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David Robinson, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011

Phone 207-798-4695 • Email: drobin88@comcast.net
Psa. 89:14 “Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne : mercy and truth shall go before thy face.”

Certified letter confirmed by USPS

Yes, it came from Wasilla, Alaska. The people who drafted and sent the General Civil Orders to the Joint Chiefs of Staff
inhabit the Alaska state.
We do have absolute sovereignty when we exercise it. When we exercise an office and “demean” ourselves to do so,
taking on all the liability of office, we obligate ourselves via affirmations made to exercise that office with complete liability for
our actions. If we should prove false to the duty we undertake, we could — if the transgression is serious — be imprisoned,
fined, or even executed for treason. So it is NO SMALL MATTER when someone voluntarily steps down from a sovereign
position and undertakes an office—judicial or otherwise.
We have one Supreme Court vested in the Body Politic and as the civil government is entirely vested in each and every one
of us, we are all entitled to sit on the Mercy Seat of government. It’s just a matter of who has guts and will enough to take the
oath and do the work and face the liability for his actions.
There is an idea — perhaps residual from all the brain-washing we have suffered — that someone or something else holds
the authority and grants it to us. People are always looking for the source of authority thinking that it comes from the
“government” or the “state” or the “voters”. It doesn’t. The authority to be sovereign and to act as sovereigns comes from
Nature, from God, from our very being. It comes from the responsibility we are willing to accept. We have rights to the same
degree that we accept responsibility. Period.
There is another idea — perhaps of the same residual kind—that the “validity” of our actions depends on someone else’s
response. Again, it does not.
The purpose of issuing the General Civil Orders is two-fold: to give the Joint Chiefs the legal right to act on behalf of the
American states and the American State Citizens, and second, to give them the obligation to act.
Everyone around the world knows that the Joint Chiefs have a contract to protect the American states and the American
people. DEFENSE of America is really their only legitimate role on paper, the only reason for them to exist. Now they have been
given proper General Civil Orders from those of us who have recouped our proper standing and — to get to the heart of Arnie’s
comment —
Does their non-response in any way invalidate what we have done? No. If King George III had ignored The Declaration
of Independence would that have rendered the action invalid? No!
If they ignore the General Civil Orders, they openly defy their employers and we are free to terminate all commercial
contracts and liquidate their corportions, free to hire a new Army — or rehire the present one under new management.
We can lawfully withold all payment of taxes and leave them an operating budget based on taxes from Puerto Rico, Guam,
et alia.
We can bring demand before the Provost Marshal to arrest all of them for court martial.
We can fire the whole lot of them.
We can do whatever we need to do to ensure the proper working of our government and preserve our own security without
any apology to anyone on earth.
We can do what we aim to do and we can hold any guilty party accountable for failure to perform.
That is what sovereigns — true sovereigns know.
That is what Americans of this day and age must learn.
WE are the employers, NOT the middlemen under contract to us who are acting in contract default and breach of trust.
WE are the principals; all others are agents without recourse. Anyone who gets his paycheck from us or who acts under
our delegated authority or who pretends to serve or represent us in any way, needs to either do his job or leave.
If the Joint Chiefs betray our interests and refuse their orders all that means is that they, like various other groups of men
in our past history, have betrayed our trust and their sacred duty and committed treason — but with the General Civil Orders
before them and in front of Obama and the members of Congress and the rest of the nation — that treason cannot take place
behind closed doors.
The right to act comes with the responsibility to act!

This NOTICE is by my hand and upon my civil authority set this 7th day
of July, 2014:

Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger-von
Reitzenstein von Lettow-Vorbeck, Private Attorney in
service to His Holiness, Pope Francis.
In Care Of: Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska
Under Sea

We the Unified Maine Common Law Grand Jury concur with the above Notice:

July 7, 2014 Signed under Seal

David E. Robinson
Grand Jury Foreman pro tem

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