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Create A Baby: Genetics Rubric

CATEGORY 3 2 1 0 Comments
Gender The baby's The baby's The baby's The baby's
gender has been gender has not gender has not gender has not
determined. been been been
Contains: mom's determined. One determined. Two determined. 3 or
name dad's thing is missing things are things are
name child's missing. missing.
name and sex

Determining Alleles have Only 2 of the Only 1 of the Alleles were not
Traits been chosen, following were following was chosen, the
the genotype done: Alleles done: Alleles genotype has
has been have been have been not been
determined, and chosen, the chosen, the determined, and
the phenotype is genotype has genotype has the phenotype
described. There been been was not
are no determined, and determined, and described. or
mistakes.l the phenotype is the phenotype is There are more
described. or described. or than 5 mistakes.
There are 1-2 There are 3-4
mistakes. mistakes.
Drawing All 28 of the 1-2 of the traits 3-4 of the traits 5 or more of the
(Baby) traits are drawn. are not drawn. or are not drawn. or traits are not
All 28 traits are 1-2 of the traits 3-4 of the traits drawn. or 5 or
correct. The are incorrect. or are incorrect. or more of the traits
drawing is The drawing is The drawing is are incorrect. or
colorful and not colored and not colored and The drawing is
attractive. is unattractive. is unattractive. not colored and
is unattractive.
Follow up All 15 of the 1-2 of the 3-4 of the 5 or more of the
Questions questions were questions were questions were questions were
answered answered answered answered
correctly. incorrectly. incorrectly. incorrectly.

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