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______ __ __ _____ _ _____

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| |__ | \ / | | | | | |
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| |____| | | | |____| |____ _| |_
|______|_| |_|\_____|______|_____|

Checking ip contact...OK

QUIT : q> lt all

170126-06:03:34 16.0j stopfile=/tmp/3840

Please enter Username: rbs
Please enter rbs's Node Password:

$ssh_pid = 1284

Connected to

Checking MOM version...MSRBS_NODE_MODEL_305.28792.63_d99f

Parsing MOM (cached): /home/Ahmad/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/tempfiles/20170126-
060322_4272/MSRBS_NODE_MODEL_305.28792.63_d99f.xml.cache.gz .......................
Connected to

Last MO: 5284. Loaded 5284 MOs. Total: 5285 MOs.

CGDMG96> m

Command Name Purpose (type "h <command>" for detailed help on a command)
mom[abcdfloprtuxs] Print description of MO classes, CM/FM attributes,
actions, enums and structs.
lt/clt/ltc[1-9] Load MO tree (full or partial) and build proxy table.
lc[1-9]/lcc Load MO tree (full or partial) and build proxy table.
lu/llu Unload MOs from MO tree.
pr[s][m]/lpr[s][m] Print MO LDNs and proxy ids for all or part of the MO tree
currently loaded in moshell.
ma/lma Add MO(s) to an MO group.
mr/lmr Remove an MO group or remove MOs from an MO group (MOs
will NOT be deleted, only the group).
mp Print all defined MO groups.
get[m]/lget[m] Read CM/FM attribute(s) from MO(s).
hget[c][m]/lhget[c][m] Read CM/FM attribute(s) from MO(s), print horizontally one
line per MO (instead of one line per attribute).
kget[m]/lkget[m] Display CM/FM attributes in exportable printout format.
fro[m]/lfro[m] Read MO persistent data from node database via SQL.
st/lst Print state of MOs (operationalState and
administrativeState when applicable).
prod Print productData of MO(s).
lk/llk View all MO's linked to an MO, and their states (admState
and opState).
lko/llko Obsolete command, use lk/llk instead.
set[m][c][1]/lset[m][c][1] Set an attribute value on one or several MO's.
eset[c][1]/leset[c][1] Set one or several attributes on one or several MO's,
using regexp matching on the attribute name.
rset/lrset Set attribute value on a restricted attribute or change
the MOid of an MO.
bl[s]/lbl[s] Lock or soft-lock MO(s).
deb/ldeb Unlock MO(s).
acl/lacl Lists available MO actions.
acc[e][n]/lacc[e][n] Execute an MO action.
cr[e][n] Create an MO.
del[b]/ldel[b] Delete MO(s).
rdel/lrdel Delete MO(s) together with children and reserving MOs.
gm[c][d]/lgm[c][d] Generate MO Creation/Deletion script.
safe+/safe-/safe? Apply strict MO matching rules on MO WRITE commands
s+/s++/s-/s? Sort MO list in alphabetical order instead of proxy order.
u+[s]/u-/u?/u! Handling of undo mode (for cr/del/rdel/set/bl/deb/acc
commands). Can be used for generation of MO scripts as well.
run[x][1][1p][1r] Run a command file in moshell format.
trun[is1cr] Run a command file in EMAS/MoTester format.
ctrl-z Abort an MO command or a "for" loop. Type "touch
/tmp/<stopfile>;fg" to resume the moshell session.
pol[b][c][d][h][i][k][m][p][s][r][u][w][y] Poll the node until the MO service is
up or until an operation has completed.
re[i] Disconnect and reconnect to the CM service (mobrowser)
and/or the PM service (pmtester).
getmom Check the MOM version currently stored on the node or
download a MOM from utran01 server.
parsemom Parse an xml MOM file.
ld Load one MO from the tree and add to the proxy table.
eget/leget Read attributes that are not listed in the MOM
sget/lsget/skget/lskget/shget/lshget Read CM/FM attributes from MO(s), one by one
("Slow" get).
flt/fltc Load proxys for an MO type that is not defined in the MOM.
("Force" lt/ltc).
fget/lfget Read attributes that are not listed in the MOM
fset/lfset Set an attribute that is not described in the MOM ("Force"
facc/lfacc Perform actions that are not defined in the MOM ("Force"
fdel/lfdel Delete MO(s), including systemCreated MOs.
mcl[d] List MO-Context COMCLI commands.
mcc/lmcc Execute MO-Context COMCLI commands.

Type: - h <command> to view command description, e.g: h pget

- h <pattern> to view commands whose description match a string, e.g:
h change.*prompt
CGDMG96> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Access to RCS COLI is restricted. To execute RCS-COLI commands, please enter the
RCS-COLI mode by typing "coli"

CGDMG96> o

Command Name Purpose (type "h <command>" for detailed help on a command)
uv Print or change moshell configuration settings (also
called "user variables").
pv Print scripting variables.
!/l Execute a unix command on the PC/workstation.
l+[m][m][s][o]/l-/l? Open/close moshell logfiles.
dbc[s][a] Database consistency check
dbd Database comparison.
dbcv[r] Perform a DB consistency check (dbc) on the db.dat files
of the CVs stored on the node.
ose/coli command Send COLI commands to the CPP node's OSE shell. Type "h
ose" for syntax help and "?" to view available commands.
coli Open an interactive COLI or RCS-COLI session to the node.
bo[ar]/ba[swdpmu]/br[wdm]/be[0-50]/bp Manage board groups that can be used for
running COLI commands on multiple boards.
lh[z] Run COLI commands on all boards of a board group or MO
mon[?][d][u][f][s][k][-] Start/stop/check CPP target monitor or Linux monitor
session in TCP mode, UDP mode, or disk mode.
sql+/sql-/sql? Start/stop/check the SQL client on the node (CXC1325608).
pgu[c][f][r] Program Upgrade. For lab use only, eg, to load black LMs.
procload/proctemp Print processor load or temperature.
proglist/progkill List or restart programs on boards or board groups.
fte Filtered te (trace and error) command.
goxb[ac][ib] Run XB commands as advanced user (CMXB/SCXB)
ftree[f][d][1] Recursive listing of a directory on the file system of the
node or the workstation.
ftget[c]/ftput[c]/ftdel[a] Transfer files or directories to/from the node, using
ftp or sftp.
htget Download files using http or https.
edit Edit a file on the node.
fclean[f|ff|a|d|e] Removal of obsolete loadmodules OR recursive removal of a
directory on the node.
hi Print history of moshell commands entered during the
current session.
time[t] Measure time taken by an moshell command or by each
command in a moshell command file.
lmid[c][h]/upid[om] Print translation of loadmodule/upgradepackage product
number or T&E error codes.
p/w/pw/b Change moshell prompt and/or window title.
prox[+-] Toggle display of proxy identities in printout of get <mo>
<attribute> command.
col Toggle display of colors.
ul Toggle display of userlabel in st/lst and pget/lpget
conf[bld][+-] Toggle confirmation on various MO commands.
gs[+-]/gsg[+-] Toggle display of old/new attribute value in set/bl/deb
ip2d Convert an IP address to a decimal number.
d2ip/h2ip Convert a decimal or hexadecimal number to an IP address.
h2d/d2h Convert an integer to hexadecimal or viceversa.
h2b/b2h Convert a binary to hexadecimal or viceversa.
rb2ip Print the mapping of RNC IubLink MOs to RBS O&M IP
addresses. Only supported in OSSRC.
encpw Create an encoded password for use in Moshell
mos2ro Generate an installation package for moshell read-only
wait Wait of a specific duration in hrs, mins, secs, rops, or
until specified time.
return Exit from a command file without exiting from moshell
print Print a line or variable (scripting).
alias/unalias Print or define command aliases.
lf[c] Load a moshellrc file or a offline COLI file.
bg[g]/bgs/bgw Run some moshell commands in background or check status of
background jobs.
smd[slcr] Server Maintenance - disk usage
pe[c][l][k] CPP post event functions
q/by/exit/quit Exit moshell.

Type: - h <command> to view command description, e.g: h pget

- h <pattern> to view commands whose description match a string, e.g:
h change.*prompt

CGDMG96> n

Command Name Purpose (type "h <command>" for detailed help on a command)
cvls/cvmk/cvms/cvset/cvrm[u]/cvrbrm/cvcu/cvget[f][u]/cvput/cvls1/cvre/cvfa/cvfd CV
backup handling: list, make local, make remote, remove, setstartable.
inv[hlxpbctr] Complete HW/SW inventory. Includes information about RPUs,
licensing, JVM, devices, XPs, ISL, etc.
cab[adefghlmrstxc] Display of miscellaneous COLI printouts relating to hw,
sw, restarts, leds, cpu load, errors, disk/ram usage
stc[p][r] Display state and configuration of Atm/Tdm
std[ar] Display state and configuration of devices (RNC and MGW
stv[b][r] Display state, user, and bandwidth usage for ATM ports and
stt[r] Display state and user of Physical Ports and Ds0Bundles.
ste[gr] Display state and configuration of Ethernet Ports.
sti[bcfopr] Display state and configuration of IP interfaces.
sts Display state and configuration of Network
str[123ft] Print status of the IubLinks/AbisLinks and their
associated Cells and Channels (RNC/BSC only).
hc Run a general healthcheck on the node. Obsolete ! Use dcg
command instead.
dcg[meiasrfkx] Fetch data for TRs/CSRs, according to the Data Collection
diff[a][d][m][o]/ldiff[a][d][m][o] Parameter auditing or MO dump comparisons.
lkr[a] Print RNC Iub resources allocation.
resub Moving Iub resources within or across Subracks (RNC >=
ir[cdpsom] Iub Redundancy operations for RNC in pool.
tg[r][c][d] Print Resource Object information for all MOs in LmCell
(RNC only).
ueregprint/uer[d][t][i][s][p][v] Print UE registry or UE context data (serving or
drifting) for all active calls (RNC only).
ced[h][p][s][g][r] Print consumption of cell resources and rbs hw, cell
supported features, cell coordinates (RNC only).
al[atkcg][u] Print the list of active alarms. Acknowledge/Unacknowledge
an alarm.
lg[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz12345] Fetching and processing of node logs

Type: - h <command> to view command description, e.g: h pget

- h <pattern> to view commands whose description match a string, e.g:
h change.*prompt

CGDMG96> n

Command Name Purpose (type "h <command>" for detailed help on a command)
cvls/cvmk/cvms/cvset/cvrm[u]/cvrbrm/cvcu/cvget[f][u]/cvput/cvls1/cvre/cvfa/cvfd CV
backup handling: list, make local, make remote, remove, setstartable.
inv[hlxpbctr] Complete HW/SW inventory. Includes information about RPUs,
licensing, JVM, devices, XPs, ISL, etc.
cab[adefghlmrstxc] Display of miscellaneous COLI printouts relating to hw,
sw, restarts, leds, cpu load, errors, disk/ram usage
stc[p][r] Display state and configuration of Atm/Tdm
std[ar] Display state and configuration of devices (RNC and MGW
stv[b][r] Display state, user, and bandwidth usage for ATM ports and
stt[r] Display state and user of Physical Ports and Ds0Bundles.
ste[gr] Display state and configuration of Ethernet Ports.
sti[bcfopr] Display state and configuration of IP interfaces.
sts Display state and configuration of Network
str[123ft] Print status of the IubLinks/AbisLinks and their
associated Cells and Channels (RNC/BSC only).
hc Run a general healthcheck on the node. Obsolete ! Use dcg
command instead.
dcg[meiasrfkx] Fetch data for TRs/CSRs, according to the Data Collection
diff[a][d][m][o]/ldiff[a][d][m][o] Parameter auditing or MO dump comparisons.
lkr[a] Print RNC Iub resources allocation.
resub Moving Iub resources within or across Subracks (RNC >=
ir[cdpsom] Iub Redundancy operations for RNC in pool.
tg[r][c][d] Print Resource Object information for all MOs in LmCell
(RNC only).
ueregprint/uer[d][t][i][s][p][v] Print UE registry or UE context data (serving or
drifting) for all active calls (RNC only).
ced[h][p][s][g][r] Print consumption of cell resources and rbs hw, cell
supported features, cell coordinates (RNC only).
al[atkcg][u] Print the list of active alarms. Acknowledge/Unacknowledge
an alarm.
lg[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz12345] Fetching and processing of node logs

Type: - h <command> to view command description, e.g: h pget

- h <pattern> to view commands whose description match a string, e.g:
h change.*prompt

______ __ __ _____ _ _____

| ____| \/ |/ ____| | |_ _|
| |__ | \ / | | | | | |
| __| | |\/| | | | | | |
| |____| | | | |____| |____ _| |_
|______|_| |_|\_____|______|_____|

Checking ip contact...OK

QUIT : q> h

----------------------------------- COMMANDS SUPPORTED IN EMCLI

mom[abcdfloprtuxs] Print description of MO classes, CM/FM attributes,
actions, enums and structs.
lt Load MO tree and build proxy table.
lu/llu Unload MOs from MO tree.
pr[s][m]/lpr[s][m] Print MO LDNs and proxy ids for all or part of the MO tree
currently loaded in moshell.
ma/lma Add MO(s) to an MO group.
mr/lmr Remove an MO group or remove MOs from an MO group (MOs
will NOT be deleted, only the group).
mp Print all defined MO groups.
get[m]/lget[m] Read CM/FM attribute(s) from MO(s).
hget[c][m]/lhget[c][m] Read CM/FM attribute(s) from MO(s), print horizontally one
line per MO (instead of one line per attribute).
kget[m]/lkget[m] Display CM/FM attributes in exportable printout format.
st/lst Print state of MOs (operationalState and
administrativeState when applicable).
lk/llk View all MO's linked to an MO, and their states (admState
and opState).
set[m][c][1]/lset[m][c][1] Set an attribute value on one or several MO's.
eset[c][1]/leset[c][1] Set one or several attributes on one or several MO's,
using regexp matching on the attribute name.
rset/lrset Set attribute value on a restricted attribute or change
the MOid of an MO.
bl[s]/lbl[s] Lock or soft-lock MO(s).
deb/ldeb Unlock MO(s).
acl/lacl Lists available MO actions.
acc[e][n]/lacc[e][n] Execute an MO action.
cr[e][n] Create an MO.
del[b]/ldel[b] Delete MO(s).
rdel/lrdel Delete MO(s) together with children and reserving MOs.
gm[c][d]/lgm[c][d] Generate MO Creation/Deletion script.
safe+/safe-/safe? Apply strict MO matching rules on MO WRITE commands
s+/s++/s-/s? Sort MO list in alphabetical order instead of proxy order.
u+[s]/u-/u?/u! Handling of undo mode (for cr/del/rdel/set/bl/deb/acc
commands). Can be used for generation of MO scripts as well.
run[x][1][1p][1r] Run a command file in moshell format.
ctrl-z Abort an MO command or a "for" loop. Type "touch
/tmp/<stopfile>;fg" to resume the moshell session.
pol[b][c][d][h][i][k][m][p][s][r][u][w][y] Poll the node until the MO service is
up or until an operation has completed.
getmom Check the MOM version currently stored on the node or
download a MOM from utran01 server.
parsemom Parse an xml MOM file.
ld Load one MO from the tree and add to the proxy table.
fdel/lfdel Delete MO(s), including systemCreated MOs.
cvls/cvmk/cvms/cvset/cvrm[u]/cvrbrm/cvcu/cvget[f][u]/cvput/cvls1/cvre/cvfa/cvfd CV
backup handling: list, make local, make remote, remove, setstartable.
inv[hlxpbctr] Complete HW/SW inventory. Includes information about RPUs,
licensing, JVM, devices, XPs, ISL, etc.
dcg[meiasrfkx] Fetch data for TRs/CSRs, according to the Data Collection
diff[a][d][m][o]/ldiff[a][d][m][o] Parameter auditing or MO dump comparisons.
al[atkcg][u] Print the list of active alarms. Acknowledge/Unacknowledge
an alarm.
lg[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz12345] Fetching and processing of node logs
uv Print or change moshell configuration settings (also
called "user variables").
pv Print scripting variables.
!/l Execute a unix command on the PC/workstation.
l+[m][m][s][o]/l-/l? Open/close moshell logfiles.
coli Open an interactive COLI or RCS-COLI session to the node.
comcli Open an interactive COMCLI session to the node. Only
applicable for COM nodes.
esci Start Ericsson Support Command Interface mode. Only
applicable for EMCLI (RCS nodes).
netconf Open an interactive NETCONF session to the node or execute
a NETCONF command file. Only applicable for COM nodes.
mcl[d] List MO-Context COMCLI commands.
mcc/lmcc Execute MO-Context COMCLI commands.
bo[ar]/ba[swdpmu]/br[wdm]/be[0-50]/bp Manage board groups that can be used for
running COLI commands on multiple boards.
lh[z] Run COLI commands on all boards of a board group or MO
mon[?][d][u][f][s][k][-] Start/stop/check CPP target monitor or Linux monitor
session in TCP mode, UDP mode, or disk mode.
fte Filtered te (trace and error) command.
ftree[f][d][1] Recursive listing of a directory on the file system of the
node or the workstation.
ftget[c]/ftput[c]/ftdel[a] Transfer files or directories to/from the node, using
ftp or sftp.
htget Download files using http or https.
hi Print history of moshell commands entered during the
current session.
time[t] Measure time taken by an moshell command or by each
command in a moshell command file.
lmid[c][h]/upid[om] Print translation of loadmodule/upgradepackage product
number or T&E error codes.
p/w/pw/b Change moshell prompt and/or window title.
prox[+-] Toggle display of proxy identities in printout of get <mo>
<attribute> command.
col Toggle display of colors.
ul Toggle display of userlabel in st/lst and pget/lpget
conf[bld][+-] Toggle confirmation on various MO commands.
gs[+-]/gsg[+-] Toggle display of old/new attribute value in set/bl/deb
ip2d Convert an IP address to a decimal number.
d2ip/h2ip Convert a decimal or hexadecimal number to an IP address.
h2d/d2h Convert an integer to hexadecimal or viceversa.
h2b/b2h Convert a binary to hexadecimal or viceversa.
encpw Create an encoded password for use in Moshell
wait Wait of a specific duration in hrs, mins, secs, rops, or
until specified time.
return Exit from a command file without exiting from moshell
print Print a line or variable (scripting).
alias/unalias Print or define command aliases.
lf[c] Load a moshellrc file or a offline COLI file.
bg[g]/bgs/bgw Run some moshell commands in background or check status of
background jobs.
smd[slcr] Server Maintenance - disk usage
q/by/exit/quit Exit moshell.
pmom[acdpo] Print description of PM counters.
pget[m]/lpget[m] Read PM attribute(s) from MO(s).
spget/lspget Read PM attribute(s) one by one ("slow pget").
hpget[c][m]/lhpget[c][m] Read PM attribute(s) from MO(s), print horizontally one
line per MO (instead of one line per attribute).
pdiff/lpdiff Print incrementation of PM attributes.
hpdiff[m]/lhpdiff[m] Print incrementation of PM attributes, horizontally one
line per MO (instead of one line per attribute)
pmx[hfdnsckwlb3zei] Display counter values, extracted from the statistics ROP
pmr[agfkwop3z] Produce PM KPI reports, based on counter values in
statistics ROP files and formulas in CPI documentation.
pme[fd][cgurv] Fetch/decode event ROP files (RNC/RBS/ERBS/MSRBS).
pst List all PM scanners and their state.
pgets[n][m][r] Print scanner contents.
pcr[cfpda]/lpcr[cfpda] Create a statistics scanner.
pbl Suspend a scanner.
pdeb Resume a scanner.
pdel[p] Delete a scanner.
emom Display list of events available for each kind of event-
based scanner.
pset[d] Set the contents of an event-based scanner
----------------------------------- HELP CHAPTERS
1 Introduction
2 Installation, and user settings
3 Command syntax, regular expressions
4 Command descriptions
5 Lazy
6 Scripting
7 Utilities
8 Server Maintenance
9 Offline Mode and Multi Mode
Type: - h <command> to view command description, e.g: h pget
- h <pattern> to view commands whose description match a string, e.g:
h change.*prompt
- h <chapter> to view a chapter, e.g: h 3

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