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The fountains mingle with the river,

And the rivers with the ocean;

The winds of heaven mix forever,
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single;
All things by a law divine
In one another's being mingle;--
Why not I with thine?
See! the mountains kiss high heaven,
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister flower would be forgiven,
If it disdained it's brother;
And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea;--
What are all these kissings worth,
If thou kiss not me?

Cancer In Love
People born under the Sign of Cancer are creative and intuitive. In love they ar
e giving and loving. To be honest you won t find many people as accommodating as t
his person when it comes to relationships. It is almost as if they are born to l
ove and also to be loved, Cancer really does nail it when it comes to a nice hom
e life. Of course getting to that point isn t always that easy, especially when th
ere are so many people out there who don t want to settle down.
These people are sensitive to the environment around them and have a keen sense
of what is going on. Natural born worriers, Cancer people will tend to be quite
anxious about things, especially which which they are unsure of; they are certai
nly not the type of people who will jump at the chance to go on a mystery tour i
n the Amazon, for example. No, I think it is true to say that Cancerians tend to
be home lovers and prefer a tranquil lifestyle to that of the adventurer whose
life is always in the air.
Cancer people are often quite traditional in their approach to life and love and
like to be courted correctly before entering into anything serious or physical.
They don t do quick flings as what they are really searching for is the one their sou
l mate, someone to share their life with. Now, some of you reading this may be t
hinking that s not me, I m nothing like that And the reason for that is that Cancer is
possibly the hardest sign of them all to define! They can be all sorts of thing
s, and have no particular set way. I have known many people of this sign through
out my life and they are all different (I will concentrate more on this in later
posts). The similarities though are that they are all very caring and loving pe
These people are very loyal to their loved ones and will fight tooth and nail to
give them what they need in life. Even if they have affairs, which may sound im
possible, but trust me it can and does happen, they will stick by their loved on
es as they do tend to see themselves as the protectors of the ones they love. If
a Cancer man or woman does have an affair (unless very unhappy in their current
relationship) it will not be to betray, it is purely because they are very sens
uous people, but it does not shake their love for their partner, not one bit.
Cancerians need to find a lover who will do some giving and not all taking. Peop
le born under this sign are givers, they give themselves in love, their time and
devotion and will lavish you with gifts whenever they can, and sadly many peopl
e take advantage of this beautiful unselfish trait. Cancer s need and, I truly bel
ieve, deserve to be spoilt sometimes and made to feel special, because all of th
ese people are very special indeed.
So if you are entering into, or are already in a relationship with one of these
lovely crabs then please treat them in the right way! And remember to spoil them
once in a while as they will never ask you for anything. If a Cancer loves you
then for better or worse, they will love you for life! Enjoy!

Pisces and Cancer

This Water combination certainly hits the spot for both the Pisces and the Cance
r. As they are both very emotional they have a great understanding of each other s
needs which they will revel in, as a lot of people can t seem to get their heads
around this pair s emotional roller-coaster ride! There is also no shortage of aff
ection between these two Water signs also and they care for one another greatly.
This is definitely a match made in heaven.
The Pisces is a dreamer and the Cancer is too but is also hard working, bringing
these two traits together will ensure that this couple do not just talk about t
heir dreams they actually turn them into reality also. Cancer is very protective
and this is exactly what the Pisces needs. One trouble this otherwise wonderful
couple may come across though is that Cancer may want to get into the Pisces he
ad, and find out what really goes on in there. This will only cause the Pisces t
o retreat into his/her mind even further. The solution is to just accept each ot
her the way you both are, after all that is what attracted you in the first plac
e right?
As a couple they will adore art galleries and the Cinema will play an important
role as well. And as long as they don t stop doing things together, this relations
hip could well endure the tests of time. It is wise to really understand each ot
her as both the Cancer and the Pisces alike can go through bouts of depression a
nd even self pity. Having to put up with each other may become too much, but I f
eel in the long run it will be worth it. A wonderful, long lasting connection is

Cancer and Pisces

A love match between a Cancer and a Pisces is a positive meeting of spirits. Bot
h signs are basically tolerant and sympathetic, and Pisces is easily energized b
y Cancer's ideas. A Pisces mate can open a Cancer's eyes to the world of creativ
ity and spirituality. In turn, Cancer's practicality can be a guide, leading Pis
ces to the fruition of their dreamy, utopian ideas. This celestial pairing benef
its from an amazingly strong and multifaceted emotional bond. Cancer loves mater
ial goods, they admire and they appreciate. Cancer desires comfort and a rich ho
me, and at times might not understand the simplistic, minimalist lifestyle of th
eir Pisces mate. Though they may work toward different goals of acquisition and
lifestyle, the shared emotional depth of Cancer and Pisces can make theirs a ver
y rewarding relationship. The Moon (Emotion) rules Cancer, and Jupiter (Philosop
hy) and Neptune (Illusion and Dreams) rules Pisces. When the Moon and Neptune co
me together, a beautiful spiritual connection is made. Both of these celestial b
odies vibrate with warm, feminine energy. Together, they create an idealistic, a
lmost divine relationship, one that puts much significance on dreams and illusio
ns. Jupiter also rules Pisces. This Planet of Good Fortune adds a masculine ener
gy to this planetary combination, representing philosophy, expansion and excesse
s. The nature of this combination offers a utopian relationship: It is drenched
in emotional intrigue and is a true celestial bond. Emotion, depth, warmth, expa
nsion -- it all sounds too good to be true, doesn't it. Though they both ask a l
ot of their love relationships, Cancer must be careful not to cramp the floating
Fish, as Pisces will suffocate under too many demands. Cancer and Pisces are bo
th Water Signs. Since Water is a tangible, physical entity, Cancer and Pisces ar
e generally very compatible. Pisces are in this world to create human connection
s, and when they come together with Cancerian intuition and nurturing, there is
no stronger bond. So that this union does not wash out in a stream of romantic i
dealism, Cancer's stable view of life holds them afloat. And it's not a case of
Cancer putting up with a dreamy Pisces mate: Cancer really understands emotional
ambiguity and can help Pisces stabilize their ephemeral nature. Though Cancer c
ould grow weary of their Pisces mate's faraway nature, and though Pisces could b
e bothered by Cancer's self-centeredness, it's easy for this pair to find a comp
romise. Cancer is a Cardinal Sign, and Pisces is a Mutable Sign. Though intuitiv
e, in love, as in life, Cancer likes to get things moving with a good idea and a
solid plan, and they'll write it all down to keep track. Pisces, on the other h
and, is more about going on instinct; they'd lose that plan as soon as Cancer ha
nded it to them! Cancer needs to give Pisces the freedom to enjoy their external
interests and to occasionally follow a whim undeterred. Pisces can show Cancer
that completion is sometimes better than initiation, and that compromise without
struggle can pay off. Cancer and Pisces feed off of each other's energy well, a
nd should be completely compatible in romance. What's the best thing about the C
ancer-Pisces love match? Their similar emotional natures. Both have a great capa
city for emotion and compassion, and both can act as teacher AND student. They c
omplement and harmonize with one another very well. The overall empathy and comm
itment that these two Signs value in a relationship is what will keep the ties s
trong and long lasting between the Crab and the Fish.

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