. than (in. or ab.).
T T ^ T g&rdabha, a. referring to an a s s ; g i r i j n d r a , TO. lord of m o u n t a i n s ?J<{j«t) g u « a - k a , a. quality.
drawn by asses (yana). = high mountain; - J m , TO. lord of mountains,
gnna-• karman, n.
great mountain ; ep. of <S'iva.
1 T 3 ? gSrddh-ya, n. greed. secondary action; remote object (///. ; -ka-
gir-vanas, a. rejoicing in praise. lusba, n. coalescence of the three J'tiiuk-
T T ' t garbha, a. b o r n from a w o m b ; refer- mental qualities; -kritya, n. fiuictinn of a
ring to an embryo, performed during preg- fr^gil, fafe gilati, etc., v. T 2. gr%, b o w - s t r i n g ; -gana, m. multitude o f excel-
nancy ; i-ka, a. relating to the womb, uterine. swallow. ^ lences ; -grtbya, a. appreciating excellence!;
-grabana, n. recognition of merit, eulogy;
gSrhapaM, n. dignity of a house- ij^fJ gi-td,, pp. ( V g a i ) n. s o n g : -ka, n. id.; -grama, to. multitude of virtues; -grahfa,!
holder. -ksbama, a. capable of being sung; -go- a. appreciating merit; -gbatin, a. detract-
vinda, n. Krishna in song: T. of an idyllic ing from merit; -kkheda, m. breaking of the :
T i f W garhapat-ya, a. (sc. agni) house-
drama; -nritya, n. song and dance ; -vad- rope and disappearance of virtue; -;/»a, a.
holder's (western sacred) fire; m. n. its place;
ana, n. song and (instrumental) music. recognising merits : - t k , f . abst. n. ; -tantra,
n. domestic authority ; household.
a. guided by virtue; -tas, ad. conf n
garhasth-ya, a. behoving a house- i f t f T T gi-ta, (pp.) f . song or p o e m contain- to the fundamental qualities ; with !• ^ ,nl m
holder ; n. position of paterfamilias or mater- ing an inspired doctrine, esp. the Bhagavad- good qualities; - t a , s u b o r d i D a t e i
familias; household. gita. cellence; -tyagin, a. forsaking virti- -'va.
^ r T T ^ T T g i t a J i f c S r y a , TO. teacher of singing, n. consistency of a rope; accessoriiii
garh-ya, a. domestic. lence; -deva, to. N. of a pupil of(
gSla, a. produced with t h e throat. gi-ti, / . song ; a metre : -^kvyk, /. a
gun-ana, n. panegyric, exaltation;
galana, ra, straining, clarifying. g i - t h a , / . song. [metre. -anika,/. repetition.

galava, m. N. of an old sage: pi. his gir-wa, pp. v ' g r t , s w a l l o w . g U r f i T f a guna-nidhi, TO. treasury of virtue,
descendants. [-mat, a. using execrations. very virtuous man; -baddba,^p. bound with
*Fl<5 II^ g i r - v a n a , to, [probably—V. girva-
ropes and captivated by virtues; -bhadra,»i,
g^li ,fpl- e x e c r a t i o n : -dana, n. a b u s e ; n a s ] g o d : -vartman, n. sky.
N. of an author ; -bbajr, a. possessing inerita;
T T ^ t gali, / . pi. = gali. 7J 1. GU, only intv. f/6 gave and g6gnvana, -bbuta,^>p. subordinate, dependent,^
cause to sound, proclaim. -maya, a. consisting of threads, fiL.
G A H , I . A . (P.) plunge or dive into, tuous; based on the fundamental qualities.
JJ 2 * gu, a. coming, g o i n g (~°).
^ bathe in, enter; fall into or be plunged in
guna-ya, den. P . multiply: pp. gu».
(ac.): pp. gkdha, q.v. ava or va, dive, plunge, 3J 3. g u , a. = go, o x , c o w ; e a r t h ; r a y .
ita, multiplied, by (in. or - ° ) ; increased by,
penetrate, betake oneself, into (ac.); fathom,
g u g g u l u , m, (C.), n. fragrant g u m , filled with (- 0 ).
comprehend: pp. used for bathing i n ; im-
mersed or plunged in, having penetrated into resin, bdellium. «J*!J«JfB g u n a - y u k t a , pp. tied to a i
(ac., g., lc., -°); lying deep; deeply impressed; gufigu, m. N.of a man: pi. his descend- endowed with virtues; -raga, tu. i'lyln
hidden; vanished, nd, emerge: pp. exces- in virtues; -vatana, m. n. adjective; .vat,
sive, violent; overflowing with (- ). pra, ants; n , f . the personified new moon. a. furnished with a thread; having the
pp. advanced, late (time), prati, betake g u M ^ a , to. s h r u b ; b u n c h , cluster of elemental qualities; possessing good quali-
oneself into (ac.). vi, bathe in, plunge, pene- blossoms : -ka, to. (?) id. ties, virtuous, excellent: -t&,/. possession of
trate, betake oneself, into (ac., lc.)-, pierce; v i r t u e s ; -varman, to. N.; -va^aka, a. ex-
obtain; be engrossed in, ponder; fall (night): ' I ^ s l G U i V G , I . P . gnnga,, h u m , b u z z . pressing a quality; -sata-mlin, a. possessing
kaksb&m - , = be a match for (g.) : pp. hav- O N hundreds of virtues; -rabda, m. adjective;
ing begun or entered, abbi-vi, penetrate. J i j ^ gun<?-a, m. h u m m i n g , b u z z i n g . -samynkta, pp. endowed with good quali-
j|U||oh< guwakara. ^PT^T gribha-ya. 85
uin; -samsk&ra,quality and preparation; g u r = g u s , 3 pi. aor. of gS. danda, m. blackmail, apa, conceal, ava,
-sawpanna, pp. endowed with good quali- cover, hide ; embrace, upa, cover, conceal;
ties ; -sagara, m. a perfect ocean of virtues; g u r - u , a . (v-x) h e a v y ; heavier than (ab.); wind round; embrace, ni, cover, conceal:
-hani,/. lack of virtues ; -hina, pp. devoid great, large; violent, serious, hard, severe; pp. hidden, secret: and -m, ad. privately;
of virtues. weary, sad(<f<M/s); important,weighty,of much cs. guhaya, hide, conceal, vi, pp. concealed;
account; venerable; prosodically long; TO.
guwa fikara, m. mine of v i r t u e s ; g u h , / . hiding-place. [disguised.
venerable or highly respected person: father,
• aguwa, m. pi. virtues and faults; ^JWAya, mother, or elder relative, esp. teacher : du. ^ ^ g u h - a , m. ep. of S i v a and of S k a n d a ;
m. N.of apoet; -antara, n. another quality: parents; pi. parents and other venerable per- N. of a king of Nishdda: -Sandra, -sena,
•m vraj7 = attain superior excellence: - adha- sons, also teacher (pi. of respect) ; chief of (g. m. names of merchants.
Uft, ». contributing something on one's own pi. or
part ^caring for (g.); ^anvita, pp. endowed a j ^ T guh-§., f . hiding-place, cave ; fig. in-
with good qualities; auspicious (constella- g u r u - k a r m a n , n. affair of the most heart: in. guh&,, in hiding, in secret:
tion) ; ^abhil&shin, a. desirous of virtues. teacher; -karya,n. important business; -kula, esp. with dha or kri, conceal, hide ; remove.
* * n. teacher's house: -vasa, m. sojourn in a
j i y i ^ guraa-ya, den. A . become a merit. teacher's house, tutelary stage inaBrdhman's J^TTf^T g u h S - s a y a , a. dwelling in lurking-
life; -krt'ta, pp. made much of, lauded; places or caves ; abiding in secret or in the
guwa&laya, m. abode of ( = pos- -kratn, TO. great sacrifice; -gr? ha, n. pre- heart; -hita, pp. dwelling in secret or in
sessor of many) virtues; -Jlsraya, TO. id. ceptor's house; -r/ana, TO. venerable person, the heart.
father, mother, parents ; -talpa, m. teacher's g u h - y a , / p . to be concealed, hidden, or
jfJjTTT guw-i-tS, f . possession of virtues ;
conjugal b e d ; violation of one's preceptor's kept secret; hidden, secret, mysterious : -m,
-in, a. furnished with a thread or rope; pos-
bed: -ga, -gamin, a. defiling a teacher's ad. secretly; silently; n. secret; mystery ;
sessing virtues; consisting of parts; having
conjugal bed, -abhigamana, n. violation pudenda.
qualities; auspicious (day); having the vir-
of one's teacher s bed ; -talpin, a. = -talpa-
tues <>f (-0); m. object; (i)-liiiga, a. having g u h y a - k a , m. kind of demigods,
ga ; -ta,/. heaviness ; importance; dignity;
i h< mier of the substantive. guardians of Kubera's treasure (generally
condition of a teacher; -tva, n. id.; proso-
i j i l j l ^ gu?<i-bhti, subordinate oneself to dical length: -ka, n. heaviness; -darsana, distinguished from the Yakshas).
(g.): pp. -bhuta, at the disposal of (g.); be- n. sight of one's teacher; -dara, m. teacher's
*t<g gudha, pp. (1/guh) n. m y s t e r y ; secret:
come subordinate or meaningless. wife; -dhnr, /. pi. severe task ; -patni, f .
Jc. secretly ;-£aturtha-pada-prahelik&-pra-
teacher's wife ; -pugk, f . reverence towards
* ! < ! ! ) g u r e a u t k a r s h a , m. superiority in dana, n. propounding a riddle in which the
a teacher; -prasa,danxya,//>. obliging to one's
virtues; superior merits; ^ntkrish/a, pp. fourth pada is concealed; -/;ara, m. spy;
teacher ; -prasuta, pp. permitted or bidden
superior in good qualities, better. -A-arin, a. going about secretly or disguised ;
by elder relatives; -bharya,/. teacher's wife.
-ga,, a. begotten in secret (not by the husband);
IJXJ5 GVNTH, X . P . guw^Aaya, c o v e r : a j ^ p n guru-laghu-t£i,/. great and little - t a , f . secretness: in. secretly; -tva, n. id.;
O ^pp; guwtfAita, covered, with (in. or value; -laghava, n. importance and insig- -pada, a. whose feet are covered with (-°) ;
ava, id.: gd. -gnn(Aya, veiling the head. nificance, relative value ; -loka, TO. powerful -purusha, m. spy; -maithuna,m. secret copu-
men; -vat, ad. like a preceptor ( = nm. or Ic.); lation ; -vasati, f . dwelling in secret.
gunfA-ana, n., a, f . covering, with
-v&sa, m. sojourn with a preceptor, pupilage;
(in. or [abst. .v.
-vritti, f . (proper) behaviour towards one's 4|<g|4||< gficZAaagara, re. prison ; -artha,
<J1!?I g\\n-y&,fp. to be multiplied : -tva, n. teacher : -para, a. intent on one's teacher; m. hidden or mystical meaning ; a. having a
-sttsrusha,/. obedience towards one's teacher; hidden or mystical meaning ; -asaya, a. con-
Jp^f *gutsa,TO.pearl necklace of 32 s t r i n g s : cealing his purpose; -jxtpanna,^/). begotten
-susriishu, a. obedient to one's teacher; -sa«
*-ardha, rn. pearl necklace of 24 strings. khi, f . female friend of an elder relative; in secret (not by the husband).
gud£, m. (re.) g u t ; anus: (a)-^a, m.n. pi. -samnidhi, rn. presence of the teacher; -sam- g&r-area, n. blame, reproach.
avaya, m. plurality of teachers; -strx-gam-
JJ^Tguda,/. entrails. [hemorrhoids. anxya, fp. relating to adultery with a teach- TJTjf gtirna, ^ gfirta, pp. of gur.
gundra, m., a , / , names of plants. er's wife.
g u r - t f , / . praise, approbation, flattery.
1. G U P (no pr. st.) guard, protect, from gur7ara, m. G u j e r a t ; i, f . id. ZLS gfirda, m. leap, b o u n d .
(ab.); preserve ; keep secret, conceal: pp. g u r u a r t h a , 1. m. important matter ;
gupita (F.) and gupt&, q.v.; inf. gopitum; affair concerning one's teacher; preceptor's t l j ^ i l gfirdhdya, P. praise.
des, yugupaa, (P.) A . be on one's guard fee: - m , ad. for one's parents or teacher; ^ guh, v. \/guh.
against(«6.); avoid,disdain,abhor; reproach: 2. a. begging for one's teacher.
'/ugTipsita, pp. abhorred ; ^abhorring (ab.). ^ ^ • T gfth-ana, n. concealment.
adhi, pp. protected by (-°). anu, pp. 3jfejl!J^gurv-im,/. p r e g n a n t woman; a metre.
guarded; concealed, abhi, pp. protected. ^ GRI, v. W T ^ GAGRI. [onion or garlic.
^ q T t l ^ g u r v i - s a k h i , / . female friend of an
' tun, pp. id.; concealed. gring-SL,m.aplant; -ana: -ka,m. kind of
elderly female relative.
gup, a. guarding, preserving ( - ° ) . ^fTJJt^gri-w-at, (pr.pt.of V1. gri) m. singer.
3J<jf gula, m. ( = g u d a ) molasses.
Jfl' gup-ttf, pp. guarded, protected ; con- grz't-sa, a. [ e a g e r : \/gn'dh] nimble ;
^Jpslcnl g u l - i k a , / . p e l l e t ; b a l l ; pearl; pill,
cealed, secret: with danda,— blackmail: -m, dexterous, clever: -mada, m. N. of a Eishi:
ai. secretly, privately; n. secret place: Ic. in g u l - g u l - u , n. bdellium. pi. his descendants.
concealment; m. N. of several kings: often g u l p h a , m. ankle; - d a g b n a , pp. reach-
in the names of Vaisyas. 7 7 ^ 1 GRIDH, I V . P . gredhya, stride o u t ;
ing to the ankles; - d v a y a s a , a. id.
® ^ be greedy, desire vehemently (ac., Ic.) :
ipT^R gupta-dhana, n. m o n e y hoarded ;
<|trlh4| g u l p h a - y a , P . a c c u m u l a t e : ^ , g u l p h - pp. gnd-dha, greedy; eager for (Ic.).
a. hoarding his money ; -sila, a. wily, crafty,
i t a , n. — gushpita, q. v. ^ ^ grtdh-nii, a . q u i c k , h a s t y ; g r e e d y , eager
cunning; -Jiryaka, m. N. of a prince.
g u l m a , m. (n.) shrub, b u s h ; company (for,Zc.,-°); (u)-ta,/. greed; eagerness for (- c ).
Ijffl gup-ti,/. preservation; concealment; of soldiers, kind of mixed troop (consisting of
protection; defences. [ing. gr»'dh-ya, a. coveted.
9elephants,9 chariots,27 horses,and45,foot);
i f q r l guma-gumayita, (pp.) n. b u z z - diseased swelling of the abdomen: -ka, m. N . g r i d h - y a , / . g r e e d ; eagerness for (-°);
of a Brahman. -yin, a. greedy; eager for (- 0 ).
T T H f j G U M P H , V I . P . gumpha, t w i n e ;
«|«jl<=h g u v a k a , m. betel-nut tree, [lation. JfST g m l h - r a , a. id.; m. (i,f.) v u l t u r e : -kn/a,
^ N string together : pp. gumphita; cs.
gumphaya, id. ajfwjl'd g u s h p i t a , n. c o n f u s e d mass; a c c u m u - TO. N. of amountain (vulture-peak); -dnshfr,
___ A a. vulture-eyed; -pati, -ray, -raya, m. vul-
ITT GUR, VI. (P.) A. gurate: simple verb 3J^g-us, V. 3 pi. aor. \/gk, g o . ture-king, ep. of Ga.ta.ju.
only in pp. gurta, welcome, pleasing,
apa, disapprove; threaten, ava, threaten, T I S f G U H , I . g u h a , conceal, c o v e r ; k e e p G j R I B H , v. GRABH.
assault (d., Ic.): gd. -gurya. a, approve, as- ^ X secret: pp. g w M a (guiAa), covered; dis-
5J3T grihh-i, TO. h a f t , handle.
sent to (ac.); pronounce the £gur. nd, pp. guised ; invisible; secret: - m , a d . privately,
-g&rna, raised threateningly; lilted up. privily, secretly: with p u r n s h a , m. spy; with ^pr^f g r i b h d - y a , den. P . grasp, seize.
86 spTTO gnbha-ya. tfTTO gopa-ya.

i p r R T gribha-yd, den. P . grasp, anu, show grihajsvara,TO.master of the h o u s e ; (g., -°); perceptible; used in the sense of (lc.):
x, f . housewife ; -jidyana, n. garden belong- -gate,,pp. come into contact with (g.) ; ^an-
favour to (ac.). ud, cease (to rain), sam, take
ing to the house; ^upakarana, n. household tara-gata, pp. being in the power of (g.).
Jjf*T g n b h - i , a. containing (g.). [ u p , seize. utensils or furniture. g o £ a r i - k r i , bring into t h e sphere
^ p f f a g r i b h - i t a , pp. of V g r a b h . ^ ^ T 1. g r f h - y a , ^ . t o be seized ; percepti- of; gain possession of. [browse like cattle.
ble ; siding with, closely connected with (-°). go-&ary&,/. m a n n e r of k i n e : -m kri,
g r i s h - f i , / . heifer, y o u n g cow t h a t has
calved once ; young female animal (-°). ^TfJ" 2. g r i h - y a , a. d o m e s t i c ; m. domestic
fire: pi. domestics, household; n. domestic *ft5TT<T go-gata, pp. b o r n in the starry sky.
g n h , a. seizing, c a r r y i n g a w a y (~°).
ceremony; domestic rule; -karman, n. domes- 3Ttl5[ gona, m. o x ; s a c k : g a s m a n , m. kind
grth-6, m. [ w h o t a k e s and h a n d s ] , ser- tic rite; -sutra, n. sfttra on domestic rites. of precious stone.
vant; m. (V.),n. [that which contains], ho use,
*J341 g r i h - y a , f . domestic rites a n d t h e rules 4(11!^ gorada, m. N. of a (despised) people.
abode: q/ltenpZ.premises; temple of (agod),
treating of them.
arbour of (a plant); m. pi. household, family; T t t f T g o - t a m a , m. N. of a RisAi (pi. his
wife; n. sign of the zodiac; astrological man- Tf 1. G R I , I X . gri-wa, -ni, -n (also with ps. descendants); the biggest o x ; N. of the
sion ; square on a draught-board. £ meaning); YI. gira (with sam), invoke, founder of the Ny&ya system of philosophy.
call; praise; utter; recite; proclaim; relate,
griha-kapota, m. domestic p i g e o n ; go-trd, n. c o w s h e d ; house = race or
anu, join in praising ; answer ; *agree with
-karma-kara, TO. domestic; -karma-dasa, family; surname; name; (gr.) grandson or
(d.). abbi, approve ; praise. 4, praise, laud,
m. domestic slave; -karman, 11. household pratia, answer, pra, praise, sam-pra, even later descendant (if the earlier genera-
affair; -k&raka, m. carpenter; -karin, to. name, prati, invoke, salute; respond to (d.); tions from the common ancestor are extinct);
kind of wasp; -karya, n. household affair; *agree with (d.). sam, agree; promise (d.); patronymic suffix (gr.).
-kritya, ». id.; kind of t a x ; - g u p t a , (pp.) accept (aw true), assert. g o t r a - k a , n . r a c e ; family n a m e ; -kar-
to. N.; -kkM&rtk, n. hole or weak point in
t r i , TO. founder of a family; -k&rin, a. found-
the house; -<ya, a. bom in the house; -^rana, I T 2. G R / , Y I . A . g i r a , P . gila, I X . P . «ri-
C na (with ni, sam), swallow, devour: pp. ing a family; -g&, a. born in the same raaBf;
m. family; -gkta, pp. born in the house;
girna. ud, vomit; eject; pour o u t ; utter, of high lineage; m. blood-relation; -n&man,
-d&ru, ». beam of a house; -d&ha, m. con-
burst out with (ac.): pp. caused, produced, n. family name; -ptavara, TO. chief of a fa-
flagration; -dipti, f . light ( = ornament) of
ni, swallow down, devour; absorb, appro- mily, prime ancestor: -dipa, TO., -nirwaya,
the house; -devatJi,f. pi. domestic deities;
priate. sam, devour. TO., -ma^r/ari,/. titles of works; -bha^, a. be-
-dv&ra, n. house-door; -nadik&, f . drain of
longing to the family; -bhid,a. bursting open
a house; -nirvaha, to. housekeeping; -pa,
^HSgcR gewdu-ka, m . * p l a y i n g - b a l l ; pillow. the cowshed; destroying families, name-de-
to. guardian of the house; (a)-pati, m. master
stroying; TO. ep. of Indra (who releases the
of the house, paterfamilias; ep. of A g n i ; one g e - y a , / / j . t o b e s u n g ; *singing(<7.); n.
cows = rain-clouds from, the stronghold of
who has precedence at a Sattra; village song; buzzing, humming. Vvitra); -riktha, n. du. surname and heri-
magistrate; -pata, to. collapse of a house;
geshna, TO. j o i n t ; also = u d g i t h a . tage: ^am«a-bhagin, a. assuming the family
-p&la, to. guardian of the house; -poshana,
surname and coming into one's share of the
n. maintenance of the household ; -ball, to. geh-£, n. house, d w e l l i n g : du. house inheritance; -vrata, n. family l a w ; -sthiti,
domestic offering: -bhu$r, to. bird that feeds
and body; -ini, f . housewife, spouse. f . id.; mountain-like stability.
on the domestic offering (sparrowsT crows,
and other birds); -bbartri, m. master of the g e h i - y a , d e r a , P . t a k e ( a c . ) for a house. T t T T W g o t r a J k h y a , / . patronymic (gr.);
house; -bbo^in, m. member of the house- - a n t a , 1. to. destruction of families or moun-
hold; -medba, i. to. domestic sacrifice; 2. G A I , I. P . ( A . ) gaya, II. P . gk, sing,
tains ; 2. a. havihg a patronymic suffix; to.
a. performing or taking part in the domestic chant, celebrate in song (ac.); proclaim in
sacrifices; to. householder, paterfamilias; verse (ac.) ;sing to (d.) ;sing before (ac.); ps.also
-medbin,a.ir?.;TO.marriedBr&hman house- be called : pp. gita, sung, chanted; cs. gapa- i f t W go-tvd, n. condition of a cow.
holder (second stage in Ms religious life): ya, cause to sing or praise; intv. gegiyate, sing
aloud; be sung, anu, sing in harmony with go-da, -dSt, a. g i v i n g cows or cattle;
-1 , f . Br&hman housewife. k, f . N. of a river; -d&na, n. gift of cows;
(ac.): pp. see s. v. abbi, sing to, invoke (ac.);
griha-yantra, n. house flagstaff; enchant with song (ac.). ava, pp. oft repeated, whiskers; kind of ^ceremonyperformed on the
- r a k s b a , f . protection of the house ; -vat, a. trite ; detested, loathsome, k, sing to (ac.); whiskers.
possessing a house; to. householder; -vasa, obtain by singing, ud, strike up, chant (esp. in I « ( 0 g o - d a - v a r i , / . (cow-bestowing),
TO.domestic life; householder stage; -aikba»f7- liturgy); celebrate in song (ac.) ; sing to (ac.).
in, m. domestic peacock; -#uka, m. domestic N. of a river in the Deccan.
praud, begin to sing, upa, sing to (ac., d.,
parrot; house poet; -samvesaka, to. archi- lc.); sing before (ac.); celebrate in song: pp. ^ f t ^ ^ g o - d u h (nm. -dbuk), TO. cow-milker,
tect ; -saswrtha, a. living in one's own house; also with act. meaning; having begun to sing, cowherd; -doha,TO.: -na, n. milking of cows.
m. householder; -sara, to. (household) goods ni, accompany with song; sing, chant, pro-
and chattels; -sarasa, m. tame Indian crane; g o - d h a , to. N. of a people; f . bow-
claim. pra, begin to sing; celebrate in song:
-stha, a. dwelling in the house of ( - 0 ) ; to. string ; lute-string; leather guard (on bow-
pp. chanted; singing, vi, pp. inconsistent,
married Br&hman householder: &, f . Br&h- man's left arm) ; kind of lizard; -dhana, n.
contradictory, sam, sing together: pp. s. v.
man housewife; -stha-ta, f . condition of a property in cattle; herd of cattle; cattle-
Brdhmcm householder. gairika, » . red c h a l k : rarely k,f. station ; to. N.; -dhara, to. kind of lizard.
<Jt£ I «I <1 g r i h a j g a t a , pp. entering the h o u s e ; T t go, m. o x , b u l l ; c o w ' s m i l k (gnly. pi.); ^ f t f ^ R i T g o d h - i k a , f . kind of lizard.
^kJckra,TO.domestic usage; duty of a house- ox-hide; thong: pi. host of heaven, stars;
g o - d h u m a , m. [earth-exhalation],
holder to hit guest; •j.r/ira, n. court-yard; rays ; f . cow; earth; speech.
wheat (gnly. pi.); -narda, a. roaring like a
- arambha, m. building a house; -jurtha, g o - a g r a , a. h a v i n g cattle as the chief
m. household duties; ^asrama, m. house- b u l l ; m. N. of a king; pi. N. of a people;
thing, consisting chiefly of cattle; -&$rana, a. -nas&, -n&sa, f . snout of a cow.
holder stage in a Br&hman's life. meant for driving cattle.
grih-in, a. possessing a h o u s e ; m. go-pa, TO. c o w h e r d (a mixed caste);
go-karna, m. c o w ' s e a r ; kind of ante- guard, watcher; ep. of K r i s h n a ; 1, /. herds-
householder: (n)-i,f. housewife, spouse. lope; N. of a place of pilgrimage sacred to man's wife, cowherdess, milkmaid; female
gn'h-ita, pp. g r a b : -&iMa, a,hewing S iva; Siva, worshipped in Gokarna; N. of a watcher.
taken to all the quarters, dispersed in all direc- king; -karman, n. tending of cows; (g6)-
tions : -naman, a. bearing the name, called. kama, a. desirous of cows; -kula, n. herd of i f t x r f T i go-pati, m. lord of herds, leader,
cattle; cattle-pen ; N. of a temple; -kshira, ruler; b u l l ; moon; ep. of Krishna.
^ J t f l f H ^ ! ^ g r i h i t a a k s h a r a , a. remembering n. cow's milk; -ghna, a. destroying cattle; to.
i f t ^ T g o - p a t h a ,TO.cow-path, cow-pasture;
the exact words of (g.), Pr. cow-killer; -bandana, n. kind of sandal-
wood : a, f . kind of leech. title of a Br&hmana of the Atharva-veda:
^ J t f l f f l grih-iti, f . grasping, t a k i n g (the -br&hmana, n. id.
hand); raising (tribute); perceiving; taking go-£ara, TO. (cow-pasture), sphere of
gop-ana, n. protection, preservation;
to mean. [ing. action, province; dwelling; reach, ken, view,
range; horizon; familiar matter (to, g.) ; a. concealment; keeping secret: a, f . protection.
^ J ^ l ^ g r i h i - b h f t , become a house or dwell-
being or dwelling in or on, relating to, within gopa-ya, den. protect, guard, pre-
g r i h - i i , m. [ t a k e r of a gift], beggar. reach of, accessible to, being in the power of serve ; conceal, keep secret: pp. gopita, con-
gopay-i-tavya. ^Tf gfah. 87
cealed. pra, protect; conceal; sam, cover, -loman, n. cow's hair; -vadha, m. cow-kill- H i t ^ gm-^t, V. pr. pt. of V g a m .
conceal. [cealed. ing ; -vardhana, m.N. of a mountain near
Mathurd held up for seven days by Krishna JUTI^gm-an, V. yd pi. impf. of *Jgam.
j f t r r f a f l S l gopay-i-tavya, fp. to be con- for the purpose of sheltering cows threatened
gopa-vgpha, a. dressed as a cowherd. by Indra; N. of an author; ep. of Krishna; ITRTT g n u i , / . earth : only ab. g. gmas.
-vjtfa, m. cow-pen; -v&la, TO. C O W ' S hair; a. G R A T H , T p W G R A N T H , I X . P.
jft^T go-pa, m. herd; watcher, p r o t e c t o r ; (i) having cow's hair; -vasa, m. cow-pen; x grath-n£, -ni, -n, tie, connect; compose:
f . female watcher. -vid, a. procuring cattle; -vinda, m. ep. of
pp. grathita, strung, bound, wreathed, woven;
Krishna or Vishnu: -racjra,TO.N. of a com-
i r t c r r o ^ T X gopaagrahara, m. pi. N. of joined; studded with ( - 0 ) ; intricate (plot).
mentator on Manu, -svamin, m. N. of a
various Agraharas; ^aditya, m. N. ofa king nd, tie u p ; loosen, untie, vi, tie together,
Brahman; -vrisha, m. bull; -vrishana, TO.
of Cashmere ; ^adri, m. N. of a mountain. sam, id.
scrotum of a bull; -vra^a,TO.cow-pen; -sa-
^ H gopa-y;l, den. protect, guard, pre- krit, n. cow-dung; -sala, f . cow-shed; -sir- g r a t h - a n a , n. c o n n e x i o n ; intricacy:
serve ; conceal. [tection. sha,TO.N. of a serpent demon; n. kind of a, f . tying, uniting; -aniya, fp. to be joined
sandal-wood: -ka, id.; -srihga, n. cow-horn; or united.
*F)mt(*l gopay-ana, a. protecting; n.pro-
TO. N. of a mountain.
v f a ^ g r a t h - i n , a. (knotty), unintelligible.
go-pfil2, m. cowherd ; (protector of
earth), king; ep. of Krishwa; N.of a prince : g o * s v £ , n. sg. cattle and horses.
^ p S f granth-a, TO. k n o t ; composition; verse
(a) -ka, m. cowherd; ep. 0 / K r i s h n a ; N.ofa (of 32 syllables); treatise, book ; text, word-
^ f t U go-sh*M,TO. cow-shed, cow-pen, s t a b l e ;
prince; i-k&, f . wife of a cowherd; -kesava,
meeting-place; n. kind of sraddha. ing ; chapter; -ana, n. connecting, tying.
m, N.of a statue of K r i s h n a ; -pura, n. N.
of a town; -m&tha,»». N. ofa college; -var- ^ f^cft gosh£A-ika, a. less correct form of granth-f, TO. k n o t ; k n o t in a garment
man, m. N.of a king of Cashmere. gaushfAika: -karman, n. negotiation for a for keeping money, etc.; joint: -ka, m.
company; -sraddha, n. kind of sraddha. narrator, rhapsodist; astrologer; -£Medaka,
JprftrT go-pitta, n. cow's gall ( f r o m which
m. cut-purse.
a yellow pigment is said to be obtained); -pi- ^ g l go-sh^Ai, f . assembly, c o m p a n y ; fel-
tha, m. 1. draught of milk ; 2. protection ; lowship, conversation: -ka, a. id.; -ban- ^ f ^ granth-in, a. reading b o o k s .
-puAMa, m. cow's tail; hind of monkey; dha, TO. social assembly; -y&na,n. carriage for ^ P ^ m j j e f i granthi-parnaka, n. (?) kind of
-pura, ». city-gate; gate. company. fragrant plant; -bheda, TO. cut-purse; -mat,
' f i f t ' s r g°P%j n dra, rn. chief of herdsmen, ' h f ^ i T T gosh^Ae-saya, a. sleeping i n a cow- a. tied, knit, entwined.
ep. of Krishna; m, id. shed. [puddle: fig. = mere trifle. T f p l F S granthi-la, a, k n o t t y .
*n JH^ gop-tavya,/p. to be guarded or pro- i r t ^ T ^ g o s h - p a d a , n . c o w ' s footprint; small
tected; -tri, m., -tri,/. protector; concealer; ^ grapsa, bunch, bundle.
-ya, fp. to be guarded, protected, preserved, i f t W T go-stana, TO. c o w ' s u d d e r ; *pearl G R A B H , I X . g r i b h - n a , V. form of
or concealed. necklace withfour strings; -svamin, TO. owner N G E A H (q. v.) : pp. gribhita, fruitful
j f t H ^ T ^ go-pra/c&ra, m. pasture l a n d for of cows. (tree), anu, receive kindly, nd, draw out.
cows; -prat&ra, TO. Oxford, N.of a place of a f t f goh-a, TO. hiding-place, lair. pari, clasp, prati, accept; grasp.
pilgrimage on the Sarayti; -balivarda-ny&-
ya, m. the manner of cow-bull, i. e, excusable T f t ^ W i g o - h a t y a , / . slaughter of a cow ; ^Wtgrabh-a, m- seizure ; -i-tri, m. seizer.
tautology; -br&hmana, n. sg. a cow and (or) - h a n t r i , m. cow-killer; -hara, m.: -na, n. G R A S , I . g r a s a , s e i z e w i t h the mouth,
a Brahman. cow-stealing. swallow, devour; eclipse (sun, moon);
hush up (a suit): pp. grasit&, grasta, seized,
jft^T^T gobhila, m.N. of a writer of sutras. - H * gaurfa, a. made of s u g a r ; m.n. ( S u g a r -
possessed, attacked, tormented by (-°).
land), N. of a country (central Bengal); m.
ifty^T go-bhuflr, °J|t^-bhrit, m. prince, king.
pi. its inhabitants; i , f . rum distilled from gras-ana, n. swallowing ; kind of par-
i f t i f i ^ go-mat, a. possessing cows, rich in, sugar; i-ya, a. relating to the Gaudas. tial eclipse; jaws; -ishnu, a. wont to swal-
or consisting of cows; abounding in milk ; n. low, - absorb; - t r i , m. swallower, eclipser.
T f r W gauna, a. (i) subordinate, s e c o n d a r y ;
property in cattle: - i , f . place abounding in
cows; - 1 , f . N. of several rivers, esp. of a tribu- figurative : i-ka, a. (i) relating to the three G R A H , I X . grih-na, -ni, -n, seize,
tary of the Indus; -matallika,/. splendid cow. fundamental qualities. ^ take (also of leeches), hold, catch, stop;
grasp ( - pawim, the hand in marriage); gain
i f t W i go-maya, a . consisting of c o w s ; f u l l d+l gautamd, a. (1) relating to G o t a m a : possession of; capture; captivate (the heart);
ofcowdung; (rn.) n. cowdung (oft en pi): -pa- TO. pat. from Gotama : N. of various men: attack (of disease); eclipse; rob,deprive o f ;
yasiya-ny&ya-vat, ad. after the manner of -aranya, n. N. of a forest. [_N. of a river. keep, retain ; claim, appropriate; obtain, ac-
cowdung and milk-food, i. e. widely differing ^ P f c l j f t g a u t a m i , f . N. of several women; cept ; receive (from, ab.); assume, adopt;
ythough identical in origin; -maya, a. (i) acquire; purchase (with in. of price); draw
made of cowdung. [dung. i f t X gaur£, a. (1) whitish, yellowish, red- (water); pluck, gather; put on (clothes);
j f t r ^ r n i gomayS-ya, den. A , taste like c o w - dish ; m. kind of buffalo; white mustard (a take and place upon (in., Ic); take upon
grain of it —a measure); -mukha, TO. N.; oneself, undergo; welcome, receive again (a
go-mayu, a. bellowing like an o x ; -mriga, TO. kind of buffalo. rejected wife); utter, pronounce; perceive,
m. kind of frog; j a c k a l ; N. of a jackal. trace out, understand, hear, see; learn, re-
i h x ^ g a u r a v a , a. relating t o the preceptor; member ; approve, like; take to heart, follow;
j f t f a ^ T g o - m i t h u n a , n . sg.and du. bull and n. heaviness; prosodical length; importance, be of opinion, consider; with cs. mg, cause to
cow; -min, m. possessor of cattle; -mukha, v a l u e ; dignity; respect (for, Ic.), reverence, take; anyath&-,mistake; k a r y a w i a c c e p t
m. kind of musical instrument; N. of several honour. a lawsuit; garbham become pregnant by
men; -mntra, n. cow's urine; -mriga, TO.
gaura-sarshapa, to. white m u s - (ab.); paramarthena - , take in earnest: pp.
kind 0/buffalo; -mriga-kaka-fcarya,./. man-
grihita, often0-, lit. having a t a k e n t a k -
ner of cows in walking, deer in standing, and tard ; a grain of it used as a weight.
ing with one, bearing, holding; gd. grihitvA,
crows in sitting ; -medha, -y&gna, m. cow-
0 gauri, f . f e m a l e of the G a u r a b u f f a l o ; grihya = with; ps. be meant by (in.); cs.
girl (of eight) prior to menstruation; N. of grahaya, P. cause to seize, take, or grasp
i f o r r c go-y&na, n. car drawn b y o x e n or Siva's wife; N.: -guru, m. Gaurl's father, (the hand in marriage); give in marriage to
cows; cart; -yukta, pp. yoked with oxen or the Himalaya; -natha, -pati,TO.ep. ofSiv&; (2 ac); cause to be apprehended; cause to
cows; -yuga, n. couple of oxen, - animals ; -pu<7a, f- worship of Gauri, N- of a festival be plundered or taken away; cause to receive,
-raksha-ka, a. tending cattle, cattle-breed- in the month of Mdgha; -bhartri,TO.ep. of deliver t o ; ask to take (a seat); cause to
ing ; m. cowherd; -raksh&, /. tending or S i v a ; -vrata, n. vow of Gauri, N.of a rite; choose (2 ac); teach, familiarise with (2 ac.);
keeping of cattle, cattle-breeding, pastoral i j j s a ,TO.ep. of Siva. des. ^ighriksha, P . A. be about to seize;
life; -rakBhya, n. id,; -rambha,™. N.; -ra- desire to grasp or perceive, ann, rob after-
sa, TO. C O W ' S milk; -roAanji, f . gall-stone in g a u s h f A i k a , a. relating to an assem- wards ; support; approve; treat graciously,
cows; -roman, n. cow's hair. favour (with, in); cherish ; grace (a seat —
^TT g n a , / . divine female, goddess. [bly.
deign to be seated): pp. rendered happy by
ift^T gola,°^S-ka, TO. b u l l ; w i d o w ' s bastard. (in.), apa, take away, sever, abhi, seize ;
STTOfTT gnas-pdti, TO. spouse of a goddess;
'M^nT^T go-langfila, m. kind of m o n k e y ; - p a t n i , / . divine consort. receive; cs. catch, ava, let go, relax; keep
88 ^Tf grah-a. J3(Z ghat.

back, close; divide (words); gd. by violence. graha-pidana, n., - p i d a , / . cala- ^ n W R grtva-gr§,bh£, m. (handling
4, pull, tighten (reins); learn, ud, raise, mity caused by Rahu, eclipse; -maya, a. (1) Soma stones), a priest, later gravas'
hold up; take away; draw (sword); rescue; consisting of planets ; -ya^na, m. sacrifice to -stu.t, TO. a kind of priest; -stotra, n. i
cs. cause to be paid; explain, discuss, u p a u d , the planets ; - y u t i , / . conjunction of the pla- cation of the pressing-stones at noon:
raise; open; convey to the mouth, upa, nets; -yuddha, (pp.) n. conflict - , opposition a. relating to the invocation of the pres
hold from below, support; obtain, secure; of the planets; -yoga, m. — graha-yuti; -var- stones.
accept; approve, ni, draw to one; tighten sha, m. planetary year; -samagama, m.
{reins); close (eyes); keep back, restrain; gras-a,TO.swallowing; eclipse; mou
conjunction of the planets; ^agre-sara, m.
hold fast; capture, apprehend ; imprison; ep. of the moon (chief of the planets). ful, morsel; food; — a . swallowing
check, subdue, curb; withhold, suppress, mart a, n. size of a morsel; -&kkh
upa-ni, press down upon (lc.) ; bring near, ^ r f ^ f grah-ila, a. sensible to ( - ° ) ; sensi- sg. food and clothing.
pari, embrace, surround; put on (a gar- tive; frantic.
grasi-kri, swallow.
ment); grasp; hold; gain, secure; accept; re- TT^VfT^l grah-i-tavya, fp. to be taken, -
tain ; profess (a doctrine); undergo; receive | ^ grah-£, a. (1) seizing, holding,
received, - drawn (fluid) ; -i-tri, m. seizer; receiving (-°) ; m. id.; mentioning ; w1"
kindly ; marry (a woman) ; assist; conform receiver; purchaser; perceiver; hearer.
to, follow ; excel, surpass : pp. united with, beast of prey, crocodile, shark, serpent.
furnished with (in. or pra, stretch grahauktha, n. hymn recited while
1 gr&ha-ka, a. (ika) receiving;
forth ; hold ; grasp ; accept; stop ; tighten drawing Soma.
hending, perceiving; m. bailiff; police
(reins); keep separate (words in Sandhi); " f l g r & b h £ , m. seizer; handful. buyer: -tva, n. power of comprehen
gd. pra-gWhya, taking with one, accompanied -krikara, m. decoy partridge; -viham
by; with, sam-pra, accept, prati, grasp, 3 T W gra-ma, TO. inhabited place, village ; decoy-bird. [caused to undertake (
take up; take possession of; regain; receive, community, clan; host; multitude, aggregate
accept; receive (hostilely), attack; welcome; of(—°); scale in music: pI. inhabitants,people. ^ T ^ f ^ ' f l ^ l gr&h-ay-i-tavya, ( c s . ) f p .
marry; hear with pleasure, take as a good
omen; acquiesce in, approve; cs. offer to, M grama-k&ma, a. desirous of a vil- I grth-in, a. (-°) seizing, hold'
present with (2 ac.); des. desire to accept, lage ; fond of village life; -kukku/a, m. catching; containing ; receiving, gar
vi, hold apart; separate; analyse (com- (village = ) tame cock; -ghata, m. plunder- keeping; buying (with in. of price);
pounds) ; fight with (in. ± saha or sardham); ing of a village; - £ a r y a , f . village ways = ing through; perceiving; pondering; -y*
wage war on (ac.); vie with, be a match for sexual enjoyment; -&aitya, m. sacred tree of to be seized, - clasped; - apprehended;
(sardham); seize (by, lc.); cs.cause to wage the village; -^ata, pp. grown in a village or tained; - accepted; - insisted on;
war against, sam, collect, grasp, take up ; in cultivated soil; -ni, m. leader of a host; ceived, - comprehended; - learned; - u~
contain ; curb, govern; unstring (bow); com- chief of a community; *barber (chief person stood; - recognised, - regarded.
pel ; receive kindly ; comprehend ; des. wish in a village); -ta, /. number of villages ;
-da^aisa, m. chief of ten villages; - d h a r a , / . ^ r f a gri-va,TO., &,f. [ V g r i , swallow], n~
to marry, upa-sam, clasp (esp. the feet);
apprehend, capture; conciliate, win; des. N. of a rock (supporting villages); -dharma, ^JV^Tgrish-m^, m. summer, hot season:
desire to clasp the feet of (ac.). saha, take TO. village custom; -nivasin, a. dwelling in maya, TO. summer time.
along with one. villages, tame (birds); -pishla, pp. ground
at home; -ya^aka, -ya$rin, a. sacrificing t f a graiva, n. neck-chain (of an
grdh-a, a. (-°) seizing, holding ; gain- (through avarice) for all members of the com- i H ^ J graiv-eya, m.n. id.: -ka, n. id.; ir
ing; perceiving; m. seizer, esp. Rahu, who munity (whether admissible or not); -vasin,
seizes and thus eclipses sunand moon; planet a. living in villages, tame (animal); m. vil- lace; -ya, a. relating to the neck, [i-ka,
ywhich seizes men by magical influence: lager ; -vriddha, TO. old man of the village; grafshma, a. referring to the hot se
generally reckoned to be Jive in number : - s i m a , / . village field ; -sukara,TO.domestic
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, T ' ^ l l G L A P , I . P . glapa, be distre"
or seven.- the same + Rdhu and Ketu, or ^ T R T f r gramaagni, village - , = ordinary ^ at (in.).
nine: the same + sun and moon); demon of fire; -adhipa, m. headman of a village; glap-ana, n. relaxation ; witherr
disease; imp ; crocodile; booty; vessel (for -jinta, m. village boundary: lc. in the im-
drawing Soma); draught (of Soma); organ mediate vicinity of the village: i-ya, a. i^HI^i gla-paya, cs. of \/glai.
of which eight are enumerated); seizure, situated in the immediate neighbourhood of
grasp, grip; draught (of a fluid); theft, rob- glapsa=^P^f grapsa.
the village; ^aranya, n. forest belonging to
bery ; insistence on (lc., endeavour ; re- a village : du. village and forest.
ceipt ; welcome; mention; perception, under- G L A H , I. A. glaha, play at
N (with, in. or ac.).
standing. [demon. I H ^ f i gram-ika, m. village chief; -in, a.
graha-grasta, pp. possessed by a ruling a community; to. villager; peasant : J^Tf gMh-a, TO. game of dice; throw
(i)-putra, TO. peasant-boy. dice) ; stake ; die ; dice-box ; onten
grab-ana, a. holding ( - 0 ) ; n. gr£hawa, wager; prize; -ana, n. throwing of dice,
gram-ina, n. rustic, illiterate ; m.
seizing, holding, capturing; eclipse; obtain-
villager, peasant; -eya-ka, TO. villager. M gla-na (pp. \/glai), n., °f*T -ni,/
ing,receiving; buying; reverberation; catch-
ing, absorbing; putting on (clothes), assum- grSm-y^, a. referring to, coming situde; inertness; diminution; -vin, a.'
ing (a body); undergoing; pronouncing, from, prepared in or inhabiting villages; - s n u , a. relaxed; withered; sick.
mentioning; using an expression, employ- tame; cultivated; raised by cultivation; G L A I , I. P . glaya (E. also A.) an
ment, word mentioned; learning; perception, rustic, coarse;TO.villager; domestic animal;
P. gla-ti, be loath or averse (with
understanding; taking to mean. n. sensuality. d.); be relaxed, exhausted, or vexed; re
' J t s m ^ f j ^ grahana- /ratura, a. expert in l+q3133d gramya-kukku^a, m. domestic pp. glana, wearied, exhausted; torpid;
seizing; -dvaya, n. eclipse of sun and (or) cock; - t a , / . , -tva, n. coarse diction ; -dhar- glapaya, exhaust; pain, distress ;
moon ; -sambhava, a. arising from the tak- ma,TO.villager's duty; sensuality; -mr/ga, macerate ; cause to wane : pp. |
ing away (of, g.); ^anta, a. done with learn- TO. (domestic animal), dog; -sukara, to. do- withered, pari, pp. exhausted, abhi-
ing ; -antika, a. id. [pondered. mestic hog. [pressing Soma. pp. id.
grah -aniya, fp. to be accepted or g r a-van, m. rock, stone, esp. for J<?ft glau, lump, goitrous excrescence.

^F G H .
^ 1. gha, ^TT gha, V. enc.pcl. (almost entirely -artham, -arthe) ; take place; be possible, uncover the head = be able to show <>
limited to the RV.), just, indeed, certainly: succeed; be suitable or appropriate; accumu- public, pari, cs. strike or sound (<
gnly. to be rendered by stress only ; used after late ; unite with (in.) ; cs. gha/aya, (A.) P. instrument), vi, go or fly asunder,
other pels., prns., $ prps., S( before 1m Sf Id. join, unite (with, in.); hug closely; place upon separate; beinterrupted,marred,orfrustraLd;
(lc.); fetch; make, fashion, produce; perform; cs. -gh&£aya, tear, rend; separate; frustrate,
^T 2. gha, a. striking, killing (- 0 ).
do anything (ac.) for (g.) : pp. gha£ita, made ruin. pra-vi,2?p- hewn off; cs. disperse, sam,
G H A T , I. A. gha/a, be zealous or ac- of (-°). ud, cs. gh&^aya, open; uncover; assemble; cs. -gha£aya, collect, assemble;
x tive; work, strive for (ac.,d., lc., or prati, disclose, betray ; begin, sam-ud, cs. open ; strike, sound (a note).
t n gha/-a. ^ft^ofi g h o s h a - k a . 89
TR gha^-a, a. zealous, active (in, Ic.); TO. ghar-ma, rn. heat (both of sun and of roll, ava, roll. 4, wave; roll: pp. shaking;
jar, pitcher, pot: -ka, a. performing, pro- fire); hot season; wu7&-kettle (fortheAsvin rolling, vi, roll; cs. move about (tr.).
moting' procuring;TO.pot, jar, pitcher; -kar- sacrifice); hot milk or other hot libation (esp, ghHrn-a,a. swaying ; vacillating; -ana,
para, m. N. of a poet; n. title of a poem, for the -isflirw). 4,/. swaying, waving, oscillation.
composed by him; potsherd; -k&ra, -krit, m.
^n^oftl1"^ gharma-kala, to. hot season; -kkhe- TJ G H B I , I I I . P. jrighar-ti, sprinkle, abbi,
potter. da, m. (end of the heat), rainy season; ^pp. abhi-ghrita, sprinkled, p r a t i a b h i ,
VJ2M ghaf-ana, n. union with (in. or : -pala, n. sweat; -toya, n. id.; -didhiti, m. cs. -gbaraya, besprinkle repeatedly. 4, be-
4,/. course of action, doings, practice; striving sun ; -dugha, -duh (nm. -dhuk), a. yielding sprinkle; hurl, v i , pp. besprinkled.
for (Ic. or- 0 ); exertion; discharging (arrows, warm milk; -dyuti, rn. sun; -payas, n.
-°); accomplishment, success ; union with sweat; -bbanu, -rasmi, m. sun; -vari, n. ^(Jf ghri-na,TO.heat; 4 , / . warm syrnpathv,
(- ); literary composition; procuring, find- sweat; -sad, a. dwelling in the glow. compassion ; pity; contempt; disgust,
ing; producing, creating. [or closed.
gharmajiTOSu, TO. (hot-rayed), sun. ^ r r ^ ghrina-lu, a. compassionate.
j,(i|r|<at) gha£-ay-i-tavya,//>. to be joined
l«n gbarmaanta, n. end of the heat, rainy ghn-ni, m. beat; sunshine; ray; day.
^TJT ghaf-a,/. multitude, host, troop. season; ^ambu, n. sweat; ^ambbas, n. id.
^ f * ! ! ^ ghrirai-tva, n. com passion; contem pt.
TFZjf^ ghaMdi, pi. the gaaa beginning gharm-ita, pp. heated ; -in, a. offer-
with gha< (gr.). rin-'m, a.wild,impetuous; warm-
ing the hot libation. hearted, compassionate; fretful, morose.
ghai-ikft, f . pot, jar, pitcher. ^nTSoRT gharmajshiakS, / . kind of brick ; ^ f t ghri-ta, pp.: n. clarified butter that has
ET^t ghat-\, f . jar, pot; a measure of time : - u d a k a , n. sweat. [hot libation. cooled, ghee; fat ( = fertility).
24 minutes: -yantra, n. water-wheel: -ka, ^TJ^ gharm-ya, n. vessel for preparing the
ghrita-kirti, / . mention of ghee;
n. small water-wheel. -knmbba, m. pot of ghee ; -gbata, to. id.;
gharsh-a, TO. friction, collision; -ana,
t t d W t l gha^autka&a,TO.N. ofa Rakshasa; n. friction, grinding; rubbing in. -pu, a. clarifying ghee; -pura, m. kind of
-ildhni, a.f. having ajar-shaped udder (cow). pastry; (4)-prishfAa, a. whose back is drip-
X J ^ r G H A S , I I . P . g h a s - t i , eat, devour; ping with ghee; (a)-pratika, a. whose face
t | 7 GHATT, T. A. (only with vi and sam)
^ des. gighatsa, wish to devour, - rob. is shining with ghee; -prasana, n. eating
x ghaWa, and cs. ghaftaya, P. pass over,
ghas-a,TO.devourer, N.of a demon of dis- ghee; -pr&sh, a. scattering ghee or shower-
touch; shake, stir, ava, cs. touch; besmear;
ing blessings; -madbn-maya, a. consisting
stir, pari, cs. rub all over (ear), v i , break ; ease; N.of a (Rdkshasa ; -ana, n. devouring.
of ghee and honey; (a)-vat, a. abounding in
cs. disperse, scatter, sever; shake, rub against;
W T ghas-mara, a. voracious; eager for ghee; -sknt, a. dripping ghee; -anu, 1. a.
open (door), sam, grind ; cs. cause anything
(~°); -vara, a. voracious. dipped in ghee; (a)-snu, 2. a. =ghrita-prish-
(ac.) to nib against (in.); stir; touch, collect:
tha,; -bavisbka, a. accompanied by a ghee
pp. laid together, clasped (hands). ^TTfT ghat-a, a. killing ( - 0 ) ; m. blow (with offering; -boma, m. offering of ghee.
I J ghaff-a, m. shock, collision ; landing- or on,-°); killing; sacking,destruction; -aka,
a. (i) killing; destroying; to.murderer; -ana, ^(tlHI ghritaakta, pp. anointed with fat.
stair, bathing-place: -yivin, m. ferryman.
n. killing, murdering; -ani,/. kind of club. ghritaafe-i, a.f.abounding in ghee:
^ p i ghaff-ana, n. stroke, contact; stirring.
^rnr^T ghata-ya, P . (A.) den. chastise; kill; / . sacrificial ladle for ghee.
J t g l ghan^d,/. bell: -karna, n. N. of a Ra- destroy; cause to kill, vi, defeat; torment; ghrita^anna, n. whose food is ghee;
hhasa; -t4<fa, a. striking a bell; -patha, impede, interrupt.
m. high-road; title of a commentary on the -jibdbi,m. ocean of ghee ; -jkbnti,/. libation
Kirdtdrguniya; -rava, m. sound of a bell; ^ r r f H g h & t - i n , a. killing, murdering; de- of ghee.
-r&va, m. id.; -vat, a. furnished with a bell stroying ; injurious; m. murderer; -ya, fp. ^ ^ c t n " ghritajsh/aka, / . kind 0/brick.
or bells, [bell; -in, a. furnished with a bell. to be killed or destroyed.
gharai-ika, m. alligator; - i k a , / . little ghritaodana, n. rice with ghee,
^ r r f ^ i gMrtika,TO.(?) Aiwdo/pastry. [rick.
ghr/t-ya, a. consisting of ghee.
ITT ghan-a,ff.striking; slaying; firm,hard; ^TTCT ghas-a, m. food; fodder: -kuia, n. hay-
dense, solid, thick ; uninterrupted ; dark, [^J G H U , cry out, shriek.] G H f l l S H , I . P . gHarsha, rub, grind :
murky; deep (tone) ; whole; full of: -m, A . rub oneself; ps. gbrisbya, be ground
ad. closely, firmly; m. slaying; slayer; club, ^ G H U T , only pp. g b o f t t a with ava, or worn out :^>£>.gbn'sbta,pounded;8cratched,
hammer; lump,solid mass; nothing but, cushioned, and gd. - g b u f y a , and pp. -gbu£- sore; cs. gbarsbaya, rub, grind, ava, rub
pure (cognition); cloud: pi. rabble. i t a with v i a , returned. off, wear away, nd, id.; strike (a bell).
tPffiTO ghana-kala, m. rainy season ; -ta, ^TTf ghuna, to. wood worm ; -kitaka, m. id.; sam, rub away ; vie with (saha).
/. density, solidity; condition ofa cloud; -tam- -gargara, a. worm-eaten; -akshara, n. worm- ^JIJ ghr/sh-u, fcjfbcj ghrish-vi, a. exuberant,
Ibia, a. pitch dark; - t i m i r a , n. cataract (of mark in wood looking like a letter: -nyayena,
the eye); -tva, n. density, toughness; -pad- -vat, ad. quite accidentally, by a lucky chance. ghaid, ghaim, v. ^T gha. [wild,
avi, f. (cloud-path), sky; -vartman, n.,
-vitbi,/. id.\ -vari, n. rain-water; -vyapa- I ^qc^ghut-kara-vat, a. filled with the gho^a, -ka, TO. horse,
ya, m. disappearance of the clouds, autumn ; screeches of (-°). ghona,/. nose ; snout; beak.
-samaya, m. rainy season; -sara, a. firm, ^TT^TTRi ghuma-ghuma-ya, den. A. hum.
strong; m. camphor. ^ t X gho-rd, a. [\/ghu] awful, sublime ;
ghura-gbura-va, A . rattle in the terrible, dreadful; violent {pain, etc.) ; ».
«l«t|i|«1 ghanaagama, m. arrival of the throat, snort.
clouds, rainy season; -j.tyaya, m. departure horror, terror ; magic ; spell.
of the clouds, autumn f ^ a n t a , m. id. ^ P E J G H U S H , I. P . (A.) gbosha, resound; ghora-ta,/., -tva, n. awfulness;
O ^ fill with sound; proclaim: pp. resound- horribleness; -darsana, a. terrible-looking ;
ghana-ghand, intv.a.iouA. of strik-
ing, loud; offered ; cs. gboshaya, proclaim, -rupa, a. of terrible form.
ing, warlike; m. dense cloud. ana, name aloud, ava, proclaim: pp. of-
ghana-ya, den. A. be in crowds. fered ; summoned. 4, listen to; proclaim, IA ghoraakara, a. of terrible ap-
ud, cs. cause to sound aloud; proclaim, pearance; ^4kriti, a. id.; ^atighora, a.
tPTif^Ri gh an aasthika, a .h vg. a hard bo n e. p r a n d , cs. proclaim, vi, id. sam, only pp. excessively terrible (designation of a hell);
ghani-kri, make thick; strengthen; -gbusb/a, resounding; offered. ^4$aya, a. cruelly disposed towards (Ic.).
-bhu, become thick or dense. ^ ghushta-svara, a .with a loud voice; ^ft^T ghola,TO.curdled milk mixed w. cream.
^•Tl^ghanaurfl, a.f. having firm thighs. - a n n a , n. food offered by invitation. ghola-ya,den. P . stir together, knead.
gharaMa, m. hand-mill: -ka, m. id. '^oR ghfi-ka, TO. owl. *4 ghosh-a, TO. noise, din; shout, battle-
ghar-ghar-a, a. rattling; TO. laughter: cry ; roar (of waters); cry, yell (of animals);
^ W R ; ghfit-kara, m. screech. sound; rumour; proclamation ; herdsman's
-dhvani, m. snorting.
station; herdsman.
V|«|R<*1 gharghar-ika, / . little bell as an .gburna, sway; rock,roll,
ornament; kind of musical instrument.
x quiver: pp. g b u r n i t a ; cs. gburnaya, ^ q q i ghosha-ka, TO. crier, bell-man.
90 tftt^l!! ghosh-awa. ^T^efiXrni &awe?a-kara-ya.
^f ghn-a, a. (- 0 ) striking with; killing; de- smell at, smell; kiss, ava, smell; kiss on (lc.).
vft M1J ghosh-araa, a. sounding; «., a, / .
stroying, removing. a, smell; kiss, upaa, id. sam-&, smell;
proclamation. smell at. upa, id.; kiss.
M^t^ghosha-vat, a. sounding, roaring; ^Jf^ghn-at, pr. pt. of \/han.
sonant (gr.): -1, f . kind of lute; -vnddha, S T W ghr^-na, m. n. smelling; smell; odour;
g h n - i , / . (- 0 ) of -han. [sunshine.
m. elder of a herdsmen's station. n., k,f. nose; snout; m. N.; -go,, a. produced
^ g h r a m s , ^ ^ ghrams£,m.heat of the sun, by the nose; -tarpaua, n. perfume.
t i f t f a ghosh-i, €ftfM«^ghosh-ln, a. sound-
ing; noisy: (n)-i, f . pi. kind of demon, IH" G H R A , I. P. grighra (E. also A. and I I . OTTO ghra-t£vya,/p. to be smelt; n. odour;
^ t ^ ghosh-M, TO. proclaimer. P. ghra-ti), smell ; smell at; perceive; - t i , / . smelling; -tri, TO. smeller.
kiss on (lc.): pp. ghr&ta, smelt; having
ghaura, m. pat. descendant of Ghora. smelt; having regard to - only. abbi, ghre-ya,/p. to be smelt; n. smell.

^ K.
suffered by them in separation; -v&ka-maya, seeing; representing the eye: - t 4 , / . , - t v a , n.
^ ita, end. cj. (re, que) and; also; even,
a. consisting of &akravakas; -vakin, a. filled vision.
just;but,yet; if( = &ed): &a-fra,both-and, as
well-as,scarcely-when; although-yet: with with kakravakas; -vata,TO. whirlwind; -v&la, xj^ti^ &akshush-ya, a. fit for or pleasing to
negative, neither-nor; &a-na ka or tu, al- n. ring, circle; m. n. group, multitude; TO. the eye; lovely; being before the eyes of (in.);
though-yet not; na ha-ha, although not-yet; fabulous mountain-range encircling the earth
dear to (in).
(which is regarded as a disc); - v r i d d h i , / .
with va, either, or; i a e v a £ a a p i , and also;
compound interest ; -vyuha, TO. circular &aksh-us, a. seeing ; n. eye ; sight;
anya/t ka, api ka, kim ka, tatha ka, more-
battle-array; - s e n a , / . N. of a princess. vision; glance.
over, likewise (adding a similar saying); ka
gives interrogatives (q. v.) an indefinite sense. w r f j c r r fcakrEuuikitS, f . N. of a plant; fcakshft-r&ga, m. feast to the eyes.
K A K , tremble, only pp. fcakita, trem- - anga, TO. goose; ruddy goose; ^angan&,/. ^JTJT A;an-kun-a, m. N. of a man.
bling ; frightened, startled; intimidated: - m , female of the fcakravaka.
ad. with alarm, ud, pp. uMakita, looking TRRW ha-kx-&n&, pf. pt. A . of \/kri. Zcafi-kram-a, m., k , f . walk ; -ana, a.
walking about; n. id.
up startled. pra,jpp. trembling; frightened,
startled. s|| fcakrajlyudha, TO. ep. of Vishnu or
Krishna; •Jihva, m. ruddy goose; ^abvaya, ^ fcahga, a. thoroughly acquainted with,
•qqvi ^ fca-k^ra, TO. the conjunction and. TO. id.
very fastidious about (-°), (-t&,/. abst. N.) ;
m. N.
xfcfiTO KA-KAS, I I . P . i a k a s - t i , shine; Trf?R H - k r - i , a. making, producing (ac). Xj ^ KANK, I . P. fcanfca, hop, leap, dance;
^ cs. cause to shine. fcakr-ika, / . troop; intrigue ; arti- N tremble, flicker.
^"fsfffl fcak-ita, pp.; n. trepidation, fright. fice ; -in, a. having wheels; driving; TO.
f\*l. kan-kar-in, TO. bee ; -ika, m. id.
discus-bearer, ep. of Krishna; oil-presser; ser-
^BRtX fcakora, m. kind of partridge, perdix pent ; -iya, a. driving; travelling. xf^^t Zcaa-fcal-a, a. moving to and fro, un-
rufa, supposed to feed on moon-beams: hence steady, fickle: -tva, n. instability, fickleness.
an eye that gazes on aface of moonlike beauty TfsjHa ftakri-kri, make circular; stretch to
is so called; its eye is supposed to turn red at thefull (bow); -bhu, bedrawn to the full (60 w). ^ T T haH-hal-k, f . lightning; -ita, pp.
the sight of poisonedfood; -vrata, n. manner iakri-vat, a. having wheels ; TO. caused to tremble.
of the £akora, entranced gaze (drinking the driver ; wagon; ass. k&nka, f . basket-work: -purusha, m.
beauty of a moonlike face); -d ris,f. fair-eyed man of straw, scarecrow.
maiden; - a k s h i , / . id. s(t^A;a-kr-iis, %-kr-e, etc.pf.of */kri, do.
kafik-xi, a. known or celebrated for,
^etftTT^T A;akora-ya, den. behave like the x f s f l l j Aakrajsa, TO. sovereign ruler: - t a , / . versed in (-°), (-t&, /., -tva, n. cleverness);
Arakora. [nected in sense. sovereign dominion; -J.svara, m. ep. of Vish- TO. N.; f. (also u) beak, bill: (u)-pu<a, n.,
&akkala-ka, n. four slokas con- nu and of Bhairava; sovereign ruler: -tva,
(u)-puiaka, - p u d , / , hollow of the beak.
n. abst. N.
Tp|| /«t-kr-a, n.; V. sts. m. [runner: intv. xj^ KAT, I . P . kata, take place, occur :
V£ar] wheel; potter's wheel; discus (esp. of " ^ ^ J K A - K S H , I I . A. [fca-k(S)s] kasH-te, N get into, betake oneself to (lc.); be at-
Vishnu); oil-press; circle; circling in the air ^ (E. also P.) appear; see, look at; an- tached to (lc.): pp. katita, attached to (-0).
(of birds); mystical circular diagram; multi- nounce, tell, say. abbi, look at, behold; in- ud, depart; cs. kktaya, drive out; dispel.
tude, host, flock; troop; sphere (fig.); (wheel spect; regard favourably, ava, look down
of) dominion; TO. ruddy goose; N. of several upon (ac); behold, a, look upon ; declare, kat-aka, m. sparrow; N. of a poet;
men; N. of a mountain; \,f. wheeL propound; tell; call, say about (ac); address; k,f. female sparrow.
state; designate, mean; name, call, pratiji,
T t t n ^ ^ fcakra-goptri, m. du. wheel guard kata-kat, P . crackle: -Aya, A. id.
decline; repulse; refute; answer (ac.). vi&,
(man running beside a chariot); -dhara, m. recite; explain, elucidate. sam-&, report; ^ d ^ m hatat-kriti, f . crackling,
wheel-bearer; ruler; discus-wielder, ep. of deelare. pari, overlook, disregard; reject;
Vishnu; serpent; N. of a locality; -nabhi, prohibit; name, pra, tell; declare; regard fca^-u,TO.(?) blandishment.
/ . nave of a wheel; -naman, m. ruddy goose; as; name, call; cs. illumine, prati, see, per-
-nayaka, m. leader of a troop; -pura, n. N. katw-\a, a. trembling,quivering; un-
ceive; expect, vi, appear, shine; perceive, steady; inconstant; amiable, courteous; n.pl.
of a town; -bhanga, m. breaking of a wheel; behold, regard; announce, sam, behold; con-
-bh&nu, TO. N. of a Br&hman; -bbrit, m. attentions.
sider; report fully.
discus-wielder, ep. of Vishnu; -bbrama, TO. Zca^ulS-ya, den. A . walk delicately.
revolution of the potter's wheel; a. turning Tf^jny fc£ksh-araa, n. appearance, sight,
like a wheel; -matfAa, TO. N. of a monastic xj^lfijj fcaksh-^ni, m. illuminator. ^ W T ftafuupamS, / . complimentary
college; - m a r d i k a , / . N. of a princess; -me- simile.
laka, N. of a locality; -raksba, m. du.= T^J«^fe£ksh-an, n. eye; -as, n. brightness,
irakra-goptri; -vat, a. having wheels; m. oil- brilliance; seeing, being seen (d, = inf); eye, ^TJf kana, a. known or celebrated for
presser; -vad-gati, a. turning like a wheel; sight, glance; -u, TO. eye. (-tva, n. abst. N); TO. chick-pea: -ka, m.
-varti-t&, / . sovereign, dominion; -vartin, chick-pea.
iakshur-vishaya, TO. range of the
a. moving on wheels; TO. who turns the wheel •q k&nda, a. (&,i) burning; violent; im-
of dominion, sovereign of the world; ruler of eye, sight. petuous ; passionate, enraged, wrathful; fierce,
(- 0 ) ; chief of (g., -°); -varman, m. N.of a cruel: -m, ad. passionately, in a rage; a, i,
^ I J ' ^ H ^ ^ f c a k s h u A - s r a v a s , - s r u t i , TO.
king; -vaka, TO., i , / . ruddy goose: the male / . the grim goddess, ep. of Durga.
and female, regarded as a pattern of conju- serpent (using the eyes as ears).
gal love, are supposed to pass the night "fl^^Mffl ftakshush-pati, TO. lord of all eyes; Zca«rfa-kara,TO.(hot-rayed), sun.
apart, during which their plaintive cries are -patba, TO. eye-shot, sight; -priti, / . delight ^ u ^ e n ^ l ^ /canrfa-kara-ya, den. A. appear
heard: poets frequently refer to the pangs of the eye; -mat, a. possessing eyes or vision, like the sun.
^ f ^ T T ^andra-kulya. 91
fcanda-karman, TO. N. of a Rak- x f r j ^ m Aatur-danta, m. N. of an elephant. •ejfjftcjaj Aatus-triTOs4, a. (1) thirty-fourth;
shasa (acting cruelly); «kirana,m.(hot-r»yed), containing thirty-four; (iatus)-trinwat, / .
sun ; -ketu, m. N.; -kansika, m. N. of a son Aatur-das£, a. (i)'fourteenth ; con- thirty-four; -tri-dvi eka-bhaga, a. receiving
of Kakshivat; n. T. of a drama; -ghosha, sisting of fourteen; i, f . fourteenth day of four, three, two, or one part.
m.N.; - t k , f , -tva, n. passionateness; wrath- a fortnight: -dasa-dha, ad. fourteenfold;
fulness ; -didhiti,TO.(hot-rayed), sun; -pota: -dasan (or ka-), num. fourteen; -dagaxna, a. iatuA-samdhi,«. composed of four
-ka, m. N. of an elephant; -prabha, m. N.; fourteenth; -dasarM, a. hvg. fourteen verses; parts; (&atuA)-samudra, a. (i) bounded by
-bhngraixga, m. N.; -mahaaena, m. N.of a -darika, f . N. of the fifth lambaka in the four seas; (£atnA)-sahasra,n.four thousand.
prince; -rava, m. N. of a jackal (yelling Kathdsaritsdgara; -dikkam, ad. to the four
t j g ^ l ^ Aatfi-ratr^i, four days: -m, ac. for
fiercely); -rasml, m. (hot-rayed), sun; -var- quarters; -disam, ad. id.; -dv&ra-mnkha,
a. (1) having four gates as mouths; -dha, ad. four days.
man, m. N. of a prince; -vikrama, TO. N.
of a prince; -sila, a. choleric; -simha, TO. in four parts; fourfold. ^ ftatvar-5, TO. n. square, courtyard.
N. of a prince; ^amsu, m. (hot-rayed), sun. x f f J ^ T i r fcatur-bahu, a. four-armed; -bila, ^ ^ T T fcatvar, str. st. of fcatur, m.n.pZ. four.
W W fomtfala, m. man of the lowest a. having four apertures ; -bh4ga,TO.fourth,
quarter; -bhupa, a. four-armed,ep. o/" Vishnu ^ ^ T f t W Aratvarim-sd, a. (x) fortieth; -sat,
stratum of society, universally despised and
shunned; a mixed caste, offspring of Sildra or Krishna; -bhfimika, a. four-storied; f . forty; -sati, f . id.; -san-mana, n. having a
and Brdhmani; a good-for-nothing - m 4 s i , / . period of four months; -mukha, a. weight of forty.
4, i , f . K&nda\h woman. four-faced; ep. of Brahman,Vishnu, and Siva: iiCAN, only aor. £anish?am and kka-
- s a m i r l t a , pp. uttered by the four mouths ; ishi'at, rejoice in (Ic.); gladden.
ep. o f D u r g S ; temple -muh&rtam, ac. for four muMrtas ; -murti,
of DurgS,: -griha, n. temple of Durga. a. having four forms or faces ; - y o g a , n. the t(«J fca-na(SF. ka r\&),immediately following
four ages; a. comprising the four ages; -vak- emphasized word: V. not even; without neg.
-i-man,TO.heat; passionate- meaning (rare) also; after neg, even; C. (=
tra, a. four-faced; ep. of an attendant of
ness, fierceness, cruelty. Durgd; -varga, TO. aggregate of four : esp. Aid) only after interrogatires in indefinite
kandi-kri, enrage. the four goods of life, the good (artha), the sense, even, at all. [rejoice in (ac., Ic.); grant.
pleasant (kama), the useful (artha), and final
fcawdi-pati, TO. ep. of Siva; :Jsa, • q i t ^ Adn-aa, n. gladness: only with dh&,
liberation (moksha): -/dntamani, m. T. ofa
m. id.; ^wvara, id.; -stotra, n. T. of a poem work; -varna-maya, a. consisting of the four •q feanas-y^, den. P . rejoice in (ac.):
in praise of Durga. castes; -varsha-.rata.ayus, a. attaining an ^>p.4anasita, welcome! (voc.); gentle - (with
kanda isvara, m. ep. of Siva. age 0f400 years; -vimsa, a. (1) twenty-fourth; N. of Brahman, or, according to some, with
consisting of twenty-four ; TO. N. of a stoma that of a Kshatriya or Vaisya).
^ f ^ A'AT, only pr. pt. Aatat and pp. fcatta, in which three verses are chanted eight times;
hide (int.); cs. frataya, drive away, pra, n. the day on which it is employed; -vinasat, Aan-ishfAa, spv. very welcome, very
vi, cs. A. id. f . twenty-four; (fcatur)-vinwati, f . sg. and gracious.
^ f T ^ k&tasri or kataari, f . of 7catur. (rarely) pi. id.: -kritvas, ad. twenty-four ^ ^ 2CAND, v. ^ ^ SKAND, shine.
times, -tama, a., twenty-fourth, y-aha, m. sg.
fcatuA-ka, -pa, v. -qrjMfl Aatush-ka, twenty-four days; -vimsika, n. = &atur-vimsa, fcand-ana, TO. n. sandal tree, wood,
-pa, etc. TO. ; -vidha, a. fourfold : -m, ad.; -vira, m. powder, or ointment: -ka, m. N.; -dasa, m.
kind of Soma rile lasting four days; -veda, N.; -paiika r TO. sandal ointment; -pata, TO.
fcatdr, num.TO.n. pi. four. TO. pi. the four Vedas; a. containing or fami- application of sandal ointment; -pura, n. N.
•qd^ Aat-ura, a. quick, swift; dexterous, liar with the four Vedas; -vedin, a. versed in of a town; -maya, a. made of sandal wood ;
clever,ingenious,crafty; charming; n. clever- the four Vedas; (Aatur)-hanu, a. four-jawed. consisting of sandal ointment; -rasa, TO.,-v4-
ness : -ka, a. (ik4) dexterous, clever; TO. N. ri, n. fluid essence of sandal wood; ^adri, TO.
of a jackal; f . N. of a woman. ^ g W T f t W Aatus-Aatv8riTOs£,a. (x), forty- sandal mountain, the Malaya range.
fcatur-aksha, a. (x) four-eyed. fourth ; Aatn«-&atv4rimsat, f . forty-four. &andana-ya, den. A . become a san-
xJTJJ^cI&ituA-sata,ra.onehundred and four; dal tree.
^fJ^^J ^ fc£tur-akshara, a. having four syl-
four hundred; -sapha, a. four-hoofed; -s&la, -qw^aTl^cQ fcandanaudaka, n. fluid essence
lables ; n. aggregate of four syllables. a. containing rooms on all four sides; TO.
of sandal wood.
•q rj t^* Mtur-anga, a. having four members: building with square court in the middle: -ka,
-m balam, n. complete army (consisting of " i-ka, f . court with four rooms (one on each ^ ^ J T Aanda-la, f . N. of a woman.
infantry, cavalry, elephants, and chariots); side); -srotra, a. four-eared. Aand-rii, a. shining, bright; lovely;
4, f . army consisting of these four arms; n. TO. moon (also as a deity); = chief among - ;
id.; chess : -balaadhipatya, n. command ^ r j 1 ^ Aatush-ka, a. consisting of four; in-
creased by four (-sata, n. 104 = 4 per cent); N.; n. gold: a-ka, m. (-° a. ika) moon; eye
of a complete army. in a peacock's tail; N.; -kala, f . sixteenth
m. N.; n. tetrad, set of four things; kind of
•qrj^fg'^A-atur-aiigin, a. consisting of four hall resting on four columns; square recep- part of the moon's disc (as seen on the day
parts. [shrewdness. before or after new moon); -kanta, a. lovely
tion room; -karna, a. heard by four ears only:
as the moon; m. moon-stone (a fabulous gem
- t a , f . in. in confidence.
^ f j ^ d ! Aatura-ta,/. cleverness, craftiness, formed of the congealed rays of the moon,
^ r j f c ^ t u r - a n i k a , a . four-faced; -anta, Aatushk-ika, f . tetrad; hall rest- glittering & exuding cool moisture in moon-
a. bounded on all four sides (by the sea) : 4, ing on four pillars. light only): -mani-maya, a. made of moon-
f . earth; -asra, a. square ; regular, harmoni- • q t j g q Mtush-faya, a. (x) of four kinds, con- stone, -maya, a. id. [moon-shaped spots.
ous : -t4, f . harmony, -sobhin, a. harmoni- fcandrak-ita, pp. marked with
ously beautiful; -asri, a. square; -ah&, TO. sisting of four; tetrad; set of four.
period of four days; -4tman, a. having four x f r j t q ^ Aatush-panfta, pi. four or five ; | frandra-kulya, / . N. of a river;
forms or faces ; -4nana, a. four-faced, ep. of -pawAasat,/. fifty-four; -patha, TO. n. place -ketn,TO.N.; -kshaya,TO.new moon; -gup-
Brahman; -uttara, a. increasing by four. where four roads meet. ta, TO. N. of various kings, esp. the Sandro-
kottos who flourished about 300 b. 0.: -ka,
Mtur-guna, a. fourfold. 7dtush-pad, -pad, a. (/.-pad- TO. id.; -lcvidtL, a. moon-crested, ep. of Siva ;
x) four-footed; consisting of four parts or -kudkm&ni, m. T. of a work ; - t v a , n. likeneaa
^ r j ^ Aatur-th£i, a. (x) fourth : -m, ad. the
padas ;f. having taken four steps; m. n. quad- to the moon; -deva, m. N. of a Brdhmam;
fourth time; n. fourth part; i,f. fourth day
ruped ; -pada, a. four-footed; having four -pada,TO.moon-beam; -pnra, n. N.of a town;
in a fortnight; fourth wedding day. padas; m. quadruped; -pada, a. (x) four- -prabha, m., k,f. N.; -prasada,TO.room on
fcaturtha-kala, TO. fourth meal- footed; TO. quadruped; -pui!a, a. having four the roof; -bimba, n. disc of the moon: -maya,
time : -m, Ic. = on the evening of the second folds. a. consisting of moon-discs; -bhag&, f N. of
day; -k&lika, a. eating the fourth meal only ; ^ c p f H AatuA-shash/i, f . sixty-four: -ta- a river; -mandala, n. moon-disc; -maya, a.
-bha//, a. receiving a fourth part as tribute. ma, a. sixty-fourth, y-anga, a. having sixty- (i) being altogether moon; (6,)-mas,TO.moon ;
moon-god (represented as a Ddnava or as one
• q r j s j A a t u r t h a a m s a , m. fourth part; a. four parts ; -shfoma, TO. stoma of four parts
of the eight Vasus); -masa, m. lunar month;
receiving a fourth; -anzsin, a. id. each increasing by four verses ; a. connected
-mukula, TO. (moon-crested), ep. of Siva;
with a fourfold stoma.
^Q^srNm'V Aaturthi-karman, ra. ceremony -mnkha, m. N.; manli, -manlin,TO.(moon-
of the fourth wedding day. tf r j ^ Aatus, ad. four times. crested), ep. of Siva.
N2 .
92 ^psgptjof ^andra-raf/a. &arma-pa^a.

fcandra-r&jja, m. N.; - r e k h a , / . icfsjvj M y - a n a , n. heaping u p ; layer of f u e l ; - b h a n g a , TO. fracture of the l e g ; -mnla, v.

crescent; - l a l a i a , a. having a moon on the root of the foot: e ni-pat, fall down at the
forehead, ep. of S i v a ; -1k, f . N.; - l e k h a , / . A f e e t ; - v y u h a , m. T.ofa work (description of
KAR, I . P . (A.) kkra, int. move, g o , the Vedic schools); ^ n a t i , / . bowing at the
crescent; N.; - V M M , m. the (royal) lunar
N wander, roam, spread, extend (of animate feet, prostration.
race; - v a t , a. moonlit: - i , f . N.; - v a p u s , a.
lovely as the moon; ( a ) - v a r n a , a. bright- and inanimate objects); browse; behave, act,
•q kara-tha, a. m o v i n g ; n. life, activity
hued; - « 4 l 4 , / . room on the roof; - s u b h r a , a. towards (in.orlc.), have to do with (MI.); go on,
moonlit; -sekhara, TO. (moon-crested), ep. of live (with a., ad., or gd.); tr. wander through, •q V ^ q Zeara-deva, m. N.
Xiva; N.; -jtri, f . N.; -saiwt/wa, m. camphor; traverse; pass along, follow; undertake,enter
- s a r a s , n. N. of a fabulous l a k e ; - s 4 r a , m. into; perform, practise; carry on (a dispute); " q O * Aara-ma, a. l a s t ; o u t e r m o s t ; lowest:
emulate actions (vrittam); assume a function western : -m, ad. last; in the end; after (g.)
N.; -siwtha, m, N. of a prince; - s v a m i n , m.
(vratam); undergo, observe; commit (sin); (a)-vayas, a. aged; ^ a i a l a ,TO.western (sun
N.; - h a s a , TO. (moon laugh=gleam), sword;
make, produce; consume; feed on,graze on; set) mountain. ^
Ravawa's sword.
spy out (only pp. - i t a ) : pp. Aarita and Zeirwa;
•q ^ 1. /carS-A-ar^, a. m o v i n g , running
i a n d r a a r a s u , to. moon-beam ; ^a- cs. fc4r&ya, cause to go, run, wander, or graze;
2. Aaraa/.ara, a. moving and stationary; 11.
kara, m. N.; -Jiditya, m. N.; ^4pida, in. ep. despatch; put in motion; cause to perform;
allow to have sexual intercourse, prostitute animals and plants, the whole world.
of (Siva ; N.; - ardba, to. half-moon: -kiidk-
m a / d , m. ep. of 6'iva; ^ a v a l o k a , m. N. of a (a wife); des. £ i £ a r i s h a or &i£arsba, wish • q f t j T kar-itd, pp.; n. going, w a l k i n g ; way:
prince. to go or behave, a t i , transgress; be unfaith- procedure, behaviour, conduct, doings.
ful to (ac.). a n u , move about among (ac.);
•qfij^om fcandr-ika, f . m o o n l i g h t ; N. traverse; follow; cs. cause to be traversed by fcarita-pfirva, a. performed before:
(in.), a n t a r , move between or within, be in - m a y a , a. (i) containing the deeds of (-0).
•q ^andr-i'n, a. golden.
(ac.,g., or lc.). apa, be wanting; transgress,
k&r-i-tave, d. inf. to go, to move
fcandraudaya,m. rise of the m o o n ; a b b i , trespass against, violate, be unfaithful
- u p a l a , TO. moon-stone (v. feandra-kanta). to (ac.) ; bewitch (ac.). p r a t i j i b h i , use •qf\ctoi< Zcar-i-tavya,/jo. to be practised 0
witchcraft against (ac.). v i a b h i , offend; performed. [Ais vow
[ ^ ^ J i C A P , ^ H ^ i f A M P , tremble, w a v e r . ] fail; go beyond (ac.); cs. prove the erroneous-
ness of (ac.). a v a , come down from (ab.); ^ R d s l f T
•qmq &ap-ala,a.tremulous,unsteady; incon- Aarita-vrata, a. h a v i n g fulfills I
cs. employ. 4, approach (ac.); frequent;
stant, giddy, flinty, fickle: - m , ad. quickly; have recourse to (ac.); use, employ; be- fcaritaartha, a. h a v i n g obtained
-gama, TO. mischievous folk; - t a , / . giddiness, have, act; treat; associate with (saha); set one's object; successful; satisfied: -t4, / . at
fickleness. about, perform, practise, follow, do; proceed tainment of one's object, satisfaction; -tva,
to (inf.); sanction, prescribe (gr.). adhiji,, n. Accomplishment.
^ H W i feapala-ya, den. P . make unsteady,
use, occupy (seat), s a m - 4 , proceed, act (to- Ararititrtha-ya, den. P . cause ami
beguile into an indiscretion.
wards, lc.); associate with {in.); perform, ob-
one (ac.) to attain his object, satisfy.
^PJWT AapalS,/. l i g h t n i n g ; N. of two metres: serve, practise (towards, lc.); engage in (quar-
•gaoA, tu. fickle woman; goddess of fortune. rels) ; gain (livelihood) : d u r a t - , remove far Zcar-i-tra,w.foot,leg; g o i n g ; ancient
away, u d , rise (sun); sound, utter, pronounce custom, usage; conduct, doings: -bandhaka,
&apalfi-ya, den. A . move or j u m p (cs. id.); void excrement, p r a u d , cs. pp. m. n. confidential pledge; - v a t , a. haviii.
^ l i Aapeia, m. slap; 4, i, f . id. [about. proM-arita, emitting sounds, u p a , approach; already performed (a sacrifice).
serve, wait on; honour, worship; tend, groom;
TJ M i i f A M , I . P . A:ama, sip. a-&ama, sip undertake; treat (medically); designate figu- Aar-i-shnii, a. m o v i n g ; unsteady
(water); rinse the mouth with (in.)', suck ratively; ps. be employed or ascribed meta- roaming; belonging to the animal world.
up, absorb, cause to vanish: pp. b-kfaaXa.,with phorically (to, lc.). n i s , come forth, appear,
&ar-u, TO. caldron, p o t ; oblation \<j
act. and ps. mg.; cs. - £ a m a y a , cause to sip. proceed, v i - n i s , proceed in all directions.
p a r 4 , go away, p a r i , go round (ac.); serve, grain boiled in milk, butter, or water).
anua-Zrama, rinse the mouth again. p a r i 4 ,
pp. with a n n a , food after which a guest pre- attend, p r a , come forth; reach (ac.); set /car-kri-tf,/. praise; -kri'tya. «• praise-
maturely sips water. about, perform; follow (occupations); treat worthy, renowned.
patients; proceed, act. v i , move in different
*q*|qi &ama-ka, m. N. directions, spread, be diffused; move actively, H r - k r i - s h e , 3 sg.pr.A. intv. ofv' 2. k
sally forth, make an attack; rove; wander with act. and ps. sense,
-cfr=f» &amat-karawa, n. astonishment,
about in, traverse (ac.); proceed, act, live; go c
surprise; - k 4 r a , m. id.; - k a r i t a , cs. pp. as-
astray, be dissolute ; practise, perform; cs. x | - K A R K , cs. ka.xke.ya., P . r e p e a t (« wonl
tonished; - k r i t i , / . astonishment.
cause to go hither and thither; seduce; pon- x in Vedic recitation, esp. with insertion
•q*|fsfl A a m a t - k n , express or cause surprise; der, consider; hesitate, doubt; ascertain, de- of iti): pp. /bar&ita, repeated; covere.l
astonish : pp. surprised; become proud or cide: pp. doubtful; certain, a n u - v i , walk with ; bearing marks of. v i , pp. appli&l
through, p r a - v i , advance; wander about; (ointment) to (lc.).
/cam-ana, n. sipping. [haughty. cs. ponder or examine duly, s a m , come to-
^ ^ • T 7tarA:-ana, n. repetition of a word.
xfTT^ jfcam-ara,m. (i, / . ) y a k (60s g runniens); gether, join; wander about, walk; run (road);
m. n. yak's tail, used as a fly whisk, one of the reach to (4); enter, traverse, infest; move, ' H f W / a r - ^ a r - i k a , / . kind 0/gesture (on
insignia of royalty: -vala, m. N.of a prince. live; pass over to (g.); cs. set in motion; let
the stage).
go; lead about; transfer, deliver, a n u - s a m ,
&am-as£, m. (wooden) b o w l or cup. follow, go along, a b h i - s a m , come together xjt^O k&r-k&r-i, f . kind o / s o n g .
to (ac.). u p a - s a m , enter.
^ ^ Zsam-u, f . bottom of the Soma press ^ ^ T fear/t-a, f . repetition of a word (esp.
(often du. bottom and upper board of the Soma with iti); coating (of ointment); care, trouble
press); army (consisting of 729 elephants, k&r-a, a. movable, m o v i n g ; N. animal about, attention to, meddling with (- 0 or g.
729 chariots, 2187 cavalry, and 3645 infan- (opp.plant); going, wandering, walking; speaking about ( - 0 ) ; discussion: -pada, n.j>!
try) : - n a t b a , - p a , - p a t i , -pala, m. com- acting, living; practising; m. s p y ; 4 , / . life. words repeated with the insertion (/iti.
mander of an army. [of Kampd.
x f ^ c f l 7cdra-ka, m. w a n d e r e r ; w a n d e r i n g T j f r j d fcar^-ita, pp. n. coating (of ointment .
•q*q fo«np-a, m.N. of the founder of the town Br&hman pupil; spy ; N.of an ancient phy-
-q CR Aampa-ka, rn. a tree (michelia cham- sician : pi. N.of a, school of the black Yagur- •fcj^i ^arpafa, a. flat; flattened.
paca); n. its (yellow) blossom; m. N.; a , / . veda: ^ a d h v a r y u ,TO.priest of the A'arakas. 7carma, - ° = & a r m a n : -kara, TO. shoe-
N. of a town: ( a ) - p r a b b u , m.N .of the father Aar-awa, m.n. f o o t ; V e d i c s c h o o l ; n. maker (a mixed caste); -k4rin,TO. id.; -kir-
ofKalhana; a - m a l a , / . N.; ( a ) - v a t i , f . N . wandering; course; procedure ; ritual ob- y a , n. working in leather; - k r i t , TO. shut -
of a forest in Magadha; N.of a town. servance ; (good) conduct; practice, perform- maker; -khancfct, n. piece of skin; n
ance. made of leather, leathern.
( /camp&,/. N.ofa town of the Ahgas:
-vati,f.id. [of verse and prose). -q ^ U l ^ i &ara«a-ka, n. little f o o t ; - g r a n t h i , -q^t^i &arman-ya, n. article of leather.
•q **j^&amp-£i,/. mixed composition {mixture m. ankle; - n y a s a , to. footstep, tread; foot- ^ P ^ ^ H r - m a n , n. [that which spreads out ]
print ; - p a t a n a , n. prostration at the feet;
hide, skin; shield.
•<1«f £ay-a, m. h e a p ; layer; m o u n d ; ram- - p a t a , to. k i c k ; prostration; -pr/sh^Aa, to.
part; mass; multitude. instep; - p r a s a r a , to. extension of the legs ; - q ^ q ^ fcarma-paMa, m. strap ; -bandha, m
^RT^firf*^ /rarmavakartin. Id. 93
leather strap; - b h a s t r i k i , / . leather pouch; from the eye; perceptible by the eye; m.pat. • q m < n d l A a p a - l a t a , / . b o w s t r i n g ; -lekha,/.
-maya, a. (1) leathern; -ratna, n. (treasure of the sixth Manu; ( a ) - t v a , n. perceptibility N.; - v e d a , m. archery; -^adhiropana, n.
of a = ) magic purse: - b b a s t r i k a , / . id. stringing or drawing a bow; - aropana, n. id.
by the eye.
^ f T ^ i f ^ /earmaavakartin, m. leather- *q k&k&ri, m. N. of a wrestler. -el l f i l ^ 7iap-in, a. a r m e d with a bow.
cutter, shoemaker; - a v a k a r t r i , m. id. -q £&n&al-ya,n.fickleness, inconstancy, •q Asmara, a. relating to the y a k (bos
^ f l K ifcarm-in, a. covered with a hide ; xj /ran&av-a, n. celebrity, grunniens); n. tail of the y a k , used as a fly-
armed with a shield; m. shield-bearer. whisk, also as an ornament on the heads of
•q l i k&ta, m. cheat, rogue,
horses and elephants; one of the insignia of
x f ^ fcar-ya,/p. to be practised ; k,f. roam- •q I d f a q H 7i;a<alika, / . N. of a locality. royalty: -grahi))i,/. female whisk-bearer.
ing ; procedure, conduct; observance; per- x| M f u , m. n. coaxing, blandishment;
formance or practice of, occupation with fc&mi-kara, n. g o l d : - m a y a , a. (i)
courteous a c t ; pretty speech; a. agreeable (?): golden, ^a&ala, m. ep. of Meru, ^adri, m. id.
t -ka, m. id.; - k a r a , m. flatterer; u a r t l i a m , •q ^amikar-iya, a. golden.
c | KARV, cs. Aarvaya, gnaw at, chew ; for the sake of doing a kindness.
v taste: pp. £ a r v i t a .
•q 7camunc?^, m. N. of an author; k,f.
x j m j q q 7f&nak-ya, a. m a d e of c h i c k - p e a s ; m. a form of Durga.
^ f l { r # a r v - a n a , n . c h e w i n g ; t a s t i n g ; k,f.id. pat. (from .Kanaka), N. of Kandragupta's
minister. [ifrisAna. 7camp -eya, m. prince of X a m p a .
q ^ R ' U a r - s h - a n f , a . m o v i n g , f l o w i n g ; active,
"^"flj KAY, I . A4ya, be shy (of, ac.): A . b e
busy; / . pi. men, folk, people (°- generally i). 7candra, m. N. of a wrestler slain by
CK. ^ reverent; perceive, recognise, ni,
^lSfcft /carshani, / . u n f a i t h f u l w i f e : - d h n t , •q1 l<!l k&nd&l&, m. = kmdth.; a. (i) pe- worship; perceive.
a. protecting men ; - d l i r i t i , / . protection of
culiar to the JTandalas. A a y - a n i y a , / ) . perceptible.
men; -sab, a. ruling men.
A •q |r|«fl fcataka, rn., 1 , / . kind ( / c u c k o o (sup- •q | ^ ASr-a, m. s p y ; motion, course; action,
x f T y C -KAL, I. P . (A.) 7cala, move, sway, posed to live on drops of rain only). behaviour; occupation as (-°): - k a , a. acting,
' shake, tremble, quiver; move on, ad- proceeding (—°); m. spy; prison; -fcakshus,
- q f c S t - a n a , cs. a. d r i v i n g away
vance; go away, depart; be spread abroad
n. spy for an eye: a. using spies for eyes.
(news); walk about; become agitated, dis- •q ICJ^ M t u r a , a. flattering; guiding, r u l i n g ;
turbed, confused, or impaired; waver; swerve i , / . cleverness, dexterity; charm. xTTTW Parana, a. connected w i t h the school:
from (ab.) '.pp. i a l i t a ; cs. fcalaya, set in motion, T J I r j ^ ASturtha, a. discussed in the f o u r t h belonging to the same school; m. strolling
stir,shake,cause to tremble; trouble, agitate; player; celestial musician; spy; cattle-driving:
(chapter) : -ka, a. occurring every fourth day
divert from (a b.); A&laya, drive away; shake; - t v a , n. condition o f a strolling player; ^eka-
(fever); ^ a b n i k a , a. belonging to the fourth m a y a , a. (i) consisting of strolling players only.
invalidate (a proposition); nudge; trouble,
agitate, u d , depart; set out; rise from a day. [vided into four parts.
•q j ^ t ^ q Tc&ra-purusha, m. s p y ; -bha/a, m.
seat (ab.). p r a u d , set out. s a m - n d , start TcaturdhS-kciranika, a. di-
up together; set out together, p r a , become soldier; - a d h i k a r i n , m. spy.
agitated, tremble, quake; stir, advance; rise •q A a t u r - m a s i , / . day of full moon
at the four-monthly sacrifices; - m a s y a , n. •q lR,q»T 7iar-ika, / . servant-girl ( - 0 ) .
(wind)', spring up (from a seat); set out,
depart, diverge from (ab.); cs. -Aalaya, move; period of four months; sacrifice to be offered " q l f \ < 1 I>s4 MritSrth-ya, n. attainment of
- H l a y a , stir up. v i , waver; move; stir, ad- every four months (at the beginning of the one's object. [viour, good conduct, virtue,
vance; fall off or down; be agitated, disturbed, three seasons).
fcaritra, n. course of action, beha-
or impaired ; swerve from (ab.); cs. -/ralaya, M t u r - y a , n. skill, d e x t e r i t y ; charm.
agitate; transgress (law); call in question; •q fcaritr-in, a.well-conducted; -ya,
rescind, p r a - v i , swerve from (ab.). s a m , fcStur-varn-ya, n. the four castes; n. = Mritra.
tremble, quake; depart; cs. -£&laya, set in - v i m s i k a , a. belonging to the 24th day; - v i d - -q I f e a r - i n , a. m o v a b l e ; moving, go-
motion; drive away. y a , a. versed in the four V e d a s ; n. the four
ing, roaming, abiding or living, in; acting,
Vedas; - v a i d y a , a. versed in the four Vedas;
T^f/tal-a, a. m o v i n g , t r e m b l i n g ; unsteady, - h o t r a , a. performed by the four principal performing; m. foot-soldier; spy.
wavering; waving; fluttering; rippling; fickle: priests; n. sacrifice performed by the four •q fear-u, a. agreeable, welcome, pleasing;
-Mtta, n. mutable temper, fickleness; a. fickle: principal priests. dear; fair, lovely: n. ad.: - g i t i , / . a metre;
-t&,/. fickleness; giddiness; -tk,f., - t v a , n. - t a , / . popularity; beauty; -datta, m. N.of a
tremor, unsteadiness. •q Aatush-patha, a. b e i n g at a place
Brdhman; -danta, m. N. ofa merchants son;
where four roads meet; -prasya, a. sufficient -darsana,/. fair woman; - n e t r a , a. fair-eyed;
xpsTT fcal-ana, a. m o v i n g , u n s t e a d y ; w a l k -
to feed four. - m a t i , m. N. of a parrot; - r n p a , a. of fair
ing ; dissolute; n. tremor, unsteadiness, mo-
tion ; activity, function; agitation; deviation M t - t r a , n. spindle (esp. that in which form ; -lo^ana, a. fair-eyed ; -veni, / . fair
from (ab.). isJixedthe drill (pramantha) forproducingthe braid, N. of a river; -sabda-bhaiiga-vat, a.
sacred fire by means ofa cord wound round it rich in lovely faltering and in charming ex-
7fala-niketa, a. h a v i n g a transi- and rapidly worked backwards andforwards). pressions (speech); - b a s i n , a. laughing sweet-
tory abode; - p r a k r i t i , a . giddy, fickle; - s v a - ly: -1,/. a metre.
bh&va, a. of inconstant nature. •q Aatvala, m. n. trench supplying the
earth for the northern altar: - v a t , a. in -q ft&rajkshana,a.hvg.spie8 for eyes.
xp?TT fcal-a, / . goddess of fortune. which (sacrifice) a Mtvala is dug. -q Ipqqq *&ar/cik-ya, n. anointing the b o d y .
^ f T H P ? ! Aala-Aala, a. m o v i n g to a n d fro, •q A-ana-s, the pt. suffix - t n a .
-qlftjcfa jtfirm-ika, a. leathern. [spying.
unsteady; inconstant.
•q 7candana, a. (1) made of sandal-wood. -q Aar-ya, m. son of an outcast Vaisy a ; n.
•q ^ I flk Aalajitman, a. fickle.
•q Aandra, a. (i) lur.ar; -ka, - m a , - m a s a , •q | ^ | o(| ^arvaka, m.N. of a materialistic and
•qf*1(1 7cal-ita, pp. n. moving to and fro. (i) a. id.; - v r a t i k a , a. having the character
heterodox philosopher; materialist,
of the moon.
-i-tavya,//?. one m u s t m o v e on. -q |<9| ftiil-a, m. shaking, looseness (of the
•q Aandrajiyana, m. observer ( / t h e teeth); - a k a , m. obstinate person; - a n a , n.
•q^jeft fcaluka, m. (?) m o u t h f u l of water,
moon's course; n. moon-course penance in moving,wagging, motion,shaking; loosening:
italafirmi, a. rippling. which the number of mouthfuls eaten de- i , / . sieve; strainer; - y a , fp. to be moved;
creases by one daily from fifteen at full moon
q f a ' f i Aav-ika, n. kind 0 / p e p p e r ; - i k a , / . , to be diverted.
to none at new moon, after which it increases
-1, / . , - y a , »., - y a , / . id. similarly (it may begin either at neic or at full - q i q fcasha, m. blue j a y (coracias indica).
•qqqi&ash-aka, m.(?) d r i n k i n g vessel, goblet. moon): - v r a t a , n. id.
ftf 1. X I , V . Ai-no, arrange, pile ; build up,
•qqi«fl£ash-ft]a,m.n .knob of a sacrificial post. •q IH ASp-a, m. n. b o w (weapon): -guna, m. esp. the sacrificial altar (P. if done by the
bowstring; - y a s h f t , / id. priest, A. by the sacrificer himself); gather,
^ i R h e h A-akr-ika,
• q I & c i p a l - a , n. s p e e d ; unsteadiness, in- collect; acquire, gain; bestrew, cover with
m. c a r t e r ; potter; oil- (in.): pp. £ i t a , covered, strewed, or studded
constancy, frivolity, rashness, indiscretion
^M^M bell-man; partisan,
AakshushajO. (1) peculiar accomplice.
to or arising with (in., ; ps. increase, thrive; des. M -
(with regard to, -°); - y a , n. id.
94 f ^ ki. fa«fT itint.

Aisba, wish to accumulate or acquire, anu, remind (of, d.); instruct; notice, observe; ment (Pr.); -kuia, m. hill of pleasure;
pp. beset all along with branches (in.), apa, attend ; A. reflect, meditate; understand; (Bright-peak), N. of a mountain (in Bun-
gather; ps. diminish, grow less, lose (ab.) : remember, be conscious of (ac.); appear, be delkund, now ILitrakote); N. of a town;
pp. attenuated, thin, ava, gather (*from, 2 conspicuous, shine; des. Mkitsa, intend; -krit,TO.painter; -kritya, n. painting; -ga,
ac.). &, heap up, accumulate; cover or load provide for (d.); treat medically, cure; cs. of a., -gata,pp. (belonging to a picture), painted;
with (in.) : pp. covered, bestrewn; studded or des. Aikitsaya, cure; intv. &6ki(t)te, appear, -gupta, TO, N. of a recorder of human ac-
laden with (in., sam-a, gather together, shine forth: pt. A6kit-at, &6kit-ana. a, ob- tions in Tama's realm; -griba, n. apartment
heap up; cover, load, ud, gather, a b b i u d , serve, mark; understand, know, pra, cs. adorned with pictures; -gr&van, a. stony;
comprehend in (lc.); go on to discuss, sam- -griva, TO. Spotted-neck, N. of a pigeon
make known; A . appear, v i , perceive; dis-
ud, arrange; add; gather, upa, heap up, ac- king; -nyasta, pp. put on canvas, painted;
cern ; comprehend; A . be visible, appear; -paksba, TO. (spotted-wing), kind of pigeon;
cumulate ; augment; ps. grow, increase; be des. doubt, be uncertain about; hesitate,
enriched, profit: pp. increased,enlarged, aug- N. of a demon causing headache; -pa/a, m.
sam, survey; perceive; agree, be at one. picture; -pa^a, TO. id. :• -gata, pp. painted;
mented ; abundant; stout; prosperous; covered,
loaded or provided with (in., sam-upa, faf^ 2. kit, f . intellect, mind. [a pile. -putrika, f . female portrait; -pbalaka, pic-
heap up, collect; ps. increase; grow up: ture-panel, painting; (a)-bbinu, a. shining
fac^ 3. Ai-t, a. piling ( - ° ) ; piled, forming brightly; TO. fire, Agni; -bbasbya, *. elo-
pp. abundant, ni, pp. heaped up; erected ;
covered, studded, or filled with (in., f^pT Ai-ta, pp. VAi; n. building : -jagui, m. quence; -bbitti,/. painted wall, wall-paint-
pari, pile up ; collect; acquire; ps. grow, in- burning funeral pile; ^adbirobana, n. as- ing ; -mriga, TO. spotted antelope.
crease : pp. gained, acquired; filled with (in.). cending the funeral pile; -juiala,TO.burning faq«4 &itra-ya, den. P. variegate, decorate,
pra, gather; ps. increase: pp. covered or filled funeral pile. adorn : pp. Mtrita, variegated, embellished,
with ( i n . , v i , pick out, select, cull; divide;
f^TTT Ai-ta, (pp.)f. pile of wood, funeral painted, ud, pp. richly decked or provided
part (hair); distribute (booty), sam, pile
up ; arrange; collect, accumulate, acquire : with (in.).
pyre : -dbuma, m. smoke of the funeral pile.
pp. filled or provided with (- 0 ). Aitr£-ratha, a. having a brilliant
f x j f d 1. Ai-ti,/. pile; pyre; heap; multitude.
car; m.N.; -likbana, n. painting; -likhita,
f ^ 2. KI, III. P. AiWti (F.); V. P. A. 2. &it-i, / . understanding ; intellect, pp. painted; -lekba,,/. picture; N.; -vat, a.
ifci-n6, perceive, observe; look for; search mind. adorned with pictures, painted; -vana,n. (va-
through (ac.) for (ac.). ni, notice, observe, riegated wood), A7, of a forest on the Gandaki;
nis, ascertain; decide; determine, fix ; re- fafd^ll Aiti-ka, f . pile of wood; funeral - v a r t i , f . paint-brush; -varti-k&, /. id,;
solve ; consider certain: pp. having made up pyre; often (after a numeral) a. in the -varman, m. N.of a son of Bhritardshtra.
his mind, resolved to (d., lc., certain, sense of layer.
decided, settled : -m, ad. certainly, vi-nis, ^itra-sal^,,/.picture-room; -sal-
farjtsTAitaedha, a. relating to a funeral pile. ik&, f . id. (Pr.); -sikbanrfin, m. pi. (having
ponder; decide definitively; take a final reso-
lution : pp. quite certain, well settled : -m, fa toft K £it-kHra= Ait-kara. shining locks), ep. of the seven sages (Mariki,
Atri, Ahgiras,Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, and
ad. most certainly or assuredly, pari, search
Vasishtha); the Great Bear; -#ravastama,
through; find out, ascertain, recognise ; be- f^HT Ait-t^, pp.; n. observation ; thought;
come acquainted or familiarise oneself with ; purpose, will; mind, heart, intellect, reason; spv. worthy of the loudest praise; (&)-sena,
ps. beknown: pp .known, familiar,accustomed; a. thinking of (-°). a. bright-speared; m. N.; -stba, a. repre-
of frequent occurrence, vi, discern; dis- sented in a picture, painted ; -stbala, n. N.
^itta-kheda, m. affliction, g r i e f ; of a garden.
criminate, examine, search through ; look for, -feaura.m.heart-stealer, lover; -ga.,m. (heart-
seek; strive after, pra-vi, search through r faqfcitraanga, TO. Dapple-body, N. of
born), love; Kama; -^anman,m. id.; -gna,
pp. tested, tried, sam, reflect. a deer and of a dog; i , f . N.of a eourtesan;
a. knowing the intentions or heart of (g.);
having knowledge of human nature; -natba, ^angada, a. adorned with brilliant bracelets;
3. 7vl, I . A. Aaya, abhor, hate; avenge;
m. heart's lord, lover; -na^a, m. loss of con- TO. N. of a fairy, of a Gandharva, and of a
punish, take vengeance on (ac.). recorder of human actions in Yama's realm;
sciousness ; -nirvritti, f . peace of mind;
ftcftttm Ai-kart-i-sha,/. desire to cut off; -pramatbin, a. disturbing the mind; -bbeda, ^anna, n. rice coloured by the addition of in-
m. depression of mind; -bbrama, TO. Ren- gredients; (a)-magha, a. having splendid
-isbu, a. wishing to cut off. gifts; -Jirambha, a. painted; - a r p i t a , pp.
tal confusion; -bbranti, f , -moba, TO. id.;
fa Pfif^ fci-kit, a. knowing ; shining. -yoni, m. (having its origin in the mind), id.: - arambba, a. id.
fafa^t^ Ai-kit-v£s, pf. pt. (\/&it) having love; -ranpana, n. gladdening of hearts; fafan iitr-ita, pp. of Aitraya.
noticed, observing, attentive; knowing, wise. -vat, a. rational, sensible, wise; -vikara, m.
mental derangement; -viplava, m. id., mad- -iya, a. distinguished ; TO. N.
faf%*| fti-kit -sa, des. of Vhit (q.v.); -saka, ness ; -vislesba, TO. alienation of hearts;
m. physician; -sana, n. medical treatment; breach of friendship with (in.); - v n t t i , f . f ^ n f t ® Aitri-kri, turn into a picture.
-s4,/. id.; medical science; -sita, (pp-) n. mental disposition, sentiments, feeling; train Aitri-ya, den. A . be astonished:
id. a.f. a); -aye., fp. curable. of thought; frame of mind, mental process; cause astonishment.
-barin, a. ravishing.
Ai-kir-sha, des. of V k r i , d o ; -sba,
f . desire to do or make, longing for (g., -°); f ^ T i A i t t a a k a r s h a w a , n. winning of f H t a T iitri-yS, f . astonishment.
-sbita, n. undertaking; purpose, intention; the heart; ^akarshin, a. charming the heart; "fa Altr-ya, a. sparkling.
-sbu, a. wishing to do, make, fashion, per- -jinuvartin, a. gratifying (g., -°); ^anu-
form, or practise ; desirous of (ac., fa^ Ai-d, enc. pel. [n. of interrogative, hat.
vritti, f . gratification. -quid] in V. emphasizing preceding word (but
facjj^ ftikura, m. hair of the head ; hair. Arit-ti, f . thought; understanding; often to be rendered by stress merely), even,
Aikkana, a. smooth, slippery. insight; intent. just, very, at least; generalizing nouns, every,
all, and esp. pns. and cjs., - ever, all: with
f^nm; Ai-kshiP-as, pqpTt*vHtt-ln, a. wise, intelligent. neg. not even; in C. it is used only with in-
2 sg. aor. subj. of
Vkship. [to go. terrogatives (and ^atu), rendering them in-
facet tf-tya, a. that is piled or built up ; TO, definite.
faxj fci-fcar-i-shu, des. a. endeavouring (sc. agni) fire placed on a layer or pile; a,/,
piling, building up (of an altar). fa^icrtl&id-atman, m. the thinking soul,
fa^fa^ fti-Jfcal -i-shu, a. about to start. pure intellect; -ananda-maya, a. consisting
fa qAit-r^,a.manifest,visible,distinguished,
fafo^i AiAAikd, m. kind of bird. clear, bright; distinct, audible (sound); va- of intellect and joy.
riegated, speckled, dappled; various, mani- f ^ r j f K i m , X . P. (A.) Aintaya, think,
f ^ T ^ f W Ai£-Makti, f . thinking power,
fold ; qualified with torture (punishment); N reflect; think of (ac., E. also d., lc.,
fci-n, the root 1. ki. wonderful; n. bright-coloured object, glit-
or prati); regard, observe, pay attention to
tering ornament; jewel; picture; surprising (with na, disregard); devise; treat of, dis-
fa^ | Jc\nh%,f. tamarind (tree and fruit). phenomenon, wonder. cuss ; bethink oneself; consider (with 2 ac.):
f ^ J f ^ 1. X I T , I. &6ta, ( V . ) perceive, observe, faqeR Aitra-ka, TO. small hunting leopard irreg. pr. pt. A. Hntay&na. anu, recall,
mark (ac., g.); intend (d.); desire; under- (Cheeta) ; n. mark a. characterised by); remember; think of, reflect on (ac.), ponder,
stand, know; appear; pf. Mketa, has under- picture, painting; -kara, m. painter (a mixed pari, consider duly; reflect; think of (ac.);
stood, knows; cs. Aetaya, P. A . £itaya, P. caste); -karman,n.painting; picture; adorn- devise, pra, think of, reflect on, contemplate;
fx|«r|ch H n t - a k a . £et-ishMa. 95
devise, prati, consider anew; remember, P q t f d Airbhita, n., 4 , / . id. X U L U M P , I . P . Aulnmpa, with
vi, discern; reflect; think of (ac.); consider, vud, suck up.
regard, mind; devise, sam, reflect, ponder; f^ftjT Ailli, m. a certain bird of prey j f . (also
duly consider or think of (ac.). i) kind of vegetable. ^ W Aulla, a. blear-eyed.
fanlcfi feint-aka, a. thinking of, caring for, t ^ J f Ai-hn-a,n.[i/khan] mark,sign,token, Aulli, / . hearth, fire-place; threefold
superintending, familiar with ( - 0 ) ; -ana, n. indication, attribute : a. marked or cha- hall (looking towards N., (E. and W.).
thinking of, reflecting on, care for (g., ; racterised by : -ka, n. jot, tittle.
cares, troubles; -aniya, fp. to be thought of ^P^R AfiAu-ka, a. stammering ; n. nipple.
f q ^ q Aihna-ya, den. P . mark : pp. Aihnita,
or devised; -ayi-tavya,/p. to be thought of •q^S AHda, to. ridge (on bricks); ceremony
or remembered. marked; symbolized; pari, id.: pp. signed.
of tonsure (performed on children); 4, / .
hair on the crown; tuft of hair left on the
f W T Aint-8,/. thought, reflection, con- T f t c ^ n X feit-kara, to. noise; braying: -vat,
a. accompanied with noise; -krtte, (pp.) n. = crown after the ceremony of tonsure; cere-
sideration ; uneasiness, apprehension; solici-
Aitkara; - k r t t i , / rattle, clatter. mony of tonsure; crest, summit; a-ka, - ° =
tude regarding (Ic. or -°); anxiety about (g.,
knda, tonsure.
lc.,or upari); N.: -para, a. engrossed by (sad) Aina, m. pi. the Chinese; -pistaia, n.
reflections, thoughtful; -mani, m. magical vermilion: -maya, a. consisting of vermilion; ^ I T O T W AddS-karana, n. ceremony of ton-
thought-gem (fulfilling its possessor's every -jimsuka, n. silk cloth. sure ; -karna, to. N.of a beggar; -karman,
wish)', philosopher's stone; T.of various works, n. ceremony of tonsure; -p4sa, m. thick locks
esp. -moha, m. bewilderment of thought; Aira, n. strip of bark or cloth; rag ;
m. cricket: 1 , / . id.', -khanrfa, m. rag; -moA- on the crown; -mani, to. crest-jewel;
-viaha-gbna, a. destroying the poison of care. jewel or pearl among; N.; T. of various
ana, n. N.of a Tirtha; -vasana, -v4sas, a.
Aint-ita, pp. V A i n t ; n. t h o u g h t ; clothed in bark or rags. works; -ratna, n. crest-jewel.
purpose; cares: -npanata, pp. appearing AQda-la, a. having a single tuft on
as soon as thought~of; ^upasthita, pp. id. ^ n f l ^ T Air-ika, / . written proclamation. the crown; -vana, n. (forest-crest), N. of a
Aint-ya, fp. to be thought o f ; still xjl Air-in, a. clothed in bark or rags. mountain.
to be considered, doubtful, questionable. Afita, TO. mango-tree ; -man<?ari, / . N.
^ 0 Airi, TO. cricket; -vaka, m. id.
ftj«4|€( Ain-maya, a. intellectual; -matra, of a fairy ; - l a t i k 4 , / . N.; -gara,TO.mango-
a. pure intelligence. Airwa, pp. of \/Aar : -vrata, a. having arrow (of Kdma).
performed his vow.
fcipija, a. blunt, flattened, flat: JsTtrR, X . P . Anraya, steal.
-ghr4na,-n4sa,«. flat-nosed; -n4sika, a. id. Ai-vara, TO. iron-file ; n. mendicant's
^ garment (esp. of a Buddhist). ^ ^ AQru, TO. kind of worm.
fafwdl® Aipifi-krt, flatten.
x|9|| Aukra,TO.n. (?) fruit vinegar (made esp.
f q ^ q i Aibuka, n. chin. from the tamarind); sorrel. kfa-ni, pp. (\/Aar) pulverised, fine; m.
n. flour, meal; aromatic or medicinal powder:
t ^ X Ai-r4, a. long (time); of long standing; Tj-^ll+lfqtl Au-kshobh-ay-ishu, cs. des. a. -kuntala, n. lock of hair; -t4,/• pulverised
old (friend); belonging to the olden time: -m, condition.
ad. long, for a long time; slowly; long ago; wishing to cause to waver.
too long; -m kri, be long, delay; in., d., xJ^J AuAAu, TO./, kind of vegetable; n , / . id. Aiirn-ana, n. crushing, pounding.
ab., g., Ic. after a long time ; for a long time, AunAu, a. renowned; accustomed to ^ i j j n ^ Aftrna-pada, n. forward and back-
long; d., ab., g. also at last, too late; only
now; n. delay. (-0); m. N.of a mixed caste. ward movement performed with varying
Aira-k&ra, a. slow,tardy; dilatory; tJZ K\JT, CS. Aotaya. 4, scratch.
-k4r-i,-k4r-in, a. id.: i - t a , / . , 1-tva, n. tardi- ^ T j R j AArraa-ya, den. P . pulverise, crush,
•cfU^l kunti, f . well.
ness, dilatoriness; -k4la, a. belonging to the smash, v i and sam, id.: pp. Anrnita.
olden time; m. long time : -m, for a long 2HJD, I. Aoda, urge on, bring quickly,
O N hasten; A. make haste; cs. Aodaya, P. Afirni-kri, id.: -kara«a,n. pulverisa-
time; ai. after a long time; on account of
the long interval; -kri'ta, pp. long practised; (A. rare) urge on, impel; cast the eye on tion ; -bbu, turn to dust, melt away.
-f/ivin, a. long-lived; m. N.of a crow; -da- (Ic.); assist in, help to ( d ) ; excite, stimulate;
demand; require, prescribe; determine, or- ^ R i Aftla-ka, tuft of hair ( - a.); i k 4 , / .
t ri, m. N.of a prince; - n i r v 4 b y a , / p . tak-
ing a long time to carry out. dain; object, abhi, es. urge, stimulate, impel; cock's comb; apex, summit.
order, pari, cs. urge; encourage ; invite, AM-in, a. having a crest.
AirandAi, f . female still living in pra, cs. urge, impel; command, require, ask;
her father's house. proclaim: pp. Aodita, discharged (arrows). i t ( ) S H , ps. boil; fester; cs. Anshaya,
fa Airan-tana, a. old, ancient. sam, cs. impel, urge, stimulate; invite. suck up. n i s , cs. suck out.
^ T J ittJP, I . P . Aopa, move, stir (int.). AAsh-ana, n. sucking, taking (of a
fai^i, Aira-pura, n. N. of a town; -pra-
v4sin, a. long absent from home; -pravritta, leech)', - y a , / p . to be sucked,
pp. of long standing: - esha panthaA, this is Aubuka, n. chin; apex of an altar;
KRIT, Y I . P. Anta, fasten together.
an old story; -bh4vin, a. being far off (in -daghna, a. reaching to the chin.
C pra and v i , loosen, untie, set free: pp.
time); -mitra, n. old friend ; -moAana, n. X U M B , J. P. /rumba, kiss; touch Aritta. [ing; wise; N.
N.of a Ttrtha. [tarry. O x immediately; cs. Anmbaya, cause to kiss,
Aira-ya, den. (A. rare) be long, delay, nd, lift up and kiss, pari, kiss ; be in close ^ f o n r l H Ae-kit-tna, intv.pt. (\/Ait) appear-
contact with (ac.). AeA-Aet, ij. down! (said to dogs.)
Aira-ratra, to. (?) long t i m e : d.
after a long time, at length; -viraha-gra, a. -cjiqc(|t|f(!J Aumb-aka-mani, TO. magnet.
keta, TO., i , / . servant, slave.
arising from long separation; - v e i l . , / late -cj*qW| feumb-ana, n. kissing; kiss ; -in, a.
time of day: in. at so late an hour; -sara- %Z«6Ae£a-ka, TO,, i k 4 , / . servant, slave.
in immediate contact with (-°).
Xrita, pp. long accumulated; -sthita, pp.
having stood for a long time. x T T X U R , X . Aoraya, steal, appropriate; %ff«I Aet-ana, a. (i) manifest, distinguished;
sentient, animate, conscious; to. intelligent
steal from (ac.): pp. Aorita. being; n. perception, appearance; 4 , / . con-
7cira-ya, den. be long, t a r r y : pp.
H r a y i t a , tarrying long. Aur-adi, m. pi. list of verbs of the sciousness, intelligence, mind.
tenth class beginning with Aur. Aetana-ta,/.,®^ -tva, n. sentience,
ftlJ^M Airajiyusha,
a. granting long life; -g-^^^cjfif AurAura-dhvani, m. sound of consciousness. [to. conscious being.
- a y u s h y a , a. destined to live long: -ta, f . gnashing (the teeth); -sabda, m. id.
%cTf«r<j Aet-ayi-tri, a. having perception;
f ^abst. N.; -4jms,
f t Airi, a. long-lived.
m. parrot. [home. ^ e S Auluka, TO. n. hollowed hand; hand-
Aet-as, n. aspect; brilliance ; con-
Airaushita, pp. long absent from ful, mouthful. [hollowed hand. sciousness ; intellect; senses; mind, heart; will.
•g^J^^ Auluka-ya, den. P. swallow from the
f^THtd^T Airbhaf-ikci,/. kind (/cucumber; Aet-ishfAa, spv. (o/Aitra) exceedingly
-i,/. id. ^ ^ o f t l ® Auluki-kn, id. bright.
96 Mandanugamin.

% < T t ^ A e t o - b h t i , m. l o v e ; K a m a ; - m u k h a , feaitri,/.day of f u l l moon in the month W t f w A a u r - i k a , / . stealer of ( - 0 ) ; theft;

a, whose mouth is understanding; - v i k a r a , JSTaitra. [of .fiTedi (esp. Sisup&la). stealth, fraud : in. behind the back of (g.).
m. mental derangement.
fcaidya,w.paf .descendant of X e d i ; prince fcaurauddhartri, m. exterminator,
kaid,pcl. (never beg. sentence or half- i. e. detective, of thieves.
feaila, m. clothes-moth; n.cloth, g a r m e n t :
verse) and (V.); when ( V . ) ; also, even, with
api (E.) ; if (the apodosis commonly has tad, - d h a v a , m. washerman; ^a«aka, m. demon •ql 4 &aur-ya, n. t h e f t ; stealth, defrauda-
tatas, tada, tar hi, or atha); a t h a fee d, but feeding on moths. tion, fraud: - k a , n. id.; - b h a y a , n. fear owing
i f ; n a or n o ked, if not, elliptical = if it were ^ c f j Aroka, n. kind of root, to one's theft; - r a t a , n. stealthy enjoyment
not so, otherwise; &en n a , if not (apo- of love, adultery; - v r i t t i , a. living by theft.
dosis); i t i &en n a , if this is objected, it is fcoksha, a. clean, pure.
- q W fcaula, n. ceremony of tonsure.
not so. xf^rf koka., n. kind of cinnamon b a r k . fey^v-ana, a. m o v i n g (int.), shaking
fcedi, m. pi. N.of a people in Bundel- (tr.); N.of a demon of disease ; N. of a Ri»Ai;
koda, m. ridge (on bricks); doublet:
kund; - p a t i , m. king of I f e d i ; -rajra, m. id. n. motion; loss of (-°).
-karna, rn. N.
7;e-ya, fp. to be piled or accumulated. feyav-a-m, 1 sg. subj. of i/kyn.
T^t^' feod-a, m. goad, w h i p ; -a, a. inspiring,
itela, m. g a r m e n t ; r a i m e n t ; -ka, m. a stimulating; furthering ; -aka, a. impelling; Ayav-Sna, pr. pt. active, nimble; N.
good-for-nothing (- 0 ); ^^asaka,m.clothes-moth. m. injunction, direction; invitation. of a RisAi.
^ t ^ T Aod-ana, a. u r g i n g , i m p e l l i n g ; n., a, ^ T R f fcytv-ana, cs. a. f e l l i n g ; n. expulsion.
T H * KESRT, I . &6sh/a, m o v e the limbs,
N kick, struggle; bestir oneself, be busy; act,
f . incitement, invitation; command; precept,
prescription ; - a y i - t a v y a , cs. fp. to be cen- xE( KYU, I . A . feyiva (E. also P.), waver,
d o ; frequent: pp. - i t a ; cs. £ e s h f a y a , set in ^ move; depart or swerve from (ab.); be
sured or criticised; - a y i t r i , m., t r i , f . inciter,
motion, impel to action, a t i , exert oneself deprived of, lose (ab.); vanish, perish; fail;
stimulator, promoter; - i - t r i , m. inciter,
overmuch, a, do, perform, p a r i , welter; fall or drop, from (ab.); be ruined; sink to
stimulator, promoter; - y a , fp. to be urged;
wander about, v i , struggle ; bestir oneself, lower births; sink morally; put in motion,
- censured; - called in question; n a £ o d y a ,
act, towards (lc.); effect, produce; cs. set move : pp. £ y u t a , fallen from, deserted by,
not to be insisted on = matter of course.
in motion; impel to action, p r a - v i , wander free from, devoid of (ab. or -°); cs. kybvbj*
about, s a m , grow restless; proceed, act. x f t X &or-a, rn. thief ; plagiarist: ( a ) - k a , m. or (rarely) Zryavaya, shake; cause to fall;
fcesh/-a, n. motion, gesture; action ; 4, thief; - a y i t a v y a , / ^ . to be stolen. expel or take away from (ab.); cause to low,
f . id.; activity; performance; conduct, be- ^ t f l T r a i feorita-ka, n. stolen object. deprive of (2 ac.); A . be shaken, ud, cs. take
haviour, doings, goings on ; -ana, n. motion ; out, extract, p a r i , fall, fly, or speed from
"ql fcola, m. j a c k e t , d o u b l e t : pi. N. of a (ab.); swerve from (ab.); lose (ab.). p n ,
performance; - i t a , pp.; n. = /fcesh/a.
people (inhabitants of the modern Tanjore); proceed; depart from (ab.); be deprived of,
jfcaitan-ya, n. consciousness, intellect, sg. prince of Ifola; - k a , m. pi. the .Kolas; lo»e(ab.); fall from (ab.); swerve from (ab.):
mind, soul; m. N. of a prophet l orn in 1484 -manrfala, n. province of iTola, Koromandel pp. fallen, expelled, or swerving from, deprived
A. D. : -feandraudaya, m. T. of a play (moon- coast. of (ab. or-°); cs. shake; cause to fall; expel;
rise of ifaitanya). dissuade from (ab.). a n u - p r a , set out after,
^ f a t feosh-a, a. s u c k i n g ( - ° ) ; m. b u r n i n g ,
%TT fcaitta, a. b e l o n g i n g to the province of parched feeling, feverishness ; -ana, n. suck- follow (ac.). v i , depart; swerve from (ab.);
thought (Htta), that which is thought; mental. i n g ; 'ja,,fp. to be sucked. be lost, fail.

^ft^T feauksha, feaukshya, a. clean. •^Jf^ 1. /fyu-t, a. ( - 0 ) m o v i n g (int.); shak-

feaitya, 1. m. individual s o u l ; 2. a. re-
lating to the funeral pile; m.n. tomb; temple; i n g ; destroying.
&auc?a, n. ceremony of tonsure.
sacred memorial fig-tree; - t a r n , m. conse- <ol|H 2• A ' Y U T , I . P . f c y o t a , d r o p , d r i p ; fall
crated fig-tree; - d r u m a , m. id.; -ya^/la, m. feauta-pallava, a. (i) peculiar to a
^ ^ down.
sacrifice to a tomb; - v r i k s h a , m. consecrated mango twig.
fig-tree. • ^ f f l &yu-ti, / . departure f r o m ( - 0 ) ; issue
^ t T feaura,m. (1,/.) thief, r o b b e r ; stealer of of (-°); breach of duty ; swerving from (aft.);
f f ^ f Aaitra, m. N. of the second spring month ( - ° ) ; usurper; - k a r m a n , n. thieving; -daw- failure of ( - ° ) ; loss ; death ; fall (fig.).
(March-April); N.; - r a t h a , n. (sc. vana) da,-Vhkg, a. incurring the penalty of a thief;
N. of Kuveras forest laid out by Tfitra- -saiikin, a. afraid of thieves or robbers ; • ^ f l f f l feyautn£, a. s t i m u l a t i n g ; n. shaking;
ratba. ^a£avi, f . forest infested by robbers. enterprise, endeavour.

feAaga-M, m. g o a t : 1, f . she-goat. pp. M a d i t a . 4, cs. cover; conceal; obscure; 7i/<adma-iflpin, a. disguised in
clothe; put on (clothes, ac.: P. A . ) ; dress the form of ( - ° ) ; - s t h i t a , pp. feigning (-0).
C^dl khat%,f. l u m p , mass, m u l t i t u d e ; bril- oneself (A.), u p a , pp. covered, concealed,
liance. hidden, p a r i , pp. covered; disguised in (-°) ; AAadm-in, a. disguised as (- 0 ).
f ^ T l ZcAat-tra, n. [shader], umbrella (one of cs. cover, p r a , pp. covered; concealed ; dis- a . ^ h r d feAana-fefeAan-iti, ad. hissing.
the insignia of royalty)-. - g r a h i / i i , / . female guised ; unobserved; secret: - m or pri-
vately, secretly; cs. cover; conceal; keep ^ ^ KH AND, v. V2. KH AD.
umbrella-bearer; - d h a r a , m. umbrella-bearer:
- t v a , n. office of - ; - d h a r a n a , n. use of an secret; envelope oneself in (in.), p r a t i , pp. fe^iind-a or 7cAand-^, a. pleasing, allur-
umbrella; - d h 4 r i n , » » . umbrella-bearer; - v a t , covered; shrouded, concealed, hidden; un- ing ; m. appearance, form ; pleasure, will: in.
a.havingan umbrella ;-vWksha,«i.^T.q/'a tree. recognised ; cs. envelope, s a m , pp. id. or - t a s , independently, according to one's own
2. KH AD,X. M a d a y a , -KHAND, pleasure, at one's will; in., ab., or -tas, ac-
1 en AAattr-aka, n. m u s h r o o m ; -ika, f .
N X . M a n d a y a , (V. U.) appear, seem; seem cording to the will of g.). [ning.
small umbrella; - i n , a. having an umbrella
(prince): (i)-ny&ya, m. way of calling a king good ; please ; P . AAandaya, offer something feAanda-ka, °»T -na, a. pleasing, win-
an umbrella-bearer = excusable tautology. (in.) to (ac. or rarely g.). u p a , P . offer any-
kh£nd-as, w. pleasure, desire, will;
thing (in.) to (ac.); try to seduce (ac.).
ST M a t t r i - k n , t u r n into or use as an magical or sacred hymn ; hymn which itt not
umbrella. ^ ^ M a d - a , a. c o v e r i n g ( - ° ) ; m. cover, cover- R i k , Sdman, or Yagus; Vedic text, Veda;
ing ; w i n g ; leaf; n. plumage; - a n a , n. cover, metre, prosody: (A)-s4stra, n. manual of pro-
1. KHAD, of the simple stem, only pp.
covering; wing; leaf; - i , - i n , a. covering (-°); sody (esp. Pihgala's); (s)-krita,^.composed
v- feAanna, covered, concealed; obscured,
- i s , n. cover (also of a wagon); roof. in metre ; (/<)-sutra, n. (Pingala's) sfttra on
eclipsed; unobserved, disguised; covert: - m prosody.
or ad. secretly, tacitly; cs. fcAadaya, P . B ^ j n , ^Aad-man, n. r o o f ; guise, disguise ;
(E. also A . ) cover; spread (as a cover); con- plea, pretext; fraud, hypocrisy; the mask feAandaanugSmin, a. com-
ceal ; protect, a v a , pp. covered up; covered of-; only in appearance, fraudulent, hypo- plaisant, obedient; - j i n u v r i t t a , n. complai-
with (in.); cs. cover u p ; conceal, keep secret: critical. sance.
^ T O Mando-ga. ol'f^U^ ^agad-awda. 97
fcAando-gd, m. chanter of Sciman shadow; image, reflexion; reflected light, f ^ S ^ M i d r a - y a , den. P . perforate: pp.
hymns, follower of the Savna-veda; - i n u - splendour, glitter; colour; beauty, grace
M i d r i t a , having a hole.
kramani, /. Vedic index of metres; nu- a, n. in all these meanings compounded with a
vr/tta, n. complaisance ; - b b a g a , a. having word in the genitive sense); quantity; mere AAidraanusctrin, a - seeking
a metre as his share. shade o f = a little ( - 0 ) ; Sanskrit translation of
out the weaknesses of (g.).
a Prdkrit work; Shadow of Sam^la, and wife
Mando-md, m. N. of the 8th, gth, of the Sun and mother of the planet Saturn. f t j f ^ M i d r -in, a. h o l l o w (tooth).
and 10th days in the damrdira; - m a % a r i , i ,
A-MyS-graha, m. mirror or sun- f l ^ W AAin-na,pp. \/khid: - n a s y a , n. snapped
/. (nosegay of metres), T. of a work on metre;
dial ; - t a r u , m. shady tree ; - j i t m a n , m. sha- nose-cord.
•m&ya, a. consisting or having the nature of
sacred hymns ; -vi&iti, f . sifting of metres, dowed self; -druma,to.shady tree; - d v i t i y a ,
khnkkhu, m. kind of animal.
prosody, T. of Pin gala's work; - v i v r i t i , f . a. having a shadow as a second, casting a
elucidation of metres, T. of Pihgalas work; shadow ; - n a ' a k a , n. kind of play ; - m a y a , ^[^j«^^MuA;7>;Aundara, 0 f^-ri,w2.musk-rat.
- v r / t t a , n. metre. a. shadow-like; - y a n t r a , n. sun-dial; - v a t ,
^ feftuA&Mndara, m., i , f . id.
a. shady ; -sawjria, f . Sh ad o w - Sa (/ w-a.
^ ^ AAan-na, (pp.) n. c o v e r ; h i d i n g - p l a c e , KHUT, only with 4, cs. pp. -fcAoftta,
retreat: ^up4nta, a. whose slopes are covered ^ T f ^ T ^ I 7eMlik-ya, n. kind of song.
pulled ; torn off. [distend-
(with, in.). A'Aik-kara, m. kind of animal.
KHXJD, only with p r a , cs. P . -&A7(odaya,
^f A 7 / A R D , v. VKHRID. M i k k a , / . sneeze,
f j T | " khudda., m. N.; 4,/. N.
I f ^ T Mard-ana, a. emetic ; n. v o m i t i n g ; fftjgfi I \ AAik-kara, m. kind of antelope.
- i , / . vomiting, nausea; I. - i s , n. protection; f ^ r T M i - t a , pp. of VKHA. A M b u k a , n. chin.
secure habitation; 2. - i s , n. vomiting-
A " H U R , cs. A/mraya (AAoraya, Buddhis-
^ T kha\-&, to. (rare), n. fraud, artifice, f ^ ^ KHW, V I I . W i n a t - t i , M i n t - t e , cut,
tic), inlay or cover with (in.): pp. AAnrita,
artful management, deception ; pretence, il-
x lop off, hew down; tear, bite, or gnaw
bestrewn or studded with (in., 4, pp.
lusion, guise: in., ab. under the guise of (-°); off; sever, break; pierce, make a hole in
(wall); wound; divide; interrupt; destroy, re- clothed with (in.), v i , p p . bestrewn, covered,
•ana, n. deceiving: a, f . id. studded, or painted with (in.,
move; discharge (debt); ps. break (int.);
AAala-ya, den. P. deceive. disappear : pp. M i n n a , indented ; bounded
^ R c f t l A A u r - i k a , / . knife.
by ( - ) ; lost: k i m n a s M i n n a m , what do we
AAalika, n. s o n g accompanied with
lose by that? cs. M e d a y a , P. (order to be) cut W f w AMr-ika, / . id. ; cow's nostril.
gesticulations. off. a n t a r , cut off, isolate, apa, sever, a v a ,
repulse; ps. be separated from (ab.): pp. en- KHRIB, V I I . P . khrinaX-H., v o m i t ; cs.
^ f q iihi\-\, (1, V.) f . hide, skin ; colour ;
closed or bounded by (-°); determined, de- t \ M a r d a y a , P. id. (ac.); cause to vomit.
complexion; beauty, splendour.
fined. p a r i a v a , sever on all sides, v i a v a , kheka, a. dexterous, crafty : - u k t i , / .
^falTWAaviliakara,m- N. ofa historian. cut off ; separate; interrupt; distinguish,
allusion, ambiguous speech.
^ J KHA, I V . P . M y a - t i , c u t o f f : pp. khkta determine. 4, c u t ; break ; draw (sword);
and, l-hltk. a v a , draw off the skin, flay : exclude from (ab.); take or snatch away; rob; fcAet-tavya,^.to be cut o f f ; -tri, m.
interrupt; disregard, a v a a , deliver from wood-cutter; destroyer, remover, dispeller.
pp. - M a t a , emaciated. 4, cut off; flay, p r a ,
(ab.). ud,cut out or off; exterminate, destroy;
puncture the skin. [goat. ^^ khed-a, m. one w h o cuts down ( - ° ) :
ps. be interrupted, cease, fail, be lacking: pp.
lost, wretched ; cs. exterminate, v i n d , ps. cut, piece, slice ; slit; cutting, cutting off or
^ P T i . M a g a , m. h e - g o a t ; 4 (V.), i , f . she-
with act. endings, be interrupted, cease: pp. down (g. or - ° ) ; separation ; destruction, dis-
^ T T 2. fcMga, a. produced f r o m a g o a t : ended, s a m - u d , exterminate, p a r i , cut off sipation; interruption; cessation, failure, lack ;
-la, a. id.; m. he-goat. on both sides; determine accurately, weigh exact statement, definition; decision, settle-
Jch&ttra, to. p u p i l : -ta, / . pupilage, duly, ascertain : pp. limited, p r a , cut off; ment of a dispute (in all these senses gene-
withdraw, v i - p r a , separate, v i , tear asunder; rally (-%
apprenticeship : -to vrag, become a pupil.
separate; interrupt,disturb: pp.disconnected;
fc/iad-aka, a. covering, concealing ; no longer existing; gd. -kkhi&ya, with inter- AAeda-ka, a. c u t t i n g off or in pieces
- a n a , n. covering, cover; clothing, raiment; ruptions. s a m , cut off; pierce ; destroy, re- fcAed-ana, a. c u t t i n g ; d e s t r o y i n g ; n.
veil; - i n , a. covering, concealing (- 0 ). move; solve (doubts). cutting; cutting off or down; splitting; break-
t5Tf?T®fi AASdm-ika, a. fraudtilent. ing (int.); - a n i y a , fp. to be cut up ; - i n , a.
AAid, a. c u t t i n g off ; splitting, pierc- cutting off; splitting, breaking; destroying,
Q; I *^?Jfrftandas-a,a. (i)Vedic, archaic; con- ing; destroying, removing (-°) ;f. cutting off; removing (-°) ; - y a , fp. to be cut; to be cut
versant with the Vedas; prosodical. destruction. [etc.); destroying (- 0 ). off or mutilated.
£ M n d o g - y a , n. doctrine of the f i j f ^ T M i d - u r a , a. easily b r e a k i n g (rope, U p s R j khela-ka, m . h e - g o a t ; i k a , / . she-goat.
JT/tandogas: N.of a Brdhmana of the Sdma-
khid -ra, a. t o r n ; perforated, leaky ; n. f^t^T Mo-pa, m. N.
veda: -brahmar/a, n. id.; - u p a n i s h a d , f . hole, gap, aperture; opening, entry; defect,
T. of an Upanishad of the Sdma-veda. Mo?-ana,n. c u t t i n g off; - i k a , / . snap
failing, weak point; distress : - t 4 , f . open-
kh&ya, a. g i v i n g shade ; 4', f . shade, ness, quality of giving space. (with forefinger and thumb).

gn (-0), a. born or begotten b y , b o r n in, oRI^^^gfagaA-Aakshus, n. eye of the world, world; - t r a y a , n. triad of worlds (heaven,
sprung from; produced from, by, in, or on; sun. [world. earth, and loiver regions); - t r i t a y a , n. id.;
caused or occasioned by; prepared from, made - p a t i , m. lord of the world (ep. of Brahman,
g f ^ J ^ ^ f p a g a p - p i v a , m. l i v i n g b e i n g in this &iva, Vishnu or Krishna, Agni, and of the
of; m. son ; 4 , / . daughter.
«TT?^i/£-g-at(pr.pt.redupl.fr. v ' g a ) , fl. m o v - Sun); -prakava, a. universally known, no-
^a?«-h, intv. of v h f i , g o . ] torious ; - p r a t h i t a , pp. world-famed; -pra-
ing, animate, living; composed in pagati metre;
n. all that moves; animals; men; world, earth: b b u , to. lord of the world ; - p r a s i d d b a , pp.
3n£^amh-as, n. w i n g , pinion. world-renowned; - p r a s a b a , a. consisting
du. heaven and lower regions; m. pi. men ;
1. G A - K S H [redupl. o / g h a s ] , I I . P . chiefly of^agatl verses; - s r a s b t r i , to. creator
- i , / . female being; earth, world; a metre
x y a k s b - i - t i , be hungry; e a t ; consume, of the world, ep. of Brahman; - s v a m i n , m.
(4x12 syllables).
devour: pp. p a g d h a , eaten; consumed, ex- sovereign of the world • - s v a m i t v a , n. sove-
hausted (by, in.). pagati-pani, m. prince, k i n g ; reignty of the world.
- t a l a , n. surface of the earth ; - p a t i , m. king :
2. G A K S H [redupl. of has], laugh, pagada, m. companion, guardian.
- k a n y a k a , / . princess; - p a l a , - b h a r t r i ,
N only pr. pt. r/aksb-at, laughing. - b b u g , TO. king, prince. ^ragad-anc?a, n. mundane egg, uni-
q I «l*i/aksh-i-vau,F.])p .ac/.^/v't .^aksh. oT^ic^nXW ;/agat-kara«a, n. cause of the verse : - k a , n. id.
98 ^agad-antaka. ^an-i-tos.

of«l^*n«l> ^agad-antaka, m. destroyer of the mass of braided hair: -dbara, a. wearing a - ; in whom - has arisen = inspired with, seized
world, death; -antar aatman, m. universal -mandala, n. circle of braided locks on the by, filled with, having; cs. produce, cause; at-
soul, ep. of Vishnu; -isa,TO.lord of the world, crown. tempt. sam-upa, cs. produce, pra, be born;
ep. of Brahman, Vishnu, and Siva; -isvara, ^TZT^J f/afa-yu, be produced, ari»se; procreate, bear ; cs. pro-
-s, TO. N. of a fabulous pagate. gam-pra, spring up, appear, arise;
TO. lord of the world, ep. of Siva, and of Indra ; vulture slain by Mdvana while endeavouring
king; -ekanatba, m. monarch of the world. exist: pp.f. having calved, prati, be born
to rescue Sttd. [filled with, full of (-°). again; spring up anew, vi, bring forth, breed,
gragad-guru,TO.father of the world, gat&-\a, a. wealing braided locks; sam, be born ; arise ; grow; appear; happen;
ep. o/"Brahman, Vishnu, and <S'iva; -dala, TO. become; pass, elapse: pp. often a. =having;
N.ofa prince; -dipa, m. light of the world, ^TZT^^rf^fC. f/a^-valkalin, a. wearing cs. produce, abbi-sam, arise.
sun ; -dbatri,TO.creator of the world, ep. of braided locks and a garment of bark. (/an-a, m. creature; man; person; race,
Brahman and Vishnu ; - y o n i , / . source of the
<3l(i«^(7a/-in, a. wearing braided hair ; to. tribe; people, subjects ; folks, - kind (often
world, ep. of Brahman, Vishnu or Krishna,
ascetic, pious mendicant; Siva; -ila, a. wear- with coll. mg.); low person; this person ;
Siva, and Prakriti. e s b a - , or a s a u = we, I, my lover
ing braided locks; tangled (hair); full of (-°); ayaTO
^I'ld I I j/agan-n&tha, TO. protector of the m. ascetic; Siva. here.
world, ep. of Vishnu and his incarnations; gan-akA, a. begetting; producing; m.
N.; -nivasa,m.abode — pervader,of'the world, * r d « U gat\\\-kri, fill or cover with.
father; N., esp.of a kingofVideha(Mithild).
ep. of Vishnu or Krishna; -netra, n. eye of fl'a/A-ara, x. a. hard ; old (incorrect
the world, ep. of the moon: du. ep. of the sun for gnxatha); 2. (-ara), n. belly; womb; WT®B®irn!F f/anaka-kana, to. N. (one-eyed
and moon ; -mat) /, / . mother of the world, cavity, interior, front of the body (opp. back)', Ganaka); -Sandra, m. N.; -tanayfL,/. Sita;
ep. <>f Durga and of LakshmL in- with one's front; ^AGNI, TO. fire of the -ta, / . paternity; -bbadra, to. N.; -rajra, m.
^ n j f t ; ^ag-uri, o. leading (road). belly, i. e. of digestion. N.; -siTOba, to. N.; -sut&, / . daughter of
(kanaka, Sita ; ^Jj,tmac/&, / . id.
^ f i ' l * £/aggika, m. N. of a man. 5T3 g&d-a, a. cold, cool; rigid, numb ; im-
movable, motionless;dimmed,dulled; obtuse, j/anam-gama,TO.fcandfila.
^TT^I ?ag-dhd, pp. of A/I. graksh. dull,stupid, imbecile; inanimate; incapable grana-fcaranajunalina, «.
S r f H f ;/ag-dhi,/. eating ; food. of - through stupidity ; m. idiot; n. water. not yet dirtied by people's feet; (a)-ta,/. com-
srag-dhvS-ya, gd. of «/i. graksh. ^nSTrTr gada-t&, f . rigidity, motionlessness, munity; people, subjects ; mankind; -d&ba-
numbness, apathy; obtuseness, stupidity ; stb&na, n. crematory; -deva,TO.king,prince.
i r f T T gra-gm-i, a. going, nimble ; hastening
-tva, n.id.; -dbi, a. dull-witted ; -prakriti,
to {ac., lc.). 3 P T T y^n-ana, a. (1) bringing forth; pro-
a. id.; buddbi, a. id.; -bbava, m. coolness,
W^TTyagMna, m. (F), n. buttock, posterior; ducing ;TO.producer, creator ; i, / . mother;
freshness ; -mati, a. dull-minded, stupid.
rump; hip; pudenda; n. back part (of an n. birth ; existence, life; bringing forth ; pro-
altar); rear-guard of an army: -/rapala, / . gada-ja, den. P . enfeeble, dull ; ren- duction ; - v a t , a. endowed with production.
lascivious woman; a metre; -vipnla, a. hav- der apathetic regarding (lc.): pp. gadita. ^•TTT^I (7ana-n§,tha, m. lord of men, king,
ing large buttocks : k, f . a metre; ^ardba, prince. [mer life,
W^T^J ^adaamsu, TO. moon (cool-rayed) ;
m. hinder part; rear-guard.
-Jitmaka, a. cool; stupid; irrational; ^at- 31*1*1 ^ananaantara, n. another = for-
gragh&nena, in. ad. behind (ac. org.); man, a. id.
with back turned towards (ac.). wrqfTT
l"^ gada-ya, den. A . become dumb (with (7ana-pati, TO. lord of men, prince,
graghan-ya, a. hindermost, last, latest; gradajisaya, a. stupid. [in/.). king; -pada,TO.(tribe-place),district, country,
lowest, meanest, worst; of low birth: -ga, a. realm; tribe : also pi. community, people
last-born, youngest; -prabbava, a. of low ^ f^l+i •^f/ac?-i-man,TO.coldness; rigidness; (as opposed to king) : -vadbu, / . woman of
origin. dulness, stupidity. the country, ^adbipa, m. king; -pravada,
orf^I j/a-ghn-i, a. slaying (ac.). TO.popular rumour (sg. and pi.); -maraka, in.
•ai^sYsh i/arfi-kri, render rigid,benumb; -bbu,
pestilence; -m&ra,TO.,I , f . , i d . ; -marana, n.
^a-ghn-i-vat, a. containing a form become rigid or stupid. slaying of men. [men).
of the root han. "SHJ #atu. n. lac, gum ; -griha, -geba, n. ^anam-ej/ayd, TO. N. (terrifying
WfW f/^-ghr-i, a. sputtering, boiling. house filled with lac and other inflammables ;
-maya, a. full of lac; -sarana,n. =^atu-griha. mother. gran-ay-i-t/i, TO. father ; -tri, / .
<?an-ga, TO. N. of a man (Walker).
^n^j/atu,/. bat (animal). [collar-bone. yana-rava,TO.popular rumour; -T&J,
WjJ^T gah-gam-s., a. moving (int.), animate,
- r a /an, m. ruler of men ; -vada, m. gossip;
living; s. all that moves, living beings: -tva, ^^ (/atoii, m. pi. (F.) certain (16) bones; n. -A-ruti, / . rumour.
n. mobility.
I J r T G A N , I . gana ( F ) ; I V . A . gkya (E. ^•Jt^.'/aii-as, 11. race ; ind. (-ar) world lyimj
W^sT *gran-gal-a, a. [very thirsty], dry,
^ also P.); P. and cs. g&nkya, tr. beget beyond Mahar-loka.
desert; deserted; TO. desert (jungle). (by, lc.); bring forth, bear (to, ab.); generate,
| ^dn-gh&,/.[goer: V h a ] leg (esp.from produce ; make fruitful; cause to be (2 ac.); ^•rcrff^ana-sammarda^n.throngofpeople:
ankle to knee). A., int. (E. also P.) be born; be produced, -stbana, n. N.of apart oftheDandakaforest
arise, grow; be by nature (2 nm.); be born
of^- |qif\e|) granghft-karika,TO.nimble with again; be, become (with predicate in nm.); be ^TTT fl'^n-S'i/- birth, origin.
the legs ;TO.runner ; -^agbanya, a. lowest changed into (d.); fall to the share of (g.);
if performed by the legs (actions); -bala, n. ;/anaatiga,a. superhuman; - adhi-
take place, be possible or admissible : pp. pa, rn. king, prince; ^antikam, ad. [speak.
strength of leg = flight (Pr.). gktk, born (by, lc.), begotten by (in., ab.); close to a person, in a low voice .so as not t<>
^ H* grangM-la, a. swift-footed. new-born; grown; sprung up, arisen (from, be overheard; (say) in a stage whisper; - an-
ab.) ; existing ; become ; happened ; condu- tike, lc. ad. in the neighbourhood of men ;
^(of gaga, m. warrior: -jzyaa, n. bravery, cive to (d.); often a.— having e.g. gkt&- - apavada,TO.slander (pi.); - &rava, m. popu-
r/af/f/a,TO.N. of a man : -la, m. id. danta, a. having teeth (lit. having produced lar rumour; ^arnava,TO.(sea of men), cam
teeth), sts. e.g. danta-^ata, id. adbi, be van ; - ardana,TO.ep. of Vishnu or K/ ,' '
ol'Sj H ga-gn-&n.&, pf. pt. act. of^/gHtI. born; be begotten (by, in.); become (nm.). (harasser of men); ^Jwraya,TO.caravan
anu, be born afterwards ; be born after (ac.);
W f l J gi-gn-i, a. germinating. be born like (ac.) : pp. similar by birth to WfW g&n-i (or i), / . woman ; wife (/>
ST^^cfi gran-grap-tika, a. muttering prayers (ac.); born again, apa, pp. degenerate (son).
abbi, be born or predestinated to, claim by the fingers); birth, origin. [du
birth (ac.) ; be born according to (ac.); be (/ani-kartri, a. (tri) arising; pro-
a f i l gata, f . braid of hair (as worn by as- produced, be born ; be born again (in trans-
cetics, Siva, and by mounters) : -kalapa, TO. migration) ; become : pp. nobly born; well- ^ f ^ gdn-i-tri(or -tri), m. father ; -tri,/.
cue,pigtail; -^ala, n. braided locks, cue; -gvda, bred. be born, be produced ; cs. beget; mother.
m. top-knot; -dbara, a.wearing braided hair; make fruitful, upa, be born; be produced;
m. ascetic; Siva; -dh&rin, a. id.; -bbara, m. arise, appear; be; be born again: pp. a. Wf^nfftl^n-i-tos, ab , g. inf. of y'gm.
Wf^nt ^an-i-tra. ^Refifq ^ala-kapi. 99
^(f^H pan-f-tra, n. birth-place, origin : pi. SRT G A B H , 3 R T G A M B H , snap at, seize ^ N W f T f W paya-bha^arika, / . N. of a
parents; blood-relations. with the mouth (only aor.); cs. r/ambhaya, locality; - s i m b a , m. N.
crush, destroy; intv. pailpabhyate, open the
f/ani-tva, n. w i f e h o o d ; - d i v a s a , TO. | p a y a a v a g h o s h a , m. shout of vic-
jaws, snap. [ad. like <7amadagni. tory, cheer; -JUis, f . invocation of victory,
birth-day; -mat, a. wedded; having an ori-
gin ; m. creature, man. S R ^ f a pamad-agni, m. N.of a RisAi .• - v a t , cheer.

i r f ' W l , gfan-i-man, n. birth, origin ; pro- W R pambala, n. (?) b o g , m u d . pay-i-tn, a. ( t r i ) v i c t o r i o u s ; - i n , a.

geny ; creature; race, kind. conquering (g. or -°); victorious (in, Ic.); be-
^ P ^ pambii, n. r o s e - a p p l e ; / . (also u) rose- stowing victory; m.conqueror,victor; winner
l i ^ T Z I f/an-ishya, a. yet to be born, f u t u r e . apple-tree. (ofa lawsuit); - i s b « u , - u s , a. victorious.
<*»j*tj/an-us, m.n. birth, o r i g i n ; c r e a t i o n ; ^PRIeR pambu-ka, m. j a c k a l ; vile person. p a y a j n d r a , TO. N.: - s e n a , / . N.; ^is-
kind: in. by nature, [^isa, - i s v a r a , m. id. k j ^ I M pambu - d v i p a , m. Isle of the J a m b u - v a r a ,TO.lord of victory (»S'iva); N.of a temple.
pauajndra, m. chief of men, k i n g ; tree, N. of the central terrestrial island (v. W f t r T T p a y a u t t a r a , a. full of or sure of"
dvipa) comprising India, so called because victory.
5 R J pan-tit, m. offspring; creature, b e i n g ; overlooked by a gigantic Jambu-tree growing
man (sg. also coll.); person; attendant; vermin: on the summit of mount Meru. g-ay-ya, fp. to be conquered or won.
worm of a = tiny; s a r v o pantuA, every one.
o | t q q t pambfi-ka, m. jackal. gkr-&, m. w e a r i n g o u t ; -atha, a. old.
gRPBTvT panma-kgla, m. h o u r of birth ; aged; violent; intense; - a W i t a , pp. become
-krit, m. father; -kWta, pp. produced by s R S ^ pambtl-kunpa, m. n. bower of rose-
violent or intense; - a n a , a . decrepit, old: -a,
birth; - k s h e t r a , n . birth-place; -f/anman,n. apple; -kbanda, m. n. = pambu-dvipa.
/ . old age.
every birth : Ic. in every l i f e ; - ^ a n m a a n - 3T3JT pambh-a, m. tooth, f a n g ; j a w s ; swal-
tara, n. every future life; -gryeshtha, a. par-at, pr. pt. (-i) of Vgri, old, frail,
lowing ; -a, m. crusher, devourer; N. of va-
eldest by birth ; - t a s , ad. by birth ; by age; decayed, tumble-down ; m. old man.
rious demons (C.).
-titbi, m. birth-day; -da, m. father; a. caus-
ing the birth of (-°); - d i n a , n. birth-day. W ^ f f r a i T parat-ik^, / . old woman.
W¥T«fi g ^ m b h - a k a , a. crushing, devouring
^njf^f/an-man, n. birth, origin, p r o d u c t i o n ; (-°); m. N. of certain demons; - a n a , a. (i) ^TXT^rn^ parat-karu, TO. N. of a Rishi; f.
appearance; life,existence;birth-place;father; crushing; wi.crusher; -ya,m.back-tooth, molar. N. of his wife: - p r i y a , / . id.
creature, being; race, kind; nature; way, S r e r f ^ i T pambhalika, / . kind of song.
manner; m. offspring of (- 0 ). ^IX^fS p a r M - a s h r i , a. l o n g - l i v e d .
•3T5T ^ay-a, a. c o n q u e r i n g , gaining ( - 0 ) ; TO.
S I H m ^ M panma-p&dapa, m. tree of one's ^s? q ;/arad-gava,m.oldbull; N.of a vulture.
( a \ victory, conquest (in battle, dispute, law-
home ; -pratish<A4, / . mother; -bandha, m. suit, or play); N.: pi. (g&ya), verses condu- a g i n g , old age, decrepitude ;
bonds of (repeated) birth ; - b b u , -bbumi,,/. cive to victory; a,,/, ep. of Durga; N.of an -as-a, a. id.
land of birth ; -bb&mi-bbu, become the land attendant of Durgd.
o f - ' s birth W ^ T p a r - a , / . 1. w e a r i n g o u t ; g r o w i n g old,
5I3J cfi g a y a - k a ,TO.N.; - k u % a r a, m. cham pion
old age; 2. roaring ; shout; greeting.
W l p f panman'ksha, n. natal constellation; elephant that has conquered other elephants;
-vat, a. born, living : -t&, / . existence, life ; -krit, a. conferring victory; - g u p t a , m. N.; ^ • f j i J parS-yu, n. cast-off skin of a snake.
-vasudba,/. land of birth; - s t b a n a , n. birth- - g b o s b a , m. shout of victory; - g h o s b a n a , slough; w. (/.) caul of thefoetus; after-birth:
place. n., k,f. id.; -Aandra, m. N. [a noun). -ga, a. born from a womb, born alive.

W U T f P C panmaantara, n. another birth, <3J4|f?T pay-ati, m. the root gi (3 sg. used as ^ J ^ | p a r S - v a t , a. old, a g e d ; - s a n d b a , m.
previous or future existence : - g a t a , pp. born N. of a prince of Magadha and Kedi.
^RT^f/aya-da, a. conferring v i c t o r y ; - d a t t a ,
again; ^ a n t a r i y a , a. belonging to or per-
m. N.; - d e v a , m.N.of the author of the Git a- I ;/ar-i-ta, (cs. pp.) f . N. of a fabulous
formed in a previous existence; ^andha, a.
govinda. [torious car). bird: AARI ,TO. N. q/"(9arita's eldest son (whose
blind by birth; -Jtspada, n. birth-place.
foes are demolished). [p er -
g r f ^ i ^ a n m - i n , TO. creature, man. W ^ I s ^ T p aya d-rath a, m. N. (having a v i c -
< n ( \ f j g&r-i-trt, TO.invoker, singer, worship-
<S|*J i . p a n - y a , / p . that is born or produced; paya-dbvapa, m. b a n n e r of victory.
arising from (-°); n. body. ^ par-i-m^ n,TO.old.age, decrepitude,
o i i t ^ W T O paya-dhvapa-ya, den. A . repre- death from old age.
af 5 *! 2. p£n-ya, a. b e l o n g i n g to the race, sent a banner of victory.
par-par-a, a. d e c a y e d ; decrepit, frail:
cognate; m.(countryman),groomsman; com- #ay-ana, a. (1) omnipotent. ragged ; riven ; split, broken; dull (sound);
mon man ; & , / . bridesmaid ; n. people, tribe
pay-ant-a, a. (i) v i c t o r i o u s ; m. N. of torn asunder, disunited; TO. split bamboo :
(also -yi); battle.
a son of Indra; N. of a king; 1 , f . N. of a - t v a , n. decay.
g&ny-nh, gen. sg. of gAni.
country. parpar-ita, pp. become w o r n out or
3JTT G A P , I . p4pa-ti, papa-te (rarer), re- decrepit;bruised,mangled,lacerated or pierced.
^ ^ T ^ R T p a y a - p a t a k a , / . flag of v i c t o r y ;
^ peat in an undertone, mutter or murmur
- p a r a ^ a y a , m. du. or n. sg. victory or defeat; (/arpari-krt, break, split; mangle;
(prayers)-, pray silently; intv. ^a?^apyate,
loss or gain; - p u r a , n. N. of various cities; exhaust; - b b u , become ragged; be split,
mutter, npa, whisper to (ac., Ic.); bring - m a n g a l a , m. N. of an elephant; n. a cheer;
over to one's side by whispering, instigate to broken or mangled.
- m a t i , / . N.; - m a l l a , m. victorious combatant
rebellion, p a r i , mutter over (ac.). prati, of (-°); -ra'/a,m. N.; - l a k s h m i , / goddess of
whisper back. oHJX ^ar-bhur, intv. o / V b h u r .
victory; - l e k h a , m. record o f a victory; - v a r -
gap-a, a. whispering ; m. m u t t e r i n g m a n , m. N.; - m i t k h a , ra. conch of victory ; 1. ga\.-&, n. (sts. pi.) water.
(prayers etc.); murmured prayer. -•sabda, m. shout of victory, cheer; -sri, f. oT«?f 2. pala, a. (=g&d&) stupid, foolish.
goddess of victory; - s i m b a , TO. N.; - s e n a ,
pap-ana, n. muttering of prayers; m., &>,f N.; - s k a n d h a , m. N. of a minister ^RT^it^Srala-kapi,TO.(river)dolphin; - k u m -
-aniya, fp. to be muttered. of Yudhisliihira; - s t a m b h a , m. column of bba, m. water-pot; - k u m b b i k a , / . jar of wa-
victory; - s t b a l a , n. N. of a village; - s v a m - ter ; -keli, m.f. sporting in the water; - k r i y a ,
papa-m&l;1,/. rosary ; -yapna, TO.
i n , m. lord of victory (&iva): (_i)-viroAana, / . libation of water to the dead ; -kridk, f .
sacrifice of muttered prayer; -boma, TO. sg. N. of a temple. sportinginthewater; - k b a g a , m . aquatic bird;
& pi. offering of muttered prayer: du. mut-
- g a n d h a i b h a , m. fabulous animal; -Aara,
tered prayer and an offering. o R T T ^ i T payafikara, m. source of v i c t o r y ; TO. aquatic animal; fish ; -A&rin, a. living in
3 R T p a p - a , / . China rose. N.; ^ar/aya, m. du. & n. sg. victory or defeat; the water; m. aquatic animal; fish ; -gtk, a.
^ a d i t y a , m. N, water-born, existing or growing in water ; m.
W f R t ^ a p - i n , o. m u t t e r i n g prayers. aquatic animal, fish; shell; n. day-lotus; pro-
p a y S - d e v i , / . N.
duct of the sea, pearl: - k n s n m a , n. lotus
;Mp-ya, fp. t o be m u t t e r e d ; n. prayer
r/ayajinanda, m.N.: -vlra,m.N.; blossom, ^ a s a n a , TO. ep. of Brahman (seated
WSfcfi papya-ka, M. N. [to be m u t t e r e d . - a p i d a , m. N. of a king. on a lotus); -(/antn,TO.aquatic animal; -giv-
0 2
100 IpsT^ ^ala-da. ^atershya.

in, a. living in or on water; TO. fisherman; vjltfTl^i gralaoka, ra. leech; a , / . : •^okas, a. W T 3 T g&thar&, a. (i) relating to the belly;
-tumbika-nyaya, TO. in. like water and the living in the water:TO.aquatic animal; N. of (with a g n i ,TO.digestive fire, hunger); m. son.
gourd ; -trasa, m. hydrophobia ; -trasin, a. a kingif.leech; -^okaavaAaraniya,^.treat- |\S4 g*ac?-ya, n. chilliness ; want of sensa-
suffering from hydrophobia. ing of the application of leeches.
tion, dulness; stupidity; inanimateness.
sp?n^g , ala-da,m.(water-giver), cloud: -kala, GALP, I. P . j/alpa, (E. also A.) WFSXWM GKDY&-BHK™,TO.stupidity.
m. rainy season ; -ksbaya, in. (disappearance N murmur; speak, talk, converse with
of clouds), autumn ; -taskara, m. robber of (in. ±sardham); address (ac.): pp. r/alpita. WTfT gt-tk, pp. (\/f/an); TO.son; n.creature;
a cloud; -samaya,TO.rainy season; -j.g'ama, pari, prate, pra, speak; announce: pp. hav- birth ; race, kind, genus ; all that is com-
m. (arrival of clouds), rainy season; - atyaya, ing begun to speak, vi, utter, speak, sam, prised by - , sum total of - , any - , every kind
in. autumn. converse. of - : lc. in general.
o ^ T ^ R yala-dana, n. libation of water ( f e s - W f/alp-a,TO.talk, conversation, words : WTfT^i g^ata-ka, a. begotten by - ; born
tival in Uggayini) ; -dravya, n. ocean-pro- pi. prate ; -aka, a. chattering ;TO.chatterer ; under (a star);TO.new-born child ; n. (astro-
duct, pearl; -dbara,TO.(water-bearer),cloud: -ana, n. speaking, talking ; -aka, a. chatter- logical) nativity; story of one of Buddha!s
-mala, / . tract of clouds, - abbyudaya, TO. ing, loquacious; -ita,pp. n. talk; words; -in, former births.
(rise of the clouds), rainy season ; - d b a r a , / . a. speaking, talking (-°); -ya, n. chatter. ^fT?l«WT*^firata-karman,n. after-birth cere-
stream of water, shower; -dbi, m. ocean, sea: mony ; -dosba, a. guilty ; -nasb/a, pp. hav-
g&v-£, a. swift; m. swiftness, speed ;
-ta, f. abst. >\, - r a s a n k , f . ocean-girt (earth); ing appeared and disappeared ; -paksba, a.
-nidbi, m. ocean, sea; -paksbin, w. water- haste : ab. at once ; -ana, a. (i) quick, swift;
n. quickness, swiftness; - a n i k a , / curtain. fledged; -praya, a. almost come to pass;
bird ; -patba, ra. sea-voyage; -pada, TO. -preta, pp. first born and then deceased;
(water-foot), N. of a 'frog-king ; -pura, TO. ^T^H. g^v-as, n. swiftness. -matra, a. but just born, only just arisen;
full channel (of a river); -purusba, in. water- -rupa, a. of native beauty, beauteous; golden;
pixie ; -pravaba, m. current; -plava,TO.de- ^afcj I ga.v%, f . China rose. n. gold: -maya, a. (i) golden ; -vat, a. born ;
luge ; -bindu, m. drop of water : -durdina, s T ^ f f ^ ^ i ^avajidhika, a. running faster. containing a derivative of the V g an; -vasaka,
n. shower of rain ; -budbuda,TO.water-bub- n. lying-in room; -v&sa-griba, n. (apart-
ble; -bba^ana, n. water-vessel; -maya, a. ^rf^'^g'av-in, a. swift; quick, speedy,hasty. ment in which living takes place), sitting-
(x) consisting of water; -manusba, m. (1) fa- room ; (a)-vidya, f . science of the origin or
bulous aquatic being; otter; -mu&, a. dis- grav-ish/Aa, spv. swiftest, quickest;
of the essence of things, metaphysics; -vi-
charging rain ; m. cloud. -iyas, cpv. quicker or swifter than (ab.). nasb/a, pp. — ^ata-nasli/a; -vi«v4sa, a. hav-
sjj<y| q g r a l a - y a n t r a , n. squirt; water-clock: W^i ;;ash^,TO.kind of aquatic animal. ing confidence engendered, inspired with con-
-ka, n. squirt, -£akra, n. water-wheel, -man- fidence ; (a)-vedas, a. having knowledge nf
GAS, I. A. grasa, be exhausted; cs. beings; m. Agni; (C.) fire; -ve*man, u.
dira, n. apartment with shower-bath ; -rasi, gksaya, P. exhaust, quench, ud, cs. ex- chamber of a new-born infant; lying-in room .
in. waters; sea, ocean ; -rub, -ruba, m. day terminate (ac., g.). [-van, a. wretched. -xiia,/. (real = ) massive stone; -sarokalpa,
lotus (growing in the water); -rekba.,/. streak
a. resolved; enamoured.
on the water; strip of water; -lekba, / . id.) ^ J g ^ s - u , / . exhaustion; -uri,o. exhausted;
-lava-mu£, m. (shedding drops of water), W U ^ </asma-r%a, TO. N. WTdlM(?I g'ataapatya, a. having offspring
cloud ; -vat, a. abounding in water; -vasa,
^amarsba, a. having one's anger roused, en
m. abode in the water; a. living in the water; ^f^efiT ^ahaka, / . hedgehog.
raged ;^avam4na, a. filled with self-contempt
- v a s - i n , a. living in the water: ( i ) - t a , / . abst.
^ f c t ^ T ^ gahat-svSrtha, a. giving up its
N. ; -vaba, a. bearing water : -ka,TO.water- gr^-ti, / . birth, origin, rebirth; exist-
carrier ; -sayya, f . lying in the water (as a original meaning ; a, / . = ^ahal-lakshana. ence, life ; state; rank, caste; family, tribe,
penance); -samnivesa, m. reservoir, pond ; ^ ^ W ^ W T grahal-lakshana./. mediate desig- race ; genus (opp. species), species (opp.
- s u r y a : -ka, in. reflection of the sun in the nation giving up the primary meaning (an individual), kind, class; disposition ; normal
water; -stba, a. being in the water; -stbana, example is : ' on the Ganges,' meaning ' on character, genuineness: in. -tas, by birth.
n. reservoir, lake; -snana, n. bathe; - b a s t i n , the bank of the Ganges').
m. (water-elephant), crocodile; -hara, TO. W r f T T W R 1 ^ ^ati-^Snapada, a. relating to

water-carrier; 1,/. ^ f ^ H ^a-hi-td,pp.(VhS) forsaken, forlorn, the castes and to the districts ; -bba;y, a. sub-
ject to birth; -bbrawsa, TO. loss of caste;
^ ;/ala a/((A'u, m. (cool-rayed), moon ( = gfahu, TO. young of an animal. -bbrasb/a, pp. having lost caste; -mat, a.
g&dXmsu ; - agama, in. rain; -aiigaiii, m. two high-born ; capable of being classed under a
^Tjf gfahnu, m. N.of a king who adopted the
handfuls of water in honour of the dead; fare- general notion; -matra, n. mere rank: - upa-
well for ever (fig.); -_atyaya, m. (cessation of Ganges; N.ofa cave in the Himdlaya from ;/ivin, a. subsisting by the name of his caste
the rain), autumn ; -adb4ra, ra. reservoir, which the Ganges issues: -kanya,,/. daughter only; -va£ana, n. generic term; -sampanna,
pond. of Crahnu, Ganges; - s u t a , / . id. pp. endowed with good family, high-born;
<31^ f/ahla, m. N. -smara, a. remembering one's former exist-
W R <7al&-ya, den. A . turn into water. ence : - t a , / . , -tva, n. abst. <v.; -smarana, n.
W r ^ p f i T gral-ayu-kS, f . leech. WT g&, o- - ° = -J7a, born ; m.f. (nm. -s) off- remembrance of a former birth ; -bina, pp.
spring: pi. progeny. destitute of good family, of low birth or rank.
1 f^J"l^9ala arthin, a. thirsty; - ardra, a. g>agata, a. composed in ffagati metre. g^-ti, /. rarer form of g a t i ; nutmeg
wet, moist: a, f . wet garment; damp cloth tree : -ko^a, m. nutmeg.
(used for fanning); -ardrika, / id. (-° a.); W I T T 9^-gar-a, m. waking ; waking vision;
-JLsaya, in. reservoir, pond, lake; sea; a. rest- g&tiya, a. belonging to the caste,
-aka,TO.waking; -ana, a. awake; n. waking;
ing in the water ; stupid. -ita, pp. wakeful; n. waking: -stbana, a. family, race, kind, or genus, of (-°): -ka,a. id.
j/altsha, a. soothing, healing; -bbe- being in a wakeful condition; -ish?m, a. wake- WT<J i7a-tu, ad. at all; ever ; possibly, per-
sba</a, a. having soothing remedies. ful; -uka, a. watchful; occupied with (-°). haps, once : na p&tu, not at all, by no means,
GA-GRI, intv. (of V g r i ) wake, be never (sts. with &id or kad& Hd added).
W I f f ? T ^ahijihati,/. downpour of rain. watchful; awake, be roused; watch over (lc.);
WT^^TT*! (/atu-dhana,TO.= yatu-dh3na.
!7ale-A:ara, a. (i) living in the water; cs. gagaraya, rouse. [lating.
TO. aquatic animal (-° a.f. a ) ; -saya, a. abid- W T ^ gfS.tusha, a. (i) made of or painted
ing in the water ; ep. of Vishnu. [ocean. WT^rfWySgn'-vi, a. watchful; bright; stimu-
with lac.
•31% ;/alajsa,TO.lord of water, ep. o/"Varuna, WT?T^!7agr-at,j!)r.p/.watching; n. waking: ^H^cuuJ g-atu-karna,TO.N. of an old teacher,
-svapna, m. du. waking and sleep. [na). physician, and author of a law-book; i,/.
g^laisvara, m. lord of water, ep. of N. of BhavabhU tis mother: -putra, m. son
<a| t tfaghani,/. tail (connected w. g'agha-
^aloka, m. N. of a king. [Varuna. of Gatflkarnl, Bhavabhflti.
Wr^yTyangala,^. open, dry, even, and pro-
ductive (country); existing in such a country; W T ^ f l ^ i yatukarnya, m .descendant of Gatfi -
^RTt^^^alaudara, n. (water-belly), dropsy;
- u d d b a t a - g a t i , a. moving violently in the TO. quail; n. game, meat. karna.
water;/, a metre; -udbbava, a. sprung from
the water;TO.aquatic animal; N. of a water 1 Pfj' °h j/Sngh-ika, a. swiff-footed; m.run- W i W ^ J7&ta irshya, a. having jealousy en-
gendered, jealoua; -isbfl, / . sacrifice on the
sprite. g&g-in, m. fighter. [ner. birth of a, child.
grntr £ a t y a . giv. 101

WR&T geSCfcya, a. belonging to the family, caste, begotten by a paramour; - t a , f . adultery with fa^nfcjqf pi-piv-i-sha, f . desire to live;
etc. o f ( - c ) ; related; noble; genuine; native, - s h n , a. wishing to live.
original (svarita accent). ^ r r f w t gkr-in-i, a. f . h a v i n g a p a r a m o u r . f % R T W f pi-pwa-s-ana,«. wish to k n o w ; ex-
r/Stijindha, a. blind from b i r t h : w H N l i p a r y a - k a , m. kind of animal. amination; - s & , / . id.; investigation; - s n , a.
-badbira, a. du. blind and deaf by birth; wishing to know or test, examining.
-ju'va, in. thoroughbred horse; ^ n t k a r s b a , ^TT^T I . pala, w . n e t ; chain a r m o u r ; wire hel-
met; lattice; network,dense mass;multitude; f ^ l c ^ p i - t , a. c o n q u e r i n g ; g a m i n g ( - 0 ) .
m. (superiority of = ) higher caste.
cluster; lion's mane; web-membrane (between pita-srama, a. (overcoming = )
WTT p&n-a, n. origin, birth-place. the fingers or toes of divine beings or extraor- inured to fatigue; practised in (Ic.).
^ p&naka, m. descendant of G a n a k a ; dinary men); fraud, magic, illusion.
R d N p i t a a k s h a , a. having subdued his
i,f. Sita: -n&tha, m. ep. of Rama. WT^T 2. pal-a, a. w a t e r y . senses; ^ a k s b a r a , a. having mastered writing,
WTTf^tT pilnanti, m. N. of a teacher. WP?T®fi ^^la-k^, n. n e t ; w e b ; l a t t i c e ; clus- writing with ease; - at m a n , a. self-controlled;
ter ofbuds; multitude; - k a r a , ra. spider: - k a , - a p s a r a s , a. surpassing the Apsarases.
j«1*|<^;/ana-pada,a.living in the c o u n t r y ;
m. id.; -gav&ksba, m. lattice window; -m- f ^ T p i - t i , / . acquisition; victory.
relating to districts; referring to or meant for
d b a r a , n. N. of a locality; -pada, m. web-
the country-people;TO.countryman; subject: f^lrl r ^ M p i t a j n d r i y a , a. h a v i n g the passions
footed bird ; N. of a magician ; -pasa, m.
i,f. provincial expression; - p a d i k a , a. con-
single thread of a web ; - p u r a , n. N. ofa city; subdued: - t v a , n. subjection of the passions,
cerning a realm.
- b a n d b a , m. snare, gin; - m a l a , / , n e t ; - v a t , pi-t-vara, a. victorious; conquering
pan-i, wife (-0 a.). a. having a n e t ; furnished with lattices.
W R T ^ p i l a a k s h a , lattice window. pi-na, TO. (overcomer), a B u d d h a ; a
('"•) n - knee,
5 T R T C ^ala-ya, den. A . represent a net. Jain saint; ep. 0/Vislmu: - r a k s b i t a , TO. N.;
panu-ka, n. knee (gnly. a.); m. N. - s a s a n a , n. Buddha's doctrine. [Buddha.
pal-ika, m. bird-catcher.
^TT^pRT p a n - i i M , / . b r i n g i n g f o r t h (ac.). p i n a j n d r a , m. lord of the (?inas,
WlfWcfiT pal-ika, / . n e t , snare ; m u l t i t u d e .
• " 1 1 ^ H pftnu-fcalana, n. b e i n g tossed on fW^X^T^T pindu-rapa, m. N..
any one's knees ; - p r a £ a l a n a , n. id.; -dagb.- W T ^ f t ^ l i r p&laudgirna, pp. issuing f r o m
na, a. (1) reaching to the knee: - a m b h a s , a-. the lattices. f ^ f T ^ ( J I N V , ( F . ) I . P . ( A . ) p i n v a , V . P.
having water - . [a. bending the knee. ^ p i - n o - t i (only with pra), stir, hasten ;
W T ^ t T pfilora, TO. N. of an Agrahdra. quicken, stimulate; help,further. pra,quicken.
^ T M f ^ l pSnujisthi, n. shin-bone ;
WT^R pfdma, a. (i) contemptible, b a s e ; TO.
W l r
<jjlM pap-a, m. m u t t e r i n g ; - a k a , a . r e c i t i n g
WT^JZ pasafa, m. N. [villain, wretch. pi-vri, a. decrepit, old.
in a low tone (-°) ; muttering prayers; m.
priest who mutters prayers; - i n , a . muttering, W r e r f T f ^ - s - p a t i , TO. paterfamilias. fa*!, pi-shred, a. victorious, s u p e r i o r ; ex-
reciting in a low tone ( - 0 ) ; - y a , fp. to be mut- celling (ac.); m. N.
I c f pahnava, TO. descendant of G a h n u ,
tered ; n. muttered prayer.
pat. of various men: i,/. the Ganges (daughter f ^ l ^ I^J pi-hS-su, a. wishing to quit (ac.).
W T ^ W t f S M l d ,TO.met. d e s c e n d a n t o f G a b a l S , of trahnu). [Gauges.
p31$fl^ pi-hir-shu, a . w i s h i n g to bring (ac.);
N.: pi. N.of a school; i, rn. pat. descendant
of Gabala, N. [Gamadagni. ^ r r j p f f c r p a h n a v - i y a , a. relating to the wishing to take away, carry off, or remove.
pihm^i, a. slanting, o b l i q u e ; c r o o k e d ;
W T T ^ P f p&mad-agnd, a. (1) c o m i n g from ^ j j G I , I. P . p a y a , ( A . chiefly with pari and
squinting ; fallacious; deceitful, dishonest;
vi) win,capture; vanquish,conquer; over-
slow ; n. dishonesty, duplicity.
W W ^ l l pamadagn-eya, rn. descendant of come (in ba ttle,lawsuit, or play)-, surpass; sub-
pihma-ga, a. m o v i n g in curves (snake);
Cramadagni; - y a ,TO.pat. id.,N.; relating etc. due, master (passions, disease); slake (thirst);
win from (2 ac.); be victorious (in play); TO. snake; - g a t i , a. id.; - t c r o o k e d n e s s ,
to Gamadagni or ffitmadagriya; - y a y i - t a ,
worst (in a lawsuit); pr. gayati, impv. gay- duplicity; -si, a. lying on the side.
(den. pp.) n. slaughter after the manner of
Paraaurama. a t u , or pp. ri. with in. long live - ! cs. papaya, pihm-ita,^9. bent, w i n d i n g ; veiled.
cause to win (2 ac.); des. .yigisba, P . A . de-
WTTTfJ g&-m&tri, m. [ h a v i n g an agnate sire to win, obtain, or conquer; be eager for f W I [ T p i - h v a , / . [ c a l l e r : -y/hve] tongue.
mother, i. e. a mother-in-law], son-in-law; prey, a v a , take away from; deprive of; con- p i h v S a g r a , n. tip of the tongue ;
brother-in-law (sister's husband): - k a , m. son- quer ; reconquer. 4, win, acquire, n d , id.; - m n l i y a , a. belonging to the root of the tongue
in-law ; - t v a , n. condition of a son-in-law. conquer, n i s , gain ; overcome, vanquish ; (certain letters); - l a u l y a , n. voracity.
W r f * pa-mi, a. consanguineous (brother surpass : pp. n i r p i t a , due (interest), v i - n i s ,
or sister), related, allied, own : du. pi. bro- id. para, (gnly. A.) overcome, vanquish, de- ^ t c T gl-t&, pp. of V p y a .
ther (s) and sister(s): i , / . (C.) female relation, feat; lose, be deprived of; succumb:^?, worst- pina, n. [(a)p-ina, g o a t - s k i n , cp. ag-
esp. daughter-in-law; sts. sister; n. i, consan- ed, defeated, overcome; overwhelmed by (- 0 ). fna] leathern bag.
guinity; sameness; repetition, tautology (gr.). v i , gnly. A . win; conquer; vanquish, defeat;
surpass ; control; be victorious; conquer in pimtita, TO. t h u n d e r - c l o u d ; -ketn, m.
W T f i T ^ p t m i t r a , re. (Bidperpop) the seventh battle with (in.); impv. and pr.~ long live - ! N. of a prince of fairies; - v a b a n a , m. N.;
astrological mansion. des. strive for victory, s a m , gain; overpower; - s v a n a , m. thunder. [lating.
Wrf^T^r pami-tv£, n. relationship. f/i-rvl, a. swift, a c t i v e ; urging, stimu-
^TTJ^cfi pambuka, a. coming f r o m the jackal.. f%T3rf*r3 pi-gam-i-shu, (des.) a . a b o u t to go. S^i^-danu, a. dropping swiftly,
pambd-nada, a. c o m i n g f r o m the f ^ T l m pi-gi-sha, (des.)f. wish t o obtain, flowing abundantly.
river (7 am b ft; n. kind of gold; gold ornament: expectation ; desire to conquer, ambition ; ^ftrjf pir-rea, pp. of Vgri; n. decrepitude,
• m a y a , a. (i) golden. - s h n , a. desirous to obtain, conquer, or excel; old age ; digestion : - t a , / . old age ; - t v a , n.
ambitious: - t a , / . e m u l a t i o n , ambition. id.; - v i s b a , m.N. of a snake charmer ; -sakti,
W R T f/a-ya, pr. st. of */g&n. /. power of digesting (Ic.); -sata-kbawda-
I p i - g h a t - s a , / . desire or intention to
* p a y a - k a , n. kind o / f r a g r a n t wood. m a y a , a. (i) consisting of a thousand worn-
eat; hunger; - s u , a. desirous of eating (ac.).
out pieces; -^amaya-pvara, TO. slow fever.
WHIT i/a-yX,/. w i fe, spouse: - t v a , n .wifehood. f s n T r a T pi-gham-sa, / . intention to slay
(\/han); - s - i n , a. wishing to kill ( - ° ) ; - s n , a. ^lYfui g"rn-i, a. decrepit..
p8y-iu, a. conquering ( - 0 ) ; -u, a.
intending to slay or destroy (ac., ^ila^ ra. [(a)p-ila, g o a t - s k i n ] leathern
^fTT p a r - i , m. l o v e r ; p a r a m o u r , adulterer. f ^ T T pi-gtm'k-sha,/. desire to seize; - s h u ,

I ^T^lpara-garbha, m .child b y a paramour;

a. intending to seize (ac., - ° ) ; - draw (water). i f N Gmain
t V , I . P . ( A . ) p i v a , live, be or re-
v alive; return to life ( + punar ;
a, a.f. pregnant by a paramour ; - g b n i , a.f. fa^rl pi-ghn-a-te, v. V h a n .
live on, maintain oneself by (in.); impv. long
killing her paramour; -ga, -gata, -^ataka, a. pingi, / . a plant. life to you! pr. pt. y i v a t , living, alive: p i v a n
102 ^fa giv-a. wr gna.

g a / r M a t i , goes on living, remains alive : pp. g^vita-kshaya, to. loss of life, (to,inf.). v i , y a w n ; increase; expand; arise,
r/ivita, living, alive (rare in this sense); cs. death; - g r i d b n u - t a , f . great love of life; appear: pp.-yrimbbita,yawning; expanded,
gdvaya, P. (A.) cause to live, revive; save or - n a t h a , to. lord of one's life, husband; -pri- blossomed, flowering, s a m , appear.
spare the life of; maintain, bring up ; wish y a , a. dear as life ; - b b u t a , pp. having been ^n'mbh-a, m. y a w n i n g ; opening ;
long life to : pp. g i v i t a , revived; des. gigiv- alive, dead. id.; ( a ) - k a r a , a. producing yawning; -ana,
i s b a , P. (A.) wish to live; seek a livelihood, n. yawning; blossoming; stretching; slack-
try to maintain oneself (by, in.), a t i , sur- •5rYf%fl=SJ;/iv-i-tavya, fp.n. to be lived (with
ness (of limbs): - i k a , / . yawning; -ita, (pp.)
vive ; live better than (ac.). a n n , live like in. of subject = will live); n. possibility of
n. appearance.
(ac.); live for, be devoted to (ac.); live upon, living; allotted term of life; possible restora-
be maintained by (ac.); cs. revive, a, exist tion to life : - v i s b a y a , to. duration of life; GRT, I . P . (V.) m a k e old, wear
b y ; use. ud, return to life; cs. revive, p r a - - s a w d e h a , TO. danger to life. £ o u t ; I V . P . ( A . rare) garya, grow old or
t l u d , return to life : pp. revived; cs. revive, frail, decay, be worn out, pass away, dissolve,
^ f q d ^ + 1 ^ivita-sama, a. dear as life. be digested: pp. givne,, old, decrepit; de-
u p a , maintain oneself; live on or be depen-
dent on; make use of, practise: v r i t t i m - , ^ t f q f T T * t l T f % r / i vitaj i k a n k s h i n , a. wish- cayed ; worn out, faded, withered; rotten,
gain one's livelihood ; gd. u p a g i v y a , in de- ing to remain alive ; - a t y a y a , ra. danger of tumble-down; digested ; cs. gaxkya, cause to
pendence on, on account of (ac.); cs. make use losing one's life; - a n t a , to. end oflife, death: grow old, wear out.
of, exploit, s a m , live; return to life; cs. -ka, m. ender of life, Siva, - k a r a , a. threaten- p'eta-vana, ra. Geta(r)'s forest, N. of
revive ; keep alive, support. ing life ; -JUa,/'. desire to live, hope of life. afor est nearSrdvasti,where Buddhap reached
^Tlq giv-d, a. living, a l i v e ; living on ( - 0 ) ; ^ f a ^ I T ^ i v i t a j s a , ra. lord of life, Y a m a ; his doctrine.
causing life ; to. principle of life, (individual) lover, husband; a, /. sweetheart, mistress; </e-tavya, fp. to be c o n q u e r e d ; -tri,
soul; N. of one of the Maruts; ra. n. living - Lsvara, m. ep. of Siva. TO. winner; conqueror; N. of a Buddhistic
being, creature. </iv-in, a. living (for, after ex- prince; - y a , fp. to be conquered.

oH q q i </iva-ka, a. (ik&) living, a l i v e ; living pressions of time); subsisting by or on (gnly. <7en-ia, a. of noble race,
on (-°); - g r a h a m , ad. (with grah), (take) - ° ) ; TO. living being; - y a , fp. n. to be lived;
^ela-ka, m. N.
alive; - g h a t i n , a. killing living creatures n. life.
^ A
([beast of prey); ~ga, a. born alive; -</ivaka, ^ u - g r p - s a , (des.)f. disgust, aversion, 3 f | T (7EH, I . A . <7eba, gape ; pant.
TO. francolin partridge; -m-givaka, m. id.
id gugup-8i-t&,(des;pp.)n.id.; atrocity. g'ai-tra, a. (1) victorious, t r i u m p h a n t ;
c q l q r q f r t q i l f/i v a t - p a t i - M , f woman whose n. victory: - y a t r 4 , /. triumphal procession;
^ f t ^ T T 5fu/-ika, / . t u f t of hair.
husband is alive; ( d ) - b b a r t r i k a , f . id. - r a t b a , m. triumphal car.
^ G U R , (V.) P . W . gvLTk, I V . </urya,
a T l ; / i v a - d a t t a , TO. A7".: -ka, m. id.; ^aina, a. (1) relating to the C i n a s ; m.
^ age, decay, perish: pp. gitxnk, decrepit,
- d a y a - k a , a. life-giving. old. Jain : i , /. doctrine of the Jains.
s f f a T </5V-ana, a. (i) quickening, a n i m a t - % f l T f i T yaimini, m.N. of a teacher, founder
G U S H , V I . grusha, taste with plea-
ing; restoring to life ( - ° ) ; n. restoration to of the Pitrva-Mimdmsd school of philosophy :
^ N sure, relish, hear favourably, like, rejoice
life ; existence, life ; subsistence ; manner of i - y a , f . relating to <?amini; m. adherent of
in, enjoy (ac., g.); be pleased : with t a n v a s ,
life; maintenance by (-° or in.); water: - y o n i , enjoy oneself, be g l a d ; cs. y o s b a y a , A . (P.) £?aimini; n. ©aimini's work. [soul.
a. having its origin in life; - b e t u , m. means like, love, caress; approve, a n u , visit any g'aiva, a. (i) relating to the individual
of subsistence. [is destroyed. one (ac.). a b b i , be fond of; visit, frequent,
^T^efiyaivati i - k a , a. long-lived, w h o may
-n£s, a. (nm. - n a t ) in which life p r a , p p . delighting in (lc.). p r a t i , be tender
towards (ac.); rejoice in (ac.). live long.
5-iv-aniya, fp. one should l i v e ; ^raihm-ya, n. fraud, cheating.
life-giving; n. water. ^ G ^ u s h , a. devoted t o ; d w e l l i n g i n ; pos-
sessing; like, similar to (-°). ^ J ^ a f h v a , a. relating to the tongue (grihvfi.).
gfivan-marana, n. living death ;
- m u k t a , pp. having obtained final liberation oJH (?ush-£a (or -t&), pp. acceptable (to, in., W t ^ *g , onga, - k a , n. aloe-wood.
while yet alive ; - m u k t i , / . liberation during (/., g.); frequented or visited by, exposed to,
•CTH^osh-a, TO. satisfaction : -m, ad. at will,
life; - m r i t a , p p . living and yet dead, half- furnished with in.).
as one pleases; gladly; f / o s b a m &s, be silent.
dead : -ka, a. id. ,7ush-7i,/. f a v o u r ; satisfaction.
s f t ^ U J ;/osh-awa, n. delighting i n ; choosing
g<iva-pati,to. living h u s b a n d ; - p a t - pu-hur-an^, pr. pt. A . of v hvW.
n i , a.f. whose husband is alive; - p i t n : - k a ,
^u-hu, / . [caller : V h v a ] t o n g u e (esp. W t ^ ^ T ^ohutra, a. r o a r i n g ; neighing loud.
a. whose father is still alive; ( a ) - p u t r a , a.
of Agni); flame; sacrificial butter-ladle (for
whose son or children are a l i v e ; m. N. of a ^ gnA, a. k n o w i n g , understanding, familiar
RisAt andofahymn composed by him; - p r a y a , pouring ghee on the fire).
with (- 0 , sts. g. or lc.).
a. having children still alive; - m a y a , a. ani- c/u-hfl-shu, a. w i s h i n g to sacrifice (ac.).
mate, living. "Sjci l gn&-t&,f. intelligence, k n o w l e d g e ; fa-
^JtlTlfrt (/u-ho-ti, ra. (3 sg. of V h u ) techni-
giva-lct, a. a n i m a t i n g ; m. N. miliarity with (-°); - t v a , n. intelligence.
cal designation of the sacrifices denoted by
the term grnhoti (not by yagati). ^ f H ^ n a p - t i , / . comprehension; ascertain-
g^va-lok^, m. world of the living,
ment : -ka, id. a. [telligent.
mankind ; - v a d b a , to. killing a living being; *5f G f r , ( F . ) I . L g^va, I X . P . £una, speed ;
- v i s b a y a , m. duration of life; - v i s b a n a , n. c urge, inspire; further : pp. r/uta. p r a , giwam-manya, a. thinking oneself in-
horn of a living animal; -saTOsa, to. com- speed onwards. ^ f a yraa-sakti,/. faculty of thinking.
munity of the living ; - s e s b a , a. having life
^FT/a, TO. braid of hair. ^ J GNA, I X . j a - n a , - n i , -n, k n o w ; be
only as a remnant, having bare life ; - s i d d b i ,
acquainted with, have knowledge of, re-
TO. N.; - s u , a.f. bearing a living child. ytlra, m. i n j u r y .
cognise (by, in.); perceive; learn, ascertain ;
f/iv-ds-e, V. inf. of */giv. WW gtr-ni, pp. of Vgur. approve; know to be, consider, assume, sup-
pose (2 ac."); become acquainted with (gr.);
w h r r g £/iv-atu,/. life. 5 f c f G I J R V , I . P . giirva,, c o n s u m e with remember (g.); know how to (inf.) ; A . *have
idi't..'/ivaJitman, TO. i n d i v i d u a l s o u l ; ^ ^ heat, scorch, burn. to do with : f/ane (used parenthetically), 1
^apeta, pp. lifeless; -jisa, a. attached to life; know ; n a gr«a, know nothing of, disregard ;
1. ORI, I . A . gaxa, ( V . ) crackle (of fire); k a e v a m y a n i t e , with ft. who knows but?
^jisankin, a. supposing any one to be alive; & call, invoke.
^ a s t i k a y a , TO. the category of soul. m r i s b a yn&, consider untrue: pp. </n&ta,
"3T 2. GRI, I . A . ^ a r a , ( F . ) a w a k e ; move, known; thought; understood, learned, ex-
^ I f q ^ T 5/iv-ika, / . l i f e ; manner of life ; perienced ; considered (nm.); m a y a j^'atam,
^ approach.
means of subsistence, livelihood. I thought; cs. p a p a y a , teach, instruct, in-
GRIMBU,I.A.(V.) ^nmbba,yawn; form ; declare, report, make acquainted with
sTirqn pp. (Vgiv) alive ; n. l i v i n g open; , increase ; arise ; revive, (2 ac.): pp. g'jlapta or ^/Tapita; des. gigiikna,
being;life; duration oflife; livelihood,means take courage; be at ease, ud, open wide ; A. (E. also P.) wish to know, learn, or under-
of subsistence. arise, appear, s a m - u d , spread ; endeavour stand ; investigate, test; ascertain; des. cs.
*sjld«4| ^ r c a - t a v y a . ^rfTT (/hat-iti. 103
pftlpsa, P. wish to make acquainted with H I fa^pnan-in, a. k n o w i n g , understanding, aiTlcJj gyok, ad. for a l o n g time : - t a m a m ,
(2 ac.). anu,grant; promise; approve; admit; wise; havingthe higher knowledge;TO.fortune- ad. longest.
follow; pardon any one (g.); authorize, per- teller, astrologer: ( i ) - t v a , n. fortune-telling.
mit, give leave to (ac.); permit to depart, s r t T i f r U ^ pyotir-agra, a. (preceded b y = ) ra-
dismiss; cs. ask any one (ac.) for permission; diating light; -isa,-i$vara, m.N.ofanauthor.
take leave of (ac.). a b h l a n u , grant any- sakti-mat, a. having the faculty of knowledge,
W t f T T ^ ^ y o t i r - p n a , TO, a s t r o n o m e r ; - m a y a ,
thing (ac.) to (g.); permit to (inf.); assent will, and action.
a. consisting of light, radiant; - l e k h a , / . N.;
to, approve ; authorize; dismiss; take leave "SJ fif** p n a n a j n d r i y a , TO. organ of p e r - - v i d , m. astronomer.
of (ac.). s a m - a n u , dismiss; cs. take leave
ception or sense.
of (ac.). abhi, understand, perceive, know; pyotiA-sfistra, n. a s t r o n o m y .
recognise or regard as (2 ac.); *remember I 4«°R pwa-p-aka, a..(ika) causing to k n o w ,
(withft.), p r a t i a b h i , recognise; understand; WtfW^T pyotish-a, n. astronomical science
teaching, indicating ; TO. master of petitions
regain consciousness; cs. recall to mind, (one of the six Veddngas).
(an. official); n. precept; implicit rule (ofgram-
a v a , look down upon, despise, disregard; mar); - a n a , n. notifying, indicating; - a n i y a , f f | < J J pyotish-kana,TO.spark; - p r a b h a ,
surpass; deny: pp. accompanied with con- fp. to be made known or notified as (nm.); m. N. of a (Buddha, of a Bodhisattva, and of
tempt. mark, observe ; perceive, hear; - a y i t r i , m. instructor. a prince; - p r a r o h a , m. (shoot of light): pi.
understand; consider; cs, command; order amy rays ; - m a t , a. full of light, radiant, brilliant,
one. (ac.) to (<!., Ic.). sam-&, recognise, ob- " I f f a j T f/mp-sa, (des.) f . e n q u i r y .
heavenly; TO. sun; N.: -i,f. a form of Irish-
serve: pp. known as (nm.); cs. command, gne-ya}fp. to be k n o w n , - learned, - u n - tub h metre.
npa, devise, s a m - n p a , id. n i s , distinguish, derstood ; -investigated; -considered as (nm.):
find out. p a r i , carefully observe, ascertain; s S C t f T H S t T pyotiA-shfoma, m. (Praise of
-m, (with in.of subject) one should know how
know fully; recognise as (2 ac.) : pp. known; Light), kindof Soma sacrifice (which consists of
to (inf.): -gna,,TO.mind (knowing the know-
known as (-°). p r a , discern, recognise; find four, Agi dshto ma, Ukthya, Shodasin, and Ati-
able); - t a , / . , - t v a , n. knowableness, compre-
out; understand, know about: pp. known; rdtra, or seven parts:. the same and Atyag-
well known ; known as (nm.); common ; cs. nishioma,. Vdgapeya, and Aptoryama).
show the way; betray, a n u - p r a , find out the G Y A , I X . P . pina, overpower ; op-
o S f t f J H ^ pyot-is, n. light, radiance ; fire ;
way after, p r a t i , admit; promise something press; deprive of (2 ac.); ps. p i y a or p i y a :
light of the eye; world of light; intelligence;
(ac.) to (d., g.)4,^confirm, affirm, answer (A.); pp. <jita. [cessive requirement. light of life, freedom, j oy, victory: pi. heavenly
assert; discuss (A.); recognise; learn: s a t y a w
5JJT 2. gy&, f . superior p o w e r or f o r c e ; ex- bodies, stars. [of yem.
- , promise solemnly, s a m - p r a t i , promise,
v i , distinguish, discern.; understand; know pyoti-rasa, TO. (dew of light), kind
SJJT 3. f/ya, f . bowstring. [string.
exactly ; gain knowledge ; learn (from, g.);
W t i W r p y o t - s n a , / . m o o n l i g h t : - m a y a , a.
find out, ascertain; consider (thefate of); ob- ^ (8l f S pyS-krish^i,/. drawing of the b o w -
consisting of moonlight; - v a t , a. moonlight
serve that (2 ac. or yad); recognise in (Ic.) ;
look upon as (2 ac.); ps. v i y i l a y a t e , it is 5 ? n f ^ / y a - n i , / . oppression; disappearance.. (night); bright.
recognised = prescribed (by authorities) : m a ^ I M.lfTT gya-\AsA, TO. b o w s t r i n g . f f ^ c t i T pyotsn-ikS,, f . N. of a singer.
vipnayi, let this (nm.) not be regarded a s ; A

cs. declare, - to be (2 ac.); make known, an- 55TRI .'/ya-ya.dew. A . represent a b o w s t r i n g . ^yautsna, TO. (moonlit half=.) light
nounce ; address; request, ask (regarding, 3141 m^gya-y as,cpv.mightier; stronger; su- half of the month.
-artham, prati, or d.); inform about (2 ac.). perior, better, greater; older; more venerable prSy-as, n. expanse, space.
a b h i - v i , learn, perceive, p r a t i - v i , grate- or distinguished; most excellent or distin-
fully acknowledge. saTO-vi, agree; advise; guished : - t v a , n. abst. N.; - v a t , a. recog- G R I , I . P . g r a y a , with npa, go to (ac.).
cs. recite, s a m , A . agree with (Ic., *in., *ac.); nising a superior, obedient.
A . obey (d.); cs. appease, satisfy; quiet (sacri- -35J ^ G Y A R , I. P . gvara, be h o t ; cs. gvar-
ficial animal); make signs to (ac.). pygy-ishfAa, spv. a. most excellent x
a y a , cause to be feverish, s a m , be
or distinguished; first; best. distressed. [delirious raving.
"tjTfl^l ^wa-tavya, fp. to be ascertained or
learned; to be considered as (nm.). G Y U T , I. A.pyota,shine; c s . P . p y o t - pvar-a, TO. f e v e r ; sorrow: - p r a l a p a ,
^ \ a y a , illumine. pvar-ita, pp. f e v e r i s h ; -in, a. id.
K J l f r l ^nft-ti, m. near blood-relation ; k i n s -
man : - k a r m a n , n. business of a kinsman; ^^ p y t j s h i A a (or a), spv. most excellent
G V A L , I . P. (E. also A.) gvala, blaze,
-k&rya, n. kinsman's duty; - t v a , n. consangui- or beauteous; greatest; highest; best; first;
^ burn, flame, glow, flash; be red-hot:pp.
nity ; - p u t r a , m. son of a relati ve; - p r a b h n - chief; superior to (ab.); eldest: -m, ad. most,
grvalita, flaming, blazing, flashing, shining;
ka, a. of high position among relatives; - p r a - greatly; m. elder brother ; (sc. ghatfa) ascend-
cs. ^ v a l a y a , kindle ; illuminate; intv. gk-
ya,a. meant specially forblood-relations; -bha- ing bucket onthe water-wheel; N. ofa month,
^ v a l a t i or y a y v a l y a t e , blaze powerfully;
v a , m. relationship: - t a s , ad. on the strength M a v - J u n e ( = gryaish£Aa) ; a, f . eldest wife;
shine brilliantly, u d , flare up; cs. set aflame,
of his relationship; -bheda, m. quarrel among N. of the 16/A (18th) lunar station; mis-
fortune ; n. chief thing. kindle; illuminate, p r a , begin to blaze or
kinsmen ; - m a t , a. having near kinsmen. flash:pp.flaming,blazing; shining; e,?.kindle,
IJlcJ gnk-tr{, m.one w h o k n o w s ; acquaint- c f ^ (/yeshtf Aa-tara, cpv.m. one of t h e eld- a b h i - v i , shine towards, s a m , blaze; cs. -gvkl-
ance; witness. ers; a.,/.nurse; - t a , / . , -tva,n.superiority,pre- a y a , kindle.
cedence ; primogeniture; - p a l a , TO. N.; - v a -
ijl^pna-na, n. k n o w l e d g e ; true or superior £val-a, TO. f l a m e ; -at, pr.pt. burning,
y a s , a. older than (-°); - v a r n i n , TO. Brahman;
knowledge (sts.pl.); wisdom; intention; as- shining etc.; m. burning fire.
-vWtti, a. behaving like an elder brother ;
sumption ; consciousness; organ of sense:
- s a m a n , n. N. ofa Saman; a. one who chants s q H « 1 pval-ana, a. b u r n i n g ; s h i n i n g ; m.
-Yknda,, n. the part of revelation treating of
this Saman ; - s a m a - g a , a. id.; ^asrama, m. fire ; caustic potash ; n. flaming : - k a n a , m.
the higher knowledge ; -Aakshus, n. eye of
most excellent ordeT(thatofthehouseholder); spark.
knowledge; a. seeing with the eye of know-
ledge ; -da, m. imparter of knowledge; - p u r - a. living in the householder stage.
^val-ita, (ppj n. shining, sheen.
v a , a. preceded by knowledge, i. e. well-con- 55HJ gya\shth&,m.N. of a summer month ( M a y -
sidered ; - m a y a , a. (1': consisting in or con- J une) ; i, /. day of full moon in Cryaishtta; W F T f/vala, TO. flame ; t o r c h ; a, / . illumi-
taining knowledge; -marga,TO.path of know- - s a m i k a , a. relating to the ^yeshitAa-saman. nation ; flame, bright l i g h t : - d h v a ^ a , m.
ledge ; - y o g a , m. the theoretical Y o g a ; - v a t , fire, - m u k h a , m. (Flame-mouth), kind of
a. knowing; learned; possessed of superior pyaish/A-in-ey^i, TO. son of the fa- ghost; N. of a Brahmarakshasa, -linga,
knowledge; - s a k t i - m a t , a.having the faculty ther's eldest wife. [geniture. n. N. of a temple of Siva.
of knowing ; - s i d d h i , TO. N. Ttjav pyalshfA-ya, n. p r e c e d e n c e ; primo- =3=1 | (H*V.3 , vSl-in, a. flaming.

fpfiTX gham-kara, TO. h u m m i n g ; p u r l i n g ; ?J?JT ghamghfi, f . roaring (of the wind): W GHAT, only with n d , pp. ugghafita.,
•k&rita, n. id.; - k a r i n , a. rattling; hum- ^ a n i l a , m. roaring wind ; - m a r u t , TO., - m a - \ thrown into confusion.
ming ; purling; sounding. r u t a , TO. id. 5jfif?T ghat-iti, ad. at once, on the spot.

l^TJT OH AN, I . P . ghana., sound. G H A R , pr. pt. ^Aar-at, flowing down. ^Aalla-ka, n. kind of c y m b a l ; -ri, / .
^ A kind of musical instrument.
U! I ^ghana-ghant-ya, A. sound,rattle: fJTJ ghar-Si, f . w a t e r f a l l ; -1, f . id.; river. fJEf gha$\\&, m. kind of large fish ; fish : - k e t -
pp. - y i t a , rattling. ana, m. (fish-bannered), Kama, love; sea.
SjS^ ghax-ghar-a, m., i , f . kind of drum or
^T^WTT^ ghana-ghana-rava, m. pi. tin- flute. I J T q i l f T 5 ^ f/Mrw-karin, a. = pAara-k;lrin.
fJllfX/TgrAar^ftar-ita, pp. b r u i s e d ; withered. ^T^Tf^l^/ia^-karin, a. whistling.
^"tijfcf) | i^Aawat-kara, m. t i n k l i n g ; rattling.
SJ^^J^T ghalag-ghalk, f . sound of drip- t ^ ^ R T y A i l l i k S , / . cricket.
Si Ruff! ^Aaw-iti, ad. t i n g ! ping or of the flapping of elephants' ears.
f ^ s H g-Ailli,/., °efi - k a , m. id. [betel).
fJT*T ^Aampa, m., f . j u m p , l e a p : -m da, fJUT j/Aalla, m. c l u b - f i g h t i n g athlete (descen-
take a leap. dant of outcast Kshatriya). grAaulika, little p o u c h (containing

z T:
<akka, m. miser. ^am-kara, m . y e l l , c r y ; t w a n g , s o u n d : f z f ^ T /i^i-bha, m., i , f . a bird (Parra ja-
/akka-desa,n.country of the T a k k a s . - r a v a , m. id. [ing; - k r i t a , n. sound. cana); N. of a bug.
Z I f i T T fakkara, / blow on the head. /am-karita, n. h u m m i n g ; t w a n g - fZWT tinthfi, f . gaming-house.
E W ^ E /akki-buddha, m. N. T A L , I . P . / a l a , b e confused. T I K , I. A . /ika, trip a l o n g ; cs. l i k a y a ,
^ ^ F 7 a n k a , c h i s e l ; m a t t o c k ; a coin; a weight "^explain, elucidate.
Z ^ f ^ fasat, d f a f f l /as-iti, ij. b a n g !
( = 4 mdshds); N.of a caste or people; i - k a , d|c()| tfk-a, f . c o m m e n t a r y .
d l ^ ' <Snka, n. kind of i n t o x i c a t i n g l i q u o r . Z ^ f Z T /i/i-bha, m., i , f . = f i f f i - b h a .
d ^ ' U ! tfaiikaraa, m. borax. [ / . chisel.
^wi-k&ra, ra., - k a ' t a , n. sound. /it-kSra, m. crash.
fanka-ya, den. P . cover up. ud, pp.
u ^ a n k i t a , stamped, marked, with fd£fc Jikka, m. N. Z W fulla, m. N.

norific title after proper names.) fdU^T th\nth&,f. g a m b l i n g - h o u s e ; N.: -ka-
i , ^ a - k 4 r a , m. the letter th.
dlc*H H , Mat-kai'a, m.— ^ at kara. rala, m. N. of the proprietor of a gambling-
Makkana, m. N. of a prince.
cHIT^ Makkura, m. d e i t y ; t h e divine - , (ho- ZTX thana, m. hoarfrost.

Z D .

D A M , I . P . d a m a , sound (of a drum). rfakini,/. kind offemale demon (in (fimba, p a n i c ; d a n g e r ; affray, r i o t ; m.
the retinue of Kdli) thatfeedson human flesh: e g g ; ball; simpleton: - j i h a v a , m. revolt, tu-
dam-a, m. N. of a despised mixed caste. - t v a , n. character of a X>akini. mult. [ignoramus.
rfama-ra, m. t u m u l t , b r a w l . ^ T f ' T ' f t rfagini, / . — (Mkini. rfimbha, m. (new-born) c h i l d , boy :
tfamar-in, m. kind o / d r u m . rfagineya, - k a , N. of a gambler. dim,ft€\dim,f. Delhi, N. of a city.
rfamaru, id.: - k a , / . id. ^Tsnfcl dkm-kriti, f . sound, ^ D T , I. A . f/aya, I V . A . rfxya, fly. ud, fly
^ ^ D A M B , I . or X . P . vi-t/amba, imi- up : pp. uA/ina. p r a u d , fly up and away,
rfat-kiiti,/. howl. p r a , fly up.
^ tate, vie with ; -rfambaya, deride; de-
ceive : pp. -c/ambita. ^ g T T T d&mara, a. a s t o u n d i n g , extraordinary rfi-na, n. flight.
( - t v a , n. abst. N.) ; rn. astonishment, admira-
rfamba-ra, m. noise ; b o m b a s t ; con- ^TJv^JT c?uwc?u-bha, m. kind of footless lizard.
tion ; knight.
fused mass ; splendour : - n a m a n , a. bearing
a high-sounding name. din Jima, m. ra., 4, /. kind of d r u m ; x f f a ^ domba, m. low-caste m u s i c i a n : i, / .
^ f f rfambha, m. N. [m. N. m. murmuring; a. humming. kind of play. [bha.
rfallaka, n. kind of suspended b a s k e t ; f ^ T dittha, m. N.
^ T J ^ T c?au»c?ubha, a. relatingto the dundu-
davittha, m. N. dima, m. kind of play . ^ ^ T DYAL, with 4, cs. - f / v a l a y a , P . mix.

dAakka, m. kind of e d i f i c e ; N. of a ^T^nCT S a m a r a , / . goose. ^f^JJ DHAVK,I. A . d / i a u k a , a p p r o a c h (ac.):
locality; a , / , large drum. ciAala, n. shield.
i t o d A a u k a s v a , come here; cs. dh&uk.-
dhehka. m. kind of bird .; i, / . kind of a y a , P. bring near to (g.); procure; offer
dAakka-desiya, o. peculiar to the
to (d.). u p a , cs. offer; prepare.
country of DAakka. dance.
^t^f dho\&, m. d r u m . c?Aauk-ana. n. offering, present.
rfAakka-na or -ma, m. N.

fxry fjjp^ m, the causal suffix i. I in taddhita suffixes vviddhi of the first vowel W n T nijinta, a. ending in the causal suffix.
ftpi:n-it, h a v i n g n for its it (which produces | the base> I^ ^ v u l , m. the suffix -aka (in such words
vnddhi of a final vowel or penultimate a and i tgf nya, m. N. of a lake in Brahnaloka. I as bJtog-aka etc.).
rr ta. ta-d. 105


7f ta, prn. of the 3rd prs. (nm. sg.TO.s a , / . Tfff 2. ta-t5, pp. of V 1 . tan. exclusively devoted to, intent on, (Ic., -°) :
sA) he, she, it, they ; that, those (a. or N.) ; TTfl^t^-tas, ad.=ab. sg. du. pi. of prn. ta, -ta, f . exclusive devotion, intentness; -para-
sts. attenuated to an article in rag.; correl. yana, a. having that as theirfinalaim; -parsva,
thence; there; thither; thereupon, then; n. his side; -purnsha, TO. his servant: the
to (preceding) relative; withprns. of 1st & 2nd therefore; itas tatas, (from) here and there,
prs., e.g. so * ham = Ibeing such; repeated: example used to designate the class o/determi-
hither and thither; tataA katham, how is it native compounds (i. e. those in which the first
this and that,each,several,various,respective; then that - ? tataA kim, what next ? = pray part determines or limits the second, specific-
with relative ( + va) yah sa, whoever; y a t go on; what would be the use of it ? what can ally those in which thefirst part has the sense
tad,whatever,every,any; y o y a A - s a s a , w h o - be the harm of it? does it not come to the same ofa case); -purva, a. happening for the first
ever - he; yad y a d - t a t tad, whatever- that; thing? tata/; kshanat, - kshanam, imme- time; -pradh&na, a. dependent on her;
tad yathii, that is as follows, that is to say. diately after; tata h param,besides this, more- -prahrishia, pp. pleased with that.
TAJ/S, pour out (desires); cs. tamsa- over; thereupon, afterwards ; tataA pasAat,
ya, P. shake. after that, then; tataA prabhriti, thence- rTW t^-tra ( V . also a), ad. — Ic. of ta ; there;
forward; tatas tataA, (from) here and there, thither; on this occasion, on account of that,
H^U T A K , IT. P. rush: pp. takta, rushing hither and thither, everywhere ; what next? in that case, then ; tatra tatra, always in or
\ along. = pray go on; tato*nyataA, to some other on that (those); here and there, hither and
c|=fH*Uak-mdn, TO. fever. place; tato * nyatra = tasmad anyasmin; ta- thither; everywhere; yatra tatra, wherever,
toxparam, later, afterwards, another time; anywhere; whithersoever ; at every oppor-
cf«R tak-ra, n. buttermilk mixed with an yatas tataA, from whomsoever = indiscrimin- tunity : yatra tatraapi, whithersoever.
equal amount of icater. ately ; (from) wherever; yato yataA - tatas tatra-Aakshur-manas, a. di-
tataA (from) wherever - there (thence);
W T Z takraata, m. churning-stick. whithersoever - thither. recting eyes and thoughts thither,
ffJJJ T A K S H , I . t i k s h a , V. P. takshno, dn*J6( tatas-tya, a. coming from thence. tatra-tya, a. being there.
v hew, carve; split; fashion (esp. of wood)]
iflqHef^tatra-bhavat, a. respected;TO.the
make,create; invent, inV.rftenofthe artistic tTcfTTW tatt-mah£, m. grandfather. gentleman there: - i , f . the lady there (of per-
work of the RiiAws: pp. tashla. k, procure, cff?T 1. t&-ti, a. pi. so many (nm., ac. tati). sons absent from the stage).
pari, cut to pieces.
TfffT 2. ta-ti,/. multitude, troop. r f ^ g T tatra-stha, a. being or abiding there.
fHTtaksh-a,m. carpenter ( - 0 ) ; N.of a son of
T H I « r i \ tatraantare, Ic. in the interval,
Hharata : -k&, m. cutter (-°); N.of a serpent "dfd^? tati-tha, a. (1) the so-manieth.
demon; -ana, n. cutting, carving; planing. meanwhile.
tat-kartavya, fp. n. (necessity to do
f T ^ t a k s h - a n , m.wood-cutter; carpenter. that), appropriate course of action ; -karma- tat-sankhya-ka, a. the same in
karin,a. folio wingthe same occupations; -kar- number; -sama, a. equal to,synonymous with
ff^rftjt?TTtaksha-sila,/.]V. ofacity, thecapi- in, a. doing the same thing; -kala, m. that (~°); -samaksham, ad. before bia eyes;
taloftheGandhdms: -tas,ad.fromTakshasila. time, that particular time, previous time: -m, -samipe, Ic. near him; -sambandhin, a.
at that time, at the same time; instantly, at connected with that; -sprishiin, a. touching
c^'ty tangana, m. pi. N. of a people on the
once; a. happening at the same time or at that or those.
upper Sarayd.
once, -pariAarya, /. immediate hospitality; Tf^TT ta-tha, ad. so, thus (corr. to yathS,, as,
( T ^ f f a taA-AAila, a, having such a h a b i t ; -kalina, a. being at or belonging to that time; that; iva, as; yena, that); that is so; so be it,
similar. simultaneous ; -krita, pp. caused thereby ; well, yes; so truly (in oaths) ; in like manner,
-kshana, m. the same moment: -m, ab., Ic., also, likewise ; tatha Aa, similarly, so also ;
tap-j7ivana,n. his livelihood; -gna,, straightway, instantly.
a. knowing that; familiar with, versed in; tathaapi, id.; nevertheless, yet (gnly. with
corr. yadi api, api yadi, kamam, varam);
m. connoisseur. CPTTVC ' tat-tira, n. its bank. tatha hi, for so (it is), so for instance, that
ft ^ TANK, V I I . P. tanakti, contract. (ITH tat-tva, n. (that-ness), very essence, is to say, namely; tath&eva, just so, like-
true nature, truth, reality; principle (esp.one wise, similarly (Aa and api sometimes added);
TAT, I. P . tafa, groan. of the 25 in the Sdnkhya philosophy); in the tatha-yatha, so-that; (solong) - till; ya-
Veddnta philosophy the word is artificially tha tatha, in whatever way, in this way or
(TJ taf-a, m. (n.), 1 , / . slope, bank ; often analysed into ' tat tvam,' that (art) thou, as that, by all means; by commentators used
of projecting parts of the body. expressing the identity of the multiform phe- to indicate that a word is used adverbially
nomenal world (tvam) with the one undiffer- (in such a manner that it is -): with na, by
rTJj^TT ta/a-druma, TO. tree on the bank ; entiated invisible Brahma (tad): in., - tas, no means, practically not; yatha yatha -
- b h u , / . bank; -stha,a. standing on theslope; in reality; truly ; exactly; thoroughly. tatha tath.4, in whatever way-so, the more
indifferent; neutral (as standing midway be- - t h e more; na tatha, not so, untrue.
(IT^IJ tattva-^na, a. knowing thoroughly
tween summit and valley); approximate (de-
(—°); -^»ana, n. knowledge of real essence, l<l<1 tatM-gata, pp. faring or behaving
finition) ; -sthita, pp. indifferent. true knowledge ; -darsin, a. seeing or know- thus, so conditioned, such ;TO.a Buddha; a
TTTRi taftika, n. pond, lake. [m. ocean. ing the truth; -dris, a. id.; -bodha,TO.know- Buddhist; -guna, a. having such virtues;
ledge of the truth; title of two works; -bhava, -tva,n. the being such, true state, real nature;
<lfdH)ta/-ini,/.(havingbanks), river:-pati, TO. true being or essence ; -bhuta, pp. true; -bhavitavya-ta,,/. necessity of such a result;
T A D , cs. tarfaya,P.strike,beat; chas- -vid, a. knowing thoroughly (- 0 or g.); -sud- -bhavin, a. destined to become such; -bhnta,
x tise; wound, pari, cs.belabour with (in.). dhi,/. exact knowledge of the truth. pp. being such, - in such a plight or condition;
pra, cs. strike down, v i , cs. wound; strike c T W T W r ^ r W r tattvajikhyanaupama, f . -mukha, a. facing the same way.
against (Ic.). [burster of tanks. simile implied in stating a truth (e. g. ' thy d | < 1 * ^ t a t h a S y a t a m , a d . in the same di-
?P?TT tadaga, n. pond, lake: -bhedaka, TO. mouth is not a lotus' implies ' thy mouth is rection.
like a lotus'); ^apahnava-rupaka, n. simile ( t a t h t - r f i p a , a. so formed, so shaped,,
(ff^c^ tad-it,/, lightning: -vat, a. contain- implied in denying the truth (e. g. ' thy eyes of such an appearance; -rnpin, a. id.; -vi-
ing lightnings, flashing ; m. thunder-cloud. are not eyes but two bees' implies ' thy eyes dha, a. of such a kind, being in such a con-
are liketwo bees'); -jibhiyoga,m. prosecution dition or plight: -m, ad. so, thus, in such wise;
r f f ^ i P I tadin based on facts; ^artha, m. matter of fact, -vidhana, a. acting thus ; -virya, a. of such
-maya, a. resembling light- truth ; true sense"of (-°): -vid, a. knowing might; -vrata, a. observing such a course.
r f ning;
fWfTT -mal4,y. flash of
tadil-lata,/. lightning.
id.; -lekha,/. id. the true sense.
tath-ya, a. true; n. truth: in., -tas, in
tarac?-ula,TO.grain, esp. of rice; grain dfM<^ tat-pada, n. its place; the word tad; accordance with truth; -vaAana, n. promise.
of rice as a weight: -kana, m. grain of rice; -padavi,/. his path : y-ar/i padam dha, set
foot in his path = imitate or vie with him ; ta-d, prn. nm., ac. n. of t a : also base
-kandana, n. bran.
-para, a. 1. following upon that; 2. (having ; ad. there; thither; so, thus, then, in re-
iffif 1. tata, m. father: vc. also my son. that as the highest), occupied with that only; gard to that (in the Brdhmanas); then, in
106 cT<^«i«rK tad-anantara. tap.

that case (corr. yadi, £ed); therefore, accord- corresponding thereto: -tva, n. corresponding tanQ-bhava, m. son; -ruba, n. hair
ingly ([corr. yad, yataA, yena); now ([common nature; - v i s h a y a , a. belonging to that cate- (on the body); plumage ; wing; m. son.
in Brdhmanas as a particle of transition); gory ; having that as an object; - v n t t i , a.
tad api, even that, even then (corr. &ed) ; living according to that; -vrata, a. fulfilling nf*fl tan-tf,/. (also 1) cord, rope (esp, for
nevertheless (corr. yadi api); tad yatba, this duties towards him, her, or them. tying calves).
is as follows, thus for instance. 7T«?T t^n-tu, m. thread, cord, string ; fibre,
YfrT T A N , V I I I . t a n - 6 , s t r e t c h ; extend;
<1^*1 tad-anantara, a. standing next to ^ reach; cover; shine afar; continue, en- warp; uninterrupted course of a sacrifice;,
(a.): -m, ad. immediately after, thereupon dure; spread out (web)-, propagate; augment, propagator of a race; lineage.
(corr. prak or prathamam). increase; direct (steps); utter; perform (rites)-, tjnjefi tantu-ka,(-° a.) string, thread; -mat,
make, render (2 ac.): pp. tata, spread out, a. threadlike; ep. of Agni (continuous as a
tad-anu, ad. thereupon, then.
extended; wide; covered with (in., ati,
thread); -vaya, m. weaver.
<1^«J©fct tad-anukriti, ad. accordingly; pp. very haughty, adbi, string (a bow)-,
-anusarana-krama, ra. continual following pp. covered with (in.), abbi, extend over tjln-tra, n. loom; warp; groundwork,,
of him; -anta, a. ending with that; -apatya- (ac.). ava, descend; spread over, cover; underlying principle, essence; system; stand-
ta, f . condition of having offspring through relax, a, spread over, pervade ; illumine ; ard ; main point; rule, doctrine; manual'
him (the son) or by her (the S4drd woman); stretch oneself, strain or strive towards (ac.); section in a manual; a class of magical an
apatya-maya, a.devoted to his (her)children; gain a footing (padam); spread out, stretch; mystical treatises ; spell; physic, specific;
-apeksba, a. having regard to that; -artba, diffuse, effuse; produce, cause; display, be- government; — l i n e , rank, troop ; a. chiefly
m. the meaning of that or those; a. having tray : pp. atata, extended; distended, taut, concerned with, dependent on (-°).
that for its object, meant for that; having the abbiji, get into one's power. vijl, produce,
cause. sam-&, id. ni, penetrate; cause to r R j R i tantra-ka, a. coming from the loom,
same meaning : -m, ad. for that purpose, on quite new; a- doctrine, manual.
that account, therefore ; -artbin, a. desiring take root, pari, clasp; surround, pra, spread;
that; -artliiya, a. undertaken for that end, diffuse; cause; show; make, render (2 ac.). rP^cfiTT tantra-kara, m. composer of
having that as its object; -ardbika, a. half v i , spread; cover, pervade, fill; stretch out, manual.
as much; -arha, a. commensurate with that; extend; draw (bow orbowstring)-, string (bow);
make steps (padani) = stride ; put in front tantra-ya,cZera. P. follow; perform; pro
-avastba, a. being in that condition or plight;
being in the same condition = safe. (yoke); apply ointment to (lc.); arrange, per- vide for (ac.): ^p.tantrita, dependent on (-"
form, carry out (rites etc.); display; cause,
ta-da, ad. at that time, then (often re- produce; make, render (2 ac.): pp. extended; c| | if tantra-vSya, m. weaver.
dundant in E. with tataA, pura, and atha): extensive, wide, pra-vi, pp. extended; far- d f o l 5 ^ t a n t r - i n , m. soldier.
frequently with correlative yata h, yatra, yad, spreading; wide. sam, make continuous; un-
yada, yadi, /red; in that case; tada, pra- interrupted, continuous; connected. rTf^lIRi tantrillaka, m. N.
bbr/ti, thenceforward ; yada y a d a - t a d a HT^l tan-tri,/. (nm. -s) string; music of
tada, whenever-then; yada tada, at any JfJT 2. T A N , I V . P . tanya, (V.) roar, re-
^ sound. stringed instrument.
time, always. [ance.
f f « r ^ T A N D , I . A . tanda, relax, flag.
TT^T^HX tad-ak&ra, a. having that appear- 7 ^ 3 . t&n,/. duration: in. continually. ^ A
tada-tva, n. present time or state r(«iq tan-aya, a. continuing a family; be- tandra-ya, den. A . grow weary,
(opp. ay ati). [first. longing to one's own family ; m. son; f.
daughter; n. progeny; race, family; child. tand-ra,/. lassitude ; laziness, sloth
(T^Tf^ tad-Sdi, ad. thenceforward; then
ci «1«T\ Std tanayi-knta, pp. made a son. tandra-ya, den. A. grow weary.
I « T K tadS-ni-m, (ac.) ad. then, at that f l ^ T 1 ^ tandra-lu, a. weary, fatigued.
time (corr. yatra, yada, yadi). ctfachf tan-ika./. rope, cord; - i - t n , m. ex-
rTf^fiTrT tan-nimitta, a. caused by him,
tender, performer.
tad-iya, a. belonging, referring or thereby: -tva, n. being the cause thereof
proper to him, her, it, them, or that; his, her, t^n-i-man, to. thinness; shallow- -nisbZ/ia, a. thoroughly devoted to that.
its, their; such : -sanga, m. union with her. ness ; weakness; -ishtfAa, spv., -xyas, cpv. of
tanu. f l ^ t t ^ tan-manas, a. absorbed therein
tad-uttha, a. arising from or caused -maya, a. consisting thereof, full of, iden
by that man; -upabita, ^.transferred to him. cT*J tan-ii, a. (u, v-i) thin ; small; slender; fied therewith: -ta,/., -tva, n. identity wi
scanty, moderate (in amount); delicate, weak; him, her, it, or that; -m&tra, a. only so muc
T f ^ o g ^ tad-okas, a. abiding there. u, vi, f . body, person, form; one's self ( = reft, or little; atomic; n. trifle (ab. (angry) abou
r i f t d tad-gata, pp. directed to him, her, or prn.: also pi.); manifestation: raraifyara mere trifle) ; atom, rudimentary undiffisi
that; directed to (-°); -guna, m. his or her tanur manyoA = frown of anger; iyam t a n u r tiated, subtile element (from which a 1
quality or virtue ; a. having those qualities. mama, I here; svakatanuA, one's ownperson. element is produced): -ka, n. only just
flfl^ tanu-fc/cAada, m. feather; armour, much; -manin, a. passing for that;
fl^q n l tad-devat^-ka, a. having that as a. based on that; occasioned thereby: -»
a deity; -de.vya, a. coming from the same cuirass; -ga, m. son: a , / daughter; - t a , / .
smallness; meagreness, slenderness; condition n. condition of being the root thereof or
country;TO.countryman ; -dviguwa, a. twice being based thereon.
that amount. of having a body; -tyagr, a. abandoning the
body, dying; risking life, brave ; -tyaga, m. 7p?I<J tan-ya-tu, w. roaring ; thunder.
flRjC^ tad-dhita, a. good for him, in which sacrificing or risking one's life.
tanuafiga, a. (i) delicate-limbed,
sense one of the suffixes of this class is used .- fl^q tanu-tra, n. armour, cuirass ; -trana,
m. (sc.pratyaya) secondary suffix; word formed slenderly built; TO. N.
n. id.; -tr-in, «. armoured.
with a secondary suffix. [on that. r|««n t a n v - i , / . (of tanu) slender maiden.
tanu-d§,na, n. giving up the b o d y ;
ng^f^ tad-buddhi, a. whose mind is centred scanty gift; -bhava, m. slenderness, scanti- fJTT T A P , I. P. (A.) tapa, be warm or hot.
tad-bhava, a. derived from that, viz. ness ; -bbrit, m. embodied being, e-sp. human ^ shine (of the sun); heat, warm, make hot:
Sanskrit (applied to Prdkrit and South Indian being; -mat, a. possessing a body; -madbya, illuminate; scorch, burn ; torment, distress;
words); -bb&va, m. becoming that; becoming n. waist; a. slender-waisted; -madbyama, suffer pain; mortify the flesh; do penaniv
(~°); his sentiments or intentions; -bbuta, a. slender-waisted ; -ruba, n. feather; -aa»i- (often with the ac. tapas): ps. tapya or IV.
pp. being therein. gama, m. personal union. P. A. tapya, be heated, burn (int.); be puri-
fied; suffer; feel remorse; mortify the flesh,
' tad-rasa, m. essence of it; -rkga, m. <J^[tan-u,/., v. tan-ti. do penance (often with ac. tapas): pp. tapta,
suffix attached to the name of a people to f t ^ h ^ U ! tanu-karana, n.attenuating; -kar- hot, glowing; molten; tortured, distressed :
designate their king; -rupa, a. of such kind tri, TO. diminisher. [lay aside (shame). performed (penance); having mortified
or appearance; of the same kind; -vamsya, flesh (with tapas) ; cs. tapaya, heat; s<
m. relative of that ruler; -vaktri, m. pro- c j ^ l l tanfi-kri, attenuate, lop ; diminish; torment, distress, anu, ps. suffer pain; •
pounder of that; -vat, i. ad. in this way, cT^T tanfl-j/a, a. born from the body; m. feel remorse; cs. cause to grieve, d
thus; similarly, likewise, also; 2. a. possess- abbi, warm, heat; illuminate (of the
son : f . daughter; -tya<7, a. risking one's
ing or containing that: - t a , f . conformity, pain, torment, distress; ps. feel pain, suffer;
life, desperate; -dushi, a. injuring life.
harmony; -vayas, a. of the same age; -vid, cs. scorch. abbi&, torment, ud, heat; tor-
a. knowing or versed in that; m. connoisseur; cj^*l'-U(Tstcinft-n^pat, m. son of himself, ep. ment, afflict: pp. uttapta, heated, glowing;
-vidba, a. of such a kind, such, such-like : of Agni; fire; -naptri, to. id. purified (metal); filled -with pain (- 0 ). npa,
<TTI tap-a. rHi tarsh-a. 107

Buffer pain, feel unwell; ps. id.; cs. afflict, come faint; be distressed, ni, pp. nitanta, taralikg,/. N.
n i s (nish-fap), scorch; purify (gold), pari, q. v. sam, become exhausted.
cT^T^tar-as,n.speed; energy,activity,force:
ps. suffer pain; cs. torment: pp. tapita. cf?T tama, a. (spv. suffix) most wished for.
pra, P. be hot, burn, shine (sun); warm, in. by force; speedily, straightway.
heat, illuminate ; display one's splendour; tama-ka, m. kind of asthma. T H ^ t o - v a t , a. energetic.
torment with heat, torture, harass; cs. warm,
heat, sam-pra, pp. greatly distressed, prati, (TT^tama-p, suffix of the spv. -tama (gr.). taras-vin, a. swift; impetuous,
heat, sam, heat; feel pain or remorse; energetic; bold.
f W ^ t a m - a s , n. (sg. &pl.) darkness; gloom
torment with heat, torture; ps. feel pain, of hell; N.of a hell; eclipse = E£ihu; error, f T T T t . tarSm, (ac.f.) cpv. ad. with na, by no
suffer; cs. warm, heat; torment by heat; ignorance ; delusion ; Darkness (one of the means; very, much, greatly (added to ados,
distress, afflict. three fundamental qualities (guwas) incident in V., and to verbs in C., like -tamam).
tap-a, a. (- 0 ) burning; tormenting; to creation ; in the Sankhya philosophy one ' d f \ t a r - i , ( T ^ tar-i,/. boat; -ika, to. ferry-
harassing; m. heat; hot season; penance. of the five forms of Avidyd).
man ; - i k a , / . boat; -i-tavya,/p. to be crossed.
7 W J W T T tapaA-prabMva, ra. efficacy of TW^T tamas-£, a. dark-coloured; n. dark- d ^ 1. t£r-u, a. swift.
penances. ness (- 0 ); -ka, a. — tamas; - v i n - i , / . night.
tiip-ana, a. burning; tormenting; ra. 7H5 2 - taru, to. tree (later than Manu): -ko/-
tamaft-spris, a. connected with
ara, n. hollow of a tree; -kha?ida, m. n. group
sun; N.of a hell: -dyuti, a. shining like the darkness. of trees, clump ; -gahana, n. forest thicket;
sun. [fied gold: -jupala, m. sun-stone.
c T ? r m > m & m , (ac.f.) ad. highly, very, -kkhkyk, f . shade of a tree.
tap-aniya, m. kind of rice; n. puri- much (attached to advs. in V., to verbs in C.). f j 1 ^ ^ tar-una, a. (1) young; tender; new,
tapanta-ka, m. N. of a man. fresh; vivid (feeling)-, just begun; lately
cWPST tam-ala,m. N. ofa dark-coloured tree
risen (sun); crescent (moon); m. youth; n.
-pattra, n. leaf of the Tamala tree. sprout,blade: -ka, n.sprout,shoot,blade; -ta,
7PT3ITW tapas-fcarana, n. self-castigation,
mortification; austerity; -AaryS,, / . id. rimfocfcl tamal-ika,/. N. of a woman. f . freshness, vigour.
TPJ^tdp-as, «. heat; fire (of which there are f f f i l ^ r tamis-ra, n. darkness, dark night; TT^Uj Sf taruna-ya, den. P . make young.
five, the four directed towards the cardinal A
&, f . id.; -paksha, TO. dark fortnight (full
points and the sun); torment; penance, self- d<Mi! taruna-ya, den. A . become or re-
moon till new moon).
castigation, mortification, religious austerity, main young.
devotion; N.ofamonth(Jan.-Feb.); N.of one r p f t tam-i, / . night. <1 ^fui+f^tarun-i-m^n, m. youth.
of the seven worlds (situated above Ganas). W f f t T T tamo-g&, a. moving in darkness;
r T W t tarun-i, f . virgin, maiden ; young
(JTHJl i. tdpas-ya, den. P . castigate oneself, -ghna, a. darkness dispelling; TO.sun; -nnda,
a.dispelling darkness; TO.sun; moon; -xpaha,
mortify the flesh. a. dispelling darkness or ignorance; m. moon; fT^rf^t taru-tala, n. flat space under a tree;
2. tapas-ya, a. produced from heat; - b h u t a , ^ . involved in darkness or darkness -ta, / . condition of a tree; -mantfapa, arbour,
m. N.of a month (February-March); f. incarnate; stupid, foolish ; -mani, TO. fire-flv ; bower ; -mula, n. root of a tree; -valli, / .
religious austerity. -maya, a. (i) consisting of or involved in creeper ; -shan4a, n. group of trees.
darkness ; TO. one of the five forms of Avidyd
fTM^f^t^pas-vat, a. glowing, hot; ascetic, in the Sankhya; -*ri,TO.sun (enemy of dark- f l ' ^ J tarA^a, m. lotus root.
full of devotion, pious. ness) : -vivara, n.(T) window; -vasas, n. garb A
f ^ c f i T A R K , X . P. (A.) tarkaya, suppose,
or robe of darkness. ^surmise; expressone'ssupposition; specu-
fPjf^ttapas-vfn, a- tormented, afflicted,
unfortunate; pious, devout; m. ascetic, reli- tdr-a, a. crossing, overcoming (-°); TO. late on, form an idea of (ac.); conjecture; take
gious devotee ; -i, / . female ascetic. passage, ferry; boat-hire, fare; N. to be (2 ac.); reflect; think of, have in one's
thoughts; have a mind or intend to (inf.).
fftrnSRI tapaatyaya, ra. (end of the heat), H T W taraksha, fHT^ tarakshu, TO. hysena. v i , suppose,, conjecture, think; speculate,
rainy season; ^anta, m. id. reflect; infer.
cft^I i . tarara-ga, TO. [going across], wave;
crftra tap-ish<Aa, spv. very hot, burning; section of a book (the title of which contains f t a r k - a , to. supposition, conjecture; re-
-ishnu, a.warming,burning; -iyas,cp».most a word for ocean or river); gallop ; moving flexion, speculation; speculative doctrine,
rigorously ascetic; more pious than (p.). to and fro. [move to and fro. philosophical system (of which there are six,
c f q f ^ t^p-ush-i, a. glowing, hot. TH^I 2. taraTOga, den. m ove like wav es, surge; the Pdrva- and Uttara-Mimdvasd, Nydya,
Vaiseshika, Sankhya, and Yoga); refutation,
(T^TT tap-ush-p£, a. drinking warm liba- taramga-ya, den. P. cause to wave; red actio ad absurdum (in logic) ; -gnkoA, n.
cause to move about (eyes): pp. taramglta, knowledge derived from speculation; -vid, to.
tap-us, a. glowing, hot. [tions. philosopher, dialectician; -vidya, -sastra, n.
waving-; moving to and fro; n. fluctuation,
(fTTtVTtapo-dhana, a. whose wealth is pen- backward and forward motion. science of thought; -samgraha, to. T. of a
ance ; devout, pious;TO.ascetic, devotee; N.; manual on the Nydya system.
-nidhi, m. treasury of penance; rigorous de- 7|fi|«^tararag-in, a. fluctuating, unsteady, tark-in, a. supposing, surmising,
votee; -Mint, a. devout, pious; m. devotee, restless: -i ,f river; title of various works(-°).
skilled in speculation.
ascetic; -maya, a. (i) consisting of penance rT^JJ tar-ana, n. crossing, passing over, pas-
or austerity; devoted to piety; -mnla, a. sage of (-°) ; overcoming ; -awi, a. pressing tark-ii, spindle.
having austerity for its root; -yaffna, a. sacri- onward, swift; m. sun; -a/dya, fp. to be d ^ tarku-ka, TO. beggar.
ficingwith penance; -yukta,pp. ascetic, pious;
TO. ascetic, devotee; -rata, pp. delighting in
penance, devout; -rati, a. id.; -vat, a. ascetic, ( l ^ d d ^ tara-tama-tas, ad. more or less. fT^T T A R G , I . P. (A.) tarpa, threaten; cs.
devout; -vana, n. sacred grove (in which asce-
tarpaya, menace; abuse ; terrify ; ridi-
ticspractisepenance); -vriddha, pp. abound- f T X c ^ T T * ^ tarat-sa-mandi, f . pi., -ya, cule. abhi, cs. revile; cs. id. pari, menace,
ing in penance, rigorously ascetic, very pious. n. the hymn R V . I X , 58 (so called from its v i , cs. threaten; revile, sam, cs. threaten;
initial words tarat sa mandi). abuse;, terrify. [forefinger.
^ *
ff?T tap-tdi, pp.; n. hot water; glowing heat. (

cTT^Itar-ala, a.trembling, tremulous; quiv- TfoM tarp-ana, n. threatening; abuse; i , f .

<1(1®"^ tapta-kriAMra, TO. n. penance in ering ; sparkling; fickle, inconstant; tran- fTT^cfi tama-ka,TO.calf; young (of animals).
which only hot things are eaten; -valuka,./. sitory ;TO.wave; central gem of a necklace;
pi. hot sand. N. of a people ; n., f . rice-gruel; -ta, f . rpfor tarp-ana, a. (1) satisfying; n. satis-
tremor; sparkle ; ogling; fickleness; med- faction (act. & ps.); satisfying, pleasing (the
dfH tap-ti,/. heat; -tri,TO.warmer, heater. dling disposition ; -tva, n. id. gods or Manes by oblations); nourishment,
J \ J t TAM, I Y . P . (A.) tamya, become refreshment.
^ breathless,choke; faint; be exhausted or clX^HT tarala-ya, den. P. cause to tremble, tarp-aniya,^ .to be satisfied w. (in.).
distressed; be beside oneself; become rigid: move to and fro ; flutter: pp. taralita, wav-
pp. t&ntfi., distressed. be beside oneself, be ing, moving to and fro; fluttering (heart). c p | tarsh-a,TO.thirst; desire (for, - ° ) ; -ana,
at a loss what to do ; become rigid, nd, be- r\ < ^ < $ 1 1 tarala-lekha, / . N. n. id.; -ita, pp. thirsty, eager for (-°).
P 2
108 crff ta-rhi. cTRJ tar-a.

r r f f ta-rhi, ad. at that time; then, there- r U f H c h tattv-ika, a. real; possessing the n i « ^ T tambdla, n. betel; i , / . id. (-dala, n.
upon ; in that case (esp. with impv. or inter, true doctrine (of the Jains). betel-leaf); -karaiika,m.betel-box: -vahini,
prn.): corr. &ed, yatra, yad, yada, yadi, yarhi. r| (rM^ tat-par-ya, n. addiction or devotion / . female bearer of a betel-box; -dayaka, m.
to a thing; chief aim (with lc. of object); betel-bearer; -dayin, m. id.: -i,/.; -dhara,
TT^f tala, m. n. surface, plane; sole {foot), m. id.; -valli, f . betel; -v&haka, m. betel-
palm (hand); flat space below; often not true purport (of a speech or work); a. in-
bearer; -vifika, f areca-nut rolled up in a
to he translated: lc.= at, on, under or tended : -tas, ad. with a view to this ; -nir-
betel-leaf: -jtdhik&ra, m. office of betel-
g.); -tas, ad. from the bottom; -prahara, naya, m. determination of the purport.
m. slap; blow with the paw ; -loka, m. lower d | r ^ i j tatsth-ya, n.being contained therein.
regions. f T T I f p n t i tambftl-ika, m. betel-seller.
rt^iq talav£, m. musician: -kara, m.pl. N. r| tadarth-ya, n. being meant for that,
crrer tamrd, a. copper-coloured, dark red;
of a school of the Sdma-veda: ^upanishad, end, object; reference (in. with this view); m. eruption with dark red spots ; n. copper ;
f . T. of an Upanishad. identity of meaning. a. (a) of copper ; i , / . kind of water-clock (a
|<1*?1 tala jit ala, n. N.of a hell (bottom- <T I ^ I rkitadatm-ya,w.identity,w.(ira.,ic.,-°). copper vessel having an orifice in the bottom,
which when placed in water, gradually fills).
less at the bottom). (- ).
0 ta-driksha, a. such.
cTPERR tamra-ka, n. copper; -kuf/a, ra. cop-
frf^TT tal-ina, a. thin, slender; covered with (TT^J^jMj tadrig-guwa, a. of such qualities; per-smith: i , / . ; -kixda, a. having a red cox-
rff^TR tal-ima, n. floor. such ; -rupa, a. of such form or kind : -vat, comb ; ra. cock; N.: -yuddha, n. cock-fight;
a. of such beauty; -vidha, a. such; being in -ta, /., -tva, ». copper-colour; -dvipa, m. the
cT^T talpa, m. couch, bed: -m adM-gam, this condition. island of Ceylon; -dhatu.m.red chalk; -pa^a,
have sexual intercourse with (-°); turret;
m. copper-plate (for grants); -parni,/. N. oj
-ga, a. having sexual intercourse with (-°); T T T f U a - d r f c , a • ( n m • M,F'• or
such a one : tadrik, n. ac. thus. a river (rising in the Malaya and celebrated
violating the bed of (-°); -gra, a. born in the
for its pearls); -pfi,tra,«. copper vessel; -ma-
nuptial couch. [ p h a n f s back. cTTflT tadr/s-a, a. (1) such.
ya, a. (i) made of copper, coppery; -lipta, m.
talpa-la, m. fleshy ridge on an ele- pi. N. ofapeople: k (?), i,/. their capital on the
n i ^ i i l tad-rtip-ya, n. identity; truth.
western mouth of the Ganges; -varna, a. cop-
talpi-krita, pp. turned into a bed. per-coloured ; -sasana, n. copper-plate edict.
T f T f ^ J I tad-vidhya, n. the being such.
t^lp-ya, a. belonging to the bed; born
tTTT tan-a, m. thread, fibre; quaver, musi- (TT^TT^f tamraaksha,a.(i) red-eyed; m.crow.
in the nuptial bed. [courage.
cal note; n. extent. d l ( m ^ tamr-ika, a. of copper.
< i q ^ t a v - £ s , a. strong, bold; m. strength, nT*iq tanav-a, n. meagreness; smallness,
n tamraoshfAa, ra. du. red lips; a.
r t f q q tav-ish-a, a. powerful. slenderness : -krit, o. diminishing = surpass- having red lips.
ing C-°).
fffqtTl t£iv-ish-i,/. strength, might, courage.
ft tanGnaptr-a, n. ritual oath with in- tfpEf ta-yd, ps. base of*/i. tan.
tavish-iya, den. A. bestrong or bold. vocation of Tan&napat when the Agya is fTTCTT tay-ana, n. succeeding, prospering.
r f f q cq tavish-yd,tien.be strong or impetuous. touched by the sacrificer and the priests.
TTT^ tay-ii, m. thief.
dl«rt4 tantava, a. (i) made of threads; n.
<1«Tl«< t^ta v-iyas, r T ^ ^ t av-yas, cpv.oftnYH$.
woven cloth; m. son. [music. f f T T tar-d, a. [ - / t r i ] penetrating, piercing;
cTJJ tdsh-<ri, m. artificer, carpenter. shrill, high, loud; sparkling: -m, cpv. -ta-
n i « n tantra, n. (stringed) instrumental ram, spv. -tamam, ad.; in. n. loud, high, or
n ^tcis-kara,m.[(a)tas-kara,taking hence, n i f a q t tantrika, a.(a, i) completely versed shrill sound; m. pearl of pure water; putting
stealing], thief, robber: -ta,/., -tva, n. thiev- in a system, specialist; taught in a Tantra. across (- 0 ); sacred syllable om or other my-
ing, theft, robbery. [thief or robber. tic monosyllable in a Tantra; k,f. N.
TmTTZ taskara-ya, den. A . behave like a
CTT^TIF tanvanga, m. pat. descendant of I .tara-ka, a. (i3tk) putting across, de-
Tanvanga. livering; m. N. ofaDaitya (slain by Indra):
f U j l l c ^ ta-smSt, (ab. m. n.) ad. therefore tSp-a, m. heating (gold as a test); heat; pi. children of Taraka.
(corr. yad or yasmat). pain, torment (mental and bodily); -aka, a.
burning; purifying; tormenting, distressing; m V * 2 - tara-ka, n. star; pupil (of the eye):
fTT^Oi taksh«£,«.(i) belonging to a carpenter. -ana, a. (!) burning, tormenting (-°); m. sun; k,f. id.; meteor; N.
tak-kMl-ya, n. regular habituation n. burning; mortification; N. of a hell; t&raka-ripu, m. ep. of Skanda.
to or practice of that. -aniya, a. golden: •^upanishad, / . T. of
various Upanishads. [ing. niA^fil - ^ taraka aksha, a. having stars for
<TTf%ra» t%ika, m. Persian. eyes; m. N.ofa Daitya; -jjitaka, m. Slayer
n| "*j(tap-ay-ishnli,a.burning; torment- of Taraka, ep. of Skanda.
TTH? t&d-a, a. striking ( - ° ) : m. blow; -aka,
m. homicide; -aka,/. N. <1 IMtl tapas-£, a. (i) practising penance; re- cTTTofrPTTST taraka-r%a, ra. moon (king of
lating to religious penance; m., -i,/. ascetic, the stars).
<1 I^S^f tadanka, m. kind of ear-ring. hermit; -ya, n. status of ascetics.
f f n p T tSd-ana, a. striking; wounding ; n. d \ l . f q i n tarak-ita, pp. starry, bestarred.
striking; blow; hammering (ofgold as a test); nifM-** tapifcfcAa, -pinMa, m. N. of
tarakaisvara, m. moon (king of
-aniya, fp. to be struck (gnly. with in- a tree.
the stars).
strument, rarely with object); -ayitri, m. t n t ^ f l , tap-in, a. causing pain; exciting
striker of (g.). rTTT'T tar-ana, a. bringing over, delivering;
(-0): -l,/. T. of various Upanishads.
rtk^SI'l tadaga, a. belonging to ponds. n. crossing over, overcoming; saving.
fTPSf t&p-ya, m. n. sulphuret of iron. TTI'T'TT taratam-ya, n. condition of more
7TF3J tad-ya, to be struck; to be chastised
with blows. [pp. dancing, fluttering. H T T tam-a, ra. longing, yearning, [pond. or less(tara-tama), gradation;great difference.
fl I t&ra-dii'gha, a. loud and protracted
<11 U^q tandava, n. (?) frantic dance; i-ta, rf|*i ^tl tamarasa, n. day lotus; i , / . lotus (sound); -n&tha, ra. N. of a historian of Bud-
tJTTTO tamas-a, a. (i) dark; relating to the dhism who lived at the beginning of the I "jth
c T T O tftndya, m.pat.N. of a teacher; n. N. quality tamas, connected with error or ignor- century; -mula, n. N. of a locality.
of a Brdhmana. ance ; m. N. of a Manu.
TTT?^ tat, (ab. of ta) ad. thus, in this wise (V.). c P f ' T t a m i , TTT'Tl'tami,/. suspension of the f T T T ^ tSral-ya, n. caprice, inconstancy.
breath till exhaustion, f T T U t a r - a , / . [strewer,radiator],star; pupil
r| i n tat a, m. father: voc. dear (addressing of the eye: -dharma, ra. N. of a prince;
elders, superiors, children, or pupils). r r r f ^ tamisra, a. (with paksha) or m. dark
-adhipa, m. moon (lord of the stars); -pati,
fortnight (fromfull till new moon)', m. Ra-
tat-karm-ya, n. homogeneousness m. id.; Brihaspati; -patha, m. heavens (path
kshasa; N. of a hell; wrath (one of the five of the stars); N.of a country; -pi'/a, m. N.
of occupation; -kalika, a. (i) lasting the same
forms of Avidyu). [hempen. of various princes; -pura, n. N. of a town;
length of time; happening instantly; -kalya,
n. simultaneousness. m*q<*| tambala, m. kind of hemp; a. (i) -maya, a. (i) consisting of stars, starry.
TTKlting tarayawa. 109

enough! emphasizes a notion (±eva), only, of the eyesight; -dosha, TO. cataract (of the
TTTTRTW tarayawa, TO. sacred fig-tree (tree
just, quite, why (sts. to be rendered by stress eye); -patala, n. veil of darkness: pi. cataract
of deliverance). (of the eye); -maya, a. consisting altogether
only)] tavat - ka, scarcely-when; t a v a n na
<TTUTTW tSr^-ramana, TO. moon (lover of - api na, not only not - but also not; na of darkness.
the stars); -Jivali, f . host of stars, galaxy; t a v a t , not y e t : n a t a v a t - y a v a t , not y e t - timira-ya, den. P . darken.
N. of various celestial and human women; while; ma tavat, (interjectionally) not for
-avaloka, m. N. of a prince. heaven's sake, God forbid; yavad y a v a t - f T T f H T T ^ r timirajkula,«. filled with dark-
t&vat tavat, in proportion-as; y a v a n n a - ness, affected with cataract; - ari,TO.(foe of
TfTtT^i tar-ika, n. (?) fare, toll at a ferry; t&vat, while not-so long = till: in. tavata, darkness), sun: -ripu, TO. owl.
-in, a. delivering : (»)-!, f Durga. during that time, meanwhile; to the same
t&run-ya, n. youth. extent, just as far; Ic.. tavati, so far; so long, timiraogha, TO. dense darkness,
in that time.
fl i t i * tark-ika, rn. sceptic, dialectician, tira, pr. base of *Jtri.
<1 iqt 0 !! i^PR^tavat-k&lam, a d- s o l ° n g ;
philosopher. f ^ ' ^ i l tiraya, den. P . conceal; stop,restrain,
t v a s , ad. so many times; -phala, a. pro-
t^rksh-ya, m. a mythical being, horse or ducing just so much reward ; -sutra, n. so conquer; penetrate.
bird (V.); = Garur/a (C.). [coloured gem. many threads; (d)-guwa, a. having so many f W K ^ tiras-A, weak base of tiryawA.
fTT^Tfif t&rkshya-ratna, n. kind of dark- tirasA-ina, a. oblique, horizontal;
ri | q g | t&vad-dhci, ad. so many times.
TTRlf tarna, a. made of grass (tmza). sidelong.
r T T W n r tavan-matr£, a. (1) (having such fc| ^t^tir-^s, [\/t ri\prp.(V.) with ac. across,
tfirtiya, a. belonging to the third; a measure), so much.
the third; n. a third: -ka, a. belonging to the through; over, past; without, against; with
third; i-ka, a. third. [come; n. fare. tgstina,m.^Wo/hemp; a. (i) hempen, without the knowledge of; ad. across, cross-
ways, sideways; aside; out of sight: t i r a s
t a r - y a , f p . to be crossed; to be over- taskar-ya, n. robbery, theft. kri, put aside, remove; cover, conceal; sur-
fly t&la, m. palmyra or fan palm ( f r o m the tik-ta,pp. bitter; fragrant: -saka, n. pass ; overcome ; conquer ; contemn; blame,
sap of which sugar and an intoxicating liquor bitter or fragrant vegetable. scold; t i r o dha, remove; conceal; repel,
areprepared);flapping(esp.of elephants'ears)] overcome; A. hide oneself from (ab.); dis-
fdfa<T tig-it^, a. sharp, pointed. appear : pp. tirohita, disappeared ; hidden ;
clapping of hands; (musical) measure; dance;
cymbal (?); n. palmyra nut; a. made from the f T R T tig-m£, a. id.; hot; passionate. tirobhu, be removed, vanish; hide oneself:
pp. tirobhnta, vanished; cs. cause to disap-
palmyra: -ka, m. kind of poisonous insect. f r H * * * 7 ! tigma-kara, m. sun (hot-rayed); pear, remove.
<1 \ © tllanki-kri, turn into an ear-ring. (4)-te^as, a. keen-edged, sharp-pointed; im-
petuous, energetic; m. sun; -didhiti, TO. f T T W T tiras-kara, a. (1) surpassing (g.):
rfT^HT^ tctla-pangha, a. having legs like sun ; -dyuti, m. id.; -bhas, -rasmi, -ru/d, -karaniya, fp. to be overcome; -karin, m.
palmyras, long-legged; m.pl.N. ofa warrior m.id.; -virya, a. powerful; -srihga, a. sharp- curtain: (n)-i,f. id.; curtain concealing some
tribe; N.of a Rakshas; -druma, m. palmyra horned ; (4)-heti, a. bearing sharp missiles. one (g.)] magic veil of darkness (making in-
tree ; -dhvapa, a. fan-palm-bannered; ep. of visible) ; -kara,TO.abuse, scolding; disrespect;
fTfTJTT^J tigmaamsn, m. (hot-rayed), s u n ; -karin, a. surpassing (-'*); - k r i y a , / . abuse;
fire; a a y u d h a , a. bearing sharp weapons. disrespect.
c T R T t§,l-ana, n. clapping of hands.
fTTS* tin, personal termination (gr.). fit 0 *JTrT<=*l tiro-dhatavya,/p. to be closed
fTT^IM^ tala-pattra, n. palmyra leaf; hind (ears) ; -dhana, n. disappearance ; -bhava,
of ear-ring; -phala, n. palmyra nut; -vadya, f f f ^ r l T I G , I . A. tif/a, be sharp; sharpen: TO. id. ; -bhnta, pp. concealed ; vanished ;
n. clapping of hands; -vrinta, n. palm leaf ^ p p - t i k t a ; cs. te^aya, P. sharpen; urge, -hita, pp., v. tiras: -ta, / . disappearance: -m
used as a fan; fan. stir up : pp. tepita, sharpened, pointed; des. gam, vanish.
<1 I'd0*! talav-ya, a. palatal (sound). t i t i k s h a , P. (A.) endure, bear patiently,
nd, cs. spur or urge on. tiryak-ta,/. nature or condition of
talaava/cara, m. dancer, actor : beasts ; -tva, n. id.; -patin, a. falling ob-
f T T f W T ti-tik-sha, (des.)f. endurance (of, liquely on (Ic.); -pratimukhajigata, n. ob-
-»a, m. id. [ping of hands.
; patience ; -shu, des. a. enduring (ac.) ; struction from the side or in front; -preksh-
c T T f W tS-l-ikS,/. palm (of the hand); clap- patient. ana, a. looking at sideways.
<TTf5T*t,tal-in, a. i . provided with cymbals; I r i d i c I frj<j«n^intiryag-ayata,p£>-extended across:
2. sitting upon (-°). ti-tir-sha, (des.) f . desire to cross -ga, a. moving horizontally; -ga, a. born of
over (-°); -shu,des. a. desirous to cross (ac.,-°). animals; -gana,TO.animal, beast; -pati, rn.
t a l i , / , a treej palm wine; clapping
tittir^, m. francolin partridge: pi. id.; -yona,TO.animal; - y o n i , / . womb of an
of the hands; a metre: -pafta, -pu/a,TO.(?)
N. of a people. animal; condition of animals; animal creation:
kind of ear-ring. tWf^fXtittlri(ori) -v&ta, m. side-wind; -visamsarpin, a. spread-
tSl-iya-ka, cymbal. , m.francolin partridge; ing sideways.
N. of an ancient teacher, a pupil of YAska.
7TT5J taiu, w. palate: -ka, n. id. and founder of the Taittiriya school; N. of tiry-anfe, a. (nm. TO. -an, n. -ak; /.
a Ndga. tirasA-i) transverse, horizontal; crossing; m.
talftsha-ka, palate. [gitimate.
f d f ^ I tithi, TO./, (also i) lunar day (of which n. (moving horizontally, opp. to man who wa Iks
tfdpa, a. born in the nuptial bed; le- there are fifteen in the half-month, the aus- erect), beast, animal (sts. including birds and
picious ones being Nandd, Bhadrd Vigaya, plants); amphibious animal; n. ad. tiryak,
cTT^S tava-ka, a. (i) thine: i-na, a. id. and Pdmd). across; horizontally, obliquely, sideways.
tava/c-fcfeata, a. (i) consisting of as fdf*n^S tintida, TO. (?) Indian tamarind; i ,
fd<?l tiM, m. sesamum (plant and seed: the
many hundreds. /. id.] i-ka, / id.; i-ka, TO. id.; n. the fruit.
latter is used asfood, and good oil is extracted
cTT^'Sftejj tavap-pyok. ad. so long (V.). fr| r ^«H tinduka, TO., I , / . a tree. from it); grain, atom; mole (on the body).
f d t j j tipya, TO. N. of a man.
cfT^t. ta-vat, a. so great, so extensive; so frltflcfl tila-ka, m. a tree; freckle, mole;
long; ao much; so manifold, so numerous, coloured mark on the forehead (always here in
ftfJT T I M , I V . P . timya, become still: the case of women) or elsewhere, as an orna-
just so many (with corr. y&vat): n. ad. (with pp. timita, motionless ; wet.
corr. yavat) so much, so far; so long, during ment or sectarian distinction;TO.ornament of
that time, then; (without corr.) meanwhile; f7rfTr tim-i, m: large sea fish; whale ; fish: (-0); N.] n. alliteration; a metre: -ka, m. N.
for a while; in the first place, first; just, at -ghatin,TO.fisherman.
fTf^foRTJJ'tila-kawa,TO.grain of sesamum seed.
once (very often with the impv. to express what f d T + i P l ^ t i m m - g i l a , m. fabulous sea-
is to be done immediately = pray just or at monster (swallowing even the timi). f?F5fcIRI tilaka-ya, den. P. mark; adorn: pp.
once —; or with 1st pers. pr. — 1 will first of tilakita.
all); only, merely; indeed, certainly, it is (Hfi|<[ tim-ira, a. dark, murky; n. dark-
true (concessively, followed by but); already, ness; clouded eyesight (a class of diseases of r r , « e n < J * , tilaka-rapa, m. N . ; - l a t a , / . X . i
even (opp. how much more or less); well! the eye) : a , / N. of a town; - t a , / . dimness -simha, m. N .
110 f^cfiTfifa tila-karshika. tulya-kaksha.

f r | t i l a - k a r s h i k a , a. cultivating cftwflTtirthi-kn',hallow; -bbu, be hallowed. tura-ga, to. horse: i , f . mare; -pari-

sesamum; -kbali, f . oil-cake of sesamum ; Acaraka, ra. groom ; -mukba, m. (having a
c f f a T ^ f i tirthaudaka, n. water from a sa- horse's face), a Kimnara; - v a b y a l i , / . course
-grama, m. N. ofa village; -hhxna.,n. pounded
sesamum seeds; -taila,n.sesamum oil; -dva- cred bathing-place. [ascetic, sectary. for horses.
dasi,/. a certain twelfth day; -parna, -parra- (Tlttl ti'rth-ya, a. relating to a T i r t h a ; to. (ji^l' turaTO-ga, TO. (swift-goer), horse.
ika, n. sandal-wood; -parni, f . sandal tree tivara, m. hunter (mixed caste).
(.Pterocarpus santalinus); -pi'/a, m. oil- r j t u r a m - g a m a , TO. (i) horse: -tva, n.
grinder; -pushpa, n. sesamum blossom = the fT^W tiv-rd, a. sharp; hot; violent, intense, abst. N.; -medba, m. horse-sacrifice.
nose. severe, great, excessive, bad: - t 4 , / . severity,
violence, intensity ; - g a t i , / . great <JX*ft^turamgi-bhti, be turned into a horse.
pace ; a.
f ^ ^ T l ^ . tila-sas, ad. in little fragments as being in an evil plight; -dyuti, m. sun;
small as sesamum seeds. g X W T f tura-sMh (nm. - s b a / ; -sab, before
^atitivra, a. excessively severe. vowels), a. quickly conquering (Indra); m.ep.
f?p!TTI[ tilaamsa, m. patch of land as small
^ T U , I I . P. t a v 4 - t i , be powerful, prevail. of Indra.
<is a grain of sesamum; - ambu, n. water with
sesamum. ^ tii, pel. (never commences a sentence)', with c j ^ l turx,/.weaver's brush; weaver's shuttle.
fcf fa^f tilinga,°^X -desa,rn. N. of a country. impv. pray (F.); but: sts. = ka, or va, or a f j ^ l q i . tur-iya (also tu- and -yd, SB.), a.
mere expletive; api tu, but rather; kim tu, fourth; consisting of four; n. fourth state of
fTT^YrTTr tilauttama,/. N. of an Apsaras; but yet, nevertheless; n a tu, but not; na Veddntist''ssoul(completeunionwithBrahma).
N.; -jidaka, n. water with sesamum. t u e v a tu, never at all; parara tu, yet,
nevertheless, however; t u - t u , indeed-but; f j ^ l ' t l 2.tur-iya,a.[&a-turiya]fourth (part);
tilaodana, n. pap with sesamum. £ a - n a tu, although-yet not; na or n a fra- n. quarter.
tilvaka, TO. a tree (symplocos race- api tu, not-but rather; kamam (Zea)-tu
or kimtu,although-yet; kamam, bbuyas, ^ O 4 ! 5 ^ turiya-ka, a. fourth (part).
frtf*!?|«!| tilvila, a. fertile, rich. [mosa). or v a r a m - n a tu, rather-than. turush-ka, m . T u r k ; olibanum (kind
tivya, m. N. of a Brahman. tuAkhara, m.N. of a people. of resin).
flpZf tishyd. (or ya), m. N. of a celestial archer ; fjeji tuk, TO. child, boy. tur-ya, a. [^a-tur-ya] fourth.
N. of a lunar mansion (the sixth or eighth);
a tree; N. tug-ra, m. N. r|<ic|4g turya-vdh, a. (strong St. -vab, nm.
(J^f tunga, a. high, prominent, lofty; TO. -vat) being in its fourth year (ox); m. ox - ,
(r|<$ tisri, f . base of tri, three. f . tnryaubif, cow in its fourth year.
height; hill; N.; -dbanvan, m.N. of a king;
tik-shwa, a. [ \/t\g -f sna] sharp, point- -bala,m.N.ofawarrior; -jutman.a. eminent.
ed ; hot, burning; pungent (taste); violent, T U R V , I . P . turva, overcome, over-
energetic; stern,harsh; severe; subtle,acute; f j f * ^tung-in,a .lofty; culminating (planet). ^ power; help to victory, deliver.
n. harsh speech; m. N. tung-i-man, TO. height, loftiness; «pfTf?t turviti, TO. N.
<\\ ®H ^ tikshraa-kara, ra. (hot-rayed), sun; eminence.
T U L , X . P . tolaya and tulaya, lift;
-t4,/.sharpness;-tva,n.burningheat;-dantsb- r j - ^ tukkhs,, a. empty, void, vain; N. vain
thing: -tva, n. emptiness; vanity; -daya, »
N weigh; ponder; scrutinise; suspect; com-
tra., a. sharp-toothed; rn. N.; -dan da, a.
punishing severely ; -dbara, a. keen-edged ; a. unmerciful; -praya, a. rather insignificant. pare with, make equal to (in.); counter-
m. sword; -marga, to. (whose path is sharp), balance, equal, attain (ac.); pp. tulita. ud,
sword; -rasa, to. burning draught, poison; tufc£Aa-ya, den. P . make empty or raise (ac.); weigh, sam, weigh together.
-dayin,w.poisoner; -rupin, a. harsh-looking; poor.
c p l ^ tul-ana, n. raising ; weighing, esti-
-vip4ka, a. causing a burning during diges- tukkh-yd ,a.empty,vain; n. emptiness. mating ; 4, f . equality with (in., -°) : -m i,
tion ; -vrishana, to. N. of a bull; (a)-sringa, gam, or 4-y4, become like, equal, resemble,
a. sharp-horned; -bridaya, a. hard-hearted: j O T U G , Y I . tugra or tnnga, strike; push; compare with (in. or
-tva, rt. -ness. ^ N incite, stimulate; cs. tu^aya, P. move
swiftly (int.). f j H | tul-£(,/. balance, scale; weight; simi-
r w g tikshnaarasu, a. hot-rayed ; m. larity, equality (with, in., -°); Libra (sign of
sun; fire; ^agra, a. sharp-pointed; •jtr&is, rj^sTl tunyina, TO. N. of various hings. the zodiac): 4-rub or sam-4-rub, ascend
a. hot-rayed. turarfa, n. beak; snout, trunk; mouth the scales with = bear comparison with, re-
f f | ^ tir-a, n. [crossing: *Jtrf\ shore, b a n k ; (used contemptuously); i,f. hind of cucumber. semble, equal,be a match for (in.), - m adbi-
-ya., a. growing on the bank (tree); -bbajr, a. rub, id.; be weighed; enter the sign of Libra;
tuwdi-bha, a. having a prominent -m with cs. of adhi-ruh etc., place on the
standing on the bank; -bbuktiya, a. coming
from Tirhut. navel; -la, a. id. balance, weigh; hazard, stake; ps. - m 4-
rJJST tuttha, n. blue vitriol. ropya, be endangered; tulay4 d b n , weigh
tira-y a, den . P . go through with, settle. in the balance, compare (ac.) with (in.).
j T F T U D , V I . P . t u d a , s t r i k e ; push; pound
f f l ^ j g tira-ruha, a. growing on the bank, tula-kori, to. end of the beam of
^ N sting; goad: jDjj.tunna; es.todaya, goad
tirna, pp. of Vtri. intv. totudyate,be goaded. 4,strike against the balance; anklet; -db4ra, a. bearing the
peck, bite; urge on. pra, strike; cs. urge balance; -dharasa, n. weighing; - adbirob-
rft 1 ^ tir-thd, (to.) n. [crossing-place: t/-<] awa, a. comparable to (- 0 ); -purusba, m.
v i , prick.
ford; landing-stair; bathing-place, esp. one man's weight in gold etc.; hind of penance ;
to which pilgrimages are made for the expia- tud-a, a. striking, chafing, galling (- 0 ). -yasbtt, f . beam of the balance; -yoga, to.
tion of sins; approach to the sacrificial altar, pi. uses of the balance; -vat, a. furnished
tuda-ya, den. v i , pierce,
between the trench (iatvala) and the mound of with a balance.
earth (utkara); right place or moment; suit- tund-a, n. paunch; -ila, a. fat-bellied,
able opportunity; customary or right manner tul-ya, a. balancing, equal, similar (to,
^ q i ^ l tunna-vaya, m. tailor. in., g., in, in., lc., or rarely -°); of the
(in. duly); instruction,guidance; teacher,in-
structor ; certain (four) lines or parts of the tubara, a. astringent. same caste; of like account, indifferent; -m
hand; venerable or sacred object; worthy or ad.
person ; hind of court official. rJJj*^tum-un,=ira/. ending -turn.
tulya-kaksha,a. equal (- 0 ); -kulya,
cD^ 6 !! tirtha-ka, a.worthy; holy; ra.ascetic, tum-ula, a. noisy, tumultuous; n. a. of the same family; ra. relative; -guna,
sectary; -kara, a. making a ford through noise, din, tumult. [vulgaris). a. of similar qualities, equally good; -g&Xiya,,
life, delivering (Vishnu or /Siva); religious <j?5|; tumba, ra., i , / . long gourd (lagenaria a. of the same kind, like; -t4 ( i /. equality with
pioneer, reformer, founder of a sect; -yatra, (in. or in (in.); -tva, n. equality, with
r T U R , V I . tura, hasten, press onward, (in. or -°) ; -darsana, a. looking at every-
f . visiting sacred bathing-places, pilgrimage;
-rhgi, f. series of sacred bathing-places, ep. of fN race; cs. turaya, id.

Benares; -vat, a. abounding in landing-stairs cJX I. tur-a, a. quick; ready, willing.

thing with indifference; -naktam-dina, a. to
whom night and day are alike; -nind4-stuti,
or sacred bathing-places; -sil4,/. stone stair a. indifferent to blame and praise; -bhagya,
to the water; -sevana, n. frequenting sacred TJX 2. tu-rd, a. strong, mighty, superior; a. having a like fate; - y o g a u p a m 4 , / . a rhe-
bathing-places; - s e v a , / . id. rich, abundant. torical figure in which disnmilar objects are
Vj<sM l&.ffl tulyakriti.
* 111

treated alike; -vayas, a. of equal age; -sas, 2. tfirya, n. musical instrument: -maya, (ab.): pp. tn'pta, satisfied with (in., g., -°);
ad. alike,in equal parts; -jila,a. acting simi- a. musical. cs. tarpaya, satisfy; refresh; please, gladden;
larly: -ta,/. abst. N. des. of cs. t i t a r p a y i s h a , wish to satisfy or
^ j f tula, ra. t u f t ; cotton; mattress stuffed refresh, pra, cs. satisfy; strengthen, invigor-
' tulyafkritl, a. having a like ap- with cotton : -ka, n. cotton; -daham, abs. ate. sam, refresh oneself with (g.); cs. satisfy,
pearance ; -juitaram, ad. with equal inter- with dah, burn (tr.) like cotton. refresh, gladden.
• vals; - artha, a. equally rich; - a v a s t h a , a.
placed in a like condition with (;/.). g f ^ e f c l tul-ika, / . paint brush ; mattress cjfpT trip-ti,/. (also -tx) satisfaction; satiety.
filled with cotton ; -ini, / . cotton shrub.
tuv-i,a.much; mighty (only -pata, cjfffofin tnpti-kara, a. satisfying; -karaka,
pp. of mighty race, powerful. r^M tftsha, TO. n. hem of a garment. a. id.; -mat, a. satisfied (with, Ic.); -yoga,
fjfat^C^tuv-ish-mat, a. mighty, powerful. t&shni-ka, a. silent, taciturn. m. satisfaction.
tQshnim, ad. silently, in silence: ^ R tnp-r£, a. restless, anxious.
f J ^ T T U S , I. A. t6sa, (F.) drip; sprinkle. ?n-samsa, m. silent recitation (designation of m TRim, I V . P . ta'shya, be thirsty:
certain verses to be repeated in silence); TO-
TUSH, I V . P . (A.) he calmed ; be ^ pp. tWshita, thirsty ; greedy.
dawda, TO. secret punishment;TO-bhava,TO.
™ ^ satisfied, pleased, or content with, rejoice c j ^ tn'sh, / . thirst.
in (in., d., g., Ic., or prati); satisfy: pp. t u s h to,
content, satisfied, pleased ; cs. toshaya, ap- trik-£, TO. n. stanza of three verses. trish-S,/. thirst; vehement desire,greed:
pease ; satisfy, gratify, gladden (ac.) with -^.rta, pp. tortured with thirst; filled with
tridha, pp. of trih.
(in.) : pp. toshita, satisfied or gladdened by greed.
(in. or upa, cs. P. satisfy with (in.). 5JIJJ tr{-n&, n. [piercing: */tn] grass, herb;
pari, be much pleased with (in. or Ic.): pp. blade of grass; straw (often = a mere nothing): 7J"5 trish-/^, pp. dry, hard; rough, hoarse.
completely satisfied; very glad or cheerful; tn'«avat kri, triwam(iva) man or samarth- TJuil^tmh-ri, a. thirsty.
gd. -tushya, for joy ; cs. appease or satisfy aya, account as a straw ; t mi aya na man,
completely, gratify greatly (with, in.), sam, not care a straw about; tnnabuddhim dha, | tr/sh-wa,/. thirst; desire, greed ; eager-
be calmed; feel satisfied with, rejoice in (in.): id. (Ic.). ness for (-°): - a m a y a , a. dying of thirst.
pp. satisfied,content (with, in.,-°); cs. P. satis-
fy, gratify, gladden, present with (in.). trina-kutf ra, straw hut: -ka, id.; c j ^ l^r^ trishya-vat, a. thirsty.
-ku£a, m. n. heap of grass ; - g a n a n a , / ac-
tush-a,TO.husk of grain, rice, etc.; chaff. counting as a straw, attaching no value to TO TRIH, V I I . P. trinedhi (V.), crush:
(Ic.); -kkhe&in, a. who cuts or tears up grass. tridhk or Xrilhk.
f j m a t g ^ tusha-kharadana, n. pounding of
T R I , I . tara, V I . tira (F.), cross (tr. and
h\isks=fruitless endeavour; -dh&nya,?i. pulse; rj*!l<1«!3 tnna-tantu,TO.blade of grass; -pu-
-affni,TO.fireof chaff; -jinala,TO.id.; - am-
bu, ». sour rice or barley gruel.
rusha-ka,TO.man of straw; -puli,/. bunch
of grass; -praya, a. grassy; -bindn, m. N.
f int.) ; traverse ; cross over to (ac.); float;
get to the end of, accomplish; fly along (horses);
of a sage and prince; -bhup, a. grass-eating; fulfil; pass through, overcome, escape : pp.
<prn; tush-&ra, a. cold ;m.sg. and pi. ( h o a r - tirna, passed over, crossed, traversed; having
frost, snow; dew ; spray; mist: -kawa, m. TO. grass-eater ; -bhuta, pp. become as thin
or weak as a blade of grass; -maya, a. made crossed ( + ac.); having thoroughly studied;
snow-flake ; -kara, -kirama, m. (cool-rayed), cs. taraya, take across (ac.); save, rescue, or
of grass.
moon; -gaura, m. camphor (white as snow); deliver from (ab.); des. titirsha, wish to
-dyuti,TO. moon; -patana, n. snowfall; -mur- tn'-raata,/. bow (bent in three places). cross, to (ac.); intv. tartariti or taritariti,
ti, TO. moon; -rasmi, TO. id.; -varsha, m. overcome all difficulties, ati, get across to,
rJTJJ^I tn'na-ya, den. P. account as a straw.
snowfall; -varshin, a. snowing; -sikharin, attain ; overcome, escape (ac.). v i a t i , cross
m. Himalaya; -saila, m. id. rJUj ^IW trina -rap, m. palmyra (king of beyond, overcome, ava, descend, to (ac.,lc.),
^xn?J3Jtusharaa™su,TO. (cold-rayed),moon; grasses); -ra^a, m. id.; -lava, m. blade of from (ab.); come down to earth, become in-
grass; -vat, a. grassy; -s4ra, a. weak or soft carnate (of gods); appear, show itself; get
- adri, m. (snow mountain), Himalaya.
as grass. over, recover from (an illness); betake one-
cf tush-ita, m. pi. a class of subordinate TpjJTf^T triraaagni, TO. grass-fire (which is self to, arrive at, attain : darsanapatham
deities. come into view; siddhipatham-,be fulfilled;
quickly consumed); ^aiikura, m. young grass; pramanapathaTO na admit of no proof:
f j H i tush-fi,/. satisfaction, contentment. - ada, a. grass-eating; ^asa, -Jbana, -a$in, pp. avatir»a, having come to (ac.) from (ab.,
a. grass-eating;TO.grass-eater. - ); having become incarnate, owing to or in
rjHj*! tuhina, n. sg. & pi. cold, (hoar)-frost,
snow; dew ; mist: -kana, TO. snow-flake ; trini-kri, account as a straw. the form of (-°); cs. cause to descend or alight;
-kara, m. moon; -kirawa, m. id.; -giri, m. bring down, take off (clothes etc.); remove;
tnnaudaka, ra.sg. grass and water: avert (eye) from (ab.); introduce ; perform :
(snowmountain), Himalaya; -dyuti,TO. moon;
-bhnmi, n. sg. grass, water, and a place to sit pp. -tarita. sam-ava, having descended;
-mayukha, m. id. [with ice.
on ; -jilapa, n. grass and shrubs; -julka, /. cs. cause to descend from (ab.). 4, overcome;
tuhina-ya, den. P. turn into or cover burning bunch of grass. increase, extend ; glorify, nd, come out of
trinna, pp. of Vtrid. (ab.); emerge from (water); escape from (ab.);
^ f f I ^ ^ T T tuhina-sarkara,/.lump of ice; descend; alight, put up at (Ic.); cross over
-xaila, m. Himalaya; ^a&ala, to. id.; - adri, ^ ( f N - i . tn'-tiya, a. third: -m, ad. thirdly, to (ac.); get over, overcome: pp. -uttiroa,
m. id. with act. orps. meaning (gnly.-° or with ab.);
for the third time; a, / . third day in a fort-
g U T f ^ f T ' r r a T tu-hiJidi-paribh&sha, / . night; endings of the third case, instrumental. cs. raise, fetch, help, or let, out of (ab.); de-
key-rule as to tu, hi, etc. (i. e. ha, vai, tad), liver from (ab.); cause to descend from (ab.);
rJtfY^I 2. tr/-tiya, a. third (part); n. a third; take off (clothes etc.); unload (wares); take
meaning that these particles express occur- third place: -ka, a.recurring on the third day. across, praud, emerge from the water (ab.) ;
rence in 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 hymns.
,TO.third day: Ic. pass over, cross, sam-nd, step out of the
^TJf tti-na, m., i , / . quiver (often du.). the day after to-morrow; - amsa, m. third; a. water (ab.); come out of (ab.); escape from
receiving a third as a share; a-samasa,m. com- (ab.); cross, nis, escape from (ab.); cross
^JJRi tfiwa-ka, a. id.
pound dependent in the instrumental sense. over; overcome, get rid of; clear oneself of
tfinava, TO. flute. {an accusation): pp. with act. & ps. mg.; cs.
f f i l f a ^ t r i t i y - i n , a. being of the third rank; save or deliver from (ab.). pra, take to the
^ f t T ttira-ira, TO. quiver. [quiver. entitled to a third part. water, cross (ac.); further, promote, increase;
ttiraira-ya, den. A . represent a GC^JTNTSU,TO.sg. and pi. N. ofa Vedic tribe. prolong (life); cs. extend, prolong (life); mis-
lead, deceive; lead away, persuade to (d., Ic.).
rj?T tdta, TO. mulberry tree. vi-pra, cs. deeeive. v i , traverse; grant,
n (J T J t I D , V I I . tn'watti, tnntte, split,
tu-tup-i, a. swift; -i, furthering (g.). afford, bestow ; give away; give in marriage;
* x cleave,pierce; open, set free: pp.trinna,.
produce; perform; fight (battles): pp. gnly.
^CfT tupar£, a. unhorned; to. hornless goat. 'c]*^tri-n, suffix -tri (denoting an agent) when ps.; having penetrated beyond (ac.). pra-vi,
the root is accented. bestow, s a m , cross to (ac.); traverse (a
tuyam, ad. quickly.
path) together; be saved from (only pp.); cs.
| j X r TiJJP, I V . trt'pya; V . P. tKpraoti (V.); take across, save from (ab.); rescue from all
^Tjf tftrwa, pp. of V t v a r .
V I . P. tn'mpiti (V.), become satiated, dangers.
I. tfir-ya, a. fourth ( = t u r y a ) . be satisfied (with, in., g., Ic.); partake of, enjoy
112 m tras-q.
tok-ma, m. green blade of cereals, esp. kalevaram, t a n u m or deham - , die ; ^ivi-
^ te, enc. d., g. of tvam.
tam, pranan or sv&sam - , id. or risk one's
barley; young sprout.
W^T te^a,TO.N. life; ps. be forsaken by (in.) •= get rid of: pp.
to/aka, a. quarrelsome; ra. angry tyakta; cs.ty%aya, cause to abandon (2 ac.);
^ ^ R tegr-ana, ra. sharpening; kindling; speech; a metre; hind of play. rob of (2 ac); expel; cause to be disregarded:
point, arrow-head; shaft of an arrow; reed, pp. tyfi$ita. pari, abandon; disown; quit (a
cane; i,f. bundle of reeds, matting; bunch, <l\*P1 tot-tra, ra. goad (for driving cattle). place); give up, abandon, relinquish; avoid ; *
roll, twist. t f ^ t o d - d , m. goader, driver; sting ; -ana, disregard: d e h a m - , die; givitam or pr&n&n-,
rMf^tey-as, ra. sharpness; edge; heat, fire, ra. stinging; -ya, n. hind of cymbal. renounce life; ps. be abandoned by (in) = lose:
bright flame, light, brilliance (sg. & pi); pp. robbed or bereft of, deserted by, without
splendour, beauty; energy, vigour, force, vi- c f t T X tomara, TO. ra. javelin. (in., sam, abandon, desert, disown; quit
tality, strength ; violence; influence; mental, (a place); avoid, shun ; give up, renounce;
c f t f T T W tomar&raa, m. N. withdraw from ; disregard : pp. robbed or be-
moral, or magical power; dignity, majesty,
fTi^ toya, n. water: -m k ri, offer a libation reft of, without, -less (in., - ); gd. -tya^rya,
glory; distinguished personage; semen virile;
of water to the dead (g.). excepting (ac.). [offering.
passion in philosophy ( = ra^as).
C l ^ q H ' ! toya-karaa, m. drop of water; -kar- tyag*, a. (-°) abandoning, giving up;
^ r ^ T R T tegras-kama, a. desirous of manly
vigour; aiming at dignity or distinction; man, n. libation of water to the dead,; -Tsxidk, c£|oH tyagf-ana, n. desertion,
-vat, a. brilliant, splendid, glorious : -i, /. N. f . sporting in the water; -Zcara, a. moving
in the water ; m. aquatic animal; -g&, a. tyagr-as, m. offspring,
of a princess; -vi-ta, f . energy; dignity,
majesty; -vi-tva, n. splendour; -vin, a. sharp; growing or living in the water; n. lotus: tyd-d, nm. ac. n. of tya; ad. as is well
bright; strong, energetic; dignified; glorious. ^akshi, f . lotus-eyed maiden ; -da, to. rain-
cloud : ^atyaya, m. autumn ; -dhara, a. wa- known,indeed(a Iwayspreceded by haor y£sya) •
teyaA-sena, m. N. of a man. [liant. ter-bearing; -dhara, m . , a , / . stream of water;
CSU<( tyag-£, m. abandonment, desertion ;
-dhi, m. ocean ; -maya, a. (i) consisting of
T ^ f a a teg'-ish^a, spv. brightest; very bril- quitting; giving up, sacrifice, renunciation;
water ; -matraava^esha, a. having nothing
liberality : -karma-samanvlta, pp. linked
f l ^ T l g q tegro-dvaya, n. sun and moon (the but water left (in them); -mule, m. cloud;
with charity; -sila, a. liberal: -t&, / . liberality.
two lights); consisting of light or splendour; -yantra, n. water-clock ; -r&g, m. ocean (lord
-maya, a. (i) brilliant, radiant; powerful; of waters); -rasi, m. pond, lake ; sea; -vat, WTf^ffTT t y a g i - t a , / . liberality.
-rupa, a. formed of pure splendour or radi- a. supplied with or surrounded by water;
ance ; -vat, a. bright; brilliant; -vritta, n. -vaha, m. rain-cloud. I t y a g - i n , a. abandoning, deserting;
dignified behaviour, energetic action. sacrificing: atmanaA,throwingaway one'slife,
toyaagni, m. submarine fire; suicide; — g i v i n g up, rejecting, renouncing.
^ ^ f s f tedani (or 1 ) , / . (coagulated) blood. - a%ali, in. two handfuls of water (in honour
of the dead) ; - adhara, m. reservoir, pond ; tya^-aka, a. abandoning, refusing;
tena, in. (of ta) ad. thither; thus; there- ^alaya, m. ocean; - a.saya, m. reservoir, lake; -ana, n. giving up, renunciation; -ya, fp. to
fore (corr. yataA, yad, yasmat, yena); t e n a -utsargfa, m. discharge of water. beabandoned,-deserted,-castoff; - shunned;
hi, then. [pungency; severity, harshness. cfi - given up or away.
torana, n. arched portal, triumphal
%^5Itaikshn-ya,n. sharpness; burning heat; arch : -m&na, TO. N. T R A P , I . A. trapa, be embarrassed
or ashamed; cs. trapaya, P. cause to be
c ^ R tair/as-a, a.(i) consisting of light, bril- tola-ka, w. (?) a weight ( = 2 s&nas). embarrassed or ashamed.
liant ; consisting of metal. tol-ana, ra. lifting; weighing (with, ^XTT trap-S,/. embarrassment, shame,
TtfTpff taitila, m. deity. saha) ; - y a , f p . to be weighed.
trdp-u, «. tin.
tosh-a, m. satisfaction, pleasure (in, g.,
%pTt ^ taittira, a. (i) produced from par- tray-d, a. (i) threefold, triple: trayi'
lc., -°); -ana, a. (i) appeasing, satisfying, de-
tridges ; descended from Tittiri. vidya, the threefold knowledge, knowledge
lighting ; n. id.; -in, a. (-°) content with,
taittiriya, m. pi. N. of a school of liking; satisfying, gladdening. of the three Yedas; n. triplet, triad; i , f . id.;
the Yagur-veda: -ka, a. belonging to the the three Vedas; the Buddhist triad, Bud-
fTftj*^ tos-un, inf. ending -tos. dha, Dharma, and Samgha; summit.
school of the Taittiriyas; -pratisakhya, ra.
Prati#akhya of theTaittiriyas; -yagrar-veda, taugr-yd, m. son of Ttigra (Bhugryu). ^ f f ^ l f trayas-trimsd, a. (1) thirty-third.
m. the Yayur-veda of the Taittiriyas; -,<akha,
f . the school of the Taittiriyas; -samhita,./. r f t ^ ^ l taurya-traya, ra. (triad of music), ^ r f ^ n i ^ trfiyas-trimat, / . thirty-three.
the Samhita of the Taittiriyas; ^aranyaka, music, song, and dance. ^ ^ T R ^ trayi-dhama-vat, a. whose
n. an Aranyaka of the Taittiriyas; - upani- light consists of the three Vedas; ep. of the
s h a d , / . the Taittiriya Upanishad. " f f t ^ I taul-ya, n. weight.
sun; -maya, a. (1) consisting of or based on
c h ^ T X taushSra, a. produced by snow. the three Yedas.
f l f a l . O ' T taimira-roga, m. cataract (of the tman, m. vital breath; one's self: in.
eye). [ract (timira). t m a n 4 and lc. t m a n = pels, certainly, at " W l t ^ l f trayo-dasd, a. (1) thirteenth; i , f .
f | f i l f \ e R taimir-ika, a. suffering from cata- least, even, also (generally emphasizing pre- thirteenth day of the fortnight.
ceding word) ; often with u t a or ha, and also, q «Tl >sTT tray o d a«i - d ha, ad. thirteenfold,
taimir-ya, n. darkening (of the eye-
and certainly; with i v a or na, just as; with in thirteen parts.
adha, and even.
^ f t ^ T 5 ^ tr^yo-dasan (or s^n), num. thir-
tairth-ika, a. heretical; m. worthy ty£, prn. that; that well-known (ille). teen. [verses.
person; n. water from a holy bathing-place.
fM f t o ^ f a t l ty akta-^i vita, a. aband oning ( = ^ 'iTl q trayodasa WH, a. having fourteen
tairyag-yona, a. of animal origin ; risking) one's life, brave; -^atman, a. des-
in. animal. pairing of himself. trayo-vimsa, a. (1) twenty-third,
Tfataila, n, sesamum oil; oil (sometimespi.). tyak-tavya, fp. to be abandoned; to trdyo-vimsati, f . twenty-three.

fNchK be despaired of; to be sacrificed. [cred) fire. ^ T T R A S , I. P . trasa, I V . (E. also A.)
taila-kara, m. oil-grinder; -pa-ka, ^ trasya, tremble or quake, at, be afraid
rtirfllfM tyaktaagni, a. neglecting the(sa-
m. oil-drinking beetle, cockroach ; -parnika, of (in., ab., g.): pp. trasta, affrighted, trem-
m. hind of sandal tree; -patra, n. vessel for ( S f l J R r R tyaktu-kama, a. wishing to leave. bling ; cs. trasaya, P. (E. also A.) shake;
oil; -payin, m. hind of beetle; -pradipa, m. tyak-tn", m. one who abandons (g.) frighten, scare, apa, start back, flee, ud, pp.
oil-lamp; -yantra, n. oil-mill. uttrasta, frightened; cs. terrify, scare away,
r l f a e f l tail-ika, m., i , f . oil-grinder. or sacrifices (ac). [except,
pari, pp. terrified, vi, tremble, be frightened:
ftfr^l tyak-tva, gd.(\/tyng) disregarding= pp. affrighted; cs. terrify, sam, pp. terrified;
tailvaka,a .made from the Til vaka tree.
r O f f i T Y A G [(a)tiaj7], I. P . (A.) tyaga, cs. terrify.
t f a taisha, a. (i) relating to the lunar man-
\ leave, forsake; abandon; disown; ex- •^T tras-a, a. moving; n. living creature:
sion Tishya; m. N. of a month; i,f. day of
pose (a child) ; quit (a place); avoid (a per- (a)-dasyu, m. (at whom demons tremble), N.
full moon in the month Taisha.
son); let alone, spare; give up, renounce, aban- of a generous prince, favourite of the gods;
<Tlqitok£,n. progeny, offspring,race; child. don, throw, or give away; neglect; ignore: •renu, m. mote in a sun-beam.
tras-nu. f l U f tri-sanku. 113

tras-nu, a. timid. wheeled car; -Aakshus, a. three-eyed; -da- quest of Tripura; -vipayin, m. Siva; -hara,
tura, a. three or four; -pagat, n. sg. pi. the m. id.
TRA, I I ; I V . L traya, protect, rescue, three worlds (heaven, earth, lower regions):
from («£>., <7.); ps.trayate: ^ . ; t r a t a . pari, (gf)-panani,/. the mother of the three worlds, f ^ X T W ^ i tri-purSna-ka, a. (ik4) worth
Parvati; -ga,ta,, a. wearing three braids : a, three puranas ; -puraniya, a. id.
id.; ps. impv. paritr4yat4m, help !
f . N.of a 11 dieshad; t a : -ka, n. the three tripuraantaka, a. destroying
TTCT trS ana, n. protection (of or from, ; spices, viz. cinnamon, cardamoms, and nut- Trjpura (Bdma's bow); m.ep. of Siva.; ^arati,
help; shelter; mail, cuirass, guard, helmet. meg; -nayana, TO. (three-eyed),/Siva; -na- m. &va; ^ari,TO.id.
TTWT tr&n-ana, n. protecting, guarding. Aiketa, a. having three times lighted the fire
named Na&iketa. tri-purusha, ra. three men = three
TTfT®*! tra-tavya, fp. to be protected or generations: -m, ad. for three generations;
guarded; -tri, m. protector, saviour (of, g., f%7T triti, m. N.of a Vedic god, Third form a, a. as long as three men.
from, ab.); -tra, n. protection. of Agni (probably lightning), connected with
Indra and the winds, represented as engaged P l Ui I f^* tripurajsaadri,TO.N.of a moun-
tr&push-a, a. made of tin. tain; -j.svara, N.of a town and of a temple.
in combat with meteoric demons; his dwell-
T R f n tra -ya-ti, m. the root tra (3rd sg. ing-place is remote and hidden, and he is f^TJEfn; tri-pushkara, a. adorned with three
used as N.). called Aptya, son of the waters ( = clouds); lotuses: pi, N. of a sacred bathing-place.
N. of various RisAis: pi. a class of gods.
^HJ tras-a, m. fright, terror; frightening: f ^ J S tri-prish?Aa, a. having or occupying
-dinam, ad. pitifully for fear; - a r t h a m , n. f ^ n T T tri-taya, n. triad; - t a , / . , -tva, n. id.; three backs, ridges, or heights; to. Vishnu ;
-danda, n. triple staff of the Brdhman ascetic; -prakara, a. threefold; -phala, a. bearing
in order to frighten.
triple control (of thought, word, and deed); three fruits; -bahu, a. three-armed; -bh4ga,
trSs-ana, a. (i) frightening (g. or-°); -dandin, a. bearing the triple staff; control- to. third part (esp. of the eye in a side-glance);
n. terrifying; scaring away; -aniya, fp. cal- ling thought, word, and deed; m. Brahman -bhuvana, n. the three worlds : heaven, sky
culated to frighten or terrify; -in, a. timid. ascetic. or lower regions, and earth; to. N.: -guru,
tri, num. pi. m. n. ( f . tisri) three: t r i s h u f^jTSJ' tri-das&, a. pi. three times ten; to. to. ep. of -Siva, -pati, m. ep. of Vishnu ;
(gr. or lex.) = of all three genders. the thirty sc. gods (round number for 33): -bhanma, a. three-storied; -madhn, a. who
- t 4 , / . , -tva, n. divine nature ; -pati, to. ep. knows or recites the three verses beginning
f ^ I f trim-sA, a. (i) thirtieth; -sat,/. [ t r i + with madhu (RV. I, xc, 6-8) ; -matra, a.
of Indra : -sastra, n. Indra's weapon, thunder-
(da)sat] thirty (rarely pi., gnly. in the same containing three morae ; -m&rga-ga, / . ep.
bolt ; -vanita, /. celestial female, Apsaras ;
case as its noun, sts. governing a gen.); -sati, of the Ganges; -murti, a.having three forms;
-saila,TO.ep. of mount Kailasa; -sxesTxtha,,
J- id. a. ep. of Brahma or Agni. the trinity, i. e. Brahma, Vishnu, Siva.
trimsat-ka, n. an aggregate of 30 ;
f ^ c ^ l f ^ M tridasajidhipa, to. lord of the f ^ n ^ R tr i-y-ambaka,TO. (three-eyed), Siva.
-tam&, ord. num. (1) thirtieth. gods; -jidhipati, to. id.; -^ayudha, n. rain-
f ^ m ^ ' T I trimsad-bhgga, m. thirtieth part; bow ; - ari, m. enemy of the gods, Asura; f ^ r e tri-yava, a. weighing three barley-
-vimsa, a. pi. between twenty and thirty. ^alaya,TO.abode of the gods, heaven; celestial, corns ; -y&na, n. the three vehicles (to salva-
tion) of the Buddhists; -y4ma, a. having
f^eR tri-ka, a. forming a triad, consisting god.
three watches (nine hours): 4,/. night; -ras-
of three; + sata, three per cent.; n. triad; p K ^ ^ t r i d a s i - b h f t , become a god. aka, n. spirituous liquor (having three taBtes);
chine-bone; hips; m. triangularplace or court. -ratra, n. sg. pi. period of three nights (i. e.
Pi tridasaindra, m. chief of the gods,
tri-kakild, a. having three peaks; days) : -m, for three days, in., ab. after three
ep. of Indra; ^isvara, m. pi. chiefs of the days; a. lasting three days; to. three days'
ep. of Vishnu (Krishna) and of Brahma, gods (Indra, Agni, Varuna, Yama). festival: ^avaram, ad. at least three days;
faofi^tri-kakubh,a.id.; m.thunderbolt; P l f ^ tri-div£,n.third(=highest)heaven, (i)-rupa, a. having three forms or colours ;
ep. of Indra. alwayswith g.divaA(F.); heaven(C.): -gata, -linga, a. having the three fundamental
pp. gone to heaven, dead; ^isvara, m. ep. of qualities; having three genders, adjectival;
pfcQj^ch trf-kadru-ka, m. pi. N. of certain
Indra; -^okas, m. inhabitant of heaven, god. -loka, n., i , / . , sg., m. pi. the three worlds :
three Soma vessels ; -kapala, a. distributed heaven, sky or lower regions, earth: -natha,
on three dishes; -karma-krit, a. performing f^r^TT tri-dha, ad.threefold; thrice; in three m. ep. of Indra and of <Siva, -J.sa, m. ep. of
the three chief actions of a Brdhman (sacri- places, in(to) three parts; - kri, triple. Vishnu. [N.: -pala, m. N.
fice, Vedic study, and charity); -karman, f W T < J tri-dhatu, a. threefold; n. the triple
f^psf^TTtri-loftana, a.three-eyed; to. Siva;
a. id. world.
tri-k§la, n. the three times: past, f W R ^ tri-dhaman, a. tripartite; -nay- f^W^R trilla-ka, trilla-sena, m. Ns.
present, and future; morning, noon, evening: ana, a. three-eyed; m. ep. of /Siva; -netra, ^tri-vandhur^, a. three-seated; -var-
-m, three times; -gna,, a. knowing the three a. three-eyed; to. /Siva; -paksha, n. three ga, to. aggregate of three : virtue (dharma),
times, omniscient; -dar«in, a. id.; -rupa, a. fortnights; -panA4sa, a. consisting of 53 ; pleasure(kama),utility (artha); or foss'ksha-
appearing in the form of the three times (sun); -pataka, a. (hand) with three (forefinger, ya), status quo (sthana), gain (vriddhi) ; or
-snay-in, a. bathing morning, noon, and night: middle, and little finger) outstretched fingers the three qualities (sattva, rapas, tamas); or
( - i ) - t a , / . practice of bathing morning, noon, (sign on the stage to indicate a desire to say the three higher castes; -varna, a. three-
and night. something secretly); -patha, n. the three coloured ; -varsha, n. space of three years ;
f ^ e j f j tri-ktifa, a. having three peaks; m. paths, i. e. heaven, shy (or lower regions), a. three years old ; -vali (sts. i only /.
N. of various mountains; -kritvas, ad. thrice; and earth. three folds above the navel (considered beauti-
-gana, m. the triad- virtue (dharma), utility f^TT^ tri-p^d (or tri-: strong st. -p4d), a. ful in women); -v4fcika, a. produced by three
words ; -v4rshika, a. three years old; - v i -
(artha), pleasure (k&ma). (-i) three-footed; taking three steps; -i, f. krama, n. the three steps of Vishnu; a. hav-
tri-garta, m. pi. (country of the three kind of gait in the elephant; -pada, a. hav- ing taken the three steps; to.Vishnu; -vidya,
strongholds), N. of a people; sg. the country ing three feet; having three (metrical) padas; a. containing the three Vedas ; -vidha, a. of
or a prince of Trigarta. -pala, a. weighing three palas; -pai'Ain, a. three kinds, triple, threefold; -vidha, ad. into
studying the three Vedas; -padaka, a. (ik4) three parts ; -vishfopa, n. (Indra's) heaven;
Pl«|Ul tri-guna, m. pi. or n. sg. the three three-footed; -pi£aka, n. the three literary - v i s h t f , ad. three times ; -vrit, a. threefold,
fundamental qualities; a. consisting of three collections (lit. baskets) of the Buddhists (i. e. triple, tripartite; m. (sc. stoma) peculiar tri-
threads or cords; threefold; three times as the Stitra-,Vinaya-, and Abhidharma-pi^aka); ple mode of reciting RV. IX, xi; triple cord:
great or as many; containing the three/nn- -piba, a. drinking with three organs (ears and -karana, n. tripling, -ta, / . threefoldness ;
damental qualities: s a p t a t r i g u n a n i d i n a n i , tongue); -pishfapa,n. Indra's heaven; -pun- -veda (°-), i , / . the three Vedas; a. versed in
three times seven = twenty-one days; - a t - d r a : -ka, n. three streaks marked on various or containing the three Vedas; -vedin, a. id.
maka, a. possessing the three fundamental parts with ashes> esp. on the forehead by Siva-
qualities. worshippers. tri-sanku, TO. N. of an ancient sage
tri -grami, / . N. of a locality . and ofa king of Ayodhyd, raised to the stars
fWJJX tri-pura, n. triple citadel; three Asura
fortresses of gold, silver, and iron, burned by as the Southern Cross: -tilaka, a. adorned
p H triAa, TO. n. stanza of three verses (cp. with the Southern Cross: 4 4 is,f. = the South;
trika). Siva; 1 ,f.N. of the capital ofKedi; -ghatin,
-ghna,TO.Siva; -daha, m. burning of Tripura; s?ata, a. 103; 300; 300th; consisting of 300;
fa^^i tri-Aakr£, a.three-wheeled; n. three- -druh, - d v i s h , TO. »S'iva; -vipaya, m. con- n. 300; -s4kha, a. having three branches;
114 f^sj^TR tri-sula-ya. tsar-u.

-sikha, a. three-crested, three-pronged, shap- Kedis; n. Siva's exploit in connexion with <qq^[ | ^ tvak-sara, TO. reed, cane (lit. in
ed like a trident; n. trident; -sikhara, a. Tripura. which the rind is the chief thing): -vyava-
three-peaked; -siras, a. three-headed; three- trai-mas-ika, a. three-monthly; hara-vat, a. whose occupation is in reeds,
peaked ; to. N.of a RisAi with the patrony- three months old, lasting three months. dealing in cane. •
mic Tvashtfra, reputed author o / 5 7 . X , viii;
N. of a Rdkshasa slainbyRdma; -sirsba, -sir- trai-y-ambakd, a. relating or dedi- M ^ t v a g - u t t a r a j s a f i g a - v a t , a.
sh&n, a. three-headed; -sula, n. trident; a. cated to Tryambaka (Siva). wearing an outer garment of bark; -dosha,
wielding the trident (Siva). [trident. TO. skin-disease, eruption; -doshln, a. af-
trai-rdp-ya, n. triple form; -ling-ya, fected with skin-disease; -bbeda-ka, a. break-
f ^ j ^ T R tri-stil&-ya, den. A . be like Siva's n. being of three genders. ing or tearing the skin of another.
f ^ t ^ r a i T tri-sul-ika, / . little trident; trai-lokya, n. the three worlds; -x&g- ^cfFPC tvam-kara,TO.addressing as ' thou.'
sringa, a. three-horned ; three-peaked; to. ya, n. sovereignty of the three worlds; ^adbi-
T V A N G , I. P . t v a n g a , leap; gallop;
trident; N. of a mountain. patitva, •^adbipatya, n. id.
N move about, flicker.
triA-sveta, a. white in three places. trai-varg-ika, a. (i) relating to the
triad virtue, pleasure, utility; -ya, a. id. tj^jJTWrflST'nf tvan - mSmsajisthi - maya,
tri-shadha-stha, a. being in three a. consisting of skin, flesh, and bones.
places; n. threefold place; -shavana, a. ac- ^ c j f i i j c h trai-varra-ika, to. member of the
<q-q^tv^Zc, f . skin, hide; bark, rind.
companied by three Soma-pressings; n. the three upper castes; -varsbika, a. lasting or
three Soma-pressings during the day; with sufficient for three years ; -vikrama, a. be- <q-q tvaft-a, ra. id. (esp. a.) ; -ana, n.
sn&na, n. triple daily ablution: -m, ad. morn- longing to Vishnu (trivikrama); -vidya, a. skinning. [tvam, thou,
ing, noon, and evening, -snayin, a. perform- versed in the three Vedas; n. the three Vedas;
ing ablutions three times a day; -shash, a. study or knowledge of the three Vedas ; as- t^c^ tvat, tvad, ab. and base (°-) of
pi. three times six, eighteen; -sh£ub-anta, a. semblage of Brahmans versed in the three cqc^idtvat-krita, pp. made or done by thee
ending with a trish^ubh; -sh£iibh,/. (triple Vedas: -vn'ddba, pp. (old = ) learned in the or you, called after you (name)-, -krite, on
praise), a metre 0/4X 11 syllables. three Vedas; - v i d b y a , n. triplicity; - v i s h -
£apa: e-ya, m. pi. gods; -vedika, a. (i) re- thy account; -tas, ad. = ab. from you etc.
f q t j , tris, ad. three times: t r i r almas, three lating to the three Vedas. ^ ^ tv6d,
times a day.
traishfubh-a, a. (1) relating to or con- t q ^ l ^ I tvad-iya, a. thy, thine.
t^RcHr tri-satya, n. triple oath; -samdhya,
n. the three diurnal junctures (sunrise, noon, sisting of trishfubh; n. trishfubh metre.
tvad-vidha, a. like thee.
sunset): -m, ad. at the time of the three Sawi- trai-srotas-a, a. relating to the Gan-
dhyas; a. relating to the three Samdhyas ; t ^ T i T tvan-maya, a. consisting in thee,con-
ges (Trisrotas).
•Havana, a. &n. = tri-shavana; -sadhana, a. taining thee only. [' thou.'
produced or conditioned by three things; (1)- ' ^ l i l trofaka, n. kind of drama.
t^J^tujim, n m - stf.thou: tvaw kri, call (ac.)
suparna: -ka, m. n. N. of the verses 11V. trijiTOsa,TO.sg. three parts; third; a.
X , cxiv, 3-5; a. conversant with these verses; T V A R , I. A . tvara, (E. also P.) be
having three shares. ^ quick; hasten, to (d.,lc. ofvbl. n. or inf.):
-stana, a. (i) three-breasted; -stbana, a.
having three places; -srotas, f . ep. of the tri aksha, a. (a,i) three-eyed; to. Siva: pr. pt. tvara-mana, hastily, quickly; pp.
Ganges (triple-flowing). [a day. -ka, -n, m. id.; - a k s h a r a , a. consisting of tvarita, t u r t a (SB.), or tnrna (rare), swift,
three sounds or syllables; - anga, n. army of rapid, quick; hastening, to (lc. of vbl. N. or
f ^ K ^ T R trift-sn&na, n. bathing three times three members (chariots, cavalry, infantry); inf.): -m, ad. quickly, hastily; cs. tvaraya,
f q ^ l ^ W tri-hayana, a. three years old. - j i d h i s h ^ a n a , a. having three locations cause to make haste, urge on.
(mind, voice, body). <q <J tvar-a,/. haste, hurry, urgency (with
^ T R U T , P . I V . truiya, V I . trafa, (int.)
trijibda,ra.period of three years: -m, in., lc., or -°): in. hastily, quickly; viv&ha-
* break, tear, burst asunder : pp. trudta,
for three years ; a. lasting three years; -pur- krite tvara, hurry with regard to the wed-
broken ; having a lacuna ; cs. trofaya, tear
va, a. of three years' standing or having a ding ; tvar&m. kri, hasten with (g.).
asunder, break.
difference of three years in age.
^ f d tru-£i, / . particle, atom; moment (as tvar-ita, pp.; ra. haste, hurry,
a measure of time, the exact duration ofwhich -X|««<cft triambaka, TO. ep. of Rudra-Siva; t q f i t tvash-rt,/. carpentry,
varies in different statements). a , / . Parvati; -vWsbabba, TO. Siva's bull,
^ g tvdsh-fri,TO.wright, carpenter ; N. oj
• s q q ^ trijivara, a. pi. at least three: -m, ad.
% f f T tre-tS, f . triad; the three sacred fires; a Vedic god, the divine artificer: -devatya,
die or side of a die marked with three points; at least three times.
a. having Tvash^ri as its deity.
the second age of the world (the age of threes, triasita, a. (1) eighty-third; -^asiti,
so called from three being contained in the f . eighty-three : -tama, a. eighty-third, tq t v a - d m , a. (nm. m.f. n. k) resem-
numbers expressing its duration: it is de- bling thee; -drc'sa, a. (i): -ka, a. id.
'sejgeh trijishfaka, a. containing three eighth
scribed as lasting 3 0 0 0 years of the gods, etc.):
-_agni, to. sg. the three sacred fires; -yuga, days afterfull moon; ^asb^a-varsba, a. (3 x <q 1 tvSy^, in. ad. for love of thee,
n. the second age of the world; -lm'ta-sar- 8 = ) twenty-four years old. tqfcfc^ tvsf-vat, a. like thee.
v a s v a , a. robbed of one's all by the three die. triah£, TO. period of three days: -m, tvash^ra, a. belonging to Tvashtri;
tre-dha, ad. threefold; in(to) three for three days; in., ab., lc. after three days; TO. Tvash^ri's son.
parts; in three places, three times : -stbita, tryahe gate, Ic.abs. three days having elapsed;
pp. divided into three, threefold. - a b a , a. lasting three days: -vritta, pp. T V I S H , V I . tvlsha, (F.) be excited
having happened three days before, ^aibika, x or agitated; stimulate, quicken; sparkle,
trai-kal-ika, a. (i) relating to the a. provisioned for three days. [days.
three times (past, present, and future)-, -ya, shine, flame,
n. the three times: past, present, future ; ^ T T f ^ f i t r i j h i k a , f^qq tvish,/.excitement; vehemence,fury;
morning, noon, evening. light, ray; splendour; beauty; colour,
a. provisioned for three
traigarta, a. belonging to the Trigar- f ^ f t f tvish-i, f . vehemence, energy; bril-
tas ; to. prince of the Trigartas. -sejTj trin'&a, ra. stanza of three verses. liance, splendour; beauty: (l)-mat, a. vehe-
traigun-ya, n. having three cords, ^ T j f t trierai, a.f. spotted in three places. ment ; energetic; splendid.
tripleness; the three fundamental qualities ; ^ 1. tv&, prn. st. of second pers. (v. tvad). ^ tve, F lc. of tvam, thou.
a. possessed of the three fundamental quali-
ties (v. guna). [(-three) gods. ^ 2. tva, poss. prn. thy. tvesh-5, a. (a, 1) vehement; sublime;
%<3[ftp|i traidas-ika, a. relating to the thirty ^ 3. tva, a. many a ; other; t v a - t v a , the
cq^ft tvafita, pp. (i/av) favoured by thee.
one-the other: -d, n. ad. partly,
traidham, ad. in three ways.
tq tvak-tra, ra. armour; -traraa, ra. protec- ( i l l T S A R , I. P. tsara, approach steal-
trai-pada, n. three quarters. v thily.
tion of
TV the
A Kskin.
S H , I I . only with pra, pr. pt.
trai-pura, a. relating to Tripura; m.pl. ^ ^ tsdr-u,TO.stalk (of a leaf); handle (of
-tvaksh-ana, pre-eminent,
inhabitants of Tripuri; sg. prince of the a vessel); hilt (of a sword).
tvdksh-as, ra. energy, activity.
thak-kana. 4 NT darcda-yatra. 115


thak-kana, m. N. of a man. ^ n ^ R J T thara-thara-va, A . stagger. thAt-kn, make a noise in spitting,

Wf^f^T thakriya, m. N. W t ^ i thalyora-ka, TO. N. of a village. thfit-kn'ta, pp. n. noise made in
s r f ^ q c n thakviyaka, TO. N. ^cefiTX thftt-kSra,TO.noise made in spitting. spitting.

S D.
^ i . da, a. (- 0 )
giving, bestowing, impart- ^ W T ^ dakshira&t, ab. ad. from or on the (to which the elephant's trunk and human
arms and thighs are often compared); stalk;
ing ; producing, yielding ; indicating. right; from the south, southern.
handle; flagstaff (on a carriage); pole (as a
2. da, «. cutting off, destroying (- 0 ). ^fW3KtlakshM-dvara,w.doortowards measure of length = 4 cubits); rod = symbol
the south; a. having the door towards the of violence, force of arms, military power,
D A M S , I. P . (A.) dasa, bite: pp.dash- south; -patha, m. tract in the south, Deecan; army; mastery of, complete control over (g.,
^ ta, bitten ; cs. damsaya, cause to be aapara, a. south-western; -pratyai/A, a. - ° ) ; sceptre (as symbol of judicial power),
bitten by (in.)] provide with armour; cs. of south-western ; n. -pratyak, ad. towards the punishment (corporal chastisement, admoni-
intv. dandasaya, P. cause to be bitten se- south-westj/.-pratiH, south-west; (a)-pra- tion, fine): gupta - , secret fine = blackmail;
verely. vi, bite in pieces, sam, press together; vana, a. sloping towards the south ; a a b h i - v a i t a s a - , reedlike staff = membrum virile.
crush : pp. pressed closely; closely fitting, mnkha, a. (x) facing southward: -m, ad.
tight (garment). southwards; -mnkha, a. id. ^TT^acfi darada-ka,TO.handle; pole, flagstaff
(on a car); n., 4, / . N. of a forest in the
dams-a,m. bite; stinging insect, gadfly; Deccan; m. pi. inhabitants of the Daradaka
-aka, m. N. of a prince; -ana, n. biting; forest; sg. N.of a prince; -karman, n. pun-
bite ; coat of mail. e. to the realm of death); southerly course
of the sun, the half-year in which the sun ishment. [dysentery.
damsh-£ra, m., 4 , / . tusk, fang. moves from north to south (from summer to daradakajdasa-ka,TO.kind of
winter solstice): -samkranti, f . entrance of
damshfr-in, a. possessed of fangs ; the sun on the southerly course, summer ^ ^ o n i B darada-kSsh/Aa, n. wooden staff;
m. animal with fangs, beast of prey. solstice. -ghna, a. striking with a staff, committing
( j ^ ^ D A M S , only cs. damsaya, be wondrous. dakshiraaararaya, n. Southern assault; -Aakra, n. detachment of an army
-tadana, n. chastisement with a stick; -tva,
dams-ima, n., 4, / . wondrous deed, Forest, N. ofa forest,probably in the Deccan.
n. condition of a staff; -dasa, TO. slave for
power, or skill. (non-payment of) a fine, one who serves out
^ f W ^ d,iksbina-vat, a. able; abound-
ddms-u,a. of wondrous power (-°): -pat- ing in gifts, pious. a fine; -dhara, a. wielding the rod or sceptre
ni , f . having a lord of wondrous power. over, punishing, chastising (p.); m. prince,
dakshiwatvarta, a. turned south- king; judge, magistrate; leader of a troop;
{Tgf D A K S H , I. daksha, P. satisfy or suit ward ; being on its southern course (sun); m. ep. q/Yama: ^adhipati,TO.chief of judges,
^ any one (d.); A. be able, skilful, or strong; Deccan. [head turned southward. king ; -dhara, a. wielding the rod, exercising
cs. P. dakshaya, make efficient. judicial authority : -ka, a. id.; -dharana, ».
^ f a UU B-i i^dakshiraa-siras, a.having the bearing of a staff; employment of force;
daksh-a, a. able, active, dextexous, skil-
ful, clever (with Ic., ; suitable for (-°); ^ t W T f f dakshira-ahi, ad. far to the right chastisement.
right (not left); m. activity, capacity, power, or south, of (ab.). ddrad-ana, n. beating, punishing.
aptitude ; will; N. of an Aditya ; N. of a ^fal^lflsi dakshirai-kri, place on the right,
Pragdpati; N. of a legislator: - s y a a y a n a , 1 <4 «n damda-n&yaka,TO.judge; leader
walk round any one (ac.) keeping him on the of a troop; -nipatana, n. causing the rod to
n. (sacrifice of the) winter solstice.
right (as a token of respect). descend, punishment (of, g.); -niyoga, m.
daksha-kratii, m.du. will and under- ^dakshin-iya, a. worthy of or suitable award of punishment; - n x t i , f . administra-
standing ; -t4, / . dexterity, cleverness; acti- tion of justice, science of government.
for a sacrificial gift; worthy to be honoured.
vity; -pitri,a. pl.(str.st.also -pit4r), having
Daksha as a father; possessing or bestowing ^ f a u l f K , dakshinajtara, a. left. dand-aniya, fp. punishable.
abilities; -vihitS,,/. kind of song; - s u t a , / . dawda-netri, TO. judge : -tva, ra.
daughter of Daksha : pi. wives of the moon. ^r^SUjt dakshiwena, in. ad. to the right or
south, of (ac.). office of judge, administration of justice.
-inn (also&), a. able, clever,dex-
dakshiwais, in.pl. ad. on the right. dawd^-pani, a.holding a staff in
terous ; right; southern (because when look-
one's hand; m. policeman ; ep. of Yama;
ing east the right hand is towards the south);
-pata, m. (descent of the rod), punishment,
south (wind)] upright, honest; amiable, oblig- ^ f ^ f T f f T dakshinauttara, a. right and chastisement; -patana, n. castigation; -p4-
ing ; m. right hand or arm;TO.n. right side; left, southern and northern: a-bhyam pani-
bhyam, with the two hands, the right being rushya, n. assault: du. bodily chastisement
south ; 4, f . (sc. go), a good i. e. milch cow, and admonition; -pala,TO.guardian of jus-
(being the original) sacrificial fee; fee; gift; uppermost; - uttana, a. holding the right-
hand palm upwards: du. with panx, the two tice, judge: - t 4 , / . abst. .v.; -palaka, TO.
personified as the wife of Sacrifice. guardian of justice, judge; -p4saka,w. police-
hands with the right turned palm upwards.
dakshina-9&nu_akta,2>j?. hav- man, watchman; -pra«4ma, m. prostration
^J^dag-dha, pp. (</dah) burned,consumed; at full length like a staff; -pradana, n. pre-
ing the right knee bent. pained, tortured, distressed; fatal; wretched, sentation of the staff (at investiture); -bhaya,
^ f a U i rltt, dakshina-tds, ad. on or from the good for nothing; cursed, damned: -gathaia, n. fear of the rod; -Vh&g, a. liable to punish-
right (of, g.); southwards ; from the south ; n. accursed belly. ment ; -bhrit, a. wielding the rod ;TO.ep. of
to the south (of, g.): (-t&h) kri, place any one dag-dhavya, fp. to be burned. Yama; -mnkhya, m. leader of an army.
on the right hand (in token of respect) ; -tas-
kaparda, a. wearing a braid of hair on the dag-dhri,TO.consumer of (ac.); -dim, ^ i ^ g q danda-ya, den. P . punish: pp. dand-
right. TO. id. with g. i t a : gnptena dandena - , blackmailed.
^ f ^ R P T ^ r n J dakshina-pasfraardha, m. ^ J ^ f t ^ T dagdhaudara, n. accursed belly. ^ T J ^ n r r darada-yatra, / . military expedi-
south-west side; -pas£ima, a. south-western; tion : -Aihna, n. signal for marching to war,
-purva, a. south-eastern : 4, f . south-east. D A G H , V . P . dagh-no-ti, reach to. -patha, TO. military road, -lagna, n. astro-
logically auspicious moment for marching out
^ f W T dakehiwa, ad. to the right or south-
dagh-n£, a. (a, 1) reaching to (- 0 ). to war; -yoga, m. infliction of punishment;
wards (of, ab.).
-lesa, m. small fine; -vat, a. bearing a staff;
^ f W T f r dakshinaagni, m. southern sa- da/c-AAada, ra. (teeth-cover), hp. having a handle; possessing a great army;
crificial fire; a a g r a , a. pointed southward. darad£,TO.(n.) staff, stick; mace, club -vadha, TO. capital punishment; -va&ika,
Q 2
116 <( Ujg I q i fl daradaghata. ^ darp- a.

a. corporal or verbal (injury); -vabin, TO. ^VJG^da-dhrish, a. (nm.m.f. n. k) bold; n. 1. d&m-a, m. n. house, abode, home.
policeman, watchman; -vikalpa, TO. choice -dbrlk, ad. firmly, closely, [or undertaken. 2. dam-^, a. taming, subduing ( - ° ) ; m.
of punishment (with g. of object); -vyuba,
m. array in columns; -hasta, a. holding a l*t,da-dhrish-van,p/. pt. having dared self-control; punishment, fine; Victor, N. of
staff in the hand. [a staff. one ofDamayantisbr others and of other men.
dadhianna, n. rice cooked with cur-
tf *t c(i dama-ka, a. taming, breaking in,train-
^TOTCT dawdajtghata, m. pi. blows with dled milk; -jidana, n. pap prepared with
curdled milk, [the mother of the Ddnavas.
dawrfaadhipa, TO. chief justice ;
-adbipati, in. id.; - a n i k a , n.detachment of ddnu,/. N.of a daughter of Daksha and dama-ghosha, r». N.ofa king-ga,
an army; -apnpa-ny&ya, TO. manner of the -snta, m. pat. of SisupS.la.
danu-kabandha, m. N. of a demon;
stick and tEe cake (if the mouse has eaten the dam-ana, a. (i) taming, subduing (- 0 );
-ga, m. a Danava. [dan) tooth.
stick she must have eaten the cake also): ab. — m. horse-tamer, charioteer; Vincent, N. of one
as a matter of course from what precedes. d&nt, m. (strong base of d&t, only nm. of Damayantfs brothers; n. subduing; chas-
l<«h dawdSra-ka, a.) well-pole. tising. [a jackal.
^nT dant-a, m. (n.) tooth; tusk, ivory (/.
dandaavayava, m. detachment a. a, i ) : -ka, a.) tooth; -ghata: -ka, ^ i f ' T ' f i damana-ka, m. N. of a man and of
of an army. m. worker in ivory; -ghat a, m. bite. dam-ay-ant-i, / . (cs. pr. pt.) Vic-
<^«rf<Qj<^danta-&Mada,TO.(tooth-covering), toria, N. of Nald's wife.
^ f ^ S q i dand-ika, a. punishing; m. police- lip; -gunman, n. growth of the teeth ; -gata,
man ; -ika, /. stick, staff; - i n , a. bearing a pp. having teethed; - d y u t , / . glitter of the f q g dam-ay-i-tri, TO. tamer, chastiser.
staff; m. Brahmanmendicant; janitor, warder; teeth; -dbava.m. cleansing the teeth; -dbav- tf dam-in, a. self-controlled; subduing
official who clears the way; ep. of Yama; N. ana, n. id.; splint of wood chewed for clean-
of the author of the Dasakumdrdkarita and ing the teeth; -pattra, n. kind of ear orna-
of the Kdvyddar&a (sixth century A.D.), ment : i-ka, f . id.; -pan/ialika, f . doll of ^trfW ddm-pati,TO. master of the house: du.
damdaudyama, m. raising of the ivory; -pali, /. ivory sword hilt; -praksbal- master and mis tress,man and wife, pair, couple.
staff, threatening any one (-°) with a stick: ana, n. cleansing of the teeth; means for ^ T dambh-a,TO.fraud, dissimulation, hy-
pi. employment of forcible means. cleansing the teeth; -pravesbfa, to.(-) ring pocrisy, deceit; -aka, a. deceiving, deluding
round an elephant's tusk; -bhanga, m. break-
^ITsJT dand-ya,/p. to be punished; worthy (-°); -ana, a. injuring (- 0 ); n. deceiving,
ing or splitting of the teeth ; -maya, a. made
of punishment; to be made to pay or fined of ivory; -mamsa, n. gum; -mula, n. root deceit. [cetic.
(with ac. of amount); liable to forfeit of a tooth ; -muliya, a. dental (letter); -ra&- ^ J f J j f s i dambha-muni, TO. hypocritical as-
ana, f . cleansing of the teeth; -vakra, m.
TO. [(a)d-at, pr.pt. eater] tooth (nm. ^f^ff«^dambh-in,a. deceitful; TO. deceiver,
N. of a prince; -vasas, n. (cover of the
dan): a.f. -i. teeth), lip; - v i n k , f . chattering of the teeth cheat, hypocrite, dishonest man.
dat-ta, pp. of ; m. N. (often ; (lit. teeth-lute): -m vadaya, play the teeth- dambhaudbhava, m. N. of a king.
n. giving: -ka, a. given to be adopted (son). lute = have chattering of the teeth ( f r o m cold);
-veshta, m. gum : du. gums; -vyapara, m. ^irtf^Tdambholi, TO. Indra's thunderbolt:
datta-karwa, a. giving ear or listen- working in ivory; - s u d d b i , / . cleansing the -pata,TO.descent of Indra's thunderbolt.
ing to (-°); - d n s b / i , a. directing ones gaze teeth; -sodbana, n. id.; -samgbarsba, m. dambholi-pata-ya, den. A.
to, looking at (dbs. or with lc.); - p u r v a u k - grinding of the teeth. descend like Indra's thunderbolt.
ta-sapa-bbi, a. threatening:with the curse
already mentioned; -sulka, a. f. for whom dantaagra, n. point of a tooth. dam-ya, fp. to be broken in; m. young
the nuptial fee has been paid. bull yet to be tamed or trained.
^ • f l l ^ f a l danta-danti, ad. tooth against
^ T f T f T f datta&tanka, a. giving a fright to tooth = tooth and nail (of combatants). ^ Z f D A Y , I. A . daya, divide; allot; pos-
(g.); - atman, a. who has offered himself for ^ sess; have compassion on, sympathise with
adoption (son); ^a-pradan-ika, a. relating to ^•tTPrnC dantaantara, n. space between the (ac., g.): pp. dayita, q. v. nir-ava, satisfy
the non-delivery of a present. teeth : ^adbisbttita, pp. stuck between the any one (ac.) with (in.), from (ab.).
teeth; row of teeth; -^alika,/. bridle;
^ p H dat-ti, f . gift, present. | day-8,/. sympathy, compassion, with
- a v a l i , f . row of teeth.
(g., lc., —°): -TO kri, have compassion on (g.
datta uttara, a. to which an answer danta-vala, m. elephant. or lc.); -Jirdra-bbava, m. compassionate
has been given.
dant-ln, a. tusked ; m. elephant; tenderness.
^ f W T dat-trima, a. received by donation, -ila, m. N.; -ura, a. having prominent teeth; ^ T T ^ daya-ld, a. compassionate, towards
adopted (son or slave). uneven; thickly studded with, full of (—°); (lc.) : - t a , / , -tva, n. compassion for (lc.).
^ W l dat-tva, gd. of da. [wealthy, ugly: - t a , / . ugliness.
j^q daya-vat, a. compassionate to-
dantura-ya, den. P . stud or fill with: wards (g., lc.).
dd-tra, n. property: pi. goods: - v a t , a .
pp. dantnrita, studded with, full of (-°).
dadS-ti, m. gift. day-ita, pp. (v^day) beloved, dear;
^i^t^Wf^T®!? dantaulftkhal-ika, a. using TO.lover,husband;/.mistress,wife; -maya,
da-dm-an£-pavi, a. whose a. devoted to his beloved.
his teeth as a pestle; - u l n k b a l i n , a. id.
wheel-tracks have appeared.
dant-ya, a. dental (letter); good for dar-a, a. cleaving, shattering;
da-dr-u, da-dr-ft, / . dri, crack] a little (also -m); m., i , / . cleft, hole, cave;
the teeth, [kind of snake.
kind of cutaneous eruption. m. fear.
^^'JJefi dan-das-uka, a. mordacious ; in.
^>J^da-dh, weak pr. base of <*/dhS. dar-awa, n. bursting, breaking,
TO" D A B H , ^JT D A M B H , (V.) P . I.
da-dh-^n, weak base of dadhi. dardd, darada, TO. pi. N.of a
^ dabba, Y . dabbn6, injure, hurt; de-
ceive; cs. dambb&ya, P. A. avert; des. dipsa, people.
^ f v dd-dh-i, n. [\/dhe] sour milk, curds.
P. wish to hurt or destroy. ddr-i-dra (also -I-dra), a. [intv. dr£]
^ f a n i j i dadhi-karna, m. Curd-ear, N. of a strolling; mendicant, poor; lacking (in. or
cat (i. e. having milk-white ears). ^ f t f ^ T dabh-iti, m. injurer, foe; N.
TO. beggar.
^fVjR^J" dadhi-t-tha, m. a tree (so called from ddbh-ya, fp. who can be deceived;
daridra-ta,/. poverty; -tva, n. id.
the taste of the fruit); -drapsa,TO.sg. pi. meant to deceive. [dimly; n. distress.
whey made of sour milk. ^ j f dabh-r£, a. little, insignificant: -m, ad. ^ f t ^ T D A R - I - D R A , v. ^ T D R A , run.
dadhi-pu/ckAa, m. Curd-tail (i.e. ^ O t J * ^ dari-mukha, n. cave of a mouth;
D A M , I V . P . d&mya, be tame; tame,
having a milk-white tail), N. of a jackal; mouth of a cave; mouth-like cave.
* subdue: pp. danta., tame, gentle; calm,
-pn'sbataka, a kind of mixture with curds; ^dar-dur-a,TO. [intv. Vdri] frog; flute;
tranquil, having one's passions subdued ; cs.
-bb&nda, n. pot of sour milk; -marada, m. damaya, P. tame, break in; control, subdue: N. of a mountain-range in the South; N.:
sour cream ; -saktn, m. pi. meal mixed with pp. damita, tamed, subdued. -ka,TO.N. of a gambler.
curds; -sambbava, a. produced from curdled
milk. dam, house (only andg. pi. damam). ^ ^ darp-a,TO.wildness, wantonness, impu-
darp-awa. 117

dence, arrogance, pride (in, in. or -ka, F ^ J D A L , I. P . dala, burst (int.); cs. d i l - sha, a. thousand-eyed (Indra); -siras, a. ten-
m. id.; Kama. N aya, cause to burst; disperse; grind: headed; -sirsha,a. id.; m. Ravana; -sahas-
pp. dalita, (simple & cs.) burst, cleft, rent, ra, a.consistingof ten thousand; n.ten thousand.
^TJT darp-ana, m. (causing pride), mirror,
often in titles of hooks: -maya, a. con- torn; dispersed; destroyed, vi, burst asunder, dasas-ya, P. serve, h o n o u r ; help;
sisting of mirrors. rend: pp. crushed, shattered; burst open, gratify (d.).
flowering, sam, pp. pierced.
darpan-ika,/. mirror, das-a, / . fringe, border, skirt, hem of
dal-a, n. fragment, piece; part; half; a garment; wick (of a lamp); condition of life,
darpa-sara, rn. N. leaf, petal (that which unfolds itself); -ana, lot, age, state: -^anta, m. end of a wick; end
n. bursting (int.); breaking, crushing, shat- of life; extreme old age; -parip&ka, m. revo-
«3Tf§<T*JT darpita-pura, ra. N. of a city.
tering ; annihilation. [to pieces. lution of fortune.
^ j f darbh-4 m. tuft of grass ; sacrificial
<^*?nf^dala-sas, ad. in pieces: with ya, go dasaawisa, m. tenth part; ^akshara,
(esp. Kusa) grass (used for strewing, wiping,
and other purposes). ^ T T f ^ T dala&di-tva, n. state of a leaf, etc. a. decasyllabic ; - aiigula, a. ten fingers ( =
inches) long; -anana, m. (ten-faced),ep. of
darbha-maya,a. (i) made of Darbha ^ c f dav-a, rn. ( V d u ] forest fire: -thn, ra. Ravana ; ^antarushya, n. distance of ten
grass; -mushli, m. f . handful of Darb a burning, pain ; inflammation; ^agni, m. fire stations; ^abdaakhya, a. often years stand-
grass; -su£i (or 1), f. sharp point of Darbha of a burning forest; - a n a l a , m. id. ing. """
grass; -stamb&, m. bunch of Darbha grass.
^ t w f l dav-isb-ani, 1 prs. sg. impv., only dasarraa, a. decasyllabic; m. pi. N.
^ darya-ka, m. N. form of V d u (?) = 4/1. div, gamble. of a people ; sg. king of Da-sarwa.
darva, m. spoon. ^ r e d£v-ish*Aa, spv. (of dtira) remotest; dasajlrdha, a. pi. five.
^ f ^ darvi (also i), f . id.; serpent's hood. -iyas, cpv. very distant; very long: n.ad. fur- daslrha, m. Krishna: pi. N. ofapeople.
i f f i ^ darvi-bhrit, m. hooded serpent. ^ D A S , v. ^ DAMS. [ther. Ifi«l w V,das|alambin, a. hanging down
(^ipfi dasa-ka, a. containing ten, tenfold ; with the skirt == dragging.
^ f T ^ f ^ darvi-kara, rn. id. -kanfAa, m. (ten-necked), ep. q/'Ravana:^ari,
dars-a (or looking at, regarding m. enemy ofRavana, ep. ofRama; -kamdhara, ^ i n ^ T dasaavara, a. consisting of ten at
(-°); TO. appearance, new moon, day of or m. (ten-necked), ep.o/'R&vana; -kumara-Aa- least; - a s y a , a. ten-mouthed; m. Ravana;
festival of new moon. ri-ta or -tra,n. Adventures of the Ten Princes, ^aha, ra. period of ten days. [lages.
title of a novel by Dandin; -gnna, a. tenfold, das-in, a. tenfold ; m. lord of ten vil-
darsa-ka, a. seeing, getting sight of
ten times greater or more : -m, ad.; -gun-
(g.); causing to be seen, showing, pointing ita, pp. multiplied by ten ; -grama-pati, das -era-ka, m. pi. N. of a people.
out, exposing, making evident (g., : lohi- ra. chief of ten villages; - g r a m i , / . aggregate ^ ^ T T dasaisa, m. ruler of ten villages,
tasya causing blood to flow, drawing of ten villages. [Havana.
blood. dash-^a, pp. (\/dams); n. bite.
^ H t H ^ dasa-griva, m. ten-necked, ep. of
dars-atd, V. fp. visible; conspicuous, ^ C T D A S , I V . P . dasya, (V.) suifer want,
beautiful. ddsa-gva, a. consisting of ten. waste away, languish: pr. pt. I. A. das-
^ j f l dars-ana, a. (x) seeing, looking at; ^IFc^ clas^t, f . decade. amana; cs. A. dasaya, cause to languish,
knowing; showing, teaching; n. i . with active exhaust, upa, be exhausted, fail; be lack-
meaning: seeing, looking at, beholding; sight d^sa-taya, a. (i) tenfold, consisting ing to (ab., g.); cs. P. -dasaya, cause to fail
of, meeting with, visiting, attendance at (-° of ten divisions ; i,f. pi. the texts of the ten or cease.
or g.); adoration (of, g.); eyesight; review Mandalas of the Rig-veda. dasm£, a. working wonders, marvellous.
of (g.); inspection, investigation of (- ); fore-
dasa-ti, f . decade.
seeing perception, understanding, in- das-yu, m. class of demons hostile to the
sight ; recognition of (- 0 ) ; opinion, intention; ^ X ^ f t p t , dasa-dasin, a. consisting of re- gods andfrequently represented as being over-
doctrine, philosophical system ; 2. with ps. peated decades ; -dis, f . sg. the ten quarters. come by Indra and Agni, fiend, foe of the
meaning: becoming or being visible, appear- gods, unbeliever (F.); man of non-Br&h-
ance, presence, attendance (in court); occur- dasa-dha, ad. in ten parts, tenfold, manical tribes; robber.
rence, mention (esp. in a standard work); ap- d^san (also £n), a. pi. ten. das-ra, a. working wonders; ra. N. of
parition, vision ; 3. with es. meaning: showing;
one of the Asvins.
with concrete meaning: eye; it is often a. ^ i f T das-ana, TO. tooth: -ka, little t o o t h ;
having a - appearance, looking - ; -m da, -kkhada, m.lip; -pada, n. mark of teeth, bite; D A H , I. P. (E. also A.) daha, burn,
show oneself. -vyaya, m. loss of teeth; ^amm.,m.pl. bright- consume with fire; cauterize; destroy;
ness of the teeth. torment,agitate; ps.be burned; be destroyed;
c ^ f f l f a T darsana-go/cara, m. range of be consumed with inward fire; be tortured:
vision ; -patha, m. id.: -gata, pp. visible ; dasa-pala, n.sp.ten palas; a.weigh-
pp. dagdha, q. v.; cs. dahaya, cause to be
-pala, in. N.; -vat, a. endowed with sight; ing ten palas; -pura, n. N. ofa city: 1,/. id.;
burned; burn (tr.); des. didhaksha, be about
-vishaya, m. being within range of any one's -purva-ratba^m. paraphrase o/the N.D&sar to burn or destroy; intv. dandahxti, dan-
(g.) vision. ratha; -bandha, m. tenth part: -ka, a. id. dagdhi, dandahyate, burn or destroy com-
^«(<ldarsanaantara-gata,jop.being ^IJiT dasa-ma, a. (1) tenth; n. tenth part; pletely ; A. be completely burned, ati, dry
within sight, visible; ^artha, a. intending 1 , f . (sc. tithi) tenth day in a fortnight; tenth up completely, a, cs. ps. burn oneself, npa,
to visit: - m , ad. on a visit; - Avararaa, n. en- stage of life, i.e. 9 0 - 1 0 0 years of age : (i)- set on fire, n i s , burn up; destroy com-
velopment of sensual perception. stba, a. being in the tenth stage, above 90 pletely ; ps. be burned or destroyed com-
years old. pletely ; wither; cs. order to be set on fire,
^ j f ^ t T dars-aniya, fp. visible; worthy to anu-nis, burn up in succession, pari, burn
be seen, beautiful, handsome; to be shown; d^sa-m&sya, a. ten months old; up; ps. burn, pra, burn, scorch; destroy ;
to be produced in court. -mukha, m. (ten-faced), Ravana : -ripu, m. ps. catch fire, burn: pp. burnt; destroyed,
Havana's foe, ep. of Rama; - y o p a n i , / . dis- v i , cauterize; scorch; destroy by fire: pp.
darsa-pGrna-mas£, m. du. new tance of tenyopanas; -ratha,m. N. of several vidagdha, q. v. sam, consume, destroy; ps.
and full moon; new and full moon sacrifice. kings, esp. of Rama's father, sovereign of be burnt; be consumed with grief.
Ayodhyd; -rasmi-sata, to. (thousand-rayed),
^^t^darsa-m, abs. repeated, on each occa- dah-ana, a. (i) burning, consuming
sun ; -ratra, to. n. period of ten days : a, a.
sion of seeing. lasting ten days; m. festival of ten days; -a ri- with fire; destroying (gnly. -°); m. fire, Agni
^ t ^ T f r a dars-ayitavya, fp. to be shown; k&, having ten verses; -rupa, n. sg. the ten (/. a. a); n. burning : -karman, n. act
-ayitu-k&ma, a. wishing to show; -ayi-tri, kinds of dramas; T. ofa treatise on rhetoric of burning; -garbha, a. having inward fire,
m. shower of (g.); guide. by Dhanavagaya (tenth century): -ka, n. id.; flashing with anger (eyes); ^atmaka, a. whose
-lakshana-ka, a. having ten characteristics, nature consists in burning or causing grief.
^faf^dars-in, a. (-°) seeing, looking at, re- tenfold; -varsha, -varshiya, a. ten years old; dah-ara, a. [\/dabh] small, subtile;
garding; having seen ; knowing, understand- -varshika,a. (i) id.; lasting ten years; occur-
ing; experiencing or having experienced; re- ra. mouse, musk-rat.
ring after ten years; -vidha, a. tenfold; -gata,
ceiving (revenue); composing or having com- n . n o ; 1000: i , f . 1000; -sata-kara-dharin, F T 1. D A , I I I . dada, dad, give, grant any-
posed; showing. a. having a thousand rays (moon); -sataak- thing (ac. or partitive g.) to (d., g., Ic.);
118 c*T d a . da-ru.

resign (ones seat); give up (for, in. of price); ^ daksha, a. southern, dwelling in the ^ I I^t^dana/apnas, a. abounding in gifts.
sell; pay (fine, wages, or debt); deliver ; re- south; relating to Daksha. ^ T ^ 1. danu, m.f. kind of demon.
turn ; offer (sacrifice); communicate, teach;
make a sign (samgfwam); relate news (sawides- ^ T ^ n i r dakshayan£,a. (i) descended from 2. danu,/. ra. drop; dew.
am); pronounce (blessings); speak (truth), or relating to Daksha; i, f . daughter of
utter (speech), address words to (d.); arrange Daksha; m. n. sacrifice of the winter solstice; 1. dan-ta, pp. V d a m ; m.N. of a bro-
a meeting (saraketakam), a performance (pra- -ya^wa, m. a modification of the Darsapaur- ther of Damayanti.
yogam); sacrifice or devote (oneself) to id.); nam&sa sacrifice lasting fifteen years instead 2. danta, a. made of ivory (danta).
make way (panthanam or margam) for (g.); of thirty.
cause (pain etc.); allow to (inf.),with na, not 5[TWnrfW*l,daksMyan-in, a. wearing gold 3. daanta, a. ending in -da.
allow to (inf.); grant a sight (darsanam) of ornaments. [ficial fee (dakshina). -aniya, fp. who must be urged
oneself = show oneself; place or lay on or in to pay (ac.); to be procured; -ayi-tavya,/p.
(lc.); set fire to any one (ic.)=burn; draw ^ i f e * d&kshin£, a. relating to the sacri- id.; - y a , f p . id. [(a)-ka, n. id.
with a piece (saram) at chess; push to a bolt
(argalam); administer poison (visham) to (g.); ^ T f W n i r dakshina-tya, a. coming from, da-ma,ra.cord,band; garland; 4',/.id.;
direct (steps,gaze, or thoughts) towards (lc.), belonging to, or living in, the South; m. pi.
inhabitants of the Deccan. ^ T R ^ d ^ - m a n , 1.ra.g i f t ; 2. m. cord, band,
give ear (karnam) = listen to (lc.); add ; pro- rope; bond; garland.
duce, perform; undertake : pp. datta, also ^ T f ^ W dakshm-ya, a. relating to the sacri-
-tta, after prepositions in 4 ; cs. dapaya, P. ficial fee ; n. politeness, courtesy; kindness, dama-lipta, n., 4 , / . N.of a town.
(with 2 ac.) cause, order, or oblige to give, reverence, towards (g., lc., -°); south: -vat, damaudara, m. ep. o/Vishrau or
deliver, pay,return, utter, or put down; cause a. courteous, kind, amiable. Krishna (having a rope round his belly), so
to be given, handed, or performed; procure;
daksh-ya, n. activity; ability, skill. called because his foster-mother tried to tie
des. didasa, ditsa, P. desire or be ready to
him thus; N.: -gupta, m. N. of a poet;
give : - kanyam, wish to give a daughter in dadima, m., l , f . pomegranate tree; ^arawya, ra. N. of a forest.
marriage, anu, give way to any one (d.); n. pomegranate.
yield to any one (d.) in (ac.). 4, gnly. A. damodari-ya, a. belonging to
take, receive, obtain; appropriate; deprive ^Tf^efiT datttika, / . beard or whisker. (king) Damodara.
of, take away from (ab.); impair (vigour);
da-tavya,/p. to be given; - bestowed dampatya, ra. wedlock (fr. dampati).
extract from (ab.); avert the eye from (ab.) ;
captivate (the heart); take with one; grasp, in marriage; - paid; - made good; - applied.
^ T f ^ B dambh-ika, a. deceitful, hypocriti-
seize; take on one's shoulder (skandhena), ^ T f p f i T T datu-kama, a. wishing to make a cal, fraudulent; ra. cheat, hypocrite.
in one's arms (bahvoA); partake of; gnaw ( +
present. ^ R f 1. da-ya, a. giving ( - ° ) ; m. gift; de-
dasanaiA); perceive, observe, feel; note, re-
member; accept, approve; undertake, devote da-tri, a. (with ac., or -tri with g.) livery. [upagata, acquired by inheritance.
oneself to; take = choose or enter upon a path giving; (father) giving (his daughter) inmar-
2. da-yd, ra. share, inheritance: d4y4d
(margam or paddhatim); begin (a speech), riage; paying; imparting, teaching ; grant-
commence (speaking etc.): pp. 4 - t t a ; gd. ing; causing (g., ; liberal towards (lc.); 1. daya-ka,a.(ika)giving; granting;
4d£ya, having taken = with (ac.); rfe.aditsa, m. giver, donor; creditor. producing, causing (gnly. -°): -t4,/. giving.
A . be about to take or seize; wish to take <^T?pn datri-ta, / . liberality; -tva, n. id. ^pEJcR 2. daya-ka, m. heir, relative.
away from (g.). ud-a, raise, u p a a , A . re-
ceive, obtain, acquire; assume, appropriate, ^TTSnf datyfiha, m. hind of fowl. ^T^TRdaya-kaia, m. time of dividing the
take away; grasp; take up, gather; draw heritage; -bbaga, ra. division of the heritage;
(water); catch (fire); perceive, feel; choose 1. da-tr£, n. share; property. -bara, m. heir, relative.
(a path); begin (to, inf.); mention, note; 2. djJ-tra, n. sickle, scythe. dayaj,d£, ra. heir (*of, g., lc., or ;
include; apply, employ; give oneself up to
(joy, sorrow); have done with, conclude : ^ T ^ dad-a, m. gift: -da, a. giving. descendant; kinsman (within seven degrees).
pp.upatta; gd. up4d4ya, including, besides;
from - onwards ; by means of; with (usual I - daana, n. [V1. da] giving, - away ^T^TT^r dayad-ya, ra. inheritance.
(a daughter), presenting, offering (a sacri- day-in, a. (-°) giving, bestowing;
meaning). vi_4, open (mouth): pp. vyatta,
fice), teaching (of, g., to, lc., ; abandon- causing.
gaping, sam-4, A. take up together, take
ment oflife (-°); payment of debt; gift; cha- dlyi-kri, make a present to («c.).
away with one; take out or away, remove ;
ritable gift; bribery; addition ; offering, ob-
grasp, lay hold of, seize. A par4, give up,
lation. ^ T X i- dar-a, m., 1 , / . crack, rent, hole.
abandon, forsake, pari, P. A . deliver, com-
mit, entrust, to (d., g., lc.): pp. paritta. ^ T T 2 . d t a n a , m. [\/2. da] distribution, esp. 2 - dara, ra. (gnly.) pi. wife: daran pra-
pra, P. (A. only V. and rare) give up, deliver; of food, meal, sacrificial feast; liberality; share,
kri, marry a wife.
present, offer; give (a girl) in marriage; property.
dara-ka, i . a . splitting, cleaving ( - 0 ) ;
sell, for (in. of price); pay (a debt); make <^T«T 3. daana, n. [ \ / 2 . d a f r a g r a n t secre-
good (a loss); impart, teach; grant, confer; 2. m. boy, son; young of animals: du. two
tion from the temples of elephants in rut, boys; boy and girl.
permit; afford; put into (lc.) : pp. pratta
and pradatta, given, bestowed in marriage; temple-juice.
^T^efi^ 5 ^ dara-karman, n. taking a wife,
offered,presented,conferred,granted,afforded; dana-dharma, m. duty of alms- marriage; - k r i y a , / . id.
cs. cause to give; force to pay or restore; giving or liberality; -paf£aka, n. deed of gift;
des. A . wish to give in marriage, sam-pra, -pati, m. chief in liberality, very charitable dar-araa, a. rending, cleaving ( - 0 or
give up, surrender; bestow in marriage; im- man ; -para, a. intent on liberality,generous, g.); ra. rending, bursting open.
part, teach; grant, prati, give back, restore, charitable: -t4, f. generosity; -p4rami-t4,
make good; cs. cause to be restored, v i , f . acme of generosity; - y o g y a , f p . worthy of ^ n T r f r ^ r f dara-parigraha, m. taking a
distribute, sam, give jointly; grant. a gift. wife, marriage. [produced from wood,
^ R c f danava, m., i,f. demon; in C. repre- darava, a. (1) wooden; i-ya, a. id.;
<*T 2. DA, ( F . ) P . I T . d£-ti, I V . dya-ti, cut
sented as the offspring of Danu and Kasyapa dara-saragraha, ra. marriage; -su-
off; mow ; ps. diya, be doleful: pp. dina,
dita, -tta. ava, cut off, esp. part of the sacri- and as irreconcilable foes of the gods; a. re- ta, n. sg. wife and child; -jidbigamana, n.
ficial cake, sam-ava, divide and collect the lating to the Danavas. [liberal. taking a wife, marriage. [daughter.
pieces. ^ T T ^ f ^ dana-vat, a. abounding in gifts, ^Tf^cfiT dar-ika,/. 1. crack, chap ; 2. girl,
3- D A , P . I V . dya-ti, bind. 4, tie up, ^ m f f f danava-pati, m. lord of the Da-
bind, ni, id.: pp. nidita, bound; hidden, ^if^St* daridr-ya, ra. poverty, indigence.
navas, Rahu.
sam, tie together: pp. samdita, bound; im- dar-in, a. splitting, destroying
movable. <^1*1 dana-vasi-kn, bribe with gifts.
^TX dar-ti, a. breaking. [or <7.).
^ J 4. D A , (nopresent base) purify, cleanse. dana-var, ra. offering of water;
ava, pp.-d4ta, pure white; purified; pure, -vira, m. a perfect hero in liberality; a pat- ^ T ^ 2.dar-u, n. [splitting: \/dn]log, (piece
p a r i a v a , pp. thoroughly pure. vi_ava, ps. tern of generosity; -sila, a. liberal, charitable; of) wood, stick; species ofpine (pinusdeodora).
d4yate, be brightly diffused. -sura, ra. model of liberality. 3. da-ru, a. liberal, generous.
^"P^eR daru-ka. f ^ J J div-as-a. 119

daru-ka,m. N.of Krishna's charioteer. dlsi-kri, enslave. f^fTT 2. di-ti, f . N . o f a goddess (a word
evolvedfrom Aditi); C. a daughter of Daksha,
^T^R^'l.daru-karman, n. wood-carving; ^ T ^ t ^ T O dasi-dasa, n. sg. female and male wife of Easy apa, and mother of the Daityas.
-kn'tya, n. function of wood; -pa, a. wooden. slaves; -putra,TO.son of a slave; -bhava,
dard-wa (or A), a. (a, i) hard (not TO. condition of a female slave. diti-pa, TO. son of Diti, a Daitya.
soft); sharp (wind); rough, harsh, severe dSseraka, TO. (young) camel; i, f . f ^ S R f ditya-v^h, TO. (nm. - v i / ) two-year-
(speech,temper,person); violent, intense (pain female camel. [work of slaves. old bull; d i t y a u h i , / . two-year-old cow.
etc.); painful (birth); terrible; n. harshness,
severity. ^T^Jdas-ya, TO.bondage, servitude; service, fc^rti | dit-sa, f . desire to g i v e ; -su, des. a.
dSh-a,TO.burning, conflagration ; cau- willing to give, grant, or perform.
^ I ( 1 1 daruwa-tS,/. harshness; terrible-
terising ; being burnt; inward heat, feverish didi, v. V2. di.
ness ; ^atman, a. hard-hearted, cruel.
heat: disarra daha, preternatural redness of
dSruw-ya, n. hardness. the sky. [fire. f ^ ^ ^ T di-drik-sha,/. desire to see.
^ T ^ F T d;1ru-parvata, m. N. of a palace; daha-ka, a. (ika) burning, setting on f ^ ^ ^ J di-dn'k-shu, des. a. desirous to see,
-phalaka, n. shutter; -m&ya, a. (1) wooden;
examine, or inspect (ac.).
-varman,TO.N.; -sesha, a. containing only ^ T f ^ T daha-pvara, TO. burbling fever.
wood besides. [fastness; confirmation. ^ T ^ f d&h-ana, n. causing to be burnt. f ^ T didda, / . N. of a princess of Cash-
^TSf dare?A-ya, n. firmness; stability, stead- mere : -kshema, TO. ep. of Kshema-gupta;
dahajltmaka, a. inflammable, -pala, m. N.; -pura, n. N. of a city; -sva-
d&rdura, a. (i) relating to a frog, burning, scorching; - a t m a n , a. id. min, TO. N. of a temple.
darbha, a. (!) made of Darbha grass. dah-in, a. burning, setting on fire; f ^ ^ di-dydt, a. flashing; f . missile; In-
flaming; burning hot. dra's thunderbolt.
^ N i d&rv-a, a. (i) wooden; m. pi. N. of a
people. OR dah-u-ka, a. burning; to. conflagra- f^^J^JT di-dhak-sha,/. desire to burn; -shn,
^ H f a l T Z daru aghSia, m. woodpecker. ^ dah-ya,/p. to be burned. [tion. des. a. wishing to burn or destroy.

dilrs-a, m. new-moon sacrifice; a. (i) fipE dik-ka, di-dhi-shu, a. wishing to obtain ;

relating to the - ; -ika, a. (i) relating to the courting;TO.suitor, husband; zL,f. woman re-
new-moon (sacrifice). dik-kany^,/. quarter of the sky as married; unmarried woman having a younger
a maiden; -karin,TO.elephant of the quarters married sister : (n)-pati, TO. husband of a
darshitint-ika, a. elucidated or (supporting the earth at one of the four or (brother's) widow; husband of a woman mar-
elucidating by an example or simile (drish- eight points of the compass); -kanta, -kamini, ried after her younger sister.
ianta). f . quarter of the sky as a maiden ; -Aakra,
n. horizon : -vala, n. surrounding horizon ; f ^ T 1. din£, pp. of V2. da.
dal-ana, n. crumbling off (of the teeth).
-AAabda,TO.word expressive of direction; -ta-
^Tf^f dali,/. peeled grain. fa,TO.brink of the compass, horizon, extreme 2. dlna, n. day: -kara, m. (day-making),
distance; -pati,TO.regent of a quarter; -pa- sun ; N.; -kartavya, n. daily observance ;
^ T f ^ W dfilima, m. pomegranate tree. tha, TO. horizon, extreme distance; -pala, -kartri, TO., (day-maker), sun; -karya, n.
TO. guardian of a quarter; -prekshana, n. daily observance; -krit, TO. sun; -kritya, n.
^ T ^ dava, m. (forest) conflagration; ra. n. =-k&rya ; -kshaya,TO.decline of day, even-
forest: -dahana, m. forest fire; - a g n i , TO. looking about in all directions (in fear);
-sundari, f . = dik-kanya. ing; -naktam, ad. day and night; -natha,
fire of a burning forest; -jinala, TO. id. TO. (lord of day), sun; -pati, m. id.; -bhartri,
^ J V J D A S , ( F ) P . I. dasati, II. dashft, f ^ l f ^ T O dig-adhipa, to. regent of a quarter; TO. id.; -mani, m. id. (gem of day); -mukha,
\ V. d&sn6ti, worship agod (d.) with (in.); -anta, to. end of the horizon, end of the world, n. day-break.
offer reverently; bestow; cs. dasaya, offer. extreme distance; -antara, n. another region;
foreign parts ; a particular quarter (w. pasM- dinaagama, to. day-break;
^TTCJ d8sa, m. fisherman, boatman, ferry- metara, the east): pi. all the quarters; -am- m. id.; -jidhinatha, to. sun; - adhi.sa, m.
man, sailor. [to the tenfold Eig-veda. bara, a. clad with the quarters only, stark sun; ^ n t a , to. evening ; -jirdha, midday ;
^TSpTO dasataya, a. (i) tenfold; belonging naked; to. naked mendicant monk, esp. among - avasana, n. close of day, evening.
the Jains: i, /. ep. of Durga.
^"TCPJfff dasa-pati, TO. chief of fisherm' dinaisa, ra. sun; - i s v a r a , m. id.
f ^ l t q ^ c c i dig-ambara-tva, n. nakedness.
^ T ^ ^ f ^ l dasarath-i, m.pat. N.: du. M dinaudaya, TO. day-break.
and Lakshmana. [kings? TTTTSf dig-gapa,TO. elephant of the quarters;
mya, TO. conquest of the world ; -daha, to. f ^ R T R dinna-grama, m. N.of a village.
dasa-r&pna, n. battle of the ten .ternatural redness of the horizon ; -deva- f^15dip-sti,(Zes. a.wishing to harm( 1/dabh).
dasarwaka, a. (ika) belonging to f. deity of a quarter ; -desa, TO. remote
the Dasarnas. ion. f ^ h r dilipa, TO. N. of a king, son ofAmsu-
f^JtTdig-dha^p.o/v 7 dih; TO.poisoned arrow. mat and ancestor of Rama.
dasarha, a. belonging to Dasarha
(Krishna); to. ep. of Krishna; king of the f^TWTT dig-bhaga, m. point of the compass; 1. D I V , I Y . divya, cast, throw; ra-
Dasarhas. das), pious. - v a d h u , / . = dik-kanya; -vasana, n. naked- ^ diate, shine ; throw dice, play at dice
ness ; -varana, TO. elephant of the quarters; (in.) with any one (in.) for (in. or d.); sport,
^ T 5 ^ das-ush-e, d. of dasvas (pf. pt. of dally ; have free play, rejoice: pp. dynta;
- v i s a s , a. clad in the quarters, stark naked ;
dasera-ka, TO. fisherman: pi. N. of -vipaya, TO. conquest in all directions, world cs. devaya, cause to play at dice, prati,
conquest; -vibhaga, m. point of the compass, play against (ac.); *play for anything (ac., p.)
quarter of the sky; -vilofcana, n. looking as a counter-stake.
F J C T D A S , I. P. dasa, (V.) only with abhi, about in all directions (in fear) ; - v y a g h a r - "fF qJ 2. D I V , I. -d6va: pp. dynna.torment-
* bear ill-will to, persecute, ana, n. sprinkling of the quarters; -vyapin,
a. pervading the quarters, extending in all ^ ed. pari, lament: pp. paridyuna,
i . das-£, m. foe; demon; infidel ( F . ) ; wretched; cs. -devaya, lament, bewail (ac.):
slave; servant, [pious; to. foe, demon, infidel. directions.
pp. -devita, pitiful.
^ T O 2. das-a, a. (i) hostile; demoniac; im- f ^ f T T dih-naga, m. elephant of the quar- { 5 ^ 3 . dfv, ra. f . (nm. d y a u s ; middle base
ters ; -natha, m. regent of a quarter; -mand- d y i ) heaven; to. radiance, brilliance; day;
^ T ^ R dasa-pana, TO. slave; domestics ; ala, n. circle of the quarters, horizon; -ma-
-pivana, a. who lives like a slave, living by -am gam or ya, go to heaven; die; dynbhiA,
tanga, TO. elephant of the quarters; -matra, for days, for a long time.
slavish work ; -ta, / . , -tva, n. slavery, bon- n. mere indication, mere example; -mukha, n.
dage; -d&si, /. female slave of a slave; (&)- point of the compass; place, location; -moha, f ^ q div-£, n. heaven; day, only in dive dive,
pravarga, a. having a crowd of slaves; -var- TO. bewilderment as to the cardinal points. day by day. [heaven.
ga, m. domestics.
di-ta, pp. of \/2. da and <^3. da. fc^qJIH divam-gama, a. going or leading to
dSsi,/. female slave: dasyaA pntra,
m. son of a slave (also as a term of abuse). f ^ f a 1. dl-ti, f distribution; liberality. div-as-a, TO. heaven, day.
120 divasa-kara. c^MMI^M dipa-padapa.
present, designate, name; designate falsely, uncertain or dubious; be mistaken for (in.):
t ^ ^ R i T divasa-kara, m.(day-maker), sun; pp. smeared or covered with (in., -°); mis-
-kshaya, m. decline of day, evening ; -&ara, feign. 4, aim at; assign to (d.); indicate,
announce, declare; impart, teach; designate; taken for (in., —°); indistinct; precarious;
a. moving by day (animal); -natha, m. (lord uncertain, doubtful, dubious.
specify; predict of any one (ac.); prescribe;
of day), sun; - b h a r t n , m. id,; -mukha, n.
order, command, bid (with d., lc., inf., or -ar- f ^ T dihl%, f . N.
day-break ; -vara, m. week-day; - v i g a m a ,
tham); banish to (lc.); undertake (a vow);
TO. decline of day; -vyapara, TO. daily func-
cs. point out (a way), nir-a, pp. paid out. 1. D I , I V . P . diya, fly, soar, nis, fly
tions (such as ablutions etc.). pratiJL, prescribe; summon; decline, reject; forth, pari, fly around.
f ^ q t T l ® divasx-kri, turn into day. repel; overcome; surpass, v i a , indicate in
detail; assign ; explain, teach; prescribe ; "FT 2. D I , shine, didi. ni, beam down (ac.)
f ^ W W T d i v a s a jsvara,TO.(lord of day),sun. order, command (d. or lc. of object, lc. of des- ^ on (d., lc.).
f^^rf?Idivas-pati,OT.ep.o/IndraorVishwu. tination) ; despatch to (d. or prati); declare,
predict of (ac.). sam-a, assign, prescribe ; F V W D £ K S H , I. A. diksha, consecrate
diva-spm, a. reaching heaven. state, declare; announce to, inform (d., g.) ; ^ v oneself (esp. for the Soma sacrifice): pp.
f ^ T diva, ad. by d a y : sts. subject of a teach; determine, designate ; predict of, de- dikshita, q. v.; cs. dikshaya, P. A . hallow.
clare any one (ac.) to be (ac. or iti with oratio
sentence or , = day. c^TqUI diksh-awa, n. consecration; -aniya,
recta); order, charge,command (with d., inf.,
div^-kar^, TO. (day-maker), sun ; or -artham) ; cs. command, prati-sam-4, fp. relating to consecration; -ayi-tri, m.
-kirti, m. K&ndii\a,(so calledbecause allowed reply; order, ud, point out, indicate, deter- consecrator.
to appear in public only during the day-time); mine ; adduce (evidence); refer to, mean; de- | diksh-S,/. consecration; (undergoing)
-kirtya, a. to be recited by day; n. certain signate as, mean by (2 ac.); design for, pro- a religious observance for a particular pur-
chants ; m. Kfmd&la, ; -&ara, a. going about pose as (2 ac.); predict of (ac.); teach, ex- pose ; solemn preparation; devotion to (- 0 );
by day; -ftarin, a. id. plain : pp. uddish/a, meant in the sense of first acquaintance with (-°); personified as
(lc.: lex.); gd. uddisya, aiming at, referring wife of Soma.
f ^ q i r M diva-tana, a. (1) diurnal. to = prp. (go) towards, (speak) to or about;
f ^ ^ r f W T ' r d i v S a t i t h i ,TO.guest arriving by (throw) at, (place) on; for, on account of; ^tWPJFv diksha-guru, TO. teacher initi-
in the name of; regarding, in connexion with, ating in (-°) ; -p4la, m. guardian of consecra-
f ^ T f ^ diva&di, TO. morning. [day. sam-ud, enumerate, mention; designate as, tion, ep. of Agni and Vishnu.
f ^ c i l l i H ^ diva-naktam, ad. by day and call (2 ac.): gd. samuddisya, aiming at =
prp. towards, at; for, on account of; regard- diksh-ita, pp. consecrated or pre-
night; -nidra, f . sleeping by day ; -nisam, pared for (in., d., -°); often at beg. and end
ing; in honour of. upa, point to (ac.); point
ad. day and night. out, indicate; teach, instruct; advise; recom- of names: -m tari, initiate; -vimit&, n. hut
f ^ T T O d i v a a n d h a , a. blind by day;TO.owl. mend ; ordain, prescribe; mention, speak of; for those to be consecrated for the Soma rite.
rule over, govern, p r a t i a p a , teach in return,
f ^ p f t c T divS-bhita, TO. o w l ; thief. n i s , point to (ac.); assign to (d., g.); desig- DF-DI, I I . P. dideti, shine.
P ^ K M ^ divfi- ratram, ad. by day and nate, specify, name; determine; declare to be,
night; -jaya, a. sleeping by day: - t k , f . abst. regard as (2 ac.): pp. nirdishta, entrusted f i t ^ U di-div-i, a. shining.
-v.; -svapna,TO.n. sleeping by day. to, under the protection of (g.). abhi-nis,
designate as, call (2 ac.). v i - n i s , declare ; D I - D H I , I I . didhe, didbi, appear ;
f ^ H T divi-gata, pp. celestial; -ftara, a. designate as, call (2 ac.). pari, state, declare, perceive, abbi, consider, a, bethink
moving in heaven; -fearin, a. id.; m. celestial. pra, point out, indicate, designate; declare; oneself, ud, look longingly up to.
reveal; fix, ordain; prescribe; assign, appor-
divira, TO. scribe. tion. sam, assign to (d.); promise; charge ^ f a f T f i . didhi-ti, / . devotion.
f ^ R ^ divi-shad, a. dwelling in heaven; or commission any one (ac., d,, g.) with (ac.); di'dhi-ti, / . sheen, brightness ;
order any one (ac.); give an order; despatch ray; splendour, lustre. [ing towards.
TO. god : -adhvan, m. path of the gods, sky. on a message to (d.). prati-sam, give any
divi-spri's, a. touching heaven. one (ac. or haste withg.) a message in return, ^ f a E T R d i d h i j n a , pr. pt. (of didhi) look-
to (g.); order.
t ^ t ^ T O divo-dSsa, TO. N. di-nd, a. scanty; w e a k ; wretched, mi-
fc^ql qitt^divaokas,TO.heaven-dweller, god. serable, pitiful: - m , ad. -ly; n. wretchedness.
f ^ * ^ dfs, / . direction, point of the com-
pass, quarter (four, N., S., E., W.; eight, dina-ka, a. very pitiful: -m, ad.;
div-y5, a. celestial; divine ; magical;
the same + NE., SE., SW., and NTT.; or ten, -fcitta, a. dejected, miserable; -&etana, a.
heavenly; magnificent; n. the divine (pi. id.; -tk, f . scantiness; weakness; (a)-dak-
the heavens) ; ordeal, oath. the same + above and below, are most com-
monly spoken of); region,place; space; foreign sha, a. dull-witted; -dasa, m. a SMra N.;
f ^ q f W r divya-kriya, country ; indication, reference, instance ; -dina, a. being in a most wretched plight;
f . employment of manner : pi. all quarters, all directions (ac. -manas, -manasa, a. sad-hearted, sorrowful;
an ordeal; -Aakshus, n. divine eye transcend- with verb of looking, to express fear); disi -rupa, a. of sad mien; -vadana, a. sad-faced;
ing time and space; a. having a divine eye, disi, everywhere; in all directions; d i s o m t a t , - s a t t v a , a. low-spirited.
for (-°); -g\vana, a. possessed of divine know- = from the end of the world. dinara, TO. a gold coin (denarius).
ledge ; - t a , f . divine nature; -darsin, -dris, f ^ f t U T W diso-bhagr, a. making for the
a. having a divine eye transcending time and dinaasya, a. sad-faced.
distance, taking to his heels; - y a y i n , a.
space; -nadx,/. celestial river; - n a r i , f . ce-
lestial woman, Apsaras; -pnruslia,TO.demi- spreading in all directions. U DTP, I V . A. di'pya, flame, blaze;
god, spirit; -pra</»4na-«4lin, a. possessed dfs-ya, a. belonging or referring to ^ beam, burn : pp. dipta, blazing; shin-
of divine knowledge; -manusha, TO. demi- the quarters or horizon; foreign (ware). ing; brilliant; hot; cs. dipkya, P. (A.rare)
god ; -rupa, a. having a divine form; -vi- kindle; excite; illuminate: intv. dedipya, A.
</n4na-vat, a. possessed of divine knowledge ; f ^ S dish-jfa, pp. \/dis; n. direction, order; blaze or shine brightly. 4, pp. blazing; cs.
-sawak&sa, a. resembling or reminding of destiny, fate; place designated: -para, a. kindle, ud, flame up ; cs. kindle; excite; il-
heaven; -stri, f . divine woman, Apsaras. trusting to fate;TO.fatalist; -bhava,TO.des- luminate. pra, flame up, burn: pp. blazing,
f ^ t H w f f l divyajiknti, a. of divine form, tined state, death; ^anta, m. destined end, shining; illuminated; eg. kindle, inflame,
divinely beautiful; -aii{fan4,/.divine woman, death. sam, pp. burning, blazing; cs. set on fire,
Apsaras;^aushadha,n.magicalspellorpotion. kindle.
f^fsdish-tfi./.direcKon,order; luck: only
f ^ V f D I S , Y I . disa, I I I . P . dideshfi, (V.) dip-a, TO. lamp, lantern: -ka, a. in-
v point out, show; produce (witness); as- in. dish?y4, by good lu^k = ij. thank heaven!
flaming ; illuminating;TO.lamp.
sign, grant; pay (tribute); direct, command; f ^ f H ^ f t r dishii-vn'ddhi,/. congratulation.
bid (inf.) : pp.dishfa, directed; determined, dipa-kalika, / . T. of a com-
ordained ; ordered; cs. desaya, show, direct, D I H , I I . P. d6g-dhi, smear, anoint: mentary on Ydgnavalkya.
a t i , transfer or extend to (g.); specify, anu, pp. digdha, anointed; smeared; soiled; ^ f t R dip-ana, a. (i) inflaming, exciting;
refer to (ac.); assign anything (ac.) to (d., lc.); defiled, by (in. or ; poisoned; touched by
order, sam-anu, assign something (ac.) to promoting digestion; n. setting on fire; il-
(in.), upa, pp. overlaid with (-°). pra, luminating.
(d.), indicate to (d.). apa, state, indicate; smear, anoint: pp. smeared, stained, or covered
report, denounce; feign, pretend, v i a p a , re- with (in., sam, smear; cover; ps. be dipa-padapa, TO. lamp(stand);
dipaloka. durga-pati. 121
-bhipana, n. lamp; -m&la, /. row of lamps ; affliction; -duAkha, n. in. with greatdifficulty; to ; -avapa, a. hard to obtain, acquire, fulfil,
-m4lik4,/. id.; - v a r t i , / . lamp-wick. -praya, a. abounding in woe ; - b h i g i n , a. or realise.
having misfortune for one's lot, unfortunate; dur-akriti, a.mis-shapen, deform-
^ f a w t * dipaaloka, m. lamp-light; -jtvali, -bhag, a. id. ed, ugly; -akranda, a. having bad friends,
f. row of lamps. friendless; -4gama, to. dishonest acquisition;
duAkha-moha, m. despair.
C^ftJefiT d i p - i k a , / . lamp; often in titles -AAara, a. (!) hard to practise; difficult to
of books: -dh&riwi,/. female lamp-bearer. ^:T^?TduAkha-ya,dera.P.afflict,distress(ac.). treat or cure; -aAara, to. bad conduct or cus-
tom ; a. ill-behaved, of bad conduct, impious ;
dip-in, a. inflaming, kindling duAkha-yantra, n. torture; -yoga,
-4tma-t4, f. wickedness, baseness; -atman,
m. infliction of pain; -vega, to. violent pain ;
^ I n f ^ i . ^ dipta-kirawa, a. hot-rayed. a. evil-minded, wicked,base,impious; -4txna-
-sila, a. whose character is difficult to deal
vat, a. id.; -adhara, a. hard to check, irre-
diptaamsu, a. id.; TO. sun ; -jaksha, with, hard to please, exacting; -sparsa, a.
sistible ; hard to obtain ; hard to guard; -4-
a. (!) having flaming eyes; m. N. of an owl. unpleasant to the touch; -han, a. destroying
dharsha,a.hard to attack; dangerous; -4na-
ma, a. hard to bend hoic); -apa, a. hard to
dip-ti,/. radiance; brilliance, grace;
duAkh-ayi-tri, m. afflictor. come up with; hard to attain ; -4r4dhya,
N. ofa god (one of the Visvedevas). fp. hard to conciliate; hard to worship; -4rnha,
dipti-mat, a. radiant, brilliant. f . ' ^ T ^ K duAkhaJtkara, m. multitude of af- a. hard to climb; -aropa, a. hard to string;
flictions. -aroha, a. hard to climb or ascend to: -ta,
S^t^ft^f^ diptaopas, o. of fervent energy ; f . abst. a".; - i l a k s h y a , / p . hard to perceive;
duAkha&kula, a. sorrowful; ^anta,
hot-blooded. -ilamba, a. hard to gain a footing on; -alam-
m. end of suffering ; final liberation.
dip-ra, a. shining, radiant. bha, a. hard to grasp ; -4loka, a. hard to per-
duAkhS-kri, cause pain to, afflict, ceive ; - i v a r a , a. hard to close or protect;
dirgh£, a. long (in space and time): distress. [afflicted. - i v a h a , a. hard to conduct to (-°); -avara,
-m, ad.; m. long vowel. a. hard to close; difficult to check; -4v4sin,
duAkha-ya, den. A . feel p a i n ; be a. having bad quarters; - 4 v i , a. hard to pass
^ ^ c f t u i dirgha-karraa, TO. Long-ear, N. of duAkhaSrta, a. distressed. (v. I. durayya).
a cat; -kalam, ac. ad. for a longtime; -ff&n-
gha,m.Long-shanks,N. ofaYaksha; -pivin, du£kh-ita, pp. suffering, afflicted, dur-asaya, a. having evil thoughts:
a. long-lived; -tapas, m. I f . of a RisAi; (a)- distressed. [distress. -4s4, f . vain - , false hope ; despair of {Ic.);
tamas, m. N. of a sage; -t4 ,f. length; -tva, -4«is, a. having evil wishes or intentions ;
n. id.; -tikshwa-mukha, a. (!) having a long duAkhi-ta, / . suffering, affliction, - i s a d a , a. hard to approach, dangerous to
and pointed mouth; -&arsi-ta,/. far-sighted- duAkh-in, a. suffering ; afflicted. molest; hard to find; difficult to accomplish.
ness, providence; -dar.sin, a. far-seeing; -ni-
dr4, f . long sleep ; sleep of death ; -b4hn, a. duAkhi-ya, den. P . suffer pain, be S R o dur-ita, (pp.) n. faring ill, distress,
long-armed; -mukba, a. (!) long-mouthed, harm ; misdeed, foul means, sin; a. difficult,
long-beaked; -r4va, m. Long-yell, N. of a evil, bad.
jackal; -rosha, a. whose wrath lasts long, ^ i W t a ^ r n T duAkhaupagMta, m. violent ^(\<1l<*l"Vdurita atman, a. ill-disposed.
bearing a lingering grudge: -ta, /. abst. n.; pain; -jipaAarya, a. hard to get on with,
-roahana, a. id.; -loAana, a. long-eyed; difficult to please; -npasamana, n. allevia- ^ ^ t x j j dur-iksha, a. hard to see : -ta, f .
-sn'nga,a.long-horned; -srut,a.audible afar; tive of pain, anodyne. abst. N.; -isa, TO. evil master ; -lha, a. ill-
far-famed; -sattra, n. Soma sacrifice of long ^^SrT dukflla, m. a plant; n. kind of cloth ; intentioned.
duration; a. engaged in a - ; -sattrin, a. id.;
garment made of this cloth. dur-ukta, pp. spoken falsely, rashly.
-samdhya, a. praying long at the Samdhyas:
-tva, n. long continuance of prayer at the ^TCf dug-dha, pp. V d u h ; n. milk ; sap. or offensively (n. word -) ; harshly addressed ;
Samdhyas; -sutra, a. (long-threaded), dila- n. false, rash, or offensive word; -nkti, f .
tory, procrastinating: -t&./.dilatoriness, pro- dugdha-da, a. yielding milk; -jibdhi, harsh or offensive word ; -nMAeda, a. hard
crastination; -Butrin, a. id. m. ocean of milk. [ f . milch cow. to exterminate; -uttara, a. hard to overcome;
-utsaha, a. hard to bear; - resist; -udahara,
^ N r n i dirghaakaha, a.long-eyed. ^ J d u g h - a , a.milking, yielding ( - 0 ) ; dugha, a. hard to utter I-cHflvaha, a. hard to bear ;
dirgha-dhi, a. of far-reaching care. ^ p n duAAAiina, f . calamity ; demon. -npa£4ra, a. hard to approach, dangerous to
molest; hard to deal with; -upadishfa, pp.
dirghaftyu, a. long-lived: -tva, n. ^ f a dudhi, a. impetuous, wild. badly instructed ; -npadesa, m. bad advice;
longevity ; a'ayus, a. long-lived. -upap4da, a. hard to bring about or manage;
du-dhuk-shu, des. a. wishing to milk, difficult to prove; -upalaksha, a. hard to
dirgh-ika, / . oblong pond. perceive; -upasarpin, a. approaching incau-
dudhra, a. impetuous, wild.
^IMT?? dirghi-kn, lengthen ; prolong. f S ^ J du-dhruk-shu, a. wishing to hurt,
dur-fiha, a. hard to comprehend.
^ T ^ T ^ : dirghauAAAv&sam, ad. with treacherously inclined.
a deep sigh. ^ ^ durona, n. house, dwelling.
dundubha, m. kind o/aquatic animal.
div-ana, ra. playing with dice. durodara, TO. dice-player; die; u.
dundubhl, m. f (kettle) drum ; i,
game of dice.
7 D U , Y . P . duno, I V . (P.) A . d6ya, burn ; /. id.: i a g h 4 t a , m. drummer,
^ be pained, be consumed with sorrow or re- dur-g£, a. hard to pass, impassable, in-
dur, f . door.
morse; tr. dano, burn, cause pain to, torment, accessible (to or owing to, -°); m. N.; 4 , f .
afflict: pp. dunk, duta, suffering pain, tor- 11*1 dur-atikrama, a. hard to get over, N. of Siva's wife; N. of a princess; TO. n.
mented. abhi, burn. 4 (dunu), A . grieve, overcome, or escape from ; -atyaya, a. id.; difficult road; place inaccessible owing to
pari, burn violently; grieve, pra, be con- -adhiga, a. hard to attain; -adhigama, a. (-°); shunned spot; difficulty, danger ; n. un-
sumed by fire; torment, v i (dunn), A . grieve. id.; hard to be learned; -adhyaya, a. hard evenness, height; fastness, stronghold.
duA-krita, pp., v. dush-krita. to obtain ; -adhyavasaya, m. foolish under- ^ durga-gMta, m. N. of a fortress.
taking ; -anushlAeya, fp. hard to carry out.
duA-kha, a. unpleasant, fraught with ^ f T dur-gata, pp. faring ill, being in a bad
hardship,wretched; n. pain,hardship,misery, dur-anta, a. whose end is hard to find,
way or in distress, poor: -t4, f . ill plight,
suffering: -m,in.,ab.,°-,with difficulty,scarce- endless; ending badly: -deva, to. god of what
is hard to end, Ganesa; -apavada, to. slander; misery, poverty. [tune, poverty.
ly, hardly, reluctantly; -m 4s, stand sorrow-
- a b h i p r i y a , a. evil-intentioned; -abhibhava, dur-gati, a. id.; / . distress, misfor-
a. hard to overcome or surpass; - a b h i m i n i n ,
^i*$lm^duAkha-kara,a.affl i ctin g (g.); -gata, a. unpleasantly arrogant; -abhiraksha, a. durga-desa, TO. impassable region.
n. adversity, misfortune; -graha, a. hard to difficult to guard; -abhisamdhi, to. evil in- dur-gandha, m. bad smell; a. malo-
comprehend; -AAAedya,_/p. hard to destroy; tent; -avagama, a. hard to understand; -ava- dorous : -t4, f . bad odour; -gandhi, a. ill-
-pivin, a. living in distress; -tara, cpv. more gaha, a. hard to penetrate ; -avagraha, a.
smelling, stinking. [tress; -p4la, to. id.
unpleasant or distressing; n. greater affliction, hard to check, irresistible; -avabodha, a. hard
hardship, or evil; -ta, f . discomfort, distress, to understand; -avaroha, a. hard to descend V l ^ f a durga-pati, TO. commander of a for-
122 dur-gama. cg^ dush.

dur-gama, a. hard to pass, impass- -ti,,/. -ness, ^jndriya, a. having weak organs; cute or accomplish; -v4&, / . abuse; a. abu-
able, inaccessible (on account of, i n . , ; hard - b u d d h i , / . mean wit, folly; a. mean-witted, sive; -va£ya, a. difficult to utter, harsh
to attain; - prove; ra. n. difficult position ; foolish ; ill-intentioned ; foolishly believ- (words); n. abuse; ill-tidings; -vada, m.
ra. N.: -marga-nirgamana, a. the way out ing in; -bodba, a. hard to comprehend: -ta, blame, reproach; -v&nta, pp. that has not
of which is a difficult path ; - g a m a n i y a , fp. /. abst. N.; -bodbya,/p. id. fully vomited the blood it has sucked (leech);
hard to pass; - g a x n y a , f p . impassable. -vara, a. hard to restrain or check; irresist-
dur-bhaksha, a. hard to eat; -bbaga, ible ; -varawa, a. id..; -v&rtta,/. ill-tidings;
^^t%^durga-simha,m.N. of an astronomer, a. loathsome, ugly; unpleasant; ill-fated: 4, -varya, fp. hard to restrain or check, irre-
f , ugly woman; -bbaga-tva, n. misfortune; sistible: - t 4 , / . abst. N. ; -v4la, a. bald-headed
& of a grammarian; -sena ,m.N. of an author.
-bbara, a. hard to bear; - support; - satisfy; or red-haired or afflicted with skin disease;
dur-gaha, m. N. heavily laden with (-°); -bbagya, a. unfortun- - v 4 s a n 4 , / . false notion; -vasas, a. ill-clad;
ate; -bbasba, a. using bad language; m. abu- ra.. N.of an irascible Br&hman; -v4blta, ».
durgaJMrya, m. N. of a com- sive language; - b b a s b i t a , p p . offensive (lan- heavy burden; -vikatthana, a. disagreeably
mentator on the NiruTcta. guage) ; -bbashin, a, using abusive language; boastful; -vikalpa, m. unjustifiable irresolu-
<£j}|<£ dur-g&dAa, a. hard to fathom; -ga- -bbiksba, n.(m.rare)famine; distress: -tva, tion ; -vigaba, a. hard to fathom or pene-
dlia, a. unfathomable; - g a b y a , / » . unfathom- n. abst. n., -vyasanin, a. having to cope with trate ; profound; serious, critical; -vigabya,
able : - t v a , n. unfathomableness; -goshthi, famine ; -bbida, a. hard te burst; - disperse ; fp. id.; -vi£4ra, m. ill-timed hesitation; a.
f . bad company, secret society, conspiracy; -bbeda, a. hard to burst, disunite, or sunder; very irresolute; -vi$o74na, u. difficult ascer-
-graha, i . a. hard to grasp; - capture; - con- -bbedya, fp. id. tainment ; a. (a) hard to comprehend; -vi-
ciliate or win; - comprehend; 2. m.evil demon ^ f f ? T dur-mati, a. foolish; ill-disposed gfiey&,fp.. hard to distinguish ; -vidagdba,
(of disease); obstinate persistence in (lc.) ; pp. perverse; -vidya, a. uneducated; -vidba,
(rare); m. fool; miscreant; i . - m a d a , TO. false a. mean, base ; -vidbi, m. evil destiny; -vi-
foolish whim; - g r a b y a , fp. hard to grasp ; pride, overweening self-conceit; 2. -mada, a. naya, ra. imprudent behaviour; -vinita, pp.
- capture; - win; - comprehend : -tva, n. intoxicated; extravagant, wild, mad ; madly ill-bred, ill-behaved: -ka, a. id.; -vip4ka, ra.
abst. JR.; -ghala, a. hard to accomplish, dif- devoted to (-°) ; -manas, n. wrong-minded- ill-ripening, evil issue; a. having evil conse-
ficult. ness, delusion; a. dispirited, dejected, sad.: quences ; -vibbava, a. hard to comprehend;
dur-f/ana, m. wicked man, scoundrel. - t i , / . -ness. [afflicted, or dejected, -vibhavana, a. hard to perceive; -vibh4vya,
c A
fp. id.; indistinctly visible ; hard to compre-
^ ^ • T n i dur</anS-ya, den. A. be considered f O T P ? dur-mana-ya, den. A. be troubled, hend ; - v i l a s i t a , n. wicked trick ; -viv4ba,
a scoundrel. [ = insult (Pr.). dur-manushya, ra.bad man, villain; ra. blatnable marriage; -vive/iana, a. hard
dur-grani-kri, make a scoundrel of - m a n t n , a. hard to comprehend; -mantra, to judge rightly; -visbaba, a. hard to en-
m. bad advice ; - m a n t r i t a , pp. ill-advised; dure or overcome ; irresistible ; hard to per-
dur-graya, a. hard to conquer, - over- &. bad advice; -mantrin, ra. bad minister; form or accomplish; - v H t t a , n, bad or base
come ; - guard against; - obtain; m. N. of a a. having a bad minister; -mara, a. dying conduct, baseness; a. ill'-conducted, wicked;
Ddnava or of a D&nava host; -^ara, a. not hard; m. it is hard for (in.) to die: -tva, n. poor; ra. wicked man ; -vn'tti, f . distress,
decaying; hard to digest; -grala, n. bad water; dying hard; -marana, n. id.; -mary&da, a. misery; baseness; - v y a v a s i t a , n. evil intent;
-gata, pp. miserable, unfortunate; wicked; knowing no bounds: -t4, / . abst. n. ; - m a r - -vyavastbapa-ka, a. pronouncing a bad or
spurious : w. bbartrt, m. paramour; n. mis- sba, a. not to be forgotten ; intolerable; re- unfavourable decision; -vyavab4ra, m. bad
fortune ; -grati,/. misfortune; a. wicked; fractory, hostile; -marsbana, a. hard to decision of a suit; -vyavabrtti, / . evil
-g&tiya, a. wicked, evil; -#iva, a. hard (for, manage, intractable; - m a t s a r y a , n. bad rumour; -yyasana, n. evil passion, vice;
in.) to live (n. impl.); n. h^'^lbfe; -f/eya, jealousy; -mitra, a. unfriendly; m. N.; -vyabn'ta, pp. ill-spoken; n. unsuitable
fp. hard to conquer; -gwana, a. hartMo know; - m u k b a , a. (i) ugly-faced, hideous; foul- utterance.
- recognise; - find out; -tva, n. absi. N. ; mouthed, scurrilous; m.N.; -mubnrta, n. f
-gneya, fp. id., hard to understand. fatal hour; -medha, -medbas, a. of small wit, dur-hanSyu, a. jneditating mis-
stupid, foolish; -medbaVin, a. id.; - m a i t r a , chief ; -bn'd, a. bad-hearted; m. enemy.
dur-dama, a. hard to control; -dam-
a. hostile.
y a , f p . id.; -darsa, a. hard to be seen by (in,, D U L , X . P . dolaya, raise, swing ;
gr.); unsightly, loathsome; -darsana, a. id.; ^ ^ dur-ya, a. belonging to the door or ^ ^ whirl up (dust): pp. ddlita, swaying,
-da»a, / . hard lot, misfortune; -danta, pp. house ; ra., a, / . pi. dwelling. wavering.
ill-tamed, untamed, unbridled; m. Hard-to-
dur-yasas, n. dishonour; -yuga, n. dUv-as, n. honour, worship.
tame, N. of a lion; -dina, n. dull or rainy
day; clouded sky; rainy weather; rain, evil age; -yoga, TO. deceit; transgression; duvas-ya, den. p . honour, reward.
shower; a. cloudy, dull; -divasa, m. dull or -yona, n. habitation ; -yodbana, a. hard to
rainy day. combat; ra. N. of Dhrita-rdshtra's eldest son; •^^rrf^duvas-yat, subj. or ab.(}), R V . I ,
-yoni, ••a. of impure extraction, base-born. 165, 14.
^ ^ I dur-duha, a. f . hard to milk; -dn-
r a a n t a , a. very long (way); -dris, a. seeing dur-lakshya, n. uncertain aim; fp. dus-Arara, a. hard to traverse; in ac-
badly; - d m a , a, hard to see; unsightly, hard to perceive, scarcely visible; -langbana, cessible ; hard to pass (time); difficult to prac-
loathsome; ~d.riah.ta,, pp. ill-investigated,un- a. hard to surpass; -langhya, fp. hard to tise : -tva, n. difficulty of practising; -kar-
justly decided; -desa, m. inhospitable Eegion; cross; - infringe or transgress = to be obeyed ita, pp. behaving ill, doing ill deeds; n.
unhealthy-; -daiva, n. ill-fate, misfortune: (command). (dus-),ill-conduct, misdeed, folly; -£Arman,
- v a t , a- ill-fated. a. having a skin disease; -&4ritra, a. ill-
dur-labha, a. hard to obtain ; - find conducted; -&4rin, a. id.; -7dkits4,/. wrong
dur-dh&ra, a. hard to b e a r ; irre- or meet with, rare; dear: -ka, a. dear, -t4, medical treatment; - l i k i t s i t a , pp. hard to
sistible; hard to administer (punishment); / . , -tva, rarity, -vardbana, m. N. of a Icing cure; -&ikitsya, fp. id.: -tva, n. difficulty of
inevitable; m.N.; -dbaritu, a. irresistible; of Cashmere; - s v a m i n , m.N. of a temple curing; -fcitta, a. dejected, sad; -fcetas, a.
-dbarsba, a. hard of access, unapproachable, built by Durlabhavardhana. ill-disposed; -keshtk,f. bad conduct,perverse-
safe from attack; dangerous; terrible; -dbar- ness; -iesbrtta, pp. n. id.: pi. ill-doings;
y a , f p . hard to bear; — retain; -din, a. stupid ; dur-lalita,a.spoiled,wayward; un-
-/{•yavana, a, hard to overthrow, immovable;
ill-disposed. mannerly ; weary of (-°); n. ill habit: -ka,
-ifcyava, a. id.; -AAid, a. hard to destroy.
a. wayward; - l a s i t a , p p . i d . ; - l i p i , / . fatal
^ ^ T dur-naya, m. (sg. & pi.) bad or im- writing (inscribed by fate on the forehe-...})~ ^ . T p T duA-sala, m. N. of a son of Dhv'ita-
prudent behaviour; - n i g r a b a , a. hard to re- -lekba,ra.id.; -lekbya, n. incorrectly written r&shtra ; -^asana, ra. Hard-to-curb, N. of a
strain or subdue ; - n i m i t a , p p . ill-measured, document. son of Dhvita-rdshtra; -.fiksbita, pp. ill-
irregular, faltering (step); - n i m i t t a , n. evil instructed; uneducated, ill-bred; -sisbya, m.
dur-va&a,a. ill-spoken, abusive (word);
omen; -niyantn, a. hard to restrain; -nir- bad pupil; -tila, a. having bad habits or a
hard to answer; -va&ana, n. pi. hard words,
i k s b y a , / p . hard to look at; hard to be seen bad character, wicked : - t 4 , / . bad character,
abuse (Pr.); -vafcas, n. id.; stupid words;
by (in., g.); -nirupa, a. hard to determine ; wickedness; -sila-Aitta, a. wicked-minded;
a. abusive; hard to answer; -va»i</, ra. rogue
- n i v a r a , a. hard to repel, - restrain; - get of a merchant; -varna, ra. bad colour; im- -s6va, a. malevolent.
rid of or set aside: -tva, n. abst. N. ; -nivar- TO D U S H , I V . P . (E. also A.) dnsbya
purity; (-varwa), a. having a bad colour or
ya,fp.id.; -nivr itta, pp. hard to return from;
complexion; of low caste; n. silver; -vala, ^ \ (Br. etc.), be spoiled, impaired, or ruin-
- n i t a , pp. badly conducted or executed; n.
a. having a skin disease; -vasa, a. (n. it is) ed ; be defiled, sullied, or corrupted; be
evil plight; demerit; -nj/pa, m. bad king.
hard to dwell; hard to pass (time); - v a s a t i , guilty, be in fault; commit a sin : pp. dnsb-
[dur-bala,a.weak; frail, slender,feeble: f . painful residence; a. hard to bear; - exe- -tfa, spoiled ; tainted, vitiated; corrupt; de-
124 drik-Mattra. devata-maya.

well; cs. P. drimhaya, make firm, establish; cs. show, ud, cs. appear: pp. - m , (impl.) one look, glance: n a tasya drish/ipate = do not
A . be firm. has appeared, npa, look on; observe; ps. A . show yourself to him ; -pradana, n. => -dana;
appear; cs. show, present; represent; pre- -prasada, to. favour of a glance : -m kri,
dn'k-Mattra, ra. eye-lid; -patha, deign to look at one; -manrfala, n. pupil of
tend ; explain, illustrate, ni, cs. show, set
m. range of the eye: -m i, become visible; the eye; -mat, a. having eyes; intelligent,
forth; point,indicate; introduce,enumerate;
-pata, TO. glance. wise; -marga, to. range of vision, horizon;
teach, instruct, pari, view, frequent; con-
drik-sha (- 0 ), a. -looking, -like. sider, excogitate ; ps. be observed, show one- -vikshepa, TO. moving the eyes about, look-
self; cs. show, demonstrate, pra, foresee; ing around.
" ^ W T T dnk-samgaraa, n. sg. sigbt of and see, behold; A . ps. become visible; appear; ^ j t t f T T f drishfautsSha, a. whose steady
meeting with (g.). cs. show, display; designate; describe, ex-
advance is seen.
dn'g-anta,iw. outer corner of the eye; plain. npa-pra, refer to (ac.). sam-pra,
ps. appear; cs. show : atmanam mWtavat -q ^ drish/iago7tara,a. being beyond
-gokara,TO.range of vision, horizon; -bhak-
t i , / . amatory glance; -rudb, a. obstructing feign oneself dead, prati, perceive; ps. A . the range of vision.
the gaze. appear: pratyadar^i, has appeared; cs. show, ^ D R I H , v. f f D R I M U .
vi, ps. A. be discerned, appear distinctly; cs.
<g$ dridhn. pp. \/drt'mli; ra. firm or im- show ; teach, sam, behold, perceive; look D R t , P . ( A . ) IX.&rin£L, burst, rend, tear;
movable object; fastness; -karin, a. perse- on; inspect; review; consider fully ; ps. A . £ ps. diryate, be rent or cleft, break open:
vering. appear together with (in.) ; be observed, ap- pp. dirwa, cleft, rent; dispersed; terrified;
dridAatari-kri, confirm. pear; cs. show, display; show oneself to (ac.); cs. daraya, P. A. tear asunder, burst open;
represent: atmanawt mritavat - , feign one- disperse, ava, burst; cs. tear asunder, ex-
£€<11 dridha-tt, f . firmness ( - v a p u s h i , ro- self dead. cavate. k, split, open; intv. dardar, id.
bust health); firm adherence to (Ic.); perse- n i s , tear; cs.id.; lacerate; cleave, cause to
d m (nm. dr/k), a. seeing, beholding ; be dug up. v i , tear, lacerate; ps. burst
verance ; -tva, ra. id.: -TO gam., prove firm.
f . N. id. (d. dris6, for beholding); eye; view, asunder: pp. torn; pierced ; gaping ; cs.
dridAa-dasyu, m. N. of an ancient theory; a. look, appearance, [ance burst asunder; open ; pierce, rend, lacerate;
sage; -dbanvan, a. having a stiff bow; dig up, scatter; break through, disperse;
d m - a , m. ( i , / . ) sight, look, appear-
-dhriti, a. strong-willed; -prahari-ta, f . push away.
hardness of hitting; -bhakti, a. firm in de- • ^ f l j dro's-i, / . seeing, beholding; faculty of
votion to (Ic.); - m a t i , a. firmly resolved; seeing, intuition, vision: d. d m a y e = inf. for ^ T de-ya, fp. to be given ; - bestowed in
-mushtt, TO. tight fist; a. close-fisted. beholding. marriage; - granted; - delivered; - restored,
- paid: -h panth&A, way must be made for
dridAa-ya, den. P. establish; confirm. ^ f ^ T c ^ dnsi-mat, a. seeing. (g.j; a t i t h i t v e n a saktya deyam, n. impl.
one should give according to one'B ability
^tgqijtl.dridAa-vapus, a. of robp^tTnealth; f s f f a r r dris-iksSt, / . appearance. in regard to hospitality; n. gift; impost;
-vrata, a. constant to one's vow; of unswerv-
dris-ya,/p. visible, to (in., g., ; to wages.
ing purpose; firmly insisting on (Ic.), faith-
fully devoted to (-°). be looked a t ; worthy to be seen, splendid : dev-a, a. (x) heavenly, divine (also jig.);
- t k , f , -tva, n. visibility. celestial, deity, god, divinity (sts. of ma-
f ^ T S p * dridAaJtyudha, a. having a hard levolent beings); (god among men = ) priest,
^••81 dris-van, a. having seen, conversant
missile. [-kara, TO. id. Brahman; king,prince; chief among: voc.
with (-°).
dndAi-kararaa, n. confirmation ; Sire, please your Majesty; 1, f . goddess;
^qtqtUj drishat-kawa, m. pebble. Savitri; Durga; queen, princess.
dridhi-kri, fortify; bind firmly; con- drish^d,/.rock,large stone; (nether) ^ f W f ^ l d e v a - n ' s h i , m .rishi among the gods,
firm ; -bhu, become firm. divine saint. [iTrisAno's mother.
^ f f l dn'-ti, rn. (f.)water-carrier's skin; bel- deva-ka, a. = deva ; x, f . N. of
£ q^*^«ldrishad-asm an,TO. upper (s mailer)
lows ; hose.
millstone; -upala, n. sg. & du., a,f. du. the ^qcQtqcfli deva-kanyaka,/. celestial maid-
^ T f D E I P , I V . P. dn'pya, become mad ; two millstones, - a n l u k h a l a , n. millstone en ; - k a n y k , f . id.; -karma-krit, a. perform-
C \ be crazy, extravagant, or arrogant: pp. and mortar. [river. ing a divine rite ; -karman, n. divine rite;
dripta, extravagant, wild, arrogant: -tara, g t j ^ f f t dnshad-vat-i, / . (Rocky), N. of a -kalasa,TO.N.; -k&rya, n. divine rite; con-
cp v. excessively arrogant; cs. darpaya, make cern or errand of the gods.
mad or arrogant: pp. darpita, made insolent d m h a n - n a u , / . boat of stone.
by, boasting of (-°); wild, arrogant, ati, be • ^ g d r i s h - f a j / j p . ^ d m ; ra.perception: -kar- devaki-nandana, to. met. of
excessively arrogant: pp. very arrogant. Krishna; - s n n u , to. id.
man, a. whose deeds have been seen, tried
F W f D i ? / B H , V I . P . dribha, make into practically; -tva, n. having been seen, oc- deva-kula, n. temple; (k)-i:rita, pp.
c. ^ tufts, string together, sam, pp. aam- currence; -dosha, a. whose sins have been made by the gods; -krttya, n. = deva-karya;
dabdha, bound together; composed; confirmed. exposed ; formerly convicted; recognised as -kshetra, n. divine territory; -khata, pp.
sinful (action); -nash^a, pp. having appear- dug by the gods — hollowed out by nature ;
v f D R I S , pr. base pasya, I. see, behold, ed and disappeared immediately after: -ta, -garaa, m. host of gods; -gawikA,/. courtesan
i , x observe; visit, wait upon; look at; look f abst. N. ; -purva, a, seen before; -pratya- of the gods, Apsaras; -girl,TO.mountain of
on (int.); recognise (by, in.); ascertain; dis- ya, a. convinced by ocular evidence (lit. the gods, N. ofa mountain-range; -gupta,_p/j.
cover ; inspect; trouble about, examine; see having seen-conviction); -sruta, pp. seen and protected by the gods; TO. N.; - g u r u , in.
with the mind's eye = compose (hymns); ps. (or) heard; -sara, a. of tried strength. preceptor of the gods; ep. o^Kasyapa and, of
Arisjk, be seen, become visible; appear, Brihaspati; -griha, m. n. house of the gods,
look, turn out to be (nm.); be inspected; be drtshfaadrishtfa, pp. visible and
temple; royal palace.
generally accepted as (nm.), be current in invisible; relating to this life and the next;
the sense of (Ic.): pp. drish^a, seen, etc.; ^anta, m. (non plus ultra of experience), deva-A'Manda, TO. pearl necklace
observed, treated, recognised, considered; model, pattern; precedent; illustration; of 81 strings; -ga, a. god-begotten; -gank,
having appeared, manifesting itself, existing; example; o. serving as a pattern ; -jirtha, TO. (gnly. pi.) divine host; host of demons or
experienced, suffered ; devised ; become ac- a. whose object or aim is clear; serving as a (esp.) serpents ; -gK, a. god-begotten, - born;
quainted with; foreseen, fore-ordained; de- model; having ascertained the true state of -pata, n. race or class of gods.
cided (suit); acknowledged, established, devd-tS, i . f . divinity,divine power ;
sanctioned (by, -°); cs. darsaya, cause any f f E dnsh.-tl,f. seeing, looking at (g.), be- deity; sacred image; 2. in.ad. in the capacity
one to see (2 ac.), show to (ac., d.,g.); point holding ; vision, eyesight; intelligence; eye; of a god o/'gods ; among or to the gods.
with (ac.) towards (Ic.); point towards ; pro-
pupil of the eye; glance, look ; regard; ^ q c i l « H \ devataagara, n. temple, chapel;
duce (in court); display, indicate; confess ;
opinion: -TO da, direct the gaze towards (Ic.).
prove; show oneself to (ac.,g.)\ a t m a n a m -griha, n. id.
- , show oneself, appear, pretend to be: pp. f f e ^ t l drishfi-kshepa,TO.rolling the eyes, ^ q r t | (^deva-t9,t,/. divine worship; - host.
darsita; des. didrtksba, wish or like to see; looking about; -go&ara,TO.range of vision ;
des. of cs. didarsayisha, P. wish to show, -dana, n. bestowal of a look, showing one- devati-maya, a.(1) containing all
anu, behold, perceive; cs. inform, instruct, self ; -nipata, TO. cast of a look, glance; the gods; ^Jiyatana, n. temple; ^ar/rana, n.
abhi, look at, see; ps. be seen, appear. -patha,TO.range of vision; -p4ta,m. cast ofa worship of the gods.
^cfgjj^f deva-tumula. daiva. 125

<^q<J*J<?l deva-tumula, n. thunderstorm. ^ q f a ^ - deva-linga, ra. statue of a g o d ; ^ p T ^ f d e s a - b h a n g a , m. ruin of the country;

-lekba, f.N.ofa princess ; -loka,TO.world -bb&sb4,y. language of the country, vernacu-
deva-tya, a. having - as a deity, sacred of the gods; - v a d h u , / . divine female; -van- lar ; - r a k s b i n , m. protector of the country
to (- 0 ); -tra, ad. among the gods; -tva, n. d&, a. praising the gods; -varman, n. divine of - =king of (-°).
divinity, divine nature, state of the gods. armour; -vis, f . race of gods; (a)-viti, / .
^ J T s f i T W desaakramana, ra. invasion;
feast of the gods; -vrata, n. religious observ-
deva-datta, a. god-given; m. Ar- ^a£ara, ra. custom of the country; - a^ana,
^runa's conch; the vital air which causes ance ; a. (a), devoted to the gods, religious,
n. travelling ; - a t i t h i , TO. guest in the coun-
yawning ; Dieu-donnd, very common N., pious;TO.ep. of Bhtshma and Skanda.
try, stranger; ^antara, n. another region;
hence used to denote indefinite persons, So- deva-sakti,TO.N. of a hing; -satru, foreign country; ^antarita, pp. living in a
and-so; -dantin, m. ep. of Siva (?); -dars- TO. foe of the gods, Asura, Rakshasa; -sar- foreign country; - a n t a r i n , a. foreign ; ra.
aua,a. seeing or a^dciating with the gods; m. man, TO. N.; (a)-sisbia, pp. taught by the foreigner. [finger.
N.; n. manifestation of a god; -darsin, a. gods; -suni, f . bitch of the gods, Sarama ;
associating with the gods; -darn, m. n. N. of des-in, a. indicating ( - 0 ) : - i , / . fore-
-sesba, ra. remnant of a sacrifice to the gods ;
a hind of pine (Pinus Deodora); -dasa, m. -sanmidbi, m. presence of the gods; -sarasa, des-i, f . vernacular ; provincialism :
N.; -dut&, m. messenger of the gods ; -deva, n. N. of a locality; -srisb/a, pp. discharged - n a m a - m a l k,f. Garland of Provincial Words,
ra. god of gods, supreme god, ep. of Brahma, or created by the gods ; -sena, TO. N.: a, f . T. of a dictionary by Hemakandra.
Siva, Vishnu, Krishna, and Garaesa: 1, f . divine host; N. of Shandas wife; -smita,
Durga; -daivatya, a. having the gods as a f . N. of a merchant's daughter; -sva, ra. pro- des-iya, a. belonging to the country,
divinity, sacred or addressed to the gods. perty of the gods; - s v a m i n ,TO.N.; (a)-biti, provincial; living in,native of (-°); bordering
f . divine ordinance ; (a)-huti, f . invocation or verging on, not far from, about, like (- 0 ).
dev-ana, n. shining ; gambling.
of the gods. des-ya,//).to be pointed to, exemplary;
deva-nadi, / . divine river, ep. of a. being on the spot, having been present (m.
various sacred rivers; *-n&gari, / . sacred ^ T T I f devaamsa, m. part of a god, partial eye-witness); belonging to or current in the
city writing, N. of the current Sanskrit cha- incarnation; - agara,TO.ra.house of god, tem-
ple ; -angana^y. divine female; -&tman, TO. country, provincial; native of (-°) ; bordering
racter ; -n&tba, m. lord of the gods, Siva ; or verging on, not far removed from, almost,
-n&yaka, m. N.; -nikaya, m. host of gods; divine soul; ^adbipa, TO. lord of the gods,
Indra. "[the gods), plain simple man. like (-°).
-nitba, m. N. of a Vedic passage containing
serenteen pddas. desh-Javya, fp. to be designated as
^ q i t l f t q devanam-priya, TO.(favourite of
(nm.); -tri, m. guide, instructor (-°); -tri,
^ q q f d deva-pati, ra. lord of the gods, Indra;
(&)-patni, a.f. having a god for a husband; devaanika, ra. divine host; ^anu- f . Instructress (as a deity).
-para, in. animal consecrated to the gods; ftara, m. attendant of a god; ^anuyayin,
^^deh-a,TO. ra. [envelope of the soul: \ 7 dih]
-p&tr&, n. cup of the gods; -pana, a. serving m. id.; - a n n a , ra. food offered to the gods;
body ; mass, bulk ; person : -kara, TO. pro-
the gods for drinking; -pntra, m, son of a ^ayatana, ra. temple; -arawya, ra. forest of
creator, father; -krit, m.id.; -fcara, a.bodily;
god; a, (dev;l-) having gods as children; the gods (the Nandana forest); - j . r i , m. foe
- t a r y a , f . tending the body; -go,, m. son;
-pur, f . citadel of the gods; Indra's abode ; of the gods, Asura; ^ar&ana, ra. worship of
Kama; -ty&ga,TO.abandonment of the body,
-pura, n. Indra's abode; -pugk, f . divine a god or the gods; •j.laya, m. temple ; ^ava-
death ; -tva, ra. corporeal nature; -dbarana,
worship; -purva, a. preceded by the word satba, TO. id.; ^asva, rn. divine steed.
ra. bearing a body, life; -db&rin, a. possessing
deva: - g i r l , ra. = deva-giri; -prabha, m. N. dev-ikS,/. subordinate goddess. a body, embodied; -pata, ra. collapse of the
of a Gandharva; -prasada, m. N.; -priya, body, death ; -bbar/,TO.corporeal being, esp.
a. beloved of the gods (Siva); -bhakti, f . dev-i-tri, ra. gambler; -in, a. gam- man ; -bhrit, a. having a body (Siva); m.
devotion to a god or the gods ; -bbavana, n. bling ;TO.gambler. corporeal being, esp.man; -madbya, n.waist;
abode of the gods, heaven; temple; -bbi- -y&tr4, f . maintenance of the body, support
sha</, m. divine physician; -bbuta, pp. hav- devi, / . of deva: -ka, a. princess,
ing become or being a god; -mani, m. divine queen; -kriti, f . N . o f a pleasure grove ; ^ ^ t deh-alf, / . threshold. [of life.
jewel, esp. Vishnu's breast ornament; whirl -garbba-griba, n. inner sanctuary containing
of hair on a horses nech; -maya, a. con- the image of Durga; -griha, ra. temple of ^ ^ c f c ^ deha-vat, a. embodied ; TO. living
taining the gods; -matri-ka, a. nourished by Durga; queen's apartment; - t v a , ra.condition being, esp. man ; -vritti, /. maintenance of
rain only, i.e. by no other water; -marga, of a goddess or princess ; -dbaman, ra. temple the body.
rn. path of the gods, jocular designation of of Durga; -bbavana, n. temple of Durga. ^^l<i{q dehaJtma-vSda, m. doctrine
the hind quarters ; -muni, TO. divine sage. that the eor'Ts identical with the body;
^ ^ dev-n, m. husband's (younger) brother,
^anta, TO. end of the body, death.
deva-yagr, a. sacrificing to or wor- brother-in-law.
shipping the gods; -y&guna, a. (i) id.; ra. de-hi, 2 pers. sg. impv. of dS.
devaiddha, pp. kindled by the gods;
place of sacrifice ; -ya^na,TO.sacrifice to the ^indra, ra. lord of the gods, Indra; -^isa, TO. ^(^•^deh-in, a. embodied; m. living being;
gods, burnt offering (one of the five hinds of id.-. i,f. Durga ; -jsvara, ra. ep. o/Siva. man; (incarnate) soul.
sacrifice); -yaf/ya, ra., -ya^yS!, f . worship of
or sacrifice to the gods. devaenasd, ra. curse of the gods, deh-i,/. rampart.
^ q ^ t i d e v a - y d t ^ e n . ^ r . p f . serving the gods. devijjyatana, n.temple of Durga. ^ ^ ^ ^ dehajsvara, TO. soul.
t^pqrnrr deva-yatra, f . procession with ^TJ des-d, ra. point, spot, place, region (often ^ D A I , purify: v. ^T 2. D A .
sacred images; -yana, a. going - , leading to redundant - ° ) ; country : -m a-vas or ni-
or frequented by the gods; n. path of the ^ ^ d a i k s h a , a. relating to initiation (diksha).
vis, settle in a country; lc. in the right place.
gods; -y&niya, a. leading to the gods. ^GSj daitya, ra. descendant of Diti, Asura
< ^ q i desa-ka, a. (- 0 ) showing, teaching ; or demon, esp. Rahu: -danava-mardana, m.
^ ^ • J deva-yu, a. devoted to the gods, pious;
(a)-yukta, pp. yoked by the gods; - y u g a , TO. instructor. Crusher of the Daityas and Danavas (Indra);
n. age of the gods, first age of the world; ^ p j r r ^ r desa-ktla, TO. du. place and time : -nisbndana, m. ep. of Vishrau; -pa, -pati,
- y o s b k , f . divine woman. sg. - for (g.): -gna, a. knowing place and TO. ep. of~B&\\.
^ T X dev-ara, m. husband's (younger) bro- time : -ta, f . knowledge of place and time; dain-ya, ra. dejection, distress; wretch-
ther, brother-in-law; lover,husband: - g b n i , -vid, a. knowing place and time, experienced; edness, misery, pitiable state: -ra kri, act
a.f. killing her brother-in-law. -virodhin, a. disregarding place and time; piteously, humble oneself; -vat, a. dejected,
- v y a t i t a , pp. neglecting the right time and
<^q deva-rata, pp. delighting in the gods, afflicted.
pious; -ratba, TO. divine car; -ra//, m. king ^T? daipa, a. relating to a lamp.
of the gods, Indra; -ra^a, m. id.; divine desa-fcyuti,/. exile, banishment;
ruler; N.; -rkgya, n. sovereignty of the gods; -ga, a. born in the right country, of genuine dairgh-ya, ra. length.
-rfi,ta,2>p.god-given; m.N.,Theodore; -rup- descent (horses, elephants); -tyaga,TO.leav-
in, a. having a divine form; -^Hsbi, m. daiva, a. (1) peculiar to, coming from,
ing the country; -drisbte, pp. current in the
divine sage (dwelling among the gods). or having to do with the gods, divine; royal;
country; -dbarma, ra. law or usage of the
country. [teaching, doctrine. connected with or produced by fate; + viva-
e ^ T deva-la, ra. showman of images (also ha, m. or dharma, ra. marriage rite of the gods
-ka); N. des-ana, / . direction, instruction, (in which a daughter is given to the officiating
126 ^ I R T daiva-knta. dyu-ta.

priest); with tirtha, n. part of the hand sacred humour (there are three such, phlegm, bile, daur-vrat-ya, n. disobedience.
to the gods (the finger-tips); ra. deity; rite in and wind, which when disordered cause
disease): in., ab. -tas, in consequence of a bad daur-hrid-a,m. rogue; *n.longing of
honour of the gods; divine dispensation, fate,
destiny; good luck: yukte daive, when fate owing to the detrimental effect of (-°); pregnant women.
is auspicious; daiva/w sikshayati, necessity -taA sank, suspect of a transgression.
^ T r f t * dauvar-ika,TO.janitor, chamber-
teaches. dosha-kara, a. harmful, injurious to lain; i,f. female janitor.
daiva-kn'ta, pp. produced by fate, (g.); -gnwa, n. sg. faults and merits ; -gnre- daus-Aarm-ya, ra. skin-disease.
natural; - g a t i , / course of fate ; -feinta-ka, in, a. possessed of faults and merits: (-i)-tva,
a. thinking about - , knowing human fate; n. abst. N. ; -<jna, a. knowing the faults of dauA-sil-ya, n. badness of cha-
TO. astrologer; -gna, a. skilled in destiny; (-°); knowing what is hurtful, wise; -tva, racter, malignity. [ness.
m. astrologer; -giia-tva, n. skill in astrology. n. faultiness, defectiveness. daush-kn't-ya, ra.baseness, wicked-
daivata, a. (1) relating to a deity ^q«^dosh-£n, n. fore-arm ; arm.
daush/-va, n. id.
(worshipped or invoked); divine ; n. deity or dosha-phala, n. effect of s i n ; a.
coll. deities (celebrated in a hymn)', having Di(«rt daushyanta, a. relating to Dush-
sinful; -maya, a. consisting of faults.
or worshipping - as one's deity yanta ; m. a mixed caste.
^ t ^ R i dosha-la, a. corrupt, spoilt.
daiva-tas, ad. by fate, accidentally. daushyant-i, m. pat. of Bharata.
^cf<t| daivat-ya, a. having as deity, sacred dosha-vat, a. faulty, defective,
blemished; guilty; blamable, sinful; detri- ^ " t q f i r i dauAshanti, older form of Dau-
or addressed to mental. shyanti.
^ q ^ T I daiva-datta, pp. bestowed by fate, ^llm^dosh-^s, n. evening, darkness. c ^ ^ E T dau/i-sth-ya, ra. sorry plight.
innate; -durvipaka,TO.ill-ripening dispensa-
tion = cruelty of fate; -para, a. to whom fate ^ N H dosh-a,/. evening, darkness : -m, in. dauhad-ika, ra. longing, desire.
is the chief thing;TO.fatalist; -paraya?;a, a, in the evening, at night. [moon. dauhitr-a, TO. daughter's son ; i , / .
a.TO.id.; -yoga, TO. dispensation of fate; dosha-kara, TO. (night-maker),
-vasa,TO.will of fate : ab. accidentally; -vid, daughter's daughter.
a. acquainted with fate;TO.astrologer; -vi- ^ V ^ T ^ T doshaakshara,TO.accusation, re- dauhr»d-a, ra. longing in pregnancy.
dhi, m. fate; -sampanna, pp. favoured by proach. [evening, nocturnal.
fortune: -ta, / . abst. N. j^lwta-ka, a. buf- 3 T R T dyava, du. (of div) night and moru-
feted by fortune, unfocKuate; accursed; n. dosM-tana, a. belonging to the ing: - k s h a m a , f . du. heaven and earth;
accursed fate (Pr.). -prithivi, f . du. heaven and earth.
t^fcrTT doshS-ya, den. A . become or appear
daiv-Sdi-ka, a. belonging to the like a fault. ^ c r r t j f W f a dyava-prithiviya, a. relat-
div or fourth class of verbs. ing or sacred to heaven and earth.
doshS-ramaraa, TO. moon.
daivajidianta, a. beginning and <sn«U*j!*i dyava-bhfimi,/. du. heaven and
ending with a rite in honour of the gods. ^tfq«\dosh-in, a. guilty of a transgression,
^f^foR daiv-ika, a. peculiar sacred to or dosh-mat, a. strong-armed, brave, D Y U , I I . P . dyauti, rush at, attack.
coming from the gods; n. natural phenomenon. dos, ra. fore-arm ; arm.
dyu, TO. sky ; brightness, glow ; to. n.
daivaficZAS, / . woman married ac- doh-a, a. milking, yielding ( - 0 ) ; TO.
cording to the Daiva rite; ^upahataka, a. day (e. div).
milking; milk; profiting by (-°).
buffeted by fortune. dyu-kshd, a. heavenly, b r i g h t ; -kara,
dohada, m. [corruption of dau(r)- a. moving in heaven; to. celestial.
daivya, a. (a, and daivl) divine. hrida] longing of pregnant women; violent
dais-ika, a.relating to place or space; desire, for (Ic., -°); longing of plants for the ^ f f T 1 . D Y U T , I. (E. also P.) A . dydta, flash,
native; belonging to the country of (-°); m. touchofa beautiful maiden which elicits their ^ ^gleam, shine; cs. P. illuminate; indicate,
instructor. blossoms: -duAkha-sila, a. suffering from mor- bring out, show clearly: pp. dyotita, illu-
bid longing during pregnancy: -ta, /. morbid minated, shining, abhi, shine upon; cs. il-
^ t e c f t d f daishi-ika-ta,/. fatalism. condition of longing during pregnancy; -lak- luminate. ud, shine forth; cs. illuminate,
sharaa, n. sign of pregnancy. make glorious, v i , shine forth, flash, lighten.
daih-ika, a. (1) bodily.
^ ^ f c ^ dohad-in, a. having a violent OTT 2. D Y U T , pp. dyutt&, broken; cs. dyo-
daih-ya, a. being in the body;TO.soul.
longing for (Ic., ^ taya, P . break open.
<^lj«f<*|dog-dhavya, - /p.to be milked; -dhu- doh-ana, a. yielding milk ; ra. milk- 3- d y u t , / . splendour.
kama, a. eager to milk, i. e. plunder (ac.);
-dhri,TO.milker; -dhri, a.f. giving milk; ing ; milk-pail (also 1,/.). 'cJcTT dyuta-ya, den. P. vi, flash, lighten.
/. milch cow; -dhra, n. milk-pail. dohala,TO.= dohada. <Sjf<1 dyut-i,/.radiance, splendour; beauty;
^ t V o R dodha-ka, n. a metre. ^ t ^ t ^ d o h - a s , n. milking. dignity : -mat, a. brilliant, splendid, glori-
ous; dignified.
dodhataA, R V . X , 119, 2. doh-ya, fp. to be milked ; ra. milk-
giving animal, eJjf'P^dyu-nis, n. sg.&f.du.day and night;
dor-mtila, n. arm-pit. -nisa, n. id.: only -m, for a day and a night,
^ r t l daut-ya, -ka, n. message, func- by day and by night; -pati, m. (lord of
dol-a, TO. swinging; (m.) a, / . swing,
tion of a messenger. [ness. heaven),god; -patha,to.(sky-path),air, sky;
often as symbol of doubt; dooly, bamboo litter
^ T T H W daur-fitm-ya, n. wickedness, base- -puraTOdhri, f. Apsaras ; -mani, to. (sky-
(carried on four mens shoulders).
jewel), sun; -mat, a. brilliant; brisk.
dola-ya, den. A . sway like a swing; daurga, a. relating to Durga.
fluctuate, waver, be in doubt: pp. dolayita, ^ l ^ r t j daurgat-ya, ra. distress, misery, dyu-marga, m. (sky-way), air, sky.
swaying to and fro. poverty. ^ d y u - m n £ , r a . s p l e n d o u r ; vigour; wealth,
^ T T ^ dola-yuddha, n. wavering battle; ^*}«-*2rdaur-gandh-ya,ra.bad odour, stench. property. [ed.
•^axudha, pp. sitting in a dooly; seated on a <Sjfa«ldyumn-ln, a. splendid; strong; spirit-
swing : +iva = doubtful as to ^ H f daurgahd, TO. pat. of Purukutsa.
dyu-yoshit, / . celestial female.
dolSutsava,TO.swinging festival. daur-pan-ya, ra. wickedness, base- Apsaras; -loka, m. celestial world; -vadhu,
daur-bal-ya, ra. weakness. f . celestial female, Apsaras; -shad, to. (sky-
^t:^Tf^doA-salin, a. strong-armed.
dweller), god; -saras, n. lake of heaven;
dosh-a, TO. (n.) defect, blemish, fail- daur-bhag-ya, ra. misfortune, -sarit, f . celestial river, Ganges; -sindhu,
ing ; bad quality or condition, taint; fault; f . id.; - s t r i , / . celestial female, Apsaras.
transgression, crime, sin, guilt, vice ; harm, d a u r - m a n a s - y a , ra. dejection,
sadness. ^ d y u , a. playing (- 0 ); / . game of dice,
damage, injury; evil; bad consequence;
morbid affection, disorder, disease; bodily daur-mantr-ya, ra. bad counsel. dyft-td, ra. gambling (for, lc.,-°): often
dyu-na. dvay-a. 127
jig, of the hazard of battle; booty: -kara, m. -grata,». kind of substance; -prakriti, / . pi. S^cH frt druta-gati, a. swift-paced, hasty;
gambler; -kara, m. id.; -krit, m. id.; -dasa, minister, realm, fortresses, treasure and army; ^ -tara-g-ati, a. moving faster; -tva, n. melt-
m., i,f. slave won at play; -dharma, m. laws - m a y a , a. substantial, material: -matra, n., ing, emotion ; -pada, n. ad. with swift steps,
concerning gambling; -vartman, n. method a, /. gold; -yagrna, a. offering material sacri- hastily; n. a metre (swift-paced); -vilamb-
ofgLmbling; -vrttti,TO.professional gambler, fices ; -vat, a. inherent in matter; wealthy; ita, n. a metre (fast and slow).
keeper of a gaming-house; -s&la,f. gaming- - vriddhi, f . increase of wealth; - s u d d h i , / .
house; -sadana, n. id.; -samara, rn. gam- purification of defiled objects. JTKI dru-ti, f . melting, emotion.
bling assembly.
jpSTTTT dravyajigama, TO. acquisition of S ^ i ^ dru-padd, n. wooden column, post:
5 R dyti-na, pp. of \/div. property; - atmaka, a. substantial, material; ^TO.N. of a king of the Pdnkdlas; a,/. A', of
-JUrita, pp. connected with matter. a verse in the TE. (II, vi, 6, 3).
3ft" dyo,TO.f . s k y ; day: v. p^ef div.
SjT5=&T drash-/£vya, fp. to be seen, visible; dru-ma, TO. tree: -maya, a. wooden;
dyot-a, m. brilliance : -ka, a. shining; that must be seen; to be recognised; to be ^ -vat, a. abounding in trees, wooded ; - a g r a ,
illuminating; displaying; expressing, expres- regarded as (nm.); to be investigated or tried m. n. tree-top.
sive of (g., -°); significant: -tva, n. abst. N. (suit).
^ftrTT dyot-ana (or A), a. flashing; illu- drash-fn, m. one who sees (also = 2 ^ T R I drumS-ya, den. A. pass for a tree.
minating ; ra. shining; showing, displaying. pra. sg. ft. without copula,); one who ex- D R U H , I V . P . (E. also A.) druhya,
^ftWf^I dyot-anf,/. brilliance, light. amines, tries, or decides (a suit); judge, \ hurt, seek to injure, offend (ac., d., y., lc.);
* vie with : pp. drugdba, one who injures or
«sT\<Tf^1«t»T dyotan-ika,/. explanation. ^ T i , D R A , I I . P . dra-ti, run; cs. drapaya,
has injured any one : n. impl. it is wished to
cause to run ; intv. daridra (run about), injure (d.). abbi, hurt; seek to injure (ac.,
sTttTTTT dyota-mana, pr. pt. shining. be in distress, be poor, abhi-pra, run or d.) ; do harm or injury ; seek the life (pra-
hasten towards, v i , run in different direc- neshu) of (g.); pp. seeking to injure; having
dyot-in, a. shining; signifying. tions, run away : pr. pt. vidrana, vanished, been injured.
Sftflr^TO dyotish-patha, m. path of the gone; embarrassed, being at a loss what to do.
stars, upper air. druh, a. (nm.dbruk) injuring, betraying
<*J 2. D B A , I I . P. dra-ti, I V . draya, sleep,
ni, P. A. fall asleep, slumber : pr. pt. ni- 9-) > m.f. injurer, avenger,fiend; f . injury.
S f t r f l ^ d y o t - i s , ra. light; star (=$ryotis).
dr&na, sleeping; pp. nidrita, id. g^ffT^I druhina, TO, ep. of Brahma, Vishnu,
dyot-ya, fp. (to be) expressed or de-
drak, ad. [ra. of drajin/r, running to- ^ Siva.
j ^ f dranga, m., k,f. town. [signated. wards], instantly. ^ D R t ) , I X . P . (V.) dru-na, hurl, cast.
j^S^I dradAa-ya, den. P . fasten, strengthen; draksha, a. made of grapes. C\
confirm; restrain. drog-dhavya, fp. n. injury should
S^T^rr drakshS, / . vine; grape: -rasa, TO.
j^fScjfi drae?A-ika, TO. N. of a man. be done to (d., lc.); -dbW, m. injurer, ill-
S^fSfl®^ dradA-i-man, m. firmness; resolu- wisher, foe.
(^I'^I dr^gha-ya, den. P . prolong ; delay. JTtTJT drona, to. n. trough, tub ; a measure
tion ; confirmation; -isbfAa, spv. (of dridha,)
-mdn,TO.length; -ish/Aa, of capacity ( = 4 adAakas); m. kind of cloud
^ t ^ d n i d h - a s , n. garment. [very firm.
abounding in water (like a trough); N. of the
j ^ J drap-sd, TO. [flowing: from drap, cs. of spv., -iyas, cpv. of dirgha. preceptor of the Kurus and Pandavas in the
Vdra, run], drop ; spark; moon (drop in the Iq drSv-araa, a. putting to flight; n. id. art of war; N. of a Brahman.
sky); banner.
dravaydt-sakha, a. speeding his drona-kalasd, m. wooden Soma-
D R A M , T. P . drama, run or wander companion, i. e. his rider. vat; -~vriahti,f. rain as from a trough ; -Jisa,
\ about; intv. dandramya, id. TO. trough-mouth, kind of demon of disease.
dramma (dpaxpg), a coin = sixpence. (qf^frf drav -ayi-tn, m. who causes to run.
dron-ika, f . t r o u g h ; -1, / . id..
j^Tdrav-d, a.rauning; fluid; feeling, ten- drav-ay-i-tnu, a. melting. bath; valley.
der ; dripping or overflowing with (-°); m.
g^lfq ^dravida, a. (i) Dravidian;TO.country jj^tW droh-a, m. injury, treachery, perfidy:
swift motion, flight; fluidity; fluid, juice;
of the Dravidians: pi. the Dravidians; i,f. -para, a. full of eji^rffiy, malignant; -bb&va,
-ana, n. running; melting,
Dravidian woman. TO. malice; -vritti, a. acting maliciously,
S ^ f J , drav-at (pr. pt. of \/dru), ad. swiftly. malevolent. [fidious (tcith g. or
? D R U , I. P. drava, run, hasten; flee;
j ^ f T T d r a v a - t l , / . , -tva, ra.wetness; fluidity; * run at, assail; melt (also Jig.): pp. dxuta, S^tf^«tdroh-in, a.injuring; malicious, per-
fusibility ; -tva-ka, n. fluidity; fusibility; q. v.; cs. dravaya, cause to run, put to flight;
-dravya, n. fluid matter; -maya, a. fluid. cause toflov^,melt, ati, hasten past or across ^ M ^ l draupadi, / . pat. of Krishna, wife
(ac.). adbi, ascend (a mountain), anu, run of the five Pdndus ; e-ya, m. pi. the sons of
drava-ya, A . run, flow. Draupadi.
after, pursue ; accompany ; run through, re-
drava-rd, a. running swiftly. peat rapidly, apa, run away, abbi, hasten dvd, du. two ; + api, both ; dvayoA, in
towards; run at, assail, a, hasten towards
dravida, m. N. of a country on the (ac). ud, run up or out; repeat rapidly, both genders = m. f., or in both numbers = sg.
west coast of the Deccan; ton of a Vrdtya or upa, hasten towards; assail, attack : pp. as- and pi. (lex.).
degraded Kshatriya: pi. the inhabitants of sailed, attacked, afflicted, by (in.,-°); dis- dva-TO-dvd, n. pair, couple, man and
the Dravida country. tressed, p r a t i u p a , rush upon (ac.). s a m - wife, male and female; pair of opposites (heat
j^fqttt drdv-ina, n. movable goods, pro- upa, run at, pursue; assail, pari, run round, and cold, etc.) ; quarrel; contest; duel;
perty ; wealth, money; strength, might. pra, run forward, haste away, flee; hasten doubt; copulative or aggregative compound
towards; rush upon (ac.); escape safely to (in which the members are connected in sense
^ i f i i dravina-r&si, m. heap of money (ac.), v i , disperse, flee; burst: pp. run away, with and): -m, in. by twos, in pairs.
or valuables; -adhipati, m. lord of treasures, fled; destroyed; burst; unsteady; distraught;
cs. put to flight, sam, run together. ig^-q^ dvamdva-fcara, a. living in pairs ;
Kubera; ^isvara, TO. possessor of wealth.
m. ruddy goose (v. Aakravaka); -bhava, m.
S ^ f a n f t ^ dravirao-da, § [ dr-TI, TO. n. [splitting: V d r i ] wood; discord; -«as, ad. in pairs; -samprah&ra, TO.
** wooden implement; *m. tree; branch. duel with (saha). [tradictory.
a. bestowing wealth.
S^fatfJ drav-i-tnti, a. swift, j T J ^ drug-dhd, pp. of Vdruh. dvamdv-ln, a. forming a pair ; con-

j ^ f a j ^ d r a v i - b h f l , become fluid. 5^PTJYlru-ghawd,m.[wooden striker], (wood- ^ ^ t ^ d v a m d v i - b h Q , pair ; join battle ; be

en) club; - g h n i , / . wood-chopper. irresolute regarding (lc.).
1. drav-ya, a. arboreal (v. dru).
2. drav-ya, n. [fp. movable: V d r u ] g^TT dru-ta, pp. run away, fled; swift; ra- dvay-a, a. (x) twofold, of two sorts,
object, thing; substance, matter; property; pidly uttered; melted, liquid; wet with (-°): double ; i , f . pair; two things; n. id. (-° a.
gold; implement; fit object: - t v a , n. sub- -m, ad. quickly, instantly, -taram, ad. more /.&); duplicity; masculine and feminine gen-
stantiality ; - k w a , a. of slender means, poor; quickly; as quickly as possible. der (gr.).
128 dvaya-sa. dvish.

dvaya-sa, a. (i) having the height, dvi-, two. duplication ; -devatya, a. sacred to two dei-
ties ; *-drowa, n. sg. two drowas (measure):
depth, or length of, reaching to i.dvi-ka, a. consisting of t w o ; two; in- in. two drowas at a time.
^[?T^iTdvaya-hina,p2>. of the neuter gender, creased by two: w. satam, n. 102 = 2 per cent.
f ^ J dvi-dha, a. split, forked.
f|[c(i 2. dvi-ka, m. crow (having two k's in its
^ r r f ^ d v a y a - v f u , a. double, dishonest. dvi-dhS, ad. twofold, in two (parts);
name kaka).
^T dvfi, old nm. du. of dva in two ways ; - kri, divide in two; - bhtl or
f ^ R j f a dvi-karma-ka, a. having two ob- gam, be divided, break. [kinds.
^ N f<^^dva-Aatvarimsat,/ forty-two: jects, governing two accusatives ; -gava, a.
dvidhajikara, a. twofold, of two
-i,/.id.; -trimsa, a. (1) thirty-second; -trim- yoked with two oxen ; -gn, m. numeral com-
sat,/. thirty-two. pound (the first member beinganumeral); (i)- fg;'vj q+l f^^dvi-netra-bhedin, a. knocking
guna (or a), a. double, twofold; twice as out both eyes. [with trunk and mouth).
gfT^T dvS-das^, a. (1) twelfth; consisting great or much as (ab., ; folded double:
of twelve, having twelve parts; increased by -tara, cpv. id., - t a , / . , -tva, n. duplication. fl^tf dvi-pa, TO. elephant (drinking twice,
twelve; making twelve with; 1,/. twelfth
day of the fortnight. f^ajiy^T dviguwa-ya, den. P . double, mul- f ^ R j f ^ n i dvi-pan/ca-vimsa, n. du. twice
tiply by two : pp. ita, doubled, put round twenty-five ; -pawA&sa, a. fifty-second; n. du.
dvadasa-ka, a. twelfth ; consisting twice fifty.
of or amounting to twelve; n. twelve; -ka- double.
pala, a. distributed in twelve bowls; -dha, f^jqj dviguna-ya, A . be doubled. f^M^I dvi-pad (or -pAd: strong base -p4d),
a. two-footed; having two p&das (verse); m.
ad. twelvefold.
f ^ J u H ® dviguwi-kri,double,put on double; biped, man; n. coll. men ; m. metre contain-
^l«^UI»^dv£(-dasan (or an), a. pi. twelve.
enfold doubly; -bhu, be doubled, become ing two padas.
dvSdasa-pada, a. consisting of twice as great. [lies.
f ^ ^ dvi-pada, a. id.; m. man; n. a metre;
twelve words; -ratra, n. period of twelve ( g ^ r ^ dvi-gotra, a. belonging to two fami-
days; -varshika, a. (1) twelve years old; &,/. verse containing two padas.
lasting twelve (years); -vidha,a. twelvefold; f ^ x j f J ' ^ S f i dvi-Aatur-asra-ka, m. kind of f ^ M ^ l T dvipa-dana, n. temple juice of ele-
-sata, n.112: i , / i 2 0 o ; -sahasra, a. (1) con- posture. phants in rut. [song.
sisting of 12,000 years.
dvi-p3, a. twice-born; m. member of f ^ f ^ R T dvi-pad-ika, / . a metre ; kind of
dvldasaabda, a. lasting twelve the three upper castes (reborn by investiture);
years; ^ara, a. having twelve spokes; - aha, (invested) Brahman; bird (as being first pro- f ^ ^ f ^ t dvi-pad-i, / . a metre containing two
a. lasting twelve days ; m. period of twelve duced in the egg) ; tooth (because renewed): pddas; kind of song in this metre: -khanda,
days ; a certain twelve days' (Soma) feast. -tva, n. state of a Brilhman; -panman, a. TO. n. kind of stanza.
having a double birth or birthplace; m.
^ T W n r dvt-pan a. (i) fifty-second ; member of the three upper castes; esp. Brah- H ^ y f d dvipa-pati, TO. lord of elephants;
-paw£a«at, f . fifty-two. man. lordly or full-grown elephant.
fl^lM^ dva-p^ra (or £), m. n. die or side of dvf-pSda, a. (i) two-footed.
t ^ T W T dvip-a-maya, a. (1) consisting of
die marked with two points; also personified; Brahmans; -mukhya, m. chief of the twice- f^Trrf^rsi: dvi-payin, TO. elephant (drink-
third cosmic age (lasting 2000 years). born, Brahman; -rapa, m. moon; - rt'shi, m. ing twice, i. e. with trunk and mouth).
^ T T dvar, / . door, gate, entrance; egress, priestly sage ( = brahmarshi); - l i i i g i n , a.
opportunity; expedient, way, means: in. bearing the distinctive marks of a Brahman; f ^ m f ^ dvipaari,TO. (foe of elephants), lion;
dvara, by means of, through, by (-°). -vara, m. best among the twice-born, Brah- - i n d r a , m. lord of elephants; lordly or full-
man ; -sreshf Aa, -sattama, m. id.; -jigrya, grown elephant.
^[T^ dvara, n. (m})id.; aperture (esp. those TO. chief of the twice-born, Brahman.
of the body); way to, means of attaining (g., f ^ H s n f a ' T l dvi-pravra^ini, a. f . running
; a. effected by: in. (e-na), by (means f ^ l l f d dvi-pati. «. having two births; m. after two men, unchaste; -bahu, a. two-
member of the three upper castes; esp. Brah- armed; to. man; -bh4ga, m. half; -bh&dra,
of), in consequence of (-°).
man : -mukhya, m. chief of the twice-born, a.having two months of Bhadra ; -bhupa, a.
dvara-ka, n. door, gate; a. ef- two-armed; -matra, a. twice as great; con-
Brahman. [to Brahmans.
fected b y ; 4, f . City of many gates on the taining two morae; - m u k h a , a. (i) two-
west point of Gujerat, supposed to have been f ^ W r f W R ^ I dvipatisat-kri, present (ac.) mouthed ; -murdhan, a. two-headed; -rada,
swallowed up by the sea, N. of Krishna's a. having two tusks; m. elephant; -r&tr&, a.
dvl-pihva, a. double-tongued (-ta,
residence. lasting two days; TO. feast lasting two days.
/. abst. n.) ; deceitful; m. serpent.
^nTdvara-ta,/. access: -m gram, become fg^ifll dvir-ukta, pp. said twice, repeated;
the occasion of (g.) to (g.); -darsin, m. jani- fg^|«j^dvipajndra,iw.lordofthetwice-born, reduplicated; n. reduplication; - u k t i , / . re-
tor, porter; -nayaka, m. janitor, chamber- Brahman ; ^isvara,?w.M.; moon; ^uttama,
petition, doubling.
lain ; -pa, m. janitor; -paksha, to. fold of a m. highest of the twice-born, Brahman.
door; door: -ka, n. id.: -ubhayatas Aa dva- f^[Z%f^tdvitf-sevin, a. s e r v i n g = b e i n g in dvi-rftp£, a. two-coloured; having
rapakshakayoA, on both sides of the door: two forms, twofold; -retas, a. (ass) impreg-
secret alliance with the enemy; m. traitor. nating doubly (i. e. mare and she-ass); -re-
-pafta, rn. id.; -pati, to. janitor,chamberlain;
-pala, m. door-keeper : -ka, m., i-ka, f . id.; f^TT dvi-t£, m. N. of a god (second form of pha, TO. kind of bee (lit. containing two r's
-pidh&na, n. door-bolt; -phalaka, n. fold of Agni: cp. Trita); N. of a seer. in its name bhramara).
a door; -bahu, ra. door-post; -rakshin, in- dvi-taya, a. twofold, double; both dvir-bhava, TO. doubling, reduplica-
door-keeper ; -vamsa, to. lintel of a door;
-vat, a. many-gated : -1, f . N. of Krishna's (pi. if both parts are regarded as pi.); n. pair. tion ; duplicity; -vaAana, n. reduplication.
residence; -stha, a. standing at the door or t^rTT dvita, in. ad. (only in B P . ) likewise, f ^ S n i dvi-laksha, n. distance of two hun-
gate; m. janitor. [berlain. equally, so also. dred thousand yoganas; -laksharaa, a. of two
descriptions, twofold; -laya, to. (?) double
^ T X j f ^ r o dvaraadhipa, TO. janitor, cham- f ^ r f t ^ 1 .dvi-tiya, a.second: -m,ac?.secondly; time (in music); -vaAana, n. (terminations
a second time; m. companion, friend; foe ; of the) dual; -varna, a. two-coloured; -var-
^Tft^fi dvar-ika, $ | | < ^ d v a r -in, m. %d. a. accompanied by, furnished with ; a, / . sha, a. two years old; -varshaka, a. (ikfi;
^ l ^ l a dvari-kri, employ as a mediator. female companion; second day of the fort- id.; - v a s t r a , a. clothed in an upper and an
night; (terminations of the) second case, accu- under garment; -vidha, a. twofold, of two
•^T^ dvSr-ya, a. belonging to the door; a, sative ; word in the accusative case (gr.); 2. kinds; -vidh&, ad. twofold.
f . door-post. -tiya, a. with bhaga, m. half; n. half.
f^^jlrl dvi-sata, a. (i) consisting of aoo;
^ U f a ^ dva-vmsa, a. twenty-second. f ^ t dvi-tra, a. pi. two or three. 200th; n. 200 or 102; -gapha, a. cloven-
P ^ R ^ f J ^ + t dvi-tri-Aatur-am, ad. twice, hoofed ; to. animal with cloven hoofs; -sas,
flilfaajfTf dva-vimsati, f . twenty-two. ad. by twos; -siras, a. two-headed; -m'nga,
thrice or four times; -tri-Aatnsh-pailAaka,
^ I ^ H f d dvef -saptati, f . seventy-two. a. increased by two, three, four, or five; with a. having two horns or peaks.
^Ti^T dvaA-stha, a. standing at the door; «atam, n. =two, three, four, or five per cent. D V I S H , I I . d v l s h / i , dvishte, dis-
m. janitor. dvi-tva, n. t w o ; duality; dual; re- like, be hostile to, show one's hatred

f^tf dvish. dhaneM&a. 129
towards, hate (ac., sts. d. or g.); vie with, be ^ dv-rifca, m. stanza of two verses. dvaipa, a. 1. dwelling on an island (dvi-
a n^tch for : pp. dvisbia, hateful, disagree- pa); 2. coming from the panther (dvipin).
able, odious; hostile. pra, dislike; hate, v i , dve-dM, ad. in two parts, twofold:
id.; A.be at enmity: pr.pt. P. A. hostile ;TO.foe; -krita, pp. broken in two. [ting in two. dvaipada, a. consisting of dvipadas.
pp. hated, odious; hostile to (lc.); cs. -dvesb-
^ V T f ^ n m dvedM-kriya,/. breaking, split- ^ T R R dvaipayana, ra. Islander, ep. of
aya, P. make enemies of; disgust (ac.).
dvesh-a, ra. dislike, abhorrence, hatred Vyasa ; a. relating to Dvaipayana.
f ^ I dvish, / . (nm. dvit) enmity, hate ; m.f.
(of,-°); malice, malignity: -m kri, show one's
foe ; a. disliking, hostile to, hating (-°). dvaip-ya, a. dwelling on or coming from •
hatred towards (d., lc.).
an island.
f ^ f dvish-a, a. hating (- 0 ). "^mJT dvesh-area, a. disliking, h a t i n g ; n.
dislike, hatred, hostility towards (g. or -°); trj^dvai-matura, a. having two mothers
dvish-at, pr. pt. ( / . -anti) hating, (real and step-); having different mothers
disliking, hostile; m. foe. [ableness. -aniya, fp. hateful.
(brothers); - bhr&tri, m. step-brother; - m a s -
^ R ^ d v e s h - a s , n. abhorrence, hatred ; foe. ya, a. lasting two months; -ratba, n. ( + yud-
f ^ g ^ T dvishfa-tva, n.hatefulness, disagree-
dvesha-stha, a. cherishing dislike. dha) single combat with chariots; single
dvl-s, ad. twice : *dvir abna, abnah, fight; ra. adversary ; -ra^ya, n. dominion
or ahni, twice a day. dvesh-in, a. disliking, hating, ab- divided between two kings ; frontier; -vidh-
horring (g. or -°) ; seeking to injure; m. foe; ya, n. twofold nature, duality; -samdbya,(?)
faFrf* dvi-saptati, / . seventy-two ; -sa- n. the two twilights.
-tri, m. hater, enemy.
basra, n. two thousand; - s u r y a , a. having
two suns. dvesh-ya, fp. hateful, odious; m. foe : dviamsa, ra. sg. two parts : i, f . id.;
- t a , / . , -tva, n. odiousness. a. having two shares; -jiksba, a. (i) two-
f^t^JTf dvi/t-sama, a. twice as great.
eyed ; ^aksbara, n. sg. two syllables ; a.
dvai-gun-ya, n. double amount.
f f f T ^ T I dvi-h&yana, a. (i) two years old ; (also r£) dissyllabic; n. dissyllabic word ;
-bina, pp. (devoid of the two, i. e. of m. and dvai-^ata, a. belonging to or con- ^anu-ka, a. combination of two atoms; - adbi-
/.), of the neuter gender; n. neuter. sisting of the twice-born. ka, a. increased by two, two later than
(tataA); two more; - antara, a. separated
dvipd,m. n. [dviap-a, having water on ^ t ! dvaitd, n. duality ; -vada, ra. dualistic by two intermediate links; ^abhiyoga, m.
both sides'], sandbank in a river; island; con- prosecution of two kinds ; -j&rtha, a. having
centric terrestrial island (the world being con- dvait-in, ra. dualist. [doctrine.
two senses, ambiguous ; ^ardba, a. one and
sidered to consist of 4, 7,13, or 18 such encir- dvaidha, a. divided ; twofold, double: a half; ^aba, a. lasting two days; m. period
cling Mount Meru like the petals of a lotus). -m, ad. in two parts; n. duality; doubleness ; of two days : -m, for two days; ab., lc. after
g^ftjcfif]^ dvipi-karwi,ra.N.ofahing; -Air- difference; conflict, contradiction; division two days; - aba-vritta,pp. having happened
of forces. two days ago.
man, n. tiger-skin.
t q dvaidbi-bhava, m. double nature, d v i t s y a , a. two-mouthed.
^ f a ^ d v i p - i n , ra. (having insulated spots),
panther, leopard, *tiger. [islands). duality; division of forces; double game, du-
gT^Zf dvijiktha, a. pronouncing two ukthas;
plicity ; uncertainty, doubt.
-jirawa, a. having two lambs; - eka antara,
i f H - n dvip-in-i,/. river ; ocean (having S^tTl^dvaidhi-bhfi, be divided; come into
a. having two or one (caste) intervening (i. e.
^TZf dvlp-ya, a. dwelling on islands. conflict with itself, be at variance. three or two grades lower).

dha, a. (- 0 ) placing, putting; bestowing, dhanadajmug-a, rn. son of Kubera, ^4*11f*J*^dhanaarthin, a. eager for money,
dhak, nm. of -dah. [granting. dhana-deva, m. N. [ep. of Ravawa. avaricious ; -^asa, /. hope of making money.
NsTf^P? dhan-ika, a. rich ; ra. rich man ;
Vf'rfTT dhag-iti, ad. in a trice. Y T T ^ ^ X dhanadajsvara, ra. ep. of Kubera creditor; N.; -in, a. wealthy; ra. rich man ;
V Z dhafa, m. [dhar-tra, weigher], scale of (wealth-bestowing god). creditor; -isb^Aa,spv. extremely rich: k,f.
a balance; 1,/. loin-cloth. V T T n i dhana-nSsa, m. loss of property ; sg. Sf pi. N.ofa lunar mansion (Sravish^M).
-pati, ra. lord of wealth; rich man; ep. of 1. dhanu, ra. bow.
V T J ^ dhattQra, m. white thorn-apple (da- Kubera; -para, a. intent on money; -mada,
tura alba) ; n. its fruit; n. gold. rn. pride of wealth : -vat, a. purse-proud; 2. dhdnu,/. sandbank; shore ; island
I I H " D H A N , I I I . P . dadban-ti, set in mo- -mitra, m. N. of a merchant; -mula, a. hav- (also of clouds).
tion, cause to run; cs. dbanaya, id.; A . ing its root in = arising from wealth ; -yau-
dhanur-graha, ra. bowman, archer:
run. " vana-salin, a. endowed with wealth and
-graba, -grabin, ni. id.; -^ya,/. bowstring;
youth; -raksba, a. money-saving, penurious;
\ f f d h a - n a , n. [deposit: \/dh&], V.: prize -rupa, n.particular kind of wealth; -lobba, -durga, a. inaccessible because of a desert;
of a contest; booty ; stake or winnings in m. avarice; -vat, a. wealthy; ra. rich man; n. fortress protected by a desert; -dbara, a.
play; contest; V. C.: chattels, goods, pro- ocean: -i, f . N.; -vargita, pp. destitute of bearing a bow; m. archer; -dbarin, -bbrit,
perty, wealth, treasure, money; reward, gift; wealth,poor; -viparyaya, m. loss of property; a. m. id.; -yantra, n. bow; - y a s h / i , / . id.;
abundance in ; a. possessing. -vriddba, pp. rich in money; -vyaya, ra. ex- -yogyk, f . practice in archery; - l a t a , / , bow;
penditure of money. - v i d y a , / . archery; -veda, m. id.
VT^SYST dhana-kosa, m. treasury, store of d h a n u s h - k a , a . = V^Jtt. 1 • dhanus.
wealth; -ksbaya, m. loss of money or pro- ^•RT^nT dhana-sawfcaya, m.: -na, n. accu-
perty; -garva, w.JV.(Purse-proud); - g u p t a , mulation of riches ; -sanfcayin, a. rich; m. dhanush-klwdfa, n. sg. bow and
pp. hoarding his money, penurious, miserly; rich man; -sarapatti, f . riches ; -sadbana, arrow; -kara, -kr/t, ra. bow-maker; -ko£i
- g o p t n , ra. penurious man, miser: -ta, f . n. acquisition of riches; -stb&na, n. treasury: (or 1), notched end of a bow; -kbafu/a, n.
penuriousness; -g&ta, n. pi. the genus pro- •^adbikarin, ra. treasurer; -svamin, ra. mo- piece of a bow; -pa/fi, a. bow in hand, armed
perty, goods of all kinds. nied man, capitalist; -bina, pp. destitute of with a bow; -mat, a. (-1) armed with a bow;
dhanara-grayd, a. winning b o o t y ; wealth, poor : -ta, f . poverty. TO. bowman: - t a , / . archery.
victorious in fight; m. fire ; vital air that fat- V n T T dhanajigama, ra. acquisition of 1. dMn-us, n. b o w ; a measure of
tens ; ep. of Argmna ; N.: -vigraya, ra. Vic- wealth, income; -Jkdhy&, a. rich: -ta, f . length ( = 4 hastas).
tory of Arguna, T. of a play. wealth; ^adbika, a. rich ; - adbipa, - adbi- 2. dhan-us, n. desert.
VT^t^Tdhana-tr iptij/". sufficiency of money; pati, m. ep. of Kubera; ^adhyaksba, m.
treasurer: ^anvita, pp. wealthy; ^apti, f . dhan-n, / . = 2. dhanu.
-da, a. wealth-giving, liberal; ra. Giver of
wealth, ep. of Kubera; N.; -&&nd&, m. fine; acquisition of treasure.
dhanaJfcZcAa, / . desire for gold :
-datta, m. N. of various merchants; -da, a. dhana-ya, den. P . A . long for (d., g.); •^isa,TO.possessor of wealth, rich man; ep.
bestowing wealth. A. value. of Kubera; ^isvara, m. ep. of Kubera; n.
130 dhan-ya. dharm-in.

N. of a locality (?); ^jiisvarya, n. dominion ^rfT^ft" dhar-i-tri, / . supporter; earth. the manner only; a. relating to attributes
of or lordship over wealth; ^esbin, a. de- only; only attributive; -marga, m. path of
manding his money; m. creditor ; ^ a s h m a n , dhar-i-man, TO. balance: (-ima)- virtue ; -mula, n. source of the sacred law
m. (heat = ) burning desire of riches. m e y a , / » . measurable by weight. or of justice; -yukta, pp. endowed with
virtue, virtuous, just; harmonizing with the
>3RIdh£n-ya, «• wealthy; procuring wealth ; V ^ P J dhar-tina, a. (i) bearing, supporting; law; -yuddha, ra. fair contest; -rakshita,
auspicious, salutary; happy, fortunate; spacious; m. bearer, supporter; n. support, f . N.; -rata, pp. delighting in virtue ; -rati,
abounding in; m. N. foundation; firm ground; n., i , / . receptacle. a. id.; -rkg,TO.king of justice, ep. ©/"Yama;
-rapa, m. just king, ep. of Yama; -r&pan,
VpZRidhanya-ba, m.N.; -tara, cpv. luckier • S p i f f s dharnasi, a. strong, vigorous. TO. ep. o/Yudhish^Aira; -ruM, a. delighting
(than, in.) ; -ta, / . fortunate condition. in virtue ; N.of a Ddnava; -lopa, m. neglect
dhar-tn, TO., -tri', / . supporter ; pre-
dhanyam-manya, a. deeming one- of duty; absence of an attribute (rh.); -vat,
^sHl dhar-trdi, n. support. [server. a. virtuous, just: -i, f . N.; -vardhana, a.
self happy.
increasing virtue (Sim); m. N.; -vada, m.
%4«eTl<^C4 dhanyaudaya, m. N. dh^r-ma, TO. established order, usage, discourse on virtue or duty ; -vadin, a. dis-
institution, custom, prescription; rule; duty; coursing on duty; -vipaya, TO. triumph of
D H A N Y , I. P . dhanva, run. virtue, moral merit, good works ; right; jus- virtue or justice ; -vid, a. knowing the sa-
X tice ; law (concerning, g. or ; often per- cred law or one's duty; versed in customary
^ R f dhanva, n. bow (only -°); m. N. sonified, esp. as Yama, judge of the dead, law ; -viplava,TO.violation of the law ; -vi-
^ and as a Prapapati; nature, character, es- veAana, n. discussion of the law or of duty ;
dhanva-durga = dhanur-durga.
sential quality, characteristic attribute, pro- -vriddha, pp. rich in virtue; -vyatikrama,
1. dh^n-van, n. bow (in C. almost ex- perty : in. dharmena, in accordance with law, m. transgression of the law; -vyavastha, / .
clusively a.). [land; desert. custom, or duty, as is or was right; — a f t e r judicial decision; -vyadha, m.N. ofa virtu-
the manner of, in accordance with; dharme ous hunter.
2. dhan-van, n.; m. (in C. only) dry
sthita, observing the law, true to one's duty.
l|<q«| dhanvana, m. a tree; n. its fruit. ^nfornEfT dharma-s&sana, n. manual of
dharma-karman, n. virtuous ac- law ; -mstra, n. authoritative compendium
\|rc|«ttf^ dhanvan-tari, m. [moving in an tion, good work; -karya, n. religious duty ; of law ; law-book ; -sastrin, m. adherent of
arc] N.of a being worshipped, as a god; ep. -kritya, n. performance of duty, religious rite; the law-books : pi. a certain school; -,sila,
of the sun; N. of the physician of the gods, -kosa, TO. treasury of the law; -kriya, f . a. just, virtuous; m.N.; -samyukta, pp.
produced at the churning of the ocean: -yag- performance of meritorious acts; religious legal; -samsrita, pp. just, virtuous; -samka-
na, m. sacrifice to Dhanvantari. ceremonies; -kshetra, n. Field of Law ( = t h k , f . p l . discourses on virtue ; -samgrik,f.
Kurukshetr»);-gupta,/^j.IV. (law-protected); sense of duty; -samaya, TO. obligation en-
dhanvftyana, m. archer. -gopa, TO. N.of a prince; - g h n a , a. violat- tered into; -sadhana, n. fulfilment of duty;
V f ^ dhanv-in, a. armed with a bow; m. ing the law, illegal; -Aakra, n. wheel of the necessary means for the fulfilment of duty;
archer. law (as a symbol of far-reaching justice); -sutra, n. sfitra treatise on customary law ;
-Parana, TO., - A a r y a , / . fulfilment of duties ; -sena, TO. N. of a merchant; -sevana, u.
^ D H A M , v. DHMA. -/.arin, a. fulfilling one's duty, virtuous: fulfilment of duty; -skandha, TO. chapter on
dham-a^rf. blowing, melting ( - 0 ) ; -ana, (n)i, f . wife who is a companion in duty; law; -stha, m. judge; -sthuwa-rar/a, m.
a. blow'ug away, dispersing; m. reed; n. -gn, a. begotten for the sake of duty ; -giv- main pillar of the law ; -sv&min, m. N.of a
ana, a. living by the performance of good temple erected by king Dharma; -hantri,
smelting; - a n i , / . whistling; tube, pipe, ves-
works; -gna, a. knowing the law, - one's TO. (-tri, / . ) violator of the law ; -hani, / .
sel (in the body), vein (also 1).
duty or what is right: - t a ,f. abst. N.; -guana, neglect of duty; -hina ,pp. excluded from the
dhamma/a, m. N. ^ n. knowledge of the law, - of what is right. pale of the law.
VfTR^iT dhammika, f . N. tiWcT; dharma-taA, ad. by right; accord- I I dharmajlkhySna, n. setting forth
ing to the (sacred) law or rule ; as regards of duty ; ^JI£&RYA, TO. teacher of the law;
\ f f a W dhammilla, m. braided hair tied or for the sake of spiritual merit; through -jitikrama, m. transgression of the law ;
round the heads of women (-0 a.,f. a or -44). virtue; from a pious motive; also ••= ab. (-°); -atma-ta, f . justice, virtue ; p i t m a n , a.
VSJ dhay-a, a. sucking, sipping (- 0 , g.). -datta, m. N.; -daua, n. gift from a sense having a virtuous nature, conscious of duty,
of duty, disinterested gift; -dara, m. law- just; -Jldesaka, TO. instructor in the law
dhar-a, a. (gnly. - ° ) bearing, holding; ful wife ; -drishii, a. having an eye for ( = (v. I. for dharma-desaka); •^adharma-^ila,
wearing ; keeping, preserving ; maintaining, a sense of) justice; -deva, TO. god of justice; a. knowing right and wrong; -adharma-
supporting; observing, remembering, know- -desaka, m. instructor in the law ; -desana, parikshana, n. enquiry as to right and
ing ; possessing; k,f. earth. /. instruction in the law ; -druh, a. violating wrong; kind of ordeal; ^adhikarana, n. law
ll^*!! dMr-ana, a. (i) bearing, preserving; the law; -dhnrya, court: ^adhish£Aita-purusha, m. law court
n. holding, supporting; procuring (- 0 ); sup- a. foremost in ( = paragon official, -sthana, n. court of justice; - adhi-
port ; m.n. a certain weight (= io palas). of) virtue; -dhvapa, TO. N.; -dhvapin, a. kara, m. administration of justice; ^adhi-
flaunting the flag of virtue, hypocritical. karanika, TO. judge; ^adhikarin, TO. id. ;
V T i f t r d h a r - a n i , / . earth: *-tala-taitila,m. dhar-m£n, TO. bearer, supporter.
^adhikrita, (pp.) TO. id.; -adhish^tana,
god on earth, Brahman; -dhara, a. support- 2. dhar-man, n. (C. only sup- n. court of justice; ^adhyaksha, m. chief
ing or preserving the earth, ep. of Vishnu or port ; settled order, law, usage, manner; law justice ; -jidhvan,TO.path of virtue; - a n u -
Krishna; m.mountain; -pati,-bhut/,-bhrit, of a thing's being, characteristic, property; kankshin, a. striving after justice; intent
TO. prince, king. right conduct; duty towards (Ic.): in. in on righteousness; - a n u s h ^ i n a , n. fulfilment
order, duly. of the law; ^abhisheka-kriya,/. prescribed
V R T ^ dhar-ara-i, / . [supporter], earth: ablution,
-dhara, a. supporting or preserving the earth; dharma-natha, TO. lawful pro- c
ep. of Krishna or Vishnu ; m. mountain; tector ; -nitya, a. persistent in duty; -pati, dharmaarareya, n. f o r e s t f y r the
king; N.; -dhra, TO. mountain; -bhrit, a. TO. lord of order; -patni, / . lawful wife ; performance of religious duties; hermj^Fwood;
supporting the earth;TO.mountain; -mand- -patha, m. path of duty or virtue; -para, N. of a forest in Madhyadesa; N.q$ a city;
ala, n. circle of the earth, orlis terrarum; -parayana, a. devoted to duty, righteous ; ^artha-yukta, pp. according with the good
-ruha, m. (growing in the earth), tree; -va- -psUAaka, m. teacher of law, jurist; -pida, and the useful; ^JU'rita, pp. just, virtuous ;
raha, m. N. of a king. f . violation of duty; -puta, pp. of unsullied ^asana, n. judgment-seat; ^asti-k&ya, m.
dhara-dhara, a. a preserving or virtue; -pratibhu, a. for which justice is category of virtue (with the Jains); - ahrita,
supporting the earth; ep. of Vishnu or Kri- surety; -pravaktri,TO.teacher of law, jurist; pp. legitimately acquired.
shna ; m. mountain : ^indra, m. lord of -pr a v r i t t i , / . practice of virtue, virtuous con- y j j f ^ ^ dharmi-tva, n. justice, virtue, de-
mountains, the Himalaya ; -dhava, m. king; duct ; -buddhi, a. righteous-minded; N.;
votion to duty; obligation or duty of; pos-
- adhipa, TO. lord of earth, king; -pati, m. -bhagini, f . woman admitted to the rights
session of the characteristics of.
lord of earth, ep. of Vishnu; prince, king; of a sister; sister in faith (Pr.); -bhagin, a.
-bhu;/, TO. (enjoyer of earth), king; -bhrit, possessed of virtue, virtuous; -bhikshu-ka, ^ f i ^ * ^ dharm-in, a. observing the law,
m. (supporter of earth), mountain. TO. beggar for virtuous reasons ; -bhrit, a. knowing one's duty, virtuous; having attri-
maintaining the law, just (king) ; -bhr&tri, butes ; observing the law of or having
\ r T T T C dharfiamara, TO. god on earth, TO. brother in the sacred law, co-religionist; the rights of, having the nature, peculiarities,
Brahman; -saya, a. sleeping on the ground. -maya, a. consisting of virtue; -matra, n. or characteristics of.
^ifife dharm-ish^a. \rrdha. 131
\|pliBclharm-is]^ /ta, thoroughly versed put down, immerse, shut up, enclose, in (Ic.); vi-ni, distribute ; lay aside, put down; place
in duty, very just or virtuous; completely give heed, attend ; ps. impv. avadbiyatam, or put on or in; direct (thoughts or gaze) to-
harmonizing with the law or duty. let attention be paid to (Ic.) : pp. enclosed in wards (Ic.); appoint to an office (Ic.); hridi
(Ic.); fallen into the water; attentive, to (Ic.); take any one (ac.) into one's heart, sara-
V + f 1 ^ dharmajpsu, a. striving after moral cs. cause to be placed in (Ic.). viava, inter- ni, put down together in (Ic.); lay down,
merit. pose ; interrupt; put aside ; ps. impv. vya- keep; deposit in (Ic.) ; accumulate; direct
vadhiyatam, one should separate oneself (the gaze) towards (Ic.); place near; A . be
VTTTT^ dharmauttara, a. devoted to jus- from (ab.): pp. remote; hidden, rendered present in (Ic.); be near or present: pp. near,
tice, virtue, or duty; ^upadera, m. instruc- invisible, by (—°) ; checked, obstructed, by present, at hand, imminent; ready for (d.);
tion or precepts regarding the sacred law or (-°) ; removed from any thing = merely re- cs. bring near; ps. manifest oneself, pari,
duty; body of law; -jupadesana, f . instruc- lating to, not immediately affected (gr.); cs. P. A . put round; put on (a garment); clothe,
tion regarding the law; -jupamiL, f . simile separate, a, generally A . in C., place, set, lay, with (in.); attire oneself; surround; P. con-
based on a common characteristic attribute. put (in or on, Ic.); deposit seed in (g.); dedi- clude (a liturgical recitation); cs. cause to
dharm-ya, a. lawful, legal, legitimate; cate actions to (Ic.); instil virtues into (Ic.); put on, clothe in (2 ac.). vi-pari, change
permitted by the sacred tradition, customary; direct the gaze towards (Ic.); fix the mind or (esp. a garment); change one's clothes, pra,
i jst, honest; befitting (gr.). thoughts on (Ic.); bestow care ; put wood on set before ; send out (spies). prati, place in
the fire ; stake (at play) ; pledge, pawn ; (Ic.); adjust (an arrow), aim ; raise to the
v f o dharsh-aka, a. assailing ( - 0 ) ; -araa, grant to, confer on (d., g., Ic.); transfer to lips (goblet); put down (the feet); offer ;
n., A,/.assault, ill-treatment, offence; -aniya, (Ic.); employ for (Zc.); A . seize; take, accept, employ; restore ; restrain; A. ps. begin,
fp. easy to assail or conquer; -in, a. assailing, receive; conceive (garbham); accept (a doc- anu-prati, present after another (ac.). vi,
ill-treating, offending (-°). trine) ; take (a vow); get into a passion, etc.; distribute; procure, grant, bestow; fulfil
produce, cause : pp. resting on (Ic.); pledged. (desires); determine, prescribe, ordain; secure
I J c ^ D H A V , dhavate, run (RV.). ati&, raise above: pp. disagreeable. anujl, (a maintenance) ; show, display (emotion) ;
add (fuel to the fire), stir (fire): pp. handed create, form, fashion; construct, build, lay
dhav-3, m. man ; husband ; lord ; a on to another for restoration to the owner out; arrange, divide ; procure; devise (a
shrub. (pledge). abM_a, place (esp.fuel) on the fire means); perform, effect, produce, achieve,
dhava-la, a. dazzling white ; m. N.; (Ic.); lay on (fire), upaji, place upon (Ic.): bring about; make, do; contrive; so manage
n. N. of a city: - g i r l , m. Dolaghir, N. of a pp. produced, caused; gd. taking with one, that (tatha-yatha) ; hold (counsel, sway, of-
mountain (WhiteMountain); -grtlia,n.upper with (ac.). parijl, surround (with fire): pp. fice); conclude (friendship, peace); commence
storey (so called because painted white); -ta, anticipated by a younger brother in kindling (hostilities) ; put on (clothes); show (honour,
f., -tva, n. whiteness; -paksha, m. (white- the sacred fire, sam-a, add (fuel to the fire); hospitality); give (a kiss); fight (a battle);
winged) goose : -vihaffjg'ama, m. swan; -mu- stir (fire); place, set, put, on or in (Ic.); put (questions) ; turn into e. g. a lion (sim-
kha, m. N. adjust (an arrow); impose; fix (mind or hatvam); make, appoint, or render any one
gaze) on (Ic.); collect the thoughts, concen- (2 ac.); put or iay in or on (Ic.); place be-
V ^ R I dhavala-ya, den. P . w h i t e n ; illu- trate the mind (atmanam or manas); be ab- fore (agrataA), or below (adhaA); take to
mine : pp. dhavalita, whitened; illumined. sorbed in prayer ; conceive the thought (ma- heart (Ic.); direct (the mind) towards (Ic.);
tim or manas), resolve to (iti with oratio despatch (spies); P. take trouble with (d.) ;
II4J dhavala-ya, den. P. become or look recta) ; entrust to (Ic.) ; establish in (Ic.); ps. be allotted to or intended for (g.) ; be ac-
dazzling white : pp. dbaval&yita. redress, remedy ; retrieve ; produce, cause; counted (nm.); be designed for a husband
' t i q f ^ f i ^ dhaval-i-man, m. whiteness; A. put on (garment), assume (a shape) ; ap- (nm.); kim vidbiyatam tena, what is to be
brilliance; pureness. propriate ; display (anger, courage); show done with that'? des. seek to determine or
(honour) ; undergo (effort); devote oneself establish ; wish to devise (an expedient) ;
dhavali,/. white cow; white hair. completely to (ac.); settle, establish, dispose think of acquiring (money) ; wish to render
V f i f t dhav-i of a difficulty; admit, grant: pp. joined or (2 ac.); wish to contrive : pr.pt. A. scheming,
furnished with (in., -°); united, assembled ; anu-vi, prescribe in accordance with (in.);
-tra, n. dhfi] fan, (leather) rendered; having the thoughts collected; contrive, effect; take (ac.) as a standard ; ps.
flap or whisk. having the mind concentrated, intent, on (Ic., conform to, be guided by (ac., g.). pra-vi,
I . D H A , I I I . dadh&, dadli, put, place, upa-sam-a, add (fuel); stir, kindle divide; A . mind; show great attention to
set, lay, apply, attach (to, on, in, Ic.); con- (fire); put in its place,arrange, prati-sam-a, (ac.). prati-vi, dispose, arrange; despatch
vey to (Ic.); assign or grant to, bestow on replace; restore, redress; correct or dispose (spies) ; counteract, do against (g.); oppose a
(d., g., Ic.); make, appoint, constitute (2 ac.); of (an error), ud, set up ; build up; expose, conclusion, sam-vi, determine,prescribe (A.);
cause, produce ; undertake ; hold, grasp ; upa,place or put upon or in (Ic.),under (adha- order; arrange,manage,mind; employ; make
carry ; bear (seed, etc.); wear, put on; sup- stat); affix; bestow efforts (kriyam) on (Ic. ); use of (in.); render (2 ac.): manasam - ,
port, preserve, maintain; assume, show, in- apply, employ; transfer to (d.); teach (Ic.); keep up the spirits, be of good cheer; cs. let
cur, possess ; A . take to oneself, receive, add ; take to heart (hridi) = ponder: pp. any one act, trust to any one's management,
obtain, conceive (seed); fix the mind or placed on ( - ° ) ; affixed, inserted; set (gem) sam, put or sew together, combine, join, unite
thoughts (&int&m, matim, manas) on, resolve in (Ic.) ; immediately preceded by (in., ; (with, in.) ; compose; collect; exchange
to (d., Ic., prati, inf., or iti with oratio recta); joined with (-°); conditioned by (-°); brought, words (va&am) with (in.); close (eyes); heal
place the hopes (a,sam) on (Ic.) ; ps. dhiya- produced ; misled, deceived, ni, lay, set, or (wounds); restore, redress, remedy; place
t e : pp. liiti., q. v.; cs. -dh&paya; des. di- put down (on or in, Ic.) ; bury or conceal in together on, lay down in (Ic.); gnly. A .
dhigha (M V.), P. wish to give or bestow; A . (Ic.); place on the head (Ic., rarely in.) sts. fix (an arrow) on a bow (Ic.), against (d.);
wish to obtain ; dhitsa, (F. C.) wish to place = honour; take to heart (manasi) = reflect, direct the gaze (thither, tataA) ; confer on
on (Ic.). adhi, put on; bestow on (d., Ic.); ponder; direct (the gaze) towards (Ic.); fix (Ic.), grant; give (a name) to (g.), place cre-
A. put on, assume, wear, antar, P. A . place (the mind) on (d.) = resolve ; expend labour dence (sraddham) in a thing (Ic.: A . ) ; em-
within (Ic.); place between; separate; re- (kriyam) on (Ic.); appoint to (Ic.) ; deliver, ploy for, appoint to (Ic.); involve any one in
move; cover, conceal, cause to disappear, entrust, or present to (d., Ic.); preserve in (Ic.); conclude (an alliance); inflict; afford
make invisible; P.receive in oneself, contain; the heart (hridaye, manasi) = keep inmemory; assistance (sahayyam) ; A . bring together,
ps. be concealed, disappear, a n t a r h i t a , se- bestow (one's heart) on (Ic.); keep down, re- reconcile; be united or reconciled, agree,
parated ; covered, with (-°) ; hidden, made strain ; ps. be contained in (Ic.); cs. cause to make friends, with (in.); be a match for (ac.);
invisible, vanished, in (Ic., api or p i be placed in (Ic.); cause to be kept as a de- make use of (in.); ps.be united with, come
(the latter is the commoner form from Manu posit. adhi-ni, lay^down on (Ic.); bestow into possession of (in.): pp. joined or con-
onwards), insert, in (Ic.); cover up, close, con- on (Ic.). abbi-ni, A . take or impose upon nected with, accompanied by, referring to,
ceal; jiti. be hidden, vanish: pp. hidden; suf- oneself (d.): pp. touched, upa-ni, place be- endowed with, conformable to, caused by (- 0 );
fused (eye); obstructed ; rendered invisible. side ; set before any one (d.); bring close to being on a friendly footing with (in.), ati-
abM, give up to (d.); envelope, encircle, (Ic.); bring on, produce; bury (treasure); sam, revile; deceive (v. I.); surpass, in re-
bind, with (in.); yoke; put a name upon, de- deposit with, entrust to (Ic.). pra-rci, lay gard to (prati); prejudice a thing [ac.). anu-
signate, name; declare, state, explain ; utter, down ; put on or in ; apply (a knife etc.) ; sam, fix the thoughts on, direct the attention
say; address, speak to (2 ac.); ps. be desig- set (a gem) in (Ic.) ; stretch out; touch with to, explore, investigate, observe; solve or
nated, named, or called: pp. designated, (in.); direct (thoughts or gaze) towards (Ic.): dispose of a difficulty; collect oneself (atma-
named; addressed, spoken t o ; stated, declar- pp. delivered to (d.); sent out (spies); intent nam). abhi-sam, fit or adjust (an arrow)
ed, spoken about; cs. A . cause to be named, on (Ic.); concentrated; ascertained, prati- on a bow (in.); direct (a missile) at (<?., Ic.);
pratljtbhi, take back; reply, answer; ap- ni, substitute; command: pp. appropriate.
prove. sam-abhi, speak to, address, a v a ,
S 2
132 f^ORT d h i - t a .

aim at, purpose, have in view; come to an •VsTW dha-ma, m. pi. kind of superhuman V U T T Q K dharaasara, TO. torrent of rain.
agreement with respect to (ac.); prevail over, being. dhar-i, a. bearing (- 0 ); TO. CS. of
subject, render subservient; seek to gain
over; unite or ally oneself with (in); A . • ^ r n r ^ ? dhama- kkhid, a. concealing his Vdhri (gr.).
design for, appoint (2 ac.): pp. referring to abode, ep. of an Agni and of a Vasha^kara. \ n f \ W l d h a r - i k a , / . support, pillar.
(-°) 5 gd- from interested motives, upa-sam, dha-man, n. fixed dwelling, abode, >frfl^dMr-in, a. (-0 or g.) bearing; wear-
add; increase; unite with, impart to any one realm (of the gods); esp. place of the sacred ing ; having, possessing; keeping; maintain-
(in.); have in view : pp. endowed with, ac- fire and of Soma; post (also pi.)', usage, law, ing ; retaining, remembering; preserving, ob-
companied or surrounded by (in., - ° ) ; con- order; power, majesty; light, splendour (also serving : rt-i, f. N. of Agnimitrds wife.
formable to (-°). prati-sam, P. put together pi.); priyara dbama, favourite abode, -
again; A . put on, adjust; A . return, reply; object; delight; madhyamam dhama vish- dharta-rash/ra, a. (1) belonging
A. gain insight into (ac.); P . A . recollect. noh, middle abode of Vishnu = sky. to Dhritarashtfra; m. Dhritar&sh<ra's son,
pat. of Duryodhana (pi. = the Kurus); kind
\TT 2. D H A , v. ^ DHE. W l f C dhfima-vat, a. mighty, powerful.
\fT 3. dha, a. placing etc.; giving, grant- YITITTf^R dhSmaadhipa, m. sun. dharm-ika, a. (i) righteous, virtu-
ing (r. V i - d M ) . ous ; set on or conformable to virtue; TO.
•^sTRT d M y a , m. layer.
dhaifi, / . sudden attack, surprise. devotionalist; magician (Pr.) : -t&, /., -tva,
dhay-as, a. nourishing ; n. only d. n. justice, virtue.
1. dha-tu, ra. layer ; component part to sip or nourish. [litany).
(-° a.); element (five are assumed: ether, db&r-ya, fp. to be worn or borne ;
VrrSTT dhay-ya, f . additional verse (in a - kept, - retained; - tolerated; - observed; -
air, fire, earth, water); elementary consti-
tuent of the body (seven are assumed: ali- ^iJTT dhSr-a, a. holding, bearing, support- inflicted (punishment); - directed (mind) to
mentary juice, blood,flesh,fat, bone, marrow, (ic.); - kept in view; - checked.
ing (-°) : -ka, a. id. (-°).
semen; or five: ear, nose, mouth, heart, ab- V T \ * ! r d M r - a n a , a. (-0 or g.) bearing, ^ T P ^ dharshf-ya, n. boldness, impudence.
domen; or three — dosha: wind,gall,phlegm); containing;possessing; preserving; n.(dhar-)
elementary constituent of the earth or of 1. D H A V , I. P. (L rare) dh£va,
bearing, holding; wearing; maintaining, pre- flow; run, - about, - up; - into, - after
mountains: ore, mineral,metal, esp. red chalk; serving; observanceof (g.); mental retention;
verbal element, verbal root or base. (ac.); - towards (abhimukham); rush at (ac.),
mental concentration, on (ic.) ; possession; ride at (prati); glide over (Ic.); flee: pp.
VT<J 2. dha-tu, a. suitable for sucking. suppression; endurance: -ka, a. containing -ita, running; = f i n i t e verb, began to run;
dhatu-kusala, a. skilled in metal- (~°); TO. debtor. cs. dharaya, P. cause to run, urge on; drive
lurgy; - k r i y k , f . metallurgy; -garbha-kum- \\ \ | dhar-awa,/. wearing (a dress); sup- (int.) with in. of vehicle and ac. of road;
bba, m. ash-pot; -ghosha, f . T . o f a work porting, assistance; repression; mental reten- leap, dance, anu, run after ; pursue; stream
on verbal roots; -fcurna, n. mineral powder; tion; memory; mental concentration, sus- through ; spread over, upa, run away; de-
-p&^a, m. list of verbal roots (ascribed to pension of the breath, immovable abstraction; v i a t e f r o m a previous statement, vary, abhi,
(Pdnini); -mat, a. containing elements; settled rule; understanding. flow hasten^towards; rush a t ; run to help
abounding in minerals : -ta, f . richness in (ac.), give assistance, ava, drip down, k,
minerals; -maya, a. (i) consisting of or a- ^ I V U l f a d dharawaanvita, pp. endowed run or hasten to (ac.). upa, hasten to, take
bounding in metals or minerals; -vada, m. with a good memory. [water. refuge with (ac.). nis, rise from (ab.). pari,
art of assaying, metallurgy; alchemy; -vad- TsTRTJtT dhara-pftta, pp. pure as a jet of flow - , run about; run up; run round; - after
in, m. assayer; -visha, n. mineral poison; (ac.): mrigayam pursue the chase, pra,
T * T * ^ d h & r - a y a t , pr. pt. cs. (-y/dhri) pos- flow forth; run away, rush off, run; betake
-vritti, f . (Sayawa's) commentary on the
verbal roots. sessing ; versed in; maintaining. oneself to (ac.): pp. run away; cs. put to
| ^ f q d ^ d h a r - a y - i - t a v y a , ^ . to be borne flight, anu-pra, pursue, vi, disperse, sam,
^(T^ d h a - t n , TO. supporter, establisher; run together; rush a t ; arrive at (ac.).
preserver ; originator, creator; C . : Creator or held fast; to be regarded as (in. of abst. N.).
of the world ( = Brahma) ; Fate ; N. of a ^ t r r T f ^ W T dhar-ay-ishnu-t£, f . posses- ^ J c f 2. D H A V , I. dhava, cleanse, rinse,
son of Brahma and brother ofVidhatri and \ wash, rub: pp. dhauta, cleansed, etc.;
sion of a good memory. pure; washed away; polished, resplendent;
Lakshmi; adulterer.
V T T T 1. dhsir-a, / . [ \ / i . d M v ] torrent, cs. dh&vaya, wash, nis, pp. nirdhauta,
^JT5? dM-tr£, a. relating to D h a t r i . cleansed; washed away, pra, cs. wash, vi,
stream; shower (also of arrows, flowers);
l l l ^ dha-tri, / . nurse; m i d w i f e ; waiting- drop: pi. paces ofa horse (of whichfive kinds wash off: pp.cleansed, sam, A. rub or wash
woman ; mother; earth. [ f . id. are assumed). [circumference o f a wheel. oneself. [author.
clhav-aka, TO. washerman ; N. of av
V T I ^ f W dhatrey-ika, f . foster-sister; -i, TsTRJ 2. dhar-S,/. [ V 2 . d h a v ] edge, blade;
dhara-kadamba, m. a plant \Hcf5f dhav-ana, n. 1. running, galoping:
^n^TT^i^ d h a t u a k a r a , m. mineral mine. attack; 2. washing; rubbing.
(nauclea cordifolia); -griha, n. shower-bath
d h | a n a , a. — c o n t a i n i n g ; n. recep- room ; -graha, rn. cup filled from a stream dhaval-ya, n. whiteness.
tacle; abode, seat; i , f . id. of Soma.
dhSna-ka, m. a coin ( = 4 kSrsha- d h a r a a n k u r a , ra. hail. ^ • l l f a l d h a v - i n , «• 1. running ( - ° ) ; 2.wash-
paraas); n. coriander. ing (- 0 ). [nourishment, comfort.
i . l ^ ^ f d h a r a - p a l a , w. blood dripping from ^ r r f % dha
V R T dhanei, f . pi. grain. -si, (V.) 1 . / . abode, h o m e ; 2. to.
the blade or edge (of a sword).

dhara anfela, ra. edge (of an in- ft

dhanush-ka, a. armed with a b o w ; i . D H I , V . P.dhinoti, satisfy; gladden.
TO. bowman. [grain. ^<1
strument). f%f 2. dhi, ra. receptacle (only
dhanya, a. cereal; n. (m.) sg.pl. corn,
TsTTCrror dhUrt-dhara, ra. c l o u d : ^agama, f V 3 . d h i = adhi (in dhi-shfAita, v. -s/stM).
\||««4cri d M n y a - k a , a. = dh&nya; m . N . ;
TO. rainy season; -jityaya, ra. (departure of
n. coriander; -ku#a, granary; -dbana, n. sg. dhik, ij. of dissatisfaction, reproach,
the clouds), autumn. [on the very acme.
corn and wealth : -tas, ad. by reason of - ; or lamentation; fie! woe! withnm.,vc.,g.,
-pan&a-ka, n. the five cereals; -patra, n. V K l f M ^ S dhar^adhirMAa, standing gnly. ac., sts. aho h& ~( + kashfam), ha-
vessel for or with corn; -maya, a. consisting ha dhik; dhig astu, shame on - ! fie on -!
^ T T T f V R T f T dhSra-nipata, m. downpour of
of or made of corn ; -misra, a. adulterating (ac. or g); dhik kri, reproach (ac.); ridi-
rain; -patha, m. range of a sword-blade :
corn; -rar/a, m. (king of grain), barley; -vat, cule, belittle.
-TO prapaya, put to the sword by any one
a. rich in corn (of persons).
(g.); -pata, m.pl. shower; -yantra, n. foun- fagRCl dhik-kn'ta,w. pi. disapprobation, re-
•^TPTny *dhSnyajimsa, m. grain of c o r n ; tain : -griha, n. shower-bath room; -vat, a.
edged; -varsha,TO.n. pouring rain. proaches.
^ad&, a. grain-eating; - amla, n. sour rice-
gruel ; ^argha, m. price of corn. [Asuras. ^ T P C P J dharfiasru, n. flood of tears. dhig-dawda, ra. reprimand,
dhanv£, m.pat. of Asita, chief of the dhig-vana, TO. a mixed caste.
V l ^ m ^ l f l dhSra-sarapata, TO. downpour
^ r n ^ T dhanvan-a, a. situated in a desert. of rain. f^RT dhi-ta, pp. of dha and of \/dhi.
dhiyam-^inva. ^ dhn. 133

dhiyam-^inv^, a. meditation- dhur, f . part of the yoke resting on the ing on nothing else); -pallava, m. streak of
shoulder; load, burden (also fig.); extreme smoke; -p4ta, m. wreath of smoke; -pana,
end of the pole; highest position, place of ra. inhalation of smoke or vapour; -maya,
f^psjVT dhiyam-dh8, a. deA^out; clever. honour, head: lc. in presence of (g.); dhuri a. (i) consisting entirely of smoke or vapour.
f^T^TIJ dhish-araa, a. wise ; to. ep. of Bn'h- yugr, appoint to a high position. dhixma-ya, den.; ps. dhiunyate, be
aspati. covered with vapour, be obscured (star): pp.
^ ^ dhiira, m. burden ; 4,/. id.', pole.
dhumita. abbi, pp. with dis, f . quarter
faWT dhish-£ra&, /. vessel used in prepar-
^jTT&PC dhurarai-dhara, a. bearing a burden, about to be entered by the sun. pra, pp.
ing and drinking Soma; tub, bowl; reason,
fitted for yoking to (- 0 ); succouring (gr.); m. enveloped in smoke.
mind; often jig. of Soma and its effects : du.
=heaven and earth; pi. the three worlds, chief (of, g. or dhuma-lekha,/. column of smoke:
heaven, sky, and earth. dhur-xna, m. chief. N.; -vat, a. smoking: -tva, ra. condition of
fcfa dhi-she, V. 2 sg. pr. A . of «/i. dh&. having smoke; -varti,/. column of smoke;
dhur-ya, a. trained to bear burdens, kind (/cigarette; -sikba,/. column of smoke.
f\p5J dhishtya, incorrect for dhishraya. fit for yoking; first, best; m. chief (of, gr.,
dhfimaanubandha, m. continu-
; an adept in (gr. or -°); beast of burden;
x. dhishn-ya, a. perceptible to the one able to bear the burden of (-0) : -ta, f . ous cloud of smoke.
mind only; devout; m. fire-mound sprinkled service. ^JTRT dhfima-ya, den. P . A. smoke.
with sand at the top; a kind of small side
altar (of which there are usually eight); n. D H U R V , v. DH^RY. ^ f j R i T dhftm-ika, / . smoke.
abode, seat; meteor. dhiiv-ana, n. shaking ; place of exe- ^fTT«^dhtim-m, a. smoking: -x,/. N.
fV^HT 2. dhfshnya, a. placed on a fire- cution.
mound ; m. fire placed on such a mound. Si dhixmaudgama, m. ascending
dhustflra, TO. thorn-apple.
smoke ; -judgara, rn. id,; - vxnk, f . N. of
1. DHI = D H Y A I . Yama's wife.
TI D H fr,V. dhund, dliund, IX. dhuna (rare);
2. dhi, f . thought, conception ; inten- V I . P. dbuva, (V. rare), shake, agitate; ^ R J T dhGm-ya,/. cloud of smoke.
tion, purpose; opinion; intelligence, insight, shake off (ac.); struggle, resist (P.) : pp.
understanding, intellect; knowledge, art; dhnta, dhuta, shaken, agitated, set in mo- ^GT dhQm-r^, a. smoke-coloxxred, dun, grey:
skill; religious meditation, devotion, prayer, tion ; removed; fanned (fire); intv. dodhav- obscured (reason); m. N.
hymn; supposition: in.supposing it to be; iti, dodhuyate, shake violently; toss (horns). ^ B R T dhftmra-ya, den. P . colour grey.
- a. = intent on. apa, shake off. ava, shake off, cast aside;
disregard, refuse: pp. avadhuta, driven ^ ^ dhflmra-varna, a. grey-coloured;
3. dhx,/. ( = d x ) splendour.
away, dispelled, removed; rejected, disre- -sikha,TO.N.; ^jbksha, a. grey-eyed.
dhi-ta, pp. of Vdhe: -rasa, a. whose garded; moving to and fro; fanned; on which
an impurity has fallen, defiled, polluted ; ^ b H ® dhQmri-kri, colour grey.
juice is sucked out.
shaken or touched (by the foot); having cast
dhx-tl,/. thought, conception, medi- dhilr-gata, pp. standing at the head
off all worldly taint, become a philosopher.
tation ; perception ; skill; devotion, prayer. 4, shake, agitate, via, stir, shake off; move of, chief of (-°); -^aia, m., -g&ti,TO.(having
to and fro, sway, ud, whirl up (dust); raise; a burden of a top-knot), ep. of Siva.
^ R f ^ d h i - m a t , a. intelligent, sensible, wise. toss; fan (fire); excite; cast off: pp. ud- ^ dhtfr -ta, pp. [A/dhvri] cunning, knav-
V f a r f ? dhx-mahi, 1 pi., v. \ / i . dha. dhuta or uddhuta, wafted by (-°) ; puffed ish, fraudulent; to. knave, rogue, cheat;
up with pride (~°). nis, cast off, remove ; gamester; thorn-apple: -ka, a. cunning,
V Y ^ i.dhir-a, a. [-y/dhri] lasting; steady, drive away; reject, disown : pp. nirdhuta, fraudulent; to. cheat.
constant, firm; resolute, courageous; grave, wielded over (staff); tormented ; deprived of
sedate, sober; steadfast; deep (sound); firmly vi-nis, reject, pari, shake off. pra, ^T^fqiff^ dhurta-kitava, to. gambler; -fcar-
adhering to (~°): -m, ad. (look) steadily. blow away, vi, shake, agitate; dispel, de- ita, n. pi. roguish pranks; n. T. of a work;
stroy ; drive away,disperse (men or animals); -ta, f., -tva, n. roguery; -traya, n. trio of
V Y T 2* dhi-ra, a. (4, x) thoughtful, sensi- A . shake off, abandon, pra-vl, swing to and swindlers ; -mawrfala, ra. gambler's circle;
ble, shrewd, wise; clever, skilled, in (lc.). fro (only pp. -dhuta); disperse. -ra/iana, f . roguish trick.
>5Y^%?R(.dhira-fcetas, a. resolute-minded,
dhGr-tl, / . injury, hurt.
courageous; 1. - t k , f . , -tva,ra.firmness; re- dhu-ti, m. shaker, agitator. [p?.).
soluteness, courage ; quiet, silence; 2. -ta,/. dhfir-dhara, m. chief, leader.
wisdom; -prasanta, pp. deep and yet calm dM-n-ana, n. shaking, wagging (also
(voice); resolute and quiet (hero); -bhava, dhti-na-ya, cs. («/dhu) shake, move D H L ' R Y , I . P . (A. also in aor.)
TO. steadfastness. about, ava, vi, id. Cs N dburva, afllict, injure; des. dudbur-
dhira-ya, den. P. encourage, sba, P. wish to injure.
d M - n v - a t , pr. pt. o / V d h f i ; m. kind
dhxra-sattva, a. resolute. of personification. dhftr-vodAri, to. beast of burden ;
-shad, m. guide of the car, leader; -sbab,
dhir-ya, n. prudence, wisdom. ^ t j dhfi-pa,m. (sg. & pi) incense, aromatic
(str. base -sb4b) a. bearing the yoke.
vapour: -ka, m. id. (gnly. a.).
-vat, a.wise; clever; devout, pious. 15gXTT
dhfll-ana, ra. covering with dust.
dhflp-ana, ra. fumigation ; incense.
•Sfaf^dhx-van, a. skilful. dh<rl-aya, den.: pp. dhulita, bestrewn
^TtRT dhfip£-ya, den. P. fumigate, perfxime:
dhi-vara, m. very clever man; fisher- with (in.).
pp. dhupita. anu, ava, 4, upa, pra, id.
man (also -ka, m.); i , f . fisherwoman. ^ r f ^ f d M - l i , / . (also i) dust; dxxsty ground;
S g t r e f ^ dhflpa-varti,/. kind of cigarette. pollen: -pa^ala,ra.cloud of dust.
^Tltjfa dhx-saMva,m.councillor,minister.
^TTRf dhfipS-ya, den. P. emit smoke; fumi- ^ j f a r s j dMli-maya, a. (1) dusty; -varsba,
^ DHU, v. ^ D H f t .
gate : pp. dhup4yita. TO.ra.shower of dust.
^ DHUKSH, I. A. dbuksba, only with
^Jfa dhup-i, m. pi. certain rainy winds. ^ETX dhfls-ara,a. [ V d h v a s ] dust-coloured,
^ > sam, gn ly. cs. samdhukshaya, P. kindle,
inflame; increase ; animate; restore : pp. ^ftj^dhtip-in, a. perfuming grey (-tva, n.abst.N.)-. -ka, m.N. of a jackal.
saTOdfcukshita. dhfisar-ita, pp. made grey.
dhfi-ma, m. (sg. & pi.) smoke, vapour:
dhuna-ya, den. A . rush along (T7.). -ka (-°), m. id. -man, TO. dust-colour.
^jf'T dhiin-i, a. [v^dhvan] rushing, roar- ^R^KTT dhftma-ketana, m. (smoke-ban-
ing, stormy. Vj^sju^ dhtis-turada, ra. extreme end of the
nered), fire; (a)-ketu, a. smoke-betokened,
dhun-i, / . river. smoke-bannered; m. fire; A g n i ; comet; N.
of a Yaksha; (a)-gandhi, a. smelling of U DHi?/, V. has only pf. P . A. & pp.; C.
dhundhu,TO.N.of an Asura-mara, TO. smoke; -graha, m. Rahu; -gAla, m. film of also.ft., inf., gd.; the cs. dbarayais used as
slayer of Dhundhu, ep. of Kuvalayasva; N. smoke; -dhvaya, m. fire; -pa, a. smoking pr. base: hold, bear, carry (on,in.,lc.); wear;
of a son of Triaahku. (a pipe); imbibing only smoke (i. e. subsist- convey to (lc.); hold tight; A. cling to (ac.);
134 \Jc(i dhrik. dhvams.
keep,observe; support; design for, allot to (d.); ^ r r r a i l d h n ' t a & t m a n , a. steadfast. duced to ashes. blow into (a conch); ps.
tolerate; restrain, resist, withstand; retain; be filled with air, swell: pp. inflated (also
detain; have on one, possess, contain; owe dhn-ti, f . holding fast; standing still; fig.), upa, blow upon (ac.). nis, blow away
to (d.,g.); protract; int. endure; tarry, re- firmness, steadiness; fortitude; constancy; or out. Apar&, blow away, pra, blow (a
main; begin to (inf.): garbham - , be or be- resoluteness; satisfaction, contentment: -to conch); A . proclaim aloud, vi, blow asunder,
come pregnant; tulaya - , weigh ; dandam kri, find satisfaction; stand one's ground; disperse.
- , inflict punishment on (Ic.); nika/e - , have -TO bandh, direct one's will towards (Ic.).
about one; itmanam, gat ram, ^ivitam, ^sITT^ dhmfinksha, m. crow (probably in-
deliam, pran&n, sariram, svavapns - , ^jfH+ic^ dhriti-mat, a. steadfast, firm, reso- correct for dhvanksha). [or kindled.
preserve one's life, continue to live, remain lute ; contented, satisfied; -maya, a. (i) con- UTTcT^f dhmS-tavya,/o. to be blown upon
alive; &tm&nam, buddhim, manas - , direct sisting of strong will; -mush, a. robbing of
one'sthoughts to, fix one's attention on (d., Ic.); steadfastness. y f T T dhmSana, n. inflation, swelling.
firmly resolve to (inf.); + manasa - , ponder; ^ c f t t ^ R dhritautseka, a. haughty. ^T^rr^RrfTdhytta-matraagata.j^).com-
retain in the memory ; murdhna(i), siras- ing as soon as only thought of, -jipagamin,
a(i), fig. hold in high honour; samaye - , DHJRJSH, I. P. dharsha (V.), V. P. a. id.
bring to an agreement; ps. dhriyate, be t dhrishra6, be bold or courageous; dare
born^n (Ic.); be held; be fixed; be checked,- to (inf.), venture near (ac.): pp. dlmshita WTcT^f dhya-tavya, fp. to be thought of
remain, endure; exist, be alive; keep quk-o, (F.), bold, brave; dhrish/a, bold, pert, for- or meditated on ; n. impl. one should think:
stand still; hold one's ground, resist; be ''eft; ward, impudent; cs. dharshaya, P. lay -tva, n. abst. N. ; -tri, m. one who reflects,
prepare for, undertake (ac., d., or inf.): pp. builds on, fall upon; injure,ruin: pp. dharsh- thinker.
dhrtta, held, borne, carried (on, in., Ic., or ita,/. violated. apa, overpower, abhi, simple T 2 r r t f m ^ f dhy&taupanata, pp. present as
; worn; grasped; held tight; kept, re- & cs. id. a, injure, assail; cs. aggrieve, pra, soon as thought of; -jupasthita, pp. id.
tained ; weighed; observed, practised ; main- assail, overcome; cs. id.; violate; lay waste.
tained; kept alive, continuingto exist; quoted t2n«T dhyaana, n. meditation; religious
by (-°); ready to, resolved on (d. or Ic.)-, ^gSfifJ dhrish/a-ketu, m. N.; -ta,/., -tva, contemplation: -tatpara, a. lost in thought;
^rotr&cted(inpronunciation):-m.,ad. slowly; n. boldness ; audacity; -dyumna, m. N.of a -dhira, a. absorbed in thought; -para, a.
antare pledged; kare - , grasped by the son of Drupada. id.; -yoga, ra. deep meditation, religious ab-
hand; dhntavat, act.pt. = finite verb, placed sorption ; -vat, a. devoted to religious medi-
upon (Ic.); resolved on (d.); intv. dardharti, TjjfS dlmsh-ii, TO. (sg. du.) fire-tongs ; / .
tation ; -sthita, pp. absorbed in thought.
d&dharti, hold firmly, ava, cs. determine, boldness.
state precisely or positively, regard with cer- i f a ^ l dbyan-ika, a. proceeding from re-
dhWsh-nu, a. bold, courageous, dar- ligious meditation; -in, a. devoted to reli-
tainty as (2 ac. or pred. nm. with iti); hear,
learn; understand, gain insight into, make ing ; doughty, strong, mighty; n. ad. gious meditation.
oneself familiar with; ponder, consider: pp. dhrishwu-ya, (in.) ad. boldly, W R dhyama, n. kind of fragrant grass.
avadhnta, settled, determined; heard; un-
mightily. ~ [(g.).
derstood; communicate to (d.); cs. pp. ava- "fcij dhyay-am, abs. pondering (ac.).
dh&rita, known for (in.), a, cs. bring to ^TZJ dhrish-ya, fp. liable to be attacked by
(7c.); keep; hridi —, keep in remembrance; ^ if^'C.dhyay-in, a. lost in thought.
ps. adhriya, be contained in (Ic.): pp. adhrita, ^ D H E , I . P . dhaya, suck ; drink ; suck ^ f ^ I f l [a]dhy-ushita, pp. [ V v a s , shine],
contained in (Ic.). ud, draw out; elevate, in, absorb: pp. dhita; cs. dhapaya, A. dazzling white : ^asva, m. N. of a prince.
raise to honour (manyforms of this compound suckle, nourish.
cannot be distinguished from those of ud + T2TT dhye-ya, fp. to be meditated on ; to
hri). upa, cs. support; regard as (2 ac.); ^fifT dhe-nS,,/. milch c o w : pi. libations of be thought of as (nm.).
hear, learn ; consider, ni, cs. lay down in, milk.
bring to or into, bestow on (Ic.). nis, cs. l l j D H Y A I , I. P. dhyaya, I I . P. dhyA (E.),
^ • J d h e -nu, a. yielding milk ; / . milch cow, contemplate, meditate on (ac,); think, re-
pick out, distinguish from others; determine,
ascertain, verify, pra, inflict punishment on cow; fig. earth : pi. milk. flect : pp. dhyata, thought of. anu, reflect;
(Ic.); remember; consider, sam-pra, cs. ± dhenu-kS,/. milch cow. think of, meditate on : pp. thought of. abhi,
buddhya, manasa, hridaye, ponder, reflect; set one's heart on, cast an eye on, desire;
decide, resolve, prati, cs. hold erect, vi, ^•J+lt^ dhenu-m^t, a. yielding m i l k ; con- think of; be absorbed in meditation; regard
hold, bear: pp. vidbWta, held asunder, taining the word ' dhenu.' as (2 ac.); inflict (ac.) on (Ic.). k, think of;
separated; avoided; checked, stopped; main- wish anything (ac.) to (gr.). ni, mark, note;
dhenuanaduh^, m.du. milch cow
tained ; possessed: murdhna(i) - , borne on des. nididhy&sa, A. be attentive, pra-ni,
the head; fig. = held in high honour; svoda- and bull. [ment etc. of (- 0 ). reflect, direct one's attention to (ac.). nis,
rena - , borne in one's own body ; antare dhe-ya,^). that is created ; n. assign- muse over, consider, pra, reflect; think of
pledged; cs. check,restrain, suppress; intv. (ac.). sam, consider, reflect.
hold asunder, divide; maintain, preserve; S t f f dhe-hl, 2 s. impv. of 1. dha.
withhold from (ab.); possess (bodies); carry 1ST dhra, a. (1) bearing (-°) = dhara.
on, conduct (business), sam, (simple and) dhair-ya, n. firmness, steadfastness,
DHRAG, I. P. dhra^a, glide, sweep,
cs. hold (together), bear, carry; observe; sus- constancy, fortitude; gravity, resolute bear-
ing; obstinacy: -ta,/. perseverance; -dhara, ^ wander (wind, birds, etc.).
tain ; keep in remembrance; exist.
a. steady, constant, persevering; -vat, a. id.; dhru-v£, a. [\/dhrt] firm, stable, con-
-vritti, a. steadily conducted. stant; permanent,perpetual,fixed, immutable ;
^ dhrik, a. (-0) only nm. sg . = dJxrit. certain, inevitable: -m, ad. certainly, assur-
^ f a f f dhaivata,n.the sixthnotein the scale,a. edly; m. polar star: personified as the son of
^r^dhn-t, a. holding, having, bearing
^tfa^dhoyin, TJttdnapdda and grandson of Manu.
*|cRRiRpFrP?r dhrc'ta-kanaka-mgla, a. wear-
ing a golden wreath; -kur&aka, a. wearing -yi, m. N. of a poet. dhruva-sila, a. permanently resi-
a beard; -klesa, a. bearing hardships; -gar- dent ; not changing one's residence; -sam-
bh&, f . a. pregnant; -tala, m. — vetala ; \ f t X W t dhorani,/. uninterrupted series. dhi, m. N.; -siddhi, ra. (sure recovery), N.
-danrfa, a. wielding the rod, punishing; being V t r l dhau-ta,j9/>. ( / V a . d h a v ; n. washing. of a physician.
punished by (in.); -dvaidhi-bhava, a. being dhaur-eya, a. standing at the head SJcfT dhruva, / . sacrificial ladle (the largest
at variance; -dbanus, ra. archer; -nis&aya, of the three kinds).
of (g. or -°) : -ka, m. beast of burden, horse.
a. firmly resolved on (d.); -purva, a. worn
before; -prapa, a. having offspring; (a)- dhaur-pa/a, a. (i) belonging to Siva dhrauv-ya, n. immovableness ; per-
rasbifra, m. (whose kingdom is enduring), N. (Dhurpati). manence ; certainty, necessity.
of the blind son of Vydsa and elder brother dhaurt-ya, n. fraud, roguery.
ofPdndu; -vat,pp.act.,v.\^dhri; -vrata, S T O 1 DHVAMS, I. dhvamsa, fall, fall to
a. whose law or ordinance is settled; main- ^JT dhma, a. blowing, rn. blower of (only ^ pieces, perish; go away, be off (only
taining ordinances; firmly resolved; devoted, impv.); ps. dhvasyate: pp. dhvsata, fallen;
attached ; -sarira, a. whose body continues ^J^f D H M A , I . P . dhama, blow (a conch, lost; disappeared; covered with or ;
to exist, living on; -sri, a. whose fortune is etc.), blow upon, kindle (fire); blow(ac.) cs. dhvamsaya, fell; pull down -^destroy;
steadfast; -samkalpa, a. firmly resolved on into (Ic.); melt in the blast; throw: pp. violate: pp. dhvarasita. apa, pp. fallen from
(Ic.). dhamita (V.); dhmata, blown, inflated, power; degraded; destroyed. pari,pj>. covered
puffed; cs. dhmapaya: pp. dhmapita, re-
^cfa dhvams-a. •f^ nad. 135

with (- 0 ); destroyed, pra, pp. perished; cs. ^q^ril^ri dhva^aahrita, pp. taken at the "^eff'Tdhvan-i.m. sound; cry; noise; thunder;
ca.'se to fall, destroy, vi, disperse : pp. de- standard, captured on the battle-field. figurative style; allusion, indication; -ita,
stroy .^d, ruined; cs. crush; devastate, de- pp. n. sound; noise; thunder.
vrf^T*^ dhva^-in, a. adorned with a flag,
bearing a standard; branded; m. distiller, ^•TRiT^R dhvanyajttmaka, a. inarticulate
^efa dhvams-£, m. decay; loss; destruction, (sound).
^cff^nrt dhvaf/in-i,/. army. [publican,
ruin, demolition: -ka, a. destroying (~°);
dhvas-irfi, a. bestrewn, covered ;
-k&rin, a. causing the destruction of ( - ° ) ; dhvapi-kri, make a standard of.
dusty, obscured; -ti, /. disappearance ; one
violating (a woman). ^ f j i . D H Y A N , only aor. adhvanit, be of the four states of a Yogin in which all the
xextinguished (anger) : pp. dhvanta, consequences of actions disappear; -ra, a.
HR-fT dhvams-ana, a. id.; n. destruction ;
dark ; cs. dhvanaya, envelope; blacken. withered; falling off.
-in, a. perishing; destroying.
U ^ r f 2. D H V A N , I . P . dhvana, sound, dhvanksha, m. crow.
^e[afdhvagr-a,TO.banner, flag, ensign; token, ^ roar; buzz; cs. dhv&naya, cause to
symbol; liquor-seller's sign : -pate, m. flag; HTPT dhvSn-a, m. murmuring ; sound.
sound; allude to (ac.) ; ps. dhvanyate.
-yashd, /. flag-staff; -vat, a. adorned with ^cj |«rt dhvan-ta, (pp.) n. darkness (alsopi.).
abhi, whirr, pra, resound. [dication.
flags ; branded ; m. distiller, liquor-seller ;
standard-bearer. ^ T T dh van-ana, n. sounding; allusion, in- D H V RI, I. P . dhvara, bend, fell,destroy.

•T i . na, prn. stem in nau, nas. daughters of Daksha and wives of the moon): • H l O ^ J nagar-iya, a. urban.
-natba, m. (lord o fthe stars), moon; -patha, m.
•I 2 . u & ( o f t e n 0 - — 2. a-),pel. not; less (with nagaraupanta, n. neighbour-
course of the stars, starry heavens; -pafAaka,
numerals = not quite by, in. or ab.: <5kaya m. astrologer; -mala,/, wreath or group of hood of the town.
na viwsati, 19; ekan na tri/»sat, 29); lest (with stars; elephant's head-ornament. • T T ^ f i ^ C nagaraokas, TO. citizen.
pot.); V.: as, like (not exactly, almost; or
as it does not coalesce metrically, it may have • T W ^ n W R T nakshatra-mala-ya, den. A . •RTHJ nagaagra,ra. mountain-top; -apaga,
been an affirmative particle originally = look like an elephant's head-ornament. / . mountain stream; gasman,TO.rock.
Gk. vaf). When repeated it implies a very ^ f ^ f ^ n nakshatra-vidyS,/. astronomy.
nagajndra,TO.lord of mountains, ep.
strong affirmation (exceptionally a strength-
ened negation). In a second or later clause •tT?jq^c(H. n a kshatra-savas, a. equalling the r/Himalaya and Kailasa; -jsvara, in. ep. of
it is sometimes replaced by ha., va, api va, stars in multitude. the Himalaya; - udara, n, mountain ravine.
or even dropped. It is often strengthened by nag-nd, a. naked, bare; desert (region):
nakh£, ra. n. nail (offinger or toe), claw;
api, api ha,, n, uta, eva, khalu, ha., £aapi, m. naked mendicant; 4, / . girl before men-
talon ; spur of a coch: -khadin, a. biting
fcaeva, hed, tu, tueva, va, atha va, ha. struation. [dhist ascetic.
the nails; -nyasa, m. impact of the nails;
rfc^NAMS, v. 2. NAS. -pada, n. nail-mark, scratch : -sukha, a.
soothing to the scratches.
niigna-ka, m. naked mendicant, Bud-
nagna-kshapana-ka, m. naked
•T^l n£k (only nm.), night (F.).- nakha-ra, a. claw-shaped; TO. curved Jain mendicant; -^lt,TO.N.of a Gandhdra
knife; n. nail, claw; nail-mark ; -vishkira, prince; (a)-ta,/-, -tva, n. nakedness.
na-k&ra, m. the sound n ; the nega-
TO. bird that scrapes with its feet, gallinaceous
tive na. [beggarly. bird. •nCpTT^R nagnam-bhavuka, a. becoming
•ifar^M na-kim-fcana, a. having nothing, |'J nakhaagr^, n. nail-tip ; - aghata, m. naked, disrobing shamelessly.
«ffeftf%|<* na-kim/:id, n. nothing: -api-sam- nail wound; ^anka,TO.nail-mark. nagnaafa, m. naked Jain mendicant.
kalpa, m. no desire for anything. *TWT*rfW nakha-nakhi, ad. nail to nail, •ifaefiT nagn-ika, / . girl before menstrua-
"if^MJ^nd-kis, indecl. no one ; not, never. = tooth and nail. tion. [dicant.

•TSfi^T^ n^-kim, indecl. not, never. •HSH^tiJnakhajlyudha, a. armed with claws; w t s i nagni-kn", turn into a naked men-
TO. animal with claws: -tva, n. abst. y. • T ^ ^ naghusha, TO. JV. = Nahusha.
^ r r f ^ J na-kutas&id-bhaya, a. not en-
dangered from any quarter. nakh-ln, a. furnished with nails,
n^-A:iketas, TO. N.
claws, or talons ;TO.beast with claws.
I f ^ T nak-uld, m. mungoose (exterminator na-A:ira, a. not long (time): -m, for
of serpents and mice); N. of a son of Pdndu : •PT n£-ga, TO. mountain; tree.
a short time ; in,, d., ab. shortly,
i-k&, i, f . female mungoose. naga-nadi, / . N. of a river (moun-
•T^ nan, the negative na: -artha, TO. the
•TW n^k-ta, n. n i g h t ; eating at night only tain river); -nimnaga, / . mountain stream.
meaning of na.
(a penance): -m, ad. by night. •TTC n agar a, n. town, city: -grana, m. pi. N A T , I. P. na^a, dance ; cs. na^aya,
townsfolk, citizens; -daivata, n. divinity of
•ITfi^fT naktam-fcara, a. wannaringat night; x represent (ac.) on the stage, vi, pp. nat-
a town ; -dvara, n. city gate; -manrfana /.
m. nocturnal animal; - goblin ; i, f . night ita, dancing about, swarming (bees).
goblin ;-haxykf.wandering by night ;-/tarin, courtezan.
naga-randhra-kara, m. moun- «(4 na^-a, m. dancer, actor, mime ; -i, / .
a. wandering by night; -dina, n. sg. night
actress; -ana, n. dancing; dance, acting ;
and day : -m, ad, by night and by day. tain-cleaver, ep. of Kartikeya.
-aniya, fp. impl. one must dance.
•TWftfW*^nakta-bho(jr-in, a. eating only at ^ R T T ^ T f W f T nagara-rakshSadhiknta,
•F5 nad-a, TO. reed.
night: (-i)-tva, n. abst. s. ; -m&la, m. a tree. (pp.) TO. chief of the city watch; -rakshin,
TO. policeman; -vn'ddha, (pp.) TO. city elder; •FS^i^X nada-kflbara, TO. N. of a son of
•THRTT naktaya, (/. in.) ad. by night. -sammita, pp. equal to a town; -stha, a.
Kubera ; -vana, n. N. of a locality.
•jffll n^k-ti, f . night. living in a town; TO. townsman; -svamin,
m. head of the city; N. • i ' S l P l f T narfa-giri, m. N. of an elephant.
• T f l f a l ^ n a k t a u s h d s , / . night and dawn.
^ I f^l® fl nagaraadhikrita, (pp.)TO.chief • T ^ T narf-vala, n. reed bed.
•nfi nak-ra, m. crocodile: -ketana, m. god ofthecitypolice; ^adhipa, - adbipati,^adhy-
of love. «i<1 na-ta, pp. \/nam : -jmgi,f. woman.
aksha,TO.id.; ^abhyasa,TO.neighbourhood
of the or a city: lc. in the neighbourhood of • T f l ^ l ^ n a - t a r a m , ad.decidedly not; much
r j ^Jj N A K S H , I. naksha,approach; reach,
N attain, abhi, come to, arrive at (ac.). ' the city. less.
• n r f X ^ n a g a r - i n , TO. head of the city. •rfW na-ti, / . bow, courtesy; humility.
T^J"^ ndksha-tra, n. heavenly body; star ;
constellation; lunar mansion (originally 27, • N l 0 nagarl, / . town, city: -rakshin, m. r f ^ N A D , I . P . (A.) nada, resound, re-
later 28 were enumerated: personified as city watchman, policeman. N verberate; roar; cry ; utter a sound or
136 nad-a.' nay-a.

cry (ac.) ; cs. nad&ya, P. A . cause to resound, •TS^eR nanda-ka, a. rejoicing in ( - ° ) ; to. N. cause to sink in; deflect; n&myati=n&ma-
- quake; nadaya,fillwithdin,cries,orshouts: ofa bull; N. of a village. yati, bend: pp. n&mita; intv. nannam, P.,
pp. nadita, resounding, with (-°) ; intv. na- nannamya, A. bend, incline (int.). abhi,
nad, roar, anu, resound towards (ac.); cs. nand-ana, a. gladdening; to. son, de- bow to, turn towards (ac.). ava, bow down,
-nadaya, P. fill with din. vianu, cs. id. scendant (- 0 ); n. joy; Elysium, the pleasure- stoop, bow: stooping,bending down,bent,
abhi, sound towards (ac.); raise a shout, ud, ground of Indra. [a mountain. bowed; cs. P. bend down (tr.), cause to bow.
resound, roar; bellow ; bray aloud, ni, re- •p^TJcffinanda-parvata, miking Nanda as stoop; bow down to (ac.), be gracious to
sound ; raise one's voice, cry aloud; cs. fill (d. or g.); pp. &Qata, bowed, bent; bowing
with noise or shouts, pra(nad), begin to nand-ay-ant-Lj(pr. pt.)f. N. to (ac.), bending down to (- 0 ); submissive ;
sound or roar: pp. pranadita, buzzing,
cs. P. bend downward; subdue: pp. &n&ml-
prati, answer (ac.) with a roar, shout, or cry; •P^T" nand-S, / . N. \
ta, bowed down, ud, rise up, arise; raise :
cs. fill with a roar, shout, or cry; cry aloud,
vi, sound forth; cry aloud, roar out; utter • T ^ T ^ T nandajtmapa, m. Krishna. pp. unnata, raised, elevated; erect, upright;
(ac.); cs. fill with sound or cries, sam, cry, prominent,lofty; vaulted; sublime; eminent,
• f f ^ nand-i, to. Gladsome, euphemistic ep. in (-°); towering above (- 0 ); cs. P. raise, up-
roar; cs. fill with a cry; cry aloud. 0/Vishnu or /Siva; f . joy: -kara, a. causing lift. abhiud, pp. elevated, lofty, eminent;
•T^ nad-d, m. roarer, bull, stallion (Jig. of joy to (p.); to. son (~°); -kshetra, n. N. of turned upwards; vaulted, sam-abhiud, pp.
man); river. a sacred region; -gupta, m. N. of a king; risen (clouds), praud, pp. pronnata, very
-grama,TO.N. of a village; -deva, m. N. elevated; superior, in (~°). sam-ud, arise :
•n^TcJ nada-bhartri, m. sea; -rapa, TO. id.
•rf^^nand-in, a. (-°) rejoicing in ; glad- pp. upright, erect; high, prominent; vaulted;
nad-i,/. river: -kula, n. river-bank; dening ; m. son (-°); ep. of Siva; N. of an sublime; cs. raise, upa, fall to one's share,
-tara,TO.swimming across a river; -tira, n. attendant of Siva; N. of Siva's bull. arise in, happen to, occur to (ac.; C. also d.
river-bank. or p.): pp. bent inwards; having submitted,
•1 ^ "tl nandin-i,/. daughter; ep. o/Durga; humbled, having sought the protection of
1. nadiina, TO. sea; Varuraa. any one; accruing, committed (sin),brought
N. of a fabulous cow.
2. na-dina, a. not insignificant. about; presented, brought; approached; at
nandi-mukha, to, N.; -rudra, to. hand, present; lasting (long, - ). sam-upa,
nadi-nada, to. pi. and n. sg. rivers a form of Siva; -vardhana, a. increasing pp. having appeared, ni, bow to (ac.); bow
female and male; -pati, to. lord of rivers ; the joy of (p.); m. son. down, prostrate oneself, pari, bend or turn
sea ; -pura, to. swollen river; -m&trika, a. aside; change, turn into (in.); develope, into
nourished by i. e. abounding in rivers : -ta, nandijsa,TO.a form of S i v a ; N. of
an attendant of Siva; -isvara, m. id. (in.), ripen; grow old; be digested; attain
f . abst. N. ; -marfa, to. river bed: -mukha, its full significance : pp. parinata, averted;
n. river mouth ; -visa, m. staying in a river • n r r ^ n£i-pat (V. only in strong cases), TO. changed, transformed into (in. or -°); ripe,
(a penance); -viki,f. ripple of the river. [unprotected, orphan], son, descendant; mature, advanced (age); full (moon); set-
•fi^far nadiisa, m. lord of rivers, sea. grandson (only the last meaning in C.). ting (sun); come to an end, expired (time);
digested; withered ; arisen: -m vayas& = old
nadi-shwa, a. (batbing in i. e. • f l j ^ f i na-puTOsa-ka, a. neither man nor
age has arrived; cs. pari-namaya, P. ripen,
familiar with rivers); expert, experienced, woman, emasculate; of neuter gender (gr.);
mature, vi-pari, ps. be changed, into (in.).
versed in (Ic.). to. hermaphrodite; eunuch; n. neuter word,
pra, bow to, make obeisance before (ac., d.,
neuter gender: -linga,a. of theneuter gender.
-saTOtara, m. crossing a river. g., Ic.): pp. pra-nata, bowing, to (ac. or g.);
• f j f t n a - p t - i , / . daughter, granddaughter, submissive; cs. -n&maya, P. order (ac.) to
Tf^IT nadajsa, TO. lord of rivers, sea. bow to (d.); give respectfully (answer), abhi-
na-ptri, m. (weak base o/napSt in R V.), pra, bow. vi, bend, stoop, bow : pp. bent,
•TU" nad-dh£, pp. -s/nah ; n. cord.
descendant, son (V.); grandson. bowing low, to (p.); sunk down, drooping;
• f f t f nad-dhi,/. tying, binding. cs. P. bend down, incline; bend (a bow).
• T ^ naptr-i, / . granddaughter. sam, bow, humbly submit, to (ac., d., g.); A.
• H i nan£,/. mother (familiar like tata).
T^^f N A B H , I . A. nabha, burst (tr. & int.); gratify, obey; P. A. put straight, arrange ;
• T T T ^ n^nSndn, f . husband's sister. bring about: pp. bent, curved; stooping;
\ cs. P. nabhaya, cause to burst, tear open.
sunk in, depressed ; cs. bend; cause to sink;
•T^ na-nti, ad. not (emphatic)-, inter, pel. •FJJIJ nabh-anu, TO., U , / . spring. arrange, bring about.
not? ( = nonne), surely? with inter, prn. or
impv. pray; nanu Aa, surely (at the begin- •THTIT nabhas-Aara, a. moving in the s k y ; • W T nam-ana, a. bending ( - ° ) ; n. id.;
ning of a sentence) ; namijLstu-tathajipi, to. celestial, god; fairy. -aniya,fp. to be bowed to.
well, even granting-yet; nanu ma bhut- •|+1*^nam-as, n. bowing,obeisance, adora-
tathaapi, well, even granting that-is not • P T t ^ J s ^ R I nabhaA-sabda-maya, a. con-
sisting of the word ' nabhas;' -srit, a. reach- tion (by word or gesture): often as an exclama-
the case-yet (nanu here to be taken with the tion with the dat.; - kri, utter 'namas,' make
apodosis); nanu is frequently used by com- ing to heaven.
obeisance, to (ac., d., Ic.).
mentators to state a supposed objection, ivhich •PT^C. nabh-as, n. [bursting forth], cloud ;
is disposed of with a following uAyate, to namas-kar£, to. the exclamation
mist, vapour; fragrance (of Soma); atmo-
this the reply is as follows. 'namas;' obeisance, salutation, adoration,
sphere, Bky; Sravana, the first rainy month
homage: -vat, a. containing adoration; -kar-
r j ' f ^ N A N D , I . P . nanda, be pleased or (July-August); to. N.of a son of Nala.
ya, fp. to be adored; -krita, pp. adored ;
\ glad, be delighted with, rejoice in (in., nabhas-tala, n, sky-surface, nether
sts. ab.); cs. nandaya, gladden : pp. nand- -kriti, f , -kriya., /. adoration, reverence,
sky, vault of heaven. homage.
ita, gladdened, abhi, feel satisfaction, be
pleased or delighted with, rejoice in, show •W^T nabhas-ya, a. misty ; to. Bhadra, the •TJP5-T namas-ya, den. P . adore, do homage
pleasure in (ac.); desire; salute, greet, wel- second rainy month (August-September). to, bless (ac.). sam, id. [ing reverence.
come, congratulate; praise, approve; accept •1*1*51 c^ nabhas-vat, a. cloudy; TO. wind.
gladly, agree with (ac.): na receive un- • P T ^ c ^ namas-vat, a. reverential; inspii -
kindly ; reject, repel; not admit, acknow- •fJTJ^^ nabhaA-sad, m. celestial, g o d ;
namas-vfn, a. id.
ledge, or abide by. pratiabhi, return the -sthala, n., i , f . vault of heaven; -spris, a.
salutation of (ac.); welcome, sam-abhi, «1*jf%Tn£-muAi,TO.[not letting go thewaters~\,
reaching to heaven.
greet; congratulate, k, rejoice; cs. gladden, N.of a demon subdued by Indra: -dvish, m.
gratify. sam-&, cs. gladden, prati, greet • p f t i ^ T n a b h o - s f t g a n a . n . v a u l t of heaven.
joyfully; salute in return; address kindly • f ? ^ nameru, TO. a tree. [ep. of Indra.
1. nabh-ya, a. misty, cloudy.
words to, express satisfaction with, welcome •TO nam-r£, a. bent, crooked ; bowed (by,
with affection, bless (ac.); receive gratefully; •pjf 2. n£bhya, n. nave (ofa wheel); centre. in.); bowing, to or with (- 0 ); humble, sub-
accept (advice); cs. gladden, sara-prati, N A M , I. nama, bend, incline, bow, missive: -ta,/., -tva, n. bowing; respect;
greet joyfully, welcome. \submit,to(ac.,<2.,p.); sink;aimat (p.)with lowliness, submissiveness, humility, towards
•P^T nand-a,TO.joy ; son ; N., esp. of Kri- (in.); subside, become silent: pp. nata, bent, (Ic. or -°) : vinitair namrat&m sam&Aaret,
shna's foster-father and ofa king ofPdtali- curved, crooked; bowing to (ac. or g.); de- oneshould be courteous towards the well-bred.
putra, put to death by Kanakya (who raised pressed, sunken; lowered, hanging down; cs. • P I nay-a, m. leading ; behaviour, conduct;
Kandragupta to the throne). n&maya, P. bend (tr.), curve; cause to bow; discreetness, prudence,towards (Ic.); worldly
iHJif nay-ana. nas. 137

wisdom ,poli cy; design,pi an; priii ciple,system, kingship; -putra, m. prince; -marga, m. • T ^ T nava-f/a, a. lately arisen, just visible
doctrine; -kovida, a. worldly wise, versed in high road; -svamin, rat. N. of a temple;
(moon); new,young; -^vara,rat.fresh sorrow.
policy; -Aakshus, n. eye of wisdom ; a. en- ^aditya,TO.N. of a prince.
dowed with the eye of wisdom; -gua, a. •T^TT nava-ta, a. ninetieth.
•f'^^J narajsa, TO. k i n g ; ^isvara, TO. id.
worldly wise; knowing the system of •l^rfT nava-ta,/., -tva, ra. newness, fresh-
nay-ana, n. bringing, conducting, • f ^ S T nare-shMa, a. serving for a man to
• j c j f f j nava-tl,/. ninety. [ness.
leading to (- 0 ); eye {guiding organ): -tva, stand on.
it. abst. N. TCYTJT narauttama, spv. best of men. ^ ^ n a v a - d a s a n (or an), a. pi. 19.
•fifoR narta-ka, a. causing to dance; w. •T^^TX nava-dvara, n.pl. the nine gates (of
f S f T ' T ^ T nayana-go/cara, a. being with-
in range of the eye; -go£ari-kri, behold; dancer; 1 , f . female dancer. the body); a. (n^va-), nine-gated ; ra. body.
-frandrik&, /. moonlight to the eyes ; -&ar- •T^T nart-ana, TO. dancer; ra. dance : -sala, nava-dha, ad. ninefold, nine times.
ita, n. play of the eyes; -grala, n. tears;
f . dancing-room. navan (or £in), num. nine.
-patha,rat.range of the eye ; -padavi,/. id.;
-payas, n. tears; -vat, a. having eyes ; -va- nart-ayi-tW,m.who causes to dance nav-ana, ra. laudation, praise.
ri, n. tears; -visbaya, in. range of the eye; (ac.); dancing-master; -i-ta,pp.cs.ofi/nrit;
- i - t a v y a , f p .ra.necessity to dance; dancing. • i q ^ c j nava-nava, a. (pi. or with a pi.)
-salila, n. tears; -subbaga, a. pleasing to
the eye. r- ever new, constantly being renewed, very
rj N A R D , I . P . narda, roar, yell, cry manifold.
«l«l'«l I riayanajUianda,™. delight of the x (with ac. of sound); intv. nanard, sound
eyes; - anta, m. corner of the eye; ^axnbu, ij<iva-mta, ra. fresh butter,
n. tears; -jadaka, n. flood of tears; -jida- •t ^ M^ 1 n a v a - p a w fcasat, f . fifty-nine.
bindu,TO.tear. •rflpT nard-ita. pp. n. roar, bellow; a cer-
tain throw at dice. nava-prasana, ra. eating of the
Hil^r^nftya-vat, a. versed in policy, pru-
new grain. [a fortnight.
dent ; -vid, a. id.; -vartman, n. policy; -sal- • n l l ' T narma-garbha, a. containing a jest,
in, a. possessed of worldly wisdom or of meant in joke; -da, a. giving amusement, •T^T nava-m^, a. ninth ; 1 , / . ninth day in
policy; -sastra, n. doctrines of policy; -sadb- granting gladness : a, f . N. of a river (also
ana, n. politic procedure ; -sabasaunuati- •PTTfir^iT nava-mallika, /. double jasmine
called. Revd) now Nerbudda (which rises in (jasminum sambac); -malli, -malika, /. id.
mat, a. requiring a high degree of discretion the Vindhya range).
and resolution ; -bina, pp. destitute of dis- • f ^ ^ ^ f nava-mukha, a. (i) havang nine
cretion. [quested. narman, ra. jest, sport, fun : in. n-a, openings.
in jest or fun. [ in g> amuse.
iTSnf^ht naya_arthita, pp. courteously re- •iq^TiJ nava-ya^raa, TO. ofFering of first-
narma-ya, den. P. exhilarate by jest- fruits ; -yauvana, n. first bloom of youth ; a.
nar-a, m. man; husband ; hero; the being in the - : -vat, a. blooming with the
primordial Man, - Spirit; N. • T ^ j f ^ M narma-sa/civa, m. court jester
freshness of youth. [sacrifice) of nine days.
(jesting companion of a king); -s&Hvya, ra.
nara-ka, m. (ra. rare) infernal regions, nava-ratra, TO. period (esp. Soma
condition of a court jester; -suhrid,TO.jest-
hell; N. of a demon slain bg Krishna: -pata,
ing friend of a Icing, court jester. • i q e j ^ r i a v a - v a d h f i , / . newly-married wo-
rat. going to hell.
•T^rffW narmaukti, / . jesting speech.
nara-kapala, m. human skull. •T^f^VJ nava-vidha, a. ninefold. [man.
• H t nar-ya, a. manly; human ;TO.man; n.
•T^fifTH naraka-ripu, m. ep. of Krishna; manly deed. •T^rfar^J^. nava-sasi-bhn't, m. bearer of
-vasa,rat.sojourn in hell; -stba, a. being in the new moon, ep. of Siva.
«T<5T nala,TO.kind of reed (Amphidonax kar-
hell. nava-shashfi,/. sixty-nine ;-saptati,
riara-kaka, TO. crow of a m a n ; ka); N. of a king, husband of Damayanti.
/. seventy-nine. [/. offering of first-fruits.
w/angala, n, human flesh; -danta,TO.human nala-giri, TO. N. of an elephant.
•I 5 !*!*?! nava-sasya, ra. new grain: ^isb^i,
tooth; -deva, m. god among men, king; «1<!1 n^lada, ra. Indian spikenard (Nar-
-natba, in. prince, king: -marga, TO. high dostachys Jatamansi); the root of the Andra- navaanna, ra. new grain : - isb/i, f.
road, ^Jbsana, n. royal throne, royalty. pogon muricatus. offering of first-fruits.
nara-pa, TO. prince, king ; -pati, TO. •f^TTWH. nala-nSman, a. named Nala; •T^rnfVffT n a v a a s i t i , / . eighty-nine.
id.: -patba, m. king's high-way, royal high- -margana, ra. search for Nala; -va^in, TO. navi-kri, renew, renovate; refresh,
road; -pala, TO. prince, king; -medba, in. horse of Nala; -sahka,/ suspicion of its being revive. [ = another.
human sacrifice. Nala ; -.vasana,ra.command of Nala ; -sa»»-
nidbi, f . presence of Nala; -saratbi, TO. T ^ T nav-ina, a. new, fresh, young ; sts.
i R ^ T R nara-yftna, ra. palanquin; -rupa, n.
human form ; -loka, m. world of men: -pala, charioteer of Nala; -siddba, pp. prepared by
navi-bhava, m. renovation.
rat. prince, king; -vara, TO. excellent man: Nala; ^amatya, m. minister of Nala; ^asva,
- uttama, spv. best of excellent men ; -var- TO. Nala's horse. • T ^ ^ n a v i - b h f i , be renewed. [recent.
man,TO.N. of a prince; -vabana, a. drawn nalika,/. tube. nav-iyas, cpv. new, fresh, young.
by men; rat. ep. of Kubera; N.: -datta, in.
N. of a prince: -&arita, ra. adventures of nalina, ra. day lotus flower (nelum- ^ T C H ; navajtara, a. old.
Naravahanadatta ; -vabana-datt-iya, a. be- biumspeciosum); -dala.ra. petal of - ; -nabba,
longing to Naravahanadatta; -vabin, a. borne rat. ep. of Krishna; ^asana, ep. of Brahman. • T q ^ ^ n a - v e d a s , a. (or - v e d a 1 ) observing:
by men: w. y&na,ra.palanquin; -visbana, n. knowing (g.).
nalini, / . = nalina ; group of or
human horn — chimera; -vira,TO.heroic man: lake overgrown with lotuses : -dala,ra.petal • r ^ W T nav aua%a, (pp.) a.f. newly-wedded;
-loka,rat.= children of men ; -vyagbra, -s&r- of the day lotus: -maya, a. consisting of / . - woman; -udaya, a. just risen (moon).
dula,TO.tiger-like man = most illustrious of petals of the day lotus; -pattra,ra.petal of
men; -sreshf Aa, spv. best of men; -sakha, 1. n^v-ya, a. new, fresh, young; a stri,
the day lotus.
TO. friend of Nara, ep. o/Narayaraa ; -si/nha, /. newly-wedded woman.
m. lion among men = great warrior; man-lion nalaudaya, TO. Nala's success, T.
2. n^v-ya,fp. to be lauded, praiseworthy.
(thefourth Avatdr of Vishnu); -bari,m. man- of a poem; -jupakbyana,ra.episode of Nala.
lion, Vishnu's fourth Avatdr. •T^R^n^v-yas, cpv. (-1) new, fresh.
•pj^T nalva, m. a measure of distance, either
H T j f v n naraadhipa, m. lord of men, king, = 52 or 200 yards. ^ f ^ J x . N A S , I . P . n a s a ( F . E . ) ; I V . P. (A.)
prince; - adbipati, rat. id. ^ na.sya, be lost, perish, disapjiear, vanish,
•fcT n£v-a, a. new, fresh, young, recent:
TXTlt^r n^ra-.s'd)?iSa, m. Praise of Men (i. e. depart; flee, escape ; be useless, be in vain :
(preceding pp.), ad. just, lately.
praised bg men), in. ep. of Agni, esp. in the pp. nasb^a, lost; vanished ; invisible; fled ;
• T ^ a x q ^ nava-kntvas, ad. nine times. destroyed, spoilt; unsuccessful, fruitless, use-
second verse of A pra-hyraits and in the third
less; dead; having lost a lawsuit; cs. na<-
of Apr^-hymns; ep. of PCtshan. •f^^I^ nava-graha, a. recently caught. aya, P. (A. rare) cause to disappear, re-
nirajndra, TO. chief of men, king, •tq^q n^va-gva, a. ninefold: TO. pi, the move, dispel, efface, destroy; lose; throw
prince: -kanya,/. princess; -ta,/., -tva, n. Nine, N. of a mythical race. away ; violate; forget: pp. nasita, lost; des.
138 •TH^T nad-eya.
of cs. nin&sayisha, P. wish to destroy, nis, to discharge (cloud); ready to blossom (bud); •tldf^TrT^Bf na/f-ayi-tavya, ^ i . to be acted
pp. nirnashta, lost, disappeared. pra(-»as- cs. cause to equip. (play).
ya), be lost; disappear, escape: pp. pra-
na-hf, not to be sure, certainly n o t : n&/-ika,/. play ; kind drama.
nash/a (the n remains unchanged when s be-
comes sh),lost; disappeared,vanished; perish- nahi-yatas, because not-therefore.
ed; run away,escaped; cs. cause to disappear; •II fid nkt-ita,(pp.)n. mimic representation
M n,lh-ush-a, TO. [connexion], descent,
leave unrewarded, ignore ; destroy, vl-pra, (of an emotion or action) : -ka, n. id. (—°).
race; N.,esp. of a king who displaced Indra,
be lost; disappear, vi, be lost; disappear; but was afterwardstranrformedinto a serpent. •TR5T n ^ - y a , n. d a n c e ; dramatic represen-
peri«h; be fruitless : pp. lost, vanished; tation,scenic art; actor's attire: in.irepresent)
spoilt, ruined ; destroyed, undone ; cs. cause •RT^n£ih-us, in. [connexion], descent,race; mimetically = on the stage; -vedi,/. stage;
to disappear, dispel; destroy, kill; allow to kinsman; neighbour. -s&la, f . dancing-hall; -s&stra, n. principles
perish, anu-vi, disappear or perish after •Tlcfi naka, ra. firmament, vault of heaven: of dramatic art; - 4A-arya, m. teacher of
or with (ac.). sam, pp. perished. -nadi,y. celestial Ganges; -nayaka, m. ep. of dancing or of the scenic art : -ka, n. office of
2. N A S , I. nasa, ( F . ) reach, attain ; Indra; -pati, -p&la, in. god; -puramdhri, a dancing-mast«r; ^ukti, f . theatrical term.
\ befall, abhi, id. [-ness. f . Apsaras ; -prishtf&a, n. vault of heaven ; nfirfi, f . vein : -ka, f . tube ; a mea-
-sad, ra. denizen of heaven, celestial, god; sure of time = ^ muh&ria or 24 minutes ; a
•pcT^ nas-vara, a. (i) perishable: -tva, n.
-stri,/". celestial female, Apsaras. measure of length = | danda; v. I. for ntllika.
•TS nash-fa, pp. of 1. nas : -vat, act. pt.
*ll ra. (possessingheaven), god. •UHSWT narfim-dhama, a. swelling the
«fS%<T*T nash/a-Aetana, a. having lost con-
«TRjv5T nakula, a. ichneumon-like. veins, quickening the pulse.
sciousness ; -/i-esh£a, a. motionless; -dhi, a.
having lost the remembrance of an injury; nakajsvara, ra. god. T T S t n t d " , f . (V. nm. -s), tube (also of the
-nidra, a. deprived of one's sleep; -rupa, a. rays of the sun, regarded as hollow and
invisible, unrecognised; -aamgna, a. whose • 1 1 ^ c f t ^ n S k a o k a s , ra. id. [sidereal. sucking up water)', slit, crack; tubular vessel
consciousness is impaired. in the body, vein ; pulse.
• t l ^ q nakshatra, a. relating to the stars,
• I S J 1 n a s h / a S t a n k a m , ad. fearlessly; •TTInEiga, ra. serpent, esp. as name of fabu- •1 nanaka,w.coin: -parikshin,m.tester
-atman, a. having one's understanding im- lous serpents with humanfaces inhabiting the of coin.
paired ;-artha,a. having lost one's property; city of Bhogarati in the infernal region*;
-jbaiika, a. fearless : -m, ad. fearlessly; •TTffTSfrarrW naati-kalySna, a. not very
elephant; a vital air (causing vomiting); N. beautiful or noble; -g&dha, a. tolerably deep;
- a^va-dagdha-ratha-vat, ad. like the man of several plants ; N.
who had lo^it his horse and the one who had -A'ira, a. not very long (time); -tivra, a.
his cart burnt (*c. who helped each other). T T I c f i naga-ka, ra. N.; -kesara, ra. X. of a moderate ; -tripti, /. non-surfuit.
• r f t nash-/i,y. ruin, destruction. small tree (Mesua Hoxburghii); n. itsflower. • T T f f l ^ ^ najtti-dQra, a. not too distant: -m,
•TTIi^fT naga-danta, ra. elephant's tooth, ad. not very far; ab., Ic. not very far from
•T%f^?fnash/fiindriya,a.becomeimpotent. ivory ; peg or bracket on the wall: -ka, ra. (ab., g.), -gfa, a. not too distant; -sthita,pp.
nashfaeshd, a. seeking what is lost, id., -maya, a. made of ivory. standing at not too great a distance.

nash/aishya, n. search for the lost. •TTTTT^T naga-n&tha, ra. chief of serpents; 1 fafaffrT naati-nirvi /ti,/. not too great
-nayaka, m. id.; -pati, m. id.; -pala, m. N.; satisfaction; -niAa, a. not too low; -pari-
nash/aubhaya-loka, a. to -pura, n. Elephant-city ( = Hastina-pura) ; Aara, a. having a limited retinue; -pari-
whom both(7/u's and the next) worlds are lost. -bandha, m. a serpent as a fetter; -maya, a. sphu^a, a. somewhat concealed; -paryapta,
consisting of elephants. pp. not too abundant; -pushta, pp. not too
r | i j i . N A S , I . A.nasa, (F.) associate one- well furnished with (in.); -prakupita, pp.
^ self with, join, embrace, sam,unite (int.) •f 1 i f ^ nagara, a. belonging to the town,
not excessively angry; -pramanas, a. not too
with. [and a). town-bred, urban; polished;adroit; m. citizen. good-humoured; -prasiddha, pp. not noto-
nas,/. nose (only in., Ic. sg., g., Ic. du. nSgara-ka, a., ra. id.; m. chief of a rious ; -bharika, a. not too weighty ; -bhin-
town, head of police; ik&, f . N. na, pp. not very different from (ab.); -mi-
nas, ac., d., g. pi. o / a h a m . tram, ad. not excessively; -m&n-in, a. not
•tI<1 i . I ^ n l g a - 1 % , m. serpent k i n g ; -rapa, esteeming oneself toohighly: (-i)-t&,/".absence
• W nas-a, nose (only a.).
-ra;/an, m. id. of vanity ; -ramaniya,//*. not too charming:
na-saravid, f . forgetfulness. -ta, /. abst. N. ; -rupa, a. not very pretty ;
I T l f T ^ f i nagar-ika, a. urban, town-bred ; -visadam, ad. (kiss) not very audibly ; -vis-
nas-t&s, ad. out of or into the nose. polite; ra. (well-bred) citizen; superintendent tara-samka^a, a. neither too wide nor too
of police. narrow ; -jsitaushwa, a. neither too hot nor
•T^npT na-sparsana, n. non-contact.
« H < | 0 * n Sgari, f . = deva-nagari. too cold ; -slishia, pp. not veiy firm ; -sva-
• T ^ n&s-va, a. being in the nose, n a s a l ; n. stha, a. not very well, poorly.
substance provocative of sneezing, sternuta- n a g a - l a t a , / . a tree; X.; -lekha,
tory : -karman, n. employment of a sternu- f . N.; -loka,ra.world or abode of the Nagas; • n W f T ^ X naatyanta-dfira, a. not very
tatory. coll. the serpents ; -va^a, m. N.: -valli, f . far distant.
the betel plant, piper betel; -vasa,/'. female
W T n a s - y a , / . nose-bridle. 1 f i l l ^ d naati^dn'ta, pp. much neglected;
elephant; -sura, ra. X.; -sthala, n. N. of
N A H , I V . P . nahya, bind, tie; tie or -jikkhrita,, pp. not too high; - utpanna, pp.
a village; -svamin, m. X.
N put on; A . put on: pp. naddha, tied, not quite natural or usual.
bound, fastened, to (-°); encircled, covered, ^ r r c T f W n * nagaadhirapa, ra. king of the r f p E f N A T H , I . A . ( P . rare) niitha,implore
or studded, with (in. or api, pi (the lat- elephants ; -anana, m. Elephant-face, ep. of v (Ic.), beg for (p.),beseech(«£•.) for (ac.):
ter form is the usual one in C), fasten, tie, Ganesa; -ari, TO. foe of the serpents, ep. of pp. -it4, suppliant, upa, P. beseech any one
or put on ; tie up, cover (by tying), stop up»? Garuda; - arpuna,TO.X. of an ancient Bud- (ac).
A . put on (oneself): pp. apinaddha, pinad- dhist teacher; ^asana, TO. (snake-eating),
dha. ava, tie or cover up. a, tie on: pp. peacock. •TTO nath-d, n. refuge, help ;TO.protector,
covered, with (in. or - ° ) ; obstructed, ud, guardian, ruler, lord, possessor (of, g. or
T P f t ^ n S g i - b h f i , turn into a NSga.
press out: pp. unnadha, fastened upwards, husband (esp. in voc.); a. aho in the pos-
tied up; swelling ; prominent, through (in. niigajndra, TO. chief of serpents; session of, occupied b y : -k&ma, a. seek-
or -°); unfettered; excessive; arrogant, sam- lordly elephant; -j.svara, in. X. ing aid; -vat, a. (-i) having a protector or
ud, pp. directed upwards: pressed out; ex- husband : -ta, f . abst• N.
cessive ; conceited, upa, tie up, - in a bundle: ^ T T f t f f l ^ t T naagni-dfishita, pp. uninjured
• n ^ n & d - d , m. din, roar; cry; sound; nasal
pp. covered or inlaid with (—°). pari, span; «1| 331 ofi riaz/r/aka, TO. X. [by fire. sound represented by a semicircle; - i , a. roar-
surround, encircle: pp. parinaddha, sur- ing ; -ita, cs. pp. (-\/nad); noise, cry;
rounded, by (- 0 ); extensive, broad, large; •TTZ na^a,TO.pi. X. of a people.
-in, a. sounding aloud; sounding or roar-
far advanced, sam, tie together, fasten ; ing like, resounding with.
*TTZ«fi nayaka, TO. [\/na^] actor; n. p l a y :
gird, equip, dress; prepare to (inf.) : pp. sara-
naddha, tied together, fastened; adhering; -vidhi, m. art of acting. nad-eyd, a. coming from a river
adjoining; bordering; equipped; ready; about na/ak-iya, a. dramatic; a,/, actress. (nadi); aquatic.
•TP* n a d h . 139

r f J V NADH, I. A. (V.) only pr. pt. nadba- the name of (ac.) to (ac.); - praM, ask the uttered: -paiikti, a. performed with five
x mana, suppliant, and pp. nadbita, dis- name of (ac.); in nama namatas one of the Narasantsa cups.
two words is redundant.
tressed. T T f t n a r i , / . woman, wife.
naadhita, pp. unlearned, ignorant. • r f f l V T T ^ f i nama-dharaka, a. merely bear-
narikera, m. cocoa-nut, - tree.
ing the name, being (nm.) only in name;
nanada, n. N. of a Sdman. -dbarin, a. bearing the name of, named (~c) ; •TrfX^i^r nSrikela, m. id.: -kuhara, hollow
variously, in different places, -dheya, n. name-giving, appellation, name ; of a - ; N. of an island; -dvipa, m. id.
separately; often, esp. used like an adjec- ceremony of naming : -tas, ad. nominally.
nari,/. woman, wife: -maya, a. con-
tive, different, various, manifold ; -jbkara, a. T P R ^ n^-man, n. ( / . a. -mni or less sisting of women only; -yana, n. carriage for
various, sundry; -gati,w. wind ; -tva, n. dif- commonly -va. an) mark,token; form, manner; women. [mad&.
ference ; manifoldness ; -digdesa, m.: ab. sg. name, appellation; mere name (opp. reality),
from various quarters, from all parts of tlie trace ; personal name (opp. family name or •TUl^r narmada, a. belonging to the N a r -
world; -devatya, a. addressed to various gotra) ; nature ; kind, race ; good name, fame
gods ; -de.?a, m. sg. various regions; -de.iya, (only a.); noun (gr.): nama kri, A. take •TRT n3la, a. consisting of reeds; n. hollow
-deaya, a. pi. belonging to various lands; a name ; - grab, mention the name; — bbri, stalk ; lotus stalk; tube, pipe ; navel-cord:
-dh&tu-aata, n. pi. hundreds of various bear a name; -kri, - da, or- dha, give a name; -ka, a. (lotus) stalk.
minerals; -db&tu-samakir»a,pp. filled with namna kn or vi-dha,name (2 ac.); nama, ad. •rrf^T®S nill-ika, period of 24 minutes
various minerals ; -pakshi-gawaakirwa,pp. by name (sts. namna or namatas is redun- a.) \ a i d . ; allusion, hint.
filled with flocks of various birds ; -paksbi- dantly added); indeed, certainly, of course;
nisbevita,pp. frequented by various birds; perhaps ; with inter, then, pray ; with impv. ^ T T f ^ f i T nalikera,
-mantra ogha-siddhi-mat, a. possessed of a ever so much, no matter if; api nama, with
m. cocoa-nut, - tree,
number of efficaciousspells; -mr/ga-gana.m. pot, at the beginning of a sentence, perhaps ;
pi. flocks of various animals; -rasa, a. having emphasizes a preceding word more strongly nalikela, m. id.
various sentiments (drama) ; -rupa, a. hete- than api; ma nama, + pot. would that not,
rogeneous ; ^jtrgba-mab&ratna -maya, a. if only not; nanu nama, surely. • r r ^ ^ i nSlika, m. kind of a r r o w ; i , f . id.
consistingof various priceless precious stones; • T P j fnava
t w l f =nali-^angha, m. orN.
- artba, a. having different meanings ; con- T T R T T ^ f nSma-matra, n. the mere name ; •TTef nau, ship (°-
taining something different; x. word with a. being something (nm.) merely in name; navanita,a. (i) coming from butter;
several meanings ; new sentence ; -varwaa- -mala, f . dictionary of nouns ; T. of a dic- soft as butter. [skipper ; -pati, m. id.
kn'ti, a. of various colours and shapes ; -vi- tionary ; -mudra, f . signet ring with a name;
-ya^/na, m. sacrifice only in name ; -rupa, n. • n f ^ c f i nav-ika, m. b o a t m a n : -nayaka, m.
dha, a. various,manifold; - s t r i , f . p l . women
of different castes. du. name and form; -linga, n. gender of *TP9 nav-ya, a. navigable; n., 4 , / . navi-
nouns ; -vismnti,/. forgetting of the name; gable river.
nandi, / . joy ; prayer at the open- -gesba, a. of whom the name only survives,
ing of a play. dead. [-ankita, pp. id, •TTlf nas-a,m. loss, disappearance; destruc-
tion, ruin ; death ; -aka, a, (ik&) destroying
i r r ^ t ^ T ^ nandi-nfida, m. cry of j o y ; •fTTT^jf n&maanka, a. marked with a name; (g. or -°); -ana, a. (i) destroying, dispelling,
-mukba, m. pi. N.of a class of Manes. nam-ika, a. (1) referring to a per- removing (g. or -°); n. destruction, ruin, re-
qjtfafi nfinduka, m. N. sonal name; nominal (gr.). moval ; forgetting (g.): -kara, a. (i) destruc-
tive of (-°); -in, a. perishing; destroy-
•rrf^ff n&pitfJ,m. barber; i , f . barber's wife. • n t ' I ' ^ n&m-in, a. having a name. ing ; - y a , f p . to be banished ; - destroyed.
•fT^ nabh,/. aperture, spring. [centre. •TFRT n&m-ya, fp. flexible. •TTfg«fi n^sh^-ika, m. [y. nashfaj owner of
lost property.
•TPT nSlbh-a, a. n a v e l ; nave of a wheel; TpET nay-a, m. leader ; prudence, policy.
•TT^TnS,sh-h 8,/. [ V n a s ] danger, ruin; fiend.
ndbhas-a, a. (i) appearing in the sky; • T R R i n&ya-ka, m. guide, leader, chief;
coming from the sky (voice). hero,, lover (in a play); lord,husband; central T T ^ n a s , / . du. nostrils, nose.

• T W P f i nabbakii, a. derived from nabhSka; pearl in a necklace ; N.\ -tva, n. leadership. •t |tlCK( nasatya, m. du. ep. of the Asvius ;
m. pat. o/"Nabhaka (a Rishi). •TTSRfpsr nayakS-ya, den. A. represent the later sg. N. of one of the Asvins.
n a b b i , / . , (C.) m. navel, navel-cord central gem in a pearl necklace. •rrSTc^ nasad-Ssiya, a. relating to R V .
{also i); nave of a wheel also i); hub, centre; ^ T f W n&y-ikfi, f . high-born l a d y ; mis- X , 129 (which begins nasad asit).
home; relationship; relative; m. musk animal; tress ; heroine. [m. man : pt,. water. •TTOT n a s - a , / . du. & sg. nostrils, nose.
chief (esp. among kings); -krintana, n. cut-
ting the navel-cord; -gandba, m. scent of nSr^, a. belonging to a man, human ; i T W R nSsaagra, n. tip of the nose; - anti-
musk ; -tva, n. condition of a navel. ka, a. reaching to the nose.
•11 <c(i n&raka, a. (i) infernal, hellish; m.
nabhi-;/ata,pp. i . produced from inhabitant of hell; a, m. hell, infernal regions. nasa-pu^a, m. nostril; -randbra,
a navel; 2. (naabhi-), not nobly born. n. id.; -va?nsa, m. bridge of the nose; -vi-
•t I ^feft'^narak-in, a., m. id. roka, n. nostril; -vivara, n. id.
T r f W R r i : n a a b h i - d M v - a t , pr. pt. not
•TIXW n ® 1,a nga, m., i, / . orange-tree. ^ r r f W nas-ika, / . sg. nostril; C. nose :
coming to the rescue.
n&rada (or a), m. N., esp. of a Devar- du. nostrils, nose : -agra, n. tip of the nose.
I T T f t l l * ! nabhi-n&la, «., a, f . navel-cord shi, who often comes down to earth to report • l l f t l ' W n^sik-ya, a. nasal.
a.) ; -inula, n. region just below the navel. what is going on in heaven, and returns to
•nfiT^f^r1naabhilakshita,pp.unobserved. recount what is happening on earth. nSsira, n. van (of an army).
^nf^Tcfi naasti-ka, a. unbelieving; m. un-
nSbhi-vardhana, n. cutting of I ^ T P C ^ t a narad-iya, a. relating to N S r a d a ;
n. T. of various icorks. believer, atheist (one who says ' there is not'
the navel-cord. * [wheel.
a God): - t a , f . atheism.
nabhi,/. navel, navel-cord; nave of a •TTXT^F nara/ca, m. (i:ind of) arrow: -dur-
dina, n. shower of arrows. i l T f ^ r ^ nSstik-ya, n. unbelief; - karma-
nama-ka, a.(ika) i.bearing the name nam, disbelief in the effect of works.
of, named (- 0 ); 2. (Vnam) bending (-°). •TTXTRPir n&rayana, m. Son of the primal
Man, pat. of the personified Purusha; identi- naasti-miirti,/.bodiless; -vada,
nSma-karawa, n. ceremony of fied with Vishnu and Krishna; N.; a, a. re- m. atheism, unbelief.
giving a name ; -karman, n. id.; -kirtana, lating to Narayana : i, /. ep. of Durga.
n. mentioning the name of (g.); -gotra, n. A «TT*?T n^s-ya, n. nose-cord.
du. perse Vial and family name; -graha, m., • r r C R T H r r e narayawa-ya, den. A. become
t{ r. nahusha, a. (i) akin ; m. kinsman.
-grahan L n. mention of a name; -gr&ba, m. or resemble the god Narayana.
id.\ (-g:^£ba)-m, mentioning the name; •TTW^i 2. nahusha, m. descendant of Nahu-
-;/ati-graha, m.: - r l , n. mention of the name • T T T T i t ^ n^rSsamsa, a. (i) relating to the
sha, pat. of Yayati.
and rank (of the caste). praise of men ; sacred to Agni Narasamsa ;
m. N. of certain Soma cups over which a fir
•rTHfT^nama-tas, ad. by name : - kri, give prayer containing the ivord Narasamsa is ni,oc?. down ; in, into; backwards (except
once, in the AV., only combined
T 2 with verbs or
140 fif^nims. f*Tf>* ni-dhi.
compounded with nouns: in the latter case all, complete : ^jirtha, a. containing all re- ni-t§,nta, pp. (-v/tam) excessive:
sometimes = nis). quisites, complete. -m, ad. excessively, highly, very.
NLT/S, II. A . nimste, kiss, greet. ( • H I ^ ni-garfa,n. foot-chain; fetter; -gada- ni-todfn, a. goading, piercing.
na, n. putting in irons. nf-tya, a. inward, innate; own (V.);
"fSTIcR0 niA-ka-, v. f^T^i 0 nishka-. constant, perpetual, eternal; always abiding
f s n r S ^ i nigac?a-ya, den. P. put in irons :
f ^ T r ^ f ^ I niA-kshatriya,a. having no war- pp. nigaciita, fettered. in, devoted* to (—°); regulai-, essential, neces-
rior caste; -kshepa, m. sending away, re- sary : or -m, ad. constantly, perpetually,
f ' P P ^ ni-gadd, rn. reciting aloud; prayer always; invariably; na nityam, not always;
moval. recited aloud; mention; -gama, ra. insertion, never; - sam&sa, m. necessary or fast com-
f^:T?°niA-pa-,-pha-,r.fa«M°nishpa-,-pha-. esp. of gods' names in a ritual formula; pound i.e. one that cannot be resolved, with-
passage (in which a word occurs); root from out aestroying the meaning; — svarita, ra.
fqcjl^f ni-kakshd,, m. arm-pit. which a word is derived; Yedic text, holy necessary, i. e. independent svarita.
f«icfii ni-kafa, a. being at one's side, near; writ; sacred ordinance ; doctrine ; -gamana,
n. proximity: -m, near, to (g. or -°); ab. from ra. being quoted; conclusion (of a syllogism); nitya-karman, ra. necessary duty
the neighbourhood of, away from; Ic. near, -garana, n. swallowing; -gu</Aa-Aarin, a. or rite; -kalam, ad. always, invariably ;
beside, to; -ga, -vartin, -stha, a. standing walking in disguise; -gueMa-tara, cpv. well -kritya, n.,-Tsxiy&,,f. regular ceremony, daily
near, being at hand. concealed; -guhana, n. hiding; -grabhitri, routine ; -gati, a. constantly moving; m.
r/i.seizer, binder; of sacrificial animal); -gra- wind; -gkta,pp. being constantly born ; -t&,
fa°hd^*![nikaJi-bhfi, approach (p.),be near. ha, m. seizure; repression,suppression; keep- /., -tva, n. perpetuity, eternity ; necessity ;
ing back from (ab.) ; restraint, coercion; perseverance in, devotion to (-°); -da, ad.
f^fefiX! ni-kara, m. dense mass, multitude ; chastisement; reprimand ; -grahana, n. re- perpetually; -pariksharaa, n. constant in-
-kartana, n. cutting off; robbing ; -karsha, pression, suppression ; punishment; -grahi- spection ; -bhava, m. eternity.
m. diminution, depreciation; low degree ; tri, m. seizer; -grahitavya, fp. to be pun-
•kasha, m. rubbing in, friction; harrow ; nitya-yukta, pp. ever occupied in,
ished ; -grahya, fp. id.; oppressed, injured, constantly applied or attentive to (Ic.); -yuy,
touchstone; n. streak of gold on the touch-
stone : -gravan, m. touchstone ; -kasha/ia, by a. ever concentrated ; -vyaya, a. always ex-
in. n. touchstone ; -kasha, in. ad. near (ac.). faW ni-ghan/a, m. glossary; N. of a pending ; -vrata, n. life-long observance;
Ddnava; -gharaZu, m. glossary: pi. Vedic -sankita,jpp. perpetually alarmed, constantly
f«fctm|<J nikasha-ya, den. A. be a touch- suspicious.
stone : -mana, pr.pt. being a touchstone for
f i T O ^ ni-gharsha, m. friction ; -ghata, m. f ^ r a n c r ^ nitya-sas, ad. constantly.
blow ; stroke ; falling accent; -ghatin, a. nitya-sevaka, a. constantly serv-
r*1°HI*1 ni-kamd, in. desire, pleasure: striking down, destroying (-°) ; -ghna, a. (-°) ing ; -snayin, a. constantly jierforming ablu-
-m, -tas, ad. according to wish, at pleasure ; dependent; being in the power of, ruled by; tions; (nitya)-hotri, m. constant sacrificer.
one's fill, sufficiently, abundantly; altogether ; devoted to.
-kaya, to. assemblage, class, society ; multi- f^Trtl nitvaanugrihita, pp. con-
tude ; body ; -kara, to. humiliation, insult. f s j - q + H ni-Aamana, n. sipping ; -kaya, m.
stantly tended (fire); ^udaka, -jadakin, «.
accumulation, heap, crowd, multitude ; store,
facirpp^n nikavalga,/. N., or possibly two provision ; -&ayin, a. multitudinous ; -Aula, always supplied with water; -udita, ],]/.
names. in. a tree; N. of a poet (rival of Kalidd.-a i: spontaneously arisen (knowledge).
-ka, m, a tree; case, covering; -Aulita, pp. ff-J ^ N I D ( V . and only in the forms ni-
f s ^ r n X ni-k&sa,TO.sight; neighbourhood; covered with a case; covered with (-°). x nidus, nidana, nidyamina) = N1ND.
a. appearance (=like, similar); -kasha,
m. scratching; rubbing, friction. fsfxfrj ni-Aetii,m. observer; -Aetn, observer ni-darsa-ka, a. seeing; announc-
f«|eji^fi ni-kun^a, ra. thicket; -kumbha, m. , of (ac.); -keya,fp. to be heaped up ; -Aola, ing; -darxana, a. (i) showing; announcing;
a plant (Croton polyandrum); N. of an at- m. wrapper, cloak; cover : -ka, n. id. teaching; ra. seeing, sight; reference to (-°);
tendant of Siva; -kuramba or -kurumba, showing, authority, evidence; instance, ex-
ni-AAAivi, m. a mixed caste (off-
m. n. multitude : -ka, in. n. id. ample, illustration ; symptom ; prognostic ;
spring of Vratya Kshatriya). system ; contradictory instance ; -dari-in, a.
f ^ l i r r ni-kr<ta, pp. x^kri; n. fraud ; -kri- (~°) seeing,understanding; pleasing; -dagha,
ti, a. dishonest; base ; f . dishonesty, fraud, f r f NN I G , intv.nenekti,neniktS,cleanse: m. heat, hot season, summer : -dhaman, in.
baseness: -•gxagiia, a. versed in fraud, -mat, A . wash oneself: pp. nikta, washed, sun, - avadhi, in. hot season; -d&na, n. rope,
a. dishonest; -kritvan, a. delusive ; -krint- cleansed; sprinkled, ava, purify; cs. -neg- halter ; prime cause, original form ; cause ;
ana, a. cutting off, destroying; n. slaughter, aya, P. cause to wash, nis, cleanse; A. a class of Buddhistic works: in. originally,
destruction of (g. or-°); -kr ?sh£a, pp.*/k rt'sh: wash oneself; A. adorn oneself: pp. nirnik- essentially, really; -didrasu, des. a. sleepy;
• asaya, a. having a base disposition: -ta,^. ta, washed, cleansed, purified; pure (fig.); -didhyasana, ra. profound meditation ; -di-
abst. N. ; - ijpadhi, a. conditioned by some- washed away (sin); cleared up, explained. dhyasitavya,//>. to be profoundly meditated
thing lower: -ta,/. abst. N. f ^ m ni-r/a, a. inborn, indwelling; constant; on; -desa, m. command, order; neighbour-
domestic (foe); own (often =possessive pro- hood : e stha, be at any one's (d.) command.
noun) ; m.pl. one's ownpeople: -varraa-dhar- f^f^T ni-dra,/. sleep; sleepiness: -m tyag,
ni-keta, ra. (n.) mansion, dwelling ;
ma, m. rules of his own caste: -tas, ad. from - . blossom (of flowers); -kara, a. soporific,
f^fcfft^r n. id.; m.
ni-koAa, temple. [n. id.
contraction; -koAana,
f i f ^ X ni-pur, / . burning, scorching. - a g a m a , rn. drowsiness, -daridra, a. suffer-
ni-kramaraa, n. stepping,treading; ing from sleeplessness : i-kW, deprive of sleep.
footstep; -kri(2a,m.play; *-kvawa,m. sound; fa&M ni^&la, ra. forehead. [Siva. f*| | •nf^fTnidra antarita, pp. fallen asleep;
-kva?ja, in. id. ni/ila, ra. id.: -ikshana, m. ep. of -andha, a. blinded with sleep; ^alasa, a.
drowsy, sleepy,siuggardly; ^alasya, n. sleepi-
" R ^ ^ f N I K S H , I . P . niksha, pierce. ni-nyd, a. inward; secret, hidden : ness, sloth.
X -m, ad.; u. secret.
f ^ f t f ni-kshepa, m. putting down, throw- nidra-lu, a. sleepy.
ing or casting on ; directing (the gaze) to- f*lrtl«t ni-tamba, m. posterior: du. but-
tocks (esp. of a woman); slope of a mountain: ni-dh^ina, n. [putting down], abode;
wards (Ic.) ; deposit, pledge, object given in
-vati, a. having beautiful buttocks, kalli- conclusion,end; annihilation; death; musical
trust; -kshepaua, n. putting down; place for
pygian ; f . woman with beautiful buttocks; finish of a Sdman.
keeping anything; -ksheptri, m. depositor;
-kshepya, fp. to be put down; to be placed N.; -sthala, w., -sthali,/. hind quarters. fa^Hdl ni-dhana-ta, f. poverty.
in (Ic.).
(«1flfie|"t_ nitamb-in, a. kallipygian ; con- fsTOT ni-dhSi, / . snaring n e t ; -dhatavya,
f«JM*H ni-khanana, n, burying, hiding cealing beautiful buttocks (garment); hav- fp. to be put down; - kept; - entrusted to
in the ground; -kharva, n. a hundred thou- ing beautiful slopes : - i , f . woman with beau- (Ic.); - directed to (Ic.); -dhfina, n. putting
sand millions: -ka, a thousand millions; tiful buttocks. down; receptacle a. i); (hidden) treasure.
-khata, pp. Vkhan: -tushaahgaraadi-
f^Tc|Trr*C. ni-taram, (cpv.) ad. below; in a fsrf^I ni-dhf, m. putting down ; food set
mat, a. with buried husks, coal, etc. down; receptacle; fig. embodiment; (hidden)
lowered tone; completely, quite; at all events;
f l f ^ H ni-khila, a. [without a gap], entire, especially, greatly; too much; expressly. treasure: ap&m receptacle of waters, ocean;
fsfVJc(if ni-dhuvana. f^nTi nir-apa. 141

kal&n&m full moon; -gubyakaadhipa, rupted; rigid, firm; fast, close (embrace, etc.); be restrained, - subdued ; - limited ; - re-
w. ep. of Kubera; -datta, in. AT. of a mer- full of (in. or - ° ) ; low. stricted ; -yana, n. going in, entry ; -yama-
chant; -pa, m. guardian of treasure ; -pati- ka, a, (ik&) restraining,checking; restricting.
faRl^^ nibirfa-ya, den.P.embrace closely:
datta, in. N.; -p£, -pala, m. guardian of a f ^ - J r S ni-yukta, pp. v/yug ; m. public
pp. nibidita, become dense; closely pressed.
treasure; -palita, m, N.; -maya, a. (1) con- functionary, official; -yukti,/. appointment,
sisting of treasures ; -vada, m. art of finding ni-boddhavya,/jp. to be regarded employment (for, -artham); -yd-t, f . be-
treasure. as (nm.). stowal ; series; team, steed, esp. of Vdyu: pi.
f i ^ ^ S f ni-dhuvana, n. copulation. ni-bha, a. like, resembling (- 0 , often verses, poem; -ynta, pp. \/yu; n. a certain
redundant after an adjective or with sy- large number, gnly. million; -yuddha, n.
f i f O r f ^ t nidbi_arthin, a. treasure-seeking. nonyms) ; -V. appearance, pretext (only in. fight, esp. with fists.
f^Hirf^ ni-dhruvi, a. constant, faithful. and ab.); -blmta, pp. Vbhn: »m, ad.
f W m p s i ni-yoktavya,/p. to be applied or
secretly, apart; out of sight; n. secrecy.
s* directed to; - commissioned or appointed to
f i f i f ^ ni-nada, m. n. sound, noise, cry ; f * T T W T ni-maf/r/ana, n. immersion; -man- (lc.); - called to account.
-nayana, n. pouring out; performance of traraa, n. invitation ; -mantrya, fp. to be in-
f ^ T f ^ ^ T ni-nart-ish-a, / . desire to dance. vited ; to be offered something (in.); -maya, f ^ n T f l ni-yoga, rn. fastening; appointed
duty, function; employment, appointment,
f«1«1Ini-nada,m.sound,noise; cry; buzz- m. [*/ma] barter, exchange (of, g., for, in.);
commission, business; order, injunction; neces-
ing ; -nadin, a. (- 0 ) sounding like; playing -matavya, fp. to be bartered or exchanged
sity, certainty ; destiny : in. necessarily, cer-
(tin instrument)-, accompanied by the sound of. for (in.).
tainly ; -krit, a. acting in one's behalf, agent;
nimi. m. N, of various kings, -samstbita, pp. being in office; -stba, a.
firf«lj^TfJ ni-nidrft-su, des. a. sleepy. being under the orders of (p.); ^artba, m.
f u l f i l TI m-mitta,n. aim,mark; sign,token;
f ^ f t ^ T ni-ni-sha, / . desire to carry off commission,
omen; cause, occasion; motive; instrument,
(-"); -shu, des. a. wishing to carry off (ac.); efficient cause; —° a. having - as a cause, fa<iYfal*Vniyog-in, m • authorised person,
- to bring to (ac. + prati). caused by : -m ya, be the occasion, bear the deputy, agent, functionary;-iartha-grahan-
fagprH ni-nritti,/. repetition. blame; ac., in., d. on account of; -tas, paya, m. resource of confiscating the property
ad. by a special cause ; -tva, n. causality; of public functionaries.
NIND, I. P. (E. also A.) ninda, -betn, m. efficient cause: -tva, n. abst. n.
ni-yo^ana, n. tying u p ; cord ;
^ deride, abuse, despise, blame; surpass : injunction, commission; -yof/ayitavya, cs.fp.
f ^ T r f t e l nimitti-kri, turn into a cause;
pp. nindita, reprehended, censured, blame- to be punished with (in.) ; to be urged to (lc. ;
become the occasion of (lc.); -kHtya, gd. by
worthy ; despised; forbidden; inauspicious. -yo^ya, fp. to be fastened ; - endowed with;
the fault of, owing to (go.); -bbu, become
nind-aka, a. blaming; defaming; the cause or occasion of (lc.). - instructed in (in.); - commissioned; - en-
in. caviller, mocker, scorner, scoffer (gnly. -°); trusted ; m. servant, dependent; -yodbaka,
ni-mlsh, / . twinkling of the eye ; m. pugilist.
-ana, n. blame; abuse; -iL, f . defamation;
-misba, n. twinkling of the eye; winking;
cavilling; abuse; censure, blame, condemna- nir =i nis before soft letters.
tion; disgrace. moment; -milana, n. closing of the eyes;
closing of a flower; -milika, /. id. (—°); f^T^fcR nir-amsa-ka, a. receiving no portion.
nfnd-ya (or -ya), fp. blameworthy, -milin,a, closing the eyes: -mesba, m. wink-
contemptible ; infamous, disgraceful; forbid- ing, closing of the eye; moment, [(waters). f«t nir-akshara, a. illiterate ; -agni, a.
den : - t k , f . infamy, reproach. having no domestic fire ; -agba, a. blame-
f*t*l , M nl-nmg-ra, a. subsiding, flovvingavvay
f^njcTT less; -anku.s'a, a. unfettered, unrestricted,
f i n s ' ni-mn^, n. low ground, hollow ; a. perfectly free ; extravagant: -tva, n. abst. N.
ni-patana, n. falling; flying, flight; concave ; low-lying, depressed, deep : -gata,
-pata, in. fall; descent; cast (of a look); fall- pp. situated in hollows: n. low ground; -ga, f ^ H ^ U i q nirahkusa-ya, den. P. unfetter,
ing from (<ib.) on (- 0 ); alighting (of a bird);
f . (going to the lowlands), river: -pati, m. set Iree.
fall (fitj.); assault, attack ; death; incidental lord of rivers, sea, -suta, pp. m. Bhlshma
mention ; irregularity (gr.); particle (gr.); (son of the rivfcr, i.e. of the Ganges); J J I - f i H v j f nir-anga, a. incomplete ; devoid of
-p&tana, n. causing to fall or descend ; falling nata, pp. depressed and elevated; u.pi. hill expedients, resourceless, thrown on one's own
down; flying down (of a bird); beating, and dale. resources; -anguli, a. fingerless; -ailyana,
striking; destroying, killing; incidental men- a. (without paint = ) guileless, sincere.
tion, esp. of an irregular or rare form (gr.): nimba, in. N. of a tree with bitter fruit
-pratikara, m. repelling of assaults ; -pat in, (Asadirachta indica): - v a t - i , f . N. f^TCfff ni-rati,/. addiction to (-°).
a, falling down; dropping; alighting, on (- 0 ); m - m r u k t i , f . sunset, evening; nir-atisaya, a. not to be sur-
striking down, destroying, consuming; -pada, passed, greatest, supreme; without distinc-
in. lowland, valley; -p&na, n. drinking; -ULVVL/C , f . id.
tive marks; -.atyaya, a. free from danger,
trough; trench, tank, pool: -vat, a. abound- ni-yata, pp. -s/yam : -m, ad. cer- safe; successful; infallible; -adbisb/Aana, a.
ing iu pools, -saras, ra. drinking-pool. tainly, assuredly; n. pi. organs of sense (ph.); untenable; independent; -anukrosa, m. piti-
f^T^TTT ni-pnraa, a. skilful, adroit, clever, -kala, a. lasting for a limited time, temporary; lessness (-tas, ad. pitilessly); a. pitiless (to-
conversant (with lc., inf., or -°) ; suitable for, -vasati, a. having his perinament abode any- wards, lc.); -anuga, a. having no retinue;
capable of (-°); perfect, complete : -m, ad. where; -visbaya-vartin, a. steadily abiding -anugraba, a. showing no favour or pity;
cleverly ; delicately ; absolutely, completely ; iu his appointed sphere; -vrata, a. faithful -anuyor/ya, fp. irreproachable, valid (argu-
exactly, thoroughly, carefully; -taram, ad. to one's vow; -atman, a. self'Controlled. ment); -anurodba, a. regardless of, indif-
id.; - t k , f . skill, cleverness; carefulness : in. ferent to (lc.) ; -anu^aya, a, having no resi-
ni-yati, f . fixed order of things,
carefully. duum of the consequences of action left.
f ' H j f i p f i T nipun-ika,/. N. necessity, destiny; Fate.
fiTX/rTX nir-antara, a. having no interstice,
ni-banddhri, ra. author; -bandha,m. J ' R J n f ^ ^ T niyataindriya, a. having one's
contiguous, successive, continuous, uninter-
fastening, binding; bondage ; bond, fetter ; ^ senses restrained.
rupted, constant; dense ; thickly set with,
foundation, fixed property ; literary composi- f ^ J i f l ^ n i - y a n t a v y a , f p . to be restrained
full of (in. or -°); faithful (friend); without
tion; -bandbana,a. binding; n. fastening, or held in check; — guided; - enforced; a difference, identical: -m, ad. tightly (em-
binding on ; holding fast; construction (of a -yantri, in. restrainer, ruler; charioteer: brace) ; continually ; forthwith ; -anna, a.
bridge); bond, fetter (aZso i); connexion; -tva, n. faculty of restraining; -yantrana, n. having nothing to eat; fasting; yielding no
receptacle, holder; (literary) composition, con- restraining; limitation. food; -anvaya, a. having no descendants;
struction; cause, origin; occasion, motive,
ni-yama, m, restraint, limitation; re- unrelated, unconnected: -m, ad. behind any
condition : often a. = occasioned or condi-
striction to (lc. or prati icithac.); fixed rule, one's back.
tioned by, originating in, dependent on, re-
lating to; -bandbin, a. binding; joined certainty, absolute necessity (in a particular f^T^T nir-apa, a. waterless ; -apatya, a.
by, connected with, causing; -barhana, a. case); contract, promise ; vow; self-imposed childless; -apatrapa, a. shameless; -apara-
destroying, removing, dispelling; ra. destruc- (religious) observance, minor (occasional) dba, a. harmless, innocent; -apavada, a.
tion. duty : ab. necessarily, certainly; in. id.; with blameless; subject to no exception ; -apaya,
certain limitations; -yamana, n. restraining, a. imperishable ; unfailing; unharmed, safe;
fafa^S nibirfa, a. [ni-vila, without inter- subduing; restriction; -yama-vat, a. prac- -apayin, a. imperishable; -apeksha, a. re-
stices], dense, thick, impenetrable; uninter- tising religious observances; -yamya,/p. to gardless of, indifferent to (Ze. or -°); earing
142 nir-abhi-praya. f^^RlH. nir-damsin.
for nothing, indifferent to worldly objects; tapa, a. sheltered from the beat of the sun, 1. uir-iid/ia, pp. of fih.
independent of (-°) : -m, ad. without having shady; -atapatra, a. destitute of an umbrella;
any regard, without troubling about a thing, -atithya, n. inhospitable (forest); -adara, a. f ^ S 2. nir-MAa, pp. of V vah.
-ka, a. independent, -ta, /. regardlessness ; showing no respect towards (Ic.); -adhi, a. nir-Qc/Ai,/. renown.
indifference towards (Ic.), -tva, n. indiffer- free from care; -ananda, a. joyless, sad;
ence ; independence; -apeksha, / indiffer- •antra, a. disembowelled; -apad, a. free from lii-rfipaka, a. observant, contem-
ence towards (Ic.); -apekshita, pp. disre- adversi ty; -abadha, a. undisturbed; harm- plative ; defining ; m. observant man; -rnp-
garded; regardless of (-°); indifferent towards less ; frivolous, futile; -amaya, TO. health, ana, a. determining; n. defining; investiga-
(Ic); -apekshya ,fp. not to be troubled about. welfare; a. healthy, well; salubrious; in- tion ; shape ; -rupya,/o. to be determined ;
fallible; -amarsha, a. putting up with every- questionable.
fST^fJTJFRf nir-abhi-praya,a. aimless; -bha- thing, apathetic ; -amisha, a. fleshless ; hav-
va, a. not degrading or humiliating; -mana, ing 110 sensual desires : -Jisin, a. not eating nfr-riti, f . (departure of life), dis-
a. free from pride ; -lapya, a. unspeakable ; flesh, not carnivorous ; -ayata-tva, n. lack of solution, corruption; goddess of death (guar-
-lasha, a. free from desire for, regardless of extension, shortness; -ayati, a. having no dian of the south-went).
(-°); -samdhin, a. disinterested. future; -ayasa, a. involving no trouble; f'f^T^nir-enas, a. guiltless.
f i f ^ j j nir-abhra, a. cloudless ; -amarsha, causing no fatigue; -ayudha, a. unarmed ;
a. apathetic ; -ambara, a. unclothed, naked. -arambha, a. unenterprising, inactive ; -a- f i f O ^ I ni-rodha, TO. confinement, imprison-
lamba, a, having no support; suspended in ment; enclosure; coercion, regression, sub-
f s f ^ Z f nir-aya,TO. (departure/rom life), hell. the air ; self-supported, isolated, affording no jection; obstruction ; destruction; disappoint-
support; -a.la.pa, a. not talking ; -aloka, a. ment (dr.); -r6dhana, ra. imprisonment;
f ^ N nir-argala, a. unchecked, undis-
devoid of light, dark ; blind, foolish; -avar- coercion ; refusal; disappointment (dr.).
turbed, free, irresistible. ana, a. uncovered, manifest; -asa, a. having
iiir-artha, a. useless; poor; unmean- given up all hope or expectation, despairing O 1 5 ^ nir-oshtf/tya, a. lacking labials; n.
ing, senseless: -ka, a. failing of one's purpose, (of, ac. with prati, d.,ab., Ic., or -°): -kara, absence of labials.
futile, unprofitable, useless; senseless, un- a. taking away all hope of, rendering impos- IRg^f^i^R^f nir-gataakhila-kalma-
meaning : -m, ad. in vain; n. senseless ob- sible, -tva, n. hopelessness; -asanka, a. fear- sha, a. freed from all sin : -ta,/. abst. A.;
jection ; -ka-tva, n. futility; -ta, / . sense- less ; not afraid of (Ic.); -a-sankya./p. not to -gati,/. setting out; -gandha, a. scentless:
lessness. be feared ; -ILsa,/'. renunciation of all hopes: -t4,/. -ness; -gama, m. going out, departure,
•^asanna,pp. verging on despair; -asitva, n. escape from (ab.); vanishing ; outlet, exit;
f a i ^ q c f l i ? ! nir-avakasa, a. having no space; despair; -a-sin, a. having renounced all hope, destination of an export; issue, conclusion ;
- place or scope; inopportune: -ta,,/. abst. N. hopeless; -asis, a. having no desires or -gamana, n. going out of (-°); -garva, a.
f ^ t ^ q c n j ^ ^ i niravakasi-kri,remove from hopes ; -a.si-bhu, lose all hope ; -&srama, a. free from pride ; -garha, a. blameless; -ga-
being in none of the four stages of a Brah-
its place. vaksha, a. windowless; -gahana, a. know-
man: -pada,a. having 11 ohermi tages (forest);
ing no precipices = intrepid ; -guwa, a. lack-
nir-avagraha,a. unrestrained, un- -asramin, a. id.; -asraya, a. shelterless^ un-
ing a cord; stringless (bow); destitute of
controlled, free, independent. supported ; independent; unprotected; -&sa,
qualities; worthless, base, bad : -t&,f, -tva,
m. expulsion, exclusion, rejection, repudiation;
p T T ^ S l nir-avadya,///. blameless. -astha, a. taking no interest in, not caring n. lack of all qualities; worthlessness, base-
about (-°); -ahara, TO. fasting; a. abstaining ness, wickedness ; -gulika, a. lacking a pill;
f ^ n ^ l nir-avadhi, a. boundless, unlimit- -griha, a. (i) houseless ; -gaurava, a. devoid
ed ; perpetual, endless: -ka, a. unlimited; fromfood,havingnothing to eat: -ta,,/.abst.N.
ofreverence: -xa.,ad. condescendingly; -gran-
-avayava,a.indivisible: -tva,n.-ness; -ava- tha, a. freed from all bonds; in. naked Jain
lamba, a. affording no support; unsupported, f ^ r f X f ^ ^ T nlr-indi iya, a. im potent; barren; mendicant; -granthika, m. naked Jain
destitute of support; -avalambana, n. owner- frail. mendicant; -graha, m. ascertainment.
less (wealth); not to be met with in any one ;
-avasesha, a. leaving no remnant; complete, fa 0 ^ cftnir-iksh-aka, a. seeing, beholding; nir-gharshana, ra. grinding: -ka, a.
whole : in., -tas, altogether, wholly; -ava- intending to see (-°); -ana, a. looking at (-°); serving as a dentifrice for (g.) ; -ghata, m. re-
sada, a. cheerful. n. regarding; inspection,contemplation; look. moval, destruction; gust of wind, whirlwind;
N. of a Ddnava; -ghri^a, a. unmerciful,
f i r ^ T f nir-asana, a.abstaining from food; (•t^Vf^T nir-iti, a. not afflicted with calami- cruel: -ta, /., -tva, n. liard-heartedness ;
-a*va, a. horseless. ties; -iha, a. motionless; inactive; indifferent -ghosha, m. sound ; a. soundless; noiseless.
f*l nir-asana, a. (1) casting out ; n. to all things : -ta,/. indifference, absence of
desire to get anything. f i T ^ T nir-yana, a. deserted, desolate, soli-
driving away, expulsion; removal, abandon- tary; n. solitude: -ta,/., -tva,ra.id., -vans,,
ment, rejection : i - y a , f p . to be expelled from f i j ^ f t l nir-ukta, pp. v&lc; n. explanation: ra. lonely forest; -</aya, m. conquest; -'/ara,
(ab.) ; -asta, pp. of v as, throw; -astra, a. etymological interpretation; esp. T. of Yds- a. not aging, young ; to. god ; -r/ala, a. water-
unarmed; - a s y a , f p . deserving expulsion. ka's commentary on the Nighantvs; -ukti,/. less ; -r/alada, a. cloudless ; -pigamishu, des.
etymological explanation; -m'tkhana, n. — a. wishing to go out; -r/ita-varman, m. N.;
t ^ f ^ r n : nir-aham-k&ra, a. free from ego-
ni-rapana; -nttara, a. having no superior: -c/ita ari-gana, a. having conquered the host
ism ; -karin, a. free from consciousness of
unable to give an answer; -utsava, a. devoid of his foes; -pit!,/, conquest; -^ihirshu, des.
self; -krita, pp. impersonal; unselfish ; un-
of festivals ; -utsaha, a. destitute of energy, a. wishing to take out or remove ; -piva, a.
pretentious ; -kriti, a. free from egoism;
unenterprising, spiritless : -ta,/. cowardice ; lifeless, dead; -piva-karana, ra. death-blow
-kriya, a. impersonal; -kriya, f . freedom
-utsuka, a. unconcerned ; having no desire (to, g.); -pivita, a. lifeless: -tva, ra. -ness;
from egoism. for (prati) ; -ntseka, in. modesty ; a. unpre- -getri, m. vanquisher ; -r/nana, a. ignorant,
f»Hjqi^«iJ nir-akararaa, n. expulsion; re- tentious, modest; -udara, a. trunkless; -ud- stupid.
pudiation of a wife; removal; disproval; desam, ad. without making any statement;
-akarawiya, fp. to be disproved; -akari- -udyama, a. avoiding exertion, indolent; fST^ 1 ^ nir-pAara, m. (rarely ra.) cascade, tor-
sb»u, a. repudiating (ac.); seeking to remove -udyoga, a. id.; -udvigna, pp. untroubled, rent; -ghaxini, f . torrent.
from (ab.); forgetful; - a i a r t a v y a , fp. to be unagitated: -inan as, a. having one's mind
disproved; -akartri, m. contemner of (p.); a. undisturbed; -udvega, a. free from agitation, nir-«aya, m. removal; complete
disproving; -akanksha, a. expecting nothing; calm; -unmada, a. free from arrogance; ascertainment; settlement, decision, judg-
having no desires ; requiring no supplement; -upakarin, a. unable to render a service; ment, sentence: ^npama,/. comparison hased
- i k a r a , a. formless, b< uliless; ha vingno object, -npakriya, a. rendering no service ; -upa- on an inference ; -nama, in. contortion, sinu-
vacant; -akula, a. notcrowded,unfrequented; drava, a. unassailed by mischances or calami- osity.
not confused,orderly; unconcerned,calm; -a- ties, prosperous,faring well; free from danger, faftjfTtl nir-raikti, / . expiation ; -nig, f .
k r i t i , a. formless ; neglecting one's religious safe : -ta,/. security ; -npadhi, a. free from bright robe; -neka, m. cleansing, purifica-
duties; -akranda* a. unprotected ; affording guile, honest; blameless; -upapatti, a. un- tion ; expiation ; -nepaka, m. washerman ;
no protection; m.or n. unsheltered place; -akri- suitable ; -upapada, a. unaccompanied by a -raepana, n. cleansing; expiation, atonement;
y a , / expulsion; disproval; -agas,a.guiltless; secondary word ; -upaplava, a. undisturbed, -netri, ni. umpire; -noda, m. expulsion.
- a g r a h a , a. not obstinately insisting on any- uninterrupted; -upabhoga, a. not enjoying;
thing; -a/rikirsbn, des. a. wishing to refute -npama, a. having no equal; -upayoga, a. f^<^fiJ«^nir-daTOsin, a. not biting; -dawrfa,
any one (ac.); -a^ivya, a. affording no useless; -upakhya, a. indescribable: -tva, a. not punishing; -danta, a. toothless, tusk-
livelihood; -aefombara, ad. without much n. abst. A'.; -upaya, a. futile; -ushna-ta,/ less ; -daya, a. unmerciful, cruel, ruthless;
talk (°-); -ataiika, a. free from ailment or coldness: -m ni, make cold, kill; -ushnisha, vehement, ardent (embrace); deserving no
anxiety; causing 110 ailment or anxiety ; -a- a. turbanless, bareheaded. mercy : -m, ad. mercilessly; excessively;
nir-duAkha. nir-vyawyaka. 143

ardently; -dayatva, n, hard-heartedness, /., -tva, n, purity, -svadn-salila, n. clear faq | iq nir-vapya,//). [ v^vap] to be offered.
cruelty ; -darana, a. free from clefts or holes; and sweet water ; -m&w&sa, a. fleshless; lean;
-dari, cave; -dalana, n, splitting, cutting -mana, n. measuring ; measure ; fashioning, nir-vSyasa, a. free from crows.
dow n; -daia, a. more than ten days old; forming, creating; composition, work.
nir-vSsa, m. leaving one's home,
-dalana, a. toothless; -d&kshiwya, a. un- f^T Trf ni r-m atW, w., -tri,/. creator, author; dwelling abroad, banishment; -v&sana, n.
courteous; -d&tri, in. weeder (of a field); expulsion, banishment; taking to another
builder; -mathin, a. stamping to pieces ;
-d&ridrya, a. free from poverty, well to do. place; killing; -vasanxya ,fp. to be expelled
-m&na, a. free from pride; -manusha, a. de-
f i T ^ t ^ nir-duAkha, a. free from pain ; serted : lc. in a solitary place; -marg-a, a. path- or banished, from (ab.); -vasya, fp. id.;
causing no pain: -tva, n. painlessness. less; -malya, a. (separated from a garland), -vaba, m. carrying out, accomplishment, com-
disarranged; useless; M. remains of anoffering, pletion ; maintenance, subsistence: -ka, a.
f ^ nir-deva, a. forsaken by the g o d s ; (ika) accomplishing, executing (-°); -vahin,
without gods or images. f«lf*icT nir-mita, pp.of s/ma. [es/?. flowers. a. id.; -vahya, fp. to be accomplished, -
t ' f ^ f m r - d e s i i . m . order, direction; descrip- f ^ t T T nir-miti, / . formation, creation; completed.
tion, designation; detail,particulars; -de.vya, addition (of a word). fafiN^I nir-vikalpa, a. admitting of no
fp. to be described, - determined; -dainya, alternative, changeless, free from distinctions,
a. cheerful; -dosha, a. faultless, free from nir-mithya, a. true,
undifferentiated; unhesitating: -m, ad. with-
blemish; infallible; innocent: -t&, f . fault- f ' f i l j f l f f n i r - m u k t i , / . deliverance, from (ab., out hesitation ; -ka, a. undifferentiated; -vi-
le«sness. kara, a. unchanged; -vighna, a. unob-
-°); -mnnda, m. eunuch.
structed, unimpeded: - m or in., without
nir-dravya, a. immaterial; poor ; f ^ T ^ T nir-mula, a. deprived of its roots ; obstacles; -vit&ra,a. unreflecting: -m,with-
-droha, a. free from enmity, well-disj>osed;
void of foundation, unfounded : -na, n. up- out long reflexion; -viilkitsa, a. subject to
-dvandva, a. indifferent towards the oppo-
rooting. [minate, destroy. no doubt: -m, ad. without long reflexion ;
sites of cold and heat etc.; free from jealousy.
-vi£eshia, a. motionless, unresisting.
f^T^T nir-dbana, a. poor; lacking i. e. un- nir-mftla-ya, den. P. uproot, exter-
nir-vid,/. despair, faintheartedness;
backed by money (enterprise): -ta,/., -tva, M Cv^ nir-mftsha-ka, a. free from mice. -vidya, a. unlearned, uneducated ; -vinoda,
11. poverty ; -dhani-bhu, . become poor ; a. destitute of diversion; -vindhyfi,,/. (com-
-dharma, a. unrighteous, sinful ; -dhara^a, l l f l ^ I mr-megHa, a. cloudless; -moka, m.
hide; serpent's slough: -pa/fa, m. strip of ing from the Vindhyas), N. of a rirer; -vi-
n. singling out; determining; -dharayitri, bandha,<7. offering no obstacle to (g. ; harm-
in. decider ; -dhunana, it. waving; -dhuma, slough; -moksha,m. deliverance,from (<7.,-°).
legs ; -vimar#a, a. devoid of reflexion ; un-
a. smokeless. f^RJnif nir-yatna, a. inactive; -yantra?)a, a. considered ; -vivara, a. having no aperture
nir-namaskSra, a. receiving no unlimited ; necessitating no constraint (°~) : or interstice: -ta, / close contiguity; har-
salutation, despised by all; -natha, a. hav- -m, ad, without obstruction, unimpededly; mony ; -vivada, a. free from strife, concor-
ing no protector: -t&,/. widowhood; -n&bhi, -yaraa, n. setting out; vanishing; decease, dant ; subject to no dispute ; -viveka, a. de-
a. reaching below the navel; -nayaka, a. death; outer corner of an elephant's eye; rope void of discrimination : -ta,/., -tva, 11. lack
lacking a guide or leader; -n&sana, a. ban- for tyinir a calfs feet; -yataka, a, removing of judgment.
ishing, dispelling; -nidra, a.sleepless: - t k , f . (-°); -yatana, n. restoration, repayment; re- j
sleeplessness; -nimitta,a.causeless; quitedis- quital; -yapana, 11. expulsion, from (ab); j M ^ f nir-visanka,a. unhesitating, fear-
interested: -m or °-.ud.without an ascertain- -yasa, m. exudation of trees, gum, resin; less : -m or in., fearlessly; -visesha, a. de-
able cause, -tva, n. lack of causation; -ninyp -yuha, 11. turret-; -yogs»kshema, a. desti tute void of distinction, like, equal; not differing
sha, a. unwinking; -nirodha, a. unimpeded. of possessions. from (-°) ; unqualified, absolute : -m, without
a difference; p.. lack of distinction, like ap-
f'Tcp^r nir-bandha, m. objection; insis- nir-lakshana, a. bearing no dis-
pearance: in. in the same way as (-°), -vise-
tance on, persistence in (lc., ; pertinacity; tinguishing marks, insignificant, good for no-
sha, m. difference without a distinction = not
accusation: -m kri, urge any one (g); thing; -lakshya, fp. imperceptible; avoid-
the slightest difference, ^Jlcritl, a. having
in., ab. persistently ; -barha, a. lacking tail- ing notice; -la^r/a, a. shameless, immodest,
an appearance not differing from the rest,
feathers (peacock); -bala, a. destitute of brazen ; -lavana, a. lacking grace ; -lepa, a.
looking precisely alike; -visha, a. not poison-
strength, weak ; -badha, a. untroubled, un- free from greasy matter; spotless; -lobba, a.
ous ; deprived of poison; -vishaya, a. driven
disturbed ; unobstructed; -buddhi, a. wit- free from avarice.
from one's abode; banished, from (-°); not
less, senseless, stupid ; -bodha, a. id. nir-vamsa, a. having no family, child- relating to an object; unattached to the ob-
nir-bhaya, a. fearless ; not afraid of less, alone in the world; -va&ana, n, ex- jects of sense; -visbayi-kri, banish, remove
(-°); secure: -m, ad. fearlessly ; in. N. of a planation, etymology; a. speechless: -m, ad, from (-°); -vishi-kr?', free from poison;
warrior; n. security ; -bhara, a. vehement, without saying a word; -vatsala, a. not -virya, a. feeble, tame, spiritless.
ardent; excessive; deep (sleep); full of tenderly attached to, esp. children (lc.) ; -vap-
-m or ardently, excessively, soundly, fast; ana, n. (funeral) offering; -vartaka, a. per- f ^ T ^ f nir-vriksha, a. treeless.
-bhartsana, n. menace, reproach; -bhas- forming ; -vartana, n. performance; -vart-
f^T^f?! nir-vnti,/. inward tranquillity; satis-
mita, pp. burned to ashes, annihilated; aniya, fp. to be accomplished; -varti, a.
faction, joy, pleasure ; happiness, bliss; ex-
-bba//ya, pp. to be excluded from his share wickless; -vartitavya,fp. to be performed
(Pr.);-vartin,«.ill-behaved(-°); performing, tinction (of a lamp): -mat, a. tranquil;
(a ?>.); -bbi-ka, a. fearless, not afraid of (ab.);
doing (~°); - v a r t y a , f p . to be accomplished; happy ; -vr/tti,/. accomplishment, perform-
-bhita, pp. id.; -bheda, m. cracking, burst-
ing; splitting; blurting out, betrayal; -bhed- -produced; -uttered; -vasa.a.possessingno ance, completion ; impropriety, unseemly be-
in, a. cleaving, shattering; -bhedya,/p. free will of one's own, dependent: -t&,/. depend- haviour.
from chinks ; missing its mark. ence; -vasha/kar a-mangala,«. lacking sacri- f?fcflj nir-vega, a. unagitated, calm; -ve-
fices and festivities ; -vasn,«. poor; -vastri- tana, a. wageless ; -veda, m. disgust (of, g.,
f S R T f ^ f i nir-makshika, n. freedom from
kri,deprive of one's clothes; -vahana, n. con- lc., or -°) ; mundane indifference; despera-
flies : -m kri, clear the premises ( P r . ) ;
clusion, issue; final act,catastrophe (dr.) tion, faintheartedness: -vat, a, indifferent to
-manfrana, n. purification; -mawr/uka, a.
destitute of frogs; -matsara, a. free from f ^ r f r ^ r nir-vftfcya, fp. to be explained, - all things; -vesa, m. requital, recompense,
envy or jealousy ; -matsya, a. Ashless : -ta, determined; -vk-n&,pp. of \fva,; -vaana, n. payment; expiation, atonement; -vesaniya,
/.absence offish: -m ni, clear of fish; -math- extinction ; extinction of the vital flame, dis- „ fp. to be enjoyed; -vesh/avya,/p. to be re-
ana, it. friction, esp. of tinder-wood; churn- , solution, final emancipation, union with the quited ; enjoyable; -vaira, it. peaceableness;
ing; -mada, a. nut in rut; not proud, humble; j absolute; absorption in (~°); individual ex- ; a. free from hostility, peaceable, concordant;
-manas-ka, a. destitute of intellect: -ta,/. / ti notion (B.); complete satisfaction, bliss r -vairina, n. concord, harmony; -vodhri, a.
abst, s. ; -manyu, a. free from wrath. -Parana, 11, funeral sacrifice. carrying out, accomplishing; nm. used as
finite verb = will carry away.
f?HT?Triir-mama, «. [regardless of ' m i n e ' ] , f^mTrT
not caring for (lc.); indifferent to mundane 11 ir-vyawjaka, a.testifving; -vyang-
nir-vSta, a. windless, sheltered; m.(?)
matters: -t&,/. perfect indifference towards ana, a. spiceless: lc. without more ado,
sheltered spot; -vada, m. blame ; -v&pa, m.
(lc.); -tva, n. id.; a. indifferent towards (lc.). straight out; -vyatba, a. free from pain, well;
strewing; offering, esp. of the Manes; alms;
-vyapeksha, a. unconcerned about, indif-
f ^ N f r ^ nir-mary&da, a. boundless ; know- fa -v4p-ana,
TRW 1. n. [-y/vap] scattering, sowing. ferent as to (lc. or -°); -vyalika, a. not
ing no bounds, impious, wicked; -mala, a. nir-va-p-a«a, 2. a. [cs. of -%/v^] hurting; heartfelt, ungrudging (gift); glad,
spotless, unsullied, pure, clear, limpid : -ta, cooling; it. extinguishing; cooling; delight- willing; not false; -vyavadbaaa, uncovered,
ing ; -va-p-ay-i-tri, m. cooler, allayer.
144 faslI^wT nir-vyakula. ni-shed-dhavya.

bare (ground); -vyavastha, a. not remain- tion from action, inaction; discontinuance of from (-°); that need cause no anxiety: -m
ing in its place, moving about; -vyasana, a. a grammatical rule. or calmly, without hesitation, without
free from vice. more ado; -.saiika, f . absence of timidity:
ni-vedana, a. announcing, making in. without hesitation; -saiikita, pp. free
fa^ig^ nir-vy&kula, a. unagitated, calm: known; ra.communication,announcement; of- from anxiety ; causing no anxiety ; fearless,
-ta, f tranquillity : in. quietly ; -vyapa, a. fering ; -vedin,a. announcing, making known; unhesitating; -satru, a. free from foes;
sincere, honest (towards, Ic.); unambiguous, offering (-°); -vedya,fp. to be reported ; ra. -sabda,a. silent; noiseless,mute: silently:
undisputed: -m, ad. honestly; certainly, -ta, offering of food to an idol; -ve.sa, to. enter- -stimita, pp. noiseless and still; -sara^a, a.
/. honesty, candour; -vyapi-kri, purify; -vya- ing into; settling; encampment,camp; habi- unprotected; -salaka, a. free from tall grass;
para, a. unoccupied; -vytWAa, pp. Vtlh; tation, residence ; settling down, marriage, -salya, a. free from an arrow : -m, ad. pain-
n. accomplishment, completion ; -vyiidhi, f . matrimony; foundation (ofa city); building, lessly, without a struggle, willingly ; -.sastra,
conclusion,end; summit,acme; -vrana,«.un- edifice; impression, mark; -v&sana, a. (i) a. unarmed ; -sakha, a. branchless ; -t&, f .
wounded; unfractured; -vrida, a. shameless. entering into (-°) ; laying to rest; sheltering; branchlessness.
n. entrance; setting down ; introduction, ap-
fa^^^U nir-harawa, ra. removal; carrying plication ; causing to encamp; settling down, f^n^UsH® niA-sakhi-kri, deprive of
out a corpse to thefuneral pyre; -harawiya, marrying; resting-place,bed,lair,nest; home, branches.
fp. to be removed ; -bara, TO. appropriation, abode, dwelling; -vesaniya, fp. to be put •fat^J^i niA-sukra, a. deprived of majesty.
personal expenditure from (ab.); -liar aka, a. down; -vesayitavya,/p. to be placed; -ve-a-
carrying out a corpse to the funeral pyre; vat, a. lying on (-°); -vesin, a. lying near, fSTJ^efi niA-suka, a. lacking awns (rice);
-hara/ta, n. causing a corpse to be carried being in, resting or based on (-°). pitiless; -sunya, a. empty.
out to the funeral pyre ; -hriti, f . removal;
-heti, a. unarmed; -beta, a. causeless; fa*t^ nis, f . night (only sg. ab. & Ic. & du. f'TI^T? niA-sesha, a. lacking a remainder,
-hrada, in. sound; -bradin, a. resounding, -nisau and -niso7«). one and all, all, whole, complete: -to kri,
echoing, pealing. f^TSf nis-a, ra. id. (only destroy utterly, exterminate; -tas, in.
f^PSRI i.nilava, A., v. n i - f - v l i or n i r + \ / i . f ^ n j ^ ni-sabda, a. silent. utterly, completely; -ta,/. extermination.

2. ni-laya, m. lurking-place.dwelling, " f a U j * ^ niA-sesha-ya, den. P. destroy com-

abode; a. dwelling in, being the dwelling of, f S T i n nis-a, / . night: -kara, m. (night- pletely: pp. ita, utterly consumed or de-
inhabited by (-°); -layin, a. sitting down on maker), moon : -kala-mauli, m. bearing a stroyed.
or in (- 0 ): -layl-ta, /. abiding in (- 0 ). crescent on his head, ep. of Siva; -kanta, f'TJ'Sftcfi niA-soka, a. free from sorrow.
to. lover of night, moon; -kala, to. time of
faqc^ ni-vdt, f . depth, valley: in. down- night; -kshaya, to. end of night; ^agama, niA-sri-ka, a. destitute of beauty,
wards. m. nightfall; -Xrara, a. wandering at night; ugly; luckless, unhappy; -sre/ii = ni-sre«i;
ni-vapana, ra. strewing; offering to. goblin, Rakshasa : i, f. female goblin ; -sreyas-a, a. (i) having nothing better, best
to the Manes; -varta, a. causing to turn dissolute woman; ^atyaya, to. end of night, of all; ra. final beatitude, bliss, salvation ;
back: -vartaka, «. (ika) causing to cease, day-break ; -natha, m. lord of night, moon ; -svasita, ra. expiration, breath ; sigh ; -.?va-
removing; -vartana, a. causing to turn back; -anta, I. end of night, day-break. pada, a. lacking wild animals; -sv&sa, m.
n. return; coming down to the earth; cessa- I*T1 ni-santa, 2. pp.sam; «.(?) house, breath; sigh: -parama, a. constantly sighing.
tion; abstention from (ab.); inactivity; dwelling: -jidyana, ra. garden belonging to fab|^' ni-shang-a,TO.[appendage], quiver;
bringing back; means of return; restraining the house. sword; -in, a. furnished with a quiver; -i-
from (ab.); a certain square measure; -vart- bhu, become a quiver.
aniya, fp. to be led back; - rescinded or fauilMfTT nisa-pati,m.lord of night, moon;
made void ; -vartin, a. returning; refraining -pranesvara, m. (husband of night), moon; ni-sh^d,/. sitting, esp. at the altar;
from (ab.); -vasana,ra.putting on (clothes); -mukha, n. face of night; nightfall; -ava- -shadana, ra. sitting down; seat, abode;
n. garment; -vaha, m. crowd, swarm, multi- sana, ra. latter half of the night. -shadya,/, market.
tude (sg. & pi.).
f ^ n f V T ni-si-tha, TO. (RA.) [time of lying fsfBf^"^ nishad-vard, a. seated at the altar;
faq jrj ni-vata, i . a. sheltered from the down], midnight; night. sitting idle.
wind ; m. spot sheltered from the wind; calm;
2.pp.(Vvan)unmolested; n.security; -kava- f ^ n f t f ^ p f t nisith-in-1, / . night. f^T^TO nishadha, to. N. of a mountain: pi.
ka., a. whose mail is impenetrable; m. pi. N. fa^j^iT ni-sumbh-a, TO. killing ; murder ; N. of a people; sg. N.: -varawa, m. race of
of a class of Daity as and Ddnavas; -vapa, m. Nishadha; ^adhipa, m. lord of Nishadha;
seed, corn; corn-field; offering to the Manes: -ana, n. id. ^adhipati,TO.id.; - isvara,TO.id.
, -jidaka, ra. funeral libation of water; -var- f^r^T^T nis-Aaya, TO. ascertainment; con- f^fmtc^ nisMd^, m. N. of aboriginal Indian
aka, a. warding off; -varana, a. id. (-°); viction ; exact knowledge, certainty ; actual tribes described as fishermen, hunters, and
ra. keeping off, stopping, checking (sts. with state of the case; decision, decided opinion ; robbers; considered a degraded caste, off-
ac. of object); prevention ; prohibition; -var- settled purpose, fixed intention, determina- spring of Brdhmans and SHdra women; a note
ai/iya, fp. to be restrained or prevented ; tion, resolve : -m "tori, firmly resolve on (d., in the musical scale; i , f . Nishada woman.
-vasa, i. m. clothing; a. clothed with; Ic., inf.); in., ab. certainly.
2. m. staying, passing the night, sojourn ; fa fa t4 i f ^ ^ n i s h a d - i n , a. sitting, lying, on or
nis-Aala, a.immovable; steady; unal-
(night)quarters,abode,residence: -bhavana, in (Ic., -°); TO. elephant driver.
a. sleeping-chamber, -bbumi, f . place of terable, immutable: -mati, a. steady-minded.
abode, -ravana, /. building, edifice, -rapan, nis-Aita, pp. determined, decided : faf^tllf ni-shiddhi,/. prohibition.
m. king of the country of one's domicile ; -m, ad. decidedly, surely; -Ainta, a. free fa^cn ni-shftdaka, to. destroyer; -shud-
-vasin, i. a. clothed with (~°); 2. a. dwell- from thought or care. ana, a. removing; to. destroyer.
ing, - in, living with (Ic. or -°); TO. inhabi-
tant, resident. f * T % c f f nis-Aetana, a. unconscious; inani- fSTETcR ni-sheka, to. sprinkling, distilling ;
mate ; irrational, senseless; -Aetas, a. irra- injection; impregnation; seed; ceremony per-
ni-vicfa, v. f^Tfa^S ni-bida. tional, senseless, foolish; -Aeshrfa, a. motion- formed on impregnation; slops; dripping
ni-vid,/. direction, precept; invo- less. fluid; -shektavya,/p. to be poured upon (Ic.);
cation of the gods inserted in certain parts of -shektri,TO.begetter; -sh6£ana, n. pouring
M I X nis-Aaura, a. free from robbers. out; sprinkling, with (-°).
the liturgy: -dhana, a. containing the Nivids;
11. insertion of the Nivids. fa*-q£«^<^nis-AAandas,a. not studyingthe
scriptures; -frAidra, a. free from holes, - fSf^UcSI ni-shed-dhavya,//?. to be restrained
fa<f\h nl-vita, pp. v y a ; ra. wearing of cracks; - fractures; - imperfections, — de- or prevented; -sheddhri, m. restrainer, pre-
the sacred cord ; sacred cord worn round the fects, - weak points; continuous. venter ; -shedha, to. keeping off, prevention;
neck; -vitin, a. wearing the sacred cord prohibition ; negation : -ka, a. prohibiting;
n i - s r e r a i , l a d d e r , stair. -shedhin, a. repelling = surpassing (- 0 );
round the neck.
fa^ I fa iff nf-svSsita, ra. expiration of breath; -shedhya,/p. to be prevented or prohibited;
fa^JTt ni-vn'tta,pp.turned away: -rag-a, a. -sheva, a. practising (~°); m. adoration: k,f.
whose passions are subdued, -hridaya, a. -sv&sa, lit. inspiration,inhalation; expiration,
practice, addiction to; enjoyment; adoration;
with relenting heart; -vritti,/. return; dis- breath; sigh.
-shevaka, a. (- 0 ) frequenting; practising;
appearance ; cessation; abstention from (ab., f^T:^^" niA-sanka, a. free from anxiety, enjoying; -shevana, ra. visiting ; practice;
-°); abstinence; escape from (ab.); absten- fearless, unhesitating; having nothing to fear employment of, addiction to (j}., -°); -shev-
finqT nishka. niA-sneha. 145

-itavya, fp. to be practised or observed; ni-shiAiv-ana, n. spitting; spittle: ally formed by (-°); -padva, a. (1) naturally
- employed; - enjoyed; -shevin, a. devot- -sarava, m. spittoon. inclined towaxds (lc).
ing oneself to, practising; enjoying, having f ^ ^ f ni-sfldana, v. nishfidana.
sexual intercourse with ; -shevya,/p. to be f^T^ni-shtfA-ura, a. [ s t M ] harsh, coarse;
visited ; - enjoyed; venerable. contumelious, rude : -t&, f , -tva, n. harsh- f^T^tT ni-srita, pp., v. Vsri.
ness ; coarseness.
f*l«K nishkd, m. (n. rare) gold (silver) neck ni-snshZa artha, a. authorized ;
or breast ornament: used as a weight (vary- ni-shfAyflta, pp. VshfAiv; n. ejected m. envoy.
ing with the period); a coin (of variable spittle. [liarity with (prati).
f ^ R T ^ f i nis-tamas-ka, a. free from dark-
value): -kawiAa, a. (i) wearing a gold neck-
ni-shna-ta,pp. \/sna; -tva, n. fami- ness, light; -tamisra, a. id.; -taranga, a.
l y nish-pafika, a. free from mud or waveless, calm; -tararaa, n. getting out of
fipqrngEB nish-ka»<aka, a. free from thorns dirt, clean, pure; -patti, f . being brought danger, escape; -tarawiya, fp. to be got
or enemies; -kampa, a. not trembling, im- over; -tartavya, fp. to be crossed; to be over-
movable, motionless; unmoved, steadfast: about; maturity; derivation, from (- 0 ); -pat-
come ; -tala, a. not flat, round, spherical;
- t k , f . firmness; -karuwa, a. pitiless, cruel; tra, a. featherless; leafless; -pattra-kri, -tara, m. crossing, passing over the sea (also
-karman, a. inactive, idle; -karsha, m. wound with an arrow in such a manner that fig.); liquidation, payment.
drawing out, extraction; essence, substance, only the feathers do not penetrate; -patbya,
main point: ab. chiefly, mainly; -karshana, f^n^Ef nis-tusha, a. unhusked ; purified,
a. ill.
n. drawing out, extraction; putting off; pure; -trisb, a. satisfied.
nish-[slpanda, a. motionless: i-
-kala, a. lacking parts, undivided; frail; m. lzri, render motionless; -parikara, a. not nis-te^as, a. devoid of lustre;
decrepit old man; -kalaiika, a. spotless, un- destitute of energy or vigour; spiritless, dull;
having made the necessary preparations;
defiled; -kalmasha, a. sinless, spotless: 1- -toya, a. destitute of water: -trma-padapa,
-pariiaya, a. not becoming intimate ; -pari-
bhu, become spotless or sinless. a. destitute of water, grass, and trees.
ft&Aada, a. having no retinue; -paryanta, a.
f m i f i nish-k&nta, a. uncomely, u g l y ; unlimited. nis-trapa, a. shameless ; -trimsa, a.
(nish)-k&ma, a. free from desires; disinter- nish-p&nrfava, a. delivered from cruel, pitiless (-tva,r>. pitilessness); m.sword:
ested (act); -k&muka, a. free from worldly the Panc?avas; -pada-ka, a. accomplishing; -dbarmin, a. resembling a sword; -tralgnm-
desires; -k&rama, a. having no cause or mo- -padana, n. accomplishment; -padya,//j. to ya, a. not endowed with the three qualities.
tive; disinterested: -m, ab. without cause, be accomplished, — brought about: ^abda-
from disinterested motives; -k&sha,m. scrap- f ^ ^ ; ni-syanda, -shyanda, a.
sahasra, full millennium; -papa, a. sinless;
ings of a pan. -palaka, a. having no guardian; -pirfana, n. trickling or streaming down; m. trickling,
pressure; -putra, a. sonless, childless; -pu- effusion; downward flow, stream, discharge ;
nish-kim&ana, a. having nothing, rusha, a. having no males; -pulaka, a. free sweat; -syandin, a. streaming or trickling
penniless: -tva, n. poverty; -kilvisha, a. from shrivelled grain: i-Ts.fi, free from down; dropping (-°).
free from sin. shrivelled grain; -pesba, m. impact; clash- f^Itq*! ni-svana, m. noise, sound ; voice.
fawyi nish-kufa, m. n. grove ; -kntuhala, ing sound ; -paurnshaamarsha, a. desti-
a. free from curiosity; -kula, a. having no tute of manliness and anger; -prakara-ka, f'Ti^IlI'T niA-samsaya, a. undoubted, cer-
a. free from specifications; -prakasa, a. dark; tain ; undoubting, sure: -m, ad. certainly,
family, whose family is extinct, alone in the
-pra_9»a, a. witless, stupid; -pratapa, a, undoubtedly; -sajn^ayita,pp. unquestioned,
world : -tk, f . extirpation; -kuliwa, a. of destitute of dignity; -pratikriya, a. not to sure, safe ; -samskara, a. unrefined, ill-man-
ignoble family. be saved, past help: -ta, f . abst. .v.; -prati- nered : -ta, f . abst. N. ; -sankhya, a. in-
f*1«|ld nish-krita, (pp.) n. expiation; ap- graha, a. accepting no gifts : -ta, /. abst. N. ; numerable ; -sanga, a. unattached; indif-
-pratigha, a. unobstructed ; -pratipaksba, ferent to (lc), disinterested, free from all de-
pointed place, rendezvous; (nish)-kn'ti, /
a. having no adversary: -ta, /., -tva, n. sires: - t i , /., -tva, n. abst, -V.; -sa&iva, a.
restoration, restitution, compensation; ex- abst. N. ; -pratibandba, a. free from ob- lacking a minister; -samfc&ra, a. not going
piation ; -kr/pa, a. pitiless. stacles; unobjectionable; -pratikara, a.that out, not leaving the house; -aa.mgna., a. un-
f ^ ^ i q t ^ nish-kevalya, a. belonging to cannot be helped; irremediable; unhindered; conscious ; -sattva, a. devoid of reality;
some one exclusively: with sastra, n., or -pratya?a, a. having given up all hope of (lc. wanting in courage or firmness; weak,
nktba, n. midday recitation meant for Indra or upari): i-bhu, lose all hope of (prati); wretched; deprived of living beings : -ta , f .
alone; -kaitava, a. free from fraud, honest -pratyuha, a. free from obstacles: -m, ad. abst. N. ; -satya, a. untrue, lying: -ta, /.
(person); -kaivalya, a. mere, simple. without hindrance ; -pradesa, a. having no untruthfulness,mendacity, insincerity; -sam-
fixed place; -prapawXa, a. unevolved, exempt tati, a. destitute of offspring; •samdigdba,
f i f C ^ Y j J nish-kosa, a. withdrawn from the from multiformity : -sad-atman, a. having pp. not doubtful, certain: -m, ad. undoubtedly, -
.scabbard; -kosbawa-ka, a. fit for picking real existence without being evolved; -pra- certainly; -samdeba, a. id.; -samdbi, a.
the teeth (g). bha, a. deprived of radiance or splendour: lacking a joining or interstice; close, firm
-ta, f., -tva, n. abst. n.; -prabhava, a. (embrace); -sapatna, a. having no rival;
f*1*sh*1 nish-krama, m. going o u t ; first powerless : -tva, n. -ness; -pramana-ka, a. uncontested; unrivalled: -ta, f . abst. K. ;
walk out with a child in the fourth month supported by no authority; -prayo</ana, a. -sambadba, a. uncrowded; -sambbrama,
after birth; -kramana, n. id.; leaving (ab.); disinterested (spectator); useless: -m, ad. a. unperplexed (about, inf.); -sarava, n.
disappearing; -kraya,m. redemption; com- uselessly; needless, uncalled for; -prav&»i, going out; exit; expedient against (ab. or
pensation ; reward, payment: -kr&yaraa, n. a. fresh from the loom; quite new. —°); -sarawi, a. pathless; -sarpa, a. free
redemption; ransom ; expiation. from serpents; -salila, a. waterless; -saha,
nish-phala, a. bearing no f r u i t ; a. powerless; fainting: ad. in a faint;
f'TfSli^T nish-kriya, a. inactive, i d l e ; neg- -sahaya, a. companionless, helpless.
fruitless, useless, vain; reaping no advantage,
lecting one's religious duties: -J,tman, a.
unsuccessful: -tva, n. abst. N.
lazy, ^&tmat&, f . laziness; habitual neglect
of religious duties. nish-phala-ya, den. P . render f ^ f ^ T ^ n X niA-sadhSra, a. unsupported:
-m, ad. without a support; -sadhvasa, a.
fruitless. [ed.
f - m i W nish-krodha, a.not angry with (g.) ; fearless, undaunted : -tva, n. abst. N. ; -sam-
-klesa-le.sa, a. free from the smallest of cares, fak^Hfllft nish-phali-kri, leave unreward- arthya, a. unsuitable; -samanya, a. un-
perfectly happy. usual, extraordinary; -sira, a. sapless, in-
f ^ P ^ ni-shyanda, m. shower. [ness. sipid ; insignificant; worthless, vain, transi-
ni-shtfAa, a. (~°) being or situated o n ; tory (-ta,/., -tva, n. abst. k) ; m. a musical
based or dependent on; relating to; devoted f i f i W ^ c I T niA-shpanda-ta, f . motionless- measure; -s&rana, n. removal; expulsion ;
to, intent on; dependent (people, loka, m. -sarya,/p. to be excluded from (ab.).
nis, ad. out, forth ( F . ) ; prp. combined
pi, = dependants) ; with d. leading to, pro-
with verbs, out, away from (ab.); nominal f ^ n ^ f t f l t . n i A - s i m a n , a. unlimited, bound-
ducing ; k, f . basis, state; intentness; per-
prefix, i . as prp.: out of; 2. as negation: less ; -snkha, a. joyless, sad ; -sutra, a. lack-
fection, completion ; summit, limit; end, ca-
dis-, lack of; without, -less ; 3. emphasizing ing a cord; helpless; -soma-ka, a. moonless.
tastrophe, death; perfect knowledge, cer-
the following word: altogether.
tainty, complete familiarity with (lc.); deci- niA-stambha, a. lacking pillars;
sion, regarding (g.); the terminations -ta and ni-sarga, m. evacuation of excre-
having no support.
-ta-vat of the past participle, one of these ment; giving away; bestowal, grant; crea-
past participles (gr.): -sunya, a. irresolute tion; innate disposition,nature: -tas, in., niA-sneha, a. not oily, not greasy,
(mind). ab. by nature; -ga., a. innate, original, origin- free from fat; lacking moisture (soil); devoid
146 niA-spanda. • f l f a - f i nil-in-i.

of affection for (prati); having no desire for, convoke, ud, bring upwards; raise; excite tise on polity; -samdhi, m. quintessence of
indifferent towards (-°); not treated with (an emotion); help out, rescue; lead away; polity.
affection (servants)-, abhorred, odious. draw off (fluid); trace or find out. praud,
raise, elevate, sam-ud, raise; instigate, ni-tha, n. musical air, song ; f , nitha,
«^niA-spanda,fl.,t>. nishpanda; -spar- path; trick, artifice.
stimulate; infer, find out; pay off (debt).
sa, a. hard; -spriha, a. free from desires; upa, lead or conduct to (ac., Ic.); place in
not desiring, indifferent to (Ic., -°); turning nidhra, n. roof.
or reduce to (a condition); bring; offer;
away from (ab.). bring about; take to oneself, admit as a nipa, a. [ n i j p - a , having water flowing
f'THSPTniA-srava, m. surplus (of, ab.); -sra- pupil; cs. cause to be admitted as a pupil. down, damp], low-lying ;TO.a tree (.Nauclea
va, m. expenditure; -sva, a. deprived of one's sam-upa, bring, ni, conduct to (d., Ic.); Cadamba); n. its flowers or fruit; m.pl.
property, poor: -ta, f . poverty; -svana, m., pour out, empty; present, offer; perform (a N. of a royal race.
v. nisvana; -svabhava, i. m. destitution, rite), ava-ni, immerse; pour out on (Ic.).
poverty; 2. a. lacking peculiarity; -svadu, sam-ni, pour together, mingle, nis, take \ nirJi,n. water; -pa,TO.re.lotus: - akshi,
a. insipid, tasteless ; -svadhyaya-vasha^- away; find out, ascertain; settle; decide on : a.f. lotus-eyed, fair.
kara, a. neither studying the scriptures nor pp. nirnita, decided, settled. pari(-wi),
lead round : esp. a bride round the nuptial ^^It^ni-rapas, a. free from dust; devoid
offering sacrifices ; -svami-k&, a.f. lacking of passions : -ka, a. id.; -tamas&,/. freedom
a lord or husband. fire(ac.); marry (a girl); trace out, ascertain;
with anyatha, explain differently, pra(-wi), from passion and darkness.
niA-svi-kn, deprive of one's pro- conduct forward, lead; convey; bring (fire to •1*1 "^3<17^nira-pata,2>jp.produced from water.
perty ; -svi-bhu, lose one's property. the altar), fetch (water for the sacrifice) ;
display, show; manifest one's affection; inflict •Tl ni-rapi-kri, free from dust.
ni-hata-sena, a. having one's punishment (daradam) on (Ic.); apply,employ;
forces destroyed; -artha, a. of obsolete nira-da, 1. TO. (water-giver), cloud ;
produce, perform, execute ; determine, fix ;
meaning: - t k , f , -tva, n. use of an obsolete establish, teach ; compose; desire, sam-pra, 2. a. (nl-rada), toothless.
meaning; -jushira, a. whose camels have inflict punishment (dancZam) on (Ic.); collect •D ^Ic^nirad-in, a. covered with clouds.
been slain; -hantavya, fp. to be slain or (tribute), vi, take away; remove, dispel;
destroyed; -hantri, TO. slayer; destroyer; part (thehair); guide; train, tame; chastise; « T l ^ f a nira-dhi, TO. ocean; -nidhi, m. id.
dispeller; preventer; -hava, TO. summons, instruct; pass (time); perform: pp. vinita,
call; -hnava, TO. denial; secrecy, conceal- versed in ; well-bred; demure, modest, V ^ f ni-randhra, a. having no interstice
ment ; contradiction; surpassing; expiation; or aperture; dense, continuous: ad. con-
excuse, craving pardon (a ceremony); -hnuti, abhi-vi, pp. instructed or versed in (Ic.). stantly : - t & , f . close connexion or cohesion;
f . denial; -hrada, m. sound, note. sam, bring together, unite; mingle; bring, -randhrita, pp. thickly beset with (- 0 ); con-
procure; pay (debt). tinuous.
NI, I.naya,conduct, guide; lead(orZso ni, a. leading, guiding (only • T l ^ d R c ^ n i r a - p a t a t r i n , w. aquatic bird;
with Agr&m and g.); lead away; lead to -rasi,TO.ocean ; -ruha, n. lotus.
(ac. ±prati, d., Ic.); take away with one «Tl cftl ^ ni-k&ra,TO.degradation, humiliation.
(gnly. A . ) ; lead home (wife); attract; place ni-rava, a. noiseless, mute ; -rasa,
•T)16! n\k-&,a.\_weak base o/'ny-anfc+a] low; a. sapless, withered, dry ; tasteless, insipid ;
in a certain condition or state (ac.): adhan- short (hair, nails); deep (navel); lowered
am - , give in pledge; dnAkham -, pain; devoid of charm, tedious; having no taste
(tone); base, vile, mean : -ka, a. (ika) soft for or sense of; feelingless: -raga, a. colour-
paritosham gladden ; vasam -, subdue ; (tread); -ga, a. low-going (river); of low
vikrayam -, sell; s&kshyam - , admit as a less ; devoid of passions; -rapana, n., 4, /.
rank; belonging to a man of low rank; -gam- royal lustration of an army (including do-
witness; sudratam degrade to the state of in, a. following what is low or base; -pati,
a £<ldra ; bhasmasat -, reduce to ashes (cp. mestic priest,retainers, horses, elephants, etc.:
a. of low extraction: -ta, f . low or humble a military and religious ceremony); -ruk, a.
Vgam, which is used in the corresponding position ; inferiority ; -patha,TO.downward
passive sense); daw/am wield the rod = lustreless ; bereft of beauty ; -rup, a. pain-
path; -rata, pp. delighting in what is base. less ; healthy, well; -rtipa, a. id.; -rupa, a.
inflict punishment; carry, - away, take (to,
ac. + prati, or Ic.), bring for any one (g. or fNrr formless; -rejiu-ka, a. dustless; -roga, a.
-artham); draw (a line); conduct (lawsuits, healthy, well: - t k , f . health, -durbhiksha,
niA-a,ad.(in. o / n y a M ) below; down.
rites); pass, spend (time); exclude from (ab.); a. not afflicted with disease or famine.
ascertain, trace; cs. nayaya, P. cause to be •ft^CTc^ nifeat, (ab.) ad. from below.
led or borne away by (in.); cause to be car- NIL, I. P . nila, appear dark.
low persons ni&aavagSha,
(lake). a. bathed in by
ried away to (ac.); des. ninisha, P. A. wish
• f t ^ T ® ! n i f c a - v a y a s , a. whose vigour is nila, a. swarthy, black; esp. dark blue;
to lead away to (ac., d.); wish to exclude
low, exhausted. TO. sapphire; Indian fig-tree; N.; n. indigo ;
from (ab.); endeavour to trace, ati, lead or
-kantfAa, a. blue-necked;TO.peacock; ep. of
help across, adhi, lead away from (ab.). n i i - m a , a. downward: -bara, a. /Siva; N., esp. of a commentator on the Mahd-
ana, conduct to (ac.); draw to one, seek to having the aperture downward. bhdrata; -giri, m. Blue Mountain, N. of a
win, conciliate or reconcile; beg (ac.; g.1): mountain-range (Nilgiri); -gk, f. ep. of the
pp. -nita, begged for (d.); reconciled, paria- ni&air-akhya, a. named ' Low '
(mountain, i. a. ni&air-giri). river Vitasta; -ta, f . blueness; dark-blue
nn, entreat urgently, pratianu, speak colour; -niAolin, a. wearing a dark cloak ;
friendly words to (ac.) regarding (ac.). apa, nifcais, ad. (in. pi.) low; below; -nirapa, n. blue lotus; -pakshman, n. fea-
lead or take away; remove; carry away, rob; downward; humbly; gently, softly (blow, of thered with black eyelashes ; -pa£a,TO.dark
disperse, dispel; banish from one's thoughts the wind): ni&air ni/.aistaram, lower and garment; -pa/ala, n. dark film (on a blind
(hridayat); take off (clothes etc.); extract lower; ni&air admyata, appeared small. eye); -pura, n. N. of a town; -pur&na, n.
from (ab.); except or exclude (from a rule): T. ofa Purawa; -bh4w<fa-sv&min,TO.indigo-
pp. contrary to (-°); des. wish to remove, • F ^ nicW, TO. n. [ni-s(a)d-a, sitting in], vat proprietor; -bhu, f . N. of a river;
viapa, lead away; remove; pour off; take resting-place, abode ; nest; inner space of a -ma»i, m. sapphire ; -ratna, n. id.; -r&pi,
otl (clothes); abandon, api, conduct to (ac.): chariot: -ka, nest; -garbha, m. inside of a /. dark streak, darkness; -lohita, a. dark-
pp. about to die. abhi, conduct to (ac.); nest; ^arambha,TO.nest-building. blue and red, dark red; -vat, a. blackish,
represent on the stage, mimic, ava, lead dark; -varraa, a. blue-coloured: -m'g&la-
down into (ac.); put into (Ic.). abhiava, «f)dt «[ nita artha, a. intelligible, vat, ad.like the blue jackal; -vasana,«. blue
lead down into (ac.); pour into (ac.). sam- iftfrf cloth; -vrisha,TO.dark-coloured bull; -saTO-
ava, pour together. lead up, bring, fetch ni-ti, / . guidance ; worldly wisdom, dhana-bhawtia, n. vat for preparing indigo ;
(to, ac., Ic.); cause to be brought by (in.): practical morality, political and social ethics; -saroruha, n. blue lotus; ^amsuka, n. blue
in the anomalous pf. &nay&m asa; bring discretion, prudent counsel; policy: -kusala, garment; ^aiiga, a. dark-bodied; ^abpa, ».
back ( + punar); pour into; allot to (p.); place a. skilled in the conduct of human affairs, blue lotus ; -abhra-saTOvritft, pp. obscured
in or reduce to a certain state or condition (cp. politic; -gna,, a. prudent, politic; -dosha, by dark clouds; ^ambhopa, n. blue lotus.
the simple verb): vasam -, reduce to sub- m. error of conduct; -pafala, n. treatise on
mission ; cs. P. (A.) cause to be fetched, policy; -mat, a. (-1) acquainted with the T^T nilS-ya, den. A. begin to be dark
abbia, pour in, mingle, upaa, bring near, rules of worldly wisdom, politic, prudent; or blue. [N. of a locality.
fetch (2 ac. or g. of person), pari&, lead -yukta, pp. versed in policy; -vid,TO.poli- « ^ \ ^ \ ^ « ^ n i l a a s m a n , n . s a p p h i r e ; -jisva,
round, pratia, bring back, restore, sam- tician ; -vidya, f . science of policy; -vedin,
a, assemble; unite; fold (hands); lead or a. knowing policy; -sataka, n. T. of 1'hartri- nil-in-i, / . indigo plant; -i-man,
bring up; bring home; offer (sacrifice); cs. hari's century of verses on worldly wisdom; m. blackness, darkness, dark colour.
-sastra, n. science of political ethics; trea-
Al A
nil-i. %IJW n a i p u w a . 147

i f f t J t nil-i, / . indigo: -bb&ntfa, n. vessel rinarti, P. narinntya, P. A. dance about; of the eyes; -ga., a. produced from the eyes;
cause to dance about (ac.). anu, dance after -grala, n. tears; -niraisin, a. kissing, i.e.
with indigo; -rasa, m. fluid indigo; -var-
any one (ac.); dance before any one (ac.). a, closing, the eyes (sleep); -peya, fp. to be
na, a, indigo-coloured. drunk by, i. e. gladdening, the eyes; -pranay-
cs. agitate or move or stir gently, pra, P. A.
if^ftrT^T nilautpala, ra. blue lotus (nym- begin to dance, dance along, dance: pp. pra- in, a. desiring the eyes of, appearing to (g.);
phaea cyanea): -maya, a. consisting of blue nWtta, dancing; cs. cause to dance (fig.). -bandba, m. bandaging the eyes, blind man's
lotuses; -jipala, m. sapphire. abbi-pra, dance. buff; -vari, n. tears; ^angrana, n. eye-salve ;
-jimbbas, n. tears; -jutsava, m. feast to the
• f f a niva, m. a tree. •JcTT nri-tS, f . male sex, manhood. eyes.
nivara, m. wild rice ; sg. the plant,
n n t - 1 , / . dance; gracefulness. f ^ " ? "NED, I. P. neda, [go], ati, over-
pi. the grain: -kana, m. grain of rice.
«J<J nrit-u, a. lively, active. ^ flow.
nivf,/. (also i) apron, waist-cloth, esp.
one worn by women; hostage; i, / capital «3<^nnt-u, m. dancer, actor. % ^ n a j d , pcZ.not (emphatic); that not, lest
(money). (ne), with sbj., impv., or pot.; n£t tu, but
^TT nnt-ta, (pp-) n. dance : -maya, a. (i) not, but by no means.
i f t ^ T ^ nih&ra, m. mist (sts. pi.); -kara, m. consisting of dancing.
moon; -maya, a. consisting of mist. • I f ^ B ned-ishf Aa, spv. nearest, next; quite
«J(2T nrit-ya,n. dance; mimicry,pantomime. near : -m, ad. next; quite close ; first; ab.
i f t ^ T T f e niblri-kri, turn into mist. from the nearest place; -iyas, cpv. nearer;
nri-durga, a. inaccessible, i. e. well
V. = mdi. fortified, by men; n. well-garrisoned place ; quite near: ac. ad.; (-iyo)-marana, a. hav-
ing death close at hand, moribund.
*|nu,^ni{,irecfec?.now,still; even,already; -deva, m. prince, king : 1 , / . queen.
then, therefore (concluding or exhorting); ^TJ nri-pa, m. (guardian of men), prince, •imaj ne-pathya, n. [sxxitable for acting:
never (V.); indeed, just, certainly; with king : -karya, ». business of a king ; -kri- naya], ornament, attire ; stage costume ; tir-
inter, pray: in double questions the second ya, f . rule, dominion ; -griha, n. palace; ing-room, space behind the scenes: lc. behind
nu is sts. replaced by svid or yadi va; nu- -^ana, m. sg. (coll.) the princes. the scenes; -grtba, n. tiring-room.
nn, either-or; nu kid, henceforth, for ever; nepala, m. Nepal: pi. the Nepalese-
forthwith; nevermore. «P?f?T nri-p^ti, ra. prince, king, ruler: -kan-
yaka, f . princess, -patba, ra. king's road, nema, a. [najma, not this, another],
H i. NU, II. P. nauti (only with pra); I. P. highway, -s&sana, n. decree of the king. the one; many a one: repeated, the one-
« A.n&va( r.),VI.P.nuva, (V.) roar, shout; the other; half.
exult; praise (ac.): pp. nuta, praised, abbi, nripa-tva, n. sovereignty; -dipa, m.
shout to (ac.). sound; cry. pra (-nauti, prince like a lamp; -niti,/. kingcraft; -man- nem-i,/. [na-nam-i, complete bend],
-nuva), roar, shout; mutter the syllable om. dira, n. palace; -linga, n. royal emblem. felly of a wheel; rim, circumference; (i)-
vi, praise, sam, roar or shout together. gbosba, m., -dbvani, m. sound of wheels ;
•PT^J nri-pasu, m. beast of a man.
-ninada, m. id.; -vritti, a. moving in the
f j 2. NU, I. A. n&va (RV.), II. P. (with «JTJ^l|PTnnpa-vallabha,ra. royal favourite; track of (gr.).
^ apa) -nauti (S.); cs. P. navaya, remove, -sreshf Aa, spv. best of kings; -suta, m. prince:
ati, cs. P. avert, apa, lay aside, vi, A . turn &,/. princess; -snusha,/. king's daughter- n e - y a , f p . to be guided, led, or conduct-
(int.) in different directions. ed, to (lc.); amenable ; to be inflicted (punish-
ment) ; to be brought or reduced to a condition
•JfTf^T^ nuta-mitra, m. N. •pTTIfW nn'paangana, n. royal court; -J*n- (ac.); to be passed (time); to be guessed.
•jfW nu-ti, / . praise. gana, n. id.: a, /. princess, queen; ^atmar/a,
ne-sh-^ri, m. leading priest at the
m. prince: / . princess; ^aryaman, m.
•jf^rT nut-ti,/. expulsion, removal. sun among princes. Soma sacrifice, who brings the sacriftcer's
wife and prepares the surd.
cp*" N U D , V I . nuda, push, thrust; drive «jm<5! nri-p&la, ra. prince, king.
^ v on, impel, propel; drive away; dispel,
- %^ffclneshfr-xya, a. relating to the Nesh/n.
^ m ^ H T nripajilaya, m. palace ; - asana, n.
remove: pp. nutt&, nunna, pushed away; naeka, a. more than one, many a : pi.
throne; -^aspada, n. palace; ^i/c&Aa,/. royal
incited, urged on; divorced (wife); cs. P. various,many: -£ara, a. gregarious (animat).
nodaya, incite, urge on; into. A. nonudya, pleasure.
drive away, apa, drive away, dispel, ban- nn-pragrfl, f . pi. children of men ; naika/-ika, a. neighbouring; -ya,
ish ; remove, apaa, throw off, remove, -m&msa, n. human flesh. [ability. n. nearness (cp. nikafot).
upa, pp. -nunna, driven near, nis (nir-
^FUJun-mnol.ft.manliness,courage;strength, naeka-duAkha-da, a. causing
raud), drive away, remove; reject, para.,
many sorrows; -bbavaasraya, a. fickle, un-
thrust away; remove, pra(nud), propel, •pElTf nn-yag'na, m. sacrifice to men, i.e.
drive away; dispel, disperse: pp. pranutta, steady ; -varna, a. many-coloured; -vikalpa,
hospitality ; -loka, ra. world of men, earth ;
-nunna; cs.pp. -xodita, agitated, ati-pra, a. manifold; -vidha, a. id.; -sas, ad. re-
-vat, a. manly ; belonging to or consisting of
urge strongly, vi, drive asunder or away, men; -vara, m. best of men, prince, king; peatedly.
dispel; cs. id.; pass (time); enliven, divert; -samsa, a. injurious to mankind, noxious, naikn'ti-ka, a. dishonest, deceit-
beguile or divert oneself with (in.), sam, malicious,base: -ta,/. mischievousness, base- ful ; base (cp. nikmi).
cs. collect; urge on. ness; -samsita,ra.malignity,baseness ;-sbad,
a. sitting among men ; -simba, m. man-lion, naigama, a. (1) relating to Vedic
dispelling, removing (- 0 ). quotations (nigamas); Vedic; m. Vedic exe-
great hero ; half man half lion, the fourth
nu-tana, a. new ; young; fresh; youth- Avatdr of Vishnu; N.: -ka, m. man-lion, gete; trader, merchant.
ful (age); recent; present; novel, strange ; Vishnu ; -soma, m. moon among men, i. e. Mjicfl naighan<u-ka, a. incidentally men-
-tna, a. id.; future. distinguished man ; -bari, m. man-lion, the
tioned ; n. index of words, specifically the
fourth Avatdr of Vishnu.
nti-nd-m, ad. now, just, at present; Vedic glossary.
forthwith ; henceforth ; then, therefore ( V.) ; ne<7-aka, ra. washerman; -ana, n.
washing. %fTt«T naitala, a. relating to the hell Nitala (?).
most probably, assuredly, certainly.
ne-tavya, fp. to be led ; - taken or naitya-ka, a. to be performed regu-
^(tJX nfipura, m. n. anklet (esp. of women); larly, obligatory (opp. naimittika); ika, a. id.
conveyed, to (ac.); to be employed; - inves-
-vat, a. provided with an anklet. tigated. naidSgha, a. (i) belonging to the
^ nn, m. man; masculine (gr.)\ pi. men, ne-tri, ra. x. nm., 3 sg.ft. he will lead; hot season; m. summer.
people, mankind. 2. (-tri) leader, guide (of, g. or inflicter naidra, a. (1) producing sleep.
nri-kalevara, ra.(?) human body or of punishment (dancZasya); leading character,
corpse; -kukkura, m. dog of a man ; -&a- hero in a drama: -mat, a. containing the naidhana, a. final; relating to death;
ksbas, a. observing men. word 'netri.' perishable; funeral (fire); n. death.
NBIT, IV. P. nr/tya, dance ; act, ne-tra, a. leader,guide; n. guidance; naipuna, n. dexterity, skill; experi-
« \ play (tr. & int.) on the stage; cs. nart- eye; veil; cord which causes a churning-stick ence, in (g., ; completeness, totality of
&ya, cause to dance or move about, induce or top to revolve; root; -kosa, m. apple of (gr.); whole science of, strict adherence to
to caper (peacocks): pp. nartita; intv. na- the eye; -kautuhala, n. passionate longing I (-°): in. completely, exactly.
U 2
148 naipim-ya. tf^f paksha.

naish-karm-ya, ra. abandonment of -siras, a. (sc. kakubh) a metre; -s&rini, a.

naipura-ya, n. id.
f . (sc. brthati) a metre.
action, inactivity.
naibid-ya, n. denseness; immediate nyankotaka, TO. N.
contiguity. ^fbej|-c|«tf naish-kim&an-ya, ra. indigence,
poverty. [kritika. niang-a, TO. [i/aUg] adhering matter;
^ f a r - r i c h naimitt-ika, a. (i) produced by a taunt; a. making incidental mention of.
cause; occasional, incidental; ra. effect; TO. v^bcftpfleR naish-kritika, a. incorrect for nai-
fortune-teller. niaSA, a. (weak base nik; f . xdk-i)
naish^-ika, a. (1) final, last; defi- downward; lowered (tone); n. ad. nyak,
naimisha, ra. N. of a sacred forest: nitive, decided, settled; highest, supreme, per- downwards: -k4*i,huinble;disregard(wo?y2<();
i-ya, a. relating to the Naimisha forest; TO. fect; thoroughly versed in (- 0 ); having taken throw into the shade, surpass; (g)-bhfii, be-
pi. inhabitants of the Naimisha forest. the vow of eternal chastity: -sundara, a. have humbly.
naiyagrodha, a. relating to the supremely beautiful.
niaraA-ana, ra. depression ; lurking-
sacred fig-tree (ficus Indica). naish^ur-ya, n. roughness, coarse- place ; i,f. lap. [hood, of (g. or
•i<«e|naiyat-ya,ra.fixity, necessity; exigency. ness, hardness, severity.
•t(«cl«J nij.ntena, in. ad. in the neighbour-
naish-phal-ya, ra. fruitlessness, in-
f f a T f ^ i naiyay-ika, a. relating to the effectualness. niayana, n. entry, gathering-place.
Nyaya philosophy; in. logician.
naisarga, a. natural: i-ka, a. id.; nij,rtha, ra. failure ; destruction.
nair-antar-ya, ra. [». nir-] uninter-
original, inherent, innate, constitutional.
ruptedness;immediatesuccessionconstant- niarbuda, ra. a hundred millions.
ly ; -apeksh-ya,ra.regardlessness,indifference; ^ U d m naistrims-ika, a. armed with a
complete independence ; -artb.-ya, ra. sense- niasana, n. arranging, putting or
sword. writing down; adduction.
lessness ; -akaiiksb-ya, n. non-requirement
of supplying anything; -as-ya, n. hopeless- naiA-sneh-ya, ra. want of affection; nijista, pp. as) set down, de-
ness, despair (of, prati or ; -ukta, a. ety- -sprib-ya, ra. lack of desire for; -sv-ya, ra. posited : -darifZa, a. having laid down the
mologically explained ;TO.etymologist. indigence, poverty. rod, unaggressive, peaceable; -sastra, a. hav-
nai-rup-ya, n. health (v. niru^). • f t nau, pel. and not, nor (this meaning ing laid down one's arms; averse from strife,
very rare in C.); not (C.). inoffensive (Manes).
nair-riti, a. (1) relating to nim'ti; nijisya, fp. to be laid down; to be ap-
south-western; pointed southward; TO. son •T^IT noraa, TO. N. of a merchant.
pointed to (Ic.).
ofNirnti, demon,Rakshasa: i,/. south-west; •ftc^T nod-ana, a. removing ; ra. striking ; •t||t| nijiy£,m.[going back, reference, pre-
ep. of Durg&; -ritya, a. relating or sacred dispelling; impulse. cedent], rule, standard, axiom, principle, me-
to Nirriti; south-western. thod ; manner; propriety, correct way;
nair-gandh-ya, n. scentlessness ; • f t f ^ l , nod-in, a. dispelling (~°). logical proof or conclusion, syllogism ; logic,
absence of smell; -gura-ya, n. exemption •FT^T^nodhas, TO. N. of a RisAi. the Nyaya system of philosophy; lawsuit;
from qualities ; lack of virtues; -ghrtra-ya, decision, judgment: in., ab., after the
n. hard-heartedness, cruelty; -pAara, a. be- nona, m. N.: a, /. N.; -ka, rn. N.; manner of (- 0 ); in. -tas, suitably, pro-
longing to waterfalls. -ratha, TO. N. perly ; -vartin, a. behaving with propriety;
-vadin, a. speaking suitably; -vid,TO.con-
nair-dhan-ya, n. poverty; -mal-ya, n. ^ t W T ^ naupasthatri, a. not appearing
noisseur ; -vidya, f . logic; -vWtta, pp. be-
spotlessness, purity ; - l a ^ - y a , ra. shameless- in court. having with propriety; -s&stra,n. treatise on
ness, impudence. 1.nau, ac., d., g. du. o/"aham. logic; -sikshei,,/. logic.
nail-ya, ra. dark-blue colour.
2. nati, f . ship ; boat, skiff. |<44| ny^y-ya, a. regular, customary, usual,
^ c f T f ' T ' W T naevaabhigamana,ra.no sexual normal; right, just; suitable, fit, proper (an
•T(«h nau-ka, = 2. nau: a, / . skiff; -kar-
intercourse whatever. raadbara,m. helmsman (alsofig.); -karman, inf. dependent on this word has a ps. sense).
•H naivard, a. consisting of wild rice. n. occupation with boats, work of a boatman; *t(|4j nijisa, TO. setting down, planting (the
-£akri-vat,TO.owner of boats and waggons; foot); putting on; insertion, impact; apply-
naives-ika, n. household furniture. -Aara,a.faring on ships;TO.seafarer,mariner; ing, drawing, commitment; writing down,
naisa, a. (1) nocturnal; contracted dur- -ryivika,TO.boatman, sailor. inscribing; written text; renunciation; lay-
ing the night (guilt). naudhas-a, ra. N. of a Saman. ing aside ; deposit; bringing forward, adduc-
tion : -dharaka,TO.depositary.
naisSkara, a. caused by the moon. •PfcrTf nau-ySna, ra. navigation; -yayin, a.
faring in boats; m. passenger; -vyasana, n. nySsi-kri, entrust to the safe
nais-ika, a. (1) obtained in one night. keeping of.
%ft{(Sf naisit-ya, n. sharpness. •qgR \ ^ nyak-kara, m. humiliation ; disre- nijibpa, a. turned over, upside down,
nais-Aint-ya, ra. freedom fram care. gard ; -krtti,/. id. lying on one's face.
«JgP»T nijina,^p. defective, wanting; smaller,
naiA-sreyas-a, a. (1) leading to • H I nijikta, pp. \/'ank; -Jikna, pp. Va&.
less ; too little; inferior (the deficiency is ex-
future beatitude: i-ka, a. id. nyag-bhava,TO.going downwards ; pressed by the in. or °-) : -ta,/. inferiority;
f t a V naishadha,TO.prince of the Nishadhas, absorption in (Ic.); disregard, contempt; -adbika-vibhakta, pp. having received too
esp. Nala: pi. the Nishadhas : -jjivesharaa, -bh&vayitW,TO.humiliator. little or too much on the division of an in-
n. searching for Nala. w
nyag-rodha, TO. [growing down- heritance ; ^adbika anga, a. having a limb
naishada, a. (1) belonging to the wards], Indian fig-tree, banyan (ficus Indica'). too few or too many.
Nishadas. • e ^ niank-u, TO. [_<*/ &nk]kind o/antelope: ^ n[d]vai, ad. indeed.

tf pa, a. i. [-s/1.pa] drinking ( - ° ) ; 2. [ y 2 . velopment; -tri, a. cooking, baking (g.); -anna,ra.cooked food; ^isb^aka, a. made of
pa] protecting, guarding (-°). promoting digestion. baked bricks: -Zdta, ra. building of baked
pakkaraa, TO. ra. ZSrarfSla's h u t ; vil- Mgft pak-va, a. (=pp. of Vpak) cooked, bricks.
lage inhabited by a savage tribe. baked, done; burnt, baked (bricks, pots); TT^ paksha,TO.(ra.1) wing, pinion; feathers
M f l i ^ pak-tavya,/p. to be cooked or baked. grey (hair); ripe, fully developed, mature; of an arrow; flank, side; half; half-month,
bearing ripe fruit (tree): -ta, f ripeness, fortnight (15 days); side, party, following,
MRB pak-tf, f . cooking ; digestion ; ripen- maturity; -bimbaadharaosh^Ai, a.f. hav- ally, partisans (sg. & pi.); host, troop, class;
ing, i. e. consequence of former acts; de- ing a lower lip red like the Bimba fruit; quantity (of hair); place; alternative; case;
TT^fi paksha-ka. XT-fTCl paw&a-sa. 149

opinion, proposition; prosecution (leg.); sub- ^ f f l ^ l panka-ruhini,/. lotus; - g r o u p ; M^«Vpanfc-an (or -&n), a. pi. five ; T. of the
ject of an inference (logic); topic, subject -lagna, pp. stuck in a bog; -vat, a. muddy, 14th Lambaka in the Kathdsaritsdgara.
under discussion: pakshe, in the other case; miry; -vartman, n. miry road. pan/ia-nakha, a. having five claws;
with regard to (-0); atra in this case;
Tjf^tyl pank-ila, a. miry, dirty, bedaubed m. beast with five claws; -nada, n. land of
tabhyam mukte -, in a case other than these
with (in.): -bhava, a. growing in swampy the five rivers, Panjab; m. pi. inhabitants of
the Panjab; sg. N. of a river; -padi, a.f.
M 1 ^paksha-ka,m.wing(-°); side; -ksbaya, having (taken) five steps; /. five steps ; the
m. end of a fortnight; -grama, a. moving parike-ruh, n. flower of the day five strong cases; -pala, a. weighing five
with wings, flying; -grahana, n. taking the lotus: -a, n., -ini,f. id. palas: 1 , f . weight of five palas; -pnraniya,
side of (gr.); -/ara, m. elephant parted from a. worth five puraraas (a coin); -pnshpa-
the herd; -kkhiA., a. having clipped the Mf^j pank-tf, / . set of five (irevras), series maya, a. (1) consisting of five flowers; -phu<-
wings of the mountains, ep. of Indra; - t k , f . of fives; a metre5x8, later 4 x 1 0 syllables; tfika, a. weaving five phuffikas in a day; m.
alliance; being the subject of an inference. the number ten; line, row; multitude; com- N.; -bandha, rn. fifth part of the value of a
pany, society^ -krama, ra. succession : in. in thing; -bana, m. the five-arrowed god, Ka-
TJ^fTf paksha-tl,/.root of a wing; plumage. ma; -bindn-prasrita, n. kind of figure in
a row; -pavana, a. purifying a society; -ra-
TJ^p^ paksha-tva, n. being a component tha, m. N. = Dasa-ratha. dancing.
part of (- 0 ); being the subject of a conclusion;
I j ^ H panfca-mci, a. (1) fifth ; with ama, m.
prosecution; -dv&ra, n. side-door; -dhara, wf^jUJt^ pankti-sas, ad. in rows,
a fifth part: - m , ad. for the fifth time;
a. taking the side of (gr.); attached to (lc.); p a n k t i , / . metrical for pankti. fifthly; ra. fifth (later seventh) note of the
m. bird; -p&ta, m. flight; partisanship,
Indian scale; a musical mode; fifth conso-
partiality, predilection for (ac. ± prati, g., lc., pang-u, a. (v-i) lame : -ka, a. id.; -ta, nant of a class, nasal; 1, /. fifth day in a
-°); -p&ti-tfi,,/. partiality or predilection for
f., -tva, n., -bhava, m. lameness. fortnight; terminations of the fifth case,word
(lc. or -°); -p&tin, a. siding with, partial
in the ablative; terminations of the impera-
to (-°); -pntfa, m. outspread wing; wing; l | x j PAiiT, I. pa/ca, cook, bake, boil, roast;
-bala, n. strength of wing; -ra&ana, f . for- \ A. cook for oneself; burn, bake (bricks
mation of a party; (a)-vat, a. winged; hav- etc.); digest; ripen, mature (tr.); develope, pan&a-maya, a. (i) consisting of
ing a large following; -vikala, a. paralyzed conduct to Us end; ps. pa&yate, ripen, be five (elements); -m&shaka (or ika), a. con-
in the wings. developed: pakva is used as pp.; cs. pafcaya, sisting of or amounting to five m&shas;
P. cook, cause to be cooked: pp. pa£ita; -masya, a. needing five months for its de-
tf?JT«rT pakshaanta, m. end or last day of a
intv. papafcya, A . int. burn violently (also velopment (seed); -mukha, a. five-faced ;
fortnight; ^antara, n. a particular case (lc.
Jig.), pari, ps. be cooked, - roasted; be having five points (arrow); -mula, m. N. of
= supposing, if); another opinion; -^abbasa,
matured, bear fruit (actions); cs. cook, roast, an attendant on Durgd; -yama, a. having
n. mock prosecution: -tva, n. abst.s.; -ji,sh-
vi, dissolve by cooking; ps. be roasted; be five courses ; -yo^ani,/. distance of five yo-
ta,mi,f. eighth day in a fortnight; -Jbhati,
digested; be matured ; bear fruit, come to an granas; -ratra, n. period of five days; a.
f . stroke with the wing.
issue, attain its consequences (action). (a) lasting fi ve days ; n. general designation
T j f t i j ^ pakshi-tva, n. condition of a bird. of the sacred book of Vishnuite sects: -ka,
tpEf pa&a, a. cooking, baking (- 0 ). a. lasting five days; -lakshana, a. having
trf^f^paksh-in, a. winged ; on the side of, five characteristics ; -lambaka, m. T. of the
TJTJ i-ana, a. id. (~°); n. cooking utensil:
belonging to the party of (- 0 ); m. bird; 14th Lambaka in the Kathdsaritsdgara;
winged creature; (n)-i, f . hen-bird; night -kriya, f . cooking. [maturing rapidly.
-va/a, ra. N.; N. of a locality: i, f . id.;
with the two contiguous days (sc. ratri). pa£-elima, a. being quickly cooked, -varga, ra. group or series of five; -varna,
a. five-coloured; of five kinds; -varsha:
l l f ^ F p n r r pakshi-mriga-tS,/. condition of H " ^ ^ paft-Mas, ad. [pad-sas] by padas ; -ka, -varshiya, a. five years old; -varshi-
bird or beast; -r&gr, rn., -rac/a, m. king of -Maufca, n. [pad-sau&a] cleansing of the feet. ka, a. recurring every five years; -viwwa, a.
birds; -r&grya, n. sovereignty of the feathered (1) twenty-fifth ; consisting of or containing
[ t f ^ P A G , X f ^ J c A N G , fasten, enclose.]
tribes; ep. of Garurfa; -«avaka, m. young of twenty-five ; -virasati, f . twenty-five: -ta-
a bird, birdling; -svamin, m. ep. o/Garurfa. tRJ pagr-ra, a. stout, portly. I ma, a. twenty-fifth; -vidha, a. fivefold ;
pakshi-kri, make oneself master of [ T E TANIC, spread out, manifest.] -vrit, ad. five times; -.sata, n. pi. five hun-
(ac.). [q/Garuc?a. dred; consisting of five hundredjjanas (fine);
M^ panfca, ° - = n^«\pawfean. paying a fine of five hundred (panas); five-
pakshiindra, m. chief of birds, ep. hundredth : e kale, in the 500th year; n.
M^eft pan/ca-ka, a. consisting of five; five 105; 500; 1 , f . 500; -sara,ra. (five-arrowed),
T f ^ t ' l paksh-iya, a. siding with (- 0 ). days old; with gata, n. five per cent; n. the
Kama; -sikha, a. wearing five top-knots
p^ksh-man, n. sg. & pi. eyelashes ; number five (irevrds); (paȣa)-kap&la, a.
(ascetic); ra. N. of an attendant of Siva;
pile {of deer); petal. [eyes. (1) distributed in five dishes ; -kWtvas, ad.
-iirsha, a. five-headed.
five times; -gavya, n. sg. & pi. five products
M^MT<T pakshma-p&ta, ra. closure of the of the cow (milk, curds, butter, urine, dung); M^M pan&a-sha, a. five or six; -sattra,A r .
-guna, a. five times greater than (ab.); of a locality; - s a h a s r x 5 0 0 0 ; -skandi,
TT^T^T pakshma-la, a. having long or fine
-grami, f . group of five villages ; -fcatvar- f . sg. pi. the five Skandas of the Buddhists;
eyelashes; long-haired; hairy,furry; downy: irasat,/. forty-five; -Sandra, m.N.; -&uda, -basta, N. of a locality; -hayana, a. five
-dris, a.f. having eyes with beautiful lashes. a. having five tufts of hair; -gana, m. pi. the years old.
tT5|r paksh-ya, a. siding with (- 0 ). five races or kinds : gods, men, Gandharvas
andApsarases,serpents,andManes; sg.man: M^ i . p^n&aakshara, a. pentasyllabic ;
M^' pdhka, m. or ra.(?) mud, mire, slough, i-ya, a. sacred to the five races; -tantra: -akhyana: -ka, n. = panAa-tantra; ^agni,
quagmire, dirt, clay; ointment; -kkhld, -ka, n. T. of a collection of fables in five a. maintaining the five sacred fires; allowing
m. a plant (with the fruit of which turbid books; -tapas, a. (ascetic) exposing himself oneself to be scorched by five fires (four
water is clarified). to five fires (one at each cardinal point, with kindled towards the quarters, and the sun):
tJ^^T pafika-ga, n. flower of the day lotus the sun above); -taya, a. (i) fivefold; -ta, -tva, n. aggregate of five fires (i. e. passions);
(nelumbium speciosum, which closes in the /. fivefold amount; dissolution of the body -aiiga, n. five limbs, members, or parts (°-);
evening): -n&bha, a. having a lotus in his into the five elements, death; -tirthi, /. the a. (1) consisting of five limbs or parts ; -Jit-
navel (Vishnu), -netra, a. lotus-eyed, -mal- five sacred bathing-places ; N. of a Tirtha; maka, a. consisting of the five elements:
in, a. adorned with a wreath of lotuses, -trirasat: - i , f . thirty-five; -tva, n. fiveness; -tva, n. abst. a. ; -jinana, m. (five-faced,
epithet of Vishnu ; ^akshi, /. lotus-eyed the five elements, earth, water, fire, air, terrible), lion : 1,/. ep. of Durga; - apsaras:
woman; ^anghri, a. whose feet are adorned and ether; dissolution into the five elements, -a, n. N.of a lake; -^abdaakbya, a. lasting
with lotuses (Vishnu). death: -m gam, die ; -dasa, a. (i) fifteenth; for five years; (p&?7fea)^ara, a. five-spoked.
consisting of fifteen ; increased by fifteen; XTfT^r pan^SM, ra. pi. N. of a people and of
t f ^ f ^ n t panka^-in, a. furnished with a i , f . fifteenth day in a half-month; -damn,
a. pi. fifteen; -dasa-varshika, a. fifteen a dynasty; i , f . doll.
lotus: - i , f . lotus; lotus group.
years old; -dasaaha, ra. period of fifteen iq^M^ panfcaavayava, a. five-limbed.
panka-ta, f . condition of mud ; days: i-ka, a. lasting fifteen days; -dha,
•magna, pp. sunk in the mire. pan^S-sa, a. fiftieth : -ka, a. pi. 50;
ad. in five parts, fivefold; -dhatn, n. sg. the
five elements. i-ka, /. collection of 50; -saJc-kh&B, ad. by
T T ^ r pafika-ya, den. P. besmear. fifties.
150 diet pa/iM-sat. pat.
M^ | ^(^panfe^-sdt,/. [panfca-dasat] 50: -a, paf-ira, TO. sandal-tree; sieve. panda, TO. eunuch, impotent man:
»., -i,/. id.; -ka, a. fifty years old; -tama,
t j ^ paf-u, a. sharp; dazzling; shrill, clear -ka,TO.id.
a. 50th; -panika, a. consisting of 50 pawas
(sound); acute; clever, dexterous, skilful; qfVgtf panditd, a. learned; wise, shrewd;
(fine); -palika, a. weighing 50 palas; (d)-
skilled in, fitted for (Ic.); intense, fierce, vio- skilled in (-°); TO. scholar, learned or wise
bhaga, TO. 50th part; (d)-varsha, a. fifty
lent ; -karana, a. having sound organs; -ta, man, Pandit: - t a , / , -tva, n. wisdom; skill
years old.
/., -tva, n. keenness (of sight); cleverness, in (-°); -buddbi, a. philoBophic-minded;
pai?feajLsya, a. five-faced; five- dexterity, skill; craft; -mati, a. of keen -manika, -manin, -m-manya, a. consider-
pointed (arrow);TO.lion; -aha,TO.period of intellect. ing oneself wise; -sabh&, /. assembly of
five days. Pandits.
M i ^ f l pafola, n. kind (/cucumber (Tricho-
-in, a. consisting of five parts. santhes dioeca); m. the plant. tps?! 1. paw-ya, fp. to be praised : -ta, /.
M^Tta^U! pan/ci-kararaa, n. reduction to five, t j ^ patta,TO.[pattra] tablet, plate (for writ- praise worthi n ess.
combination with the five subtle elements. ing or painting on); strip of cloth, bandage;
2 . p £ n - y a , f p . to be b o u g h t ; purchas-
frontlet, diadem; cloth; -ka,.m. board; plate
M^JVsh panH-kri, reduce to five, combine able ; venal; n. article of merchandise, ware;
(for inscription); bandage; n. document (in-
a gross element with all the five subtile ele- trade; shop; -pana, m. trader; -d&sl,/. hired
scribed on a plate); -karma-kara,TO.weaver;
ments. servant; -yoshit,/. venal woman,prostitute;
-karman, n. weaving; -ga, n. kind of cloth;
-vat, a. abounding in merchandise ; -vil&s-
pan&ajshu, m. (five-arrowed), K a m a ; -devi, f . princess adorned with a diadem ;
ini, /. prostitute; -vithiki, -vitbi, /.
chief consort of a prince.
-Jma, a. less by five, market; shop ; -stri, f. venal woman, pros
panpa-ka, TO. N. pattaua, n. town. titute; ^angana,/. id.

T f ^ p a n p a - r a , n. cage (alsofig. of anything pa^a-nivasana, TO. townsman. H f T I. PAT, I. P. (E. also A.) pata, fly
that confines); grated enclosure, net (pi.); ^ (also fig.); descend ; set (sun); alight;
l j | c | patta-va, kind of cloth.
skeleton ; body: -ka, n. (?) cage; -kesarin, throw oneself upon or into (ac., Ic.); fall
m. caged lion; -Zralana-nyaya,TO.principle M g q ^ pa^a-vastra, n. cloth garment; down, at the feet (Ic.) of (g.); fall, into (ac.),
of eleven birds combined though differing in -sala, f . tent; - a m k a , n. hind of garment on (Ic. or upari with g.); fall from = be de-
their individual action setting a cage in mo- prived of (heaven), to (ac., Ic.); go down to
tion ; -bha^, a. caged ; -stba, a. id. hell (Ic. or adhaA); fall morally; lose rank or
M^'ltt p a f f l - y a , den. A . resemble a tablet caste; fall upon (gaze); happen (misfortune);
qflCgRT party-ika, f . commentary explain- of (-°). [strip of cloth. get into (Ic.): pp. patita, fallen ; - on (Ic.,
ing and analysing every word. from (~°); depriv ed of caste; fallen among,
TrfgcfiT paM-ika, / . plate, tablet; bandage, got into (Ic., ; cs. V. pataya, P . fly; wing;
TJ£ P A T , I . P . pa/a, split, slit, open (int.);
pa^isa, TO. sharp-edged spear; A. strike down; p&taya, P. (A.) cause to
Mear along,flowrapidly; cw. papaya,P.break fly; hurl, cast at (Ic.); throw (dice); let fly;
through; tear up; cleave ; lacerate, scratch; weapon with three points.
cause to descend, bring down (axe, staff) on
pluck or tear out; tear or break off; cause M ^ l p a ^ a u p a d h y & y a , m. engraver (g. + upari, or Ic.); dash (the fingers) into
to be torn up: pp. pa'ita. ava, cs. tear or of documents (grants etc.). (Ic.); inflict (punishment) on (Ic.); shed,evoke
split up. ud, cs. split off; tear out, break (tears); pour out (water); cast down from
off, slit up ; draw out of the scabbard; up- ?ATH> I- also A.) p a ^ a , recite (ab.); throw oneself down; strike off (head);
root ; open wide (eyes); remove, dispel; ex- N aloud; repeat to oneself, study, read; dash out (teeth); overthrow; throw down ;
terminate ; dethrone, sam-ud, cs. tear up ; propoimd,mention, or quote (in a book), desig- cast, into (ac., Ic.); divide in two (dvedh&');
pull off; dethrone, vi, cs. split; tear; pull nate as. declare to be (ac.); cs. papaya, P. cause to enter, put into (Ic.); set (fire) to;
out; disperse; uproot; destroy; remove, dis- teach to talk; teach to read, instruct in (2 ac.); place upon (Ic.); apply a measuring line
pel ; tear away, take to one's heels. read; intv. p&pa/Mti, papattyate, repeat (stitra); direct (the gaze) towards (Ic.); hurl,
TfZ pa£a,TO.woven stuff, (piece of) cloth ; frequently; study or read assiduously, sam, cast (a curse etc.) at (Ic.); cause to fall, ruin,
garment; veil, screen; canvas (for writing read. bring trouble on; cause to go down to hell
or painting on); picture (~°). pai/(-ana, n. reciting; studying, read- (Ic.); cause to lose its value, depreciate in
ing; mentioning ; -aniya, fp. to be read. price (arthatafe); seduce to (Ic.); introduce,
TJZWT pafafc-fcara,TO.thief, robber ; n. (?) set going: pp.p&tita; des. pipatisha, pitsa,
worn-out garment, rag. M f d f l R t ^ pafMta-siddha, pp. taking effect P. be about to fly. ati, fly past; neglect;
as soon as repeated. go beyond, not come under (a conception or
T Z T T W pafa-bhaksha, m. spying instru-
category), anu, fly along to (ac.); fly after,
ment ; -mandaya,TO.tent; -maya, n. (made " q i j f PAJV, I. (P.) A. pana [par-wa, I X .
follow, pursue (also fig.); cs. drag down with
of canvas), tent. \ from -*/pri], buy; bargain ; bet, wager; one to hell, abbi, fly up to, rush towards or
M4<?| pa/a-la, n.(?) roof (also 1 ,f.); n. cover, play for (g.); stake (ac.): yuddbam -, hazard at; fall or get into (ac.). ava, fall, fly, or
veil; basket, hive;TO.n. strip; section (ofa a battle, vi, sell; wager, for (g.). leap down, on (Ic.) ; cs. throw down, abhi a-
booh); n. (also 1, f.) heap, multitude; TO. tflQJ pan-a, m. play for a stake (g., Ic., -°); va, fly near. fly up to (ac.); rush up;
diseased membrane on the eye, cataract: -ka, bargain, stipulation, compact; stake; wage ; fall into or on (ac., Ic.); occur unexpectedly,
m. n. cover; casket. a coin of a certain weight: -TO kri, bet; e happen; come upon, befal (g.); appear (2 nm.);
nias, stake; -kala,TO.time for play ; -kri- seem to (g.); cs. throw down upon (Ic.);
Md^ktJ pa/a-vasa, m. scented powder ; strike down; shed (tears), abhijl, hasten
ya,/. staking; wTager for (-°): -m kri, stake
-vesman, n. tent. up; rush at (ac. + prati). sam-4, come fly-
in play; -bandba,TO.conclusion of a com-
M d f pa/a-ha, m. (n.) [striking or sounding pact, contract: -na, n. id. ing up; rush at (ac.). ud, fly upwards;
on a membrane], drum, kettle-drum, tabor: start or spring up; arise; depart hastily ;
-TO bbramaya, da, or dapaya, proclaim by m j f f ^ f r j paw-ayi-tn, TO. seller. leap forth, gush out; issue from (ab.); escape,
beat of drum; -ghoshaka, m. one who pro- anuud, start up after (ac.). abhiud, fly up
q i J R pawava, TO. kind of drum. to (ac.); rush towards, sam-ud, fly up to-
claims publicly by beat of drum; -ghosha-
»a,/. public proclamation by beat of drum: m y t^Tl pana-stri,/.venal woman,prostitute. gether ; assail; rise (stm); gather (clouds);
-TO da or bbramaya, proclaim by beat of spring up; arise; disappear, upa, fly or
drum; -ta,/. condition or function ofa drum; M*JI pana-ya, den. sell. hasten to (ac., Ic.). ni, fly down, alight, on
-praudghoshana, n., -bhramana, n. id. (Ic.); fall down at the feet (Ic.) of (g.); rush
t f R i para-i, TO. [bargainer], niggard, miser: at, fall upon (ac., Ic.); rush or plunge into
pa/a anta, m. hem of a garment. said esp. of those who are stingy at the sacri- (Ic.); get into (Ic.); fall among (Ic.); flow
fice and of unbelievers who keep their pro- into (Ic.); fall down, upon (g. ±upari, or Ic.),
paf-i, f . kind of cloth ; -ika, f . woven perty to themselves ( V.); also designation of into (ac., Ic.); fall, alight (gaze) on (Ic.);
stuff. certain malevolent demons, guardians of trea- range oneself or come uriucrrwe head of (Ic.);
pa^-i, / . strip of cloth; stage curtain: sure, overcome by the gods and the Ahgirases take place, occur; befal (Ic.), fall to any
-ksbepa, m. drawing aside the curtain (on (V., P.); thief,-in the guiseof aPurohita(P.). one's lot; cs. cause to fall down; cast, hurl,
the stage): e-na pra-vis, enter the stage or shoot down, upon (Ic.); bring down upon
pare-ita, (pp.) n. wager, for (Ic.);
hurriedly. [well suited for (Ic. or (lc.) = smite with (stick); fix (the teeth) in
stake at play or in a wager. (Ic.); drop; spit out; overthrow, ruin; strike
-iyas, cpv. very skilful in ( - 0 ) ; pare-i-tri, TO. trader.
ijc^ pat. pad. 151

down, kill, destroy; raise (tribute) from (ab.); T l f r H < J patim-vara, / . one who chooses way, path (also fig.); journey; right way
direct (the gaze); set down specially as her own husband. [husband-slaying. (also fig.); a hell: panthanam d&, make
anomalous, regard as an anomaly {gr.). upa- way for (g.); patbi, on the way: - ni^s,
ni, occur in addition; be mentioned inci- M i d 4 pati-ka, a. husband; -glrni, a.f. throw down on the road = abandon.
dentally. pra-ni, prostrate oneself before,
trfTffi pat-ita, pp. \/i. p a t ; n. flight: HSIf path-a, m. way, road, path (- 0 ).
salute reverently (ac., d., lc.); cs. cause to
prostrate oneself, vi-ni, fly down, alight on -vr-itta,pp. living as an outcast; -savitri-
ka, a. having neglected the Savitrl, i. e. hav- W r f l r f ^ pathaatithi, m, traveller.
(lc.); fall into (lc.); fall upon, assail, attack;
cs. cast down; chop off (head); strike down, ing omitted investiture with the sacred cord; pathi-ka, m. wanderer, traveller :
kill; ruin, destroy. sawi-ni, fly down, de- -stbita, pp. lying on the ground; -jittbita, -sartba, m. company of travellers.
scend, alight, on (lc.); come together, fall in pp. shipwrecked and rescued.
with, meet, with (in. + saha); eg. cast or M f a a c t , pathi-kn't, a. preparing the way;
n f c l ^ pati-tva, n. matrimony, wedlock ; -mat, a. containing the word ' p^th ;' -r&k-
shoot down, discharge; convene, assemble, -darsana-l&lasa, a. desirous of seeing her
bring together, nis, fly out, of (ab.); rush sbi, a. guarding the paths.
husband; -devata, a.f. making a god o f - ,
or fall out, depart, issue, from (ab.); fly idolizing her husband; -dbarma, m. duty to
away, vi-nis, fly or rush out; come forth, a husband; -prank, a. f. whose life is her
issue; run away, double, pari, fly off or path-ya, a. (relating to or fit for the
husband; -langbana, n. conjugal infidelity
away; disperse (clouds);flypast; fly or hasten in a wife; -lalasa, a. longing for her hus- way or progress of a thing), customary,
towards; hasten up, arrive ; fail, anu-para, band; devoted to her husband; -loka, m. regular; proper, suitable; salutary; advan-
fly along beside (ac.). pari, fly or rush world or abode of the husband (after death); tageous ; a,/, path, way: - revati, bounteous
about; fall upon (lc.); rush upon (lc.); leap -vawasya, a. belonging to the husband's path, personified as genius of plenty.
down from (ab.); cs. shoot off; throw into family; -vatni, a. f . having a husband; N.
(lc.). vi-pari, fly about, pra, fly away or tTCZnjf pathi asana, n. victuals for the
married woman, wife; -vrata, n. fidelity to journey; -jlsin, a. eating wholesome diet;
along; fall; get into (lc.); fall or fly down
a husband: a, a.f. faithful or devoted to her
upon (ac., lc.). prati, fly or hasten towards -j>dana, m. id.
husband : -maya, a. consisting in a faithful
(ac.). vi, fly along; be cleft, split ;cs. discharge
wife; -su&, f . mourning for a husband; P A D , IV.(P.) A. padya, fall, - down,
(arrows); strike off; strike down, kill, sam,
-stbana, n. husband's place; -stbaniya, a. x off, or out; perish (7.); go to (ac.); cs.
fly or hasten together; meet, come into con-
belonging to or being in the husband's place; padaya, P. A. cause to fall; des. -pitsa, A . ;
flict, with (in.); fly away to (ac.); walk about.
m. husband's representative. intv. panipadyate. ati, go beyond (ac.);
TO 2. PAT, IV. A. patya, (V.) be lord of, skip = postpone to (in.); neglect, anu, fol-
MT1*t pat-tana, n. town. low ; resort to (ac.); befal (ac.); agree to,
^have power over, possess (ac., in.); share
in, be associated with (lc.); be of use or qf^T pat-ti, m. pedestrian ; foot-soldier : approve (ac.). sam-anu, enter, abbi, be-
-karman, n. business of the infantry. take oneself or come up to, draw near to,
serve for (d.); serve as, be anything, abbi,
reach (ac.); seek the protection of (ac.);
possess. M7H pat-tra, n. w i n g ; feather (also of an seize, gain possession of; fall upon, assail;
tJfT pat-a, m. flight (only °-): -ga, m. [mov- arrow); vehicle (car,horse, or camel); (plum- attain, acquire; accept; resort to, give one-
ing by flight], winged creature, bird : -ragra, age of a tree), leaf, petal; leaf prepared for self up to (ac.). ava, fall down or off; be
- i.wara, m. lord of birds, ep. of GariuZa, writing on (-m aropaya = put on paper); deprived of (ab.); come to grief: pp. ava-
letter, document; foil of metal; ornamental panna, fallen upon by (-°). 4, approach,
patam-gi, a. flying ; m. bird; winged leaf painted with (-°): -ka(ika) = pattra enter; betake oneself to (ac.); fall or get
insect; grasshopper, butterfly; esp. moth ; a.; -kkhedya, a. having its feathers plucked into, attain, undergo a condition (ac.); ob-
sun: -k&nta, (pp.) m. sun-stone; -grama, out; n. a kind of artistic skill (?); -pati, m. tain, acquire; fall into misfortune; be the
m. N. of a village. ep. of Garurfa; -pufa, m. n.: i-ka, f . leaf case; happen; evam &padyate, that is the
MfHW patam-gama, m. moth. rolled up into a funnel-shape ; -bhanga, m. case: pp. apanna, falleninto, having obtained
streaks painted with musk and other frag- (ac., ; rarely lc.); unfortunate; happened;
TJrl*!^ patamga-ra, a. bird-like. rant substances on the face or parts of the cs. bring into, reduce or subject to (ac., lc.);
body; -ratba, m. (riding on wings), bird: cause to undergo a condition (ac.); bring
MfW^jPh patamga-vn'tti, f . behaviour of
- indra, m. lord of birds, ep. of Garuda: into misfortune, ruin; procure; produce,
the moth, height of folly; a. behaving like
-ketn, m. havingGarurfa as his badge, Vishreu; cause; obtain; make, change into (2 ac.).
a moth, extremely foolish.
-rekh4,/. = -bhanga; -lata,/, id.; N.; -le- abhia, get into (ac.). pratijl, return, v i i ,
pata%ali, m. N. of a grammarian kha, /. id.; N.; -vaba, m. (borne on wings), fall away, perish: pp. disorded, spoiled;
(the celebrated author of the Mahabh&shya) bird; arrow; -viseshaka, m. (?) leaf-like perished, dead; cs. injure; destroy; kill,
and of a philosopher (founder of the Sdnkhya painted mark; -vesb/a, m. kind of earring; sam-a, assail; fall into,undergo a condition;
system). -saka, n. vegetable with leaves; -jili, / . = occur, take place: pp. arrived, come, ud,
pat-at, pr. pt. flying; m. bird. -bhanga; •^S.b&ra, m. pi. feeding on leaves. spring up, arise, be produced, be obtained;
tfpqeQi pattr-ika, / . leaf for writing on; be born, from (ab.); become ; happen, appear;
TJtT^ pata-tra, n. wing ; feather. begin : pp. utpanna, produced, from (-°);
letter, note; document. born of (lc.); begotten by (in., -°); arisen,
TTfff^r^patatr-in, a. winged, flying; wi.bird;
q f - p ^ p a t t r - i n , a. winged; feathered, with occurred; existing, presenting itself; ready,
arrow. [spittoon. complete; cs. P. (A.) engender, produce;
(-°) ; m. bird; arrow.
Q ts patad-graha, m. (catching what falls), bring forth, beget; compose ; procure ; raise
TFrftW pattraftrna, n. bleached silk ; cloth (a lawsuit); cause; shed (blood), pratiud,
tTr|«T pit-ana, n. flying, flight; flying or
falling down, descent, fall, from (ab.), into or garment of bleached silk. pp. present (mind); ready, viud, arise;
(lc. or-°); casting oneself (into, prostra- TJpjft pit-n-i,/. mistress, lady; wife; female be derived etymologically (gr.): pp. de-
tion (at, -°); hanging down, flaccidity (of the of animals : -ka, a. id.; -vat, a. possessed veloped,learned,experienced; versed in (in.);
breasts); fall, ruin; getting into (lc.): -iila, of a wife or wives ; accompanied by his wife; cs. produce, cause; derive, explain etymolo-
a. accustomed to fall down. -sala, n., a,/, shed on the sacrificial ground gically (gr.); discuss in detail, sam-ud, be
for the wives and domestic rites of the born, of (lc.); arise, appear: pp. born, be-
H f t f t a patan-iya, a. leading to a loss of sacrificers. gotten by (ab.) on (lc.); arisen ; come (time);
caste; n. crime producing loss of caste. cs. produce, cause, upa, come to (ac., lc.);
TfiJJ*^ pit-man, n. path, course, go to a teacher, apprentice oneself as a. pupil
TJTfil pat-iya, cs. of \/i. pat, P. fly along; to (ac., g.); attain, enter upon (ac., d.);
A. strike down. fly to. vi, P. open [int.). trai P A T Y A , v. 2. PAT. befal (g.); take place, occur, appear; exist;
M<1l<tl patfikS, f . flag, banner: -m labb, •CT^"S{_p£t-van, a. (r-i) flying ; n. flight. be possible; be suitable or proper for, be
carry off the palm among (lc.); episode in a worthy of (g., lc.): pp. existing, present;
drama; -amsuka, n. flag; -da«c?a, m. flag- Mrtjci! patsu-taA, ad. at the f e e t : -si', a. come to pass, turned out (differently, anya-
lying at the feet. tba); suitable, fitting, appropriate, natural;
staff. ~
possessed of, endowed with (in. or -°); sar-
pat&k-in, a. bearing a flag ; m. PATH, cs. api-pathaya, P. bring into
vataA - , supplied with everything; cs. bring
ensign-bearer; flag; car: -1 , f . army. a path (ac.). any one (ac.) to a condition (ac.); present; be-
T j f ^ p£t-i, m. owner, master, lord, ruler; tp^pith (weak base; pantban, strong base.- stow on, give to (d., lc.); bring about, manage,
husband. V. also pantba; patbi, middle base), m. road, accomplish; make suitable, prepare; provide
152 Tf^r pad. panay-ya.

(ac.) with (in.), cause anything (ac.) to be of (in., -°); fully conversant with (-°); living padaartha, TO. thing corresponding
accompanied by (in.); make, declare to be in the same house; cs. procure. to a word, substance, object; subject, topic;
(ac.); find out, prove, abhijnpa, come to category (ph.); meaning of a word.
Mc^ p4d, m. (strong base pad; f . a. pad
the assistance of, help (ac.); implore the help
of (ac.): pp. with act. mg. pratiupa,pp. or padi) foot; step; quarter: in. sg., du., M ^ i q ^ padajLvali, f . series of pSdas or
present, sam-upa, be accomplished; under- pl. also on foot. 1 : words; -avritti, f . repetition of a word;
go, experience ; cs. prepare, ni, lie down, TJ^ pad-5, (m.) n. step ; stride; footstep; repetition of the same word with another
rest; sleep with (ac.); cs. lay down, nis, trace; mark, sign; footing, place, abode, meaning (rh.).
fall out; spring up, arise; ripen; be accom- home; station, position, office; dignity, rank; m r f a pad-dhati, f . [pad-hati, foot-tread],
plished : pp. nishpanna, derived,from (ai.); object (of contempt, dispute, etc); cause, oc- track, trace; way, path (also fig.); line,
accomplished; ripe; prepared, ready; finished; casion ; foot (also as a measure); quarter- row; guide (a class of manuals).
cs. P. (A.) produce ; cause to ripen; accom- verse; word; nominalba.sebefore consonant
plish, execute, perform: rapyam -, rule, pad-ma,TO.n. lotus flower (which closes
terminations (so-called because treated like a
abhi-nis, enter into,reach; turn into (ac.); atnight: nelumbium speciosum); lotus-shaped
word in external Sandhi); word-reading of
appear: pp. already existing, pari-nis, turn array; kind of sitting posture during reli-
the Veda (in which the words are given sepa-
into (nm.): pp. existing, pra, enter; set gious absorption; one of the nine treasures
rately irrespective of the rules of Sandhi):
out on a path (ac.); come or betake oneself of Kubera; 1000 billions; N. of a Ndga;
padam kri, set foot on, enter (Ic.); have a
to, resort to (ac.); seek the help of, seek re- N.; k,f. the Lotus-coloured, ep. of the god-
regard for (prati); have to do with (Ic.): -
fuge with (ac.); get into (a condition), incur, dess offortune, Sit.
murdhni, place one's foot on the head of (g.)
undergo; attain; assume (a form); obtain = overcome, surpass, hridaye or kitte -, take ofi padma-ka, m. N.; kind o/sitting pos-
as a husband (ac.); adopt or embrace (a doc- complete possession of the heart or mind; ture during religious absorption; n. a tree;
trine) ; undertake, take in hand (ac., Ic.); padam &-tan, gain ground; - dba, gain a -kula, m.N. of a fairy prince; -kosa, m. calix
begin (time); succeed, turn out (differently, footing; - ni-dba, set foot on = make an im- of a day-lotus; position of the fingers resem-
anyatha); admit (a claim): pp. acknow- pression on (Ic.): - padavyam, set foot on the bling the calix of a lotus ; -k08&-ya, den. A .
ledged; provided with (in.); cs. cause to path of = emulate (g.); padam ni-bandb = resemble the calix of a day-lotus; -kharada,n.
enter, lead into (ac., Ic.); des. prapitsa, P. engage in (Ic.); pade pade, at every step, group of day-lotuses; -garbha,TO.(produced
wish to enter into (ac.); A. be about to begin, everywhere, on every occasion. from a lotus), ep. of Brahman, Vishnu, and
ann-pra, turn to for aid, seek refuge with; $iva; N.; inside of a lotus; n. Lotus-filled,
enter after any one (ac.); follow, comply with M^cff pada-ka, w. step; office, position ;
N. of a lake; - t & , f . condition of a day-lotus;
(ac.): pp. with act. mg. abbi-pra, enter; -krama, m. kind of gait; peculiar method of
-dar.sana, TO. (lotus-like), N.; -nabha, m.
hasten to (ac.); seek the protection of (ac.) : reciting and writing the Veda; -gati, f .
(having a lotus in his navel), ep. 0/Vishfcu;
pp. with act. mg. sam-pra, enter into (ac.) gait; -Mhna, n. footprint; -ta, f . original
N.; -nidhi,TO.one of the nine treasures of
together; succeed, prati, enter ; go or re- form of a word; condition of a word; -nyasa,
Kuhera (alsopersonified); -nibhaiksharaa,
sort to, arrive at (ac.); come back to (ac.); m. putting down the foot, step; footprint;
a. having lotus-like eyes; -pura, n. N. of a
return; get into a cmdition (ac.); obtain, inditing of verses; (a)-paiikti, f . series of
city; -prabha, f . N.; -mihira, m. N. of a
gain ; receive, take upon oneself; recover ; footsteps, track; a metre ( 5 x 5 syllables);
historian; -yoni, m. (sprung from a lotus),
receive back, restore to favour; practise, per- series of words ; -paddbati, f . series of foot-
ep. of Brahma; -rati, m. N.; -raga, m.
form, accomplish; behave towards (ac.,g., Ic.); steps, track; -pa/fca,m. word-reading, a mode
(lotus-coloured), ruby: -ka, m. id.; -rapa, TO.
make, render (2 ac.); befal (ac.); restore; of reciting and writing the Veda in which
N.; -lekhk,f.N.; -varAas, a. lotus-coloured;
perceive, ascertain, learn; consider ; accede every word is given in its original form
-varna, a. id.; -vishaya, m.N. of a country;
to, comply with; avow; promise, agree to irrespective of Sandhi; -purana, a. verse-
-vesha, m. N.; -vyakosa,ra.breach of a cer-
(ac.); say yes, consent (tath& or tatbaiti) ; filling ; -yopana, a. (i) pace-retarding; -rat-
tain shape; -sekhara,TO.N. of a prince of
begin to speak; commence with (in.); ana, f- arrangement of words, literary work;
the Gandharvas; -sri, /. N.; -sawk&sa, a.
answer, give an answer (uttaram); antareraa -vigraha, m. separation of words; -vid, a.
lotus-like; -sadman, rn. (seated on a lotus),
step between (ac.); anyathS, have a (knowing the place), familiar with (g.).
ep. of Brahma ; -saras,ra.lotus-lake; N. of
wrong opinion of any one (ac.); tad-abhed- tn^sft pada-vi, m. (nm. -s) leader, guide a lake ; -sena,TO.N.; -svamin, ra. N. of a
ena - , consider anything (ac.) as not (V.); f . (nm. i) track, path; way or road, shrine.
different from that: pp. arrived, come to (-°); sphere, ken (of eyes, ears, memory);
(time); familiar with (Ic.); known; having post, office: -m a b h y , tread the path of (-°), tRJT^PC padma&kara, TO. group of day-
promised; admitted (debt); acknowledged; equal, resemble; - prajip or sam-a-ruh, lotuses ; -jiksha, a. (i) lotus-eyed; ^&di-tva,
offered; cs. lead to (ac.); procure; bestow on ra. condition of a lotus etc.
enter the path of, devote oneself to (~°); - ya,
(2 ac.); give, deliver to (d., g., Ic.) ; give in
enter the path of, become an object of, e. g. TRTT^fcft padm^-vat-i, / . ep. of Lakshmi;
marriage; produce, cause; teach, set forth,
laughter (~°). N.; ep. of Ugf</ayini in the Krit a age; T. of
explain; consider, regard as (2 ac.); des.
wish to obtain, abbi-prati, begin with, the 17th Lambaka in the Kathdsaritsdgara.
pada-vritti,/. hiatus between two
mention first (ac.). vi-prati, go in different words in a sentence. ^RTTVT padmajisana, ra. lotus-seat; kind
directions, wander about, roam (senses); be of sitting posture in religious absorption.
confounded; diverge in opinion, sara-prati, T ^ f U m pada-sas, ad. step by step, by de- q f ^ p a d m - i n , a. spotted (elephant): -i,/.
go to (ac.); befal; devote oneself to (ac.); grees; word for word. lotus (nelumbium speciosum: flower & plant);
agree to (ac.); consider, regard as (2 ac.) ;
t n ^ i f H j ^ pada-sSstra, n. science of words multitude of lotuses; lotus-pond: -kharada,
perform: pp. acknowledged, vi, fall asunder ;
written separately in the Veda; -srerai, f . n. group of lotuses.
fail, miscarry, come to nought; perish, die :
pp. vipanna, unfortunate; perished; cs. kill, line of footsteps, track. Tjf?TET padm-ish/M, (spv.)f. N.
sam, befal (d., g.); be accomplished or ful- pada-samdhi, m. euphonic combi-
filled, succeed, prosper; amount together to nation of words; -stba, a. pedestrian; in- MtTl'S padmaudbhava, a. produced from
(ac.); become; conduce to, produce (d.) ; vested with office; -sthana, m. footprint; a lotus; m. ep. of Brahma; N.
combine; meet with, get, obtain (in.); enter -stbita, pp. invested with office. TJ3T p^d-ya, a. relating to the foot; n. verse.
into,be united with (ac., Ic.); attain, acquire
(ac.) : pp. sampanna, befallen; accomplish- tn^T^" padaanka, m. footprint. TJ§> pad-va, (- 0 ) a. (i) inclined towards (Ic.).
ed ; complete, perfect; fully conversant with, Mc^lfff pad-at-i, a. [going ( V a t ) on foot], T J ? ^ pad-v^t, a. having feet, running; ra.
thoroughly skilled in (Ic., - ° ) ; palatable, being on foot, pedestrian; TO. foot-soldier; running animals.
dainty (-tara, cpv. extremely - ) ; endowed -in, a. consisting of or provided with foot-
or provided with (-tas, in., -°); arisen, ex- ||| J P A N , I. A . pana, be admirable ; ad-
soldiers;TO.foot-soldier; (-ati)-lava,TO.(non- ^ mire; cs. panaya, P. A. admire ; praise;
isting (°-); cs. P. (A.) convey to, procure for entity of a = ) humble servant.
(d.,g.); prepare (food); produce; perform; A . rejoice at (ac.,g.): pp. panita, admired ;
complete; practise (obedience) towards (g.); padaanuga, a. following on the praised.
turn into (2 ac.); endow or provide with (in.); heels of (g.); pleasant to (-°); m. attendant; M l t l panasa,TO. breadfruit-tree; n.itsfruit.
agree; attain, abbi-sam, become, amount -anusasana, n. science of words ; -jinta, TO.
to (ac.); equal; attain: pp. agreeing with end of a quarter-verse; end of a word, final; pan-as-y£, A. be admirable.
(in.); cs. make equal, turn into, upa-sam, ^antara, n. another word; interval of a step : pan-Sya, A. show to be admirable.
reacb ; attain : pp. endowed with, possessed e sthitva, stopping after a step; -jmvesh-
in, a. following a track. "" panay-ya,/p .astonishing, a dmirabl e.
q g pan-u. q ^ f t f q ^ para-yoshit. 153

1J«J pan-ii (or -u), / . admiration, praise. tj^cft^n para-katha,/.pi.talk about others; country; -bhushana,TO.,v.r.for -ddshana;
-kara-gata, pp. being in the hands of another -bhrita, (pp., nourished by others),TO.,a,
q^TT pinth-a, m., v. pith. or others; -karman, n. service for others; -ka- / . Indian cuckoo : -maya, a. consisting alto-
latraabhigamana, n. adultery; -karya, n. gether of cuckoos; -bhedana, a. foe-piercing.
M«8JT1. pinth-&n, v. pith.
another person's business or affair; -kala, a. para-mi, spv. farthest, remotest, ex-
tig1 pan-na, pp. */pad: -ga, m. (low-going),
belonging to a later time, subsequent. treme, last; highest, chief, primary; su-
(1, /.) snake; snake-demon: -maya, a. (i)
preme, transcendant; most excellent, best,
consisting of snakes, -raga, m. king of the TT^cfifcj parak-iya, a. belonging to another
greatest; worst; better, greater, worse, than
snake-demons, ^indra, m. id., ^jsvara,TO.id. or others; hostile,
(ab.);ra.extreme limit; chief aim, main thing:
pin-ya, fp. wonderful: -tama, spv. ^ S i ! para-krita, pp. done or committed by only - J a. amounting at the most to; wholly
another; -kriti,/. act of another; analogous occupied with, doing nothing but, solely in-
trfPT pi-pr-i,«. | V i . p r i ] b e s t o w i n g (ac.,g.). case, precedent; -kritya, n. another person's tent on, engrossed with: -m, ad. very well,
TPRJT pampa, f . N. of a river and of a lake.- business or affair; a. belonging to the enemy's yes (expressing assent); ad. extremely,
-p&raav&ra, m. ocean of milk. party, supporting the enemy's cause : -pak- exceedingly, greatly, very.
sha, to. hostile party; -kshetra, n. another's
payaA-pitna,ra.drinking or draught parama-ka, a. most excellent, su-
field; another man's wife ; -gata, pp. be-
of milk ; -pura, m. quantity of water. longing to another; -gamin, a. benefiting preme, highest, best, greatest; worst.
pay-as, n. [ V 2 . pi] juice, fluid; vital another; relating to another (adjective); tT^JTTT para-mata, ra. opinion of others.
sap, strength; milk; water; rain. -guraa, TO. pi. or other people's merits:
-grahin, a. recognising the merits of others; m^TtTT parami-ta,/. highest position, su-
payas-ya, a. made from milk; i, f . -geha-vasa,TO.sojourn in another's house ; premacy ; summit, highest aim; -d&runa, a.
clotted milk, curds. -glani, f . laxity of the enemy. very dreadful; -duAkhita,j?p. deeply afflicted.
M'^^f^ piyas-vat, a. juicy, full of sap ; para-feint^,/, thought for others; para-manyu-mat, a. deeply dis-
abounding in milk. -&Midra,ra. another's failings or weak points; tressed ; -marma-gwa, a, knowing the secret
H ^ f ^ p a y a s - v i n , a. id.: -1,/. cow yield- -grana, to. stranger; -tantra, a. dependent designs of others.
ing abundance of miUc. on another; dependent on (-0): i-krt, make M ^^parama-pums, m. supreme soul, ep.
dependent; make over to another, sell.
payo-da,«. yielding milk; water-giv- of Vishwu; -purusha, to. id.
ing ;TO.cloud; -dhara, to. (water-bearing), M<c|< para-tara, cpv. greater, more. M P 5 p a r a m a m h i , m. great sage.
id.; (milk-yielding), female breast; udder : M^dt^ para-tas, ad. i. = ab. of para, a.
i-bhu, become an udder. M parama-sobhana, a. exceedingly
highest; belongingtoanother;TO.stranger; 2.
beautiful; -sawihrtshtfa, pp. exceedingly re-
payodharaunnati, / . high further; henceforward, afterwards; high up;
joiced ; -ha??2sa, m. ascetic of the highest
bosom and rise of clouds. with ab. high above, over (of power or rank);
order; universal soul; ^akshara,ra.syllable
after (of time); itas-paratas, here-there;
I J ^ V T T T payo-dhara,/. shower of water; om or the Absolute; ^angana, /. most ex-
before - after. [gree.
-dhi, m. water reservoir; sea; -nidhi, to. cellent woman.
Bea; -bhrit, to. (water-bearing), cloud; -ma- m^TT para-ta, / . absoluteness; highest de- Iflj paramaarau, m. infinitesimal por-
ya, a. consisting of water; -mukha, a. hav- t n ^ f f a f ^ T f J para-toshayitn, a. seeking to tion, atom: -ta, /. atomic nature, -karana-
ing inilk on the surface; - m u i , a. yielding vada,TO.doctrine of atoms, Vai.seshika system.
milk; m. (water-discharging),cloud; -raya, please others.
m. torrent; -rksi, m. ocean; -v&ha, m, (water- 4 ( 1 para-tra, ad. in the other world, here- ItfJ*^ paramajitman, to. supreme or
carrying),cloud ; -vrata, a. subsisting on milk after ; below (in a book): -bhi.ru, a. anxious universal soul; -^atma-ta, /., -tva, ra. abst.
only as a vow. [warm). about the next world. N. ; - ananda.TO. supreme joy; ^anna,ra. (best
food), rice boiled in milk ; -Jipad, f . greatest
<*!j\paya[A] jishni,/. N.ofa river (milk- XT^Tpara-tvi, ra. remoteness; posteriority; misfortune; ^artba, TO. highest or whole
superiority, to (g.); intentness on (-°). truth, true state of the case, reality: -tas,
p&r-a, a. [leading beyond : V s . pri], i .
of place: farther, than (ab.); remoter, ul- H . para-dSra, to. sg.&pl. another man's in., ab. in reality, -bha//, a. possessed of the
terior; opposite [shore); next (life); 2. of wife; adultery; -dushana, to. ruin of the foe, highest truth.
time: past, previous; future, subsequent; peace in which the enemy seizes the revenue of i n ^ C paramaisvara, TO. mighty or su-
following (ab.); latest, extreme (age), high the country; -desa, to. another place; foreign preme lord, prince; God : -ta, /., -tva, ra.
(time); 3. of amount: exceeding, more than country; enemy's territory; -dosha-gwa, a.
(ab., -°); remaining over; 4. of sequence: sovereignty, lordship.
knowing the faults of others ; -dravya,ra.pi.
following, coming next after {ab., -°); re- goods of others: ^apaharaka, a. stealing q^+ifB^parame-sh/A-fnjfl. standing at the
pealed: each successive; 5. of degree: su- others' property; -droba, to. hostility to- head or in the highest place, supreme; m.
perior, higher, better, worse, than (ab.; rarely wards others: -karma-dhi, a. injuring others lord, ep. of various gods or divine beings.
-°); supreme, pre-eminent, best; utmost, in deed or thought; -dhana,ra.another's pro- 144^001 paramajshujisa, TO. excellent
deepest, greatest; 6. of range : transcending perty ; -dharma, to. law or duties of another bowman; -^upasaka, TO. zealous Buddhist
(ab.); 7. of relation: other; alien, strange, or of another caste; another's peculiarity.
hostile; different, from (ab.); m. descendant; layman. •
stranger; adversary, foe, enemy; universal ij^dM param-tapa, a. vexing the foe; N. of para-m-para, a. one after another,
soul, the Absolute; n. remotest distance; a prince of Magadha. successive : -m, ad. in regular succession; &,
height, summit, acme; supreme bliss; ex- T n ^ r ^ para-paksha, m. party of the enemy ; / . uninterrupted line, unbroken series, regu-
treme limit (- 0 ); further or wider meaning -patni, / . another's wife; -parigraha, m. lar succession ; mediateness: in. indirectly ;
of a word a. synonymous with); chief another's property; another's wife ; -pari- (&)-prfi,pta, pp. handed down by tradition,
aim, main thing : a. having - as the main bhava, to. humiliation of others; -parivada, - ayata, pp. id.
tiling — intent on, absorbed in, deeply affected to. speaking ill of others; -paka, m. another's
with, mainly consisting in, chiefly meant for, T n ^ f r f q ^ para-yoshit, / . wife of another
food or table; -pin-da,, n. another's cake; man; -ramana,rat.second lover, paramour;
altogether based on; -m, ad. afterwards,
-puram-^aya, a. conquering the city or cities -loka, TO. the other or future world: -jir-
subsequently; beyond, after (ab.); highly,
of the foe; -purusha, to. another man, thin, ra. seeking heaven; -vat, 1. ad. like a
excessively; completely; at the most; no-
thing but, only; however, but; ataA param, stranger; -pushta, (pp.) m. Indian cuckoo : stranger; -vat, 2. a. depending on another;
beyond that; after that; next; hereafter; k , f ; N. of a princess; -pushfa-maya, a. ready to obey (lc.); dependent on (hi., g.);
still further; itaA param, henceforth ; tataA (i) being a perfect cuckoo; -purva,/. woman devoted to, a prey to (- 0 ): -ta,/. readiness
or tatas £a id.; thereupon; naasmat pa- having had another husband before, woman to gratify or obey, complaisance; -varga, m.
ram, no more of that, enough; na param - previously married : -pati, to. husband of a party of others; -vasa, a. dependent on the
api, not only-but also; na param-yavat, woman married before; -prayo;/ana, a. use- will of another, subservient; overpowered by,
not only-but even; yadi param, if at all, ful to or benefiting others. a prey to (-°): -rat kri, overcome; -vatya, ra.
perhaps; param tu or kim tu, however, but; H T ^ H * ^ para-brabman, ra. supreme Brah- fault of another; -vada,TO.talk of others,
param na - api na, not only not-but also not. man ; -bbaga, to. supreme state, pre-emi- rumour ; detraction; objection ; -vira-han,
nence : -ta, f . high position, pre-eminence; a. slayer of the warriors of the enemy; -vya-
M l ^ f w param-sakti, / . : only in. with all -bhagyaupagivin, a. living on another's kshepin, a. scattering foes ; -vyuha-vinai-
one's might; to the best of one's ability. fortune; -bhumish^Aa, a. abiding in a foreign ana,TO.destroyer of th,e ranks of the enemy.
154 TT^sj para-su. xrfX^T pari-£aya.

Mi^JJ para-su, rn. axe, hatchet: (u)-mat, a. para-paya, m. deprivation, loss, of parSasu, a. whose breath is depart-
provided with an axe; -rama, m. Rama with (ab., -°) ; defeat; loss of a lawsuit; subju- ing, dying; expired, lifeless, dead; -t&, /.,
the axe, ep. of Rama, son of Gamadagni. gation, conquest of (g., -°) ; -gi.-ah.nxL, a. vic- -tva, n. apathy; nearness of death.
tn^TVI parasvadha, ra. axe, hatchet. parft-sedha, m. custody, prison,
pdrSanA, a. turned away, turning the
M para-svas, ad. day after to-morrow. back, averted; standing behind one another; paraahwa, m. afternoon.
paraA-sat£, a. more than 100; con- departing; following after (ab.); passed away, Mf< pari, ad. around; fully, quite, en-
taining more than 100 verses. irrevocable; n. parak (n) ad. tirely, excessively; prp. with ac. about (of
time and place); against, towards; over,
par-as, (F.) ad. p r i : cp. tir-as] T n j f W * ! . paranA-in, a. not returning. more than; with ab. from; on account of;
further, beyond, away, afar; in future, later; according to.
Tn^fci|«(.paraStman, supreme soul.
prp.with ac. beyond,more than; with in.,id.;
without; with ab. beyond, except. I R j f W T para adbikara, ra. another's of- Ttf^cfifrq^pari-kampin, a. trembling vio-
fice or post: -AarAa, f interference with lently; -kara,rn. sg.&pl.retinue,dependents;
M^tl icon paras&t-kri, makeover to another another's concerns, officiousness; ^adhina, assistance, expedient; addition; abundance,
man, marry a girl to. a.dependent on another,subject,subservient; multitude; girdle/or looping up a garment:
dependent on (-°); engaged or absorbed in, -m bandh or kri, gird oneself for, prepare to
M ^ t H l para-seva, f. service of others. engrossed by (-°) : -ta,/. dependence, sub- (Ic. or inf.); -karita, pp. accompanied by
X ^ W T T ^ paras-tar&m, ad. further. jection. (in.); -karman, n. adoration; decoration of
the person, anointing the body; purification,
par^s-tat, ad. prp. with g. afar, fur- tnTRT paraanna,n.food of another: -bhof/- means of purifying; preparation for (-°);
ther, beyond; above, higher than; from above, in, a. eating the food of another, living at -karma-ya, den. P. adorn ; -karmin, m. at-
before, or behind ; afterwards, later: (d) ava- another's cost. tendant, servant; -kalayitn, a. enclosing;
gamyata eva, what follows can be guessed. -kalpana, n. cheating; -kirtana,n.proclaim-
M^fM^ paraapara, n. the further and the
nearer; the earlier and the later (cause and ing aloud, promulgation; naming; -kopa, m.
X J W R para-sthana, ra. foreign country; violent anger; -krama, m. succession, order;
strange place. effect); the higher and the lower, the better
-kraya, m. hire; redemption, peace pur-
and the worse: -ta, / condition of being both
XJX^IX para-s-para, a.: ac. each other; in. chased with money; -kriya,/. attention to
genus and species; absoluteness and rela- (-0); -kleda, m. wetness; -klesa, m. hard-
by or with each other; g. of each other; tivity ; -tva, n. id.; priority and posterior-
-tas, -m, ad. each other, mutually ; -gna, a. ship ; trouble, suffering; -kshaya, ra. dis-
ity ; absoluteness and relativity. appearance, cessation, failure; decline ; ruin;
knowing one another, intimate; - vyavritti,/.
mutual exclusion; -sthita, pp. standing op- Trrr*Tcr para-bhav£, ra. departure; disap- -kshana, n. pi. coal-dust; -kshama, a. ema-
posite each other; ^adin, a. devouring one pearance ; defeat, overthrow; humiliation, ciated ; -kshit, a. dwelling around (Agni),
another; ^amisha-ta,f. condition of being frustration, mortification (by, in., ab.); -bha- extending around (du., heaven and earth);
one another's prey; -jbraya, m. mutual de- va, m. defeat; (para)-bhuti, /. defeat, hu- m. N. of various princes; -kshiti, / wound-
pendence, petitio principii; a.mutual; -upa- miliation, mortification (by, ab., — ing; -kshina, pp. emaciated, wasted away;
-kshepa, m. moving to and fro; surrounding,
kara, ra. mutual benefit.
TJXrrTjf para-marsa, m. injury; assault, at- encompassing; that which encircles; compass.
parasmai-pada, n. (word for an- tack, on (g., Ic., -°); relation to; recollection;
other), transitive form, personal endings of reflexion, consideration. nft<$(<!35«l pari-khancfana, n. diminution,
the active (gr.). derogation; -kha, /. trench, moat, fosse;
Xf^i^TTJ" parSayawa, n. i . departure; 2.
-khi-kri, turn into a moat; -kheda, ra. ex-
para-sva,ra.sg.&pl. property of others: (aayana), highest aim, last resort, refuge;
haustion, fatigue.
-adayin, a. appropiiating the property of chief thing, essence; determining agent (of,
others. g.) ; a certain work; a. wholly occupied T r f f P I R pari-gawana, n., 4, / . complete
with, intent on, devoted to, engrossed by, enumeration, exact statement; counting;
t n ^ ' J ^ T pdraA-sahasra (or r£), a.pi. more exclusively referring to; a. being the last -gawaniya,/o. to be completely enumerated,
than a thousand. refuge for (g.). - exactly stated; *-ganit-in, a. having fully
M^RjfT para-hita, n. welfare of others. considered everything ; -gata, pp. encom-
parajiyatta, pp. dependent on an-
passed,surrounded; overwhelmed: ^artha, a.
T^T p£ra, ad. backward, away, forth, off other ; dependent on, overcome by (-°). familiar with a thing; -gantavya,/p. attain-
(verbal prp. and nominal prefix). T H J ^ paraartha, m. great importance; an- able; -gama,ra.acquaintance; occupationwith
M^T«fj parak (or n), ra. of parMA. other's affair or interests,advantage of others; (-°); -garvita, pp. very haughty; -garhana,
(chiefthing = ) copulation: -m, Ic., °-,for an- n. censure ; -grihiti, /. inclusion; -grah&,
M^JOR parak-£, distance: Ic. at a distance;
other's sake, for the good of others; a. having ra. embracing; inclusion; putting on, as-
ab. from a distance, far; m. hind of penance. another purpose; existing for others; -ka, a. sumption (of a body); taking; laying hold
para-krama, m. sg. & pi. bold ad- id.: -tva, n. abst. N. ; -ta, /. abst. N. ; -vad- of; acceptance, receipt ; deriving from
vance, valour; power, strength, might; prow- in, a. speaking for another, proxy. (ab.); obtainment, acquisition, possession ;
,e3s; forcible means; JSf. of a fairy prince; admission, reception ; marrying, marriage;
m j p a r a a r t h i n , a. striving for what is selection; taking to mean; undertaking,prac-
-kramin, a. valorous, mighty. highest. tice of, addiction to (-°); grace, favour, as-
para-ga, m.sg.&pl. [going forth, dis- sistance ; claim, to (Ic.); amount, sum, total
persing], pollen; dust; -gamana, n. de- t j ^ r n t paraardhd, ra. ulterior side, other number; property ; wife (also coll.); depend-
parture ; -g-in, a. having pollen. half; ra. n. the highest number: 100,000, ents, household, family, concubines ofa king;
000,000,000,000; -ardh-ya, a.being on the abode; root, foundation; -graha»a, ra. put-
paraanga,ra. hinder part of the body, other side; most excellent, noblest, highest, ting on ; -graha-tva, ra. woman's marriage
parSn-mukha, a. (1) having one's best; more excellent than (ab.). with (-°); -grahitri, m. husband ; adopted
face averted; turning one's back upon (g.), TT^T^f^ par§,-vdt, / . distance. father; -grahaka, a. doing a favour; -grah-
fleeing from (ab.); averted (gaze); averse ya, fp. to be kindly treated; -glana, pp.
from, not caring for, avoiding, indifferent to XJ^T^T paraavara, a.farther and nearer, pre- (-y/glai) exhausted.
(prati, g., Ic., -°) ; adverse: -ta, f. aversion of ceding and following, superior and inferior ;
pari-gha, ra. iron gate-bar (with which
the face; -tva, n. aversion, to ( — ; i-bhu, all-comprising; n. cause and effect; totality.
powerful arms are often compared); bar,
avert the face, flee; not care for (g.); become i n n r ^ T para-vartana, n. turning round; obstacle (fig.); iron club, mace encased with
adverse (fate). - v r i t t i , / . return; failure; exchange. iron; streak of cloud across the rising or set-
ting sun; palace-gate, gate; -ghal/ana, n.
M^'It^ p3raA-i,/. o/pararaA. paraavasatha-sSyin, a.
friction; -ghata, m. removal; -gh&tin, a.
sleeping in another's house. transgressing (-0); -gha upama, a. like iron
M ^ c q l f paraA-ina, a. averted ; being be-
yond; indifferentto(afr.); unsuitable: -m,ad. XJXJ5IT para-sar^, ra. destroyer; N. bars.
beyond, away from (ab.); after (ab.); more.
t r ^ T T T parajisraya; ra. dependence on Xjfx^^J pari-Aaya, ra. 1. accumulation; 2.
paraAais, ad. (in. pi. of parlaA-a) others; a. dependent on others; ^asrita, pp. acquaintance, knowledge; intimacy; fami-
aside, away: dure - , far away. id.; m. dependent, servant. liarity with, practice of (in.± samam, g., Ic.,
pan-A/tAaci. Mf^l^'jl pari-mamfala. 155
-°); repetition or frequency of (- 0 ): -vat, a, TTf^rTPJ pari-tapa, to. heat, w a r m t h ; dis- deep red-brown; -piuga., a, full of (in.); -pi ug-
well-known; -fcara,m.companion; attendant, tress, anguish, sorrow, affliction ; remorse; ara, a. brownish-red, orange-coloured; -pi-
servant; -A'&rana, to. attendant; n. service; giving pain ; -tapin, a. burning hot; causing palayisha,./. desire to maintain; -pirZana, n.
attendance on (-°); -&araniya, fp. to be affliction or sorrow, distressing; -tusht\,f. squeezing out; injuring, prejudicing (-°) :
tended; applicable; -Aaritavya, fp. to be -push^a-ta,/. being nourished by, feeding on
satisfaction; -tripti, /. perfect satisfaction;
tended, served, or honoured; -Aarya, fp. to (- 0 ); -puti,/. complete purification ; -pura-
-tosha, to. satisfaction, gratification, glee;
be tended or honoured: a, f . attendance, ka,a.fulfilling; bestowing abundance; -pur-
pleasure or delight in (g. or lc.); -toghayi-
service, devotion, homage; -Aara-ka, to. as- ana, n. filling; completion; -purin, a. be-
tri, a. satisfying, gratifying; -tosha-vat, a.
sistant, attendant, servant: ik4, f . female stowing abundantly; -purraa, pp. ( V i . pri)
satisfied, gratified; -toshin, a. satisfied with, filled with (-°); -purnendu, to. full moon ;
attendant, waiting-maid; -Tarawa, n. at-
gratified by (-°) ; -tyakta, pp. deserted, -purti, f . becoming full of (-°); completion ;
tendance ; -£&r-in, a. attending on, doing
homage to (- 0 ): (-i)-t&,/. abst, A\; -Mti, f. abandoned; -tyaktri, m. forsaker; -tyaga, -pelava?, a. very delicate, tiny; -pothaka, a.
acquaintance, intimacy with (- 0 ) ; -Kntani- m. abandonment, desertion ; repudiation; re- furthering, confirming ; -poshawiya, fp. to
ya, fp. to be maturely considered; -&umb- linquishment, renunciation, loss, privation, be cherished; -prasna, m. enquiry, after (- 0 );
ana, n. passionate kissing. sacrifice: -sena,m.N. of a prince; -tyagln, -prapti, fp. obtainment; -prepsu, des. a.
a. abandoning; resigning, renouncing (-°); wishing to reach or obtain, seeking after, de-
M R , ^ ^ pari-MAad, a. — -kkhada ; liberal; m. renouncer; -tya^ana, n. causing siring (ac.); -plava, a. running to and fro ;
to abandon; depriving of (- 0 ); -tya//ya, fp. TO. fluctuation ; -pluta, pp. (Vphi) over-
-MAacla, m. cover, covering; furniture, domes- to be abandoned, - deserted, - renounced, - whelmed ; bathed (in tears:
tic implements, utensils; paraphernalia, bag- avoided; -tr&na, n. preservation, protection,
gage; retinue, train; a. provided or adorned help, deliverance, rescue from (ah.) ; shelter,
With; -kkhiti,f. exact determination; mea- pari-phulla, pp. wide open (eyes):
refuge; preventive of (g.); -tratavya, fp.
sure ; -Jckheda, m. separation; exact discri- to be protected from (ab.); -tratri, m. pro- covered with bristling hair.
mination; sound judgment, discernment, dis- tector, deliverer (with ac. or g.); -trasa, m, T f f ^ ^ pari-barha, to. necessaries or luxu-
cretion ; determination, decision; section, fright, fear.
chapter ; -fcfc&edya, fp. to be exactly deter- ries of life : -vat, a. well furnished (house) ;
mined ; to be measured; -fryuta, pp. fallen q f t ^ T f pari-daha, m. b u r n i n g ; distress, -badha,/. hardship, distress, fatigue; -brmh-
from one's high estate; ruined; -&yuti, f . affliction; -durbala, a. extremely weak or ana, n. prosperity; supplement, appendage
falling down. poorly; -deva, m.: -na, n., -nk,f. complaint, (of the Veda); -bodhana, n., a, /. admoni-
lamentation; -devita, (pp.) n. complaint, la- tion ; -bodbaniya, fp. to be admonished ;
MpU^M pari-gana, m. (surrounding folk), ment ; -devin, a. lamenting. -bodba-vat, a. endowed with reason.
servant (male or female); gnly. coll., retinue, pari-bhaya, to. apprehension, fear;
train, followers, attendants, domestics (esp. pari-dhana, n. putting on (a gar-
ment) ; clothing, dressing ; vesture, garment, -bhava, m. disrespect, contumely, insult, in-
female'); -f/ata, pp. completely grown; -gi- jury, humiliation; disregard, contempt, for
hirshi,/. desire to avoid or remove; -r/napti, sp. lower or under garment: -valkala, n.
bark for clothing, -vastra, n. upper garment; (g., lc., on the part of (in., ab., -°) : -pa-
f . recognition; -guaXri, m. accurate knower; da, -jispada, n. object of contempt; -bhav-
-giikna, n. recognition, discrimination; full -dhani-kn, turn into an under garment;
-dharana, n. suffering, indulging in (g.): a, ana, n. humiliation: i-ya, fp. who can be
ascertainment, thorough information, com- insulted or humiliated; to be humbled;
plete knowledge or acquaintance; -gnkniu, f . endurance; -dhi, to. (put-round), enclo-
sure, protection, fence, rampart: also of the -bhavin,a. insulting, despising,mocking (g.);
a. possessing much information; -gney&,fp. -bhava, m. disregard, contumely; -bbavana,
to be learned or known thoroughly ; (pari)- ocean as encircling the earth; halo round sun
or moon; horizon; circumference; the (three) f . thought, reflexion ; -bhavin, a. slighting ;
gman, a. moving or speeding round; every- mocking, baffling (-°) ; -bhavuka, a. sur-
where present: lc. all around. green sticks surrounding the sacrificial altar;
-dhi-kr?, put on ; -dhusara, a. quite grey or passing (ac.); -bhasbana, n. conversation,
f T 5 ! ^ ^ pari-nata-vayas, a. of declin- dusty; -dhvanzsa, to. eclipse; distress; dis- chatter; reproof, reprimand: i-ya., f p . to be
ing age, old ; -nati, /. transmutation, trans- aster, failure; loss or mixture of caste; reproved ; -bhasha, f . speech ; censure, re-
formation, change; development; ripening ; -dhvamsin, a. destroying (-°); destructive. proach, contumely ; general rule or maxim ;
maturity; mature age ; consequence, effect; rule defining the application of (grammatical)
issue, end; fulfilment of a promise; in the t r f t T n f w pari-nSbhi, ad. around the navel; sMras; -bhashin, a. Bpeaking (- 0 ); -bhu, a.
end, finally; -m yk, come to an end; -»am- -ninda, f . severe blame of (g.); censorious- (with ac.) surrounding, encompassing; pervad-
ana, n. transformation into (in.); -nama- ness; -nirvana, n. complete extinction of the ing; superior, guiding ; (pari)-bhuti, f . su-
yitH, m. ripener; -naya, m. leading the individual; -nirvriti,/.complete redemption; perior might (T'Y); disrespect, contumely, hu-
bride round the nuptial fire, wedding, mar- -nish£A&,/.extreme limit, summit; complete miliation (sts.pl.); -bhushana,to.(SC. Sa/ndhi)
.riage; -nayana,n.icL; -nama, to. transforma- familiarity with (lc. or -°); -nish-panna- peace bought by the cession of all the revenues
tion, change; natural development; transmu- tva, n. actual existence; -pakva, a. fully of a country; -bheda, to. injury; -bhoktri,
tation of food, digestion; withering ; lapse of baked; quite ripe (fruit); fully matured (in- m.enjoyer; one who lives on another, spunge;
time; decline of life, old age; consequence, tellect; man); effete, decaying. -bhoga, to. enjoyment; sexual intercourse ;
issue; termination, last stage, final state, means ofenjoyment or subsistence; -bhramsa,
end: lc. or -, in the end, finally: -vat,havinga
0 M(\M1T pari-pana, n. playing for ( - ° ) ; -pat- to. escape : -na, n. loss, of (ah.); -bhrama,
natural development; -n&min, a. changing; ana, n. flying about, hovering; -pantha-ka, m. digressions, irrelevant talk : -na, n. turn-
developing ; ripening; -n&yaka, to. guide; to. (obstructor of one's path), adversary, ing, revolution ; going to and fro; circumfer-
husband; -n&ha, m. extent, width, circum- enemy; -pantha-ya, den. P. oppose, resist ence ; -bhrashfa-sukha, a. whose joy has
ference : -vat, a. big; -wahin, a. extensive, (ac.); -panthin, a. besetting one's path ; m. departed, joyless.
large; having the circumference of; -»i- waylayer, opponent, enemy; -panthi-bhu,
namsn, a. about to strike sideways with his become the adversary of, oppose (g.) ; -pava- q t W ^ T p a r i - m a n r f a l a , n. circumference;
tusks (elephant); -rata, pp. (y'ni) married ; na,ra.cleansing (of grain), winnowing; flail; a. circular; globular : - t k , f . circularity, i-ta,
n. marriage: -pfirvi, a.f. previously married, -pa.savya, a. relating to the sacrificial animal; pp. made round; -mantbara, a. very slow:
-vat, act. pf. pt. having married ; -netavya, -paka, to. becoming fully cooked; digestion ; -ta, f . sluggishness ; -manda, a. very dim
fp. to be married; -netri,TO.husband; -weya, ripening; maturity; perfection; consequence, (eye); ad. very slightly: -ta, f . exhaus-
fp. to be led round ; to be ascertained; inter- effect; fulness, fulfilment (of time): -tas, ab. tion, ennui; -manyu, a. fierce; -marda, m.
changeable with (in.): f . to be led round in consequence of; -p&A-ana, a. cooking fully; wearing out, consumption; destruction (of
the nuptial fire, to be married. maturing; -pa&ayitr?', a. id,; -paiala, a. an enemy); -marsa, to. consideration, con-
very pale-red; -paii, f . succession; -pa^Aa, templation ; -mala, m. fragrance; fragrant
pari-takmya, a. agitating, unsafe, to. complete enumeration: in. (know) com- substance; sexual intercourse; -maua, n.
perilous; k , f . peril. pletely ; -pana, n. hiding-place; -pancZiman, measurement; measure, circumference, ex-
to. extreme whiteness; -pkndvL, a. very white tent, size ; weight ; duration ; number, a-
pari-tatnu, a. embracing. or pale: -ra, a. very white; -parsva, a. being mount: -tas, ad. in weight, -ka, n. mea-
at the side, close at hand : -vartin, a. remain- sure, quantity ; -mathin, a. trying severely,
pari-tarkana, n. consideration; ing at one's side, standing beside (g.); -pa- wearing out; -marga, m. searching around :
-tarpana, a. satisfying; n. satisfaction. laka, a. protecting; maintaining; -palana, -na, n. tracing, searching ; -margitavya, fp.
n. protection; maintenance; nurture : a, f. to be sought; -m&r^rana, n. wiping off,
trfTfTCC parf-tas, ad. round about, on all protection, nurture, i - y a , f p . to be guarded; cleansing; removal; -mita-tva, n. limited
aides, in every direction, everywhere; prp. -maintained; - p a l y a , f p . to be protected; nature ; -miti, f . measure, quantity: -mat,
w. ac. round. - maintained or observed; -pingi-im, colour a. limited ; -milana, n. touch; -mugdha-ta,
X 2
156 MfiV^JU! pari-rakshawa. parushi-kn.

f . silliness ; loveliness ; -mudAa-ta,/. confu- ya, f . strolling, wandering from place to refuted; -ha«i or -hini, f. diminution;
sion; -vassya,fp.measurable; limited in num- place; sp. religious mendicancy; -vra.gr, ra. -h&pareiya, fp. to be discontinued ; -h&ra,
ber ; -moksha, m. deliverance, from (ab., g., (nm. t) wandering ascetic, religious mendi- TO. avoidance; abandonment, desertion (of a
; divestment: -na,re.liberation; deliver- cant : -aka, m.,-ika,/. mendicant devotee(m«m person); escaping from (- 0 ); concealment;
ance from (g.); -mosha,TO.theft, robbery ; or woman of the fourth or last religious order). refutation; exemption, privilege, immunity;
-mosharea, n. taking away; -moliana,re.in- common grazing ground round a village or
pari-sankaniya, fp. to be dis- town; -h£ram, abs. moving around; -h&rin,
fatuation ; -mohin, a. confused.
trusted ; n. imps, distrust should be shown; a. avoiding (- 0 ); -harya, fp. to be avoided
TjfXXWW pari-raksharea, re. protection; -sankin, a. (-°) fearing; fearful on account of; or let alone, avoidable; to be separated ; to
maintenance ; preservation; keeping secret; -sishtfa, (pp.) n. supplement, appendix; -sil- be exempted from (in.).
i-ya, fp. to be guarded or preserved; -rak- ana, re. frequent contact,intercourse; study;
sha,,/. protection; preservation; -rakshitri, -suddhi,/. complete purification (also fig.); T i f ^ H I pari-hasa, ra. joke, jest, pleasantry,
TO. guardian; protector ; -rambha, m. em- exoneration : -m kri, prove one's innocence; sport; derision, mockery: -pura, n. N. of a
brace : -na, n. embracing, embrace ; -rambh- -sushka, a. perfectly dry or dried up; -su- city, -vastu, re. laughing-stock (-t&, f . abst.
in, a. embracing; girt by (-°); -rodba, TO. nya, a. quite empty; quite free from (-°); N.), -sila, a. fond of jesting; fond of mocking
resistance. -sesha, a. remaining, left; m. n. remainder; (-ta, f . abst. x.), -hari,ra.N.of a temple of
supplement: in. completely; ab. consequently; Vishnu ; -hina, pp. (\/ha.) destitute of (ab.);
q f v ^ pari-lagbu, a. extremely light or -.sodhana, n. purification ; payment; -.sosha, -hWti, f . avoidance ; -hritya, fp. to be de-
small; very minute or thin ; easily digested ; TO. dryness: -na, a. drying up (-0); -soshin, livered or committed.
trivial, senseless : -ta, f . extreme minuteness a. drying up, withering.
or thinness; -lamba, m. dilatoriness, delay : m O " ^ ^ parijksh-aka, m. examiner or
-na, n. hesitating, delaying; -lekba,TO.out- XjfX^RT pari-srama, TO. fatigue, weariness, knower of a thing; -ana, re. (rarely /.)
line, sketch; -lopa, m. neglect, omission. exhaustion; exertion; continual study of testing, investigation, examination; -areiya,
pari-vatsara, TO. complete year; (-0); -sranta, pp. (*/sram) greatly exhausted; fp. to be investigated; -k,f. inspection, exami-
\-na, a. relating to a full year; -varpana, -srit, f . (encloser), one of the small stones nation, trial, test: -kshama, a. standing the
re. avoidance of, abstention from (g. or surrounding the sacrificial altar: -srita, (pp) test, valid. [N. of several kings ( = pari-).
i-ya, fp. to be avoided; -varta, rn. revolution; n. sacrificial shed; -slatha, a. quite slack. M ^ f t j c ^ pari-kshit,TO.(dwelling around),
end of a period, esp. of a cycle (yuga); end ; Tjf^q-iq pari-shat-tva, n. legal assembly;
exchange, barter; change; moving to and fro, -shad, a. encompassing, besetting; f. assem- irCtf^TrT parijkshita, pp.(\/iksh) tried, ex-
haste, bustle ; abode, place; causing to come bly ; audience; council; -sheka, m. sprinkling, amined ;TO.= Parikshit; ^ikshitavya, fp.
to an end: -ka, a. causing to flow back; dousing' with water, shower-bath; bathing to be tested or examined.
-vartana, a. (i) causing to turn; n. turn- appliances, such as water-can, etc.; -shorfa-
ing ; tossing or rolling about on (-°) ; revo- n O f a f i l parikshiti, ra. Parikshit.
sa, a.pi. full sixteen ; -shkanda,TO.servant,
lution ; periodic course; end of a period; esp. one running beside a carriage; temple ; parijkshin, a. examining, testing
exchange, barter; change ; -vartaniya, fp. -shkara, m. adornment; ornament; -shkri- (g.) ;TO.examiner, tester; -jkshya, fp. to
to be exchanged for (in.); -vartin, a. turn- ta, pp. (\/kri) embellished, adorned, highly be examined or tested; ^i/dksh-i-shu, des.
ing, revolving ; winding ; circling, under- finished; -shkriya, f . adornment; attend- a. desirous of testing or examining.
going perpetual cycles, ever renewing itself; ance on the sacred fire (-°). pari ita, pp.(\/i) affected or overcome
turning into, being exchanged for (-°); abid-
ing or being in, at, or near (Ic., -tas, — ; T r f ^ f E p£ri-sh*i, / . hindrance; distress;
-vartula, a. quite round; -vardbaka, TO. -shfati,/. praise. pari-tapa, ra. heat ; -tosha, ra.
groom; -vardhana, n. augmentation, mul- ilf^cei*^ pari-shyandd, ra. stream, flow (of satisfaction; -tta, pp. */da; -p&ka, ra. de-
tiplication ; -vardbita-ka, a. reared ; -vas- words); -shvanga, m. embrace; touch, con- velopment ; ripeness; consequences, result.
tra, f . curtain ; -vaba, rn. one of the seven tact with (- 0 ).
winds; one of the seven tongues of fire. m O 1 ^ I p a r i j p s a , / . wish to obtain, main-
T t f K & m X pari-saravatsara, TO. full year; tain, or preserve; haste; ^ipsu, des. a. wish-
X j f ^ T T ^ pari-vada, m. detraction, censure ing to preserve (ac.).
a. a full year old; waiting a full year;
(of, g., Ic., -°): -katha, f . id.; -vadin, a.
-sakhya, re. true friendship; -samkhya, f . pari-maraa,n. = parimana; -ram-
slandering, censuring : -i, f. seven-stringed
complete tale or enumeration; full number, bha, m. embrace; -varta,TO.exchange, bar-
lute; -vapa, m. parched grains of rice; -vara,
totality, sum, number; exhaustive statement ter; change; -vida, ra. detraction; -vara,
m. cover; attendants, train, retinue a.
(i. e. excluding everything not specified): ra. retinue; -v&ha, m. drain or channel for
surrounded by); sheath: -tk,f. condition of a
-na, re. complete enumeration, full n umber; carrying off the overflow of a pond, waste-
retinue; -varita, cs.pp. (->/1. vri) encircled; exhaustive statement; just examination or
-vasa,TO.I. sojourn ; 2. perfume ; -vaha, m. pipe ; -sesha, ra. remnant.
estimate; -samg'hushfct, pp. resonant on all
overflow; drain for carrying off excess of sides; -samapti, f . conclusion, completion, V C t f t l parijshtfi, / . investigation.
water; -vahin,rt. (re-i) overflowing,with (-°). end; extension to (Ic. or ad. with prati);
-sara, a. adjacent; bordering on (-°); TO. IA. pari-sara, ra. environment.
M R f a P d pari-vitti, TO. unmarried man
whose younger brother is married: -ta, neighbourhood, region, proximity; -sarpawa, pari-Msa, ra. jest; ridicule: -ke-
-tva, n. allowing one's younger brother to re. creeping about; walking about; running sava,TO.N. ofa temple of Vishnu; -ksha-
marry first; -vinna, pp. = -vitti; -vivadi- to and fro, continual change from place to ma, a. calculated to ridicule ~ to surpass.
shn, des. a. intending to reside; (pari - place; -sarpin, a. moving about; -sadhana,
re. accomplishment; settlement, exaction (of tp^ par-u, TO. limb, joint (- 0 ).
vishii,/. service, attendance.
debts); -santvana,re.consoling: pl. blandish- H ^ M paruA-Mepa, m.N. of a RisAi (cp.
pari-vn'ta, pp. surrounded. ments ; -saraka, re. N. of a place on the parud-vara).
pari-vric?Aa, pp. \/brth; TO. lord, I ^ t ^ f parut-ka, a. having joints.
master; -vritta, (pp.) n. rolling, weltering, pari-skanda,TO.servant, esp. one
moving to and fro; -vritti,/. exchange, bar- running beside a carriage ; -skhalita, (pp.) ^ ^ [ T X *parud-vara, TO. horse.
ter: in. alternately; -vriddhi,/. increase. re. staggering; -stara, m. layer of sacrificial
M^M par-ush-^, a. (4, V. parushwi) knotty
grass; -starawa, n. strewing about; -stoma,
pari-vettri, TO. man who marries (reed); spotted, variegated; dirty; rough,
TO.cover,bolster; -spanda,ra. motion; -spand- rugged; dishevelled, shaggy; rough (wind),
before his elder brother; -vedaka, TO. id.; ita, (pp.) n. quivering; flaming up ; manifes-
-vedana, n. marrying before one's elder scorching (fire, sun); harsh (tone); severe,
tation ; -spardhin, a. vying with (-0); -sphu- hard, rude, abusive (speech, person) ; n. sg.,
brother; -vepin,a. trembling; (pari)-vesas, ta, a. quite evident: -m, ad.; -syanda, ra. pl. contumelious speech, abuse: -vaAana, n.
m. neighbour ; -vesha, m. halo ; orb, circle; flow, stream (fig.); -srava, m. flow, effusion; harsh or contumelious speech ; a. speaking
envelopment; -veshaka,TO.waiter, server up overflow ; river; birth (ofa child) ; -srut, a. harshly or rudely; -vadin, a. id.; ^akshara,
of food; -veshana, n. attendance, serving up overflowing, foaming; /. kind of intoxicant. a. rough,harsh (of speeches or persons): -m,
food; -veshiana, n. cover; bandage; -vesh- ad. rudely, harshly.
tevya, fp. to be served up (food); -veshfr- t r f ^ pari-hara, ra. concealment; -hara-
ta, pp. encompassed; beset, beleaguered; reiya, fp. to be shunned or avoided: -ta, f . M^fVcl parush-ita, pp. harshly addressed,
swathed; -veshtri, m. waiter. avoidance; -hartavya, fp. to be given up or
used roughly; -iman, m. shagginess.
delivered; to be avoided, shunned, or re-
pari-vvaya, m. condiment; -vrag- moved ; - concealed or kept to oneself; - t r ^ ^ l t parushi-kn, soil; use roughly.
ms^cT^ p a r u s h e t a r a . qf^B pal-ika. 157

M ^ l n ^ parushaitara, a. reverse of severe, of penance; -pu£a, m, n. leaf rolled into a tr^PEr parijisi, TO. rotation; border; con-
gentle, benign; - u k t i , / . rough speech. funnel shape; -vat, a. abounding in leaves; clusion ; concluding stanza in recitation: -na,
-vifika, /. areca nut wrapped with spices in n. revolution.
M^^dl pdrush-ra-i, / . (of parusha) cloud a betel-leaf; -sabda, rn. rustling of leaves ;
(motley); N.ofa river in the Panjdb (knotty, -sara, m. stalk of the Parwa-leaf; -sala, f . pari&hSva, m. a certain formula
arbour. preceding and folio wing a verse; •jkbita, (pp.
winding), now Ravi.
Vdha) m. man whose younger brother has set
parush-ya, a. variegated, manifold. parraaada, m.N. of a Brahman: -va/c- up the sacred fire before him.
pdr-us,n. knot; joint; limb; section. ana, n. speech of Parraada ; ^ahara, a. feed-
ing on leaves. M <jcftpariuka,m. N. ;-jiksba»a,n. sprinkling;
Ift! pare, lc. ad. at a later time, subsequently. ^utsuka, a.very restless or agitated; very me-
THJlTZ^r parraautfa^a, n. (?) hut of leaves ; lancholy; vehemently longingfor(d-): -tva, n.
Tf^fjj- ^5Tparajngita-f/r7ana-phala,«. ^utsa, m. N. of a village. longing desire, i-bbn, become very melan-
fruitful in the discovery of another's hints. choly ; ^ud-asta, pp. excepting; -jndasa, rn.
parmadi (or -ndi), m. N. of a prince. exclusion, negation ; ^ p a s a k a , a. honour-
qTTJJ pirena, (in.) ad. prp. beyond, over,
ing, respecting ; -^upasana, n. sitting round
past nr.); after (ab., g.); subsequently, later, tj^e{[parijk,ac?.(ra. o/parij,nk)round about. ( P r . ) ; courtesy, affability; ^usbita, pp.
afterwards. pariagni, m. encircling fire, fire- (1/vas, dwell) stale; not punctually kept
paiajta, pp. (gone away), deceased: brand carried round the victim; the ceremony (word); ^nsb^a, pp. id.
-bhartn, m. lord of the dead, ep. of Yarn a; of carrying round the firebrand: i (ad.) or -m "vt>
-bhuml, f. cemetery; -r&ga, m. king of the kri, perform this ceremony; -kararaa, n. per- M ^ S ^ parieshfavya, fp. to be sought;
dead, ep. of Yama; ^&vasa, m. cemetery. formance of the Paryagni ceremony ; -krt'ta, ^esbana, n. search.
pp. having been encircled by the firebrand.
t ^ f T T paretara, a. trustworthy or attract- parva, a. = par van; -gnpta, m. N.
ing adversaries. [day, to-morrow. pari anka, m. couch, b e d ; squatting
M^d pir-vat-a, a. consisting of knots or
x f ^ l f ^ pare-dyavi, ad. on the following posture: -bandba, m., -grantbi-bandba, rn. ragged masses (with d,dri or girl); m. moun-
doubling of the legs in squatting; -stba, a. tain, hill; rock, boulder; cloud; N. of a
TRTTTW pare-prawa, a. dearer than life. sitting on a sofa. KisAi and of a minister of Pururavas: -ka,
m. N.; -kandara, n. mountain-cave ; -dur-
H^YJ^ par6-[a]ksha, a. [beyond the eye], tHH^-cfil paryaiik-ika, / . couch.
ga, n. impenetrable mountain ; -rkg: -a, TO.
being out of sight, invisible, imperceptible ; H ^ ^ l © paryanki-kri, turn into a couch.
king of mountains, ep. of the Himalaya ; -si-
unknown, unintelligible; cognizable by mind
kbara, TO. n. hill-top, mountain-peak; -sre-
only; imperceptibly : -m, ad. behind the q^Z'sfi paria^aka, m. v a g a b o n d ; ^a£ana, n.
shiAa, spv. best of mountains; - agra, n.id.;
back of, without the knowledge of (in. V.; g. roaming about, strolling (with g. or- ); ^anu-0
i-k ri, turn into a mountain ; i-ya, a. belong-
or C.); in. imperceptibly, mysteriously; yoktavyaj/jD. to be asked; to be called upon ing to mountains; ^isvara, m. N.; - upa-
ah. without the knowledge of (in.); behind to answer; ^anuyoga, m. enquiry; reproach; tyaka, /. mountain-lowland, land at the foot
the back of (jr.); when one has not been -jinta, m. (limit around), boundary, border, of a mountain-range.
present (gr.); -kama, a. fond of mystery; skirt, limit, edge, end; ° - = adjacent, neigh-
-knta, pp. not addressing but merely refer- bouring ; a. surrounded or limited by, q ^ ^ p i r - v a n , n. [fulness : <s/\. pri] knot of
ring to a deity indirectly, i. e. in the third per- reaching to, ending with; or -m, to the end a cane or plant; joint; limb; section, divi-
son (verse); -ta, /., -tva, n. being out of sight, of, up to, as far as ( - ° ) ; -m, ad. completely, sion in a book; natural break in a narrative
imperceptibility; obscurity; -vritti, a. living exhaustively; kim paryantam, how far ? or conversation; juncture, period; node, day
or acting out of sight; ^artha, a. invisible; of periodic change of the moon (of which there
secret, recondite. p a r i a y a , m . revolution, expiration (of are two or four); sacrifice performed on one
a period); change, alteration. of these days; time when the moon passes
tr^falT paroksha, / . past completed action;
through the node at conjunction or opposi-
personal ending of the perfect (gr.). M^t^^H.IT pariavadhtrana, n.mature re-
tion; end of an eclipse; (-va)-sarkaraka, m.
q^t^n^} parokshaartha, m. invisible ob- flexion ; ^avasana, n. conclusion, end; re- N.; (-va)-Bamdbi,TO.change of moon, esp.
sulting in (lc.); - a v a s a y i n , a. ending with, time of new or full-moon,
ject, the invisible.
resulting in (-°).
" q O ' ^ M T paraupakarana, n. rendering XpEf^ pariasru, a. bathed in tears, tearful. HetTWT parvaatyaya, rn. end of an eclipse;
of services to others: i-kri, make the instru- ^aspbola, rn. cracking of the fingers.
ment of others ; -upakara, m. services ren- H^TgWT pariakula, a. filled with, full of
parvira-i, / . feast-day.
dered to others ; ^ p a k a r - i n , a. benefiting (~°); disordered, disarranged ; confused ; agi-
others (-i-tva, n. abst. N.) ;TO.N. of a prince; tated : -tva, n. confusion; -ya, den. P. con- m f j * T pirs-Sna, TO. cavity, gulf, abyss.
-upakriti, f . rendering of services to others. fuse ; agitate; i - k ri, id.; i-bhu, become con- t>
t p j pirs-u, / . rib; curved knife, sickle.
paraupaga, a. dependent on some- fused. r
thing else, adjectival; - upadesa, ra. instruc- pari-[y]awa, a. circuitous; n. saddle:
tion of others. par-shad = pari-shad, assembly.
i-ta, pp. saddled.
trfi§ pirshi, 2 sg. subj. aor. ^2. pri.
qXtr^TOL paro-rar/as, a. free from passions. HZfTCPrJ parijidhatn, m. man who has set
up the sacred fire before his elder brother. XJ^T pala, ra. a weight =four karshasj flesh.
q X t v I ^ X T . paro-(a)varam, ad. from above
palala, ra. pounded sesamum; mire;
downwards, in succession; -variyas, cpv.
broader above. [8 + 12 syllables). THHTT parijipta,^p.sufficient: - t a , / . abun- - odana,TO.ra.pap of pounded sesamum.
dance; (pari) - &pti,/. conclusion; sufficiency;
X r f t f ^ r f para[A]jishraih, f . a metre (8-f being a matcli for any one; competency, t f ^ r n ^ palaradu, m. (ra.) onion.
capacity for (-°). T R r n i palaaya, v. Vi with pala.
q ^ t w t paroshni, / . N. of a river (probably
corrupted from Parushrai: cp. Payoshrai). t T ^ T T parijtya, m. revolution ; expiration
of a period; change of seasons; periodic re- W R R palaayana,ra.running away, flight,
XJ^J park-a, m. [Vprile'] mixture or libation turn ; repetition; regular succession; turn; escape: -para, a. intent on flight.
(- ).
0 [infectoria). ritual turn with the Soma cups in the Atird- q^TTsT palala, n. (also 1, /.) straw; -bbara,
trafeast; period, sentence; stanza; alterna- TO. load of straw; ^jnMaya, m. heap of straw.
tf^iZt pai kaf 1, / . wavy -leaved fig-tree (Ficus tive word, synonym: or in. in order; alter-
nately, -m, abs. going about; -krama, TO. palava, TO. fish-hook.
P A R K ; v. T J ^ P R I K .
order of succession, regular rotation; -tva, n.
parg-inya, m. rain-cloud ; rain; god t ^ r n j palas-a, n. (a. —0 / . i), leaf; foliage
condition of being a ritual turn; - j n n a , n.
of rain: -grlnvita, ^.animated by Parr/anya. ( - t k , f . abst. N.) ; petal; flower of the Palasa;
food meant for another.
TO. a tree with large leaves, bearing red blos-
XJT§ pitr-wi, n. [taking across, wafting : M^Jl^fV'MI pari&lo&ana,n. deliberation ; a, soms (Butea frondosa); -in,a.leafy;TO.tree;
pri] pinion, wing ; feather (also of an N. of a town or village, Plassey.
f . id.; plan, scheme.
arrow); leaf (- 0 , a. a, i); betel-leaf; m. a tree
with large leaves (Butea frondosa), in C. M41 parijivarta, m. return ; exchange; Tyf^foR pal-ika, a. weighing a pala; esp.
gen erally called palasa; -trikkhxa, in. a kind ^avila, a. extremely turbid. | after a numeral, weighing so many palas.
158 qfasfl" palikni. XTT^R p a k - a .

q f ^ ^ t l T pavitri-kri, purify; -bhu, become morse; -t4pin,a. repenting; -puro-m&ruta,

MRIAH p^likni, a.f. (o/palita) grey. TO. du. west and east wind; (d)-baddha-pu-
Mf^lrl palit&, a. grey, hoary; n. sg. & pl. rusha, m. man whose hands are tied behind
grey liair: -m-karana, a. (i) making grey. T f T P A S , only pr. St., pasya, see, possess his back; -b&hu-baddha, (d)-bhiga,
xvision; behold,look at; observe, notice; m. hind part. [era side.
pal-pfil-ana,ra.l y e ; alkaline water
gaze, be a spectator, look on (tasya pasyataA, W ^ p a s A a j i r d h a , TO.hind portion; west-
for washing. [line water. g. abs. before his eyes); see = visit, present
palpfil£i-ya,e?era. P. wash with alka- oneself to or receive (as a visitor) ; live to M f ^ f l pasA-ima, a. hinder; western; last,
see, experience, gain (fortune) ; find; look latest, final: -to darsanara drash/urn, see
li palijuika, TO. couch; bedstead. upon or regard as (2 ac. or 1 and ad. in -vat); for the last time; 4 vela, f . evening time,
. . A consider, weigh; see with the spiritual eye close of day; 4 sawdhya,/1. evening twilight;
T i ^ i ^ i p ^ l i a r i g a y a , c s . ( V a n g ) A . cause to (of seers and poets), compose, invent (rites); &,f. (sc. dis) west.
go round, stir; ps. revolve. foresee; with na, not see, be blind; + s4dhu,
A j have discernment; pa*yami, used parenthe-
palijiya, A . v. v i with pali. tically, I see = I am convinced ; pasya, impv. tain (afabidous mountain behind which the sun
Mgq i.pallava,dera.P.putforthyoung shoots. see, behold, used interjectionally at the begin- is supposed to set: cp. astaaAala); ^ambu-
ning or in the middle of a sentence to arouse dhi,TO.western ocean; -JLtara, a. (opposite
2.pallava, to. ra.sprout, shoot, twig (the attention; it is also employed in prose works of west), eastern; -jittara, a. north-western :
term is figuratively applied to fingers, toes, to introduce a verse, ati, survey, anu, look -purva, a. western, northern, or eastern.
and lips); strip of cloth, lappet: -ka, to. along; see, behold; spy out, discover; see
libertine, i-ka, f . N.; -grahin, a. over- again; look back; regard as (2 ac.); consider, MtjiJ pastya, ra. stall; &,/. pl. homestead,
spreading with shoots = diffuse, prolix; -iia, antar, look between or into, abhi, look at, dwelling, household. [sians.
n. prolixity; -maya, a. consisting of young observe; behold, ava, look upon, observe, pahlava,TO.pl. the Parthians or Per-
shoots. a, behold, ud, see above ; foresee, expect;
pallava-ya, den. P. put forth new perceive, para, look away or into the dis- I J I I. p A , I I . P. pa (F.), I. P. (A.) piba,
shoots; extend, spread abroad: vataA - , talk tance. pari, survey, observe, inspect; per- drink, quaff; imbibe (ac.; V. also g.);
ceive ; recognise as (2 ac.). pra, see before suck, sip; swallow; draw in; feast one's eyes
diffusely: pp. ita, furnished with shoots; far-
one ; foresee; look at, observe, behold; dis- or ears (in.) with (ac.),enjoy; drink up (life,
spread; filled with, full of, abounding in. cern, judge; know; regard as (2 ac.). prati, blood, said of a sword or arrow); exhaust
m r ^ r n f t f ^ c f pallavaapidita, pp. loaded look at, behold; perceive; know ; live to see, (treasure); carry away, absorb: pp. pita,
with sprouts. experience, vi, (see in detail), discern, dis- drunk, quaffed, sucked, absorbed, drawn in
tinguish, see clearly, know; observe, perceive, (smoke); absorbed (by the ears); exhausted,
M " V . p a l l a v - i n , a.having young shoots. sam, see at the same time, survey; behold, squandered; act. having drunk (generally -°);
perceive, recognise; inspect, review; regard, steeped in oil (weapon); pita-vat, pp. act.
trfw^rr palli-kS,/. = palli. consider ; look upon as (2 ac.); count over or having drunk; cs. payaya, P. A . cause to
Mgl palli, f . small village, esp. settlement up,recapitulate; yasya sampasyataA, before drink; des. pipasa, P. wish to drink, be
of wild tribes: -pati, to. headman of - . whose eyes. thirsty: pp. pipasita, thirsty; intv. pepiya,
A . drink or be drunk eagerly or repeatedly,
pal-va-la, n. small tank, pond, pool. t p ^ P A S , v. q n r a P A S A Y A , bind.
ati, cs. cause to drink plenty of (2 ac.). anu,
pav-ana, to. (purifier), wind, breeze, TT^oE] pasav-ya, a. relating to or fit for cattle. drink after or afterwards. 4, drink, - in,
air ; god of wind; vital air; breath; domestic suck; imbibe with eyes or ears (in.); absorb,
(sacred) fire; n. instrument for purifying, TT^J p£s-u (or-u), m. [tethered beast], cattle cause to disappear, sam-a, imbibe, ni, im-
winnowing-fan; whisk; sieve, strainer; pot- (single head or herd); domestic animal (-in- bibe, sip in, suck, vi-ni, imbibe eagerly,
ter's kiln; -kshipta, pp. tempest-tossed; cluding cows, horses, goats, sheep, asses, and nis, (nish), drink out of (ab.); drink or suck
-^ava, m. (swift as the wind), If. of a horse; dogs: opp. mriga, wild beast); beast, brute; up. pari, drink before and after any one
-tanaya, m. son of the wind, ep. of Hanu- sacrificial animal, victim: -kalpa, m. ritual (ac.); drink or suck up ; smoke up; deprive
mat and of Bhimasena; - a g h a t a , to. gust of the animal sacrifice; (u)-kSana, a. desir- of: pp. thoroughly studied, pra, begin to
of wind; ^atmapa, to. son of the wind, fire; ing cattle; -ghna, a. killing animals; m. drink; drink, imbibe, anu-pra, P. drink in
ep. of Bhimasena. cattle-slayer; -ta, f , -tva, ra. condition of turn; A. drink after any one (ac.). vi, drink
being a sacrificial animal; condition of cattle; copiously, sam, A . drink together.
Tlq*! M p^v-am^na, pr.pt. «/pfi; m. wind; bestiality; -trip, a. cattle-stealing; -dhar- A V
god of wind; N. ofa certain Agni or ofa son ma, to. manner of beasts or in which beasts TJJ 2. P A , II. P . pa-ti, guard, preserve,
of Agni; N. of certain stotras sung by the are treated; -pati, to. lord of beasts, ep. of protect, from (ab.); govern, reign; observe,
Sdmagas at the Gyotishtoma sacrifice: -vat, jSiva; -pala, to. guardian of flocks, herds- notice; regard, keep, follow, abhi, guard,
a. accompanied by the Pavamana stotra; man (also: -ka): -vat, ad. after the manner watch over; observe, ni, guard, watch over;
-sakha, ra. (friend of the wind), fire; -uktha, of herdsmen; -piciita, (pp.)n. damage caused protect from (ab.); observe, pari, protect
n. series of verses in the midday Pavamana. by cattle; -bandha, m. (binding of victim to around, preserve; maintain, keep.
sacrificial post), animal sacrifice; -mat, a.
pav-i, m. tire of a wheel; metal tip of Xf J 3. P A , III. A. pipite, w. ud, rise against,
connected with or abounding in cattle; con-
a spear or arrow; iron band on Soma-stone; taining the word ' pasu;' -rakshin, m. tender show hostility towards, anuud, fall or
thunderbolt. of cattle, herdsman ; -roman, n. hair of an rush upon (ac.). pratijid, rise against (ac.).
pav-l-tra, n. means of purifying; animal; -vat, ad. like the brutes; as with TIT pa, a. (only -°) 1. drinking; 2. guarding,
sieve, (Soma) strainer; blade of sacrificial cattle; -vadha,TO. slaughter of animals; -sam- protecting.
grass ; purificatory text; a. purifying, pure, amnaya, to. enumeration of the sacrificial
animals in the A svamedha: i-ka, a. mentioned T?T5fIpaTOs-ana,a.(i)defiling,disgracing(- 0 ).
beneficent; sanctified by (-°): -ka, n. small
sieve; (two)bladesofKusa g r a s s ) ; vessel in the Samamnaya; -ban, a. (ghni) killing
m^J pSmsti, m. particle of dust, grain of
in which an honorific gift is presented ; -tari- beasts; -havya, ra. animal sacrifice.
sand : gnly. pl. dust, sand.
kri, purify or sanctify in a high degree; -ta,
t p j j l l pasti-kri, turn into an ox or a sacri- TTTCpB pamsu-ka, m.pl. dust, sand; -14, a.
f., -tva, n. purity; -dhara,ra.N.; -pawi, a.
holding blades of Kusa grass in one's hand. XRI *pas-A£, a.hinder; later, [ficial beast. dusty, dust-stained; sandy; defiled, tainted;
disgracing : 4, f . dissolute woman, con-
pavitra-ya, den. P. purify, cleanse: tJlJJT pas-/ra, (in.) ad. (V.) behind, after; in cubine.
pp. ita, purified, sanctified, blessed. the west; afterwards.
T T n j ^ l ^ * ! paTOSu-kricAma, ra.playing in the
XTf^rWC pavi'tra-vat, a. possessed of a XrgTc^pas^t, (ab.) ad. behind, in the rear, sand; -kritia, f . id.; -gmifklta, pp. covered
means of purification, a strainer or blades of after; backwards; from or in the west; west- with dust; -dhvasta-siroruha, a. whose hair
Kusa grass; purifying, cleansing. wards ; afterwards, hereafter, subsequently is covered i. e. sullied with dust; -varsha,
(sts. pleonastic ally with a gd.); - k r i , leave to. ra. shower of dust; -samAaya, m. heap
nfcf q I 0 p a v i t r a & r o p a w a , r a . i n v e s t i t u r e behind, surpass; place on the back or despise; of sand; -samuhana, a. whirling up dust;
of Krishna's effigy with the sacred cord, a prp. with ab. and g. after; to the west of; -hara, a. id.
certain festival; ^arohama, n. id. tataA pa*£at, after that, thereupon.
TTT5R 1. p$k-a, a. [in process of ripening,
Xrf^tf^TL pavitr-in, a. purifying; pure. t r ^ T r T R pasAat-tapa, TO. repentance, re- immature: y'paA; or pa-ka, sucking],quite
TJT^i p a k - a . • q T W r l T patra-sat-kri. 159
young; simple, ignorant, honest; m. young Midl^l p£Mali, / . (also i) trumpet - flower Delhi, a son of Vydsa and brother of Dkri-
of an animal. tree (Bignonia suaveolens): 1, /. N.ofa town; tardshtra; -M/taya, a. white-coloured; -ta,
N. of a princess; (i)-ka, n. N. of a town f . yellowish white colour, paleness ; -nanda-
MT^J 2. p&k-a, m. a. i) cooking, b a k i n g ;
(=P&£aliputra). [flowers. na, m. son of Panriu; -pattra, n. yellow ( =
boiling (int.); baking (of bricks and earthen-
withered) leaf; -pntra, m. son of Pandu;
ware) ; digestion; ripening, maturing; ap- MI <!f%*^pa/al-m, a. furnished with trum pet- -bbuma, m. pale-coloured (chalky) soil.
pearance of consequences (of an action), ac-
complishment, fulfilment; result; maturity, M I d f ^ ^ ^ psiiali-putra, n. N. of the capital TJUSS^ pa,nc?u-ra, a. whitish, white, pale :
full development; N. of a demon: -kriya ,f. of Magadha or Behar, the Palibothra of the -ta, /. white colour; -ya, den. P . colour
cooking; -ga,, a. produced by cooking or Greeks, near the modem Patna at the old whitish yellow; i-ta, pp. coloured yellowish
baking : -tva, n. abst. N. confluence of the Sone and Gf-anges; m.pl. white; i-man,TO.pale colour; i-kri, colour
the inhabitants of Pafaliputra: -ka, ». id., yellowish white.
T H W p&ka-trSE, ad. in simplicity or sin-
-namadbeya, a. named Paialiputra.
cerity, guilelessly. m ^ S ^ i ^ pandu-lekha, n. rough draft or
TJIcfj^ofTpaka-dfirvgu/.young millet-grass; T T Z f ^ T t . pafal-i-man, m. pale-red, rose copy (made with stylus or chalk); -loha, n.
-bha/^/a, n. cooking-pot; -ya.gna,,m. simple colour. silver; -varna, a. pale-coloured; -sopaka or
or baked offering. [fever. patali-kri, colour red. -sanpaka, m. a mixed caste (offspring of
KandaZa and Vaidehi),
"RT^Tpjika-la, a. quite b l a c k ; m. elephant- Mld^ftM^I pfitelaupala, m. ruby.
p&nefya,TO.pi. N. of a people in the
paka-sasana, m. cbastiser of the M T Z ^ p a f a v - i , n. acuteness; skill, clever- Dekkan; sg. prince of the Pa»<fyas; N. of
demon Paka, ep. of Indra; -s&stra, n. art of ness, in (lc.); precipitation in (-°); -ika, a. a mountain range. [hand.
cookery, clever, crafty.
MTWn^T p&reiSsya, a. whose mouth is his
•m^RTTTT p&ka&g&ra, n. (?) kitchen. M i d pfi^A-a, m.recital; s t u d y ; t e x t ; reading
XH^T p a k y a , / . simplicity: only in. (pakya), (of a text): -ka, m. reciter, reader; student; MTfTpat-a,m. manner of flying,flight; throw-
scholar, teacher (of, - ° ) ; -na, n. instructing; ing oneself into (le.); fall, into (lc.), from
in simplicity or ignorance. (ab.); cast, shot, stroke; collapse, death;
-vat, a. learned, erudite.
•m^rmfH^i paksha-p&tika, a. partial, parti- falling = direction (of the eye or gaze); drop
san (speech). M f f d ' l pa/A-in, a* having studied, conver- (of blood); application (of ointment, of a
sant with (-°). knife) ; case, possibility; entrance, appear-
trrf^jqi paksh-ika, a. (1) partisan; alterna- ance ; — f a l l i n g from, to, into, upon or a t :
paiMna, m. kind offish,
tive, optional, applicable in certain cases only. . -ka, a. causing to fall ( - 0 ) ; (/it.) n. crime or
MTU! pSna, TO. stake at play. sin depriving of caste; -k-in, a. sinning;
Hpj^ p&iikta, a. consisting of five parts,five-
wicked; m. criminal. [brown.
fold ; composed in pankti metre. m W f W ^ i panavika, a. belonging to a drum.
T n f a l p&tam-ga, a. (i) peculiar to the moth;
X T T f t f t t pankti-hari, m. N. MTfur
pawi, TO. [pal-ni] hand: -m grab, take MltT^sT patangrala, a. composed by Patan-
X H ^ pankteya, a. worthy to belong to a the hand (of a girt), marry; -m da, give her ga\\; m. follower of the Yoga system of
hand in marriage, wed; a. holding - in Patajw/ali; n. the Yoga system of Patan^ali;
XTT^J panktya, a. id. [society. the Mahabhashya of Pata%ali.
one's hand: -ka, a. - ° = pa»i; - k a , f . kind of
XJJ^cR p ^ - a k a , a. (ika) cooking, baking ; song. MTcT«T pat-ana, a. f e l l i n g ; n. causing to fall,
digestive; maturing; -ana,a. causing to cook, MTfWTcT pcini-gata, pp. as good as held in throwing down, casting (dice); striking off
dissolvent, digestive. one's very hand; -graba, m. taking the hand or down; daradasya - , infliction of the rod,
(of a girl), marriage : -kara, m. taker of the chastisement; garbbasya - , causing a mis-
TJT^T p % a , -ka, m. N. hand, lawful husband; -graba na, n. mar- carriage ; i-ya, fp. to be cast or shot at (lc.).
T(T5TOjVa;/-as, n . v i g o u r ; brightness, sheen. riage: i-ka, a. relating t o - ; -graba: -ka, TO.
hand-grasper, bridegroom; husband; -grab- XTTrTfag pat-ay-i-tri, m. caster of dice.
MTfT^TO panfca-^an-ya, a. relating to the am, abs. taking by the hand; -kapala or H l d ^ I pa-tavya, fp. i . to be d r u n k ; 2. to
five races; m. Krishna's conch (taken from -lapalya, n. fidgetting with the hands; -ga.,
the demon Pajl&a^ana); -nada, a. prevail- be protected.
TO. finger-nail; -tala, n. palm of the hand.
ing in the Panjab ; m. prince of Paii&anada: Mlfuj^parain, a. = p t n i . MTfTT5f patSla, (TO.) n. under-world (con-
pi. the people of Pait&anada; - b h a u t i k a , a. ceived as a subterranean cavity or city in-
consisting of or containing the five elements : MI IU! f*l pSnini,TO
habited by serpents or demons); one of the
with iid&nam, n. reception of the five ele- .N.ofthe great grammarian seven hells; -ketu, m. N. of a prince of the
ments ; -yagwika, a. belonging or relating to by whom classical Sanskrit is dominated: Daityas; -tala, n. bottom of hell: -m yatu,
the five sacrifices; -sara, a. (i) belonging to i-ya, a. relating to or composed by Panini; let it go to hell,
Kama (the five-arrowed). m. adherent of P&nini; n. Paraini's grammar.
M T f i u H M p&ni-patra, a. using the hand as MTffTSr pltit-ya, re. loss of rank or caste.
m S T S T p&nHla, a. (i) referring or belong-
a drinking vessel, drinking out of the hand ; T r r f a l p a t - i n , a. flying; alighting on (Zc.);
ing to - , ruling over the Pan&ilas; m.
-pitZana, n. pressing the hand (of a girl),
prince of the Para&alas: pi. the PanMlas; falling or sinking, in (- 0 ) ; arising, ap-
marriage; -putfa,TO. hollowed hand: -ka,?n.(?)
i, f . princess of the PanMlas, sp. Draupadi; pearing (cloud) ; causing to or letting fall,
id.; -pura, a. filling the hand: -jwina, n.
(a)-pntrik&,/. ep. of Draupadi. felling, throwing down (-°).
handful of food ; -pranay-in, a. longing for
^ T W T t ^ f r r panMl-ika, / . doll. the hand : (i)-ta, f . abst. JV.: -TO samupa- m f r f r f j pStivrat-ya, n. conjugal fidelity.
gata,pp. = grasped by the hand (sword); -pra-
XJT^^TW panfci-grarna, m.N. of a village. n a y i n i , f . beloved of his hand, wife; -mat, TJT^ pS-tr», TO. 1. drinker (of, g. or -°);
XTT^pai'a.wi.section; musical performance(?): a. having hands; -mita, pp. to be spanned 2. protector (of, ac., g., or
-ka, m. divider, render. by the hands. [white.
m livg ^ parae?-ara, a. pale yellow, whitish, MltTlfH Iff patautpata, m. pi. falls and rises,
ups and downs.
TCTZU'X pa^a/i-Zcara, m. thief, robber. q| p&ndai'-in, m. kind of monk.
q T J S I ptM-ana, n. ripping or cutting u p ; MT"^ pa-tra, n.(drinking) vessel, b o w l , cup;
T J T ^ ^ p a n r f a v - a , m.pat. ofVfindw. pi. the plate, dish; river-bed; receptacle; recipient;
cleaving; rending; bursting open; -aniya,
five sons of Pandu or the adherents of the vessel of = person abounding in (g. or
fp. to be torn to pieces.
Pandavas; a. (i) belonging to the sons of master of (g.); fit or competent person, per-
ptMala, a. pale-red;TO.pale-red, rose Pandu. son worthy of or to (g., lc., inf., or -°); actor;
colour; the tree bearing the trumpet-flower actor's part; TO. minister: - t i , / . condition of
(Bignonia, suareolens): &,/. id.; n. andf. the M T f ^ d panc?it-ya,n. scholarship,learning,
being a receptacle for (g. or -°) ; merit, fit-
trumpet-flower; (a)-ki<a, m. kind o/"insect. erudition, wisdom; cleverness; skill, talent. ness, capacity; -tva, n. id.; -stba, a. lying
M l P ^ * ^ p S n d - i - m a n , TO. paleness. in a dish.
mZ^T^T pa^ala-ya, den. P . colour pale-red.
pand-u, a. ( f . id.) yellowish white, patra-ya, den. P . use as a drinking
mZ^TTWcft p&frila-vat-i, / . ep. o/"Durga; N.
of a river. whitish, pale; m.N. of a sovereign of ancient patra-sat-kri", give away to de-
160 TTTf^Pl patr-in. M H ^ H . para-dn'svan.

serving persons; -hasta, a. holding a dish in ta, m. kick; -aiiguli or x,/. toe; ^angush- -sodhana, a. purifying from guilt; ra. N. of
one's hand. [carrying an alms-bowl. £Aa, m. great toe. [soldier. a sacred bathing-place; -sudana-tirtha, ra.
N. ofa sacred bathing-place; -ban, a. destroy-
MTfa*l.patr-m, a. having a drinking vessel; XTT^TfT pSdaata, ra. [going on foot], foot- ing sin or sinners; -hara, a. taking away
p&daanta, m. tip of the foot, claw: sin; -hridaya, a. bad-hearted.
Ml-sfl pa-trf, f . vessel, plate, pot.
Ic. at any one's feet; ^antara, n. distance of
HI q ) (ft patri-kn, make a receptacle or object a foot: Ic. close beside (g.); ^ambhas, ra.
MIMI^T^ p&paSAara, a. leading a wicked
life; ^Jitman, a. evil-minded, malevolent,
of (g.); make worthy or honoured. water for washing the feet; ^aravinda, m.
wicked; ra. wicked man, villain; -anuban-
lotus of a foot (said of the foot of a deity,
M | p a t h - a s , ra. place ; water: -pati, TO. dha, ra. evil consequences; ^&rambha-ka,
lover, etc.)\ -ardha, n. half a quarter, an
lord of the waters, ep. of Varuraa. ^arambha-vat, a. machinating evil; ^JLsaya,
eighth; ^arparaa, ra. placing the foot upon;
a. evil-intentioned.
patheya, ra. victuals for a journey -avanama, ra. bowing down before any one's
feet; - avaseAana, ra. water in which the feet pSp-in, a. wicked, s i n f u l ; ra. evil-
(pathi): -vat, a. having anything as provi-
have been washed; -asphalana, ra. tram- doer, sinner; -ishlAa, spv., -iyas, cpv. (of
sions for the journey, victualed with
pling or shuffling of the feet; ^ a h a t i , / . blow papa) more or very wicked; -iyas-tva, n.
patho-f/a, ra. (water-born), lotus of the foot, kick; - against (-°). wickedness, depravity.
(flower); -pin-i, f lotus (plant); -da or
-dhara, ra. cloud; -dhi, -natha, -nidhi, m. x r r f ^ i p&d-ika, a. amounting to or lasting HI "+l*Vpap-mdn,ra. evil, calamity, suffering;
ocean. a quarter (of a time); -in, a. having feet; transgression, sin, guilt; a. hurtful, evil.
entitled to a fourth.
pad, strong base of pad, foot. VTT*l,pit-m£n,m.cutaneous eruption, scab.
XJT^ p&d-ti, ra.foot; place: (u)-ka,/. shoe;
pama-ra, ra. man of the lowest ex-
TJT^ pad-a, TO. [goer], foot (of men and slipper; (u)-krit, ra. shoemaker.
traction plying a despised trade; rogue; sim-
animals); foot or leg (of inanimate objects), pleton, fool: -tva, n. simplicity.
pcidaupasaragrahana,ra. em-
post; bottom (of a water-shin'); wheel; root
(ofa tree); spur (ofa mountain); ray, beam bracing the feet (of a teacher).
P A Y , I. L paya, void excrement.
(foot of a heavenly body); (foot of a quad- m ^ T pad-ya, a. belonging to the f o o t ; ra.
ruped = ) quarter (pl. the four parts); fourth pSya-ka, a. (ika) drinking.
water for washing the feet.
part of a (four-versed) stanza; verse (even ofa
three-versed stanza); the du.orpl.is often used Xn*T pSana,ra.drinking (esp. of strong drink)-, T J T f T pa-y-dna, ra. causing to drink; &,/.
(gnly. -°) to designate a person respectfully; draught; sipping (the lips); beverage, drink: moistening. [tinually drinking.
padayoh pat, fall at any one's (g) feet; pa- -ka, m. ra. beverage, drink; -pa, a. drinking Mr^H^pa-y-am, abs.: repeated, while cou-
daiA, on foot (of several); -ka, m. little foot; intoxicating liquors; -patra,ra.drinking ves-
a. (ika) footed; -kriAMra, TO. quarter sel, cup (esp. for spirituous liquor); -bhu or tTT^W pSyas-a, a. made of m i l k ; m.ra.milk-
(a kind of) penance; -graharaa, w. grasping -bhumi, f . drinking-place or room; -man- rice : -dagdha, pp. scalded by milk-porridge.
or embracing the feet of any one (in token of gala, ra. drinking-bout; -matta, pp. intoxi-
respect or submission); -Aapala or -Aapal- cated ; -mada, ra. intoxication. P^-y-in, a. drinking, sucking (~°).
ya, w. carelessness in placing the feet; -Aa- m « 1 « panasa, a. made from the bread-fruit. MI^J i. pa-y-d, ra. protector: pl. (gnly. in.)
ra, a. going on foot, walking; m. foot-soldier; protecting powers, aid.
walking: in. on foot; -Aarin, a. going on pftaniya, fp. drinkable; n. drink;
font; m. foot-soldier; -AAAedana, ra.cutting water: -varsha, m. or ra.(?) downpour of MT^J 2. pay-ii, m.(5'B.payu)anus: -kshalana-
off of a foot; -tala, ra. sole of the foot: water, rain; ^artham, ad. for the sake of bhumi, f . privy : -ta, f . abst. N. ; -kshala-
^ahati,/. kick; -tas, ad. from,at, near, or by water. [life of a wayfarer. na-vesman, ra. id.; ^upastha, ra. sg. anus
the feet; at or near the foot; step by step, by and organ of generation.
degrees : - kri, place at the feet; -tra,ra.(?) MT^Sf pantha, ra. wayfarer, traveller: -tva, ra.
shoe. [feet. XTR pap£, a. (1, V.; &') evil, bad, wicked, MT"^ p a r - a , a. p r i ] taking a c r o s s ;
criminal, sinful; inauspicious (planets, omens); (m.)ra.opposite or farther bank or boundary;
T T T ^ T R R p&la-dhavana,ra.washing of the ra. wickedman, villain, sinner; ra.evil, trouble, bank ; extreme limit, extremity, end, goal:
misfortune, harm; wickedness,offence,crime, -karna, a. wishing to reach the other bank.
pada-namra, a. bowing down to
the feet of any one; -niAWt, a. having a de- villany, guilt, sin: santara papam, may t l T W p&rak-ya, a. belonging to or meant
ficiency of a syllable in each quarter-verse; heaven forefend that; brahma-hatya- for another; alien, hostile; m. enemy.
-nyasa, m. setting down of the feet, step; kri'tam crime consisting in slaying a Brah-
footprint; -pa, TO. (drinking by the root), man ; papa-tara, cpv. worse; very bad; pap- m para-ga, a. crossing to the farther
plant, esp. tree: -ka, a. id.; -patana, ra. iyas, worse off, more wretched, poorer; bank; having gone to the end of anything,
throwing oneself at the feet of any one, pros- very badly off; very bad; worse; inferior; having accomplished, - thoroughly studied,
tration ; -patita, pp. having thrown oneself ra. bad man ; papishiAa, spv. least; worst; fully conversant with (g., Ic., -°); deeply
at any one's feet; -paddhati, f. line of foot- very bad; papishlAatama, worse than (ab). learned; -gata, pp. having reached the oppo-
steps, footprints; -padma, TO. lotus-foot; site bank, having safely crossed (g.); -gr&m-
-pariAaraka, m. humble servant; -pada- MTMcfi p&pa-ka, a. wicked, b a d ; ra. rascal; ika, a. hostile: -ra vidhim 4Aikirshati,
dhavana, ra. washing of one foot with the 32. evil; -karman, ra. wicked deed; a. doing prepares for hostilities.
other; -pifAa, ra. footstool: i-kri, turn into evil deeds, wicked, sinful; m. ill-doer, mis-
m ^ l l j p&r-araa, a. taking across, saving; ra.
a footstool; -purana, a., ra. filling a verse- creant, criminal, sinner; -karin, -krit, a., ra.
id.; -krita, (pp.) n. misdeed; -gati, a. ill- bringing to an end, accomplishment, fulfil-
foot ; -prakshalana, ra. washing of the feet; ment; conclusion of a fast ( + vrata-), break-
-prasarana,ra.stretching out the feet; -pra- starred ; -Aetas, a. evil-minded, malevolent;
-timira, a. blinded by sin, sin-bedarkened; fast (also a ) ; reading; complete text.
hara,TO.kick; -bha/a, m. foot-soldier; -bha-
ga,ra.a fourth; -bhap.a.possessing = equalling -purusha, ra. rascal, villain; -priya, a. fond Ml^ff parata, ra. quicksilver (=p&rada).
only a fourth part of any one (g.) in (Ic.); of or prone to evil; -bandha, ra. continuous
-mudra,/. footprint; trace, sign, indication: series of misdeeds; -buddhi, f . evil intent; M| para-tantr-ya, n. dependence ;
-paiikti, /. line of footprints, track; -mnla, a. evil-minded, malevolent; -bharapana, a. -talpika, ra. adultery.
ra. root of the foot, tarsus; sometimes used as a destroying the wicked; m. N. of a Brdhman; p^ra-taA, ad. on the other side of (p.).
respectful designation of a person; foot o f a -bh&p, a. participating in wrong, guilty;
mountain : e ni-pat, fall at the feet of (g); -bhava, a. evil-minded; -mati, a. evil- paratr-ika, a. relating to the next
-yuddha,ra.foot-fight; -rar/as,ra.dust of the minded, malevolent, ungodly; - y o n i , f . low world (cp. paratra) ; -ya, a. id.
feet; -lagna, pp. sticking in the foot (thorn); womb, birth as a punishment of sin; -rahita,
lying at any one's feet; attached to the foot; pp. freed from sin, sinless; -ripu, (foe of sin), 1 ( 1 ^ parada, m. n. quicksilver; ra. pl. N.
-lepa, m. foot-ointment ofapeculiarly magical N. of a Tirtha; -roga, ra. bad disease, dis- of a people.
power; -vandana, n. adoration of the feet, ease as punishment for sin; -rogin, a. suf- paradSr-ika, a. having inter-
reverential salutation; -sabda, m. sound of fering from a bad disease or disease in punish- course with another man's wife (para-dSra);
footsteps; -sas, ad. foot by foot; by a fourth; ment for former sin; -^Hddhi, f . hunting, TO. adulterer; -ya, n. adultery.
sauAa, ra. cleansing of the feet; -st&mbha, chase; -lokya, a. leading to hell; -vasiyasa
m. supporting beam, pillar. or -vasyas-a,ra.[betterness of the bad], topsy- MI "I.Para-drisvan, a. (r-i) having seen
turvyness, preposterousness; -sila, a. of bad the opposite bank, fully conversant with (g.
m ^ n i p a d a a g r a , n. tip of the foot; -Jigha- character, prone to evil: -tva, ra. depravity; or
para-des-ya. MT^TR pavamana. 161
para-des-ya, a. belonging to or com - standing at one's side; m. attendant: pi. -drama, ra. tree at one's side; -parivartin,
ing from another country (para-desa), foreign. retinue; -palya, n. governorship; -plava, a. a. being at the side of (-°); -vartin, a. stand-
swimming; moving to and fro, unsteady; ing beside; ra. attendant: pi. retinue; - v i -
tTTT^W para-dhva^a, ra. pi. standards from wavering, irresolute; ra. ship: -ta, /., -tva, vartin, a. being beside, living with (g.);
over the sea (i. e. from Ceylon) borne in royal n. unsteadiness, caprice; -bhadra, m. coral -stha, a. standing beside, staying near;
processions. tree (.Erythrina indica); -bhash-ika, a. (i) -sthita, pp. id.
technical; -mandal-ya, n. spherical shape;
TJTTTrf^Nl pSramaarth-ika,a. (i) relating -ma»-ya, n. circumference; -yatra, m. N. of x n ^ f ^ K pSrsvaanu&ara, ra. attendant;
to the real (paramartha), real, true; loving the western Yindhya range; -vitt-ya, n. •^ayata, pp. come near, approached; -^asan-
truth; -ya, n. absolute truth. bachelorhood while a younger brother is mar- na, pp. standing beside, present; ^Jisina, pr.
ried ; -vettr-ya, n. marriage of a younger pt. sitting beside; - asthi, n. rib; -jnpap&r-
param-i-ta,/. reaching the further
before an elder brother; -sesh-ya, n. result: sva,f».d«.flank and shoulder-blade; -japapid-
shore, complete attainment (ofa virtue); (-°) am, abs. holding one's sides (with laughter).
perfection in (B.). ab. therefore; -sbada, ra. member of an as-
sembly or council, auditor, spectator: pi. ITHffT parshata, a. of or belonging to the
pfiramajsvara, a. (i) relating to retinue of a god; -sbad-ya, m. one who takes spotted deer (prishata).
or coming from the supreme lord ($iva). part in an assembly, spectator; -har-ika, a.
privileged; -har-ya, ra. bracelet; -has-ya, r r t f ^ parshada, ra. ( = parishada) attend-
^WH p&rameshfA-ya, a. relating to the n. jest. ant (esp. of a god) ; member of an assembly,
supreme god (Brahman); n. highest position. spectator: pi. (sts. sg.) retinue; n. manual
XTPC^ pari,/, (o/para) milk-pail,vessel, cup. recognised by a grammatical school.
TflX^X p&ram-par-a, a. relating to the other
side: with loka, m. the other world: i-ya, m O < ! | g | pari-wahya,^.householdutensils. MlfWJ parsh-mi, / . h e e l ; rear of an army,
a. traditional, handed down; -ya, n. uninter- back: -m grab, attack any one (g.) in the
rupted succession, oral tradition : -kramaa- T I T O - * parindra, ra.lion. rear; -graba, a. attacking in the rear; m.
gata, pp. or ^jigata, pp. handed down in t n ^ P R I parush-eyi, a. spotted, dappled. enemy in the rear.
regular succession.
H T ^ I pSrush-ya, n. roughness, violence; m«*uT pSrshmx, / . = p&rshwi.
Ml par-ay-i-tr/, m.(fr. cs. of V2. pri)
dishevelled state; rudeness, insulting speech. m<«| pl-la, ra. watchman, guardian; herds-
one who puts across; used as future in para- man ; protector of the earth, lord, king: -ka,
T T K l q ^ r U ^ pare-visokam, ad. beyond
yitaasmi. mount Visoka; -smasanam, ad. beyond the m. guardian, protector (ika, / . ) ; adopted
paray-ishnii, a. successful; vic- cemetery. father ; ruler, prince ; guardian of the earth;
torious : -tama, spv. best in accomplishing. N. of various princes; -na, a. (£': guarding,
M 1 p a r o k s h - y a , a.invisible; unintelli- fostering; n. guarding, protecting, cherishing;
para-laukika, a. (i) relating to gible, enigmatical; n. infallibility; mystery. preserving, observing, keeping, maintaining.
the next world.
p&rtha, ra. met. descendant of Pn'tht, pala-ya, den. P . (E. also A.): regarded
XinXW^f pSrasava, m. a mixed caste (offspring Yudhishttira, Bhimasena, and esp. Ar^una; by the grammarians as the causal of
of Brdhmana and SAdrd). N.: -ga, ra. son of Partha. guard, protect; rule ; be the guardian of;
mf^Jcj parthiv-a, a. (i) terrestrial, earthly: preserve, maintain, keep (a promise etc.):
TTTT^f parasa, a. (i) Persian; i , f . the Per-
with vrata, n. manner of the earth; m. in- pp. palita. ati, pass, spend (time), ann,
sian language; i-ka, a. Persian; m. pi. the guard, protect; take care of; be the guardian
Persians; i-ka, m. pi. the Persians. habitant or son of earth; prince, king, war-
rior; a. royal: i , / . daughter of earth, Sita ; of; maintain, observe, keep (a promise etc.);
T J T W ? ; p&raskara, m. JV. of the author of -ta, f . -tva, n. royal dignity, kingship; adhere to. pari, guard, protect, from (ab.);
a Gr'thyasdtra and of a Dharmasastra. -nandini,/. king's daughter, princess; - r i - govern; cherish,honour; support; maintain,
paraayawa, n. reading through, shabha, ra. illustrious king; -sreshtta, spv. keep; expect; wait, prati, protect,guard;
study ; totality ; complete text. best of kings; -suta,/. king's daughter; ^at- maintain, observe, keep to; wait; wait for,
mar/&, / . king's daughter; ^indra, m. most expect, sam, protect; keep (a promise);
m<Jit4 pararth-ya, n. sympathy with an- excellent of kings. get over, overcome. [(of, ac., g., or
otlier's cause, disinterestedness.
TJT^ par-ya, a. being on the further shore; TTPsTf^TfJ palay-i-tn, m. protector, guardian
VJKJWH parllvata, a. distant, coming from
last; decisive; effective; n. end. l| f ^ f f T f T pala-Mri, ra. JV.
a distance (paravat); m. turtle-dove, pigeon;
a kind of snake: -malii-ya, den. A. resemble Ml^Oj parvan-a, a. relating to a phase of TUWm palasa, a. (i) belonging to or made
a flock of turtles ; - aksha,ra.N. of a snake the moon (new or full); increasing or full of the wood of the palasa tree.
demon (having eyes like a turtle-dove). (moon)', being at the time of opposition or
full moon; ra. fortnight; new and full moon m pj| pali (or 1), / . lobe of the ear; outer
m^qT^pSraav&ra,«.(?)furtherandnearer ear; margin, edge; dam, dyke; line, row.
bank; m. sea (having a further and a nearer
shore): -taranaartham, ad.in order to cross t T p f o parvata, a. (i) produced or growing m f c l « M p&l-ik&, / . of palaka.
from one bank to the other. on, being, dwelling or consisting in moun- m f a r f palita, pp. of palaya. [ra. ruler.
m ^ H T X pSr&sar-a, a. belonging to Para- tains, mountainous: i , / . pat. daughter of the
nara; -in, m. monk of the order of Parasarya: mountain (i.e. of the Himalaya), Durga m f ^ T t . pal-in, a. protecting, guarding;
pi. a certain philosophical school; -ya, ra. (consort of Siva) ; aayana, m. pat.fr. par-
vata, N.ofa chamberlain; i-ya, a. dwelling M l f c w f pali-bhanga, ra. bursting ofa dyke.
pat. son of Par&sara, i. e. Vyasa.
in the mountains; m. mountaineer. TTf^t pali,/. 1. female guardian; 2. = pali;
Mlft^JiZ parikuia, ra. attendant.
H I 41 «nl'5rparvaayanant-iya,a.belong- -vata, m. a tree.
m f r f ^ T pftrikshiti, m._paf. descendant of ing to the days of conjunction and opposition m ^ q f l pale-vata, ra. id.
l'arikshit, (,'anamegraya. (new and full moon) and to the solstices.
p^l-ya,/p. to be protected or guarded;
TfffXWnT paripata, m. coral tree (bearing TTT^T parsv-d, (ra.) n. [connected with the under theguardianshipof (g.); to be observed,
crimson blossoms: Erythrina indica); also its ribs, parsu], region of the ribs, side (also fig); kept, or maintained.
wood ; a my thical tree of paradise, produced flank (of an army); proximity: -m, aside
at the churning of the ocean and taken from (look); to the side of, near (g., -°); ab. away T l T ^ i pav-aka, a. (-v/pfi) pure, clear; bright;
Indra by Krishna; -maya, a. made of the from; on the part of, by, through; lc. near; purifying; m. a certain A g n i ; fire; Agni:
flowers of the tree of paradise. beside, at (g., -°); lc. du. on both sides; -vat, a. ep.of an Agni; (a)-varwa, a. bright-
standing beside or near - . coloured ; (a)-so^is, a. brightly shining.
pari-wam-ika, a, digestible;
subject to development: with bhava, m. xrNNi iH^feA pauak-i, ra. son of Fire, Skanda.
natural disposition; -nayya, n. household parsva-ka, ra. rib ; -ga, a, going at
pav-ana, a. (i) purifying, sanctifying;
utensils; -w&hya, n. id.; -tosh-ika, n. one's side, accompanying; ra. attendant: pi.
pure, holy; ra. a kind of fire ; n. purification,
reward, gratuity (token of satisfaction); retinue; -gata, pp. going at one's side, at-
-panth-ika, m. highwayman,robber; -patra, tendant; sheltering (shade); -gamana, n. sanctification ; means of purifying.
incorrect for -yatra; -p&rsva-ka, a. atten- accompanying (-°); -kara, ra. attendant: pi. MIMH 1*1 pavamani, a. relating to Agni
dant : ika, f . chambermaid; -parsvika, a. retinue; -tas, ad. from, by or at the side or Pavamana or the Soma which is being puri-
flank of,beside,aside (g. or -°); near at hand;
162 HT<H pavara. ttnrra^ pi-pa-s-at.
fied by a strainer: i,f. gnly.pl. Soma hymns fM5f f\c|h piwpar-ika, n. a kind of musical -karya, n. offering to the Manes; -kriyA,
(esp. in RV., mandala IX). [para). instrument; -i-man, TO. tawny colour; i- /. id.; -gawa,TO.host of Manes, Manes: pl.
classes of Manes; -gh&taka, -ghatin, -ghna,
m q ^ pavara, a die (corrupt form of dvS- kri, make tawny.
m. parricide.
t W ^ pinp-al-i, / . bunch or tuft of stalks
l | l 4 U « pavirav-a, a. (1) coming from or pitri-tarparaa, «. oblation to the
or grass; -ula, n. id.
relating to the thunderbolt (paviru); / . Manes ; -tas, ad. on the father's side; -tva,
daughter of lightning, thunder. f l l Z pi<a, n. (?) basket: -ka,TO.n.id.; boil. n. paternity; -deva, TO. pl. the Manes and
u n j pas-a, in. [\/pas, bind], string, tether; gods; certain divine beings; -devata, a. hav-
pi«a-ya, P . stamp down,
snare, gin, trap,noose; bond, fetter (alsofig.); ing the Manes as gods, sacred to the Manes;
smatterer, bungler; beauty of = beautiful, pif Aara, n., i , / . pot; pan; a-ka, m. id. -devatya, a. id.; -devat&, / . pl. the Manes
handsome; shock or quantity of, abundant f^gcRT pidakS, / . boil, pimple, pustule. and the gods ; -daivata, a. (i) relating to the
(with words meaning hair) : -ka, m. noose; worship of the Manes; -drohin, a. plotting
snare; -kawtta, a. having a noose round the f W piwrfa, m. (n. rare) lump, knob, ball; against one's father.
neck; -dyumna,TO.N.; -baddha, pp. caught flake (of wall-plaster); morsel, mouthful =
in a net, entrapped, snared, noosed; -bandba, daily bread, food, livelihood; flour-ball (of- fCRpT^J pitri-paksha, a.being onthefather's
m. snare, noose, halter; net: -bandbaka, TO. fered to the Manes), funeral cake; body; side, paternal; -pupana, n. worship of the
bird-catcher; -bandbana, n. snare; a. caught person, individual; material object: -ka, TO. Manes; -paitamaha, a. (i) inherited from
in a snare; -bhrit, a. holding a noose;TO.ep. lump, ball; -kharpura, m. kind of date tree: or peculiar to father and grandfather: with
of Varu»a; -ragg-a, f . fetter, bond. -tas, ad. from a ball or lump; -ta, /. condi- naman, n. father's and grandfather's name;
tion of a body; -tva, n. density, condensation, TO. pl. or (metricalfor -pitamaha), fathers
X m ^ r pctsav-a, a. coming from or peculiar and grandfathers; -pait&mah-ika, a. id.;
state of a material mass: -m agata, (dark-
to animals. ness) become palpable; -da, a. offering or -m&t, a. having a father; connected with the
pasa-hasta, a. holding a snare or entitled to offer the funeral cakes to the Manes; -mandira, n. father's house, pater-
noose in his hand; m. ep. of Yama. Manes; m. bread-giver, lord, master; -datri, nal mansion; -m&tri-maya, a. thinking of
a. id.; -dana, n. offering of a flour-ball (esp. father and mother only; -matriartha, a.
M l f i ^ pas-ika, TO. trapper, bird-catcher; begging for father and mother; -mitra, n.
N.; -in, a. having a noose; m. bird-catcher; at the sacrifice to the Manes); sacrifice of
funeral cakes (on the evening of new moon); father's friend ; -medha,TO.sacrifice to the
ep. of Varuna. Manes.
alms-giving; -nirvapana.M.offering of funeral
MI^Mdl pasupata,a. (i)belonging or referring cakes; -patra, n. alms-bowl; alms; -pitri- faff t j pitri-yaf/n£,TO.sacrificetotheManes;
to /Siva Pasupati; m. worshipper of Siva ya^ma, m. offering of funeral cakes (on the -y£wa, a. trodden by or leading to the Manes;
Pasupati. [ing of cattle. evening of new moon); -prada, a. offering -yana,TO.path trodden by or leading to the
funeral cakes; -bhap, a. partaking of the Manes; -rkg*, m. king of the Manes, Yama;
t T P g t T R I pasupal-ya, n. binding or breed- funeral cakes ; m.pl. the Manes; -maya, a. -loka, m. father's house; world or abode of
I T T ^ m pasHt-tya (or -ya), a. posterior; consisting of a clod; -matranpapivin, a. the Manes; -vamsa, TO. father's family;
living solely on morsels offered. -vams-ya, a. belonging to the father's family;
western; last: -bhaga,TO.eye (of a needle).
-vat, ad. like a father; like the Fathers; as
p&shanii-a, a. (i) heretical; TO. here- flUJ^tlpirecZa-ya, den. P . accumulate, unite;
add together: pp. ita, made into a lump, at the funeral sacrifice; -vadha,TO.parricide;
tic ; m. n. heresy; -in,TO.heretic ; -ya, n. -vana, n. ancestors' grove, cemetery; -ves-
densified; massy, solid, close; taken together,
heresy. [made of stone, man, n. father's house.
united,all together, ava,pp. fallen asglobules.
mm<!{ p&sMna, TO. stone: -maya, a. (i) pari, pp. clenched, sam, heap together: pp. (Mrjoq pitri-vya,TO.paternal uncle; elderly
clenched; drawn together,contracted; united.
f x j pi, vbl. prefix sts. for api. relative or friend.
fq^PIMS awdfq^PIMSH,fip^PIS f W ^ T t r pi«da-yapna, TO. sacrifice with
1m rj pitri-sarman, m - ^ ofa Danava;
funeral cakes; -lepa, m. what adheres to the
and f t j 1 ^ P I S H . hands from the funeral cakes (constituting an -shad, a. remaining with one'B parents, -
offering to the three ancestors preceding the unmarried; dwelling with the Manes; -shva-
ftl^5 pika, TO., i , / . Indian cuckoo. great-grandfather) ; -sambandha,TO.rela- sri, / . father's sister; -sadman, n. ceme-
tionship entitling a man to offer the funeral tery.
f f f ping-a, a. [Vpi%?] reddish brown,
tawny: -danta, m. N. oblations to the deceased; ^agra, n. bit of a pitri-han, m. parricide.
fVsj-H pinga-M,a.tawny; tawny-eyed or red- flour-ball; -jmvaharya-ka, a. with srad-
dha, n. feast after the funeral oblation. fTTfr pittd, n. bile: -jpasrishia, pp. suffer-
eyed; TO. ep, of Siva, and ofa D&nava; N.,
ing from bile.
esp. of a writer on metre: k, f. hind of leech; fcrf*tS»«5T pirad-ika, / . lump of flesh (on the
a-ka,TO.Tawny, N. of a lion; i-ka,/. N.; shoulders, arms, or legs); pedestal of a statue. fl|'<«J pittha, TO. N.; -ka, TO. id.
(a)-gandhara, m. N. of a fairy. a tree. fXTSET pitr-ya, a. paternal; ancestral; re-
fa|pf^TrTpmgal-ita,25p.grown tawny-colour- lating or sacred to the Manes; with tirtha,
piwrfi-karawa, n. clenching; n. part of the hand between thumb and fore-
ed ; -i-man,TO.tawny colour.
-kri, make into a lump, clench; compress, finger sacred to the Manes; with dis,/. south.
I X r t f N pingaakshd, a. (i) tawny-eyed or densify; concentrate; identify with (saha);
red-eyed;TO.monkey; ep. of A g n i ; N.of a -bhava, TO. being compressed or clenched ; f x ^ pit-sa, des. base of */pat.
Baity a; - i s v a r a , m. N. of an attendant of -bhu,become agglomerated, be closely uni ted; fxr^TTt!^ pi-dhStavya, fp. to be covered or
Pdrvatt -lepa, m. kind of ointment. stopped (ears); -dhana, n. covering; shut-
TM^ piAu,TO.cotton: -manda or -marda, TO. ting ; cover; lid: -vat, a. covered with a lid ;
f T O f a w t t ^ pinrfaupa^ivin, a. eating
a tree (Azadirachta indica); -la,TO.a tree -dhayaka, a. covering, concealing (-°): -t&,
the bread of, i. e. supported by, another. /. abst. N. [ceal.
(Tamarix indica).
f C f W R f i pinyaka,m.(?) oil-cake; Asafoetida.
f t r ^ e pifcAAa, n. tail-feather, esp. of a pea- fcrf%fc^J pi-dhit-su, des. a. wishing to con-
cock : -ka, m. id.; i - k a , / . bunch of peacock's f q ft 1 p i t a - p u t r ^ i , m. du. and father pinaka, n. staff; club or bow of
tail-feathers (wed by jugglers), [P er y- and son ; -maha, m. paternal grandfather;
Siva (C.) : -p&rai, -bhrit, m. ep. of <S'iva.
piAAAa-la, a. slimy, lubricous, slip- ep. of Brahma: pl. ancestors, Manes (esp.
remote ones); -mahi, / . maternal grand- pinak-in, m. ep. of Siva.
R f e N piAAAila, a. id.: i-k ri, make slip- mother.
ft§pi-tu,TO. (w.1) juice,drink, food: -bhrit, P I N V, I . pinva, cause to swell, over-
piwfca-deva, m. N. [pery.
a. bringing nourishment; -mat, a. accom-
N flow, or abound; A. swell, be exuber-
[ f ^ P l i v G, paint.] ant, overflow. pra = simple verb.
panied by meat and drink; nourishing.
f ^ f ^ X piwpa-ra, a. reddish yellow, tawny; f t f ^ pi-tW, m. father: du. parents: pl. f c p T f f f ^ pi-pat-i-shu, des. a. about to fall.
bleached (of hair in old age): -tva, n. golden fathers; father and his brothers, paternal re- ttpTTOtt, pi-pS.-8-at, pr. pt. des. (\/i. p§,)
colour; bleached colour (of hair in old age). lations; progenitors, Manes: -ka, - ° = p i t r i ; thirsty; - s k , f . desire to drink, thirst: -vat, a.
ft^TjST pinpara-ya, den. P. colour reddish -karman, n. rite in honour of the Manes; thirsty; -s-i-ta, des. pp. thirsty; -su, des. a.
yellow (Pr.): pp. ita, coloured tawny. -kanana, n. ancestors' grove, cemetery; wishing to drink (ac. or ; thirsty.
f q t j f a pi-pil-a. g^g puMAa. 163

fMl^^f pi-pil-a, TO. [intv. greatly squeezed fi(>j<H«4 pisuna-ya, den. P. betray, mani- tftrT i . p i - t i , pp. \/pa, drink.
in, very thin-waisted: VP^], ant: -ka,m.id. fest : pp. ita. tft<T 2. pita, a. yellow: -ti, / . yellowness ;
fqMifaeill pipH-ika, / . id.i a, m. id.: -ma- f q ' E f PISH, VII. P. (E. also A.) pi-n&-sh, yellow colour.
dbya, a. slender in the middle like an a n t : x pi-m-sb, grind, pound, bruise, destroy; tftrT^rfal pita-kosa, a. having sealed an alli-
ti,/. any metre the middle pdda of which is crush (fig. with g.): pp. pisb£a, ground; cs. ance with a drink; -vat, a. having drunk;
shorter than the preceding and following; pesbaya,P. — simple vb. i , press; touch. ud, containing the verb pa, drink; -ambara, a.
&-madhya, n. ant-waist fast (beginning with pp. bruised, crushed, nisb, bruise, grind, wearing a yellow garment; m. ep. <y" Krishna-
fifteen mouthfuls at full moon, decreasing crush; stamp; rub together; gnash (the teeth); Vishwu; ^avasesba, a. (having a residue
daily by one till new moon, and increasing cs. destroy, vi-nis, bruise, pound, crush, from what has been drunk), drunk up except-
similarly till full moon). pra, crush, vi, pelt with (in.), sam, grind, ing a small remainder.
fruity pip-pal-a, rn. sacred fig-tree, Peepal p i - t i , / . drinking (ac., g); draught.
(Ficus religiosa); k,f. N. of a river ; n. (pip-), f^TS i. pish-fi, pp. v/pis.
berry, sp. the fruit of the sacred fig-tree; t f t c J ^ T C pitu-d&ru, TO. kind of tree; n. its
sensual enjoyment: ^ada, a. eating the fruit fCRJ 2. pish-fi, pp. -s/pish; n. meal: -ka, ift^T pi-tha, m. draught of (- 0 ). [resin.
of the Peepal tree; m.pl. a school of the AV.; TO. paBtry, cake; n. meal. [vishfopa.
1,f. berry; long pepper. Mlfa*^ith-in,«.drinkmg,squandering(-°).
filSM pish/apa, m. n. various reading for
i f t T p i - n a . p p . (a/2, pi) swelling, full, round;
fqJI pf-pr-u, m. [ \/p ri], N.ofa demon van- n. pan; -pasu, m. robust, muscular; -kakudmat, a. having
quished by Indra. sacrificial animal made of flour; -maya, a. a fat hump; -ti, / . fatness ; -tva, n. id.;
(i) made of flour. [der. denseness (of darkness); -sroni-payodbara,
f q ^ pi-pl-u, rn. mole, freckle : -praMAad-
a. having swelling hips and breasts.
ana, a. concealing the mole. I M S I H ^ pish<aata-ka, n. (?) fragrant pow-
iftTET pinasa, m. cold, catarrh.
piba, pr. base of pa, drink: -vat, a. f t f ^ PIS, IV. P. pis-ya, expand.
containing a form of the verb pa, drink. i f t T r T c f e f i ^ T c ^ pinaSyata-kakudmat, a.
f q f ^ d pi-hita, pp. Vdha. having a fat and lofty hump.
f x ^ pibd [pi-p(a)d, tread upon], only pr.
pt. pibd-a-m&na, being or becoming firm or x f t l f P I Y A , P . revile, scoff.
i . P I , I V . A. piya, drink; v. pS,drink.
solid; -an&, a. firm, solid.
I pim-pal-S, / . N. of a river (per- l | | 2. PI, I. A. pay a; intv. pipi or pipaya, Ml^M pi-y-ush-a, m. n. first week's milk
haps incorrect for pippala). P. A. swell, overflow, be exuberant, abound; of a cow, biestings ; cream ; juice; nectar
tr. cause to swell, be exuberant, or overflow; (obtained at the churning of the ocean of
filtM^ pfyS.ru, a. mocking, overbearing. surfeit: pp. pina, fat, thick, robust, brawny, milk): -bhinu, m. (nectar-raved), moon;
bulky, a, A. swell; cause to swell: pp. -bbug', m. (nectar-quaffer),god; -varsba-ya,
fq^rn^r piva-la, m. [/or priyala], a tree
fipita or apina, swelling, exuberant, full, den. A . become a shower of nectar.
(.Buchanania latifolia); n. its fruit.
ud, pp. swollen. i j } ^ pilu, m. a tree (Careya arborea or Sal-
PIS, YI. pimsa, hew out, carve; £ pi£/ia, n.stool, chair,seat,bench; base, vadora per&ica); n. its fruit.
prepare; adorn; form: pr. pt. pi£-ina; pedestal; kind of temple (erected at the
pp. pisita and pisb/a, adorned; intv. pr. pt. i f f a pi'-va, a. f a t ; -van, a. (r-x) swelling,
places where the limbs of Pdrvati when hewn
p£pi#-&t, (star-)spangled, -ana, adorned with full, exuberant, fat; -vara, a. fat, large,
in pieces at Daksha's sacrifice are supposed
(in.). 4, adorn, paint. broad (shoulders); abounding with : i,
to have fallen) ; district, province; office:
/. N., -tva, n. fulness, heaviness; -vas, n.
f q * ^ pis, / . ornament. -ka, n. (?) chair, bench; -£akra, n. waggon
with a seat; -marda, m. attendant of a man fat (F.). [pearance (Br.).
pis-i, m. [dappled, fair], deer. of rank; sp. companion of the hero in import- MI^TI^M pivo-rfipa, a. having a fat ap-
ant enterprises (dr.).
f q ^ ' J pis-in-ga, a. (i) [moving brilliantly, pum-ratna, n. jewel of a m a n ; -rupa,
glittering], reddish, tawny: -gata., m. N. of t f t f ^ i T pi^ika,/. bench; pedestal. n. male form; -laksbman, n. mark of a
an ascetic (having a reddish top-knot); man, manliness; -liixga, n. mark of a man,
-ti, /., -tva, n. reddish or tawny colour : 4k P I D [pi-s(a)d, sit upon],press: only
^ pf. pipide ; cs. pidaya, P. (JE. also A.)
manliness; male gender (gr.); a. masculine
(gr.): -ta, /. masculine gender; -vat, ad.
i-ta, pp. orange-coloured; i-kri, colour red-
dish. press, squeeze; wring; give pain to, distress, like a man; as in the case of a man; like the
hurt; afflict, torment, oppress, harass; be- masculine (gr.); -vesba, a.f. wearing male
fxTCIT^ pisaafc-£ [moving brilliantly, will- siege; infringe, break, neglect: -nkila?» ka- attire.
o'-the-wisp], m. kind of demon; devil or lena, suppressing one period by another,
fiend of a - ; i , / . female imp; devil of a leaving everything to time; ps. pidya, be t p j j ^ t pums-ial-i, a. consorting with m e n ;
- , a devilish pained or afflicted, suffer; hurt (int.): pr.pt. f . whore; -iya, m. son of a whore.
incurring trouble ; pp. distressed, badly off. J J ^ pums, weak base of XJTT^ pum^ms.
f W T ^ ! pisM-a-ka,TO.(i,/.) P i s a l a : -pu- abbi, cs. harass, oppress, torment; besiege
ra, n. N.of a village; -gribita-ka, m. one (a town), a, cs. squeeze out; press; crush; pum-savana, a. causing the birth of
possessed of a demon ; -ta, /., -tva, n. con- afflict: pp. covered with (-°). ud, cs. press or a male child; n. (± vrata) domestic rite (at
dition of a Pisa&a; -pati, m. ep. of (Siva ; force up: pp. -m, ad. ardently (embrace), upa, the beginning of conception) for the obtain-
-vadana, a. having the face of a Pisa&a ; cs. press; afflict, harass, torment; lay waste;
- uraga-riksbasa, m.pl. imps, serpents, and in ent of a son.
suppress; restrain ; eclipse, ni, cs. press;
demons. embrace; afflict, torment, abbi-ni, cs. press, puras-kokila, m. male Indian
pis-itd, pp. \/pis; n. carved flesh, squeeze; torment, nis, cs. press or squeeze cuckoo: -tva, n. virility, manhood; mascu-
flesh (sts. pi.): - v a s i - m a y a , a. (i) consist- out; squeeze hard; compress, pari, cs. com- line gender (gr.).
ing of flesh and fat; ^jjwa, m. flesh-devouring press; embrace; afflict or torment grievously,
pra, cs. press; afflict, torment, harass, prati, TJHJ1J pukkasa, m., 1, / . a despised mixed
demon, Pisa&a or Rakshasa; - asana, a. flesh- caste (offspring of a Nishdda and a Sddrd).
cs.id. sam, compress,press; torment,harass;
devouring ; m. Pisaia or R&kshasa; ^isin,
take together.
a., m. id. " tJUj^T pukkasa, TO., i , / . id.
f q ^ J T pis-una, a. backbiting, detracting, -ana,«. pressing, squeezing; dis- t j ^ punkh-a,TO.feathered end of an arrow:
slanderous, calumnious (person, speech) ; tressing, tormenting ; calamity; eclipse. i-ta,pp. possessed of a feathered end (arrow);
treacherous; malignant, mischievous, insi- shot by (-°).
dious ; wicked, base, vile ; betraying, in- MI^SI pie?-a, / . pain, ache, suffering (in.—
dicative of; m. backbiter; tale-bearer, in- unwillingly); harm, disadvantage, damage; IJJ|J( pum-gava, TO. (male cow), b u l l ; hero,
former, betrayer; N.of a minister of Dush- restriction; infringement, violation; eclipse: chief among, most excellent of (- 0 ): -ketu,
yanta : -t&,/. backbiting, sycophancy; -vafc- -kara, -krit, a. harmful, hurtful; -kn'ta, m. having a bull for his emblem, cp. of /Siva.
ana, n. calumnious speech, detraction, slan- (pp.) n. infliction of hurt.
t j ' f l j pu&Ma, TO. n. tail; extreme end: -vat,
der. M^fscl pid-ita, pp.; n. damage. a. possessed of a tail; - agra, n. tip of the tail.
Y 2
164 t p - pu%a. TJXfW puram-dhri.
T ^ purapa,TO.(-°) heap, mass; quantity of. young persons: i,/. daughter; (a)-ka,TO.son, | abhasa, TO. seeming tautology (rh.); -ukti,
boy: often used as a term of endearment; /. repetition; useless repetition, tautology;
q S R l punga-ya, den. P . heap up, compress, ; N. of the reputed founder of Pdtaliputra; useless or empty word: -mat, a. tautological;
put together: pp. ita, heaped; pressed to- -kamya, /. wish for a son or children; -kri- -ukti-kri, render superfluous; -upagamana,
gether, clenched, ud, heap up. ta-ka, a. adopted as a child; -kritya,ra.duty n. return; -upasadana,ra.repeated perform-
of a son; -kritha, m. ra. procreation of chil- ance ; -up&ikarana, ra. renewal of study;
punpi-kri, heap u p ; -bhu, accumu- -upagama, TO. return,
dren; -ta,/., -tva, ra. sonship; -dara,ra.sg.
late ; become clenched. son and wife, wife and child; -nivesana, n. r
X T 7 P U T , Y I . P . pu£a, envelope or dis- son's abode; -pura,ra.N. of a town ; -pau- *J*TTR'Tpunar-gamana,ra. setting out again;
^ ^ guise in (in.) ; rub with (in.). tra,ra.sg. orTO.pl. sons and grandsons: -ka, -garbha-vat-i, a . f . again pregnant; -grah-
ra. sg.id.; -pautrin, a. having sons and grand- araa,ra.repetition; -jfanman,ra.second birth,
pu<-a, TO. n., i , / . fold, b a g ; cluster (of sons ; -priya, a. dear to or beloved by one's regeneration; -pilta,pp. born again; -dar»-
shoots), concavity, cavity; slit; m. cup formed son ; -bhaga,TO.heritage of a son; -bharada, ana,ra.seeing again; -d&ra-kriy&,/. marry-
of a leaf; covering: -ka, m. concavity; fun- ra. (?) substitute for a son; -vat, ad. like a son ing again (after the death of the first wife);
nel-shaped cavity formed of a leaf; -paka, in. or sons; as in the case of the son; (a)-vat, -bhava, a. born again;TO.re-birth; -bh&r-
baking in a leaf-case (a method of preparing a. having a son, sons, or children ; possessed ya, /. second wife, re-marriage; -bhu, a.
medicines by baking them in leaves encased of a son in the true sense of the word. being renewed; / . re-married widow.
in clay). [tuses.
punar-yuddha, ra. renewal of battle;
tJ^T^TT^T putrajlMrya, a. having one's son -l&bha, TO. re-attainment, recovery ; -lekh-
t J Z f ^ f T t pu/ak-in-i, f . lotus; group of lo-
as a teacher, learning theVeda from one's son. ana, ra. renewed writing down; -vaktavya,
TjfZefiT pu^-ika, f . funnel-shaped cavity putr-ika,/. daughter ; sp. daughter fp. to be repeated : - t k , f . abst. N. ; -vaAana,
formed of a leaf. [vessel. of a sonless father who claims her son as his ra. saying over again, repeating; -vasu, a.
i j d l ® pu£i-kri, turn into a funnel-shaped own; doll, puppet: -purva-putra,TO.son of bringing back boons; TO. du. & sg. fifth or
a daughter pre viously adopted instead of a son. seventh lunar mansion.
" J l i s O ^ i purat?£rika, re. (white) lotus flower
putr-in, a. having a son or sons, rich punas-tarSm, cpv. ad. over and
(also as an emblem of the human heart);
m. N. of the elephant of the south-eastern in or blessed with children; m. father of a son; over again.
quarter ; -rnukhi,/ kind of leech ; -jiksba, ra-i, f. mother of a son.
punaA-samskara, TO. renewed
m. Lotus-eyed, ep. of Vishrau or Krishwa. X p f t p u t r i , / . daughter (v. putra). consecration; -samgama,TO.re-union; -sam-
puradra, m. pl. N. of the people of the dhana,ra.id.; -sambhava,TO.renewal; -sa-
modernBengal andBehar; ra.sectarian mark; t p f t U putri-kri, adopt as a son; -bhu, be- ra, a. coming back ; -siddha, pp. cooked
-ka, m. pl. id.; -vardhana, n. N.of a town; come a son. [a son. twice.
-_ikshu, m. sugar-cane. I p f f c l putr-iya, a. relating to or procuring pum-napumsaka, ra. masculine and
pura-ya, a. auspicious, propitious, lucky, neuter; -naga,TO. a tree(Bottleria tinctoria);
XJ^tsHyX putraeshara£,/. desire for a son or
favourable; beautiful, agreeable ; fragrant; elephant among men, pre-eminent man ; (n)-
good, virtuous, righteous, meritorious ; pure, sons.
_ A naman, a. bearing the name of 'pud' (hell).
purifying, holy; n. the good, virtue; good TO P U T H , cs. pothaya, P . (A.) bruise,
work; moral or religious merit: -kartri, TO. x crush ; overpower, drown (sound). tJTTT^pum&ms (strg. base; wk. base, pumg;
righteous man; -karman, n. virtuous action; middle base, pum), TO. man, male; human
a. righteous, virtuous; -krit, a. acting piously, TJ^ pud, h e l l : a word invented to explain being; servant; supreme (para or parama)
virtuous; -gandha, -gandhi: -n, a. of plea- putra (pud-tra). soul; masculine (gr). [sacrifice.
sant smell, fragrant; -geba,ra.abode of virtue;
yfl pudgala, a. beautiful;TO.b o d y ; mate- tJTPJ puTO-pasu, TO. human victim, human
-pana, m. pl. good people, designation of cer-
tain genii (V. (E.) = theYakshas(C.P.) : - j s - rial object (including atoms); the ego, soul;
individual. ipTTW puTO-bhava, w. manhood, male s e x ;
vara, m. ep. of Kubera; -pala, a. having -bhuman, m. masculine plural.
pure water; -tari-kri, make purer or holier; ^•T'MTqi punaA-paka,TO.repeated cooking;
-ta, f. purity, holiness; -tirtha, ra. sacred repeated burning (of earthenware); -pratyu- ^ i . ptir,/. fulness (only in. pl.).
place of pilgrimage (esp. along the course of pakara, TO. retribution; -prepsa,/ desire
sacred streams); a. possessed of sacred bath- tJX 2. p u r , / , (nm. puA) stronghold, citadel;
to regain. fortified c i t y ; town.
ing-places ; -tva, n. purity, holiness; -dars-
ana, a. of handsome appearance, beautiful; *J*TX pdnar, ad. back, home; again, anew; TJX pur-a, n. castle, fortified city; town;
-papa,ra.pl. good and bad deeds; -puraya- any more or longer, still, yet; further, more- = Tri-pura, the three citadelB of the Asuras:
t a , f . supreme holiness ; -prada, a. meritori- over, besides ; on the contrary, on the other i , /. id.
ous ; -phala, n. fruit or reward of good works; hand, b u t : with i, gam, gk, go back, go
-bharita, pp. abounding in bliss; -bhap, away again ; with da, give back, restore; re- pura(A)-ushraih, / . a metre (12
-bhapin, a. happy, blessed; -yoga, m. con- quite ; ivith bhu, turn round; be renewed; + 8 + 8 syllables) ; -etri, TO. one who goes
sequence of virtuous actions (done in a former re-marry (of a woman); punah punaA or before, leader, guide.
life); -vat, a. righteous, virtuous, meritori- simply punaA, again and again, repeatedly; puraA-paka, a. whose fulfilment is
ous ; lucky, fortunate, happy: with ab. = na punaA punaA, nevermore; adau - punaA -
happier than ; -varman,TO.N. of a prince; imminent; -prahartri,TO.champion; -pha-
pasAat, at first — then - later; punar apa-
-sila, a. righteous, virtuous; -srika, a. happy; la, a. prognosticating fruits.
ram, besides; atha va punaA, api va pu-
-sloka, a. of good repute; TO. ep. of Nala, naA, or va punaA at the end of a verse = pura-ko^a, ra. citadel: -p4la, m.
Yudhish<Aira, and Krishraa: -didriksha, f . va; kada punaA, at any time, ever; kim commandant of a - ; -pana, TO. sg. the citi-
desire to see Nala, -parahmukha, a. averse to punaA, how much more or less; however; zens; -pit,TO.conqueror of citadels or of Pura,
Nala; -sena,TO. N.; -sthana,ra. sacred place. but; punaA-punaA, now-now. ep. of Siva, (cp. tri-pura).
punar-apagama, TO. going away tJ^RTpura-m-paya,m.conqueror of cities, N.
purayajitman, a. righteous, virtu- again; -abhidhana, ra. repeated mention;
ous ; ^asaya, a. pious, guileless; --aha, re. -abhyakaram, abs. by repeatedly attract- t j ^ c l f ^ pura-tas, ad. forward; before (also
good or happy day; wishing any one a good ing ; -agata, pp. returned; -agama, rn. re- of time), in front or in presence of (g. or -°);
day: -vaAana,ra.wishing good day, paying turn : -agamana, ra. coming back, return; previously: - kri, place in front; honour.
one's respects to (p.); ^eka-karman, a. doing re-birth; -adayam, abs. repeatedly ; -adha-
virtuous actions exclusively; -jidaya, TO.rise na, ra. renewed kindling of the sacred fire; g X ^ n X P u r a _ d v a r a , n. city gate.
of fortune in consequence of antecedent good -adh6ya,/p. to be kindled again (sacred"fire);
works. g t ^ X pura-m-dard,TO.destroyer of strong-
-avartin, a. returning to terrestrial existence; holds, ep. of Indra, Agni, and Siva: (a)-pu-
^ put, v. ^ pud. leading to a return of earthly existence; -a- raatithi,TO.guest in Indra's city— deceased;
vn'tta, pp. repeated; -avritti, f. return, re- -puri,/. N.of a town.
y P n c ^ T putt-ika, / . [ P r . / o r putr-ika, little appearance ; renewed birth.
daughter], doll; white ant. TJXf^t ptiram-dhi, a. spirited; / . sg. and pl.
punar-ukta, pp. said over again,
high spirit, enthusiasm, exaltation.
TJ^putr£,TO.son, child; young of an animal, repeated; superfluous, useless: -m or ad.
whelp : du. two sons or son and daughter; repeatedly; ra. repetition, tautology : -ta,/., t J X f y purarai-dhri, -dhri, / . (respect-
vc. (sg., du., pl.) often used in addressing -tva, ra. repetition, tautology; -ukta-vad- able) matron; woman.
pura-mathana. g f t f f f l puro-hita. 165

tJ^?WTpura-mathana, m. crusher of Pura, constable; - j i r a t i , m. foe of Pura, ep. of action of man, human effort: -m, ad. for
ep. of .Siva; -m&rga, TO. street; -raksha, $iva; ^ari, m. id. man ; for the sake of the soul; ^avatara, m.
-rakshin, TO. town watchman, policeman ; human incarnation.
^ i f q ^ pura-vid, a. knowing the past,
-v&sin, ra. citizen ; -sasana, m. chastiser of purush-i, (V.)f. female, woman.
versed in ancient lore; -vn'tta, pp. having
I'ura, ep. of Siva.
happened in the olden time, long past, ancient; *J^M^^purushi-bhfl, become a man.
y ^ ^ ^ljl puras-Mrana, a. preparatory to n. event of the past: -katha, /. story or le-
(~°); 11. preparatory rite: - t i , / . preparation. gend of the olden time; ^akhyana-katha- t p ^ q t r T T purushauttama, TO. best of men;
g T ^ H p u r a A - s u k r a m , ad. as if the planet nam, n. telling of old legends. excellent servant; highest person, supreme
Venus were in front. pur-i, / . citadel, city, town. soul, ep. of Vishnu or Krishna; N.; -japa-
hara, TO. human sacrifice.
g ^ ^ p u r - i s , ad, forward; before, in front, TpftfT?^ to.
Puri-tit, n. pericardium or en-
puru-hani, f . great loss ; -huta,
in the van; in one's presence; in or towards trail near the heart; entrails.
the east; previously, first, first of a l l ; prp. pp. much-invoked;TO.ep. of Indra.
before, in front or presence of (ac., ab.,g., -°); t j ^ f a piir-isha, n.(a.-°,f. 1) [fillings, heaps: I ^ T H purfrA-i, a.f. (of *puruanA:, extend-
before (g. of time); puras-kri, place in 1, pri], crumbling earth (opp. fluids), land,
ing in many directions), abundant, ample;
front or at the head,cause to precede; honour; earth (F.); rubbish, rubble (F.); dirt, excre-
long (years).
appoint for (lc.); make the chief thing ; re- ment (.Sr., 8.; C.) ; -^adhana, n. rectum,
gard ; prefer, choose; display: pp. puras- strait-gut; -^utsarga,TO.discharge of excre- i j ^ ^ e l ^ purti-ravas, a. crying much or
krtta, placed in front, advanced to the fore- ment. loud;TO.N. of the lover of Urvasi; -vasu, a.
most rank, honoured; accompanied,attended, XJ^TZf purish-ya, a. being in the earth (ep. possessing many goods, abounding in wealth.
or distinguished by, possessed of, occupied
of fire); rich in land; excremental. <4 0 * 1 P u r o - g a , a. going before, preceding;
with (- 0 ): -m, ad. amid, with (-°); gd. pu-
raskritya, often = regarding, on account of, t j ^ p u r - u , [ \ / i . pri,fill] a. (v-i) much, abun- chief, best;TO.leader: a. having - at the
about; pnro dh&, place before or at the head; dant : ad. (u or u) much, often, very (with head, led by, following or accompanying ; at-
esteem, honour ; consider ; appoint to (d.), tir^s, far away, from afar): C. only ; m. tended, filled, or inspired with ; -gata, pp.
make one's priest (A.); puraA sthita, im- standing or placed before or in front; -gama,
JY. of an ancient prince, son of 1l ay ati.
pending, imminent. a. going before, preceding; chief, best; rn.
H^^f P u r n - k s h i i , a. rich in f o o d ; -git, TO. leader : a. having - as leader, following;
y^^JtxW puras-kartavya,/p. to be placed N.; -tama, spv. ever-recurring ; -tra, (F.) accompanied by; -gava, m. (fore-bull),leader:
in front, to be honoured or respected ; -kara, ad. in many ways, places, or directions ; fre- 1, f . leader; -ga, m. leader; -<yanma-ta, /.
m. preference; deference; accompaniment: quently ; -dha (only before two consonants) priority of birth ; -^anman, a. born before;
a. = accompanied by; -k&rya,fp. to be en- or -dha, ad. in many ways; frequently; -vJra, -gyotis, a. having a light before, preceded
trusted with or commissioned to (lc. or inf.); a. rich or abounding in men (RV.). by radiance.
-kriyfi,, /. deference, honour. tj^if puru-sha,,m.(metrically oftenlenythened q O ^ S I *^puro-das,TO.(fore-homage: 1/das)
tJ^TjfTc^ puras-tat, ad, forward; before, in to p(i-), man; human being (pi. people; man- sacrificial cake of rice-meal (usually offered
front, in one's presence; in or from the east; kind) ; person (with danda, TO. punishment in pieces in one or more dishes); -d&a, m.
above or below (in a book); in the beginning, personified); attendant; functionary ; per- (the more usual form of the above), id,; of-
at first; previously, formerly; prp. with ac., sonal and animating principle, soul; highest fering of (g.) : -bhu<y, m. eater of the sacri-
ab., g., or before (of time or place). personal principle, universal soul, Supreme ficial cake, god, -svish^akrit, m. the Svishfa-
Spirit (sts. with para, parama, or uttama); krit connected with the sacrificial cake.
^ ^ I l t e l purastat-tna, a. preceding. primaeval male from whom the universe was
evolved ( + narayawa) ; member of a race, X J ^ t r W purauttama, n. best of cities;
HJ^sn^pSfi^f purast&d-apakarsha, m. an- - u t s a v a , m. festival celebrated in the city;
ticipation (gr.); -brihati, /. a metre (a bri- generation ; person (in grammar: prathama
-, = our third person ; uttama - , = our first). • j d y & n a , n. city pleasure-grounds or park,
hati the first pada of which has twelve syl- public garden.
g^MSfi purusha-ka, n. vertical position,
pmaA-sara, a. (i) preceding; m. TJ^r^TCH. puro-dha-s, TO. (one placed at the
rearing (in horses); -kara,TO.human effort
forerunner; attendant; a. preceded, at- head: -v/dha), appointed priest, domestic
(opp. fate); manly act, heroism; haughtiness,
tended, or accompanied b y : -m, ad. amid, chaplain of a prince; -dha,/. office of Puro-
pride : e-na hina, destitute of human effort
with, by means of, after (-°). hita or domestic priest; -dhatri, a. appoint-
to save it (animal); -gha, a. f. having killed
ing the Purohita; -dh-ika, /. (preferred),
her husband ; -MAandasa, n. metre appro-
tJ^T purd(, (in.) ad. once upon a time, for- favourite. [in going out.
priate to man (the dvipada); -gnkua, n. know-
merly ; in aprevious existence(wifA na,never);
ledge of men ; -tantra, a. dependent on the gX/tf^T'tJ <,<!! puro-niAsarana, n. precedence
in the olden time, in days of yore ; at first;
subject, subjective ; (a)-ta,/. manhood: in.
+ sma, with pr. (to be translated by pf.)
(id.) after the manner of men; -tra, ad. q f U g T r a S I T puro-(a)nuvakya, / . intro-
hitherto, long, from of old: with na, never ductory or invocatory verse (to be recited
among people; -tva, n. manhood; -datta, m.
yet (to be translated by pf); with pr. =ft. before the havis).
W.; -dravya-sarapad, f . abundance of men
soon, shortly ; prp. with ab. before (time);
and material; -pasu, m. man as a sacrificial
in protection or safety from; without; cj. t p C t T R I puro-bhSga, TO. front part; for-
victim ; beast of a man ; -man-in, a. think-
mthpr. before. wardness, obtrusiveness; disfavour: -mmxdc,
ing himself a hero; (-i)-tva, n. abst, N. ; -me-
tJXTOWT pur&-katha, f . tale of the olden abandon one's forwardness = retire discom-
dha,TO.human sacrifice; -rishabha,TO.bull
time; -kalpa, m. bygone age: lc. sg. &pl. in fited ; (mama) e, before (me); -bbagin,
among men, eminent man; -rupa, n. human
olden times; -krita, pp. formerly done; n. a. obtrusive, forward ; grudging, censorious ;
form: -ka, a. having a human form ; -vya-
former deed; -ga, a. born in the olden time, -bhavin,a. impending, imminent; -m&ruta,
ghra, TO. man-tiger ; tiger among men, pre-
ancient, primaeval. TO. east wind ; -mukha, a. having the aper-
eminent man; -sardula, TO. tiger of men,
ture turned frontways or eastward.
pura-wi, a. (i) belonging to the olden chief of men; -sirshaka, n. (?) (man-headed),
time, primaeval, ancient, old; withered (leaf); kind, of burglar's implement; -siTOha, m. y O puro-rathi, a. whose car is in front
n. things of the olden time; tale of past ages, lion among men, pre-eminent man; -sukta, of others; surpassing others, pre-eminent;
ancient legend; Purana, N. of eighteen legen- n. the Purusha-hymn (R V. X , 90) describing -ruX-, a. shining before; / . kind of Nivid
dary works treating chiefly of cosmogony the primaeval soul. verse to be recited before the hymn (stikta)
and divine genealogy; m. a coin of a certain ij tj. m cffl"^ pu 1 ushajikar a,«.having a human or its parts at the morning sacrifice during
weight (a measure of silver equal to eighty form; ^akriti, f . figure of a man; -ada, a. the recitation of the Agya and Prauga;
cowries). (1) man-devouring;TO.man-eater, Rakshasa: -vartin, a. being before any one's eyes; for-
-ka, a., m. id.; ^anrita, 11. falsehood respect- ward, obtrusive; -vata, m. wind from the
purS-tana, a. (1) belonging to the front, east wind (which brings rain); -vada,
olden time, bygone, former, ancient, old: ing a human being; ^antara, n. another ( =
following) generation; TO. (SC. saradhi) proxy- m. previous mention ; -vritta, pp. being in
lc. formerly, in olden times, in bygone ages; front, preceding.
m. pi. the ancients. ship, a kind of treaty settled by a duel be-
tween warriorsrepres&nt&tiveof both parties: I J C t f f t T puro-hita, pp. set before or in
JJ^lfam puraadhipa,ra. governor of a city, -m, ad. through an intermediary, indirectly; charge, appointed (esp. to priestly functions);
head constable; -jidhyaksha, rn. command- ^ayusha, n. full period of human life; - ar- ?n. commissioned person,agent; sp. appointed
ant of a castle, governor of a city, chief tba, TO. human object, aim of existence; priest, domestic chaplain of a prince: -tva,
166 ij^fe puryashfa.

n. office of a Purohita; (6)«hiti,/. priestly lotuses; ^aksha, a. lotus-eyed; m. N.; ^a- flowers), K a m a ; -silimukha, m. (flower-
service. vartaka, to. pl. kind of cloud producing arrowed), id.; -sekhara, m. garland of
dearth; ^ahva, m. Indian crane (Ardea sibi- flowers; -sayaka, m. (flower-arrowed), Ka-
I J ^ S purijishJa, n. the eight component rica). ma; -hasa,m. (laughing with flowers),flower-
parts of the body: -ka, n. id. garden.
pushkar-ika, / . N.
pula-ka, m. an esculent plant: pl. erec-
T J t c f f f ^ p u s h k a r -in, a. abounding in blue '3Tarp=fiT p u s h p a a k a r a , a. abounding in
tion of the hairs of the body (symptomatic
lotuses; to. elephant; (-ira)-i, f . pool with flowers : with masa, m. spring; -&gama, m.
of exquisite delight). (arrival of the flowers), spring; -Jigra, n.
lotuses; pond.
pulaka-ya, den. P . feel an erection pistil.
of the hairs of the body (caused by pleasure): pushkaraikshana, a. lotus-eyed. l^pushpanan&da.TO. N.ofavillage.
pp. ita, having the hairs of the body erect y*su<s( push-kala, a. plenteous, a b u n d a n t ;
(symptomatic of exquisite delight), feeling a y ^ M l * ? ^ pushpajlmoda, ra. fragrance of
much, numerous; rich, excellent; loud, reso-
thrill of joy. flowers; - ayudha, m. (having flowers for
nant ; m. kind of drum; N. of a son of
weapons),Kama; - j r a m a , m. flower-garden;
^eft) p u l a k i - k n , cause an erection of the Bharata; n. bowl of a spoon; a certain mea-
•jisava, m. decoction of flowers; ^&s&ra, m.
hairs of the body. [head smooth. sure of capacity: -ka,TO.musk-deer.
rain of flowers.
TJ*«rf*Sf pulas-ti, a. wearing the hair of the i p ^ r r a c T pushkalavata, m. inhabitant of IjfHTfT pushp-ita, pp. flowering, blossom-
Pushkalavati; n. N. of the residence of Push- ing, blooming, flowery; having flower-like
TJ^rcjSf pulas-tya, m. N. of an ancient RisAi, kala, son of Bharata: 1, /. N. of a town. marks, spotted; in full bloom (fig.); flowery
mentioned as one of the spiritual sons of (talk = empty words); provided with (in. or
pushkalaSvartaka, TO. pl. =
Brahman, as one of the Pragdpatis, and as -°): -palasa-pratima, a. resembling a flower-
one of the seven Rishis; N. of a star. pushkara^.
ing Palatfa tree (i. e. covered with red spots).
TJtSf^ pula-ha, TO. JV. of an ancient RisAi, pushkaletra, m. N. of a village. q f t q ^ pushp-fn, a. bearing flowers, blos-
mentioned as one of the spiritual sons of
pushkasa, TO. incorr.for pulkasa. soming; flowery (speech); menstruating.
Brahman, as one of the Pragdpatis, and as
one of the seven RiiAis; N. of a star. t J S push-fa, pp. V p u s h ; n. (V.) property, p u s h p a j s h u , m. (flower-arrowed),
abundance, wealth (esp. in children or K^,ma.
tJ^TRR pulaka, m. hind of cereal j blighted cattle). [lusty.
grain. p u s h p a u d b h a v a , m. N.
t p n ^ p push/aahga, a. fat-limbed, well-fed,
pul-ina, n. alluvial formation in a ^TZf pushp-ya, den. P . flower, blossom:
tft piish-ri (or -ti: RV.),f. thriving, in- pp. pushpita.
river, low sandbank, small island: -dvipa-
crease ; development; plenty, abundance,
sobhita, pp. adorned with sandbanks and 1. piish-ya, n. nourishment; flower ( =
prosperity, wealth (sts. pl.); nurture, rear-
islands; -pradesa, m. sandbank. uppermost or best of anything); 2. (-ya) m.
ing (of cattle etc.).
^ f ^ n ^ puhnda, m. pl. N. of a barbarous the sixth lunar asterism ( = the earlier term
tribe (later identified with the Bhillas and t j f S W C pushfi-kara, a. producing growth Tishya); day on which the moon is in the
or prosperity, nourishing; -karna, a. desirous asterism Pushya, Pushya-day; the month
Sabaras); sg. man of this tribe; prince of the
of prosperity or wealth; -da, a. conferring Pausha (December-January); N. of various
Pulindas : -ka, m. id.; N. of a prince of the
prosperity etc.; (l)-pati, m. lord of wealth; princes: -ratha, m, the asterism Pushya as
Pulindas, Sabaras, and (Bhillas.
-mat, a. abundant, thriving, prosperous, a car.
g ^ T T W T puloma-f/a, f . pat. of Indrarai. wealthy; -vardhana, a. increasingprosperity.
push-y^s-e, d. inf. of %/push.
-man, m. N. of a demon, father- XJHJ push-pa, n. flower, blossom a.f. 4,
after names of plants generally i ) ; flowers = g^T pusta, n.(}) working in clay, modelling:
in-law of Indra, by whom he was slain.
menses; flowery speeches, gallantry, declara- -ka, m. n. boss ; manuscript, book; booklet:
T J ^ t T T f X pulomaari, TO. foe of Puloman, tion of love; m. topaz. -kara, m. embosser, ^astararca, n. wrapper
ep. of Indra. [caste. tpXfoR pushpa-ka, (m.) n. K u b e r a ' s c a r : of a manuscript. [modelled.
pulkasa, TO. a certain despised mixed -vimana, n. id.; -karanda, n. flower-basket: q W i l pusta-maya, a. wrought in clay,
-jidyana, n. N. of a pleasure-garden near
P U S H , I V . P . pushya (tr., int.), I X . Uggayini; -kala, m. flower-time, spring; y f ^ l ^ i T pust-ikS, / . manuscript, book.
v P. pushna (tr., C. only: less common), time of menstruation; -granthana, n. weav-
thrive, flourish, prosper; cause to thrive, n p f r , I . A . pava (V.), I X . P . A . pnn^,
ing of a wreath of flowers; -Aapa, m. bow of
nourish, cherish, bring up; support, main- flowers, Kama's bow; m. (having a bow puni, cleanse, clarify, purify; make pure,
tain ; augment; further; render more glori- of flowers), Kama; -danta, to. Flower-tooth, expiate; sift, distinguish ( V . ) ; devise, com-
ous ; fulfil (a wish); feel an increase of (ac.), N. of an attendant of S i m ; n. N. of a pose (F.); make clear, enlighten (the mind:
increase in, acquire in abundance; obtain, temple; -daman, n. garland of flowers; -dha, V.); A. also purify oneself, flow clear (water
gain (e. g. a friend); possess, have, enjoy; m. (Vdha) son of an outcast Brahman; or Soma); atone; move or blow (int.) in a
develope, unfold, display: pp. pushia, -dhanus or -dhanvan, to. (having a bow of purifying manner; blow (wind); blow through
nourished; well-fed, strong; thriving; abun- flowers), K&ma; -nyasa, m. offering of so as to purify (ac.): pr. pt. pavam&na,
dant, eminent (prosperity); rich in, blessed flowers ; -pa£a, m. flowery cloth; -pattrin, purifying itself, flowing through the strainer
with (in.); cs. posh aya, rear, nourish, cher- a. having flowers for arrows; -pnra, n., (Soma); ps. puyate, be washed away (sin),
ish, feed; cause to be fed or reared by (in.). -puri, f . Flower-city, ep. of Paialiputra; be purified from sin (ab.): pp.put&, cleansed,
nd, I X . P. feed up, fatten; I V . P. swell, -phala, n. flowers and fruits; -bali, m. of- purified, pure; threshed, winnowed; cs. p&-
pari,pp. cherished; abounding in (in. or fering of flowers; -barea, m. (flower-arrowed), vaya, P. purify; des. pupusha, P. wish to
augmented; cs. cause to be cherished; cher- K&ma; -bhanga, m. festoon of flowers; -bhu- purify, a, A . flow purified to (ac() or into
ish. pra, nourish, support, vi, pp. ill-fed, ti, m. N. of a prince; -maya, a. (i) formed (Ic.); cause anything (ac.) to flow to any one
starved, sam, I X . P. increase. or consisting of flowers; -matham, abs. with (d.). ud, cleanse out, purify, nis, winnow;
Tpi push ( - 0 ) , a. nourishing, causing to V'math, crush like a flower; -mala,/, gar- purify, pari, strain, purify : pp. completely
land of flowers; -mitra, m.N.of two princes; purified; husked (grain), sam, cleanse,
thrive ; acquiring; displaying. purify.
-megha, m. cloud raining flowers; -meghi-
push-kara, n. blue lotus flower; bowl kri, turn into a cloud raining flowers; -rak-
TJJf puga, m. society, corporation; multi-
of a spoon; skin of a drum; tip of an ele- ta, a. red like the flower of (~°); -ratha, m.
tude. quantity; betel-palm (Areca Catechu);
phant's trunk; water; air, s k y ; JV. of a pleasure-car; -r&ga, to. (flower-hued), topaz;
n. betel-nut: -yagrwa, m. sacrifice offered for
celebrated place of pilgrimage (sts. pl., three - l a v i , f . flower-picker, weaver of garlands,
places of this name being spoken of); N. of a corporation. [betel-palm.
flower-seller; -vat, 1. ad. like a flower; 2.
one of the Dvipas or terrestrial islands; m. a. flowering, adorned with flowers: -i, f. ^ r t e f ptigi-phala, n. betel-nut; -lata,/.
the Indian crane (Ardea sibirica); kind of menstruating; -vartman, m. hidden name
cloud occasioning dearth (pl.); N., esp. of o/Drupada; -varsha, m. N. ofa mountain; U ^ f P U G , only cs. P . pugaya, treat with
Nala's brother: -pattra, n. petal of the blue N respect or reverence, honour, receive
n. rain of flowers; -vaftka or -vad,/. flower-
lotus: -netra, a. having eyes like a lotus- garden; -vrishti, f . rain of flowers; -vera, hospitably; honour ( = present) with (in.);
petal ; -bipa, n. lotus seed; - s r a g , f . garland f. garland of flowers; -sayya, f . couch of pay regard to: pp. pupita, honoured, rever-
of blue lotuses; a. wearing a garland of blue flowers; -sarasana, m. (having a bow of enced,by (in.); received respectfully; revered
goiqi pu^-aka. purva-dakshiwa. 167

by or on account of (-°); esteemed, approved, balls for completing the sacrifice to the pQr-tf, f . filling, completion ; fulfil-
acknowledged, recommended; frequented by Manes; -ana, a. (i) filling; fulfilling, satis- ment; reward.
initiated; provided with abbi, fying; producing; m. filler-up or completer
cit. receive or greet with reverence; honour of a number, masculine ordinal number (from XjfjT^T ptir-bhid, a. destroying citadels:
or present with (in,); do honour to; belaud, dvitiya onwards); n. act of filling or filling -bbidya, n. destruction of citadels.
pari, cs. do high honour to, honour greatly, up; complete drawing of a bow; fulfilling,
pra, cs. show honour to, hold in honour, satisfying; equipping: -pratyaya,TO.suffix T^f pflr-va, a. being in front, f o r e ; front-
praise; respectfully present with (in.), pra- forming- ordinal nouns (gr.); -aniya, fp. to ing, eastern; being to the east of (ab.); pre-
ti, do honour in return, greet reverently, be filled in or supplied; to be fulfilled or * ceding ; former, earlier; prior to (ab. or -°);
honour duly; respectfully present with (in.); satisfied; -ayitavya, fp. to be filled up or ancient, traditional, of the olden time; first
receive with approval, sam, cs. greet rever- completed; to be satisfied; -ayitn", m. filler, (in succession); lowest (fine); previously or
ently ; show honour to; respectfully present of (jr.); fulfiller, satisfier. first mentioned or named; very commonly
with (in.); praise. after a pp. — previously or before (e.g. drish-
tJX^J pfir-aya, cs. of V1. pri, fill. £a-pHrva, seen before); e vayasi, in youth;
p%-aka, a. (ika) honouring, rever- —0 a. having as the preceding thing = preceded
encing, worshipping (g. or -°); -ana, n. tjfT^fiT p f i r - i k a , / . kind o / c a k e ; -in, a. (-0) or accompanied by, based on, with: -m, ad.
honouring, worshipping, hospitable reception filling; fulfilling. before, beforehand, previously, already; first;
of (g. or -°); -aniya, fp. to be worshipped formerly, long ago (sts. with pr.); (also
or honoured, by (g.); deemed worthy of re- TJ^ pur-11, m. man ; N. of a tribe; N. of a
purvena), in accordance with, amid, after,
spect, worship, or honour; -ayitavya, fp. prince, son of Yaydti; N. of the author of
with (or when the privative negation pre-
id.; -ajritri, m. worshipper. a Vedic hymn.
cedes without); m. pi. the ancients, fore-
y ^ M puru-sha, m. metrical = puru-sha. fathers, ancestors; sg. elder brother; n. fore
1JWT pfi<?-a, /• honour, respect; homage,
part; a,/. east.
worship, adoration; hospitable reception (-°
after tie object of the honour or that with ^ O f M ^ pfirautpida, m. sudden rise in
pfirva-ka, a. ( i k i ) prior, preceding,
which it is shown): -kara, a. doing or show- the volume of water.
previous; first; —0 a. accompanied or pre-
ing honour or homage to (-°); -griha, ra. p & r - r a a , p p . ( V l . pri)filled, f u l l : -kama, ceded by, based on, consisting above all things
house of worship, temple; ^arha, a. worthy a. whose wishes are fulfilled; -kumbba, m, in : -m, ad. after, with, amid, in accordance
of honour or distinction; -vidbi, in. showing pitcher full of water (also with apam); m, n. with (-°); m. forefather, ancestor; -karman,
of honour (Pr.). breach of a particular form; a. having a full n. former or previous action; preparation;
IjfinT p%-ita, pp. honoured, treated with pitcher; -Sandra, m. full moon : -nibba, a. -kalpa,TO. previous manner,precedent; olden
resembling the full moon, -prabba, f . lustre time (only lc. sg. & pi.); -KAYA,TO.fore part
marks of distinction.
of the full moon ; -ta, f . fulness; plenty; of the body (of animals), upper part of the
p%Supakarawa, n. requisite -tva, n. id.; being full of (-°); -patra, m., body (of men); -karin, a. acting first; -k&r-
for doing honour (Pr.). i , f . full vessel, vessel-full: also as a measure ya, fp. to be done first; -kila, a. belonging
of capacity; n. present (such as clothes) to a previous time; previously mentioned:
yaq p%-ya, fp. to be honoured or wor- given to the bringer of good news: (a)-pra- - t a , / . priority of time; -kalika, a. belong-
shipped ; venerable, adorable; fit for or de- tibbafa., a. vying with a full vessel = over- ing to a former time; -kalina, a. prior in
serving of worship, adoration, etc. (with in., flowing, supreme (glory), -maya, a. (i) con- time; -krita, pp. formerly done, performed
g.,or -°): -tama, spv. most worthy of honour; sisting of a full vessel or of the measure called in a previous life; n. former act, act com-
-ti,/., -tva, n. venerableness. pftrraa-patra, amounting to so much or only mitted in a previous life; -kramaagata,pp.
^ p f i t , sound imitative of blowing. concerned therewith (speech); -bbadra, TO. handed down from one's ancestors; -kriya,
N. of » snake-demon; -mandala, n. full /. preparation.
^rT^ST pftti-daksha, a. of pure disposition; circle; -manasa, a. whose heart is satisfied;
-dhanya, a. containing purified grain. (i)-mis, m. full moon; -masa, m. full moon i j e f j l pfirva-ga, a . g o i n g before, preceding;
and full-moon sacrifice : i , f . day or night of -ganga, / . the eastern Ganges, ep. of the
t j t f f i pfitana, m. kind of demon, s p e c t r e :
full moon; -mukba, n. full mouth: in. (blow) N armada or Rev a ; -gata, pp. gone before.
&,/. N.of a female demon causing a certain with full cheeks; m. (full-faced), N. of a
disease in children, and killed by Krishna; snake-demon; -mushfr, m.f. handful; -yau- ^ f a l r i ptirva-Aitti,/. presentiment, fore-
i-kA,,/, id. vana, a. being in the full bloom of youth; taste : only d. = at the first notice, forthwith;
TJrfJJt^ pflta-bhr/t, m. kind of Soma-vessel -ratba, in. (having a complete chariot), pre- (predilection), A7, of an Apsaras; -Hntana,
receiving the clear juice; -murti, a. having eminent warrior; -laksbmi-ka, a. having n, former cares or troubles ; -£odita, pp. be-
their form cleansed, become pure, purified. abundant splendour or wealth; -vapus, a. fore-mentioned, previously prescribed: -tva,
full-orbed (moon); -sri, a. having abundant M. abst. n.
1jf?T i . p u - t i , / . purification, purity ; 2. a. riches.
stinking, putrid; TO. pus, matter: -ka, a. ^Nr pQrva-^i, a. born or produced before
putrid, stinking; -gandba, m. stench, foul others, former, ancient; first-born, elder,
^ u h ^ i R l pGrnaangrali, 1n. two h a n d f u l s ; eldest (son, brother, sister); prior to (-°);
smell; -n&sika, a. having a stinking nose;
-Jitman, m. probably incorrect for pranat- TO. forefather, ancestor; eldest son; elder or
-bb&va,TO.putrefaction; -mrittika, m. (hav-
man; -ananda, m. perfect j o y ; ^apurna, eldest son; -ganma-krita, pp. done, wrought,
ing stinking earth), N. of a hell; -vaktra,
pp. sometimes full, sometimes short (measure); or performed in a former birth or previous
a. having a stinking (mouth = ) breath: -ta,
-ayata, (pp.) n. bow fully drawn; ^_artba, state of existence; -^>anma-yoga,TO.: in. by
f . condition of having stinking breath.
a. having one's object attained or one's wish means or in consequence of a former exist-
pfttianrfa, m. (having stinking eggs), fulfilled; -Jibuti,/, full offering, offering of a ence ; -granman, 1. n. former birth, previous
kiwi of winged stinking insect. full ladle. state of existence ; 2.TO.(having prior birth),
tjtf pftpa, rn. cake: -sala, / . bakehouse. pftrn-i-ma, f . day or n i g h t of full elder brother; -{/ati, /. former birth, previ-
moon : -dina, n. day of full moon, -ratri, /., ous state of existence; -gnkna, n. knowledge
P U Y A , I. P. puya, putrefy, stink. 4, -sarvari,/. night of full moon. of a previous existence.
become stinking. i j e J d ^ purva-tara, cpv. long p a s t ; also =
purni-kri, m a k e f u l l or complete.
JJ^T pQya, m. n. pus, purulent matter. pdrva: -m, ad. long beforehand; -tas, ad.
^ i f j T ^ pflrnaj&Ma, a. whose wish has been before, in front; towards or in the east;
^iJJfH pH-yd-mSna,^*.^. of Vpft. first; -taskaxa, TO. former thief, reformed
fulfilled; ^Jjidu,TO.full moon: -vadana, a.
thief; -ta,/. condition of being accompanied
^ pftr-a, a. filling ; satisfying; rn. filling; having a face like the full moon.
by ; -tra = lc. (of p&rva),e.g. -^anmani,
satisfying; swelling of a river or of the
lM*tf ptirraaupamS, f . complete simile in a previous existence, - dine, on the pre-
ocean; volume of water, flood, stream (often
(containing all the four requisites: opp. lup- ceding day; ad. in what precedes; -tva, n.
with words denoting water or other fl uid);
topama). precedence; priority; previous condition.
superabundance, high degree of (- 0 ); cake;
slow inhalation of breath through the nose ^ pfrr-t£, pp. ( \ A . pri) filled; b e s t o w e d ; ^ T ptirva-tha, ad. formerly, immemori-
(an axeetic practice); -aka, a. filling, - up, fulfilled; n. fulfilment; reward; merit; ally;
j j as *formerly;
— j first, previously.j•
completing (g. or -°); fulfilling, satisfying; charitable work.
m. stream, effusion; multiplier; slow inspira- y ^ ^ P ^ U J ptirva-dakshina, a. south-eastern;
tion of breath through the nose (an ascetic pftrta-ya, den. P . with dbarmam, per- -datta, pp. previously given or presented;
practice); citron-tree : -pinda, m. pi. flour- form charitable works. -dis, / . eastern quarter, east; -disb^a, pp.
168 gjftMId purva-nipata.
determined by previous actions; -dikshin, occurrence, event of old; former behaviour; pfishare-v£t, a. accompanied by
a. taking the first consecration (of two or -vairin, a. commencing hostilities first. Pftshan.
more who sacrifice at the same time and
place); -dugdha, pp. previously (milked = ) l|c|u|*!( purva-saila, TO. eastern or sunrise push-Sn, m. N.of a Vedic deity, keeper
drained or plundered; -d.rish.ta, pp. seen mountain. of flocks andherds and bringer of prosperity;
before; formerly seen, ancient; looked upon pfirva-saTO&ita, pp. formerly col- being a sun-god, he surveys all things and
of old or long regarded as (nm.); -deva, m. _ lected; -samudra, TO. eastern ocean; -sa- acts as a conductor on journeys and on the
primaeval god; -devata, f . primaeval deity; " gara, TO. id.; -s&rin, a. going before, pre- way to the next world; sun.
-desa, m. eastern direction: Ic. to the east of eminent ; -siddha, pp. previously determined
(ab.); eastern country; -deha, m. former TJ 1. P R I , III. P . piparti ( V . C.), YI. P. A.
or established; -supta, pp. previously or
body: Ic. = in a previous existence. already fallen asleep; -stha, a. standing in
4 prink (V), IX. P. pring (V), fill (A. fill
front, pre-eminent. oneself); fill with air, blow into (ac.); make
g4(«im<1 ptlrva-nipata, TO. irregularity of full, allow to collect; satisfy, nourish, quicken;
the previous word, irregular precedence as a y^T pilrv&, / . east. grant in abundance, to (d.), present with
member of a compound; -nivishia, pp. pre- (in.); fulfil (a wish): pr.pt. -prin-kt, grant-
viously made (by another); -nyaya, m. pro- T^TnrX pfirvaakshara, a. accompanied by ing abundantly, bounteous, ungrudging; IV.
visional judgment or sentence. the previous letter; ^agni, m. original, i. e. A . (E. also P.) purya, orps. purya, be filled
domestic, fire ; ^anga, n. former body; com- with, become full of (in.): pp. p&rta {rare),
pfirva-paksM,TO.fore part or side; ponent of what precedes ; TO. first day in the
first half of a lunar month (when the moon filled; full of (p.); puma (ordinary form),
civil month; ^a&ala, TO. eastern or sunrise filled, full (also of the moon), with, of (in.,
increases),light fortnight; (prima facie case), mountain; ^jl&arya, m. ancient or former
action at law; first objection to a proposi- g., or -°); complete, entire; full (number);
teacher; ^adya, a. beginning in the east; abundant; fully drawn (bow, arrow); ex-
tion; -pakshin, a. making the first objection ^adri,TO.eastern or sunrise mountain ; ^a-
to a proposition; -pakshi-kri, make the first pired (time); accomplished (vow); fulfilled;
dhika, a. greater than before; -jmubhiita,
objection to a proposition; -patha, TO, pre- settled, concluded (agreement, contract);
pp. formerly experienced; -jinta, m. end of
vious path, same way as before; -pada, n. satisfied; cs. puraya, P. A . fill, - up, with
the preceding word ; anticipation; ^apara,
previous member ofa compound (gr.); -pad- (in.), fill with sound (in.); intensify (sound);
a. being before and behind, directed forward
ya, a. belonging to the first member of a and backward ; eastern and western ; earlier fill with air, blow (a conch); draw to the full
compound; -parigraha, m. first claim, pre- and later; preceding and following, follow- (bow, arrow); complete, supplement (speech,
cedence, privilege; a. claimed as a privilege ing in succession, relatively connected: -dak- sentence); cover completely, overspread,
by (g.); -pada, m. fore-foot; -pitamaha, m. shina, a. eastern, western, and southern, overwhelm, bestrew, wiCh (in.); overload
fore-grandfather = ancestor; -pi^Aika,/. in- -dina, n. forenoon and afternoon, -ratri, f . with gifts (in.), present with (in.); fulfil
troduction ; -purusha, m. forefather ( p l . former and latter half of the night. {wish, hope, etc.); allow to expire (period).
ancestors); primaeval spirit, ep. of Brahman: anu, cs. P. fulfil, accomplish (a wish, etc.).
jiparpita, pp. collected by one s ancestors ; ^ I M 0 ' * ' ^ purvaapari-bhSva, TO. suc- abhi, IX. P. make full; ps. be filled, become
-pugrita, pp. previously consecrated; -purva, cession. M l (of, g.): pp. full, of (in., g., - ° ) ; cs. P.
a. every preceding one, each previously men- fill; load; overwhelm with (in.); overload
tioned one ; m. pl. ancient ancestors ; -pur- pfi r v %abhimukha, a - turned or with gifts, bounteously present with (in.);
va ukta, pp. respectively mentioned before ; flowing eastward; - abhisheka, m. prelimin- overpower (of pain); augment; accomplish,
-peya, n. precedence in drinking; precedence ary anointment; -abhyasa,TO.repetition of a, III. P. fill; fill up, complete; fulfil (a
[in general); -prapiia, f . knowledge of the something previous: in. anew; -ambudhi, wish); VI. A. be filled; be sated, with (in.);
past, memory; -prati-panna, pp. having TO. eastern ocean. ps. be filled, become full, of (in., g.); increase
previously agreed to or promised something; in size (body); be fully drawn (bow); have
-pravritta, pp. having occurred previously ; tjefTf^fT purvajirr/ita, pp. acquired formerly
or by previous works; - ardha, m., n. (C.) abundance of (in.): pp. a-p&rwa, full (also
-prasthita, pp. having started previously, of the moon); filled with (in. or -°); resound-
hastening on before. fore or upper part; eastern side; first half:
- dinasya, first half of the day, forenoon; ing with (-°); satisfied ; cs. fill, - up ; cause
-ardha-kaya, TO. upper part of the body; to resound with (in.); fill with air, blow (a
pfirva-bhSga, TO.fore or upper part; wind instrument); cover completely, stud,
earlier part (of the day =forenoon, morning); ^ardha-bhaga, TO. fore part, point (of an
arrow); ^avadhirita, pp. formerly disdain- with (in.). v^J,(-piparti), pass away, dis-
-bhag, a. receiving the first share, privileged; appear. sam-&, ps. be filled with (in.): pp.
excellent; relating to what precedes; -bhava, ed ; ^avedaka, m. plaintiff.
full, entire (year); cs. fill with (in.); draw
m. priority; -bhavin, a. preceding, prior ; completely (bow), ni, IX. P. pour or set
S j t n i T p&rvaasa, / . eastern quarter, e a s t ;
•bh&shin, a. speaking first, affable; -bhuk- down, strew (technical term in the sacrifice
-asin, a. eating before others (ab. or Ic.).
ti, f . priority of occupation, long-continued to the Manes), nis, pp. nish-purta, pour-
possession; -bhuta, pp. being before, pre- ^ T ^ i purvaahrad, TO. forenoon: gnly. Ic.; ed out. pari, ps. be filled, become full, of
ceding ; -bhubhn't, m. eastern mountain (be- i-ka, a. (1) belonging to the forenoon. (in.) : pp. filled; full, of (in.); covered, with
hind which the sun rises); former prince. (-°); complete, entire; wealthy, possessed of
i^eff piirv-i, f . of purii.
abundance ; fulfilled ; attained (object); cs.
y ^ + l ^ I £ pfirva-madhyahna,TO.forenoon; purvewa, in. ad. prp. with ac. or g. fill, - up; cause to resound with (in.); stop
-marin, a. dying before, predeceasing; -mi-
before, in front of; to the east of. up (a hole); complete, accomplish; go through
mamsa, f earlier Mimamsa (the philosophi- —vtv
from beginning to end: pp. -purita, filled
cal system founded by Gaimini and dealing purve-dyus, ad. the day before, with (-°); thoroughly gone through (-°);
with the discussion of the sacred text); -mu- yesterday; early in the morning. abundant, pra, IX. P. fill, complete; ps.
kha, a. facing eastwards.
rfl pftrvaukta, pp. said or mentioned be filled, become full; become sated; be-
^ X W ptirva-ranga,TO.prelude (of a play); before, aforesaid; -jjAita, pp. accustomed in come complete; be fulfilled; cs. fill, - up,
-raga,TO.incipient love; -rapa, m. ex-king; •former days, known from of old; ^uttara, a. with (in.); cause to resound with(i».); com-
-ratra, in. first part of the night; -rupa, n. north-eastern (Ic. in the north-east): du. plete ; enrich, load with presents (in.); pp.
(previous appearance), omen; precursor of preceding and following; -jitthayin, a. aris- filled with, full of (-0), prati, pp. full (also
(g.), sure symptom of (prati); first of two ing first (in the morning); ^utthita, pp. of the moon); filled with, full of (in. or -°);
vowels or consonants coming into contact having risen, before (smoke); -jatpatti, a. satisfied; cs. fill, - up; satisfy {any one);
(gr.); a. having its previous form, being as arising before ; -jitpanna, pp. having arisen accomplish, sam, ps. become full: pp. full
before; -lakshana, n. preceding symptom; before: -tva, n. priority; -upakarin, a. (also of the moon); filled, fully provided, or
-v&t, i. ad. as before, as formerly; as said having formerly done one a service; -jipa- replete with (in.,g., or-0); complete, entire;
above; 2. -vat, a. preceded by something; nihita, pp. previously hidden away; •^uparg- abundant; possessed of plenty; fulfilled; cs.
containing an inference from cause to effect; ita, pp. formerly acquired. fill up; fulfil, satisfy (a wish).
-vayas, a. being in early life, young; -vart-
in, a. being in front of (~°); previously ex- pGrv-yci (or less commonly purvya), a. II2. P R I , I I I . P . piparti (V.), bring across
isting : :-i -ta,/. priority; -vada, m. (prima former, ancient;.preceding, first; next; most or to (ac.); deliver from (ab.); protect;
facie statement), action at law; -vadin, TO. excellent: -m, ad. previously, first, long further, support; surpass (any one); be able
plaintiff; -vid, a. knowing the past; -vidhi, since. to (inf.); cs. paraya, (F. C.) P. ((E. also A.)
TO. preceding rule; -vn'ta, pp. previously pftla, m. bunch: pl. straw: -ka, m. id. conduct or bring across; deliver, from (aft.);
chosen; -vritta, pp. having happened before; protect, preserve the life of; get over, over-
relating to a former occurrence; n. former ^ n t f ptlsh-awa,TO.= push-an. come ; resist (ac.); be able to (inf.; when
^ pn. tJHcN^ pnsh^Aa-tas. 169

this verb is ps., the inf. must be translated by prithag-artha, a. h a v i n g separate ra. N.; -sxi, a. of great prosperity, extremely
a ps.). ati, bring or conduct across (ac.); and distinct advantages ; having a severally fortunate; -sroni, a.f. broad-hipped; -sam-
go through with, fulfil (a promise); cs. con- distinct meaning :-t4,/. separate signification; pad, a. extremely wealthy.
duct or bring across ; A. deliver from (ab.). -ilaya, a. pi. having separate dwellings; prithujudara, m. (broad-bellied),
nis, help out of, deliver from (ab.); cs. id. -upidina, n. separate mention^
sam, cs. bring to an end. N. of a Yaksha.
prithag-gana, m .separate or distinct
class; -gotra, a. pi. belonging to different prithu i, / . the (wide) earth ; land,
U 3. PjRI, only with a, V . P. apriraoti, be
families; -^ana, m. man of lower classes: realm; ground; earth(asanelement): -khita,
** busy with (d.): pp. 4prita, busied.- v i i ,
sg. & pi. common people; -^aya, m. victory n. cavern or hole in the earth; -griba, n.
V.A. -prinute, ps. -priyate, be busied about
in a duel; -dris, a. seeing something dif- dwelling in the earth, cave; -tala, n. surface
(-artham): pp. -prita, busied with, engaged
ferent from (ab.); -dvara, n. pi. special of the earth, dry land; -danda-pala, m. chief
in (lc., -artham,or-hetos); cs. vyaparaya,
doors, i. e. means of attainment; -dbarma- constable of the country : -t4, f . office of - ;
P. occupy, keep busy, employ, with, on, or
vid, a. pi. each knowing different institutes -dbara, to. support of the earth, mountain;
for (in., lc., -artham); direct (the glance)
of law ; -bbava, to. separate condition, dif- -pati, m. lord of the earth, prince, k i n g :
towards; v&»ixn - , use one's voice; bastam
ference, variety; -yoga, a. pi. having dif- -tva, n. sovereignty; -p4la, ra. N.; -bbu</,
- , wave the hand: pp. engaged or appointed
ferent lots (perhaps incorrect for -bhoga or m. enjoyer of the earth, prince, sovereign;
for (-artham).
-bhaga); -laksbana, a. having different cha- - b b r i t , ra. supporter of the earth, prince,
TJflT prik-ta, pp. 1/prik. racteristics ; -varsba, n. pi. a year in each king; -ra^ya, n. dominion over the land,
case; -vidba, a. various, manifold, several; sovereignty ; -rupa, m. N.of a prince; ^isa,
l ^ f pr/ksh,/. comfort; nourishment. ra. lord of earth, prince, k i n g ; -bara, m. N.
different from (in.).
^ f priksh-i, a. spotted, d a p p l e d ; or ac- tjl^T^p prid&ku, m. adder, snake.
| prith-a, f N. of one of the wives of
cording to the commentators, furnished with
P&n&u: -//an.m a n ,TO.son of Pritha, metr. of pris-ana, ra. spris] hug, caress.
nourishment; m. dappled horse; N.
Yudhish^Aira; ^atmar/a,m.id.; -bbXL,m.id.;
UTT p R I K , YII. prm&kti, prmkt6 (V.), -suta, TO. son of Pritha, metr. of Argiuna; p m - a n i , a. f . [ v ' s p r i s ] h u g g i n g ,
C \ III. P. pip rik and pap rik (F., very rare), -sunu, m. son of Pritha, merfr.q/YudhishtfAira. caressing, tender.
mix, mingle, unite, put in connexion, with ^f^T przs-ni, a. [(s)pris-ni, touched, spot-
T j f s n f t p r i t h - i - v - i , / . [ = p n ' t h u i ] the (wide)
(in.,rarely lc.); fill,satiate; bestow (ac., gr.) ted], speckled, dappled (esp. of kine): pi.
earth, orbis terrarum (three earths are spoken
in abundance on (d.); augment: pp. prikta, manifold ;f. dappled cow; milk; earth; cloud;
of); Earth (personified); land, realm; ground;
mixed, united, being in contact with (in. or starry sky ; N. of the mother of the Maruts:
earth (as an element).
-°); filled with, full of (in. or a, per- (in C. this word, occurs only as a N)
vade ; mix up with (in.), upa, put oneself prithivi-kampa,m.earthquake;
cloBe to, be near, sam, P. A . mix, unite, -ksbit, a. inhabiting the earth; earth-ruling; -mat, a. containing the word
touch; endow with (in.); A. ps. be mixed or to. prince, k i n g ; -Aandra, to. N.of a prince ' Prisni;' (pmni)-m4tri, a. having the earth
united, come into contact: pp. saraprikta, of Trigarta; -tala, n. surface of the earth, or Pmni as a mother.
mingled, united, or come into contact with, ground; also = world, infernal regions (bot- ijqc^prish-at, (pr.pt.) a.(-1)speckled,spot-
contiguous to (in., or rarely lc.); filled tom of the earth); -dawda-pala, m. chief ted, dappled (V); m.spotted gazelle; prish-
with (in.). constable of the country: -t4, f . office of - ; atam patiA,rat.lord of the dappled (clouds),
prikkh'A, pr. st. of prafcA. -devi, /. N.; -pati, to. lord of the earth, wind; -1, f . dappled cow ; piebald mare;
prince, king ; -paripalaka, m. prince, king ; female of the spotted gazelle.
pri&AA-aka, a. asking, inquiring, - p i l a : -ka, to. keeper of the earth, king,
about (g.); - 4 , / . question, addressed to (-°), sovereign; -bbugr, to. enjoyer of the earth, 'ij^rt prish-at-a, ra. spotted g a z e l l e ; drop
inquiry regarding (-°). prince, k i n g ; -bbuf/araga, m. spouse of the of water; spot.
earth, prince, k i n g ; -bbrit, to. support of
^f^ prh, f . combat, battle (only lc. pi.).
the earth, mountain; -maya, formed of earth, <jb(c=fi prishat-ka, TO. (variegated), arrow.
pr/t-ana, n. hostile h o s t ; 4 , / . contest, earthen; -ra^ya, n. dominion over the land, prishad-asva, a. h a v i n g dappled
battle; hostile ho„t; army; sp. division of an sovereignty ; -ruba, to. (growing out of the horses (BV.); ra. wind (also personified);
army (consisting of 243 elephants, 243 cha- earth), plant, tree; ^isa, ^isvara, to. lord -4gya, ra. speckled butter, ghee clotted with
riots, 729 cavalry, and 1215 infantry). of the earth, prince, k i n g ; -Jipitfa, m. N. of curds.
two princes of Cashmere.
TJ7TTRI pritanS-ya,dew.: only pr. pt. -y-at, t j m d c f i p r i s M t a - k a , ra. ra. = prishada^ya;
fighting; m. enemy. ^ ^ prith-u, a. (v-i & in C. u) broad, wide, rat. a kind of ceremony (pi); ep. of Rudra.
spacious, large, great; copious; far-extend- ^ i f t ^ T p r i s h a u d a r i , a. speckle-bellied.
I J T H T R f pritan&-sMh (str. st. -shah), a.
ing ; abundant, extensive, manifold, numer-
conquering hostile hosts. ous ; detailed; to. a measure of length (— prish-M, jo/>. (-y/praAA) asked, question-
pritan-ya, den. P . fight against, at- pritha); N . ed, interrogated; demanded, etc.: -prativa^;-
tack ; pr. pt. fighting; m. enemy. ana,ra.answering a question; -vat, pp. act.
IJ^pfi prithu-ka, m. n. half-ripe, flattened
(he) asked or questioned; ^abbidb4yin, a.
tppSJ pritan-yd, a. a t t a c k i n g ; ra. enemy. rice; to. b o y ; young of an animal; -ku-
answering when asked, always ready with a
fcautpitfam, abs. pressing to her full bosom;
^ T prith-i, m. palm of the hand ; a mea- reply.
-itarujiii/feitaiksbana, a. having wide, beau-
sure of length = 1 3 angulis; 4, f . N. of one of
tiful, and curved eyes; -;/agbana, a. having p r i s h - Z i , / . rib.
the wives of PdaAu.
broad hips; -tara, cpv. very great or con-
prishfAa,ra.[pra-stha, prominent ridge~],
prfth-ak [directed widely or a p a r t : siderable ; -tari-kri, open (the eyes) wider;
prominent back of animals; back; upper side,
prath + n. of anfc], ad. separately, apart; -ta, /., -tva, n. largeness, greatness, wide-
surface; height, ridge, top; hinder part, rear;
severally (often repeated); prp. with ab. with- ness; -damsb^ra, a. having large incisors;
kind of Stotra (consisting of several Sdmans
out ; except: - kri, separate; cut off; avert -datta, to. N, of a frog; -darsin, a. far-
and employed at the midday libation): lc. at
from (ab), g bb&, separate oneself: pp. seeing (fig); -dbara, a. broad-edged; -parsu,
the back, in or from the rear, behind (g.);
separate, different. a. having broad (curved) swords; (u)-pini,
-ra da, bow deeply; e-na y4, ride upon (g.);
a. broad-handed (Savitri); -pratha, a. far-
Jj^SR 1 4 p n t h a k - k a r y a , n. separate busi- e-na vab, carry on the back.
famed; -protha, a. having wide nostrils
ness, private affair; -kriti, /. individual; (horse); -b4bu, a. thick-armed; -yasas, a. ijgcfl prishMa-ka, ra. back : e kri, p u t be-
-kriya, f . separation; -ksbetra, a. pi. be- far-famed. hind one, disregard, renounce ; -ga, a. riding
gotten by one father on different mothers; on (g. or -°); -gopa, rat. protector of one's
-kenhtk, f . various and distinct activities ; prithu-la, a. broad, great.
rear; -tap, a. letting one's back be scorched
-t4, f , -tva, n. separateness; separation; (by the sun).
severalty; individuality: in. singly, one by tJ^p'ft^C'T prithu-loftana, a. large-eyed.
one; -pada, a. consisting of single (uncom- prithulaogras, a. h a v i n g great Jjfcflt^ prishf Aa-t£s, ad. prp. on or at the
pounded) words; -pinda,ra.distant kinsman energy. b a c k ; from behind; backward; behind (g.,
making separate funeral offerings (i.e. not - ° ) ; with the back = with averted face; be-
in common with others); -sabda, m. word by ^ g c ( - ^ j ^ p r i t h u - v a k s h a s , a . broad-chested ; hind the back, secretly; -taA kri, take on the
itself; -sayy4, /. sleeping by oneself; -su- -vyamsa, a. broad-shouldered; (u)-siras, a. back; turn one's back t o ; put behind one,
kba, a. having separate and distinct joys. broad- or fiat-headed; -sravas, a. far-famed; abandon, renounce, disregard; -to gam,
170 pnsh£Aa-desa. if) paurava.
follow; pursue; -to bh&, be behind one, be paing-i, m. pat. of Y & s k a ; -in, a. com- Tft^T potha, TO. blow, with ( - 0 ) .
of no account. ing from Paingya; TO. follower of Paingya;
-ya, TO. pat. N. of a certain teacher; ra. HIH p6sh-a, TO. thriving, prosperity; de-
tJCU^i! prish/Aa-desa, TO. back part, rear : velopment, increase; abundance, wealth;
Ic. behind (gr.); -patin, a. being at any one's doctrine of Paingya.
nourishing, nurture, rearing.
back, keeping an eye on one; -•pithi,/. broad paiAAftil-ya, ra. sliminess.
back; -bhaga, m. hind part, back; rear; T t ^ R i posh-aka, a. nourishing, breeding,
-bhuml, /. top-storey, roof-terrace (of a t f a P T T paipavana, TO.son of Pipavana, pat. rearing; m. nourisher, breeder; -a»a, a.
palace)-, -madhya, m. middle of the back; of various men. [teacher. cherishing, favouring (-°); ra. nurture, main-
-nx&msa, n. back-flesh: -TO khad or bhaksh, ^ • I d t l f a paiiAinasi,wi.pai. N. of an ancient tenance, cultivation (of trees, of the senses);
bite the back-flesh ; backbite; -mamsaada, -araiya, fp. to be nourished; -ayitnu, a.
m. backbiter; -y&na, n. riding ; a. riding on ^ Ml fH^S painda-patika, a.livingonalms. causing to thrive (ac.); -ayishwu, a. bene-
(-°); -yayin, a. riding on (- 0 ); -lagna, pp. ficial ; -i-tri, TO. nourisher, breeder; -in, a.
hanging about one's back, dogging one's foot- paita-putr-iya, a. relating to rearing, bringing up (~°); -u-ka, a. thriving;
steps; -vawsa, m. backbone; -vastu, n. father and son ; -maha, a. (i) relating to or -tri, m. nourisher, bringer up; - y a , f p . thriv-
upper storey; -v&ha, m. riding animal, sump- inherited from the grandfather; belonging ing, well-fed; abundant; causing prosperity;
ter ox. or relating to Brahman;TO.son of Brahman. to be nourished : -putraka,TO.adopted son.
XJFT"PT p r i s b ^ a a n u g a , a. going behind, paitu-dftrava, a. coming from the f f ^ f a paums&al-iya, a. referring to
following; -amig&nain, a. id.; ^avagu»iiA- Pltudaru tree. courtesans; -ya, ra. running after men.
ana-pa/a, m. horse-cloth; ^asb^Mla, n. (?) ^^oR paitn'-ka, a. (i) paternal; ancestral ; M| pauTOS-na, a. human ; fit for a m a n ;
tortoise's back. relating or sacred to the Manes; ra. paternal ra. manliness, manhood.
TJTEJ prish/A-ya, a. bearing on the back ; house; father's temperament; rite sacred to
± asva,TO.riding- or pack-horse; a. coming the Manes. padTOS-ya, a. manly, peculiar to men;
from the heights. ra. manliness; manly power, courage, or deed:
^rj+Jf^cfl paitri-medh-ika, a. relating to pl. hosts of men.
X£ VRt, v. •J I. TRI, fill. the sacrifice to the Manes; -ya/yw-ika, -yagrim
iya, a.id.; -shvas-eya, a. (i) descended from paugawda, a. boyish; ra. boyhood
M^OR peAa-ka, m. o w l ; root of an elephant's a father's sister; TO. son of a paternal aunt. (age between 5 and 10).
tail. pauAAAa, a. being on the tail, caudal.
^hff paitta, a. (1) relating to gall, bilious;
pe/a, m.(?), a, i , / . basket, casket. i-ka, a. id.; having a bilious temperament. *flmfo|» pauraak-i, m. pat. descendant of
pe/a-ka, rn. n., ika, / . little basket, t f a paitra, a. (i) relating or sacred to the Puraaka.
casket; n. multitude, company, flock: -m Manes. MI pauradarika, a. made of lotuses;
-'kri, band themselves together. TO. a certain Soma sacrifice lasting eleven
painaka, a. belonging to or proceed-
pettala, «.(?) basket: -ka, n. (?) id. ing from Siva; m. pat. descendant of Pinaka. days.
X^TT pe<ZS, / . basket. T^TJjl pauracZra,TO.N. of Bhishma's conch:
paippala, a. made of the wood of the
pl. the PauncZras, a people; sg. prince of the
petva, m. ram ; wether. Peepul or sacred fig-tree. Pa umbras; ra. sectarian mark: -ka, m. pLN.
^ ^ pedti, TO. N. paippal&da, a. coming from Pip- ofa people = Paurarfra; sg. p rince of the Paura-
palada; TO. pat. descendant of Pippalada: rfras; a mixed caste; n. sectarian mark (- 0 ).
pe-ya, fp. to be drunk or imbibed;
pl. a school of the AV. M^rf*! pautana, N. of a country.
drinkable; that can be tasted; delectable to
(e.g. the ear); TO. libation; n. drinking, paila,TO. metr. son of PxlS, N. ofa teacher.
qlrrt^ pauti-nasik-ya,ra.affliction of
draught F.); drink. [nectar.
pailava, a. made of the Pilu tree. a foul-smelling nose.
t f ^ q peydsha, m. or ra.(?) cow's biestings;
paisal-ya, ra. affability. paiitra, a. (1) relating to or proceeding
^ ^ per-d, a. [a/2. p r i ] passing through ; from a son or children; m. son of a son,
leading through, delivering. paisaAa, a. (x) relating or peculiar grandson : -ka,TO.id.
to the PisaAas; belonging to the goblins,
"ij<y|cj pela-va, a. soft, tender, delicate; too tftf^I
delicate for (- 0 ): -pushpa-pattrin, a. hav-
ing delicate flowers as arrows. t ^ J T paisun-a, ra. tale-bearing, espionage, pautrik-eya, m. son of a daughter
adopted instead of a son : -vat, a. having a
Tfaj' pes-a, TO. [\/pis] ornament. slander; -ya,ra.id.; -vadin, a. slanderous..
M tgrandson
f a 5 ^ p a u by
t r - ian
n , adopted daughter.
a. having a grandson.
t^g paish/a, a. (i) made of meal; i-ka, a. id.
l ^ f T pes-ana,a. (i) well-formed; decorated, x f T f t pautr-i, / . granddaughter.
beautiful. i f t W H p o g a n d m a. not full g r o w n ; TO. boy.
IfapSf pesa-M, a. artistically fashioned, paunaA-pun-ya, n. frequent re-
M i d i p o i i , / . straight gut. petition.
decorated; beautiful,charming, lovely; tender;
refined; skilful, dexterous, clever, ingenious; pota, TO. young of an animal (only M ^ l ^ r W paunar-ukt-ya, ra. repetition;
n. beauty, charm: -tva, n. dexterity, skill; with names of animals); young shoot, young
paksha, a. lovely-eyed: - t a , / . abst. N. - (only with names of plants); m.ra.vessel,
ship, bark, boat: -ka, m. young of an animal; paunar-bhava, a. connected with
pesali-kri, make charming. young tree (~°); -tva, ra. condition of a boat a remarried woman; m. son of a remarried
^ P J ^ p e s - a s , ra. form, figure; artistic figure, or ship. woman; -bhavika, a. (i) relating to a second
ornament, embroidery; embroidered garment. birth; -vasava, a. relating to the physician
pota-plava, TO. b o a t m a n ; -baraip, Punarvasu: w.yuvan, m. student of medicine;
pesas-kfirin, TO. w a s p ; -kari, TO. voyaging merchant; -bhanga, TO. ship- -vaAika, a. pleonastic, redundant.
/ . female embroiderer; -krit, m. hand (as a wreck ; -Jidhana, n. fry (offish).
fashioner); wasp. T ^ X paura,a.urban; TO. townsman, citizen:
trtcTTO potclsa, TO. kind of camphor. -kanya, /. maiden of the city ; -^ana, m.
^ i f t pes-i,/.lump of flesh or meat; muscle;
i f t f f p f i T pot-ika, / . cloth, garment. townsfolk, citizens; -p&napada,TO.pl. citizens
hind of drum. and country-folk.
pesh-a, -a. (i) crushing, grinding ( - 0 ) ; f j po-tri (or -tri), TO. Purifier (designation
of one of the sixteen officiating priests who wf) pauraradara, a. (i) belonging or re-
m. id. (-0 with object or instrument); -aka,
is associated with the Brahman). lating to PurarazdN-a, i. e. Indra.
TO., -ik&, / crusher, grinder (- 0 ); -ana, n.
crushing, grinding: -TO ya, be crushed; -arai, T f f a po-tr£, ra. Soma-vessel of the Potri ; paura-mukLya, TO. chief man of
/. grindstone ; -tri,TO.crusher, grinder; -/ra, office of the Potri; boar's snout: (a)»ka,TO.N. the city; -ruAideva, m. N.; -loka, t». sg. &
n. bone; - y a , f p . to be ground to (-°). pl, townsmen, citizens.
x f r f ^ p o t r -in,TO.wild boar.
paingal-a, m. pat. ft. P i n g a l a ; ra. i f t X ^ f paurava, a. (i) belonging to or de-
treatise composed by Pingala; - y a , ra. tawny i f r f h r potr-iya, a. belonging or relating scended from P&ru;TO.descendant of Pftru:
colour. to the Potri. pl. race of Pfiru.
xftX^R^T paura-sakhya. VfWmi pra-^agara. 171

paura-sakhya, n. friendship or if) paushya, a. relating to the asterism duced or occasioned by (~°); generally known,
equality of fellow-citizens. Pushya. renowned, for (in. or - ), in (-°); having the
appearance of, resembling, like (-°): - m or
MVVOT pauras-tya, a. situated in front ^ P Y A I , I. A . pyaya, be exuberant, swell, ad. openly, publicly; aloud (dr.); m.
(puras), foremoBt: pi. t>e eastern people ( = overflow. 4, swell, ferment (fluids); be- lustre, splendour, light (often in titles of
the Gaudas): -pavana, <t. east wind. come full of, grow rich in (-in.); cs. -pyaya- exegetical works); manifestation; renown;
ya, P. A . cause to swell, fill up, water (Soma); open place, open air; publicity: ab. mani-
t h X T V P ® pauraagra-ganya, m. chief of quicken, refresh, strengthen ; replenish, aug- festly, certainly; lc. publicly, openly; aloud ;
the city; - a n g a n & , f . woman of the town, ment : pp. apyayita, fattened, strengthened, -k&fa-ka, a. (ika) clear, bright, shining;
female citizen. sam-a, swell, increase; cs. nourish, animate, generally known, renowned; illuminating ;
i h X T W paurawa, a. (i) relating to past refresh. making clear, explaining; expressing, desig-
ages, ancient: i-ka, a. (i) id.; versed in nating ; rn. illuminator, sun; -k&sa-ta, f
TT i . p r i , ad. (with verbs) before; forward, brightness, lustre ; renown; publicity : -m
ancient story. onward, on, forth; with nouns, fore-; gam, become known; -k&ga-tva, n. mani-
i f t f i ^ paur-ika, m. townsman, citizen. great- (in relationship); with a. exceed- festation, appearance, renown; -kasa-devi,
ingly, very. f . N.; -k&s-ana, a. illuminating; n. illumina-
paurushi, a. (1) h u m a n ; m a n l y ;
tion ; allowing to appear, manifestation;
belonging or relating to Purusha; TO. man's IT 2. pra, ( - 0 ) a. filling, satisfying, nourish- -k&sa-narx, f . public woman, prostitute;
load; n. manhood; manliness; manly cour- ing ; resembling; n. fulfilment. -kas-aniya, fp. to be illuminated; -kas-ayi-
age, vigour, or deed, valour, prowess; force t a v y a , f p . to be made dear or evident; to
(opp. intellect); length of a man; generation; 5 T 3 T pri-iiga, n. fore-part of the shafts of
a vehicle; triangle ; m. n. N. of the second be manifested; -ka.sa iitma-ka-tva, m.lumin-
membrum virile. ousness; -k4$%4tman, a. whose nature is
$astra in the morning libation.
paurush-eya, a. (1) made by, de- light, luminous; -k&s-i-ta, f . brightness,
*|c||£ pra-ka^a [pra-krita, made plain], light; -ka.?-i-tva, n. id.; -k&s-in, a. bright,
rived from or relating to men; derived from
displayed, manifest, visible: or -m, ad, shining; bringing to light (g.); -k&i-karana,
the soul; n. human effort: -tva, n. human
manifestly, clearly, visibly; m. N.: -na, n. n. illumination ; -kasi-kri, illuminate; pub-
manifestation, making visible. lish ; -ka.si-bbava, m. becoming light, dawn ;
paurush-ya, a. relating to P u r u s h a ; •k&.?aitara, a. reverse of manifest, invisible;
Me|ld<l prakafa-ya, den. P . manifest, make - k a s - y a , f p . to be brought to light or mani-
n. manly deed, valour. [hftta or Indra.
•visible; show, disclose : pp. ita, displayed, fested : -t&, f . publicity,
pauru-htita, a. relating to P u r u - shown: ad. evidently.
m1 pauro-gava, a. superintendent of JT°Hdls» praka£i-kri, manifest, show, dis- i r f ^ T W pra-kirana, n. strewing, scatter-
a princely kitchen; -dbas-a, n. office of play ; -bbu, become manifest, appear. ing; -kirna, pp. (\/kri) agitated, excited,
Purohita; -bbag-ya, n. ill-will, envy; -hit- wild; n. miscellany: -ka, a. scattered; mis-
4|cj\*M p r a - k a m p - a , a . t r e m b l i n g ; m.tremor, cellaneous ; TO. fly-whisk ; tuft of hair (as an
ya, n. office of Purohita.
quake ; -ana, to. wind; N. of an Asura; n. ornament of horses); miscellany; judicial
paurna-mSsi, a. (1) belonging or shaking,wagging; -ita,pp.^/k&mp; n. tremor; decision of an isolated case (not provided for
relating to or offered at full-moon ; m. n. full- -in, a. trembling, moving to and fro; -ya, in the law-books).
moon sacrifice; n. day of full-moon: i , f . fp. to be caused to tremble or quake.
night or day of full-moon. J f ^ P R A J O f , YI. P . (A. mostly metrical)
Jfefi^ pra-kara, TO. (scattered) heap, quan- \ -grikkhk, ask; ask after, inquire about;
M ^ f f t a paurt-ika, a. relating to a charit- tity, plenty : i , f . kind of song; short inter- ask any one (ac.) about (ac.); consult the
able or meritorious work. lude (in a drama); -karana, n. production, future (of astrologers)-, seek, look for; en-
* f N N i paurva-ka, a. derived from ancestors, creation; treatment, discussion, exposition; treat : with na, not trouble about (ac.);
inherited; ancient; -kal-ya, n. priority; subject of discussion, topic; section, chapter; namato mataram - , ask one's (g.) mother's
special treatise, monograph; kind of drama name : pr. pt. A . prife^rAamana, asking one-
-deb-ika (or -daib-ika), a. relating to or
(in which the plot is invented, by the poet) : self; ps. prikkhyate, be asked, about (ac.):
derived from a former existence; performed asminn eva prakarane, in regard to this
in a former life. the remote object in both act. and ps. is sts.
very point, in this connection; na 7ca praka-
expressed by the d., lc.,or prati, -arthe, -hetoA,
x M n H t paurvaapar-y a, n. relation between ranam vetsi, nor do you know what the
or adhikritya : pp. prisb£a, asked; solicited,
prior and posterior, succession; ^jibn-ika, a. point in question is: -tas, ad. on a suitable
desired (exceptionally of the remote object).
occasion, -tva, n. condition of discussing (-°);
(i) relating to the forenoon. anu, ask; ask after, inquire about: pp. in*
-kartavya, fp. to be prepared; to be dis-
played or cherished; to be appointed to (lc.); quired about. 4, A . (JS. also P.) take leave
paurv-ika, a. (i) prior, previous,
-kartri, m. one who causes or occasions; of (ac.); invoke (agod); ask, - after, sam-
former, ancient. 4, take leave of. pari, ask, inq uire of; ask
xfNr^ar paulastya, a. relating to or de- -karsba, TO. (preference, advantage), excel-
lence, superiority, pre-eminence; intensity, or inquire about (2 ac.; the remote object
scended from Pulasti or Pulastya; TO. pat. exceptionally g., lc., or prati). prati, ask;
excess; predominance; a. consisting for
descendant of Pulasti or Pulastya, ep. of the most part in: in., ab., highly, strong- ask about (2 ac.). vi, ask, inquire of; find
Kubera and of Ravawa; moon. ly, thoroughly; -karsbana, m. troubler; n. out by inquiry, sam, converse, greet one
drawing off; protrusion; extension, long another; ask; ask about; consult the future:
pauloma, a. relating to or treating pp. asked.
of Puloma ; TO, pi. a class of demons: 1, f . duration; -karsba-vat, a. excellent; dis-
pat. of the wife of Indra: -vallabba, TO. tinguished or pre-eminent in ; -kalpana, f .
allotment; -kalp-ita, pp. fitted, arranged, H^TT pra-grana, to. (n.) procreation, impreg-
lover of Pauloml, .ep. of Indra. nation; parturition; m.procreator; -^&nana,
placed; -kalp-ya, to be allotted or settled;
»T| pausha, a. (1) relating to the time when -kaiiksba, f . appetite ; -kanda, m. n. trunk a. generating, procreative ; ». impregnation;
the moon is in the asterism Pushya; TO. a of a tree (between the root and branches); parturition, procreation ; birth, propagation;
month, December-January; 1, f . night or minor section in a book; - ° = pre-eminent, production, of (-°); genital member; pro-
day of full-moon in the month Pausha. excellent; -kama, rn. delight, voluptuous- geny, children; -graya, m. victory; -f/alpa,
ness : pi. objects of desire: -m, -tas, or , to. conversation; prattle; -<?alpana, n. speak-
paushkara, a. (i) relating to the blue ad. with delight, willingly; according to de- ing, talking; -jjava, m. haste, Bpeed; -Hav-
lotus. [ment, full strength. sire, sufficiently; in very deed; -kara, m. ana, a. running very fast; -(/avin, a. hurry-
kind, sort, species; way, manner; a. of ing, running fast, quick ; -gas, a. — prajja,
paushkal-ya, n. complete develop-
the nature of, -like: kena prakarena, in progeny; -^rabita, pp. given up, abandoned.
M l f s ^ l paushri-ka, a. (1) relating to or what way ? how ? prak4raiA, in one way or
U5TT pra-^a, / . procreation, propagation,
furthering prosperity or growth; furthering another; ram&yanasya bbaratasya va pra-
(?•)• karah, a kind of Ramaya?ia or Mahabhurata; birth; offspring, progeny, family, descend-
-kara-ka, a. (~°) of the nature of, -like; ants; creature; folk, people, subjects (cf a
paushni, a. (i) belonging, relating, -kara-ta,/. speciality; -kara-vat, a. belong- prince): -kama, a. desirous of offspring; m.
or sacred to Pdshan; relating to the sun; n. ing to a species; -karya,_//j. to be exhibited ; desire of offspring.
the lunar asterism Revatl. -kalana, a. driving on; m. N. of a Ndga. H W T f X pra-^agara, a. watching, waking ;
m) <M paushpa, a. (i) coming from or made TO. watchman; watching, waking ; waking
of flowers; ^Setava, a. relating to the god of fl^iTH pra-kasa, a. shining (out), clear, up (int.); -^agarana, n. waking, sleepless-
love (Pushpa-ketu). bright; manifest, open, visible, public; pro- ness.
Z 2
172 M^lJjfH pra^a-gupti. HfTT prati.

H W n j f f r pragrft-gupti,/. protection of sub- T n r r r pra-graSna, n. cognisance ; know- emissary; -nidhi-bhfl, become a spy in the
jects; -ghni, f . o/-han; -Aandra, m. moon ledge; token of recognition, distinctive mark; service of (- 0 ); -widheya,/». to be applied;
to his subjects (honorific epithet ofa prince); monument. to be sent out as a spy; -nipatana, n. falling
-tantu, m. continuation of a family, progeny. down before any one, prostration; -nip&ta,
T T w n r r x f W r prapna-paramita, f . highest ra. prostration, reverent salutation ; humble
ITHTfTf pr&-g%t\,f. procreation, parturition, degree of knowledge or understanding; •j.pe- submission to (g.); -reipatin, a. prostrating
propagation, birth; procreative energy : -ka- ta,pp. destitute of knowledge; -maya, a. con- oneself, submitting; -MI,TO.le&ler; (4)-nita,
rna, a. desirous of propagation; -mat, a. sisting of understanding; -matra,/. element pp. ni: 4, f pl. water fetched (on the
(verse) containing words relating to procrea- or basis of cognition, organ of sense; -vat, a. morning of the rite), holy water: -A-am, m.
tion. intelligent, wise, knowing, shrewd; -vada, pot for the holy water, -pranayana, n. vessel
ra. word of wisdom; -sahaya, a. having in- for fetching the holy water; (a)-witi, f .
JTWT^TT pragra-dana, n. procreation of
telligence as a companion, wise, intelligent, guidance; leading away.
children; -dvara, n. gate of progeny, ep. of
the sun; -dhara, a. maintaining creatures shrewd.
TnjJjjT pra-nud, a. (~°) driving away, re-
(Vishnu); ^adhyaksha, to. surveyor of crea- pra-f/valana, n. flaming u p ; -pval- moving, dispelling; -»uda, a. id.
tures, ep. of the sun, Daksha, etc.; -n4tha, m. ita, (pp.) n. blazing, burning; -^rvara, ra.
lord of creatures, ep. of Brahman, Manu, and heat of fever; -^valana, n. kindling (a fire); HTJtWT pra-nepana, a. (i) wiping; ra. wash-
Daksha; protector of the people, king, prince; -pvala, f . flame. ing, bathing; water for washing; -raetavya,
^antaka, m. destroyer of creatures, Yama. fp. to be led or guided ; to be performed or
pra-nakha,n.(?) tip of the nail; -nata, employed; -netrt, m. leader, guide (of, g. ;
w n r f W prapa-pati, ra. lord of creatures ; pp. bowing etc.; -nati, f. bow, reverential ac. in F.) ; fashioner, creator ; author : -mat,
genius presiding over procreation, protector salutation, obeisance (with g., Ic., or of the a. containing the notion of leading; -neduA,
of life; Creator, N. of a supreme being above object); (a)-reapat, ra. great-grandson ; -nap- 3 pl- Pfi- -v^nad, they uttered cries; -raeya,
the Vedic gods; this epithet is in the post- tri, ra. id.; -namana, n. bowing down be- fp. to be led or guided ; amenable, yielding,
Vedic period applied to various holy men fore (g. or obedient; to be employed, applicable ; to be
regarded as demiurgic beings; Time (per- performed; to be fixed or determined; -nod-
sonified) ; planet Mars; N.: -yap/la, to. pra-raaya, ra. leader; guidance ; mani- y a , f p . to be driven away (- 0 ).
sacrifice to Pragapati = procreation of children festation, display ; confidence,in (Ic.); friendly
prescribed by law; -loka, m. Prapapati's regard; familiarity; affection, love ; fond pra-t£nkam, ais.gliding, creeping:
world. attachment (of lovers), display of affection ; -tata,ra.(?) high bank; -tat4maha, m. great-
desire, longing, for (Ic.): in., ab., and grandfather; -tanu, a. very fine, delicate,
jnrPTP?T prapa-pala, m. guardian of crea- pranayaupetam,ad. confidently, fearlessly; narrow, slender, thin, emaciated, small, or in-
tures, ep. o/"Krishna; protector of the people, unreservedly, without ceremony: -kalaha, significant : -ka, a. very delicate; -tapana,
prince, king; N. of a prince; -palana, n. ra. friendly quarrel; -nayana, n. bringing, n. warming; -tapta,pp.; ra. (?) purified gold;
protection of the people; -palya, n. office of fetching; means or vessel for fetching; mani- -taptri, m. burner, scorcher; -tamam,
guardian of the people or of king. festation, display; adduction ; wielding (a (spv. ac.f.) ad. especially ; -tara, m. crossing
ITWrf^pft prar/a-y-in-i, a.f. about to bring weapon), infliction of punishment (danda); over (- 0 ); -tarana, a. (i) furthering, pro-
establishing, founding; performance, execu- moting, increasing; n. crossing over; -tarkm,
forth; bearing, mother of. tion ; composition (of, -°); satisfying, satiat- -taram, (cpv. ac.) ad. further, still more ; in
ITWfW pra^Sarthe, Ic. ad. for the sake of ing (-°); -naya-bhanga, m. breach of con- future ; -tarka, ra. inference, supposition ;
offspring. fidence ; -naya-vat, a. acting without re- -tarkya, fp. conceivable; -tardana, a. de-
serve or ceremony, unaffected; tenderly at- stroying ; (a)-tavas, a. vigorous, powerful;
•JTSTRT^ prapa-vat, a. (-1) productive of off-
tached to (Ic. or - ° ) ; addicted to (-°); -nay- -tana, m. tendril; plant with tendrils, climb-
spring, bestowing progeny; abounding in i - k r i y k , f . friendly service ; -raayi-ta,/. love,
offspring, fruitful: -1, f . pregnant; bearing, ing plant: -vat, a. having tendrils; rami-
affection (for, Ic.); desire, longing (for, g. or fied ; -tanita, pp. treated diffusely; -t4pa,
mother of (- 0 ); brother's wife. -°); -nay-in, a. beloved, dear (to, g.); ten- m. heat; splendour; majesty, dignity, su-
I F T T f f t prapS-vriddhi, f . abundance of derly attached, affectionate, loving; fond of, periority (often compared with the heat of the
offspring; -vyapara, to. care for or interest liking, devoted to, longing for (in. or -°); sun); vigour, power, energy; N.; -t4pana,
in the people; -srig, m. creator of the world, frequenting, dwelling or being in (- 0 ); aim- a. making it hot for any one, pressing hard
ep. of Brahman and of Kasyapa; -han, a. ing at, having in view (- 0 ); combined or on, harassing, afflicting; n. heating; -t4pa-
( f . -ghni) killing offspring. provided with (-°); m. favourite, dear friend; pala, to. N.; -t4pa-pura, n. N. of a city;
lover, husband : - i , / . mistress, wife; -nayi-
U f a f ^ pra-gfihirshu, a. about to s t r i k e ; -tapa-vat, a. full of dignity, powerful, ma-
kri, attach closely : pp. connected with (in.
-pivana, n. livelihood, maintenance; -pivin, jestic, glorious (of persons); -t4pa-sila, m.
or —°); -raayi-bhu, again become attached to
m.N. of a minister of the crow-king Megha- N. of a prince; -t4pa4ditya, m. Sun of
varna. Majesty, N. and ep. of various princes; -tap-
SlQJ'cl pra-n£va(or &), ra. [pronouncement: itri, ra. nm. used as 3 sg. ft. of cs. of pra-
prapSjsa, m.lord of creatures, Creator; tap; -tapin, a. hot, burning, scorching;
genius presiding over procreation; lord of nu] the sacred syllable om: -ka, a. id.
making it hot for any one, harassing, afflict-
the people, prince, king; ^-isvara, m. id.; T r c r r f ^ f i T pra-warfi-ka, / . channel: in. in- ing ; glorious, majestic; conferring dignity;
•^iha,/ desire of offspring. directly ; by means of (-°); -n&di, f . id.; -t4mra, a. extremely red; -t4ra, m. crossing
-nada, ra. loud noise, shout, yell, roar, cry, over (g.): -ka, a. deceiving, cheating; to.
pr&ggi, m. N.
neigh, etc.; tingling in the ear; -n&ma, ra. cheat; -t4rana, n. taking across (water);
THJ pra -gna., a. intelligent; knowing, bow, obeisance, reverent salutation with crossing over (g. or -°) = -tarana; deceiving,
acquainted with (- 0 ): (a)-t4,/. knowledge; the object): bhuvi or bhumau - , bow down cheating : 4, f . cheating, fraud; -taraniya,
-pnapti, /. instruction, information; kind of to the ground; -namin, a. (~°) bowing down fp. to be deceived or cheated; -t4rayitri, m.
magic art personified: -kausika, m. N.of a before, worshipping; -nayaka, m. commander promoter, increaser.
teacher familiar with this art. (of an army); -nayya, fp. suitable, worthy
(pupil); -»4la, m. row, series (?): 1, f . chan- J|f?J pr^ti, ad. with verbs and with nouns,
HfJI pra-f/na, f . information; discrimina- nel, watercourse; mediation, means; -n41- against, counter; back, in return; with nouns
tion, judgment, intelligence, understanding; ik4, f . channel, conduit; means: in. in- also = every; prp. 1. with (usually preceding)
wisdom, knowledge; purpose, resolve: -grup- directly ; by means of; -nasa, ra. extinction, ac. against, towards, to, upon, in the direction
ta, pp. protected by wisdom ; -Aakshus, n. cessation,disappearance,loss; decease,death; of; before, in the presence or the eyes of;
eye of understanding ; a. seeing with the eye -n4sana, a. (i) causing to cease, destroying, about, near, on, in, a t ; at the time of, about;
of understanding; having understanding in removing; n. destruction; -nksin, a. destroy- through, for (of time); from (protect); com-
place of eyes, blind; -Jidhya, TO. (rich in ing, removing (only f . and at the end of a pared with ; in favour of, for; concerning, in
wisdom), N. hemistich). regard to, on account of, through; for, as
(with predicative ac., e.g. take for, regard
HTHfl pra-pna-ta, pp. well-known; -tavya, as); according to, b y ; in or at every; 2. with
UftSPSTPT pra-raidhtna, ra. application, em-
fp. to be known; - t i i n f o r m a t i o n ; ascer- ab. at the time of, about (only RV.); 3. with
ployment; exertion, endeavour; respectful
tainment of the way to (g.); -tri, m. know- g. concerning, with regard to; in ad. cpds.
behaviour, towards (Ic.); submission to the
ing the way, guide. towards; at the time of, about; according
will of (~°); profound meditation; vehement
mnnntpr^ytman, a. whose nature is desire (-B.); vow (J?.); -nidh4yin, a. em- t o ; in or at every; atmA'/am prati, to one-
intellect, being all intellect; -4ditya, ra. ploying (emissaries); -nidhi, ra. spying; self (speak); kiram -, for a long time;
Sun of Wisdom, ep. of a clever man. sending out (of emissaries); request; spy, bhrisam repeatedly; m4w» - , in my
Uftch^ch prati-ka/Uuka. JJIdiH prati-paksha. 173

niii.il, M my 'nind; varsham - , every rejection; -kshetra, n. spot, place: lc. in the position after hearing the argument of one's
year; na bubb.ikshitam prati bhiti kim place of (g.); -kshepa,TO,contest; combat- opponent; -hini, f . abandonment of a pro-
kit, to a hungry man nothing is of any ac- ing (-°); rejection; -kshepawa,n.combating position in a disputation.
count ; mkm prati aranyavat pratibhati, (-0); -kshowibbrit,TO.opposition king. prati-tadvid, / . recognition of
to me seems like a (lonely) forest. the contrary; -tantra-siddhinta, m. doc-
Ut^PI^r prati-gagra, m. hostile elephant ;
U f i T ^ p R prati-kawfcuka, m. man armoured -gata, pp. gam; n. return; -gamana, n. trine recognised in various systems (but not
against all assaults, obstinate adversary; return; -gara, to. call in reply (of the in all); -tara, m. sailor; -tarSim, with bhu,
-kan^Aam, ad. singly, one by one; -k&ra, a. Adhvaryu to the address of the Hotri); -gar- retire more and more; -tarn, ad. at every
(i) counteracting (- 0 ); m. compensation (-°); it n', m. one who replies with a call; -gar^r- tree; -tryaham, ad. for three days each
-karkasa, a. equally hard with, of the same ana, n. answering roar (of a cloud): i , f . time.
hardness as (-0); -kartavya, fp. to be re- id.; -gitra, or -m, ad. at every member; pra-tithi, m. N. of a sage.
quited (of good or evil); to be repaid to (g.); -giri, m. mountain opposite ; -giryam,jfy>.
to be dime by way of compensation; to be n. one should reply with a call; -gupya,/p. M f n ^ ^ prati-darada, a. (counter to the
paid back (debt); to be opposed or counter- one should beware of (ab.); -griham, ad. in rod), refractory; -darsa, m. sight; -dargana,
acted ; n. (impl.) one should requite (d., lc.); every house; -grihitavya, fp. to be re- n. beholding, perceiving; appearing; sight,
- repay as a debt to (d.); - counteract any ceived kindly, to be welcomed (incorrect for appearance; -ditavya, fp. to be restored;
one (g.); - give medical aid to (g.); -kartri, -grahi-); -gri hit ri, m. receiver (incorrectfor -dina, n. giving or present in return; -di-
m. requiter; opponent; -karma,ad. for every -grahl-); -geham, ac. ad. in every house. p y a , f p . to be forced to be restored; -dinam,
act; at every rite or celebration; -karman, ad. every day, daily, day by day; -divasam,
n. requital; correspondingaction (-°); counter- UfTRT^ prati-grah^, to. receipt, acceptance ad. id.; -disam, ad. in every quarter or di-
action ; (medical) treatment; personal adorn- (of giftS), right to receive gifts (privilege of rection, all round; -divan, to. adversary at
ment ; -karsha, m. combination; -kink- Brdhmans; the person from whom the pre- play; -dub, (nm. -dhuk), milk fresh from
shin, a. desiring (-0); -kamam, ad. accord- sent is received is ab., or g. + sakasat; the the cow; -duta, m. return messenger; -dris,
ing to wish, at pleasure ; -kimin, a. dis- object is °~); friendly reception; favour, a. (or prAti-), similar; -drisam, ad. in or for
agreeable ; -k&mini, f female rival; -kaya, grace; receiving with the ear, hearing; re- every eye; -drish^anta, m. counter instance:
m. (counter body), adversary; -kara, rn. re- ceiver ; gift, present: in. as a present; -m -sama, m. irrelevant objection by adducing a
quital (of good or evil), compensation for kri, receive presents; -grahana, a. receiving; counter instance which ignores one's oppo-
(-°); counteraction, employment of remedies; n, reception; acceptance (of gifts); -graha- nent's example; -deya, fp. to be restored ;
alleviation, remedy: -karman, n. opposition, dhana, n. money received as a present; a. -devatam, ad. for every deity; -devati, /.
resistance, -vidhina, n. medical treatment; whose wealth consists in presents only; -gra- corresponding deity; -de^am, ad. in every
-karin, a. obviating, counteracting (-°); -kar- ha-pripta, pp. received as a present; -grah- country; -deham, ad. in every body; -dai-
ya, n. reward (to, g.); -kitava, m. adver- i t a v y a , f p . to be received, that may be ac- vatam, ad. for every deity; -dvandva, m.
sary at play; -kuilgara, to. hostile elephant. cepted ; -grabitri, to. receiver (of gifts); adversary, rival; -dvandvin, to. id.;
one who receives a girl, one who weds; nm. = rivalling; -dvandvi-bhu, become an
UfTra^T prati-kfila, a. (against the bank, sg. used as ft.; -grimam, ad. in every vil- adversary; -dvadasan, a. pi. twelve each ;
uphill), contrary, adverse (wind, fate, etc.); lage ; -grihaka, a. receiving gifts (only -°); -dviram, ac., -dviri, lc. ad. at every door
perverse, wrong; disagreeable, repugnant; -gribin, a. receiving, accepting; -gribya, or gate; -dvirada,TO.hostile elephant; -dvi-
hostile, refractory, rebellious (towards, g.): fp. to be received, from (ah.); from whom pam, ad. in every part of the world.
-m, ad. against any one, contrary (wind); anything may be accepted.
inversely; n. inverse order; repugnant con- prati-dhartri, to. hinderer ; -dha,/.
duct (v. I. prati ktilya): -karin, a. offering T r f ? R prati-gha, [striking against: v'han], (drinking down: */dhe) draught; -dhana, n.
resistance to, opposing (g.); -ta, f . adverse- to. hindrance, resistance, obstruction; strug- putting to or on (- 0 ); employment of pre-
ness (offate); rebelliousness, hostility; -dai- gling against (- 0 ); wrath, rage ; -ghita, to. cautions ; -dhivana, n. assailing (ac.); -dbi,
va, a. opposed by fate: - t i , f . hostility of repulsion,prevention, repression,obstruction, m. cross-piece on the pole; -dhrishya, fp.
fate; -pravartin, a. taking an adverse course hindrance, resistance : -ka, a. troubling, dis- resistible (- 0 ); -dhvani, m., -dhvina, to. re-
(skip) and acting with hostility (tongue); turbing, -krit, a. depriving any one (g.) of peated sound, echo; -dhvinin, a. echoing.
-bbishin, a. contradicting. (g.); -ghitana, n. repelling; -ghitin, a.
repelling; disturbing; injuring; dazzling (the H f d * N K * i prati
l l f r l ^ i q pratikflla-ya, den. P . oppose (ac.). -nagaram, ad. in every
town; -nadi, ad. at every river ; -nandana,
irffT^PsT^TT pratiktila-vafcana, n. contra-
n. greeting; grateful acceptance; -namas-
diction; -vat, a. refractory, rebellious; -vart- MRI !^*!! prati-Hkshana, n. looking at,

beholding; appearance; making visible; kira, a. returning a reverential salutation ;

in, a. counteracting, opposing, disturbing
-fcakshya, fp. visible; -Aandra, to. mock -nava, a. new, young, fresh, recent; -niga,
(gr.); -vida, m. contradiction (-0); -vidin, to. hostile elephant; -nidi, / . branch-vein ;
moon; -fcikirsh, des. a. (nm. -&ikih), wish-
a. contradicting, any one (g.); -visarpin, a. -nida,m. echo; -nama, ad. by name: -grah-
ing to requite or avenge anything (lc.);
moving against the wind or stream (ship) and am am, n. ad. mentioning each individual
-Zcikirshi, f . desire to requite or retaliate
moving rancourously (tongue of a rogue); name ; (priti)-niman, a. related in name;
on (ac. or g.); -Mkirshu, des. a. wishing to
-vntti, a. resisting, opposing, any one (g.); requite (ac.); -fcintaniya, fp. ta be pon- -niyaka, to. opposing hero (in a play);
-vedaniya, fp. affecting one disagreeably; dered anew; -AAAanda, TO. image, likeness -niri, /. female rival; -nidhitavya, fp. to
-ifcarita, (pp.) n. offensive action, injury; (-° =*-like) : -ka, m. likeness; substitute ; be substituted; -nidhipayitavya, fp. to be
-jikta, n. pi. contradiction. -H-Aaya, f . likeness, image; -MAiyiki, /. caused to be substituted ; -nidbi, to. substi-
H f T l ^ f a c * pratikftl-ika, a. hostile (incor- image, phantom; -gtana, to. adversary; -ga.- tution ; substitute ; image, likeness; counter-
nam, ad. in every one; gasman, n. rebirth; part of (- 0 ); -nidhi-kri, substi tute anything
rect for prati-).
-gigarawa, n. watching (g.); -^ihirshu, des. (ac.) for (-°); -nidheya, fp. to be substi-
TTfTTSTTT prati-kn'ta, (pp.) n. requital, re- a. desirous of requiting (ac.); -^ivana, n., tuted ; -nipita, to. falling down; -niyama,
taliation ; resistance; -kriti, f . resistance; -^ivita, (pp.) n. resuscitation. to. rule for each particular case; -nirdesa,
counterfeit, image, likeness: -ra&ani, f . m. reference back to, renewed mention of
painting of a likeness. U f ? n | T prati-g^S, / . agreement, under- (g.): -ka, a. referring back to; -nirdesya,
standing, assent; promise; assertion, declara- fp. referred to again; -niryitana, n. restor-
prati-kopa, TO. wrath, anger. ation, restitution; -nivartana, n. return ;
tion; prosecution, action (leg.); announce-
HfTHIW prati-krama, to. inverse order; ment of a proposition in an argument (logic); -nivirana, n. keeping off; -nivritti, f . re-
-kramana, n. striding hither and thither; -gnkta, pp. promised, agreed ; propounded, turn ; -nisaxn, ad. every night; -nisAaya, m.
going to confession (B.) ; -kriyi, /. requital proposed; n. promise; -grwina, n. admission, opposing opinion; -nishiAa, a. standing on
(of good or evil: with object; g., or assent; promise; assertion; propounding a the opposite side; -nripati, to. rival king;
lc. of person); compensation; resistance; subject. -noda, to. repulse; -nyiyam, ad. in reverse
counteraction, remedy, help; venting (of order; -nyisa, to. counter deposit.
anger); adornment (of the person): a. (a) u H l U l * n ^ pratigrw&antara, n. change of TTtrnr^ prati-paksha, to. opposite side;
warding off, repelling; -krodha, m. anger in the proposition in an argument; -paripil- opposition, hostile party; opponent, adver-
return. ana, n. adherence to a promise, keeping sary ; rival (in, - ° ) ; - a. rivalling: -gran-
one's word; -purvakam, ad. beginning with man, a. produced by enemies, -ti,/., -tva,
prati-kshawam, ad. every mo- the prosecution; -virodha, m. contradiction n. opposition, hostility; -paksbita, pp. op-
ment or instant, continually; -kshapam, ad. between proposition and argument; -sam- posed, contradictory; -pakshin, m. opponent,
every night; -kshipta-tva, n. repudiation, nyasa, TO. abandonment of one's own pro- adversary; -panA, m. exchange; counter-
174 Uf?pro prati-patha. H f d ^ f ^ prati-ra^ani.
stake (in play); -pattavya, fp. to be ob- TrffTHtJlfd prati-prapraati, f . discrimina- understanding: -vat, a. quick-witted, en-
tained or received; - given (answer); - tion, ascertainment; -prawavam, ad. at every dowed with presence of mind, prompt: -tva,
comprehended or understood; n. impl. one 'om;' -pranava-samyukta,pp.accompanied n. quick intelligence, promptness ; -bhava,
should behave; one should assume or lay with ' om(' on each occasion ; -praraama, m. TO. counterpart: -ta, f . abst. .v.; -bha-vat, a.
down ; -patti, f obtainnient, acquirement; counter-bow, salutation in return; -prati, a. endowed with presence of mind; quick-
perception, comprehension; understanding, (TO. n.) forming a counterpart, counterbalanc- witted ; -bhasa, m. appearing; appearance;
intelligence; supposition, view, assertion; ing, a match for (ac.); -pratika, or -m, occurrence of a thought; delusion: -na, n.
admission; giving, bestowal on any one (Ic. ad. at every initial word; on every part of appearing; appearance, semblance; -bhi, /.
or ; causing; taking in hand (-°); enter- the body; -pradana, n. giving back, restitu- fear.
prise, procedure, action, in or with (g. or Ic.)', tion; bestowal in marriage; -prabha,/. pl. HfW^prati-bhG, TO. surety, for (d., g., or
respectful behaviour, mark of respect, honour; reflexion (of fire); -prabhatam, ad. every
confidence, assurance, determination; re- - ° ) ; representative of = equalling; -bhu-
morning; -prayavaraa, n. repeated mixing;
source, means for (ic.),expedient against (g.); pala, m. hostile prince: pl. every single
-prayawa, n. return; -prasna, TO. counter
high rank, dominion, rule; conclusion; ta- question, answer; -prasava,TO.counter pre- prince; -bhubhrit, m. hostile prince.
tra ka pratipattiA syat, what is to be done cept, annulment of a prohibition regarding prati-bheda, TO. severance; be-
in that case ? katasya pratipattiA, what is (- 0 ); return to the original state; -prasa- trayal, discovery; -bhedana, n. splitting,
to be done with it ? pratipattim d&, show vam, ad. at every birth; -prasthatri, m. bursting, dashing to pieces; -bhairava, a.
honour: -daksha, a. resourceful; -purva- priest assisting the Adhvaryu; -prasthana, terrible; -bhoga, TO.enjoyment; (medically)
kam, ad. respectfully; -pradana, n. showing n. office of the Pratiprasthatri; -prahara, prescribed diet.
of honour; -mat, a. intelligent, resourceful. m. counter blow, stroke in return; -prani,
jrfTHraf prati-patba, or -m, ad. along the ad. in or for every living being; -prabhrita, J<fr|*f|' < !l c IK prati-mangala-v&ra, TO. pl.
n. counter present; -prasthanika, a. relat- every Tuesday; -ma?(rfala, n. co'.nter or
road; backwards; -pad, f . entrance, ap-
proach ; beginning; initial verse, introduc- ing to the office of the Pratiprasthatri. second disc; -mantrana, n. response; -man-
tory stanza; first day of a lunar fortnight or tram, ad. with or at every verse; -mandi-
ram, ad. in every house ; -manvantara, n.
of the moon's increase; -pada, (£ -m, ad. J|(r|(t|i| prati-priya, n. counter - favour,
service in return; -preksharaa, n. looking at every Manu period: -m or e, in every - ;
at every step; everywhere, on every occasion;
any one again; -praisha, m. counter call; -malla, m. counter-wrestler, opposing war-
at every word; literally, expressly; each
-plavana, n. leaping back. rior ; rival.
singly; -panna, pp. obtained, gained; over-
come, conquered, subdued: -tva, n.condition prati-phalana, n. reflexion, re- Mfri+ll prati-m&, / . [counter-measure],
of having been promised; -parigamana, n. flected image. likeness,image,figure; picture; idol; symbol
going round again or back; -paryayam, ad. (°- with a word meaning moon = reflected
at every turn; -parva, ad. at every change prati-baddha, pp. connected: -ta, moon, reflexion of the moon); measure ; a.
of the moon; -pallava, m. opposing or out- f connexion with (-°); -banddhri, TO. hinderer, (a) resembling, like; -matri, ad. according
stretched branch. obstructor: -ta, /. obstruction; -bandha, TO. to the several mothers ; -rnktrk, f . pl. all the
connexion; investment, siege ; hindrance, morae; -mana, n. counter-measure; well-
H f f l Ml prati-pan£,a. bartering; m. counter- impediment; stoppage, suspension; logical matched opponent; pattern; comparison,
stake ; revenge at play; -patram, ad. in or impediment, obstructive argument; support: resemblance, equality; weight (measure);
on every part (in a play); -padaka, a. (ika) in. by employing all hinds of obstacles: -ka, -m&nana,/. homage; -m&nayitavya./p. to
giving, bestowing (-°); discussing, treating a. (ika) hindering, obstructing, -vat, a. beset be regarded or considered; -m&ya,/. counter-
of, teaching ; explanatory, illustrative; -pad- with obstacles; -bandhi-kalpana,/. assump- charm ; -marga,TO.way back; -ma-visesha,
ana, n. causing to attain (-°); giving, be- tion liable to a legitimate contradiction; m. kind of image or figure; -masa, or
stowal, on (Ic. or -°); giving back, return- -bandhin, a. liable to be impeded or checked; -m, ad. every month.
ing ; bringing back; inauguration in (-°) ; impeding, obstructing; -bandhi-ta, f .
producing, causing; setting forth, treating of, state of checking, obstruction; -bala, i. n. JTfrl*jop<«| prati-mukula, ad. in or on
propounding, illustrating, teaching; com- hostile army; 2. a. having equal strength, every bud; -mukti, f . leave (to depart);
mencement ; -padaniya, fp. to be given, - being a match for (g.), equally strong in (- 0 ) ; -mukha, 1. n. part of a play in which the
in marriage (Pr.); to be propounded, dis- capable of, adequate to (inf. or d. of vbl. N.); plot thickens, epitasis; reply, answer; 2. a.
cussed or treated of; -padapam, ad. in every TO. well-matched adversary; -badhaka, a. being in front, opposite, confronting; immi-
tree; -padam, ad. in every verse (pada) ; repelling (-°); -badhana, n. warding off, re- nent, present; 3. or -m, ad. in front;
-padayitavya, fp. to be bestowed or pre- pulsion (of, g.; ac. ); -bahu, m. fore-arm.
1 against or backwards; -mudr&,f. counter-
sented ; -padayitri, m. bestower, on (Ic.); feit seal; impression of a seal; -muhus, ad.
propounder, teacher; -paduka, /. pedestal; H f T r f T O prati-bimba, (TO.) n. reflected disc again and again, continually; -muhurtam,
-padya,fp. to be propounded, explained, or (of the sun or moon in the water); reflected ad. every moment, continually.
discussed; under discussion; -pana, a. drink- image, reflexion, shadow, likeness ; -bim-
ing ; drinking water; -papa, a. bad in return, bana, n. reflexion; comparing; -bimbita, T T f ? W t ^ ! r prati-moksharaa, ra. remission
requiting any one (Ic.) with evil; -palana, (den.) pp. reflected, in (-°); -bimbi-kri, re- (of taxes); -mofcana, ra. riddance, deliver-
n. watching, guarding, protection ; rearing, flect, resemble (ac.). ance from (-°).
nurture (of animals); keeping, observance,
prati-yatna, TO. trouble bestowed
maintenance, of (g. or -°); expectation (Pr.); flfc^ prati-buddhi, / . awaking (fig.);
-bodba, TO. awaking; knowledge: -ka, a. upon anything, elaboration, preparation,
-palaniya or -p&layitavya, fp. to be ex-
manufacture; -yatana, ra. requital: f.
pected or waited for; -palin, a, guarding, awaking (ac.);TO.instructor; -bodhana, a.
image, figure, statue (of a god); -y&na, n.
protecting; -palya, fp. to be protected or awakening,quickening; n. awaking; spread-
return; -yamini, ad. every night; -yayin,
guarded; to be waited for. ing, diffusion; wakening; enlightening, in-
a. going against, attacking; -yuddha, n.
structing : a, f . awaking, recovery of con- counter-contest, fight in return; -yuvati,/.
J T f T T f W r prati-pitsS, f . desire to obtain, sciousness; -bodhaniya, fp. to be wakened; female rival, concubine; -yuvam, ad. to-
striving after; -pitsu, des. a. desiring to -bodha-vat, a. possessed of understanding; wards the youth; -yoga,TO.opposition, re-
obtain, striving after (ac. or -°); wishing to -bodhin, a. awaking. sistance : in. pl. by remedies or antidotes;
learn (ac.); -pipadayisha, f. desire to pro- -yogam, ad. rule by rule; -yogika, a. cor-
pound or discuss (ac.); -pipadayishu, des. Jtfri+I& prati-bhafa, a. being a match for relative, contrasting with (-0): -tva,ra.corre-
a, being about to propound, discuss, or ex- any one, equal to anything; rivalling (g. or
—°); to. adversary : -ta, /. rivalry with (p.); lativeness; -yog-in, a. correlative, contrast-
plain ; -pidana, n. devastation, of (-°). ing ;TO.opponent, adversary: (-i)-t&,/., (-i)-
-bha£i-kri, put on an equality with; -bha-
JTf?njfSRnT prati-pum-niyata, pp. specially ya, a. formidable, terrible, dangerous: -m, tva, n. correlation, contrast; -yo^ayltavya,
meant for every soul; -purusha, m. similar ad.; n. fear, of (ab. or -°); danger: -kara, fp. to be strung or the strings of which are to
man, representative; companion ; doll; or -TO-kara, a. causing fear. be tuned (lute); -yoddhavya,/j». to be fought
-m, ad, man for man, for each man; for against in return; -yoddhr/, m. combatant;
every soul; -pustaka, n. copy of an original )|(r|<TT prati-bM, / . resemblance, image; well-matched adversary; -yodha,TO.combat-
manuscript, transcript; -pupaka, a. honour^ light, lustre (-°); understanding, intelligence; ant, antagonist; -yodhana, n. combating;
ing or g.); -pupana, n. doing honour to presence of mind; brilliant idea, happy combat; -yodhin, m. combatant, equal an-
(g.); -pupa, /. id. (with g. or Ic.); -pujrya, thought; well-founded presumption; fancy, tagonist (-°); -yoshit,/. female rival, con-
fp. to be honoured; -purana, n. filling, oc- phantom ; -bhaga,TO.daily present (consist- cubine.
cupation of (g.) ; being filled with (in.); ing of fruit, flowers,andvegetahles offered to a
king): -sas, ad. in divisions or classes; -bha- prati-ragrani, ad. every night;
stoppage, obstruction; -prishth&,f. each side
of a leaf. na, n. obviousness; brilliancy of conception; -ratha, TO. (whose chariot is against one),
J l P r K M prati-ragra. UfTTfTT prati-hara. 175
adversary in fight, equal antagonist; -rath- -virati, ad. on each cessation or disappear- entrusted to (d. or lc.); -shiA&su, des. a. in-
yam, ad. on every road; -rava,TO.shouting ance ; -visesha, ra. peculiarity, particular tending to depart; -shtfAi, f . resistance ;
at any one, quarrelling, brawl; echo (sg. & circumstance; -visesharaa,ra.detailed speci- -shiAita, pp. (-y/stha) famous, celebrated;
pi.); -rasita, (pp.) n. echo. fication ; -visva, a. pi. all and sundry : lc. in expert in (lc.) : -pada, re. having verses
all cases; -visha, a. containing an antidote; (pldas) containing a fixed number of sylla-
H f f U j ^ l prati-r&ga,ra.rival or hostileking; -vishaya, m. pi. all objects of sense: or bles) ; -shtfAiti, /. firm stand or footing.
•rkg&n,ra.id.; -r&tram or -ratrl, ad. every -m, ad. with regard to each individual object
night; -ripu, ad. against the enemy; -rupa, of sense; -vita, pp. V v y a ; -vira, m. op- prati-samyoddhn, ra. combat-
n. (counter-form), effigy, image, likeness; ponent ; equal antagonist; -vWttantam, ad. ant, antagonist; -samvatsaram, ad. every
pattern ; counterfeit, of (g.); a. resembling ; according to the saying, as they say; -vri- year; -samvidh&na, ra. counter-act, blow in
corresponding, suitable ; handsome, comely : sba, ra. hostile bull; -vedam, ad. in the return; -saravedana,ra.perception, conscious-
-ka, a. (ik&) resembling, having the appear- case of or for every Veda; -vedantam, ad. ness (of anything); -samvedin, a. feeling,
ance of; counterfeit; ra. quack, charlatan, in every Upanishad; -velam, ad. at every being conscious of; -samskara, ra. restora-
-/fcaryi, f. exemplary conduct. opportunity; -vesa, a. neighbouring; aux- tion ; entrance into (-°); -samhara, m. with-
iliary, subordinate, minor; ra. neighbour; drawal ; abandonment of (g. or -°); absten-
wf<1 O ^ j prati-roddhri, ra. opposer, of (?.);
neighbouring house; -vesin, a. neighbouring; tion from (ab.); -saratkrama, m. dissolution;
•rodha, m. impediment, obstruction: -ka, rn. impression; -sarakhyi, f . consciousness;
m. neighbour ; -vesma, ad. in every house;
obstructor; robber; -rodhana, n. obstruc- -samkhyana, n. reconsideration, circumspec-
-vesman,ra.neighbouring house; -vesya, m.
tion, prevention; allowing anything (g.) to neighbour; -vaira, ra. counter-hostility, re- tion; -samhara,ra.backward movement (- 0 );
pass by fruitlessly; -rodhin, ra. robber. venge ; -•vodhavjo.ffp. to be carried home. dissolution, - of the world; exercising ground;
Kfn^l^Uj prati-laksharaa, n. symptom ; that in which anything is absorbed; -sam-
-labhya,fp. obtainable; -lambha,m. obtain- i r f W r i K prati-vyahara, ra. a n s w e r ; grihirshu, des. a. wishing to give up or free
ment, acquirement; regainment; compre- -vyuha, ra. opposing battle-array; echo. oneself from (ac.); -sadanam, ad. into each
hension ; -labha, m. obtainment, acquisition; several abode; -sadma, ad. at or in every
TrfWST^jT prati-sanka, f . supposition, con-
-lingam, ad. at every phallus; -lekhana, house; -saradesa,ra. counter-message, answer
sidering to be (- 0 ); -satru, ra. combatant,
«., - l e k h i , f . prescribed cleansing of all to a message ; -samdesh£avya, fp. to be Bent
antagonist, foe ; -sabda, m. echo : -ka, m. id.,
utensils; -loka, TO. every world; -loma, a. in reply to a message; -saradhitri, ra. re-
-ga, a. following the sound, -vat, a. echoing;
against the hair, against the grain, contrary, collector; -samdhana, ra. putting together
unfavourable ; hostile ; inverted, contrary to -sama, ra. cessation; -sayit a, pp. y ^ i ; ra.
again; joining, combination; juncture, period
the natural or prescribed order: or -m, ad. importunity; -sara, ra. fracture; -sarasana,
of transition between two cosmic ages; recol-
in the inverted order, in the wrong direction, ra. adversary's bow; -rasin, ra. mock moon ;
lection ; -saradhi, m. re-union ; re-entry into
perversely ; in. in an unkind way; -lomaka, -sakbam,ad. for every Vedic school; -s&khi,
(-°) or into the womb; connexion; juncture,
a. inverted, contrary to the natural or pre- f . minor branch: pi. all the Vedic schools;
interval between two cosmic ages; adverse-
scribed order; n. perverseness; -loma-tas, -s&pa,ra.coun ter-curse; -s&sana,ra.secondary
ness (of fate): -ghkn&, n. recognition; -sa-
a. on account of the inverted order or direc- authority (-°); -syaya, m. cold, catarrh;
ma, a. equal; -samadbana, ra. collecting
tion ; in the reverse order or direction; -lo- -sraya, m. refuge, assistance; asylum, shelter;
oneself again, composure; -samasana,ra.re-
maanuloma,a. (against or with the grain), dwelling, abode, habitation; repository of
sistance to, equality with (g.); -samiksharaa,
speaking for or against: or -m, ad. in the (gr.); a. dwelling; -srava, a. answering
ra. counter-look, return glance; -sawibandbi,
inverted order; in the wrong and (or) the (F.); ra. promise, word, assurance; -srava-
ad. according to the respective connexion;
natural order or direction, -tas, ad. in an na,ra. answering; promising; assenting; -srut,
-sar&, ra. (returning back into itself), amu-
unfriendly and a friendly manner. f . echo; answer; -sruti, f . answer ; promise ;
let band (worn round the neck or arm, esp.
echo; -slokam, ad. at every sloka.
at nuptials: alsok,f); circle; -sarana, a.
prati-vaktavya,/p. to be replied UfTPJlJclJ prati-sheddhavya, fp. to be re-
having recourse to (-°); ra. flowing backwards
to; to be given (answer); to be combated or strained ; - denied; -sheddhri, ra. preventer, (of fluids); -sarga, ra. secondary or con-
disputed; to be contradicted (person); -vah- restrainer, of (g., sts. ac. of thing); -shedha,
ana, n. answer, reply, to (g. or -°): i-k ri, tinued creation (out of primeval matter);
ra. prevention, determent, restrainment; pro- -Bargain, ad. at every creation ; -sidbana,
give as an answer, reply with (ac.); -va/his, hibition ; annulment, negation; negative ;
n. answer; -vatsara,TO.year; -vatsaram, ra. counter-proof; -s&manta, ra. adversary,
refusal: -ka, a. (ika) keeping off, forbidding; enemy; -sayam, ad. towards evening; -sar-
ad. every year; -vaditavya,^. to be com- negativing; -shedana, a. warding off;
bated or disputed; -vanam, ad. in every araa,ra.application of remedies (to a wound);
preventing, deterring, restraining, from (a&.); -sitftha,ra.rival or hostile lion; -sundari,/.
forest; -vat, a. containing the word ' prati;' prohibition against (ab.); rejection, refuta-
-vaniti, /. female rival; -varraa, m. each female rival, concubine; -surya, m. 1. mock
tion ; -shedaniya, fp. to be restrained or sun; 2. (basking in the sun), kind of lizard:
caste: -m, ad. for every caste; -varraika, a. prevented; -shedhayitri, a. (tri) negativing;
having a corresponding colour, similar; -var- -ka, m. mock sun; -seni, f. hostile army.
-shedhaakshara, ra. refusal; -shedhaat-
sha, or -m, ad. every year; -vallabha, maka, a. having a negative form; -she- prati-skandha,ra. each shoulder:
/. female rival, concubine; -vasati, ad. in or dhaapavada,ra. annulment of a prohibition; in. each on his shoulder; -sthanam, ad. in
on every house; -vastu, ra. corresponding -shedhaarthiya, a. having the meaning of a every place, everywhere; -sneha, m. incor-
thing, equivalent, compensation; - j p a m a , negation; -shedbaukti, f . negative or pro- rect for pati-sneha; -spardhin, a. vying
/. parallel simile (rh.); -vahni-pradakshi- hibitory expression; -shedhaupama, f . com- with, rivalling, emulating; -spasa, a. spy-
nam, ad. at every circumambulation of the parison having a negative form; -shedhya, ing, lurking; -srotas, ad. against the stream,
fire fMSm left to right; -vakya, ra. answer; fp. to be prevented, prohibited, or rejected; upstream; -svana,m.^?Z. or °-,echo; -svam,
yelling or barking at (pi.); answer; - denied; -sh/ambha, ra. obstruction, hind- ad. each singly; -svara,TO.echo.
-v&fclta,ra.answer; -vata,TO.wind blowing rance, impediment; annulment; -shlambh-
in front: -m, ad. against the wind ; lc. to the in, a. impeding (- ); -sh/Aa, a. steadfast;
0 U f d ^ d ^ f t prati-hata-dhi, a. hostilely dis-
leeward; -vada, m. refusal, rejection; -vad- resisting; -shiAa, /- standing still; stead- posed ; -hata-raya, a. whose current is im-
in, a. contradicting; refractory; m. oppo- fastness, stability, perseverance in (- 0 ); stand- peded by (-°); -hati, f . blow ; rebound;
nent ; defendant (in a lawsuit,); -v&raraa, i. ing-place, position; repository; foundation; -hantavya,/^. to be opposed; -hantW, to.
a. warding off; ra. keeping off; 2. hostile support; abiding-place,homestead,dwelling; warder off, preventer; -hartri, TO.withdrawer;
elephant; -v&rtti, f . news; -varya, fp. to pediment, foot (of men or animals); tran- destroyer; remover, preventer; a kind of
be warded off (~°); -v&saram,TO.daily. quillity ; pre-eminence; standing, high posi- priest, assistant of the Udgdtri; -harsha,
tion ; accession to the throne; erection of an m. expression of joy; -harsharaa, a. causing
n f f l f V * H < 1 prati-vighata, TO. warding off; image or Linga; N. of various metres: (a)- joy in return; -hasta, ra. (person at one's
-vitapam, ad. for every branch; -vidyam, kama, a. desiring a fixed abode or high hand), substitute, deputy, proxy : -ka, m.
ad. at every doctrine ; -vidh&tavya, fp. to position; -sWAana, ra. firm standing-place, substitute, -tva, n. deputyship ; -hastin, TO.
be employed ; - provided against; ra. impl. foundation; pedestal, foot; founding of a city; keeper of a brothel.
one should take care; -vidhina, n. counter- N. of a town situated at the confluence of
action, prevention, precaution against (g. or the Ganges and the Yamund; m. N. of a I [ f ? f i n X prati-hara, ra. striking against any-
care or provision for (-0); -vidhi, m. locality on the Godavari (the. Paithana of thing, contact (of the tongue); certain syl-
remedy for (-°); -vidhitsa, f . desire or in- the Greeks); -shiAapana, ra. erection of an lables with which the Pratihartri strikes into
tention to counteract; -vidheya, fp. to be image; establishment, corroboration : a, f . the chant (in the Sdma litany); gate; janitor:
done againBt; - rejected; ra. impl. one should counter-assertion, statement of an antithesis; i, /. female janitor; (a)-goptri, f . female
take precautions ; one should take measures -sh£Aapayitavya,/j>. to be placed; -shtfA&p- door-keeper; -pa, m. door-keeper; -bhftmi,
against (lc.); -viparita,pp. exactly opposite; y a , f p , to be placed or based on (lc.); to be f. site or region of the gate; office of a door-
-vibh&ga, m. distribution, apportionment; ' keeper; -rakshi,/. female door-keeper.
176 UffTfTXTO prati-hara-ya. TTSlfHMK^I pratyabhi-gharana.

R f f f ^ I < , l i | p r a t i - h M - y a , den. play the accepting, receiving gladly; m.f. acceptance ; having inner organs ; -&tman, m. inward or
-vesa, a. neighbouring; -hartri, m. door- individual soul; individual; -&nanda, a. con-
door-keeper; -harya, n. jugglery.
keeper, chamberlain; -hara, m. porter, janitor, sisting of inward joy; -ksin,f. personal wish;
M f c t f t s f t l f l prati-himsita, (pp.) n. requital warder (i, f . female door-keeper): -ta, f , a. containing a personal wish; -udak, ad.
of an injury, revenge; -hita, pp. a/dh&; -tva, w. office of a door-keeper or chamber- (west-northerly, i. e.) north-westerly; -eka-
- h i t i , / . adjustment of the arrow; - h i t a i - lain, -dhurareidhara, f female door-keeper. rasa, a. having a taste for the inward, i. e.
shu, a. having adjusted the arrow to the one's own soul, only; -pyotis, n. inward light;
string; -hrtdayam, ad. in every heart; flr]^ pra-tuda, m. pecker (a class of birds); -dakshina-tas, ad. (west-southerly, i.e.)
-homa, m. compensatory sacrifice; -hrasa, goad ; -tushtfi,/. satisfaction: -da, a. giving south-westerly; -dakshina, ad. id.: -pra-
m. curtailment; -hvara, m. slope. pleasure to (-°); -tnd, a. cleaving; -toda, vana, a. precipitous towards the south-west;
m. goad; -toll,/, broad road, main street. - d i s , f . west; - d m , / , inward gaze ; a. hav-
Tfift^i pratika [prati_ak-a, g o i n g t o w a r d : ing one's gaze directed inward; -dhaman, a.
Vank~\, turned or looking towards (-°); going U r f pra-t-ta, pp. \/da ; (a)-t-ti, / . g i f t .
having inward light.
uphill; n. surface; outward form, aspect,
lf<5f pra-tn^, a. ancient, o l d : (a)-tha, -vat,
countenance, face; mouth ; image, symbol; MPtlpH prati_agni, ad. towards the fire ; at
ad. as formerly, in the wonted manner.
copy, specimen; front; initial word; m. limb, or in every fire.
member, part of the body: -darsana, n. flC^J^pratijimsam, ad. u p o n the shoulders.
pratiagra, a. [being at the beginning],
symbolical idea. new, fresh; young; early (rays); recent;
praty£k, n. of pratyanfc: -tva,re.back-
J J t f f a i T T prati-kara, m. reaction, retalia- ward direction; -pushkara, a. having the renewed, repeated: or -m, ad. recently;
tion, revenge ; counteraction, prevention; bowl turned towards the west (spoon); -pra- -prasava, a.f. having recently brought forth,
remedy, preventive; resource,means of escape; vana, a. devoted to the individual soul. - calved; -yauvana, a. being in early youth ;
mode of alliance formed on the assumption -rupa, a. youthful; -vayas, a. of youthful
of the requital of former services; m. 3 n * n * p r a t i j k s h a , a. being before the eyes, years. Sjplay).
reflexion; appearance; a. resembling. evident, visible, perceptible; clear, plain,
manifest; undoubted,actual,real; immediate, v l t H ^ + t , p r a t i j i n k a m , ad. in e v e f y a c t (of a
H d l ^ l p r a t i i k s h - a , a. looking b a c k ( - ° ) ; direct; having a clear knowledge of (g.); n. TTrtl^* p r a t i a n g a , 1. n. minor part of the
waiting for, expecting; considerate towards superintendence of, care for (p.); evidence, body (forehead, chin, nose, ears, fingers,
(- 0 ); -aka, a. waiting for, expecting (-°); immediate perception; cognizance : - m , ad. etc.); division, part; weapon; 1. or -m,
-ana, n. consideration, regard; observance, before one's eyes or face; in the presence of ad. on every part of the body; for one's own
fulfilment; -aniya, fp. to be waited for or (g. or - ° ) ; visibly, evidently, from one's own person; for every part (of a rite); in every
expected; -am, abs. waiting for; a, f . ex- immediate knowledge.; clearly, distinctly; grammatical base (gr.); -vartin, a. occupied
pectation ; regard for (- 0 ); -in, a. waiting; actually, really; immediately, directly, per- with one's own person.
waiting for, expecting (-°); -ya, fp. to be sonally ; ab. actually, really; immediately;
expected or waited for; - kept, observed, or in. before one's eyes, to one's face; at sight, p r a t y a n - m u k h a , a. (i) h a v i n g the
fulfilled; - treated with consideration, worthy. evidently; Ic. id.; before one's face,
face turned westward.
MCTNM prati-ghclta, a. warding off (- 0 ); visibly; d e a r l y ; actually ; directly, person-
m. prevention, obstruction, repression; ob- ally : -karana, n. personal observation; -kri- prati^anA, a . (/. prati A:-i or - i ) turned
stacle, hindrance, impediment; resistance ; ta, pp. directly or personally addressed (in toward, facing (ac.); coming (seasons); being
-gh&tin, a. obstructing (- 0 ). the second person); containing a direct invo- or coming from behind; turning the back,
cation; -kkrin, a. moving in bodily shape averted; backward; moving in reverse direc-
J l d K l p r a t i & - i , / . o/pratyanfe; -ina, i . a . before (g); -gnana, n. immediate know- tion or a w a y ; being behind (as one faces the
turned or coming towards; -ina, 2. a. averted, ledge ; -tamat, -tamam, ad. most evidently, sun), westward, western, to the west of (ab.) ;
turning the back; coming from or being be- immediately, or actually, etc.; -tas, ad. before going backwards, beginning at the end
hind; turned or lying westward; imminent, one's very eyes : with Vsru, hear with one's (stoma); turned back = inward; equal to (ac.:
future ; following upon (ab.); -i-pati, m. ep. own ears ; -ta, /. visibility: in. visibly; V.); -ak, n. ad. backwards; in the reverse
of Varurea, ocean. -tva, n. manifestness ; explicitness; direct- direction; behind (ab.); westwards; in the
ness of perception; -darsana, n. seeing with w e s t ; to the west of (ab.); within; m.
M f l l ^ ^ pratiJAAAa-ka, m. receiver. one's own eyes, power of seeing (a god) bodily; the inward or individual soul; pratiM, /.
Htli 1 **! prati/c-ya, a. being or dwelling in -darsin, a. seeing or having seen anything the west.
the west .; the west. (g.) with one's own eyes; -dra, a. seeing any-
thing clearly as if with ones own eyes ; M c e i f c c Q ^ t q + l p r a t i j d h i k a r a n a m , ad. at
Mol<l p r a t i j t a , pp. ^artha, a. having -drisya, fp. to be seen with one's own eyes, every section or paragraph.
a recognised meaning. evident; -dnshia, pp. seen with one's own
pratianantara, a. being in the
H f l l f f T p r £ t i i t i , / . approach ; obviousness; eyes; -prama, / . correct conception gained
immediate neighbourhood of (g.); next in
notoriety; distinct knowledge, clear concep- by the evidence of the senses ; -bhaksha, m.
rank ; m. next of kin, heir presumptive : -m,
actual eating; -bhuta, pp. manifested, be-
tion or understanding (of anything); con- ad. immediately after (ab.); i-bhu, betake
come visible, appearing in bodily shape.
viction; trust, credit. [flag. oneself close to (g.); ^anika, a. (having one's
prati-naha, m. obstruction ( - ° ) ; HOJJT^^J pratyaksha-ya, den. P . m a k e mani- face against), hostile, opposing (g.); prejudic-
ing, injuring; opposite ; ""rivalling; m. op-
fest or visible ; see with one's own eyes.
H<I\M pratipa [ p r a t i a p - a , against the water ponent, enemy; re. hostile army; hostility,
i. e. stream], contrary, coming or flying to- T T t l T W ^ f a T ^ r pratiakshara-slesha-maya, rivalry (sg. & pl.); retaliatory revilement of
wards one; adverse, opposed; reversed (sound a. containing an ambiguity in every syllable an enemy's following: -bh&va, m. condition
= echo); perverse,contradictory; disordered; of being the opposite; - annmana, re. counter
displeasing to (g.); cross-grained, refractory, or opposite inference; ^anuyoga, m. counter
obstructive; m. opponent, adversary: - m , ad. flfSf^M*!, pratyaksha-vat, ad. as if it were a question; ^anta, m. boundary : pl. barbar-
against the stream, backwards; towards; perfect certainty; -vidhana, n. explicit regu- ous tribes: -desa, m. frontier country; ^an-
back, in return (beat, etc.); in the inverse lation; -vishayi-bhu, present oneself within tari-bhu, betake oneself close to any one
order; refractorily : with gam, resist; n. in- the range of vision; -vihita, pp. expressly (*g.); -jintat, ad. to the end in each case ;
verted comparison (e. g.' the moon is like thy enjoined; -vritti, a. formed clearly or in- - antika, a. situated on the frontier.
face'); -ga, a. coming or flowing towards; telligibly (word); -jgamana, n. approach in
flowing backwards; -gati, f , -gamana, n. bodily form. TTSPJofiTX pratijipak&ra, m. counter-injury,
retrograde movement; -gamin, a. going | pratyaksha-ya, den. A . become p r a t i j i b d a m , ad. every year.
against, acting contrarily to (- 0 ); -tarana, manifest: -mana-tva, n. manifestness.
re. navigation against the stream. I VUpratiabhi-gh&raraa,n. repeated
H C M ^ I * ^ * ^ pratyakshi-karana, n. ocular besprinkling of a sacrificial remnant; -gflk,
TTrfhre inspection; -kri, look at with one's own f . recognition; regaining of consciousness;
pratipa-ya, den. P . be opposed to -pnana, re. recognition ; counter token of re-
eyes; -bhu, become manifest, appear in bodily
any one (Ic.); turn round, reverse. cognition ; reciprocity; -pi'&pana, n. causing
U T T t a ^ P f T pratipa-vaAana, n. contradic- to recognise; -f/n&yamana-tva, n. recog-
tion ; - j i k t i , / . id. T r a r e R T T ^ n f t pratyak - sarasvati, / . the nition (ps); -nandin, a. receiving grate-
prati-man^, n. (counter-measure), western Sarasvati; -srotas, a. flowing to- fully (- 0 ); -bhashin, a. speaking to (ac);
wards the west. -marsa, m.: -na, n. stroking or touching
weight (measure); -vapa, m. admixture (esp.
in a decoction); - v a h a , m. reward; - v i , a. TTSPI^T pratyag-aksha, n. inner organ ; a. (with the hand); -methana, u. mocking

pratyabhyanu^wa. 1TO prath. 177

reply; -yoga, m. counter suit or action; -lekh- refused: -tva, n. rejection; -kbyatavya, fp. the first vowel a + the last consonant ha-1 (h
ya, n. counter-document (leg.); -vada, TO. re- to be impugned or denied; -kbyatri, TO. re- with the technical suffix 1), designates the
turn salutation: -ka, a. returning any one's fuser; -khyana, n. rebuff, rejection; refusal; entire alphabet; -harya, fp. to be received
greeting; -v&dana, n. answer to a salutation combating (feelings, etc.); impugnment, de- or learned, from (ab.); -hvaya,TO,echo.
(g.), counter greeting to (g.); -vadayitH, TO. nial, disavowal; -kbyayin, a. rejecting (-°);
one who returns a salutation; -skandana, n. -kbyeya, fp. to be repelled or rejected; Mcejrff pratijakta, pp. V v a f c ; n. answer:
curable (disease); -gati, /., -gama, TO.return; -tva, n. refutation; ^ukti,/. reply; -^nggiv-
counter-accusation. ana, n. revival; resuscitation; - nta, ad.
-gamana, n. coming back, return, to (-°);
pratiabhyanuf/na,/. permission, -ghata, TO. repulse; -,£&kshan.a-ka, a. in- on the contrary, rather, even; -^utkarsba,
consent; ^jibhyasam, ad. at every repetition; tending to dispute anything (ac.); -&&ra, TO. TO. surpassing; -uttabdhi, f supporting,
- abhyutth&na, n. rising to receive (a guest). corresponding conduct. propping; -jattambha,TO.: -na, n. id.; -Jit-
tara, n. reply to an answer, rejoinder; an-
pratijmitra, a. hostile ; TO. enemy, W T r r r o pratijitapa, TO. sunny spot; >J,tma, swer; -^uttari-kararaa, n. making a reply,
adversary. or -m, ad. for or in every soul; singly; answer; -jittarirkri, answer; -utthana, n.
-atmaka, - atmika, a. belonging to oneself, rising up to meet (a guest), respectful recep-
t r a n r pratijya, m. [going or turning to, severally one's own; r&tmya, n. likeness to tion ; rising up against, hostility; -jittheya,
recourse], confidence, trust, belief, faith, in oneself: in. after his own image; - adarsa, fp. to whom respect should be shown by
(g., lc., ; conviction, certainty; proof, as- TO. incorrect for pratj'adesa; -jidana, n. re- rising; -jitpanna, pp.prompt, ready: -mati,
certainment ; assumption; solution, explana- covery, re-acquisition; reiteration, repetition; a. possessed of presence of mind; m. Ready-
tion; conception,notion,idea; cause; ordeal; - aditya, i. m. mock sun; 2. ad. towards the wit, N. of a fish; -^udadhi, ad. at the sea;
following letter (gr.); suffix (gr.): -karaka, sun (°-); raditsn, des. a. desirous of gaining -jidaharawa, n. counter-example; -^uda-
a. causing confidence, trustworthy; -dh&tu, or regaining; ^adeya, fp. to be received; harya,//;. to be given as a counter-example;
TO. (suffix-root), depominative base (gr.). radesa, TO. injunction, order; repudiation, -jidgati,/., -udgama, TO.: -na, n. going to
rejection; refusal; prevention, determent, meet, esp. as a mark of respect; -jidgaman-
J4i8|<&|«t«l. pratijiyanam, ad. every year. (deterrent) example; casting into the shade, iya, fp. suitable for the respectful reception
HWT^pf pratyayarsarga, TO. intellectual eclipsing. of a guest; -jidyama, m. counter-weight,
creation. balance; -ndyamin, a. balancing; ^udya-
W T ^ R pratiS-dhana, n. place for keep-
THJlf^nH pratyay-ita, den. pp. proved, trust- tri, TO. assailant; ^ndyamin, a. rebellious;
ing anything; -nayana, n. fetching back
-unnamana, n. rebounding.
worthy; -i-tavya, credible; -in, a. trust- again; bringing back, restoration; - n e y a , f p .
worthy. to be made good. iJrtjMeftIT praturpa-kfira, m. requital of
H<e|f\ pratijiri, m. well-matched foe, adver- JTrtllMPri prati S-patti,/. turning back from kindness, service in return; -karin, a. re-
sary equal to (g.)\ ^arka, TO.mock sun; ^art- evil, conversion; restoration, restitution; ex- turning a kindness; requiting (-°); -kriya,
ana, n. return of a salutation; -jirtham, ad. piation, sanctification; -plavana, n. leaping f . requital of kindness, service in return;
with regard to anything; -arthin, a. hostile; back; -mnana, n. opposite or altered de- -de.'a, TO. instruction in return; -panna-
rivalling, vying with ( - ° ) ; TO. opponent, ad- signation ; -mnaya, m. id.; conclusion (in a mati, a. possessed of presence of mind: -tva,
versary, rival; defendant; (prati)^ardhi, a. syllogism). n. presence of mind; -bhoga, m. enjoyment;
standing at the side of, equal to (g.); -arp- -m&na, n. counter-simile; -vesa, TO. beset-
a«a, n. re-delivery, restoration; ^arpaniya, W T ^ f i prati aya-ka, (cs.) a. [ V i ] causing ting or besieging (any one in order to make
fp. to be given back or restored; -jirsha, TO. to know or comprehend; convincing, cre- him yield); -sthana, n. imminence; -stha-
side, slope (pf a Mil). dible; T&ayana, 1. n. setting (of the sun); pana, n. (mental) realisation; -sparsana, n.
^ayana (fr. cs. of V i ] , 2. a. convincing, renewed washing or rinsing; -hara, TO. re-
pratiava-ne^ana, n. renewed credible ; n. elucidation, explanation, demon- storation, restitution.
ablution; -bhasa,TO.appearance before any stration : a,/, convincing; consolation; Tayay- pratijipajikarana, n. recom-
one; -marsa, TO. inward contemplation of, itavya./p. to be elucidated or demonstrated; mencement of Vedic study; ^ s a n a m , ad.
absorption in (-°); counter-conclusion, re- riyita, (cs. pp.) TO. agent.
for every kind of worship.
consideration; -marxana, n. inward contem- —S
plation, reflexion; -marsa-vat, a. contempla- JJWR^iT pratijirambha, m. recommence- pratijrpeya,/p. to be met or treated
tive, reflective; -yava, or -m, ad. on every ment; prohibition; annulment. with (in.); -nrasam, ad, against or upon
part of the body; for every part, singly, in the breast; - j i s h a , m., - nshas, n. day-
ard ri-kri,re-moisten, freshen
detail. break ; -^urdhvam, ad. upwards, above (ac.);
^jnsha, m. or n. (?) dawn, daybreak; ^nshas,
i n i T ^ T prati avara, a. lower, more insigni-
TTcSfl f ^ f ^ ' l pratiji-lingana, n. return em- n. id,; - nha, TO. hindrance, impediment,
ficant, of less value, than (ab.): -kalam, ad.
brace; -vartana, n. return; -vasakam, ad. obstacle : -karin, a. obstructing; -^uhana,
later than, after (ab.). to every tent; -vasam, ad. in every house ; n. suspension, cessation.
M < t | C | p r a t i a v a - r o d h a n a , n. obstruc- -vritti,/! return.
tion; -roba, m. coming down towards any one; prati nfctm, ad. at or with each
descending succession; a kind of ritual verse; i r a r r e r * t pratijisam, ad. in all directions ; stanza; - >/tn, ad. at every season.
-robana, n. coming down towards any one ^ksa.,f. confidence in (-°); hope, expectation. Tf^cR prat[eka, a. each single : or -m,
(from a seat, etc.); renewed descent (a do- ad- singly; at, on, with, or for each singly;
UoSTTTST pratia-sraya, TO. shelter, abode;
mestic rite in the month Md rgadrsha); -rijb- in connexion with each; -bnddha,TO.isolated
-tfrava, m., -sravawa, n. answering call (ritual
am, abs. descending; -robin, a. moving Buddha (who works out his individual salva-
formula); -svasa, TO. breathing again, re-
downwards, descending; -sana, n. eating; tion only); -sas, ad. singly, for each single
covery ; -svasana, n. consolation; -sawkali-
-sita, pp. sa; -skanda, m. attack, sur- one.
ta, (pp.) n. weighing side by side, pondering
prise ; -stbana, n. objection; -bartos, g. inf.
both sides of a question; -saiiga, TO. con- pratijtavya, fp. to be recognised,
V h r i ; -h&ra,TO.withdrawal; dissolution.
nexion; proximity (-°); -satti,/. immediate accepted, or regarded as (nm.); ^etos, g. inf.
JT31f«fPET pratijivaya, TO. decrease, diminu- proximity (in time or space); analogy; cheer- V i (sc. isvaraA); (priti)^enas, TO. next heir;
tion ; reverse, contrary course, opposite con- fulness, good humour; -sanna, pp. near, -enasya, n. next reversion of (g.).
duct; unpleasantness; disadvantage; disap- proximate, close at hand: -ti, f . proximity;
pointment; sin; ^aveksbawa,M.,-aveksba, -svara, a. reflecting back. M^^lt^pr^-tvakshas, a. energetic, vigorous,
f. looking after, care, attention, trouble; H W T ^ pratyaha, a. daily (incorrect for
x y s j P R A T H , I. (P.) A . pratha; P. spread
-jivekshya, fp. to be regarded or paid at- pratyaha).
tention to; ^asta-gamana, n. setting (qfthe ^ ~^(tr.: F. only); extend (int.: Pur&na only);
sun); -astam, ad. with gam, set, cease; -as- pratiji-harana, n,bringing b a c k : A . pratha,be extended, spread abroad (fame,
tam-aya, m. cessation; -astra, n. counter- withdrawal or withholding from (ab.); -hara, rumour, etc.); increase, wax great; be un-
missile; raba, a. daily: -m, ad. everyday. TO. withdrawal (of troops), retreat; with- folded, show itself, arise, appear; occur to the
holding (the senses) from (ab.); abstention mind: pp. prathita, spread abroad; re-
pratiS-kalita, (pp.) n. counter- from the objects of the senses; withdrawal of nowned ; cs. prathaya, P. A . extend, in-
investigation : judicial consideration as to creation,dissolution; technical grammatical crease, cause to thrive; spread abroad, make
which of the litigants is to prove his case, contraction to a single syllable of a series of
famous; display, betray; shine upon (R V.);
after the defendant has pleaded; -kshepaka, letters or suffixes by combining the initial of
A. (int.) extend, increase (F.). vi, P. (tr.)
a. mocking, deriding; -kbyata, pp. rejected, the first with the final of the last: thus al,
spread out ( K F . ) ; A . extend itself, be wide
A a
178 ITSR prath-ana. Trcnti pra-pakva.

(F.): pp. spread abroad; cs. P. spread out or round from left to right or from east to ita, cs.pp. urged, directed; -desini, f . fore-
abroad; display, show, sam, pp. generally west. finger; second toe; -deshfri,TO.chief justice;
known, famous. -deba, m. unction; unguent, plaster.
pradakshiwajiriis, a. having
TTOT pr£th-ana, n. broadening, extension; its flame on the right; -avarta, a. turned T T ^ m pra-dosha, 1. m. disturbed state (of
place of extension (Br.); manifestation of towards the right; ^avrit-ka, a. turned to- the country), tumult, insurrection; 2. a. bad,
c.). wards the right, having a person or thing on wicked, sinful; 3.ra. evening, nightfall: -m,
one's right. ad in the evening, in the darkness; -dosha-
pra-tham£ [ = pra-tama, spv. fore- ka, ra. evening; -dosha-k&la, m. eventide;
most], a. first; earliest; original; prior, pre- U ^ f W f t P t pra-dakshi»ut, ad. in such a ^agama, ra. approach of nightfall, evening
vious, former; chief, most excellent, eminent, manner that one's right side is turned towards twilight.
leading: it may often be translated by an ad.: an object; -daksbini-kri, turn one's right
first, for the first time; previously; just; TT3J15I pra-dyumna, m. (Mighty), god of
side towards (ac.), walk round (ac.)from left
forthwith: or -m, ad. first, first of all, love; the pleasant ( = kama); intellect ( = man-
to right; -daksbinena, in. ad. from left to
for the first time; only just; forthwith; for- right; towards the south; -dagdhavya, fp. as); N.; N.of a mtn.; N. of a river: -pura,
merly, previously: with g. before, previously to be burnt; -datta, pp. (</da) given up, re- n. N. of a city; -dyot&, ra. flashing forth,
to; ab. first; m. first consonant of a class, stored: -nayanautsava, a. affording a feast radiance, light; N. of a Yaksha and of various
unaspirated tenuis ; first ( = our third) per- to the eyes; -dara, m. dispersion (of an army); kings; -dyotin, a. illustrating, explaining
son ; personal endings of the third person; cleft, fissure (in the ground); -dar.sa, ra. ap-
f . first or nominative case (including the pearance (-°) ; direction, injunction: -ka, a. J ? ^ pra-drava, a. fluid; -draraaka, a.
vocative), termination of the nominative (in- showing, indicating; propounding, teaching;
cluding the vocative): du. the two first cases, poverty-stricken; -dravin, a. fugitive.
ra. teacher; -darsana, n. appearance (often
the terminations of the two first cases ( = m —°); showing,exhibition,designation; teach- H S j T pra-dvar, / . space in front of the
and ac.); n. sg. coll. the first. ing ; example : a, f . indication ; -darxin, a. door or gate; -dvara, n. id.; -dvesha, m.
(-°) beholding, seeing; showing, indicating; aversion, dislike, of (g., lc., —°); enmity,
prathama-ka, a. first; -kalpa, m. -darsya, cs. gd, having exhibited or shown;
primary ordinance ;-kalpita,^.firstinrank; hatred: -na, n. hating.
-dabana, n. burning (of earthenware).
-garbba, m. first pregnancy; a.f. a, pregnant pra-dh^na, n. prize of the contest;
for the first time; -</a or -//a, a. first-born; pra-datavya, < //).tobe given or be- contest, battle; best of erne's goods, valuables:
original; firstling; born in the first (i. e. first- stowed; - given in marriage; - delivered or ^aghataka, a. setting a contest on foot,
mentioned) wedlock; -gata, pp. first-born; restored; - granted; - allowed; - placed in ^aiigana, n. battle-field; -dharsba, m. as-
-tara, or -m, (cpv.) ad. first; -tas, ad. first; (lc.) ; -datri, ra. giver, bestower (often sault (- 0 ); -dharsha-ka, a. (- 0 ) wronging,
forthwith; before, in preference to (g.); be- with the object, exceptionally with the reci- violating (another mans wife); -dharsbana,
fore, previously to (-°) ; -darsana, n. first pient); giver of a girl in marriage; imparter a. attacking, molesting; n., f . assaulting,
sight (lc. at -): -dina, n. first day of seeing laying hands on, ill-treatment, molestation;
of, instructor in (g.or-0); granter (of a wish);
any one (g.); -dugdha, pp. just milked; -dharshaniya,/?. liable to assault, ill-treat-
-dana, n. giving, bestowal; presentation (of
-dbara, m. (?) first drop; -nirdish/a, pp. ment, or insult.
an offering in the fire) ; delivery; donation,
first stated or mentioned; -purusba, m. first
gift; giving away a girl (g.) in marriage to
(our third) person (gr.); -pravada, a. utter-
ing the first sound (child); -prasuta, pp. f . (d.); utterance (of a curse); granting, vouch- i n T T T pra-dh&na, n. (that which is put for-
safing (a boon); imparting, teaching, an- ward), important or chief thing, object, or
having calved for the first time; -bba</, a. person; essential, best, or most important
obtaining the first share; -yagila, rn. first nouncing ; declaring ; application ; bringing
about or to pass: -vat, a. bountiful; -dap- part, head (°- = principal, chief, head); chaos,
sacrifice; -ratra, m. beginning of the night; unevolved nature; supreme or universal soul;
-vayas-in, a. young ; -vasati,/. original or ya, cs.fp. to be forced to give or pay (ac.);
-daya, n. gift: -ka, a. giving, bestowing, a. having at the head or as the chief person
old home; -vitta, f . first wife; -samgama, or thing, chiefly dependent on; devoted to ;
m.N.; -samavritta, pp. only just turned to- granting, imparting; -day-in, a. id.; causing,
producing: (-i)-tva, n. position of supplier a. most excellent, best, foremost, principal,
wards (lc.); ^ a gamin, a. coming or men- chief; pre-eminent in (in.); better, than (ab.),
tioned first; ^ade.sa, m. initial position (of a of (-0); -daba,ra.burning, heating with fire;
superior, to (ab.): -ka, n. unevolved nature;
word); - abbidbeya, n. fundamental meaning: destruction of (- 0 ).
-kara/ta-vada, ra. the system asserting that
-ta, f . aBst. .v.; ^ardha, m. n. first half; ^ava- unevolved nature is the cause of the world,
ra-tva, n. higher and lower rank, seniority nfc^rtH pra-ditsu, des. a. intending to give the Sarakhya or evolutionist theory; -tama,
and j uniority; ^astamita, n. recent setting (ac.); -div, i. f . (nm. -dyaus) third and up-
permost heaven (in which the fathers dwell); spv. pre-eminent, most important; -tara, cpv.
of the sun ; ^aham, ad. on the first day; better, superior; -tas, ad. in consequence of
-abara, m. first employment; ^J.tara, a. re- also the fifth of seven heavens; -div, 2. a. of
his superiority, as being the most excellent;
verse of the first, second. former days, long existing, ancient: ab. from
-ti., /. excellence, pre-eminence, superiority,
of old, ever; -dis, f . indication, guidance,
premiership; -tva, n. id.; -purusha, ra. chief
order, dominion ( F ) ; direction, point of the
*Hm^prclth-as, n. breadth; extension: -vat, person, authority; -bbar/, a. pre-eminent
compass; intermediate point, half-quarter
a. broad, extensive ; -k, f . spreading out; among, foremost of (g.) ; -mantrin, ra. prime
(e.g. north-east): ac. pi. in all directions. minister; -vadin, ra. adherent of the Sara-
fame,celebrity; origin (- 0 ); -ita,pp. ^/prath;
-i-man, m. breadth; extension, enlargement; |«t pra-didhy&na, pr. pt. radiant; khya system ; -aiiga, n. chief member of the
-isb/Aa, spv., -iyas, cpv. of pritliu; -u, a. body, chief person of the state; -&tman, ra.
-dipa, ra. lamp; fig. — ornament, of (-°);
distant, long (journey); reaching farther supreme or universal soul; ^adhyaksha, m.
often in the titles of explanatory works =
than (ab.). chief superintendent: -t k,f. office o f - .
commentary: -ka, ra., i-ka, f . (little) lamp;
TT^T pra-da, a. (gnly. -°) giving, granting, small commentary; -dipana, a. inflaming; pra-dh8vana, n. ablution.
bestowing; yielding; furnishing; uttering, ra. kind of poison; n. kindling ; -dxpa-ya,
pronouncing; causing, producing; -daksbi- den. A . represent or play the part of a lamp; U f a
-dipta, pp. kindled, blazing, burning : -jik- pra-dhi, ra. [outer setting: V d h a ] ,
«a, a. moving to the right; standing or being
sha,m. (flaming-eyed), N. of a Yaksha; -dip- felly (of a wheel); disc (of the moon); -dhura,
on the right; auspicious, favourable, pros-
ti-mat, a. radiant, luminous; -dirgba, a. ex- n. tip of the pole; -dhrtsh/i, f . subjugation;
perous ; turning one's right hand to any one,
tremely long; -dushaka, a. defiling, pollut- -dhnshya, fp. assailable (-°).
respectful: -rn kri or pra-kri, turn one's right
hand towards an object as a mark of respect ing ; -dusbawa, a. deteriorating, spoiling; i r a r r c pra-dhyana, n. reflexion, absorp-
(ac.); or -m, ad. towards the right, from (a)-drtpti, /. wantonness, madness. tion ; -dhvamsa, ra. annihilation, destruc-
left to right (so that the right side is towards tion; disappearance (of a disease); -dhv&iws-
pra-deya, fp.to be given,bestowed,or - ana, a. destroying; m. destroyer; -dhvams-
an object, as a sign of respect); towards the
offered, to (- or d.); - g i v e n in marriage, mar-
0 aabh&va, ra. (non-existence in consequence
south: with ttri or pra-kri, turn one's right
riageable (f.) ; - imparted (news, doctrine) or of annihilation), cessation of existence;
side to an object (ac.); m. n., k,f. keeping the
taught, to (<i. or -°); -initiated or instructed -dhvarasin, a. perishable, transitory; de-
right side towards an object, circumambula-
in (lc.); m. present; -de.sa, ra. designation, stroying.
tion from left to right (the object of the honour
reference; determination, definition; appeal M^Tt pra-nn'tta, n. dance.
being in the g.or or, when krt or da is used,
to a precedent; example; spot, place, region
in the d., g., or lc.) : (a)-kriya, f . honour of
(often —0 with a part of the body); short TITi^ pra-pakva, a. inflamed (med.); -pak-
right-hand circumambulation.
while : -bha.gr, -vartin, -stba, a. of short sha, TO. tip of a wing; -paȣa, m. expansion,
TT^f^TTT^r pra-dakshma-ya, den. P . walk duration, -vat, a. occupying a place; -des- prolixity, amplification, of (g. or - ); phe-
pra-pitamaha. pra-mamhishM-iya. 179
nomenon; manifestation or form of (g.); ing off (-°); -badhana, n. repelling, keeping pra-bhinna,pp. <\/bhid; m. elephant
phenomenal world (ph.); mutual flattery off; harassing, tormenting; -badhin, a. in rut.
(rh.) • ludicrous dialogue (dr.): in. or -tas, harassing, tormenting (-°); -bala, v. -vala;
ad. in detail, -paaiAa-ka, a. (ika) multiply- -bahu,TO.lower arm ; -bahuk, ad. in line. JT3J pra-bhu (F. also u, v-i), a. (being
ing (- 0 ); amplifying, explaining in detail; before ofhers), superior; mighty; more power-
-pa;"£ana, n. detailed or prolix account; pra-buddha, pp. awake, wide awake; ful than (ab.),having power over (g.), a match
-pai(£a-bn.ddhi, a. crafty, wily; -panAa-ya, awakened : -t&, f . enlightenment, wisdom ; for; capable of, able to (inf., Ic. of a vbl. A\,
den. describe or explain in detail; represent -budh, a. watchful; f . awaking; -bndha, m. or -°) ; abundant; m. master, lord, king;
in a false light; -paj'Aa-vaAana, n. jfrolix great sage. husband ; ep. of Brahman, A'iva, Indra, and
discourse; -pa»&, m. trade, barter, purchase; Pnu/apati; N.; -krita, pp. made by a lord,
-patana, n. flying away; falling down, from pra-bodha, m. awaking ; revival, re- conferred by a master ; -ta, f . lordship, do-
(ah. or into (Ic. or -°); -patti, f . pious covery of consciousness; awaking = opening minion, sovereignty, supremacy; power, over
resignation; (4)-patha, m*-onward way, of flowers; manifestation, appearance (of (Ic.) ; prevalence (in. = for the most part);
journey; road; -pathin, a. wandering; -pad, intelligence) ; waking, wakefulness ; know- possession of (-°); -tva, n. lordship, sove-
f. i. road; 2. (pra-) fore part of the foot; (pra)- ledge, understanding, intelligence; awak- reignty, dominion; high rank, captaincy ;
pada, n. fore part or tip of the foot; -pada- ening (tr.); restoration of an evaporated power, over (g., Ic., —°); prevalence : in. —
n&, n. entry, into (-0); -padam, ad, reciting scent; friendly admonition: -ka, a.awaking for the most part; -tvaakshepa, m. hint as
in such a manner as to cut up verses into sec- = causing to open or blossom; a. (i-ka), to a lover being very well able to do the ob-
tions of an equal number of syllables and to knowledge, understanding; -Aandra,TO.moon jectionable matter referred to (rh.); -bhak-
interpose between them formulae contain- of knowledge: ^udaya, m. rise of the moon of ta, pp. devoted to his master; -sabda-*esha,
ing the word prapadye (Br.); -panna, pp. knowledge: title of a philosophical drama; a. having only the title of lord remaining.
(Vpad) reached, arrived; attained, obtained: -bodhana, a. awaking, arousing; n. awak-
•p&la,to.protector of suppliants (Krishna); ing (int.), understanding, comprehension; in- pra-bhti, v. - b h u ; -bhuta, pp. much,
-pal&yana, n. flight; -palayin, a. fleeing, structing, enlightening; wakening (tr.); abundant: - t a , f . quantity, plenty, large num-
fugitive ; -pa, f. water-tank, reservoir, well; -bodhita, cs. pp. aroused, awakened: -vat, ber, -tva, n. id., -yavas^indhana, a. abound-
water-hut for travellers; affluent (of a tank pp. act. (he) aroused ; -bodhin, a. awaking ; ing in meadow-grass and fuel, -vayas, a. of
etc.); -paka, to. ripening (of an ulcer etc.); -bodhaudaya, m. rise of knowledge : title advanced years, aged, -#as, ad. frequently;
digestion; -p&f Aa: -ka, m. lesson (subsection of a work; -bodhya, 1. cs. gd. having in- (a)-bhuti, (V.) f . origin; violence; suffi-
in books); -p&wl, to. fore-arm: -ka, m. id.; structed, explained, suggested, or called the ciency.
-pandu, a. very white: -ra, a. id.; -pata, attention; 2.fp. to be awakened.
m. kind 0/flight; leaping forward; hasten- H^fTI prd-bhriti, / . offering (of praise or
ing away; fall, from (ab. or into (Ic. or TW^f pra-bhanga, TO. breaker, crusher; sacrifice); throw, stroke, blow; beginning:
-°); falling out (of the hair); effusion (of crushing, destruction; -bhaiigin, a. break- —0 a. having as its beginning = beginning
semen); fall (of a glance on anything); steep ing, crushing, destroying; -bhaw/ana, a. id.; with, and the remainder, and so forth (±an
declivity, precipice; -p&tana, n. felling, cast- TO. storm, tempest, hurricane ; wind; god of accompanying substantive in the pl.); ad.
ing down; directing or causing (the eye) to wind; n. breaking; -bhadraka, a. extremely or immediately following an ad. in -tas or
alight (-0); -pana, n. drinking; -pHL-pilika, handsome; n. a metre; combination of four an ad. of time, from - onwards: panma-
-P&-P&I1,f. female watcher of a water-tank, slokascontainingasingle sentence; -bhartav- prabhriti, from birth; tataA or tada pra-
well, or water-hut; -pa-ma»r/apa, m. water- y a , f p . to be nourished or maintained; -(a)- bhriti, from that time onwards, thenceforth;
hut (for travellers); -palaka, to. protector, bhartri,TO.bringer, procurer (B V.); (a)» adya - , from now or to-day (the pel. eva as
guardian; -palana, n. guarding, protecting. bharman, n. setting before, presenting; reci- a rule follows prabhriti, not the preceding
tation (ofa hymn); -bhava, a.prominent; m. ad.): -ka, a. - ° = prabhriti, beginning with,
H f w m f pr6-pittimaha (or £), TO. great- origin, source, cause of existence, birthplace; and so forth.
grandfather ; also designation of Brahman arising or proceeding from, originating with;
and Krishna: pl. great-grandfathers, ances- JT^T pra-bhnth£, m. offering.
being in or on ; -bhavitri,TO.mighty one,
tors : i,f. paternal great-grandmother; -pi- great lord; -bhavishnu, a. mighty, pre-emi- pra-bheda,TO.cutting through, pierc-
tn'vya,TO.paternal grand-uncle; -pitva, (F.) nent ; producing, creating; TO. mighty one, ing, division ; opening of the temples of ele-
n. going away; flight, retreat; retired spot; master, lord, of (g., Ic., -°): -ta, f . lordship, phants during rut; separation, distinction,
evening; -pitsu, des. a. desirous of plunging dominion; power, to (inf.); tyranny. difference ; species, kind; -bhedana, a. (~°)
into (Ic.); wishing to enter upon a path (ac.); cleaving, piercing; -bhramsin, a. falling
-pirfana, n. pressing, squeezing; means of 1HTT pra-bha,/. (shining forth), splendour, down; -bhrashla-sila, a. of fallen character,
squeezing tumours; -purawa, a. long kept, brightness, light; brilliancy, radiant beauty: immoral (person); -bhra^r, a. (nm. t) flam-
old; -pushpita, pp. covered with blossoms, often a. (a) radiant like : -kara, m. sun ; ing up.
flowering; -puraka, a. (ika) fulfilling, satis- N.: du. sun and moon: -deva,m.N., -vardh-
fying ; -purana, a. (i) filling up (oil) and ana, TO. N. of a prince, -varman, TO. N. I f f l f ^ j f a l pra-mamhish£A-iya, n. N. of R V.
increasing (lore for anything); insertion in of a minister, -svamin, m.N, ofa temple of I. 57 (which begins with the words 'pra
(Ic. or -°); drawing of a bow; embellishment Vishnu; -bhaga, TO. division ; -bhata, pp. mamhishVMya'); (a-mati, f . care, protec-
of Indra's banner; -purya, ps. base of ( Vbha) begun to be light; n. dawn, daybreak: tion ; provider, protector; -matta, pp.
V i . pri, be thoroughly filled or satiated; -kalpa, a. nearly grown light, approaching (y'mad) inattentive, careless, heedless, neg-
be filled to the brim. dawn (night), -pr&ya, a. id.; -bha-praroha, ligent, remiss : -saAiva, a. having a careless
TO. rising lustre, effulgence ; -bha-marerfala, minister; -matha, m. Teazer, kind of sprite
HMY^I pra-pautra,TO.great-grandson : 1 , / . n. circle or orb of light: -ka, n. id.; -bha- attendant on Siva; -mathana, a. (1) tor-
great-granddaughter; -plavana, n. extinc- maya, a. consisting of light, radiant; -bha- menting, harassing; destroying, removing ;
tion of fire with water. lepin, a. radiant, brilliant; -bhava, m. might; TO. N. of a Ddnava; n. destruction ; -ma-
majesty; dignity; supernatural power; effi- tha-natha,TO.ep. of Siva; -mathaadhipa,
IJHiff pra-pharvf,/.wanton g i r l ; -phulla, cacy; power, over (Ic.) ; splendour: in.,ab., TO. id. ; -mathin, a. tormenting, racking,
pp.full-blown,blooming; covered withflowers -tas, = by means or in consequence of,through; harassing; -mada, TO. pleasure, joy; a. in-
(lake); opened wide like a full-blown flower -bhava-ka, a. prominent, in (lc.or-°); -bha- toxicated, wild, mad: a, f handsome, buxom,
(eyes). vat, a. luminous, splendid: -i, /. N.; -bh&v- lively woman ; woman; -madana, n. joy of
ana, a. (i) creating, creative; bestowing love; p l a c e of amusement, playground; -ma-
THI*^ j)ra-ltanddhri,TO.composer, author; prosperity; TO. creator: a., f . promulgation
interpreter; -bandha, m. ligament; uninter- da-vana, n. pleasure-grove (of a prince);
(of a doctrine); -bhavayitri, a. raising to -mada-f/ana, m. womankind, the female sex,
rupted connexion, continuous series; literary power or dignity (ac.); -bhava-vat, a. power-
production, poetical composition; commen- woman ; -mada-vana, n. pleasure-grove of
ful ; -bhavita, cs. pp. id. ; -bhavin, a. id.; the women (ofa prince) ; -mad&aspada, n.
tary; -barha, a. best, most excellent, of (g. or -bhasha, n. declaration; doctrine; -bhash- harem, gynaeceuin; -maditavya,///. n.im/nt.
-°) ; -bala, a. strong, powerful, mighty; ana, n. explanation; -bhashita, (pp.) n. one should be negligent regarding (ab.) ;
weighty, important; violent (pain etc.); great; speech; -bhashin, a. talking, speaking; -madvara, a. foolish; m. fool: a, /. N. of the
abounding in ( - ) : -m, ad. strongly, very; -bhasa, m. (radiance), N. ofa Vasu; N. of wife of Hum. -man as, a. careful, tender;
m. AT. <>f a sou of Krishna and of a Daitya: the son of a minister ofT^andraprabha; TO. pleased, joyful ; willing ; -mantha,TO.fire-
-ta, f , -tva, n. power ; -bala-ya, den. P. n. N. ofa place of pilgrimage on the west coast drill (by the rotation of which fireis produced
strengthen ; -bala-vat, a. strong, mighty; of the Deccan; -bhasana, n. illumination ; from wood) ; -manyu, a. indignant with, in-
-bali-bhu, become mighty. -bhasura, a. of great brilliance; -bhas-vat, censed against (Ic.) ; very sad ; -maya, m.
T n m j c f i nia-bildha-ka, a. repelling, keep- a. brilliant; -bhas-vara, a. id. death; -mara,TO.death; -marana, n. dying,
A a 2
180 JTOT pra-ma. pra-laghu.
death; -mardaka, a. crushing, destroying; f . correct notion; condition of being proved ing drum, -bhanga, TO. interruption of &
-mardana, a. crushing, destroying, annihi- or established; manifestation. journey.
lating (g. or -°); m.N. of a fairy; -mardi-
tri, m. crusher, destroyer; -mardin, a. crush- TUftcHlfiraiT pra-mita-pati-kS, a.f. whose TRJTtT pra-yata, pp. set out, gone, departed;
ing, destroying (-°); (a)-mahas, a. of great husband is dead; -miti.jf. destruction; -mil- gone towards, advanced, advancing; -yatav-
might. aka, m., -milika, f . closure of the eyes, ya, fp. to be attacked ; n. imps, one should
drowsiness ; -mila, f . id. set out; -y&tri, m. one who goes or can go
I W T pra-m&,f. fundament, pediment ( F . ) ; or fly; -yapya, cs. fp. to be sent away; -yfU
J4*j(rH pra-mukti,/. liberation ; -mukha, a.
measure, scale (F.); true conception, correct yin, a. going or riding on, marching with
having the face turned towards (ac.); fore-
notion. (-°); -yasa, TO. exertion, trouble, effort,
most, first, chief, principal; gnly. having
about (g., lc., -arthaya, or -nimittena);
JW lUjpra-mana, n.measure,scale, standard; as the foremost = preceded or led by, and so
-yasita, pp. n. id.
extent, size; length; distance; weight; quan- forth ; n. beginning (of a chapter); present
tity ; duration; sp. prosodical length of a time: lc. in front, opposite (w. g. or -°): H^Jrfl pra-yukta, pp. Vyug ; (a)-yukti, f .
vowel; measure of physical strength; prin- before one's face, in one's presence; -tas, ad. impulse; employment; -yug, (V.) f. (?) team;
cipal (opp. interest); right measure, stand- in front, at the head; opposite; in the presence impulse, motive; gain; -yuta, n. million;
ard, authority; rule of action; means of cor- of, before (g. or -°); -mud, /. pleasure, de- (a)-ytiti, (F.) f . absence (of mind); -yud-
rect knowledge, evidence, proof; true con- light ; joy of love; -mudita, pp. mud; n. dba, pp. V y u d h ; n. contest, battle; -yudh,
ception, correct notion : bhavati or bha- mirth, gaiety : -vat, act. pp. (he) rejoiced. a. attacking.
vantaA pramanam, you are the authority,
i. e. the decision rests with you : in this sense pra-mrigya, fp. to be visited = pra-yoktavya,/jo. to be discharged
the word is almost exclusively used in the sg., speciallyadapted for(d.); -mrida, a.gracious; (missile); - employed or applied; - repre-
rarely in the pi. or fern. (1); with the inf. it gladdening; -mrina, a. destructive; -mrita, sented (play); - pronounced or uttered ;
= person authorized to: -ka, a. = prama- pp. deceased, dead ; n. death : -ka, a. dead ; -yoktri, m. shooter (of missiles); performer,
na, measure etc., means of knowledge, proof; -mrish/a, pp. (Vmrig) cleansed, pure, pol- agent (of an action); undertaker or giver of
-koli, f . extreme of evidence = irrefragable ished, bright: -mani, to. polished or bright a sacrifice; procurer; employer, of (-°);
proof; -tara, a. or n. greater authority than gem: -kundala, a. having ear-rings of pol- mime ; speaker, reciter} composer, author,
(ab.); -tas, ad. with respect to measure, ished gems; <.jn.risla.ti, f . overspreading with poet; lender of money: -t&, f , -tva, n.
size, weight, length, etc.; -tva, n. correct- <r°). abst. N.
ness ; -drish/a, pp. accounted an authority;
demonstrable ; -patba, m. way of proof: p r a ^ m e y a , f p . measurable, l i m i t e d ;
M ^ l pra-yoga, 1. a.1 yoking (hisflames to
-in naava-tri, not admit of proof; -paddha- ascertainable, demonstrable; that of which a the sacrifice-, said of Agni: 11V.); m. N. of
ti, f . id.; -purusha, m. arbitrator, umpire, correct notion should be formed; n. object of an ancient Rishi; -yoga, 2. m. connexion ;
referee. correct knowledge or of demonstration: -tva, addition, use (of a word: lc. often = in the
n. demonstrability. case of); shooting, casting (missiles); offering,
IRTTW^r pramana-ya, den. P . a d j u s t ; re- bestowal; setting about anything, beginning,
infft«6 pra-moka, m. setting free, release ; commencement; contrivance, device, any
gard, admit, or set up as an authority or - m o k t a v y a , / p . to be released; -moksha, in. one's (-°) doing; application, employment,
model, in (lc.); use as evidence ; prove* show loss; release, deliverance, from (-°); redemp- use ; usage, practice ; employment of reme-
clearly; -yukta, pp. having the right mea- tion ; -mo£ana, a. (1) delivering from (- ); 0
dies or magical rites ; means (only in. pi.);
sure ; -vat, a. attested, well-founded (state- n. shedding (of tears); freeing or delivering applicable or usual form (gr); dramatic per-
ment) ; -vakya, n. authority; -sastra, n, work from ( - ° ) ; -moda, m. joy, delight (sts. pi.); formance (-to dris, see on the stage); stage-
of sacred authority, scripture ; -sutra, n. strong perfume ; N.: -ka, m. kind of rice ; piece; recitation, utterance, delivery; verse
measuring line; -stha, a. of normal size ; N.; -modana, a. delighting; n. enjoyment, to be recited ; lending at interest, invest-
being in the normal condition, unperturbed; hilarity; gladdening; -modita, (cs. pp. ment ; capital lent at interest: in., ab., or
^adhika, a. exceeding the ordinary measure, Vrnud) TO. ep. of Kubera; N.; -modxn, a. -tas, adi by means of (~°): -graha»a, n. ac-
immoderate; -jinurupa, a. adapted to one's delighting; TO. kind of rice; -modaupa- quirement of practice 5 -yogin, a. applicable,
physical strength ; ^antara-ta, f . condition ruddba, (pp) n. retreat of joy, harem; -mo- usual; performing en the stage; m. actor ;
of being another proof; ^abhava, m. lack of sha, TO. deprivation; -moha, m. bewilder- -yogiya, a. relating to the employment (of
a standard to judge by; •^abhyadhika, a. ment : -Mtta, a. bewildered in mind; -moh- remedies); -yogya, TO. beast to be yoked,
exceeding in size, bigger. ana, a. (i) bewildering; -mohin, a. (-0) id. draught animal; -yo^aka, a. (ik&) causing,
U T i T W t W ? ^ pramani-karana, n. quoting effecting, leaditig to (-° or lc); essential;
pra-yagr, / . offering; (a)-yagyu, a. m. author; creditor: -t&,/.,-tva, n. agency;
as an authority; -kri, apportion anything adorable ; -yata, pp. (-y/ yam) presented; -yo^ana, n. occasion, object, motive; cause,
(ac.) to any one (g); regard or adopt (a per- self-restrained; dutiful, pious; to. pious man; aim, end; purpose, design, interest; busi-
son or thing) as- an authority (ac.), act ac- (a)-yati, f . offering ; donation, gift; inten- ness ; use, need, or call for (in): in. with a
cording to, follow (ac.); regard as evidence. tion, Will; -yatitavya, fp. n. imps, one should purpose; kim prayo^anam, kena prayor/a-
M+Hdl+lTS pra - matamaha, m. maternal endeavour or exert oneself; - take trouble nena, on what account? wherefore? -m ati-
great-grandfather. about (lc.); -yattavya,fp.n. imps, id.; -yat- kram, neglect one's opportunity ; -yograna-
na, to. effort of will, persevering exertion, vat> a. having a purpose, serviceable; inter-
H*1 i g pra-m at ri, m. one who has a correct endeavour, trouble, care, about (lc. or ; ested, egoistical; -yograyitrz,TO.causer, oc-
notion or judgment, authority; performer of activity: in., ab., -tas, ad. strenuously, casioner; -yogya., fp. to be cast or shot
the mental operation resulting in a true carefully; ab. or (before a ps. pt), with (missile); to be employed or used; to be
conception : - t k , f . , -tva, n. abst. N. difficulty, scarcely, -kkhid, a. frustrating the commissioned; to be represented (on the
endeavours of (g.), -vat, a. exerting oneself, stage); n.* capital (to be lent on interest).
pramS-tva, n. state of true concep- taking great care; -yantri, m. bestower,
tion or knowledge. giver, of (ac. or g); guider. TTEpfrJ pra-yotr/, TO. remover.
TTJTT^r pra-matha, m. tugging ; violent ab- M^ftft. pr^y-as, n. [\/pri] enjoyment, de- H ^ T T T pra-rakshana, n. protection; -rub, a.
duction (of a woman); subjugation; destruc- light ; refreshing draught, libation (of ghee): shooting (of plants); f shoot,sprout; -ructta,
tion; N.ofa Ddnava; -mathin, a. striking -vat, a. offering libations. pp. V r u h ; -xudhl,f. shooting up; growth.in-
off; stirring, agitating, disturbing, afflicting; crease; <-reka, to., -r££ana, n. abundance;
m. N.; -rnada, m. intoxication; heedlessness, TRTPI pra-ySga, m. Place of sacrifice : cele- -roAana, a. (1) seductive ; n. instigation; se-
inattention, negligence, with regard to (—°): brated place of pilgrimage at the confluence duction; laudation; elucidation: k,f. enco-
-pktha, m. wrong reading; -madin, a. of the Yamund and the Ganges; abo known as jnium; exciting interest by praise (rh);
heedless, careless, negligent, off one's guard; a kingdom: pi. inhabitants of Prayaga; N.; paintinj the future in rosy colours; -roha,
-mapa-ka, a. proving; -mapana, i. (cs. •</ ma) -yafcaka, a. entreating (-artham); -yaftana, m. germinating, sprouting (also fig.); sprout,
n. form, figure ; 2. (cs. •%/mi) a. (i) murder- n. imploration; -ykgk, TO. preliminary offer- shoot, bud; excrescence; shoot = ray of light
ing ;TO.murderer; n. killing; -m&payitri, ing (gnly. five, sts. nine or eleven); -yana, (~°) ; -rohana, n. sprouting, budding, shoot-
a. leading to destruction: -tva, n. abst. N. ; n. setting out, going forth, departure; march, ing or growing up (also fig.); sprout, Bhoot,
-mayu, -mayuka, a. liable to perish; - mard- journey; day's journey; gait; attack (-°); bud; -rohin, a. shooting up, out of (- 0 );
aka, a. wiping off, removing; -marr/ana, n. riding on (in); expiration of life, decease; producing, causing to grow (- 0 ); -rohi-s&kh-
wiping away; removal. beginning; back of a horse (where the rider
in, a. the branches of which grow again.
sits): -ka, n. march, journey, day's march, ____ *
pra-mita, pp. -/ma, measure ; -mitl, -kala, m. time of death, -paiaha, m. march- u w g pra-laghu, a.very small or insignificant
iltjHIi pra-lalatet. Tpfal pra-veka. 181
(retinue): -t&, f . excessive smallness; -lap- 2.TO.summons (e.g. to a Brdhman to perform are often compared); coral: -phala, n. red
ana, n. prattling, chattering; -lapita, pp. rites); invocation of Agni toperform his sacri- sandal, -vat, a. furnished with shoots or
•v/lup; n. prattle, chatter; lament; -lab- ficial functions; series of ancestors (because sprouts ; - v a s a , TO. temporary residence
dhavya, fp. to be made sport of, to be de- Agni is invoked as the Agni of the sacrificer's abroad, absence from home: -m g a m , ya,
ceived; -lamba,a.hanging down, pendulous; successive progenitors); ancestor ; 3. a. pre- a-pad, or p r a - v a s , go abroad; p r a v a s a d
stooping; m. N. qf a Daitya slain by Bala• eminent, exalted; chief, best, most excellent a i or u p a a - v r i t , return from abroad: -stha,
dera or Krishna: -t&, f . pendulousness, (of, g. or - ° ) ; eldest (son); better than (ab.); a. or - s t h i t a , pp. gone abroad, absent from
-bahu, a. having pendulous arms, -bhupa, distinguished by (-°); m. Nr, n. aloe-wood: home ; -vasana, n. banishment, from (ab.);
a. id.; -lambin, a. pendulous ; -lambha, m. -dhatu, TO. precious metal, -nripatl, TO. N. - v a s i n , a.residing abroad, absent from home;
obtainment; deception; -lambhai^i, n. qf a prince, - p u r a , n.N. of a town in Cash- sojourning (-°) ; - v a s y a , fp. to be banished;
taking in, deceiving; -laya, TO. dissolution, mere, - b h u p a t i , m. N.of a prince, -sena, TO. - v a h a ,TO.stream, current; flow; continuity;
destruction, death; annihilation or end of the id., ^adhyaya, m. book of ancestry, title of series ; continuous train of thought; - v a h a -
world; setting (of stars); cause of dissolu- various works, - i s a ,TO.distinguished lord (?); na, a. carrying away; n. protrusion, ejection ;
tion ; swoon: -ghana, m. cloud producing N. of a ^r£ttce,"~-i«vara, TO. N. of a temple - v 4 h i k a , f . diarrhoea ; -vahin, a. drawing;
the dissolution of the world, -m-kara, a. (1) erected by Pravarasena. carrying along (of a river); flowing, through
causing destruction, *t&, f . dissolution : -m or into (-°) ; TO. draught animal.
gam, be annihilated, - t v a , ?;. id.: a - y a k?ip, pra-varga, m. large earthenware pot
go to ruin, -dahana,TO.conflagration causing (used in the Pravargya ceremony); - v a r g y a , pra-vi-graha, m. distinct separation
the destruction of the world, ^anta-ga, a. rn. introductory ceremony of the Soma sacri- of words euphonic&lly combined; -ghalana,
perishing only at the end of the world (sun). fice, at which fresh milk is poured into a n. breaking in pieces; -£&ra,TO.: -nk,f. dis-
red-hot pot: - v a t , a. connected with the tinction, species ; - M n t a k a , a. foreseeing ;
U5TWT3 pra-lal£Ma, a. having a prominent Pravargya ceremony; -varpana, n. perform- - i e t a n a , n. comprehension ; -dalana, n.
forehead; -lava,m.cutting (of a reed)-, - l a v - ance of the Pravargya rite, placing in or near shattering; -dftra, m. bursting asunder.
ana, n. cutting of corn. the fire; - v a r t a k a , a. (ika) causing to roll
pra-vidvas, pf. pt. knowing, con-
onward, setting in motion; promoting, insti-
W P T pra-lap£,m. prattle, chatter, idle talk; gating ; causing, producing; m. founder, scious.
lamentation; raving, delirious talk; -l&pana, aathor; n. entrance ofa previously announced U f ^ T P T pra-vi-dhana,n. means e m p l o y e d ;
n. teaching to talk; -l&pi-ta,/. lovers' prattle; person on the stage (at the end of the intro- -bhaga, TO. division, separation, classifica-
-l&pin, a. prattling, chattering, talking (gnly. duction) ; * v a r t a n a , n. advance, forward tion ; p a r t : -vat, a. having subdivisions.
-°); lamenting; delirious (fever). movement; emergence from (ab.); flow (cf
water); walking; activity; occupation with, Mfa<<?l pra-virala, a< standing far a p a r t ;
M^lM pra-lepa, m. adhesion to ( - 0 ) ; salve,
engaging in (in., Ic.); going on, proceeding, isolated, rare.
plaster; -leha,TO.kind of broth; -lehana,
coming to pass, occurrence; procedure, be- U f c H f a + t . pra-vi-laftibin, a. p r o m i n e n t ;
n. licking. haviour ; moving onward; erection, execu-
-laya, m. melting; dissolution, complete dis-
M ^ M pra-lopa, m. destruction, annihila- tion (of works); stimulation, promotion, pro-
appearance ; -lapana, n. annihilation; -lap-
tion ; -lobba, to. allurement: -ka, to. enticer, duction, introduction, employment (of, g. or
a y i t a v y a , fp. to be annihilated; -l&pi-tva,
N. of a jacl-al; -lobbana, a. enticing; n. -°) : a, /. incitement to activity; - v a r t a n i -
n. complete annihilation; - l a p i n , a. lament-
allurement; -lobhin, a. alluring, seductive; y a , f p . to be employed; - commenced; - v a r t -
ing ; - l a p y a . / p . to be completely destroyed ;
-lobbya, a. alluring, enticing ; -lola, a. vio- a y i t r i , m. instigator, of (g.), to (Ic.); erector,
^vada,TO.quarrel; - v i k t a , pp. v i k ; n. (?)
lently agitated (ocean). introducer ; employer : - t v a , n. instigation ;
- v a r t i t a , cs.pp. administered, dispensed; al- solitude (only Ic. pl.); - v i k s h u , des. a. being
n q prav-a, a. hovering. lowed to take its course; enforced; - v a r t i - about to enter; -veka, m. complete retirement.
t a v y a , fp. n. imps, one should act; - v a r t i - J l f q q q pra-vishaya, TO. r a n g e : -mdrish/er
W ft pra- vaktavya,^». to be propounded, tri, m. producer, bringer; one who fixes or g a m , become visible ; -vish£a,^p. ( V v i s ) en-
imparted, or taught; -vaktri, m. one who settles ; - v a r t i n , a. issuing, streaming forth ; tered (act. <fc ps.) : -ka, n. air of entering the
tells, imparts, or says anything (-°); good moving forward, flowing; engaging in action ;
speaker; teacher, propounder; originator of stage (only in. sg.asa stage direction); - v i s h -
causing to flow ; producing ; employing; in- iaka-ya, den. A . appear in person; - v i s t a r a ,
a story: -tva, n. condition of an instructor; troducing, propagating; - v a r t y a , fp. being
-vadana, n. speaking; propounding; reciting; m. extent: in. in great detail; -vistara,TO. id.;
incited; - v a r d h a - k a , a. (ika) augmenting, - v i - s p a s h i a , pp. perfectly evident.
instruction j expression, designation ; pro- increasing (- 0 ); - v a r d b a n a , a. id.; - v a r s b a ,
pounded doctrine, holy treatise, sacred scrip- TO. rain (sts. pl.) : -nk, n. raining; first rain ; JT^ftW pra-viwa, a. skilful, clever, in (Ic. or
tures, sp. the Brahmawas: -paiu, a. skilful - v a r s h i n , a. rainipg, shedding (-°); - v a r h a , - ° ) : -ta, f . skill, cleverness, ability; -vini-
in speech, eloquent; -va/caniya, fp. to be v. -barha; - v a l b a , m. riddle; - v a s a t h a , n. krt, make fit for anything; (a)-vira,TO.great
propounded. departure ; separation (pl.) from (ab.); - v a s - hero, among (g. o r - ° ) : - k a ,TO.N. of various
JTTW pra-vawa, TO. (?) slope, declivity; a n a , n. setting out on travel; dying, de- men, - v a r a , m. N. of an Asura.
abyss, depth (in V. only Ic.sg. and pl.1; in (E. cease; - v a b a , a. carrying, wafting; TO. one
of the seven winds which set the planets in ifej-ri pra-vritta, pp .turned forward; b e g u n ,
also ab. sg.); a. shelving, sloping, towards
motion; one of the seven tongues of fire; proceeded' with, going on; set in, ensued ;
(~°J; prone, inclined, or devoted to (cZ., g.,
reservoir for receiving water; -vahana, n. engaged, occupied, busy, with (Ic. or ; in-
Ic., inf., or - ° ) ; declining, vanishing ; di-
giving a girl in marriage; carriage; ship terested (action) : -Aakra, a. whose wheel
rected towards (-°) s -t&, /. inclination or
(also i,f.: a. a ) : -bhaiiga, m. shipwreck. rolls on unimpeded: - t a , / . unlimited power;
proneness to (-°); -vawa-vidheyi-bhu,gladly
obey (a command); -vaw&yita, (den. pp.) n. -va&, a. of fluent speech; -samprah&ra, a.
proneness or inclination to (Ic.); -vard-kri, Hq|x^pra-v&A, a. grandiloquent; - v a i a n a , having begun the fight.
dispose favourably or incline any one (ac.) ; n. announcement,declaration; fame; -vaAya, H ^ p r t pra-vWtti, / . m o v i n g forward, ad-
-va/d-bhn, become favourably disposed. fp. to be proclaimed, praiseworthy ; to be ad- vance, progress; appearance, manifestation,
dressed ; -vacia = -vala, coral; -va»a, n. bor- production; rise, origin; advent, setting in
Hqc^pra-vat,ii a. directed forward, blazing der of a web ; - v a t a , (pp.) n. breeze; windy
forth (Agni); containing the syllable ' p r a ' (of spring etc.) ; activity, efficacy, function;
spot; -vate^a (or -g&), a. growing in a windy advance into, prosecution of, engaging in, ex-
or ' p n ' ; ' -vat, 2. /. slope of a mountain ;
place; -v&da, TO. utterance; naming, men- posure of oneself to danger, predilection, pro-
height (also of heaven); sloping path, smooth
tion ; statement; saying,-proverb ; story, ru- pensity, addiction to (Ic. or ; proceeding,
or swift course : in. sg. Sf pl. downhill, down-
mour, report, about ( - ° ) ; evil report, calumny occupation ; behaviour, practice ; employ-
wards ; swiftly; - v a t - v a t , a. abounding in
(pl.); passing oneself off as (-°); any gram- ment, use, currency; applicability or validity
heights; swift; affording a swift course;
matical form or case of (g. or : opp. a speci- ofa grammatical rule; continuance, preva-
-vad&, a. uttering a sound ; -vadana, n. pro-
pounding ; - v a d i t r i , a. uttering (g.; E., ac.); fied form) : in. as the saying goes (but not in lence, continued validity; lot, fate; tidings,
-vadltos, ab. inf. to begin to utter; -vad- reality) ; d. in order to spread the report; of (g. or -mat, a. devoted to a thing;
y&man, a. speeding aloiig the slopes of -vadaka, a. causing to sound, playing upon -vriddha, pp. ( V v r i d h ) grown up, great;
heaven; -vaparea, n. i . shaving off (of the (-°) ; -vadin, a. 1. uttering a sound, crying; -vriddhi, f . growth, increase; rise (of price);
beard); 2. sowing; - v a y a n a , n. 1. end of a stating, speaking, talking about ( - ° ) ; 2. oc- preferment,promotion,elevation; prosperity;
web; 2. goad (for driving cattle); (a)-va- curring in some form or case (gr.) ; - v a p i n , - v r i d h , / . growth.
yas, a. especially vigorous; of advanced a. sowing in (-°); - v a y y a , n. flight, fleetness;
- v a r a , TO. covering ; -vararca, n. fulfilment AJcjch pra-veka, a. choice, chief, exquisite,
years, aged.
of a wish; - v a r y a , f p . to be satisfied ; - v a l a , most excellent of ( - ° ) ; - v e g a , m. great swift-
H ^ X pra-vard, I.TO. cover; upper g a r m e n t ; TO. n. shoot, sprout (to which feet and lips ness; - v e g i t a , den. pp. moving rapidly; - v e -
182 H«fig pra-vodhri. IRR pra-sava.
ni,/. braid of hair; coloured woollen cloth ; i n n ^ r r pra-sakha, / . branch ; extremity chief, foremost, most excellent, best, of (- 0 );
-vetri, m. charioteer; -vettr?', m. connoisseur (of the body); -s&kbika, / . small branch, m. front-man, leader : -tva, n. pre-eminence.
of (-°) ; -vedana, n. making known, pro- twig; -s&tana, n. breaking off; -.?&nta, pp.
claiming; -vedin, a. thoroughly knowing I I p r a - s a k a l a , a. very full (bosom);
( A/sam) tranquillized, calmed, etc.: -ka, a.
(-°); -vedya,/p. to be made known; -vedha, -sakta, pp. Vsa»<7: or -m, ad. incessantly;
calm (of the mind), -ta,/. mental calm, com-
m. shot; -vepin, a. trembling; -verita, pp. -saktavya,/p. to be attached to (lc.); -sak-
posure ; -santi, / . tranquillization, appease-
cast, hurled; -vesa, m. entrance, entry, pene- ti, / . attachment, devotion, or addiction to,
ment, alleviation; tranquillity, calm; abate-
tration, intrusion, into (lc., g. + antar, or -°); indulgence in, occupation with (lc.), occur-
ment, cessation; extinction (of fire) ; de-
appearance on the stage; getting into the rence of a case; bearing, applicability;
struction ; mental calm, composure, quietude;
house, coming into one's possession (e.g. of a practicableness: -m pra-ya, be practicable;
-dim, (nm. n) a. painless; -rasaka, m. spiri-
deposit) ; obtrusiveness, meddlesomeness ; -sanktavya, fp. to be allowed to occur;
tual guide; - 4 s a n a , n. guidance, govern-
entering into= admissibleness, applicability -sankhya,/. sum total; consideration; -sam-
ment, rule; -sasitri, m. governor, master;
in (lc.)', employment or utilization of kbyana, n. enumeration; reflexion, medita-
sovereign ruler, dictator; -skatri,rn. spiritual
entrance, door : -ka, a. id.; m. interlude tion ; fame, reputation; -sanga, m. attach-
guide ; N. of a priest (also called Maitr&va-
(explaining what has happened between two ment, inclination ; fondness for, addiction to;
ru»a), who is the first assistant of the Hotrx;
acts and is essential for the understanding indulgence in (le. or -°); gratification, of
-s&stra, n. office or Soma-vessel of the Prasas-
of what follows); -vemna, n. entering, en- (g.); association or intercourse with (~°);
tri priest; -sasya,fp. to be ordered by (g.).
trance or penetration into (g., lc., or ; co- illicit pursuit; applicability; contingency;
pulation; introduction, into (lc.); driving opening, opportunity, occasion; connexion
irftjf^pjT pra-sithila, a. very loose, flaccid, (pi. all that is connected with or results from
home (of cattle); -ve.sa-bbagika, m,collector or lax ; extremely feeble, hardly perceptible:
of taxes; -ve.sayitavya ,/o. to be introduced; anything) : in. assiduously, with one's whole
-sitbili-kri, make very loose; -sitbili-bbu, soul; in the course of (-°) ; occasionally, in-
-vesita, cs. pp. introduced, made or allowed become very loose; -slshta, pp. v'sas ; (a)-
to enter; n. causing to appear on the stage; cidentally (also ab., or - t a s ) ; amunfi, -
sisb£i,/. order, command; -sisbya, m. pupil or tat-prasaiigena, on that occasion ; etat-
-ve.sin, a. entering, into (- 0 ); accessible • of a pupil: -tva, n. abst. N. ; - s i s , / , order,
through or over (-°); havingsexual intercourse prasange, on this occasion ; prasaiige ku-
precept. [/. clearness, purity. t r a api, on a certain occasion : -vat, a. occa-
with (-°); -vesya,//?.to be entered; - played
(musical instrument); - introduced; - v e s b - J ^ f a pra-su&i, a. perfectly pure; -snddbi, sional, incidental, - v i n i v r i t t i , / . non-recur-
tavya, fp. to be entered; - allowed to enter; rence of a contingency, prevention of the re-
n. imps, one should enter or penetrate into Tnft^T pra-sosha, m. dryness. [[ling. currence ; -saiigin, a. attached or devoted
(lc.)\ - v e s h tri, m. one who enters: -tva, n. to (-°); connected with anything; contin-
condition of -. [-volhri, m, (F.) id. I H j t c R pra-sAotana, n. dripping, sprink- gent, occurring; secondary, unessential; -sa^-
y a , f p . applicable: - t a , / . -ness, -pratisbe-
H«4 pras-na, m. i. question; interrogation dba, m. negative form of an applicable (posi-
TTWtS pra-vo dhri, m. one who carries off; (also of the stars, etc.) ; judicial inquiry or tive) statement: -tva, n. abst. JV.; - s a t t i , / .
pra-vyakti,/. manifestation, appear- investigation; inquiry after ( — ; subject of graciousness ; favour, complacency ; -sam-
ance ; -vyadba, m. shot, shooting distance; controversy, disputed point, problem; lesson dbana, n. combination, union; -sanna, pp.
-vyabara, m. prolongation of a discourse: (in Vedic recitation) ; short section or para- (\/sad) clear ; bright; pleased, soothed, de-
-m kri, address any one (g.). graph (in books): - m i, submit a question to lighted ; complacent; gracious, propitious,
any one (ac.) for decision; -m a-gam, id. (but kindly disposed ; plain (meaning) ; distinct
TTsfWf pra-vrapana, n. going abroad, leav- lc. of person); 2. wicker-work, wicker-basket. (impression); correct (supposition)-, - t a , /
ing home; -vragita, (pp.) m. religious men- clearness, purity; brightness ; perspicuity ;
JCS^m prasna-katha, / . story involving a
dicant (Brdhman in the fourth order)-, n. complacence, good humour, -tva, n. clearness,
life of a religious mendicant: f . nun; question; -purvakam, -purvam, ad. with a
brightness, -mukba, a. of a placid counte-
-vrar/ya, n. going abroad, migration, wander- preceding question, after examination.
nance, looking pleased, -salila, a. having
ing forth from home: a , / religious mendi- I l ^ ' q prasna-ya, den. P . question, interro- clear water; -sabba, or -m, ad, forcibly;
cancy; order of ascetics; joining the monastic gate, inquire after (2 ac.). violently; exceedingly, very much; importu-
(orfourth) order; -vraska, m. cut; -vrag, nately : -damana, n. forcible subjugation ;
m. religious mendicant, recluse; -vrar/a, in. prasna-viv&da, m. controversy. -sara, m. advance ; diffusion, expansion, ex-
river-bed (F.) ; -vraj/aka, m. religious men- tension ; range; issue (of smoke); free scope,
dicant : -stri, /. mendicant nun ; -vrfujrika, T f f a ^ prasn-ln, m. questioner, interrogator. ample space; motion (of the eye); appear-
f . id.; -vra<7ana, n. banishment; -vr&gdn, H rT^Tl^ prasnauttara, n. question and ance, manifestation ; prevalence, influence;
going forth or after (-°); m. religious mendi- stream, flood; multitude, quantity: -na, n.
answer; verse consisting of question and an-
cant ; -vlaya, m. collapse. running away, escaping; coming into force ;
swer ; -jupanishad,/ title of an Upanishad complaisance, amiability; - s a r g a (or a), m.
inprER pra-samsa-ka, a. praising ( - 0 ) ; consisting of six questions and six answers. gushing forth; dismissal; -sarpana, n. going
-samsana, n. laudation ; -sawsaniya, fp. to j p s i q pra-sraya, m. support, resting-place; forward, advancing; betaking oneself to (lc.);
be praised; -sarnaa, f . praise, eulogy, ap- -sarpin, a. issuing from (-°); slinking away.
(inclining forward), respectful demeanour,
plause (sts. pi.) ; fame : -naman, n, term of
praise, ^alapa, in. applause, -vaAana, n. deference, civility, modesty : -vat, a. defer-
laudatory remark, - & v a l i , f . panegyric poem; ential ; -sray-in, a. id.: (-i)-ta, / . respect- IFEpsf pra-savi, m. 1. pressing (of Soma);
-samsin, a. praising, extolling (-°); -sam- fulness. 2. settinginmotion,impulse; course,current;
sa npama, f. comparison implying praise n f ^ j d pra-slita, pp. (=-srita), changing a s ' quickening power, stimulation, instigation;
(rX.); a m stavy a, fp. praiseworthy; -sams- t o ' o' before sonan t letters (samdhi); -slishtfa, aid; command; acquisition; vivifier; 3. be-
ya, fp. id.; better than (ab.) ; -sama, m. getting, generation; conception ; bringing
pp. slurred, coalescent (euphonic combina-
tranquillization, pacification, appeasement; forth, bearing; birth ; delivery, confinement;
tion of & or a, with a following vowel or of
composure, calm; cessation, extinction (of augmentation; birth-place; flower,blossom;
other vowels with homogeneous ones); vowel
fire),abatement, removal (of obstacles, pain, sg. Sf pi. offspring, progeny sts.= young
resulting from coalescence or accent of a
etc.); mental calm, quietude; -samaka, a. - ) : -griba, n. lying-in chamber; -savana,
tranq uilli zing,rendering innocuous (- ); -sam-
0 coalescent vowel (gr.); -slesba,m. close con-
tact or pressure; coalescence (of vowels). n. bringing forth, bearing of children; fe-
am-kara, a. causing the cessation of (g.'j, cundity ; -sava-vedanfl, /. pangs of child-
disturbing; -samana, a. tranquillizing, pra-svas-itavya, fp. n. imps, one birth, travail; -savitr£, m. 1. impeller, in-
calming, allaying, extinguishing, curing; n. should restore or revive anyone (g.) bymeans citer, vivifier (of, g.); 2. (-tri), m. procreator,
tranquillization, pacification; alleviation, of (in.) ; -sv&sa,TO.inhalation. father; -savin, a. bearing, producing; -sa-
mitigation; healing; rendering innocuous; vya, a. (holding the left hand out towards
securing (property); -sas, f. axe, knife; H S 6 *! prash-£avya,/p. (V\mikh) to be asked, dhything), following one's left hand, keeping
-sasta,pp. (-%/saws) praised, commended, etc.: interrogated, or examined, concerning (ac.); one's left hand towards anything (in walking
-kala*a, m. N., -tva, n. excellence; -sastav- to be inquired about. round it): -m, ad. to the left; -sab, a. (str.
ya, fp. praiseworthy; (a)-A'asti, f . praise, st. -s£b) overpowering; -saba, a. enduring,
laudation; glory; direction, guidance; bene- j j f g pr£-shii, m. [being beyond or in front], withstanding (-°); in. endurance, resistance
diction expressing a desire for peace in the side-horse or leader; man at one's side; tri-
(only -') ; beast or bird of prey; -sahana, n.
realm (dr.); (metrical) eulogistic inscription: pod (supporting a dish): -mat, a. having
resisting; overcoming; embracing; -sabya,
-kr£t, a. bestowing praise, approving, -fsatta, side-horses; -vabin, a. yoked with three
1. gd. forcibly ; exceedingly; without more
m. written edict ;-s&sya,/p.praiseworthy, com- horses.
ado ; necessarily (with na, by no means); 2.
mendable, excellent; blessed: -ta,/.excellence.
IT& pm-shtha, a. standing or going in front; fp. conquerable; with inf. capable of being

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