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Journal of Economic Literature 2008, 46:4, 946–973


A Review of Gregory Clark’s

A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic
History of the World
Robert C. Allen*

A Farewell to Alms advances striking claims about the economic history of the world.
These include (1) the preindustrial world was in a Malthusian preventive check equi-
librium, (2) living standards were unchanging and above subsistence for the last
100,000 years, (3) bad institutions were not the cause of economic backwardness,
(4) successful economic growth was due to the spread of “middle class” values from
the elite to the rest of society for “biological” reasons, (5) workers were the big gainers
in the British Industrial Revolution, and (6) the absence of middle class values, for
biological reasons, explains why most of the world is poor. The empirical support for
these claims is examined, and all are questionable.

1.  Introduction have the first Industrial Revolution?—Clark

proceeds in a similar a priori fashion. There

I saiah Berlin divided thinkers into two

sorts—foxes and hedgehogs—following
Archilochus’s adage: “The fox knows many
is very little testing of Clark’s theories: there
is scarcely a regression in sight nor even
a “horse race” in which they are matched
things, but the hedgehog one big thing.” Greg against alternatives to see which can best
Clark is a hedgehog, and this will make him explain what happened. Instead, informa-
popular with those economists who proceed tion and anecdotes are assembled to show
by first formulating a model and then fitting that the world exemplifies Clark’s ideas. A
it to the world. His big idea is the macroeco- Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History
nomic distinction between Malthusian and of the World (Princeton University Press,
Solovian phases of history. Clark narrates the 2007) has a clear story line that makes for an
story of the world in these terms, and, as sub- engaging read. But is it true?
sidiary issues arise—e.g., why did England As befits an enthusiast for the forager life
style, Clark is very good at hunting down
* Allen: Nuffield College, Oxford University. Without remarkable facts and gathering unusual anec-
implicating them, I thank the following for comments dotes. We learn how rapidly it took news of
and advice: Sam Bowles, Stan Engerman, Tim Guinnane, events in distant lands to reach England (pp.
Knick Harley, Shiela Johannsson, Zorina Khan, John
Komlos, Cormac O’ Grada, Peter Temin, and Jan Luiten 306–07), how many calories were produced
van Zanden. by an hour’s work in different ­societies (p. 68),
Allen: A Review of Gregory Clark’s A Farewell to Alms 947

and even the intriguing fact that Malthus’s on whether his theories accord with the facts.
family line died out because his children had Clark supports his argument with his own
none of their own (p. 81, n. 19). Nuts and ber- brand of casual empiricism with little refer-
ries from the forest are scattered throughout ence to the findings of other scholars who
A Farewell to Alms. are often more careful, comprehensive, and
In the preface, Clark (p. x) recognizes that methodologically sophisticated. The ques-
he may not convince all of his colleagues in tion that animates this review is whether
economic history, and in that he is correct. Clark’s theories stand up in the light of that
Most economic historians are foxes, and many research.
will find the book unappetizing. They see the This review is organized around the major
world as a complicated place and proceed propositions of A Farewell to Alms. They
inductively rather than deductively. Their are:
models of inquiry are Baconian and posi- • The preindustrial world was Malthusian,
tivistic: The accumulation of more evidence and demography kept income per head
will eventually reveal the truth. Models can constant for 100,000 years.
help to organize and guide the collection of • Bad institutions do not explain the
information, but they are no substitute for absence of economic growth. On the
research. Clark has done serious work along contrary, the institutions of medieval
these lines—mainly the collection of prices England were almost perfect for growth.
and incomes that we will discuss later—but • Rather, the lack of growth in the prein-
he is also too dismissive of much historical dustrial world was due to bad culture,
scholarship. He distinguishes his book from to a lack of the “middle class” virtues of
“the usual dreary academic sins, which now hard work and thrift.
seem to dominate so much writing in the • The Industrial Revolution happened in
humanities.” Whereas most historians see England because the middle class vir-
themselves collecting information to create tues spread down the social scale there
an increasingly accurate description of the in the sixteenth and seventeenth centu-
past, Clark sees their work as “willful obfus- ries for biological reasons. The poor did
cation and jargon-laden vacuity” (p. x). In its not have enough surviving children to
place, Clark offers us the big picture. But is reproduce themselves, while the rich had
he “leading us to the light” as he hopes, or is a surplus with the result that children
he offering what Berlin calls the hedgehog’s of the rich were forced down the social
typically “fanatical, inner vision”? scale. The middle class virtues went with
We should not judge a book by its cover them since they were—quite possibly—
and probably not by its title either, for, in this carried in their genes. This mechanism
case, it is inaccurate. The aim of the book is did not operate in other countries since
to explain why some countries are rich and the rich and the poor had similar num-
others are poor. The West (including Japan) bers of surviving children.
has achieved mass prosperity, but the rest • Income grew slowly during the Industrial
have yet to bid a “farewell to alms.” Indeed, Revolution and workers rather than
in Clark’s view, their prospects are bleak. capitalists or landowners were the main
Why have some countries succeeded? Is pes- beneficiaries.
simism about the rest warranted? These are • The Industrial Revolution ought to have
big questions and Clark offers answers that spread quickly around the world since
are often original. Whether they are impor- modern machinery could be imported,
tant insights or novel eccentricities depends and low wages should have given
948 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVI (December 2008)

­ usinesses in poor countries a competi-

b portion of the fertility function represents the
tive edge. However, for biological rea- behavior of people who defer marriage when
sons, workers in Asia, Africa, and Latin incomes are low. If the curves in the two ver-
America lacked middle class values. As sions were otherwise the same, the preven-
a result, the competitive advantage was tive check allows an equilibrium wage that
frittered away in high manning levels, is higher than “bare bones” subsistence and
and poor countries stayed poor. reflects cultural patterns related to marriage.
Malthus took this possibility very seriously.
He believed that wages in China and India,
2.  Was the Preindustrial World
for instance, were lower than in England, and
he attributed the difference to differences in
Clark divides world history into two phases: marriage behavior. In England, he believed
The first was a Malthusian phase. “The same all social strata delayed or postponed mar-
[Malthusian] economic model applies to all riage when economic conditions were diffi-
societies before 1800” (p. 30). The second cult—hence the upward slope in the fertility
was the subsequent period of sustained eco- function—while he believed marriage was
nomic growth. This division is supported universal in Asia, so fertility was at its maxi-
by the striking graph of the real wage in mum. In Malthus’s view, England equili-
England from 1200 to the present. The curve brated at a “cultural subsistence” wage that
looks like a right angle: It is horizontal from exceeded “barebones” subsistence.
1200 to the early nineteenth century when The history of real wages is broadly in
it turns almost vertical rising by a factor of accord with Malthus’s views. To explore this
ten in the last 150 years. According to Clark, question, I have deflated the real annual
Malthusian dynamics explain the stasis from earnings of laborers with the cost of a “bare
1200 to 1800. But do they really? bones subsistence” basket for a family, rep-
While it is widely believed that the pre- resenting the minimum cost of survival in
industrial world was Malthusian, the view different parts of the world.1 Diets are speci-
is controversial among economic historians. fied to provide a man with 1940 calories per
Part of the trouble is that Malthus proposed day (and other family members accordingly)
two versions of his model, which makes it using the cheapest available carbohydrate.
difficult to reject “Malthusianism.” In both For northwestern Europe, that was oatmeal;
versions, the wage in the long run was deter- for Florence, it was polenta; for Delhi, it was
mined by equating fertility and mortality, millet chapatis; for Beijing, it was sorghum.
which were both regarded as functions of Peas or beans are included as well as mini-
the real wage. In the first and simplest “posi- mal allowances for meat or fish, butter or oil,
tive” check version, the mortality rate was a cloth, fuel, and rent. When full-time, full-
declining function of the wage, while fertil- year earnings for the man equal the annual
ity was at its maximum and independent of cost of this basket, the family exists at sub-
the wage. The wage that equated fertility and sistence. Figure 1 shows the ratio of full year,
mortality was the “bare bones” subsistence
wage. The only difference between this and 1 Clark presents some international comparisons
the “preventive check” version of the model deflating wages by the price of wheat, but these can be
is that the fertility rate in the latter is initially misleading since even the poorest people consumed
a rising function of the wage and increases other goods and wheat represented different food quali-
ties in different places (it was cheaper than rice in the
until it reaches its maximum value where it Yangzi Delta (Li 1998), but the most expensive grain in
remains as the wage rises further. The rising England).
Allen: A Review of Gregory Clark’s A Farewell to Alms 949

Income/cost of subsistence basket

London Amsterdam Vienna Florence Delhi Beijing

1375 1475 1575 1675 1775 1875

Figure 1. Subsistence Ratio For Laborers

full time earnings to subsistence costs for seventeenth century and were always above
an unskilled laborer in six cities in Europe bare bones subsistence. High incomes are a
and Asia (Allen, Bassino, Ma, Moll-Murata, major reason that famines disappeared from
and van Zanden 2007). In all places, real England by the early seventeenth century.
wages were high in the fifteenth century, How can we explain figure 1? Malthus
for the Black Death had cut the population would see it as confirmation of his belief that
everywhere. As the population rebounded, the preventive check was common in north-
wages fell in most of the world and dropped western Europe and the positive check was
to bare bones subsistence in the eighteenth the norm elsewhere. Malthus’ view finds
century. The leading cities of northwestern some support in the history of family struc-
Europe, however, maintained much higher ture. The preventive check is usually associ-
levels of real wages. Workers in the country- ated with what Hajnal (1965) called the [west]
side had lower wages than their counterparts European marriage pattern. In the early
in London and rural wages showed a bigger twentieth century, 10–20 percent of women
drop in the sixteenth century. However, earn- never married and those who did delayed
ings in southern England rebounded in the marriage until their late twenties. These
950 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVI (December 2008)

proportions responded to changes in the rates in England and the Netherlands were
real wage, generating the preventive check. exogenously higher than elsewhere, so wages
Outside of northwestern Europe, all women had to be higher to equate births and deaths.
married and at a very young age, so fertil- This argument is unconvincing, however.
ity was higher and independent of income. While England and the Netherlands were
The positive check, therefore, prevailed in more urbanized than France or Germany,
Eastern Europe and Asia. Not only was the Italy and Spain had large urban populations
preventive check limited geographically, it (a legacy from their medieval economic lead),
was limited temporally. In a paper evoca- so differences in urbanization cannot explain
tively entitled “Girl Power,” De Moor and van the wage divergence between the winners
Zanden (2005) argue that it only appeared and the losers in the early modern economy.
in the fifteenth century in northwestern In fact, the growth of the maritime cities
Europe. Catholic ideology was emphasizing of northwestern Europe was so rapid and
the importance of individual choice in mar- depended on such high rates of rural–urban
riage (rather than arranged marriages). What migration, that there was a persistent wage
gave these ideas force were the high wages of premium over the countryside that was not
the post Black Death period, which allowed depressed by population expansion (Allen
women to refuse marriage unless the terms 2001, 2003; Broadberry and Gupta 2006).
were favorable. As a result, marriages were Another approach to testing Malthus is
deferred until men inherited the property to examine the determinants of fertility and
to guarantee a high income. The preventive mortality. Wrigley and Schofield’s (1981)
check was born. It only lasted a few hundred reconstruction of English population his-
years, however. The population growth of tory from 1541 onwards provides annual
the mid-eighteenth century was precipitated time series of marriages, births, and deaths,
by a sharp fall in the average age of women and these can be correlated with time series
at first marriage (Goldstone 1986). This was of real wages and grain prices. Tests have
not due to rising wages; rather, it was due to also been conducted for France and other
the growth of manufacturing employment, countries, but the data are inferior (Weir
which allowed young people to establish 1984). The usual finding is that low incomes
viable households without having to inherit increased mortality and cut fertility in accord
property. The preventive check, in other with Malthus’s views. These tests reveal short
words, reverted to the positive check. Under run responses.
this interpretation, the Malthusian preven- Other tests estimate structural versions of
tive check probably operated for only a few the Malthusian model with more complicated
hundred years. response functions. These models reveal long-
Clark, in contrast, believes that the preven- run equilibrating behavior, and the findings
tive check was always operative in all socie- are much less kind to Malthus’s views. In gen-
ties. Instead, Clark sees the international eral, there is no evidence of a positive check
real wage divergence in figure 1 as an equi- and only weak and limited evidence of a pre-
librium phenomenon due to the rapid urban- ventive check. Ronald Lee (1980, pp. 541,
ization of England and the Low Countries 547), for instance, concluded a generation ago
in the early modern period. The population that “wages account for only about 15 percent
of London did, indeed, increase from fifty of the variance in [population] growth rates,
thousand in 1500 to one million in 1800, and so that most of the variation is exogenous.” Lee
the Dutch cities grew similarly. Since early firmly rejected the Malthusian model: “There
modern cities were death traps, the mortality is a notion that social ­mechanisms cause
Allen: A Review of Gregory Clark’s A Farewell to Alms 951

population to grow and decline in response Greenland ice cores rather than to “overpopu-
to changes in productive capacity, in such a lation.” A particular puzzle for medievalists is
way as to keep incomes close to a culturally why the high real wages of the fifteenth cen-
defined standard of well-being. And some tury did not cause the population to rebound
who reject this model as descriptive of the as Malthus would have expected. The answer
present still believe it is appropriate for the is that it was driven by exogenous shocks.
past. In fact it is a poor description of both.” These investigations of the Malthusian
Lee and Anderson (2002) have revisited the model have important implications for the
question using state space methods and came explanation of wage history. If feedback from
to similar conclusions. “Very little of the long- the wage had little to do with fertility and
term variation in either fertility or mortal- mortality, which moved exogenously, then the
ity appears to be explained by ­variations in lack of trend in the English real wage before
wages” (Lee and Anderson 2002, p. 213). 1800 was not due to Malthusian checks.
Instead, vital rates moved exogenously. The Instead, it was the result of exogenous mor-
limited feedback from the wage to population tality and fertility shocks. Clark’s graph does
means that the half-life of response to shocks not prove that the world was Malthusian.
was over one century.2 “Even though fertility,
mortality, and wages were all endogenous in a
3.  Malthus in the Very Long Run
Malthusian system, each nonetheless moved
with sufficient independence that it could Lee and Anderson’s (2002) finding that
exert a strong exogenous causal force on the feed back from the wage to population
others, even over periods measured in centu- growth was too limited and slow to explain
ries” (Lee and Anderson 2002, p. 216). These wage behaviour in the early modern period
results are broadly confirmed by Crafts and leaves open the possibility that Malthusian
Mills (2008). They find some evidence for a checks could have mattered over many
preventive check between 1541 and 1640 but thousands of years. Indeed, the Malthusian
none thereafter and no evidence for a positive model is important to Clark, for it rational-
check. Their analysis confirms that exogenous izes two of his bolder claims—namely that
shocks were the main determinant of popula- there was no improvement in the standard of
tion change. living for 100,000 years before the Industrial
For most of the twentieth century, the Revolution and, second, that “most societies
demography and economy of the Middle before 1800 . . . lived well above the bare
Ages were interpreted in a Malthusian frame- subsistence limit” since they all restrained
work (Hatcher 1977; Hatcher and Bailey fertility, i.e., the preventive check applied.
2001). Campbell (forthcoming) has recently Alas, Clark has absolutely no evidence about
criticized this approach with arguments the standard of living that far in the past;
that parallel the view of Lee and Anderson. some “evidence” runs back 5,000 years to
Campbell, for instance, denies that there was ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, and Clark
feedback from the wage rate to population. references Mesolithic skeletal remains that
He contends that it evolved exogenously, and could be as much as 13,000 years old (p. 59).
he has linked mortality crises like the Black He fills in the missing “87,000 years” on the
Death to weather fluctuations revealed by assumption that modern foragers enjoy the
same standard of living as our ancient ances-
2 Temin (2008) has recently reinterpreted Roman eco-
tors. How true is that? I concentrate on the
nomic history with a Malthusian model incorporating very period since the last ice age, for which there
slow feed back from the wage to the population. is at least some evidence.
952 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVI (December 2008)

Standard of living has several dimensions bare bones subsistence. On this reading,
of which food consumption is an important Clark’s summary of the height data actually
one. Clark uses adult male height to make indicates that British living standards before
conjectures about it. The rationale is that the Industrial Revolution were superior to
genes influence an individual’s height, but the those in modern forager societies.
mean heights of populations reflect the bal- What about forager societies in the past?
ance of food intake and nutritional require- Any discussion of this issue must address
ments during childhood rather than genetics. one of the great questions in archaeology,
Adult height can, therefore, be used as a namely, the impact of the invention of agri-
proxy for the level of nutrition of people who culture on the standard of living. “Common
are poor enough to have a very high income sense” ­suggests that agriculture raised the
elasticity of demand for food.3 Clark’s con- standard of living, but much evidence now
centration on men is a limitation since female indicates that the standard of living fell when
heights were often a more sensitive indicator farming spread. In a review of the literature,
of deprivation. Anthropologists discuss many Larsen (1995) concluded that “the shift from
other features of skeletons as well, and they foraging to farming led to a reduction in
paint a different picture of well-being from health status and well-being, an increase in
height (Steckel and Rose 2002). physiological stress, [and] a decline in nutri-
Clark’s view about human living standards tion” (p. 204). The deterioration is apparent
over the long term is based on a compari- in a variety of skeletal indicators. Farmers
son between modern foragers and eight- had more dental cavities, more lost teeth,
eenth century Britains. “The median of the slower growing children, and smaller bones.
[male] heights of these forager societies is In many settings, farmers were shorter than
165 centimeters” (p. 59). He reports figures foragers, but in some there was no difference
for Britain of 169 and 170 centimeters (pp. in height. The only mesolithic and neolithic
57, 61), although Cinnirella’s (forthcoming) heights that Clark (2007a, p. 61) reports are
recent reworking of Floud, Wachter, and for Europe which is an unusual region in that
Gregory’s (1990) data push the mean height farming did not reduce height (Cohen and
in the mid-eighteenth century up to 172 cm. Armelagos 1984). More recently, the nega-
What do five (or seven) centimetres mean? tive impact of agriculture on health was con-
As a rough guide, a mean height of 160 cen- firmed by Steckel and Rose (2002) in their
timeters is “short” with few societies having encyclopaedic review of skeletal evidence for
a lower mean height for men. Indeed, 160 the Americas. Clark seems unfazed by this
centimeters is characteristic of a bare bones evidence. On the one hand, he acknowledges
subsistence wage like eighteenth century that “living standards . . . did decline after
China or Italy in figure 1 (A’Hearn 2003; the spread of agriculture,” but he thinks the
Clark 2007a). In contrast, 170 centimeters declines were uneven and “modest.” His
was “tall” by the standards of the nineteenth final assessment is equivocal: “The effect of
century and was attained in societies where settled agriculture on living standards in a
the laborer’s wage was three to four times Malthusian world is inherently ambiguous”
(p. 37).
3 Deaton (2007) presents modern evidence that there is Clark’s equivocation follows from his faith
no stable, direct relationship between income and height. in the Malthusian model. He believes that
The lack of correlation between different indicators of “the birth rates of forager and settled agrar-
health derived from skeletons raises the same question.
If Deaton’s critique is accepted, then Clark’s claims about ian societies were likely the same, and death
long run living standards become untestable. rates at a given income differed little” (p. 37).
Allen: A Review of Gregory Clark’s A Farewell to Alms 953

Table 1
England in 1688
percent of Per Relative to
People Income population head subsistence
Landed classes 200,358 3.5% £46.4 23.2
Bourgeoisie 262,704 4.6 40.2 20.1
Commercial 1,190,552 20.9 9.0 4.5
Farmers 1,023,480 18.0 10.4 5.2
Workers 1,970,895 34.7 5.6 2.8
Cottagers, poor 1,041,344 18.3 2.0 1.0

Total/average 5,689,322 9.6 4.8

Notes: Subsistence income is taken to be £2 per head. A direct calculation of the bare bones subsistence income of an adult
man using 1680s prices is £2.07. Women and children could survive on a somewhat lower amount, and that refinement is
not included here.
Landed classes includes the various lords, gentlemen, clergy, and practitioners of sciences and arts.
Bourgeoisie includes merchants, office holders, lawyers, the artisans with incomes of £200 per year, and the naval and
military officers.
Commercial includes shopkeepers, tradesmen, and manufacturers.
Farmers includes farmers and freeholders.
Workers includes laborers, the building trades, miners, domestic servants, common seamen and soldiers.
Cottagers, poor includes cottagers, paupers, and vagrants.
Sources: Lindert and Williamson (1982). I have altered the figures in one way: When King reported a household with
more than 4.5 people, I assume the excess were servants and tally them among the workers. I also assign £9 income to
each servant and deduct it from the income of the person they worked for. This is along the lines of calculations made by
Lindert on his website.

From this, he infers that incomes had to be of young people and their deaths lowered the
constant. Clark’s assumptions, however, are overall average age at death for the popula-
at odds with anthropological and archaeolog- tion as a whole (Johansson and Horowitz
ical evidence, in particular, birth rates were 1986).
likely higher amongst farmers than amongst Skeletal evidence, therefore, indicates that
foragers. “A fertility-based argument for pop- farmers had higher fertility than foragers.
ulation increase is consistent with the gener- This is not surprising: farming was seden-
ally greater fertility seen in agriculturalists tary, and permanent settlement meant that
as opposed to nonagriculturalists in ethno- mothers no longer had to carry their babies
graphic settings, albeit with a high degree and young children as bands wandered in
of heterogeneity” (Larsen 1995, p. 197). This search of food. The cost of children fell, and
presumption is supported archaeologically: their number rose in consequence. If mortal-
“skeletal series of agriculturalists show lower ity was a declining function of consumption
mean age-at-death than do hunter-gather- in the neolithic, then an exogenous increase
ers” (Larsen 1995, p. 197). At first blush, this in fertility would have driven down living
might suggest that the expectation of life was standards in a Malthusian framework.
lower for farmers, but, in fact, mean age at In many places, the postneolithic rise
death is determined by fertility: Populations in inequality and the fall in average living
with higher fertility have a greater proportion standards led to very poor nutrition and very
954 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVI (December 2008)

short people. In Tikal, a major Mayan cen- only comprised 18 percent of English soci-
tre, for instance, high status men averaged ety, and the better off 82 percent were much
170 centimetres in the early classical period more prosperous. The workers (including
around 300 ad, while low status men were manufacturing and agricultural laborers,
162 cm. By the late classical period around building craftsmen, ­miners, soldiers, sailors,
800 ad, the high status men were only 164 and domestic servants) earned almost three
cm. tall, while the low status men were 157 times subsistence, and they were the pre-
cm. (Bogin and Keep 1998). Societies like dominant source of army recruits. 47 percent
the Tikal contradict Clark’s belief that all of the population were in groups with even
preindustrial peoples were living at similar higher average incomes. The highest strata—
standards of living that were “well above the the landed classes and the bourgeoisie—had
bare subsistence limit” (p. 6). average incomes twenty times greater than
In comparison with Tikal, Englishmen in subsistence.5 They only comprised 8 percent
the early eighteenth century with a mean of the population, however. The shopkeep-
height over 170 cm. were very tall and pros- ers, manufacturers, and farmers (39 percent
perous. This conclusion is strengthened when of the population) earned five times subsist-
we recognize that the English height is esti- ence. The average income was also almost
mated from military recruiting records, and five times subsistence and almost twice the
the military was drawn overwhelmingly from income of laborers
the bottom rungs of society. Most recruits Clark’s view of preindustrial England is
were laborers, miners, building workers, and oversimplified. In contrast to table 1, he
domestic servants. Table 1, which is derived imagines a bipolar world of very rich and
from Gregory King’s famous social table of very poor. “The riches of a few dwarfed the
England in 1688, gives some idea of how they pinched allocations of the masses . . . The
fit into society.4 The poorest group were the Darcys were few, the poor plentiful” (p. 2).
cottagers, paupers, and vagrants to whom This vision ignores the importance of human
King assigned an income of £2 per person per capital in the preindustrial world and there-
year. As it happens, the bare bones subsist- fore misses the prosperity of the middle
ence basket used in figure 1 cost just over £2 strata of preindustrial England. Ignoring
per year for a single man in 1688, so people the middle strata means overlooking much
at the bottom of table 1 really were at subsist- of the gain from the economic growth. The
ence. Clark is probably right that they were prosperity of the middle strata was due to
living no better than poor people millenia an extensive division of labor within and
earlier. But cottagers, paupers, and vagrants between firms and to a high endowment of
craft skills on which preindustrial technol-
4 Lindert and Williamson (1982) revised the occupa- ogy depended. Human capital was essential
tional distribution and the income levels in light of evidence to economic growth in the preindustrial era
not available to King, and their revisions are used here. I just as it became later.
have made one further revision: King counted servants as
family members (e.g., temporal lords had an average fam- The high standard of living in preindus-
ily size of forty and an average annual income of £6060). trial England was manifest in other features
I separated the servants on the assumption that families of the economy. Heights tell us primarily
had 4.5 natural members (so each temporal lord employed
35.5 servants) and assigned the servants to working class about food consumption during childhood,
with an income of £9 per year. The number of people in
the temporal lords category was reduced accordingly and
the income of a lord was lowered to £5750.5 per year. This 5 This figure excludes the value of their servants,
revision is along the lines of calculations made by Lindert who are tallied as workers and whose income has been
on his website. deducted from that of their employers.
Allen: A Review of Gregory Clark’s A Farewell to Alms 955

but ­manufactured goods were another aspect assessing the welfare implications. Less work
of living standards. The “consumer revolu- may simply represent the absence of technol-
tion” is an important theme in early modern ogies to produce manufactured goods. Thus,
social history, and it points to the emergence the obverse of the consumer ­revolution was
of a mass market for imported manufac- the “industrious revolution”: in the seven-
tures (Chinese porcelain, Indian calicoes) teenth and eighteenth centuries, people will-
and European produced goods ranging from ingly worked more hours per year to earn the
books to mirrors to crockery to watches money to buy the newly available consumer
(Shammas 1990; McKendrick, Brewer, and goods (de Vries 1994). This behavior reveals
Plumb 1982; de Vries 1993; Fairchilds 1993; that the consumption of manufactures was
Weatherill 1996; Berg and Clifford 1999; worth more to people than the leisure of
Berg 2005). There was a middle class market primitive society, and their welfare was
for these goods, but even the working class higher in the seventeenth century than it had
consumed them. People living millenia ago been earlier.
did not, and their standard of living must be Contrary to Clark, our forebearers were
down graded accordingly. not enjoying abundance in a Garden of Eden.
Leisure is another aspect of the standard Economic growth before the Industrial
of living. Clark perceives that the forager life Revolution was not rapid, but it did generate
style was superior to that of early modern a higher standard of living for most ­people
Europeans in that the hunters and gatherers than that enjoyed by ancient foragers or
worked fewer hours per year. Our best infor- early farmers. It is hard to believe that Moll
mation about work intensity in the mesolithic Flanders would have willingly traded places
and neolithic is skeletal since prolonged phys- with a cave woman. These gains were not
ical activity is manifest in arthritis, degenera- swamped by Malthusian forces.
tion of joints, the dimensions of bones, and
the size of muscle attachments. This evidence
4.  Do Institutions Explain Economic
shows either no difference between forag-
ers and agriculturalists or indicates that the
former led more demanding physical lives. Many economists now believe efficient
For instance, “comparisons between hunter- institutions promote economic growth. Well-
gatherer and farming populations from defined property rights, freedom from expro-
archaeological settings indicate a pattern priation, unimpeded markets, and minimal
of decrease in the dimensions of long-bone government are a common recipe for suc-
shafts and muscle attachment sites, which cess (Greif 2006; Menard and Shirley 2005;
presumably reflects a decline in physical Acamoglou, Johnson, and Robinson 2005).
demand and work load following sedentism” Against the mainstream, Clark rejects institu-
(Larson 1995, p. 201). As with other issues, tions as an explanation of economic growth.
Clark confines his comparisons to men. This Clark tackles the role of institutions in
focus misses much of the impact of agricul- several parts of Farewell to Alms. He is
ture on workloads since farming significantly enthusiastic about the argument that inef-
increased the workloads of women, while it ficient institutions cannot persist for long
redirected the work of men from hunting to since everyone could gain from reforming
cultivation without affecting the total activity them. Slavery and serfdom are his examples:
as much. if these institutions were inefficient then the
Even if it were true that foragers worked slaves and serfs should have been able to buy
less, why they worked less is important in out their masters. Institutionalists would
956 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVI (December 2008)

respond (according to Clark) that a deal 1500. Mutually beneficial exchange was not
would be impractical, for the former slave a major element, however. The precipitat-
owners could not collect their ‘emancipation ing event was the Black Death of 1348–49,
payments’ after abolition. Only a forceful which produced labor shortages.
change in property rights would end serf- Draconian legislation was introduced to
dom or slavery.6 Clark’s riposte to this is that prevent wages from rising, and it had some
slavery in the Roman empire and serfdom in effect for a generation. Clark says that serf-
medieval England, in fact, disappeared with- dom ended “without any emancipation move-
out a social struggle. So history shows that ment,” but the French peasantry revolted in
institutions respond to market forces and the Jacquerie of 1358 and the English peas-
do not constrain them. Hence, according to antry in 1381. Indeed, differences in the
Clark, bad institutions cannot explain poor resolution of rural class conflicts have been
economic performance. influential in explaining differences in eco-
The trouble with Clark’s riposte is that nomic development across Eurasia (Brenner
his counterexamples do not make his point. 1976, 1989; Brenner and Isett 2002). The
Slavery in the Roman empire “ended” in English revolt ended attempts to suppress
the second century. Previously, it had been wages and prevent labor mobility. Thereafter,
a brutal system of extreme work, draconian peasants moved to new farms on different
punishments, and no family life. The slave estates where the landowners were desperate
population was replenished by captives from for tenants and accepted the run-away serfs
the provinces newly annexed to the Empire. as free people. Where lists can be compared,
When the Empire stopped expanding after it is remarkable that the surnames in English
116 ad, the supply of new slaves dried up, villages differed considerably in 1500 from
their price rose, and estates were reorgan- what they had been a century and a half ear-
ized so that slaves would form families and lier. Labor scarcity led to labor turnover and
breed more slaves. These were the servi that ended serfdom. Population turnover,
casati, and their organization was much like however, was not the same as renegotiation
that of medieval serfs. At the same time the of social institutions (Allen 1992; Hatcher
conditions of slaves were improved, formerly and Bailey 2001).
free peasants were tied to the land in simi- Indeed, medieval England is Clark’s main
lar arrangements. The end of Roman slavery counterargument to the institutionalists, for
was the beginning of serfdom—not freedom. he argues that it had first-rate institutions
The change was an income-raising reorgani- and yet did not achieve modern economic
zation on the part of slave owners and not growth. He defines good institutions in terms
an indication that slavery would evolve an of his reading of the Washington consensus.
arrangement for negotiating mutually ben- These institutions include, for instance, low
eficial improvements (Jones 1956; Anderson taxes, and indeed, the English crown taxed
1974). only a tiny fraction of English GDP. Secure
English serfdom looks more promising for property rights were another important insti-
Clark, for it did disappear between 1350 and tution, and Clark claims that Henry II’s legal
reforms created a modern system of property
rights. Since medieval England had such good
6 The efficiency and viability of slavery has been a cen- institutions and did not grow, Clark concludes
tral question in American economic history, e.g., Phillips that institutions do not explain growth.
(1918, 1929), Conrad and Meyer (1958), Yasuba (1971),
Sutch (1965), Fogel and Engerman (1974), David et al. The argument is breathtaking, but imme-
(1976). diately raises doubts. First, accepting for
Allen: A Review of Gregory Clark’s A Farewell to Alms 957

the moment Clark’s assessment of medieval would interfere with the operation of eco-
institutions, the most that the argument nomic incentives” (p. 160).
establishes is that good institutions were not Clark’s optimism is only possible because
sufficient for economic growth. The argu- he ignores serfdom in his scoring of medieval
ment does not show they were unnecessary. institutions. For most of the Middle Ages, a
Historians have pointed to many later devel- majority of the English were serfs and held
opments—the Reformation, the Scientific land in villeinage (servile tenure). While the
Revolution, the rise of a global economy— free population could defend its ownership
as contributing to the Industrial Revolution. of land in the royal common law courts, the
Their impact may have required “good insti- serfs could only litigate in the thousands of
tutions” and their absence during the Middle manorial courts presided over by their lords.
Ages may explain why the “good” medieval They had no recourse to royal courts if the
institutions did not cause growth. lords violated their rights. They could also
Second, Clark is highly selective in his not secure public protection for their per-
assessment of medieval institutions. He sons against violence by their lords. They
claims that medieval England “would rank were subject to a variety of assessments that
much higher than all modern high-income reduced economic incentives. Why improve
economies” if it is scored “using the ­criteria the quality of your livestock when the lord
­typically applied by the International could take the best animal when the hold-
Monetary Fund and the World Bank” ing was inherited? Land could not be con-
(p. 147). He lists a dozen criteria emphasiz- veyed without arbitrary fines being levied
ing low taxes, stable money, secure property on the transaction. These controls produced
rights, and free markets and concludes that a markedly more egalitarian distribution of
medieval England is unsurpassable in all land holding than obtained among freehold
respects except, perhaps, for the absence of property not controlled by the lords. Labor
a patent system. mobility was inhibited since a serf could not
Many of Clark’s scorings are unconvincing, leave the estate without permission and that
however. He argues that property was secure was not lightly given since a distant serf could
is simply because of “the modest fluctuation disappear. The claim that taxation was low
in property values over time.” Presumably and did not impede economic incentives is
this is freehold property and not the land belied by the ability of lords to impose arbi-
held in serfdom by much of the population. trary assessments on their peasants. Tallage
Their property rights were far from secure. is a case in point. Initially, it was an assess-
The argument that taxes were low only con- ment levied for special purposes—to ransom
siders royal tax collections and ignores the the lord, for instance, if he were captured
income taken by lords from their peasants. on crusade. Tallage was such a convenient
Since the lords performed public functions and elastic revenue source, however, that
(the army consisted of knights, for instance), it became routine. It is hard to believe that
their income cannot be ignored in assessing these arrangements did not check the growth
the burden of the state. Adding aristocratic of the medieval economy.
to royal income would produce a hefty tax Third, Clark’s list of “economic desiderata”
rate. Curiously, Clark contends that personal (p. 148) is not an adequate analysis of good
security was high despite showing that mur- institutions (Stiglitz 2002). States made many
der rates were at least ten times greater than contributions—some intentionally, others
today (p. 126). The high medieval homicide not—to economic development (Chang 2002;
rates were “not,” however, “such that they Reinert 2007). In the eighteenth century, the
958 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVI (December 2008)

British state created an empire, which sus- themselves. The rich, on the other hand, had
tained the demand for British manufacturing more than enough. “Given the static nature
and provided capital to finance it, provided of the Malthusian economy, the superabun-
canals and turnpikes, and operated a system dant children of the rich had to, on average,
of poor relief that improved that underpinned move down the social hierarchy in order to
an industrial labor force (Inikori 2002; Solar find work” (p. 7). Downward social mobil-
1995; O’Brien 2005). In the nineteenth cen- ity spread the values of “patience, hard work,
tury, governments in Europe and North ingenuity, innovativeness, [and] education”
America built infrastructure, created mass throughout society. The difference between
education, and enacted tariffs that promoted the rich and poor in the number of surviving
economic development (O’Rourke 1995). children was more marked in England than
Japan developed through the wholesale mod- elsewhere, and that explains why England
ernization of its institutions after the Meiji took the lead in economic growth.
restoration. The gaps between these initia- This argument raises many issues. The
tives and medieval England is immense. first thing to notice is that it confounds two
kinds of changes. One is behavioral: the fall
in the interest rate and the rise in literacy,
5.  Did Natural Selection Give the British
for instance. The other is attitudinal: thrift,
Bourgeois Values?
prudence, etc. The change in attitude could
If institutions do not explain economic in principle explain the change in behav-
growth, what does? Clark’s answer is charac- ior, but there are many other candidates for
ter—“the emergence of modern man” (p. 166). that. Before accepting Clark’s claim that
The Industrial Revolution “was the product the change in attitude caused the change in
of the gradual progress of settled agrarian behavior, other explanations for the behavior
societies toward a more rational, economi- changes need to be considered.
cally oriented mindset” (p. 231). England There are well established alternative
was the preeminent example of these societ- explanations for the behavioral changes.
ies that were “becoming increasingly middle Consider literacy. The invention of the print-
class in their orientations. Thrift, prudence, ing press cut the price of books, which would
negotiation, and hard work were becoming have induced a rise in literacy whatever the
values for communities that previously had preferences (van Zanden 2005). In addition,
been spendthrift, impulsive, violent, and lei- the demand for literacy was always higher in
sure loving” (p. 166). The change in character towns than in the countryside. In Venice and
was manifest in lower interest rates, greater Florence, for instance, about one third of the
literacy and numeracy, a longer work year, men were literate during the Renaissance
and less violence (although the importance (Grendler 1989), while only 2 percent of the
of the later is unclear given Clark’s earlier peasants in Poland could read (Wyczanski
judgement that medieval levels of violence 1974). In England, the proportion of people
were not high enough to reduce economic living in towns greater than 5,000 rose from
incentives). 7 percent in 1500 to 29 percent in 1800
Why was England becoming more middle (Allen 2000), and the demand for literacy
class? “A plausible source of this apparent rose with it. Similar considerations undoubt-
evolution of human preferences is the sur- edly applied to numeracy. Likewise, there
vival of the richest that is evident in prein- are institutional explanations for the fall in
dustrial England” (p. 167). The poor had interest rates. It is important that England
too few surviving children to reproduce lagged behind the continent in the decline
Allen: A Review of Gregory Clark’s A Farewell to Alms 959

in interest rates, which dropped from 20 ers. I have already observed that the rise in
percent to 6 percent in continental monar- literacy and numeracy, for instance, can be
chies in the fifteenth and sixteenth centu- ­attributed to the demand for these skills gen-
ries. The corresponding drop did not occur erated by commercial life and hence their
in England only the beginning of the eigh- spread can be attributed to the growth of
teenth (Epstein 2000). The usual explana- towns and cities. The same is true of the atti-
tion for the fall is the development of modern tudes that Clark associates with modernity,
credit instruments and markets for them. for they contributed to success in the same
The credit revolution was initiated by conti- setting. As John Stuart Mill (1840) observed,
nental governments who had to finance land “The spirit of commerce and industry is one
warfare, which was very expensive. Britain, of the greatest instruments not only of civili-
being an island, was relatively isolated from zation in the narrowest, but of improvement
European geopolitics and faced different and culture in the widest sense: to it, or to its
military challenges, so financial institutions consequence, we owe nearly all that advan-
remained underdeveloped. It was only when tageously distinguishes the present period
Parliament invited William and Mary to from the Middle Ages” (p. 48). These advan-
assume the throne in 1689 that the situation tages include the middle class values that
changed. William had been Prince of Orange Clark champions.
and Stadtholder of most of the Dutch repub- With these alternative contending expla-
lics, and they brought with them modern nations in the air, Clark’s claim that “modern
continental financial institutions as well as man” was the product of a biologically based
involvement in European wars. The Bank of shift in preferences cannot be accepted with-
England was created, for instance, as well as out more justification than he offers. Indeed,
a funded public debt which occasioned the formidable justification would be necessary
emergence of credit markets. Interest rates since key propositions of the argument are
then fell in England (Neal 1990). false. These include the following:
The spread of “middle class” values can
also be seen as the result of broader social • The rich in the later Middle Ages exem-
changes. One approach imputes the new plified middle class values.
attitude to changes in the realm of ideas. • The poor in the later Middle Ages did
In Weber’s (1930) thesis, the Reformation not exemplify middle class values.
famously led to the Protestant Ethic and, • By the eighteenth century, the poor had
thence, to the Spirit of Capitalism (Rublack come to exemplify middle class values.
2005). Recent economists who trace modern • The rich passed their values on to
attitudes to some earlier change in the realm their children either genetically or by
of ideas include Mokyr (2002) who argues upbringing.
there was a new and rational approach to the • The rich had more surviving children
study of technology of the eighteenth cen- than the poor.
tury and traces this to the Enlightenment • England was unusual in this regard.
and, ultimately, to the Scientific Revolution
of the seventeenth century. Consider them in turn:
Another approach to explaining the rise The rich in the later Middle Ages
of “modern man” is to see his emergence exemplified middle class values.
as a result of changes in the economy of the
early modern period. This theme has been This is very doubtful. The economic man-
popular with liberal as well as Marxist think- agement of aristocratic estates differed from
960 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVI (December 2008)

orthodox capitalist practice. Land was divided and Stone 1984, p. 101) Clark’s model of
among customary tenants, for instance, in the relationship between the upper and the
equal size holdings that did not maximize the lower classes is contradicted by the standard
value of land. Hilton (1962) measured sav- understanding of the ­relationship between
ings rates for English medieval estates and the aristocracy and the rest of British society
found them to be less than 5 percent. “The in the early modern period.
idea of re-investing profit for the purpose of
The poor in the later Middle Ages did not
increasing production seems to have been
exemplify middle class values.
present in few minds if any. In practice the
minimum rather than the maximum seems We have little direct evidence about the
to have been spent on those goods which go attitudes of the poor in the later Middle
towards capital formation” (Hilton 1962, p. Ages. Most of them were peasant farmers,
67) Instead of being good business managers, and we should notice that Clark’s claim is a
the English knights were the most rapacious restatement of the old view that peasants are
warriors in Europe. The English outfought irrational. This view was current in devel-
the French for most of the Hundred Year’s opment economics in the 1950s and 1960s
War (1337–1453). When the English knights when it was tested and rejected for modern
were finally defeated, they turned on each peasant societies (Berry and Cline 1979,
other in the Wars of the Roses (1455–89). Booth and Sundrum 1985). While we can-
The English aristocracy in the Middle Ages not perform sophisticated tests on fifteenth
were not thrifty, proto-businessmen. century England, there is considerable evi-
Most English historians have a view differ- dence that small scale farmers were agricul-
ent from Clark about the relationship between tural innovators. Cropping patterns can be
the upper classes and the rest of society. The reconstructed from probate inventories, and
essential idea is that from the sixteenth cen- they show that peas and beans were adopted
tury onward, the landed classes were bought on a wide scale in the open fields by small
out and replaced by merchants who made scale farmers in the fifteenth and sixteenth
fortunes in London or other commercial centuries (Hoskins 1950, 1963). If farmers
activities. The new landowners were assumed were innovative producers, why would we
to bring middle class values with them, and assume that they were not thrifty and for-
that injection of bourgeois attitudes into the ward looking?
landed elite is taken by some to be the cause
By the eighteenth century, the poor had
of rural reorganization to increase efficiency
come to exemplify middle class values.
(Tawney 1941; Stone 1965; Habakkuk 1994;
Collins and Havinden 2005). There were The history of popular culture is a favorite
two reasons these changes were happen- subject of social historians. There is no con-
ing. One was that the old landowners were sensus on how popular attitudes changed.
nonentrepreneurial while the new landown- Burke (2006) argues for two reorientations.
ers were rich and had values of which Clark The first is a redefinition of life objectives in
approves. A second is that the old aristocracy worldly rather than religious terms. Related
did not have enough children to reproduce to this is a decline in belief in magic and,
itself. For most of the early modern period, conversely, greater credence for naturalistic
one quarter of the owners of English estates explanations. The second is a greater inter-
died without a surviving son, and that per- est in politics. This was closely related to the
centage increased to almost half in the late spread of newspaper reading. On the other
seventeenth and eighteenth ­centuries (Stone hand, Sharpe (1997) doubts that belief in
Allen: A Review of Gregory Clark’s A Farewell to Alms 961

witches and magic declined much and ques- What if we ignore the top and look at the
tions whether Newtoniansim spread among society from merchants downwards? In that
the population at large. Neither provides any way, we can at least assume that the apex had
support for Clark’s belief that middle class middle class values. However we must now
values spread down the social scale nor for confront the sectoral shifts of the English
his biological transmission mechanism. economy. The urban, commercial economy
was growing rapidly, so merchants were pro-
The rich passed their values on to
liferating. Between 1500 and 1800, the pop-
their children either genetically or
ulation of London, for instance, grew from
by upbringing.
fifty thousand to one million. Moreover, cit-
Clark never says clearly whether he believes ies in the early modern period were death
values are passed from parents to children by traps and only maintained their populations
socialization or by genetics, although he insin- (let alone grew) through massive immigra-
uates that genetics plays a role. Sociobiology tion from the countryside. Under these cir-
is such a serious and contestable position that cumstances, the children of businessmen
it should be asserted and defended if that is and artisans were not forced down the social
what Clark really means. ladder. They were needed to replace their
The problem with either genetics or parents and fill the growing number jobs of
socialization is that heritability is so low the same sort (or better) that were being cre-
by either channel that Clark’s mecha- ated. Clark’s assumption of “the static nature
nism could not spread middle class values of the Malthusian economy” does not apply.
through English society. Loehlin (2005) Indeed, the failure of the landed classes
found that the intergenerational correla- meant that the children of merchants could
tion of personality traits was only 0.13. If we rise rather than fall.
ignore issues related to assortative mating
England was unusual in this regard.
on the grounds that English society was as
“fluid” as Clark contends, then the correla- This is not true. The well-off in south-
tion in personality traits between a man and ern German, Austria, France, Sweden, and
his grand son would be only 0.017 = (.13)2. Switzerland had more surviving children
Locating personality in the genes would also than the poor, just as in England (Clark
imply low transmission (Feldman, Otto, and 2007a; Hadeishi 2003; Low 1991; Perrenoud
Christiansen 2000; Bowles and Gintis 2002; 1975). The English, in other words, were like
Bowles 2007). everyone else.
What of Asia? The only evidence Clark
The rich had more surviving children
adduces for differences elsewhere are the
than the poor.
numbers of surviving children in the Chinese
Clark is probably right about this in so royal family and the Japanese samurai, but
far as it applies to the generality of society. it would be hard to imagine families that
An important exception, however, were the were less representative than these. This
English landed classes. This is the true sig- conclusion is supported by an observation
nificance of Clark’s anecdote that Malthus’s that Clark makes elsewhere in A Farewell
line died out. The gentry and aristocracy to Alms: “In preindustrial China, however,
were not reproducing and had to be replen- gross fertility among high-status lineage
ished through the upward movement of mer- groups in the Beijing nobility was lower
chants, as noted. Clark’s model is wrong for than for peasants in Liaoning. Total mari-
the top of English society. tal fertility was higher in the ­lower-status
962 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVI (December 2008)

c­ ommunity, and the percentage of women 1760 and 1860. “A muted, gradual transition
marrying was somewhat higher” (p. 89). between the Malthusian and modern econo-
The top stratum in China looks similar to mies took place in England around 1800.
the top stratum in England, which could Rapid productivity growth rates fully equal
barely reproduce itself. By the same token, to those of modern economies did not appear
overall fertility in China cannot be inferred until the late nineteenth century” (p. 242).
from the imperial lineage, so Clark’s com- His two views are difficult to reconcile.
parisons between them and the English are Most scholars agree that the roots of the
misleading. Industrial Revolution run back hundreds
Indeed, the facts are even more unkind of years and growth accelerated gradu-
to Clark’s thesis. The comparison of Beijing ally. Clark’s downplaying of the Industrial
nobility and Liaoning peasants is drawn from Revolution rests on a new set of national
Lee and Wang’s (1999) survey of Chinese income estimates that indicate considerably
demography, which, in turn, is based on a lower rates of GDP and productivity growth
very detailed investigation of population in than the established estimates of Crafts and
Liaoning by Lee and Campbell (1997). In Harley (1992).
Liaoning, all men had military obligations Measurement of GDP is difficult due
and were enumerated in the so-called ban- to the weaknesses of the data. Crafts and
ner roles, which described their families in Harley estimate GDP growth by aggregat-
detail. Individuals’ occupations were also ing outputs. The problem they face is incom-
noted, so that fertility can be compared plete coverage and the choice of weights.
across occupational groups. High status, high Clark (2001, 2007a), on the other hand, tries
income occupations had the most surviving to add up incomes. This requires know-
sons: for instance, soldiers aged 46–50 had ing the quantities of the various factors and
on average 2.57 surviving sons, artisans had their prices, and the uncertainties with an
2.42 sons, and officials had 2.17 sons. In con- income approach are greater than with out-
trast, men aged 46–50 who were common- put aggregation. The earliest year for which
ers had only 1.55 sons on average. The works there is a careful estimate of the capital stock
on which Clark relies for his discussion of is 1760 (Feinstein 1978), so profits for earlier
Chinese demography refute his thesis rather years are conjectures. Even after 1760, the
than support it. growth of capital returns is underestimated
because there is no information on the net
income of unincorporated businesses. That is
6.  Why Did Productivity Growth Rise in
unfortunate since all businesses other than
the Industrial Revolution?
the railways and a few chartered entities like
This question presents Clark with a the East India Company were unincorpo-
dilemma. On the one hand, he wants rated, and their income was the most rapidly
to explain why the West is rich, and the rising component of profits: The Industrial
Industrial Revolution is an unavoidable part Revolution proliferated capitalists along with
of the answer. “The Industrial Revolution, a proletarians. Estimates of labor income are
mere two hundred years ago, changed forever based on the population with little evidence
the possibilities for material consumption” on employment rates or the distribution of
(p. 2). On the other hand, he is, as always, employment across earnings classes. In the
the enfant terrible and wants to argue that case of land, Clark’s estimates of rents diverge
the Industrial Revolution was an illusion: considerably from those of other scholar’s
Nothing much really happened between (Turner, Beckett, and Afton 1997), and the
Allen: A Review of Gregory Clark’s A Farewell to Alms 963

acreages of arable, meadow, and pasture that tion was confined to a few sectors—textiles,
should be valued are not firmly established. iron, transportation, coal, and agriculture.
No scholar could argue that Clark’s estimates Using export data, Temin (1997) has argued
are an improvement over those of Crafts and that change was even broader. Clark takes
Harley.7 the view of Crafts and Harley even further:
Lowering the rate of output growth in the By squeezing yet more productivity growth
Industrial Revolution leads to the question out of the macro record, Clark pares the list
“why did the Industrial Revolution appear of revolutionized industries down even more
so dramatic” (p. 242) when it was such an and emphasizes textiles. “Textiles were the
inconsequential affair? Clark’s answer is that flagship industry of the Industrial Revolution”
the Industrial Revolution coincided with an (p. 233).
acceleration of population growth after 1750 A difficulty with this view is that it
that increased the British population and makes it hard to explain why an Industrial
national income relative to other powers (i.e., Revolution occurred in England, and why it
France) thus increasing Britain’s power in the led to a sustained rise in the rate of economic
world. Clark ascribes the growth in popula- growth. Clark’s macroeconomic discussion is
tion to an exogenous rise in fertility rather nothing more than another polemic against
than to the economic expansion.8 institutional explanations, particularly those
Lowering the rate of output growth in the relating to patents. Clark does suggest we
Industrial Revolution also narrows its scope. can understand what happened in industry
Whereas historians once thought that much by discussing agriculture where productiv-
of the economy was “revolutionized” during ity was also rising. “Thousands of individual
the Industrial Revolution, Crafts and Harley cultivators in Industrial Revolution England
(1992) have argued revolutionary transforma- somehow learned incrementally better meth-
ods from their neighbors or from their own
7 The assessment of Clark’s national income estimates
observations. They did this despite the fact
is hampered because he has not completed the paper that their medieval cousins, with the same
Clark (2007b), which A Farewell to Alms references as the incentives, were unable to progress” (p. 239).
source of the national income estimates. I rely on Clark This new transformation of behavior in the
(2001), which presents similar series.
8 Clark (pp. 243–45) claims that fertility rate rose eighteenth century came from better values.
because more women married and were, therefore, “at But currently, two more focused explana-
risk” of pregnancy. In his view, marriage rates increased tions for the upsurge in innovation are on
because of a decline in “deaths from pregnancy.” These
propositions are doubtful. First, half of the rise in fertil- offer. Both of them explain why the Industrial
ity in the late eighteenth century was due to illegitimate Revolution started in the eighteenth century,
births and premarital pregnancies: non-marital sex was on which is something Clark’s theory cannot do.
the rise (Wrigley 1981). Second, Clark has no information
on “deaths from pregnancy.” He assumes that all deaths for One explanation is the Scientific Revolution
women 20–49 were due to pregnancy—certainly a false of the seventeenth century. It contributed
assumption. Guinnane (1997) studied the incident of death important discoveries such as the fact that
in child birth for late nineteenth century Ireland and Italy,
both countries where fertility was high, and concluded that the atmosphere has weight and that steam
child birth was not the major cause of death for women. can be condensed to form a vacuum. These
“Tuberculosis dwarfed maternal mortality as a cause of ideas were the basis of the steam engine
death” (Guinnane 1997, p. 119). Third, the significant drop
in the “deaths from pregnancy” occurred after 1800, which invented by Thomas Newcomen in the early
is too late to explain the rise in fertility that started in 1750. eighteenth century. The Scientific Revolution
The spread of nonagricultural wage employment in the also changed western culture making it
eighteenth century (and with it a decline in the preventive
check) looks a much more plausible explanation for the rise mathematical and empirical. The application
in the birth rate (Goldstone 1986). of these attitudes to the study of ­technology,
964 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVI (December 2008)

England France Austria

Wage/rate capital service


1630 1680 1730 1780

Figure 2. Ratio of Wage Rate to the Price of Capital Services

which Mokyr (2002) calls the Industrial projects were unprofitable elsewhere in
Enlightenment, increased the rate of techni- the world. The famous inventions of the
cal progress. Mokyr offers a contextualized Industrial Revolution like the steam engine
version of Clark’s “emergence of modern and the spinning jenny were biased techni-
man” with a plausible explanation. cal changes that cut costs at British factor
The second explanation is induced tech- prices but not generally. These new tech-
nical change in response to the unusual niques were not taken up by manufacturers
structure of wages and prices in Britain in on the continent to any significant degree
the eighteenth century. British wages were even though they were well known there.
remarkably high and energy was remarkably The decision not to use the spinning jenny in
cheap. Figure 1 shows how British wages France, for instance, was a rational response
were high relative to the price of consumer to the labor saving bias of the technology
goods. British wages were also high relative and the differences in factor prices. The new
to the price of capital services as shown in technology that made the British Industrial
figure 2. The early development of the coal Revolution was not worth using on the con-
industry meant that energy was very cheap tinent, so it was also not worth inventing it
in northern and western Britain near the there: There were no benefits compensating
coal fields. This structure of prices meant for the R&D costs. The reason the Industrial
that it was profitable to develop machin- Revolution was British was because it was
ery in Britain that substituted capital and profitable to invent the famous inventions in
energy for labor, whereas the same R&D Britain whereas it was not profitable to do
Allen: A Review of Gregory Clark’s A Farewell to Alms 965

the ­necessary R&D ­anywhere else (Allen the view of most historians. The usual view
2007c, 2007d, forthcoming-b, Broadberry has been that the real wage grew slowly, if at
and Gupta forthcoming). all, from the late eighteenth century to the
Britain’s high wage, cheap energy econ- second quarter of the nineteenth, while out-
omy was itself the result of Britain’s success put per worker advanced significantly. Clark,
in the global economy of the early modern however, is adamant that “from 1760 to 1860
period. Growing trade, partly due to success- real wages in England rose faster than real
ful imperialism, caused London to grow from output per person” (p. 272).
fifty thousand in 1500 to one million in 1800. Clark reaches this eccentric conclusion on
Other cities grew rapidly in the eighteenth the basis of (a) his new estimate of GDP, which
century. This boom was the immediate cause grows less rapidly than the Crafts–Harley
of the high wage economy. As London grew, series, and (b) his real wage series, which
so did the demand for fuel. Initially, it was grows more rapidly than the most widely
wood. By 1585, its price had risen enough to accepted series constructed by Feinstein
make it profitable to mine coal in northeast- (1998). Combining the Crafts–Harley and
ern England and ship it to London. The boom Feinstein series shows that between 1780
in coal created the cheap energy economy in and 1840 real output per worker rose 46
northern England. The availability of cheap percent while the real wage only increased
fuel underpinned the high wage economy by 12 percent. Figure 3 shows the factor shares
fostering energy using industries that bid up (in prices of the 1850s) that result from com-
the wage rate. bining the Craft–Harley GDP series with a
Clark is right to associate his views to a revision of Feinstein’s real wage series and
well-established consensus that the roots of estimates of the quantities of land, labor,
the British Industrial Revolution run back and capital and their prices. Capitalists
to 1500. The question has always been how were the big gainers (especially after 1800),
industrialization related to prior events. while workers were losers. Their share of the
Political development linked to the Glorious national income dropped from 60 percent to
Revolution of 1688 (North and Weingast a nadir of 45 percent (Allen 2007a, 2007b).
1989) has been one possibility, and Clark is Should we prefer the data displayed in
probably right to discount that hypothesis. figure 3 to Clark’s optimism? Earlier I gave
The rise of modern science and the growth some reasons for discounting Clark’s GDP
of the global economy have always looked series. It is worth underlining the fact that
far more important than Clark’s biological Clark has no estimates of the profits of most
mechanisms in explaining the Industrial businesses and assumes that returns on
Revolution. capital invested in the manufacturing sec-
tor grew at the same rate as other nonwage
income which he can measure. His conjec-
7.  Who Gained from the Industrial
ture is contradicted by other national income
accountants like Deane and Cole (1979)
A Farewell to Alms is not short on bold whose estimates, based on income tax data,
claims, and one of the boldest is that “stun- indicate a rise in profits that is at least consis-
ningly, unskilled labor has reaped more gains tent with figure 3.
than any other group” (p. 272) from the Clark’s real wage index also suffers from
Industrial Revolution. Needless to say, this serious weaknesses. One set of issues relates
was not the view of contemporaries, whatever to weights. Compared to Feinstein, for
their political persuasions, nor has it been instance, Clark places about ten ­percentage
966 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVI (December 2008)



Proportion of national income



labor profit land



1770 1790 1810 1830 1850 1870 1890 1910

Figure 3. Factor Shares in 1850 Prices

points less weight on bread with the dif- rather than the consumer price inclusive of
ference sprinkled over a variety of more duties, which is relevant to ­questions of wel-
luxurious goods like salt, spices, lighting, fare. Particularly distorting is his use of the
soap, services, and tobacco. Clark reaches price of wheat to proxy the price of bread–
the low bread share by relying on specious a particularly curious choice since we have
calculations published in a polemical pam- been very well informed about bread prices
phlet of the 1730s. Clark’s bread share is across Britain for this period (Peterson
inconsistent with more reliable evidence on 1995). When we choose the most defensible
expenditures, some of which he cites, and price series from those used by Feinstein
with comparisons of the supply of wheat and by Clark and when we aggregate them
and volume of bread baked. Another set with weights that are based on spending
of issues relates to the prices aggregated in evidence, we reach a consumer price index
his price index. Clark introduces a variety much closer to Feinstein’s than to Clark’s
of new series, some of which are improve- (Allen 2007a). This index supports the dis-
ments and others of which are not. His beer tributional story of figure 3. Capitalists—
price series, for instance, tracks the pro- not workers—were the gainers during the
ducer price of beer (excluding excise duties) Industrial Revolution.
Allen: A Review of Gregory Clark’s A Farewell to Alms 967

8.  Why Isn’t the Whole World Developed? is undoubtedly on a very low par, probably it
comes next to Chinese labor in inefficiency,
In the final section of the book, Clark takes wastefulness, and lack of discipline.” Clark (p.
up the question of the Great Divergence: 354) quotes several observers to this effect,
Why have rich countries grown faster than which he later endorses (p. 357), although
poor countries? he remarks that some of this literature was
Predictably, Clark gives this question a “overtly racist” (p. 354). And so it would seem
paradoxical twist by arguing that technol- when Clark’s middle class values are assumed
ogy and institutions should have accelerated to be inherent in peoples’ genes.
growth in poor countries in the nineteenth Clark’s analysis of the cotton industry is
century. Railroads, steam ships, and the a reformulation of his well known paper
telegraph cut the cost of conducting busi- “Why isn’t the Whole World Developed?
ness between Asia or Latin America and Lessons from the Cotton Mills” (1987). His
Britain. Political arrangements like the framework has been controversial, with
British Empire provided protection for prop- many scholars offering other explanations
erty and low transaction costs. Despite these for international differences in productivity
­favorable institutional developments, Asia (Amsden 2001, Wilkins 1987, Hanson 1988,
did not grow. Wolcott 1994). Clark’s argument is based on
Clark did not, however, approach this prob- a particular characterization of technology,
lem from a general equilibrium perspective. namely, that capital and labor are used in
Instead, he focuses on input requirements of fixed proportions. This view is prompted by
cotton production in different countries. He his sources, which are management reports
believes that India ought to have been able to written in the early twentieth century. Their
set up cotton mills that would have competed focus is narrowly on the number of work-
successfully with British mills by importing ers employed in conjunction with particu-
British machinery and operating it with low lar kinds of machines. Clark assumes that
wage Indian labor. Indeed, after 1870, this the labor employed on a particular loom in
was done in Bombay. The industry grew rap- Britain or the United States indicates the
idly, although it did not succeed in wresting labor necessary to operate the machine. If,
the world market from Britain. Clark lays for example, more workers were associated
the blame squarely on Indian workers. “The with a machine in India, the extra labor was
problem of persistent inefficiency in labor defined as superfluous. “There is no sign that
use in poor countries like India was the main mills in low-wage countries gained more out-
barrier to the spread of the technologies of put per machine by employing these super-
the Industrial Revolution” (pp. 345–46). numerary workers” (p. 340); in other words,
Thus, Asian underdevelopment, provides the marginal product of labor was zero. The
another example of his biological explanation assumption of the fixed proportions is critical
for economic success. “The demographic sys- and underpins his claim that “capital–labor
tem in both these societies [China, Japan and substitution is . . . irrelevant in explaining the
presumably also India, although Clark has no excess manning of the low-wage countries”
data] gave less reproductive advantage to the (Clark 1987, p. 156). For Clark, “labor inten-
wealthy than in England.” As a result, in Asia sive industrialization” is an illusion, although
the middle class values were not widely dif- other scholars see it as the explanation of
fused, and the population at large was lazy Asian success (Sugihara 2007).
and unenterprising. Clark (p. 354) quotes a Sir Arthur Lewis (1954) made his reputa-
commentator in 1930 that “Labor in India tion by claiming that the marginal product
968 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVI (December 2008)

of labor in peasant agriculture was zero. countries with unproductive textile indus-
This contention has been contradicted, tries worked at American standards of effi-
however, by numerous production function ciency and earned as much as anyone else.
studies that show that the marginal prod- Clark claims that selectivity cannot explain
uct of labor was positive. Clark is arguing this. In general, the productivity of immi-
that the problem of underdevelopment lies grant labor depended on the country they
not on the farm but in the factory where, went to rather than the country they came
he believes, the marginal product of labor from. “German mills employed numbers of
was indeed zero. Again production function migrant Poles, Swiss mills employed migrant
studies provide a test, and one which Clark Italian workers, and the Peruvian mills
accepts: “For the process [of capital–labor employed Chinese workers, none of whom
substitution] to produce the observed effects showed the extraordinary productivity of
production processes must follow the Cobb– immigrants to the American mills” (Clark
Douglas production function” (p. 357, n. 8). 1987, p. 167). A Farewell to Alms seems, to
India is Clark’s principal example, and it is this reviewer, to offer no compelling answer
also a country whose cotton textile indus- to Clark (1987).
try has been much studied econometrically. Setting that issue aside, why are workers in
Some studies have estimated the elasticity poor countries of low quality? Here Clark’s
of substitution between capital and labor, argument unravels, for he offers three con-
and it turns out to have been close to one, as tradictory explanations. The first is the bio-
Clark requires (Sankar 1970; Banerji 1974). logical argument deployed elsewhere in the
More studies have estimated Cobb–Douglas book. The second is an institutional argument,
production functions as well as more flex- namely, that the workers strike in response to
ible forms, and they confirm that the mar- manning reductions and demand to share in
ginal product of labor was positive (Murty efficiency gains through higher wages. This
and Sastry 1957; Sankar 1970; Banerji 1974; cuts the gains from rationalization, but how
Mitra 1999). Studies for other industries and the workers obtain such power in a low wage
for manufacturing as a whole point to the country with enormous labor turnover is not
same conclusions and call into question the clear (Clark and Wolcott 1999; Wolcott 1994;
whole edifice of argumentation that Clark Buchanan 1934). The third is no explanation
erects on his assumptions about fixed pro- at all. “Regarding the underlying cause of
portions in cotton mills. the differences in labor quality, there is no
Furthermore, Clark has changed his satisfactory theory. Economies seem, to us,
explanation from the one offered in his to alternate more or less randomly between
original article. In A Farewell to Alms, high relatively energetic phases and phases of
manning levels are blamed on the workers: somnolence” (p. 370). Success and failure are
“The overstaffing in poor countries resides now put down to chance and not even biol-
principally in the workers” (p. 359). In 1987, ogy matters.
however, he concluded: “Whatever limits This cul-de-sac shows the limits of Clark’s
the efficiency of workers in low-wage coun- view of development. To advance, we need to
tries seems to attach to the local environ- pay more attention to institutions and to cul-
ment, not to the workers themselves” (Clark ture. Clark’s description of the cotton mills
1987, p. 168). This conclusion was based on shows that it is not laziness or incapacity that
an analysis of immigrant workers employed led to the proliferation of jobs but rather a set
in America and other countries. In New of deals between workers, members of their
England in 1911, immigrants from poor families and the communities from which
Allen: A Review of Gregory Clark’s A Farewell to Alms 969

they came, the owners and managers of the to find that the central theses of a book are
mills, and even the government whose inves- contradicted by well-known evidence, but in
tigations provide so much of the material to this case it is a relief given the pessimistic
make Clark’s case. By analyzing their inter- prospect that A Farewell to Alms holds out
ests and opportunities, we might understand for the future of the world.
the staffing patterns observed by Clark.
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