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3rd grade

February 2018- 3rd 9 weeks
Child’s Name________________________ Homeroom Teacher

Assessment/ Task Explanation Score
DRA/ Running Students read on-one with the teacher…
Record Your child should be reading at a level 34 to be considered ON LEVEL
for the 3rd 9 weeks.

Close Read Students read the text Becoming ANYTHING HE WANTS TO BE and
Performance Task The Foot Race Across America closely. They had to identify the theme of
the narrative nonfiction text and support their response with text evidence.
AR AR is a reading incentive program. Students set a reading point goal, read, Points
and take a short assessment. Points are earned from each assessment, per Earned:
grading period. AR is not calculated into student grade.

I-Ready Diagnostic
Daily Class Reading grades are also based on daily class performance.
Current Grade: __________ _________

Assessment/Task Explanation Score
Daily Class Writing grades are based on daily class performance/ use of skills taught.
Biography Students wrote a biography of a classmate. They worked together to
create a timeline, interviewed each other and wrote the biography of their
classmate’s life.
Writing Interim Students wrote an opinion essay.

Current Grade: __________ _________

Assessment/Task Explanation Score
Unit Assessments At the end of each unit, Students are given a test to assess their
understanding of the material learned in that unit.
Performance Tasks Students are given a performance task in each unit to assess
their understanding of the material that was covered so far.
Daily Performance Math grades are also based on daily class performance

Current Grade: ______________ _________

Assessment/Task Explanation Score
Formative Students take a Science Formative assessment 3 times a year. Scores are
Assessments used to determine instructional strengths and areas of growth.
Chapter Tests At the end of each unit, Students are given a test to assess their
understanding of the material learned in that unit.
Daily Performance Science grades are also based on daily class performance

Current Grade: ___________

The following behavior indicators are on the report card, as well as the behavior number code used in
classroom. A check mark indicates that your child has received at least two of the numbers in their agenda.
Students receiving four or more of any number will earn an N for that behavior on their report card.
___1. Follows school and classroom rules
___2. Follows directions
___3. Is prepared for class
___4. Listens attentively
___5. Participates in class activities
___6. Works without disturbing others
___7. Completes work in assigned time
___8. Completes homework assignments
___9. Shows effort to do best work
___10. Works cooperatively with others
___11. Takes care of personal and school property
___12. Respects others and is courteous
___13. Practices self control
___14. Respects authority
___15. Attends school regularly
___16. Gets to school on time

Parent signature_________________________________________

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