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Collaborative Reflection- Learning Environment:

Part 1:a summary of your reading:

After reading the chapter about creating a learning environment, I realized how important
it was to separate the room based on the different domains such as block, fine and gross motor
and physical development. The chapter focused on planning and adapting the room to meet the
student’s needs based on where they are developmentally. Jackman emphasized having walking
paths from each section of the room, a motor room, a dramatic play section and a sand/water area
as well as an outdoor area. There should also be an area for manipulativelter- movement which
was defined as “gross motor movements demonstrated by pulling, lifting, throwing or kicking an
object”(Jackman 322) The different areas in the room should also attest to the strengths of the
child such as their agility level, strengths, flexibility and stamina. There should also be multiple
opportunities for the students to interact with technology such as a computer. In the large motor
section of the room, students should have room to play games like Simon Says, beanbags, and
develop poems or music with movements. The outdoor environment should allow students to run
around and focus on their large and gross motor skill development. Some suggestions that the
author gave for equipment include sturdy wooden crates or a balance beam. The teacher’s role is
to guide students by creating environments where students can grow in several domains.

Part 2: a description of your collaboration with your teacher:

Her classroom is separated into different areas such as dramatic play, blocks, water/sand, and
nine other centers that match up with content areas. Many of the centers aim for fine and gross
motor development. Ms. Richardson encourages play by setting up her classroom in a manner in
which students can learn through the play based learning. She has in the past and plans to
continue to writes grants asking for materials to put in her centers. Last year she wrote a grant for
a classroom garden and this year she wrote a music grant. Since she is required to use the Bright
Futures curriculum as well as the Pleasant Hill school curriculum, her schedule is very tight. Both
curricula require twenty minutes of outside play a day and centers twice a day. Ms. Richardson
said the best feature in her classroom is her extensive music are (and having a bathroom in the
class) and the worst feature is the lack of storage room. If Ms. Richardson could change anything
about her classroom she would add a light and Duplo Lego table for her students to be able to
play with it. She does not change the set up of her room throughout the year because she feels the
setup works. This collaboration took place in the classroom after the preschoolers had been put
down for a nap following lunchtime.

Part 3: your reflections regarding your reading and your discussion:

After interviewing my Cooperating Teacher her classroom definitely matches up to the book’s
content. She has several different areas around the room which are developmentally appropriate
and promote large and gross motor development. All of her areas are labeled and have pathways
between them. She encourages kinesthetic movement in her students by encouraging them to
stand up, move about and be interactive in the lesson. She is also very active and animated while
teaching spending a lot of time in motion. Her dramatic play area includes a kitchen for the
students to play and it free flows to the art and sand/water areas. Both of these areas share a water
source for clean-up serving as the walking path between the two. The book promoted outdoor
play, and Ms. Richardson is a strong supporter of taking her students out when the weather
permits it. Students have access to the computer in the technology center during Daily 5. Students
listen to a story as a class and then listen to words in song form. All in all, Ms. Richardson’s
classroom matches the requirements for an Early Childhood Learning Environment. I learned that
the learning environment is planned out which helped me in preparing to start my learning
environment project. I learned that each center is placed very précised and the purpose for each
center is thought out. As a future teacher, planner, and decision maker, it is very important to
think about the layout of your classroom before designing your learning environment.

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