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THW Legalize the sale of organs

Affirmative (+)
1. I agree about legalize the sale of organ because when viewed from the social
aspects related to the health aspects of many in the community who need
transplants of human organs such as the heart organ transplants for heart patients,
so where are the heart of the organ can be found if it is not taken from the human
body itself? Things like that actually legalized because it includes helping the soul
of someone who is in need of human organs.
2. I agree because although in Indonesia the sale of human organs is not legalized but
many overseas that perform organ transplants and this looks reasonable.
1. More than 10,000 people in the UK currently need a transplant, this proves the
level of need for human organ sales abroad is very high.
2. In 1983, Dr. Barry Jacobs requested that the US government should create a
fund to compensate the families who donate the organs of their deceased
relatives. He also proposed a business plan to buy kidneys from living donors
to transplant to American patients.
3. I agree because in addition they really need an organ transplant, if we viewed of the
economic aspects of the sale of organs a person can earn a lot of money because the
organ is paid very expensive. Many of the people who sell their organs just want to
improve their economic life. At summarize, organs are the property of the donor,
and so they have the right to do with them as they wish.
Opposition (-)
1. I disagree because National Organ Transplantation Act of 1984 still prohibits the
sale of human organs from both dead and living donors.
2. I disagree as seen from the religious aspect, the sale of organs are strictly not
allowed. This organ is the creation of God. so, can not be traded.
Although it is to be transplanted into people who need human organ, but human
organs should not be sold on the white market as they should not be sold on the
black market. Human organs should be given freely because life is given freely to
us. No one pays for their life when they are born.
3. I disagree when viewed from the economic aspect, someone with bad economic
fact should not be thinking of selling their organs. The advice is to work as closely
as possible, not to give up selling the organ just for the money.
4. I disagree because when we viewed from social aspect of Indonesian people, sale
of organs is not fair. They think that people who want to sale their organs is

Dampak sosial akibat dari trasplantasi organ :

1. Di ina ada 1 orang sebagai pendonor akibat mendonorkan ginjalnya demi
mendapatkan uang akhirnya dicela dan di diskriminasikan oleh masyarakat
yang ada di lingkungannya. Masyarakat menganggap bahwa dia tidak normal
lagi, karena telah merelakan kesehatannya demi uang.

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