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The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 2


One of the conditions why people are stressed is due to volunteering. Some common

stressors across nurses include poor working relationships between nurses and doctors and other

health care professionals, demanding communication and relationships with patients and

relatives, emergency cases, high workload, understaffing and lack of support or positive

feedback from senior nursing staff .Volunteering is the practice of people working on behalf of

others or a particular cause without payment for their time, promote good or improve human

quality of life, but people also volunteer for their own skill development, to meet others, to make

contacts for possible employment, to have fun, and a variety of other reasons that could be

considered self-serving.

After hurdling years of study, spending so much time and effort on duty, spending

sleepless nights, and then reviewing for and taking the board, nurses have to work as

professional volunteers in hospitals. At the present time, nurses’ volunteering in a hospital here

in the Philippines has a different perspective. A lot of nurses in the Philippines are volunteering

to gain clinical experience to satisfy the requirements in their country of destination. Little

attention has been paid to the stresses that nurse volunteers’ experience. The purpose of the study

is to extend knowledge and understanding regarding the stress that nurses experience in

volunteering. This study can present an opening for individual introspection to assess the stresses

that nurses experience as volunteers in a hospital. In this phenomenological study, a better

understanding on factors influencing nurses' stress will be discussed.

Review of Literature

Gautam (2007) stated that stress is widely prevalent phenomenon that exacts a heavy toll

on quality of human life. It is the body’s reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental, or

emotional adjustment or response. It may come from any situation or thought that makes you
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 3
feel frustrated, angry, or anxious. It is also a dynamic and reciprocal relationship between the

person and environment. Every day, people are highly exposed to a wide array of stress that

affects their daily living (Bailey, 1985). These stresses are classified into four main types. First is

eustress, also known as positive stress. It is a type of short-term stress that provides immediate

strength. Eustress usually arises at points when increased inspiration or motivation is needed.

Next type would be distress or the negative stress. It is brought about by constant readjustments

or alterations in a routine. It creates feelings of discomfort and unfamiliarity, and an example of

distress is when a hospital staff was rotated into another area where he is not that familiar with

the daily routine. Under distress are its two types, acute stress and chronic stress. Acute stress is

an intense stress that arrives and disappears quickly. Chronic stress is a prolonged stress that lasts

for weeks, months, or even years (Pegues, 2007).

The other types are hyperstress and hypostress. The former occurs when an

individual is pushed beyond what he or she can handle. It results from being overloaded or

overworked. When someone is hyperstressed, even little things can serve as a stimulus for a

strong emotional response. The latter, which is the opposite of hyperstress occurs when an

individual is bored or unchallenged. People who experience hypostress are often restless and

uninspired (Pegues, 2007).

Role stress is a hyperstress that has become a more recognized term over the past decade

and is a major cause of concern for many nurses at work. The Health and Safety Executive

(HSE) defined it as “the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of

demand placed on them. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (1999) stated that role stress

is a harmful physical and emotional response that occurs when the requirements of the job do not
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 4
match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker; people working on different areas are at

risk of experiencing role stress (Wheeler & Riding, 1994).

There are different types of role stress that can be defined as follows: Role

ambiguity is defined as a norm of specific position that is vague, unclear, and ill-defined (Delta

Health Education Partnership, 2004). It develops based on the lived experiences of newly

registered nurses whose health and well being are put on the line while working in a clinic,

hospital, and academe or in the community. Role ambiguity is an abstract concept involved in

job stress which is not easily assessed with method other than human judgments. This type of

role stress manifests the lack of information to complete one’s job. As a result, a person may be

working on a wrong thing because of incomplete or unclear goals. From these unclear goals,

there is no solution to achieve the success.

Role conflict happens when a subordinate receives competing and conflicting

expectations from others. Role overload means having more expectations than one is able to

fulfill. Intentionally, this can also be a source of job distress and furthermore, dusters is more

likely cultivated because they are being ground for adjustment while experiencing the

challenge of an enriched job, and more on subordinate (Douglas,1999).

One of the conditions that lead to hyperstress is volunteering. Volunteering is the

commitment of time and energy for the benefit of society and the community, the environment or

individual outside’s immediate family (Schizophrenia Fellowship NSW, 2008). It is also the

practice of people working on behalf of others or a particular cause without payment for their

time and services. It’s an integral part of the palliative care team, responsible for bridging the

gulf between the health care program and the community. Volunteering is also a generally

considered an altruistic activity, intended to promote good or improve human quality of life that
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 5
can generate a heightened sense of self-esteem, self-worth and confidence. Volunteering is a

community service work of someone’s freewill without receiving a salary or wage in return.

They provide an important source of unpaid labor.

People volunteer due to varieties of its importance and motivation. They

volunteer depending on what kind of volunteer activity they undertake, its conditions and

duration, their commitment to it, and the success or failure of the volunteer placement.

Volunteer work is done without any expectations or hope in any return or benefits but the

“true” or “pure” motive behind of it is altruism-“the unselfish regard for or devotion to the

welfare of others” (Street, 1994). Today, people volunteer because of many motives aside from

altruism that involves some kind of exchange (Abbas, 2001). They volunteer to “give

something back”, helping others in order to express gratitude for help given to them or

someone they love, and participate in the life of their communities.

Volunteering accomplishes works through strength and efforts and performs or

produces something with a purpose to enhance their search for paid employment. It can

increase sense of self-esteem, self work and it also reduces social isolation. It is important for

people especially those who are unemployed (Street, 1994). Through volunteering, it can help

establish and enhance one’s belief that he/she can offer with expertise he/she have by

practicing skill, knowledge and talent. Volunteering can be a matter of motivation to enhance

one’s capacity or expertise that involves compassion or altruism. And it is for search of paid

employment or for fulfillment of one’s belief (Street, 1994).

Volunteering has a lot of benefits to give for an individual. First in our individual career,

volunteering is the perfect vehicle to discover something you are really good at and develop a

new skill. Volunteering is also a brilliant way to get life experience that help us to meet diverse
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 6
range of people who can be your source of inspiration and an excellent way to develop your

interpersonal skills. Second in our social benefit, volunteering helps to build more organized

communities, nurturing greater trust between citizens and developing norms of unity and

reciprocity that are essential to stable communities. And lastly in our economic benefit, the

activities undertaken by volunteers that would otherwise have to be funded by the state or by

private capital, so volunteering adds to overall economic output of a country and reduces the

burden on government spending.

While volunteering has its rewards, it also poses a lot of challenges especially among

nurses who are volunteering in developing countries like the Philippines. Due to the large pool

of nurses in the Philippines, incoming professionals are not readily absorbed for employment.

Thus, they have no other choice but to apply as volunteers in hospitals just to get the

experience and exposure that they need for future employment abroad. The following are the

qualifications that need to be met to be a nurse volunteer here in the Philippines:

A requirement for as well as continued licensure is the proof of competence through the

practice of nursing. The purpose of this is to articulate the types of activities and roles of a

nurse may use to meet the practice requirement.

One of the most important things about volunteering is being prepared at all times and

registered nurses should plan before entering this profession. One of the qualifications is: to be

a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Nursing and have a license. License is an important legal

evidence. Without this, you would not be able to serve in the field of nursing in hospital and in

community. Registered nurses nowadays are encouraged to be a volunteer first before

becoming a staff. The volunteering is counted as a training or work experience for nurses.
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 7
A registered nurse who wants to be a volunteer nurse must be physically, emotionally,

and mentally healthy. Regarding this, a nurse plays an important role in caring for the sick.

Dedication of oneself is one factor. In your volunteer job, one of the best things to do is to be

willing to give and take honest feedback. Most important of all, bring your heart and sense of

humor to your volunteer service, along with the enthusiastic spirit which is, in itself, a priceless


Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes is the last qualifications. As a volunteer you must dedicate

not only to yourself but also to this three important qualities. But comparing it to other country,

there are no definite qualifications for them for an individual to be a volunteer, because for

them volunteering is an altruistic act that a citizen must fulfill in order to bring back the things

that the country has given to them. (Street, 1994)

Framework of the Study

A qualitative approach was used in this study. The concept of phenomenology

particularly interpretive phenomenology and social constructivism from the paradigmatic

philosophy was used.

Phenomenology is the study of phenomena: their nature and meanings (Smith,

2009). It is a science whose purpose is to describe particular phenomenon, or the appearance of

things, as lived experience (Speziale & Carpenter, 2003). It is both a philosophy and a research

method (Burns & Grove, 2007). The aim of phenomenology is to study human phenomena

without considering questions of their causes, their objective reality, or even their appearances

(Wilson, 2006). As a research method, it is a rigorous and systematic investigation of the

phenomena being experienced (Fain, 1999).

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 8
This study focused on interpretive phenomenology, or also called as hermeneutics

which is the art and philosophy of interpreting the meaning of an object. Hermeneutics was

developed by Heidegger a student of Husserl. Hermeneutics stresses interpreting and

understanding—not just describing—human experience (Polit & Beck, 2008). It is a circular

relationship in which one understands the whole of a text in terms of its part and the parts in

terms of the whole (Gadamer, 1976). The primary goal of this kind of study is to enter another

world and discover the practical wisdom, possibilities and understanding found in it (Polit &

Beck, 2008).

To facilitate comprehension, four philosophical assumptions underlying the

qualitative approach were explored. The particular stance in conducting qualitative research

includes the epistemological, ontological, methodological and rhetorical perspectives. In

epistemological assumption, the researcher will attempt to lessen the distance between them and

the study participants by becoming an “insider”. Meaning, the researcher will build a working

relationship with those being studied to minimize the distance or the separation between them.

On the other hand the researchers will consider the ontological perspective as multiple and

subjective realities depending on what will be the answers of the participants. Researchers will

use quotes and themes in words of participants and will provide evidence of different

perspective. Furthermore, the researcher will use methodological assumption by using inductive

logic when he works with the particulars before the generalization. The researcher will first

describe in detail the context of the study, and continually revise questions from experiences in

the field. During data analysis, rhetorical assumption will be used when the researcher writes in

literary, informal style using the personal voice and will use qualitative terms with the definitions
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 9
that fits the knowledge of the participants rather than definitions coming from the researcher’s


The study was also guided with social constructivism paradigm. Interpretive

phenomenology can be considered to be under social constructivism worldview. Polit & Beck

(2008) defined interpretive phenomenology or Hermeneutics as an art and philosophy of

interpreting the meaning of an object such as text, work of art and human utterances. It is circular

relationship in which one understands the whole of a text in terms of its part and the parts in

terms of the whole (Gadamer, 1976). Also, interpretive phenomenology stresses interpretation

and understanding, not just describing human experience (Polit & Beck). Likewise, in social

constructivism, the researcher seeks understanding of the world in which they live and work.

Participants in this study also develop own subjective meaning of their experiences. The

naturalistic paradigm assumes that knowledge between the researcher and the participants is

maximized when the distance between the inquirer and the participants in the study is minimized

(Polit & Beck), as an evidence epistemological perspective will be used when the researcher

tries to lessen the distance between them and the participants by being an insider in order to

collect rich and better understanding of the phenomenon.

Ricoeur’s Method of Interpretation was used in organizing and managing the data

that was collected in view of the fact that the study necessitates to maintain the richness and

evidentiary value of the data.

Aim of the Study

The central aim of the phenomenological study was to understand the stresses of

nurse volunteers in a hospital. For the group to have a deeper appreciation on their experiences, a
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 10
broad question was asked, “What are the stresses that you experience as a nurse volunteering in a


Significance of the Study

This study explored the unique experiences of nurse volunteers; the stresses that they

have experienced in a hospital. The full cooperation and willingness of the study participants in

sharing their lived situations about the study gave rise to the collection of new information.

Hence, all data that was gathered added to the current knowledge pertaining to the understanding

of stress of volunteering in a hospital and has further expanded the perception concerning the

phenomenon. Vast experiences were known to be helpful to:

Nursing Service Administrators. Being a member of the directors of nursing, chief of

hospitals, chief nurses, and assistant chief nurses, it is essential for them to be aware of the

stresses that the nurse volunteers experience. They will be able to perceive the factors which

affect their situation and further understand the condition of the volunteers. This will help them

develop a more effective way in dealing and treating nurse volunteers meaningfully since they

are aware of their state.

Scope and Delimitation

The study included participants that are purposively-selected nurse volunteers.

The scope of this qualitative research using phenomenological method involves the stresses

experienced when volunteering in a hospital. The number of respondents was based upon

reaching data saturation. A minimum of 15 to 30 minutes in-depth semi-structured interview was

conducted among volunteer nurses that came from different hospitals inside the vicinity of
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 11
Angeles City. Volunteer nurses whether new to volunteering or have been volunteering for a

long time already, regardless of their age, gender, civil status and school graduated from were

considered as informants.
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 12


Research Design

A qualitative phenomenological research design specifically interpretive phenomenology

was used in this study. An interpretive phenomenological inquiry concerning role stress of nurse

volunteers was used. According to Macnee (2004) qualitative research focuses on understanding

complexity of human within context of their life and in building the entire or absolute picture of

a phenomenon of concentration. Thus, this method was chosen because this study focused on

understanding the lived experiences of nurses regarding their stresses as volunteers.


Purposive sampling of nurse volunteers based on their ability to express and converse

well their lived experiences as regards to their stresses was done. At the locality of Angeles City,

maximum variation sampling was used. The rationale was to select participants with a wide

range of distinction on dimension of interest and include people with different viewpoints and

perspectives to emerge concepts about the phenomenon understudy (Polit & Beck, 2006).

However, the sample size was determined based on informational needs. This occured when the

collection of qualitative data to the point where a sense of finality was attained because new data

yield superfluous information.

Biographical Sketch

Informant 1

Informant 1 a 22 year old, female who took her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Holy

Angel University batch 2009. After graduation she took board exam and eventually passed.

Since she knew that it’s very hard to find job. She started volunteering at a public hospital then

shifted to Dr. Amando L. Garcia Medical Center. According to her even though volunteering is a
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 13
service without pay, she take this as a stepping stone to enhance her skills as a nurse. For her,

every minute is important because she deals with the life of patient plus the stresses she

experienced from volunteering.

Informant 2

Informant 2 is a 22 year old, female graduate of Holy Angel University batch

2009. She is the eldest in the family. Since it is her first time to take the board exam, she really

gave her best to pass .After the sacrifices and sleepless nights of reviewing and while waiting for

the results, she decided to submit her resume at Garcia. Fortunately she passed the board exam

and was hired at Garcia as volunteer nurse. She was assigned at ER and now, she enjoys her

work as a volunteer nurse. Even though it is stressful on her part because of the fact that she

receives no salary, she took it as a good experience. And according to her, she gained more

knowledge and skills in volunteering. And she said that she will never forget these experiences

and someday she will be s staff nurse.

Informant 3

Informant 3 is a 23 year old, male from Mabalacat, Pampanga, he graduated from

Angeles University Foundation batch 2008. After graduation he took-up the nursing licensure

board exam and successfully passed. Right after the board exam, he submittted resume to several

hospitals including Ospital Ning Angeles where his application was approved and now he is one

of the volunteer nurses in that institution. From 3 months of volunteering, he enjoys his work.

For him, volunteering is a fulfilling and at the same time stressful. But from all the stress he

experienced in this field, he always sees more on brighter side that someday he will become a

staff nurse.
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 14
Informant 4

Informant4 is a 22 year old female; residing at Pandan, Angeles City. She graduated at

Angeles University Foundation batch 2009 and in the same year she took the nursing licensure

board exam. Luckily, she passed the board exam and decided to apply at the Ospital Ning

Angeles as a volunteer nurse. She was hired and assigned in Emergency Room. According to her

the first day was stressful and challenging because you’re not a student anymore, no one will

guide you unlike when you were still a student. But after several days, she already adjusted and

started to enjoy the experience of being a volunteer nurse. She is on her 4th month of her

volunteering service. For her, being a volunteer is a learning experience because from here her

skills as a nurse were enhanced.

Informant 5

Informants5 is a 23 year old male, living at Villa Angelina, Angeles City. He graduated at

Holy Angel University batch 2008. He took the board exam at same year but unfortunately he

failed but he didn’t lose hope and in the second attempt he passed. He said that after he passed

the board exam he worked as a call center agent, a job not related to his course. After one year he

decided to give up his job to pursue the dream of his parents that he will become a nurse. He

started to submit his resume to several hospitals and luckily he was hired at ONA and was

assigned to Medicine ward. At first he was uncomfortable on the way he was doing things

because of 1 year of not practicing his profession but soon after 2 weeks of volunteering he was

able to cope up with that feeling. And according to him, he didn’t feel any regrets in giving up

his past job to become a volunteer nurse even though there is no salary.
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 15
Informant 6

Informant6 is a 22 year old female; she lives at San Jose, Angeles City and a graduate of

Angeles University Foundation in the year batch 2009. On the same year she took the board

exam and successfully passed. Then, she submitted her resume at ONA where she was hired as a

volunteer nurse. She was assigned at Medicine ward; her first day of duty according to her was

toxic because of a lot of patient in the ward but she was thankful because the staff in the ward

helped and guided her on the unfamiliar procedures. Informant6 is now on her 3rd month in

ONA and according to her, she enjoys her work because being a volunteer wherein she gained

more experience and improved her skills.

Research Instrument

The research used an unstructured self report, specifically semi structured

interview. In a semi structured interview the researchers prepared in advance a written topic

guide which is a list of questions or areas to be covered with each participant. The written

questions were organized by topics but not necessarily asked in a specified order (Niewiadomy,

2004). This technique ensured that researchers obtained all the information required and gave

people the freedom to respond in their own words, provided as much detail as they wish and

offered illustrations and explanations (Polit & Beck, 2008).

Data Collection Procedure

The qualified participants who were willing and available were oriented about the

purpose and objectives of the study. The information included the following: conducting one on

one interview using open-ended questions and was recorded with a tape recorder. The

participants who were qualified were interviewed for 15 to 30 minutes in their respective nurse

stations or any place where the interviewer and the interviewee felt comfortable during the
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 16
interview. However, confidentiality and privacy of the source material was maintained by

removing personal information.

Treatment and Analysis of Data

In qualitative studies, data collection and data analysis usually occur

simultaneously, rather than after data are collected. The purpose of data analysis is to organize,

provide structure to, and elicit meaning from research data. Qualitative data analysis is a labor-

intensive activity that requires creativity, conceptual sensitivity, and sheer hard work. There is no

universal rule for analyzing qualitative data, for this reason, qualitative data analysis is a

particularly challenging enterprise (Polit and Beck, 2006).

In data analysis, researchers may have difficulty in deciding which statement can

most comprehend the underlying meaning of the experience (Polit and Beck, 2006). It may take

a second or third reading of the statement just to grasp its real essence (Polit and Beck).

Ricoeur’s Method of Interpretation was used in organizing and managing the data that was

collected in view of the fact that the study necessitates to maintain the richness and evidentiary

value of the data. The three levels of interpretation that arise from this method include the


Level I Analysis: Explanation. In coming to an interpretation of the participant’s experience, the

researcher is dependent on the text from which, to a degree, they have become distanced, even

when they personally conducted the interviews. In analyzing the transcripts of interviews with

the participants, it is not possible to entirely recreate the event. What will remain is an

impression only of the language of the interview. Some of the inflections of tone and nuance will

be recaptured in listening to the audio recording, but nonverbal cues are certainly absent, leaving

the interview transcripts as the only concrete link to participants’ expression of their experience.
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 17
In this process, the internal nature of the text (interview transcripts, as well as the researcher’s

journal notes on observations and experiences of the interviews, which would not have been

apparent in the interview transcripts), will be examined. The transcripts and notes will be

analyzed, each one being individually coded to free nodes (unorganized or emergent ideas) using

in vivo coding. At this level words will be taken at face meaning, and no attempt will be made to

interpret. Unless identical words will be used to express an idea, a new free node will be created.

This is a relatively mechanical process and does not involve interpretation or decisions about

whether two different sets of words have the same meaning. Before proceeding to level 2 of the

analysis, the documents will be reread to ensure that no ideas will be missed or inaccurately

assumed to be identical to another.

Level 2 Analysis: Naïve Understanding. The first stage of this process will involve examining

the free nodes that had been coded in level 1 analysis and coming to an understanding about

which ones referred to the same or closely connected ideas. Those with common meanings will

be grouped into themes. Each theme will be given a description identifying the main idea of the

data coded to it, as it was perceived at that point. The other themes identified related to the

speaker’s observations of the experience of other individuals and attention will be then focused

on the collection of ideas within each theme. In each case a number of subthemes will be

identified. Each subtheme will be then examined individually to identify how the free nodes

coded to it could be grouped into categories, with each category speaking of some aspect of the

subtheme. Each category will also be given a description.

Level 3 Analysis: In-depth understanding. The process of arriving at an in-depth understanding

involves moving back and forth between explanation and understanding (the hermeneutic arc).

The acts of interpretation that are a part of this process are informed by areas of knowledge.
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 18
First, there is the experience and beliefs that the researcher brings to the task (preunderstanding),

which will be documented. The second type of contributing knowledge is the researchers’

knowledge and experience of the individuals taking part in the study, as expressed in the data

compiled as indicated in the description of the previous two levels. This interpretation of factors

that are external to the text restores it to a living communication.

Enhancement of Quality

Qualitative researchers agree on the importance of one doing a high quality

research and this is achieved by the enhancement rigor. Guba & Lincoln’s framework was used

for quality criteria. According to Polit and Beck (2008), the criteria often thought of as the gold

standard for qualitative research are those outlined by Lincoln & Guba (1985), and later

augmented by Guba & Lincoln in the year 1994. There are four criteria for developing

trustworthiness of a qualitative research study: credibility, dependability, confirmability,

transferability and authenticity (Polit & Beck, 2008).

It was done in every phase of the research process, during the data collection to

establish credibility and dependability in which credibility refers to confidence in the truth of the

data and interpretation of them (Polit & Beck, 2008). Dependability addresses the fact that the

research context is open to change and variation. The researchers were conscious of change and

tracked all of the nuances that differ from the design in the proposal (Jensen, 2008).

Confirmability is concerned with establishing that the data represent the

information informants provided, and that the interpretations of the data gathered are not

figments og the researchers’ imagination. Transferability refers essentially to the generalizability

of the data. The findings in this study can be transferred to or have applicability in other settings

or groups.
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 19
Triangulation was applied in support to the credibility where semi-structured interview

was used, documentation review for completion of data and persistent observation. Audiotapes

were subjected to transcription immediately after the interview. This supports the authenticity of

the study wherein researchers fairly and faithfully showed a range of different realities of the

participants under the study (Polit & Beck, 2008). Data triangulation was employed thru multiple

appointments made with the participants on choice of venue until collected data became

repetitive and data saturation was achieved.

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 20


I. Level 1: Explanation

Free nodes from informant’s transcripts and researcher’s filed notes.

Informants’ Nodes Researchers’ Nodes

 May natutunan naman  We were quite nervous

 Hindi ka na parang student na may  We do not know anything about
mag-gguide sa’yo, you’re on your these participants
own.  If she will be cooperative
 Konti lang kami dito.  Or if she would be moody in
 Imamaximize yung time tsaka answering
kailangan efficient  While waiting some of the staff
 Pag volunteer ka, ikaw na lang nurses talked to us
mismo.  At first we were aloof because
 Parang nurse ka na rin, kaya nga she looks intimidating
lang walang sweldo.  As the interview progresses, we
 They will treat you as a staff nurse started to feel at ease
na rin.  Participant 6 is a shy type of
 Yung SO na maraming tanong, person
pinangungunahan ka minsan  She lacks eye contact
 Dapat malakas ang loob mo pag  Fiddle on her handkerchief
1st day  She gives us a shy smile
 Ililista mo lahat ng meds, pero  We felt happy after finishing the
wala ka namang ibibigay interview
 Walang magguide sayo  It was raining
 Stress ko iniiwan ko na lang dito  Some of us were soaked in rain
pag-uwi ko  The rain was a hassle to us
 Minsan kasi tanung sila ng tanung  Started the interview with
 You’re like a student na umaasa enthusiasm
ka pa sa parents mo  We were able to get the “feel” of
 Kapag maraming pasyente tapos the participants
kailangan kong magpatulong  Rainy and windy
 One sleep off lang  Quite nervous
 Kulang yung manpower capacity  Conversation will be smooth and
 Yung sleep kulang talaga easy
 Pag nasa public ka mainet  Questioning portion will go
 Depende naman kung panu ka simultaneously
makisama  Serious type of person
 Kami yung displacement nila  Jolly, cooperative and willing to
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 21
 Status sa buhay ng pasyente answer
 Nagiging toxic yung part na  Does not go smoothly
sabay-sabay yung rounds ng mag  Lacking of what to ask

Continuation of Table 1

Informants’ Nodes Researchers’ Nodes

 doctors  Having a pause before asking
 Kulang ka nanaman sa tulog next question
 Lalabas kayo, foodtrip nyan or  Conversation went smooth and
even spa easy
 Nagpapamassage kami  We did not expect that our
 Kapag nasa public ka, nararanasan participant is on her day off
mo lahat ng walang restrictions  We are quite disappointed to what
 Pinapakita talaga nila na doctors happen
tapos nurses lang tayo  We sacrifice our time to interview
 Tumatawa na lang kami  We waste our effort by doing
 Nakakatamad naman kasing mag nothing
volunteer  Little sacrifice may come up with
 Pagod ka pero wala namang salary a good outcome
 Yung mga public hospitals hindi  We thought that she was not
masyadng ideal setup welcoming
 Basta nakakatulong ka sa pasyente  They are too busy that they did
mo not want us to interrupt them
 Nurses fulfillment ka  We waited for her to finish her
 Ikaw pa nagbabayad sa ospital na works for about seven minutes
pagvovolunteer mo  Our participants was
 Umaasa ka pa sa parents mo uncomfortable and always asking
 Kapag nagvovolunteer ka wala questions
kang sweldo  He was shy type and
 Parang nag-aaral pa rin ako uncomfortable in answering our
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 22
 Humihingi pa rin ako ng baon sa questions
parents ko  We’re excited to meet our
 SO, mahirap silang kausap participant
 Hindi mo maiiwasan na sayo  We feel nervous
ibaling lahat ng ano..ng galit nila  We think that they would never
 Ikaw dapat lagi kang cooperate well on us
magpapasensya  Were so happy
 Very helpful naman ang mga staff  We are very excited
 Depende sa mga cases ng patient  We are honored
 Fulfilling sa part mo na nakapag  We’re glad
discharge ka ng patient  We feel so happy
 Free service without expecting in  Very satisfied on all her answers
return  Rainy and windy
 Nagse-seek na rin ako ng help sa  Quite nervous
mga staff  Conversation will be smooth and
 RN ako pero parang back to easy
student  Questioning portion will go
 Masaya naman.. kase makikita mo simultaneously
mag-iimprove yung patient
Continuation of Table 1

Informants’ Nodes Researchers’ Nodes

 Nag-eenjoy naman minsan  Serious type of person
 Nakakatulong naman kahit  Jolly, cooperate and willing to
papaano(volunteer) answer
 Hindi mo sila matulungan kase  Does not go smoothly
sila pa rin ang tutulong sayo  Lacking of what to ask and
 Medyo naiilang ka syempre kasi having a pause before asking next
sila matagal na ikaw bago-bago pa questions
lang  Conversation went smooth and
 Pag natyempo ka sa madaming easy
pasyente tapos sabay-sabay ang
meds mo
 Kapag day off ko, nagrerelax ako,
natutulog ako
 Hindi ko muna iniisip yung
trabahong papasukan ko
 Dalawa lang kaming naka duty,
volunteer pareho
 Nangangapa syempre
 After nung board exam, back to
zero yung experience
 Kapag napapagalitan ng
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 23
 I take it as a part of learning
 Kung hindi ka rin papagalitan,
hindi ka rin matututo
 Hindi kasi ako nasstress sa ganun
 Kung iisipin mo yung salary,
masasaktan ka talaga
 Volunteer nurse kase, is like a
preparation naman pag nagging
 It’s all about learning as volunteer
 Sumusunod lang tayo sa mg autos
ng doctors
 Pagtoxic, mahihiya kang umalis
 Kase nakakahiya
 Dapat ano ready ka
 Nagbabasa lang ako ng libro
 Huwag mag-isip na nakakapagod
 Masaya, masayang experience
 Sabihin sa katawan mo na
magtrabaho ka, kung pagod talaga
Continuation of Table 1

Informants’ Nodes Researchers’ Nodes

 Magbigay na lang ng time para sa
 Mahina yung aircon, yun yung
 Kapag mainit.. feeling mo ang
tamad-tamad mo
 Lahat naman ng career ata basta
bago sya, feeling mo stressful sya
 Stressful in a way, financially
 More of fulfillment, kase madami
kang matututunan
 Charitable work
 You’re not expecting in return
 Pampered na pampered
 Bibigay mo yung serbisyo mo ng
walang kapalit
 Nasstress ako, minsan palitan
kami ng kasama ko
 Di lang dahil volunteer kayo, wala
tayong paki sa kanila
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 24
 Kahit volunteer tayo, bigay parin
natin yung TLC
 Ok lang, d masyadong toxic sa
part ko
 Yung mga doctors and nurses
ditto na naksama ko, mababait
 Nagtanong ako tapos di ako
 Minsan yung nurse na kasama ko,
late dumarating
 Kahit wala kang sweldo may
natutunan ka naman
 Part ng isang nurse ang
 Kase mula don, naenhance yung
mga skills mo as a nurse
 And experience na rin yon
 Syempre public hospital ito
 Siguro yung pinaka stress ko,
kulkang sa pahinga and kapag
maraming patient
 Huwag kayong mag panic

Continuation of Table 1

Informants’ Nodes Researchers’ Nodes

 Dapat seryoso ka, hindi ka
pwedeng magkamali
 Yung SO ng mga bata, laging yon
tinotoxic ka nila
 Tanong sila ng tanong kahit gaano
ka mag-explain parang hindi pa
rin nila nagegets
 Tatanungin ka nila ng tatanungin
paulit-ulit yun..toxic yun
 Maging kalmado ka lang
 Simpleng tanong lang natotoxic ka
 Masanay sa mga SO na
manonoxic sayo
 Walang aircon
 Yung mga equipments dahil nung
bago bago pa lang ako hindi ko
alam pakialaman yo..
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 25
 Kailangan mag seek ng hel;p ng
mga senior nurses mo
 Kakastress yung ganun, yung may
equipment na hindi mo alam san
yung pipindutin san mo
 Minsan naapektuhan
 Hindi dapat na pangunahan ng
stress ang performance mo

Table 1: This table shows the nodes lifted from the transcripts and field notes that were
analyzed. The free nodes are emergent or unorganized ideas that were chosen by the

II. Level II: Naïve Understanding

Theme 1: Stressors

There are a lot of factors that contribute to the stresses that volunteer nurses in

hospitals experience. The researchers identified 7 causes of stress to the informants.

Theme 1.1: First day high

The nurses, especially volunteers experience the height of stress during their first

day of work due to different factors.

Theme 1.1.1: Back to zero and unfamiliar task

Volunteer nurses found their first days stressful because of the unfamiliarity with

their roles and responsibilities wherein they do not have an idea on how to start their duty. It

seems like they are all beginners again.

I3 [3.13]: “Ahh. Yah! Nangangapa syempre after nung board

exam back to zero yung experience eh parang ganon so yun…”

I5 [5.1]: “So…usually dito…since…ahh…bale second week ko pa

lang nyan, so parang… talagang nangangapa talaga…and un first
week ko ahh… isa lang isa lang akong volunteer di kagaya ngayon
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 26
dalawa na kami so…first day palang talagang…sinabak na
ko..kumbaga first day naming..14 patient bale..tagal umm…
matagal akong di nag practice eh so…pagbalik parang biglang
culture shock diba…yun…parang nagiging stressful sa part ko…
parang…nasa part ka palang ng adjustment.”

One informant said that being unfamiliar and not knowing on how to manipulate certain

equipments and machineries contribute to the factors that make them stressed during their first

days as volunteers.

I1 [1.34]: “…syempre yung mga equipments dahil nung bagu-

bago palang ako hindi ko alam pakialaman yon., baka kasi
syempre dib a kahit kase mga estudyante ka hindi mo naman lahat
nahahandle yon kapag nagging volunteer nurse kayo may mga
equipments na first time niyo palang nakikita…tas hindi mo
naman mapapakialaman tas kailangan mong magseek ng help ng
mga senior nurses mo, kakastress yng ganon. Yung may equipment
na hindi mo alam sa yung pipindutin san mo idudugtong.”

Themes 1.1.2: Adjustments from student nurse to volunteer nurse

The volunteer nurses experiences different stress during their first days as

volunteers. Almost all of the informants said that they feel stressed because of the fact that they

will not have any guidance from an instructor unlike back then when they were still students.

I1 [1.8]: “Yung 1st day ko? Nakakakaba kase ano… parang

pakiramdam mo estudyante ka parin pero wala na C.I. mo… yung
wala ng maggaguide sayo kung hindi mo alam kung tama yung
ginagawa mo…. Yon….”

I4 [4.4]: “… kasi pag volunteer na ikaw na mismo, yung wala ng

CI na tutulong sa’yo”

I5 [5:45]: ahh…yun nga bale sinulat ko lahat ng kaylangan ko

gawin, parang…ano…kahit na RN na ako parang back to

I6 [6.5]: “Ahmm.. feeling mo stressful kasi…ahh yung parang

yung responsibility, hindi na yung parang student ka na may
magg-guide sayo, you’re on your own..”

Theme 1.2: Dilemma with colleagues

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 27

Conflicts with colleagues usually arise from staffs and doctors underestimating their

capacity as volunteers to do certain procedures.

Theme 1.2.1: Untoward attitude of staffs to volunteer nurses

Not all staff nurses treat volunteers in a sociable and receptive manner. Some staff nurses

do not pay attention when it comes to the volunteers who seek their assistance.

I2 [2.35]: “Oo, minsan lalo na yung pagkapwa nurse o someone

na health related profession yung tipong, ohh ohh tama ba yang
ginagawa mo? Para saan yan? Syempre ‘diba, kahit na hindi mali
ang ginagawa mo super kang kakabahan, Hmm at tsaka yun!
Yung hindi ka pinagkakatiwalaan sa mga ginagawa mo. Komo
volunteer ka pa lang. Kaya yun hindi ko na lang pinapansin para
hindi ka rin mawala sa focus sa ginagawa mo.”

I6 [6.32]: “..meron yata nung minsan kasi..di ba ako, ditto

volunteer pa lang, tapos nung minsan, magkakasama ng mga
staff..ahmm..tapos nagkkwentuhan sila..eh may itatanong ako na
hindi ko maintindihan sa chart..yun..nagtanong ako, medyo
parang..ahmm..hindi ako pinansin. Pakiramdam ko that time.. like
parang hindi ako belong.. Yun naiisip ko na ano bang pnagkaiba
nila sa akin? Nagsusweldo lang naman sila, ako hindi, e bakit
ganun?di ba?”

Theme 1. 2.2 Attitude of physicians

Some participants said that other physicians treat them in a not so nice manner because of

the fact that they are just volunteer nurses.

I2 [2:15]: “Pinapakita talaga nila na doctors sila tapos tayo nurse

lang tayo, ganun…”

I3 [3.5]: “Discrimination? Yeah! Kasi dati nung last time ung

isang anesthesia…anesthesiologist parag nasabi niya na,
volunteers are not allowed to train in parang sa mga government
ganun…so parang kame as new volunteer parang syempre iisipin
mo na bakit gnun?...”
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 28
One informant said that doctors do not trust them in carrying out doctors’ orders

because they consider the staff nurses more knowledgeable about the nursing procedures.

I6 [6.34]: “Like for example, may bagong doctor’s orders, gusto

ng ibang doctors yung staff yung gagawa kasi daw mas alam nila
yun..volunteers are not allowed to perform procedures ditto
like..ahmm..inserting NGT ganyan..”

Theme 1.3: Volunteering as non-profit service

Volunteering is the practice of people working on behalf of others without payment for

their time and services. The informants find the non-profit service as a major stressor in their


Theme 1.3.1: Service without pay

Volunteers find the fact that they don’t receive any salary from their job, a

stressor because it seems like they are not properly compensated with the hardwork they are


I3 [3.18]: “Actually, kung iisipin mo yung salary masasaktan ka

talaga (smiles) kasi after four years na nag-aaral ka diba? Expect
mo may course ka na as nurse, di ba? Sweldo! I

I5 [5.20] “ahh…di naman…yung ano lang talaga..ahh..parang

nakakastress lang ano…yung pinaghirapan mo nga…di ba alam
nyo naman yung pinagdadaanan ng nurse eh…mahirap talaga…
tapos kagraduate mo walang…walang salary…so parang ganun
na nga…stressful siya.”

An informant also said that the lack of income in volunteering is a major stress for her,

because it’s like she’s wasting her effort for nothing.

I6 [6.36]: “Ahh!! Yun, yun nga lang sweldo yung problema, kasi
you’re like..ahmm..working yourself out, committing yourself to
work, pero ano..ahmm.. walang sweldo.. parang hindi ka
nabibigyan ng ano..ahmm.. tamang credits sa mga bagay na
ginagawa mo.”
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 29
And one informant compared his first job as a call center agent to volunteering and find

the fact that he is receiving any salary during pay days as a stressor.

I5 [5.16]: “ ahh..(smiles) Yun stressful talaga yun…since ako…

ahh..before ako magvolunteer nagwork ako…yung work ko na may
salary…so parang pag dating ditto…ahh before kasi every 15 days
may swedo ka…ditto wala…so parang ditto wala kang iniexpect
na darating…so minsan punapasok sa isip mo…parang…minsan
nakakatamad na rin kasi volunteer…pagod ka pero wala ka
namang salary so stressful yun..”

Theme 3.1.2: Financial support from parents

The volunteers still rely on their parents when it comes to financial needs since they are

giving services without pay. They said that it is very stressful in their part to ask money since

they should be earning their own money by now.

I1 [1.23]: “Oo malaking factor yun ng stress syempre ahhh…

kagaya nito 4th year palang kayo kapag, kapag ahhhh…
nagvovolunteer na kayo marereliaze mo na nakakahiya na
syempre 4years ka nilang pinag-aaral tapos hanggang sa
pagtatrabaho mo sila parin yung susuporta sayo…”

I2 [2.36]: “Hindi naman problema yun kasi di naman sila nag-

eexpect ng kung amo sakin eh. Pero syempre nakakahiya din sa
kanila kasi hanggang ngayon wala pa din akong binibigay na ahh.
Ahmm pakunswelo diba?”

I3 [3.19]: Yah! Stress yun kasi syempre yung allowance

nanggagaling sa parents narinig nyo sasabihin ko baka ayaw nyo
na rin hehehe yah! Its part of reality, ganun talaga!.

And since being a volunteer means giving service without earnings, some informants said

that thet feel like they are still students who still rely for allowance from their parents.

I1 [1.22]: “ahhh.. daily allowance, yon yung mahirap .. kasi yung

kapag ahhh.. kagraduate mo, pasado kana ng board ahhh..
umaasa ka parin sa parents mo kase dito nga kapag
nagvovolunteer ka wala kang sweldo. so, parang nag-aaral parin
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 30
ako. humihingi parin ako ng baon sa parents ko.. sila parin yung

I4 [4.37]: “(smiles) Syempre stress un…. ahm.. kasi imbis na ikaw

na nagbibigay sa kanila parang…. sa kanila ka pa rin kumukuha
or humihingi ng pera parang nag-aaral ka rin.”

I6 [6.11]: “Ayun! Yun lang ang problema kasi yung…you’re…

youre like a student na umaasa ka pa sa parents mo…”

One informant said that she even commits herself to a part time job just to have an extra

allowance to decrease the amount that she ask from her parents.

I6 [6.11]: “…good thing…ah like my…case, meron akong

sideline… nag-aano ako… nagpri-private nurse ako during… pag
day off ko, so meron akong baon kapag duty… yun! (smiles)”

Theme 1.4: Dealing with Patients and Significant Others

As a nurse, volunteers have to deal with patients and their significant others everyday.

They encounter patients and significant others coming from different walks of life, some may

treat them well and some may not and it’s the volunteer choice on how to handle them.

Theme 1.4.1: Patient as Stressor

There are a lot of reasons why the informant perceives their patients as a stressor and one

of it is the economic standing of their patient.

I1 [1.15]: “..syempre ung status sa buhay ng pasyenye, ung kapag

nasa public ka yung kulang sila sa gamut pati ikaw
namumrublema.. syempre kailangan mu ng ibigay ng ganitong
oras tas wala pa silang gamot.. naiistress ka kung pano mu ba sila
mabibigyan eh wala silang pambili..”

I3 [3.24]:: Hindi naman kasi nagrereseta kami lagi eh, kaya lang
like yung isang patient naming dito wala talagang meds so
nakakalungkot pero wala ka naming magagawa. Wala kang
ibibigay na meds. So yun, stressful din yun , I consider it as a stress
kasi kung ikaw yung nurse lalo na kung dedicated ka kahit na
volunteer ka lang. Nakakastress yun! Syempre nakikita mo patient
mo na nakaratay dyan na ilang linggo ng walang gamut, ‘di ba?
Very stressful minsan dadalhin mo pa sa bahay nakakaawa. Pero
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 31
‘di ba sabi nila don’t show sympathy, you should show empathy
dapat ‘di mo na inaano, yun lang.

I [4.23]: Oo!.. nakakapagstress din yun diba minsan ung mga

public hindi masyadong ideal set-up yung…. minsan yung minsan
nakakastress din yun.. walang gamot tapos stress pa rin yun sa
part mo kasi bibigay mo na yung gamut tapos ung pasyente
complain pa ng complain na wala daw silang pera wala kang
magagawa ayon… yun lang.

While other informants said that seeing their patient suffer from their illness can be

emotionally stressing.

I1 [1.54]: “Ano.. ahh.. syempre kahit hindi mo sila kilala

ahh..masakit sa pakiramdam..ahhhmm.. kase nakikita mo na
nahihirapan sila ganon.. tas iyon feeling mo.. ahhh.. kulang pa
iyong ginawa mong pagkecare sa kanila.. ahh..ganon..”

I6 [6.28]: “ Syempre nakaka-awang nakikita yung ganun, parang

malulungkot ka kahit ayaw mong malungkot kasi patient mo yun
eh…uhmm, tapos makikita mo pa yung mga SO umiiyak
din..nanghihina, npapa-upo…ahhh…yung mga ganun,
maaapektuhan ka pa sa ayaw mo’t sa hindi.”

Theme 1.4.2: Attitude of the Signficant Other

The informants said that the significant others who frequently asks questions

when it comes to volunteers rendering nursing care to the patient imposes stress on them. They

said that it is hard to explain some reasons behind every nursing procedure because the

significant other will not accept and understand thie explanation.

I1 [1.31]: “sa mga pasyente, hindi gaano pero sa mga S.O

syempre yung mga pasyente hindi naman laging nagsasalita o
nagtatanong.. yan yung mga S.O lalu na yung mga dito sa pedia..
pedia ward yung mga S.O ng mga bata laging yon tinotoxic ka
nila, minsan nga mastoxic pa
yung S.O sa pasyente.”

I2 [2.18]: “Merong, depende sa mga cases ng patient minsan kasi

pagdating dyan anon a, kailangan ng, yan tulad nyan toxic
biglang, uyyy! Anong gingawa nyo? Bat nakatayo lang kayo?
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 32
Ganun, so meron talagang nagbibigay ng ano, ng ano, demand na
hindi mo kayang ibigay kasi nga wala tayong magagawa.
Sumusunod lang tayo sa mga orders ng mga doctors.”

I [4.16]: Kaya minsan makulit sila pero pagpapasensyahan na lang

natin… kaya lang tanong sila ng tanong…. lalo na yung iba di
nakatapos syempre wala naman silang background sa sakit nila….
ganun lang.

I5 [5.5]: “ahh siguro yung ano…yung isang SO…talagang…kahit

wala kang ginagawa talagang…ahhh…parang…magbibigay ka
lang ng meds…ahhh…ang dami nyang tanong…parang
pinangungunahan ka nya…so parang…talagang mastess ka sa
kanya, parang pagpasok mo…ayaw mo na siyang pansinin eh…
kasi nga masayado syang mapakialam talaga eh. Yun.”

The informants said the probing attitude of the SO when it comes to volunteers rendering

nursing care to the patient imposes stress they said that its hardto explain the reason behind every

nursing procedure because the SO will not accept and understand their explanation.

I6 [6.15]: “Oo naman! Sa patient hindi, pero most of the time sa

SO, mahirap silang kausap…ayun, kahit ipaintindi mo sa kanila,
pero dahil yung iba…ahmm..yung iba yung parang…siguro
undergrad or illiterate ganyan kahit iexplain mo na thoroughly
yung mga procedures or kelangan ng ganto,ganyan, hindi pa rin
maiiwasan na…ahmm…syempre family member yon, may sakit,
hindi mo maiiwasan na sayo ibaling lahat ng ano…ng galit nila…

Some informants shared their ways on how they deal with the demanding and

probing significant others.

I1 [1.33]: “sa mga toxic na S.O na ganon at sa mga situation,

maging kalmado kalang kasi..ahhh..role mo yun habang buhay na
nurse ka,so ngayon palang hindi mo na alam ihandle yung mga
pasyente na ganyan..darating yung panahon,simpleng tanung lang
natotoxic kana kaya dapat maging kalmado ka tyaka masanay sa
mga S.O na natoxic sayo.”

I5 [5:46): “ ahhh… bale ang ginawa ko…hindi na ko ng paapekto

sa kanya.kahit tanong sya ng tanong, sinasagot ko na lang kahit
paulit ulit sya, I tried my best na ma explain sa kanya mabuti kahit
na kakairita…ganun”.
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 33

Theme 1.5: Understaffing and Work Overload

The informants experienced stress on two different occasions; one is when there are a

lot of admitted patients in their ward and second is when there is less staff nurse on their station.

These two situation increases their workload that contribute to their stress.

Theme 1.5.1: More patients means more stress

Volunteers experience stress when attending the needs of a patient, what more if they

have to address needs of more patient? Informants stressing to have a lot of admitted patient

because it increases the work that have to do and the needs that they have to attend.

I1 [1.26]: “May.. may instances na stress ba kapag navovolunteer

ka? oo syempre yun nga kapag kadalasan yung workload yung
kapag minsan kase pagnatiyempo ka sa madaming pasyente tas
sabay-sabay ang meds mo yun...yun palang nakakastress na

I [4.21]: “May stress ba ako?... (smiles) un lang pag kulang sa

pahinga atsaka minsan sa pasyente kasi minsan puno kami ng
pasyente tapos lahat sila aatendan mo un lang…”

Theme 1.5.2: Less Staff Nurse and Co-workers means more stress

The volunteers become more stressed due to the workload given to them. One of

the informats said that there were instances wherein there are only few nurses on duty and they

find it stressful because the supposed to be work of the other staff and co-workers that were not

around are given to them.

I3 [3.1]: “Sige nung sa operating room kasi kunware kulang

kameng staff kasi normally ditto sa hospital natin understaffing so
yung nagiging problema normally kunware ahmm full house
kunware may inoopera sa kabila tapus may inoopera sa kabila
tapus kulang yung volunteer nung last volunteer ko kasi is very
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 34
stressful kasi dalawa lang kaming pumasok dapat five so yun na
nga yung ano lang, kulang kame ng tao, kulang ng tao sa hospital
lalo na kame as volunteer..syempre, limited din kasi yung
ginagawa as volunteer..so yun lang masasabi ko..an u pa?”

I 6[6.14]: “Ahh..yun nga…Dahil kulang yung manpower…ahmm

kulang yung staff ganyan, yung dapat na workload mo
nadadagdagan…like for example yung patient na…
ahmm..ihahandle mo is dalawa lang..nagiging apat kasi kulang ng
staff..gets? Parang nadodoble yung work mo. (laughs)”

Theme 1.6: Workplace Condition

Volunteers find the condition of their workplace as contributing factor to their

stress, especially in public hospitals, their station do not have airconditioners and the weathers

makes tem feel more stressed.

I1 [1.34]: “ahh? yung workplace? siguro una na don, yung

syempre yung sa public walang aircon tapos yung nakakatulong
yung may aircon tapos…”

I6 [6.17]: “Wala naman…okay lang kase…okay lang….before

kase sa station namen mahina yung aircon, yun yung stressful!...”

One informant said how her workplace condition affects her performance as volunteer nurse.

I6 [6.18]: “…pero nakakaaffect…affect siya kase..kapag mainit

feeling mo ang tamad tamad mo ganon.”

And another informant found the lack of adequate equipment as a stressing factor.

I1 [1.39]: “…tapos nakakstress din yung..yun nga! kapag nga,

yung equipments kulang-kulang yung mga gamit, kailangan
maging artistic kung basta mapunan ang kailangan ng pasyente.”

Theme 1.7: Unsatisfied with rest due to long hours of duty

Volunteer nurses have different work schedule. Some may have 8 hours and some

may have 12 hours. Most of our informants are given a 12 hour duty. They stated that they are

not satisfied when it comes to their sleeping hours primarily because of the long hours of duty.
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 35
I2 [2.12]: “Syempre iba! Katulad nung dati kung, kung student ka
‘di ba? Iba yung ahh time mo para sa rest dito kasi medyo malayo
din bahay naming so yung sleep kulang talaga.”

I [4.18]: Oo!... kasi minsan… diba 2days off 2days duty kami
ditto… pano kasi minsan toxic… kung minsan yung di ka… kulang
pa sa tulog tapos minsan may makikipagpalit pa sayo ng duty, 3
days duty ka nanaman….. sa tulog yun lang… kulang sa
pahinga…. yun lang naman amg stress mo dun.

I6 [6.6]: “Twelve hours…ahh, pero syempre hanggat wala yung

ka-endorse mo so usually thirteen to fourtheen hours tapos yung
scheduling ditto…every week nagchachage…so example this week
morning ka, nextweek graveyard ka naman.”

One informant said that a long 12 hours of duty per se imposes stress on his part.

I5 [5.28]: “ ahh…nakaka stress yun 12 hours…yung 8 hours okay

pa ehpero yung 12 hours…medyo…pagod pagod…pagod talaga
yung 12.”

Theme 2: Coping Strategies

As informants stated the factors that contribute to their stresses, they also shared

their ways on how to cope with the various stresses that they encounter.

Theme 2.1: Relaxation

The volunteers have different ways to relax and relieve the stress brought by their

work, some of which are staying at home giving time to self and going out with friends to have


I1 [1.27]: “ahhh... para makacope sa stress? kapag day-off

ko..nagrerelax ako...natutulog ako..ahhh..family...family
matters,yun ganon.. yung nag-sisimba yung hindi ko muna iniisip
yung trabahong papasukan ko...tyaka kase pagkatapos ng trabaho
mo,tapus na din ang stress mo..matutulog ka tas paggising mo
ganun parin..(smiles)”

I2 [2.23]: “Wala, nagbabasa lang ako ng libro, matulog ka! Yun

lang, tsaka minsan wag mong isipin na nakakapagod talaga kasi
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 36
pag-iniisip mo talagang mapapagod ka. Minsan iniisip ko nalang,
aayyy! Masaya, masayang experience ganun..”

I3 [3.34]:: Ahh, music therapy. Hehehe Online games ganun. Hehe

ganun lang dapat ganun lang, kumakain syempre! Yun lang.

I5 [5:33]: “ahh…ano lang…lumalabas lang pag stress with

friends.parang time lang sa sarili mo…di yung puro work work
work kaylangan magkaroon ka rin ng time sa sarili.”

I6 [6.14]: “Ahh..right after duty kasama yung mga…kung

available yung mga co-staff nurse mo,lalabas kayo, foodtrip nyan
or even spa! Yon!!(smiles) yun yung anon amen, magpapamassage
kame…para lang maalis yung tension.”

One informant said that to be able to relax he leaves the stress that he experience inside the


I5: (5.7) ahh…depende naman yan…sa part ko…usually kung

ditto pag stress ka pag out ko…iniiwan ko na lang ditto pag uwi
ko…pagdating ko sa bahay parang wala na akong pakialam kung
anong nangyari ditto. Yun lang.

Another informant said that one way for her to relax is staying at home and avoiding

going out for it will just increase the weariness that she is experiencing.

I2 [2.23]: “… pero hindi mo naman pwedeng ano ahhh ano un?

Yung sabihin sa katawan mo na magtrabaho ka kung pagod talaga
so magpapahinga ka lang talaga yung hindi pahinga no! ‘di ba
sabi nga magpahinga tayo, magmall tayo. Wag ganon,mag bigay
nalang ng time para sa sarili mo syempre matulog, oo! Sa bahay
lang kasi kung lalabas ka pa pagod ka din ‘di ba?”

Theme 2.1.1: Taking Stress in a Positive and Light Manner

The informants try to enjoy what they are doing as volunteers and not taking volunteering

as a stress. And eventhough they do not earn money in volunteering, they do not think of it as a

lost, instead, they find volunteering as an advantage for them to master their skills as nurses.

I1 [1.41]: “ahh.. example? uhhhmm...ano..may...kapag

ahhh...inienjoy mo yung ginagawa mo, halimbawa kapag yung
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 37
mageenjoy na kahit na nagsasawa ka na. Paulit-ulit magenjoy
kana magcatheter, magenjoy ka na may I.V kasi kapag naenjoy mo
na yung work mo, di mo na sya tinitake as stressfull…”

I2 [2.29]: Ano… wag munang isipin yung profit dapat isipin muna
yung magain muna yung experience, mamold muna yung mga
skills mo before ka magisip ng profit kasi yun kahit na matagal na
rin akong nagvovolunteer nurse madami pa rin akung hindi alam
so dapat isipin mo muna na ahh na kailngan imold mo muna bago
ka maging worth it para sa profit yun lang.

Theme 3: The Different Facets of Volunteering

The volunteers look at volunteering in many ways. Some informants said that they find

happiness in volunteering, volunteering to make them better in terms of Knowledege, Skills and

Attitude and lastly they find fulfillment in volunteering.

Theme 3.1: Volunteering as a center of learning

Even though volunteering is a stressful vocation, the informants look into the brighter

side which is gaining more knowledge on how to perform certain procedures and learning more

to improve themselves as nurses.

I1 [1.38]: Ano, both! fulfilling sya kasi yung mga kagaya ng sinabi
ko kanina marami kang natututunan..ahhh”

I2 [2.27]: “Sa nagyon nafifeel ko masaya pa naman hehehe

(smiles) syempre ‘di ba may experience akong nagegain..”

I4 [4.39]: “… pero ok lang kasi kahit walang sweldo may

natututunan ka naman and diba part ng isang nurse ung
pagvovolunteer kasi mula dun naeenhance ung skills mo as a
nurse and… experience na rin un diba…”

R: [2.20] Both! (smiles) Bothways, stressful in a way financially

pero more of fulfillment kasi madami kang natututunan…

One informant said that the act of volunteering helped her boost her confident because of

the experi3encesw and pieces of knowledge that she earned during the volunteering process.
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 38

I1 [1.65]: “Ahhmm..Yun nga ahh..Yun nga procedures..kung dati

ahh…kinakabahan kapag kunwari di ka sanay ..so ngayon nag-
boost yung confidence ko sa sarili tapos parang kering-keri muna
toh..sisiw na lang yon.”

Theme 3.2: Volunteering as an altruistic act

Informants view their volunteering as a charitable work by giving services without

expecting anything in return from their patients. They find fulfillment in seeing their patients

recovering from an illness and a simple thank you from them.

I1 [1.40]: “ah..volunteering nurse yung binibigay mo yung

serbisyo mo sa mga tao for free, kahit na hindi ka nila
binabayaran..ahhhh.. libre mong binibigay yung sarili mo
maka..yung time mo..yung knowledge mo para sa kanila.”

I2 [2.28]: “Well, volunteer nurse ahhh pagvolunteer nurse ka

dapat talaga serbisyo yung iniisip mo hindi pera kasi kung pera
lang iniisip mo wag ka nalang magvolunteer nun kasi kung pera
lang bat ‘di ka nalang magcall center ‘di ba? Dapat yung
experience atsaka yung service talaga yung binibigay mo hindi
yung iniisip mo yung pera.”

I5 [5.35]: “volunteer…ahh…pag sinabi mong volunteer…dito kasi

service talaga…yung free service with out expecting anything in
return…yun yung pinaka sinabi ng chief nurse before kami nag
start ditto. So…yun yung pinaka meaning ng volunteer…service

I6 [6.21]: “ Meaning ng volunteer?...charitable work…

especially…ahh..like in my case..public hospital…like most of the
time, you’re not expecting in return sa mga patient or sa mga SO
na hinahandle mo na bibigyan ka nila dun sa service na binibigay
mo sa kanila kase…di ba..ahmm..comparng sa mga private
hospitals…ahmm…kasi before private ako yung parang ahmm…
pampered na pampered ka sa mga..ahh..things like food..or
moinsan binibigyan ka ng pang-meryenda, ganun, eh ditto wala
kang ineexpect na ganun. So fulfillment na basta thank you or
makita mo lang na gumagaling yung patient mo. Pero totoo yun,
yung mahahandle mo siya na toxic na toxic siya tapos for ilang
weeks tapos magiging okay na siya, yon, fulfillment na yon.”
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 39
Some informants said that a simple thank you coming from patients or SO is enough to

relieve them from stress. Seeing their patient recover and be discharge is the greatest

achievement they could ever have.

I1 [1.52]: “..syempre kase di ba kaya nga ito ang tinake-up kong

course kase challenging sya at least kahit pagod ka nakikita mo
namang nag iimprove naman ang kalagayan nya.

I5 [5:52] ahh..di naman.iniisip ko lang na sandali lang naman

tong walang sweldo after nun ok na…saka…ano…yung may
patient na gumagaling dahil sa pag care mo…ayun parang daig
pa nun yung nag sweldo(smiles)

I6 [6.21] “..so fulfillment na basta thank you or Makita mo lang

na gumaling yung patient mo. Pero totoo yun, yung mahhandle mo
siya toxic na toxic siya tapos mahahandle mo for ilang weeks
tapos magiging okay sya, yon, fulfillment na yon.”

Theme 3.2: Volunteering as a fulfilling work

Most of the informants said that volunteering gives them a feeling of fulfillment and

stress at the same time. But being fulfilled is a more dominant feeling in giving services


I1 [1.38]: “Ano, both! Fulfilling siya kasi yung mga kagaya ng

sinabi ko kanina marami kang natututunan..ahhh…stressful siya
kasi yun na nga financially kulang ka.. pero…pareho lang stressful
tsaka fulfilling pero..mas angat yung fulfilling kase nakakatulong
ka di ba?

I3 [3.33]: “No! I Love my job! I love what I’m doing, kasi gusto ko
talagang maging nurse, kaya it’s all about you naman eh. If you
take your course hindi yung “nurse lang” ayy y hindi! Wala talaga!
Pero kung alam mong mahalin pinag-aralan mo walang problema
dun. Like nga yung dati nag-medrep ako ahh hindi ko gusto nung
nakuha ko license ko nagresign na ko. Kasi I think I can do better
as a nurse not ahmm to sell meds.”

I4 [4.25]: “Fulfilling naman… fulfilling kasi nakakatulong ka

naman tas nakakatulong din sila sa iyo… tinutulungan mo lang sila
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 40
sa service mo… tintulungan ka rin nila para matuto ka… diba? un

I6 [6.20]: “Both! (smiles) Bothways, stressful in a way financially

pero more of fulfillment kasi madami kang natututunan…yon…
parang you’re like a staff nurse, yun nga lang wala kang sweldo.”
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 41
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 42
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 43

III. Level III: In-depth Understanding

The reasearchers moved back and forth between explanataion and naïve understanding

for them to arrive at an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of stress among volunteer


Theme 1: Stressors

Nowadays, everything is rapidly developing with the help of science and technology and

this includes the development of nursing practice. Nursing have been identified by the number of

studies as a stressful occupation. Philippines produce a lot of nurses every year thus creating a

surplus of nurses in the country. For the fresh R.N’s to aquire work experience they are pushed

to enter the volunteering service. Similar to staff nurses, volunteer nurses also experiences stress

inside their work place. Gautam (2007) stated that stress is widely prevalent phenomenon that

exacts a heavy toll on quality of human life. Stress when severe can cause a lot of harm to the

body and in the modern day it is to be known as a condition caused by stressors. They are causes

of anxiety and worry which facilitate the occurrence of stress. Examples of stressors that

volunteer nurse’s experiences are workload; being short on resources; and dealing with

uncooperative family members and patients have all been found to be stressors experienced by

nurses. In addition to these work-related stressors, studies also have identified factors associated

with nurses' physical and psychological wellbeing. These factors can include lack of support

from others; the use of escape-avoidance as a coping mechanism; conflict with physicians and

other nurses; inadequate educational preparation; uncertainty about patients treatment; workload

and dealing with death and dying; use of problem-focused coping; psychological hardiness; poor

communication confidence in one's ability and use of self-control and distancing as coping
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 44
mechanisms (Lambert and Lambert, 2004). The above factors happen to us everyday and this is

the reason why stress is also part of their lives.

Canadian Mental Health Association (2000) stated that workplace stress occurs when the

challenges and demands of work become excessive, the pressures of the workplace exceed the

worker's ability to handle them, and job satisfaction turns to frustration and exhaustion. For

volunteer nurses work place condition absolutely affects their performance. They are also often

exposed to tragic scenarios while in the workplace, sometimes many each and every day. The

toll this takes cannot be measured.

The presence of workplace stress imposes a cost factor on any work setting.

Costs, directly related to workplace stress, can involve absenteeism, employee turnovers, and

short- and long-term disabilities, workplace accidents, and worker's compensation claims and


Theme : Coping Strategies

Just like a staff nurse, volunteers also tend to encounter and experience stress in

their work thus allowing them to develop their own personal ways on dealing and coping with

stress. Coping can be defined as the constantly changing cognitive and behavioral efforts to

manage specific external and/or internal demands that are appraised as taxing or exceeding the

resources of the person (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). Davis, Robin and McKay (2008) said that

different people will have different reactions to particular situations that is why the volunteers

tends to have their own personal coping strategies when they encounter stressful situations.

Coping activities may be problem-focused in that they are directed externally and involve

attempts to manage or change the problem causing the stress. On the other hand, coping

activities may be emotion-focused in that they are internally directed and involve attempts to
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 45
alleviate emotional distress. Examples of problem-focused coping includes problem-solving

activities, recognizing one's role in solving a problem and confronting the situation by using

some degree of risk-taking behavior; while emotion-focused coping includes wishful thinking,

avoidance of confront behavior, and detachment or disengagement from the situation. Volunteers

uses problem-focused coping when they encounter stresses specifically when the significant

other of the patient exerts a heavy demand on them, as informant number 5 said “bale ang

ginawa ko…hindi na ko ng paapekto sa kanya.kahit tanong sya ng tanong, sinasagot ko na lang

kahit paulit ulit sya, I tried my best na ma explain sa kanya mabuti kahit na kakairita…ganun.”.

Volunteers also uses emotional-focused coping when they use their ways of relaxation like

reading books, listening to music, giving time to self, having a massage and other ways because

they primarily do this to alleviate the feeling of stress..

One informant said that for him to be relaxed he leaves all the burdens and stresses at

work. Relaxing before leaving work or upon arriving at home allows a person to let go of and

decompress from the tensions of his or her busy day and become calm and revitalized enough to

enjoy personal time at home (Davis, Robinson, McKay, 2008). Another informant said that by

enjoying her work the stress that she experienced tends to be reduced. Many a times people just

do not realize that they are stressed because they end up making stress a part of their lives (Hills,

Reiss, Dombeck, 2008). Davis once said that a person must learn how to cope with social

stressors such as demands for their attention, competing priorities, interpersonal conflicts and

financial problem, which some of the informants do by the use of their own personal way of


Theme 3: The Different Facets of Volunteering

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 46
Although the act of volunteering inflicts stress to the informants, it has a lot of benefits to

give for the nurses. Voluntreering is the perfect training ground for newly registered nurse to

gain clinical experience and it helps a lot for the molding of thei knowledge, skills and attitude. It

is also the perfect vehicle for the informants to discover something they are really good at and

develop a new skill. The informants also find the fulfillment because of their motive behind

volunteering ehich is altruism---the unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others

(Street, 1994)



Learning qualitative research is not that easy. It took the group some time to fully

understand and absorb Nursing Research to our system. At first, due to the preconceived notion

that research is too complex for us students, we were not aware of what is really happening when

doing research and its significance with nursing, then through the detailed discussions by our

professor and some book readings, we realized that we can actually produce more in-depth,

comprehensive information making us better nurses in the future. It needed a lot of hard work in

making this study. It took us some time in gathering data from the informants, a lot of obstacles

went along our way. We all know that everything has its pros and cons. One thing I noticed is

that we had difficulties in establishing reliability and validity of the approaches and information

among the informants. But that did not stop us from continuing our study. Instead we used some

techniques in maintaining the validity of the qualitative research. By being a good listener, we

were able to properly interpret and accurately record the response of the informants. One thing

we liked in doing this research is the fact that all of us were awakened by the reality on how

volunteer nurses experience stress. This exceptional event made a change within us, a change
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 47
that made us an advocate of Qualitatve Research. Every moment spent in making this qualitative

research was all worth it.

According to De Santis and Ugarissa as cited by Polit & Beck (2008), a theme is an

abstract entity that brings meaning and identity to a current experience and its variant

manifestation. As present in the findings section, the researchers were able to come up with three

main themes namely 1) Stressors 2) Coping Strategies and 3) Different facets of Volunteering.

In this study, the researchers discovered that the informants are stressed due to

volunteering. The stressors across the nurses include, first day high, troubles with colleages,

volunteering as a non-profit service, dealing with patients and SO, understaffing and workload

and workplace condition long hours duty.

Problems encountered that brought stress on their first day as volunteers, poor working

relationships between nurses and doctors, working on behalf of other without payment for their

time and service, demanding communication and relationships with patients and relatives,

understaffing and high workload, the workplace conditions and long hours of duty.

Due to a wide range of demands in volunteering, the informants have different strategies

on how to relax and cope up with the stress that they experienced inside the hospital. Some

informants find relief through listening to music, going to the mall, going to the spa to get

massage, hanging out with friends reading books and sometimes just staying at home gives them

a feeling of relaxation.

Although volunteering leads to stress, it has a lot of benefits to give for the nurses.

Volunteering is the perfect vehicle for the informants to discover something they are already

good at and develop a new skill. The informants find fulfillment because of their motive behind
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 48
volunteering which altruism—the unselfish regard is for or devotion to the welfare of others

(Street, 1994).


The study implies that volunteer nurses just like an ordinary staff nurse experiences

different stresses in a hospital due to a variety of factors. The study may serve as a wakeup call

for the nursing service administration to give importance and value to the volunteers. The

presented stresses may help the nursing service administrators to develop a more effective way

of dealing and treating nurse volunteers meaningfully since thay are aware of their condition.

For that reason members of directors of nursing chief of hospitals, chief nurses and

assistant chief nurses should be sensitive and flexible when it comes to dealing with volunteer

nurses. They should be more aware of the needs of the volunteer nurses rendering their service.

In view of the fact that volunteers are also nurses practicing in their hospital, the nursing service

administrator should be sensitive and flexible enough to know the stresses that nurse volunteers’



Based on the findings of the study and experiences of the researchers, the following

suggestions are made for:

Recommendation for the consideration of the study limitations for future researches with

similar perspective of the topic under study, putting into consideration the nature of

phenomenological study which usually entails a considerable length of interview which takes

months of lived-shared experiences with the person under study. The researchers therefore

recommend change in research methodology as the length of time frame procedure. Substantial
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 49
and significant length of time frame for the data gathering and analysis process is an important

factor for an even more successful and in depth description of lived experiences of a person.

This study can be considered as a center study and it researches had laid the foundation

and the groundwork of the phenomenology especially with regards to its lived experiences.

Consequently, recommendations for a replication of the study are highly recommended.

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 50


Bailey, R. D. (1985) Coping With Stress in Caring. Oxford,.Blackwell,1985.

Bidewell, J. (2007). A Survey of Role Stress, Coping and Health in Australian and New Zealand
Hospital Nurses. Retrieved Spetember 03, 2010, from http://www.stress.org/job/htm

Burns, N., & Grove, S.K. (2007). Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence
Based Practice (4th ed.). China: Elsevier, Inc.

Canadian Mental Health Association (2000). Stress in the Workplace. Retrieved Spetember 3,
2010, from http://www.suicideinfo.ca/csp/assets/alert42.pdf

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (1999). State and Work. Retriever Januray 17, 2010,
from http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/stress.htm

Davis, M., Rubbins, E. & McKay,M. (2008). The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook (6th
ed.). United States of America

Health Guide. (20027). A Stress Management. Retrieved September 03, 2010, from

Lambert, V. & Lambert, C. (2000). International Journal for Nurses. Retrieved Spetember 03,
2010, from http://www.ijn.com

Milss, H., Reiss, N. & Dombeck, M. (2008). Stress Reduction and Management. Retrieved
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Dein, S., & Abbas, S (2005). The Stresses of Volunteering in a Hospice: A Qualitative Study.
Retrieved January 05, 2010, from

Delta Health Education Parternship. (2004). Stress. Retrieved February 02, 2010, from

Douglas, S.C. (1999). Organizationally induced work stress: The role of employee bureaucratic
orientation. Retrieved January 17, 2010, from http://www.

Fain, J. (2004). Reading, understanding and applying nursing research (2nd ed.). Philadelphia:
Davis Company
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 51
Gadamer, J. (1976). “Moral Matters,” The New England Journal of Medicine 292, no.2 (9
January 1975): 78-80.8. J.R.S. Wilson, “The Argument of Republic VI,” Philosophical
Quarterly 26 (1976): 111-124

Gautam, J (2007). Stress and the Mind. Retrieved January 12, 2010 from

Health Safety Executive. (2007). Stress and Management Standards. Retrieved January 11,
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Lazarus, R. S., & Folkman, S. (1984). Stress, appraisal and coping. New York: Springer Pub.

Macnee, C.L. (2004). Understanding nursing research, reading and using research in practice.
Philadelphia: Lipincott Williams and Wilkins.

Pegues, D. S. (2007). 30 Days to taming your Stress. Harvest House Publishers.

Polit, D. & Beck, C. (2006). Nursing Research: Methods, Appraisal and Utilization (6th ed.).
Philadelphia: Lipincott Williams and Wilkins

Polit, D. & Beck, C. (2008). Nursing Research: Methods, Appraisal and Utilization (8th ed.).
Philadelphia: Lipincott Williams and Wilkins

Riding, R J. and Wheeler, H. H. Occupational stress and cognitive style in nurses. British
Journal of Nursing 1995a, 4 (2), 103-107.

Schizophrenia Fellowship NSW (2008). Volunteer Development Area. Retrieved January 17,
2010, from http://www.sfnsw.org.au/Support-Us/Volunteer/default.aspx.htm

Speziale, H. & Carpenter, D. (2003). Qualitative Research in Nursing Advancing the Humanistic
Imperative (3rd ed.) Phladelphia: Lipincott Williams and Wilkins

Street, L. (1994). Volunteering for Work Experience. Retrieved January 28, 2010, from

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Wilson, T.D., & Schutz, A. (2006). Phenomenology and Research Methodology for Information
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The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 52

Topic List and Guide Questions
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 53

1. Relationship with colleagues
2. Volunteering as a non-profit service
3. Dealing with patients
4. Workplace conditions
5. Duty hours
6. Dealing with stress/coping strategies
7. Most stressful situations

Guide Questions
Questions will be asked in no particular order

1. How long have you been volunteering?

2. How well do you enjoy volunteering?
3. How was your first day as a nurse volunteer?
4. What time is your duty? Since your duty is from ___ to ___, do you get enough sleep?
5. How is your relationship with your colleagues?
6. Since volunteering is a non-profit service, is there someone who supports you
7. Is there any instance you feel stressed?
8. In what situations do you feel stressed most?
9. How do you deal with stressful situations?
10. Is there an instance wherein the patient or SO made you feel stressed?
11. Do you find your workplace as a stressor? In what instances?
12. How does stress affect your performance?
13. Because of the stresses that you experience in volunteering, do you sometimes regret
being a volunteer nurse?
14. Do you see volunteering as a fulfilling or stressful service?
15. In what ways do you cope up with stress?
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 54

Reflexive Journals
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 55

Learning qualitative research is not that easy. It took me some time to fully understand

and absorb it to my system. At first, due to the preconceived notion that research is too complex

for us students, I was not aware of what is really happening when doing research and its

significance with nursing, then through the detailed discussions by our professor and some book

readings, I realized that I can actually produce more in-depth, comprehensive information

making me a better nurse in the future. It needed a lot of hard work in making this study. I am so

glad for the reason that the group worked as a team in seeking a wide understanding of the entire

situation. It took us some time in gathering data from the informants, defying walks while it

rains. We all know that everything has its pros and cons. One thing I noticed is that we had

difficulties in establishing reliability and validity of the approaches and information among the

informants. But that did not stop us from continuing our study. Instead we used some techniques

in maintaining the validity of the qualitative research. By being a good listener, I was able to

properly interpret and accurately record the response of the informants. One thing I liked in

doing this research is the fact that all of us were awakened by the reality on how volunteer nurses

experience stress. This exceptional event made a change in me, a change that made me an

advocate of Qualitatve Research. Every moment spent in making this qualitative research was all

worth it.

Maria Aurora I. Rivera

“No road is too long for him who advances slowly and does not hurry, and no attainment is
beyond his reach who equips himself with patience to achieve it.”

I already expected all the work and sacrifices we have to do at the time I knew that we

will have to accomplish a qualitative study. Since it is a phenomenological study we have to start

from nothing until we gather all the data. Though I know it is hard and sometimes confusing, our
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 56
leader just told us at the very beginning that we can do it if the group will participate and do the

assigned task properly.

We started it with a lot of library work and searching for related literatures. It is quite

hard because I’m not good in searching studies and references. Time was also a problem because

we still have other things to do like the lectures and quizzes in NCM and the requirements in our

RLE duty. We have to sacrifice our free time to finish the proposal, meet the group and our

consultant. I anticipated the stress of the volunteer nurse in hospital like no salary, treatment of

other nurses and doctors, workloads and long hours of duty. Although I have this in mind, I need

to set aside this for me not to lead the conversation during the interview.

Searching for informants and meeting them for the interview was also hard because our

schedule do not match, so it comes to the point that we interviewed them during our break time

in our RLE duty. Formulating the different sections, typing and transcribing the initial and

follow-up interview was also not easy. As we reach the analysis of data, it becomes more

difficult because we have to repeatedly read the transcriptions and describing the data carefully.

Along doing it, I understand the process and was able to practice my critical thinking skills and

at the same time, I also appreciated my soon to be profession more.By doing this study, as we

experienced all the hardships and stresses, we have proven that through cooperation from the

members, patience, proper time management, unity and dedication to finish the thesis is the key

to achieve what you’re aiming for. Although it’s a difficult task, it’s very fulfilling to finish it.

Errold L. Gutierrez
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 57
“The expert of anything was once a beginner”

As a beginner, we don’t even know how to start this study. Qualitative research is

not easy to accomplish because it is based from the lived experiences of the informants. It is a

big challenge on our part.

Our study is all about the “Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital: Interpretive

Phenomenological Analysis of Nurse Volunteers’ Experience”. Our informants are the volunteer

nurses and we tried our best to focus and pay attention with regards to this matter. In doing this,

we need a lot of adjustments, patience, sacrifices and hardwork to finish this paper. First,

patience; since it is a lived experience, we are not allowed to eliminate and choose only on their

right answer or statements. At data collection process, we need to transcribe all the information

we gathered. Even though we have NCM104, we tried to maximize and balance our time. We

enjoyed making this and the bond that this thesis has given to us was just a matter of time

management. Some of the researchers told us that it is hard to do, but me and my group mates

gave our best in this matter. Second, sacrifice; as a researcher this is one of the factors that we

must have to take in mind like study, family and money. Lastly, hard work; every one of us in

the group have different personalities and skills. In line with this, we dedicated ourselves and

despite of our busy schedule, we truly follow our goal “to finish this study”. But for all of the

happiness, there is always time for failures and this failures area not the reason for us to give up.

Jackielyn Manongdo

“Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it”
-Orison Swett Marden –

Completion of this research study is a success for us students. We just not only dream but

we work hard for it, all members give their best to make this thesis presentable and worthy for
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 58
the readers eyes. At last after all the sacrifices, the stress and hard work we can finally say that

we are not only student Nurses but we are also Researchers.

Before we start making the thesis proposal a lot of endorsement came out, they say that

we must be ready because it is the most toxic requirement. You will spend a lot of effort,

sacrifices, time and money. And we realize that it is true. At first we don’t know anything about

making thesis and doing a research study, we don’t know how to start and how to finish it.

Nervousness came first. But because of the help of our respective lecturers, their guidelines and

with the help of the reading materials in the library we able to finished and depend our thesis

proposal. But it just the first step, gathering of data, analyzation and the interpretation is much

difficult part than the proposal. Lack of time is one of the hindrances we encountered. We attend

our Rle Monday to Wednesday and after that we make rle requirements like case study, drug

study, journals and quizzes. Thursday and Friday is our ncm with lengthy of lessons and quizzes

Friday is our research lecture. We make other requirements on Saturday and Sunday. It is the

most tiring part of my student life; we set aside our social life to comply with the requirements.

During the gathering of data I was able to participate well. Together with my group mates

we went to assign hospitals to interview our informants. I was able to transcribe it, it took me 2

days to do it. Transcribing is not an easy thing. Focus and patience is needed. But during the

analyzation and interpretation phase, I was not able to participate 100%. I am not only a student;

I am also a mother and a wife. During this phases my son got sick he needed me badly I also

sacrifice even my ncm lectures in able to take care of my son after that my husband’s mother

was hospitalized and died, my husband came home from korea. As a wife I know that he needs

my comfort. It is the most difficult time of my student life, even though studies is important to

me I need to prioritized my family. I was not able to attend some meetings but I make sure I
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 59
contribute something I was given take home assignments and I was able to comply with it. But

guilt bothered me , my group mates said that they understands me but I know it’s not fair for

them because some times they spend 9 in the evening and an overnight t in able to finish on time.

I am very thankful for their support and understanding.

Completing this research study gives and teaches us many things not just for the

compliance of the requirements but also we saw the real life of volunteer nurses, we able to

understand their situation and feelings that someday we may encounter. As a group we learn to

work as one, to understand each other short comings and appreciated each and everyone’s talent

and witt. And lastly our group hope‘s that this research study will meet it’s goal to address to all

and solve the stresses of the volunteer nurses for the betterment of heath care industries and to

render care without any discomforts. For now we can relax, after all the hard work, the success is

in our hands. success that we will not forget instead will serve as an inspiration for the readers

and for us researchers and future nurses.

Garcia, Cristine SR.

“You can learn new things at anytime in your life if you’re willing to be a beginner. If you
actually learn like being a beginner, the whole world opens up to you.”
-Barbara Sher

Being a novice or a beginner to something is like a baby that begins to learn how to walk.

He/she will stand and bravely take little step for him/her to walk safely but being a beginner

she/he might lose balance and will fall. When it happens, the mother or father will guide and

support their baby to stand and continue to walk. Just like us, accomplishing a study with little

understanding and knowledge of what should do and how to do. The child may represent us, the

researchers, which may fall or learn to walk and walk with guidance or can stand alone. The

guidance or the mother and father represent the one who helps and gives support for us. They are
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 60
the one who share knowledge and advices to direct us rightly in doing the study. We might not

succeed to accomplish things by reason of misunderstanding and failures that is inevitable in a

group. However, it is like an expert that one’s happen to be a beginner.

Our study is a qualitative research design, a complex and challenging study that in fact

requires perseverance, patience, hard-working and most specially team work and unity of the

group. Back when we are just making a proposal is quite an easy task. But after our thesis

proposal was accepted, it requires a lot of things to do and another responsibility to make. We

need to imply our objectives, make guide questions for the interview, and finally find a qualified

informant. At the start, it is tiring for the reason that you need to comply with all the

requirements before you can make an actions like accomplishing communication letter, make a

preliminary visit to all hospitals available for our study and interview informants that conflicts

with our schedules.

I thought making a qualitative research is simple. You just need to interview and interpret

but I’m wrong! You need to transcribe then make themes over the transcription then interpret

and make understanding over it. It is not to easy nor hard to bring about a qualitative study.

Although we experience hassle moments, I, as for myself, during research process itself I

begin to understand, enjoy, learn and love doing it even it requires a lot of time and sacrifices to

accomplish this study. If you actually love what you are doing, you will come up with a fulfilling

and worthy outcome even if trials may come. Along with together with the guidance of our

Divine God and all the enormous prayers, I can whole heartedly say that it is worth-spending and

I can say that I’m engaged with the underpinning ethos of qualitative research.
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 61
I may not be an advocate of qualitative research but I may recommend it to people who

have good writing skills and people who are willing to discover and determined to be acquainted

with lived experiences of other people.

Aquino, Yza Marie P.

“The most hopelessly stupid man is he who is not aware that he is wise.”
~Isaac Asimov

I can still remember the day when I picked, together with the other group leaders,

the research method that we have to utilize for our research paper. When I saw that we were

going to use Qualitative method a gush of excitement and anxiety came to me, excitement

because I thought that qualitative method is a lot easier than quantitative research and anxiety

due to the fact that we are just beginners in doing a research paper.

We started doing the research paper in a scratch; there are even times when I’m

starting to lose my hope in finishing this paper because I always think that we’re not equipped

with knowledge to do this paper but as day passed by we were able to get the ethos of a

qualitative research by reading and reading materials regarding our research method. We

continued to work with the guidance of our instructor and adviser but problems started to arise

when we came to the analysis and interpretation part. Because we were given an interpretation

method that no one in the college have ever used, which is Ricoeur’s Method of Interpretation,

we felt that we are stuck in nowhere but we manage to struggled our way out towards the

finishing of our paper. Another problem I encountered as a leader, was seeing some members

lose their interest in doing our paper; one member was busy with her dates, another member

chose to prioritize her family (which I think was a right choice) and some who always raised

their eyebrows to every task that was assigned to them, but I learned to be patient because I
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 62
believe that with my group mates everyone has different attitude and ways of getting things done

but at the end of the day what matters most is that we are aiming towards one goal.

Now, as we finish our research paper, I can say that we now belong to the persons

and groups who advocate Qualitative Research.

Paul John M. Timbol

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 63

Interview Transcripts
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 64

First interview

R: Good morning po.. (smiles)

I1 [1.1]: Good morning din..(smiles)

R : ahhmm.. kami po yung 4th year students ng Holy Angel..ahmm.. magcoconduct po sana
kami ng interview ahhhmm... regarding po saa..ahhh..pagigingvolunteer niyo.

I1 [1.2]: ahhhhhhh..o sige..

R: uhhmm.. kumusta po kayo ngayong araw na to?

I1 [1.3]: Okay lang toxic.. kagaya ng daye kase... konti lang kami diyo....tapos madaming

R: ahhhhmmm... kelan po keyo naggraduate? (nodding&smiles)

I1 [1.4]: Naggraduate ako nung ano.. year 2009 tapos...ahhmmm.. hindi pa lumalabas yung
resulta ng board exam nag...nagsubmit nako ng resume ko dito tas hanggang ngayon
nagvovolunteer ako... kahit na pumasa nako ng board exam.

R: Nung,,,,nag ano... nagpass kayo ng resume, kagad po ba kayong natanggap na as a volunteer?

I1 [1.5]: oo kasi.. ahh.. bago pa... bago pa man... bago pa lumabas yung resulta nagpass nako..
kase... nafefeel ko naman na parang papasa ako, sayang naman yung time... naisip ko nga
magcalllcenter nalang ako pero... kase baka yung....yung...term ko para maging callcenter baka
umalis din ako dun, nakakahiya baka isipin nila ginagamit ko lang sila... kaya ayun nagvolunteer
na ako kagad dito..

R: So... kelan kayo nagstart na magvolunteer?

I1 [1.6]: Ano... year............2009 din........nung pagkatapos kong magboard exam nga.

R: Anong month?

I1 [1.7]: Anong month? august yata yun.. hindi ko na matandaan.. 1yr na kase mahigit yun ehh,,

R: ohh.. kumusta naman po yung ano,1st day niyo po yung pagvovolunyeer niyo?

I1 [1.8]: Yung 1st day ko? nakakakaba kase ano... parang pakiramdam mo studyante ka parin
pero wala na C.I mo... yung wala ng maggaguide sayokung hindi mo alam kung tama yung
ginagawa mo...Yon..
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 65
R: Mga ilang days po... or weeks bago.. bago kayo nasanay?

I1 [1.9]: Bago ako nasanay? na? .. siguro ano 3 weeks din yontas yung paulit-ulit nalang , naging
routinary nalang..nasanay nadin ako hanggang ngayon parang feeling ko... nurse ns nurse na ko..

R: Anong ginawa nyo po para masanay kay, kase before po sabi nyo may C.I tapos biglang wala
na.. ganyan..

I1 [1.10]: Bago pa ko nagvolunteer...ahhh... nagbasabasa akong notes ko, syempre dahil nga
wala, wala kanang napagkukunan ng ano mo.. impormasyon.. nag.. nagsariling sikap ako na
nagreview ako kahit nagboard exam nako.. nireview ko yung.. yung pagcompute ng medicines..
yung mga nursing procedures.. nireview ko yun para kahit sa sarili ko lang magkakatiwala na

R: ahhmmm saan po kayo unang area na naassign as a volunteer?

I1 [1.11]: Dito sa ward.. sa ward, sa ward ng Garcia Medical..Medical Center..(smiles)

R: Wala po ba kayong naencounter na problem dahil bago kayo nagvolunteer, ganon..

I1 [1.12]: ahhh? problem? ahhhhhhmm. yung ano.. yung problem? yung kapag maraming
pasyente tapos kailangan kong magpatulong, hindi ako makahingi ng tulong kasi di ako
makapagtanong sa mga staff nurse kase nahihiya ako dahil nga ano, baguhan palang tas sila.,
baka isipin nila kasi kabago-bago ko hindi ko alam yung ginagawa ko yonn..

R: ahhh.. gano na po kayo katagal na nagvovolunteer?

I1 [1.13]: Ano.. 1yr na nean.. kaso, bago pa kasi to, tumigil akong 3mos kasi ano..kailangan kong
irenew ung contract kaya un.. magwa1yr na nian

R: ahhh.. same hospital po ba o galing na kayo sa iba?

I1 [1.14]: Hindi.. galing nako sa public tas iyon nga nagprivate ako..

R: ahhh.. ano po ba sa inyo... para sa inyo... ahhhh... ano yung pagkakaiba ng pagduduty niyo sa
public atsaka ngayon dito sa private?

I1[1.15]: ahhhh.. malaki kasi yung ano.. yung kagaya nung date pag nasa public ka mainit
tas ahhh.. dito ayan medyo malamig ng konte, nakakapagtrabaho ka ng maayos tapos sa.. yung
dami ng pasyente tapos yung syempre ung status sa buhay ng pasyenye, ung kapag nasa public
ka yung kulang sila sa gamut pati ikaw namumrublema.. syempre kailangan mu ng ibigay ng
ganitong oras tas wala pa silang gamot.. naiistress ka kung pano mu ba sila mabibigyan eh wala
silang pambili.. unlike dito sa private, ipiprepare mu nalang tapos ibibigay mo na tapos yung
kapag.. kapag ano may sobra silang pagkain kapag uuwi na iyong pasyente, nabibigyan nila
kami.. di gaya ng public parang ikaw pa iyong magbibigay ng pagkain sa kanila..
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 66

R: ahhmm.. san po nyo mas naenjoy yung pagiging volunteer? sa public po or ngayon sa private?

I1 [1.16]: Pareho lang kase kapag nasa public ka ahhhh... nararanasan mu lahat ng walang
restrictions pero kase mas ideal dito kesa dun sa public na pinaggalingan ko.. ok din kahit saan
kase basta nakakatulong ka sa pasyente mo , yung may sense of fullfillment ka ganon..

R: ahhhmmm.. ngayon po sa present hospital po, ano pong time ng duty nyo po?

I1 [1.17]: ahhh.. dahil volunteer ako, 7am to 7pm ako dito.. 5P

R: ahhhmm.. buong week po ba iyon?2P

I1 [1.18]: Oh.. ahhh... ano, ahhh.... buong week sya pero may day off ako ng 2 days pero 7, 7am
to 7pm parin ako..

R: ahhhhmm.. sa schedule niyo po ahhh... nakakakuha ba kayo ng ano... ahhh... mahabang oras
sa pagtulog?

I1 [1.19]: Sa pagtulog, sakto lang pero hindi na naman yung sobra-sobra kagaya ng dati.. diba,
syempre volunteer ka, hindi naman kase graveyard diba?

R: Bukod po sa pagvovolunteer niyo, may iba po ba kayung pinagkaka-abalahan..raket? ganun..

I1 [1.20]: Wala ehh.. kase 7am to 7pm ako kaya kung magraraket man ako mahihirapan ako,
hindi talga ako makakuwi samen nun.

R: ahhhmm.. hindi pi ba yung pagvovolunteer wala syang sweldo? wala kang allowance?

I1 [1.21]: oo., tas minsan ikaw pa ang nagbabayad sa hospital na pagvovolunteer mo.

R: ahhhmm.. sa ..san po kayo kumukuha ng daily ...allowance nyo po kung wala po kayong

I1 [1.22]: ahhh.. daily allowance, yon yung mahirap .. kasi yung kapag ahhh.. kagraduate mo,
pasado kana ng board ahhh.. umaasa ka parin sa parents mo kase dito nga kapag nagvovolunteer
ka wala kang sweldo. so, parang nag-aaral parin ako. humihingi parin ako ng baon sa parents ko..
sila parin yung sumusuporta pero siguro pag..pag na ahhh.. nakuha.. nakuha dito naging regular
employee na ko hindi na ko hihingi sa kanila syempre, kahit papaano kahit yung pamasahe lang
galing na skin.

R: Nagcacause ba yun ng stress yung sa dahil syempre wala kang ano..ahhh..salary.. nagcacause
ba yun ng stress yun para sa inyo?

I1 [1.23]: Oo malaking factor yun ng stress syempre ahhh... kagaya niyo 4th year palang kayo
kapag, kapag ahhhh... nagvolunteer na kayo marerealize mo na nakakahiya na syempre 4 years
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 67
ka nilang pinag-aral tapos hanggang sa pagtatrabaho mo sila parin yung susuporta sayo.. minsan
gusto mong gugumawa ng raket para may pagkakaabalahan ka may makukuha ka na extra
income. pero wala talaga kailangan mo paring umasa sa kanila., nakakastress yun kase
hindi..hindi ka nila hindi mo sila matutulungan kase sila parin yung tutulong sayo.

R: ahhhm... kumusta naman po yung relationship niyo po sa mga kasamahan niyo po?

I1 [1.24]: ahhh.. sa mga kasamahan ko? mababait yung mga kasamahan ko dito pero yung yung
halimbawa yung 1st 3 weeks ko dito medyo naiilang ka syempre kasi sila matagal na ikaw bago-
bago palang pero habang tumatagal maganda yung pakikitungo nila sa akin yung tinuturuan nila
ako sa mga hindi ko alam ganyan..yon.. mabait naman sila.. silang lahat mabait.

R: Wala po bang ahhh... seniority or discrimination halimbawa po dun po sa mga staff nurse,
hindi po ba kayo binibigyan ng sobrang trabaho kasi volunteer lang kayo tas sila staff na

I1 [1.25]: Hindi nila ahhh.. inaalagaan nila ako dito, minsan nga kapag pagod nako ahh.. hindi
mo man nafefeel na nagvovolunteer ka parang.. parang.. staff narin ako dito ehh.. mabait kasi
sila sa inyo, yung kapag din kayo pumili din kayo ng hospital na maganda yung pakikitungo sa
inyo ng mga nurse uhhhmmm. iyon..

R: ahhhm meron po bang instances na naistress kayo kapag nagwowork kayo as a volunteer?

I1 [1.26]: May.. may instances na stress ba kapag navovolunteer ka? oo syempre yun nga kapag
kadalasan yung workload yung kapag minsan kase pagnatiyempo ka sa madaming pasyente tas
sabay-sabay ang meds mo yun...yun palang nakakastress na iyon 3P

R: Ano pong ginagawa nyo para makacope kayo sa stress niyo?

I1 [1.27]: ahhh... para makacope sa stress? kapag day-off ko..nagrerelax ako...natutulog

ako..ahhh..family...family matters,yun ganon.. yung nag-sisimba yung hindi ko muna iniisip
yung trabahong papasukan ko...tyaka kase pagkatapos ng trabaho mo,tapus na din ang stress
mo..matutulog ka tas paggising mo ganun parin..(smiles)

R: Sa first year niyo po na pagvolunteer ano po ang pinaka stressful situation na naranasan nyo?

I1 [1.28]: ahhh... ano, uhhhmmm..hindi dito sa...okay lang bang hindi dito sa private?

R: Okay lang po.. (smiles)

I1 [1.29]: Yung sigurong pinaka stresssful ngayong nasa public hospital ako, yung sa O.R kasi
ang sinusugod nila tapos dalawa lang kaming nakaduty volunteer pareho.. hindi mo alam kung
sinong pupuntahan mo, pare-pareho silang nag-aarest..naiistress ka hindi mo alam syempre kung
kaya mo silang buhayin kung pwede ngang madivide yung katawan mo sa tatlo that time,
gagawin mo e kaso nakakastress yon,..nakakastress yon kase madami ng nag-aarest tapos dalawa
lang kaming nakaduty..
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 68

R: So that time, ano pong ginagawa mung hakbang para malessen yung stress niyo?

I1 [1.30]: aahmmm.. una sa lahat, kayi matututunan niyo na dapat huwag kayong magpanic
kapag nakikita niyong may nag-aarest na ganyan. kase ang tendency kapag nagpanic ka, di ka
masyadong makakagalaw dyan sa kinatatayuan mo kaya dapat maging alerto ka kung ano ang
susunod na gagawin mo.tapos yon.. step-by-step kasi dapat may presense of mind ka yung
huwag kang pupunta ng trabaho na grogy ka.. syempre buhay ng pasyente ang hinahawakan
natin, kaya dapat seryoso ka hindi ka pwedeng magkamali.

R: Meron din po bang instances na naistress kayo sa mga pasyente o kaya sa mga S.O?

I1 [1.31]: sa mga pasyente, hindi gaano pero sa mga S.O syempre yung mga pasyente hindi
naman laging nagsasalita o nagtatanong.. yan yung mga S.O lalu na yung mga dito sa pedia..
pedia ward yung mga S.O ng mga bata laging yon tinotoxic ka nila, minsan nga mastoxic pa
yung S.O sa pasyente.

R: Ano pong ibig sabihin sa inyo ang meaning na toxic?

I1 [1.32]: yung salitang toxic...yung...ahhhmm...yung parang ano?...ahhh..ahhh...yung salitang

yung toxic, yung parang tanong sila na tanong kahit gaano ka magexplain parang hindi parin nila
nagigets kase syempre magbnibigay ka ng medicine..ng mga meds hindi nila ...hindi nila alam
kung para saan yun..tas ikaw mageexplain ka naman syempre ayaw mo namang magpathophy sa
harap nila dahil hindi naman nga nila maiintindihan.. yun totoxikin ka nila, tatanungin ka nila ng
tatanungin pauulit-ulit yun..toxic yon..

R: Pano naman niyo ihahandle yon, yung situation na yon?

I1 [1.33]: sa mga toxic na S.O na ganon at sa mga situation, maging kalmado kalang
kasi..ahhh..role mo yun habang buhay na nurse ka,so ngayon palang hindi mo na alam ihandle
yung mga pasyente na ganyan..darating yung panahon,simpleng tanung lang natotoxic kana kaya
dapat maging kalmado ka tyaka masanay sa mga S.O na natoxic sayo.

R: ahhhmm.. ano naman yung workplace na natuturing ninyong stress po?

I1 [1.34]: ahh? yung workplace? siguro una na don, yung syempre yung sa public walang aircon
tapos yung nakakatulong yung may aircon tapos syempre yung mga equipments dahil nung
bagu-bago palang ako hindi ko alam pakialaman yo., baka kasi syempre di ba kahit kase
estudyante ka hindi mo naman lahat nahahandle yon kapag naging volunteer nurse kayo may
mga equipments na first time niyo palang makikita...tas hindi mo naman mapapakialaman tas
kailangan mong magseek ng help ng mga senior nurses mo, kakastress yung ganon. yung may
equipments na hindi mo alam sa yung pipindutin san mo idudugtong.

R: Pano naman po yon nakakaapekto yon sa performance niyo?

I1 [1.35]: Malaki yung epekto nun sa performance mo, syempre kung hindi mu alam
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 69
ah..pakialaman yung equipment na kailangan mung iattach sa patient mo, papno nalang
mabubuhay ang patient mo..halimbawa yung ventilators, yung ganon..

R: ahhh?.. sa lahat po ng stress na nabanggit nyo as a volunteer, naaapektuhan po ba yung

performance nyo?

I1 [1.36]: Yung performance?..Oo, minsan naapektuhan pero ahhh... hindi dapat na pangunahan
ng stress ang performance mo kasi nga dapat diba uhhhmmm...nurses tayo so, dapat ahhh... alam
mo yung ginagawa mo, mindful ka sa kung ano gagawin mo yung at yung di dapat mong gawin
sa kahit na nakakstress yon dapat uhhhmmm...hwag mung hayaan na stress na maistress ka
talaga, syempre buhay ng pasyente iyon.

R: uhhhmmmm..Sa pagiging volunteer po ahhh...dahil nga stressfull siya,

ahhhh..nagi...nag..nagkaroon na po ba kayo ng regret sa pagiging nurse volunteer?

I1 [1.37]: Nagkaroon na ba ko ng regret sa pagiging nurse? Hinde! ahhh...hindi ka ...kahit...kahit

na nakakastress ka, hindi ka nagkakaroon ng pagiging regretfull kase ano..ahhhmmmm...natututo
ka at syempre kapag pinagpatuloy mo to...Di ba magiging nurse ka din sa future kaya hindi ka
dapat na manghinayang dahil yung mga ginagawa ko ngayon as a volunteer, hindi lang naman
for the mean time ito habang buhay na makakatulong ka atsaka estudyante palang... di ba kayo
4th year palang, 4th na kayo alam nyo na ang trabaho nyo in the future magiging ganito.So, no
regrets talaga.. Tsaka kapag kasi may natututunan ka,ahhh...hindi ka dapat manghinayang.

R: Para po sa inyo, yung stress ba fullfilling or ano, stressfull service? or rather yung

I1 [1.38]: Ano, both! fulfilling sya kasi yung mga kagaya ng sinabi ko kanina marami kang
natututunan..ahhh...stressfull sya kasi yun na nga financilly kulang ka..pero...pareho lang
sressfull tska fullfilling pero...mas angat yung fullfilling kase nakakatulong ka di ba?

R: Para sa inyo naman po, anong definition ng stress as a volunteer nurse po..

I1 [1.39]: aaahhh...stress...uhhhhhhmmm...siguro yung ano...yung ( ano kasi yung sabi mo?)

aaaaaahhh..yung stress?! yun nga, as a volunteer, kase ahh.. yung trabaho mo hindi naman...hindi
naman kagaya ng iba na permanent sila, na may sahod sila ako kailangan pa kong tustusan
ganon..tapos nakakstress din yung..yun nga! kapag nga, yung equipments kulang-kulang yung
mga gamit, kailangan maging artistic kung basta mapunan ang kailangan ng pasyente. 4P

R: Oh yun namang as a nurse, ano pong meaning ng volunteering nurse po?

I1 [1.40]: ah.. volunteering nurse yung binibigay mo yung serbisyo mo sa mga tao for free, kahit
na hindi ka nila binabayaran..ahhhh.. libre mong binibigay yung sarili mo maka..yung time
mo..yung knowledge mo para sa kanila...

R: Pwede po ba kayong magbigay ng example na nga panu po icope yung stress naiexperience
nyo po as a volunteer nurse?
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 70

I1 [1.41]: ahh.. example? uhhhmm...ano..may...kapag ahhh...inienjoy mo yung ginagawa mo,

halimbawa kapag yung mageenjoy na kahit na nagsasawa ka na. Paulit-ulit magenjoy kana
magcatheter, magenjoy ka na may I.V kasi kapag naenjoy mo na yung work mo, di mo na sya
tinitake as stressfull kapag diba kapag kayo inenjoy nyo yung pinag-aaralan nyo ahhhhhhh..
hindi kayo naiistress tsaka yung sulitin nyo yung ngayon na may C.I.. Magtanong lang kayo ng
magtanong kasi kagaya ko volunteer na wala na akong masasandalan, pero as a volunteer nurse
kailangan masasabi ko lang kailangan enjoy lahat ng ginagawa mo.

R: So, as a volunteer nurse po ano pong maari ninyong iadvice sa mga soon yo be nurse tulad po
namin..? (smiles)

I1 [1.42]: kagaya kayo, mga 4th year.. ano ung maging masikap, matiyaga tsaka maging
determinado ka kasi una palang uhmmm..ahhh..sumusuko kana ahh.. ayaw mo na ang napapagod
ka, hindi ka aasenso sa buhay mo.. kagaya ng trabaho naten syempre di ba maraming nurses na
ahhh... nursing schools na nagpoproduce ng mga nurses yung marami kanang kakumpitensya.
So, para maiba ka sa kanila kailangan mong maging..maging masikap at mas determinado kasi
maraming tatamad-tamad. So ikaw maging exceptional ka, maging masipag ka.

R: ahh.. ganun po? Thank You po Ma'am..(smiles)

I1 [1.43]: Oh, Thanks din! Galingan niyo huh?!(smiles)

R: Sige po! Thanks po!

Second Interview

R: Good morning po. (smiles)

I1 [1.44]: Good morning din. (smiles)

R: Kumusta naman po kayo?

I1 [1.45]: Ayos lang, heto medyo toxic kase madaming admissions sa ngayon.

R: ahh.. Maam, bale kaya po kame nandito ulit kase po ahhm.. may mga follow up questions pa
po kami tsaka gusto po sana naming iclarify ang mga statements na sinabi nyo po nung
nakaraang ininterview po namin kayo.

I1 [1.46]: ahhh.. so, bale mag-iinterview kayo ulit?

R: Opo sana.. pwede po ba kayo ngayon?

I1 [1.47]: ahhh.. o sige .. why not! sige go!(smiles)

R: (smiles) aahhmm.. Maam, di po ba sabi nyo na 3weeks din bago kayo nasanay sa mga gawain
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 71
dito. may mga instances po ba na nagkamali kayo or nataranta sa mga toxic na gawain at sa mga
pasyente? Ano po ang ginawa nyo?

I1 [1.48]: Oo may ganung factor talaga kase kailangan talaga na dedicated ka para agad kang
masanay. So ang ginawa ko talagang nagfocus ako tsaka iyon binigay ko talaga ang best ko para
di ako mataranta, tsaka ayokong magkamali kase buhay ng pasyente ang nakasalalay dito kaya
dapat may presense of mind tsaka knowledge regarding all the procedures.

R: Yun naman pong sa mga problems na naencounter nyo, di po ba sabi nyo hindi po kayo
makahingi ng tulong o di kaya'y di makapagtanong sa mga staff nurse kase nahihiya kayo
ganyan..kase nga baguhan kayo ganyan..ahhh.. may times po ba na hindi nila kayo pinansin o

I1 [1.49]: ahhh.. wala.. hindi!.ahh.. kahit na bago ka dito ahhh.. yun nga nung nasa ward ako
ahh.. super toxic ng mga pasyente kase madami syang mga contraptions tas naka NGT tsaka
andami pa ng mga procedures ahh..nagtanong ako sa isang staff nurse dito tas ayun di naman sya
nagdalawang isip na tulungan ako kase nakikita nya siguro na nahihirapan ako tas andami ko
pang gagawin kaya iyon tinulungan niya ako.

R: Minsan lang po ba iyon?

I1 [1.50]: Hindi, basta wala silang ginagawa they are willing to help us kahit di mo sabihin.

R: ahhh.. ganun po ba? San po kayo po kayo mas natoxic? Sa private po ba o sa public?

I1 [1.51]: ahh.. pareho lang depende kase sa condition ng mga patient mo, kung madaming
kailangan gawin madaming meds syempre, yun toxic yon nun.. tas nung minsan nga, pabalik-
balik kapa kase yunna nga, pero mas mahirap sa public kase ang daming pasyente tas kung
minsan 6:1 pa.. yun.. kung mag-isa kalang talagang mahihirapan ka.

R: May times po ba na nainis kayo kase pabalik-balik kayo..ganyan.. kase di ba parang kung
baga every minute kailangan mo silang balikan ganyan..

I1 [1.52]: Kung minsan syempre hindi mo maiiwasan yung ganon syempre nakakainis narin kase
ang dami ng pasyente tas pabalik-balik ka.. yon.. nakakapagod iyon. Pero patience talaga ang
kailangan mong baunin althroughout your duty.. Syempre kase di ba kaya nga ito ang tinake-up
kong course kase challenging sya at least kahit pagod ka nakikita mo namang nag iimprove
naman ang kalagayan nya.

R: Nung pong nag20:1 kayo, paano nyo po hinandle yung ganon? Kase nga po di ba kahit
dalawa lang ang pasyente mo, nawiwindang ka kumbaga sa mga meds palang dapat alam mo

I1 [1.53]: Syempre! ahhh.. I'll make sure na everytime na nandito ako talagang sinusulat ko ang
lahat ng meds na kailangang ibigay tapos kung may bago pang Doctors order syempre pati yun
kailangan mung isulat.. Kaya dapat alisto ka at tsaka dapat sumusunod ka sa flow ng oras lalo na
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 72
pagtime of giving their meds.

R: Ano po bang pakiramdam, kunwari nakikita mong nag-aarest yung pasyente mo tapos wala
kang magawa.

I1 [1.54]: Ano.. ahh.. syempre kahit hindi mo sila kilala ahh..masakit sa pakiramdam..ahhhmm..
kase nakikita mo na nahihirapan sila ganon.. tas iyon feeling mo.. ahhh.. kulang pa iyong ginawa
mong pagkecare sa kanila.. ahh..ganon..

R: ahh.. ganon po ba? (smiles) Di ba po ba sabi nyo 7am-7pm kayo tas 2 days duty and 2 days
off ahhh... sa sched nyo po ba ahh.. di ba sabi nyo sakto lang..ahh.. may instances po ba
na nawawalan na kayo ng ganang pumasok kase syempre ang aga nyong pumupunta sa hospital?

I1 [1.55]: Hinde! Never pa kong nawalan ng gana..

R: ahh.. nalate na po ba kayo, kase di ba ang aga ng pasok niyo?

I1 [1.56]: Ayoko kase ng nalelate ako kase nasanay nari ako, dati nung nag-aaral ako
ganyan..sabi ng C.I ko bawal ang nalelate tsaka hate na hate ko takaga ang nalelate..Panget
naman kase iyon kase baka sabihin nila hindi pa ko staff e lage nakong late.. e baka mawalan
pako ng pag-asang na maging staff dito.

R: ahh.. oo nga po ahh.. wala po bang problema sa pakikitungo nyo sa mga kasamahan nyo dito?

I1 [1.57]: Wala naman thankful nga ako kase even sa mga Doctors mababait sila, tapos ahh..
kung minsan nga nakikipagbiruan pa sila ehh.

R: May mga instances po ba na naoofend kayo sa mga jokes nila o sa mga nasasabi nila ganyan.

I1 [1.58]: Hinde! ahh.. wala namang ganon tsaka ako kase heto medyo madaldal ako
(laughs).uhhmm.. minimaintain ko naman yung pagitan namen tsaka kahit na nagjojoke sila
nakikipagbiruan din naman ako..uhhmm.. hindi ko pa naeencounter yung ganung factor na
naoffend ako.

R: di ba po sabi nyo na medyo madaldal kayo? ahhmm.. di po ba sila nagagalit kapag sobra na, i
mean kapag nasosobrahan yung pagkamaingay nyo?

I1 [1.59]: Hindi naman, bakit sila magagalit(laughs) anyway,pag ganun nga masaya sila kase
daw kahit madaldal or nagdadaldalan kami we make it to the point na ginagawa namen yung
trabaho namen tsaka tinatapos namen iyon

R: Di po ba sabi nyo, one of the stress you encountered here is pagnag-aarest yung halimbawa 3
ganyan tas mag-isa kalang or dalawa kayo tapos..uhhmm pano nyo po hinahandle yung ganon?

I1 [1.60]: I make sure na hindi ako magpapanic, kapag ganung bagay kailangan talaga ng
presense of mind tapos kung kailangan nga lang na mahati yung katawan mo sa dalawa or tatlo
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 73
gagawin mo e kaso hindi naman mangyayari iyon kaya dapat alerto kalang tsaka dapat lagi kang

R: Sa mga stress nyo po na nabanggit nyo...ahh...hanggang sa ngayon po ba nafifeel nyo parin or

nararanasan nyo parin po ba?

I1 [1.61]: Ay!..oo syempre hindi talaga mawawala yon. every work or basta kahit anong trabaho
naman, kadugtong na talaga ang mga stressors na yon.So dahil don stress na stress ka na..kaya
kung hindi mo kayang ihandle wala na mastock ka na yung parang naggigive-up ka na,so dapat
kahit madaming stressors just face it pasasaan bat sa mga stress na din na yon eh dyan ka talaga
matututo at magiging matatag diba?

R: (nodding) ...yun po bang performance nyo kapag halimbawa ahh...patung-patong yung mga
ginagawa nyo naapektuhan po ba yung performance nyo nun?

I1 [1.62]: Medyo kase kung misan kailangan mong magbigay ng meds tapos may iuutos sayo
yung doctor tapos kailangan in a single snap dapat matapos mo.. syempre nakakawindang yung
ganon di ba?

R: (nodding) ay..ahhmm..so ganon.. di po ba sabi nyo na hindi kayo nagregret sa pagiging

volunteer nurse nyo uhmm.. maaari nyo po bang ipaliwanag kung bakit ganon ang inyong

I1 [1.63]: ahh.. (laughs) hinde..ahh.. kase since naman date ito na ang gusto.. choice ko to at
dedicated ako sa field na to kase ahh.. nag-eenjoy ako.. alam mo yun?! yung masarap kapag yung
feeling masarap kapag pagod kana pero nag-eenjoy ka naman basta hindi ako nagsisisi.. I loved
my work! I loved what I'm doing at syempre happy naman ako di ba?!

R: (smiles) oo nga naman.. o sa tagal nyo naman po sa pagiging volunteer, marami po ba kayong

I1 [1.64]: Natutunan? syempre naman parang nagstart ka sa pagiging student tas naging
volunteer nurse ahh.. kumbaga parang from basic yung parang pahapyaw tapos eto ngayo
andami ko ng baon na knowledge.

R: Maaari nyo po bang sabihin kung anu-ano yung mga bagay na natutunan ninyo?

I1 [1.65]: ahh.. yun na nga yung mga procedures kung date kinakabahan ka kapag kunware hindi
ka sanay so ngayon naboost yung confidence ko sa sarili tas parang kering-keri ko to.. Sisiw
nalang yan.. tapos ano pa ba? ahh.. yon.. yung kapag napapagalitan ka dapat hwag kang magalit
kase its so natural naman nung ganon..tsaka dapat kalmado, huwag iiyak at ipakita mong di ka
naapektuhan basta iabsorb mo nalang kase kung alam mo namang tama ka walang problema

R: ahh.. ganon po ba?

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 74
I1 [1.66]: oo ganun nga. (laughs)

R: ahhmm Maam bale yun nalang po.. hanggang dito na lamang po.

I1 [1.67]: (smiles) sure kayo?

R: Opo (smiles) Thank you po.

I1 [1.68]: Sige, Thank you din! Sana makatulong ako.. I mean yung nashare kong experience
with regards to my stresses.

R: Oo naman po..sobra po.

I1 [1.69]: sige, sana matapos nyo kagad yung study nyo. Gudluck and God Bless!

R: Sige po.(smiles)
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 75

First Interview

R: Ahh..good morning po. Kami po yung mga nursing student from Holy Angel University po.
Magko-conduct po kem ng interview regarding po sa ahh stress na naeexperience po ng
volunteer nurse, so , what year po kayo nag-graduate?

I2 [2.1]: Ahh, 2009 po.

R: Ok, so, ahh kelan po kayo nagstart magvolunteer nurse po?

I2 [2.2]: Nagstart pos a hospital dito?

R: Opo!

I2 [2.3]: Dito sa hospital Garcia, nagstarrt ako nung June 28.

R: June 28 po?

I2 [2.4]: Ayyy! Hindi! Mali ! March

R: March po?

I2 [2.5]: March 28 tapos three months ako nung June 28.

R: Ahhh..Nag-eenjoy naman po ba kayo sa pagvovolunteer?

I2 [2.6]: Oo, nageenjoy naman. Masaya! Kasi maraming experiences yung nalala, ano, parang
nurse ka na rin na, regulat\r staff nurse ka kasi nagagawa mo halos lahat kaya nga lang wala kang

R: Eh yung pong first day nyo kamusta naman po?

I2 [2.7]: Yung first day ko kasi naturally madaldal ako, kaya yun, ok naman. Dapat kasi talaga
malakas loob mo pagfirst day mo, yun lang.

R: Ilang araw, ayy! Ilang oras po duty nyo?

I2 [2.8]: Ahmm, nung nagstart, ahhh nagtutwelve hours kame. Actually tatlong shift yung
volunteer nurses dito. May eight hours, nine hours atsaka twelve hours.

R: Ahmm meron po ba kayong day off?

I2 [2.9]: May day off kame syempre! Syempre meron! Hehehe ☺

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 76
R: Ilang beses pos a isang araw?

I2 [2.10]: Yung kasi, parang may scheduling kasi minsan ahhh two days duty one day off.
Depende kung p.m. ka ahh one sleep off lang tapos a.m. ka na naman nun.
R: Yung pong sabi nyong may twelve hours po kayo?

I2 [2.11]: Oo, yung p.m.

R: Opo, ahhh may time po kayo na magkaroon ng enough sleep?

I2 [2.12]: Syempre iba! Katulad nung dati kung, kung student ka ‘di ba? Iba yung ahh time mo
para sa rest dito kasi medyo malayo din bahay naming so yung sleep kulang talaga.

R: Oh, kamusta naman po yung ano, relationship nyo between your colleagues po?

I2 [2.13]: Ok naman, kasi depende naman yun kung pano ka makikisama ‘di ba? Kaya ok

R: Sa mga doctors po?

I2 [2.14]: Yung mga doctors merong pili na hindi talaga ahh ano.

R: Mabaet?

I2 [2.15]: Pinapakita talaga nila na doctors sila tapos nurses lang tayo ganun pero may iba na
nakikipagkwentuhan talaga na parang ano lang, agkasing-edad lang kayo .

R: Yung pantay-pantay lang po?

I2 [2.16]: Hmm-mm pantay-pantay lang.

R: Yung pasyente po?

I2 [2.17]: Syempre no! Ahh private hospital ‘to, so sila lagi yung tama. Kaya ikaw dapat lagi
kang magpapasensya.

R: Sa mga relatives?

I2 [2.18]: Meron, depende sa mga cases ng patient minsan kasi pagdating dyan anon a, kailangan
ng, yan tulad nyan toxic biglabg, uyyy! Anong gingawa nyo? Bat nakatayo lang kayo? Ganun, so
meron talagang nagbibigay ng ano, ng ano, demand na hindi mo kayang ibigay kasi nga wala
tayong magagawa. Sumusunod lang tayo sa mga orders ng mga doctors.

R: Volunteer lang po kayo ‘di ba? So, wala naman pong sweldo ahh san nyo po nakukuha yung
everyday needs or financial needs?
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 77
I2 [2.19]: Syempre, mommy!hehehe ☺

R: Ahh, e sa daddy po? hehe

I2 [2.20]: Parents syempre!

R: So, sa duty nyo po, there’s an instances po na naistress po kayo?

I2 [2.21]: Meron, syempre! Kasi tulad nyan minsan, minsan kasi ahmm ‘di ba sabi ko may eight
hours kami pagtoxic mahihiya kang umalis, hindi! So, matutuloy tuloy ka kasi ditto, regular duty
hours nila twelve hours so hindi mo sila maiiwan. Kahit na gusto mo ng umuwe kasi
nakakahiya,hahaha ☺ toxic sila tapos bilgla mo silang iiwan.

R: Ano naman po pinakamost stressful na naexperience nyo as a volunteer?

I2 [2.22]: Ahh..ano, kasi sa taas ako noon sa ward ahmm sabay-sabay silang nag-aano kasi tatlo
yung duty nurses so sabay-sabay talaga so ako volunteer nurse lang ‘di talaga pwede magreceive
ng anon g doctor’s order kaya lang kapag kailangan talaga nagtatanggap din kame syempre hindi
naman ako sanay yun so yun dapat ano ready ka pa rin mag ahhhh adjust kung san ka kailangan
dun ka.

R: Sa mga stress po, paano po kayo cope yung mga un?

I2 [2.23]: Wala, nagbabasa lang ako ng libro, matulog ka! Yun lang, tsaka minsan wag mong
isipin na nakakapagod talaga kasi pag-iniisip mo talagang mapapagod ka. Minsan iniisip ko
nalang, aayyy! Masaya, masayang experience ganun, pero hindi mo naman pwedeng ano ahhh
ano un? Yung sabihin sa katawan mo na magtrabaho ka kung pagod talaga somagpapahinga ka
lang talaga yung hindi pahinga no! ‘di ba sabi nga magpahinga tayo, magmall tayo. Wag ganon,
mag bigay nalang ng time para sa sarili mo syempre matulog, oo! Sa bahay lang kasi kung
lalabas ka pa pagod ka din ‘di ba?

R: Sa work place po sa area po ng dut nyo ano po yung usually na pinakastressors nyo?

I2 [2.24]:Dito sa E.R.? Sabay-sabay yung mga pasyenteng dumadating minsan may toxic tas
biglang may OPD ganyan yung walang private doctors kaya yun, yung nakakastress kasi ikaw
yung magdedecide kung kanino mo, kasi may decking dito yung mga doctors kung sino yung
mga pivate doctors so dapat ikaw magaling ka din kung san mo sila ilalagay dapat alam mo tsaka
dapat memorize morin yung mga oras ng mga doctors kasi, kung hindi malilito ka din tsaka yun
wala kayong ginagawa gaganyan yung mga pasyente.

R: Naapektuhan po ba yung stress sa performance nyo po?

I2 [2.25]: Oo, minsan. Kahit na, halimbawa naiistress ka, malungkot ka kahit dati alam na alam
mo, kahit tulog ka alam mo, pagstress ka wala kang maisip parang blangko lagi yung isip mo
pagnagtatrabaho ka kaya dapat kahit na ahhhhmm pagod ka sa bahay walang nag, dito kasi pag
dito iniisip mo talaga pagod ka wala kang magagawa.
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 78

R: May time po na nagregret po kayo nagvolunteer po kayo o nagnurse po kayo?

I2 [2.26]: Syempre, meron no! Nung una pagkagraduate namen, pagkalabad\s ng result ng board
exam excited ka talaga, syempre pasado ako, pasado ako. Pagdating mo pag-apply mo sa
hospital sasabihin nila walang bakante, hindi ka pwede kahit volunteer lang po, oo wala kasi
madaming nagvovolunteer so un talaga yung parang feeling mo dati in-demand na in-demand
yung nursing ngayon wala, wala talagang trabaho yun kaya minsan narerealize ko din pero yun
merong instances na ay buti nalang nagnurse ako lalo na pagnafeel mo na yung mga pasyente,
uyyy thank you ahhh, ganun. Masaya naman pero may regrets talaga lalo na walng sweldo.

R: do you feel fulfillment or stressful service po?

I2 [2.27]: Sa nagyon nafifeel ko masaya pa naman hehehe ☺ syempre ‘di ba may experience
akong nagegain pero kung forever volunteer nurse ka, Diyos ko! Stressful experience na yung
kasi syempre kawawa naman parents ko. Andami dami na nilang gastos kahit naman kayo ‘di
ba? Aminin nyo, mahal yung nursing? Syempre hindi natin masabe na talagang fulfilling yung
experience sa ngayon sinasabi ko talaga na masaya kasi bago bago palang naman, mga one year
palang naman akong walang silbi hehehehe ☺

R: so para sa inyo po ano pong meaning ng volunteer nurse po?

I2 [2.28]: Well, volunteer nurse ahhh pagvolunteer nurse ka dapat talaga serbisyo yung iniisip
mo hindi pera kasi kung pera lang iniisip mo wag ka nalang magvolunteer nun kasi kung pera
lang bat ‘di ka nalang magcall center ‘di ba? Dapat yung experience atsaka yung service talaga
yung binibigay mo hindi yung iniisip mo yung pera.

R: Ano po yung mga advise nyo sa susunod na magapply for volunteer nurse po? like us?

I2 [2.29]: Ano… wag munang isipin yung profit dapat isipin muna yung magain muna yung
experience, mamold muna yung mga skills mo before ka magisip ng profit kasi yun kahit na
matagal na rin akong nagvovolunteer nurse madami pa rin akung hindi alam so dapat isipin mo
muna na ahh na kailngan imold mo muna bago ka maging worth it para sa profit yun lang.

R: Ahh.. Thank you po..

Second Interview

R: Good morning po! Kami po ung mga student nurse na nag-interview sa inyo tungkol sa mga
stress ng volunteer nurse.

I2 [2.30 ]: Ok! Hehe… maginterview kayo ulit?

R: opo follow-up visit lang po.

I2 [2. 31]: ok. Ok… sige habang wala pang ginagawa hehe (smiling)
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 79

R: salamat po, magstart na po kame hehe….

R: sabi nyo po may iba’t-ibang shift po yung mga volunteer nurses, may 8 hours, 9 hours at 12
hours. What time po yung shift nyo?

I2 [2.32]: bale sa 12 hours ako.

R: hindi po ba kyo nahihirapan kasi half-day po kayong nag duduty?

I2 [2.33]: hindi naman, kasi dito sa E.R. hindi naman araw-araw may sinususgod sa hospital, di
ba? Ahmm, syempre may time na super toxic tapos may time na hindi naman.

R: sabi nyo po na as a volunteer nurse/ nurse na dapat laging nagppasensya sa mga patients, ano
pong ginagawa nyo na pagpapasensya?

I2 [2.34]: Hindi mo na lang papansinin ganyan. syempre kasi pag pinatulan mo pa yung mga
ginagawa, O ano yung parang, parang pinapababa mo lang yung tingin nila sa’yo. Tsaka isipin
pa nung pasyente na hindi ka mapapagkatiwalaan regarding rendering of care, di`ba?

R: May instances na nangyari po sa inyo yan?

I2 [2.35]: Oo, minsan lalo na yung pagkapwa nurse o someone na health related profession yung
tipong, ohh ohh tama ba yang ginagawa mo? Para saan yan? Syempre ‘diba, kahit na hindi mali
ang ginagawa mo super kang kakabahan, Hmm at tsaka yun! Yung hindi ka pinagkakatiwalaan
sa mga ginagawa mo. Komo volunteer ka pa lang. Kaya yun hindi ko na lang pinapansin para
hindi ka rin mawala sa focus sa ginagawa mo.

R: Di ba po yung volunteer nurse wala pong profit? Tapos po sa parents po kayo kumukuha ng
everyday needs, hindi naman po nagiging problem sa inyo yun o with regards sa parents nyo po?

I2 [2. 36]: hindi naman problem yun kasi hindi naman sila nag-e-expect ng kung ano sa kin eh,
pero ahhmm syempre nakakahiya din sa kanila kasi hanggang ngayon wala pa din akong
nabibigay na ahh, ahmm pakuswelo di’ba?(giving emphasis)

R: Nabanggit nyo po nuon na most stressful expreience nyo po as a volunteer nurse eh yung
nandun po kayo sa ward, pero po sa ngayon nsa ER naman kayo.So ano po ang mas stressful
yung sa ward o sa ER?

I2 [2.37]: sa ward syempre, hehe(smiling) kahit sino namn tanungin momo about dyan, yun din
sasabihin sa’yo. Kahit din kayong mga students ‘di`ba yun yung area na pinaka-stressful, hehe

R: So yun lang po maraming salamat po.

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 80

First Interview

R: Good morning po. Nursing students po kami from Holy Angel.mag conduct po sana kami sa
inyo ng interview.yung study po naming may broad question na what are the stresses you
experience as a nurse volunteer?

I3 [3.1]: so…usually dito…since…ahh…bale second week ko pa lang nyan, so parang…

talagang nangangapa pa talaga…and nun first week ko ahh…isa lang isa lang akong volunteer di
kagaya ngayon dalawa na kami.so…first day palang talagang…sinabak na ko…kumbaga first
day namin…14 patient bale..tagal umm…matagal akong di nag practice eh so…pagbalik parang
biglang culture shock dib a…yun…parang nagging stressful sa part ko…yung…parang…nasa
part ka palang ng adjustment.

R: kelan po ba kayo nag graduate?

I3 [3.2]: ahh…2009

R: kelan po kayo nag start mag volunteer?

I3 [3.3]:bale ngayon lang…2 weeks kakastart ko pa lang

R: bale two weeks volunteer po?

I3 [3.4]:oo…july…bale…this july lang

R: any specific stress po na experience nyo for the two weeks volunteering?

I3 [3.5]: ahh…siguro yung…ano..yung isang S.O…talagang…kahit wala kang ginagawa

talagang…ahh…parang…magbibigay ka langn g meds ahh..ang dami niyang tanong…parang…
pinangungunahan ka nya…so…parang…talagang ma stress ka sa kanya.parang pag pasok mo…
ayaw mo na siyang pansinin eh…kasi nga masyado siyang mapaki alam talaga eh…yun.

R: eh sa mga patient po?

I3 [3.6]: sa mga patient naman…siguro yung ano lang…yungisang patient na walang gamut…so
parang…kasi ditogaawin mo yungmed sheet yung gamut nya ang dami…ililista mo lahat yun
pero wala ka naman maibibigay parang pinapagod mo na lang sarili mo. Stressful sa kin yun.

R: ano po ginagawa ninyo to cope up?

I3 [3.7]: ahh…depende naman yan…sa part ko…usually kung ditto pag stress ka pag out ko…
iniiwan ko na lang ditto pag uwi ko…pagdating ko sa bahay parang wala na akong pakialam
kung anong nangyari ditto. Yun lang.
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 81
R: meron nap o ba kayong ma coconsider na most stressful na na experience ninyo?

I3 [3.8]: yun nga…yung sinsabi kong isang S.O …ang nangyari kasi dun…ahh…may na skip
akong meds…so…eh wala naman kaso kung ma skip ko yung meds…ok lang yun eh…yung
S.O masyado talagang kontrabida so…talagang nagsumbong pa pati sa doctor…pero ayun…eh
ayos lang naman kung ma skip yun kaya kinabukasan na discharge na yung pasyente…kaya
natuwa kami lahat(smile)

R: kamusta naman po working relationship ninyo sa mga staff?

I3 [3.9]: ahh…okay naman…yung iba kasi diyan mgaholy angel din naman …so…yun nga…
mababait naman…though…pero may iba rin naming…parang may endorsement na mag ingat
kay ganito…medyo…pero tsismis tsismislang…so sa team namain okay lang naman sila lahat.

R: sa mga doctors po?

I3 [3.10]: sa mga doctors naman….sa mga doctors naman…kasi …ahh..di pa naman kami
mismo nag carry out ng mga orders…so…pag nag ro-round doctors bale…sumasama lang
kami…parang nakikinig lang yung mga staff lang kasi may interaction sa mga doctor…kaya
ayun…pero kami…more observation lang muna paran next time ikaw na gagawa…ganun lang.

R: so parang under pa po kayo sa mga staff?bale senior nyo po sila?

I3 [3.11]: oo…parang ganun na nga…kasi dito parang sila yung C.I mo nung student ka…
parang kung may tatanong ka andiyan sila para tulungan ka pero di all the time …siyempre
lisensyado kana dapat alam mo na yung ginagawa mo…kumbaga kung talagang may doubt ka
puwede ka naming magtanong…kasi parang mas maganda magtanong ka kung may doubt ka
talaga kesa naman may mangyari…the safe way kung di mo alam magtanong ka na lang.

R: meron nap o bang nangyaring ganun? Na may procedure or situation na di ninyo alam

I3 [3.12]: so…sa two weeks ko ditto wala pa naman

R: sabi ninyo po kanina first day sinabak na kayo?wala po bang orientation?

I3 [3.13]: bale…kasi nung first day namin…kasi kumbaga more than 10 kaming volunteer…
yung first day orientation…so the following day yun parang first day sa team naming…so…first
day sinabak na ako…sabi nga nila(smiles)…kayo lang yung volunteer na first day na sinabak
talaga…nun kasisila nung first day nila di ganun talaga…kumbaga…parang tiyempo tiyempo
lang…pero okay naman.
R: pano po kayo na naka cope sa first day duty ninyo po?

I3 [3.14]: ano lang…more on…ano lang…sa mga…kasinag aadjust pa talaga nakakhiya man…
nagtatanong na lang ako…kinukulit ko na lang…kesa naman magkamali ka diba?
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 82
R: dip o kayo na stress na nagtatanong kayo sa iba?

I3 [3.15]: yung iba…kasi…nakakhiya… paminsan…simple na lang…nakakalimutan pa rin diba?

…nakakhiya man lumapit…ayun nagtatanong ako kesa naman magkamali ka pa dib a?

R: sa salary po…dip o ba wala kayong salary?ano po masasabi ninyo about dun?

I3 [3.16]: ahh..(smiles) yun stressful talaga yun…since ako..ahh…before ako mag volunteer nag
work ako…yung work na may salary…so parang pag dating dito…ahh…before kasi…every 15
days may suweldo ka…dito wala…so parang…ditto wala kang ini expect na darating…so
minsan pumapasok sa isip mo…parang…minsan nakaktamad na rin kasi volunteer volunteer…
pagod ka pero wala ka namang salary so stressful yun.

R: yung work ninyo po ba dati connected sa proffesion ninyo as a nurse?

I3 [3.17]: ahh…hindi

R: buti po nag decide kayo mag volunteer?kasi before sabi ninyo may work kayo na may salary
dito po as a volunteer walang salary?

I3 [3.18]: ano lang…parang part of fulfillment sa sarili mo…kasi kumbaga lisensyado ka gusto
mo ma practice yung pinag aralan mo ng four years.yung pinaghirapan mo tapos…pinaghirapan
mo review para maka pasa ng board.parang gusto mo lang I experience na ito ang natapos mo…
yun…ganun lang.

R: pero ngayon po ba na volunteer kayo fulfilling po ba o stressful?

I3 [3.19]: mix siya eh… may part na fulfilling…may part na ano…stressful. Fulfilling sa part mo
na nakapag discharge ka sa patient…ahh… kahit ako mismo ayoko rin maraming patient diyan
eh…pero…ganun talaga…public dito continuous lang pagpasok …ahh…stressful siya in a away
na…ahh…pano ba?...yun nga pagod ka tapos wala kang salary nakakastressful din isipin.

R: so number one stressor ninyo po yung walang salary talaga?

I3 [3.20]: ahh…di naman…yung ano lang talaga…ahh…parang…nakaka stress lang ano…yung

pinag hirapan mo nga…dib a alam ninyo naman yung pinagdadaanan ng nurse eh…mahirap
talaga…tapos pag ka graduate mo walang…walang salary…so parang ganun na nga…stressful

R: yung pag aadjust ninyo po ngayon di ninyo po ba nakikita na stressor yun?

I3 [3.21]: sa ngayon hindi na parang…pakonti konti…parang…na kaka cope na ko…yun

R: pero yung first day ninyo po nakita nyong stressful talaga?

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 83
I3 [3.22]: lalo na yung first week parang…gising mo pa lang…ay duty na naman (smiles)…

R: eh sa shifting ninyo pos a duty?di po ba may night shift?

I3 [3.23]: shifting wala naman problema…ahh...tig two days two naman eh…kunwari…ahh…
kahapon kami nag start tapos second day naming ngayon tapos the following two days off
naming…so…parang…ahh…after two days of ano…pagod…may two days ka namn eh…di
tulad ng ibang work one day lang off mo…ganun

R: ano naman po nasasabi ng parents ninyo sa pagiging volunteer ninyo?

I3 [3.24]: sa kanila walang problema.gusto talaga nila mag volunteer ako.ako lang talaga may
ayaw before.

R: bakit po ayaw ninyo nuon na mag volunteer?

I3 [3.25]: ano kasi…nasany sa previous work mo eh…parang…nag eenjoy ka dun tapos

biglang…papalipatin ka.ganu.

R: ngayon po nag eenjoy po ba kayo sa pag vovolunteer ninyo?

I3 [3.26]: enjoy naman (smiles)

R: meron po bang instance na naisip ninyong bumalik sa dating work paramay salary?

I3 [3.27]: oo…yung mga…first week ko…dun kasi sa first work ko di ka masyadong pagod
parang…pagdating ditto pagod ka…parang nakakamiss dun yun mga times na wala kang
masyadong ginagawa.

R: di naman kayo na stress nung 12 hours ang duty ninyo?

I3 [3.28]: ahh…nakaka stress yun 12 hours…yung 8 hours okay pa ehpero yung 12 hours…
medyo…pagod pagod…pagod talaga yung 12.

R: di po ba sabi ninyo nakaka stress yung S.O di po ban a apektuhan performance ninyo sa

I3 [3.29]: ahh…hindi naman…kasi wala naman kasi sa tama yung S.O eh.alam ko naman
ginagawa ko eh kaya…kumbaganakakirita lang talaga siya.pero dun sa part na pagbibigay ng
care sa mga patient di naman…di naman na apektuhan

R: any encounter po maliban sa S. O nay un? Yung toxic na part?

I3 [3.30]: ahh…sa S. O…wala wala na sa S.O…ahh…siguro yung nagging toxic na part ditto
yung …nag kasabay sabay mag rounds yung doctor tapos patapos na yung shift naming…so…
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 84
kaylangan mo I carried out yun tapos yung…incoming na next shift padating na…tapos kayo di
pa kayo tapos so stressful sa part…kasi endorsement na di pa kayo tapos

R: di po ba stressful na ka graduate ninyo dip o kayo nag practice agad?

I3 [3.31]: ahh…di naman…ahh…di ako agad nag practice kasi…ahh…nag take two ako ng
board eh…so natagalan talaga…so after lumabas yung resulta nung…ahh..second take ko
bale…nagpalipas pa muna ng panahon talaga saka yung nag work pako …ahh…okay lang…
kahit…kahitna di naman immediate na mag practice ka talaga eh…wala naming kaso yun.

R: sa tingin ninyo po pano ninyo masasabing stressful ang isang bagay?

I3 [3.32]: ahh…stressful…yung bang …siguro yung isang bagay nagiging stressful sa akin pag
nawawalan kana nang focus…yung…yung dapat ginagawab mo nadedelayy din. Yun.

R: ano po ba yung iba ninyong ginagawa ninyong adjustment or coping mechanism pagdating
sa stress?

I3 [3.33]: ahh…ano lang…lumalabas lang pag stress with friends.parang time lang sa sarili
mo…di yung puro work work work kaylangan magkaroon ka rin ng time sa sarili.

R: sir yung pagiging volunteer sa tingin ninyo po ba stressful siya or fulfilling?

I3 [3.34]: volunteer usually mix siya…yun nga…ahh…stressful kasi …yung reality na wala
kang suweldo talaga…ahh..professional ka di ka nag susuweldo so…nagigingstressful siya…
pero fulfilling part nung…yun ngang nakakpagpagaling ka ng patient.

R: sir para pos a inyo ano meaning ng volunteer?

I3 [3.35]:volunteer…ahh…pag sinabi mong volunteer…dito kasi service talaga…yung free

service with out expecting anything in return…yun yung pinaka sinabi ng chief nurse before
kami nag start ditto. So…yun yung pinaka meaning ng volunteer…service talaga.

R: di ninyo naman po ni reregret na nag volunteer kayo?

I3 [3.6]: hindi naman…hindi anman… 3 months lang naman eh… so…mabilis lang naman
yung 3 months

R: after 3 months may balak pa po ba kayo mag volunteer?

I3 [3.7]: oo naman…pero sa ibang hospital naman…oara ma try ko naman yung iba iba

R: ano po masasabi ninyo sa mga incoming volunteer nurse?

I3 [3.38]: ano na lang siguro …ahh…dapat yung gusto mo talaga yung volunteer kasi ditto
maraming volunteer usually sinasabi nila after a month din a sila pumapasok…so talagang
dapat gusto mo talaga at ready ka mag volunteer
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 85

R: yun lang po…thank you po!

I3 [3.39]:ok…thank you rin…Good luck sa inyo.

Second Interview

R: good morning po pasensya na po sa abala , he ..he.., kami po yung nag interview sa inyo
nung last time

I3 [3.40]: ahh..oo nga

R: puwede po ba kayo ma interview ulit?

I3 [3.41]:sure sure no problem

R: hindi naman po kayo busy?

I3 [3.42]: hindi naman sige lang (smiling)

R: sabi nyo po nuon na nag kaka discrimination sa hospital? So bale hindi naman po kayo
pinanghihinaan ng loob para mag volunteer ulit dito or sa ibang hospital?

I3 [3.43]: hindi naman kasi let’s face it mas ahm ano, mas mataas kasi position nila kesa sa
ating mga nurse diba? So, wala naman tayong magagawa with regards sa sasabihin nilang
nakakasakit or puwedeng makapang hina ng loob di ba?

R: di ba po kahit voluntterr or staff nurse ka na dapat you should act on your own na?ano pong
ginagawa nyo pag may dapat gawin na nursing procedure like NGT ganyan, yung tipong hindi
nyo pa nagawa tapos kaylangan nyo gawin?

I3 [3.44]: ahhh… wala pa naman akong na eencounter na nursing procedure na hindi ko alam.
Pero kung meron man ahhh andyan naman yung mga seniors natin para tulungan kami eh,at
saka ahh andyan naman yung ibang staff he…he (smiling) eh di ipapagawa ko sa kanila yun or
papaturo akoh he he (laughing)

R:eh yung pong shifting ng area stresssful po ba sa inyo yun?

I3 [3.45]: yah…yah syempre toxic sa ward kesa O.R di ba? Sa O.R kasi di ba pag tungtong ng 5
pm wala ng case. So yun wala ka ng gagawin. Pero pag ward ka super dami mong ginagawa,
may meds na mag chachart ka pa tsaka pag may rounds pa mga doctors ganun. Ahhm di ba?
Kahit kayo naman nag duduty sa ward, you know how it feels naman he..he (smiling) lalo na
kapag nasa government hospital ka super toxic he..he..he (laughing)sabay sabay gawin.

R:ano pong ginagawa nyo pag na totoxic kayo?di po ba pag na totoxic na stress na rin kayo?
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 86
I3 [3.46]: ahmm dapat di ka pa toxic kahit super toxic ka na.dapat focus ka pa rin dba?kasi once
you lose your focus may tendency na puwede kang magkamali, so ahhm. So dapat focus ka pa
rin sa mga pinagawa mo wag kang pataranta, for you to do your job well

R: so yun lang po salamat po sa time

I3 [3.47]: salamat din (smiling)


First Interview
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 87

R: Goodmorning po ahm….(smiles) kami po pala mga nursing student from holy angel
university.. magco-conduct po kami ng interview regarding po sa nae- experience po ng isang
volunteering nurse…

I [4.1]: Ah ok. (smiles)

R: So… what year po kayo nag-graduate?..

I [4.2]: June… ay! march 2009.

R: Ah ganun po.. kailan po kayo ngstart magvolunteer nurse po?.....

I [4.3]: January 2010… pang 6 months na nga ngayon. (smiles)

R: So.. nag-eenjoy naman po kayo sa pagvo-volunteer niyo po?....

I [4.4]: Oo.. may natutunan naman…. may natutunan naman compare yung sa… ano kasi sa
classroom naman tsaka compare din pag student ka… kasi pag volunteer na ikaw na mismo,
yung wala ng tutulong sa’yo.

R: Musta naman po yung…. first day nyo po sa pagvo-volunteer? (6P)

I [4.5]: First day?..... ok naman. (smiles) inorient kami non… first kasi sa OR bale second
rotation ko na yung PEDIA ward ngayon.

R: So.. ilang oras po yung duty nyo po?.

I [4.6]: 7am to 7pm.

R: Ah… dahil 12 hours po.. meron po ba kayong time na nakakatulog po kayo ng maganda?....

I [4.7]: Minsan kulang sa ano… syempre pagdating mo sa bahay oras na rin pero…. ok lang
naman. (smiles)

R: Ano po yung relationship nyo po sa mga co-nurse nyo po?....

I [4.8]: Ok naman… mababait naman sila approachable pede mo naming…. syempre lahat nung
estudyante tayo di naman natin lahat matututunan diba?.

R: Opo.

I [4.9]: Magtatanung parin tayo…. approachable naman sila… (smiles)

R: Sa mga doctor naman po?...

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 88
I [4.10]: Doctor?... ok lang… halos mga doctor dito ok lang sila… approachable din.

R: Wala namang discrimination… kasi volunteer?...

I [4.11]: Meron ba?....

R: Tapos sila.. mataas ang position?...

I [4.12]: Wala naman... parang pantay-pantay lang.

R: Kasi kayo volunteer… maraming inuutos…. maraming trabaho….

I [4.13]: Hindi, ok lng.

R: Sa mga pasyente naman po?...

I [4.14]: Pasyente!..

R: Nai-istress po ba kayo sa mga patient? (7P)

I [4.15]: Minsan… kasi tanong sila ng tanong pero…. syempre karapatan naman din naman nila
na magtanong.

R: Opo.

I [4.16]: Kaya minsan makulit sila pero pagpapasensyahan na lang natin… kaya lang tanong sila
ng tanong…. lalo na yung iba di nakatapos syempre wala naman silang background sa sakit
nila…. ganun lang.

R: Since volunteer po ahm…. walang sweldo or profit… san nyo po kinukuha everyday needs
nyo po?.....

I [4.17]: Nakakahiya man sa parents!... (smiles) parents lang.

R: Meron pa bang instances nafeel nyo po naistress po kayo sa work n’yo po? (6P)

I [4.18]: Oo!... kasi minsan… diba 2days off 2days duty kami ditto… pano kasi minsan toxic…
kung minsan yung di ka… kulang pa sa tulog tapos minsan may makikipagpalit pa sayo ng
duty, 3 days duty ka nanaman….. sa tulog yun lang… kulang sa pahinga…. yun lang naman
amg stress mo dun. (smiles)

R: Alin po yung sitwasyon na pinakastress kayo… yung nafeel na pinakastress? (8P)

I [4.19]: Yun lang pag kulang sa pahinga atsaka minsan sa pasyente….. kasi minsan puno kami
ng pasyente tapos lahat sila pupuntahan mo… yun lang.
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 89
R: Pano naman po naapektuhan ang performance nyo po ahm… dahil sa nastress kayo?... yung
nafeel na pinakastress..

I [4.20]: Stress ba?.

R: Sa loob ng 6 months na pagiging volunteer…

I [4.21]: May stress ba ako?... (smiles) un lang pag kulang sa pahinga atsaka minsan sa pasyente
kasi minsan puno kami ng pasyente tapos lahat sila aatendan mo un lang… tama naba un?

R: (smiles) Pano naman po naapektuhan ang performance n’yo dahil po nastress kayo?....

I [4.22]: Minsan….. ano ba syempre minsan pupunta ka ng ward stress na stress ka may
nakakalimutan ka…. dapat pala diba dapat ung may tinuro sa atin na dapat pagpunta mo sa ward
lahat ng gagawin mo.. gagawin mo na dika pabalik-balik di nasasayang time mo dika rin
napapagod… un lang pag stress ka super daming pasyente.. pabalik-balik ka imbis na lahat ng
gagawin mo sa ward… minsanan nalang… kaya super stress yun lang naman. (smiles)

R: So… ano po ba yung workstress nyu po?... setting po ng hospital…..

I [4.23]: Oo!.. nakakapagstress din yun diba minsan ung mga public hindi masyadong ideal set-
up yung…. minsan yung minsan nakakastress din yun.. walang gamot tapos stress pa rin yun sa
part mo kasi bibigay mo na yung gamut tapos ung pasyente complain pa ng complain na wala
daw silang pera wala kang magagawa ayon… yun lang.

R: Ahm… dahil po no wage po yung volunteering minsan po ba naiisip nyo ba ahm…. nagsisisi
kayo na nagvolunteer kayo or nagnurse po kayo?....
I [4.24]: Nagnurse!... di naman dati nung mga second year ako kasi pinag-iisipan mo na….. ay!
wag na nurse pero ako nag-eenjoy naman minsan nakakatulong ka naman kahit pano hindi
naman kaplastikan yun pero…. ewan ko lang sa iba pero nageenjoy naman ako.

R: Yung pagvolunteer nyo po…. tingin nyo po fulfillment or stressful service po?...

I [4.25]: Fulfilling naman… fulfilling kasi nakakatulong ka naman tas nakakatulong din sila sa
iyo… tinutulungan mo lang sila sa service mo… tintulungan ka rin nila para matuto ka… diba?
un lang.

R: So…. ano po sa inyo ung meaning ng volunteer nurse po?...

I [4.26]: Ung bibigay mo ung serbisyo mo na walang hinihinging kapalit…. nakakatulong ka tas
na natututo ka naman sa kanila… un.

R: Ano po yung mga ways na ginagawa niyo kapag naiistress na kayo?.....

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 90
I [4.27]: Naiistress?.... minsan palitan kami ng kasama ko…. ganun lang… sa pagpunta sa
ward…. un lang.

R: Last question na po ahm….. sa mga soon to be nurse po like po kami ahm…. ano po yung
ma-advice niyo po kung magvovolunteer nurse po kami? (6P)

I [4.28]: Ayun… graduating naba kayo?

R: Opo. (smiles)

I [4.29]: Ako…. syempre pag magvovolunteer kayo isipin mo rin natin yung ideal tapos ahm….
precaution lang sa mga needles tapos ayun… di lang natin iisipin na nurse tayo.. yung care parin
natin…. tapos wag tayong magsasawa sa pagiging nurse kasi….. ano natin un profession natin
tapos magstrive pa tayo kasi…. yung buhay ng pasyente na satin di lang dahil volunteer tayo
wala tayo paki sa kanila kahit volunteer tayo bigay pa rin naman yung TLC (smiles) parin sa
kanila…tama naba yun?. (smiles)

R: Thank you po…. (smiles)

Second Interview

R: Goodmorning po…. (smiles)

I4 [4.30]: Goodmorning din.. (smiles)

R: Musta naman po kayo ngayong araw na ito?....

I4 [4.31]: Ahm…. ok lang naman.. ok konti lang mga pasyente di masyadong toxic sa part ko…
un lang. (smiles)

R: Di ba po nasabi niyo dati na… approachable naman mga doctors and nurses… pede po bang
pakilinawan sa ano pong way sila nagiging approachable? (6P)

I4 [4.32]: Syempre tulad ng sinabi ko dati kapag toxic ako or di ko alam ung procedure na
gagawin ko ahm…. pede ko silang lapitan para magtanong kasi diba… sabi ko dati kapag nurse
kana ikaw na lang mag-isa wala nang nagtuturo sayo.. kaya un… ung mga doctors and nurses na
nandito na kasama ko… mababait and matulungin sila…. ganon..

R: So… wala naman po bang time na nagtanong kayo tapos biglang di kayo sasagutin or

I4 [4.33]: Ahm… meron ba?..... siguro… syempre kasi minsan toxic din sila ung mga kasama
kung nurse dito…. may time na.. yun nagtanong ako tapos di ako sinagot and biglang umalis.

R: Ahm… ano naman po nararamdaman nyo kapag ganun po?...

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 91
I4 [4.34]: Ok lang un… naiintindihan ko din naman kasi that time toxic din siya kaya un…
iniintindi ko nalang.. ganun lang.

R: Di po ba nasabi nyo na ung duty nyo po is 12 hours ahm…. and sakto lang ung tulog nyo pero
di gaanong kasakto ahm… pede po bang pakilinawan po un? (9P)

I4 [4.35]: Ah…. kasi sabi ko nga 12 hrs duty ko.. tapos pagkauwi sa bahay late na rin kaya
matutulog nalang nun… tapos minsan ahm…. di gaanong sakto kasi minsan ung nurse na
kasama ko late na dumadating…. Ung duty nya 7pm tapos darating siya mga… late ng 15
minutes kaya un… imbis na mag-eendorse kana lang hihintayin mo pa siya kaya un…..
pagkauwi ko sa bahay di rin a sakto tulog ko.

R: Ahm….. wala naman po bang time na kinausap nyo po siya kapag late siya?.....

I4 [4.36]: Di naman…. kasi di naman siya nalalate lagi and sabi ko nga mababait sila ah ….
nagsosorry naman siya kapag ganun.. kaya ok lang.

R: So… sa financial needs nyo po dip o ba sinabi niyo… sa parents nyo kinukuha ahm… di po
ba stress sa part nyo un? (6P)

I4 [4.37]: (smiles) Syempre stress un…. ahm.. kasi imbis na ikaw na nagbibigay sa kanila
parang…. sa kanila ka pa rin kumukuha or humihingi ng pera parang nag-aaral ka rin.

R: Wala naman po bang sinasabi ung parents nyo about sa wala kayong swedo and humihingi ka
parin sa kanila? (6P)

I4 [4.38]: Ok naman sa kanila… naiintindihan naman nila yun and wala pa naman akong narinig
mula sa kanila na maghanap nalang ako ng ibang trabaho… parang ganun mababait naman
parents ko.

R: Eh sa part naman po ninyo?...

I4 [4.39]: Stress… pero ok lang kasi kahit walang sweldo may natututunan ka naman and diba
part ng isang nurse ung pagvovolunteer kasi mula dun naeenhance ung skills mo as a nurse
and… experience na rin un diba…

R: Sa mga patient po ahm….. nasabi nyo po na kapag nagbibigay kayo ng gamot sinasabi nila na
wala silang pera…. ano po bang mga sinasabi o ginagawa kapag ganun?.....

I4 [4.40]: Ahm… syempre public hospital ito.. di naman lahat ng nandito may kaya…. Kaya yun
kapag sinasabi nila na wala silang pera ahm….. sinsabi ko na ung gamot na un ay kailangan nila
para gumaling and bumuti ung pakiramdam nila….

R: Ano naman po ung sinasabi ng mga SO?...

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 92
I4 [4.41]: Ahm… ung ibang SO mababait naman.. sinsabi nila na susubukan nilang bumili ung
iba naman matigas talaga ung ulo… pero iniintindi ko nalang sila… ganun.

R: Nasabi po ninyo dati kapag naiistress po kayo ahm… yung pong ginagawa nyo po ay
nagpapalitan po kayo ng kasama nyo…. pede po bang paki linawan po un?.....

I4 [4.42]: Un ba!... syempre kapag stress ka dika masyadong focus sa ginagawa mo kaya un…
nagpapalitan kami ng kasama ko sa duty… parang magrerelax muna ako tapos sya muna ung
gagawa… example ung pagkuha ng VS kapag maraming pasyente… un lang.
R: Last question po…. sa inyo po anu ung pinakastress sa pagvovolunteer nyo po? (6P)

I4 [4.43]: Siguro ung pinakastress sa duty ung…. kulang sa pahinga o tulog dahil nga 12hrs ung
duty tapos kapag maraming pasyente… un lang… (smiles)

R: Salamat po… (smiles)

I4 [4.44]: Ah ok lang… (smiles) thank you din.. (smiles)

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 93

First Interview

R: Good morning po. Nursing students po kami from Holy Angel.mag conduct po sana kami sa
inyo ng interview.yung study po naming may broad question na what are the stresses you
experience as a nurse volunteer?

I5 [5.1]: so…usually dito…since…ahh…bale second week ko pa lang nyan, so parang…

talagang nangangapa pa talaga…and nun first week ko ahh…isa lang isa lang akong volunteer di
kagaya ngayon dalawa na kami.so…first day palang talagang…sinabak na ko…kumbaga first
day namin…14 patient bale..tagal umm…matagal akong di nag practice eh so…pagbalik parang
biglang culture shock dib a…yun…parang nagging stressful sa part ko…yung…parang…nasa
part ka palang ng adjustment.

R: kelan po ba kayo nag graduate?

I5 [5.2]: ahh…2009

R: kelan po kayo nag start mag volunteer?

I5 [5.3]: bale ngayon lang…2 weeks kakastart ko pa lang

R: bale two weeks volunteer po?

I5 [5.4]: oo…july…bale…this july lang

R: any specific stress po na experience nyo for the two weeks volunteering?

I5 [5.5]: ahh…siguro yung…ano..yung isang S.O…talagang…kahit wala kang ginagawa

talagang…ahh…parang…magbibigay ka langn g meds ahh..ang dami niyang tanong…parang…
pinangungunahan ka nya…so…parang…talagang ma stress ka sa kanya.parang pag pasok mo…
ayaw mo na siyang pansinin eh…kasi nga masyado siyang mapaki alam talaga eh…yun.

R: eh sa mga patient po?

I5 [5.6]: sa mga patient naman…siguro yung ano lang…yungisang patient na walang gamut…so
parang…kasi ditogaawin mo yungmed sheet yung gamut nya ang dami…ililista mo lahat yun
pero wala ka naman maibibigay parang pinapagod mo na lang sarili mo. Stressful sa kin yun.

R: ano po ginagawa ninyo to cope up?

I5 [5.7]: ahh…depende naman yan…sa part ko…usually kung ditto pag stress ka pag out ko…
iniiwan ko na lang ditto pag uwi ko…pagdating ko sa bahay parang wala na akong pakialam
kung anong nangyari ditto. Yun lang.

R: meron nap o ba kayong ma coconsider na most stressful na na experience ninyo?

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 94
I5 [5.8]: yun nga…yung sinsabi kong isang S.O …ang nangyari kasi dun…ahh…may na skip
akong meds…so…eh wala naman kaso kung ma skip ko yung meds…ok lang yun eh…yung
S.O masyado talagang kontrabida so…talagang nagsumbong pa pati sa doctor…pero ayun…eh
ayos lang naman kung ma skip yun kaya kinabukasan na discharge na yung pasyente…kaya
natuwa kami lahat(smile)

R: kamusta naman po working relationship ninyo sa mga staff?

I5 [5.9]: ahh…okay naman…yung iba kasi diyan mgaholy angel din naman …so…yun nga…
mababait naman…though…pero may iba rin naming…parang may endorsement na mag ingat
kay ganito…medyo…pero tsismis tsismislang…so sa team namain okay lang naman sila lahat.

R: sa mga doctors po?

I5 [5.10]: sa mga doctors naman….sa mga doctors naman…kasi …ahh..di pa naman kami
mismo nag carry out ng mga orders…so…pag nag ro-round doctors bale…sumasama lang
kami…parang nakikinig lang yung mga staff lang kasi may interaction sa mga doctor…kaya
ayun…pero kami…more observation lang muna paran next time ikaw na gagawa…ganun lang.

R: so parang under pa po kayo sa mga staff?bale senior nyo po sila?

I5 [5.11]: oo…parang ganun na nga…kasi dito parang sila yung C.I mo nung student ka…
parang kung may tatanong ka andiyan sila para tulungan ka pero di all the time …siyempre
lisensyado kana dapat alam mo na yung ginagawa mo…kumbaga kung talagang may doubt ka
puwede ka naming magtanong…kasi parang mas maganda magtanong ka kung may doubt ka
talaga kesa naman may mangyari…the safe way kung di mo alam magtanong ka na lang.

R: meron nap o bang nangyaring ganun? Na may procedure or situation na di ninyo alam

I5 [5.12]: so…sa two weeks ko ditto wala pa naman

R: sabi ninyo po kanina first day sinabak na kayo?wala po bang orientation?

I5 [5.13]: bale…kasi nung first day namin…kasi kumbaga more than 10 kaming volunteer…
yung first day orientation…so the following day yun parang first day sa team naming…so…first
day sinabak na ako…sabi nga nila(smiles)…kayo lang yung volunteer na first day na sinabak
talaga…nun kasisila nung first day nila di ganun talaga…kumbaga…parang tiyempo tiyempo
lang…opero okay naman.

R: pano po kayo na naka cope sa first day duty ninyo po?

I5 [5.14]: ano lang…more on…ano lang…sa mga…kasinag aadjust pa talaga nakakhiya man…
nagtatanong na lang ako…kinukulit ko na lang…kesa naman magkamali ka diba?

R: dip o kayo na stress na nagtatanong kayo sa iba?

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 95

I5 [5.15]: yung iba…kasi…nakakhiya… paminsan…simple na lang…nakakalimutan pa rin diba?

…nakakhiya man lumapit…ayun nagtatanong ako kesa naman magkamali ka pa dib a?

R: sa salary po…dip o ba wala kayong salary?ano po masasabi ninyo about dun?

I5 [5.16]: ahh..(smiles) yun stressful talaga yun…since ako..ahh…before ako mag volunteer nag
work ako…yung work na may salary…so parang pag dating dito…ahh…before kasi…every 15
days may suweldo ka…dito wala…so parang…ditto wala kang ini expect na darating…so
minsan pumapasok sa isip mo…parang…minsan nakaktamad na rin kasi volunteer volunteer…
pagod ka pero wala ka namang salary so stressful yun.

R: yung work ninyo po ba dati connected sa proffesion ninyo as a nurse?

I5 [5.17]: ahh…hindi

R: buti po nag decide kayo mag volunteer?kasi before sabi ninyo may work kayo na may salary
dito po as a volunteer walang salary?

I5 [5.18]: ano lang…parang part of fulfillment sa sarili mo…kasi kumbaga lisensyado ka gusto
mo ma practice yung pinag aralan mo ng four years.yung pinaghirapan mo tapos…pinaghirapan
mo review para maka pasa ng borad.parang gusto mo lang I experience na ito ang natapos mo…
yun…ganun lang.

R: pero ngayon po ba na volunteer kayo fulfilling po ba o stressful?

I5 [5.19]: mix siya eh… may part na fulfilling…may part na ano…stressful. Fulfilling sa part mo
na nakapag discharge ka sa patient…ahh… kahit ako mismo ayoko rin maraming patient diyan
eh…pero…ganun talaga…public dito continuous lang pagpasok …ahh…stressful siya in a away
na…ahh…pano ba?...yun nga pagod ka tapos wala kang salary nakakastressful din isipin.

R: so number one stressor ninyo po yung walang salary talaga?

I5 [5.20]: ahh…di naman…yung ano lang talaga…ahh…parang…nakaka stress lang ano…yung

pinag hirapan mo nga…dib a alam ninyo naman yung pinagdadaanan ng nurse eh…mahirap
talaga…tapos pag ka graduate mo walang…walang salary…so parang ganun na nga…stressful

R: yung pag aadjust ninyo po ngayon di ninyo po ba nakikita na stressor yun?

I5 [5.21]: sa ngayon hindi na parang…pakonti konti…parang…na kaka cope na ko…yun

R: pero yung first day ninyo po nakita nyong stressful talaga?

I5 [5.22]: lalo na yung first week parang…gising mo pa lang…ay duty na naman (smiles)…
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 96

R: eh sa shifting ninyo pos a duty?di po ba may night shift?

I5 [5.23]: shifting wala naman problema…ahh...tig two days two naman eh…kunwari…ahh…
kahapon kami nag start tapos second day naming ngayon tapos the following two days off
naming…so…parang…ahh…after two days of ano…pagod…may two days ka namn eh…di
tulad ng ibang work one day lang off mo…ganun

R: ano naman po nasasabi ng parents ninyo sa pagiging volunteer ninyo?

I5 [5.24]: sa kanila walang problema.gusto talaga nila mag volunteer ako.ako lang talaga may
ayaw before.

R: bakit po ayaw ninyo nuon na mag volunteer?

I5 [5.25]: ano kasi…nasany sa previous work mo eh…parang…nag eenjoy ka dun tapos

biglang…papalipatin ka.ganu.

R: ngayon po nag eenjoy po ba kayo sa pag vovolunteer ninyo?

I5 [5.26]: enjoy naman (smiles)

R: meron po bang instance na naisip ninyong bumalik sa dating work paramay salary?

I5 [5.27]: oo…yung mga…first week ko…dun kasi sa first work ko di ka masyadong pagod
parang…pagdating ditto pagod ka…parang nakakamiss dun yun mga times na wala kang
masyadong ginagawa.

R: di naman kayo na stress nung 12 hours ang duty ninyo?

I5 [5.28]: ahh…nakaka stress yun 12 hours…yung 8 hours okay pa ehpero yung 12 hours…
medyo…pagod pagod…pagod talaga yung 12.

R: dip o ba sabi ninyo nakaka stress yung S.O di po ban a apektuhan performance ninyo sa

I5 [5.29]: ahh…hindi naman…kasi wala naman kasi sa tama yung S.O eh.alam ko naman
ginagawa ko eh kaya…kumbaganakakirita lang talaga siya.pero dun sa part na pagbibigay ng
care sa mga patient di naman…di naman na apektuhan
R: any encounter po maliban sa S. O nay un? Yung toxic na part?

I5 [5.30]: ahh…sa S. O…wala wala na sa S.O…ahh…siguro yung nagging toxic na part ditto
yung …nag kasabay sabay mag rounds yung doctor tapos patapos na yung shift naming…so…
kaylangan mo I carried out yun tapos yung…incoming na next shift padating na…tapos kayo di
pa kayo tapos so stressful sa part…kasi endorsement na di pa kayo tapos
R: di po ba stressful na ka graduate ninyo dip o kayo nag practice agad?
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 97

I5 [5.31]: ahh…di naman…ahh…di ako agad nag practice kasi…ahh…nag take two ako ng
board eh…so natagalan talaga…so after lumabas yung resulta nung…ahh..second take ko bale…
nagpalipas pa muna ng panahon talaga saka yung nag work pako …ahh…okay lang…kahit…
kahitna di naman immediate na mag practice ka talaga eh…wala naming kaso yun.

R: sa tingin ninyo po pano ninyo masasabing stressful ang isang bagay?

I5 [5.32]: ahh…stressful…yung bang …siguro yung isang bagay nagiging stressful sa akin pag
nawawalan kana nang focus…yung…yung dapat ginagawab mo nadedelayy din. Yun.

R: ano po ba yung iba ninyong ginagawa ninyong adjustment or coping mechanism pagdating sa

I5 [5.33]: ahh…ano lang…lumalabas lang pag stress with friends.parang time lang sa sarili mo…
di yung puro work work work kaylangan magkaroon ka rin ng time sa sarili.

R: sir yung pagiging volunteer sa tingin ninyo po ba stressful siya or fulfilling?

I5 [5.34]: volunteer usually mix siya…yun nga…ahh…stressful kasi …yung reality na wala
kang suweldo talaga…ahh..professional ka di ka nag susuweldo so…nagigingstressful siya…
pero fulfilling part nung…yun ngang nakakpagpagaling ka ng patient.

R: sir para pos a inyo ano meaning ng volunteer?

I5 [5.35]: volunteer…ahh…pag sinabi mong volunteer…dito kasi service talaga…yung free

service with out expecting anything in return…yun yung pinaka sinabi ng chief nurse before
kami nag start ditto. So…yun yung pinaka meaning ng volunteer…service talaga.

R: di ninyo naman po ni reregret na nag volunteer kayo?

I5 [5.36]: hindi naman…hindi anman… 3 months lang naman eh… so…mabilis lang naman
yung 3 months

R: after 3 months may balak pa po ba kayo mag volunteer?

I5 [5:37]: oo naman…pero sa ibang hospital naman…oara ma try ko naman yung iba iba

R: ano po masasabi ninyo sa mga incoming volunteer nurse?

I5 [5:38]: ano na lang siguro …ahh…dapat yung gusto mo talaga yung volunteer kasi ditto
maraming volunteer usually sinasabi nila after a month din a sila pumapasok…so talagang dapat
gusto mo talaga at ready ka mag volunteer

R: yun lang po…thank you po!

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 98

I5 [5.39]: ok…thank you rin…Good luck sa inyo.

Second Interview

R: good morning po

I5 [5:40]: good morning din

R: kami po yung nag interview sa inyo nung minsan.kamusta napo?

I5 [5:41]: ahh..oo natatandaan ko kayo,eto kakatapos ko lang mag bigay ng meds

R: ahh… sir pwede po ba kayo ma interview ulit?busy po ba ngayon?

I5 [5:4]: ahh… hindi naman… sige pwede…matagal pa ba iyan?

R: hindi naman po mag fo follow up interview lang po kami

I5 [5:43]:ahh…o sige

R: nung first interview po naming nasabi ninyo po na na culture shock kayo nung first day ng
duty ninyo. Ano po ibig ninyong sabihin?pano ninyo po na handle ganung sitwasyon?

I5 [5:44]: ahh… bale nung first day ko 14 patient agad tapos ako lang…so…ahh..bale ginawa
ko…ahh..i’ll make sure na kahit na parang na kakashock kasi..kasi nga na stop ako sa pag
practice kasi ng work ako…ayun nung nag work ako as volunteer na shock ako pero nag ask ako
help sa mga staff kaya ….ayun na ayos naman lahat. Nagtanong tanong lang …ganun.

R: ano po bang pag aadjust ang ginawa ninyo?

I5[5:45]: ahh…yun nga bale sinulat ko lahat ng kaylangan ko gawin, parang…ano…kahit na RN

na ako parang back to student…kase super dami ng patient so…kaylangan ma minamaximize
mo yung time mo…yung alam mo sequence ng work mo…dapat alert ka anytime…ayun.

R: di po ba sabi ninyo may na encounter kayo na S.O na na nakapag bigay sayo ng stress?ano po
ginawa ninyo nun?

I5 [5:46]: ahhh… bale ang ginawa ko…hindi na ko ng paapekto sa kanya.kahit tanong sya ng
tanong, sinasagot ko na lang kahit paulit ulit sya, I tried my best na ma explain sa kanya mabuti
kahit na kakairita…ganun.

R: so…ano po ginawa ninyo para maka move on sa stress ninyo?

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 99
I5 [5:47]:ahh…ano lang…iniiwan ko na lang ditto yung stress di ko na dinadala.gusto ko kasi
pag uwi ko wala na akong iniisip.pag dating sa bahay relax lang…ayun..tulog na lang kain

R: nasabi ninyo po na sa previous work ninyo nag enjoy kayo, ditto [po ba walang enjoyment na

I5 [5:48]: ahh…dun kasi…sa dating work ko di ka pressure sa time, yung kahit di mo agad
gawin pinagagawa ok lang…ayun medyo nag eenjoy ako kasi nga relax di tulad ditto lahat dapat
nasa oras .syempre yung meds dapat bigay mo sa oras…ayun pero ok lang…ahhh ditto nag
eenjoy rin naman pag may na didischarge na patient ayun masaya rin.
R: (nodding) ahh…sa time ng duty ninyo nabanggit ninyo po dati na na stress kayo dahil 12
hours po duty ninyo, pano po kayo na ka cope up?

I5 [5:49]: oo medyo nakaka stress yung 12 hours siguro kasi..di pa ko nasanay nuon kasi dating
work ko 8 hours lang tapos ditto 12….ganun…pero ngayon ok na…siguro nanibago lang

R: ahh…ano po kasi yung reason kung bakit di kayo agad nag volunteer?bakit nag work po
muna kayo sa dip o related sa profession ninyo?

I5 [5:50]: ahh…kasi that time hinihintay ko yung result ng board…ayun …medyo kasi
natagalan kasi ng take two ako board kaya while waiting…nag try ako sa iba saying kasi
time..saka gusto ko maranasan yung may suweldo saka yung buhay out of medical field.(smiles)

R:ano po mas gusto ninyong work? Yung ngayon po or yung out of medical field?

I5 [5:51]: siyempre yung ngayon..yun nga lang wala munang sweldo

R:so…medyo nagsisisi po ba kayo dahil nagbalik kayo as a nurse tapos eto walang sweldo?

I5 [5:52]: ahh..di naman.iniisip ko lang na sandal lang naman tong walang sweldo after nun ok
na…saka…ano…yung may patient na gumagaling dahil sa pag care mo…ayun parang daig pa
nun yung nag sweldo(smiles)

R:bale na wawala po stress ninyo pag dating sa sweldo pag may gumagaling na mga patient?

I5 [5:53]: ahh…oo naman kasi yun ang goal natin as a nurse dba?iba yung feeling pag may
nasasave kang life.

R: ahh… sir bale yun lang po..thank you po sa time.

I5 [5:54]:sige…no problem


First Interview
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 100

R: Ma’am kami po yung taga Holy Angel 4th year students. Magcoconduct po kami ng interview
regarding your work as a volunteer here in hospital. Ah Ma’am, ahmm.. anung year po kayo

I6 [6.1]: 2009

R: Ahh.. anung year.. anung..ahmm..kelan po kayo nagstart magvolunteer?

I6 [6.2]: That was…. Two..two thousand?....July (smiles)..bali right after..even wala pa yung
result ng board.. sa boad..nagvolunteer na, pero hindi ditto, sa iabng ospital (smiles)

R: Bale gaano na po kayo katagal nagvovolunteer?

I6 [6.3]: Ahmm..nakakaseven months na ako.

R: Ahh.. seven months..Dun pos a seven months po..ahh..naenjoy naman po ninyo yung
experience nyo?

I6 [6.4]: Oo! Enjoy naman…

R: Ahmm..yung ano.. first day mo or first week mo as a volunteer..ahh..ano po yung experience


I6 [6.5]: Ahmm.. Feeling mo stressful kasi… ahh yung parang responsibility, hindi ka na yung
parang student na may maggui-guide sayo, you’re on your own, so.. yun… pero more on
adjustment lang naman.. mga three days or one week yon, tapos kapad you’re making yourself
familiarize kasi sa rou..sa routine, sa protocols ng hospital…so yun! (smile)

R: At present Ma’am ano po time ng duty nyo po? Gaano po siya…ahhh..katagal?

I6 [6.6]: Twelve hours..ahh, pero syempre hangga’t wala yung mga kaendorse mo so usually
thirteen to fourteen hours tapos yung scheduling dito,…every week nagcha-change..so example
this week morning ka, next week graveyard ka.

R: Ano naman po yung ano…yung relationship nyo sa mga ka-colleagues niyo? Pano naman po

I6 [6.7]: Ah sa mga ano, yung mga ..ahmm..staff nurse na dito, talagang they will treat you na as
a staff nurse na rin dito or either na volunteer ka lang walang degri….

R: Pantay pantay lang?

I6 [6.8]: Oo! Parang pantay…pantay-pantay lang talaga dito.

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 101
R: How about nap o sa mga doctors? Ganyan po?

I6 [6.9]: Sa mga doctors?... okay lang naman sila. Ano din.. professionally yung treatment nila
sayo, kahit… basta you’re in white uniform, nandito ka, talagang nurse na nurse ka dito.

R: O sa mga pasyente naman po?

I6 [6.10]: Sa mga patients, okay naman sila…ahmmm..they will respect you as a nurse…so
ganun lang yung treatment.

R: Since po yung volunteer po wala syang sweldo…ahmm.. walang allowance…ahh.. paano po

kayo nakakacope sa..ahhh..everyday na…ahhh…financial.

I6 [6.11]: Ayon! Yun lang yung problema, kasi yung…your…you’re like a student na umaasa ka
pa sa parents mo…good thing…ahhh…like my…case, meron akong sideline…nagaano ako…
nagpri-private nurse ako during…pag day off ko, so meron akong baon kapag duty…yun!

R: May..mga ano naman pong instances na nafe-feel niyo na “ay stress na ako!”

I6 [6.12]: Madalas! Oo kase.. ahh.. kulang yung manpower capacity dito, so dapat alert ka palagi
saka yung workload talaga dapat kayanin mo kase yung kung iba kaya nila so dapat kaya mo din.

R: Ano naman po yung na.. nangyari na..ahh…situation niyo na.. maituturing niyo na stressful sa
seven months na volunteer niyo po?

I6 [6.13]: Stressful?..yung dalawa sila…na nirereceive mo tapos dalawa lang kayong nurse
dito…yun, yung siguro yung pinakaano…ahmmm…pinakastressful or toxic, yun, pero dito,
ayaw nilang pauso yung toxic na word eh, pero yun..sabi nga nila, kung kaya ng iba bakit hindi
mo kakayanin..yun lang yung mahirap…kasi yun nga, kulang sa manpower, so dapat magvivital
signs ka, maswerte ka kung may magvovolunteer na N.A. dito, tapos magbibigay ka ng meds,
magfofollow up ka ng doctor’s order…ayon…

R: Ahh..ano naman po mga ginagawa niyo para manhandle yung stress niyo?

I6 [6.14]: Ahhh..right after duty kasama yung mga…kung available yung mga co-staff nurse mo,
lalabas kayo, foodtrip nyan or even spa…Yon! (smiles) yun yung ano namin, magpapamassage
kame..para lang maalis yung tension.
R: May instances po ba na naiistress kayo sa patient o kaya sa S.O.?

I6 [6.15]: Oo naman! Sa patient hindi, pero sa most of the time sa S.O., mahirap silang kausap..
Ayun, kahit ipaintindi mo sa kanila, pero dahil yung iba…ahmmm…yung iba yung parang…
siguro undergrad or illiterate ganyan kahit iexplain mo na thoroughly yung mga procedures or
kelangan ng ganto, ganyan, hindi pa run maiiwasan na..ahmm..syempre family member yon,
may sakit, hindi mo maiiwasan na sayo ibabaling lahat ng ano…ng galit nila…yon.
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 102
R: Eh sa workplace naman po…ahh..ano yong maituturing niyo na stressor niyo?

I6 [6.16]: Sa work?...ahmm…

R: Yung pong sa physical setting po kasi po…ahhhh…naninibago, yung ganon…

I6 [6.17]: Wala namn…okay lang kase…okay lang…before kase sa station namen mahina yung
aircon, yun yung stressful! Yun! Ayan, pero ngayon dahil bago na yung aircon okay na! (laughs)

R: Yung po bang stress nay o nakakaaffect po sa performance nyo?

I6 [6.18]: Hmmmm…di naman masyado…kase…same same lang…like…pero nakakaaffect…

affect siya kase…kapag mainit feeling mo ang tamad tamad mo ganon.

R: Eh yung ano naman po…ahm…dahil sa pagvovolunteer niyo po…ahmmm…naisip nyo po ba

na…ahmmm..yung nagsisi kayo na nagnurse kayo or volunteer kayo ?

I6 [6.19]: Hindi kase…lahat naman ng pasukan mo...lahat naman ng career yata, basta bago siya,
parang feeling mo stressful siya, so kung tinake ko man yung nursing dapat inalam…I mean..ako
yung pagtake ko ng nursing inalam ko kaagad kung ano yung prons and cons niya so alam na rin
ng parents ko na right after na maggraduate kailangan mo pa din na magvolunteer so okay lang
sa kanila. Ayun

R: Ma’am do you see volunteering as a fulfilling or stressful service?

I6 [6.20]: Both! (smiles) Bothways, stressful in a way financially pero more of fulfillment kasi
madami kang natututunan..yon…parang you’re like a staff nurse, yun nga lang wala kang

R: Para po sa inyo ano yung meaning ng volunteer nurse?

I6 [6.21]: Meaning ng volunteer?...charitable work…specially…ahh…like in my case…public

hospital..like most of the time, you’re not expecting in return sa mga patient or sa mga S.O. na
hinahandle mo na bibigyan ka nila dun sa service na binibigay mo sa kanila kase.. ‘di ba…
ahmmm…comparing sa mga private hospitals…ahmmm…kasi before private ako yung
parang…ahmm…pampered na pampered ka sa mga….ahhh…things like food….or minsan
binibigyan ka ng pangmiryenda, ganun, eh dito wala kang ineexpect na ganun. So fulfillment na
basta thank you or makita mo lang na gumagaling yung patient mo. Pero totoo yun, yung
mahahandle mo siya toxic na toxic siya tapos mahahandle mo for ilang weeks tapos magiging
okay sya, yon, fulfillment na yon.

R: Ano po yung mga advice niyo sa mga ahhmmm.. soon to be nurse na magvovolunteer?

I6 [6.22]: Like you?! (laugh) Oo, soon na magiging colleagues, ano, advice…ahmm…tiyaga
lang…ahmm yun!..dapat alam mo yung goal mo….basta magtiyaga ka lang…though kahit yung
parang feeling mo routinary na lang yung ginagawa mo..ayun.
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 103
R: Ahhh…sige po Ma’am, maraming salamat po. (smiles)

I6 [6.23]: You’re welcome. Salamat din (smiles)

Second Interview

R: Good morning Ma’am, nandito na naman po kami para sa ibang hindi nalinaw na tanong

I6 [6.24]: Ahhh oo nga nasi nyo nga dati.

R: Bale kamusta naman po yung duty nyo for the….ahmmm..past days?

I6 [6.25]: Ayun, okay naman, ahhh… gaya din nung dati…parang routine, ganun.

R: Any new experience Ma’am?

I6 [6.26]: Ahmm…new experience?...Ahh! kahapon ng morning yung matagal na patient namen

dito sa ward nag-arrest siya, namatay siya kahapon.

R: Ahh..ano po bang nangyari?

I6 [6.27]: Matagal na naming patient yun…medyo toxic na siya dati kaya parang yung mga
S.O….ahmm…inaanticipate na nila na…ahhh..parang mawawala na din siya…kasi may DM
siya, saka matanda na rin…kaya yun, komplikasyon na siguro yung kinamatay…

R: Ano pong naramdaman niyo nung nakita nyong ganun yung…ahmm..pasyente niyo?

I6 [6.28]: Syempre nakakaawang nakikita yung ganu, parang malulungkot ka kahit na ayaw
mong malungkot kasi patient mo yun eh…ahmm… tapos makikita mo pa yung mga S.O. na…
ah…umiiyak din…nanghihina, napapaupo…ahhh..yung mga ganun, maapektuhan ka pa din sa
ayaw mo o sa hindi

R: Ahhh..do you find that as..ahmm.. stress…stressing situation?

I6 [6.29]: Oo naman! Physically stressing hindi masyado, pero siguro emotionally..like… sa

physical kase parang sanay na yung katawan mo na..ah… magwork in emergency cases, pero
emotions mo, maapektuhan ka kasi talaga eh..yun..pero ‘di ba nga sabi nila…ahmm.. dapat ‘di
naten sinasama yung own emotions naten sa work… ano kasing tawag don?ahmm.. Empathy!
Oo, we should show empathy not sympathy..yun lng..yun..

R: Ahhh..opo…’di ba ma’am, nasabi niyo dati na…ahmmm..yung duty nyo is..twelve (12)
hours, tapos minsan madadagdagan pa kapag..ahmmm…’di dumating mga kaendorse niyo?

I6 [6.30]: Oo!
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 104
R: Eh sa oras pong ganun…ahmm…nagkakaroon pa po ba kayo ng tamang tulog?

I6 [6.31]: Enough sleep? Hmm depende! Minsan sakto lang, minsan kulang…kasi sabihin na
nateng seven to seven yung shift ko, pag nakauwe ako sa bahay mga anon a yun…mga eight na
siguro tapos may mga gagawin pa sa bahay kaya ‘di agad makakatulog..yung mga ganon

R: Ahhh..ganon pala..eh nasabi niyo din po dati na pantay-pantay lang yung tingin sa mga
volunteers at staff. May ahmmm.. instances na bang nangyari na pakiramdam niyo na mababa
tingin ng mga ahhh…staff sa inyo?

I6 [6.32]: Parang wala naman eh (smiles)…hmm…wala?! Pantay-panta…ahh! Meron ata, nung

minsan kasi…’di ba ako, dito volunteer pa lang tapos nung minsan magkakasama yung mga
staff..ahmm..tapos nagkwekwentuhan sila..eh may itatanong ako nah indo ko naiintindihan sa
chart..yun…nagtanung ako..medyo parang ahm.. hindi ako pinapansin. Pakiramdam ko that
time..like parang ‘di ako belong..yung naiisip ko na ano bang pinagkaiba nila sakin? Ahmm..
nagswesweldo lang naman sila ako hindi eh bakit ganun? ‘di ba…ahmm un lang..pero once lang
nagyari yun…’di na naulit..wag kang maingay ha (in a low voice) (laughs)

R: Ahhh(laughs) sige ma’am (smile) Nabanggit nyo po dati yung relationship nyo with doctors?

I6 [6.33]: Oo, sabi ko nga dati ahhh…they treat you as a nurse talaga..yun nga lang may mga
bagay pa din na gusto ng doctor na staff nurses yung gagawa and not volunteers

R: Ano naman po yung mga yun?

I6 [6.34]: Like for example…may bagong doctor’s order, gusto ng ibang doctors yung staff yung
gagawa kasi daw mas alam nila yun..volunteers are not allowed to perform procedures dito
like…ahmm…inserting NGT ganyan..pero dahil seven months na nga ako ditto medyo okay na
ko..pinagkakatiwalaan na din ako ng mga ano…ng mga doctors (smile)

R: Ahh…kapag bagong..ahmm..volunteer pa lang po hindi pa masyadong pinagkakatiwalaan ng


I6 [6.35]: Siguro ganon nga…ahmm..para na rin siguro sa mga ano… sa mga pasyente nila
yun…pero kung ikaw yung volunteer…ano…ahmmm..maiisip mo na bakit ayaw ipagawa saken
eh lisensyado na din ako yung mga ganun..kaya yun, iniisip ko nalang para rin saken
yun..observe-observe muna para matuto ahmm yun

R: Bale ma’am, ano pong masasabi nyo sa…ahmm fact na wala pong sweldo yung mga

I6 [6.36]: Ahh! Yun, yun nga lang swldo yung prolema, kasi you’re like…ahmmm working
yourself out, commiting yourself to work pero ano…ahmm walang sweldo…parang hindi ka
nabibigyan ng ano...ahmm..tamang credits sa mga bagay na ginagawa mo.
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 105
R: Eh ‘di masasabe nyo po na stress…stressor yung sweldo?
I6 [6.37]: Oo naman! Laking stress ng nagtatrabaho ka tapos ano…ahmm..wala kang sweldo,
parang nagpagod ka sa wala! (laughs) pero ako personally…ahmm..I always think na it’s just
ahmm…temporary, na baling araw magiging staff din ako at magkakaano din…magkakasweldo.
I’m just leaving it to experience (smiles)

R: Nasabi niyo po dati na…ahmm kulang yung manpower capacity dito. May ano po ba yun..
ahmmm…epekto sa work ninyo?

I6 [6.38]: Ahh…yun nga…dahil kulang yung manpower…ahmmm kulang yung staff ganyan,
yung dapat na workload mo nadadagdagan…like…for example yung patient na..ahmm..
ihahandle mo is dalawa lang…nagiging apat kasi kulang ng staff…gets? Parang nadouble yung
work mo (laugh)

R: Ahhh gets! (laugh) mahirap ba talaga maging nurse?(smile)

I6 [6.39]: Mahirap nga ba? (laughs) Kung hindi mo gusto yung trabaho mo…ahmm..’di ba
mahihirapan ka talaga?! Yun…atsaka kapag bago bago ka palang talaga sa ano..sa field
mahihirapan ka talaga…ahmm…kasi hindi ka pa familiar sa work mo ‘di ba?

R: Ahhhh… eh sa ngayon po nahihirapan pa ba kayo?

I6 [6.40]: Dahil siguro seven months na ako dito ahmm…medyo alam ko na mga dapat gawin…
usually mga two weeks to one month siguro bago ka makapag ano…makapagadjust totally sa
work mo, pero after nun okay na, kasi parang routine na lang yung mga…ahmmm…ginagawa
mo…ganun lang…

R: Galing naman (smiles) Nung una po ba…ahhmm..hindi po ba kayo natakot kasi

ano..hmm..yung ‘di pa masyadong familiar sa work?

I6 [6.41]: Ayy! Kapag talaga first day mo, super…nakakakaba! (laugh) Kase parang nung
studyante pa pwede pang magkamali kasi ano, kasi parang ‘di ka pa naman ganun kagaling pero
kapag nagpractice ka na, expected na sayo na alam mo dapat yung mga procedures or yung mga
ano…ahmm…mga dapat gawin ganun.

R: Bale parang takot po kayong…ahmm…magkamali?

I6 [6.42]: Oo, parang nakakatakot talagang magkamali kasi..hm..nakakahiya tapos pa isipin pa

nila na ano ka..na parang tatanga tanga yung ganun (smiles)

R: Eh ano pong ginagawa niyo para maano…malaman yung gagawin?

I6 [6.43]: Nagbabasa ako sa bahay syempre, yung iba kasi nakalimutan na ‘di ba? (smiles) O
kaya nagtatanong ako sa mga kasama ko sa station

R: Ahhh… Ano pa po masasabi nyo sa volunteering at stress?

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 106
I6 [6.44]: Hmmm…yun gaya nga ng mga sinabi ko dati (laughs) okay nab a yun? (smiles)

R: (laughing)Opo! Okay nap o ma’am, thank you po! (smiles)

I6 [6.45]: Welcome…salamat din (smiles)

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 107

Field Notes


Day 1

This is the day that we need to go to Garcia Medical Center. Before we arrive, our
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 108
leader discusses on us what we should do with regards to interview process. It was 10:00am

when we came at Garcia. First, we met the Chief Nurse to ask her permission to see and meet our

respondents; the volunteer nurses. Since this hospital is a private institution, we feel nervous

because we think that they would never cooperate well on us. We introduce ourselves to them

and we also stated our purpose. During interview process, we told them that we will use an

audiotape recorder and whatever they say we will accept thier answers. We were so happy

because they are willing to impart their free time on us. An orientation is provided on them and

we emphasize that all the informatio and thier identity will be confidential. Then, form consent

was presented on them as a contract or a legal basis that they are willing to cooperate on our

study. Finally, we set an appoinment on them and luckily they told us that on the following day

we could start our interview.

Day 2

At this moment, we are very excited to see and start our data collection. We are

now ready for the interview. We arrive early in the hospital but unfortunately, no available

volunteer nurse that time because according to the staff nurse they are giving medications that

moment. While waiting for them, we find a convenient place for the interviw process. At

10:30am, they are all done and we see to it that we could interview some of them. Since it is the

second time to meet them, we have already established rapport. We started are conversation in a

small talk followed by the "broad question" which is; "what are the stresses that you incountered

in hospital as a volunteer nurse?”

Informant 1 is a very lively nurse. She dressed-up neatly and she always smiles on us.

She cooperates on us and she answers all question in a nice way. The flow of our conversation is

smooth. We found out that Infromant 1 as fond of talking of her work experience. And we are
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 109
honored because even though she's tired she impart and shared her lived experience both bad and

good. We told them and ask her permission that if thre would be a clarification or unclear

staements we need to come back for the follow up questions.

Day 3

The day before the follow-up visit, we take note all their unclear statements as a

guide for the follow-up questions. We feel happy because we think that all the information they

give on us are helpfull on our study. Informant 1 shared regarding her stressess she encountered.

Because shes not around that time, we need to wait for her until she come. We observe that shes

very dedicated on her job. She's very humble and you can never hear any comments or violent

reactions on what she's doing. Even though she's working without salary, you can see that she

enjoys everytime she gives care to the patient. After 10 minutes, we started to ask question. We

are gald because she is an open-minded person and she entertains all the questions being asked

on her. We are very satisfied on all her answers. Then we told her that this would be the end of

our conversation and we think we gather all the important data we need for our study. And we

are thankfull coz even though she didn't know us; she is willing to say all her experiences on us.

And we are blessed on that matter.

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 110

Day 1

We went in the hospital before our class in the afternoon to interview our

participant given by the chief nurse. We did not expect that our participant is on her day off. And

will have her duty after 2 days. We are quite dissapointed to what happen. First because of the

time we sacrifice, instaed of reviewing our lesson because we have our quiz instead we sacrifice

our time to interview our paticipant. Second we waste our effoert by doing nothing. And lastly,

spending money. But even if this happen, we still hoped that these sacrifices will have a good


Day 2

After two days we went to hospital again to see if our participant is around. We

saw our partcipant in the E.R where she’s having her duty. At first we are nervous because she

looks strict. Before we started we introduce our selves and state our purpose. She allows us to

start our interview. We begin by our broad question, she answers and smiles. Our conversation

went smoothly until some of the staff teased her and it interrupts our interview. But we still

continue and after asking alll the possible questions we told her that we will come back for the

follow interview.

Day 3

After transcribing we noted all the unclear statements of the participant during the

initial interview. We decide to do our follow up questions, and we went to hospital. We waited

for 1 hour because at that time they are too busy.after waiting we had our chance to ask questions

regarding her unclear statements. She answered actively but we interrupted again because of the

sound of ambulance. But after all interruptions, we finished all thequestionsto be asked, we

thanked her for the warmth participation.

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 111


Day 1

Before starting interview proper we had a conference. We decide that the number

of participants will depend on the data saturation. The participant will be informed on what

materials to be used during the interview. They will be oriented and inform regarding the

purpose and objective of the study. Audio tape recorder will be use in documenting conversation

where confidentiality shall be observed. Informed consent is obtained to ensure that the

participants will allow/permit us to have one on one interview. Upon arrival in our designated

hospital and giving our letter to have permission to conduct interview regarding our study, we

are given a chance to have our participants names and schedule.

Day 2

This would be the first day to meet our participant. It was rainy and windy. We

are quite nervous because we do not know more about informant 3 and we do not know if our

conversation will be smooth and easy and if the questioning portion will go simultaneously

We went to the station/area he is assigned. At first look he is serious type of

person but during the interview he is jolly cooperative and willing to answer. We started our

interview by greeting s followed by introduction of our selves and stating our purpose and

objectives of the study. We had our interview with him before giving of his patient’s medication.

He was holding the medication kit. We started by asking our broad question to depend our next

question to his answers by using our topic guides. The interview does not go smoothly because

we are lacking of what to ask and having a pause before asking the next question.

After asking the entire possible question, we told him that we would have another

visit or interview to validate or ask question regarding his unclear statements.

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 112

Day 3

Before going back to informant 3, we already transcribed the initial interview. We

went again to their station for our follow up visit/interview to confirm unclear statements. It

would allow us to have credible statement given by the informant 3. We waited until he finished

all the medication of his patient. After 15 minutes of waiting he approaches us for our follow- up

interview. We interviewed him outside the station to allow no distractions. He answers nicely

and willingly that is why our conversation went smooth and easy. We thank him for his kind and

approachable manner that he allows us to have an interview with him

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 113

Day 1

It was early in the morning exactly 9:00 when we arrived at Ospital Ning Angeles

to interview our chosen volunteer nurse, informant 4 is quiet type and shy. She was inside the

nurse station (PEDIA) that’s why we can’t entertain her immediately. We waited for her to finish

her works for about 7 minutes because we would like her to be interviewed without any

interruption during the conversation. At the start of the interview we first greet her good morning

and stated our purposes for the interview. At first she was uncomfortably and always asked

questions regarding the flow of the interview, we told her that we will use a voice recorder

during the entire interview. Using a sample guided questions, it makes easier for us to continue

the interview. As the interview get longer our participant became more cooperate in answering

our questions. In the end of the interview we says thank you to our participant in being part of

our research study and told her that we will coming back for any clarification to the interview.

Day 2

Before we proceed to the follow-up interview, we decided to conduct a group

discussion on what questions we will ask as a clarification in the initial interview based on

listening to the voice recorder. It was rainy day when we planned to go back to the hospital, were

all excited to meet our participant even the rain doesn’t stop and we don’t have an umbrella. It

was exactly 9:30 in the morning when we arrived in the hospital. We don’t waste our time and

we proceeded to the nurse station to meet our participant. At first we thought that she’s absent,

suddenly one of the nurse approached and told as that our participant is with the doctor for

rounds, we waited for about 10 minutes as she gets back. As she entered the nurse station we

greeted her and she just looked us and smiled. We started our interview with a small talk related

to the research study and we explained her that we came back for addition questions as
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 114
clarification for the unclear statements. Our participant was cooperating and answered our

questions without any hesitation. At the end of the interview, all the explanation we needed to

support the initial interview was answered. We showed gratitude to our participant before we

leave and told her if we can go back to hospital to interview her again and she said yes. As we

leave were glad because of the good results of our interview.

Day 3

Our group just finished transcribing the initial and follow-up interview of the

participant after listening to the voice recorder. We decided to go back to the hospital to ask our

participant if there’s any change on her answers in the initial and follow-up interview. As we go

back and asked her, she still sticks to what her answers before. And that time our interview to the

participant was already done, all information we needed was obtained. We thank her and say

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 115

Day 1

Were on our way to interview our participant, the sky was cloudy that day and

any time the rain will fall. Unfortunately, the rain falls we arrived at Ospital Ning Angeles at

exactly 10:00 in the morning. We decided to proceed to med ward nurse station where our

participant was assigned. When were in front of the nurse station near the door we asked one of

the staff nurse if our participant is inside, he said that his giving medication that’s why we don’t

have any choice but to wait. We waited him for about 10 minutes as our participant get back we

stated our interview. Our participant was shy type and uncomfortable in answering our questions.

Even we asked him a lot of question he answered it in short and simple way. That’s why we

named our participant as “a man with a few words”. As the interview get longer our participant

became more cooperate in answering our questions. In the end of the interview we says thank

you to our participant in being part of our research study and told him that we will coming back

for any clarification to the interview.

Day 2

As we proceed to the follow-up interview, we decided to conduct a group

discussion on what questions we will ask as a clarification in the initial interview based on

listening to the voice recorder. It was exactly 10:00 in the morning when we arrived in the

hospital. Our participant is given his medication that time that’s why we waited him for about 5

minutes as he gets back. We don’t waste our time as we started the interview we explained to

him that we came back for addition questions as clarification for the unclear statements. Our

participant was cooperating in answering our questions. At the end of the interview, all the

explanation we needed to support the initial interview was answered. We showed gratitude to our
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 116
participant before we leave and told him if we can go back to hospital to interview her again and

she said yes.


Our group just finished transcribing the initial and follow-up interview of the participant

after listening to the voice recorder. We decided to go back to the hospital to ask our participant

if there’s any change to his answers in the initial and follow-up interview. And in end he stays on

his past answer, that’s the time we end our interview we says thank you to him and he just smiled

on us.
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 117

Day 1

This would be the first day that we will meet informant 6 because on our first visit

in her work, her senior nurse just gave her name and schedule and when will going to return for

her interview. We were quite nervous because we still don’t know anything about this informant.

We don’t know if she will be cooperative in answering our questions or she would be moody in

answering the interview.

We waited for her arrival for about ten (10) minutes and while waiting some of

the staff nurses talked to us about our research and about Holy Angel University. Finally, she

arrived. She is a slim girl approximately standing 5’3”. She has a long hair with make up in a

light tone. After arranging her things, we started the interview. We started interview by

introducing ourselves and by set up the mood. At first we were so aloof because she looks

intimidating but as the interview progresses, we started to feel at ease. We noticed that informant

6 is a shy type of person because at some point of the interview she lacks eye contact and fiddle

on her handkerchief. At some questions thrown to her she manages to give us a shy smile and we

manage to smile back.

After twenty (20) minutes of interview, we said that the interview was over and

that we’re just going to come back for some unclear data and we will come back to her available

schedule. We felt happy after finishing the interview because the thought that was running in our

mind while waiting for her was all proven wrong.

Day 2

Before going back to informant 6 after two days. We already transcribed the

interview and validated it by listening to it over and over again simultaneously with the checking
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 118
of the interview transcripts to check for any mistyped words. We also highlighted some of the

unclear statements and these highlighted statements would be the basis of our interview

questions this day.

It started to rain while we are on our way to the hospital and some us are not bring

our umbrella, so we have no choice but to run in the rain,. It is somehow hassle to us because we

did not anticipated the rain to come. Anyways, after fixing ourselves we went straight to the

station to start the follow up interview. Informant 6 approached us with a smile and asked us to

sit down. Even though some of us got wet in the rain. We started the interview with small talks

about things in the hospital. When the mood was set, we started asking about all the unclear


After about fifteen (15) minutes, the interview was done and we bid farewell to

informant 6 and told her that we would try to connect with her when our research is done. We

felt fulfilled because we have finished interviewing another informant.

Day 3

We just finished transcribing the follow up interview of informant 6. After

listening to audio-record and checking the transcript, we all read the interview transcript over

and over again untul we were able to get the “felling” of the informant.

Audiotaped interviews were discarded and deleted after.

Day 4

Upon compiling the interview transcripts and deleting the audiotaped record, we

started to review Ricoeur’s method of interpretation for us to have the understanding of the

interpretation that will be used in our research paper. We had difficulties on doing it so we

started developing some themes and extracting the significant statements.

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 119
Doing this, we found refuge, we found fulfillment because we can say that our research

paper is progressing and soon will be finished. The best part of doing our study is the part of

seeing our proposal materialized into a research paper.

The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 120

Communication Letter
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 121

Holy Angel University

College of Nursing
Angeles City

July 3, 2010

Jesus T. Herrera, RN, MAN

Chief Nurse
Ospital Ning Angeles
Pampang, Angeles City

Dear Sir:


We, the fourth year nursing students (N-408 Group 3B) are currently conducting a research study
entitled “The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital: Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of
Nurse Volunteers’ Experience”. This study aims to explore, describe and interpret the stress that
volunteer nurse’s experience for the identification and formulation of strategies and programs
that would address the special needs of this group.

In line with this, we would like to ask for your permission to allow us to conduct data collection
in your institution. The activity involves the use of a semi-structured interview. We intend to
start on the last week of June till the end of the first week of July.

Rest assured all data gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality and no personal
information will be divulged. Pertinent data with relevance to the topic shall be used only for
research purposes.

Your prompt and positive response to our humble request will be highly appreciated. Thank you
and God bless.

Respectfully Yours,
Paul John M. Timbol
Group 3B Leader

Noted by:
Weandylou F. Garcia RN, MN
Research II Professor
Isabel Q. Guarin RN, MAN
Dean, CON
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 122

Holy Angel University

College of Nursing
Angeles City

July 3, 2010

Evangeline C. Bautista RN, MAN

Chief Nurse
Dr. Amando L. Garcia Medical Center
Angeles City

Dear Madame:


We, the fourth year nursing students (N-408 Group 3B) are currently conducting a research study
entitled “The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital: Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of
Nurse Volunteers’ Experience”. This study aims to explore, describe and interpret the stress that
volunteer nurse’s experience for the identification and formulation of strategies and programs
that would address the special needs of this group.

In line with this, we would like to ask for your permission to allow us to conduct data collection
in your institution. The activity involves the use of a semi-structured interview. We intend to
start on the last week of June till the end of the first week of July.

Rest assured all data gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality and no personal
information will be divulged. Pertinent data with relevance to the topic shall be used only for
research purposes.

Your prompt and positive response to our humble request will be highly appreciated. Thank you
and God bless.

Respectfully Yours,
Paul John M. Timbol
Group 3B Leader

Noted by:
Weandylou F. Garcia RN, MN
Research II Professor
Isabel Q. Guarin RN, MAN
Dean, CON
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 123

Informed Consent
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 124

Holy Angel University

College of Nursing
Angeles City


Dear Participant:

We, the 4th year nursing students (Group 3B/N408) of Holy Angel University are inviting you to
be a part of a research study entitled “The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital: Interpretive
Phenomenological Analysis of Nurse Volunteers’ Experience”.

You are selected as a possible participant since you are rendering your services as nurse
volunteer in a hospital. The purpose of this qualitative study is to gain a deeper knowledge and
understanding on the stress that nurse volunteers experience. The broad question to be asked is
“What are the stresses that you experience as a nurse volunteering in a hospital?” Should you
agree to be one of the participants, we shall visit you at your convenient time. The interview
shall be conducted for about 30 minutes to 1 hour. Audio recorders shall be used to document the

Rest assured that your identity and information given to us will be kept with utmost

Your signing of this form would mean you agree and understand the description of the research
and your willingness to take part of this research study.

Participant’s Signature Date

Paul John Timbol
Group Leader


Weandylou F. Garcia RN, MN
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 125
Research II Professor

Curriculum Vitae
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 126

Rivera, Maria Aurora “Au” Irorita

#35 San Jose St. San Angelo Subdivision, Angeles City, Pampanga

Personal Profile
 Date of Birth: October 30, 1989
 Religion: Jehovah’s Witness
 Gender: Female
 Civil Status: Single
 Height: 5’ 4”
 Weight: 110 lbs.
 Father’s Name: Florante B. Rivera
 Mother’s Name: Lydia I. Rivera

Educational Attainment

 Angeles Elementary School 1995-2002
 Angeles City National Science High School 2002-2006
 Holy Angel University 2006-2011
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Timbol, Paul John “PJ” Mangon

#377 Agoncillo St. Maimpis City of San Fernando, Pampanga

Personal Profile
 Date of Birth: April 25, 1991
 Religion: Roman Catholic
 Gender: Male
 Civil Status: Single
 Height: 5’ 7”
 Weight: 134 lbs.
 Father’s Name: Juanito M. Timbol
 Mother’s Name: Sonia M. Timbol

Educational Attainment
 Maimpis Elementary School 1997-2003
 Pampanga High School 2003-2007
 Holy Angel University 2007-2011
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Manongdo, Jackielyn “Jacq” Mercado

#242 San Agustin Candaba, Pampanga
Cell phone #: 0916-390-0925

Personal Profile
 Date of Birth: June 26, 1990
 Religion: Roman Catholic
 Gender: Female
 Civil Status: Single
 Height: 5’ 6”
 Weight: 105 lbs.
 Father’s Name: Carlos G. Manongdo, Jr.
 Mother’s Name: Florentina M. Manongdo

Educational Attainment
 Candaba Central Elementary School 1996-2001
 Pasig High School 2001-2004
 Holy Angel University 2004-2011
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Aquino, Yza Marie “Yza” Panopio

#4024 Leen St. Nepo Subdivision Brgy. Cutcut, Angeles City,

Personal Profile
 Religion: Roman Catholic
 Gender: Female
 Civil Status: Single
 Height: 4’ 11”
 Weight: 95 lbs.
 Father’s Name: Urbano M. Aquino
 Mother’s Name: Rosemarie P. Aquino
 Date of Birth: November 28, 1990

Educational Attainment
 Sto. Rosario Elementary School 1997-2003
 Holy Angel University 2003-2007
 Holy Angel University 2007-2011
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Gutierrez, Errold “Rhold” Lazaro

#130 Dela Paz Norte City of San Fernando, Pampanga

Personal Profile
 Date of Birth: October 15, 1990
 Religion: Roman Catholic
 Gender: Male
 Civil Status: Single
 Height: 5’ 6”
 Weight: 119 lbs.
 Father’s Name: Benjamin E. Gutierrez
 Mother’s Name: Felina L. Gutierrez

Educational Attainment
 Sto. Rosario Elementary School 1997-2003
 System Plus College Foundation 2003-2007
 Holy Angel University 2007-2011
The Stress of Volunteering in a Hospital 131

Garcia, Cristine “Ate Tin” Sta. Rosa

District 7 Lot21 Block 58 Epza, Pulung Cacutud, Angeles City

Personal Profile
⋅ Date of Birth: April 18, 1978
⋅ Religion: Roman Catholic
⋅ Gender: Female
⋅ Civil Status: Married
⋅ Height: 5’2”
⋅ Weight: 113 lbs.
⋅ Father’s Name: Crispulo L. Sta. Rosa
⋅ Mother’s Name: Pilar S. Sta. Rosa
Name of Spouse: Jeremiah P. Garcia

Educational Attainment
⋅ San Francisco Elementary School
Del Monte, Quezon City 1985-1991
⋅ Holy Angel University 1991-1995
⋅ Holy Angel University 2007-2011

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